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The Order - 11. Chapter 11

Content warning: This story contains adult situations, language, and consensual sex between adult men. If said content is illegal in your state or country, please leave now and do not continue.

(** Prologue **)

It took some time, but Taliesin finally found the one he was looking for. Lane Weaver bore the symbol marking him as the Dreamer and was the only one who could free Taliesin from the chains still binding him to The Order.

Early in Taliesin’s life the Gift seemed like a blessing, but after carrying it thousands of years his Soul had grown weary and over time it became a crushing millstone. The weight of Immortality was unbearable, and he was ready to pass the Gift on to a successor. Until it resided in someone else, Taliesin could not die and find the rest he longed for. As a man he was not meant to live forever, and his loneliness was excruciating.

Taliesin found love through the ages, a few women but mostly men, and losing each one was more painful than the last. Eventually, he couldn’t stand the pain of loss any longer and hardened his heart, determined never to hurt or love again. No longer sure he was capable of love, he opted merely to exist.

Curse them! They knew what they were asking me to do! They knew the price I would pay, and they knew I wouldn’t understand the cost. How could I?

No one from The Order had contacted him in the last hundred years. He knew Charisa, Jonathan, and the remaining Elders were in danger of being wiped out. Taliesin secretly hoped the Enemy would destroy them, thinking it would free him. However, when he heard the chord in the Heavens a year ago and realized someone existed who could free him, he couldn’t risk the chance The Order’s destruction might release him when Lane Weaver was a certainty; he would make sure of it.

The fact that Lane must willingly accept the Gift was inconsequential. Taliesin was a master of subtlety and used to orchestrating events to suit his desired outcome; this time would be no different. Even if it took a few more years, he could be patient and wait if it meant his freedom and finding the peace he longed for. While technically Lane would have a choice, Taliesin would make sure the only option Lane could make was the one he, Taliesin, wanted.

Taliesin knew Lane would have music in of him, and that was the knowledge Taliesin used to find him. With the experience of thousands of years as an Agent of The Order, a little patience, and his own formidable Powers, Taliesin discovered a music store Lane often frequented. It was then a simple matter of reading the thoughts and memories of the shop employees to find what he wanted, and he began to learn about the man he needed to find.

He would have to be careful… Lane was always accompanied by a close friend named Bryan. Bryan was tied to Lane in his Dreams, and the two of them were one of five pairs of men circling Aaron. Bryan was protected from his scrying attempts, as was Lane, so he must also be under Aaron and Albrecht’s protection.

Taliesin would have to do something about this ‘Bryan’ to get him out of the picture, perhaps use him as leverage to force Lane to say ‘yes.'

There’s no way in hell I’m taking a chance you will say no, Lane Weaver.

He needed a lure to get Lane’s attention, someone young and malleable, preferably a runaway no one would miss. Having been a street urchin himself, he knew where they liked to hide.

Yes, that will work.

Formulating his plan, Taliesin set things in motion. Even with the wisdom and knowledge of thousands of years, it never dawned on him to approach Lane and simply talk with him. He was so desperate for his freedom now that it was within sight, he was blinded from that thought. With compassion long burned out of his heart, it was inconceivable that anyone would have compassion for him.


(** Beginning of Chapter **)


The next day Rick and Loy drove to the office to supervise the moving company in clearing out the office furniture. Sally was already working at Simmons Security, so Rick and Loy volunteered to take care of things. They arrived early, and it only took a few hours to coordinate the movers and get everything packed up and on the truck. Darren had negotiated an excellent price for everything on an internet auction site. It didn’t hurt that the furniture was in excellent condition and reinforced because of how much half of the guys weighed.

Traffic was horrible on the drive back, and I-85 North was practically a parking lot. Loy drove, and he and Rick talked, joking and shooting the shit to pass the time as they sat in the most recent heat wave of the summer. Without movement for airflow, the air conditioner in the car could not keep up with the heat.

Out of the blue, blinding pain broke out in Loy’s legs, and his body bowed from the sudden intense agony.


Quick to react, Rick grabbed the steering wheel so they didn’t crash, shouting, “Loy?! What’s wrong!?”

Fortunately, Loy’s feet slammed down on the brake pedal and not the accelerator when he reacted. Rick quickly moved the gearshift into Park so they wouldn’t bump into the car in front of them.

“My legs! Oh, fuck! Ricky, it feels like my legs are broken!”

Some of Loy’s pain leaked through their connection, and Rick was surprised Loy hadn’t passed out from the intensity. His face was purple, and veins in his neck stood out from the physical stress of fighting the sensation suddenly wracking his body. He pounded the armrests with his fists, his teeth were clenched tightly, and his body broke out into a heavy sweat as every muscle tightened reflexively, struggling to fight off the immense pain.

Rick unfastened their seatbelts and pulled Loy over the console onto his lap, managing to switch places so he was in the driver’s seat. Loy’s eyes turned White and rolled back into his head, and he started mumbling and not making sense. His harsh gasps made his words difficult to understand.

“Oh fuck, Rick, it’s dark! I’m scared … I…I... feel like I’m slipping away! Fuck! Don’t let me go! Oh, God, it’s so hot! It hurts! Don’t let me go!”

There was real terror in Loy’s voice, and he was trembling violently in reaction to whatever was happening to him. He reached out blindly, trying to find Rick. As soon as he felt his partner, he grabbed Rick’s arm with desperate strength. The cords and tendons in his hand and forearm were visible from the death grip he had on Rick’s arm. Loy was still amped up from the sex they had earlier that morning, and Rick had to tense his arm to keep Loy from cracking the bones in his forearm.

Loy’s confusion, emotional trauma, and physical pain were spilling over to Rick through their Link, and he had to turn it down so he could keep a level head and help his partner. Terror was foremost in Loy’s Mind, fear of slipping away into the blackness as if he was dying. Part of Loy’s panic was Rick’s presence getting washed away by what was happening. The terror of losing his lover and the other half of his Soul was overriding his ability to think. His unconscious Mind tried to let his training kick in, but the emotions running through him were so powerful they prevented him from thinking clearly.

It tore Rick up seeing Loy experiencing something so harsh and not being able to do anything for him. Pulling back, he all but shut down the Link the two of them usually shared. He hated to do it, but he was afraid of losing control.

In his Mind, Rick shouted: DOC! ALBRECHT!

Thankfully, Rick was still charged up Mentally, and between that and the rush of adrenaline going through his system, he had the range to reach them. Brad and Lane heard him too because all four of them responded immediately.

Rick! What’s wrong!?

Loy’s having some kind of seizure! He’s in horrible pain, he’s scared shitless, and not making sense! We’re stuck in traffic, and I don’t know how to help him!

Rick’s frustration, concern, and fear for Loy were apparent, and his Brothers and mentors grabbed him Mentally in support as they saw everything in his memory of the last few minutes.

The doctor’s voice, calm and clear, entered Rick’s Mind.

Everything will be fine Richard! Loy is Awakening and has bonded with something nearby that is the cause of his distress, and it triggered his Avatar. The initial surge caught him by surprise, and understandably he did not know how to block it. You must find the source of his experience so we can help him. It might be harmful to Loy and whatever he has Linked with to break the connection, so proceed carefully.

Doc, he said he felt like his legs were broken. There’s been some kind of accident up ahead, and we’re stuck in traffic. It must have just happened because I don’t hear any sirens yet.

Lane, please Link directly with Loy and monitor him. Bradford, you do the same with Richard. Albrecht and I will stay with all of you.

Brad’s strong presence entered more deeply into Rick’s Mind, helping to calm him down.

Hey, buddy. Don’t worry, we’re going to figure this out together. I’m with you, and I’m not going anywhere. Now, let’s look for what’s causing this so we can help Loy.

Brad’s confidence and direction helped bring clarity to Rick’s thoughts, and his training kicked in, forcing him to focus and maintain control so he could help Loy.

Rick exited the car and slammed the door in frustration.

Brad, I don’t want to leave him like this!

Lane’s with Loy, Ricky. The best way to help him is to find the source of whatever he’s connected too. I’m with you all the way, bud.

In addition to Brad’s emotional support and concern in Rick’s Mind, it was as if Brad’s hands were on his shoulders squeezing him tight. His Brother was in him, walking with him through his experience, and it made a difference.

When they were soldiers there never would have been any hesitation to execute a directive and do whatever needed to be done at the moment. Now that they lived in one another their emotional bonds were tighter than ever, and their capacity to love and be hurt was greatly expanded. They were still adjusting to the changes and Rick was grateful for Brad’s presence and the clarity of thought he brought, and his thankfulness was apparent in the Link.

Fuck! Okay.

Taking a deep breath, Rick moved forward. Once he walked further ahead, he quickly noticed an overturned tractor trailer in the distance. Immediately Rick took off, sprinting faster than any human could run. He had to dodge a few car doors opening as bystanders were getting out of their cars to look. One car door opened directly in front of him, forcing him to vault over the vehicle. In his concern for Loy, he didn’t care if anyone saw him.

A few seconds later he stood looking on the carnage of the accident, and as soon as the horrible screams hit his ears everything became clear. A horse trailer was overturned, and two horses lay on the pavement writhing in pain. Their sides heaved, and their eyes were wide and rolling with fear as their bodies flailed. Rick saw their mangled legs, broken in multiple places. The driver of the pickup was trapped inside the overturned truck, trying to get to them, his muffled screams begging for help and calling to the horses.

Guys, look!

Albrecht: Yes. The symbols of Loy’s Avatar make sense now. Loy is Linked with those poor beasts. Rick, listen carefully. You need to get Loy there as quickly as you can. He needs to have physical contact with those horses. I believe that will help stabilize him and he should have more control once that happens. Do not under any circumstances let anyone euthanize those beasts before Loy gets to them!

Rick sprinted back to Loy and put him over his shoulder in a fireman’s carry and was back at the horses in no time. He set Loy down between them and put one of his hands on each of their necks. As soon as his hands made contact a wave of Light burst out from Loy, clearly visible to Rick through his Mind’s Eye.

A bright White Ribbon spread out like a massive shockwave, passing through the cars and people, spreading out rapidly. In a matter of seconds, it traveled all the way around the planet and in those brief seconds, every animal on Earth became a part of Loy and he a part of them.

As soon as Loy touched their necks the two horses stopped rolling their eyes and went still. They still breathed in harsh gasps, but with his touch their panic vanished.

Loy’s voice was barely audible even to Rick’s hearing, but he heard his partner mumble, “Oh fuck, I’m so sorry. Don’t be scared. I know it hurts. I’m here. I’m with you.”

Loy’s hands gently stroked their necks, covered in frothy sweat from the heat and the pain. Loy’s eyes were still White, and Rick saw his energy centers flaring sporadically. Tears ran down his handsome face from the jumble of emotions running through him, but slowly coming under control.

Rick smelled fuel and glancing over saw gas leaking from the overturned truck. He let out a “Fuck!” in his frustration.

The truck is leaking gas, and it’s on fire! We don’t have much time!

Brad: Get that guy out of the pickup. This might hurt Rick, and I’m sorry, but I don’t have time to be gentle.

A surge of Power from Brad channeled through Rick’s Mind, sending a Compulsion urging all the drivers and passengers in the area to get out of their cars and move to a safe distance. It didn’t hurt so much as it felt like a tremendous pressure on Rick’s Mind, but with Brad’s warning he was braced for it.

As car doors opened and people started to move away, any dogs that were riding with their owners jumped out of the cars and made straight for Loy. Rick could hardly believe what he witnessed, but the dogs surrounded Loy, nuzzling against him and the horses, making encouraging whines. Some even gently licked the wounds on the horses.

Rick moved over to the pickup. The man trapped inside was beating on the glass and Rick heard him yelling. The door to the truck was bent and jammed shut. Rick got a firm grip on the door and bracing his feet he yanked the door off the hinges. His back and shoulders flexed, ripping his t-shirt as he tossed the door aside like it weighed nothing. Reached inside the cab, Rick pulled the man out. He was cut, and his head was bleeding, but otherwise he seemed okay.

While Rick rescued the horse’s owner from of the truck, Loy gained more control, pushing the pain, fear, and confusion back. As the fog lifted, Lane’s soothing Mental presence became apparent in his Mind.

Hey bud, welcome back! You gave us a scare, you shithead!

Lane! I can feel them! Not just the horses, but all the animals! Fuck I can’t tell if I’m in them or they’re in me!

I know! It’s amazing! Listen to your Heart Loy. There’s no time for training. You need to let your instincts take over, and I hope for their sakes it’s not to lift up your skirt and run screaming like a little girl.

Even in the seriousness of the situation Lane made Loy smile, giving him a little clarity in the craziness he was caught up in.

Through his Avatar Loy probed the horses, letting his ability run its course. The primary damage was their broken legs, which were shattered in multiple locations. With a thought he blocked their pain centers and immediately their bodies relaxed, and their breathing became less labored.

He saw in their minds they were intelligent and confused by his presence, but not afraid. Loy was shocked at the intense feeling of something… fulfillment?... completion?... that came from them. It was like they had been waiting for him.

His tears changed from sharing their pain to joy as their unconditional love touched him. It was so pure and absolute it stunned him for a brief moment and his breath caught in his chest. It was every bit as powerful as when he and Rick merged, or any of his Brothers becoming One. Their acceptance of him and what they would do for him was indescribable.

The love he returned to them along with his support calmed them. He found their names in their memories; Dolly and Burt. Their owner was a kind man, and they were both very attached to him.

Lane was in Loy’s Mind sharing everything, and tears fell down his face too. He was forced to tone down his connection to stay focused and help Loy.

Loy, I’m not sure if this will help, but Bry magnifies and helps focus my ability to Heal. If you can Heal those two horses, I think you’re going to need Rick’s help, and you need to get a move on before that fuel catches fire.

In the distance Rick heard sirens from fire trucks trying to reach the accident, but their progress was slowed due to cars pulled over and blocking the emergency lanes.

Loy’s head whipped around at the sound of a rifle being cocked, loading a bullet into the chamber.

He shouted, “NO!”

Dolly’s and Burt’s owner had tears in his eyes, and he shouted back, “Their legs are broke! They can’t survive man! I need ‘ta put ’em down so they don’t suffer!”

Loy didn’t have time to argue or be gentle, so he Mentally punched the man, knocking him out. Rick grabbed him to keep him from hitting his head on the concrete and lowered him onto the pavement.

“Ricky, I need you. I don’t know how this is going to work, but I know I can’t do it by myself.”

Rick moved over and sent his thoughts to Loy.

Whatever you need, you know I’m here. Tell me what you want me to do.

Now that Loy was more in control, Rick delved back into his lover, filling Loy with his presence and embracing the man he loved with all his Heart and Mind. Rick’s relief at being in his partner again was shared by Loy.

Deep in one another where their Souls were One, the two men appeared naked to one another in every way. Rick pulled Loy into a hug, pressing their naked bodies together. Seeing that Loy was alright and in control, Rick wondered at his new connection to the animals.

Loy’s urgent need to Heal the horses was apparent, so Rick didn’t prolong their embrace. He ruffled Loy’s hair affectionately, and with a smile they returned to their bodies.

Lane: Alright, I’m guessing this will work the same as when Bry and I do it. Link yourselves and Open your energy centers and let them flow together. Blend them into one stream and focus that energy into the wounds. Look at the patterns in the flows, and you’ll see the damage and know what you need to do to fix it. It’s hard to describe, but once you see it, you’ll understand.

Albrecht: If their legs are broken, you will need to set the bones before Healing them. Loy has their pain centers blocked. Rick, since you are stronger it would be best if you do it.

No sweat. Loy, fire us up.

Rick’s strength, resolve, and confidence wrapped around Loy, entering him as he Opened their energy centers, remembering how Lane and Bryan Healed Rick and Tag. As Loy Opened their energy centers and brought their Souls back together, they fell into that powerful and intimate place where the two of them were One and once again, for a brief moment, the chaos around them stopped as their bodies, Minds, and Souls blended together. The calm and peace between them brought clarity and serenity to the situation. Their eyes filled with hot tears from the potent intimacy, and their breath caught in their big chests.

Lane’s mischievous grin was evident through the Link as he chided them.

Thanks for the hard on there, fellas!

Brad and Albrecht laughed, and while the doctor didn’t laugh openly in the Link, the corner of his mouth rose in a smirk.

Back at the Lab Brad flushed from the overflow of emotion between his Brothers. Ken wrapped his arms around Brad from behind, aware of everything through his partner. Ken didn’t say anything, he just held Brad snuggly against him, letting him know he was there and supportive. Brad didn’t break his Link with Rick but he started to pull back, not wanting his presence to interfere with what was about to happen.

Loy and Rick's thoughts were One: Brad stay. We want you with us. Lane, you too, and doc and Albrecht. All of you stay with us.

In their Mind’s Eye, even in the bright sunlight, the two men became shining beacons of colorful energy. To start, Loy Opened the energy centers on the horses one by one. They were different than in a human, but they had them. He wanted Dolly and Burt to feel what he was doing and not be afraid. Their life energy was vibrant, and Loy and Rick blended the energy flows of the two animals into and through them. Loy’s Avatar was going crazy, spitting off brilliant arcs of color.

An extra surge of emotion tugged at Loy, and for a brief moment it confused him. Glancing around he was surprised to see the dogs staring at him intently. Their love, the raw unconditional love that dogs feel towards people, pressed into him, and he sensed the strange feeling of completion from them, as if they had been waiting for him and he was with them again.

As his Avatar Awoke, Loy had a brief moment of understanding that he was now connected to every creature on the planet. Just as Bryan was connected to Life and its energies, Loy was now connected to the living creatures, not only of Earth but in all Creation. If he concentrated they were with him, in the back of his Mind.

Their presence and wild nature were a part of him… the freedom of hawks in flight… the gentle and noble Spirits of Elephants in Africa… whales and dolphins in the ocean… deer shot and killed not far from where he stood… it went on and on through the thousands of species covering the planet. It was beautiful and harsh and wild, and he had to push it down quickly before he became lost in it.

Shaking his head to focus, he brought his attention back to what he and Rick needed to do.

Rick moved to Dolly first, looking at her broken legs. Even though her pain centers were blocked, Rick was as gentle as he could be. His arms flexed and with minimal effort he set the bones. His hands moved lightly on either side of each break, while Loy coalesced the energy flows into a White ribbon, and they watched, amazed, as the bones knitted together and the damaged flesh and hair filled back in.

By the time they Healed the last break on Burt, Loy and Rick were exhausted. Both men were breathing hard and covered in sweat from the heat outside and the strain of having so much energy flow through them. Their own energy was greatly diminished by the time they were done, and they were on their knees in exhaustion.

Fuck Lane, you and Bry make that look so easy!

Loy felt Lane’s Mental grin again.

Yeah, none of you fuckers realize how much that shit takes out of you!

After a short pause, he thought: Oops, sorry doc!

Loy, his head lowered while catching his breath, felt a big soft nose nuzzling his shoulder and neck. He opened his eyes to see Dolly’s long face rubbing against his own, her breath warm and sweet. She encouraged him to grab hold of her neck. He reached up, his arms shaking with fatigue, and she helped him to stand.

Loy and Rick looked around, and all of the dogs and even a few cats still surrounded them. They backed off a little but remained nearby, staring at Loy intently, and he realized they tried to help him in their own way. He sent an encouraging thought their way, and all of their tails started wagging, and a few of the dogs barked. Their happiness from pleasing him was indescribable and a tired grin spread across his face.

Their pure, raw emotion was fresh in his Mind, and a bright tear fell out of the corner of his eye as his breath caught again. They were overjoyed at making Loy happy, and in return, their happiness filled him with the most amazing sensation. It was unconditional and natural, and now a part of him.

Burt nuzzled Rick in the same manner Dolly had done with Loy, and Loy burst out laughing. Burt didn’t think in words, but his thoughts were perfectly clear, complaining that Rick was heavy and needed to lose some weight! Loy leaned against Dolly’s warm furry body, Opening his Mind to the two horses and marveling at their intelligence. He breathed deeply, inhaling the heat and scent of her fur and it was intoxicating.

Dolly felt concern for her owner, who lay on the ground unconscious. Loy moved over and lightly slapped the man’s face to wake him up. He started and sat up quickly, and his eyes went wide at the sight of Dolly and Burt standing over him.

His expression showed his disbelief, and he breathed out “How!?”

Loy was about to pass out, and his voice expressed his exhaustion as he said, “Don’t ask, man. Just accept it and be happy they’re still with you.”

Brad considered altering the man’s memories but decided to let him believe what he wanted.

The fire trucks arrived, and EMT’s rushed over to where Rick, Loy, the two horses, all the dogs, and the man stood.

The fire and rescue team moved them back to a safe distance, and the EMT’s insisted on checking Loy and Rick out, along with Dolly’s and Burt’s owner.

Once the danger of fire was under control, Loy gave a Mental command to the dogs and cats to go back to their owners, knowing they would be frantic with worry. He already heard whistles and shouts nearby. The animals took off like bullets back to their people.

Albrecht and the doctor dropped out of the Link once they knew Rick and Loy were safe. Their mentors wanted them back at the Lab as soon as they could get away from the EMT’s. Lane and Brad stayed Linked with them for a few more minutes and then dropped out to give them some privacy.

Kevin, Bill, Pat, and Darren showed up about the time the EMT’s finished examining them. The doctor didn’t want Loy or Rick driving so Bill and Kevin drove them back in their own Explorer, an Pat drove Rick’s, and Darren followed them back in his.

Bryan and Lane ordered pizzas, knowing Loy and Rick would be famished and need food quickly to help regain their energy levels.

While they waited Ken, Brad, Lane, and Bryan were all talking about Loy’s new ability.

Lane asked, “Do you know how cool it’ll be to have Dr. Doolittle on our team?”

Ken laughed and said, “Don’t let Ricky hear you callin’ Loy that! He might tear your head off… I’d go with somethin’ a little studlier… like The Beastmaster.”

“Oh yeah, I loved that movie! I wonder if the doc will let Loy get a pet tiger?”

Bryan just rolled his eyes and shook his head, causing Brad and Ken to laugh.




The pizzas arrived a few minutes after the guys showed up with Loy and Rick. As predicted, Loy and Rick were famished and devoured two large pizzas each. Just as Rick finished wiping his mouth with a paper towel he felt light-headed. His eyes turned White, and he squeaked out, “Oh, fuck!” and started to collapse. Ken was a blur and caught Rick before he fell out of his chair.

Loy shouted “Ricky!”

Ken called out, “Doc! Albrecht!”

Ken carried Rick into the closest exam room and put him on one of the beds. As soon as Ken backed away, Rick’s energy centers Opened and sporadically started flaring. His Avatar glowed brightly and randomly along with his energy flows.

The doctor and Albrecht rushed into the room right after Ken.

Loy practically stumbled behind Ken, still exhausted and about to pass out.

Ken said, “Here Loy, grab on ‘ta me.”

Ken put Loy’s arm around his shoulder, and he put an arm around Loy’s waist to help support him. The rest of the guys crowded around the doorway trying to see what was happening.

Loy’s voice was anxious as he asked, “Doc, what's the matter with him!? I can’t feel him!”

“He is experiencing his own Awakening. Such a busy day for the two of you! I suspected it would happen soon after yours, although not quite this soon. I am sure there is nothing to fear my boy. We must let this run its course and see what the results are once it is complete.”

The doctor motioned for Ken to help Loy onto the other bed in the room.

Before the doctor said anything, Ken said, “Hey fellas, let’s clear out and give the doc and Albrecht some room.”

The doctor gave Ken an appreciative nod.

Brad brought everybody but Rick into a Link to support Loy. Their presence wrapped around him, and it was as if their hands were on his back and their arms around him. Energy flowed between them and Lane wove it into a bright White ribbon, directing some into Loy to refresh him.

Collectively their thoughts were clear: We’re with you, Loy. Rick will get through this fine.

Loy settled in their presence, managing to relax a little. His anxiety for Rick didn’t go away, but it was more bearable with the support of his Brothers. Their Minds held each other just like arms around their shoulders. Rick’s absence was uncomfortable, and they couldn’t wait for him to be back where he belonged.




Rick stayed on the bed for nearly three hours. With careful observation, the doctor and Albrecht recognized patterns in his energy flows. As the patterns became more ordered they also became more focused, weaving a design in the air around him like a net. The threads became tighter, wrapping his body in a cocoon of energy to the point where his body was barely visible.

Lane had the foresight to order more food knowing Rick would be famished again, and all of them could stand to eat another meal with their hyper-metabolisms. He ordered thirty-five footlong subs with chips and drinks. One of the nice things about knowing his Brothers so intimately and having a genetically enhanced memory was that he knew everyone’s food preferences and ordered appropriately.

Half an hour later the alarm chirped indicating someone was at the door to the Lab. Lane looked at the monitor and saw it was the delivery guy with the food. Just as Lane opened the door, the web of energy around Rick’s body exploded. His back arched as he convulsed, and a White pulse of energy came off of him. It wasn’t nearly as far reaching as what happened with Loy, but it did cover most of the city, dissipating as it extended outward until it faded to nothing. The energy passed through the building and the delivery boy. Lane was aware of it but figured the delivery guy wouldn’t see or feel anything with his Mind closed. The Light brought a warmth deep inside him and a sense of rightness similar to what he felt when he and Bryan were deeply merged. He shook his head to focus, wanting to pay the kid and get back to the others as quickly as possible.




Across Atlanta the Enemy felt the wave of Power from Rick and they became aware of him. His Avatar caused them intense pain and burned up many glyphs placed around the city. At that moment, with his Avatar Awakening, Rick was exposed and defenseless. Seconds later they heard their Master’s voice in their Minds.

One of them is Awakening! Attack now while he is defenseless! Destroy him! Crush his Mind and Soul!

Dozens of well-dressed men around the city stopped when they heard The Master’s command. Putting their fingers to their temples their eyes turned white, and they began to focus their hate and malice on the single source of Light shining brightly in their Minds. The Light that was the source of their pain was alone and vulnerable… Rick!




The delivery kid couldn’t keep his eyes off Lane. Lane was strikingly handsome and had a fantastic body, and his mischievous smile disarmed most people. The kid was nervous and distracted as it was, and he fumbled with the credit card. One of the best looking men he had ever seen in his life stood in front of him, and his thoughts were running wild. He hoped and prayed Lane wouldn’t notice he was hard. As he handed Lane the receipt he said out loud, “Damn, I’d love to feel you on top of me.”

Lane wasn’t sure which one of them was more surprised. The kid got a panic-ridden look on his face and turned beet red in embarrassment.

He said, “Oh shit, mister! I... I’m sorry I didn’t mean to say that! Please don’t say anything! I could get fired!”

Lane was taken aback at how the kid just blurted out the truth that was on his Mind. He was used to people thinking things like that but not saying them. The kid looked so worried Lane took a quick look in his Mind and realized he hadn’t intended to say what he did out loud. Something Compelled him to tell the truth.

It wasn’t difficult to figure out that what just happened had something to do with Rick. The boy’s anxiety levels were off the charts and he was terrified Lane was going to beat him up, or he would lose his job.

Lane assumed his most disarming smile and made a point of looking at the kid's name tag.

“Greg? I’m flattered buddy, but I’m taken. My boyfriend is a lot bigger than me, and he doesn’t like to share, so let’s just keep that comment between you and me, okay? No harm done.”

Lane didn’t want to alter the boy’s memory, but he did put his own Compulsion in place so Greg wouldn’t mention what happened to anyone else. He tipped the kid well, feeling sorry for what happened.

As Lane shut the door to carry in the boxes of food, Rick let out a soul-crushing groan of agony. Something about the tone of Rick’s voice, the emotional pain behind it, struck a chord in Lane’s Heart and he froze. His body went rigid and his eyes turned White. In a waking Dream Lane saw dark clouds forming over the skyline of the city, of winds blowing and thunder rumbling. In his Vision, the streets looked empty except for dozens of well-dressed men scattered about the city, and he heard their Master’s voice.

One of them is Awakening! Attack now while he is defenseless! Destroy him! Crush his Mind and Soul!

Evil smiles crossed their faces as well-dressed men across the city put their fingers to their temples, and their eyes went white. Lane saw Rick on the ground at the foot of each man, writhing in pain while they smiled malevolently down at his Brother, killing him. A strange nimbus surrounded Rick, emanating from his Avatar, attempting to unravel their Black Power, but the Darkness came too fast and quickly overcame whatever protected Rick. Black tendrils broke through, digging their way into his Heart, Mind, and Soul. They were destroying him!




Rick jerked up in bed holding his head in his hands. His breath came in ragged gasps, and his t-shirt was soaked with sweat. His whole body was taut as heavy sobs wracked his big frame, hysterical from whatever was happening to him.

Loy could hardly contain the urge to reach out and try and comfort him, but the doctor and Albrecht both expressed through the Link: Loy, no! There is no telling what he is experiencing, and you could hurt him or yourself. I know it is difficult to watch my boy, but you must let this run its course.

Brad and the others held Loy tighter in support, agonizing as much as Loy over what Rick was going through. Bryan moved to the bed Loy was on and sat beside him, putting a big arm around Loy’s shoulder, squeezing him tight and rubbing his back.

Rick thrashed about and rolled off the bed, landing hard on the floor. He was so distraught he couldn’t control his body, his throat clenched so tight he couldn’t talk. They heard his mental voice, strained and almost incoherent.

Loy! … Fuck… I need you… Guys… Help! They’re… killing… me!

As soon as Brad heard the pain in Rick’s voice, he pulled everyone deeper so they could talk without time passing. Even the doctor and Albrecht were surprised at how casually and quickly he did it. The unconscious and instinctive power Brad exhibited was a little frightening.

I’m sorry everyone, I didn’t mean to surprise you. Doc, Albrecht, what’s going on with Rick? Surely, we can’t sit by and let him suffer like this? This seems like more than just his Awakening. It doesn’t feel right!

Bryan interjected: The night I went to the Tree my guide had to help me. I think Rick needs the same thing!

The doctor thought: I agree Bryan, but we do not know what is causing his distress, and if we pull him in with us we all might become caught up in it.

Loy was about to lose it. His emotional distress over watching Rick suffer and his plea for help were almost more than he could stand.

Right after the doctor’s statement, Lane’s Avatar released him and he shouted through the Link.

Guy’s! They’re killing him! The Enemy is doing this to him! We have to help him!

Lane’s Vision of Rick laying at the feet of all the well-dressed men filled their Minds. Anger erupted in Ken as what he saw. His eyes flared White and his Avatar burst into bright, colorful flames that arced out, touching the tattoos of everybody else on the team.

He shouted, “ENOUGH!” and his voice echoed not just in their Minds but across the city, a defiant shout and challenge to The Enemy.

The doctor and Albrecht dropped out of the Link, ready to help if necessary, but knowing if a confrontation with the Enemy was about to occur it was what their sons were created for. They didn’t want to interfere or become a distraction.

Each man instinctively knew what they needed to do, as if they were all a part of a lock and Ken was the key. Lane Listened, taking the first sound he heard. A bass chord exploded in his Mind and Soul, filling him with a sudden burst of Power, and as it filled him he dispersed that Power through the Link, filling his Brothers.

Each couple became One, uniting Body, Mind, and Soul, filling themselves with one another first and then with their Brothers. Loy knew he would take the brunt of the attack when he merged with Rick, but he was more than willing to do whatever necessary to Shield Rick from what was happening. The Power Lane channeled into him was enough to wrap him and Rick up in a Shield of his own.

Loy braced himself, only needing to fend off the attack for a brief second until his Brothers could intervene. The pain hit him hard as he threw himself into and around Rick, becoming the focal point of the Enemies attack. Loy let out a defiant scream as he bore the brunt of the attack, but his Shield held firm.

Brad wove everyone else’s energy flows into a thick White ribbon and created a barrier around Rick and Loy to protect them and divert the attack to the rest of them. The malice and hatred of the Enemy hit them immediately, striking relentlessly against their Shield, but they were prepared. Loy pulled Rick further into himself, wrapping around his lover, a second barrier inside the larger one. Loy’s presence was a balm to Rick along with the protection of his Brothers. Shaking and breathing hard, Rick clung to Loy in relief, resting in the Oneness of their Souls.

Rick’s voice sounded exhausted and tight with pain as he thought: Fuck guys, thank you, I don’t know how much more of that I could have taken!

The Power of the intimate bonds they shared as Brothers and couples were a large part of their strength, feeding their abilities and making them powerful. Brad felt Ken’s anger at what was happening, but he also felt something else… Strength? Confidence? Courage? Will? It was a mix of something and difficult to define, but it filled the Link and affected all of them, focusing and giving them an unwavering resolve against the attack.

Ken didn’t want the Enemy to go unchallenged, and Brad caught on to what he was thinking. Remembering the spiked shell of the Iktomi at the hospital when they rescued Tag, Brad shaped a barrier around them with spiked tendrils of White energy.

Instantly the attack stopped as the minions of The Enemy across the city cried out in pain, grabbing their heads as their attacks hit the spiked barrier and were reflected back at them. Many of them, overconfident and unprepared for any retaliation, were knocked unconscious and the pressure dissipated almost immediately.

Brad maintained the Shield a few more minutes to make sure the attack was over and then dropped the Link when everybody went back to their bodies. Ken’s eyes remained White, and for a moment he seemed somewhere else, his body still tense and his Avatar glowing brightly. When his eyes returned to their normal green, he looked at Brad and smiled.

Brad, looking at the man he loved, thought Ken never looked more handsome than at that moment, and he moved over, putting his arms around Ken and hugging him tightly. Ken hugged him back, pulling him close.

Brad whispered very quietly into Ken’s ear, “Fuck, I am so hot for you right now!”




It took a few minutes for everyone to settle down. They were all amped up with the excess energy from Lane, their own adrenaline, and whatever Ken put into them through the Link.

The doctor examined Rick, and other than extreme fatigue and a headache he seemed fine. Rick devoured two of the foot-long sandwiches and promptly passed out in his chair, still sitting up. Chuckling at his buddy, Bryan picked him up and moved him to one of the beds. Loy followed and crawled in the bed beside Rick and as soon as his head hit the pillow he fell asleep.

Once they were settled, Ken asked Albrecht and the doctor, “So what was it about Rick’s Avatar that pissed off the Enemy? I don’t understand that… it didn’t happen with any of us when we had ours?”

Albrecht elaborated, “Rick’s Primary Avatar is a complicated translation. At the basest level, it is the word Truth, but it’s far more than that. It encompasses Honesty and Purity of Being in its most primal form. Much of The Enemy’s Power comes from lies and deceit, even fear. I believe anyone around Rick will have a difficult time lying, and patterns of deception will unravel around him. Places inside of people that have been shut away or walled off will open. It is an immensely subtle but powerful Avatar. I am certain it caused the Enemy significant discomfort when that wave passed through them.”

The doctor spoke up, “The scholars of The Order will spend a lifetime studying the complexity and effects of your Avatars. After today I see a pattern developing but, as the rest of you experience your own Awakenings, only time will tell if my suspicions are correct.”

Brad was the only one who noticed the look that passed between the doctor and Albrecht. He wasn’t Linked with either of them, so he didn’t get any feel for what it was, but something significant passed between them. He was curious but didn’t think too much about it, knowing the doctor would tell them whatever it was when he was more certain.




Over the next week, the doctor and Albrecht worked extensively with Rick and Loy to help them discover and begin to control their new abilities.

With the pool party over and the company sold, they all had more time to adjust to their new and more extensive training schedules.

Waking up early every morning Brad and Ken did their PT together, and Brad performed a simplified version of Ken’s physical examination. Ken helped Brad through his Mental exercises, and nine times out of ten they had incredible, hot sex when finished.

Albrecht taught them advanced fighting techniques, tailoring the training to their new talents where applicable. The doctor continued working with Brad and the Mentalists on learning to Shield themselves, and psychically fight and defend themselves.

The doctor and Albrecht were certain that after all of them had their major Awakening, they would experience one more as a group that would unlock the ‘mini-Avatars’ shared among them. He hypothesized that at that time, they would mimic each other’s abilities to some extent, with whoever held the main Avatar being the most powerful in that Primary ability.

Each of them now operated on a power level far above what the doctor initially anticipated. In addition to becoming more powerful, Ken was extremely proud of their Mental and emotional growth as men. They were maturing, growing and learning to be more compassionate and concerned for people, and it stemmed from merging and supporting one another. As they had more compassion for each other, in forgiving and being forgiven for their faults and transgressions between each other, it brought home how much more normal humans needed to do the same thing but were unable to because of the Curse.

They were men, each with unique and strong personalities. Disagreements still happened, and occasionally someone did something that irritated or perturbed someone else, but the bonds between them and the ability to see in each other and know there was never any ill will or ill intent, softened everything. Over time, from being One and understanding each other so intimately, most of the incidental friction stopped completely. It allowed them to hang shit on one another much more effectively, and they laughed even harder. There was no longer any fear between them of being hurt or taken advantage of. Instead, they came to rely on one another in ways they could never have imagined. They supported one another and held each other in whatever way was needed, emotionally or physically. They became completely comfortable with each other in any setting.

Each of them came to crave the intimate time when they were One. They were all men, alpha males, rugged and virile individuals, but they were also more than human. The time when they were One and could be themselves, physically and emotionally with no repercussions and total acceptance, became their refuge whether it was with their partners or with any or all of the other couples.

As Brad grew stronger and fine-tuned his own abilities, he began sensing the oppressive cloud hanging over normal humans. Not just the city where they lived, but from watching and reading the news it seemed to be all over the country and much of the world. The Enemy had held Power so long that their stimulus and control reached far and wide, and there was no telling how much of the population of Atlanta, let alone the rest of the country, or the world, fell under their direct influence.

The hard part, as Brad discovered, was discerning the difference between the Enemy’s influence and human nature, which in most cases could be dark and ignorant, especially under the Curse. They found it no surprise that the last few decades had transformed people into semi-mindless automatons. With reality TV, the internet in general and especially social media, movies, and entertainment, people’s minds were turning off, creating the perfect breeding ground for the Enemy’s influence.

The sadness in Brad continued to become more extreme. It seemed most people were more concerned with knowing who the final contestant was on a reality show rather than helping a friend or neighbor who might be struggling or going through difficult times. Politicians were raising billions of dollars to hold power while people were homeless and hungry. The priorities inside normal humans seemed to be completely fucked up, and their self-absorption astounding.

Humans were dividing themselves into smaller and smaller special interest groups, and politicians and the media had a field day stirring up derision among them. It seemed that every decision was politically or racially driven. Professional athletes and celebrities jumped on the bandwagon, and the world was falling apart before his eyes.

As the leaders of the Team Ken and Brad had to keep the guys focused and motivated, including themselves, yet the more they discovered about the Enemy the more daunting their task seemed to be.

One night after Ken and Brad arrived home from a long day of training, Brad was in a pensive mood. He and Ken were lightly Linked allowing Ken to pick up on Brad’s disposition, but not deep enough to see what was wrong. Brad went into the kitchen and started poking around the freezer for something to make for dinner. Ken went back to their bedroom, took off his shoes, socks, and shirt and put on some comfortable workout shorts.

Brad was rinsing vegetables in the sink when Ken came up behind him and turned off the water.

“Hey! What’re you doing? I’m starting dinner.”

“Dinner can wait a few, B.”

Ken put his hands on Brad’s shoulders and turned him around. When Brad saw Ken shirtless, his heartbeat picked up a few notches. As close as they were Ken’s scent and body heat affected him. Ken kept his hands on Brad’s shoulders, gently massaging them, and looked straight into Brad’s crystal blue eyes.

“Talk to me, B. What’s goin’ on in that fuckin’ adorable head of yours? Somethin’s botherin’ you, and I want ‘ta know what it is. You wanna tell me or show me? Your choice.”

Brad let out a heavy sigh and leaned into Ken. He rested his chin in the crux of Ken’s neck and shoulder, wrapping his arms around Ken’s muscular back, relishing the warm solidity of his partner. Ken put his arms around Brad hugging him back. Brad inhaled deeply, taking in Ken’s natural scent and drawing strength from it. They stayed still for a few minutes, resting in one another.

Brad’s eyes teared up while they held each other.

In a quiet voice, he finally said, “I’m sorry, Ken.”

“For what, B?”

“I had a bit of a realization today about how daunting our task is and how far-reaching the influence of the Enemy actually is. They’ve had centuries to dig a foothold, and there are only ten of us in this fight, twelve including the doc and Albrecht. At this point, I don’t count any others in The Order as helping as they’ve never even shown us a face or a body. It’s more than a little overwhelming. I’m looking at this massive problem with all my abilities, and it doesn’t look good.

“I don’t doubt you or me or the guys, but I’m afraid of the toll it’s going to take on us. I’m not sorry for that either because it has to be paid, and it’s our job. I’m not scared… but where the fuck do we start when practically the entire world is against us?”

Ken pulled back a little and with his hands still on Brad’s shoulders, stared at him for a few seconds, looking deep into his eyes.

He moved his right hand up and cupped the side and back of Brad’s thick neck giving a gentle squeeze of comfort and love.

“First of all B, I love you, and no matter what happens we’ll always be together. Even if we fail altogether, which we won’t, we’ll still have each other. Never forget that. I think I understand what you’re feelin’. It hasn’t hit me yet because I’m not as smart as you, but we’ll face it together, you’n me, and the guys. Not all of us have Awakened, and we don’t know what everyone will be able ‘ta do. The doc and Albrecht said we’re gonna keep growin’ and refinin’ our abilities. Let’s not get discouraged or overwhelmed just yet.

“You’n me are the leaders of the team and need ‘ta support each other. If we have moments like this it’s my job to hold you up and your job to hold me up when I need it and try not to show it to the others. Even if they know we feel it, we should never show them openly. That’s part of bein’ a strong leader. Pretend you’re badass even if you don’t feel like it. They’ll see it when we merge, but we still need ‘ta play the part.”

“You are badass Ken. You’re the baddest man in the entire universe.”

“We are B. I wouldn’t be shit without you, but together we’re unstoppable.”

Brad paused slightly as he took in Ken’s words and he whispered, “I believe you.”

Brad lifted his head and looked at Ken’s handsome face, inches from his own, sinking into his emerald green eyes. He moved forward and started an intense emotional kiss, expressing every ounce of his love for Ken in the act. Brad fired up their energy centers and let their essence blend together as part of the kiss. He specifically made it non-sexual. It was purely emotional, and he drew strength from it. With Ken’s presence wrapped around him, Brad’s mood lightened and became more optimistic. He experienced Ken’s rush from his own presence and their eyes watered from the intimate bond. They hugged tighter, holding onto each other as they kissed. After a few minutes their kiss ended, and they both had smiles on their faces.

Their foreheads touched, and Ken asked, “How about a movie after we eat? We haven’t done that in forever it seems like. I just wanna be with you on the couch for a few hours and chill.”

“Sounds awesome. But don’t forget the wild sex after the movie.”

“How can I forget, I’ve been drippin’ like a sieve ever since I touched you.”

Brad couldn’t help but chuckle as he said, “You douche.”

Brad thought Ken was joking until he glanced down and saw the big wet spot in his shorts.

They fell back into their routine of helping each other cook and wash the dishes, content to enjoy each other’s company and be together. There was leftover beer from the party, so they each had a few while Brad fixed dinner. Ken kept his shirt off, and Brad never got tired of admiring his body. He couldn’t wait to get on the couch and cuddle with Ken while they watched the movie.

They ate dinner holding hands and rubbing their legs together under the table. They settled on a movie and Brad made a big bowl of popcorn.

Ken sat on the couch with Brad reclined against him, his head resting on Ken’s upper chest. Ken draped his arms over Brad’s shoulders and across his torso, and the bowl of popcorn sat in Brad’s lap for easy access.

A little more than halfway through the movie, Ken paused it, saying, “Sorry B, I gotta pee.”

Brad got up and said, “Yeah me too. I’m still a little peckish for something sweet. You want some ice-cream?”

“Hell yeah, that sounds awesome.”

Brad went into the kitchen and scooped out two big bowls of their favorite ice-cream. He headed back to their bedroom to take off his shirt and put on some shorts and stopped in the bathroom on his way back to the couch. Ken’s heartbeat accelerated at the sight of Brad’s shirtless body. When he sat on the couch they made sure their shoulders and arms touched while they ate their ice-cream and talked about the movie. A few minutes later, the bowls were empty and in the dishwasher, and they were back on the couch, cuddled together.

Their hands started roaming towards the end of the movie, Ken rubbing Brad’s shoulders and Brad rubbing Ken’s thighs. Ken’s hands began moving further down Brad’s chest, and Brad’s hands crept higher up Ken’s legs. By the time the credits were rolling, they were both hard and leaking, their shorts tented. Ken grabbed the remote, turned off the TV, and reached up to turn off the light on the end table.

The moon was nearly full, and the soft light coming through the glass doors made their tanned skin look like silver. Brad turned over, and Ken scooted down so their bodies were together, chest to chest. They started kissing again while their hands roamed over each other. At some point, they both pulled down their shorts and managed to kick them off, so they were naked together.

For the next twenty minutes, Ken used his fingers and tongue to drive Brad crazy. Brad squirmed in pleasure the entire time, moaning and telling Ken how good it felt. Ken loved watching Brad’s tight muscled body squirm in pleasure and tremble at his ministrations.

By that time Ken figured Brad had enough, and he moved into position. Brad’s eyes were shut and his head thrashed from side to side, his hands clutching the pillows on the couch in pleasure. His big chest was heaving, and he was rock hard.

Ken said, “Ready B?”

Brad’s reply was breathless, “Fuck Ken put it in man. I need to feel you in me.”

Ken was so wet he didn’t need extra lube. Reaching down he stroked himself a few times making sure he was slick, and then he put the head of his hard eight inches against Brad’s opening and pressed forward.

“Ken! Oh, fuck! Oh yeaaahhh.”

Brad moaned as Ken’s shaft buried in him slowly and steadily up to the hilt. Ken closed his eyes in pleasure and let out a low moan. Brad’s ass was so warm and tight, clenching around him like a velvet fist. Ken pulled back and started stroking in and out in a steady rhythm, aiming for Brad’s prostate with every thrust.

Even after all their years together, feeling Ken inside him, filling him, Brad never lost the intense emotional wave of love for Ken that hit him. Before they could merge their Minds and Souls they had the intimate merging of their bodies, and he never wanted to forget that. The fact that the man he loved was inside of him, and that feeling of fullness, of perfection, sent Brad to another place.

Brad opened up their Core energy center, spreading red fire through their bodies. Ken groaned louder when the sexual energy surged through them, his hands on Brad’s hard chest for leverage, loving the feel of his hairy muscled pecs under his hands. He made sure to rub his fingertips over Brad’s sensitive nipples as he kneaded Brad’s tight chest. Brad ran his hands up and down the corded muscles of Ken’s arms, shoulders, and lats as he thrust in and out.

They were acclimated to the increased pleasure from their combined energy flows, so their orgasms weren’t as hair-triggered as they were at first. Ken was glad because he wanted to make the pleasure for both of them last longer.

Brad whimpered in pleasure, his body and Mind experiencing an elevated sexual level he couldn’t have dreamed of even a few months ago. Ken loved to see Brad suffer so much pleasure at his hands and wanted to make him feel that way as long as possible.

He moaned out, “God B, you’re so fuckin’ awesome. I love watchin’ you squirm and get all sweaty for me.”

One of Ken’s hands moved off Brad’s chest and started stroking him. Brad was already on the edge of an orgasm, and when Ken’s hand gripped him and started stroking him slow and steady, it pushed him even closer.

Ken whispered hotly in his ear, “Let it build up B. I love feelin’ you in my hand. I can feel your heartbeat through it. Don’t hold back B, let it fly.”

“Ohhhhhh Ken, oh God, oh fuckkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk!”

Brad could barely breathe. His entire body convulsed in pleasure, nearly bent in half with his legs still over Ken’s shoulders. In that position Brad had his arms up and over his head, spreading his chest and lats out, giving Ken a perfect view of his incredible body. Brad’s abs were so tight the sweat pooled between the ridges of muscle. The buildup was agonizingly slow.

Ken strained, his body flexed and tight, focused on getting Brad off. He dripped sweat onto Brad’s already hot muscled body, and their skin looked like slick silvered marble in the moonlight.

Brad’s dick surged even harder, his balls drew up tight, and his shaft started convulsing in Ken’s hand. Each shot was blissfully intense, and he was so excited the first few volleys shot over his shoulder and the arm of the couch landing on the carpet.

“Oh shit! Damn B, nice shot!”

Ken didn’t intend to cum but seeing how far Brad shot and knowing how intense the pleasure must have been for him to do that triggered his own orgasm, and he filled Brad with his hot seed.

Strength rushed into Brad, and Ken threw back his head with a groan and continued thrusting through his orgasm, unable to stop.

Ken continued, relentless, driving Brad to new heights of pleasure. Brad’s muscular body quivered nonstop, and ten minutes later he shot another load. The second time Ken was able to hold off, and it took him a half hour before getting the third load out of Brad. Finally, Ken couldn’t hold off any longer and started jackhammering into his lover. His orgasm lasted over a minute, and he stopped thrusting, his body tensed through it all. Once the contractions stopped he collapsed on top of Brad in a big sweaty muscled heap.

Brad clung to him, nuzzling his face in the crux of Ken’s shoulder and neck, caressing his body through his orgasm. Ken stayed inside him, still hard as their chests heaved, sucking air into their lungs while they recovered.

It took a while for their breathing to return to normal. Each of them loved the feel of their hot sweaty skin against each other. Brad had his arms and legs wrapped around Ken like a spider, keeping their bodies tightly together. Ken had one arm around Brad’s back, and with his other hand he cupped Brad’s cheek and brought their faces together so they could kiss.

They continued holding one another and cuddling until Brad fell asleep. Ken stayed awake a while longer, enjoying the feel of Brad’s body, holding him, and watching his handsome face as he slept. Brad’s heartbeat and warm breath were so comforting Ken wanted to stay there forever.

The last thing he did before he drifted off to sleep was kiss Brad on the top of his head, and whisper, “I love you B, with everythin’ in me.”




As Loy and Rick discovered more about their Avatars, the doc and Albrecht thought it would be a good idea to take a trip. Loy needed someplace to practice openly with many variations of fauna to choose from. The four men left Atlanta for the Bahamas, where the doctor knew of some small private islands with varied natural habitat. Dolphins and porpoises were also known to frequent the waters near the islands, and if they were lucky a few species of whales.

With Rick, Loy, Albrecht, and the doctor out of town, Ken and Brad decided to organize a night out for everyone still in town. He and Brad had talked about spending more time with the guys outside of the Lab, and it seemed the perfect opportunity. Years before, during Desert Storm, most of the guys played pool for fun, so Ken asked everyone to meet at Sweetwater’s Bar and Grill in Norcross.

Lane and Bryan texted back saying they couldn’t make it that night but would take a rain check. Lane had ordered a high-end laptop with some sound engineering software. It arrived that morning, and he was anxious to play around with it.

It ended up being Ken, Brad, Pat, Darren, Kevin, and Bill. They were having a great time, downing beers and taking turns on a table. The servers stayed busy as the guys continually ordered appetizers and needed refills on their drinks. Uncharacteristically, Pat was cleaning everybody’s clock at eight ball, a huge surprise because he usually sucked at pool and only played to have fun. As the night wore on his game continued to get better and better, and shots he typically found impossible he managed with ease.

The next game was a losers table, and Brad and Ken were up. It was Ken’s turn to break and as Pat watched Ken lean over the table, time seemed to slow down. He watched the muscles in Ken’s thick arms tighten, noticing in detail how Ken’s triceps and forearms danced under his skin as he pulled the cue back. Pat watched the powder covered tip as it moved towards the ball, striking with a loud crack. He watched as the blue specs of powder puffed off the tip of the cue as it struck the ball.

Pat flinched at the sharp noise, and the sound echoed in his ears. His vision blurred heavily for a brief second, and when it came back into focus his jaw dropped in amazement. Suddenly, he was staring at the world through a filter of colored lines and vector arcs connecting everything and everybody. Information burst into his Mind, and his heart started pounding in his chest. Darren immediately picked up on the change in his partner and moved over to see what was wrong.

Pat’s Mind was overloaded, his brain interpreting the lines and arcs into an Understanding of what they meant. He saw and Understood the connections between everyone and everything in the room. He saw the love and support between Ken and Brad and Bill and Kevin, even between his beer and his stomach and nervous system. He saw the sound from the jukebox and the people dancing, who was with who, who was cheating on who, and who was lusting after who. As he watched, stunned, Pat’s Avatar started spitting bright, colorful sparks through the sleeve of his shirt.

The brokenness inside the people in the room was staggering, harshly affecting him, and he threw up a forearm to cover his eyes and turned away. It was painful to see, and he wanted to throw up at seeing it so vividly.

He cried out, “Fuck!” and started sweating and breathing heavily.

With concern in his voice, Darren asked, “Pat what’s wrong!?”

Darren reached up to grab the arm Pat held over his eyes, and as soon as their skin touched it was like a bolt of lightning hit Darren. Darren’s and Pat’s eyes both flashed White and Pat staggered, falling to one knee.

Darren’s face went blank and he stood motionless, staring at nothing with his hand still raised. The lights in the pool hall started to flicker, and exclamations of surprise were heard as drinks around the room suddenly turned ice cold or boiling hot. Darren’s Avatar began to spark brightly underneath his shirt just as Pat’s was.

Brad: Guys, their Avatars are kicking in! We need to get them out of here! I’ll calm down the crowd, and you guys take care of Pat and Dar!

Ken knelt and put his arm around Pat’s shoulder to steady him.

“Hey big guy, can ‘ya talk ‘ta me? Tell me what’s happenin’!”

“Fuck, Ken, my eyes... I can’t see right. There are colors and lines… ties and connections between everything. My brain feels like it’s about to explode!”

Kevin and Bill went to Darren, who remained perfectly still and calm, his eyes White and his face expressionless.

Bill asked him, “Dar? Buddy? Can you hear me?”

Bill snapped his fingers a few times in front of Darren’s face and got no response.

Kevin exclaimed “Holy shit! Look!” and pointed to the pool table, where the balls were floating off the tabletop.

More people were shouting about hot or cold drinks, and a few frantically stripped off earrings, jewelry, and watches that were suddenly too hot to wear.

A wave of Power came from Brad, and everyone in the bar stopped moving. Brad had his eyes closed, concentrating on holding so many Minds.

Ken: Good job B. Draw from me if you need too.

If I don’t have to hold everyone too long, I should be okay. It’s easier when they’re a little drunk.

The pool balls started spinning around Darren, orbiting his body, moving faster and faster, and small tendrils of energy arced between them and his body. Darren lifted off the ground, his back slightly arched and his entire body rigid. His energy centers flared sporadically, arcing all over the area. For the first time ever, they noticed a physical effect when the energy tendrils coming off Darren hit something. Napkins caught on fire and ashtrays flipped over. Ken, Bill, and Kevin stared at Darren in amazement, trying to decide what to do when he suddenly vanished! As soon as he disappeared, the pool balls dropped with loud ‘thunks’ onto the table and Darren dropped out of their Link.

Ken, Kevin, and Bill all said, “What the fuck!?”

Ken leaned down and gripped Pat’s big solid shoulders, shaking him slightly.

“Pat! Dar disappeared! Can you feel him? Where is he?”

Pat looked unsteady, still overwhelmed by whatever was happening to him, but when Ken said Dar disappeared, he redoubled his efforts to focus. He reached for Dar with his Mind and sensed him nearby.

Pat’s connection to Darren was something he could latch onto to help him concentrate. Pat was seeing the connections between everything and everybody, so he attempted to focus only on his relationship with Darren. Most the lines and arcs dimmed, still there but muted, and his Mind cleared a little. Darren was close. The lines between them went through the walls of the building towards the parking lot.

Ken helped him stand, and Pat managed to say “He’s close by, outside towards the car.”

Ken helped Pat and Bill, Kevin, and Brad followed. When they got to the door Brad removed his influence on everyone in the bar. Activity returned, but it wasn’t a panic, just mild confusion. He blurred the last few minutes of their memories so they wouldn’t remember any details of what happened. Their waitress had run his credit card when they opened their tab, so he sent a Compulsion for her to close out their bill and tip herself twenty percent.

Once in the parking lot, Pat saw his connection to Darren more clearly. He nodded his thanks to Ken and took off towards their Explorer, still a little unsteady but frantic to get to Darren.

The car was locked and Darren had the keys in his pocket. The windows were tinted making it difficult to see into the car, but they could see small flashes of light from Darren’s Avatar and the vehicle shook slightly.

Pat mentally shouted: Dar! Can you hear me? Unlock the car!

Darren’s Mental voice was barely audible: Pat? Fuck man, what’s going on? I feel awful. So tired...

Dar, can you unlock the door? If you can’t, I’m going to break the window!

Darren’s voice kept getting fainter.

Wait… fuck, it hurts!

The locks clicked open, and Darren’s Mind went quiet.

Pat jerked the door open and saw Darren laid out in the back seat unconscious. Pat pulled Darren out like he didn’t weigh anything, holding him against his chest listening for a heartbeat. Darren’s breathing was shallow, his heartbeat erratic, he was cold and clammy and trembling harshly.

Ken said, “We need ‘ta get him to the Lab. Bill, you and Kevin take ‘em with you, and me and Brad’ll follow. Brad should be able ‘ta reach the doc and Albrecht so we can get some guidance.”

“You bet. Kev let’s go.”

Pat got back in the car, and they laid Darren down with his head in Pat’s lap.

Ken drove so Brad could concentrate. Brad, still Linked with Ken, sent his Mind out to make contact with the doctor. He had never tried to reach anyone so far away but was confident it wouldn’t be an issue.




Doc?! Can you hear me?

Bradford? Has something happened?

Yes, sir. Pat and Darren are Awakening. Pat’s a little shaky and Darren is unconscious. Sir, it was like a poltergeist! We were playing pool and Darren levitated the pool balls and his feet left the ground. Then he teleported out into the parking lot!

My goodness! There is no precedent for such a physically oriented ability! How remarkable! If Darren affected objects, the energy drain must have been incredible, and he is most likely exhausted. I suspect he will be fine once his body and Mind are adjusted. I prepared syringes in anticipation of further Awakenings while Albrecht and I are gone. When you get him to the Lab, go to the refrigerator in my office, and you will see them. Have William give him 100 cc’s of the blue vial and it should help. How is Patrick?

Sir, he’s overwhelmed with whatever he’s seeing. He says he see’s colors and lines connecting everybody and everything around him. It seemed painful, but I’m not sure if it was emotional, Mental, or physical.

Remarkable! Based on Albrecht’s efforts to translate the symbols this is making more and more sense. Have William give him an injection as well. I will return tonight, and Albrecht can remain behind with Richard and Loy a few more days. We are making so many amazing discoveries! You will be most impressed when you find out what your Brothers are able to do.

Ken and Brad picked up on the doctor’s excitement through the Link, even as far away as he was.

We can’t wait to hear about it, doc! Give Albrecht our best, and Loy and Rick. We miss you guys!

I will see you both tomorrow when I get back in town. I will be listening for your call, in case anything else develops with Darren and Patrick. I am sure they will be fine with rest and food, but we cannot take too many precautions.

Thanks, doc! We’ll see you tomorrow.




Brad contacted Bill, Kevin, and Pat and relayed his conversation with the doc, and everyone felt better that he would be back the next day. When they arrived at the Lab Pat carried Darren in, and Bill administered the shots as instructed. Bill insisted, and everyone else concurred, that they spend the night in the Lab instead of going home.

Ken and Brad ventured out for food, and Pat felt much better after he ate. He ended up eating twice as much as usual, and while he ate Pat kept looking around, occasionally frowning or opening his eyes in surprise.

Brad asked him, “Pat do you mind if I take a look at what you’re seeing?”

“Not at all Brad but be careful. I’m getting a grip on this but if your brain isn’t wired for it I’m not sure how safe it will be.”

“I’ll be careful and keep it light.”

Brad’s Mental touch in Pat’s Mind was gentle and soothing. The depth of love Brad held for him was doubly evident, wrapping around his Mind and Heart and through his new Understanding. He saw the connection between them as Brad looked through his eyes.

Brad let out a “Holy shit, Pat!” under his breath.

The world exploded into lines and arcs and ropes of energy, connecting everything. It was more than just visual, it was the knowledge and Understanding beneath the connection that was overwhelming. Brad pulled back quickly to keep from getting lost, but he realized the significance of what Pat saw. Brad was a wizard at math and physics, and he had a good idea of the implications of the information Pat was experiencing. In addition to the connections, he was seeing the laws of Physics, and fully comprehending them.

Brad smiled at Pat and said, “Pat that is utterly amazing! I can’t wait for the doc to get here and help figure out the ins and outs of this.”

Pat saw Brad’s sincerity and pride on his behalf, and it made him feel better about the night.

“Yeah, thanks, Brad. You know, on top of the visual part of this, seeing those normals in the bar and how superficial their relationships are… how broken they are inside… it was painful, just like when we first started Linking, but all over again. Except this isn’t just hearing it and feeling it… it’s Understanding the brokenness… in most cases, they know right from wrong, and they choose wrong because they think it’s easier or it’s out of some selfish gain, even if it means someone else gets hurt. It’s crazy and sad, and it hurts. It’s like I can see the Curse in them.”

“It’s hard Pat. Ken and I have found ourselves spending more and more time by ourselves or with you guys because it’s so difficult to be around crowds of people. It’s hard to imagine we were the same not too long ago. But, on the flip side, it makes it easier to care more about them. They need our help, and it’s not arrogant on our part to say that. Your ability will help tremendously when we get on track and start looking at the bigger picture.”

Pat leaned back on the bed and closed his eyes, rubbing his forehead.

Brad asked him, “Is your head still hurting?”

“Yeah, it’s pounding.”

“Dar is probably going to sleep through the night. Do you want me to help you get some rest? I promise we’ll wake you up if anything happens or if he wakes up before you.”

“Yeah, Brad if you could. I’ve never had a headache like this. It’s almost making me sick.”

“Okay, climb over in bed with Dar where you’ll be more comfortable.”

Pat got up and crawled into bed with Darren, pulling their bodies close together. He wrapped his big arms around his lover, spooning their body’s snuggly together.

Brad moved to the side of the bed and put his hands gently on Pat’s head. Just like he did with Ken, Brad rubbed Pat’s temples and caressed his forehead, sending his Mind down into a quiet, restful sleep, calming his racing thoughts. The tension visibly flowed out of Pat as his breathing slowed and became steadier. Brad shifted his Sight and saw the sporadic flares in the blue energy of Pat’s Mind that caused his headache. He was afraid of tampering in case Pat’s energy centers were still adjusting, so he placed a soft Compulsion to stay in a deep, restful sleep, deep enough not to feel any discomfort.

Ken walked in to check on them and smiled when he realized what Brad was doing. He put his hands on Brad’s shoulders, pulling Brad back against him, and whispered in his ear, “Nice B. He needed that.”

Brad took a deep breath, leaning back against Ken. He was tired from the night’s efforts but found as he acclimated and exerted himself Mentally, it took less of a toll on him and his recovery time quickened. He definitely felt he was getting stronger.

Ken pulled away with a nod of his head, indicated for Brad to follow. Brad trailed behind Ken into the kitchen area, where Bill and Kevin sat at one of the tables shuffling a deck of cards. Bill wore his Braves baseball cap backward and had the stump of a cigar in his mouth. Brad knew what that meant, and he looked over at Ken who said with a grin, “It’s not too late, and we need ‘ta pass some time. We thought a good game of strip poker would keep us busy for a while.”

Brad laughed and said, “You perverts! Count me in!”

Bill said, “No Mental shit! All Links are down except for monitoring Dar and Pat!”

Brad winked and smiled replying, “I don’t need to read your sissy ass Mind to beat you at poker.”

Bill rubbed his hands together in a greedy fashion and said, “The gauntlet is thrown down! Prepare to feel the breeze on those tiny peanuts you call balls buddy.”

Kevin and Ken laughed and joined in the banter. The shit talk and ribbing intensified like it always did when they played poker.

After two hours of laughing and joking around, and almost total nudity, Ken was the winner. Kevin got knocked out first, then Brad, then Bill. Ken was down to just his socks by the time he won and all of them were sporting semi-erections.

By the time Ken won the game, it was nearly 0200. Ken told Kevin and Bill with a smile and a wink that they could go have fun and get some sleep. Naked and hand in hand the two big studs went to one of the rooms with a bed and shut the door.

Brad, still naked, went into the kitchen to make coffee. Ken couldn’t take his eyes off him, especially his smoking hot bubble butt. Brad knew Ken was watching through their Link and the corner of his mouth rose in a smirk as he started clenching his glutes together. Glancing over his shoulder, Brad saw Ken openly staring and grinned.

Brad went over and picked up his clothes from the back of the couch and started to put his shorts on when Ken thought: Not yet…

You horn dog.

Hey, I’m not the only one sportin’ some wood!

Well with the sexiest man on the planet sitting in the same room with me, butt naked, what do you expect?

So, it’s my fault?

Of course.

Then I suppose the chivalrous thing ‘ta do is to fix the problem.

Oh yeah! I like it when you’re chivalrous.

Well grab a dishtowel and get on the couch!

Brad quickly reached out to check on Kevin, Bill, Pat, and Darren. Pat and Darren still slept soundly, but Kevin and Bill were… oh shit! Brad’s erection went from mostly hard to fully hard from the sexual energy Kevin and Bill were generating. Brad brought Ken in the loop gently, as he didn’t want to intrude or spy on their friend’s privacy. As soon as he knew their buddies were occupied and not going to come out and surprise them Brad shut down that part of the Link.

Oh shit! That was hot! Are we that hot when we make out?

Hotter. We’re like the core of the sun.

Brad moved to the couch and sat on one end facing lengthwise, sitting up with his arms over his head, stretched out to make his entire body available to Ken.

Ken, if possible, got even harder looking at Brad’s incredible physique. Looking down at his chest Brad thought: It’s about time for a trim, don’t you think?

I think you’re fuckin’ perfect but if you wanna trim up a little, I’ll be glad ‘ta help ‘ya. God, B, I don’t know how you do it, but you get better lookin’ every day.

The sincerity in Ken’s words touched Brad deep down, and his smile affected Ken the same way.

I learned that trick from you.

Ken moved to the couch, hovering over Brad close enough so they could feel the heat from each other’s bodies. Ken had a lustful gleam in his eyes.

Keep your arms up B.

He leaned forward and started kissing and nibbling Brad’s neck. Throwing his head back, Brad sighed in pleasure. Ken worked his way across Brad’s shoulder and started licking his armpit, sending butterflies deep into Brad’s stomach, lighting the fire in the pit of his belly.

Brad brought his other arm down placing his hand on the back of Ken’s head, gently guiding him. After a few minutes Ken moved lower, working his way over Brad’s broad, tight pecs and nipples and eventually back up to his other armpit. Brad moaned in pleasure the entire time.

Fuck Ken that feels so good.

After a few minutes, Brad was breathing heavy and starting to sweat. Ken looked down at the state of Brad’s erection, clearly dripping, and smiled.

Ken went slow and after a while Brad was delirious with lust. He pulled away and looked at Brad’s face. His eyes were shut tight, his mouth open, and his head thrown back in pleasure. Ken took his big hands and started slowly rubbing Brad’s sweaty muscles, giving him a little time to cool down.

After a minute he finally took Brad into his mouth. Brad was whimpering in pleasure and kept murmuring under his breath, “Oh fuck Ken, don’t stop.”

Oh, fuck yeah B. I love feelin’ you so hard; hard for me. I love it when you get all sweaty for me. It’s hot as hell, and turns me on.

Ken’s mental coaching and the underlying emotional intensity behind his words pushed Brad over the edge, and all the muscles in his body tightened, standing out. His abs contracted, showing a sharply defined eight pack.

Brad moaned out an elongated, “Ohhhhh Fuuuck.”

As Brad moaned, he shot into Ken’s waiting mouth. Ken closed his eyes as he took Brad’s load, his Mind expanding as he did so. They were already Linked, but it deepened their bond, making it stronger and tighter, and significantly intensified their pleasure in being together.

Brad was still in the throes of his orgasm when Ken went over the edge. Getting Brad off, and his feelings towards Ken as he did so, turned Ken on so much he lost control and shot his load over Brad’s tight sweaty abs.

Ken let out his own, “Fuucccccccckkkkkkkkkkkk, B, I’m cummin’ too!”

Ken threw his head back in pleasure, sweat shining over his body, his muscles standing out in perfection, tightened with the pleasure of his own orgasm.

It took a few minutes for both of them to come back down from where their orgasms took them. Linked as they were, their Minds and Souls One, both men wanted to stay in each other. The intimate contentment and belonging were so fulfilling, the thought of pulling apart was painful.

The sensation of the air conditioner blowing across their wet skin and their hands roaming over each other finally brought them back to themselves. Their energies slowly unwound and little by little they separated, returning to their own bodies, but they couldn’t bring themselves to pull their Minds and Hearts apart yet.

Ken looked down at his cum on Brad’s abs, and he got that little kid grin that always melted Brad’s Heart.

Body shot!

Brad grinned back and tightened his abs so the cum pooled in the ridges of muscle. Ken scooped up as much of his own cum off Brad’s stomach as he could with his tongue and then leaned forward to kiss Brad, sharing his seed between them.

Strength rushed into Brad as soon as they kissed and his body absorbed Ken’s DNA, firing off the supernatural bond between them.

Brad smiled and thought: Who needs a towel?

Ken smiled and lowered his body on top of his lover, and they wrapped their arms and legs around each other, pulling each other as close as they could possibly get, kissing and cuddling for what seemed like hours.

They were so into each other it sometimes scared them. The virile, masculine features about each other turned them on; their muscles, body hair, and scents, but even more than that, the inside of each man, their essence, personalities, and Souls. They found every aspect of each other perfect and desirable. How they could be so compatible and ideal for one another they had no idea, but it seemed like a gift from Heaven, and it was, even though they didn’t realize it yet.

Once they broke apart, they took a quick shower to wash off the sweat and cum they hadn’t licked up. Once cleaned and dressed, they sprayed the couch and general area with air freshener to cover the smell of sex.

They decided to let Kevin and Bill sleep through the night and stay up themselves, in case Pat and Darren woke up and needed anything. Getting back on the couch they each took an end facing one another with their legs intertwined and talked the rest of the night.

Their conversation spanned a wide range of topics, from hypothesizing on the ramifications and combinations of the abilities they knew about and wondering what abilities Kevin and Bill might have. They wondered how their roles in everything would play out, about The Order, and the doc and Albrecht, and the Nephilim.




Ken heard movement in both rooms and nodded towards the doors indicating to Brad the guys were awake and moving. Brad got up and started a fresh pot of coffee.

A few minutes later, a bleary-eyed Pat and Darren lumbered out of their room, their clothes wrinkled from sleeping in them. Kevin and Bill came out in shorts and nothing else, both with bed head.

Brad and Ken both said, “Good morning ladies!”

A chorus of “Morning” came in reply.

Brad went to Darren first and asked, “How are you feeling, Dar? Any residual headache or odd sensations?”

“I feel fine except my stomach is eating through my spine from hunger.”

Brad looked at Pat with a raised eyebrow, inviting him to answer the same question.

Pat responded, “I feel fine too. I’m hungry, but not as hungry as Dar. I think what he did took more out of him.”

Ken said, “Based on what the doc said that makes sense. I think Bill and Kev get elected ‘ta run out and get breakfast for all of us. What do ya’ll think?”

Laughing, Brad, Pat, and Darren agreed, so Bill and Kevin quickly got dressed and headed out.

When the four of them were alone, Brad asked, “So guys, what do you remember about last night?”

Darren’s dimples deepened as he looked at Pat and said, “You first Pat. My shit didn’t start until I touched your sorry ass.”

Pat glared at Darren in mock anger and said, “Well… now that I’ve had time to think about it, everything actually started a few hours before we got to the bar. It’s hard to describe how I was feeling, but it’s like I was better in tune with my surroundings. When we got to the bar and started playing pool, and I was making all those shots I usually miss… I don’t know… it felt right. It was like I instinctively knew where to hit the balls and how hard.

“It all built up, and when Ken broke the rack on the next game it was like a light switch went off, and I started seeing all these connections. It was overwhelming, and it’s still hard to describe. It’s not just the visual, but the information that goes with it that gets me. It’s like drinking from a fire hydrant, except there’s no spillage and I get everything. I’ve never been much of a bookworm or techie, but the flood of information is a rush.

“It’s probably easier to show you. Everybody Link with me but don’t go too deep, I’m not sure how much overflow there might be.”

Pat focused on the computer sitting on a nearby workstation. Their vision filled with colorful lines and arcs as the intricacy of the circuit boards and components and the connection and interaction between everything became visible. They Understood how it all fit together and how it worked, even down to the micro circuitry within the CPU, and how the electricity flowed through the current to power it.

Pat looked at the energy flows and emotional bonds between Ken and Brad and he saw how much they loved one another. The muscle and bone density in Ken’s body was evident, and Pat knew precisely how much Ken could lift and how much stress it would take to break a bone or tear down muscle tissue in a workout. He saw Brad’s intellectual capacity and the strength of his Mind and Heart.

Ken and Brad both said, “Holy shit, Pat,” at the same time.

Pat shifted his Sight and everything blurred, returning to normal, but the awareness of it all remained below the surface. For Pat, it was now a part of him and not something he could turn off.

“I’m not saying I could build a computer, but I damn sure understand how that one works and I know I could fix it if it’s broken. I can tell you how much stress my weight puts on the floor. I look at Dar and see all his new abilities, and I know what he can do, and you guys too.”

Ken couldn’t keep the smile off his face and pulled Pat into a bear hug.

“My God, Pat, that’s amazin’. It’s gonna take me a little time ‘ta wrap my head around it, but I can only imagine the possibilities of how useful that’s gonna be to us and our cause.”

Brad turned their attention back to Darren saying, “So Dar, show off for us.”

Darren looked a little apprehensive and said, “Well… umm… it’s not that easy guys, at least not yet.”

Pat broke off from Ken and moved behind Darren saying, “Dar, look at your ability through mine. It’s amazing … you’re amazing. You guys are going to shit your pants when you see what he can do.”

Pat put his hands on Darren’s shoulders, pulling them together, and leaning his head back Darren closed his eyes.

With the physical contact, Pat was able to merge them. Pat was confident but gentle in what he showed Darren, knowing this was new to him. They examined Darren’s Avatar together, giving him the understanding he needed to control it.

“Take your time Dar. Follow the connections and don’t go on to the next one until you’re clear on what the current one can do.”

Darren created a Construct of the Lab and took himself and Pat into it to give them more time. Ken and Brad were silent, giving them time to learn from each other and grow into their abilities.

Ken: I can’t believe how powerful some of us are gettin’ B.

Yeah, I know. From the doc’s reaction to Dar teleporting he’s never seen or heard of a physical manifestation of an Avatar before. All our abilities so far have been psychically or emotionally based, but what Dar can do is in a different ballpark. Pat’s ability too, if you think about it. It’s based on Understanding physical and emotional connections.

Darren’s eyes opened, and he grinned saying, “Pat you rock. This isn’t as hard as I thought.”

“Just be careful if you try that with Ken, me, Bry, Ricky, or Kev. It’s going to take the wind out of your sails, and I’m not sure how long it’ll take you to recover.”

Brad and Ken realized they came in on the tail end of a conversation Pat and Darren were having as Darren brought them out of his Construct.

“Okay let’s start with something small and let me work up from there.”

Darren looked at one of the lab stools, and it rolled over to his feet and then back to where it started. Next, it lifted off the floor and hovered a few seconds before setting back down.

Ken and Brad both had grins on their faces, and their eyes were wide.


Darren’s dimples deepened, and he winked at them.

“I’m just getting warmed up.”

Suddenly, a collection of pens, paperweights, staplers, and paper clips appeared in the air in front of Darren, swirling around. Darren’s body blinked, appearing on the other side of the floating objects, before sending them all back to their original locations.

“I hope I got everything back where it belongs.”

A wad of crumpled paper appeared in his outstretched hand from one of the trash cans. Darren’s forehead furrowed in concentration, and the paper caught on fire. He moved his hand out from under the burning paper and it hovered in the air, but before any ashes started dropping it appeared in the kitchen sink, and the faucet turned on dousing the flame.

“I can cool things too. I’m sure I could freeze water, but it might take a little time.”

“The last thing is the most complicated and I’ll need Pat’s help. I’m starving and getting a headache, so I’ll only do something small until I get some food in me.”

Ken just shook his head and said, “My God Darren, you two are amazin’! The implications of what you’re doin’ are off the charts.”

Darren picked up a glass stirring rod from one of the lab benches. He went back to the doctor’s storeroom and rummaged around for a minute and came back out with a high-end gold-plated HDMI video cable.

Holding the glass rod in one hand and the gold-plated end of the cable in his other hand, he said, “Pat, show me the atomic structure of both of these.”

Pat pulled Darren back against him, and Darren Opened their energy centers, weaving the flows into a single fine white thread. The nimbus around the two men radiated the love between them, and Brad and Ken instinctively reached for one another in the same manner.

Darren channeled the energy into the glass rod while looking at the gold connectors on the video cable, and using Pat’s Understanding he altered the rod’s molecular structure. It took him about thirty seconds and he was shaking and unsteady on his feet when he finished, but his dimples were in full force as he held up the now twenty-four-karat solid gold stirring rod.

Ken didn’t know what else to do but grab each one of them in a big hug and say, “Oh my God guys, I’m so proud of you two I’m about to burst. I don’t know what else to say except you’re badass!”

Brad followed suit, smiling with pride at his friends.

“You rock guys! Now we need to get Bill and Kev back here with food before you two pass out. Sit down before you fall down fellas.”

Brad went to the kitchen and came back with two sports drinks.

“This isn’t food, but it will get carbs into your systems until they get back.”

Ken asked, “So Pat, what were you sayin’ about Darren doin’ somethin’ with you or me?”

Darren answered, “I can teleport people too, but it takes a lot out of me. With your extra body mass, or Pat’s, I could probably do it, but I’d most likely pass out. But in an emergency, or maybe with Lane backing me up, it would be doable.”




Ten minutes later Kevin and Bill arrived with bags full of various biscuits, hash browns, and four gallons of sweet iced tea. As soon as the door opened and Darren saw the bags, he teleported them into his hands and tossed one to Pat, which they both tore into with fervor. The look on Bill’s and Kevin’s faces was priceless, and Brad and Ken laughed so hard they had tears in their eyes.

Pat and Darren both felt better in a matter of minutes once they had food in their stomachs, and the last vestiges of their headaches disappeared.

The doctor showed up an hour later looking very tired, but he was happy to see Pat and Darren awake and feeling good. He gave them both a quick exam and insisted on a demonstration of their abilities. After they showed him the basics, he got out a piece of solder and asked Darren to see if he could heat it enough to liquefy the tip.

“Sure doc, that’ll be a cinch. This stuff is soft.”

In less than two seconds the end of the solder started to smoke and a small melted ball formed at the tip. The doctor was as giddy as a schoolgirl and literally danced a little jig. Everyone was stunned in amazement. None of them had ever seen him so excited over so small a thing.

Pat saw what was going on and with a big grin he looked at Darren and said, “Well buddy, it looks like we’re going to have our work cut out for us. Time for some upgrades, doc!”

Even Brad seemed confused, who was usually quick to figure out the gist of most situations.

He said, “Enlighten us guys? What’s the big deal about Dar being able to melt solder?”

The doctor took a deep breath to calm himself and said, “Bradford, for many years now I have had the knowledge but not the means to build new equipment for the lab. To stay ahead of the normal world is a must for us to remain safe and be successful in our cause. With Patrick and Darren’s help, I can build new computers that will be years ahead of what we have now.”

Brad and Ken both realized the importance of what the doc said and felt that as a group they were taking one more step to restoring The Order and taking the fight to their Enemy.




The doctor insisted Pat and Darren go home for the remainder of the day to rest and recover.

Kevin and Bill took advantage of being in the Lab earlier than usual and decided to knock out their workouts for the day. Ken and Brad joined them, and they ran ten miles on the treadmills together before starting their physical weight regimens. Once they finished weight training, Kevin and Ken jumped into the ring to spar while Bill and Brad practiced Mental disciplines. Brad quickly realized Bill was distracted and not into the exercises. Usually, he would push Bill harder to get his Mind back on track, but his Intuition told him that would be the wrong move.

Bill, what’s the matter? You’re not in the game today.

Bill hung his head and averted his eyes before answering.

I don’t know, Brad… I guess I’m feeling a bit left behind. I know I shouldn’t feel this way, but with what everyone else can do now the pressure’s on to get some badass ability… and soon. What if I get something stupid like changing the color of my piss?

They both got a laugh out of his comment.

Bill, why do you think you won’t get something just as awesome as everybody else?

I don’t know. I’m trying hard not to feel like the last kid picked for the team though. I love you guys, and I know none of you think that, but for some reason I do. I’m not usually one to go the self-pity route, so I’m not sure where this is coming from. But it’s there, and I’m trying to deal with it…

There was a short pause and Bill averted his eyes again, his Mental voice barely audible.

…and, I don’t want to drag Kevin down with me.

As soon as Bill mentioned Kevin, Brad knew what his issue was.

When was the last time you and Kevin merged?

At first every minute of every day, but we haven’t gone deep in a couple of days.

And why is that?

Well… Fuck.

He hesitated. Bill knew there was no lying Mind to Mind, so if he spoke it would be admitting the truth. Another short silence fell between them before he could bring himself to admit the problem.

Because I’m afraid.

Brad reached out and pulled Bill deeper giving him the equivalent of a Mental hug. There was resistance at first; Brad was aware of Bill’s embarrassment and he didn’t want Brad seeing him that way any more than he did Kevin. Gently, yet persistently, Brad proved to Bill his concerns were groundless.

Bill, there’s no need to feel the way you do, but I totally understand it. Hell, I felt that way myself not too long ago.

You did? No way!

Come here, bud.

With his words Brad merged the two of them, and they appeared in the place where their Souls were One. They sat together naked, in body and Soul, with no judgment or blame, just total acceptance and unconditional love.

Ken and I had a similar conversation last week. I was feeling overwhelmed and had a moment of weakness, and he confronted me about it. The gist of our discussion was that we’re here for each other. If one of us is feeling down, we have to lean on our partner for support, or any of us, and vice versa.

We’re your Brothers, you big goof. What you need to do is go home with Kevin, share your feelings with him, and realize he couldn’t care one iota whether you get another ability or not. He loves you as you are right now just like I do, and Ken, and the rest of the guys, and nothing will ever change that. And don’t feel stupid or weak because you feel this way now. All of us at one time or another in the last few months have felt the same way. At some point in the future when Kevin is down, you’ll be there for him. In this battle things are going to get tough, and if we’re going to make it, we have to learn to lean on one another. There’s no shame or weakness in admitting we need a boost every once in a while. Asking for help is one of the hardest things to do, but we have to get over that if we’re going to survive.

Brad took them back in time to relive the memory of his conversation with Ken, and Bill realized Brad was right. He felt better but still needed to make things right with Kevin and their relationship.

Thanks for the pep talk Brad. I mean that.

Bill’s eyes were red and raw from facing his emotions and from being so intimate with his friend. Brad, his own eyes red and watery, reached over and squeezed Bill’s shoulder in comfort and said, “What I prescribe is for you and Kevin to go home right now, hash this out, and have hot sex the rest of the day.”

Ken and Kevin were taking a short break to catch their breath and with their exceptional hearing they picked up Brad’s last statement.

Kevin hollered over, “What’s this about hot sex for the rest of the day? Count me in!”

Ken and Kevin jumped down and came over, both sweaty from their sparring. The combination of Ken’s sweat, body heat, and scent caused Brad to get hard as soon as Ken sat beside him.

Kevin noticed Bill’s eyes were red and asked, “What’s up, Bill?”

Kevin sat beside Bill and put a big arm around his shoulder, pulling his lover tight against him.

“Kev, I have something I need to talk to you about. Let’s head home.”

Brad gave a small nod to Ken indicating they should head back to the lockers. Before they left Bill gave Brad a tight hug and spoke in his Mind.

Thanks again, Brad.

No problem, Bill. You know I love you, and I’m glad I could help. Always remember I’m here if you need me and you’ll be there for me one day when I need it. We all will.




Ken waited until they were driving home to ask Brad what happened with Bill.

“He’s feeling the pressure of not having his primary ability yet. It’s affecting his self-confidence, and he’s worried about dragging Kev down with him. Not only is he bothered about not having his ability yet, but he's worried that it might suck compared to what everyone else can do.”

“Fuck, B, I’m sure he doesn’t have anythin’ ‘ta worry about. I agree it’ll be hard ‘ta top Pat and Darren but this isn’t about who’s ability is better. It’s about filling a need in the group, which he and Kev already do. Anythin’ up and above that is gravy as far as I’m concerned.”

“Never fear, Mr. Leader. He and I had a good talk, and I think he’s going to be just fine.”

“I’m sure you said the right thing; you always know what ‘ta say.”

Brad laughed and said, “I wish I felt like I did. I just try to ask questions and listen to the issues behind the issues and hope I can figure it out. Everybody has their own shit, but we’re all in the same boat so even though it’s personal for everybody, it’s not unique.”

“There you go again, soundin’ all smart. That makes me hard.”

“Is there anything that doesn’t make you hard?”

“Yeah, but don’t you dare look because they’re gross and nasty, and I want you in the mood when we get home.”

Brad reached over and rubbed Ken’s crotch, and sure enough he was half hard already, and with Brad’s touch fully hard within seconds.

Brad smiled and said, “I can’t wait. I was already worked up watching you and Kev spar.”




While Ken and Brad made it home, fixed lunch, and then made out like animals for a few hours, Kevin and Bill went home to talk. The drive was quiet, and Kevin gave Bill as much space as he needed before bringing up whatever was bothering him. He made small talk until they pulled into their driveway and went inside.

Kevin asked him, “Do you want to shower with me, or do you want to eat?”

“Let’s eat first. Once I’m naked with you in the shower food will be the last thing on my Mind.”

They started fixing lunch, and Bill remained quiet and subdued. Once they sat down, Kevin could see him building himself up to talk about what was bothering him. They had only taken a few bites of their sandwiches when Bill finally broke the silence.

“Kev, I’m sorry. I need to share something with you. I’m not feeling very good about myself right now, and I’ve been dodging you in my head the past few days because I didn’t want to pull you down with me.”

Kevin stood up and pulled Bill out of his chair into a hug.

“Bill, what the hell man? Why didn’t you say something sooner?”

With the physical contact Kevin forced the merge, only meeting minimal resistance as Bill was still hesitant to show weakness to his partner.

When their Minds and Souls wrapped around one another and Kevin’s strong presence filled him, Bill’s emotional discomfort became his own. Bill’s arms squeezed him tighter, and a hot tear fell on Kevin’s shoulder.

Kevin just held him for a minute in his arms, rubbing his back. In the first few seconds of their merge he saw what Bill was keeping from him and how he felt. Bill realized Brad was right and Kevin didn’t give a rat’s ass about his ability showing up or not, or what it might be. Kevin’s unconditional love for Bill was evident, and accepting it healed the hurt he inflicted on himself the last few days.

Bill Opened their energy centers and took them even deeper, realizing he should have done that to start with and there wouldn’t have been a problem.

Kevin’s Mental voice was smiling as he thought: Yeah, dumbass. We’re here for each other. Never, EVER, do this to yourself or me again, and I promise right now never to do it to you. As soon as either one of us feels something like this coming on we need to do what we’re doin right now and use it as a shield to stay strong.

Bill’s cheek still rested on Kevin’s solid shoulder, and his hard, warm body coupled with the emotional and Mental comfort his Soul received drove Bill to a state of iron hardness. Kevin felt Bill’s erection through his shorts and reached down, running his fingers up and down his length.

Bill pulled back enough to give Kevin a long passionate kiss. When they broke apart they looked into each other’s eyes, and Bill said, “I love you, Kev.”

Kevin said, “I love you too Bill, more than anything or anyone in the world.”

Bill sighed as his stomach rumbled, and he said, “Alright, let’s finish lunch so we can go take care of business. Screw the shower. We’ll only have to take one after we get all hot and sweaty anyway.”

“Now that’s the Bill I know and love. I like your thinking.”




Bill and Kevin finished eating and went back to their bedroom. Bill Opened their energy centers and instead of having frantic, wild sex, they had a two-hour bout of hot passionate lovemaking. Afterward, they rested together, the sweat cooling on their bodies, holding each other in their Minds and Hearts, fully immersed in one another.

If Pat saw them through his newly awakened Avatar, he would see the bundle of energy inside them both starting to pulse and spread through their bodies as their Avatar’s prepared to Awaken.




Later that afternoon after they finally dragged themselves out of bed to do chores around the house, the security alarm chirped a few seconds before the doorbell rang. Kevin was in the garage and Bill hollered from the kitchen, “I’ll get it!”

Bill checked the security monitor and saw a Fed Ex delivery guy at the front door holding a box. He opened the door and was stunned at how handsome the man was. Bill was a tall guy at 6’4” and just like all the guys on the Team very muscular, but the man in front of him was just as tall and far thicker. He definitely looked like he used some type of steroids. Bill doubted he could get both of his hands around the guy’s neck! The driver was sweating in the heat and wore sunglasses so Bill couldn’t see his eyes. The FedEx shirt stretched around his arms and tight across his massive chest like a second skin.

Bill was momentarily distracted by the sight of the man in front of him, and the driver cleared his throat, asking, “Are you William Brennan?”

“Yes, that’s me.”

“I’ll need your signature please.”

Bill took the tablet, signed his name and handed it back, and the driver held out the box, which looked to be roughly a cubic foot. It only weighed a few pounds.

“Sir, there are special delivery instructions for this package because of the insurance value. If you could please open it and inspect the contents and make sure it’s acceptable. If anything is broken, or if you wish to refuse the package, I can take it back now with the original packing material.”

“Sure, give me a second. Do you want to step in for a minute? It’s too hot to stand out in the heat.”

“Thank you, sir, I’d appreciate that.”

Bill moved in and set the box on the coffee table in the den and went to get a box cutter from the kitchen. When he cut the tape and opened the box, at first glance, it seemed to be filled with Styrofoam peanuts. Not knowing what was in it and realizing it was something valuable, Bill gingerly put his hand into the packing material and felt around. He touched something smooth and hard and wrapped his hand around it.

As soon as his hand came in contact with the object, Bill’s Mind and body exploded in pain. The shock and sensation were so quick and overpowering he didn’t have time to cry out. He fell to the floor with the object, a human skull, gripped in his hand. The FedEx guy smiled and took off his glasses.

Kevin staggered as pain hit him through their Link, and then his connection severed when Bill’s presence was ripped from his Mind.


Kevin ran through the garage and into the kitchen, frantically looking around. He saw the muscular delivery man crouched over Bill with his hand around Bill’s throat. Bill was on the floor in the living room, his body convulsing as blood ran from his nose, ears, and eyes.

“What the fuck did you do to him!? Get your hands off him now!”

“It’s just a little present from my employers. Keep your distance Ayers, if you step any closer I’ll break his neck.”

Kevin knew the man was strong and fast, based on what happened when Rick fought the muscle goons downtown. With his Mind energized and Open after their lovemaking earlier in the afternoon, Kevin Mentally shouted for help.

Brad!? Lane!? Doc!? 911!

Something was wrong. With his connection to Bill not working, Kevin’s own Mind seemed shut off.


He instinctively knew something wasn’t right. His abilities were not dependent on Bill, so something else had to be blocking them. Kevin didn’t see his own Avatar glowing and had no way of knowing it was Awakening and temporarily blocking his ability to reach anyone.

Another big man came through the front door and looked around. He smiled when he saw Bill on the floor bleeding.

“I see Brennan fell for it. These charms the boss gave us worked great. He didn’t sense anything wrong. Maybe you guys aren’t as tough as the boss thinks.”

Looking at Bill’s convulsing body, he smirked and said, “Sweet dreams there, shithead.”

The man reached behind his back, pulling out a gun with a silencer on it and took aim at Kevin.

“This should make the boss happy. Two of The Order out of our hair for good. So much for you golden boys.”

He pulled the trigger.

As soon as Kevin saw the gun he knew he had to do something or he and Bill were dead. He hoped the adrenaline rush he felt out of fear for Bill would be enough. He launched himself towards the man on the floor with his hand around Bill’s neck. They guy was overconfident and had taken his eyes off Kevin, a mistake that cost him his life.

The bullet impacted his shoulder before the ping of the silencer reached his ears. With his body mass the projectile didn’t alter his trajectory in the slightest, and the man’s neck snapped as Kevin’s dense muscular forearm nearly decapitated him. The impact was more than enough to knock the driver clear of Bill before he could react, even if he wasn’t already dead.

Ignoring the pain in his shoulder Kevin hit the floor, rolled up, and leaped into a spinning back kick. His foot connected with the man’s thick neck, shattering the bones, but the gun went off again as his body spun. The bullet entered Kevin’s spine, and his body went numb as he dropped like a 450 lb. rock onto the floor of the den.

Kevin landed close to Bill and was able to see him, but he was paralyzed and couldn’t move. Unable to make a sound, he could only stare at Bill’s body twitching on the floor, bleeding from his nose, eyes, and ears. Bill’s tattoo was glowing and spitting off bright tendrils of energy. Kevin assumed his own tattoo was doing the same, but he couldn’t see or feel it.

Oh, fuck! God, let Bill be okay! Brad! Lane! Doc! Albrecht! We need you!

Kevin desperately shouted in his head, but his Mind was still closed. Tears of fear and desperation fell from his cheeks onto the carpet as he slowly lost consciousness. He couldn’t see the blood from his own wounds seeping into the carpet.

Nearly three hours later Kevin was near death when his Avatar stopped glowing.




About 1900 that evening Brad and Ken were finishing dinner. Brad had been thinking about Bill and Kevin most of the afternoon and wanted to make sure they managed to work things out. Bill let things go a little far and while Brad didn’t want to be a mother hen, he figured checking in wouldn’t hurt.


Brad got no response, which he found odd. He texted Bill and Kevin and asked them to call him or Ken as soon as they saw the message. After fifteen minutes, Brad said, “Ken, I’m getting worried about Kev and Bill. Bill’s not answering in his head or by text. Something’s not right.”

Ken knew to take any inklings Brad had seriously. His Intuition was strong and usually accurate.

“Let’s run over to their place and make sure everything is alright.”

On the drive Brad’s unease rapidly increased, and his anxiety levels became so intense he started trembling. Something was wrong. Ken texted an 811 to everybody, which meant possible emergency in progress, everybody on immediate standby. Ken made Brad pull over so he could drive.

Right away Lane, Darren, and the doctor were in Brad’s Mind asking what was wrong, picking up on Brad’s agitation immediately.

Guys, we aren’t sure what’s goin’ on, but somethin’ seems wrong. Brad’s almost comin’ out of his skin with a bad vibe. We’re almost to Bill and Kev’s house. Dar, can you teleport to the Lab?

Yeah, the doc helped me imprint a spot in my memory that I can teleport to without a visual and we’re keeping it safe and clear for me to jump to for emergencies.

Alright get there and bring up the security feed in Kevin and Bill’s kitchen. Can you jump from a camera image?

I haven’t tried yet, but I don’t see why not.

Alright, get there if you can and be ready. Pat, get ‘ta the Lab as quick as you can and be extra careful while you’re on your own. If the Enemy’s behind this, there’s no tellin’ what else they have planned.

10-4, Ken.

As Ken pulled into Bill and Kevin’s driveway, he noticed a FedEx truck parked in front of the house. The sun was already down and it was getting dark out. The lights in the house were off and all was quiet.

Brad reached for Kevin and Bill again as soon as they pulled into the driveway. That time he sensed both of them, but their presence was weak and barely discernible.

Ken and Brad made their way quickly and carefully to the front door. It was unlocked and slightly ajar.

Ken, I can feel them. It’s like they’re really far away, but they’re definitely there. I don’t pick up anyone else in the house, but if someone’s there they might be able to mask themselves from me.

Ken: Let’s keep the chatter in our heads ‘til we’re inside. Stay at the door, B.

Even though it was almost dark outside, there was enough light coming through the door for Ken’s enhanced vision. Ken quietly pushed the door open and saw Bill and Kevin lying on the floor. Bill was a few feet from Kevin, his face and torso covered in blood, and there was a huge bloodstain on the carpet under Kevin. Neither of them was moving.


White fire rose up in Ken, a mix of terror at what he saw, seething anger at whoever did this to his Brothers, and fear at what condition he was about to find them in. Brad said he could sense them so they must still be alive, but for how much longer? How long had they been like that, alone and bleeding?

He launched himself into the room and rolled up in a ready and crouched position in case anyone was waiting in ambush. Two men lay on the floor dead, one of them nearly decapitated and the other with a broken neck. Ken flipped the light switch and groaned in horror at what he saw in greater detail.

Bill lay face up, his face covered in dried blood. His eyes were open wide and his face a mask of fear and terror.

Kevin lay next to him with two visible bullet wounds, one in his shoulder and one in his lower back.

B! Doc!

Brad rushed in, and everyone looked through his eyes via the Link.

Ken forced himself to stay calm and went to Kevin.

B, check on Bill!

Ken knelt down and felt for a pulse on Kevin’s neck. It was barely discernable, and his body was ice cold.

Brad: Bill’s breathing but it’s shallow. His pulse is thready and weak and he’s lost a lot of blood.

Doc, Kevin’s pulse is so weak I can barely feel it, but he’s still with us. I’m afraid ‘ta move him with the bullet wound in his lower back. His body is ice cold.

Brad: Doc, Bill’s holding something in his hand. It looks like a human skull.

Do not touch it! It might be the cause of what happened to William! Try to get it away from him.

Brad tried to nudge the skull out of Bill’s grasp with his shoe, but his grip was too strong. He fetched a couple of dishtowels from the kitchen and used them to pry Bill’s fingers loose. Wrapping the skull in the towels, Brad put it in the box on the coffee table. As soon as it was out of Bill’s hand, his eyes closed and his face went slack.

Aaron: Darren this will be difficult, but you must try to get them both back to the Lab immediately. You can teleport them without the need to move them physically, which might cause Kevin’s spine more damage.

Alright, doc. Bill first, he won’t be as hard.

Ken detected the slight change in air pressure as it was displaced by Darren appearing in the kitchen. Even though Darren saw Kevin and Bill through the Link, it hit him hard when he saw his buddies in person. Just like Ken, he felt a combination of fear and anger but put a cap on it so he could focus and help them.

Bradford, Darren must see where he is to go. I need him to get William and Kevin to the Lab and the beds I have prepared. You will need to be his eyes through me. It will work better through you with your strength.

Okay, Doc. Darren, let me know when you’re ready.

Darren knelt and put his hands on Bill’s chest.

Show me, Brad.

A crystal clear image of the waiting bed in the Lab entered Darren’s Mind.

Incoming doc!

Bill’s body vanished and appeared on the bed in the Lab.

Excellent Darren! Well done! I know that Kevin will be much more challenging. Gather your strength and let me know when you are ready. Bradford, you and Kenneth will need to take care of Darren and get him back here. Patrick can help him recover once they are together. Lane and Bryan, I need you here as quickly as possible.

Already on our way, doc.

Darren was breathing hard from teleporting Bill and already had a slight headache from the exertion. He went into the kitchen and grabbed a sports drink from the fridge and gulped it down.

Knowing time was of the essence Darren only gave himself another minute to rest.

Doc, let me know when you’re ready on your end.

I am ready. Be careful Darren. Bradford, be prepared to help him if he needs aid.

Darren put his hands on Kevin’s chest and concentrated. Nothing happened at first. Darren started breathing harder and harder, and sweat broke out on his forehead. Darren’s face turned purple, and the veins in his neck were sticking out as his whole body shook with the strain. He literally screamed out his effort, and Kevin’s body vanished.

Darren’s eyes had a vacant look to them for a second, and then he squeaked out, “Fuck me!” and passed out. A trickle of blood ran out of his nose and he dropped out of the Link.

Bradford is he alright?

Yeah doc, he passed out. His nose is bleeding. That strain was incredible… I doubt he’ll want to try that again anytime soon.




As much as Brad and Ken wanted to rush back to the Lab to be with their friends, they had to stay behind and cover up what happened. Ken moved the two bodies into the FedEx van, and Brad scanned the neighbors to make sure none of them saw or remembered anything out of the ordinary.

They could clean up the house later once they knew Bill and Kevin would be all right. Ken reactivated the alarm system as they left and set it for remote alert so they would get a notification on their phones if the alarm went off.

Ken drove the van to a deserted area of downtown Atlanta and left it there. Brad followed, picking him up, and they headed back to the Lab, with Darren passed out in the backseat the entire time. Brad kept the box with the skull in it in the back so it was as far away as possible from any of them.




When they finally got back to the Lab, the doctor had Bill cleaned up and in bed, hooked up to the his equipment but still unconscious. He was in a coma and non-responsive to any stimulus, physical or Mental. His Mind, for some reason, was unreachable.

Kevin lay face down on the operating table. The doctor was having trouble disengaging the bullet lodged in one of his vertebrae that pressed against his spinal cord. Kevin’s body was so weak he couldn’t risk doing more harm to get the bullet out. He had Kevin stabilized for the moment but would have to make a decision soon as to how to proceed. Lane and Bryan had already Healed the wound in his shoulder, but the doctor emphasized not replenishing his energy levels yet as his body would start healing naturally, and with the bullet still in place that could be a disaster.

Pat took Darren from Ken as soon as he walked in the door. With a concerned look on his face, he laid Darren down on one of the beds and bent over him, holding Darren’s face in his hands. With the physical contact Pat forced a Link, Opening their energy centers and allowing Darren’s Mind and body to absorb whatever he needed to replenish himself.

Darren’s eyes opened to see Pat’s handsome face, pale and exhausted, hovering inches from his own. Darren realized what Pat had done and pulled him down into a quick kiss, hugging him tightly.

“Thanks, but you should have just let me sleep that off. You look like shit now. Handsome shit, but shit nonetheless.”

Pat chuckled under his breath and said, “You know I couldn’t let you stay like that when I could do something about it, and I think the doc needs you again. You’re the hero of the hour, Dar.”

Darren was a bit unsteady on his feet, but with Pat’s support he went to where the doc was working on Kevin.

“Doc, Pat says me you need me?”

“Darren, I have already asked much of you today, I do not feel right asking more, but you are Kevin’s best chance at the moment. I cannot remove the bullet without causing severe neural damage to his spine. He is too weak at the moment, and it might be more than his body can take. We might lose him if I try. Lane and Bryan cannot Heal him until the bullet is removed.”

Lane piped up, “Doc, I can charge Dar up as good as new and Bry and I will still have plenty of juice left for Kevin.”

Darren said, “Before we start doc, let me look with Pat, so I know what needs to be done.”

Darren and Pat were already deeply Linked and Pat looked at the wound through his Avatar, noting how the bullet was lodged and what was happening. The bullet was wedged between two vertebrae pressing against Kevin’s spinal column and would cause significant additional trauma if the doctor tried to carve it out. Kevin’s body was so weakened from the two bullet wounds and loss of blood, the additional damage could kill him. Once the bullet was removed there would be massive hemorrhaging and blood loss, so Darren needed to hold the blood flow back and give Lane and Bryan time to Heal him.

“Okay guys, this isn’t going to be difficult, but the timing has to be spot-on. Doc, can you coordinate us?”

“Yes. Lane, let me know when you and Bryan are ready and we will begin.”

Lane had already worked out the music in his Mind. He knew what he wanted and reached for it, letting it carry him and Bryan. The already Powerful aura they shared grew brighter as their energy levels amped up.

Lane and Bryan glowed like a small sun, bright enough that everyone had to shift their Sight back to normal so they could see what was going on. Lane held out his arms and pointed towards Pat and Darren, and bright ribbons of energy arced into them, restoring their depleted flows.

Lane: Alright doc, on your mark.

Brad and Ken were part of the Link, watching and monitoring everything. They stayed quiet, not wanting to distract but ready to help in any way they could. Ken was proud of how smoothly and efficiently everyone worked together with their new abilities. They were a Team and acting like one, and it felt right.


The bullet vanished and materialized in Darren’s hand. A tiny drop of blood appeared but stopped immediately as Darren prevented the hemorrhage with his Mind.

Bryan squeezed Lane’s shoulders in support as thick ribbons of Healing entered the wound in Kevin’s spine. Bone rapidly filled in, and the damaged skin, nerves, and muscle tissue knitted back together, whole in a matter of minutes. Kevin was in an induced coma and didn’t regain consciousness, but was now physically recovered and healthy, his muscular body covered in a light sheen of sweat from the Healing,

The doctor looked relieved and gave one of his uncharacteristic smiles, “Well done everybody! I am extremely proud of you!”

Bryan and Lane released the energy, and their Aura’s dimmed. They were becoming better acclimated to the higher level of energy coursing through them and it didn’t exhaust them as much as it did in the beginning. Lane was tired but not drained.

“Now we must see to William.”




Two days earlier, The Master Dreamed of his potential defeat. He watched The Order and the creation of their new Warriors but wasn’t concerned. Even though his attempt to kill them before their final Transformation failed, he was confident in his ability to destroy them. None of them yet realized the true Power of the Curse and how Deep it’s Magic ran. Yet, in the tens of thousands of years he had lived, The Master learned he could never be too careful, and he would eliminate any possible threat, no matter how small.

Being such shallow minded purists, he was surprised the High Hosts allowed such abominations to exist. He wished they had done his job for him and destroyed the Nephilim Hybrids, but instead of wiping them out of existence they had direct contact and had even given them aid.

Now, the one named William Brennen was about to Awaken with an Avatar that could be the key to his downfall. The Master’s secret rested in his identity which no one, even the highest ranks of the Enemy, knew. With the understanding and awareness of who he was there was a chance, however slight, they could devise a way to destroy him, and that he could not allow.

He was promised by The Dark One himself that the Curse made him invincible and that it was unbreakable. The Curse could not be lifted while The Master lived, and it protected him from Death. It would take a Paradox to bring about his downfall.

The Master was bound in Time, but with effort his arcane mastery allowed him to traverse forward and backward in temporal reality. The nature of the Nephilim abominations made it nearly impossible to see anything about them. William Brennan’s Avatar was not yet Awake, but with an extreme effort, The Master ascertained the nature of his Avatar. The Master knew what their Avatars meant and saw a Pattern emerging; one that did not bode well for Him or his minions. However, he only needed to remove one piece of that Pattern, and it would unravel and fail.

The Master instructed one of his more trusted servants to enter the Vault and retrieve the skull of his greatest General, who had ruled Europe in his name centuries ago. For a mortal, the General was a vile and cruel man, and he served the Master well in spreading Darkness and Chaos during his life. He was primarily responsible for bringing about the Dark Ages in mankind’s history before his death at the hands of a hero of The Order.

Yes… if William Brennan held the skull in his hands at the time of his Avatar’s Awakening, it should destroy him. Even if it didn’t the relic would leave him so broken the Pattern would still fail, and the Master’s identity would remain secret.




As soon as Bill’s fingers wrapped around the skull, his Mind was overwhelmed. As his Avatar Awakened, it was hyper-sensitive and reacted to the skull precisely as The Master predicted. Images and memories of pain and torture entered Bill’s consciousness. The sheer evil of the person who committed the acts and the glee he felt in doing so, became a part of Bill. He knew all there was to know about the man from his conception to his death and everything in between. The Darkness of the man wanted to consume and smother the Light in Bill.

The unexpected onslaught tore at Bill’s Heart and Soul, and he was nearly destroyed by the barrage of evil and brokenness embedded within the Artifact. He didn’t merely observe the atrocities; it was as if he committed them himself. The skull belonged to Zherneboh Mstislav, a General of the Enemy in the Old World who ruled Europe in the Dark Ages. His skull, kept by the Enemy as a Relic of great evil, represented centuries of their domination over the world.

The Mental Disciplines Brad and the doctor devised in their training saved Bill’s life. In the place where his Soul resided, where time barely moved, Bill unconsciously shored up a defense before his Mind was overrun. While he still had the strength, Bill retreated into his own Mind and walled off his consciousness so deep inside himself he wasn’t sure if he could ever find his way out. The evil of the images was so powerful it pursued him, following his Mind and assaulting the barrier he erected.

Bill found himself in a small glass room. To his perception it seemed as if he sat at the bottom of an ocean while a lifetime of brutal, barbaric acts were visible through the walls, bearing down with crushing weight against him and trying to break through. Through his Avatar, Bill’s body had already absorbed the knowledge and experiences, and Bill knew if he ever escaped his own prison, he would be insane.

Trapped so deep within himself time nearly stopped. While his body lay on the floor for the few hours before Ken and Brad discovered he and Kevin, Bill spent the equivalent of years holding the Soul of one of the most evil men ever to walk the earth at bay.

Unable to sense Kevin or communicate with him, or reach Brad or the doctor, Bill was lost and alone. His friends had no way of knowing he trapped himself to survive. The part of him that was Nephilim saved his sanity… he was Immortal, and his Mind now had the capacity to span years. A normal human would have gone insane, but Bill was able to survive without losing himself. He knew half his Soul belonged to Kevin, residing in him, and he kept the energy center of his Soul Open, immersing himself in the part that was Kevin.

Entombed in his own Mind, Bill had all the time in the world to think. He longed for Kevin’s arms around him and the strength of their intertwined Souls. Bill’s memory was perfect, and to pass the time he relived parts of his past, but eventually he realized that doing so prolonged his perception of time even more. He knew the doc and Albrecht and his Brothers would find his body, but it would take time for them to get him back to the Lab and figure things out. He wasn’t sure what they could do; his chances sucked either way.

Bill realized that somehow the Enemy knew what his Avatar would be and sent the skull as a trap. He didn’t understand how they could have known or why his Intuition or Kevin’s instincts didn’t warn them of the danger. He supposed in a way he should be flattered they would make such an effort to get rid of him. His anger towards them helped to keep him going when he wearied of living in his memories.

I guess I should be more careful what I wish for. If I was only able to change the color of my piss, I don’t think they would have thought me worth the effort.

He wondered what Kevin’s Avatar turned out to be. If their Awakenings were close together surely by now Kevin received his. He hoped like hell Kevin was alright. He had no way of knowing, but he had to believe Kevin kicked the ass of the delivery guy and called the doc for help.

While Darren helped remove the bullet from Kevin’s spine another year passed for Bill. Every time Bill began to lose hope he remembered Brad’s comments about leaning on his buddies for help. They wouldn’t let him down, Kevin wouldn’t let him down, and he couldn’t let them down by not believing in them.

In the dark hours of his desperation, when Bill started to lose hope and give in to despair, he kept repeating those words to himself.

Another year passed…


Copyright © 2019 btaoc1963; All Rights Reserved.
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