Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you.
Elemental - 2. Elemental 2
The moment Dante was seated in the car, he pulled out his phone. “Albert. I need you to try and locate my sister by any means necessary.”
“Oh joy. I live for the relentless quest of keeping tabs on her, sir. Anything else?”
“She’s supposedly dating a wind bender named Hudson. I don’t know if that’s first or last.”
“So she’s in a slumming-it phase again I see.”
“Apparently. We’re heading to her apartment. I’ll be home after that. Has she made any attempt to get in touch with me over the last month?”
“Very good, sir. I’m sending one of the teams to meet you there.” Keys tapping could be heard in the background. “She hasn’t called for approximately six weeks, sir.”
“I must be getting predictable. You and Dino are anticipating my actions and needs tonight.”
“Don’t we always, sir? I’ve worked for you for how many years? In all that time, I would hope I’ve learned your moods and to know what you’re thinking.” There was a brief silence. “Do you really believe it could be her?”
“I don’t know. The time frame fits. Charlotte said she hadn’t heard from Mia in a month or so. Between that and a wind bender being involved, I have to suspect. The report from the wolves described a woman in her forties or fifties. That part doesn’t match up, so with luck it isn’t her. If it was though, part of me wants those Americans dead.” Dante let out a heavy sigh. “After chewing out everyone on the video conference, it will really suck if it is my own sister we’re looking for.”
“At the very least, the NSW head indicated everyone was accounted for. Obviously, your sister was missed in that count if it’s her. Unless they managed to get a hold of her and you’re needlessly worrying.”
“It’s a loophole, even if you’re correct. I suspect there could be an unfortunate accident affecting a group of Americans happening in the near future.”
The red, armored Mercedes Maybach pulled up to a building adjacent to the Olympic Swimming Pool in North Sydney. A van with six men waited as Dante and his two bodyguards exited the vehicle.
“Follow me.”
“Yes, sir.”
Strolling into the Art Deco lobby, the powerful man fixed his eyes on the doorman at the security desk.
“I need access to the penthouse. Go fetch your boss from the back.”
“Sir, unless you’re a resident–” The guy fell silent under the intense glare he received.
“Perhaps I should point out that I own the building and pay your salary.”
“I’ll, ah, go get my supervisor.”
“Good boy.” He lustfully watched the tight uniform walk away.
A moment later a man in his late fifties with a small triangle tattoo below his left ear emerged from the office. “Mr. Reid. This is an unexpected surprise.” He turned to the much younger doorman. “If you ever see this man again, do whatever he asks without question.”
“Yes, sir.” The twenty-something Fire Elemental in the form-fitting uniform could not help but eye Dante with his own apparent touch of hunger.
“I guess I need to stop by more to, shall we say, interview the staff.”
“You’ll find this one eager to prove his worth, Mr. Reid.”
The doorman nodded like an enthusiastic puppy.
“If I wasn’t busy I’d pursue that now, but I need access to my sister’s apartment.” Dante gave one last glance at the worker. “Think the tenants would object to his uniform being changed to a jockstrap and harness? Though I do like the way you had those trousers tailored to mold to his arse.”
“I’ll get the key. I haven’t seen her in some time, Mr. Reid. I assume she’s traveling?”
“She is.”
The ride in the lift was silent as Dante contemplated various scenarios regarding his sister. Perhaps she was traveling. Maybe she was out having a good time with her current toy or perhaps had already moved on to another. He provided her with a generous allowance to live as she pleased. The woman quickly grew bored with most men she met. The duration and intensity of her interest could be measured by putting a match to a hydrogen balloon. As good as Charlie was to her, after two years and the birth of their child, she sought a divorce and was soon in the arms of another man.
“Let me know when you’re finished and I’ll make sure everything is locked up.” The superintendent turned to leave. “Should I have Jimmy sent up to keep you company while your men search for what they need, sir?”
“Tempting as that offer is, I’ll wait for another night. I’d prefer having him in my own place. It’s so much better equipped for my tastes.”
“And fireproof as I recall when you get someone like him hot and bothered.”
“Yes, and thank you, Theo. You’re still the only human I’ve let in there, and one of five I’ve given the tattoo.” Shifters and humans, on rare occasions, were given the knowledge of the Elementals’ existence. It went to those who held their highest trust and worked exceptionally close with the mythical beings. The Elemental they pledged their service to gave them a tattoo with the symbol of the giver’s particular element.
“For that, I’m eternally honored, sir.” Theo’s smile grew. “I know Jimmy will be to your liking. He’s particularly hot where it most counts.”
Inside the penthouse suite, Dante turned to his men. “I want the apartment searched for anything related to where my sister might be, what she’s been doing, or any way to identify her current boyfriend. All I know is the guy’s name is Hudson.” His eyes briefly glowed. “Speak of any of this with anyone other than me, and you’ll earn my wrath.”
“We’ll get right on it, sir”
He moved to the window, taking in the view of the Harbour Bridge lit up. It was a sight that usually brought him joy, but on that night he felt hollow. For just over two hours Dante sat to watch the team of men work, paced, or looked out different windows. A dull red glow burned in his eyes the entire time.
Dino stood beside his boss, momentarily watching boats move about the bay. “I think you need some type of distraction. The eyes tell me you’re angry, and rightly so. Your shoulders tell me how worried you are.”
“You think I should have had Theo send up that tasty morsel?”
“Can’t say I’d hate the job of strip-searching him first. You know, to make sure he’s not carrying anything to harm you.” The toothy grin was not convincing. “It’s all about your safety, Boss.”
“Mhm.” Dante turned to face the man. “Then why are you getting hard?” He pointed to the visible bulge running down the left pant leg.
“Doing a deep, probing, cavity search to get him prepped so you don’t split him in two is a perk of the job, sir. He did look eager at the prospect.”
“Mr. Reid. We’ve completed our inspection of the apartment. The men found flyers on her desk from, umm, questionable sources at best and emails we’d like to research before providing you details, sir. We’d rather not be wrong on this given your relationship.” One of the men stood uncomfortably. “We’ve also got photos of the pair. His name appears to be Hudson Elmhirst.”
Dante pulled out his phone. “Albert, the name’s Hudson Elmhirst. That sounds familiar but I can’t remember why. They’ll send you his photo shortly.”
“I’ll run the name now, sir. I tried pinging her phone but there’s nothing after she left Sydney. It does seem she was heading south at the time.”
“Thank you. If you haven’t already, get her phone records for the last six months and all texts for that timeframe. Also, pull bank statements. See if that can tell you where she’s been or if she’s still alive. They’re just finishing up here. We’ll be heading home soon.”
The drive between his sister’s and his penthouse was relatively short – only a few kilometers across the harbor – but allowed Dante time to process his thoughts. He tried to convince himself Mia could not be the one he was searching for. Yet the facts of the moment did not bode well for that hope. The woman had been out of contact since before the incident occurred. Still, when she had a new man in her life, she routinely followed her passions and vanished for weeks, if not months.
“We might have a shadow, sir.” The driver was regularly checking his mirrors. “They were down the street from Miss Richard’s and left when we did. If they are following, they’re not particularly subtle.”
“Continue home as normal. I don’t think there will be any reason to deviate. I’m curious if someone else is trying to find Mia.”
“Yes, sir. There appears to be two of them. We should know if they follow us off the expressway.”
“My guess would be thieves targeting a fancy car.” The guard in the front seat unclipped the strap on his holster. “There’s been an increase in carjackings the last couple of months.”
Dino glanced through the back window keeping the target in sight. “I see them. Front one’s a Toyota.”
The two vehicles exited onto York Street behind the red Mercedes and stayed with it when it turned. As the luxury car approached the underpass for the A4, one of their shadows raced past and pulled in front of them, slamming on its brakes. Dante’s driver managed to stop without hitting it. The second car pulled up close behind.
“You said I needed a distraction for my apparent anger. This should be amusing.” Dante knew his grin was wicked.
Masked men jumped out of both cars, pointing handguns at the occupants of the Mercedes.
“Sir, I’ve got enough room to drive us out of this.”
“Get out of the fuckin’ car.” Muffled shouts from one of the gunmen could be heard, his gun pointed at the windshield.
“Those things aren’t high enough caliber to even get through this glass.” The guard in the front accessed their assailant’s capabilities. “All the criminals in this city and we get a quartet of amateurs who look like they’re trying to knock over their first bottle shop.”
“If they fire it might chip the glass or scratch the paint.” The malevolence Dante felt grew. “I think we should do as they say and get out. I’d like to see what they want. It’ll be fun.” He tapped his fist to Dino’s upper arm.
“Oh, Chicago? Prague might be more interesting. How about Berlin? Now that was fun.”
“I missed what you guys did to the robbers in Prague.” The body-man in the front glanced over his shoulders as he held up his hands to the men outside. “Sounded epic, mate.”
One of the gunmen tried opening the driver’s door. He tapped on the window with his pistol when he found it still locked.
“Open if it or I’ll blow your fuckin’ head off.” Another one yelled.
“Yes, Dino. Chicago will do nicely. Toy with them a bit and help society in the long run. No need to go overboard with this lot unless they do. We’re certainly not handing over the Maybach. It was just detailed.” Dante’s anger that had been festering since he suspected his twin had been killed now had a place of focus as he reached for the door handle. The volume of the gunmen increased outside the armored car.
“Oi! Wallet, phone, and the shiny bobs.” The one who appeared to be in charge called out orders. “Sweet ride. Too bad you’re gonna be walkin’ home.”
“Alright. We’ll give you what you want.” Dante tried to sound convincing. “No need to hurt us.” He reached into his jacket pocket for his wallet and phone, holding them in the air.
Three of the gunmen screamed and dropped their pistols. The fourth’s attention shifted from the men he was trying to rob, to his associates, and then to his gun which started to glow red hot. “Fuck.” He dropped it and cradled his burned hand.
“Umm, your car is on fire.” Dante pointed to the vehicle blocking their path. Flames soon erupted from the one behind them as well.
“Forget their stuff, get in the Merc, and let’s get out of here.” As the carjackers made for the Mercedes, they dropped to their knees, grabbing their crotches in obvious agony.
“Hmm. Your skin’s a little red. Were you in the sun too long?” Dante smirked as he stood over the young man, watching as small blisters formed. “Are you okay? You look like you’re in a lot of pain.” He glanced around to see the others in the fetal position while his own men chuckled, the glow of their eyes quickly faded. All four crooks looked as if they had bad sunburns. “Come on, boys. It doesn’t seem like they want the car after all. Something tells me none of them will be fathering children.”
As they drove off, Dino could not help but laugh. “You enjoy it when people try to do things like that. And you were right. How we handled the carjackers in Chicago was appropriate here. They survive but don’t get to pollute the gene pool.”
“Me? Enjoy that? Yeah, you’re damn well right I did. I told you it would be fun and it took the edge off my frustration.” Dante relaxed in the plush, leather seat. “Now I’m horny.”
Dino shook his head. “Would you like me to arrange for one of your regulars or a new guy? Someone in their early to mid-twenties, sir?”
“Let’s go with a regular, Dino. I don’t feel like breaking in someone new.”
“I know not to ask this, but I will anyways. Are you okay, boss?”
Dante was silent for several seconds. “Mixed emotions, Dino, but I think so.” He let out a heavy sigh before the corner of his lips ticked up. “Make sure the guy’s athletic. I still need something to distract my thoughts until I have more answers, so he’s going to get a workout.”
“Good morning, sir.” Albert walked into the dining room where Dante sat in a partially opened robe. “Is your toy from last night still in bed or locked in the playroom? Do I need to have someone send him breakfast?”
“I had Dino escort him home when I woke.” He yawned and scratched his crotch causing the robe to open fully. “We were finished, and he seemed like he’d be the clingy type with daddy issues.”
“You’re a billionaire, above average appearance, knows how to make things hot, and gifted in your endowment.” Albert’s eyes dropped to the exposed equipment. “It’s no wonder they hope for a call to return.” He laughed at the eye roll he received. “Hudson Elmhirst is listed in several publications and social media groups as an environmental activist. The name is possibly an alias or he’s a foreigner as he isn’t named in our registry system, but there’s a long history of his activism.
“Fighting the coal and oil industry seems to be his primary focus, though anything that gets him media time draws his attention. He’s led protests here, in other states, and in Canberra advocating for a total ban on mining, oil, or gas exploration. He was regularly just far enough on the fringe to not draw much of the unwanted attention to himself and chase off donors, instead letting others take the fall for what he pushed. The photos with your sister match what’s publicly available, so it is the same person.”
“You couldn’t wait until I finished my tea and brekky before giving me that? It’s been less than twelve hours since her apartment was searched. Don’t you ever sleep?”
“I apologize, sir. What was I thinking? How could I forget you need your morning relaxation time with a hot beverage to unwind from that rigorous and exhausting night of sleep.” Dante’s chief-of-staff barely glanced up from his tablet as sarcasm dripped from his voice.
“Albert, you’re not a computer AI, and I’m not Tony Stark. It’s too early for this.”
“Definitely not. He had a better car collection.” The older-looking man waited patiently.
“Big deal, I didn’t get much sleep. Who wants to do that when you’ve got a college rugby jock in a sling, chained to a bed, tied to a bench, or any of the other furniture he asked to use?”
“At least the fire sprinklers didn’t activate. Or did you shut them off beforehand this time?”
“Get on with it.” He glared at his chief of staff.
“As you please. Given the nature of the investigation, I felt expedience was required to verify what information we have. We correlated the positions where the American Elementals, Mr. Tucker and Mr. Jacobs, worked as best we could and flagged any areas with abnormal fire conditions. Not an easy task when all the conditions in the country were irregular.
“Wireless communications are still spotty at best outside the major cities as it was during the fires, so it’s difficult to ascertain with any certainty where your sister was using that method.” Albert reviewed the information on his tablet. “At the time of the hail storm though, she was in the city, at her apartment.”
“Okay, so she didn’t have anything to do with that fiasco.”
“Correct, sir. That one was entirely the fault of the two Americans. We don’t know about the location of Mr. Elmhirst, but the Wind Benders agree that would likely not be the result of a Torch and Water Spirit going against one of their own. General consensus is the two young men got in over their heads attempting to extinguish the conflagration in unfavorable weather conditions. It was a valiant effort though for two as apparently inexperienced as them. Though they showed great skill in handling some of the other fires to tremendous success.”
“It would be fun to mentor either of them. Training Aiden Jacobs would be particularly entertaining, even if he is a wolf. It’s been a long time since I had a puppy.” Dante reached down and adjusted himself. “I’m trying to be patient and wait for answers before calling for them to be extinguished.”
“Your restraint is commendable. Perhaps you should reach out to them and hear their side of the event.”
“What of the flyers and emails the forensics team mentioned without mentioning?”
“Environmental extremist group propaganda. Some discussed a reclusive billionaire who’s strip mining several areas of the country for coal and other resources and getting richer at the expense of the common man and the natural beauty of the landscape.”
“That’s partially true. I’m an investor in those mines, not the owner. Just like I invest in solar and wind projects. Those people are pissed off regardless of what energy project I support.” Dante downed the rest of his tea. “And the emails?”
“They were corresponding for some time. It started out simple enough with Mia contacting him about something she read about protecting the environment and wanting more information. The nature of their missives started turning romantic around six months ago.” Albert scanned through what was on his tablet. “Some remained merely planning for protests and possible eco-terrorist attacks on companies he felt were damaging the environment. You’d think he was an Earther. Others were love letters and arranging liaisons around their schedules. In the month and a half preceding her possible death, they had become… unfriendly, and several from him were threatening.”
Dante arched an eyebrow.
“As is her nature, your sister appeared to have gone from hot to cold towards him rather quickly. She’d broken things off romantically around three weeks before the Narooma incident and expressed some reservations about his proposed activism. In one of her last messages she wrote this, ‘There isn’t anything more to talk about. We hashed it all out the last time I saw you. I don’t love you and likely never did. The flame has gone out in the passion we shared. As to the things that are important to your work, I can’t participate in what you’re suggesting anymore. I may not like everything he or his companies do, but he’s still my brother. I’ve gone away to think. Please leave me alone and don’t try to find me.’”
A sense of family pride filled him. “Was there a response to that?”
“Yes, sir. That’s when the threats started. A week before the events at Narooma, he pointed out what a beautiful child Charlotte was and it would be unfortunate if anything were to happen. He then demanded a meeting with your sister.”
Dante’s eyes glowed a fierce red.
“Sir, please don’t set fire to the room.” Albert reached for a fire extinguisher. “I just had the carpet and drapes cleaned.”
“I want that man found.” His mood quickly shifted as he realized what Albert had said, and with a chuckle, he crossed his arms as his eyes returned to normal. “Pass the information on to Alice Springs. Nessus and his Earther network has got feelers all over the country. That boy so enjoys his work, but he’s efficient in handling problems. Did Mia’s banking give any picture on what she did or could be doing?”
“I was about to get to that before needing to distract you from redecorating the dining room, again.” Albert had deadpan down to a science. “It seems she rented a cottage in Narooma, a short walk from where the confrontation with the Americans took place. The memo line on the cheque says cottage, and I doubt that amount is for the cheese variety. We were able to reach the man who cashed it – he didn’t appreciate the early call – and he confirmed the description of your sister. That was the final transaction on her account.”
“So she was there.” Dante slumped back into his chair.
“I’m afraid it does appear that way, sir. I know you can be vengeful when family’s involved. Who can forget what you did to those wolves after your parents were killed. Might I suggest you continue to exercise restraint with regards to the Americans until we know more? I noticed you opened the listing on preferred assassins yesterday.”
“Do what you can to confirm all this. I will try to remain patient. We both know that isn’t something I’m known for, especially where lycan are involved.”
“I’m already on it, sir.” Albert handed his employer the tablet with all the information he had compiled and rested his hand on his friend’s shoulder. “If it is her, and the odds of it not are diminishing, I am so very sorry for your loss, Dante.”
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you.
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