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Josh's Blog - 5. September 2008
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
Hey guys!
Welcome back from Labor Day weekend.
Had a blast at Will’s cabin, which is more of a house than a cabin. It has all the modern conveniences except cable. Will has an extensive DVD library and a TV to go with it. And, I was able to get all my homework done, since Gary had a ton, too.
Gary and I slept in the same bed in our own bedroom. Basically, it was Will and Dad in one bedroom, Aunt Suzi and her friend (a woman?) in the other bedroom, and Gary and I in one of the bedrooms upstairs.
Yes, Gary and I got naked. And, yes, we kissed. And, yes, when we were kissing he was on top of me and came all over my stomach. I was going to do mine, but he pushed my hand away and went down on me. I told him about what David said. He asked if we were in a closed, committed relationship. I said no.
“Good, you can fuck me tomorrow night.”
“You’re my cousin.”
“That doesn’t matter.”
“It matters to me.”
We didn’t do anything else the whole weekend. Oh well, he’s only fifteen. What can you expect from a fifteen-year-old?
When we came home from school today, we stopped at Gary’s and he took us into his bedroom. He told David he wanted to fuck him while David fucked me. David glared at me. David is quite good at glaring, by the way. He said he didn’t want to do that. Gary then said he still wanted to fuck David, who looked at me for help. I just shrugged my shoulders. David said he didn’t want to do that. Gary asked if David wanted to fuck him. David shook his head. Gary said maybe we should leave. We did.
David asked about the weekend and I said I wouldn’t let Gary fuck me either. He said Gary was a sex maniac and I agreed with him. We went to his house and made out for a while, no body fluids expended.
+ + + + +
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
Hey guys!
Gary took the bus today.
David and I went to his house to study. I stayed for supper as Dad and Will were doing something in Petawnsky.
Went home alone and Gary was sitting on the back porch. His mother and her woman friend were having a party and a bunch of other women showed up. He had a backpack. He asked if he could stay the night.
We talked a bit while I found something for him to eat. His mother didn’t even give him supper. She seemed so nice over Labor Day, but now I’m beginning to wonder. Gary said he wanted to fuck me. I told him that was the wrong approach; he should be nice and ask if I wanted to let him fuck me. So, he asked nicely and I said no. He asked nicely if I’d blow him and I said no. He asked if after we went to bed tonight if we could get naked and kiss and frot. I said maybe.
Dad was surprised Gary was here. He called Aunt Suzi. They had words. Gary will be staying with us for a few days.
+ + + + +
Thursday, September 4, 2008
Hey guys!
A funny thing happened last night. Gregor came and got me out of a deep sleep because he had a sick dragon to tend to. It was like 965 or something like that, I can’t remember quite what he said other than it was nine hundred something. Anyway, I had to keep the dragon occupied up front so he could do something in the back. All he had to do was watch out for the tail. I had teeth, a wicked tongue, and the threat of an unexpected burst of flame, though I did put up a spell to ward off most of the heat. Whatever Gregor did back there, popped her fire glands and I got a face full of fire.
I returned to my sleeping body and woke up at the regular time just as if I hadn’t gone anywhere, except for singed eyebrows and a heat reddened face. At least the dragon was apologetic. She had a bucket of water handy, but since I had a protection spell around me, the water didn’t do any good, which made her even more apologetic.
And, last night before going to sleep Gary and I did fool around a bit. Since he’s got such a short fuse, it didn’t take him any time at all. With a bit of manual assistance by him, I got off, too.
When I woke up my dick was in his mouth. I took it out, had a pee, and took care of myself in the shower. I think he’s going to be here for a while, yet. I guess Dad and Aunt Suzi had words, serious words about how she was raising her son.
+ + + + +
Saturday, September 6, 2008
Hey guys!
Well, Gary is going to live with one of the families here in Pine Corner. David’s family offered, but David told his parents that Gary was sexually active and he’d rather not have to deal with a randy fifteen-year-old. They found a couple whose last child recently graduated from college and was now living in Minneapolis.
On my way over to David’s, I ran into Gary at the convenience store. He was with one of his classmates (female), but what concerned me was the thing on his head. It was a dark side warding spell and it wasn’t just sitting there, it was tied into his head. It wasn’t there before. He said his mother stopped by to see him and she had one of her “friends” with her. He used his fingers as quote marks. Then comes right out and says, “I think Mom is a lez.”
So, I got Gregor on the sorcerer line and he popped in sans visibility and had a look-see. He told me to get Gary alone outside somewhere. Since he was just chatting with the girl over silly shit, I asked him to come outside with me. I said I need to discuss something with him. His head was flashing with sparks and lightning, which, of course, was only visible to Gregor and me. That spell definitely didn’t like white sorcerers.
Gary followed me around the side of the building and Gregor wrapped a protection spell around Gary and beckoned me to follow. We ended up at one of the clearings where you can commune with a satyr and Gregor began to unravel Gary’s spell.
“It’s got traps set to kill him if we try to disable it,” Gregor said.
He put Gary into a trance to keep him quiet.
“Do you know who laid it?”
“It doesn’t have a signature. It has the taste of an amateur, probably someone using the internet. What worries me is his mother may be part of a dark coven. I’m fairly certain they haven’t summoned Ol’ Smokey (we don’t you the b, d, l, or s words or any other words for you know who), but we have to find out. First, though, we need to get that thing out of his head without doing him any damage. Where would you start?”
“Back here at the cowlick there’s a link between the inner spell and the outer.”
“Good, but do you see any traps.”
“Yes, the fourth point of the pentagram has a trigger mechanism to that piece of spell hanging in the air above his head. If I touch the pentagram, the trigger will release and that spell will dive into his brain, likely enfeebling him.”
“Correct, so how do you disable the trigger without tripping the hanging spell?”
“I could wrap it with a spell of my own, but that trigger has a conjunction tied to it. Whatever is inside Gary’s head right now, will activate if I mess with the trigger. So, I have to go inside and disable that part of the spell and catch the falling spell.”
“Correct and since you know how to do it, do it. Don’t worry I’ll look over your shoulder.”
It took a bit of work, but it went exactly as I planned. Actually, it was a very simply spell. The pentagram was just for decoration and the warding spell had an effective range of three feet, but even then, it wouldn’t do much of anything except give you the tingles.
“What now?” I asked.
“We need to find out if they have a coven and if so, we need to destroy it. If you know who has risen, then we’ll have to form an octagon and send him home.”
“Yes, with other sorcerers.”
“Eight sorcerers casting spells?”
“No, spell, singular. We will cast the same spell.”
“One hour past midnight, local. I’ll assemble the team, you make certain Gary is kept safe and away from here. What about your father’s friend Will? Can he take Gary? The further the boy is away from Pine Corner the better.”
“Will his mother die?”
“On whether she is the leader or simply a participant. If she performed the calling, she will likely be drawn down. If she chooses to remain on the dark side, she will be drawn down. If you know who takes a liking to her, she will be drawn down.”
+ + + + +
Sunday, September 7, 2008
Hey guys!
Wow! How about eight sorcerers and I’m the only one alive. From what Ben has told me, you never really ever die you just go into a state of vagueness where all thought slows to a crawl, but you can be called back for emergencies. They could’ve brought in some of the other living sorcerers, but Gregor felt urgency was more important than my inexperience in dealing with you know who and a sorcerer from a different society.
We stood outside Aunt Suzi’s house and you know who was inside having a good time with the ladies. He has that way about him. You call him expecting he’ll help you and he shows up thinking it’s all about him. I guess he can get very wicked with women, especially amateur witches who never seem to have the right number of participants to begin with. I guess he’s a stickler for the rules, too.
So we formed our octagon around the house and Gregor says to me, “You’re our weakest link as you’re the only one alive. He will make you see that all of us have gone, but whatever he says or makes you see is a lie. He cannot tell the truth. Now, are you certain you know the words?”
“Yes, I have them memorized. I won’t screw up.”
“Okay, then, let’s begin.”
Let’s just say Ol’ Smokey was not too happy with the words all of us were saying and, just like Gregor said, he focused his thoughts right on me. Double jeopardy, newest member and only living member. They had to use me, though, because I’m the local sorcerer. This is my territory he invaded and it is my job to send him back to the fiery lake.
It was not pretty what he threw at me. I saw things I never imagined my innocent eyes would ever see. But, you see, when he’s fighting for dominance against an octagon of white sorcerers, he can only throw evil. He could not entice me with a freezer full of chocolate ice cream or twenty cute boys. He could only throw evil upon evil at me and I saw through his game.
Aunt Suzi wasn’t the caller, who did follow her master down to her doom. Unfortunately, Aunt Suzi’s house went up in flame. You might say it was a holy, cleansing flame. And it made a big hole in the ground, too. She and the other two women got out okay (they only had four members in the coven, not a good number) and she came over to where I was standing. She did not look happy.
“What do you have to do with this?” She practically yelled at me.
“One of your coven called the evil one, one of your coven put a dark spell on your son that could’ve killed him, but we sent him back to the fiery lake.”
“You and who else? I don’t see anyone here.”
All of the dead sorcerers became visible. Each was holding a flaming sword. I didn’t get one because I was the youngest and the only one alive; something to do with the dynamics of an octagon when using living and dead participants.
“We are of the white. You chose the dark side. Aunt Suzi you have a choice of purification or annihilation.”
“You can’t threaten me, Josh. Where’s your father?”
“My father has nothing to do with this. What is your decision, purification or annihilation?”
“Go to hell!”
“As you wish.”
I kind of feel sorry for her, but it was her choice. The other two were just as adamant.
Gary was at the house when I got home. He was more subdued than I suspected.
“She’s dead, isn’t she?”
“Did you know what they were doing?”
“They used my blood to call the Devil. My blood because I was the only virgin. Don’t you see, that’s why I wanted to fuck you or David or the other way around. If I weren’t a virgin, my blood wouldn’t have worked. Right?”
“Probably, but they might’ve simply sacrificed you on a sheet of granite, it does the same thing.”
“Can I sleep with you, no sex, okay; I’m not doing that anymore.”
+ + + + +
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Hey guys!
Gary is going to live with Uncle Bill because, I guess, Gary knows him better than he knows us. It was a shame about his mother, but that’s what happens when people mess around with powers they don’t know.
Dad is taking Gary to Maine. They left this afternoon. He was going to let me go with him, but said that we could go at Christmas time if I wanted. I said that might be a good idea.
I get to stay with David; or, rather, I get to stay at David’s house in the guest room.
I guess it goes without saying Gary has been really down since Sunday. What with losing his dad a year ago to cancer and now his mother screwing around with the dark arts, he’s acting like a lost puppy. Dad’s keeping him out of school.
They’re leaving tomorrow.
Oh, and, I’m not going to be taking a college course this fall. What with Aunt Suzi, Gary, David, and Gregor, my life is busy enough.
+ + + + +
Friday, September 12, 2008
Hey guys!
Today at school number one bad jock (Baptist) and number two bad jock (Catholic) cornered me in the west wing second floor restroom. I’d gone in for a quick pee and I suppose they came in for the same thing. Anyway, they’re standing on either side of me.
“Where’s your little friend?” One asks.
“What do you mean, gone?” Two asks.
“You know, gone, as in away, not here, no longer lives here.”
“Where’d he go?”
“What do you want to know for? Going to go get him?”
“Might do that.”
“Try Bangor.”
“Where the fuck is that?”
“Bangor, you know, in the atlas. Look up Bangor and there he is.”
“Are you trying to be funny?”
“No, I’m trying to help. You want me to be funny?”
“You couldn’t be funny if you tried.”
There were so many things I could do, but what to do? What to do?
Both of them peed their pants.
“You’re supposed to pee when you laugh, not before,” I said as I left.
Oh, and the funny part was the hall full of students when they tried to get out.
+ + + + +
Sunday, September 14, 2008
Hey guys!
Dad got home from delivering Gary to Bangor. I guess Gary’s really excited to live there because it seems Uncle Bill has a daughter Gary’s age and a son a year younger. Plus, he used to live in Bangor because that’s where his grandmother (Dad’s mother) lived after the divorce. Dad said he also got to see his youngest brother Ed, who, in Dad’s words, is a bigoted, homophobic preacher who takes the Bible literally, except, of course, to those parts where you’re supposed to take them figuratively. You can eat lobster, but you can’t fuck a guy. You can eat veal in a cream sauce, but you can’t commit adultery. You can covet thy neighbor’s new Cadillac, but you can’t covet thy neighbor’s ass (not the four-legged kind).
Dad said that when he told Uncle Ed that he was gay, Uncle Ed walked out of Uncle Bill’s house and drove away without saying one word. Uncle Bill said, “Ed’s always been an S.O.B.”
So, I guess we’re going back to Bangor for Christmas. I guess Will is going, too. From what Dad was saying we’re going via train to Boston, rent a car and drive to Bangor. Then after spending four days over Christmas, we’ll drive across New Hampshire, Vermont, and down to Albany, New York, where we’ll drop the car and fly home. Sounds like fun because on the train all three of us will be in the same room, which means no sex for Dad and Will.
Yesterday, David’s parents took me with them when they went shopping in Madison. David and I sat in the back seat of their Suburban, but his dad kept looking at us in the rearview mirror and his mother kept turning around now and then, so we couldn’t do much more than play dancing fingers. They’re nice and all, but they’re still having a problem with David being gay and me being his potential boyfriend because I am a year and a half older than their son and therefore much more mature. Yeah, right.
I wonder what they’d say if they knew I’ve only kissed three boys so far. On the other hand, I sure they’d piss their pants if they found out what I’ve done with Gregor and Ben, since they are, technically, dead.
+ + + + +
Monday, September 15, 2008
Hey guys!
I’ve been remiss in telling you about wonderful Philipp Schwartzerdt High School in Petawnsky, WI.
It’s a new school as there used to be three schools in Petawnsky County, WI.
There is Blue Sky High which was the public high school in Petawnsky. Yes, it was Blue Sky High, checked. Sounds like an acid trip, doesn’t it? Well, you see they named it Blue Sky because, well, Chester A. Arthur really wasn’t that great of a president, even though he was President of the US of A. Chester hung on until they decided that the man who got us out of Vietnam deserved recognition; so, out with Chester and in with Richard M. Nixon High School. Unfortunately, Richard didn’t live up to his fame and the students came up with Blue Sky (the other choices were Petawnsky Public, Rutherford B. Hayes, and Dairyland). Remarkably, of the four choices, Blue Sky received 153 votes out of a possible 172. The County Council and the School District were a bit reluctant, but the students had a good sales pitch and Blue Sky it became.
Then there was Fair Market High School, which was in Fair Market, WI, a once prosperous rail junction and niblets processing center. Unfortunately, Fair Market High wasn’t public. It catered solely to those of the Lutheran persuasion within an approximate forty mile radius around Fair Market. Also, Fair Market wasn’t doing too well as Lutherans tend to be a divisive lot and denominations split and rejoin and split apart again all the time as social changes affect religious doctrine.
Finally, there was Saint Alberg Senior High School here in little ol’ Pine Corner; and, yes, it also had a diminishing population of students, but for entirely different reasons than the Lutherans. It seems dear sweet Saint Alberg had a slight problem getting dedicated teachers to come to the middle of nowhere and live on a pittance while passing on their accumulated knowledge. In its final year, Saint Alberg had only three teachers who had college degrees: Coach Charlie Denver, girl’s phys ed and sports, it was actually Charleen; Coach B. P. Dogging, boy’s phys ed and sports, it was B. P. on his birth certificate; and, of course, dear, dear Sister Agnes, who tried very hard to cover everything from Art to Zoology, Algebra to Precalculus, and everything in between. Sister Agnes’ heart gave out in the middle of winter term 1985 and they had to close the school. A few parents sent their kiddies to bigger cities, but most gave in and sent them to Blue Sky.
Two years after the demise of Saint Alberg, Fair Market closed its doors, too. Congregants can only tithe so much before the burden becomes so great that a free education begins to look very nice in the budget.
Of course, when the Lutherans showed up, Blue Sky, as a school name, was doomed. During the nominating process two choices ended up with near equal numbers, Petawnsky Consolidated and Philipp Schwartzerdt, who very few had heard of and those that did, the Lutherans, came up with a phony bio to suggest Philipp Schwartzerdt was a hitherto little recognized Revolutionary War hero of the Battle of the Dismal Swamp. In the end, the Revolutionary War hero won out and the consolidated high school in Petawnsky County had a new name.
The wrecking crew has been giving me the eye, so I think they are trying to, collectively, come up with some form of retaliation from last Friday’s “isn’t this funny, we both peed our pants”.
+ + + + +
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Hey guys!
So, back to my high school.
Well, we’ve already done the attendance secretary; and, the principal.
So, let’s see, how about first period.
Believe or not Mr. English teaches English. He is tall, wears glasses, probably was athletic at once in his life, but has sagged considerably. He smokes, doesn’t trim his nose hairs (David calls them Mr. English’s little mouses (no, David doesn’t use mice)), doesn’t trim his eyebrows which are quickly becoming miniature azalea bushes growing into a unibrow, a diamond stud in his left ear, three daughters Monie, Joanie, and LuAnn and a son Bucknell (after his alma mater). Interestingly, though Mr. English sometimes speaks lovingly of dear Bucky because he achieved a PhD at an early age and went on to a brilliant although short career as an aerospace engineer, he also disparages his son by frequently referring to him as a freaking nelly who let any bear he met in a bar shove it in sans cover. Yes, dear Bucky died of AIDS. I find it interesting how much Mr. English gets away with his little ditty about his son. It certainly didn’t take me very long to translate it.
Mr. English knows who my father is and where he works. He, also, knows that little private thing about my father. Remarkably, Petawnsky is a fairly liberal town, though there are those who will disparage if given the chance.
In fact, on the first day of class, when Mr. English finished going to the attendance register, he looked at me and asked, “And, you are?”
“Joshua Burk, I was added to this class this morning.”
“You wouldn’t be related to that nelly professor at CUW would you? My son was a freaking nelly that let any bear he met in a bar shove it in sans cover.”
“Yes, I’m his son, but I believe Dad’s a top and since he has a full beard, I suppose you could say he is a bear, too.”
I said it straight faced, too. I stared right through him. I wanted to throw down the gauntlet and let him pick it up, if he so dared.
“Well, yes, glad to have you in the class, Joshua, or do you prefer Josh?”
“Josh works.”
“Good. Now class, here’s the reading list, please take one and pass it on. Thank you.”
Actually, I’ve proven to Mr. English that I am more than capable of handling whatever he throws my way, so he’s been throwing extra hard, schoolwork that is.
+ + + + +
Friday, September 19, 2008
Hey guys!
Well it’s Friday and the wrecking crew finally came up with a way to ruin my life as I know it. They caught me in the same restroom as last week (Do we see a pattern here?), but there were four of them this time. I guess they wanted to flush my head down the toilet and then, once I was subdued, remove all my clothing and dispose of it in the dumpster behind the cafeteria.
Well, that’s what I gather from a little mind reading.
So, when two of them try to pick me up they quickly discover I’m a whole lot heavier than I appear. It’s almost as if my feet are stuck to the floor.
And, then, one of them, the unknown in this bunch, decides a fist in the belly is going to fix my cookie. I guess he didn’t know his own strength because his fist damned near went all the way through me and the resulting splash of blood (beef from the local slaughterhouse) on his hand, arm, and clothes totally freaked him out. He ran for the door. Oops! Hallway full of students, staff and teachers, again.
“Thanks, just what I need, a hole in my gut,” I said as I pretended to collapse onto the floor.
Well, the other three aren’t hanging around, either, so they bolt, too.
I pick myself up, dust myself off, and slip downstairs to a different restroom, and checking to make sure it was empty, reappeared, walked out the door, and went to my next class.
I guess when the principal and police went to check on the restroom upstairs they found a bucket with a bit of blood in it and blood splattered all over the walls, fixtures, and floor. I guess they even got some up on the ceiling.
Honest, I think it was funny, especially when, as the police were escorting the four out to the waiting sheriff’s van, I waved. I’m sure they’ll figure it out eventually. They can’t be that stupid.
+ + + + +
Saturday, September 20, 2008
Hey guys!
David came over this afternoon because Dad was going to barbecue some steaks and Will was coming over.
David and I hung out in my room, listening to music, practicing lip-lock techniques, and after slipping into the bathroom, David sat down on the porcelain chair. Taking hold of my excited fifth appendage, he utilized manual, labial, and lingual manipulation to produce a sizable quantity of a whitish viscous fluid which he disposed of down his throat.
He looked up at me, smiled, and stood up. His jeans and underwear were still around his ankles; his excited fifth appendage hoped for a mutual conclusion to our tryst.
“You don’t have to,” he whispered.
I sat down and after a bit of manual, labial, and lingual manipulation of my own I discovered he could produce a similar quantity of the same whitish viscous fluid which I, too, disposed of down my throat. I decided it was an acquired taste, similar to oysters which I still can barely tolerate. Not that this actually tasted like oysters, no this had a flavor all its own. I used mouthwash to remove it.
“Ah, don’t like it?” David whimpered.
“Not used to it,” I said.
“We’ll have to work on that.”
“Yes, I believe we should.”
+ + + + +
Monday, September 22, 2008
Hey guys!
Well, talk about coincidences.
David stayed over Saturday night and, yes, I got another chance to taste that unique product of male lust. I can see that with love, it just might work its way up to tolerable, but right now, it’s a long way from tolerable. But, David and I are working hard on developing a good relationship based, if not on love, on very good feelings toward one another. Maybe he’s too young to fall in love. Maybe Brent hurt him too much. I thought about asking Ben or Gregor about that and guess who shows up?
Gregor needed help with the dragon, again.
This time I stood beside her head while Gregor did what he had to do. He wouldn’t tell me because he said I was too young to get involved with dragon medicine. The dragon for her part was a bit more understanding of my part in the process and when she had to cough, she turn her head away. Whatever Gregor was doing back there made blue flame come out her mouth and nostrils, which I guess hurts. From what Gregor said later, dragons have two flaps of tissue that close off the sinuses and nasal passages from the flames, but when they get overexcited sometimes the passages don’t close, resulting in sinus or nasal irritation, or both.
After we finished, I talked about the wrecking crew and what I could do with them. He said the bucket of blood was pretty cool, but if they got to be dangerous to me or mine, including David and his, I was authorized to perform extraordinary spells that did not involve direct human danger or death. In other words, I can’t kill them, but I could send each of them to a different city in the US of A at a different time in history and alter their minds so that they had no recollection of where they came from, like amnesia. Or, and this was Gregor’s preferred choice, was to call him and Ben and they would come and we’d alter their minds so that when they saw me they’d vomit or shit their pants. They said it was nasty, but eventually they’d probably figure out to leave me alone.
When I woke in the morning, David was going down on me, but I had to piss like I don’t know what, so I had to put off pleasure for physiological relief. I cleaned off, went back, and we performed a near perfect sixty-nine with full expenditure.
After David got home from church, he and I swam in his pool, hung out at his house, and his parents fix supper. I was invited to stay.
+ + + + +
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Hey guys!
Yesterday afternoon while I was over at David’s studying and making out until his parents came home, I broached the subject of him joining us on our Christmas trip. He told me about his family traditions and said he’d think about it. I said I hadn’t spoken to Dad, yet, so nothing was definite.
So, when I got home—Dad and Will had already eaten and were in the bedroom doing who knows what—I made enough noise for them to know I was there and not to make the bed make that rhythmic sound like two people are making love. I went up to my room and finished studying. As I was doing so, the bed started making that sound that can only be made when someone is thrusting something into someone else.
I went downstairs and stood outside Dad’s door and knocked just loud enough for them to know it wasn’t an emergency.
“Look you two, I’m still having trouble with your intimacy when you’re around me, so if you want to do what you’re doing on the bed, please either do it at Will’s or use the floor,” I said loudly through the door. Then I went back upstairs.
After Will left, not surprisingly, Dad came up and we talked about him and Will. I told him I had a problem with him and Will having playtime in the bedroom while I was home. And, I added that I realized I wasn’t home when they started, so they couldn’t be blamed for tonight. I told him I had a real problem with the bed noise. He said he’d talk to Will and maybe they could adjust their lives or sex practices enough to be quieter. But, he added that when David and I are up in my bedroom, he appreciate the same considerations.
I must’ve given him the deer in headlights stare because he simply smiled and nodded his head.
Then he asked if I needed condoms. I told him we hadn’t progressed that far. He said to let him know in case I might be nervous about buying them.
Then I asked about the possibility of David going with us at Christmas. He said that was fine with him; and, if David was interested, he’d talk to the Merkels.
+ + + + +
Friday, September 26, 2008
Hey guys!
Whoo! Hoo!
The wrecking crew is out of my life, possibly for good.
There was an emergency meeting of the school board last night and, as all four boys had pled guilty to malicious mischief in the blood incident, they were expelled from Philipp Schwartzerdt High School. I guess the homophobic Baptist preacher acted in a threatening manner toward some members and had to be arrested. Pointing a shotgun at a dais full of members of a school board is illegal in WI. Imagine that!
From what I heard today, most of the school breathed a sigh of relief as I guess the wrecking crew, in one form or another, had been a problem since elementary school. There are still a few members, but the leadership has been taken down and few suspect the remainders have the wherewithal to step up to the plate and take charge. There are leaders and there are followers, some leaders can follow, but few followers can lead.
I shall hope for the best.
Also, in the news today, Dad, Will and I had supper with the Merkels and the parents discussed David joining our little expedition. Basically, it was all up to David to forgo his family traditions this year. Since we’re beginning to bond, he wasn’t totally positive he wanted to do this, but wasn’t totally positive he didn’t want to do it, either. He said it was sixty for, forty against. His dad said that was good enough for a yes as far as he was concerned.
While the parents visited and drank coffee afterward, David and I went upstairs and swapped some fluid, again. We’re getting pretty good at that and, yes, I am acquiring a taste for David’s stuff.
+ + + + +
Sunday, September 28, 2008
Hey guys!
Well, I got called away on an emergency from Friday night until late this afternoon.
It seems some teens down in Iowa decided to form a coven.
And, they misinterpreted the part about using the blood of a virgin of the opposite sex as a sweet offering to their master.
He was only nine years old.
They didn’t give him an easy death.
There was lots of blood, lots of blood.
It worked, of course. Just a drop would’ve worked, too, but they thought a complete blood sacrifice would be seen by you know who as a better sacrifice.
Their master showed up and it didn’t go well at all for them.
Sometimes he relishes those who err on the side of evil.
But, I didn’t have to take care of that part. They had their eight already.
I was given the sacrifice.
They captured him playing out behind his house. They’d been stalking him for a week to determine his most vulnerable times. They took him Thursday in the evening a little before supper. They purged him thoroughly and gave him only water afterward. They laid him out on a granite slab on top of a tomb at the local cemetery. Duct taped his mouth and slit his throat, nearly completely severing his head. They forgot one thing, he was supposed to scream.
I took him to a time before the sacrifice when he was alive. As he was alive then, I was able to impart his dead self into the past living self and end up with a living nine-year-old boy. Then I moved him back to the present and removed memories of the purging, the stripping, the laying on the granite slab, the taping of his mouth, the slitting of his throat, and the death. I left the taking and the captivity. Then I transmuted him into a police station near his home and startled him awake. Naturally, he screamed until he was aware of his surroundings. The police were somewhat taken aback by a naked little boy’s sudden appearance amongst them, but he was safe and saved.
I went back to the cemetery and they were still working on the coven. They had seventeen girls and two boys in the coven, not good numbers at all. Nineteen is a good number if they’re all one sex, but a mixed crowd in a calling is just not done, especially for you know who.
I guess he killed the two boys first thing. It wasn’t a nice killing, either. It’s never nice when he’s angry at amateurs. Then he set about working over the girls. When we arrived, three of the girls were dead and the others were waiting patiently in a stupor for their turn at his wrath.
Of course, he didn’t want to go, he never does, but he went and took a bunch with him. Then it was the offer of purification or annihilation. Not surprisingly, only three took purification. I took one.
She was only twelve and had come with her sixteen-year-old sister, who incidentally was one of the first three killed by you know who. The purification process isn’t easy and basically requires getting inside the mind and removing all memory of the coven and what happened that night. The only thing that was left was an overwhelming sense of guilt. She’ll have a vague memory of killing a nine-year-old innocent, but without the specific memory of the boy. Yes, she will never be the same. Likely, she will never live to her previous potential. Possibly, she will shorten her life by her own hand. It’s hard when they’re so young.
The purified ones were returned to their homes. The cemetery and the dead bodies were left as they were, including those that you know who had already mutilated, maimed, and mangled. We, also, left the altar covered with the blood of the innocent as testament to what occurred there.
+ + + + +
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Hey guys!
Didn’t go to school yesterday because of what happened over the weekend.
Still bummed over what those girls did to that little boy.
Plus, when I was purifying that girl, I know I came close to the dark side a few times in my anger over her actions. At first, she acted as if she was an innocent brought there by her older sister. Well, her older sister was one of the few who had driver’s licenses. Most of the girls were twelve to fourteen. The one I purified was one of the original members of the coven. By all rights, she should have been taken by you know who, but he preyed on the oldest ones first.
While I was purifying her mind, I could’ve left traps if she ever went toward the dark side again, but doing so would’ve been a dark side action in itself.
I just hope I left her with enough guilt to last a lifetime.
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