Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you.
Higher Education - 19. Higher 19
“I can’t talk you out of going?”
“Not a chance, Aiden. I love you, and you’re my brother in every way that matters, but I’ve gotta live my own life.” Trevor crossed his arms. “Right now that means spending time with two guys I really like and going to see a place I want to.”
“Well, at least your detail will be with you.”
“No, they won’t.” Trevor held up his hands knowing another objection was coming. “Not negotiable. This is our weekend camping together. Our first trip away from town as boyfriends. Three’s cozy. Nine? Not so much.”
“Why do all my best friends have to be such obstinate asses? I could make this an alpha command.” Aiden did not look happy. “At least there’s only six people who know about this trip. Maybe anonymity can work in your favor. Or it could blow up in everyone’s face.”
“Issue the order, and I resign as your beta.” Trevor knew his glare left no doubt he would do it. “It’s doubtful the McKinneys don’t know who I am given how many times I’ve been in the lycan press with you guys.” He tried to laugh it off. “If they’re gonna come after me, they could send someone for me here, while I’m camping, or back at school.” Trevor paced around the office. “I’ll always try to be cautious, especially where Randy and Skyler are concerned. Still, I’m not going to hide in the house because they’ve tried to kill Wade and Thad a couple times. No way am I gonna miss experiencing the wonders this territory has to offer.”
“I had to ask.” Acquiescence was etched on Aiden’s face. “And honestly, I can’t blame you. There’s times I get frustrated Ethan and I can’t just go off for a private weekend anymore. Let alone a walk.” He growled and shook his head. “What I wouldn’t give for some hot outdoor sex with my mate like we used to get.”
“Well, even if your security bubble expands a little, maybe you should go out and see the domain you’re alphas of. It’s so much more spread out than back home. And a lot bigger than just Burney.” Trevor could not hold back the smirk. “You and Ethan are big enough exhibitionists, I can’t imagine you’d care if your team watched.”
“As usual, you’re right. And the trouble really isn’t them watching, it’s being distracted from doing their job while they’ve all got a hand down their pants. Have a good time.” Aiden pulled a box out of the backpack he had brought with him. “By the way, here’s a sat phone to take. You know, just in case. Cody said cell service is sketchy at best up there.”
“Hey, Sky.” Trevor gave a bro-nod. “I didn’t expect the trailer to be hooked up already.”
“Yep, did it as soon as I got home from washing and gassing up the truck. Not like it takes much effort.” Skyler patted the hood of his Ford F-250 King Ranch. “I even got our food loaded and my clothes stowed. Wanna toss your bags in?” He pointed towards Trevor’s hands. “Speaking of which, that seems like a lot more than I’m bringing.”
“One’s clothes, the other’s stuff I thought the three of us could use. You did pack the things on the list I gave you, right?”
“Ya know I did, and I’m sure Randy will bring some lube too. But I don’t think we’ll need that much; spit always works in a pinch.” Skyler moved so the truck was between him and Trevor. “And yes, I brought everything you said I’d need. I kinda like having such an organized boyfriend.” The rumbling chuckle earned a single finger wave. “So, did you ever let Randy know where we’re going?”
“I will when he gets here. He only knows he had to bring a couple specific items, just like you did.” Trevor turned his head as he listened. “And I hear his truck now.”
Skyler keyed in a code to open the garage door and waved their friend to park inside. Randy bro-hugged both men. “Feels weird being off early on a Friday. I could get used to a perk or two from knowing the big boss.”
“Both of you toss your bags in the trailer and let’s hit the road.” Skyler did a final check of the rig.
Trevor and Randy walked into the twenty-five foot travel trailer to stow their gear. “Damn. This is nice. I may not want to go back to my rental after this. Even leather furniture.”
Skyler closed the garage, set the house alarm, and locked the front door. With only Trevor on the sidewalk watching him, he tapped on the side of the trailer. “Come on, Randy. You can check it out when we get to the campsite.”
“I’m still curious where we’re going.” Randy secured the trailer door.
“Yeah, I suppose I should finally tell you.” Trevor jumped in the front passenger seat and waited for the engine to start. “Hang on a sec so I can program it into the GPS.”
“Already done, you control freak.” Skyler slapped Trevor’s hand when the navigation app showed on the dash screen and a bossy female voice started issuing directions. “I wish they gave an option for a man’s voice.”
Trevor turned in his seat to look behind him. “Thought we could check out Lava Beds National Monument up in Siskiyou County.”
“Growing up in Burney, I’ve never gone there. Sounds fun to me.” Skyler shifted into drive.
“I grew up here, and I’ve never even heard of it, but I’m game.” Randy’s eyes darted between his companions. “Wait, is that too close to saying I’m prey?”
“You already know the only way we’d eat you, so what have you got to worry about?”
“No getting me horny before we even leave, Sky.”
“Randy, you’re always horny. But so are Skyler and me. One of the reasons we’re such a good match.” The truck slowly moved away from the house. “We should be there around three o’clock. I called while I walked over and the campground only had a few people in it.”
“You’ve reserved a campsite though, right?” Skyler glanced over.
“It’s first come. No reservations.”
“Dude, what if it’s packed by the time we get there?”
“Relax, Randy. You too, Skyler.” Trevor chuckled. “At least one ranger’s pack. He said he’d hold a spot for us, but didn’t expect a crowd this weekend.”
“Not nice to scare the driver. How many places do we have to choose from?”
“There’s only one campground for the entire monument. Next closest is about thirty miles away.”
Randy looked out the window. “I’ve never been past McArthur in this direction. Looks like I haven’t missed anything.”
Skyler glanced around. “Yeah. It’s kinda sparse out here. But also kinda nice.”
After roughly forty miles, they turned off Highway 299 and headed north. The homes they had been seeing soon turned to one or two every mile or so, then nothing. The occasional pole barn with hay, and cow-crossing signs let them know they were in cattle country. Another few miles and the brown grass turned to green farm land. Not long after, the short pines that make up the arid forests of the northeast corner of the state took hold. A few more miles and there was something else new to see.
“Man. I can’t believe how much the landscape changes.”
“I know, Randy. Where I’m from it doesn’t do this.” Trevor turned in his seat to better see his companions and the view on the other side of the truck.
After they turned off State Road 139 towards the monument, Randy appeared a little more skeptical of Trevor’s decision to come out into the wilderness. “You sure there’s anything out here? And Sky, you do have enough gas to get us back, right?”
The pair in the front seat laughed. “Yeah. I’m not even down by a quarter tank yet.” Skyler glanced at the mirror and winked. “Once we’re there, I’m sure you’ll have fun, Randy. One way or another. Trev hasn’t steered us wrong yet.”
“So, what makes this place special enough you wanted to see it? We’ve got lava beds around Lassen.” Randy leaned forward between the front seats. “Hell, we have plenty all around Burney if you know what you’re looking at.”
“There’s about 800 known lava tubes in the monument. A bunch of them we can easily walk through. I really enjoyed the Subway Caves and thought it would be cool to see some different ones. It’s something the bitch mentioned when she first took me to the one close to home. Just glad I’m coming here with you two and not her.”
“Wow.” Randy whistled. “That’s a lot of eruptions to get that many.”
About two hours after leaving Burney they arrived at the Lava Beds Visitors Center. After parking, they strolled over to the building. The ranger on duty looked up as the trio entered. Scenting the air, the man gave a friendly grin. “One of you must be Trevor.”
“I am, sir.”
“Ranger Rick will do. How was the drive?”
“It was kinda nice. A little desolate out here, but that’s probably part of the charm.” Trevor picked up a pamphlet from the counter.
“At times. We do get quite busy some weekends, though. You said you had a travel trailer. Is it less than thirty feet?”
“It is.” Skyler confirmed.
“I’m putting you at site B 24. It’s close to the bathrooms. You can run a generator until nine o’clock. Then quiet time starts.”
Trevor pulled out his credit card and handed it to the man. “For the campsite and park fee.”
“The solar panels should have the batteries charged enough. It should cover us pretty well if we need power after nine. I’m Skyler. Any others like us visiting this weekend?” He flashed his Hunter Corps identification.
Rick gave a cautious nod towards Randy.
“It’s okay. He already knows everything.” Trevor threw an arm over their human friend’s shoulder as he cocked an eyebrow at Skyler.
“Just the two of you that I’m aware of.” Rick eyed Randy. “Sorry, I’m not used to a human with knowledge of us. It’s rare.”
“We felt it was best with him dating us and hanging around the alphas.” Skyler’s arm went around Randy from the other side.
“Of course. I apologize for my comment.”
“Nothing to apologize for. Caution’s always good.” Skyler winked at the ranger. “If you pick up any more shifters in the area, would you let me know? I’m not officially working security this weekend, in fact Trevor prohibited me, but I’d like to be prepared for anything. Just in case.”
Rick scrutinized Trevor. “Oh shit. That’s why I recognized you. And why he asked about others here.” He bared his neck to the younger wolf. “There’s four of us on staff. After what happened in Alturas, we’ll make sure no harm comes to the beta.”
“You’re so in trouble, Skyler. I was just another random visitor until you said something.”
“I’ve never been part of an entourage before.” Randy smirked. “Hey, when am I supposed to start doing that thing with showing my neck? I keep noticing people do that around you.”
“Fuck you, you’re not part of one now. And never.” Trevor pointed a finger at his lover while Skyler and Rick fought to control their laughter. “Enough about that. I’m here to relax and be a tourist. Rick, which cave would you recommend we start with?” He picked up a map from the counter between the ranger and the visitors.
“I’d say the Mushpot Cave. It’s just down the trail through that door. After that, it just depends on the difficulty level you want to try.”
“Before you’re allowed to enter any of the lava tubes, you need to get a caving permit.”
“I’ll pay for all three of us.” Trevor pulled out his credit card again.
“Not needed, it’s free.” Ranger Rick waved off the card. “We just cover a few safety items: wear long pants, a helmet, always have a flashlight or three.” He also covered how to reduce the chance of fungus causing white-nose syndrome in the bat population. Explaining it’s a disease that had killed millions of bats in North America since it was first detected in 2006. “Best rule to keep the bats safe, if you see them on the ceiling, go back the way you came.” The man gave another of his friendly smiles. “See, that wasn’t so bad. Now you’re ready to go caving. Just remember, this is the bats’ home so they get priority on using the caves. Do you know your way to the campground?”
“Thank you, Rick. We do.” Trevor shook the man’s hand.
With the trailer detached and leveled, the guys changed into proper clothes for exploring. They soon headed out to see their first cave.
“When I saw those helmets in your bag I couldn’t figure out why you brought them. Lots of things went through my mind, but this wasn’t one of them.” Randy smirked
“Yeah, they weren’t for rough sex, though it’s a fun thought.” Trevor flashed a brilliant grin. “I also packed lights to strap on them. Plus a couple to carry. We won’t need them in this one, but it’s good to have with us, just in case.” They descended the metal stairs into Mushpot Cave. “This lava tube’s considered an extension of the Visitor Center and gives us a simple introduction to underground exploration. It’s the only one with a paved path and lighting inside.”
“How far is it from one end to the other?” Randy threw an arm over the shoulders of both men as they proceeded to the opening.
“Total hike’s about 770 feet.” Trevor read off the information on the pamphlet he had picked up inside the Visitor Center. “We walk down to the far end and come back here. There isn’t an exit at the other end.”
Skyler led the way. “Wow. This is nothing like the Subway Caves. They’re real smooth inside and this one’s jagged as hell.”
“Yeah. The floor on the sides of the path’s rocky too. Not the flat ground we’re used to.” Randy sounded excited.
They stopped to check out the interpretative plaques each time one would pop up to learn more about the site.
“Okay, I admit. When you told me where we were coming, I figured it would be just another lava cave, but this is cool.” Skyler actively looked around.
“From what I read, it only gets better from here.” Trevor was pleased his companions seemed to enjoy his choice.
“Dude, I was skeptical too, but you done good.” Randy pulled Trevor against his chest in a tight hug.
Walking back into the Visitor Center, the guys were excited about their first cave exploration. Ranger Rick was still at the desk and appeared to enjoy the exuberance of the younger group. “I take it you had fun.”
“Definitely. I’ve only been in the Subway Cave near Mt. Lassen, and it’s totally different from this.”
Randy pointed at Skyler. “He and I are from Burney, so that’s the only lava tube we’ve been in. This rocks, and pun fully intended. We’re used to a smooth cave, not it being jagged like this.”
“You’ll find those too. It just depends which tube you’re in. A few of them look like someone sent a tunnel boring machine through the park. You should come back during winter for a tour of the Crystal Ice Cave.”
“I didn’t see that on the map.” Trevor glanced at the paper in his hand again to make sure.
“You won’t. You can only get there with a ranger. It’s too special to risk letting people damage it. I might be biased, but with the ice formations it gets, it’s the most beautiful of our caves.”
“I think we’ll be putting the monument on the list of places to come back to.” Randy and Trevor nodded at Skyler’s comment.
“Are you doing any more hikes today?”
“We thought about Golden Dome next. The map shows it’s the first one we come to on the loop.”
“For you three, considering you’re all big, be ready for a real tight fit getting down the steps. And watch your head near Headache Rock. You’ll know it when it hits your helmet.” The ranger smiled. “It’s considered moderate and will be rougher than Mushpot. It also makes sort of a figure eight, so watch your path and you shouldn’t get lost.” Rick chuckled at the men’s expressions. “I don’t think you’ll have any issues.”
“Would you recommend us going to an easier one before tackling it?” Trevor glanced at his companions, then back to the ranger.
“Sentinel’s rated easy. It’s the last one you get to on the loop. A lot of people park at Upper Sentinel and take the quarter mile hike to the lower entrance. That puts them close to their car when they come out.”
Trevor turned to his friends. “Want to do that one instead of Golden Dome? We could come back for that one tomorrow or Sunday.”
“I don’t have the sure-footedness of you two in the dark. Guess that’s one strike for being human”
“That settles it. We’ll do the easier one today. By the time we’re done, we’ll all be ready to eat.” Trevor led the way out to the parking lot. Skyler drove nearly two miles on the road that looped around the most accessible caves in the monument.
Grabbing their gear and spare flashlights, they made their way down the trail to the entrance. Rough stone steps descended into the cavern. A partially maintained path wound its way through more jagged rocks on the ground. Strapping on their helmets, each switched on the LED headlamp Trevor had given them. The illumination provided meant they did not need to hold a flashlight. About forty feet inside, the external light was no longer visible.
“How long’s this one?” Randy was in the middle of the two lycan.
“It says 3280 feet. Should take about twenty minutes to get to the other end.” Trevor’s head moved around, illuminating various tunnel features.
“You guys said wolves have superior vision and can see in really low light. How much can you see in here without the lights turned on?”
“Not sure.” Skyler stopped their forward movement. “Switch off for a moment and let’s see.” He wolf-whispered to Trevor. “Group kiss as soon as we tell him what we can see.”
Darkness enveloped the trio while Trevor glanced around. “I can make out where you are, but not a whole lot of detail. From here I could easily find my way out.”
“I can’t see anything. It must be cool to see – Oh…” Randy gave into the kiss he received from Skyler, only to feel another set of lips press in from Trevor. When they switched their lights back on, he was panting. “I love that you can see me even in the dark.”
“We do too. Not sure how much we’d be able to see even deeper, but as long as there’s just a little light, we can see something.” Trevor took the lead as they continued down the tunnel.
There were a few spots where light came though small fissures in the ceiling, which changed between rocky and moderately smooth.
A glint off something caught Randy’s attention. “What’s that metal thing ahead?”
“Not sure yet.” Trevor cautiously approached metal bars that guided hikers onto a narrow catwalk with side rails. “Guess it’s to keep people from falling down into that.” He pulled out his flashlight and shined the powerful beam into the chasm below. “I can’t see the bottom.”
Safely on the other side and back on solid ground, Trevor brought the group to a halt again. “He wanted to know how well we could see. With how long it’s been since we saw any natural light, let’s check.” He surveyed their environment to make sure there was nothing to stumble on or a ledge to fall off. Putting a hand on Randy’s shoulder to maintain a connection, he switched off the headlamp. The other two followed suit. “I can’t see anything. How about you, Sky.”
“Nothing for me either. Without a light I could only use the breeze to try and find an exit. But with something like what we crossed, I wouldn’t want to make the attempt.” They switched their lights back on as they continued to explore.
All too soon, natural light from the exit filtered through the darkness. They came to the collapse in the ceiling where more stone steps led back to the surface.
“I love this. Best part though’s being here with both of you.” Randy’s excitement carried over to his two lovers.
Judging by the sound of his companions breathing, Trevor was the first to wake. A smile formed on his lips as he thought about the previous night. He was glad there were no other campers close by. The two men never ceased to make him happy. While his interest in them still puzzled him, he opted not to dwell on his thoughts and just enjoy himself. He inhaled their combined scent as light slowly filled the trailer with the coming sunrise.
Once breakfast and morning routines at the bathroom were out of the way, they walked back to the truck.
“You guys said a couple times you can smell a lot more than me. Hope I don’t stink by only washing at the sink.”
“We told you you could use the shower in the trailer.”
“And also that some of your natural musk’s kinda nice.” Skyler slapped Randy on the butt. “You washed up all the important parts, so it’s all good.” He turned towards Trevor. “So what’s on the schedule for today, Mr. Tour Guide?”
“If you’re okay with taking the truck on dirt roads, there’s a place close by I’d like to see.”
“It’s a frickin’ four-by-four, Trev. It’s supposed to get dirty.” Skyler shook his head. “So, how far away’s this place?”
“Glad you’re not one of those guys who gets the nice off-roader, and it never leaves the pavement.” Randy’s chuckle earned him another slap to the butt.
“By road it’s a little over seventeen miles but it will take almost an hour to get there. It’s a large lava flow called Glass Mountain.”
“You’ve been right about everything else so far this trip, so I’m in.”
“I am too.” Randy beamed.
The drive was slow once they left the pavement, but the semi-maintained dirt road through the high desert forest did not prove to be an obstacle for the Ford pickup. The dark form of the mountain continually grew closer.
“The information I pulled on this place says it’s on the eastern flank of the Medicine Lake Volcano Caldera. This vent erupted an estimated 950 years ago causing the flow. When I was checking out coming to the monument, I saw this on the Google aerial photo, and it looked really cool. It runs for about three and a half miles from the summit to the furthest point, and rises to a height of approximately 7600 feet.”
The light-brown, tree-covered ground gave way to a nearly treeless dark gray and blackish material. Skyler pulled the truck to a stop at the base of the imposing mound that looked like a pile of rocks had been dumped in the middle of nowhere. Hopping out, they looked around. Mixed in with rock along the edge of the trees were shiny black objects. Randy picked up a fist sized chunk along the road side. “Obsidian?”
“Yep. That’s why they call it Glass Mountain. The entire flow’s filled with it.”
“Nearly a thousand years and still pretty much nothing can grow on it.” Skyler moved in behind Trevor and wrapped an arm around him. Glancing at Randy, he waved him over to join in. “The two of us kinda take for granted the things we have in our own backyard. I hadn’t gone to Lassen for pleasure since before I enlisted in the Marines. Never thought to come up this way to see what was around. We needed someone from out of the area to find all these great things to do.” He kissed the back of Trevor’s neck.
Continuing the drive up the mountain, they passed mounds of the shiny black stuff several times larger than the big truck. Obsidian was everywhere they looked, mixed in with other types of volcanic debris. After a long, slow climb, they finally came to the end of the road. It was not the summit, but as far as the terrain would allow for travel by vehicle.
“Hey. You and I finished the climb at Mt. Lassen. We gotta do it here too. It isn’t that far.” Randy grasped Trevor’s hand first and reached for Skyler’s.
“This one’s gonna be a little rougher. These boulders are larger. But you’re on.” Trevor was all smiles.
“We can do it.” Skyler glanced around them. “Though I don’t think I’d want to go wolf and try to walk bare-paw on this.”
“It’s cool seeing the light and dark rocks, plus the black of the obsidian.” Randy worked his way up to the peak.
“Some of them are Rhyolite and others are Dacite.” Trevor shook his head at their expression. “Yeah, I remember that from looking it up.”
“You’ve got a good memory.” Skyler pulled out his phone when they reached the top. With Randy in the middle he snapped a couple selfies. A short distance away, he snapped a couple more in front of a massive single piece of the black glass.
“I’ve got to remember details with the work I do.”
“You just keep finding money to support the pack.” Skyler draped an arm across the shoulders of both men. “I’ll never tease you about what you remember.”
“If all three of us were wolves, would we have gotten into our fur this weekend?”
“Possibly. Trevor and I have been going out for a run once or twice a week since shortly after he got here. We don’t have to shift, but we enjoy the fur time.”
“You’ve been thinking about that some more?” Trevor moved from Randy’s side to behind him, putting his arms around the man’s chest and nibbling the left ear.
“I’m not gonna let you distract me this time. Well, not too much anyway.” Randy’s focus appeared to travel across the vast lava flow and to the forested Lyon’s Peak to the south. “I’ve been thinking more and more I want to do it.”
“There’s no rush.”
“I know, Trev. And I realize if I accept the offer and then end up falling in love with a human woman it would start the entire conversation that led me to this point all over again. On the other hand, it would open a new group for me to be a part of. And if Sky and me move beyond where the three of us are now, I’ll be able to take over on those runs you two go on. At least until you’re back in Burney where you belong with us.”
“Oh, I see. You and Sky.” Trevor’s act of mock insult earned him light slaps to the head from both sides. “Already making plans for me to be gone?”
“That’s not how it is and you know it, so stop being a dick or no one’s getting bent over the tailgate while we’re alone up here. You’re going back to Boston in a few weeks. Skyler and I will either keep dating without you, or we won’t. We’ll see. At the absolute very least, we’d still be fuck buds. I hope. But if we do, I’d like to be able to get furry with him and go everywhere he can.”
“If you decide to do it this year, just so you know, there’s a blue moon on Halloween.” Trevor glanced over at Skyler and smiled at what he knew went through the man’s mind.
“Only time more special would be the January wolf moon or a blood moon, and I’d have to check the calendar to see when the next one of those is.” Now it was Skyler’s turn to pull Randy against his chest. “C’mere.” He silently held the man for a few minutes. “Wolf or not, I’m not going anywhere. Doesn’t matter if it’s friends, lovers, or boyfriends. You’re stuck with me as a part of your life.”
On their way back to the truck, Randy stopped and picked up a piece of the black glass about the size of a football that caught his eye. “I know we can’t keep it, but this is fuckin’ cool.” He held up his find to the others. Instead of being the solid black like most of what was around them, the obsidian had streaks of red running through it.
Trevor saw a rectangular chunk close to half the size of a dollar bill about the same time Skyler seemed to. It had the same red veins running through it and had been beside the one Randy held. It was probably a chip from the larger stone. Skyler picked it up and pushed it into his pocket after the larger one had been returned to its resting place. Trevor’s wink and nod to the redhead confirmed they were on the same page. Even though there were signs around indicating the removal of any glass from the mountain was prohibited, the wolves decided to break the rules just this once.
Randy leaned against the truck while Skyler scanned their surroundings. A wink between them was enough for both to remove Trevor’s shirt and unbutton his shorts. “I can’t see or hear anyone, not even dust on the road down there.” He pointed the way they had come. “Randy, grab the blanket from behind the back seat. It’s time the three of us put this tailgate to its proper use.” His shorts dropped to the ground as he pulled his booted feet free of the garment.
Sunday evening, they pulled up in front of Skyler’s house. They had managed to go through a couple more caves before departing the national monument. The trio did trade contact information with Ranger Rick to get updates on the ice cave he mentioned. After unloading and thoroughly cleaning the trailer, they stripped the bed and threw the sheets in the laundry. Once the primary chores were complete, Skyler guided both men into the shower for some in-depth scrubbing.
“I haven’t had a weekend that fun in a long time. Hell, I haven’t gone away with someone I was dating in forever.”
“Me either, Sky. Maybe with some friends to Lake Shasta, but that’s about it.” Randy grabbed the sponge and soaped up Trevor’s back.
“Can’t say I have either. In school, any weekend trips were with other shifters to visit a local pack for a group run.” Trevor stepped out once rinsed, and dried himself off. “I’m kinda torn between wanting food and more cuddle time.”
“Why don’t you text Seth and see if he wants to go to Gepetto’s for pizza. We can cuddle after.”
Both Randy and Trevor pulled out their phones, sending messages to their younger friend.
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you.
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