Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you.
Don't Blame The Band - 12. Musical Progress and Relationship Status
Wednesday November 16
"Pete. Michelle."
"Hi Michelle. How are you?"
"Doing well, yourself?"
"Awesome. Assuming you have good news for me."
"Awesome it is then. I've finished my review, along with some back and forth with Bill Arnold. I'm waiting for his feedback on one final point. I should have that probably tomorrow. I'll let you know for sure, but I should be at Garson's either Friday or Saturday night with two contracts for you guys to sign."
"One for sure, and a second if it's something you want. I talked to my boss, and he doesn't have a problem with me handling you guys officially, so I drew up a standard management contract. That way anything that comes up with Atlantic, they'll be able to come straight to me, make things go quicker. Obviously, there's some Wheeler, Prince, and Smith overhead in addition to the fees for my services. No pressure to sign on with us officially, but I have a feeling you guys would want a more formal artist/manager agreement."
"Sounds great to me. I doubt there will be much of a problem from the rest of the guys, as long as those fees seem reasonable. And I don't expect you to, pardon the terminology, screw us."
"Ha ha. No. I wouldn't try to take advantage of you guys. It's actually the firm's minimum percentage for this kind of service. Personally, I don't think it will take up too much of my time, you guys are pretty independent, so I was able to get the boss to agree to the minimum. 5% overall and half of that is mine."
"Works for me. I'll give the guys a heads-up tonight and let you know if there's any push back. Like I said, I don't expect any."
"Great. I'll let you know when I'll be in town, and we'll dot the i's and cross the t's. I even have your first booking lined up for next June."
"Really? We probably won't have anything out by then except maybe a single."
"That's OK. It'll be a by invitation only event. My wedding."
"Sweet. Congratulations. So, you finally set a date?"
"Yep. Saturday June 17. You guys will be playing my reception. If you want, that is. When you played 'Whiter Shade of Pale' last week, it pretty much clinched it for me. You guys did such a great job. If you can bring a copy of the demo tape you gave to Atlantic when I'm there, I want to play a few of your songs for Anton. I have one in mind for our first dance, but I obviously want to run it past him."
"Oh, man. No way. Really? That's so fucking awesome. Oops. Sorry about the language."
"No problem. I think I've heard it once or twice and said it a few dozen times myself."
"I find that a little hard to believe."
"Fuckin' believe it."
"Ha ha. You're a piece of work Michelle. I gotta grab dinner before heading to rehearsal. I'll see you on the weekend."
"Yes, you will. Bye."
I'm not sure, but I think I'm even happier Michelle wants to use one of our songs, my songs, for her first dance than even signing with Atlantic. I can't wait to tell the guys all the news.
"God, Pete, you're happy. Were you at Ant's before you came here? I'm only ever that happy after I get laid."
"Jerking off isn't getting laid Rich."
"You jerk. Really, what's got you floating?"
"Looks like Gabe's buying the pizza tonight. I'll let you all know once he gets here. That is if I don't burst first."
"Don't do that. We just put in a new carpet. I don't want blood and guts everywhere."
"I'll try my hardest to stay in one piece David. It looks good by the way."
"Thanks. Ah, here comes tonight's pizza boy."
"Yeah, yeah. I'm late. I know it. I had to drop Rob and Tyler off somewhere. Their backup chauffer's phone was busy, Pete."
"Fine, I'll split the pizza cost with you. I have some awesome news."
"Must be, you're as happy as I am after I get laid."
"What is it with you guys and getting laid?"
"You think you and Ant are the only ones with a sex life?"
"OK, Gabe. This is band happy, not sex happy. So, I spoke to Michelle earlier. She's done with her review of the contract. She's just waiting for feedback from Bill Arnold on one minor detail. She hopes to be here with the contract for us to sign one night this weekend."
"That's awesome Pete."
"Awesome #1 only, Eddie. Number 2 is that she'll also be bringing a management contract. So, she can act as our manager and Atlantic can deal directly with her, speed up some of the processes. That is if we want her to. Obviously, something we all need to agree on."
"How much will that cost? I've heard managers get something like 15%."
"She negotiated with her boss for firm minimum, 5%, Rich."
"Whoa. Sounds like she really wants to work with us. I doubt we could get a better deal anywhere else. At least with anybody qualified."
"Agreed David. Number 3..."
"There's more? Shit, no wonder you were so happy."
"Yeah, there's more Eddie. She has us booked, again, if we want, to an invitation only event in June."
"Invitation only. Sounds expensive."
"Probably not Ant. And it's kind of bad news for the straight guys. It's her wedding."
"You're breaking my heart, Pete."
"I know Rich. But some day you'll find the right guy. Anton's spoken for."
"Fuck you."
"Number 4..."
"Holy shit, it keeps getting better."
"This is the last, Gabe. She didn't say which, but she wants to use one of our songs as their first dance song. She asked if we could bring a copy of the demo tape so she can run it past Anton."
"You mean like our songs, the ones we wrote?"
"Yes Ant. I figured you'd like that one as much as I did."
"I have a copy, but no real good way to copy it."
"No problem, Eddie, I'll ask Tyler in school tomorrow. He has the master, and the equipment to dub a good copy."
"So, let me get this straight. We'll be officially signed with Atlantic. We have Foreigner's Mick Jones as our producer. We're making an album with our own music, mostly, plus we can possibly cover 'Cold as Ice.' We have a beautiful woman as our manager, if we agree. We're booked in our first official gig, her wedding. And she wants one of our songs for their first dance. Wake me up. I'm fucking dreaming. On second thought, don't wake me. I want to enjoy this longer."
"Pretty good summary David."
"So, I guess we have two things to decide on. First, do we agree we'll want Michelle as our manager, officially?"
Mostly everybody answers Eddie's question yes.
"Only if you guys promise not to drool all over her every time she's around."
"Funny Ant. Drooling is a reflex. Just like breathing."
"Yeah, it is for you Rich. Ha ha. But yeah, I agree too."
"Secondly, do we want to play her wedding?"
"Free food and we get paid at the same time? Hell yeah!"
We all agree with David too.
"OK. Let's play. We have a show in two days."
"That's why you're the boss Ed. You're a slave driver."
"Who are you calling a slave, Gabe?"
"Sorry Rich. In deference to the black dude, Eddie's our taskmaster."
"That's better."
With that, we rehearse our southern rock set, hitting 'Flirtin' With Disaster' twice to make sure we're ready with it. We decide we're going to open the show Friday with it.
I go hang out with Ant for a while after rehearsal. We're both pretty keyed up and spend almost the whole time together trying to convince ourselves it's all real. Since we have school in the AM, we settle for making out for a little while, figuring we'll celebrate our good fortune properly Saturday night. We'd love to make love more often, but school and the band responsibilities have priority. We both feel a couple times a week is good enough for now.
Thursday November 17
"Hi Ty."
"Hey Pete. How goes it?"
"Awesome, you?"
"The same. Rob and I are official now. How do you like my ring?"
"Whoa, that's nice. What is that, ruby?"
"No, garnet. My birthstone."
"Very nice. And I bet Rob has a ruby one, almost matching."
"Good guess. His birthstone."
"Shit. Ant and I never did anything like that. Hmm. Saturday's the five-month anniversary of the first time we, um, hooked up. We may have to go shopping. Can't let the rookies show us up."
"Congrats, I guess."
"Hey, I have a favor to ask. Michelle Exton, who's been the band's lawyer whenever the need arises, wants a copy of the demo tape so she and her fiancé can pick one of our songs for their wedding."
"That's so cool. Sure, I can make one tonight and pop it over to your house after."
"She'll be coming to one of the shows this weekend so we can sign Atlantic's contract. How about I let you know when I do, which one, and you can give it to her yourself. I'd love for you to meet her."
"Sure, just let me know. I'll see if Rob wants to come along too. You may have to give us a ride."
"No problem. We're also going to be the band for her wedding."
"Shit's really coming together for you guys. That's great."
"Thanks. I'll give you a call later if I hear from Michelle."
"K, have a good rest of the day."
"For sure, I'll be floating on all the recent good news for days. See ya."
Michelle calls after school. She got the updated contract from Bill today and will bring it to the show tomorrow night. I told her the guys all agreed to her being our manager. She said she can't notarize that one since she's signing it too, but will bring a colleague from work, one of their paralegals is a notary and likes country rock. Everything's coming together so well, I'm getting nervous the bottom is going to drop out somewhere along the line. As soon as I hang up with Tyler, giving him the word about tomorrow night, the phone rings again.
"Hi. Pete?"
"Yes. Hi detective Weston."
"I bet you never expected to recognize a policeman's voice before."
"No, can't say that was on my bucket list."
"Well. I'm sorry to say, you'll probably never hear from me again. The Scott brothers had such a long list of charges, they were going away for life anyway, so even though they insisted they didn't do it, they pleaded to murder 2 on the warehouse fire killings so they wouldn't get the needle. What a surprise, right? A criminal insisting they didn't commit a crime. Anyway, everything's settled with your case and the soft connection to this case. I know this will sound weird, but it was a pleasure working with you. You're mature beyond your years."
"Thanks. You were pretty nice to us, we appreciate all your hard work."
"Like we say, all part of the job."
"Hey, can I ask you about another case? You probably can't say much, but the Marco Rossi case. How's that going?"
"Why would you want to know that?"
"Oh, my boyfriend is Anthony Rossi, Marco's nephew. Just curious, I don't like to bring it up around him."
"Ah. Well, you probably know Carlo, I guess Anthony's father, was released. The rest of them, looks like they'll all be going away for a while on the drug charges."
"Thanks. Kind of figured that would be the case, but like I said. It's a touchy subject for Anthony."
"You're welcome. Well, you be good. Don't give me a reason to re-enter your life."
"I'll try. And thanks again detective."
"You're welcome. Goodbye."
Well, I guess that worked out as well as it could have. The Scotts admitted, reluctantly apparently, that they did the warehouse fire. Case closed. Too bad about Ant's uncle and cousins, but like Ant said, they were bound to get caught sooner or later.
Friday November 18
I stop at Tyler's to pick up him and Rob on the way to the show. Before we get into my car, Tyler stops to ask a question.
"Um, Pete. We made love for the first time this afternoon, but we're still horny. You think we can do a 69 in your back seat on the way to Garson's?"
"TMI, but congrats. I bet you wouldn't be asking that if one of your mom's was driving you?"
"Uh, you're right. Sorry, we just thought maybe you wouldn't mind."
"No worries. Just keep your butts below the windows. We don't need to be stopped by a cop while you're doing it. I hope there's enough room back there for you."
"We'll be fine. We're both kind of small."
"More TMI."
"Not small like that, jerk. Well, you know how small I am that way."
"Yeah Rob. But I knew what you meant."
I have a 1980 Monte Carlo. It's a 2-door, so the back seat isn't very large. Unfortunately, I have to listen to them the whole way there, plus I can't keep myself from looking a couple times. Hey, I'm gay. Naked or half-naked guys in my back seat? I'm gonna look. Another unfortunate result of my being nice is a raging hard-on by the time we get to Garson's. They head to their table and I head to the men's room when we get there. It's a good thing it's Friday and not Saturday. Jerking off before going to Ant's tomorrow night would not be cool. Just my luck, one of the stalls is taken. I hope whoever's in the other one doesn't hear too well. Hope fails me.
"Hey, I'll help you with that if you want."
"Uh, I'm good. Thanks."
Actually, him just saying that helped. My boner disappeared in record time. I pull my pants up and leave before he finishes whatever it is he's doing. I see Michelle walking in with another young woman as I'm heading to the storeroom. They're going to get an awful lot of testosterone-laced attention tonight. Michelle's attractive, even a gay man would admit that. But her colleague could have me thinking I'm bisexual again. She's tall, coffee colored skin, long black hair and dressed in a navy blue business suit that accentuates all of her curves. I'm not the only one staring. I look around and find Hank.
"Hey Hank."
"Hi Pete. What's up?"
"You see those two ladies that just walked in?"
"Do I look blind to you?"
"Ha ha. That's our lawyer and her colleague. Can you kind of keep an eye on them, make sure they don't get hit on by half the crowd?"
"Gladly. They single, you think?"
"Great, you're as horny as the rest of them. The light-haired one is engaged. I don't know about the other one."
"I'm just kidding. I look too long at another woman and somehow my wife knows. Regardless of where she is. You got it."
"Thanks. And you might need to hose Rich down once we get on stage."
"Yeah. He does have a wandering eye. Although it'd be hard for any guy to not notice her. No pun intended. Pam brought them up front, she must have remembered your lawyer friend. Have a good show."
I walk into the storeroom after nodding to Michelle and her co-worker. Unfortunately, Rich is walking in a little behind me.
"Hey Pete, who's the fox with Michelle?"
"One of their paralegals. She came along to notarize the management contract. Be a good boy, huh?"
"I will. But I think I'm in love."
"The word you're thinking of is lust."
I glance back at them before I close the storeroom door. Michelle's friend is looking at us with a similar expression as Rich. I see her whisper something to Michelle, who is facing me more. I could swear Michelle said 'Rich' if my lip-reading skills are accurate. Showtime!
"Hello Garson's!"
"Y'all all ready to rock?"
They are. Rich is focused enough on music to kick off 'Flirtin' With Disaster' and the show begins. Last week's announcements that we're signing with Atlantic must have made the rounds. The place is packed again. The slowly shrinking crowds are no more. They're large, loud, and happy. Of course that makes us happy too. A happy band plays well. And we did. After we finish 'Free Bird' we get another standing ovation. It's actually been a while for that. The crowd had gotten used to us I guess, but tonight, we were firing on 12 cylinders like a Jaguar XJS and the audience noticed. I wave our four guests to the storeroom with us as we leave the stage. When they get in there, Rich and Michelle's friend can't take their eyes off each other.
"Hi Michelle. I have someone I want you to meet. This is Tyler Watkins. He made the demo tape for us. I asked him to make another copy for you, that way you'd get a high quality version."
"Hi Tyler. Thanks. You work for Atlantic now, right?"
"Hi Michelle. Yes, how did you know?"
"Bill Arnold had good things to say about you."
"Really? Wow, thanks. Anyway, here's your tape and congratulations on your upcoming wedding."
"Thanks for both. Melanie Baker, the band. Pete Daggett, who I've told you about. Eddie and David Nash, Gabe Romano, Anthony Rossi, and the guy you've been staring at all night is Rich Larkin."
"Pleased to meet you all. Was I that obvious?"
"You were, but I was staring right back at you. God, you're gorgeous."
"Um. Thanks. You're quite handsome yourself."
"I hate to break up the love fest, but we have some business. And not to leave him out, Rob Romano. Gabe's cousin and Tyler's..."
"Boyfriend. Nice meeting you."
"Same here. You two look good together."
Now that all the introductions were done, Michelle takes the contracts out of her valise for us all to look over one more time. She points out the changes she and Bill agreed on, nothing seems off the wall so we all sign and Michelle notarizes it. Since Melanie doesn't know us, we all break out our IDs as we're signing the management contract so she can notarize it as well. I guess it's not really official until the contract is in Atlantic's hands, but we're all really hyped up.
"We'll make you all copies of these in the office tomorrow. I plan on running the Atlantic contract over to them myself afterward."
"I'll bring your copies back tomorrow night. I want to catch your other show."
"Thanks Melanie."
"You're welcome Eddie."
"Um, Melanie. Would you like to have dinner with me before the show tomorrow?"
"I'd love to Rich. Thank you."
"Maybe I can buy you a drink now too?"
"That'd be nice. But I think I may need to buy it myself."
"Yeah, I get it. Shall we?"
Melanie and Rich head out to the bar to get their drinks. I figure I'll be a nice guy and bring Rich's guitars and amp back here for him. He's lost in love land and forgot all about packing up.
"They hit it off quick. How old is Melanie, Michelle?"
"She's 20, going to law school at Seton Hall, Pete."
"I think Rich just turned 19. Close enough I suppose. Seton Hall. She must be smart."
"She is. Completed her undergraduate degree in three years. Going to law school part-time, but taking a heavier course load than most part-time students. She's my protégé, but she'll bypass me in no time. OK, I need to be heading out. I need to check with Melanie. I was supposed to drive her back to Newark, but I'm going to guess I'm not needed for that anymore. He he."
"Have a good night. And thanks for the contract work, as usual, good job."
"You're welcome Eddie. Nite all."
The rest of us head back out to the stage to store our equipment. I can't help but glance toward the bar. Rich and Melanie have their hands locked together on the bar, talking quietly and staring deep into each other's eyes. Damn, they fell hard. But I'm really glad for Rich. He may be crass at times around us, but deep down, he's a really nice guy. As we're separating, I ask Ant if he wants to follow me home since I have to drive Tyler and Rob back. Of course he says yes. I interrupt Rich and Melanie to let him know his guitars are put away. Hopefully it registered. After I drop them off and we get to my house, Ant and I head to my family room.
"I have to tell you, I'm horny tonight Ant. Tyler and Rob had a 69 in my car on the way to Garson's. I lost my boner when some douchebag heard me starting to jerk off in the bathroom and asked if he could help. I got out of there as fast as I could. Then seeing Rich hit it off with Melanie, I really need you tonight."
"Did you get a good look at Ty and Rob?"
"Yeah, a few. It was hot. Did you notice their rings?"
"Yeah, I guess they're official now?"
"Yeah, they told me they made love for the first time this afternoon. Let's go shopping for rings tomorrow? But first, I need you right now."
"Why do we still have clothes on then?"
We answered that question by stripping each other and having a frenzied lovemaking session. I made love to Ant both before and after he made love to me. It was amazing. We laid together on the pull-out couch, kissing and talking quietly.
"I think your parents had to have heard us tonight."
"Probably. I'll have to apologize tomorrow, but they're cool with us being lovers. Hey, you haven't been over for dinner lately, want to come Sunday? I'll see if mom will make lasagna for you."
"Tempt me with lasagna, huh? Lasagna and you. How can I turn down that combination?"
"I know you can't."
We kiss some more and then Ant gets dressed to go home. I really want him to spend the night, but that would be pushing my parent's tolerance a bit too far. I'll be spending tomorrow night with him, so I can wait.
Sunday November 20
Last night's show was packed again. 'Cold as Ice' and 'Double Vision' go over real well. The crowd had a good time again. Ant and I had a real good time after the show as well.
It's mid-afternoon and Ant shows up, but he's not alone at the door.
"Terry!!!! Wow, it's great to see you. Who'd you bring along?"
"Hmmm. I thought you knew him. He said something about a boyfriend living here. He can't mean you. He's too good looking for you."
"Hands off the merchandise or I'll tell Marcy. And get in here you two."
Terry or not, I'm giving Ant a kiss hello. Terry's behind Ant now and gives me a thumbs up.
"Mom, dad. I let a couple strangers in. They looked hungry."
"Strangers, huh? I'll get you back for that one lil' bro."
Mom's probably working on the lasagna, so dad gets to us first.
"Welcome again Anthony. I see you've met our other son."
"Yeah, the front porch introduced us."
"And Terry, I thought Marcy was coming too?"
"She'll be here in a couple hours. Her flight this morning got canceled, so she's catching a ride on another one. Should be landing soon."
"His girlfriend's a flight attendant, Ant."
"That would have been my second guess, after Air Force pilot."
"Always the comedian."
Mom makes it out of the kitchen, so we all sit in the living room for a while. I catch Terry up with everything that's happened lately.
"Wow. My lil' bro, a real live rock star. Congrats kid. I'm happy for you. You've always liked singing. Nice to see it's paying off for you."
"Thanks. How's splitting atoms going for you?"
"Splitting atoms?"
"He's joking Ant. I'm actually a Chemical Engineer. Do more combining than splitting, working for a pharmaceutical."
"Sounds cool."
Another little while passes, mom's back in the kitchen and Marcy shows up.
"Come on in hon."
Terry and Marcy kiss hello. Looks like they're getting pretty serious. I was about to find out how right that guess was. We're sitting around the dining room table and Terry says they have an announcement.
"Mom, dad, we're getting married."
"Congratulations. When's the big day?"
"Don't have one set yet, mom, but we're looking at early September."
"I'll have to check with our manager, maybe we can play at your wedding too big bro."
"Only if we can get the family discount. You're signed with a real record company; they may have something to say about that."
"I guess. I hope we're not touring by then. Even if we don't play, I wouldn't want to miss it."
"Plenty of time to work out schedules."
Monday November 21
Tyler finds me in the cafeteria, as usual.
"Hey Pete."
"Hi Tyler. What's up?"
"I got a message from my boss yesterday. Zach wanted to know if you guys could come in between tomorrow and Thursday evening. Mick's going to be in town this week and since they got the signed contract back Saturday, he wants you all in the studio."
"I'm sure we can make it one of those days. Let me bounce it off the guys tonight and I'll give you a call when I get home."
"That'll be cool. I can let Zach know tomorrow then. If for some reason I'm not home yet, you can leave a message with my mom and I'll call you back."
"You got it. Everything still going well there?"
"Yeah. I usually spend the first hour or so in the studio with Zach, then spend a little while doing menial tasks. Emptying trash, restocking the assorted refrigerators, making copies, mostly of sheet music, for the artists. The grunt work is a pain, but the time in the studio makes it worthwhile. Sometimes I sit at my desk, just waiting to be asked to do something."
"That must be boring."
"It would be, but they let me read a book or industry magazines during any down time. It's the same $50 per night whether they're running me ragged or I sit on my butt half the night. Ragged is a lot more common though."
"I bet it's usually dark when you get out. Walking through Newark scary at night?"
"A little. Don't tell anybody, but I carry a little knife, just in case. I'd show it to you, but if anybody knew I had it in school, I'd lose it and get suspended."
"Mum's the word. OK, have a good rest of the day and a good night at work."
The guys all agree that tomorrow may be too short notice so we'll go into the studio on Wednesday, and do Friday's songs tonight. Not a huge departure from the norm. I got home a little after 9:00 and gave Tyler a call.
"Hey Tyler. Pete. Wow, you sound nervous; or scared."
"Yeah. You think you can come over for a while, I really need to talk to somebody about something, face-to-face and Rob won't be able to come over."
"Yeah, I can be there in a few."
I tell my parents Tyler needs some help with something, not a complete lie, and I'll be back in a little while.
"Thanks for coming so quick Pete. Come in."
I follow Tyler into his bedroom and he closes the door.
"Mom might be home any minute and I don't want her to hear any of this."
"Sounds serious."
"It is. Very serious."
"OK, go ahead, tell me what's up."
"I, um, fuck, I don't want to say this out loud now. I think I may have killed someone on my way to the bus tonight."
"What? How?"
"Remember the knife I mentioned at lunch?"
"Somebody jumped me when I was walking to the bus station. They told me to give them my wallet. I guess they saw a smaller kid and decided I was an easy target. I pretended to reach for my wallet, pulled out the knife instead and surprised the guy. I got him right in the stomach with the first stab."
"First. How many more were there?"
"Um, I think three. He was fighting for the knife and I got him in the side a couple times. While I was still struggling with him, the knife slashed across his throat. I don't know how I didn't get blood all over me. After that, he was still. I got up and ran. When I passed a streetlight, I saw my right hand was bloody, but I wasn't cut. I kept it in my hoodie, under my jacket the whole way home. I don't know what to do."
"You probably should have looked for a cop. Or a phone to call 9-1-1."
"Finding a cop might have been impossible, I was just too scared to do anything other than come home."
"Couldn't go back to the studio?"
"No. They were locking up when we left."
"Shit, Ty. I'd still say call the police. Do you remember where you were?"
"Yeah, pretty much. Just around the corner from the studio. I don't want to go to jail."
"Calm down. It sounds like self-defense to me."
"Yeah, but I bet the knife is illegal."
"You could always say it was his, he dropped it in the struggle and you grabbed it first."
"Yeah, but... I'm a terrible liar. Plus it would only have my fingerprints on it."
"You said you struggled with him. Is it possible he at least touched it?"
"Yeah, that's how he got it in the side. He wrapped his hand around mine and the knife, so it's pretty likely he got his hand on it."
"Do you still have the knife?"
"Yeah. It's under the trash in my garbage pail there."
Tyler lifts the papers up that are covering the knife. I guess it's sharp, but it's tiny. Not really any bigger than a pocketknife. Biggest difference is it's only one blade.
"OK, leave it there. I don't think it's big enough to be illegal. I think the blade needs to be over 4" long. It looks like about 2."
"Yeah, 2 and a half actually."
"Let's call the local cops, they'll come out, make a report. Take the knife and contact Newark police to investigate. I think if you're honest about what happened, you'll be OK."
"Tyler, honey, is that you yelling?"
"(Quietly) Shit, mom's home."
"Yeah mom. I'll be right down."
"That's good, she'd need to be here when that talked to you."
"Why, I'm already 18, remember?"
"Oh, yeah. Well, you gotta tell her anyway. If the cops show up she's going to wonder why. I think it's best to get out in front of it."
"I hope you're right."
We head into the kitchen where Mrs. Watkins is.
"Oh Hi Pete. I didn't know anybody was he... Tyler, what happened, you're as white as a ghost?"
Tyler looks at me.
"I think he's a little too upset to talk. I'll tell you what I know. Tyler was attacked on the way to the bus station tonight."
"I knew I didn't want him walking through Newark at night."
"I need to say more. Please, don't jump to any conclusions yet?"
"OK, continue."
"Tyler's been carrying a little knife with him. He had to use it to protect himself."
"Oh, my God. Are you hurt Tyler, is that why you're so pale, you're bleeding?"
I know I'll piss her off if I try to get her back on track, because I won't be nice about it. I say as calmly as I can:
"Please. Just listen?"
"I'm sorry."
"That's OK, I understand your concern. No, Tyler's not hurt, he's pale because he's scared shitless. He thinks he may have killed the guy. I was trying to convince him to call the cops when you got home, but he's afraid he might go to jail."
"It will be a lot worse if they discover what happened and end up coming asking questions. I think that's the way to go too."
"I think we should call the local cops and let them interface with Newark. If we're really lucky, one of the two detectives who worked on my assault will be on call tonight."
"OK. Are you comfortable calling and talking to whomever?"
"Yeah, I don't think Tyler's in any condition at the moment. Can you make him a tea, or coffee or whatever warm drink he takes?"
"Sure, how about a tea Tyler?"
He barely nods, but it's enough of a positive indication. Mrs. Watkins puts on the water for tea and I head to the phone. I dial 4-1-1 to get the non-emergency number.
"Red Bank police, sergeant Adamson speaking. How can I direct your call?"
"Are detectives Lizst or Weston in this evening."
"Yes they are. I'll transfer you."
"Detective Lizst speaking, how may I help you?"
"Hi detective Lizst. It's Pete Daggett."
"Hi Pete, what can I do for you?"
"A friend of mine ran into a little trouble tonight and we're not sure how to handle it."
"Mind if I put you on speaker? Detective Weston is here too."
"Yeah, that's fine. I'll do the same here."
I hear Lizst talking to Weston quietly before enabling the speakerphone.
"OK, I passed on what you told me so far. What exactly happened?"
"My friend, Tyler Watkins was walking from where he works at Atlantic Studios in Newark, to the bus station when he was jumped by someone who demanded he hand over his wallet."
"Is Tyler there? Why are you telling the story?"
"He's awfully shook up detective Weston. After going through it once with me, trying to figure out what to do, I guess he's a little in shock."
"OK, continue."
"So Tyler makes likes he's reaching for his wallet, but insteads pulls out a small knife he carries, just in case."
"How small?"
"He said the blade is 2 1/2 inches."
"OK, no problem there, continue."
"In the struggle, he stabbed his assailant four times. The last one he believes caught the guy in the throat. He wasn't moving and Tyler got scared and ran. He called me when he got home, not knowing what to do."
"How old is your friend?"
"And where exactly did he say this occurred?"
"Around the corner from Atlantic Studios. It's on MLK Boulevard."
"And is where you're calling from a good callback number?"
"Yes, it's Tyler's home phone."
"OK. Sit tight, we'll call Newark, see what, if anything, they know about this, worst case send a car to the scene. And we'll get back you you as soon as we can."
"Thanks detectives. I hoped going through you would be a good choice."
"Maybe not the best course of action, which would have been to contact Newark police right away, but far better than sitting on the information."
I hang up the phone and imediately call home. I'm obviously going to be here a while. I explain the situation to my dad. He said I was right to stay with my friend. Then we waited for the callback. About a half hour later, the doorbell rings. Tyler panics thinking they've come to arrest him, and locks himself in his room. Mrs' Watkins shows the police in. She had put on a pot of coffee for herself and offers one to the detectives, who gladly accept.
"Where is Tyler?"
"He ran to his room, thinking you came to arrest him."
"At this point we just want to question him. Mrs. Watkins, would you mind going to get him?"
"Of course, we'll be right back."
"Pete, how much of what he told you do you believe?"
"All of it. I've only known Tyler to get into any trouble once, and that was drinking too many beers at home once when he was upset. He's missing three fingers and half his left hand. He'd never do anything like this except in desperation."
"OK, thanks."
Tyler is following his mom back in the kitchen, but hides behind her. He looks so much smaller than he actually is.
"Hello Tyler. I'm detective Lizst, this is my partner detective Weston. We just need to hear your side of the story."
"It's e-e-exactly h-h-how Pete t-t-told you on t-the phone."
"Did you notice if your attacker was armed?"
"I didn't really notice a-anything. H-he jumped out o-of the shadows, stood over me, said give me your wallet. I just reacted, pulled out the knife and it hit him in the stomach. I wasn't even trying to. I was really only h-hoping to scare him a-away."
"The Newark police said the man was about 6 foot 2, so he would have been quite a bit larger than you. You were very lucky son. If you hadn't gotten him first, you'd likely be dead. He had a gun in his waistband, behind his back."
We're all speechless. Tyler's mom is first to ask the question we all want to ask, but are afraid to.
"So, is Tyler in any trouble?"
"That depends. Can we see the knife?"
"I'll go get the garbage pail he threw it in."
I come back with the pail, the detectives had put on latex gloves and started removing papers until the knife was visible.
"The knife is legal, but since it was used in an assault, we'll need to take it."
"Take it, please. I don't ever want to look at it again."
"The M.E. in Newark will use it to match the wounds in the deceased's body. The Newark PD will meet with the D.A.'s office after we share your story. We can't make any promises, but considering the circumstances, and your disability, I'd find it hard to believe they'll bring charges against you.
Next up - "First Official Recording Session, Tyler the Knife, and Holidays"
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