Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you.
The Order - 10. Chapter 10
Content warning: This story contains adult situations, language, and consensual sex between adult men. If said content is illegal in your state or country, please leave now and do not continue.
They headed down to Grady Hospital and met at the parking deck near the entrance. Lane’s guitar case happened to be in Bryan’s Explorer, and once they arrived at the hospital his Intuition told him he should take it in with him, so he strung it over his back as he entered the building.
Ken said, “Ricky, Loy, you go in and meet Tag’s wife, and the rest of us’ll spread out on the fifth floor. There are multiple waitin’ rooms, so we can fan out and not be so conspicuous. Everybody stay Linked, and if you see anythin’ out of the ordinary, or feel anythin’ in your gut that doesn’t seem right, let everyone know STAT. Let’s enter in pairs every couple of minutes, so we don’t draw attention to ourselves.”
As soon as Brad entered the lobby, an oppressive Compulsion brushed against his Shield. Glancing around, he noticed no one smiling and most people had blank looks on their faces.
Guys, something’s going on. There’s some kind of oppressive broadcast happening. Lane, Bill, Loy, and Dar, amp up your emotional push. Everyone needs to be on the same page for maximum effect, so let’s all go for happy and content. I have a feeling we’re going to alert The Enemy as soon as we do this, so be ready.
Brad concentrated, and a wave of emotion came off him, strengthening as Lane, Loy, Bill, and Darren joined him, and within seconds people throughout the building started shaking their heads as if they were waking up or shaking off cobwebs.
Loy and Rick made their way directly to room 584. The door was shut, and Loy knocked softly as he pushed it open. Olive sat at Tag’s bedside holding his hand and stood as soon as they entered the room.
“Mrs. Keenan? It’s Loy and Rick.”
When she stood, they were surprised how small she was. In her heels, she was barely five feet tall. She wore a blue flowered dress, probably her best church outfit, and a matching hat sat on a nearby chair. Her dress seemed outdated but suited her perfectly. Her eyes were red from crying, and she held a crumpled Kleenex in her hand. Even crying, Olive radiated an inner strength, one not held by current generations.
“Thank you for coming Mr. Barton. I’m so sorry to bother you, but the doctors don’t seem to be able to do anything. Tag spoke of you often... I just didn’t know what else to do. I can’t thank you enough for what you did for him, whatever it was. He never told me what you did, or why, but whatever it was, for some reason it stuck wit him this time.”
Fresh tears filled her eyes as she spoke. Her voice matched her stature, not mousy but soft. She looked exhausted and almost stumbled, putting her hand on the bed to steady herself. Loy rushed forward to support her.
“Ma’am, I can’t tell you how sorry we are about what’s happened to your husband, but I think we can help.”
“You do? Are you doctors?”
“No, ma’am. It’s difficult to explain, and things might seem a little strange, but if you trust us, and will let us, I think we can help your husband.”
“The doctors don’t know what’s wrong wit him. He OD’d, and it did terrible things to his body, but something else is happening they can’t explain. He keeps getting weaker, and I’m afraid he doesn’t have much longer.”
“Please, Mr. Barton, call me Olive.”
“Okay, Olive, but it’s Loy, not Mr. Barton. I can’t tell you how I know this, but someone did this to Tag. He didn’t go back to using drugs on his own.”
“I don’t know how you know that, but I believe you. He was getting better. He had his bad days sure, but he was trying so hard to make things work. He finally found himself agin, and even managed to get a job. I had ‘bout given up on him, and when he came back I almost didn’t let him in the door, but something about him was changed. I saw it in him, in his eyes. You helped him, so I think you have good intentions. I have no idea why you’d do this for him or me, but I’ll take whatever help you offer.”
“Part of how I know, Olive, is the reason Tag was targeted. He helped us find a friend of ours a few months ago who was missing. That’s when we met him. We had no idea anything like this would happen, but we’re going to do everything in our power to make this right and get him back to you.
“Olive, I’m not sure what’s going to happen in the next few minutes. It’s possible the people who did this to Tag might show up. We’ll protect you if that happens, but I want you to know that you’re going to see some strange things that might seem impossible. Just know that whatever you see is necessary to help Tag, and is for your safety and his, okay?”
“Mister you’re scaring me, but if it’ll help my husband find his way back to me you can spin on your head upside down and I won’t care.”
Loy gave her a reassuring smile and patted her gently on her arm.
“That’s the spirit, Olive. Tag’s a lucky man.”
Rick moved to guard the door, and Loy stood at Tag’s bedside. Resting a hand on Tag’s forehead, Loy reached for his Mind, but immediately a sharp searing pain hit him. It was excruciating, causing him to grab his head and double over in pain.
Everyone in the Link felt it too, although Loy took the brunt.
Brad: Loy, what the hell was that?
There’s some kind of barrier protecting Tag’s Mind. Fuck, that hurt like a son of a bitch!
I’ll be right there.
Ken followed Brad from the waiting area to Tag’s room.
When they entered, Rick said, “Olive, these are friends of ours, Brad and Ken and they’re here to help. Guys, this is Olive, Tag’s wife.”
Ken and Brad both took her hand, and Ken told her, “Pleased ‘ta meet you, ma’am. We’re sorry about your husband. I want you ‘ta know we’ll make this right and do whatever it takes ‘ta fix this so the two of you can be together.”
Olive didn’t know what to make of the big, handsome men who came to help, but somehow their presence was reassuring. As soon as Loy and Rick entered the room her mood lightened, and a spark of hope ignited in her Heart for the first time since Tag was admitted to the hospital. When Ken took her hand and told her everything would be alright, something inside her stirred and she believed his words.
Olive not only heard his words, she felt Ken’s Conviction. His solid presence gave her comfort, and any lingering doubts about the strange men vanished. Brad was the only one who noticed Ken’s tattoo glow softly as he spoke to her.
Brad moved to the opposite side of the bed from Loy. He spoke aloud rather than through their Link. Even though most of what they would say wouldn’t make sense to Olive, it might give her comfort hearing their voices and knowing they were trying to help.
“Loy, lets shift our Sight, and take another look.”
Everyone but Olive saw Brad and Loy’s foreheads start to glow with a beautiful blue light.
With their Sight shifted, what Loy and Brad saw was horrifying. To the naked eye they were invisible, but with their Mind’s Eye they saw grotesque creatures clutched over Tag’s energy centers, digging into his body and feeding off his energy. They were semi-transparent, dark and foggy, and in some areas solid black, with spiked shells that emitted tendrils of black, smoky energy.
Casting his thoughts across the city, Brad called to the doctor and Albrecht.
Doc! Albrecht!
The soothing, gentle strength of the doctor and Albrecht entered their Link immediately.
Yes, Bradford, we are here.
Do you know what these things are attached to Tag?
Alarm registered from Albrecht as he looked through Brad’s eyes.
They are spirit creatures called Iktomi. They are vile, evil creatures of the Pale. They will feed off his life force through his energy centers until he is dead. This is very bad.
How do we get rid of them?
Once they are attached, there is little to be done. Certain crystals can be charged with energies they find distasteful but depending on the strength of whoever bound them that might not work.
Can we kill them?
Iktomi die when they are full. Think of them like ticks, except when they are bloated with the energies from their host, the host dies, and the Iktomi die as well. If you try to remove them or destroy them by force, they will kill the host so you must be careful.
Alright, I think we can take it from here. If they want food, we’re going to give them more than they can handle.
Be careful, Bradford.
Always, doc.
Brad turned his thoughts back to the hospital and the Link with the Team.
Lane, Bry, I need you in here.
On our way.
Darren’s voice piped into the Link.
Guys, we have activity. We have muscle goons getting off the elevators. So far, I count five.
Bill interjected: Make it ten, five more just got off the elevator by me.
Ken: Okay guys, do what you can to hold them off and do your best to keep any civilians from getting hurt. Don’t take any risks. I don’t want any of us getting hurt either. Holler if you need Rick or me to come back you up.
Seconds later, the door opened and Rick said, “Olive, this is Lane and Bryan.”
Lane introduced himself saying, “Hello ma’am, pleased to meet you.”
Bryan, the gentle giant he was, smiled and nodded his greeting, touching her shoulder with a gentle squeeze of his big hand.
Olive nodded to them, her eyes wide.
“How many of you are there?”
Ken said, “The rest of the Team is close by Olive. The people who did this to Tag are here, and they aren’t happy. If things get excitin’, you need ‘ta stay behind us. We won’t let anythin’ happen to you.”
Lane pulled his guitar from its case and settled the strap on his shoulder.
Brad told him, “Lane, these things on Tag are feeding off his energy. The doc and Albrecht say they’re like ticks and when they get full, they die. I want you and Bryan to power up and stuff them so full they explode. I think Tag is trapped in a Construct where he’s back in Afghanistan, and we can’t get him out until we get rid of these things. He might need additional Healing once they’re off, so be ready. I know this is a lot to ask, but you and Bryan are our best chance to get this done as fast and safe as possible.”
In his deep, gravelly voice, Bryan said “No problem.”
Lane smiled at Bryan while he strummed his guitar warming up his fingers, thankful for his confidence and trust.
“I have the perfect song for this.”
Addressing Olive, Lane said, “Ma’am, I’m going to sing a song twice. After I’m done the first time, I’ll need you to come over and take Tag’s hand. I’m not sure what you’ll see when you do that but hold him tight and let him know how much he means to you. Can you do that?”
“I have no idea what you all are doing, or how this will help my husband, but I can do that.”
Loy turned to Olive, “Olive, you’re doing great. Anyone else would have thrown us out by now. Please believe me, however unorthodox this looks it’s all to help Tag.”
A loud crash sounded in the hallway and Pat, Darren, Bill, and Kevin shouted over the Link.
Brad, Loy, and Lane felt the Power coming from Bill and Darren as they started their part of the fight. Brad gave Ken a knowing smile that their efforts and training were paying off.
Bryan got behind Lane and put his hands on his shoulders, ready to support him physically and Mentally. He whispered in Lane’s ear and not over the Link squeezing Lane’s shoulders as he did so, “Take what you need from me, Little Buddy. I’m with you.”
Lane looked over his shoulder with a confident smile and winked at Bryan.
Olive started when their eyes turned White. When their tattoos began to glow and spit small colored tendrils her eyes got wide. When their bodies started to glow faintly her hand went to her mouth.
At first, she was scared to death, but the look on their faces soothed her fears. Something radiated from them; it felt like… love? It was warm and beautiful, and soaked into her Soul. Her love for Tag rushed to the surface of her Mind and the hope that everything was going to be alright filled her heart. In the midst of all the chaos and uncertainty, tears of happiness spilled down her cheeks.
Lane sang a song he had on his iPod, but his Intuition told him he should sing it rather than listen to it. The part of him that loved music preferred making it rather than listening to it, even if it was a song he didn’t write himself. His instinct was right, and he and Bryan were carried by the music further outside themselves than before.
Shared love and intimacy between the two men fueled their Bodies, Minds, and Souls. Bright ribbons of blue, yellow, and red energy crackled from their energy centers, swirling around them both. Lane wove them together into a single White ribbon that was almost too bright to look at.
Lane was occupied and didn’t notice the soft brush across his Mind, but Brad and Loy turned to see the giant form of a Nephilim seated in the corner of the room, with a cowl keeping most of his features covered. He was crouched to fit in the room and even though his face was mostly obscured, he seemed entirelyfocused on Loy.
Brad said quietly but intently, “Ken, Rick, look!”
Ken and Rick turned to see the giant figure sitting calmly, observing them.
Lane and Bryan were lost in the music and oblivious to the presence of the Nephilim. Lane played loud and hard on his guitar and his Soul flew high with Bryan by his side. Lane’s flows strengthened as the song continued, stirring a hot wind around them that blew the hair on their heads.
The Iktomi squirmed, sensing a stronger source of food nearby.
Since Lane’s hands were occupied Bryan focused the Power Lane generated, raising his right hand and sending the energy arcing into the first Iktomi attached to Tag’s forehead. Instantaneously the creature exploded, unable to absorb the amount of energy Bryan directed into it. A dark blue spot glowed softly on Tag’s forehead where the creature had been attached.
The White ribbon moved down to Tag’s chest and the second creature vaporized. One by one, in a matter of seconds the Iktomi were destroyed, leaving small, slightly glowing spots at each energy center on Tag’s body; dark blue on his forehead, dark yellow on his chest, and a deep red on his lower stomach.
Bryan’s deep voice was loud, echoing with Power across the Link, almost deafening as it vibrated with the energy flowing through him.
Brad, get him out of the Construct so we can finish.
Brad threw himself into Tag’s Mind. There was no painful barrier this time and he appeared in the middle of a street in Afghanistan. He quickly looked around and saw Tag. Bullets were flying everywhere and even as his combat instincts took over and he ducked under cover, a stray bullet ripped through the flesh of his left shoulder. The impact knocked him off his feet, and he hit the ground hard, doubled over in agony.
In Tag’s hospital room, Brad’s shoulder erupted in blood, splattering everyone around him and he dropped to his knees.
Ken shouted, “Brad!”
As soon as Ken touched Brad he threw himself into the Construct, appearing in the street beside Brad, who was on the ground clutching his shoulder. Ken knelt down immediately and grabbed hold of his partner.
“Ken!? What the fuck!? What are you doing here!? Get out of here man!”
“Fuck that! I’m here to help!”
Brad tried his best to ignore the pain and concentrate on breaking the Construct, but it was much stronger than he expected. He kept pushing, but it was too strong to break by himself.
Breathing heavy he said, “This thing is too strong! I can’t break it!”
Ken yelled to make himself heard over the gunfire, “Take what you need from me ‘ta rip this shithole apart and get us ‘outta here, B! We can do it together!”
Ken pulled Brad against him, wrapping his strong arms around Brad in support. Brad heard Ken’s voice in his Mind, but also his solid presence wrapped around his Soul.
I’m with you, B.
Ken almost passed out when Brad drew heavily from his energy. The Construct was powerfully built and it took everything Brad and Ken had, but it shattered like a broken mirror, sending them and Tag back to the real world. As soon as they were back in their bodies, Ken and Brad collapsed on the floor semi-conscious.
Olive watched Tag so intently, looking for some sign of him waking up, she started when Lane’s voice resonated in her Mind.
Take his hand, Olive. Talk to him. Make him hear how much you love and need him. You’re the one who can lead him back.
Too amazed to be afraid anymore, Olive held Tag’s hand and kissed the back of it. She whispered over and over, “Oh baby, come back to me! Lord, bring him back to me!”
The second time through the song Bryan focused their energies into Tag, restoring the vitality the Iktomi drained out of him. Bryan was as gentle as he could be, but to Tag’s Soul it was like trying to drink from a fire hydrant, and his body arched from the influx of energy.
The damage to Tag was clear, and Bryan altered the flows to re-energize him. Lane, through Bryan, Healed the damage to his body from the drug overdose. He didn’t remove the memories of Tag’s trauma, but he took away the physical pain from repeatedly losing his leg in the explosion.
When Lane stopped playing the glow around them lessened, and he and Bryan staggered down to one knee, exhausted. Rick rushed over to check on Brad and Ken, and Loy rushed over to Bryan and Lane.
Tag’s eyes fluttered open, and he saw Olive’s tear-streaked face smiling down at him. Her hands gripped his so tight it hurt, but he smiled at her. His voice was weak and raspy, but he managed to squeak out, “Hey momma! What you cryin’ for? I heard you callin’ me, sweetie!”
“Oh, Lord! Thank you!”
Olive rested her face on his chest and cried her heart out. Tag wrapped his arms around her, hugging her as tightly as he could manage.
As he hugged Olive sounds in the room caught his attention, and he looked over to see Rick and Loy hovering over some other men.
“Hey fellas! What’re you doin here?”
Through her tears Olive said, “I called ‘em baby! I didn’t know what else to do! I thought you were gonna leave me.”
There was still a lot of noise coming from the hallway; people screaming, sounds of crashing and breaking glass, and even a few gunshots. It was muffled because the door was shut, but it was still loud enough to cause concern.
Tag asked, “What the hell’s goin’ on out there?”
After a few additional crashes the hallway fell silent.
Rick glanced at Ken, who seemed dazed but okay, so he tended to Brad first. Brad’s shirt was soaked in blood, and Rick saw a large bullet hole in the ball of his left shoulder, bleeding profusely.
Rick broke into the emergency supply cabinet in the room and grabbed rolls of gauze. Ripping the sleeve of Brad’s t-shirt off, he started wrapping his shoulder.
Ken fought to stay conscious, and knowing Brad was shot sent a surge of adrenaline through his system. In seconds his vision cleared and he sat up to see Rick wrapping Brad’s shoulder. Brad was conscious but pale.
Ken reached for Brad’s Mind but hit a wall. Brad didn’t want Ken feeling the pain and was blocking him. It pissed him off, and he punched through.
Fuck! B, are you alright!?
Yeah, I’ll be okay. It just hurts like a motherfucker.
B, take what you need from me to Heal that right now.
Ken… I’m not sure… we should get Tag out of here and get everybody safe. I already took so much from you to destroy the Construct I’m not sure it’s safe. I can wait.
Fuck that! The guys have things under control and Tag’s fine for the moment. We still have a few minutes before we need ‘ta make it outta here. Do it, B. I can deal with you bein’ in pain if I have to, but I don’t like it. And I don’t like you shuttin’ me out like that, so let’s fix this together.
Alright. Scoot over here in front of me.
Ken moved over, and they faced one another. Brad was sweating from the pain, and he lifted up his shirt to wipe off his face. He looked pale, and the tight, haggard expression on his face told Ken how badly he was hurting.
I’m not sure if this will make a difference but put your hand on my tattoo.
Ken placed his hand on the ball of Brad’s right shoulder, and Brad did the same to Ken. Like colorful flares their energy centers came to life one by one, and their eyes turned White. With Ken’s Mind now fully Opened, he was able to help Brad control the flows.
Their tattoos were warm and pulsing with energy. The Power flowed between them like water along with a euphoric sense of well-being as their love and support for each other fueled their connection. After observing what Bryan had done, Brad used Ken to focus the colors together into a single White ribbon. It wasn’t nearly as bright or intense as Bryan’s and Lane’s, but it was still powerful. Brad held his hand over the wound and directed the energy into his shoulder.
He and Ken saw the destruction of the skin and muscle tissue in the energy patterns and instinctively knew how to Heal the damage.
As soon as Ken and Brad moved together, Rick patted Ken’s shoulder in support and backed off to let them do their thing. He moved over with Loy to check on Bryan and Lane, who were exhausted but recovering. After killing the Iktomi, re-energizing Tag’s life energies, and Healing his physical trauma, they were both severely drained.
Rick glanced apprehensively at the corner where the Nephilim still crouched, not saying a word or making any movements. He sat with his hands on his knees, his face shrouded in the shadows of the cowl except for his lips and strong square chin.
Looking closer, Rick did a double take. Something about the Nephilim seemed familiar… his chin and mouth… Rick could swear he knew him from somewhere but couldn’t see enough of his face to place him. At Rick’s questioning look, there was a slight upturning at the corners of the Nephilim’s mouth; not a smirk but a smile. The Nephilim inclined his head towards Rick in acknowledgment and vanished.
The door opened and Rick spun around, ready to protect everyone in the room, but it was Pat, Darren, Bill, and Kevin standing at the door. They looked disheveled, and some of their clothing was torn, but other than a few scrapes and minor bruises they all looked fine.
Kevin asked, “Are you ladies done in there? We did all the heavy lifting out here. We need to evac ASAP.”
Kevin stepped into the room and saw Ken and Brad on the floor facing one another, glowing brightly, their tattoos spitting arcs of color underneath their hands and Brad’s shirt covered in blood. Bryan was helping Lane stand, and they both looked alright, just exhausted. Tag was awake and holding Olive.
“It looks like you guys had your own fun in here. I can’t wait to hear about it. Is everyone good to go?”
As Kevin finished talking the glow around Ken and Brad faded, and they slumped together breathing heavily, their sweaty foreheads touching but with smiles on their faces.
“You two lovebirds can make out later, we need to leave.”
Ken and Brad laughed at his comment, and cupping his hand behind Ken’s neck, Brad pulled him into a brief kiss and whispered, “I love you, Ken. Thanks!”
Brad unwrapped the blood-soaked gauze, and the bullet hole was gone. The skin of his shoulder was smooth and healthy. Brad was tired, but Ken looked pale and his body trembled with exhaustion.
Loy moved to Tag and said, “Tag, you and Olive need to come with us. We can keep you safe until we figure this out.”
“Git my leg, it’s in the closet wit my clothes.”
Loy opened the closet and got Tag’s prosthetic leg and quickly helped him get it on. He grabbed the small bag that had Tag’s clothing and said, “You can get dressed in the car.”
Everyone who had been in Tag’s room had no idea what had gone on out in the hallway. When they exited the room and headed for the stairwell, the hospital looked like a war zone. There were no civilians in sight, but unconscious muscle goons lay everywhere. Most of the furniture was overturned, carts were on their sides, and papers and medical supplies were strewn about the floor. It looked like a tornado had gone through the place.
Together, they made their way down to a side exit of the hospital on the ground floor. As they were leaving, Ken remembered the security cameras and exclaimed “Fuck! We need ‘ta erase the security cameras before we leave.”
Pat smiled and said, “No worries boss man. It’s taken care of.”
Ken looked relieved and said, “You’re awesome, Pat.”
Pat winked at him and said with a grin, “Yeah, well somebody has to be with all you losers around.”
By the time they exited the building Bryan, Lane, Ken, and Brad were functioning better. They were exhausted and weren’t up for another fight, but they could drive. Loy and Rick took Tag and Olive with them, and everybody made it back to their vehicles and headed to the Lab. As they were pulling out of the parking deck, a swarm of Atlanta Police cars screeched up to the front entrance of the Hospital.
On the drive back, Ken held Brad’s hand, playing with his fingers, but once they got on the Interstate Ken’s grip went slack, and Brad realized he fell asleep.
Brad said quietly, “God I love you, Ken.”
He took a moment to study Ken’s face. Asleep and completely relaxed, Ken looked even more handsome; his straight nose, strong jaw, his day-old growth of beard... Brad breathed deeply, smelling Ken’s musky aroma. Brad couldn’t help himself, and as tired as he was, he got hard.
As a testament to how exhausted Ken was, he didn’t wake up even when Brad pulled into the parking lot of the Lab. Ken was a light sleeper, and combat trained to wake at the slightest sound or movement. When Brad unbuckled his own seatbelt, he leaned over and brushed Ken’s hair off his forehead, kissing him softly on the lips. Ken’s lips curled into a smile, his mouth opened, and he lightly grabbed Brad’s tongue.
Ken breathed deep and stretched, putting one arm around Brad and pulling him close in a hug.
“Sorry man, I didn’t mean ‘ta pass out on ‘ya. That Healin’ shit’s exhaustin’.”
“Yeah, it is. I can’t wait to get Tag and Olive settled so we can get home. I want to take care of you so bad right now, in every way imaginable.”
“Well shit, let’s get this show on the road!”
Once inside the Lab, Loy and Rick made Tag and Olive comfortable in a guest room, while the doctor and Albrecht performed a quick exam of Bryan, Lane, Ken, and Brad.
“I am most impressed with what you all did today. You did an exemplary job of Healing Bradford’s shoulder, though I will stress upon you that doing that in the field is not recommended if the injury is not life-threatening.”
“Yeah, I’m sorry, doc. I know I should’da waited, but I couldn’t stand seein’ him in that much pain.”
“I understand my boy. What I say is far easier said than done. If it were Albrecht in pain, I would have felt the same way.”
Lane, Bryan, Ken, and Brad still had their shirts off from the exam when Rick walked in. He threw his hands up over his face in mock horror and shouted, “My eyes! My eyes!”
The four shirtless men flipped him a bird as they laughed.
Rick asked, “So, are we going to tell the doc about the elephant, or should I say Nephilim, in the room?”
The doctor’s eyebrows raised in surprise at Rick’s comment.
“Yeah doc, during most of the entire episode in Tag’s room, there was a twenty-foot-tall robed guy in a cowl crouched in the corner watching us.”
The doctor asked, “He did nothing to interfere? No actions of any sort?”
“No, sir. Right before he disappeared, he smiled at me and nodded. The only thing visible were his chin and lips, and I swear he looked familiar, but I couldn’t see enough of his face to place him.”
“Hmmm… interesting. It is possible you have met him before. They seem to have taken an interest in all of you and can assume human form when it suits them. His silence is not surprising as they rarely communicate directly, having their own rules that dictate such things.”
Rick looked around and didn’t see Henry.
“Doc, where’s Henry?”
“Henry is no longer here. Others in The Order wish to discover what was done to him, and how he was changed. He is safe and will not be harmed.”
“Will he be back?”
“That will be up to him. Although we do not like to do so, occasionally we resort to removing or altering memories to help individuals overcome trauma. Henry will be treated well and counseled, and then if he wishes to remember and move on with his life he can. It is also possible he might also choose to have the bad memories removed.”
“Wow, what a choice.”
“Yes. It is a heavy burden, and I deeply regret what happened to him and the consequences he must bear regardless of his choice. However, if I am any judge of character, I think Henry will choose to remember, and we might even see him again.”
“Now, all of you get dressed, please. I need to examine everyone else, as well as our new friend, Mister Keenan. You four,” he pointed to Ken, Brad, Bryan, and Lane, “should go home and rest. You will probably sleep heavily for the next twenty-four hours. Richard, I will need you and Loy to help settle Mr. Keenan and his lovely wife.”
Ken and Brad changed into clean clothes stored in their lockers and headed home. Both were quiet on the drive, but Ken held Brad’s hand as usual. Ken kept his sunglasses on and his head back, but Brad knew he was just tired and not asleep.
About halfway home Brad asked, “Are you hungry? We should probably get some food while we’re still out if we want to just go home and crash.”
Ken was about to reply when his stomach let out a loud rumble.
Brad chuckled and said, “I’ll take that as a ‘yes.' How does PF Chang’s sound?”
“The only thing better is sittin’ right next ‘ta me.”
“Flattery will get you everywhere, bud. You better watch it.”
With a lazy grin Ken mumbled, “I’m countin’ on it.”
Brad called in their order, and they swung by to pick it up.
Ken had dark circles under his eyes by the time they got home and ate. He devoured his food in no time. Brad was tired too but knew Ken had used up a great deal of his own energy to Heal his shoulder on top of what Brad took to shatter the Construct. Brad loved him for it, but he also felt guilty to be the cause of Ken’s exhaustion.
When they finished eating, Brad pulled a light blanket out of the hall closet, and a small towel from the bathroom.
“Hey Ken, strip down.”
Brad started taking off his own clothes. Ken was running on autopilot and did as he was told without asking any questions. He stood in the den and dropped his shorts and underwear and stripped his t-shirt off on the spot.
Brad got on the couch first and put the blanket on the floor within easy reach.
“Get over here and lie down in front of me with your head in my lap.”
Ken did as he was told, resting his head on one of Brad’s thighs and partially across his lower abs. Brad started massaging Ken’s forehead and temples, occasionally going lower to rub his neck and upper chest. Brad loved the weight of Ken’s head and shoulders resting on him, the solidity of his body, the soft warmth of his smooth skin, and the feel of his short hair against him.
Ken’s deep voice was barely a murmur as he moaned, “Fuck B that feels so nice.”
“Shhhh, sit back and relax Ken. I just want you to feel good. This is all for you. Don’t even think about reciprocating.”
As tired as Ken was, when Brad’s hands worked their magic on his body, he got hard. Brad’s hands roamed over his head, face, neck, chest and his growing erection. It dawned on Ken there were too many hands touching him, and he slurred, “B you shouldn’t be doin’ that. You’re tired too.”
“Hush, and don’t be a douche. Relax and enjoy.”
Ken was so relaxed his voice was barely audible, and he said with a lazy smile, “I love it when you call me a douche.”
Brad continued caressing Ken, but in a few minutes, he realized Ken had fallen asleep. He would definitely tease him about that at some point, but it was a testament to how exhausted he was.
Pulling up the blanket he draped it over Ken. The last thing he did was Open their energy centers and start a gentle flow between them, wrapping them up in each other and sharing their essence. There was no better feeling in the world, and even in sleep Ken gave a contented sigh.
Brad whispered, “Sleep now Ken, and rest. I love you.”
Even in slumber, Ken murmured, “I love you too, B.”
That night while they slept, a Nephilim watched over them. Crouched in the den he watched them sleep, his massive body hunched down to fit in the room. Just before dawn, he reached out and touched each of their Avatar’s, causing them to glow brightly for a brief second.
As soon as the morning sun filled the room, the Nephilim vanished back across the Veil. He was sure Brad would now be able to see him, and most likely Ken. He could still conceal himself if necessary but did not want to make the effort. He had accomplished what he came to do.
Ken woke up after fourteen hours of deep, restful sleep. He loved waking up first if nothing more than for the pleasure of watching Brad sleep. He stretched, repositioning himself, trying not to wake Brad up. He folded one of his big arms to rest his head against and placed his other hand on Brad’s chest, feeling the warmth of Brad’s body and his heartbeat as his chest slowly rose and fell.
In the quiet peace of that space, he took in everything about Brad with all his enhanced senses. Ken relished the feel of Brad’s skin, it’s texture and warmth, the hair on his body, Brad’s unique smell, the sounds he made, his incredible physique, and his handsome face relaxed in sleep. Ken marveled at everything that made Brad unique, and the knowledge that Brad was his and loved him sent Ken to another place.
It was almost another hour before Brad started to wake up. As his eyes opened sleepily, the first thing he saw was Ken’s handsome face, inches from his own, looking at him. They both smiled, and Brad stretched lazily, rolling over so he was half on top of Ken, and stayed quiet for a few more minutes.
Ken wrapped his arms around his lover and slowly ran his hands up and down Brad’s back, letting him wake up at his own pace.
Brad’s Mental voice still sounded sleepy.
Mornin’, B.
Ken brought a hand up behind Brad’s head and pulled him into a quick good morning kiss and hug.
God, I love you so much, B.
I love you too, Ken.
They remained still for a while, quiet and together, settling back together and enjoying the feel of each other’s warm naked skin.
After a few minutes, Brad broke the silence.
Ken, are you blown away by all this? When I think back on the last year and how much our lives have changed, it’s almost too much to take in.
Brad rolled up and over Ken, staring into Ken’s eyes while they talked in their Minds. They held each other’s faces, running fingers over noses, cheeks, ears, jaws, and through their short hair.
Yeah, B, it’s over the fuckin’ top. But I think it’s cool as hell, and I wouldn’t have it any other way, especially bein’ with you. We could have made it work, I know we would’ve, but to know you like I know you now is what blows me away. You have to be the sexiest, most beautiful Soul in existence.
Aside from you.
Grinning like a kid, Ken replied: Yeah, okay, I’ll give you that.
Their eyes twinkled with laughter at their running joke.
Brad nuzzled his head in the crux of Ken’s neck and shoulder and closed his eyes. Ken instinctively wrapped his arms around Brad and held him close.
Brad took them into a Construct of the den so they could be together as long as they wanted. Ken realized what he did and why. They stayed there for hours, naked and talking about events of the previous day. They talked about ideas for training with the Team, and what the presence of the Nephilim might mean.
In the real world, only a few seconds passed. When Brad brought them back to their bodies, they got up and dressed to go for their morning run.
Ken stood in the driveway waiting for Brad. He felt great and was ready to go for a good run and then head to the Lab to workout.
Come on, slowpoke!
Hold your horses, I’m downing the last of my coffee. Be right there!
As Brad came out of the house, he noticed Ken literally bouncing on the balls of his feet. He shut the garage door and set the alarm before heading down the driveway to start their run.
Right off the bat, Ken took off at a fast pace. Brad always let Ken set their pace, and sometimes he pushed harder than others. That morning it took everything Brad had to keep up with him. After two miles Brad was winded and sweating heavily, and it had only been eight minutes since they left the driveway.
Ken noticed how hard Brad was breathing.
What’s wrong B? You aren’t gettin’ soft on me, are ‘ya?
Do you have any idea how fast you’re going? We just beat the world record by forty seconds.
Are you shittin’ me? Fuck B, I’m sorry I’ll tone it down. I seem to have all this excess energy this mornin’. I feel like we’re movin’ in slow motion.
The next three miles were better, but Brad still had to push to keep up.
When they got to the Lab, each of them went to their different areas. Brad hit the regular weights, while Ken worked out in the designated area the doctor set up for him and the other Physical partners. Their weights were magnetic, and the amount of weight was controlled by computer. As long as they remained in the designated zones, they could program how much resistance they wanted on any of the straight bars, easy curl bars, dumbbells, or benches.
Shortly into his own workout, Brad picked up feelings of frustration from Ken.
What’s up Ken? Something wrong?
Somethin’s not workin’ right, B. Maybe the controls are messed up. I have it set to my regular profile, but everythin’ feels too light.
Let me take a look.
Brad walked over to the console that controlled the equipment. Sure enough, Ken had everything set correctly.
“Okay, Ken, get on the flat bench and hold up the bar… I’m going to manually adjust the weight until it feels better, and we’ll see how far off the calibration is. If it’s not too bad, I can take care of it for now and then the doc can fix it later.”
Ken laid on the bench and effortlessly lifted the bar into position for a flat military press. Brad never got tired of watching Ken’s body when he worked out. He loved seeing the cords and muscles in Ken’s body tensed. He was just… breathtaking.
“Damn you were already pushing it… You have it set for 900lbs.”
“Yeah, I told you I feel really good this mornin’. I figured I’d take advantage of the extra energy. We didn’t make out this mornin’, so it has to go somewhere.”
Ken smirked and glanced over at Brad when he made his comment.
Brad laughed and said, “Somehow I knew this was going to be my fault. Okay, I’m going to take it up 50 lbs. at a time and let me know how it feels. I wish one of the other guys were here to spot you. I’ll be quick to turn it off if those skinny little arms of yours give out.”
Brad frowned, wondering if the hardware was completely dysfunctional. He kept cranking up the weight, and Ken continued benching it effortlessly. He only started to slow down when the weight was set at two thousand pounds.
“How am I doin’, B? It’s finally startin’ ‘ta get close. I was hopin’ ‘ta try a max lift this mornin’, but I’m not sure if it’s gonna go high enough with the way it’s actin’ up. What’s it set at now?”
“Take a quick break, Ken… You need to anyways after all those reps if you want to do a max check. Let me run a diagnostic on the system while you take a breather.”
Brad ran the self-test on the hardware and the self-diagnostic on the software. It took a few minutes for both to complete and both came back showing everything was working correctly.
Brad waited an extra couple of minutes to give Ken a longer recovery time. He didn’t want to tell him the settings to see how he handled it, and they weren’t deeply Linked so Ken shouldn’t pick up on it.
Something was definitely going on with Ken. After their run that morning, and the oddity with the weights, he was sure Ken was experiencing some kind of change. Brad knew he should probably call the doc, but nothing traumatic was happening so he felt safe to continue. He cranked the weight up to twenty-five hundred pounds.
“Try that, Ken. I’ve got my hand on the switch, so go to failure and I’ll turn it off when you run out of juice.”
Ken got in position, his form perfect, and took a few quick breaths. He raised the bar and Brad knew he felt the weight. His arms, shoulders, and chest tightened beautifully as the bar lifted.
“Oh yeah, this is more like it.”
He got three full reps and managed a fourth before he put the bar back on his own without Brad reducing the weight. Brad noticed the bar bending under the current load and turned down the power. He wasn’t sure the doc spec’d the equipment for that much weight, and he wanted to check with him before Ken lifted anything else that heavy.
“Whew! Okay B, that felt good. What’d I do?”
Ken’s body was pumped, and veins showed on his arms, shoulders, and chest. He breathed heavy and was sweating mildly, looking as sexy as ever. Brad noticed Ken’s tattoo glowing softly and was enraptured by the colorful energy.
As he looked at Ken’s body, a pulsing beat filled Brad Mind. It dawned on him it sounded like Ken’s heartbeat. It was mesmerizing, like the colors of Ken’s Avatar on his muscled shoulder. Brad went perfectly still, listening to it. The noise filled his ears, rapidly growing louder until it filled his Mind.
Suddenly Brad became disoriented. It felt like a big hand was pressing his body down and to one side, and he fell out of his chair. Things started moving in slow motion; the sound of Ken’s heartbeat filled his Mind to the point where couldn’t hear or sense anything else. Brad saw Ken’s mouth moving and saw him rushing over to try and catch him as he fell.
Brad started to panic as his Mind rapidly expanded beyond his control, moving out of himself further than he had ever been. In desperation, he tried to reach for Ken with his arms and his Mind, but he couldn’t. His eyes turned White, his vision faded, and as Ken’s arms wrapped around him Brad’s chest exploded in pain, and he passed out.
Brad wasn’t sure where he was or how much time had passed. He wasn’t in his body. In fact, he didn’t seem to have a body! Wherever he was, it wasn’t like the place he and Ken and the guys go when they merged their Souls. He thought he heard voices and instinctively wanted to move towards them. He had no sense of motion, but as he focused on the sounds they got louder. When he was close, they all fell silent but one.
Greetings, Brad Wilson.
Brad was drawn to the voice that spoke in his Mind. His Intuition wasn’t warning him of any danger, so he didn’t try to resist. He wasn’t sure if he could have even if he tried. The grip that moved him, while gentle, seemed extremely strong.
Hello? Who are you?
A friend. You have nothing to fear, but you should not be here.
Where am I? How did I get here?
Ah, I see. I am glad you came to me first. There are others here who would not be pleased to see you. Not many, but some. You have crossed the Veil, my friend. We were not sure if you would be able to, at least so soon. This is a dangerous place, unlearned as you are. You are powerful and will be even more so, but right now you are a babe and should not be here unescorted.
Can you teach me?
I could, but I am reluctant to do so. My open support of you and your Brothers is unpopular as it is. Many here fear you and what you will become. I have already given up much in helping you.
I remember you! You were in the Lab the morning of our last procedure.
Yes. That was a memorable day.
Thank you for your help. I don’t understand everything that happened, but we appreciate whatever help you gave us.
Whether we did the right thing remains to be seen. It is my hope you will not fail us. You have been here long enough. Your physical body was not ready for this Crossing, and through no fault of his own, your partner has injured you. Your wounds are not life-threatening, but your body is drained and needs to recover.
Can you help me get back? I don’t even know how I got here.
The voice receded as he felt himself moving further away.
Farwell, for now, Brad Wilson. Now that you can Cross, I am sure we will meet again soon enough. Be well and keep the Light.
Brad’s eyes popped open as he returned to his body. He started to take a deep breath, but a sharp pain in his chest and ribs prevented him. He breathed shallow, and while bearable, it was still difficult.
Ken shouted, “Doc! He’s awake! B?! Can you hear me!?”
Brad tried to lift his head but found the movement painful, so he stayed put.
Ken leaned over him, and Brad saw the brightness in his eyes from worry and stress.
“Oh fuck, B! You scared the shit out of me! Are you okay?!”
“Yeah man, I’m fine. What happened? Why does it hurt when I breathe?”
“God I’m so sorry B! When you fell, I grabbed you… fuck…I didn’t mean to hurt you, but I squeezed too tight.”
Ken’s voice cracked, and it was obvious he was upset and distressed.
When Brad heard the tremor in Ken’s voice, he pulled their Souls together. The harsh anxiety in Ken over what happened was apparent, and he was distraught and beating himself up.
Shhhhh, Ken, it’s okay.
Brad wrapped Ken in his Heart, Mind, and Soul so he would know there was nothing to forgive. Brad looked at Ken’s memory of what happened… they each had an Awakening, and both of them just became far stronger than before. Ken didn’t realize it, and his sensitivity was off, so he inadvertently cracked Brad’s ribs and bruised his chest when he grabbed hold of him.
Brad heard the doctor come over, “How are you feeling, Bradford? Can you tell me what happened?”
Brad wanted to talk to the doc, but he wanted to speak to Ken more to make sure he was alright. He plunged them both deeper to give them time to talk.
When Ken appeared, he had tears in his eyes.
Come here.
In that place Brad’s body was whole and unhurt, and he pulled Ken into a tight embrace.
Don’t be afraid Ken, you can’t hurt me here.
Ken’s arms wrapped around him, squeezing him tightly, almost desperately. Ken’s body trembled from the anxiety he felt over hurting his best friend and lover.
Fuck, B. I love you so much. If I had seriously hurt you, I’d never forgive myself.
But you didn’t. In fact, I don’t think you could. I think you would have stopped yourself. Besides, I’ll be as good as new in no time. As soon as I talk to the doc, we’ll Heal me up.
Brad held Ken until he stopped shaking. They continued to hold one another, and Brad kept running his hands soothingly up and down Ken’s back and shoulders. He knew how deeply Ken was shaken by what happened and gave him all the time he needed. For Brad, there was nothing to forgive, and he made sure Ken not only knew it but felt it, but it still took time for Ken to forgive himself.
Once Ken calmed down Brad pulled back far enough to initiate a kiss. It wasn’t sexual, it was one of those emotionally charged kisses that expressed everything they felt towards one another. Between the kiss and the fact that their Souls were so deeply intertwined, they had trouble pulling apart. With their Souls One, the feeling of completeness was so profound it was almost overpowering. Neither one of them was sure how long they stayed like that. It felt like years, and it might have been in that place where time hardly moved.
Eventually, they pulled apart and the ribbons of energy tying them together slowly unwound, going from White back to blue, yellow, and red, and slowly faded. Brad knew Ken felt better and he smiled, holding Ken’s face in his hands, cupping his cheeks and running his thumbs over the stubble. The thanks in Ken’s eyes, and his relief, was evident.
Ken finally broke the silence.
So, tell me what happened to you B.
Ken, you aren’t going to believe this!
Brad shared his experience of meeting the Nephilim across the Veil.
Oh Shit!
And Ken, as soon as I’m Healed we’re going to get you situated and comfortable with your change too. I know exactly how to do that now. You’re unbelievable! Do you realize you can now lift our Explorer? Fuck I’m getting hard just thinking about that.
They pressed their foreheads together, staring into each other’s eyes and smiling. When they finally broke apart, Brad took them back to their bodies.
“I feel fine, doc.”
“You and Kenneth both had an Awakening. I can see you are aware of this. Can you tell me what happened?”
“I crossed the Veil, doc, and I spoke with a Nephilim! Luckily, I stumbled onto one of the ones that helped us.”
“Oh, my!”
Brad rarely heard fear in the doctor’s voice but when he looked, the doctor’s face mirrored the emotion in his voice, and it shocked Brad.
“Bradford, you must promise me not to try that again until we have studied this some more!”
“Yeah, I know it’s dangerous, doc. I’m still not sure how I even got there… I sort of found myself there after I passed out.”
“That is remarkable! That gift is among the rarest, and you are only the second member of The Order that has ever been able to do so!”
“Even though it seems amazing doc, at this point I’m not sure how useful it will be.”
“You will be astounded Bradford, at what it means once you have a better understanding. Albrecht can bring some books that might be helpful. They are very old, but there was a member of The Order centuries ago that was able to Cross. I will find his journals, and Albrecht can help you translate them.”
“Thanks, doc.”
“Now you and Kenneth take care of your ribs and bruises. Lane and Bryan are not here at the moment so it will be good practice for you.”
The Night Before
Bryan and Lane crawled into bed. After an hour of passionate sex they drifted off to sleep; Bryan with Lane’s head resting on his chest and Lane’s arms wrapped around Bryan’s thick torso. There was no better way for Lane to fall asleep than to the peaceful sound of Bryan’s heartbeat and the warmth of his body.
In the middle of the night two spots of Light appeared, hovering at the foot of their bed. The shining orbs bobbed softly for a few moments, talking quietly to each other. As soon as they appeared Bryan’s and Lane’s tattoos glowed softly in response to their presence, and little sparks of color lit the darkness in the room.
The balls of Light grew steadily larger, taking on the semblance of winged humans. When the Light faded, two men stood in the bedroom.
They were both large men, but one was definitely taller and stockier than the other. The shorter of the two had long, dark red hair pulled into a tight ponytail. The two beings were uncannily handsome, their features more than human. The red-haired man wore a dark gray tailored suit with a vest, but the larger one was dressed in a more archaic fashion, with a tunic and belt, leaving his thick muscular arms sleeveless. Instead of boots his legs and feet were wrapped in animal skins and bound with leather strips.
He spoke a Proclamation, and his voice echoed in their Minds as well as their ears.
“Lane Weaver, Bryan Gunter, awake.”
Bryan started at the unexpected sound, and his reaction woke Lane. Bryan immediately sat up, positioning himself protectively in front of Lane.
The red-haired man held his hands up in a placating gesture.
“You have nothing to fear. We are not here to harm you.”
Bryan’s deep voice was hard as he asked, “Who are you? How did you get in here?”
“Your security system is not at fault. It is, in fact, quite good and serves its purpose well against The Enemy and ordinary intruders. We are your Protectors, and entered via a route only accessible to us.”
Lane asked, “What are you doing here? What do you want with us?”
“Our task tonight, Lane, is to guide you and Bryan in another step on your journey. You are to come with me, and Bryan is to accompany my Brother.”
Bryan’s voice was still hard, “Why should we trust you?”
“An excellent question, Bryan. Listen to your Hearts and see if they give you any insight.”
Lane realized right away that neither his Intuition nor Bryan’s instincts indicated any danger to either of them.
Putting a hand on Bryan’s shoulder Lane said, “I think we can trust them, Bry.”
Bryan still sounded hesitant but said, “Alright. So where to?”
Addressing Bryan, the stocky man said, “The first part of our journey will be warm and the second cold and damp. Dress as you see fit.”
His words seemed curt, but his expression and body language were polite. Bryan crawled out of bed and went naked into their closet to get dressed.
Lane asked the red-haired man, “What about me?”
“We aren’t taking your body, so you are fine as you are. We will be gone some hours, so you should get your body in a comfortable position. Let me know when you are ready.”
Nervous and anxious over what was about to happen, Lane reached for Bryan and was settled by his presence. Each took solace in the other, calming their nerves.
Taking a deep breath, Lane said, “Okay. I’m ready.”
Lane felt no sensation of movement, but his perceptions changed immediately. He was no longer in his body and had to reorient himself. He wasn’t used to only being a Consciousness.
Where are we?
That question is both simple and complicated; closer to my Home than yours is the short answer. This is one of those rare places that exists on both sides of the Veil. This is also as close as I am allowed to bring you to Home. You and your Brothers are not permitted there yet, but I wanted to bring you here. It is the perfect place to teach you.
Teach me what?
To Listen. What you learn today will be crucial in your fight against The Enemy if you and your Brothers are to be successful. It pleases me to be the one to teach you, Lane. I have an affinity for music myself.
Even though he didn’t have a body, the mischievous smile that often accompanied Lane’s humor was evident, and his guide sensed it.
Lane had no idea his guide was the Archangel Gabriel, one of the Four Corners the Nephilim invoked on the day of their transformation.
I should have brought my guitar. We could have jammed together.
Gabriel couldn’t say anything yet but had no greater wish than to do just that.
You have a Gift for music Lane. It is part of your Soul, your very essence. What you have done with it so far on Earth is commendable, but trifling compared to what you can truly accomplish. As a human your capacity was limited, but now that you have come into your Heritage, that is no longer the case.
There is another part of Creation you can hear if you will Open yourself to it. You must come to understand that there is music available to you at all times no matter where you are, if you Listen. That is why I brought you here… so close to Home the music is louder and more varied. It is relatively quiet near Earth, but even there it is present.
What are you talking about? I don’t hear anything other than your voice.
That’s because you aren’t Listening. Be still, quiet your Mind, and Open your Heart and Soul to what is going on around you. There is music everywhere Lane. Every time a particle collides with another it makes noise, Pulsars pulse, White Dwarves strum, strings of dark matter vibrate… make these sounds your instruments, and they will allow you to create music unlike anything you have ever imagined.
Lane became excited at Gabriel’s words. He would have taken a deep breath if he had a body. Instinctively he reached for Bryan but couldn’t feel him, and admonished himself.
Okay Lane, get your shit together. Don’t be a wuss. You can do this.
Lane found his center and Opened himself, casting his awareness out. As his perception moved outward, his unconscious Mind began translating an image of where they were. He looked in wonder, at first not able to believe it! He was floating in deep space, surrounded by stars and galaxies, and brightly colored nebula.
Shit! No wonder we couldn’t bring our bodies.
As Lane traveled further out, faint noises tickled the back of his Mind. The more he heard, the more he wanted to hear. He was developing a new sense through his Avatar, and as he started to recognize what he heard, his natural affinity for music kicked in and began to form and shape the sounds into something of his own making.
Lane lost himself in what was happening, exploring and experimenting, letting his talent lead him. The Power running through him was much stronger than when playing his guitar or listening to his iPod. The energy was a rush, and it filled him until he felt like he was about to burst, painful yet exquisite at the same time. His joy and pleasure at being a conduit for such forces were incredible, and it felt right.
Excellent Lane. I knew you would learn quickly. It runs in your family.
As the significance of Gabriel’s comment registered, Lane abruptly let go of the music, and the sudden quiet was deafening.
My family? What do you mean? I don’t have a family. I mean I have Bryan and my Brothers, but my parents died when I was a child, and I never knew them. As far as I know, I have no blood relatives.
You don’t have a human family, but you forget what the doctor did… The part of you that is not human.
Wait! Do you know who that part of me comes from?
Yes, I do. Very well in fact. That is why I wanted to be the one to teach you tonight.
Please tell me! If I have a family, I want to know!
All in good time Lane. For now, it will have to be enough to know there are others who care for you and have your interests at heart. There is a reason you cannot know yet.
Fuck that! Why not?
Gabriel laughed and thought: Impertinence also runs in your family. Enough Lane; I cannot tell you, and that is that. Be patient and trust that you will know when the time is right. Now, calm yourself and continue.
Lane took a moment to focus and resettle himself. He was excited to know he had a family, even if they weren’t human. He couldn’t wait to tell Bryan and the others! The knowledge lifted him up, and he cast his Mind out and struck a chord that resounded through the heavens.
The first song his Avatar brought him came to mind, The Humbling River. That song not only unlocked his own Mind and those of his Brothers, and he felt the metaphor of the song appropriate to what was happening to him. He played the song on a cosmic scale, and even the choirs in Heaven briefly stopped to listen.
Gabriel smiled to himself, proud of his grandson.
When Bryan came out of the closet Lane was unconscious and the red-haired man gone.
Putting on shorts and a t-shirt, he strapped a small gym bag over his shoulder containing long sweatpants and a jacket he could put on if he got cold. On a hunch, he put on his hiking boots rather than tennis shoes.
Moving to the bed Bryan looked down at Lane’s unconscious form, taking in the sight of his handsome face and muscular body. He sat on the edge of the bed and placed the palm of his hand over Lane’s heart and felt it beating as his chest slowly rose and fell. He wanted to feel the warmth of Lane’s skin and the tightness of his chest, and he ran his thumb through the light dusting of hair in a loving caress.
I love you, Little Buddy. Be safe wherever you are. I’ll be back soon.
Leaning over, he kissed Lane’s forehead and then stood up.
“I’m ready.”
The big man held out his hand, and Bryan took it. There was no sensation of movement, but suddenly it was warm and humid, and they were standing on a large rock. It was night, and the sky overhead bright with stars. To Bryan’s enhanced eyesight he saw the spiral arm of the Milky Way, and it was breathtaking.
The Archangel Uriel, his guide and Protector, moved quickly and called over his shoulder, “Follow me!”
Bryan let out a small grunt, trying to take in what was happening. The place felt strange… his senses were going haywire. To Bryan, the air felt alive and vibrant, and he wanted to stay for a moment and just breathe it in. His guide was quickly moving out of sight, so Bryan knelt and launched himself, sailing through the air and rolling to his feet, closing the distance by a good margin. Picking up his pace, he closed the gap and then easily kept up.
An hour later the stars began to fade as the sky turned a light pre-dawn gray. They had been steadily moving towards a mountain range, and the terrain was becoming more challenging. There was no visible path, but Uriel seemed to know precisely where he was going, and Bryan followed in silence. The air was hot and sticky, and both of them sweated heavily. Uriel seldom took human form, and he enjoyed the sweat and exertion.
Bryan wondered who his guide might be, as the man led him to what appeared to be a dead end. The base of the mountain was a sheer rock facing, coming straight out of the ground, and it had to be well over a mile high. Bryan had never been good at geography and wondered where on the planet they might be. He decided not to worry about it and just go with whatever this stranger had planned for him.
As they reached the wall, Uriel barely slowed down. He climbed the sheer facing at a fast pace, his hands and feet finding any small crack or hold for leverage. Bryan let out another little grunt of acceptance and followed suit. Making sure his bag was secured over his shoulder, he began to climb.
With the first bunching of his thick shoulders, as Bryan grabbed hold of the rock, his Avatar began to glow. The higher he climbed, the brighter it shone, and for the first time Bryan saw a new color in the sparks; a beautiful emerald green.
After nearly an hour and a half, Bryan began to tire. His muscular body was slick with sweat, and any exposed skin shone in the morning sun. His clothes were soaked through, and his eyes stung from the sweat dripping into them. His arms, shoulders, and hands were on fire after ninety minutes of supporting his four-hundred-pound body.
Looking up, he no longer saw his guide and felt a moment of panic until Uriel’s head popped straight out from an opening only a few feet away. As soon as Bryan got close enough, Uriel reached for his hand and pulled him up like he weighed nothing.
They were on a small ledge forming the mouth of a tunnel leading into the mountain.
“Take a moment and rest.”
Bryan slid the gym bag off his shoulder, stripped off his t-shirt and wrung out the sweat, then sat with his back against the wall. He took a few deep, controlled breaths and the vibrancy of the air soaked into his body. In less than a minute his breathing returned to normal. He put his shirt back on, knowing his body heat would dry it quicker.
Taking advantage of the rest, Bryan focused for a moment on where he was, not so much the cave but the place. His Avatar shone bright, and his body tingled. A brief grin appeared on his handsome face.
I like this place.
Uriel seemed impatient, so Bryan stood and nodded, indicating his readiness to continue. The tunnel was pitch black, and even with Bryan’s exceptional vision, it was impossible to see. Pulling up the sleeve of his t-shirt the Light of his Avatar was more than enough to see by. In the darkness it was amazingly bright, and as they continued down the tunnel it became even more radiant.
The further in they went, the more pervasive the Life Energy became, pushing into Bryan until he became overwhelmed by it. The tingling which before was pleasant, grew painful to the point of debilitation.
Bryan slowed, falling to his hands and knees. Similar to when he and Lane merged deeply he had the same sense of being overcome, but Lane wasn’t with him to hold onto and he began to flounder. While painful, the Life Energy was so beautiful and all-encompassing he wanted to lose himself in it. Bryan reached for Lane, but there was nothing…
“Lane? ... Oh, fuck…”
In his desperation, Bryan didn’t realize he called Lane’s name aloud.
With a touch on his forehead, Bryan heard Uriel’s voice in his Mind.
My apologies, Bryan. I did not realize how sensitive you would be to the energies of this place. It is a testament to your strength and the depth of your Soul that it has affected you so profoundly.
The pressure receded, still present, but held at bay by Uriel’s touch. Bryan’s chest heaved as tears leaked from the corners of his eyes, and he stayed still for a moment. Bryan rarely felt fear, but he was scared, terrified of losing himself so completely in that place that Lane’s existence would be washed away like a rushing tide.
As the pressure rescinded, he got a grip on himself, bracing his Mind and Heart as best he could and using his love for Lane as a shield and anchor.
After a moment, Bryan felt able to continue and mumbled a heartfelt, “Thanks.”
Uriel held out his hand and pulled Bryan to his feet.
It wasn’t much longer before a light appeared ahead. As soon as they stepped out of the tunnel, the sight awaiting Bryan took his breath away. They stood in the bowl of a valley ringed by a massive mountain range, and the sun was just peeking over the top of the barrier.
The most massive tree Bryan had ever seen grew in the bowl. Its trunk had to be at least a quarter of a mile across and Bryan knew beyond any doubt the Tree was the Source of the energy he felt. It was ancient beyond belief but healthy and vibrant. His tattoo glowed brighter than ever and pulsed with an emerald light that matched the canopy of the enormous tree in the morning sun.
A huge grin broke over Bryan’s handsome face, and he closed his eyes and inhaled a deep breath literally smelling the Life Energy. He wanted Lane with him so badly to share this experience!
Bryan’s deep voice was barely a whisper as he said, “What is this place? How can this be here?”
“The Valley intersects both sides of the Veil, Bryan. It exists on my side and yours. There are few places in Creation where this is possible. Lane and my Brother are at another such place, while we are here.
“The Valley and the Tree are sacred, and when the Veil was Called to separate the Physical and Spiritual Realms, we hid this place. As you see, it is difficult to get here even when you know the path. Guardians protect it from those who try to enter without permission. You and I are permitted to be here, and after today you will be able to return as needed.
“Simply knowing this place exists and its location is dangerous, Bryan. I realize you will share this with your Brothers, but you must impress upon them the importance of keeping it secret. The Enemy knows of this place and would like nothing more than to destroy it, but they no longer know how to find it. If they ever discover you hold this knowledge, they will stop at nothing to get it.
“Now, let us go down. You have a task to complete, and there is someone you must see.”
As they moved closer, the immensity of the Tree became even more staggering. The overall shape was squat, but the crown was broad and reached at least half a mile high if not more. Aside from the sheer size of the Tree, the Power emanating from it was stunning, and if Uriel had not been Shielding him, it would have been crushing.
Uriel led them to the base of the Tree. The roots were enormous and intertwined, making it difficult to navigate. Bryan loved the texture of the bark under his hands; he wanted to stop and listen and feel the life force under his fingers, but Uriel would not wait. Bryan grunted in frustration and had to run to catch up.
They worked their way to the massive trunk, and Bryan saw the opening of a tunnel among the colossal roots.
“You should change clothes. It will be cold and damp below.”
It only took a minute for Bryan to pull out his jacket and slip the sweatpants over his shorts, and they were once again moving into complete darkness. This time, however, Bryan shifted his sight and with his Mind’s Eye, and the energy the Tree emitted, he had no trouble finding his way. The further down they went the colder it got, and Bryan was grateful for his jacket.
The path was twisted and uneven, and their progress slow. Most of their movement consisted of crawling over roots, rocks, and loose soil. After a while the ground turned rocky, eventually forming a natural tunnel that became easier to navigate. With the path easier to traverse they made better time, and soon the tunnel opened into a large cavern.
The sound of running water was faint at first but soon became louder as they approached the center of the room. A beautiful waterfall poured over the roots of the Tree, forming a small underground lake. The water emanated its own Power, emitting a soft silvery light.
Uriel stopped at the Water’s edge and said, “This is the Water of Life Bryan, and it is your task to drink from it. Imbibing the Water will Bind you to the Tree and its energies for the rest of your life. This is the next part of your Awakening. I am unsure what you will experience when you drink. It is different for everyone.”
Bryan didn’t hesitate. Kneeling down, he cupped his hands together and lowered them into the icy water. The Water tingled against his skin, and more than anything it felt right. He raised his hands and swallowed.
He stood up, expecting to feel something right away. He waited a moment and began to wonder if anything was going to happen. He smirked at the thought that popped into his head… If Lane were there, he would have been humming the Jeopardy “Think” music.
Finally, as he turned questioningly to Uriel something tickled the back of his Mind, and his eyes widened. Initially, it was an awareness of grubs and earthworms in the nearby soil, even the bacteria… fish in the lake and the stream aboveground followed.
His awareness continued expanding, including flora and fauna around the Tree and throughout the Valley. His perception was like a wave, moving out from him and picking up speed as it continued to expand, filling his Mind with the awareness of Life and its interconnectedness throughout the Earth. It continued out, further and further, beyond Earth and the Universe, until Bryan was stretched so thin, it felt like he was about to pull apart. For a split second, he saw the Mind of God and how every natural thing in existence was supposed to be in its perfect form and in harmony with everything else. The beautiful pattern of Life in Creation was laid out before him in all its complexity and glory.
Then the pain struck as the flaws and brokenness of the Curse became evident. The wrongness of it all seared Bryan’s Heart and Mind, and he cried out in physical and emotional anguish as he saw gaps from species that no longer existed. So many beautiful things… flowers, plants, people, and animals that were no longer able to connect as intended. Their bindings had been severed, or they were extinct, and the groaning and Agony of Creation became his own for the briefest of moments. It was Soul crushing, and he tried to retreat back into himself, but the Awareness was now a part of him and he could not escape it.
Bryan fell to his knees doubled over in pain, his arms gripping his body tightly, every muscle taut and flexed as he tried to fight off the agony. Tears streamed down his handsome face from facing the tragedy of how things are, compared to how they were supposed to be.
Out of desperation, or perhaps instinct, Bryan reached for the one thing he knew could save his sanity; Lane, the other half of his Soul. He was aware Lane couldn’t feel him at that moment, but in that split-second of touching everything, Lane was there along with Brad and Ken and rest of his Brothers. He focused on Lane in the midst of everything else.
Bryan knew Lane was far away, but the other half of his Soul was a beacon even at such a great distance, and it gave him the strength to hold on. He plunged himself into their connection, using it as a shield and putting it between himself and everything he felt. It didn’t reduce the ache, but it helped to fight through it and not be destroyed.
Uriel looked down at Bryan’s big frame, his eyes White and his body wracked with pain, feeling sorry for what his grandson was going through. It was necessary, but there was still much beauty left in the world and he would have to remind Bryan of that. Part of Bryan’s job was now to protect and preserve that beauty, along with the Free Will of Mankind. It was a delicate balance, and Bryan would learn many harsh lessons; he was learning the first one now.
Bryan was unsure how much time passed. It seemed hours, but in reality, it was only a few minutes. The pain in him was so deep he was still bent over, his breathing harsh and his eyes clamped shut. He shook from the trauma, his body still tense, and he was drenched in sweat.
Eventually, Uriel moved over and gently put a hand on Bryan’s shoulder, quietly asking, “Are you alright?”
Bryan was slowly recovering and coming back to himself. Uriel’s touch on his shoulder helped him to focus and bring his awareness back to his body. The knowledge that now filled him was there but receding from conscious thought. The connectedness was a now a part of him, even the painful gaps, and he knew if he concentrated he could bring it to the surface. He let it stay in the background, still too raw to bring back yet.
Bryan’s deep voice trembled as said, “Fuck, that was intense.”
Bryan stood up, wiping his eyes. He felt the Tree now, but not in the crushing manner as before. Now he was a part of it, and the warmth and beauty of its energies were soothing. He breathed deep, resting in it and letting it restore him.
“I know what you saw and experienced Bryan. I am sorry it was so difficult… yours is the most extreme Awakening I have ever witnessed. You went very deep, and even many of my Brothers have not seen what you have and are now a part of.”
For some reason Bryan didn’t want to exhibit any weakness to his guide, and straightened up saying, “I'm all right.”
“If you are sure, then follow me. There is something I must show you.”
Bryan grunted his acceptance and rubbed his hands roughly over his face, taking a deep breath to steady himself. He was exhausted but wanted to keep moving and get the next step over with so he could get back to Lane. After everything, he missed Lane more than ever.
Uriel led him through the cavern to another tunnel. The way was easy and smooth, and after nearly half an hour the temperature increased and an orange light appeared ahead of them.
As they approached Uriel spoke in his Mind.
We must be utterly silent here. It is vital we do not wake him. The consequences would be dire.
Bryan smelled something musky… and old. It wasn’t unpleasant at all, in fact, Bryan found it pleasing. With his new awareness, he sensed something powerful as well, but it seemed… Quiet? Asleep?
As they entered the vast chamber, Bryan stopped and stared, his mouth open for a moment before a huge grin spread across his face. Before him lay the head of an enormous creature. It was asleep, and its hot breath washed over him as it exhaled. It was so beautiful! A perfect creature created in the time before the Fall sat before him, untouched. The scale of the beast was unimaginable, its head filling nearly all of the cavern he could see and more.
Bryan had never seen or read about anything like it. He could tell its body was long and went back into the tunnel further than he could see. There were tips of cartilage that might be wing joints, but they were folded and barely visible. Its hide was smooth and flawless, flowing over a tightly muscled frame that looked powerful even at rest.
He’s beautiful!
Bryan’s awe was apparent in his mental voice.
Yes, he is. He is one of a kind, and awaits his Purpose, asleep until he is called upon to fulfill his role in Creation. He is another reason you must keep this place secret. If the Enemy were to awaken him early, it would be… bad.
What do you mean bad?
It would bring about the end of not only the world but all Creation. The Lord holds this creature as a means to destroy everything when the time is appropriate.
Fuck me.
If he should ever wake early, you and Lane will be the only chance to stop him. That is something else the Enemy must never know.
I do not know, Bryan. I only know that is the case.
Bryan could not take his eyes off the creature. He was so… perfect! He looked savage but natural… and flawless. Drawn to its presence, before Bryan realized what he was doing he found himself moving forward.
Uriel tensed as Bryan began to move, but he didn’t want to take any sudden action that might wake the creature.
Bryan, stop!
Bryan raised his hands and slowly moved forward, approaching the great beast. Gently, reverently, he rested his hands on the hide of the creature and then pressed his body against it, closing his eyes, spreading his arms out, caressing its hide and inhaling the smell of it. The hide darkened slightly wherever Bryan’s sweaty skin came in contact with it.
The huge eyelid facing Bryan twitched ever so slightly, and a cold fear gripped Uriel.
Its eyelid started to open, just the tiniest sliver, and an enormous golden eye shone through.
Bryan looked up and spoke aloud in his deep, gravelly voice, “It’s alright, buddy. I’m here. You’re safe. I just had to say hello and have you hear my voice. Go back to sleep.”
He continued gently rubbing the soft hide with his hands quietly whispering, “Shhhhhh. There you go. Go back to sleep.”
Bryan caressed its hide and mumbled soothing noises until the eyelid closed. The cavern shook slightly as it inhaled deeply in a contented sigh and continued its slumber.
When he was sure the creature was asleep, Bryan turned to Uriel with a massive grin on his face and mouthed, “He’s awesome!”
Bryan was either oblivious to the look on Uriel’s face, or he chose to ignore it as he crept back towards the tunnel they had come from.
As they got back to the cavern with the waterfall, Uriel grabbed Bryan by his big shoulder and spun him around.
What were you thinking!? Did I not say waking him was dangerous!? You could have destroyed everything!
Chill out, man. Everything is fine! I did what I felt I had to do. You brought me here for a few reasons, and he was one of them. I don’t think you understand him at all.
It is not my task to understand him!
But it is mine! I thought you knew that when you brought me here! To understand him, this place, the Tree.
Uriel had no answer to Bryan’s statement. Bryan was right, but Uriel’s anger at being caught unaware still smoldered in his eyes, directed at himself, not Bryan.
We should head back. There is one small task remaining, and then I will return you to your home.
The journey out was quicker than the trek in, and before long Bryan and Uriel stood at the base of the Tree.
Before we return, collect five seeds from the ground. Keep them safe and hidden. Once your Brothers have all had their Awakenings, you will be told what to do with them.
Bryan gathered the seeds, placing them in a small leather pouch Uriel handed him.
As Bryan secured the pouch, Uriel again rested his hand on Bryan’s shoulder.
Farewell for now Bryan. You did well, and I believe you will shoulder this burden well.
It’s not a burden if you love it. Don’t you get that?
Uriel was proud of Bryan, even if he did scare him out of his wits. He had to laugh at himself over his reaction; he hadn’t had such a scare in a few millennia, and he forgot how alive it made him feel.
Uriel squeezed Bryan's shoulder, and again, there was no feeling of transition.
Bryan stood in his bedroom where Lane was still on their bed unconscious. Just as he had before he left, Bryan leaned over and kissed Lane's forehead and quietly said, "Hurry back, Little Buddy."
After the events of the night and almost having Lane's presence washed out of him, he didn't want to leave Lane's side, even to take a shower. Climbing into bed next to his Soul mate, he needed to feel Lane's warm skin against his own. He repositioned Lane’s body, spooning him and holding him in his arms, waiting for him to come back.
Ken and Brad Linked and Healed the bruising in Brad’s chest and his broken ribs. The damage wasn’t severe, just painful, so it didn’t take much out of either of them. Ken bore the brunt by using his own energy, and since he was controlling the flows, Brad didn’t have a say in it. Brad’s irritation bled into the Link, but Ken was prepared for it.
I’m sorry B, but it was my fault. It’s the least I can do.
Brad got off the bed, his body covered in a light sheen of sweat from the Healing. The pain was gone, his body relaxed and healthy once again.
Brad hugged Ken and was surprised for a second when Ken didn’t hug him back, and then it dawned on him Ken was still afraid of hurting him. Ken’s Mind went back to the early days of his adjustment and what a long and arduous process that proved to be.
Brad hugged Ken tighter, and this time Ken’s arms tentatively wrapped around him, squeezing gently. Ken was aware of Brad’s reaction through the Link, and he squeezed a little harder.
Fuck I love you B. I don’t know what I’d do without you.
If you ever want to play the game of who loves who more I think we’ll be here a long time, but I’m game to try anytime. I’ll never get tired of saying it or hearing you say it. I love you too, Ken.
They stood still, holding each other for a few minutes, taking comfort and solace in each other’s presence. When the doctor saw them he smiled to himself, and realizing what was going on he went back to his office to give them a bit of privacy.
After a few minutes, Brad broke off their hug.
Okay, Ken, let’s get you situated. I never want you to be afraid to touch me again.
Brad blended their Souls into One, and they appeared in that special place where they first merged with one another. They were so deeply in one another Time barely moved. Darkness surrounded them, and they were naked to one another in all aspects; physically, Mentally, and Spiritually.
“Alright Ken, we have all the time in the world to get you squared away. I’ve wanted to try this for a while now, but we’ve been so busy and distracted the chance never came up. You’re going to have more control than you dreamed possible when we’re finished here.”
Brad sat down and patted the space between his spread legs.
“Lie here and put your head in my lap.”
“Mmmm my favorite place to be… between your legs.”
Ken grinned as he got into position.
Once Ken was comfortable, Brad started rubbing his forehead and temples as he loved to do, and brushed Ken’s short hair off his forehead. He kept it up for a few minutes; it relaxed him to touch Ken, and Ken lost himself in the touch of his lover’s hands soothing his body.
Brad finally broke the silence and kept his voice low and calm, “Alright Ken, I want you totally relaxed. I’m going to guide you through some exercises. Albrecht and I talked about this, and he said it would help you, Bry, Kev, Ricky, and Pat. Once you and I have done this, we can help the other guys learn to do the same thing.
“You know the basics, but we’re going to take it to a whole new level. We’re going to isolate and let you feel every muscle, tendon, and ligament in your body one at a time, and then in their related groups. You’re going to practice relaxing them and bringing them to full tension and every stage in between. With my help, at every stage you’ll precisely know your limits and sensitivity.
“I want you to unlearn the control you’ve had all these years. It served its purpose, but it was never a part of you because it took conscious effort. What we’re doing now will become natural and instinctive, and you’ll never have to consciously think about it again. All I’m going to do is focus your Mind and guide you; you’ll be doing all the work.”
Neither of them was aware of how long it took. Ken loved the challenge and got into it, and they were so comfortable in one another they were unaware of time passing. Brad knew once Ken caught on he would master the technique quickly. Ken lost count of how many times they went through every muscle in his body.
Ken’s emotional duress faded as his mastery increased. His appreciation of Brad’s love and support in helping him make something that would have taken months in the real world take mere seconds was evident.
Even once finished they stayed still for a time, with Ken’s head and shoulders resting in Brad’s lap. Brad continued to touch and caress Ken’s body, moving lower and rubbing his chest, biceps, shoulders, and neck. They were One, and there was no need to talk. They simply rested in one another, content with the intimacy.
After a while, Ken looked up.
“Hey, B?”
Ken sat up and spun around to face Brad. Getting on his hands and knees, he moved forward with a devilish grin on his handsome face.
“I think there’s one more muscle that needs a workout.”
Brad was aware of how much better Ken felt about himself, not only relieved but thankful and loving.
“This isn’t payback, this is to show you how much you mean to me and to test drive my new control.”
A cold ball of excitement hit Brad in the pit of his stomach at what was about to happen. Ken crawled on top of him, and they started to kiss and cuddle. As Ken lowered his weight on Brad, each relished the warmth of their skin touching and their hard bodies pressed together.
They made love for hours and Ken, kept Brad on the edge the entire time. Brad was a quivering pile of exhausted, sweaty, satisfied muscle when Ken finally let go and filled Brad with his essence.
They stayed together for a while, wrapped in each other’s arms, touching and loving one another and not saying much. They could have stayed that way forever, but ever the practical one Brad took them back in their bodies where they were still wrapped in each other’s arms.
The next morning, while toweling off after their shower Ken said, “We need ‘ta get the ball rolling for the party, B.”
“Yeah, let’s skip PT today so we won’t be so rushed.”
“Alright. We can do double tomorrow. What do you wanna do for breakfast?”
“We really don’t have time to go out. How about I start cooking for you and me, and you can start marinating the ribs and chicken.”
Just then Lane’s voice entered Brad’s Mind.
Brad held his finger up to his temple and mouthed ‘Lane’ to Ken. Ken nodded and let them talk.
Hey buddy, what’s up? How are you two feeling? All rested up?
Yeah, we’re doing great! Me and Bry just had fantastic morning sex. He’s still a little beat I think. We both had an amazing night. We had visitors, and I can’t wait to share with you, Ken, the doc and Albrecht, and the guys what happened. This will blow your socks off.
Visitors? That sounds interesting but makes me nervous. I can’t wait to hear about it. You guys want to come on over and join us for breakfast? I’m just starting things so the timing would be perfect. We can take all the time we need to share with each other. Ken and I had an interesting new development yesterday too!
Yeah, that would rock. We’ll be over in about twenty minutes. I know Bry will want to help with the cooking.
Ken is about to start prepping the ribs and chicken for later and can use the help. Don’t forget your thongs for Sally!
Oh shit! That’s right! You got it. Anything for our girl!
“Alright, that was Lane. He and Bry will be here in about twenty minutes to join us for breakfast, and Bry can help you with the food prep. Lane said they had visitors last night and had some news for us, but he didn’t elaborate. He wants to wait until they get over here.”
“Visitors? I don’t know what that even means anymore! I’m glad they’re comin’ over though; Bry does a much better job on the meat than I do.”
“Don’t sell yourself short Ken, your meat is awesome.”
They both realized what he said and burst out laughing. For some reason, it struck Ken as extra funny, and by the time he stopped laughing he had tears in his eyes. He milked the ‘my meat is awesome’ joke all morning, even making up a little dance to go with it.
Ken got busy pulling everything out of the fridge, and Brad started cooking breakfast. With Bryan and Lane joining them he needed more food, and decided French Toast would go great along with everything else he had planned, so he pulled out extra eggs and an uncut round of sourdough.
Ken looked at the spread Brad was putting together and said, “Damn B, you aren’t pulling any punches this morning. We need to do triple PT tomorrow.”
“Yeah, but it’ll be worth it!”
Brad was cutting up a couple of Vidalia onions for the hash browns just as the security system chimed, indicating someone in the driveway. Ken unlocked the door and opened the garage to let Bryan and Lane in.
Bryan came in first, and right away Ken pulled him into a big bear hug.
“Hey, big guy. I didn’t get to tell you how awesome you and Lane were the other day Healin’ Rick, and at the hospital with Tag. You guys fuckin’ rock!”
Bryan turned red as a beet as he blushed from the praise, embarrassed by the compliment.
Ken pulled Lane into a hug too, giving him a few firm pats on his back.
Bryan said, “All in a day’s work man, no big deal.”
Lane looked exasperated and said, “No big deal my ass, you big goof! You’re a fucking studly hero, so get used to it. Guys, would you please convince him he’s a fucking studly hero? He won’t listen to me.”
Brad and Ken both said in unison, “You’re a fucking studly hero Bry!”
Lane looked at Bryan proudly and said, “See?”
Lane moved out of the way, not wanting to crowd the kitchen. Bryan noticed Brad’s eyes were red and teary from cutting the onions and said, “Hey Brad, do you have any vanilla?”
“Yeah sure, but what do we need Vanilla for?”
“Two things. One, I’m going to show you a trick to use when cutting up onions, and two, since we’re having French Toast, a little vanilla in the eggs with a touch of salt makes them taste better.”
Brad pulled a little bottle of vanilla out of the cabinet and handed it to Bryan. He took off the top and put his finger over the opening and shook it a few times. Cupping Brad’s face in his big hands, he said, “Look up like you’re going to put a drop in your eye.”
Bryan smeared a small strip of vanilla below each of Brad’s eyes like a charcoal smudge football players use to protect against glare.
“There you go. Now finish cutting those up. When you’re done wipe off the vanilla, so it won’t be sticky.”
Brad noticed the difference right away and said, “Holy shit Bry, thanks! Where’d you learn that?”
“When I was little, I used to sit with my Granny and watch her cook, and she always put vanilla under her eyes when she cut up onions. It evaporates and makes a shield over your eye that blocks the fumes that make you cry.”
Lane went back through the kitchen into the garage and after a minute came back with his guitar case and a paper bag he tossed on the counter.
“Here’s your stuff from the car, Bry.”
Bryan opened the bag and pulled out a rolled-up apron, and a large Ziploc bag filled with more tiny plastic bags of herbs and spices from his garden. Bryan took off down the hall to the bathroom.
When he came back out, he was shirtless wearing his speedo and tying the apron around his waist. Ken and Brad busted out laughing when they saw the apron; it had a Charlie Brown-style penis and pubic hair drawn on the crotch. There stood big, tan Bryan, with his huge arms, and heavy shoulders and chest, wearing a white apron with a cartoon penis on it. He put his arms over his head and did a little pelvic grind for them, causing hoots and hollers from Ken and Brad.
Ken and Lane put on their swimming trunks, took off their shirts, and went into the backyard to set up the new volleyball net and get the pool ready. They pulled out the floats and re-inflated any that had gone flat. It was already warm, and they were both a little sweaty by the time breakfast was ready.
Brad filled the table with two dozen scrambled eggs, a loaf of buttered sourdough toast, two pounds of bacon, a pound of sausage links, a massive pan of crispy hash browns, and a whole loaf of sourdough French toast with soft butter and warm syrup. He even managed to make fresh sweet tea, and also had orange juice, milk, and fresh coffee. He called in Ken and Lane, and as they came in to sit down, Bryan was washing his hands from prepping the meat.
As they all sat down, Brad laughed and said, “Man I feel overdressed.”
He stripped off his shirt and threw it over on the couch.
“Alright guys, dig in. We need to make this last until the cookout.”
The first few minutes were silent except for the clanking of plates and silverware as everybody filled their plates and passed what they couldn’t reach.
After his plate was loaded and he started eating, Ken exclaimed, “Oh my God, B, this is good. You outdid yourself. I’m glad we skipped PT for this.”
Bryan and Lane both lifted their glasses to Brad as well.
Bryan said, “Good job, man.”
Lane had his mouth full but managed a ‘mmm hmm’ in agreement.
Ken said, “Hey guys, I know I said this when you got here, but you two really rocked the other day. I’m not sure what we would’a done without you two. We might ‘a figured out somethin’, but it would’a been a lot more difficult and probably not nearly as safe.”
Bryan grinned at Lane, saying, “Thank the Energizer Bunny over there. He’s the amazing one.”
Lane shot back, “No way it’s all me. I’m nothing without you, and you know it. You’re the fuckin studly hero and never forget it. As a matter of fact, I’ve got a special song for you tonight before we leave. It’s going to embarrass the shit out of you, so be prepared.”
Bryan blushed but knew Lane would figure out a way to sing it regardless of his efforts to distract him.
Brad and Ken couldn’t keep the smiles off their faces at the banter between their buddies.
Brad said, “Hey guys, there’s something we need to share with you, and Lane said something happened to you last night too. I’d like to take a minute and let you two know what happened to us and vice versa before everything gets ramped up for the day.”
Brad gently brought the four of them together. There was no sting, just love and support and an incredible feeling of fulfillment and closeness at being so open and intimate with one another. The four men became One and their experiences the previous night became known to each of them.
As always, their eyes misted from the deep level of openness and sharing. Instinctively their arms reached out to each other, wanting to feel their bodies touch, mirroring the touch of their Minds and Hearts. Ken sniffed and let out a “Holy shit, guys,” when they pulled back into their bodies.
Ken looked at his friends with wide eyes. “That’s unbelievable!”
Lane said, “Yeah, it’s over the top. To think yesterday I was floating around space making music with a Nephilim or God knows what, and today I’m sitting having breakfast with my man and two of my best friends. It’s a hard transition.”
“You don’t think those two guys were Nephilim?”
“I don’t know. If they were, it’s the first time they haven’t pulled the big gray robe trick on us. The doc said they can take on human form, so I’m not sure. The red-haired dude actually said they were our Protectors, but he didn’t elaborate. Maybe the doc or Albrecht will have an opinion on that.”
Ken piped in, “Guys this is a little scary ‘ta me. Brad crossin’ the Veil, and what you two can now do… what’s becomin’ a part of us or what we’re becomin’ a part of. With me, it’s just my body, but you guys are all gettin’ so powerful… Fuck Bry, you could have destroyed everything yesterday. I mean how much bigger does it get?”
Bryan looked at Ken intently and said, “It’s not just your body Ken. A lot more happened to you yesterday than just getting stronger. I can feel it in you now. I don’t understand it, but I can see something else there. You got stronger in ways I don’t think you can imagine yet.”
Lane asked, “Guys what’re we turning into? I mean, it seems incredible, but I feel like we’re getting too far away from who we started out as. I don’t want to lose that part of us.”
Brad said, “I couldn’t agree more Lane. We have to hang on to that part of us and help each other to do that. I think that’s another part of the doc’s plan and why we’re bound together as couples and as Brothers. I believe it grounds us emotionally and we need to hold on to that, or we’ll be lost. That’s what I think the Nephilim are afraid of. That’s why days like today, this party, are so important. It might seem mundane, but we can’t stop doing stuff like this.”
Ken said, “We need ‘ta share what’s happened to us with the other guys, and the doc and Albrecht. Let’s have the party and ask the guys to hang around for a few minutes after Sally takes off. I’m not sure how, but it might help get them ready for their own changes. Since it already happened to us, I’m sure they aren’t far behind.”
Ken and Lane cleaned up the table and did the dishes since Brad cooked breakfast and Bryan worked on food prep for the party. There was still a lot to do, so after the cleanup they all chipped in to get things moving.
Ken loaded some coolers with ice, Cokes, and beer. Bryan started the meat marinating and prepped garlic bread for the grill. Brad and Lane cut up fruit and vegetables for the salads.
By noon, the other guys started showing up, and Sally arrived a little after 1230. She was thrilled that everybody brought their Speedos, even if they all weren’t wearing them to start with, but after an hour of beers and hot sun all the guys had theirs on.
Sally had a blast, openly touching their muscles and flirting with them, as only a straight girl can with a bunch of hot gay men. It quickly became a ‘party thing’ that every time one of the guys walked by her chair they would either flex a bicep so she could grab it or tighten their ass in their speedo so she could cop a feel. The guys loved it and put up with it for her because they really did love her like a sister.
Before the food was ready, Brad asked her “So Sally, how are things with Carlo?”
“Oh baby, let me tell you! I think he might be the one. He’s a little rough around the edges, but nothing I can’t fix with a little Southern charm and womanly wiles.”
“That’s awesome! He’s one lucky man. If you guys tie the knot can we all be in the wedding? We can be Bride’s Butlers!”
“I heard about that! A friend of mine got married, and her best friend was a guy so he stood in place of the Maid of Honor and that’s what they called him. That would be so sweet!”
All the guys were either in the pool or playing volleyball, and Sally enjoyed the attention and their sweaty bodies shining in the hot sun. They all looked so handsome in their sunglasses, dark tans, and solid muscled bodies.
Lane played music from his iPod through the sound system in the house but not so loud that everyone couldn’t talk without yelling. Brad and Ken were very considerate of the neighbors and liked to keep things peaceful.
Mid-afternoon Ken, Bryan, and Rick heard the chirp of the security system over the noise. Not wanting to startle Sally, Ken got up, grabbed a towel and quickly went into the house, wrapping the towel around his waist and signaling Bryan and Rick to stay with Sally.
Yeah Ken, what’s up?
The alarm just chimed. Probably nothin’, but I’m checkin’ it out. Just bein’ cautious.
Brad hopped up and went into the house telling Sally, “Pee time!”
He grabbed his shorts and put them on quickly over his Speedo and went to find Ken.
Brad found Ken in the garage crouched beside their Explorer.
Brad didn’t sense anything wrong over their Link, but just to be quiet, he asked Mentally: What is it?
There’s a car parked across the street in front of the Taylor’s house. The driver’s around the side of our house with a camera and a telephoto lens, and he’s tryin’ ‘ta take pictures of our backyard.
Any idea who he is?
Yeah, I think it’s Carlo checkin’ up on Sally.
Oh, fuck.
How do you wanna handle it, B?
Let’s get him in here so Sally doesn’t see him. We need to have a little chat with him.
Ken and Brad silently moved around to the side of their house and saw Carlo in the hedges trying to find a slit in their fence he could take pictures through.
Ken, get ready to grab him so he doesn’t fall and make any noise.
Brad sent a Compulsion to put him to sleep, and before Carlo’s body started to slump Ken caught him. Ken effortlessly lifted Carlo into a fireman’s carry and quickly took him into the garage so the neighbors wouldn’t see.
Brad closed the garage door and opened the back of the Explorer, and Ken dumped Carlo into the back of the SUV. The camera around his neck was an expensive Canon digital model. Brad didn’t even look to see if he had any pictures, he took out the memory card and wiped the camera’s internal memory. Brad handed the memory card to Ken, who crushed it to powder between his fingers.
The garage was hot, and both Brad and Ken were already sweaty from being out in the sun. Their tanned, muscled bodies shone in the dim light of the garage. They both had their glasses on top of their heads and looked sexy as hell.
Ken lightly slapped Carlo’s face to wake him up. Carlo was a pretty big guy, and handsome. He seemed to keep in good shape, but it was hard to tell with the clothes he was wearing. His biceps were decent sized, and he had a trim waist. He came to quickly and started when he saw the two big men hovering over him.
“What the fuck!? Who are you?”
Ken used his Captains voice and said, “I think the question is who are you, and why are you tryin’ ‘ta take pictures of a private party in our backyard?”
Carlo knew he had been caught, and to his credit he fessed up right away.
“The woman in the backyard is my girlfriend.”
Ken continued, “And you’re checkin’ up on her why?”
“She wouldn’t tell me where she was going today. She made a big deal of it and said it was personal. It was suspicious, so I used the GPS on her phone to track her.”
Brad had his arms crossed across his chest, squeezing his pecs together to make himself look bigger and more intimidating.
“So, you don’t trust her, and you’re checking up on her. That sounds like a great way to start a relationship, Carlo.”
“How the fuck do you know my name.”
“Sally told us all about you, man. She thinks you’re ‘the one’ and possibly marriage material. What do you have to say about that?”
“Well, what the hell is she doing with all you guys? I mean look at you! She’s partying with a bunch of nearly naked strippers in Speedos, and she’s keeping it a secret. What am I supposed to think?”
Ken looked at Brad and laughed.
“Well, I gotta say we are kind of hot, right B? I can see why you thought we’re strippers. But you’re blowin’ it big time, Carlo. We’re the guys from TGH Securities Sally worked with. This is her goin’ away party, and we’re all dressed like this at her request.”
“I’m sure Sally never said anythin’ ‘ta you about our personal lives. She’s discreet and knows we like our privacy. Carlo, we,” Ken pointed to himself and Brad, “and all the other guys in the backyard, are gay. She likes to party and wanted to cut loose with us one last time. It’s between her and us, and she has no idea you’re here. Should I go get her? It’ll ruin her day and maybe your relationship.”
“Fuck no! Don’t tell her!”
B, should we intervene?
As much as I want to Ken, I’m going to say no. This is something they need to work out between them.
“Alright, Carlo. Take off, and we won’t mention this ‘ta Sally. But I’m tellin’ you she’s an incredible catch, and you’re workin’ hard ‘ta fuck things up with her. You need to learn ‘ta trust each other, or it’s never gonna work.”
Carlo said, “Thanks for not saying anything. Hey, how did you knock me out?”
Brad grinned and said, “Trade secret.”
Ken said, “Carlo, we’re gonna keep tabs on you and Sally. She’s been a good friend ‘ta us. I don’t want ‘ta hear that you made her unhappy or broke her heart. Do you hear me?”
Brad got a kick out of Ken playing the role of protective older brother, but he kept his face serious and intimidating. He took a look at the surface of Carlo’s Mind to see what he was made of, and he seemed to be an okay guy. He definitely had feelings for Sally, but he was jealous and hot-headed. Brad was struck again at how lucky he and Ken and the guys were to have their Minds and Hearts Open. Carlo was stumbling around in the dark, doing the best he could. He definitely wanted to make things work with Sally. He wanted kids with her but was shy about getting married.
Ken handed Carlo his camera back.
Carlo nodded and said, “Yeah, man. I want to make her happy. I let things get a little out of hand in my head, you know? I thought she was keeping something from me.”
Ken said, “Well she was, but it wasn’t anythin’ for you ‘ta worry about. How are you gonna handle Christmas and birthdays if you can’t handle this? If you love her, have enough confidence that she loves you too, and trust her ‘ta have your best interest in mind. I know her pretty well and if she loves you, she’ll be devoted to you until you give her a reason not ‘ta be.
“Now get outta here, and don’t give me a reason other than a weddin’ ‘ta come find you.”
Carlo took off with his tail between his legs.
As soon as Carlo was out of earshot, Brad started laughing.
Ken shut the garage door again. It was stifling with the door closed, and he and Brad were both still sweaty.
“Look at you going all Dr. Phil! I love it when you play the overprotective big brother. I think it’s hot!”
Ken looked at the tent in Brad’s shorts and grinned.
“I can see that.”
He moved behind Brad and wrapped his arms around him, pressing his hard, hot sweaty body against his lover. His hands went down into Brad’s shorts and boldly grabbed his dick.
“Damn! Look what I found!”
Brad moaned and leaned back, rubbing his sweaty back against Ken’s chest. Ken started slowly stroking Brad in his shorts, and Brad rubbed his ass against Ken’s crotch, matching his motion. Ken licked some of the sweat off Brad’s neck and shoulders, and his voice was husky as he said, “Fuck B, you’re so hot. We need to make this quick before we’re missed.”
Brad turned to face Ken, and they both pulled down their swim gear. Their dicks sprang up like steel rods against their tight stomachs, and they crawled into the back of the Explorer and started a hot sixty-nine. Neither one tried to hold back because they needed to hurry. Brad was dripping sweat onto the carpet in the car, and Ken was dripping sweat all over Brad, which served to stoke the already hot fires between them.
Ken’s eyes flashed White, and he amped up their physical connection to double their pleasure. In only a couple of minutes, they both experienced an intense but very satisfying orgasm. Swallowing each other’s loads kept the mess to a minimum, and both of them felt the fresh rush as their DNA ignited the supernatural bond between them.
Once they were soft, Ken slipped around to spoon himself against Brad. They were so sweaty their bodies made loud squishing sounds, which made them laugh. They spent another few minutes kissing and cuddling but decided to stop before they both got hard again. Ken pulled his Speedo back on, and Brad his swim trunks, and they headed back to the party.
Rick had a good idea of what they had been up to from the looks on their faces when they came back out. He shook his head, grinning, and sent a thought to both of them.
You horndogs! In the middle of Sally’s party, you guys go make out? Nice!
Ken couldn’t keep the grin off his face.
We had a little run-in with Sally’s jealous boyfriend, Carlo. I was so studly Brad got excited, which got me excited, and well... you know…
Brad shrugged his shoulders with a, ‘I couldn’t help myself look’ and laughed.
Shaking his head and laughing, Rick replied: Yeah, I ‘know.' So, Sally’s boyfriend showed up?
Yeah, but he’s gone, and she doesn’t need ‘ta know.
Ken went all Dr. Phil on him! It was hot!
Alright, I can’t wait to hear the details later.
Bryan pulled the chicken and ribs off the grill as Brad and Ken came back out. They both jumped into the pool to cool off and get rid of any residual cum.
The next hour was filled with great conversation and great food. The guys all joked around with Sally as she continued to flirt with all of them, and she kept asking their opinion of this actor or that actor, and who was hotter, this guy or that guy. After they ate, she insisted on a group photo of them holding her up like a showgirl.
As the afternoon moved along, Lane broke out his guitar and started taking requests.
Sally loved spending time outside of work with all of them, but when it started getting dark she said she had to go.
Lane said, “Alright Sally, just stay for one more song. I have a special one I’m going to sing, and I’d like you to hear it.”
Bryan groaned and went beet red but was resigned to it. Lane started strumming his guitar and tuning it up. He put his sunglasses on because he wasn’t sure he could control his eyes and didn’t want Sally to see them turn White.
He hummed the first bar and then started singing in his loud, clear voice, playing “Annie’s Song” by John Denver.
As soon as Lane started playing, his Mind and Heart traveled out beyond Earth. He Listened to the Milky Way and shaped the sounds into what he wanted, projecting it through his Mind and Soul to Bryan and his Brothers. They heard the words, as did Sally, but the music in his Soul and the emotion that went with it was incredibly profound. What he did shocked the rest of the guys. He had done it before on a smaller scale with just his guitar or his iPod, and that was amazing to them, but the depth and power of what he was doing currently left them speechless.
Lane wrapped Bryan up in the lyrics, and then his Brothers, making the song for all of them, knowing they felt for each other what he felt for Bryan. In response they instinctively merged, first as couples and then as a group… ten men, five couples, One Soul.
The intimacy of their love and friendship brought tears to their eyes and their breath caught in their big chests. The feeling was indescribable, almost too much to bear, yet none of them wanted to let it go. Arms and hands reached for each other, gripping a knee, a thigh, or a shoulder, wanting the physical touch in addition to the emotional connection.
In the Spiritual Realm, they shone like a star in Ken and Brad’s backyard, and they were so Powerful that even in the Physical Realm their Aura’s became visible. Brad intervened, altering Sally’s vision so she wouldn’t see the soft glow about them, and he softened the feeling of love they emanated but not as much, so she could feel it in her Soul, but not consciously. She heard the song and the lyrics and thought it was a beautiful song Lane sang for his boyfriend.
When Lane finished, silence fell for a few seconds.
Sally cried, “Oh my God Lane, that was so beautiful!”
She got up and hugged Bryan, who was teary-eyed.
“You are both so lucky to have each other. All of you are. I hope Carlo and I can be half as happy as you guys! I love you guys so much! I’m going to miss working with you!”
Even if they weren’t Linked, Ken could tell how shocked the guys were by the looks on their faces from what Lane just did.
After Sally takes off, I’ll explain guys. Believe me, it’s all good.
Everybody stood up, and Sally made her rounds hugging and kissing them on their cheeks, still managing to squeeze a few butts and biceps on her rounds. When she was done she fanned herself, and in her Southern Belle accent said, “Oh my! You boys just have me so worked up, I’m going to have to go home and rape my poor boyfriend!”
They laughed uproariously and let out a few catcalls.
“Tear him up, Sally!”
“Show him who’s boss girl!”
Sally gathered her things, blew them a final kiss, and took off for home.
Ken waited a few more minutes before he hollered, “Alright ladies! I got somethin’ I need ‘ta talk ‘ta you all about, so get your asses over here!”
Since Ken and Brad had just made out they were charged up, Ken Mentally and Brad physically, and now after their last Awakening the effects were stronger than before.
Okay guys, I wanna do this in our heads just ‘ta avoid any pryin’ ears. B would you put up a Shield just in case?
Kevin asked: What’s up, Ken?
There’s been a little development that we wanna share with you all. Brad and I and Lane and Bry had another Awakenin’ yesterday. We wanna share with you what happened and what we can do now, and I hope this’ll get you ready for your own. I have a feelin’ it won’t be long before the rest of you have yours.
As a group, they merged again, and it wasn’t lost on the guys that Ken maintained the Link and not Brad.
Just like when they met in the conference room in the Lab, Ken took the time to focus on every one of them through their connection.
Fuck you guys are awesome. When we do this, and I see who and what you are, I am so fuckin’ proud of you all it makes me wanna burst.
They rested again in each other’s presence, relishing the powerful bonds of loving Brothers connecting them beyond friendship. As their Souls merged their arms went around the shoulders of whoever was closest to them as if their bodies wanted to be as close as their Souls.
Over the next few minutes, they shared what happened. The prevalent reaction was awe and amazement, and there was also a little trepidation. The scale of what happened with Bryan; Lane, and Brad was shocking.
I understand any apprehension guys. Not knowin’ what’s gonna happen, or when, is a pain in the ass. Just know that you won’t be alone in any of this. It’s a little unnervin’ at first. One thing I wanna stress with all of you, and we talked about this earlier today, is that we can’t lose sight of who we are and where we come from. As we gain all these amazin’ abilities, we can’t forget who we are, and we need to maintain our humanity, or all of ‘this’ can destroy us, both as individuals and as a group. We need ‘ta make a habit as couples of stayin’ close, and we need ‘ta merge like this often as a group. We have ‘ta be here for one another as we grow.
But the first person who grabs my ass besides Brad is gonna get a black eye.
The ripple of humor lightened the mood Ken sensed was getting heavy.
That’s all I have ‘ta say. Let’s finish off the beer and chill out for a bit.
As Ken dissolved the Link, all of the guys had tears in their eyes. Their bodies always reacted to the emotional intimacy of merging so profoundly with each other. Each of the couples stayed close and touching the rest of the night, either arms around shoulders, holding hands, or reclining against one another.
As Ken intended, they took solace in each other and shored each other up for the changes they knew were coming.
Ken’s instincts were telling him that times were soon going to take a turn for the worse. The Enemy was aware of them and was surely planning something. They would all have to keep their eyes and Hearts open for whatever might come.
Shortly before, as Lane reached beyond Earth and shaped the Music of Creation to his own purpose, a nearby agent of the Enemy felt it. He was there to watch and observe Ken Habersham and Brad Wilson’s house. There was someone like him watching each couple that was now part of The Order.
As the song continued and the Warriors of The Order became One, their love for one another radiated outward, and as Brad altered Sally’s perception the man started screaming in Agony. Their White Power was a hot fire against his Black Soul, and he had to flee before it consumed him.
The Master must know of this!
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