Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you.
Incandescence - 25. Little Queen
Sitting on the lumpy mattress, I wondered how long I was going to have to stay in my makeshift prison this time. They were still cleaning up from when the council members had been murdered and trying to decide if there were any who’d escaped. The only reason I knew any of this was because I had one uncle who never held back with me. Said uncle was laying on the small dining table in the corner. He was on his back with his hands turning this way and that above his head. He looked so different from the Wren I knew. I wasn’t entirely sure I liked it. The new look didn’t seem like him.
“How do you all function with such stubbly fingers?” He mumbled, curling his fingers into his palms as he gave a more thorough study of his nails.
“I don’t know. They’ve always been this way.” I shrugged and flopped back on the bed, “How much longer?”
“I’ve no idea. You’ve Magik, if you’re bored, entertain yourself.” He sighed, letting his hands drop to rest on his chest.
“Are you and Uncle Eon in a fight?’ I asked as I stared up at the stone ceiling.
“What makes you think that?” Came the flat reply. It might sound like boredom to somebody else, but I knew my uncle. He was bothered by something.
“You two have been looking at each other weird and he laid into you for hurting the bookworm’s feelings.”
“In all fairness, I hurt the bookworm’s body as well. Your uncle’s too.” The table creaking was the only warning I had that Wren had moved. Moments later, he laid next to me on the bed, our legs hanging off.
“Do you not like him?”
“Firebreath or the bookworm?”
“Either I guess.” I curled into his side and closed my eyes as his now dull nails scraped gently over my scalp. Drowsiness instantly overtook me. This was how he’d soothed my nightmares when I’d been little. He wouldn’t speak, wouldn’t question. He’d just tuck me into his body and his fingers would work through my hair or down my back. He’d had his claws then, but not once did he ever scratch me with them.
“Your uncle and I are complicated. I’m sure most days he doesn’t like me. As for whatever his name is, no. I do not like him.” Wren murmured into my hair as he rested his chin on my head.
“Why? He seems okay. Weird. He talks to himself sometimes, but okay.” Words were hard as he continued to soothe me.
“There are discussions we do not need to have. I doubt your parents would think this one appropriate.”
“You love Uncle Eon.” I said.
“Whoever could have told you that?”
I blinked open my eyes, meeting his dark ones. We stared at each other for a long moment before he broke eye contact and returned his gaze to the ceiling. His expression looked like he was hurt. I didn’t know what to say or ask. Maybe I had gone too far. My dad had told my da repeatedly that people didn’t always want to spill their hearts to him.
“Do you think they’re okay?”
Being left alone was the worst thing. I had always hated it. I was taken care of. There was nothing I didn’t have and the rest of my family loved me, but a hole always reopened inside me when my parents were gone. My uncles and aunt Amaris did what they could, but it never completely distracted me from the fear that crouched at the very edge of my brain. Part of me still thought it would all go wrong and I’d end up back in a dark dungeon again. Everything was scary because I didn’t remember how I’d ended up there in the first place. What mistake had I made that I was thrown away? Thrown into the dark. Its prisoner until my da came into my life and saved me? What if I made that mistake again without knowing?
“They’re fine. Kalian is a force alone, with Talon there, nothing can beat them. The two of them are unstoppable.” I nodded, closing my eyes and relaxing into him again. His fingers started up their travels through my messy hair and I felt him speak more than I heard it as sleep took hold, “Nothing will ever pull us from you again. That’s my promise to you angel.”
Having both of my parents standing in our home was strange. Rooms were being made up for them while Meryck took Anika to Talon’s house in the lower levels. She was more comfortable alone. Especially if my parents were in the picture. Our sitting room was quiet. Almost eerily so. Loren and Suman had gone off together once we’d arrived back in Syrin. Loren was back but his steps were slower, a wince pulling at his features. I’d given him life, but I hadn’t healed his wounds entirely. The edge had been taken off and now Hanja or anyone else could take over. It had seemed odd to me that Suman didn’t help, he watched Loren gimp along with his arms crossed. I wasn’t sure what was happening there, but it didn’t seem good. You’d think Suman would be happy.
I was still a bit tired but being vertical and conscious seemed like wins in my world. There would be no days long coma this time. Although, sitting next to my husband on a couch across from my parents was making the coma sound like a much more attractive option. Talon and my father were tense, backs ram rod straight as my mother and I exchanged uncomfortable glances. Amaris should be around somewhere, or Eon. Right now, I was nearly desperate for anyone to break us from the awkward situation.
“This is a beautiful home. Isn’t it Ellenion?” My mother tried, smile strained. My father refused to answer and I could feel Talon’s patience waning.
“Not your style? I’d be more than happy to return you to your home. It’s recently been remodeled, though. Unsure if charred would be more to your taste.” Talon said, leaning back and resting his arms on the back of the couch.
My mother’s hand shot out as my father’s temper flared and I glared at Talon, “Stop it. They’ve lost their home. You can at least be civil.”
“Sure. I’d love to extend my hospitality to the parents that threw you away for choosing your own safety over Mallex. The same parents that then disowned Eon for supporting you. Oh, yes, and the ones who got rid of your sister when she’d been through trauma I wouldn’t wish on anyone. Yes, those people deserve warm welcomes in my home.” Talon snapped back.
“Love, please.”
“We don’t have to explain ourselves to the likes of you.” My father sneered and I resisted the urge to bury my head in my hands.
“Stop it!” My mother shouted, her eyes fixed on my father in a way I had never seen, “Kalian and Talon saved our lives you ungrateful idiot! Your decisions lost us all three of our children and now our home! Keep your mouth shut for once!”
All three of us stared at her as she returned her hands to her lap, folding them delicately. She looked down at them before meeting my eyes, “We thank you for all you’ve done. All of you. Your friends as well.”
Talon’s long fingers slid up and down my back. I was surprised when he stayed quiet. Clearing my throat, I had to look away, “This is only temporary until you can be moved elsewhere. Eon and Wren live in your old home here so it’s a matter of finding you something else.”
“It’s our home. We never gave it to them.”
My patience snapped and a flare of Magik flipped our coffee table across the room. It slammed into the trim, just narrowly missing the windows, “I wasn’t making a suggestion. I wasn’t asking. You will go where I tell you to. You will do what I tell you to. Your assets are gone. All you had was Krinn and you couldn’t even take care of that. Your entire region was under my control and only by my grace were you allowed to stay in a position of fake power.”
My father’s mouth hung open; his eyes wide as he no doubt tried to come up with some kind of rebuttal. I heard the front door slam open and quick feet stomping across the floor in the distance. Wyn barreled around the corner and leapt onto the couch, blissfully unaware of the tension in the room. Tyren followed much more slowly behind, Eira in his arms. Wyn’s arms wrapped around my neck and he grinned up at me.
“Get your feet off me. You kneed me in the stomach, brat.” Talon snapped, but he couldn’t hide the contentment that drifted over our bond. Wyn beamed at him.
“Dad! Uncle Wren and I figured out I can do things other than plants!”
Talon smirked proudly, expression entirely smug, “Of course you did. You’ll have to show me.”
A soft voice broke the little bubble around my family, “This is little Meep?”
My eyes met my mother’s. The regret on her face told me she thought she knew it was him. Wyn shifted so he was stuffed between us. His eyes were wide as he looked between my parents. Their clothes were still soot and blood smeared. We hadn’t had time to get them anything clean. Wyn’s head tilted slowly.
“I must get back. Hanja will be weak.” Tyren said quickly. The teacher looked tired, dropping a very sleepy toddler into Talon’s lap. Tyren gave a small wave before leaving the room. Talon and the little girl looked at each other. He grimaced down at her and she shrieked while holding her hands up, giggling.
“You’re so needlessly loud.” Talon groaned. Talon was glaring at the child, even as he used his tunic sleeve to wipe her runny nose, “Disgusting little thing.”
“You have a beautiful family.” My mother said. Her voice was soft and pained. She straightened and smoothed some hair out of her face. A tight smile pulled across her features, “What are my grandchildren’s’ names?”
“We don’t have grandparents.” Wyn argued petulantly. His voice was sharp and I grabbed at his wrist, rubbing my thumb lightly over his skin. It was too late. Wyn was glaring at the other couch. He yanked his hand away from me so that he could cross his arms. Taking a moment to rub my closed eyelids, I tried to remember exactly when my sweet boy had turned into a small Talon. The world wasn’t ready for two of them.
“Wyn, don’t be rude.” He jerked away from me when I reached for him to brush his hair out of his eyes, “The toddler is Eira. She was rescued from Dlethian soldiers who had destroyed her village.”
“She’s darling. Can I hold her?”
“No.” Talon and Wyn growled together. Both were tense, glaring. I rolled my eyes.
“Maybe when…maybe when things have settled down.” My mother looked at me and I saw her deflate. She still managed to keep up her smile. My father had refused to look at me since I’d scolded him.
At that moment our housekeeper came into the room, saving us all from further communication, “The rooms are ready lords.”
“Please show them the way.” I huffed and met Talon’s eyes. He nodded and we stood almost simultaneously. Wyn followed as we left the room without another word. I marched us to his alchemy room as I listened to my parents go up the stairs.
Slamming the door behind Wyn once he entered, I stepped forward. I wrapped my arms around Talon and gripped the back of his tunic as I buried my face in the soft fabric that smelled like smoke and fire. An arm came around me immediately, comforting as always. His other arm was around the toddler, holding her up. Eira squirmed between us and I backed off a little, giving her more room. She was snuggled into Talon’s chest too, little fingers gripped the collar of his tunic. I wished that we could somehow go away. Take the kids and shirk off all responsibility. Run from everything and be a family without all the drama. A hand slid up and down my back again and I squeezed my eyes closed. It’d been a while since I’d almost broken apart and needed to have Talon hug me back together. There was so much to do and I wanted to ignore it all. Which seemed to be increasingly normal for me.
“Breathe.” Talon mumbled.
“I’m okay.” I answered quietly, “I just need a minute.”
“We don’t have much time. Eon is going to want to move against Serran as soon as possible.”
“I don’t care about any of that right now.”
Hands pulled at the arm wrapped around me and Talon turned us away from Wyn. A small, indignant, growl sounded before Talon yelped. He hopped away, gripping his foot. Miraculously, he managed to keep Eira against his chest. She thought it was the best thing ever and was cackling with delight as she was bounced around. Wyn nodded before darting toward me and securing his arms around my middle. Looking from Talon, to his foot, and then the ground, I frowned down at Wyn. There was a large chunk of dark colored stone of some kind.
“A rock? This is what you and Wren were working on?” Wyn beamed up at me and nodded.
“Fucking brat! I think you broke my toes!” Talon hissed, stumbling to his shelving. He set Eira on the counter and kicked off his boot before pouring a glowing blue liquid on his foot. Eira’s big blue eyes were huge as she looked down at the glow. Talon pressed his hand to her chest to keep her from falling forward. His other hand gripped the counter under his tinctures and his breathing slowed. His shoulders relaxed. I almost laughed at how small the girl was compared to Talon. His hand covered her entire chest and stomach.
Wyn frowned for a few seconds and then shrugged, “I said I would show you.”
Talon turned slowly, narrowing his eyes at the boy who hid his face against me, sniffling unconvincingly, “I missed you and da, daddy.”
“Uh, huh. Rat.” Talon snorted elegantly as he snatched Eira off the counter. He swung her around the small room and her shrieking made both Wyn and I wince. He stopped and stepped forward, pulling us both into his hold along with the girl.
“Did you save your home da?” Wyn asked as he looked up at me.
“No. We failed.”
Wyn’s face fell, “Then…why are they here?”
“Yes, Kalian, why are they here?” Talon echoed.
“They’re my parents. It made sense to bring the refugees here. There aren’t enough of them to leave alone in Krinn without jeopardizing their safety.”
“Oh, no. That part I understand. What I don’t understand is why your parents must stay with us. In our home.” Talon kept his voice calm and quiet even as his frustration swam over the bond.
“They don’t deserve it.” Wyn agreed as he leaned back more against Talon, “They’re mean to you.”
Rolling my eyes at their mercurial relationship, I took a step back, “Again, they’re my parents. It just…it feels like it’s my responsibility to take care of them.”
“Why? They didn’t take care of you. They wouldn’t take care of you or either of your siblings now either. It’s great that your mom seems to have had a change of heart, but it’s far too little too late.” The frustration was overlapped with protectiveness and I smiled at my husband.
“I’m okay Talon. This is just temporary.”
“Then find temporary housing like Tyren did for the rest of them.”
“No. I don’t know why I think it should be this way but that doesn’t change the fact that I do. They’ll stay until more permanent arrangements are made.”
“Your father needs to be questioned.” Talon said, his face dropping expression and his mind closing him off from our bond.
Fear and anger overtook me, “You’re not torturing my father, Talon.”
“I never said torture. They all should be questioned. Anika last and most gently since she seems to have suffered horribly again. I don’t trust any of them.”
Wyn looked between the two of us, eyebrows drawn down and a frown etched into his features. Stepping forward, I ran my fingers down his cheek, “Take Eira to your room please, Wyn. We’ll be up in a minute.”
“You’re going to fight.” Wyn said, frown somehow growing deeper.
“It’s going to be alright, love. Go on.” Wyn pouted and sent me scathing looks as he retrieved Eira from Talon and marched out of the room. We stayed quiet for a long time after the door closed.
“We’re not torturing my family.”
Talon met my glare, “Again, never said that.”
“That’s how you question people!” My voice came out much louder than I expected and I forced myself to step back mentally. Focusing on my harsh breathing, I made myself slow down.
Talon had crossed his arms, a single eyebrow raised as he looked down at me, completely unimpressed. His head tilted a bit, “Are you done?”
“Yes. I’m sorry.” He stepped closer, two of his fingers touching gently under my chin before he lifted it so I was looking at him.
“We’re on the same side. Always. No matter what’s going on. Yeah?” He said.
“Yes.” He kissed me and pulled me against him. I let my hands link behind his neck as he kissed my forehead then grinned.
“Stop being a fucking brat then.” I let out an outraged sound as I pushed weakly at his chest, looking away to hide my smile. He just held me tighter, “Am I wrong?”
“No, but you don’t have to be so rude!” I said as I rested my cheek against him.
“You implied that the only way I know how to get information is through torture. I was a spy and assassin, love. I have many skills at my disposal. Torture is just the easiest and most fun.” He said.
I shook my head and looked up at him, “It’s hard on you. I know it is. It was wrong for me to assume and basically accuse you.”
Talon waved his hand for me to continue and I sighed, “I’m sorry.”
“There it is! Nicely done!” Talon pulled away to clap and I shoved him into his worktable.
He smirked down at me, his chin lifting slightly. Something shifted and I moved forward, gripping his tunic and yanking him to me. This kiss was far different, there wasn’t anything sweet and soft about it and Talon’s fingers tangled in my hair before he pulled hard. It startled a moan out of me, but the ones that followed were swallowed up as Talon jerked my hair again to guide me how he wanted.
“Ugh, really? You two are disgusting!”
Talon rested his forehead against mine and his dark eyes were murderous, “How did I ever find that woman attractive? I’ll kill her.”
“Love you too Tallie. Anyway, You’ve been officially summoned to report.” I turned to look at Amaris with a scowl. She held up her hands, a huge grin on her face, “Don’t kill the messenger. This is from Eon. He needs to know you’re coming.”
“I was trying to.” Talon mumbled resentfully and I laughed as I pulled away.
“Fine, fine. We’re coming.” I linked our fingers and when I didn’t hear footsteps, I looked at Amaris.
“I’m supposed to escort you. Eon thinks you’ll stall.” Her smile was more apologetic now and I could feel the annoyed energy wafting off Talon.
“We’re coming.” I looked up at him, tugging his hand gently. Dark eyes dipped from glaring at the back of Amaris’ head to me. Talon’s eyes softened a touch, but his face was still thoroughly displeased.
As we started walking, Talon yanked me back to keep a slower pace with him, “Don’t think I’m not going to tear into your brother. Your family is four for five in annoying me and I am at my limit.”
“Well, on the bright side, Anika is in no condition to make you angry.” Amaris laughed and I smiled back at Talon, “Wait a minute. Did you include me in the count of people pushing you to your limit?”
Talon leered at me, “If it makes you feel better, you’re the only one who can vigorously make it up to me.”
Amaris mock gagged as Talon’s eyes slid up and down my body. I turned away, fighting a blush. This was ridiculous, we’d been together far too long for him to shake me up like this. Amaris rolled her eyes dramatically at me and soldiered on. Steps quickened behind me and a chest pressed to my back as teeth nipped the top of my ear.
“Walking in front of me is a great way to ingratiate yourself, beautiful.”
I shuddered and Amaris stopped, “Seriously? How are you two still this absolutely disgusting?”
“Don’t be jealous. It’s not our fault you’re alone. You did that all by yourself.” Talon said and I almost smacked my palm into my forehead. Amaris’ face fell for a moment and then she turned to begin walking again.
“Talon, that was a horrible thing to say!” I hissed.
“He’s not wrong.” Amaris said so quietly I almost didn’t catch it.
“See? I’m not wrong.” Talon said defensively.
“Tact Talon. Gods.”
“Never, ever, have I claimed to be tactful and if you’re all expecting that from me, you’re going to be sorely disappointed.”
The war room seemed so different when we stepped in. Eon, Hanja, Tyren, Wren, Lyme, and-to my surprise-Loren, and Suman stood around the table. As we moved further into the room, someone else caught my eye.
A small smile came across her dark purple lips. Long wings were drawn along her lash line and deep teal was dusted over her eyelids. She wore a plum bolero jacket and then rest of her ensemble was black. Leggings, high-heeled, over the knee boots, and a lace trimmed corset that framed her décolletage and Talon’s ring and coin. Her hair was a little shaggier than when I’d seen her last and when I rushed forward, she smelled sweet and spicy at the same time. I briefly registered men in black and silver standing a few feet behind her. Still and silent. Guards probably.
“Hello, Kalian.” She only hesitated a bit before hugging me back and I marveled at the progress we’d made since we’d met.
“Greetings, little queen.” Talon’s words were teasing, but as we turned to look, I immediately clocked the pride in his eyes before it floated over the bond he’d reopened after we were done arguing.
“Brother.” To everyone’s surprise, Lyrah moved forward and hugged Talon quickly before stepping away. Talon tensed and then patted the top of her head awkwardly.
“Are you all done?” Eon groused from his seat, head resting in his hands as his elbows sat on the table.
There was unhappy grumbling that my brother ignored completely as we all sat down. There were a few empty seats, but I had to admit, this gathering felt right. The people at the table were trustworthy. Mostly anyway, Suman was still questionable and Wren kept things from us. Even so, I trusted them more than the men we’d been dealing with since we took over. Wren sat in his designated corner of the table, playing with something in front of him that I couldn’t see. Knowing him, it was probably sharp.
“The remaining Council members have been interrogated and put to death. They’ve been plotting right along with the other countries to sell us out. Feeding them just enough information to force us back three steps when we take two forward. The people at this table are among the few that I think are loyal and honest.” Eon looked around, meeting everyone’s eyes. I noticed that Lyme was nervously standing next to the chair on Eon’s left. Next to Hanja.
“Lyme, sit.” Tyren said, smiling encouragingly.
“Oh-oh no. That’s-that’s alright. I’m okay with the…uh…standing.” He nodded as he waved a hand frantically in front of him. His cheeks reddened as the attention in the room turned to him.
“Sit. We need to get started.” Eon said, his voice exhausted.
“I swear I’m okay sta-“
“Just sit you little weirdo!” Suman snapped and Loren’s fingers landed on the back of his neck. Suman crossed his arms and sat back in his chair, leaning into the other prince’s touch. Lyme dropped into the seat so quickly that it looked like he slammed his hip into the arm of the chair. His eyes widened, but he held back any sound as he shifted to be more comfortable.
“Illiath is not our priority right now thanks to Kalian and Talon. We’ll eventually need to plan for Krinn. We cannot leave it empty forever. That’s wasteful. Even so, our attention must turn to Serran.” Eon said, resting his hands on the table in front of him.
“We’ve no idea how much of the poison they have left. We shouldn’t just rush in headfirst.” Hanja mumbled snarkily, “Even though we seem to prefer to operate that way.”
“What happened to Rydian?” I asked, realizing that I hadn’t seen him when I’d woken up. I couldn’t believe it’d slipped my mind through all of this.
“Dead.” Suman answered.
“You did plenty of damage Kalian. Suman here took it from there.” Loren said, the corner of his lips upturning, “Although, with a small sharp knife, Suman did manage to get information.”
“How? I tortured him?” I gasped.
“Barely. It was more like a spy’s introduction to torture if you will. A childish attempt.” Talon yawned.
That got Suman to finally show emotion. He giggled and grinned at me, “I started skinning him. You just cut his hand off and stabbed him a little.”
“Just? A little?” I said incredulously. The Verseckt members all nodded knowingly and even Rah shrugged and joined the nodding.
“Anyway,” Eon snapped, “what did the prince tell you?”
“With the infighting between siblings, the Illiathian government is now segmented. They were struggling to keep all their moving parts organized. Hence, their wild flailing. Rydian. The youngest.” Loren said.
“So, who’s in charge now?” Amaris asked. Her expression was closed off as she stared down at the tabletop. I looked between her and the two princes who sat opposite her.
Awkward, huh?
Stop Talon.
Oh, come on, you were thinking it.
No, I was thinking I need to check on my friend.
Eon snapping his fingers pulled me out of my mind, “Hey, we need transparency here. Going forward, leave your weird mind talking out of the meetings.”
“Don’t fucking snap at me.” Talon snarled and I blinked in surprise. Talon and Eon bickered, but Talon’s response seemed more charged and violent than usual.
“Children.” Rah clapped her hands and stood, slowly moving around the table before she motioned to Eon. Fire flared over the wood in front of us and our regular map of Dimian and the surrounding countries appeared, “Let’s stay calm and on topic. General?”
Eon’s face was stone but he nodded. When Rah’s eyes landed on her brother, Talon sneered, “Sure. If he snaps at me again, I’ll rip his gods’ damned fingers off. I’ll be calm about it though. If that helps.”
“Talon, relax.” I said, offering my hand. Running fingers through his hair, Talon shot another dirty look at my brother-who returned it-and curled his fingers around mine.
Queen looked good on Rah as she easily took control of the room. Talon had relaxed a bit into his chair and Eon had stopped glaring daggers at him. It seemed like Dleth had done some good for her. Which were words I never thought I’d string into a sentence. That place was the worst and the fact that Rah had made anything of it was impressive. Especially given the uphill battle she’d been fighting since day one. I only hoped that she continued to have success and we weren’t going to have to add Dleth to the list of enemies again. If anything happened to her, I don’t know that it’d be a war. She and Talon weren’t the closest siblings to ever exist, but she was the only remaining member of his immediate family. He loved her, even though you’d never get him to admit it. If they hurt her. Talon would smear Dleth from the map in a wave of black and grey flame.
“Let’s get started now that the bickering has drawn to a close.” She smiled at me and I returned it, happy to have another ally against my brother and Talon.
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you.
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