Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you.
Widderkin V. O. E. - 8. Chapter 8
Widderkin VOE.
Chapter 8.
"Ahead and to the left, Woorawa. Give a yell that you think you saw something and get Michael to change course. This big circle he’s following is veering in the wrong direction."
Woorawa shaded his eyes with one hand and nudged Tan.
"Did you see that? A dark shape. I’m sure it was."
His voice lifted.
"Michael, head in that direction so we can check."
The launch turned and increased speed with Michael swapping between binoculars and ordinary eyes.
"How far was it?"
"How far, Kieran?"
"Whoo! ... Say 300 m?"
"A fair way, Michael. Keep going and I’ll tell you when to stop. Keep your binoculars straight ahead, Mr B. The launch is lined up really well."
"All I can see is ocean. There’s ... Oh my God!"
Four sinister fins cut the ocean surface ahead and disappeared as, wide-eyed, Michael cut the engine revs and let the launch coast to a standstill.
"What are they, Michael? Those fins were enormous."
"Orcas! I know they visit here sometimes but this is the first time I’ve seen them. No wonder the seals are nervous."
"Why aren't we going after them? Let's get a closer look."
"We can’t, Rhys. They had to make rules because some of the whale watcher groups chased so close their propellers were a threat."
"What a pest! Does that mean we have to move away if they come close to us?"
"No, that makes the propellers even more dangerous."
"I hope we see them again. Can they stay under for long?"
"Ages! But they are meant to be curious, and I know they swim along beside boats sometimes."
"Like dolphins?"
"They are dolphins, Woorawa."
"Are they? When Tan and I were researching it said another name for them is killer whales."
"A long time ago they were called whale killers and it got swapped around. Don't just look ahead, everyone. They’re so fast they could be anywhere by now."
"Did you get the pattern, Kieran?"
"It happened too quickly. By the time I left the gannet they were gone. There are a lot more than four though. I ..."
Six hearts raced as a massive black and white shape arced clear of the water and landed with a startling tail slap. Six people yelled and cheered in wonder and excitement as a second shape surfaced and cruised past only ten metres away.
"Sheba! Talk about a dramatic appearance, Kieran. You couldn't miss their pattern with that."
"Whoo ... It’s going to be more dramatic when the close ones surface. Michael’s going to think he’s dreaming."
"Close ones?"
"Seven here and twelve further away. Hang on while I invite them all to meet us."
"There’s another one!"
Woorawa grabbed Tan’s arm and pointed, then went still with Kieran's message.
"Stay with Michael, Woorawa. I’ve made contact and they’re totally curious to meet us. Here they come ... Now!"
Half a second of warning does absolutely nothing to reduce the impact of having seven gigantic creatures surface around you, and Woorawa had to recover himself before he joined Michael. The group boggling was finally ended by Rhys.
"Gods, Michael! They might as well be whales. They’re bigger than the launch and they’re all watching us."
Michael didn't answer.
"I wasn't ready for that, Kieran. They make Gryl look like a little kitty cat."
"I wasn't either and they are unreal."
"Ordinary unreal or special unreal?"
"You said they might be curious, Michael, but this is unbelievable. We’re surrounded.
"This is more than curiosity, Woorawa. Rhys is right. They’re watching us so closely it would be spooky if they didn't look so relaxed."
With a casual body twist or tail movement the seven watchers submerged and disappeared then reappeared a short distance away. A chorus of synchronised group calls skittered across the water.
"What’s that for, Kieran?"
"Something’s wrong, Rhys. Say something to help Michael break his no follow rule."
"Holy hell! Listen to that. I wonder ..."
Rhys stopped, startled by Tan’s surprise action of lifting his arm and resting the palm of his hand against Michael's forehead.
"What? ..."
"Quiet, Rhys! Tan isn't there. It’s an Oracle moment."
Michael jerked back then, held by Tan’s manner, stilled for a renewed touch.
"Follow your new family, Michael. Take Kieran to meet his Ocean Guardians and help Rhys heal the young one."
"My new family?"
"The orcas will welcome you as part of their pod when Kieran makes you his link for speaking from afar. Place your trust in Kieran's actions, Dolphin Speaker."
Tan, suddenly aware of his hand resting unaccountably on Michael's forehead, jerked backwards and realised he was the centre of focus.
"What did I do this time? ... I hope I didn't embarrass you, Michael. Something happens and I do things I’m not even aware of ... Are you all right?"
"I don't know. I’ll have to follow the orcas before I can think of anything else."
When the launch surged forward Tan studied everyone else then turned to Kieran.
"Explain please, Kieran. Even Rhys looks like I turned into a goose."
"I can describe it, Tan, but I can't explain it. You told Michael to help Rhys heal a young orca. You said they were my Ocean Guardians and you said he was going to be my long distance link with them."
Tan shook his head.
"Most of that doesn't make sense. Is there a sick orca?"
"I haven't made a proper link yet. You went Oracle before I had a chance, but I bet there is."
"How will they be your Ocean Guardians?"
Kieran laughed.
"Don't ask me! You’re the one who said it."
Tan shook his head again and turned to Michael.
"I’m sorry, Michael. You must feel like the world is turning inside out."
"It is, but your mindbender thing told me it’s all okay ... Did Rhys heal Pegger last night?"
Michael was looking at him but Kieran was reaching to link properly with the whole orca pod.
"Oh no! Speed up, Michael. The young one’s crying and the others are stressed."
"How fast?"
"Try and keep up. They’re going to stay on the surface."
"Tan said to trust you, so here we go everyone."
The launch powered forward and, while talk was halted with the rush of air and water and the roar of straining engines, thought raged.
"Kieran, we’ll have to get in the water to heal an orca."
"Kieran, Michael has heard things we want to keep secret."
"Kieran, the implications from Tan’s episode are almost scary."
"Kieran, are you checking to see if Michael needs any support?"
"Stop! ... Whoops! Sorry for the mental yell but too much is happening at once. We’ll figure out how to do the healing when we get there. Woorawa, stand with Michael for a while. Your company gives him confidence ... The orcas are unreal."
"Michael, slow down now. We’re nearly there."
"Hang on, everyone! I’m talking to Maurice. He,s decided we need Ranevargar ... and he’s waking him up."
"Woorawa, it’s big energy when I reach for Ranevargar so explain that it’s all right if I glow."
"Stop the launch here. The orcas will gather round to welcome us and they know there’ll be a wait while I get help.
Michael. I’m going to be super distracted for a few minutes, so ask Woorawa or the others if you’ve got questions … Here they are!"
Kieran was forgotten for a while, but not really, when the ocean all around turned into orcas.
The seven guides were joined by six others in a watchful and constantly changing array around the suddenly flimsy vessel.
"The penguins last night were great but this is unreal. I never imagined anything like this when Mandy said we could come with you today, Michael. Look at that big one! It’s longer than the launch."
Michael switched his attention away from the spectacle to Rhys.
"Are you talking normal to me because something else is going to happen?"
"Hmm! Sort of, but we’ll explain if we can. We-"
Woorawa interrupted with a nudge.
"Watch Kieran, Michael. He’s holding that gemstone because it helps him do things, and sometimes there’s a glow. It looks strange but it never hurts anyone. Yes, it’s started, see."
"Who is he? I mean ... You know what I mean."
"I met him when he came to my country with Rhys and Mr B, and they healed my eyes from being totally blind."
Rhys took up the same line of thought.
"And I met him at our college when he was kind to me and changed me from lonely to happy when we had amazing adventures with animals. Eagles come and sit on his shoulder if he wants them to."
"The blue is gone. What does that mean?"
The answer would be really far out and Rhys looked to Mr B for help.
"The blue glow came because Kieran reached to a friend in a faraway place, Michael, and this probably means they’re talking about what to do. Yes, look at him. We call that his buddha mode and all we can do is wait till he comes out of it."
"How can he be talking?"
"Kieran will show you when he’s ready ... Are you feeling nervous? Every orca I can see is watching us. Look! There’s a new group surfaced."
"Maurice says Tan has made some startling new pronouncements."
"He sure has, and Maurice woke you because he reckons it’s way beyond him. I didn't expect that but I didn't stop him because it's definitely way beyond me too. Tan expects me to make the orcas into Guardians and I’ve hardly even started learning how."
"Steady, Kieran. Give me the facts first ... No, I see the immediacy and I suggest we make a mind merge."
"Please! The special meld we used at the tent embassy would be best because you experience everything for yourself."
"Your Opal is ready? I see you have made a number of recent calls."
"It’s always ready, Ranevargar, but let’s get moving. I’m linked with the orcas and the young one is in pain."
"Of course."
Four watchers found the orcas far more notable than a familiar wash of blue glow. Michael forgot the orcas. Woorawa had warned him, but the radiance surrounding Kieran, and in particular the hand grasping the pendant, made even the gathering of marine giants seem normal. The radiance faded with Kieran seemingly still in a trance.
"Startling in a number of ways, Kieran but the healing presses."
"How? It’s in the ocean."
"You are all good swimmers. The orcas will support the young one and act as a living platform. Take charge now, Kieran, and I will add refinements if they are appropriate."
"Okay everyone. Ranevargar has just told me to snap out and get moving.
Michael, we’re going to need every cutting instrument you’ve got. It’s netting again but much bigger and the young orca is exhausted.
Rhys, you and I will have to be on top of his body while his mother and another orca support him.
Everyone else will help with clearing the netting according to Michael’s instructions.
The biggest ones are starting to compact against each other and around the injured one so we’ve got a platform to work from."
"You mean we’ll walk across their bodies?"
"Yes, Woorawa. We’ll have to be careful with our footing but it’ll be memorable."
"Memorable? Half of you’s Ranevargar isn't it?"
"Don't stick your foot in any blowholes, Rhys."
Rhys laughed.
"And that’s the Kieran half speaking."
"What about the launch, Kieran? It will drift away."
"No it won't, Mr B. One of our friends will keep it close."
Kieran pointed.
"That’s the injured one."
Michael checked what he could.
"Tip out all the plastic and fishnet we collected, Woorawa. This is going to be a really big job, and bring the empty bag with you. Have you worked out a way for us to get at the underneath netting, Kieran?"
"He’ll turn over or move into any position we need, Michael. I’ve taken full control so he won't make any involuntary movements."
Michael stared for a moment, then stopped Rhys from climbing out of the launch.
"We’d better not wear our runners or shoes. It probably doesn't matter, but I read that their skin has a special structure to help them move through the water and we might damage it."
"Shoes off, everyone. Michael has knowledge we don't. Quickly, Rhys, the sooner we have physical contact the better."
Six bodies ventured to the strange platform of live flesh supporting both them and the injured youngster.
Seven minds drank in every moment with varying degrees of understanding.
"Your new acquaintence loses his reticence when engaged in a task, Kieran, and becomes more competent than he reveals to the world."
"I know. I put him in charge of freeing the seal pups to stop him from freaking and he went calm and efficient like he is now."
"I can't understand how Rhys orders his healing. You just monitored a relocation of energy to the lung linings."
"Monitoring the energy is all I can do. The healing itself is a complete mystery, except we’ve worked out that it concentrates on the most critical needs first ... What was that we just did?"
"We blocked the pain signals from partially healed nerve endings in the chest cavity to hold a muscle spasm at bay. Even in this weakened state this is a powerful creature, Kieran."
"Should we caution everyone?"
"No, we have it under control."
"You have it under control ... That first piece of netting they cut off is metres long."
"Stand away from our patient, everyone. He’s going to turn on his left side and get lifted higher by his carers so you can access that last tightly twisted section."
Michael, showing some relief, sent Woorawa to empty the collection bag onto the floor of the launch, passed a different cutting instrument to Mr B, then watched Kieran and Rhys move aside while the carer orcas wedged further under the young one.
"Why does he stay so quiet, Mr B? It’s like he’s had an anaesthetic."
"Kieran does it, Michael, but don't ask me how. It’s a gift, like Rhys’s. Oh no! How are we going to get that netting out? Some of it’s gouged deep into his flesh."
Michael moved to assess from different angles.
"We’ll cut all the outside stuff first and then pull it out by force. You better do that because you’re stronger than me or Woorawa, and Rhys is doing whatever he’s doing."
"There is a pair of pliers in the gadget bag we use when we need to untwist wire in the tangles. They’ll let you grip really tight."
His features turned grim.
"Kieran, these wounds are so deep there’ll be bleeding, and when Mr B clears them the dressings we’ve still got will be useless."
"A high level of natural competence, Kieran."
"That’s for sure. No wonder his boss has plans for him."
"Don't worry about the wounds, Michael. We’ve got him steady enough to cope with whatever you need to do, and the sooner it’s done the better."
"We can't work any faster, Kieran."
"I’m not being critical, Mr B. We would’ve taken far longer without Michael's guidance. Here’s Woorawa."
Sensing a pressure of time, the clearance team worked with purpose till Mr B, hands covered by Michael's for extra pull, dragged the embedded netting free. Warned by Kieran, they moved aside to give Rhys access.
"Quickly, Rhys. Help me press the flesh together like we did for Krol."
Rhys went wobbly and Kieran glowed brilliantly.
"Whoo! Thanks, Kieran. I nearly flaked. This is harder than healing Krol, and his wounds were much worse?"
"My fault, Rhys. I didn't allow for him being all natural."
The onlookers watched the healing process with awe, and Michael clutched Woorawa's arm while flesh transformed from ugly trauma to healthy normality.
"Michael is rather overwhelmed, Kieran, so I will support him while Rhys needs you."
Ranevargar was right and Kieran watched wonderingly as energy flooded the whole of their patient’s body.
"What am I healing now, Kieran? I thought the wounds would be the finish."
"I don't know, Rhys, but it’s calling a stack of power again."
Ranevargar spoke to both of them.
"From what I can see there is a whole of body problem, and the healing is forcing unwanted material of some kind into the bloodstream."
Once again Kieran faced the knowledge that he was comparatively clueless. His mind, driven by Ranevargar, was examining their subject in ways he’d never even dreamed of.
"Watch, Kieran. I expect the healing focus will turn to the cleansing organs. Yes, see! The energy is gathered round the filtering system. Warn Woorawa to move before he gets drenched with involuntary excretions."
Woorawa had just enough warning to jump before the first spray of dark urine erupted.
"It looks foul, Ranevargar. Do you know what it is?"
"Only that it must have been damaging this fellow's health and Rhys’s healing expelled it .. Michael thinks it comes from internal bleeding."
Except for Rhys, in his healing mode, everyone was showing concern.
"Michael, it’s not blood. There was something bad all through his body and the healing is getting rid of it. We don't know what, but it will be gone in a few minutes."
"Does that mean he’s going to be all right?"
Kieran gave him a big smile.
"That was a Rhys healing, Michael. After we give him a good sleep and a rest he’ll be hungry but perfect."
Instead of welcoming this good news Michael looked horrified.
"Give him a sleep? Do you know how? You could kill him if you do it wrong."
"Kill? Is he right, Ranevargar?"
"I would have warned you, Kieran. But listen while he explains. It will consolidate his feeling of value."
"Dolphins never ever go fully asleep because they don't breathe automatically like we do. They close down half their brain then swap with the other half."
"You mean if we put him to sleep he wouldn't be able to breathe?"
"That’s right."
"You know so much about animals, Michael."
"Just the local ones. We talk about them so much."
"We’ll let him recover naturally. Back to the launch, everyone. Our platform is about to dissolve."
Woorawa shook his head and dived to gather the last grotty netting remnants. Everyone helped, then made a hurried traverse to more conventional footing.
Plumes of vapour displayed and movement returned with sleek bodies rolling, gliding and submerging with an agility which made the launch a clumsy and awkward companion.
"What happens now, Kieran?"
"Our patient’s system is still purging, Mr B, so we’ll monitor for a while but then they’re off on a hunt. Remember how hungry we were after Tan’s recovery?"
"Hmm! That means big trouble for the seal colony. Could you find a school of fish instead?"
"The pod’s been sharing hunger messages and they’ve already found something. They’ll move as soon as we’re ready."
Woorawa wanted to know more.
"Is that the echo thing dolphins use? Silly question. They’re dolphins."
"Not silly at all. If we’re following for a while it will be ordinary listening, Woorawa, because their echolocation only reaches about 200 m."
Rhys laughed.
"He’s an animal dictionary ... Follow that pod!"
With the mammoth task of managing a full pod of orcas and the healed juvenile, the Kieran/Ranevargar mind merge turned its attention to gaining a fuller understanding of the nineteen entities forging purposefully ahead. With every new probe the Ranevargar portion showed ever-growing astonishment to its younger component.
"Kieran, these orcas are beyond me. There is no animal in my Realms with even a semblance of their capability."
"What about Maurice?"
"Maurice is unique, a construct of power and an extension of myself, but these are pure flesh and blood with intellects which may well be superior to yours or mine. Look at that brain structure, far larger, denser, and convoluted with all the hallmarks of intelligence."
"A poor choice of words, Kieran. Different is fairer, with abilities and ways of thinking that we don't share. Look at the complex activity extra to the sensory input."
I am reluctant to leave but the healing has tired you and you need to recover."
"Rhys will give me an energy zap."
"No he won't. You need a period of the deepest sleep. I would like to induce it myself but that would part us in a most uncomfortable way."
"I wish you could stay. These orcas are different."
"Call me after four or five of your days, Kieran. We have much to share and without the strain of a concurrent healing we can talk at length. One last thing though. I am intrigued by this process you call acknowledgement, and with the healing complete I am keen to see it firsthand."
"Yes, I held off because the juvenile might have hurt himself with the excitement. It’s my version of the wonder you share with your Realm, Ranevargar. It’s nothing like yours but it sort of works."
"And precisely why I am eager for a first-hand experience. There are elements I don't understand."
"Okay! I’ll gather the pod then. It only takes a moment and then I’ll have that sleep."
"Michael, can you stop the launch please. The orcas are going to greet us."
The engine slowed immediately and Michael looked from face to face.
"Greeting? Is this something else I’ll think I was dreaming when I wake up tomorrow?"
"It’s a good dream, Michael. You’ve already seen it when the penguins sang and the seals all called together. It’s the orcas’ turn."
By the time the launch coasted to a stop nineteen orcas were gathered with their heads above the surface and watching. Kieran faced them and grasped his Opal, partly because the previous acknowledgements had invoked an energy call, and partly because he was conscious of Ranevargar's keen scrutiny.
The mind link strengthened and Kieran/Ranevargar smiled at the wash of feedback.
"They sure are clever, Ranevargar. Look how curious they are ... Here we go."
The orcas sang. It was unmistakably singing and it ended abruptly, along with the blue glow of Opal energy transference.
"That’s strange, Ranevargar. Something’s different. I-"
Kieran staggered and clutched at Rhys for support when White Power overwhelmed Blue, and the connection between between Earth and the Realms was torn asunder.
Fighting disorientation, Kieran watched White Power change nineteen links between his mind and the orcas, then reach afar with a vast flash of dispersion.
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you.
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