Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you.
Secrets: The Truth is Slowly Revealed - 17. Chapter 17 S1
Chapter 17 – The Aftermath
Devin had just rushed into the room and announced that he’d nailed the rapist.
“Then what are you doing here? Why aren’t you down there telling the campus cops and local police about what you did? I’ve noticed there are members of both of those departments milling about in front of the residence halls at the moment, so why aren’t you telling them all you know about this guy?”
“I don’t want any publicity.”
“Why the hell not?”
“For one reason, it would be difficult to explain how wimpy Devin took down a guy who was much larger than himself. Another reason is that I wouldn’t match the description the victim and only witness would have given the cops about the guy who saved her.”
“And you didn’t want to appear as Mr. Hyde, or whoever the hell you transitioned into?”
“Fuck, no! First of all, it wasn’t exactly Mr. Hyde that took the guy down. I transitioned into someone slightly smaller than Mr. Hyde, yet still larger than the rapist, and I made sure he was good looking so he didn’t scare the girl. Besides, the cops would have wanted to know his name, where he lived, what he was doing on campus, and how he became involved in catching the rapist.”
“So, what did you do? Did you knock the rapist out so he’d still be there when the cops arrived?”
“Uh, not exactly. I didn’t do anything that drastic, but I made sure he wasn’t going to get away.”
“And how did you do that?”
“Maybe I should back up and explain how this all went down.”
“Yeah, that’s a good idea, so shoot.”
“I was slinking around on campus and trying to stay in the shadows when I spotted a co-ed who was apparently making her way back to her dorm. That’s when I also noticed there was a guy walking several feet behind her. There could have been an innocent explanation for why he seemed to be following her, such as they just happened to be going in the same direction, so I didn’t want to jump to a conclusion. I’d done that before and nearly stopped an innocent guy, so this time I decided to just keep an eye on them instead.”
“So, did he attack the girl?”
“Yes. When she turned to go up the sidewalk leading to one of the other residence halls, the guy broke into a sprint, raced up behind her, and forced her to go to the side of the building where it was very dark. That’s when I transitioned into the larger guy and raced over to stop him.”
“Had he started raping her yet?”
“It appeared that he was about to, although he hadn’t started yet, and it looked as if he had a knife in his left hand, so I just yelled at him to stop. He was in an awkward position at the time, since he had his pants open and his dick was hanging out, but he still tried to get up and run away. I didn’t let him, though, and tackled him close to where he had pinned the girl on the ground, and then I forced him to drop the knife.”
“Weren’t you afraid he might try to slash or stab you with the knife?”
“That thought had crossed my mind briefly, but I was more concerned with making sure he didn’t get away.”
“So, how did you make certain he stayed there after you tackled him?”
“I took out the zip ties that I was carrying in the pouch of my hoodie so I could do that.”
“And did the girl stick around?”
“Yes, I yelled out and told her that she had to stay there and call the police so she could tell them what the guy had tried to do to her. I emphasized that it was important she do this or he would get away with it and then attempt doing it to someone else later, so she agreed to remain there until the police arrived. I already had the guy’s arms pinned behind his back, so I wrapped a zip tie around both of his wrists and tightened it. Then, I connected two zip ties together, placed them around his ankles, and tightened them as well.”
“I’m surprised the girl stayed around while you were doing that. I’d have thought she would’ve been afraid that he might break away from you.”
“As I was securing the zip ties, I kept assuring her that he couldn’t harm her any longer, and I reiterated that she needed to stay around and tell the police about what he tried to do. I think she could tell that the guy who saved her was bigger and stronger than the rapist, so she began to relax and did as I asked.”
“Yes, as long as you were still there.”
“That’s why I didn’t let her see me leave. While she was calling 9-1-1 and waiting for the cops to show up, I slowly slipped out of sight, although I stayed close enough that I could keep an eye on both of them. Once I was where no one else could see me, I used the burner phone I’d purchased to call 9-1-1 to report what had happened as well. I did that to make sure the girl hadn’t merely called one of her girl friends instead.”
“Did you stick around to make sure the girl remained there until the cops showed up?”
“Yes, I stayed in the shadows where I could see what was going on, but she couldn’t see me. As soon as I saw the squad cars pull up and the patrolmen went over to speak with the girl, I moved farther into the shadows and transitioned into myself before I raced back here.”
“So, you’re a hero but nobody knows it.”
“Yeah, I guess so.”
“Aren’t you afraid the police will trace the burner phone to you?”
“No, I turned it off and destroyed it after I made the call so they couldn’t track it to me. And if you remember, because we shopped for everything together, I’d changed my appearance before I went into the store to buy the phone in the first place, so they’ll never be able to trace it back to me.”
“Ok, that’s good.”
“Well, that’s how I caught the guy and why the girl will describe the person who saved her as a better looking and slightly smaller version of Mr. Hyde.”
“That’s awesome, and I can’t wait until we see Barry again. I want to find out what he was told about how the rapist had been caught.”
“Yeah, I guess we’ll probably find that out sometime tomorrow.”
We didn’t run into Barry after breakfast, and it wasn’t until after supper when we finally saw him. I guess I should say that he saw us, because he appeared to be waiting for Devin and me in the lobby as we returned from the dining hall.
“Why don’t you two join me in my room,” he said as we entered the residence hall.
“Sure, and we wanted to speak with you too,” Devin replied, and then we followed Barry into his room.
“I suppose you’ve heard that the rapist was caught last night,” Barry began.
“Yeah, it’s all over campus that a guy was captured trying to rape a co-ed, but they obviously didn’t know about the previous rapes.”
“That’s good, although it will probably all come out when the case goes to court, unless he chooses to plead guilty,” Barry responded. “If it goes to trial, then I’m certain the D.A. will want to introduce the other rapes to establish a pattern.”
“I see. So, who caught him?” I asked.
“We’re not sure and it’s got all of us stumped. The guy didn’t stick around afterward and the description the girl gave the cops didn’t match any of the RAs or those we’d asked to assist us.”
“That’s odd,” Devin stated, playing it cool.
“Yes, it is. According to the girl, the guy who saved her was much taller and more muscular than the rapist, and none of the RAs or our helpers is that big. The guy tied the rapist up with zip ties, so the police dusted those off for fingerprints, because they wanted to get his statement about what had happened. Unfortunately, so far there have been no hits and it seems as if the guy’s fingerprints aren’t in any database.”
“And they don’t know what he was doing on campus?”
“No, although the campus police suspect the only guys large enough to fit the girl’s description would probably either be on the CSU football or basketball teams.”
“So, did anyone talk to them?”
“Yes, but supposedly the football and basketball players all claim they had nothing to do with it.”
“Why would they deny it if they’d helped to catch the guy?” I asked. I guess I’d got a little carried away when I asked this question, since Devin gave me a disapproving glare, but it worked out ok.
“There are a couple of possibilities. For one, the girl’s rescuer may have been drinking or he was out after curfew. The coaches want their players to get plenty of rest in season, and even though only basketball is in season right now, the coaches don’t like their players to be out drinking alcohol at any time. They know it still happens, but unless the players admit it, are caught in the act, or are so inebriated that it’s obvious, that rule is just too difficult to enforce.”
“Yes, I suppose it is. So, one of them could be a hero and no one would know it,” I responded, tongue-in-cheek, and Devin shot me another disgusted glare.
“It seems that way, but it doesn’t mean the rapist is going to get away with what he did. They have the current girl’s affidavit, along with the reports from the other victims, and the guy was caught wearing Colorado Rockies apparel again.”
“So, it fits the description of what he was wearing at the other two rapes as well.” I stated.
“Not exactly, because the other two victims said he was wearing a purple Rockies’ baseball hat and a long sleeve purple shirt or sweatshirt. However, when he was caught he was wearing a black Rockies’ baseball hat and a black Rockies’ hoodie.”
“Will that make a difference?”
“No, since he was caught at the scene of the crime and the knife he used to keep the girl from fighting back was found nearby. I’m sure they’ll be able to get his fingerprints off of that, and they’ll probably find the other items he wore during the other two rapes when they search his house or apartment.”
“Ah, that’s good and it means we can all get back to our studies,” I said gleefully while staring at Devin, “instead of spending so much of our time looking for the rapist.”
“Yes, you’re right,” Barry agreed, “and I think Devin was spending more time doing it than any of the rest of us. In fact, I felt he would most likely end up being the one calling 9-1-1 to report the guy and his call would lead to the rapist’s capture. I just didn’t think he was strong enough to take the guy down on his own.”
“You’re right about that,” Devin concurred, and I merely looked at him and smiled.
“What do you think his sentence will be if he’s convicted?” I asked.
“It’s hard to say, but I suspect he’ll get at least a few years in prison if all of the girls testify, and it sounds as if the last victim has agreed to testify to the attempted rape charge. The police are most likely trying to get the other victims statements and their promise to testify as well, since they were actually raped.”
“I wonder if they checked to see if the guy had a condom on when he was captured. That would definitely prove that he was planning to rape the girl.”
“You’re probably the only one who would come up with that idea, but it’s possible they might have found it out when they took him to jail. Once they got him there they would have strip searched him to check for contraband.”
“Yeah, I hope they found him wearing a condom then.”
“If they did, I’m sure the D.A. will also use that fact as well, because he wants this case to be as air-tight as possible. Being able to tell the jury that the guy was wearing a condom when he was apprehended would definitely help.”
“Are you going to keep track of the case so you can tell us what happens?” Devin asked.
“Yes, the administration has promised to keep the RAs informed about how it turns out.”
That was the last we talked about the rapist until a week and a half later when Barry asked us into his room again.
“The RAs were given an update about the rapist yesterday and it seems the guy was a former student who’d dropped out a few years ago. He now works at the Anheuser-Busch plant in town and that’s probably why he kept attacking girls on this campus. It’s probably also how he knew so much about the campus and was able to blend in and get away.”
“Yeah, but don’t you think it’s kind of odd that he works for Anheuser-Busch and was wearing Colorado Rockies apparel?”
“Why do you say that?” Barry asked.
“It’s because the Rockies play their games at Coors field and they’re competing brands of beer.”
“Oh, yeah, that is strange, but he might have been wearing the Rockies gear for that very reason, to throw suspicion away from himself. He might have thought no one would suspect him for that very reason, even if he did fit the description.”
“Yes, you’re probably right. When do you think the case will go to trial?”
“Not for a few months at the earliest, and possibly not for a year or more.”
“Damn, that’s a long time.”
“Yes, it is, but campus security told us the wheels of justice turn slowly, so that’s most likely what will happen with this case.”
“I guess the wheels of justice do turn very slowly then,” Devin agreed, and then we said goodbye to Barry and headed up to our room.
When we got there, I decided to ask Devin a question. “Now that this is all wrapped up, have you changed your mind about doing something special over spring break?”
“No, I think I’ll stick with my original plan of getting ahead on my studies, catching up on my sleep, and using some of that time to spend with you. And since hardly anyone else will be around, we can make as much noise as we want when we’re making love.”
“Ok, that sounds fine with me, but don’t you think we should stay at the house instead of here?”
“Yeah, you might be right about that.”
Things returned to normal for us until the week before spring break, because on that weekend Devin got a call from Grandpa Isaac. He wasn’t expecting to hear from his grandfather, so we wondered if something was wrong, and Grandpa Isaac asked him to put the phone on speaker so we could both hear what he had to say.
“Ok, what’s up?” Devin asked as soon as we were ready.
“I wanted to let you know that I made a special trip to New Mexico and visited the reservation, since you said Mac is eager to become a skinwalker. I talked to the current shaman and it happens that he is the fourth great-grandson of the shaman who worked with me. After I told him about what his fourth great-grandfather had done for me, he said he believes he can perform the same rituals that I went through on Mac. He said he’s willing to do it, but he’ll have to check the notes about the ceremony to be sure.”
“That’s great!” we both shouted.
“There’s one catch, however,” Grandpa Isaac continued. “If Mac chooses to do this, it will probably take up most, if not all of his summer vacation.”
“Do you mean this summer?” I asked mildly panicked.
“Yes. The shaman said he could do it this summer, but he wasn’t sure if he’d be able to do it at another time, if you wanted to delay the process.”
I was momentarily stunned and didn’t know how to respond. I wanted to do this, but I haven’t had a chance to prepare my parents for the idea that I might not be home this summer.
“Mac, are you still there?” Grandpa Isaac asked.
“Uh, yes, I am. I was just thinking about how I’m going to tell my mom and dad that I won’t be coming home this summer.”
“I know it will be difficult to smooth things over with them, especially since you won’t be able to tell them why you want to do this.”
“Yeah, I’ll have to come up with another explanation to tell them, and it will have to be something they’ll accept and won’t question.”
“Well, let me know if you want to do this, because I told the shaman I’d get back with him after I talked to you. He wants to know ahead of time so he can prepare all of the items he’ll need to do this.”
“Just tell the shaman I want to do it this summer and Devin and I will come up with something I can tell my parents.”
“Ok, then I’ll leave him a message to let him know. He gave me the phone number of a person that lives in the nearby town and has a landline, and the man is willing to take occasional messages for him.”
“I’m glad you have a way to contact him now so you don’t have to drive there.”
“Yes, that is a big help. Jacob and I had originally been planning to spend a few weeks this summer taking you boys hunting for treasure, because Devin told us you are interested in doing that as well, but we’ll just have to do it another time.”
“Yes, especially if the treasure is gold, silver or precious jewels.”
“I’m not sure if I can arrange that, but I have an idea for another type of treasure hunt, so I’ll get this set up with the shaman first, and then we can talk about the other later. I’ll also find out exactly when the shaman wants us to be there and when you might finish your training. Devin, are you planning on going with us to the reservation, because you probably won’t be allowed to be with Mac while he’s in training.”
“Yes! I at least want to be there for moral support. That way Mac will know I’m around, and maybe the shaman will allow us to do some things with him.”
“Possibly, but don’t count on it. We may not see him at all while he’s in training.”
“I don’t care. I still want to be there for Mac.”
“That’s fine, as long as you understand the situation.”
As soon as the call ended, I looked at Devin and made a comment. “Now we’re going to have to go home for spring break so I can tell my parents about this, because it’s not something I want to do on a phone call. But you’ve got to help me come up with a reason about why I won’t be home this summer.”
“Ok. Do you have any ideas?”
“No, that’s why I need your help.”
Devin and I then started brainstorming about different possibilities of things I could tell my parents.
“I’m glad you’re going to give them advance warning about this so we don’t catch them by surprise. They might be planning something they can do with us this summer and we don’t want to screw up their plans or cost them money by having to cancel things.”
“Yeah, I never thought about that, but I don’t think they would have done more than talk about it yet. They definitely wouldn’t have made any reservations or bought any tickets yet, at least I don’t think so, but I’d better call them just in case.”
My mom answered, but I wanted to talk to both of my parents at the same time.
“Mom, Devin’s here with me and we want to talk to you and Dad at the same time, so have him join you and then put the phone on speaker.” As soon as they were both there, I began to explain the reason I called.
“I know I hadn’t planned on doing this, but I’ll be coming home over spring break. Devin will be with me, because we have something to talk to you about.”
“Can’t you just tell us about it over the phone?” my dad asked.
“No, I want to do this in person, because I’m going to need your input and it would be better to do it face-to-face.”
“It’s too late for us to take any time off from work that week, so we’ll only be home with you after we get home from work.”
“I know, but we’ll also have the weekend, as well as each night after you get home, if we need more time.”
“I don’t know what the big mystery is all about,” my mom stated, “but I hope it’s nothing bad.”
“No, it’s nothing like that. We’re not dropping out of school or running off to get married or doing anything as drastic as that. It’s just an opportunity that has come up and I want to see what you think about it.”
“Ok, then we’ll see you boys when you get here. Do you know when that will be?”
“Either on Friday night or early Saturday when spring break starts.”
“And when is that?”
“We’ll be there on April 9th or 10th.”
“Ok, just drive carefully.”
“Don’t worry, we will.”
As soon as the call ended, Devin had an odd expression on his face. He could tell I had something on my mind, because I’ve seen that look before.
“What have you come up with?” he asked.
“I’m going to use my parents’ own words to convince them.”
“What do you mean by that? I’m sure they’ve never said anything about wanting you to be away for an entire summer before.”
“No, but they made comments to my brother and sister when they were in college, and now I’ll use what they told my siblings to get them to agree to let me do this.”
“I hope you know what you’re doing, because you’ve already told Grandpa Isaac to let the shaman know that you’ll be there.”
“I know, and I will, one way or another. Do you plan on going to the cabin to spend time with your parents as well?”
“They won’t be expecting me, so I’ll just spend the week with you. I promise not to get involved in your conversations with your parents, but I’ll be there for moral support.”
“And they might be more agreeable if they know you’re going to do it with me. Will you be able to tell them that your parents have agreed to let you do this?”
“Yes. I’ll call Grandpa Isaac and have him tell my dad what we’ll be telling your parents, and then my dad can tell my mom. She’ll take it better if it’s just the two of them when they talk about it. I guess it means our families won’t be getting together for the Fourth of July again this year.”
“Why not? We can still arrange for our parents to get together for the holiday, as long as you tell your parents the story we’re going to tell my mom and dad. That way they won’t make any mistakes when they’re with my parents.”
“Ok, then if you get your parents to agree to this and there’s still time, then I’ll go spend a couple of days with my parents so I can tell them the same story you told your parents. It will also give me a chance to let them know you’re parents are still expecting them for the Fourth of July, as long as they agree.”
“Yeah, that will work out well.”
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you.
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