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The Order - 1. Chapter 1

Content Notice:

This story contains sexual situations between men and adult language.

18 Years Later – Atlanta, GA


Ken looked forward to getting home to Brad. He had just finished an intense workout at the Lab with Bryan and Kevin and could use a massage. He was pretty sure it was going to be a long night working security for a new client, and he wanted to get the kinks out of his back and shoulders before heading to work. Aside from the massage being a part of Brad’s job, Ken was closer to Brad than any other human being on the planet and couldn’t wait to be with him. They had been together nearly twenty years, even though they hadn’t aged a day as far as either of them could tell. They were best friends and lovers and closer than ever.

As Ken pulled into the garage and shut off the engine, he saw Brad’s car already there and his handsome face broke into a smile. He started getting hard thinking about what was about to happen in a few minutes but willed it down. His training ingrained the need in him to stay in control and alert at all times. The only time he let his guard down was when the house was in ‘vault’ mode, or if he was with the doctor at the Lab.

Closing the garage door with the remote, Ken entered the house through the laundry room and went into the kitchen. The first things he saw were Brad’s legs and the island covered with grocery bags. The top half of Brad’s body remained hidden behind the open refrigerator door while he put everything away. Brad wore shorts and sandals, allowing Ken a good view of his sturdy, muscular legs. Brad was an exceptional male specimen and worked out religiously to maintain the best body he possibly could.

Ken gave his usual “Hey, B!” greeting as he entered the kitchen and hung his keys by the security panel. Brad gave his typical “Hey, sissy!” response.

“What time do you need to head out to work tonight? Do we have enough time to eat and play?”

“Yeah, I don’t have ‘ta be downtown until 2100, so we should have plenty ‘a time. In fact, I think we need ‘ta have a little fun first and then eat. Whatcha think?”

A smile broke across Brad’s handsome face, and he replied, “Like I just won the lotto! Give me a couple of minutes to finish putting the groceries away, and I’ll head back. Is the garage secure?”

“It is… I’m gonna’ go ahead and flip the switch if you have everythin’ out of the car?”

“Yeah, I’m good. Go ahead.”

Ken opened a small panel by the door and punched in his code. Immediately the air pressure in the house changed as all the seals activated and he felt and heard the slight ‘thunk’ as titanium bolts went into every exterior door and window sill in the house. Even after all the years, Ken still never wholly relaxed until he heard that noise.

As Ken squeezed behind Brad, who was still putting groceries into the fridge, he wrapped his big arms around his lover from behind and with his chin on Brad’s shoulder, pulled him into a quick full-bodied hug. Ken knew the feel of the stubble on his face turned Brad on, so he rubbed his cheek against Brad’s and blew in his ear.

His hug had the desired effect; feeling Ken’s warm solid body pressed up against his own, and Ken’s hot breath in his ear got him hard. He inhaled deeply, breathing in Ken’s scent. Ken had worked out, and even though he didn’t sweat much since the Program unless he pushed himself, he still had a natural musky smell that Brad found intoxicating. Brad loved the warmth and strength of Ken’s body and his distinct smell; it was as if Ken exuded a natural cologne made just for him.

Brad closed his eyes and put his hands on Ken’s forearms wrapped around his tight stomach. Leaning his head back, he pressed their cheeks together.

Chuckling, Brad asked “You know what you just did to me, right? You fucker.”

Ken moved one hand down and cupped the front of Brad’s shorts, whispering his reply in Brad’s ear, “Yeah, I got an idea. Finish up quick, B. I’m horny.” That was Ken-speak for ‘get your ass naked and in the bedroom pronto.’

Ken pulled back, putting his hands on Brad’s shoulders, giving them an affectionate squeeze and a pat on the back. He gave Brad a quick peck on his cheek as he moved out from behind him and went through the den and down the hall to their bedroom.

When Ken came home, he often thought about how lucky he was to have Brad as a partner. Not only was Brad an amazing man and head over heels in love with Ken, but he was a total stud. Brad was everything Ken ever dreamed about in a partner; handsome beyond words with a remarkable body and the soul of an angel.

He knew Brad worked extra hard to keep himself in shape, even though it was part of his job. There were legitimate reasons Brad needed to be physically exceptional to be with Ken, but the eye candy was still amazing and never got old. At 6’ 2’’, with golden blond hair and 245 lbs. of solid muscle, Brad was definitely a looker. Physically, everything about Brad turned Ken on, from his muscular physique to the hair patterns on his body, his chest, arms, and legs covered with a light dusting of the same blond hair on his head, and his eyes a crystal blue that Ken could stare into for hours.

Beyond his looks, Brad was truly a remarkable man. He was fun to be around, although he tended to be the more serious of the two. He was good with group dynamics and sensitive to the needs of people around him. Kind and compassionate, Brad often went out of his way to help others, even to his detriment and sometimes Ken’s. Brad was wise for his years, although none of them knew exactly how old they were anymore. Ken wasn’t sure if they stopped aging once the doctor changed them or if they just slowed down, but neither one of them looked or felt a day older.

Of course, Ken realized he was a looker too. With no conceit or cockiness, he was aware he was a stud. Dr. Thomas made him that way; made all of them the way they were. The closest description he could think of was the Steve Rogers transformation into Captain America in the comics. Ken and the other four men representing the Body could easily bench press 700lbs., and if they pushed themselves over 1000lbs. There were numerous other alterations, and according to Dr. Thomas the changes were ongoing, which is why he and the other guys in the Program still worked with Dr. Thomas in secret. After faking their deaths and acquiring new identities, they were still together as friends and workmates, with Dr. Thomas acting as a mentor and surrogate father to them.

Ken thought Dr. Thomas somehow made them all fall in love with one another, each of the five men and their partners. They were all gay to begin with although the Navy wasn’t aware of that fact at the time. Being in the military forced them to suppress their preferences for men, and their outward appearance was extraordinarily rugged and hyper-masculine.

The Black Ops Team they formed was the most successful the Navy had ever seen; ultimately too successful. They were like a SEAL Team of SEAL Teams. It was unfair to compare them with ordinary men, even ones as highly trained as Navy SEALS or Army Rangers… again not out of arrogance or cockiness. They were genetically enhanced, and ordinary men, no matter how much training and conditioning they had, couldn’t compete with that.

There were drawbacks if they chose to see them as such. None of the guys saw it that way, but there were ramifications to the Program. The need for the partners was one, but with the bonds between them none of them saw it as a downside. It was for their safety and well-being, and the security and welfare of others.

The fact was that Ken, or the other four ‘Bodies,’ could kill another man if he had sex with him. The fact that he weighed 420 lbs. would be a shock, but that wasn’t the reason. He could keep his strength in check and not hurt another guy. The downside was that if he ejaculated inside another person, or if that person ingested his semen, they would die. Ken’s DNA would overwrite theirs, and without immediate and proper treatment that person would die a fast and painful death, which brought in Brad and the other partners. Dr. Thomas permanently locked their DNA so it couldn’t be overwritten. Brad and the other four ‘Minds’ also received a temporary physical and metabolic boost from their partners after making out with them… nothing close to Ken’s scale, and it only lasted a few hours, but it allowed for hours of incredible, fun-filled sex.

Other benefits included substantially augmented senses, which was one of the more challenging changes to adapt too. Eyesight, hearing, smell, and touch were the most prominent. The alterations in Brad and his group were Mental more than physical; their changes included increased intelligence, intuition, and Empathy. There was no telepathy, which Ken always gave the doc shit about. Dr. Thomas never denied the possibility, saying it was intentional and ‘maybe later.’ Ken could never tell if he was joking when he said that.

All those thoughts went through Ken’s mind as they occasionally did. Every time Ken walked into the house and saw Brad, he realized how lucky he was to have such a remarkable man in his life, and memories of events that led up to that point in his life flashed quickly through his mind. He didn’t think of them consciously much anymore, but they were always present in the back of his mind. Their past together was a comfort and something he cherished, and their future together was something he very much looked forward too. He could not imagine his life without Brad in it.

Ken turned his thoughts back to the present as he took off his jacket and hung it up in the closet. He went into the bathroom, took a leak, and washed his hands, but nothing else. He knew Brad would want to smell him as he was. Ken always got a kick out of that and called Brad a “kinky fucker.” He kept his underwear and t-shirt on knowing Brad would want to finish undressing him.

Finished with the groceries, Brad came down the hall and as soon as he walked into their bedroom he was struck, as always, by the vision of Ken standing there. Ken was his dream man from head to toe. Everything about Ken, every minute detail, put Brad’s libido into overdrive. Ken’s extraordinarily handsome face, every aspect of his features and body, made Brad want to explode merely from looking at him. What was even more amazing, and incredibly humbling to Brad, was Ken felt the same way about him. They shared a connection, probably part of their pairing from the Program, but Brad didn’t care. The important thing was he knew Ken felt the same way.

Unfortunately for Brad, he didn’t have the control over his body that Ken did, and he became instantly hard again which was easy to spot in the shorts he had on.

Brad walked over to Ken and without saying a word lifted Ken’s shirt up and over his head. He loved to see Ken’s lats flare out when he raised his arms and his chest thicken when his arms came back down. The heat from Ken’s body was intoxicating. Removing his own shirt, Brad let it drop to the floor and closed the gap between them. He brought his arms up, one around Ken’s shoulders and behind his neck and the other around his waist, pulling him into a tight hug. Chest to chest, their hard bodies pressed tightly together.

With the house in ‘vault’ mode, Ken let his defenses down and his desire loose. He put his arms around Brad the same way, pulling him tight, but instead of kissing they rested their chins in the crux between the other’s neck and shoulder, relishing the feeling of their bodies touching. Brad never tired of feeling Ken’s strong body against his, and his hands started roaming. Ken brought one hand up between them, running it through Brad’s chest hair and found a nipple. He chuckled at the shudder that ran through Brad’s body when he did that. Their dicks, hard but still contained, pushed against one another through their shorts. They always laughed because each of them tended to pull a different direction, so when facing each other they lined up perfectly. It made grinding and dry humping incredibly easy; they seemed to be made for one another.

Brad snaked a hand down and popped Ken’s hard ass. Ken smiled because he knew what it meant.

“Okay stud, before I get lost in this Calgon moment, I need to put the brakes on and take care of you.”

Brad pulled back, his arms reluctantly falling to his sides. Ken’s eyebrows rose at the mention of being taken care of. It was the same old joke, but it always made them smile.

The eyebrows didn’t go unnoticed by Brad and he said, “You know what I mean big guy. First, I get to rape your body with my hands, and then, when I have you at my mercy, I might decide to let you have a happy ending. If, and I mean, IF, you’re a good boy.

“You know the drill. Take off your underwear, or better yet, let me take it off.”

Brad pulled Ken’s underwear down and let it fall to the floor. Ken’s erection slapped against his taut stomach with a solid ‘thwack!”

“Arms out, feet apart.”

Ken knew the drill well, as they repeated the process after every workout, and sometimes just for fun because it always led to great sex. He straightened his posture, put his feet a little more than shoulder width apart, and raised his arms straight out at shoulder height. It was the Vitruvian Man pose the doc taught them. He said it had a symbolic meaning but never took the time to explain what that meaning was.

Brad got out his tablet and calipers and started his visual exam and measurements. Dr. Thomas was very meticulous and wanted everything recorded; no excuses EVER. Brad ran his hands over every inch of Ken’s body, almost as if he was examining a thoroughbred horse, poking a little here or there and pressing on his abdomen and lower back.

Brad glanced up at Ken with a grin and said, “I love my job. Have I ever told you that?”

Ken smirked and said, “Only every time we do this.”

Touching Ken as he did, even though it was clinical, always got Brad excited. Ken enjoyed it as well, evident by the state of his erection. Ken was never a hardcore jock before the Program, not even as a kid, and wasn’t used to being touched in such a manner but after his Transformation it became a regular, daily activity.

He was no longer body shy, but with his body he didn’t have to be. Of course, at the moment he was letting himself go, but when Dr. Thomas performed the exam or one of Brad’s counterparts, Ken didn’t have any problem keeping himself in check. However, Brad’s hands were the issue at the moment. Brad’s love and tender care for him were evident with every touch and squeeze, and that turned him on far more than the physical act of touching. Brad’s strong hands could turn him on quicker than lightning.

“You pushed yourself today didn’t you? In particular, your upper back and shoulders.”


Brad chuckled as he asked, “Any particular reason? Trying to impress someone?”

“Naw… I just thought you’d like a chance ‘ta see if you could figure it out without me spellin’ it out for you, ‘ya douche.”

“Well, the douche comment is going to cost you. Get in the chair.”

Ken moved to the massage chair in the corner of their bedroom and draped his body comfortably, placing his face in the hole and his chest and arms on the pads. Brad pulled out a bottle of special oil the doctor provided and started the massage.

Over the next half hour, while Brad worked on Ken’s body, they talked as only best friends could, shooting the shit, cracking jokes, and hanging shit on one another. Brad and Ken shared the same sense of humor and could laugh at themselves, or each other, at the drop of a hat.

Brad worked up quite a sweat during the massage. Ken’s muscles were like steel cords, and it took significant effort on his part to attain the deep tissue movement the doctor required. By the time he finished, he was breathing hard and soaked.

“Okay, time to get on the bed.”

Ken ignored him and acted like he had fallen asleep in the chair.

“Don’t make me nut slap you!”

Ken knew Brad was smiling, and with an exaggerated groan he got up and laid down on their king-sized bed. Brad had already pulled down the comforter and had the pillows set out. Ken crawled to the middle of the bed, wiggling his butt at Brad as he moved into position. Ken maneuvered onto his back while Brad removed his shorts and shoes. He crawled over and climbed on top of Ken straddling his stomach. The touch of their naked bodies caused a quickening of their breath and a hot desire in the pit of their stomachs.

Ken put his hands behind his head and tightened his body. Brad nearly drooled as he gazed down at the physical perfection of the man in his bed; his man. Brad always went a little off the record at that point in the massage and confessed the changes to Dr. Thomas years ago. The doctor assured Brad it would make no difference in the outcome of the record keeping.

Looking down, Brad stared into Ken’s piercing green eyes. He slowly started rubbing Ken’s chest, moving up to his neck and shoulders. Ken closed his eyes and relaxed with a sigh, putting himself in the care of his lover.

Fuck his hands feel good.

Leaning over, Brad kissed Ken’s forehead while running his fingers through Ken’s hair. Ken still kept his hair short, and Brad liked running his hands through it. He also loved touching Ken’s strong masculine face. Holding Ken’s head gently but firmly, Brad slowly kissed his way across Ken’s forehead and down his nose, on each cheek, then moved down to his neck and earlobes, moving slowly from side to side.

In the midst of kissing Ken, Brad massaged Ken’s temples while rubbing his thumbs across Ken’s forehead. Touching Ken so tenderly renewed Brad’s excitement, and as he leaned over, Ken felt Brad’s hard dick pressing against the ridges of his stomach.

Ken became a little overwhelmed by the sensations Brad stirred in him. Not just physically with the tenderness, but Mentally and emotionally from the love behind it. With Brad’s Empathic abilities his emotions bled through his physical touch and Ken felt them as tangibly as his strong hands.

Brad took his time as he slowly moved his mouth down the thick stalk of Ken’s neck to one of his armpits, teasing and pleasuring the sensitive area. After a few minutes, Brad ran his tongue down the center of Ken’s chest, outlining his muscles. He licked and kissed every square inch of Ken’s chest saving his nipples for last. Taking his time, Brad moved lower, kissing each ridge of Ken’s abs. With his left hand, Brad palmed Ken’s left pec and used his little finger to lightly rub Ken’s nipple. With his right hand, he reached down and wrapped his hand around Ken’s throbbing dick, stroking him a few times before taking him into his mouth.

Ken tensed when the heat and wetness of Brad’s mouth enveloped him. His back arched in pleasure, and he moaned, “Ohhhhhh fuck, Brad…”

The touch of Brad’s muscular body against his turned Ken on even more. Brad was acutely aware of it and used his body as another tool to increase Ken’s pleasure, even using his chest hair to brush against Ken skin knowing Ken’s enhanced tactile sense would pick up on it. With the desire Brad stirred in him, Ken thought to himself, “God I love this man so much,” tearing up from the emotional rush.

After a few minutes of pleasuring his lover, Brad pulled back saying, “Okay stud, you’ve worn me out. I need a recharge courtesy of Ken Jr.”

Brad repositioned himself, straddling Ken’s stomach again, lifting himself up and giving Ken access to him. With one hand on Ken’s chest to keep himself balanced, Brad reached back with his other hand and guided Ken’s erection into him.

They made eye contact, smiling through their eyes, and sighing in pleasure as their bodies joined in the most intimate way two men could connect. Their hands roamed as their passion built, each loving the feel of the other. It wasn’t just the touch of their muscled bodies; what they felt for each other went far deeper than that. The emotional intensity between them stoked the fires in their physical bodies. Each man was hyper-masculine and virile, especially to each other, but the intense emotions between them were the driving force of their connection.

Brad always sweated when he got worked up, and Ken loved the feel and sight of his body when he got that way; it meant Brad was turned on by him and it magnified his lust. With his enhanced sense of smell, Ken knew the difference when Brad was turned on versus sweating from a workout, and right then he knew Brad was excited.

Ken knew the trembling in Brad’s body wasn’t only from passion. Brad always put more than one hundred percent of himself into the massages he gave Ken, and his arms were fatigued. It was part of his job; Brad was trained as a physical technician by the doctor to keep Ken’s body in top shape, but he loved to do it regardless. Brad received his own pleasure from making Ken feel good while at the same time keeping him in top form.

While Brad was on top of him, Ken caressed his lover’s body appreciatively, almost worshiping him. Everything about Brad turned him on, and with Brad sitting up on top of him he had a perfect view of his hairy chest and abs, and the movements of his muscular body. Some of his touches were gentle, and others were firm, gripping muscles and feeling the tightness of his lover’s body.

Ken’s deep voice broke the silence as he said, “Hey B, let’s flip over so I can take care of you.”

Sitting up, Ken put his arms around Brad’s back, while Brad moved his legs around Ken’s waist and locked his ankles together. Ken effortlessly flipped them off the mattress, twisting them in the air, so Brad landed on his back with Ken on top of him. Brad learned early on to brace himself for that maneuver because even though he was strong, having Ken’s big frame come down on him could take his breath away if it caught him by surprise. As soon as they stopped bouncing, Ken lifted himself by his arms to ease his weight and started focusing entirely on Brad, thrusting himself in and out at the precise angle he knew would maximize his lover's pleasure.

“Ohhhhhh… God, Ken. Fuck… if you only knew how you make me feel when you do that…”

In the last months, Ken had thoughts about extending his physical connection with Brad, even mentioning his idea to Dr. Thomas. The doctor didn’t say much at the time but didn’t try to talk him out of it either. Brad’s comment sparked the memory, so Ken went to the part of his Mind where he long ago learned to control his physical abilities. He visualized his and Brad’s bodies merging, overlaying one over the other and becoming one in his Mind, and held the image in his brain.

Brad immediately knew something changed; he felt a brief sense of vertigo and then began experiencing odd sensations. Ken realized something happened when Brad stopped moving and a strange look crossed his face. Scared he might have hurt his best friend, Ken shut down immediately and held Brad’s face in his hands, looking into his eyes for some type of reaction.

“B? Are you alright?”

Brad seemed disoriented as he answered, “Yeah… What did you do?”

“I was tryin’ somethin’ new…. When you said ‘if you only knew how you make me feel’… Well, I wanted to see if I could do that.”

With a smile on his face, Brad said, “Well, shit. How about a little warning next time, you bastard.”

Ken looked embarrassed, and said, “Sorry B, I didn’t mean ‘ta ruin the mood. It was a bad idea.”

“Hell, no, I think it was awesome, and now that I know what you were trying, what I felt makes sense. Try it again.”

“Are you sure? I’d never forgive myself if I hurt you.”

Brad chuckled and said, “Ken you couldn’t hurt me if you tried, apart from breaking my body in half without breaking a sweat.”

“Okay, here goes nothin’…”

Grinning at his lover, Ken went back to that place in his Mind and started slowly thrusting again. This time with both of them aware of what was happening, it seemed to be working. The connection was weak in the first few seconds, but rapidly increased; it seemed as if their bodies were made to be together.

Brad felt Ken’s sensations while inside him, and to Ken, it felt like his prostate was getting stimulated and the unexpected pleasure drove them both into a frenzy. Their bodies flexed together, flushing a dark red as they both began to sweat. Veins in their arms, shoulders, and upper chest became visible, and Brad ran his hands all over Ken’s swollen muscles, his body now transformed into smooth, hard marble. Reaching up, Brad wrapped his arms around Ken’s rock-hard shoulders and hung on for dear life. Ken’s thrusts became more frantic and intense, almost uncontrolled, and he had to hold himself back so he wouldn’t hurt Brad unintentionally.

Brad hugged Ken as tightly as he could and pressed his cheek against Ken’s and whispered over and over in Ken’s ear, “God I love you, Ken… don’t stop….” With their new connection, Brad felt his own hot breath in Ken’s ear, and it turned him on even more.

The sensation of sharing each other’s pleasure drove both of them over the edge. It wasn’t like each man had an orgasm; they shared the same orgasm. Their bodies, unable to withstand the pleasure, both reached their climax simultaneously, and the orgasm seemed to go on for nearly a minute. Brad felt the heat of Ken’s cum inside of him; it always felt hot, but this time it was more like molten lava, and Ken felt the same thing. As a part of their pairing, as soon as Brad’s body absorbed Ken’s DNA he felt invigorated as strength flooded into him.

Ken had never broken out in such a heavy sweat during sex, but he was soaked. The feel of his warm body coupled with his sweaty skin was a huge turn on to Brad. They held tight to one another, enjoying the post orgasmic euphoria, not wanting the feeling to end. The emotions in both men were intense and far more powerful and gut-wrenching than ever before. The warmth and comfort of their sweaty muscular bodies were blissful, and they didn’t want to separate. Ken stayed hard inside Brad the entire time.

After a few minutes both of them said at the same time, “Shit, that was incredible.”

Their shared comment caused both of them to burst out laughing as they hugged each other tighter, their bodies stuck together with sweat and cum. Once they stopped laughing, they lay still for a few moments. Brad broke the silence when he quietly said, “God, I love you so much, Ken.”

Ken didn’t reply with words, but he pulled Brad back on top of him and kissed him. They continued laying together, each lost in his thoughts and enjoying the after sex intimacy.

Minutes later, Brad propped himself up and said, “Hey, Ken, hold on tight for a sec. I want to try something.”

Wrapping his arms and legs around Ken, Brad flipped them over, so he was on top. The bed creaked loudly as they bounced to a stop. Ken’s eyes widened, and he looked at Brad.

“Fuck B, how’d you do that?”

“I’m rushed right now. It’s never happened this fast or intense before. I always feel charged up when you cum in me, but this time with that new trick it’s almost overwhelming, but in a good way.”

Brad re-engaged their lips and after a long passionate kiss he looked into Ken’s eyes. They lay still, staring into each other’s eyes, and both of them started to tear up. That was when Brad noticed a strange gleam in Ken’s eyes. Not a glow, but his eyes became lighter for a brief second, almost white, and then returned to their usual green.

Ken, never one to let a serious situation go to waste, blurted out, “God, we’re two pansies. Who ordered the waterworks.”

Brad couldn’t help but laugh and he collapsed on Ken, holding and hugging him as tightly as he could.

After a few minutes Brad rolled onto his side, and they repositioned themselves to lay facing one another, continuing to look into each other’s eyes. Both men had their heads propped up on one hand while their other hand roamed over the other’s body, caressing each other and taking each other in. They were intimately familiar with each other’s bodies, and long ago gave carte blanche permission to touch the other as they did.

After a short silence, Brad said “You know, we need to talk to the doc about this; probably sooner than later. I might call him and drive over to the Lab when you head out for work. And, speaking of work, I need to get you some dinner before you go, so as much as I want to lay here and have endless repeat performances of your new-found ability, we need to get up. Let’s jump in the shower quick, and then I’ll get dinner started while you get ready.”

Brad was always the practical one, and Ken appreciated it.

“I don’t know about endless repeat performances, but you’re right. Damn, I’m hungry… In fact, I’m starvin’. That might’ve taken a bit out of me.”

Brad sat up and pulled Ken up too, this time almost effortlessly with his increased strength. He had a stern expression on his face and seemed concerned.

“Sit here and don’t move.”

Brad rarely used that tone of voice, so Ken didn’t move.

“What the fuck B, I feel fine! That was the most awesome sex we’ve ever had, and it just took a little more out of me than usual. It’s all good.”

Brad grabbed a small black medical bag that sat just inside the closet on the floor. He pulled out a blood pressure cuff and a stethoscope, taking Ken’s blood pressure and listening to his heart.

“Just humor me, and don’t fuck around, alright? What we just did is new, and we don’t know if there will be any side effects. In fact, you should probably get one of the other guys to cover for you tonight and go with me to see the doc. Everything seems fine now though, so if you’re just hungry, it’s probably fine. Let me check your blood sugar.”

Ken’s vital signs, unique to him, seemed normal, but his appetite coupled with the brief but strange lightening of his eye color had Brad concerned. He hadn’t mentioned the eye change to Ken, not wanting to worry him.

“There’s no way I’m callin’ in sick. I’m already coverin’ for Kev tonight, so I’d look like a douche if I did that.”

“Well you are a douche, so you need to come up with another excuse.”

Ken grinned and said, “Okay, fucker, you’re askin’ for it.”

Ken stood up quickly, catching Brad off guard, throwing him over his big shoulder in a fireman’s carry and walking him into the bathroom. Laughing, Brad called Ken a variety of names while being manhandled by his best friend and lover. Ken also took the opportunity to cop a feel while Brad’s sculpted ass was over his shoulder and exposed.

They showered together, and although they each got hard again there wasn’t enough time to fool around, so they dried off and Brad threw on his shorts and headed to the kitchen while Ken started getting ready for work.

Brad threw together a fantastic meal of stir-fried ginger chicken and vegetables. He re-heated leftover brown rice from the night before, and their plates were on the table in just under thirty minutes.

Ken came down the hall in his black dress slacks and shiny black shoes with no shirt on, looking like a stripper halfway through his act. His body still shone with an ultra-healthy glow from the massage oil, which the shower somehow never washed off. Veins in his upper body were still visible, which always turned Brad on. Brad watched Ken as he came down the hallway, wishing they had time for another round of sex before Ken had to leave for work.

When Ken walked into the kitchen and saw Brad staring at him, he snickered, “Don’t drool B, it’s unbecomin’. I thought you were a professional.”

Brad laughed and retorted, “Well, I was expecting a fully dressed, drop-dead gorgeous, hi-powered private security agent, not a Chippendales stripper… Sorry, my bad!”

“I didn’t want to get any food on my shirt.”

“Dig in, there’s plenty. I warmed up the rice from last night since you said you were hungry, and I threw in another chicken breast.”

Brad filled his plate, but he mostly wanted to sit and watch Ken eat. He loved watching the muscles in Ken’s jaw and temple flex as he chewed and swallowed, especially after a massage when his skin glowed with health. Ken’s muscles danced under his skin even with the smallest movements and Brad never tired of simply watching his masculine beauty. Ken noticed Brad staring and stopped mid-chew.

With his mouth full he tried to say, “Wha’ the fuchh” and started laughing.

Brad looked down at his plate as a tide of emotions unexpectedly rushed to the surface of his Mind, overwhelming him and catching him off guard.

“I don’t know, Ken. Fuck! I’m sorry...”

Brad lowered his head, squeezing his eyes shut as he fought back tears.

Ken noticed Brad’s body trembling. Brad rarely lost control of himself, and it scared him. He rushed over, kneeling beside Brad’s chair, and put an arm around his shoulder in concern.

“B, what’s wrong? Talk to me! What’s goin’ on?”

It took Brad a minute to get himself under control. He wrapped an arm around Ken, pulling their bodies together and resting his chin on Ken’s shoulder. The simple act of holding Ken and feeling the warm solidity of his body helped calm him down. There was no safer feeling to him in the world than in Ken’s arms and against his hard chest. Ken’s hands gave him comfort, one rubbed the back of his head and neck, and the other soothingly ran up and down his back.

Once he got himself under control, he said, “Damn, I don’t know why I’m crying. I was just sitting here looking at you, and then these emotions just came up out of nowhere. It was overpowering and a bit jumbled. I’m already feeling better. Thanks, Ken, I didn’t mean to go all ‘big gurl’ on you.”

Ken held Brad by his shoulders and looked into his eyes, seeking an answer to what just happened and brushing the remaining tears away with his thumbs.

“Alright, maybe it was stupid ‘ta try it. I shoulda’ known somethin’ like this could happen.”

“Don’t blame yourself Ken, the doc all but said to try it.”

“Yeah, but it’s uncharted territory, and we all know how that can lead to unforeseen consequences.”

“I think it’s all just a temporary adjustment… I’m sure the doc can explain it better, but I think our nervous systems temporarily Linked, and your hunger and this emotional thing with me are like little aftershocks.”

“Oh God, you just sounded intelligent, now I know somethin’s wrong.”

Brad couldn’t help it and started to laugh.

“Fuck you. Alright, finish eating and go get dressed or you’re going to be late.”

Ken took off down the hall, and Brad took advantage to watch his ass in his slacks.

A few minutes later, while Brad finished getting the plates into the dishwasher and everything cleaned up, Ken came down the hallway fully dressed.

He asked, “No jokes, how do I look?” as he pulled on his aviator sunglasses.

“Like a badass security agent. I pity the fool who wants to mess with your client with you on the job.”

“Now that’s what I wanted to hear. Why can’t you be this supportive all the time?”

Ken had to dodge the wet dish towel that came flying his way.

“Okay, B, I gotta hit the road. I’m not sure when I’ll be home… the club our client wants to go to closes at 0400, and if she decides to stay, and then hit Waffle House or IHOP after, who knows how late, or early tomorrow, it could be.”


Brad gave Ken a quick parting kiss and straightened the jacket more squarely on Ken’s shoulders.

He sniffed and said, “Damn you smell great. Have a good night and be careful. If the doc clears it, I want more of the best sex we’ve ever had tomorrow, so don’t wear yourself out.”

Ken flashed Brad his sexiest smile and did a double eyebrow raise in response to his comment.

Ken flipped the security switch, the air pressure changed, and he heard the familiar “thunk” of the door and window seals pulling back. Surprisingly, Brad felt the change in air pressure too. Apparently, his strength wasn’t the only thing augmented by Ken’s new ability. As soon as the house was out of ‘vault’ mode, Brad noted the subtle shift in Ken’s posture. He exuded a serious demeanor and had a ‘don’t fuck with me’ attitude. The kitchen door shut, and Brad was alone in the house.

Brad heard the garage door open, and Ken’s Explorer pull out of the driveway.




Brad texted a ‘711’ code to the doc, which meant ‘it’s urgent to call back but not life-threatening.’ Brad’s iPhone rang within seconds.


“Yes, Bradford, what is it?”

Even after almost twenty years, the doctor still called the men by their formal names. It was another of his idiosyncrasies, like never using contractions when he spoke.

“I was wondering if we could meet at the Lab tonight. Something happened that I need to discuss with you. I think it needs to be sooner rather than later if at all possible, sir.”

“Of course, my boy, of course. If I leave now I can be there in half an hour. If you do not mind, could I beg a favor of you?”

Brad grinned, knowing exactly what the doctor’s ‘favor’ was.

“Yes sir, of course, I already think I know what you have in mind. A number Four Platter, add a chicken plank, extra fries, no slaw, and a large sweet tea?”

“You are a truly remarkable young man, Bradford!”

“No problem, sir. I wouldn’t mind getting some tea myself.”

“Very good, Bradford. Please do not forget extra ketchup!”

“Never, sir.”

Smiling, Brad hung up the phone and headed to the Long John Silver’s just around the corner from the house before heading to the Lab.




Brad stopped at Long John Silver’s and picked up the doctor’s food, then made his way to the Lab. They called it the Lab, but it was initially an old healthcare facility the doc had renovated to suit his purposes. Separate from their area, on the street side of the building, there was a front office with a legitimate business that ran blood and urine tests for local doctors’ offices that didn’t have their own equipment.

No one knew how he pulled it off, but there was an immense sub-basement in the building that comprised the facility they called the Lab. The main entrance was at the rear of the building via a secure reinforced steel door. The Lab even had a specialized gym for Ken and the other physically enhanced Team members, as well as extra rooms on the medical side for sleeping or emergencies if someone got hurt. The doctor could perform full-blown surgery if necessary.

As soon as Brad entered the Lab he set the doctor’s food on the one open spot on his cluttered desk, then hooked up his tablet to download the data from Ken’s examination. Typically, the Lab wasn’t connected to the internet, as the doctor didn’t trust some pre-pubescent genius hacker not to break in. There was a hijacked satellite link to a number of top-secret Government computer systems, but the doctor didn’t say much about that, and they only used it when necessary. Other than that, everyone had their own computers and tablets, and the doctor developed nearly all his own applications and databases for his research. He seemed light years ahead of what even the US Military had at its disposal. From Brad’s time in the Navy, he had seen some big systems, but nothing to match what the doctor put together.

Brad heard the doctor come in and after a minute call out his name.


Brad got up and went back to the doctor’s office.

“Hello, sir. Thanks for meeting me on such short notice.”

“Not at all Bradford, not at all. If you do not mind I am famished, so you can fill me in on what you wish to discuss while I eat.”

The two men settled themselves, and Brad started the conversation.

“Well sir, Ken told me he discussed this with you at some point, and while you didn’t exactly encourage him to go through with it, he said you didn’t prohibit the attempt either. I was giving him his post-workout exam today, which you know can lead to some extra-curricular activities.”

The edge of the doctor’s mouth rose almost imperceptibly in a knowing smile at the reference to his and Ken’s ‘extra-curricular’ activities.

“In the heat of the moment, I made a comment… Something to the effect of ‘I wish you could feel what you’re doing to me.’ I felt dizzy, and Ken immediately sensed my disorientation. He stopped whatever he tried, thinking he hurt me. When I asked him what he had done, Ken said he tried a new technique, wanting us to share our physical experiences and sensations. Once I knew what he was attempting, I better understood what I felt and told him to try again. Sir, it was the most fantastic sex either one of has ever had. After we finished, I noticed something odd, and there seemed to be a few physical and emotional side effects.

“Ken commented that whatever he did must have taken a lot out of him because he was ravenous. Sir, I don’t think he noticed how much he ate before leaving the house. I fixed enough dinner for at least four people, and Ken ate everything I didn’t. He also sweated profusely for a few minutes, which he rarely ever does. For myself sir, well, as you know I gain some temporary benefits from intercourse with Ken, but this time it happened much faster and quicker than normal, and the effects were much stronger and longer lasting. I also experienced an emotional rush that was very intense that lasted for a few minutes. It was disconcerting and extremely unsettling.”

During the debriefing the Doctor didn’t say a word and spent most of his time opening packets of ketchup before digging into his fish and chicken.

“You mentioned something else, something odd. What was that?”

The doctor ate, listening to everything Brad said with no hint of surprise or concern, which put Brad more at ease. If the doctor didn’t seem concerned, then he must have been expecting something along these lines.

“Well, sir, a few minutes after we finished our… ahh… activity, I noticed Ken’s eye color change briefly. His eyes, as you know are green, and they briefly turned a light shade of green, almost white. It wasn’t a glow like in the movies or on TV, just a change in color.”

“So, we can strike possession by a Goa’uld off our list?”

Brad looked at the doctor, stunned for a second. He had no idea the doctor was a Stargate SG-1 fan!

“Um... Yes, sir, I believe we can.”

Brad held in a chuckle but couldn’t help a brief smile at the doctor’s joke. The doctor had a very dry sense of humor, and half the time no one got his jokes or didn’t know if he was joking or serious.

“This is all very interesting Bradford. Not unexpected, but interesting. It seems Kenneth has taken a huge step on his own. He is unlocking another part of himself, inside both of you in fact, which you must learn to adapt to just as you dealt with the initial changes in the past. There is no need to be concerned, but there are precautions you should each take. The next time Kenneth can come in with you, I would like to sit down with you both and have a discussion. Until then, you can explore this new technique as you see fit as long as it is under the protection of your home or here in the Laboratory.”

“Thank you, sir. It’s a relief to know this isn’t unexpected. What about the side effects on me? I still feel pretty charged up, and it’s usually about this time it starts to fade.”

“In the future, when you employ this ability after your coupling with Kenneth, the effects will strengthen even more and last for a longer period of time. Additional training might be necessary to cope with the changes. There is a reason for the increase in strength and duration in you, and it has to do with your pairing with Kenneth and your role in supporting him physically and emotionally. I will explain more when we have a chance to sit down together. The only thing I would ask, Bradford, is that you not mention this to the others just yet. They may not be ready for this step, and I do not want to cause them undue alarm or anxiety.”

“Of course, sir. I understand, and I’ll make sure Ken doesn’t inadvertently spill the beans.”




Ken pulled out of the driveway, headed towards the office. He and his buddies from the Program started a private security firm together years ago. Initially, they all wanted to break up and do their own thing, but Dr. Thomas insisted they stay together, telling them as long as they kept a low profile everything should be fine. The US Government, the few members that ever knew their Team existed, thought them dead and after eighteen years most of them were most likely retired.

The doc worked some technological voodoo erasing all records of them, even pictures and paper files, making them virtually disappear. None of the men had any family they were aware of, which was one of the requirements for the Program and why they were selected to begin with.

Ken called the office to check in for the night’s job. Pushing the phone button on the steering wheel of his Explorer he said, “Call Sally.” A few seconds later the phone rang through the cabin speakers. Sally picked up after two rings “TGH Securities, how may I help you?”

“Hey, Sally, this is Ken. I’m headin’ downtown now. Do I need ‘ta stop by the office for anythin’ before I head ‘ta the hotel?”

“Hi, Ken! I forgot you were filling in for Kevin tonight. How are you, honey?”

“I’m actually doin’ pretty fuckin’ fantastic.”

“Well, we both know what that means. Is Brad home recovering?”

Laughing loudly, Ken said “Yeah, I think I wore him out tonight. We tried somethin’ new, and it was over the top. Best. Sex. Ever.”

“Well, it’s nice to know someone’s having a good time. I wish I could say that.”

“Never fear sweetie, your prince charmin’s out there somewhere!”

“Well, tell him to get a move on! I’m tired of waiting. Don’t you have any straight friends that are as good looking as you and Brad you could hook me up with?”

“Sorry, sugar.”

“Story of my life. Oh well, back to tonight’s job. There’s no reason to come by unless you want to stop in and see me. I can email you all the information you need for tonight.”

“As much as I’d love ‘ta come by, I’m runnin’ on a tight schedule, so I’d better not push it.”

“I think the only thing tight about you right now are those fine black slacks I know you’re wearing to cover that sweet tush. I’m getting flushed just thinking about that hot ass of yours.”

An image of Sally fanning her face popped into his head, and Ken smiled to himself. All the guys loved Sally; she was a godsend and kept the company running while they were out in the field. She knew they were gay but flirted with them in fun. Ken’s phone buzzed as he received the email she just sent.

“I know I’ve said this a thousand times Sally, but thanks for puttin’ up with all our shit, and keepin’ us straight... Uh, well, you know what I mean. I just got your email and should be all set. I’ll call if I need ‘ta clarify anythin’.”

“Alright, Ken. Take care of yourself tonight. I know the type of crowd you’ll be in, and there just might be some stray hands trying to cop a feel. And these types of events can get violent when it gets late after everyone is either drunk or high.”

“I will, Sally. Don’t worry about me. I’ll check in tomorrow to go over the billin’ information.”

“Alright, Ken. Have a good night.”




Twenty minutes later Ken pulled up to the valet parking at the Hilton in downtown Atlanta. He checked in with security and got everything situated, setting his earpiece to monitor the hotel frequency.

That evening’s client was an up-and-coming rapper Ken had never heard of named Lil’B who managed nearly overnight success. Personally, Ken didn’t like Rap or Hip Hop as it wasn’t a part of his generation. He also didn’t care for the culture of violence that seemed to go everywhere rappers performed. Someone always managed to sneak a few guns past hotel security, and once the drinking started, managed to get insulted and feel the need to demand respect at gunpoint.

While he waited, Ken went to find a bathroom to check himself over. Looking in the mirror, he had to admit he looked intimidating.

He grinned to himself and thought: And fucking hot.

Black suit, white shirt, purple tie, and the aviator sunglasses topped it all off. He couldn’t look more like a G-Man if he tried, which for the night would suit his purposes just fine.

The limo was an hour late, but Ken wasn’t worried because his duties didn’t start until the limo pulled up to the front door. He just stood around and looked intimidating while he waited.

Once the limo arrived, Ken moved to the door and introduced himself to the driver, showing his ID. The limo driver opened the door and stood back, letting Ken help the young woman out.

As he leaned over and took her hand, Ken introduced himself.

“Good evenin’, Ma’am. My name’s Ken Habersham, and I’ll be your security escort this evenin’. Please try ‘ta stay close to me at all times for your protection.”

The young woman lowered her glasses to the end of her nose and looked Ken up and down.

“Damn, nigga, could you be any whiter?”

Ken laughed at her comment, replying, “No, Ma’am, probably not.”

She looked him up and down again, saying, “Mmmm mmmm MMMM Dayumm, you are fine! I won’t have any trouble stayin’ close to that ass.”

Except for her language, which Ken found a bit obnoxious, Lil’B seemed to be a nice young lady.

Her entourage was huge, and with so many people there was no way everyone could get to Buckhead and go clubbing, so the after concert party stayed in the Hotel. The Hotel ended up opening three additional suites adjacent to the main party. The evening was going smoothly until 0100 when Ken heard a commotion in the hallway just outside the main suite. He hoped hotel security could handle it but was prepared to intervene if necessary. He would only have to deal with the problem if it came into the room and involved his client.

Chatter over the hotel frequency told Ken the situation was rapidly escalating. Just as he heard, “I’m gonna need some help….!” Someone in the hallway shouted, “Lil’B, get yo bitch ass out here now!”

Ken leaned over and asked his client, “Ma’am do you know that man yellin’ out in the hallway?”

Her body language told Ken she was terrified before she even answered his question.

“He’s my ex. Nigga thinks he owns me and says I owe him money from my music.”

“Okay, Ma’am. There’s nothin’ ‘ta worry about. I’m gonna go out and take care of this before he even gets close ‘ta you. What’s his name?”

“Musab. But if you wanna piss him off call him Tyrone, that’s his real name.”

Just then the unconscious body of a hotel security guard flew into the room, hitting a large group of people and knocking most of them down. There was blood on the man’s face, and drinks flew everywhere. Lil’B squealed loudly and scrambled up on the back of the big overstuffed chair she sat in. People were screaming, and a general panic ensued.

Ken watched Tyrone move into the room along with a few friends. Tyrone was a big man, at least 6’ 5” if not taller, and reasonably muscular. The men with him were pretty big too.

Ken planted himself squarely in front of Lil’B.

“I’m sorry, Sir, but you aren’t steppin’ any closer to my client. You need ‘ta leave. Now. Consider this your only warnin’.”

“Nigga you better git outta my bizness! I’m here to git what I got comin’ to me! You get outta my face or…”

Ken wasn’t sure if it was a knife or a gun Tyron went for, but it didn’t matter. Faster than anyone could see Ken’s fist connected right in the solar plexus of Tyrone’s big chest. All of the air in Tyrone exited his lungs in a heartbeat, and he flew back five feet landing on his ass. The guys backing Tyrone up comically looked at each other and then leaped for Ken at the same time. They were quick, Ken gave them that, and moderately strong. But Ken… well, Ken was a genetically enhanced Navy SEAL, and there wasn’t a man on the planet outside his unit that could stand up to him, even all three of them together.

Two had knives, and one had a gun. Ken disarmed the one holding the gun first, shattering most, if not all, of the bones in the guy’s hand while doing so. The two with knives were on him before the gun hit the floor. To them, it felt like they hit a brick wall. Ken smirked at the surprised looks on their faces just before they lost consciousness. Unfortunately, one of them ripped the sleeve of Ken’s jacket as he fell to the ground, and the other one grabbed his shirt, ripping it open and popping off most of the buttons. At least they didn’t break his aviator glasses, that would have been too much, and pissed him off.

Immediately, Ken turned to Lil’B and asked, “Ma’am, are you alright?”

She was shaking, and her eyes looked like they were about to pop out of her head, but she managed to nod a quick ‘yes.’ Ken moved over to the unconscious hotel security guard. It looked like his nose was broken, and some teeth were missing.

That’s definitely gonna’ hurt.

The man was breathing though, and that was a good thing. Ken activated his mic and said, “Hotel security this is Ken Habersham, the security agent workin’ for the rapper in Suite 11B. You need ‘ta get some people up here, pronto. There’s been a fight, and there are four unconscious people; one of them is yours and need medical attention. There’s one additional perp that’s about to be unconscious.”

Tyrone still wheezed on the floor, trying to suck air back into his lungs. Ken pulled off his tie and wrapped Tyrone’s hands securely together. Once Tyrone got his breath back he started shouting again.

“What the fuck nigga! Let me up, or I’m gonna kick yo ass!”

A long string of F-bombs proceeded from his mouth, and he started telling Ken exactly what he was going to do to him.

Ken looked back at Lil’B, who was still shaken but managed to say, “Now you see why I dumped his black ass.”

Ken smirked at her comment, and gave Tyrone a solid thump on his head, knocking him out cold. He picked up Lil’B like a baby, shielding her with his body and moving out of the room. He held her against his chest, and when she put her arms around his neck the heat and strength of his body made her feel safe. Her shaking subsided, and by the time they arrived at the elevators, she wanted to walk on her own. When she spoke, she seemed to have lost some of her attitude.

“Damn, Ken, that was some major GI-Joe, Kung-Fu Panda shit you pulled on Tyrone and his boyz. Thanks, white boy.”

She leaned up and kissed him on the cheek and gave him a fiercely strong hug for such a little body.

On the way down in the elevator Ken instructed security to send her limo around, and by the time they made it to the front door of the hotel her driver was waiting.

“Ma’am, I think you should call it a night. Tyrone might have a few other friends hangin’ around.”

“Thanks again, white boy. Sorry about your suit. At least they didn’t break those cool-ass glasses.”

Ken helped her into the limo and watched it drive off. As the limo pulled away, he noticed his reflection in the glass lining the front of the hotel. His suit was in tatters, one sleeve missing and his shirt ripped open. He realized people were staring, at first because of the torn clothing, but then to try and get a better look at his incredible body showing through.

Ken was about to go over and have the valet retrieve his Explorer so he could head home when he received a call over his earpiece. He forgot he still had to help the police with an incident report.

“Mr. Habersham, this is hotel security. We need to get a statement from you about tonight’s incident for insurance. The police are taking statements on the side entrance at the loading dock. Please make your way there as soon as you can.”

“Alright, I’m on my way.”

Ken knew he sounded irritated, but it was necessary. He was a consummate professional, but he really wanted to get home and crawl into bed with Brad.

“Thank you, sir.”

Being familiar with the hotel, Ken knew where the loading dock was located and headed that way. It was late, and the side street was dark. He thought it odd the police would use that entrance, but figured they probably wanted to keep the excitement out of the lobby.

As soon as Ken turned the corner, his combat instincts told him something was wrong. The loading dock was dark, and he didn’t see or hear any police cars. His soldier’s intuition screamed ambush! and even as Ken flattened himself against the wall to lessen his exposure, three sharp points of pain hit his body, one on his arm and two on his back. Looking down, he saw a large dart sticking out of his arm.

He tried to move back around the corner of the building, but his body wasn’t reacting fast enough and he realized he was in trouble… His vision blurred and he almost passed out. Down on one knee, he instinctively knew he was in danger, but his mind got fuzzier by the second and he was having trouble thinking and reacting. He heard a voice say, “Shit there was enough juice in those darts to drop an elephant, and he’s still awake.”

“Yeah, they said he was badass. This should finish him off so we can get him into the van.”

Pain wracked his body as multiple tasers hit him. The last thing he heard was, “Damn, this guy weighs a fucking ton.”

He heard his aviator glasses fall off and hit the concrete, and then blackness…

Appendix for The Order:

The Team

Original/Birth Name and Rank Current Name

Lt. Commander Bruce Dutcher (Captain) Ken Habersham

Lt. Alan Whetherson Bradford (Brad) Wilson

Lt. Don Elenburg Bryan (Bry) Gunter

Lt. Jim Barton Lane Weaver

Lt. James Schrader Patrick (Pat) Manning

Lt. Dan Shogren Darren (Dar) Wilcox

Lt. Keith Abrams Kevin (Kev) Ayers

Lt. Fred Martin Willian (Bill) Brennan

Lt. Paul Tibedeaux Richard (Rick(y) Crawford

Lt. Gary Bolin Loy Barton

The Couples







Their Mentor

Dr. Aaron Thomas

Copyright © 2019 btaoc1963; All Rights Reserved.
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