Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you.
The Order - 14. Chapter 14
Content warning: This story contains adult situations, language, and consensual sex between adult men. If said content is illegal in your state or country, please leave now and do not continue.
Disoriented, Lane nearly fell over as he appeared in an alley. As his senses settled and he found his center, the first thing he noted was the smell of something rancid. Glancing around, he stood next to a large dumpster full of rotting food at the rear entrance to some type of restaurant. It was cold outside and misting heavily, and his breath steamed as he exhaled. His clothing was warm against the chill weather, so at least he was comfortable.
The doc said he wouldn’t have his powers, but he instinctively cast his Mind out to scan the people around him… and felt nothing. Inside Taliesin’s Construct Lane’s Mind was closed.
Fuck, it’s been a while. This is going to take getting used to again.
Moving out of the alley and onto the sidewalk of a busy street, he was glad to get away from the smell. Heavy traffic filled the street, with cars sitting bumper to bumper, but the mist was so thick he could only see a few cars in either direction. Horns honked further down the street, but the fog dampened the sound, muting them. A newspaper machine sat on the curb; it was the Savannah Tribune, and the front page read December 5, 2012.
So… he was in Savannah, GA, which made sense; Bryan was raised by his grandparents in Savannah until they passed away just before he graduated high school and joined the Navy. So at least Bryan started out there, probably in the very spot Lane appeared moments ago, but there was no telling how much time had already passed for Bryan since he entered the Construct.
The fact struck Lane that it didn’t matter how long Bryan had been there. To Bryan, the Construct was his life and all he had ever known so even if he had only been there a day, in his Mind he spent his entire life there…an entire life without Lane.
Don’t go there, Lane. Don’t go there. Focus on Bryan and getting him out of here.
Alright, where to start looking? Think, Lane!
Hungry, he checked his wallet, finding a few hundred dollars in cash and a credit card with the name Don Elenburg on it.
Well, the doc said Bryan would most likely not be himself, at least not the Bryan I know. If he’s Don here, then I’m Jim, although this is from a time in his life before we met. I’d better go with Jim to be safe. It’s been so long since we’ve gone by our original names this will take some getting used to as well.
Lane found his way to a waterfront café to get something to eat and before leaving, he asked the waitress for directions to the closest library. The library was a bit of a walk, but he didn’t want to waste what little money he had on a cab. He also wanted to keep his interaction with people in the Construct to a minimum. He knew Taliesin had laid traps and didn’t want to inadvertently trip one.
Once in the Library, Lane found what he was looking for; High School Annuals from the local schools. It didn’t take long to find Don’s senior portrait. He found a pencil and paper and sketched a mug shot of Don using the high school picture as a foundation, altering Don’s features, aging him until he was the Bryan Lane was used to seeing every day. Seeing Bryan’s face so clearly in his Mind brought everything to the surface, and while his face hardened in determination, his eyes remained bright.
Taliesin, I’m gonna kick your fuckin ass for this.
A thought came to mind, and before Lane left the library he wanted to test a theory. Picking a random book off a shelf he found the pages blank. He looked at a few more and they were the same. Eventually he found books that looked complete. Some of them he knew Bryan had read but a few of them he wasn’t sure about. It seemed that if Bryan or Taliesin had ever read a book it was there.
He was getting a feel for the Construct to better navigate it and maybe even take advantage of how it worked. Lane loved video games and approached the Construct as an elaborate computer simulation. If he could figure out the rules, he could beat it.
Don sat in his small apartment, drunk and staring mindlessly at the walls, a blank expression on his face, his vacant, bloodshot eyes expressing the emptiness in him. The little stray kitten he picked up kneaded its paws into his stomach, purring loudly. He petted it absentmindedly with one hand, taking comfort in its warm, soft body.
His life had been a in downward spiral since his grandparents died a few years before. After leaving Savannah Don wandered from place to place, finally ending up in New York City, hoping to find what was missing in such a big place. The problem was he didn’t know what was missing. There was a gaping hole in his heart, and it seemed to be getting bigger. The sadness and emptiness were getting worse, and it was hard to remember a time when he had been happy.
Don had picked up the stray kitten because it needed his help. He found it out in the cold, nearly starved to death and nursed it back to health. He named it Tack, and Tack seemed to need him as much as he needed Tack. The kitten gave him a responsibility to another living creature, something he could latch onto, at least for a while.
Don didn’t have to be back at the docks for work until early the next morning, and knew if he stayed in the apartment he would keep drinking until he passed out. So, changing clothes, he decided to head to the gym. Maybe he could find someone to spar with or even make a few extra bucks boxing. Don was a big man, strong, fast, and agile and he could lose himself in a fight. His Mind seemed to go into neutral while he was in the ring and he didn’t feel any pain until after the match was over and he had either won or lost.
“Alright, I need to get up, Little Buddy. You gonna be okay while I go beat somebody up?”
Don picked the kitten up holding it close to his face, and one of its little paws pushed against his nose. Tack was still purring, his little body vibrating. Holding Tack up so his feet were dangling with his pink tummy exposed, Don leaned in to kiss his soft belly.
The barest hint of a smile crossed his handsome face. The only feeling currently residing in his heart was for the little kitten. He hoped it was enough to keep him going a little bit longer. He didn’t know why really, other than giving up wasn’t in his nature. However, the sadness ate at him day by day and there wasn’t much left to hang onto.
Setting Tack down he threw a small ball of tinfoil he had crumpled up as a toy, and the tiny kitten took off like a little white bullet, batting it around.
Lane made a list in his head of everything Bryan had ever talked about doing after he got out of high school but before joining the Navy. In the Construct, Bryan was still Don Elenburg, and Lane was sure Taliesin created the Construct from Bryan’s early memories and experiences to make it more real and believable, and Bryan’s Mind would fill in details; the world was essentially created by Bryan for Bryan.
Shit, I think Taliesin could even teach Brad a thing or two. The complexity and detail here are incredible.
It took Lane a few days to piece things together, but he discovered, and was extremely disheartened by the news, that Don no longer lived in Savannah. Lane tracked almost everything about Don’s life in Savannah before he left the city. Don’s grandparents passed away a few years before, following Bryan’s history. However, in the Construct, instead of joining the Navy Don went to work for the Georgia Port Authority in the shipyards. He also joined a local gym and took up boxing. Bryan had been a champion boxer in the Navy before the Program, so even though his life diverged there were similarities. Enough, Lane hoped, to allow him to track Don and find him. So, Lane left Savannah in search of Don, and in finding Don, he hoped and prayed to rescue Bryan.
It was difficult, perhaps the most challenging thing Lane ever had to do, but he kept himself focused. He and Bryan hadn’t been apart for more than a day in nearly twenty years. Lane was accustomed to Bryan always being with him, in his Mind and Heart, a rock he relied on. Bryan’s presence was so peaceful, warm, and gentle when they merged… so solid. Bryan’s Soul had the same feeling as his body and Lane missed that connection even more; his Soul craved it. The absence of Bryan’s unshakable manliness, his essence, left a hole in Lane nothing else could fill.
Lane understood his artistic side made him a little intense, but Bryan totally accepted that part of him and encouraged and loved him like no one ever had. They were best friends and had been from the first time they met. They ‘got’ each other. He missed his best friend emotionally, and just as much Lane missed touching and being touched by Bryan. He found himself getting hard thinking of rubbing Bryan’s shoulders and giving him his post-workout massages. He longed for the weight of Bryan’s body on top of his and wrapping his arms around Bryan’s broad back while they made love or if they were just horny and needed to get off.
As the weeks went by Lane got lonelier. He managed to follow Don’s trail to Maine. It seemed Don would stop for a few weeks here or there, sometimes for a month or two and get an odd job to save up money before moving on. He stayed on the coast which made sense because he loved the water. In Maine, Don worked on a shrimp boat the entire last season. The Captain tried to convince Don to stay on permanently, even offering him a place to live.
When Lane questioned the man, he said Don seemed troubled, describing him as quiet and lonely and keeping to himself. Lane was pretty sure the man had hopes of Don becoming a suitable husband for one of his daughters. That thought brought a brief smile to Lane’s face.
Fat chance!
It bothered Lane when the man said Don looked troubled and lonely. Taliesin didn’t know Lane and Bryan shared a Soul. Within the Construct Don had no knowledge of Lane, and he wasn’t sure how that would affect Don’s Mind or emotions. If he felt the same separation as Lane but didn’t have the knowledge or memories of their relationship to hold on to... Lane didn’t want to think about it. His heart ached thinking about Bryan alone and isolated.
Fuck, Bry, I miss you so much. I love you so much it hurts, man. Please hold on… you have to hold on. I’m going find you no matter what, and we’re going figure out how to get out of this place.
That night Lane tossed and turned for hours, but once sleep finally claimed him, his Avatar came to life, glowing softly, and he Dreamed…
The sun was so bright shining through the branches of the tree he could barely see when he looked up. The air was hot and humid, and sweat trickled down his bare torso. A strong, swampy odor permeated his sense of smell, and the air was thick with gnats.
His muscles flexed and rippled with the effort of digging a hole under a massive oak tree. A breeze picked up, soothing his sweaty body. The blade of the shovel struck something metal, and he reached down to brush the dirt away with his hands.
Sitting in the hole, uncovered by his efforts, was a rusty old lunch box. It looked familiar… the characters on it must have been from a TV show he watched as a kid. Ten men resembling Navy SEALS were on some kind of mission taking out a bad guy. Their faces, even as cartoons, seemed oddly familiar. One of the characters looked like him.
Something rattled loudly inside the lunchbox when he picked it up. Along with the breeze he heard small clinking sounds. Looking up amidst the thick clumps of Spanish moss scattered across the branches, he noticed hundreds of objects hanging from limbs. Images filled his Mind as he looked at them… the horn from his first bike… the little black Mustang from his hot wheels collection… the GI Joe with Kung-Fu Grip. Memories came with each object, filling up the emptiness in him and making him feel good inside. A picture of a handsome man playing a guitar caught his attention. The man was smiling at whoever took the picture… smiling at me?
The Dream shifted, to a small apartment with Don and a tiny white kitten.
Don lived in a shabby little efficiency apartment, but neat and organized just the way Bryan would keep it. Don had a black eye, and his nose was taped like it had been broken. Restless, he paced about, occasionally taking swigs from a bottle of cheap Bourbon in his hand.
It was cold outside, but the apartment was sweltering. The windows were frosted over and the panes had ice on the outside edges, but the inside glass dripped with condensation. Don was in his underpants, his body covered with a thick layer of sweat. Bruises covered his ribs and other areas on his big muscled body. His cheeks were wet with tears, and his eyes red and puffy.
Picking up a kitten, he held it close to his face, rubbing his broken nose against its little pink one.
His breath caught in his chest and he said, “I’m sorry. The landlady will find you and take good care of you. I left a note and money for food.”
Setting the kitten down he picked up a little foil ball and tossed it across the room. The kitten ran off to attack it, batting it around the floor.
The kitten was so white it almost glowed, looking oddly out of place in the small dingy apartment. It stopped batting the foil ball and looked at Don. No longer purring it sat still, facing Don, staring at him intently. Its eyes turned from their usual bluish-gray to dark brown, and large teardrops formed at the edges of its big brown eyes, falling onto the floor.
Don stepped onto a chair in the middle of the room. A rope hung from an exposed water pipe. Putting the rope around his neck, he moved his feet off the chair….
A sudden noise woke Lane up. He wasn’t sure if it was a loud crack of thunder or the sound of the chair in his Dream hitting the floor. The last vestiges of the Dream gripped him, and he was drenched in sweat and shaking. Moving to the sink he splashed cold water on his face, and realized his neck hurt. Glancing in the mirror, he saw rope burns.
Usually when he was upset by a Dream Bryan was there to comfort him. They would talk about it, often merging to share the experience even if it was bad. Bryan’s absence was a blow and Lane’s eyes teared up from a momentary crack in his resolve. Ken’s words and Conviction drove them out, but each time he had to suppress his feelings it was more difficult, and Ken’s words seemed further away.
Fuck Bry… you’ve got to hold on. I can’t be too late. Move your ass, Lane! You’re running out of time!
His body was tight with emotion; fear for Bryan, frustration with himself, anxiety over his Dream.
The apartment in his Dream… the way Don organized everything… it made him miss all the little things about Bryan he had come to love over the years. He thought about the way Bryan folded his socks into little balls and lined them up in his drawer, the way he arranged food in the freezer, or the flowers in his garden. Lowering his head, he sighed, his Soul crying.
God, Bry, I miss you so much.
Taliesin was a cruel man. Even if the doctor and Albrecht hadn’t told Lane, he would have figured it out. The design and intent of the Construct was emotionally hard and draining. It incessantly pushed Lane’s Mind towards dark thoughts. Lane was sure that even if he had said ‘yes' and met Taliesin’s demands, Bryan would never have escaped.
Lane noticed the Construct was bereft of music, and found it a challenge to remember songs and words he had known his whole life, and like Brad and the other Mentalists his memory was perfect. Taliesin stripped away music, another thing in that awful place that would make things bearable. Lane’s unconscious Mind fought against it but the Construct was sharp and subtle, and Lane feared over time he wouldn’t remember that part of himself. If he had his powers, he would shred the place inside out… and sighed heavily, knowing he couldn’t without killing Bryan. His frustration over that fact made it worse, and it wore on him.
The doctor shared Taliesin’s story with them, and at first Lane felt sorry for him. As Nephilim, Lane and his Brothers were Immortal, and perceived Time differently than humans. If they hadn’t Bill would have gone insane while trapped in his own Mind. Taliesin didn’t have that advantage and the power and longevity the Gift bestowed on him made him unstable. Lane felt sorry for him until he started thinking about the cruelty of the Construct and what it was doing to him and Bryan. He wondered about all the people Taliesin hurt in his cruelty over the years.
Those thoughts led to anger, which along with his love of Bryan, kept him going. Lane wasn’t sure what he would do to Taliesin once he caught up with him. There would be a reckoning of some kind, but Lane didn’t like the thoughts running through his Mind. Hunger for revenge and a keen desire to make Taliesin suffer for his actions made Lane physically ill, and his dislike for Taliesin grew even stronger for making him feel that way.
Lane struggled to find the unconditional love they were supposed to hold for others, but so far, where Taliesin was concerned, he couldn’t find it. Maybe once everything was over, and he and Bryan were safe… he hoped he could be the better man and forgive Taliesin, but not yet.
After his Dream Lane was truly frightened for Bryan. He was sure now the emptiness Don felt was driving him into a deep depression. Lane had to find Don before he hung himself. If Bryan died in the Construct, Lane was sure Bryan would die in the real world too.
Even though it was in the middle of the night, he dressed and left. He had to push harder and find Don.
He wasn’t sure what everything in the Dream meant yet, but his first priority was finding Don, and then he could focus on the rest of it.
Four weeks later Lane found himself in the New York shipping yards. After Don left Maine, he doubled back and made his way to New York. Lane discovered Don worked at the shipyards but it was a huge operation and the closer he got to Don the harder it was to get information from people in the Construct. People were more suspicious and evasive in their answers and quickly turned hostile if he was too direct with his questions.
Lane found himself running for his life when he showed his drawing of Don to one of the dock workers. The man turned violent and called on some of his nearby buddies to try and beat Lane up. He managed to escape but it was a close call.
He also found the gym where Don worked out and boxed, but Don wasn’t there when he checked. He discovered Don’s co-workers at the docks and the guys at the gym referred to him as ‘Big D.’
The feeling of running out of time was stronger than ever, and Lane experienced a nerve-wracking sense of desperation. He had missed Don at the docks and the gym and didn’t know where he lived. He could wait until morning when Don showed up for work, but his sense of urgency was too overpowering.
Standing outside the gym, Lane paced, frantic and not knowing what to do next.
Focus, Lane. Stop being a pussy, and use your head, damn it. He needs you!
A loud noise inside the gym shook Lane out of his thoughts. He glanced through the window and saw a young kid mopping the floor, who must have dropped something heavy to make such a racket. An idea popped into Lane’s head, but he knew he would have to be careful. Looking in a nearby trashcan, he found a scrap of paper and folded it up.
Lane went inside and asked, “Hey kid, what’s your name?”
The kid looked at him suspiciously but answered, “Phillip.”
“You wanna make an easy twenty bucks?”
“What I gotta do?”
“You know Big D that works out here, right?”
“Yeah, everybody here knows him.”
“You know where he lives, right?”
Lane knew he was pushing things with that question. The kid’s face turned stony which was a bad sign.
“Look, kid, I don’t care where he lives. I was watching him earlier, sparring in the ring. He’s got some talent, and I can get him on a bigger ticket. I need you to take him a message. I’ll give you twenty bucks, but I mean now, not tomorrow.”
“I’ll do it for fifty.”
“Fifty? You gotta be shitting me! Look, Big D owes me twenty bucks. I’ll give you thirty, and you get the rest from him when you get there. How about that?”
Phillip put his mop down and grabbed the piece of paper from Lane. Lane pulled the cash from his wallet, and Phillip snatched it out of his hand and took off.
Between their SEAL training and all the years in the security firm, Lane and the entire Team were experts at surveillance and tailing people, and he had no trouble following Phillip while staying out of sight.
It turned out Don’s apartment was in an old rundown brownstone building only a few blocks from the gym. Lane waited until Phillip left to avoid any trouble. He needed to get to Don’s apartment without being seen, or he was pretty sure it would cause some sort of reaction.
Phillip was only in the building a few minutes before he came running out and took off back towards the gym. He didn’t look happy and Lane grinned. Don didn’t know anything about the twenty bucks and probably blew the kid off.
Lane went in the front entrance to the building and checked the mailboxes. There was a ‘D Elenburg’ on the third floor, and Lane’s heart nearly stopped when he saw Don’s name. He was about to see Bryan for the first time in months as he perceived time in the Construct.
Taking a deep breath, Lane forced himself to focus and stay calm. Cautiously he moved up the stairs, ready to get out of sight if anyone suddenly showed up. The sound of a baby crying and a TV blaring on the second floor covered any noise he made. He tried to be quiet, but his footsteps sounded loud on the old wooden floor creaking under his weight. After what seemed like forever, he stood at the door to Bryan’s… Don’s apartment.
Fuck, what am I going to say? Hi Don, I’m your lover in the real world… you don’t know me, but I’m here to rescue you?
Putting his ear to the door, Lane listened, his palms sweaty and stomach knotted in anxiety. He heard movement but as he raised his hand to knock there was a loud thump, and the sound echoed in his Mind. In his Dream, it was the sound of the chair falling over as Don hung himself.
Lane tried the doorknob, but it was locked. His heart was about to burst in his chest, and his anxiety suddenly became unbearable. Something was wrong.
He stepped back and kicked the door. It flew open, and Don’s body hung from a pipe across the ceiling, swaying back and forth with what looked like an extension cord wrapped around his neck.
“no... no… no… no… No… No… NO… NO!!”
Life finally became unbearable. Don went through the motions of living, of going to work and the gym, but he was an empty shell of a man. To his co-workers he seemed distracted and withdrawn, but no one cared. He had no connection to anyone; Taliesin designed the Construct to be that way.
Don occasionally dreamed of being happy, but when he woke up he couldn’t remember much other than vague feelings of being content and fulfilled… which made him feel emptier when he was awake.
In his dreams he wasn’t alone… there was someone… whoever it was felt right. In his dreams hands touched him, a man’s hands, stirring feelings in him and unimaginable pleasures in his body. Sometimes he heard someone singing… a beautiful voice, just for him. It was torture. The dreams teased and taunted him and he wanted them to go away or stay asleep forever.
When Don got home that night, he rested on the couch with his feet hanging over the edge; his big frame was too tall for it. Tack curled up on his shoulder under his chin, purring softly. The warmth and softness of his little body were comforting. The simple touch of another living creature helped.
Phillip, the kid from the gym, showed up with some story about a promoter who said Don owed him twenty bucks. He wasn’t in the mood and Phillip was a bratty kid, so Don sent him packing.
Restless and tired, Don couldn’t sleep. Tack protested when he got up to turn on the TV. Gilligan’s Island was on. He went to the kitchen and looked in the cabinets for some Bourbon, but only found an empty bottle. Tack rubbed his ankles wanting food, moving in and out between his feet in a figure eight, purring so loudly Don wondered why the walls weren’t shaking.
On TV the Skipper said, “… I don’t know Little Buddy!”
Don frozen in the kitchen. The words ‘Little Buddy’ echoed in his Mind, and a feeling of separation and despair hit him so intensely he nearly fell over. He used that term with Tack all the time and Don had no idea why the words affected him, but the last of his resolve shattered.
Moving like an automaton, Don picked up his satchel from work and took out an extension cord he borrowed, realizing in the back of his Mind he brought it home for the sole purpose of hanging himself. He didn’t remember writing the note that fell on the floor when he pulled the cord out.
Tack frantically tried to get his attention, even clawing his way up Don’s pants leg. Don’s big hands gently grabbed Tack’s little body and held him up to his face. He kissed Tack’s pink pot belly and said, “I’m sorry. The landlady will find you, and she’ll take good care of you. I left a note and money for food.”
Picking up the little foil ball Don tossed it, and Tack ran off batting it around the floor.
An exposed water pipe ran across the ceiling of his apartment, and Don made a noose out of the extension cord and slung it over the pipe. He secured the cord, anchoring the other end to the radiator by the window. Pulling out a chair from the kitchen table he set it under the noose.
Don wanted to say something but realized he had nothing to say and there was no one to listen even if he did. If there was a God, he wasn’t paying attention. The man from his dreams wasn’t there. His parents, grandparents, and foster parents were gone, and Tack wasn’t enough anymore.
Don looked around the room hoping for a sign, but the empty apartment stared back as if encouraging his action. He heard the baby crying downstairs and the TV that never went silent, but nothing that changed his Mind. The empty silence in his Heart was deafening, and he was drowning in it.
Fuck it.
Don dropped his full weight on the cord and kicked the chair over so he couldn’t chicken out.
His neck popped painfully but didn’t snap. He was a muscular man, his neck thick and powerful, and his body instinctively tensed. His face turned purple and he couldn’t breathe, and hoped it would be over quickly.
He had only been hanging a few seconds when the door burst open, and a man rushed into the room. He was the most handsome man Don ever laid eyes on, the man from his dreams! Their eyes met as Don’s vision spiraled into blackness.
As Don lost consciousness, the man shouted, “no...no… no… no… No… No… NO… NO!!”
Lane was frantic when he saw Don swaying, not even struggling. Running over as fast as he could Lane grabbed Don’s legs and lifted him up. In the Construct Don’s body weight was normal, and although he was a big strong man, Lane was just as strong. The problem was, Lane couldn’t hold Don and cut the cord at the same time.
Lane cursed but stopped abruptly when he saw the knot Don used to tie the cord off. He couldn’t believe it! Bracing himself for the effort Lane supported Don’s body weight with one arm and yanked the extension cord with his other hand. Don had used a hitch knot, and when Lane pulled the cord it released immediately, sending Don’s weight down all at once. Lane caught him as best he could, but they both went down in a heap.
Lane loosened the cord around Don’s neck as quickly as he could. It had dug deeply into his neck and Don was unconscious. His neck wasn’t broken, but there could be significant damage to it or the surrounding tissue.
Fuck! Bry, you have to be okay!
Lane was sweating. The apartment was hot, and he was breathing hard from the effort of holding Don up and breaking down the door and the emotions running through him. His heart raced from a rush of adrenaline. Holding Don’s face in his hands, Lane gently used his fingers to probe his neck, checking for visible damage.
Don’s neck was red and chaffed from the cord, showing the same marks Lane had after his Dream, but no other visible damage. Lane pulled Don’s big body up, cradling him so Don’s head and torso rested against his chest. Lane wrapped his arms around Don and held him, savoring the fact that after months of separation Bryan was alive and in his arms again.
An unexpected tug from Lane’s Avatar caught him off guard, and he closed his eyes, hugging Don tighter. Letting his instincts take over, his Avatar reacted to Don’s injuries, and Lane’s hands started glowing softly. It was almost like a Ouija Board, his Avatar guiding his hands without his conscious control, moving to wherever there was damage.
The drain was incredible; without their energy centers Open and unable to pull any Music in the Construct, the energy to Heal Don came directly from him. Lane didn’t know how he was able to access his Avatar when other than Dreaming his powers had not worked since he arrived in the Construct, but he didn’t question it.
Lane was about to pass out when the energy drain lessened. Opening his eyes, the kitten from his Dream stood on Don’s chest, kneading its little paws into Don’s shirt. Lane was stunned when the kitten’s eyes went from blue-grey to dark brown, and he stared into his own eyes. The kitten was so white it practically glowed, and its paws were definitely glowing as they kneaded and pushed into Don’s chest, sending tendrils of White energy into his body.
As exhausted as he was Lane needed to get Don into bed. The kitten jumped off Don’s chest when Lane moved to get up. Lane put Don over his shoulder in a fireman’s carry and stumbled into the small bedroom. He managed to get Don undressed and into bed. The redness around his neck was gone and as far as Lane could tell any other damage was Healed.
Lane couldn’t see their energy flows, but he trusted his Avatar to Heal the worst of the damage and hopefully all of it.
Shit, that took a lot out of me.
As soon as Lane had Don settled, Tack curled up on Don’s shoulder against his neck and went to sleep, purring loudly. His eyes were back to blue-grey, and he once again seemed like a normal kitten.
Unable to help himself, Lane ran his fingers lightly over Don’s handsome face, taking in the features he had missed seeing and touching every day. Caressing Don’s forehead, and running his fingers through his short hair, caused Lane to tear up. He found Don, and they were together again. That was a start. He would deal with Don’s emotional state when he woke up. Hopefully, now they were together things would be better, but Lane knew that Bryan, as Don, would not recognize him. First things first.
Now he had to figure out how to get them out of the Construct.
As exhausted as Lane was, he couldn’t afford to be sloppy. Leaving Don’s bedroom, he went out and closed the front door, bolting it shut. He damaged the frame when he kicked it open, but it locked securely.
After the energy expenditure of Healing Don he was starving and checked the refrigerator, finding half a loaf of slightly stale wheat bread, a jar of peanut butter, the crunchy kind Bryan loved, and some grape jelly, Bryan’s other favorite. The milk was on the verge of going bad, but it was ice cold, so he made a peanut butter and jelly sandwich and drank a glass of milk.
Moving back to Don’s bedroom Lane placed a chair beside the bed. Taking one of Don’s big rough hands into his own and holding it tightly, Lane closed his eyes and let the warmth and comfort of their hands touching run through him. Lane fell asleep in the chair holding Don’s hand and Dreamed of the tree and digging up the lunch box again.
Lane woke with a start when Don shifted on the bed. Don’s eyes opened slowly, and he looked at the man sitting beside him.
His voice was quiet when he finally asked, “Who the fuck are you?”
There was something in Don’s eyes… not exactly recognition but something. Lane hoped for more.
Lane stared into Don’s eyes for a few seconds before he found his voice.
“My name’s Jim. Jim Barton.”
“I didn’t ask your name, fucker. I asked who you are.”
Don stared back, and Lane noted his eyes were sad and guarded.
“That’s complicated, Don. If I tell you there’s no way you’ll believe me, at least not right away.”
The tension between the two men was palpable. Something stirred inside Don, but it was so far down he wasn’t sure what it was. The man sitting at his bedside was the most incredibly handsome man Don had ever laid his eyes on. He was a total stranger, but Don felt a connection deep within himself. His body had never reacted that way to anyone else before, except in his dreams. His dick was so hard it hurt, and it stood up under the sheets.
Lane glanced down and saw it. It was impossible to miss.
“You’re not alone anymore, Don. I know for the last few years you’ve felt that way, but you aren’t anymore. I’m here now.”
Lane took a chance and rested his hand on Don’s bare chest over his heart. The heat of his skin affected Lane, and he hoped his touch would ignite the feelings he wanted in his lover. Lane wanted Don to feel his touch; he wanted Bryan to feel his touch but knew that wasn’t possible in this place.
“The hole in your heart isn’t real. You’ve felt this way far too long, and I’m sorry I couldn’t get here sooner. I’ve been searching for you for a long time, and I got here as soon as I could.”
As Lane spoke he began moving his hand slowly, lightly rubbing Don’s chest and upper shoulders. Don was tense, and in the heat of the room he started sweating again. Lane felt tremors running through Don’s body, but he wasn’t sure if it was excitement, anxiety, or something else. He missed his connection to Bryan’s Mind and kept instinctively trying to bring them together and Open their Hearts and Minds, but every time he slammed into a wall and felt the pain of their separation.
Don reached for his hand. He had a panicked look in his eyes, and Lane wasn’t sure what he was going to do. His body tensed up like he was going to throw a punch.
“Shhhhh, I’m not going to hurt you, Don. I want to make you feel good. I want to make you feel alive again. Let me help you.”
Don lowered his hand and Lane moved his own hand down to cover more of Don’s bare torso. He used a feather-light touch, almost hypnotic, and Don seemed helpless against it. Don had yearned for another man’s touch for so long, but there was always a barrier inside him that kept him from acting on his desires. The stranger - what was his name? Jim - Jim’s hand was leaving a trail of fire across his skin and everywhere Jim touched those barriers shattered a little more.
Don’s big arms were powerless and stayed at his side. Lane lowered the sheets exposing Don’s full erection. It was almost purple and throbbed with every beat of his heart as a steady stream of precum ran down from the head. Lane wrapped his hand around it, using his thumb to run slow circles around the frenulum.
When Jim’s hand wrapped around him, Don sucked in his breath and closed his eyes, lost in the sensation. Feelings he shut away years ago rushed to the surface, and he was confused because rather than being a new sensation it seemed more like a memory, but he had never seen this man or felt a touch like his.
“Can I make you feel good, Don? You need to tell me.”
Don’s voice was barely a whisper as he choked out, “Fuck, yeah.”
Lane stood up and stripped off his shirt, and Don’s eyes raked over Jim’s muscular frame, his body flushed with desire.
“I’m the piece that’s missing in your life, Don. I’ve missed you so much I can hardly stand it. I’ve felt the same hole inside me as you.”
Don whispered again, “Who the fuck are you?”
“I’m the other half of your Soul.”
Lane touched Don in all the ways he knew Bryan liked. In the Construct Don didn’t seem to have much experience with another man, possibly none. Lane hoped Taliesin hadn’t stripped that out of him... maybe he couldn’t.
Lane moved agonizingly slow, wanting Don to feel his touch, hoping to spark a memory. Lane also wanted it for himself… he missed touching Bryan. He wanted to comfort the man he loved, who was hurting enough to try and kill himself. Lane felt responsible because of his connection to Taliesin; Bryan was collateral damage in Taliesin’s mad scheme.
Moving his hands down, with one hand he cupped Don’s big balls, gently massaging them. They were tight and drawn up indicating how close he was to shooting.
With his other hand, he ran his fingertip lightly up and down the underside of the shaft and around the head smearing the precum. The head kept flaring involuntarily when his finger rubbed the frenulum just below the corona. Lane stared, mesmerized at the sight of Bryan’s dick in his hand after all their time apart, and a hint of his old grin appeared on his handsome face.
Don was paralyzed with pleasure. His breath came in ragged gasps, his entire focus on the sensations Lane initiated. When Lane leaned over and took the head into the heat of his mouth, it pushed Don over the edge and spurt after spurt of hot cum erupted. The orgasm wracked his body, and he thrust his hips up, arching his back. Every muscle in his body flexed and tightened, and his skin was shiny with sweat.
Lane kept Don in his mouth through his orgasm, swallowing everything, moving his hands up to caress Don’s chest and nipples, knowing it would intensify his orgasm. He didn’t expect to feel the rush of strength he was used to and he was right. That would have made things so much easier! Bryan was always a big shooter, and Don filled Lane’s waiting mouth. Even after he stopped ejaculating, waves of intense pleasure continued as Lane’s tongue and hands sustained their ministrations.
Lane finally released Don’s dick, drained now but still hard, and started rubbing Don’s chest again, letting him ride out his orgasm as long as he wanted to.
Once his breathing was back to normal, a funny look crossed Don’s face. Lane put a finger up to Don’s lips and said, “Don’t ask any questions right now, Don. Just go with what your body’s telling you. You can trust me, and I only want what’s best for you.”
Lane stood up and shed his pants, exposing his own erection. Don hadn’t lost any of his rigidity, and Lane squeezed out a few extra drops of cum to use as lube. He didn’t like spit as lube and knew Don would produce more precum once he started, and that would make it better for both of them.
Climbing on top of Don he lowered himself, keeping eye contact the entire time. Don got a blissful look on his face as his dick disappeared into the warmest, softest, tightest ass that ever existed. Lane took a minute to get reacquainted with Bryan’s size and fullness and then proceeded to move up and down.
He went slowly again, giving Don time to get used to the sensation. It didn’t take long before Don flipped them over and proceeded to plow Lane’s ass hard and fast.
They spent the entire night making love, and the longer they were together, the less alone Don felt. Jim filled him up with what he needed… the touch that had been missing, and more importantly the love. The dry well inside him was slowly filling back up with the love of the man he was destined to be with… the other half of his Soul.
Don woke first. It took him a second to realize he hadn’t been dreaming and the man in bed with him was real. He took a deep breath and besides the obvious Don wondered why he felt so different. It took a few minutes for it to sink in. He felt more alive than he could ever remember, except in his dreams.
Tack was curled up in his usual spot under Don’s chin and on his shoulder, and most of Jim’s body draped over Don, his arms and legs wrapped around him. The comfort of their naked bodies was unimaginable to Don, and he stared openly at Jim’s handsome features, relaxed in sleep, taking in every minute detail of his muscular body.
Tack purred loudly, his tiny warm body snuggled against Don, and he started cleaning himself. The fact that a stranger was in bed with him didn’t seem to faze the kitten in the least.
Don wanted to touch Jim, to run his hands over his body, through the light dusting of hair on his chest, and across the stubble on his cheek, but he hesitated... Don didn’t know the etiquette behind touching another man. He was shy and didn’t want to overstep his bounds.
Fuck, I don’t even know what the bounds are. Where the hell did you come from, Jim? I feel like I’ve known you forever, but I’ve never seen you before yesterday. How the fuck can that be?
Don’s movement woke Jim, and he stretched, hugging their bodies tighter together, and Don took advantage, putting his arms around Jim. Jim’s warm, soft dick rested against his leg… well, it was soft a few seconds ago!
Looking deep into Don’s eyes, Lane smiled sleepily.
They rested together in silence, each wrapped in his own thoughts while Lane’s hands wandered. He noticed the look on Don’s face, it was the look Bryan always had when he wanted to say something but wasn’t sure about himself.
“Go ahead, Don. You can touch me wherever, however, and whenever you want. You never need to ask me. I want to feel your hands on me.”
Taking him at his word, Don’s hands tentatively starting exploring Jim’s body. In seconds, Lane was fully hard, and he grinned.
“See? I told you.”
Don sheepishly grinned back, his own erection pressing against Lane. The familiarity of its warmth and firmness was exhilarating. They continued to fondle and caress one another for a few minutes until Don couldn’t hold back and grunted as a powerful orgasm hit him. Lane was still hair triggered himself after their long separation and seeing and feeling Don in his hand, contracting in the throes of his orgasm sent Lane over the edge too. The intense, spontaneous eruption caught both of them by surprise.
When it was over, Lane leaned forward and started a kiss, wrapping his arms around his lover. The kiss lasted a few minutes before Don pulled back and maneuvered Lane’s body on top of his own. He liked feeling the weight of another man on top of him, and he wrapped his legs around Lane’s waist and his arms around Lane’s shoulders, holding him tight.
Letting Don move at his own pace, Lane was patient, remaining quiet while he thought about how to proceed. How much could he tell Don and keep his trust?
After a while they rolled apart, and Don sat up on the edge of the bed.
“I wasn’t sure you were real. The way things have been going, I thought I might have really killed myself and you were an angel.”
Lane scooted over so he could rub Don’s back.
Fuck I’ve missed touching him like this!
“Truth is stranger than fiction, Don. I’m real. But we have to be very careful now. I need you to trust me, and it might be hard. First thing is you can’t tell anyone about me.”
“Why? I don’t like lying.”
“Don, I don’t know how much to tell you. I’m here to rescue you, but the only way I can do that is if no one knows I’m here. I think people will start acting strangely now especially after last night. It’ll be more dangerous from here on out.”
“What do you mean rescue me? From what? Dangerous how?”
“Well, I’m pretty sure if any of your friends see me, they’ll want to hurt me, maybe even kill me.”
“No way! You don’t know my buds at the dock. They can be rough around the edges, but they’d never hurt you.”
“Please, Don, this is important. I need you to come with me. We need to leave, and it has to be in secret. We don’t have a lot of time. After last night I hope you trust me.”
“Jim… fuck! Last night was the best, most amazing fucking thing that’s ever happened to me. I didn’t know I could feel this way towards anybody. I don’t know how to say it… I’m not good with words.”
Sitting up Lane continued running his hands over Don’s muscled back and kissed the big ball of his shoulder.
“Then say it with your body.”
Lane put a hand under Don’s chin, turning his face until they looked into each other’s eyes. Lane leaned forward and started another kiss. Don hesitated the barest fraction of a second and then opened his mouth to let Lane’s tongue in. The kiss was a little awkward at first, but incredibly hot and passionate. Don twisted his body as they kissed, wrapping his arms around Lane, and both of them were hard again in seconds.
A loud knock on the door startled them, and they pulled apart.
Lane whispered, “Please, Don. No one can know I’m here.”
“Alright. Stay here.”
Don threw on a pair of jeans and went shirtless to the door.
“Who is it?”
“Hey, Big D, open up bro! It’s Benny!”
Don unlocked the door and before he could say anything Benny, Dutch, and Grant, three of his co-workers from the docks, barged into his living room.
“What the fuck, guys? What are you doing here?”
“You okay, D?”
“Yeah, I’m fine. Why?”
“Phillip said some guy was asking about you at the gym last night. He said the guy looked like trouble. We just wanna make sure our boy is okay, ya know?”
“What? You sissies think I can’t take care of myself?”
Just then a deep-throated growl came out of Tack, who stood on the couch with his back arched and his tail fluffed out, hissing and spitting at the three men.
Benny laughed, but there was no humor in his eyes.
“Ferocious little bugger ya got there, D. Keep yer pussy on a leash.”
Dutch and Grant went into the kitchen, ignoring Tack and looking around.
“So, no one’s here? You all by your lonesome?”
“What’s it to you, guys? I don’t need a babysitter.”
“We’re just checking on our boy. We’d hate it if something happened to ya, ya know?”
“I’m fine, fuckers. I had a lady friend over last night. She just went to the store to get some stuff to make breakfast. She’s gonna be back any minute, so you guys need to get out of here. I’m calling in sick today. Tell Brigs for me.”
“Damn, Big D! Callin in sick to shag a chick. Proud of ya, brother. If that dude comes and gives you any trouble, you’ll call me, right?”
“Sure, Benny. If there’s anything left of him after I kick his ass.”
“That’s my boy!”
“Now you fuckers get out of here! I don’t want you scaring off my girl.”
It was apparent they were stalling, and Don pushed hard to get them out.
As soon as the door shut Don bolted it and put up the chain. He went back to his bedroom as Lane emerged from the closet, now dressed much to Don’s disappointment. Holding up a finger Lane indicated for Don to be quiet.
Lane moved to the window facing the street but kept to the side and spotted them immediately. Dutch and Grant had taken up spots to watch the entrance to the building. He was sure Benny was either in the hall or near the staircase.
It was only a matter of time before they came back, and Lane’s gut told him next time they would be more forceful. In the Construct, without Bryan’s strength or his own powers they were vulnerable to being hurt or killed.
Their eyes met and for the first time in a long while Lane’s full mischievous grin was back.
“Don, could you put a shirt on? I’m not going to be able to keep my head on straight if you don’t.”
Don got the barest hint of a smile on his face, blushing as he went to his bedroom and put on a t-shirt. Seeing the smile on Jim’s face brought back the memory of that picture hanging on the tree in his dream, and it sent a warm feeling through him. He liked it.
When he came back out, they sat on the couch next to one another so their legs were touching.
“So what the fuck’s going on, Jim? None of this makes any sense. Yesterday I was about to do myself in, then you bust in my place, and now I feel better than I’ve felt in years. My buddies out there are acting all weird. You said you were here to rescue me. From what?”
Lane let out a heavy sigh, unsure of how much he should try to explain.
“Don, before I say too much, I need to ask you a few questions.”
“Okay, shoot.”
“How long have you had that kitten?”
“Oh hell, I don’t know. Not long, maybe three or four months.”
“Don, it’s a kitten. It can’t be that old.”
It dawned on Lane the kitten's appearance most likely coincided with his arrival in the Construct.
Don shook his head slightly and blinked.
“You’re right, he has to be older… look at him, though.”
As if on cue Tack jumped onto Don’s big shoulder, batting his earlobe.
A funny look crossed Don’s face, his eyes went out of focus, and his voice was low, almost like he was talking to himself.
“His name’s Tack, and he’s my Little Buddy. He was in bad shape when I first found him, but it turns out he saved me when he first showed up. We saved each other.”
Lane’s heart leapt inside his chest when he heard Don call the kitten ‘Tack’ and his ‘Little Buddy.’ Tack was Lane’s first call sign in the Navy and hearing Don refer to the kitten as his Little Buddy took Lane’s breath away. He had his suspicions as to what Tack was, which is why he asked the question.
Lane had managed to hold himself together so far but wasn’t prepared for that revelation and his eyes watered up immediately.
He let out a “Fuck!” and doubled over on the couch, putting his head between his knees.
A ball of icy fire hit his stomach as the emotions he had kept in check broke through for a moment.
“Jim!? What?”
Don didn’t know what to do, so he put his arm around Jim and pulled him close. Something he said upset Jim, and he felt responsible even though he didn’t have a clue what it was.
Lane grabbed of Don and hugged him tightly, squeezing with all his strength until Don was afraid that his ribs were about to crack. Don had to grab his arms and said, “Whoa Jim, I need to breathe!”
“Sorry Don, for a second… shit, I just forgot.”
“Forgot what?”
After a long pause Lane said quietly and sadly, “How things are supposed to be.”
Don didn’t know what to say, so he kept silent. After a short awkward silence, he asked, “So what else, Jim? You said questions.”
Don didn’t know what to do to make Jim feel better, so he kept rubbing Jim’s back and shoulders.
Lane sniffed and swiped the tears out of his eyes.
“Who taught you the knot you used on the extension cord?”
“A while back I was in Maine before I came back down here. I worked on a shrimp boat, and one of the guys taught me how to tie that knot. He said it would save my life one day and he made me use it all the time. The funny thing is, once the Captain saw me using it he flipped out and put me back on nets full time.”
“What was the guy’s name that taught you the knot?”
“Everybody called him Uri.”
“Alright… that’s interesting. I’m sure that broke some kind of Rule, but it makes sense. Don, I need you to think carefully before you answer my next question.”
Lane paused, looking deep into Don’s green eyes, and after a minute he quietly asked, “Does your life seem right to you? Does this place seem right to you?”
Don’s handsome brow furrowed, and the faraway look came back to his eyes. He was silent for a minute while he thought about Jim’s question. It was a struggle to focus his thoughts, like he was fighting through a fog, but the more he thought about his life the more it didn’t make sense, and a single tear fell down his cheek.
His reply was a barely audible, “No….”
Lane squeezed his shoulder and continued, asking, “Okay… do I feel right to you? Does the connection we have, even though you just met me, seem right to you?”
Again, Don’s reply was barely audible.
“Yeah… more than any fucking thing in my life so far, Jim. How can that be? I just met you, but for the first time I can remember I don’t feel alone.”
Lane knew they were running out of time, but he still pulled Don into a tight hug. Their arms went around each other and they held each other for a few seconds.
“I have one more question, Don. I need to know if you remember having any strange dreams.”
“All my dreams are weird, Jim. Most of them aren’t happy, and I try not to remember them.”
“It’s important, Don. Do you remember one about a big tree and digging up an old lunchbox? Please try, it’s important.”
“How the fuck could you know that? I had a dream like that a lot when I was a kid. Jim, what the fuck’s going on?”
“Don… we’re running out of time. I can’t explain any more right now, but I promise I’ll tell you more as soon as we’re safe. We have to leave now, and you won’t be coming back. We have to find the tree in your dream. Your buddies out there are going to try and stop us. They’ll probably try to kill me.”
“Jim, no way! I told you they aren’t like that.”
“Don, trust me. They aren’t who or what you think they are.”
Lane cupped Don’s face in his hands, looking directly into his eyes.
“Please trust me on this, Don. What do you have to lose? Yesterday you were ready to throw all this away. Come with me, and I promise we can be happy together. You probably don’t believe me, but I felt as empty without you as you did without me. You won’t believe how happy we can be together.”
“Where the fuck did you come from, Jim? How are you making me feel this way?”
Lane grinned and said, “Trade secret, bud. You’ll understand soon enough if we make it out of here. We need to travel light so just take a few clothes. It’s going to be risky, but you’ll need to hit an ATM and pull out as much cash as you can for spending money. No credit cards from here on out.”
Lane wasn’t sure if they could be traced by using one of Don’s credit cards. Taliesin’s Construct was incredibly detailed, and with Bryan’s knowledge of electronic surveillance in the Navy and their security firm, the Construct might use from his experience to track them.
“So where are we going?”
“Savannah. The tree in your dream had Spanish moss all over it.”
“I still don’t know how you know what was in my dream.”
With his best disarming grin Lane said, “At the risk of sounding totally cheesy Don, I’m the man of your dreams, so why wouldn’t I know?”
Don groaned in mock horror and said, “God, you’re a nerd aren’t’ you?”
Lane couldn’t help but laugh, and said, “You don’t know the half of it.”
While they talked, Don put some clothes into his gym bag.
“Alright, we need to get out of here without your buddies out there catching us. They’re already suspicious of me. We need to get to an ATM and then head out of town. I’m not sure how people will react to me outside of this area. Once we get out of the city, we might get lucky and no one will give us any trouble, but there’s no way to be sure. While we’re in public, we need to stick together but not look like we’re together.
“I’m going to trick your buddies into thinking we went out through the window in your bedroom. While they’re running around, we’re going to leave through the front door. I need you to get out of sight for a few minutes… get in the shower.”
Don looked at him doubtfully.
“Don… trust me, please. I’ve done things like this before. If you have any doubts you better say so now, because once we’re on the run there’s no turning back for either one of us.”
Lane walked over and put his hands on Don’s shoulders. He looked into Don’s eyes and it still hurt that he didn’t see what he was used to. There was a glimmer, and that would have to be enough for now.
“Please, Don. Trust me so we can be together. I only want us to be together. I hope you do too.”
Don stared back into Lane’s dark brown eyes. The love he saw there startled him… he felt it when they made love the night before, but to see it so raw and right in front of him… it was for him and only him. It was liberating and frightening, even humbling, but at the same time it made his life so far seem that much more depressing.
“Let’s get the fuck out of here.”
Lane smiled and squeezed his shoulders.
“You got it. Now get in the shower and wait until I call you.”
Don did as he was told, going into the bathroom and hiding in the shower. The front door opened and a few seconds later Benny, Grant, and Dutch started yelling. The commotion didn’t last long and then everything went quiet.
Don was getting worried when Lane’s head finally popped around the shower curtain with a smile on his face. His hair was disheveled, and he looked cuter than ever. He also was wearing different clothes.
“Come on ‘ya big lug. Let’s blow this pop stand.”
As soon as they got onto the street Don stopped and let out a “Fuck! I forgot about Tack!”
Lane had his hoodie pulled up to keep his face hidden. It was still cold and windy out so it didn’t look suspicious. He got close to Don and kept his voice low, “Don, don’t worry about Tack. He’s going to be fine. Trust me on this. We can’t go back now, or we’ll risk getting caught.”
“They’ll hurt him! I know they will. I saw the way Benny looked at him.”
“No they won’t, Don. Tack isn’t there anymore.”
“Where is he?”
“He’s safe, Don. I’m not lying … I’ll never lie to you. We’ve never lied to each other. Tack is safe, and you’ll see him again. I promise. Now let’s go.”
Don didn’t look entirely convinced, but he turned and followed Lane. They made it to an ATM and Lane stayed out of sight while Don withdrew as much cash as he could.
By nightfall they were out of town, hidden in the woods a few miles off the road. They walked until Lane was sure the tree cover would keep anyone from seeing a small fire, so he got one going. For that night they would have to sleep on the ground, but the next day Lane planned to get them backpacks, sleeping bags, and a tent. He chided himself for not thinking of the supply issue beforehand but let it go. He was so thrilled to be with Bryan, he didn’t get upset about it.
Don stayed quiet most of the day, and Lane gave him his space. He kept making eye contact and every time he did Lane smiled at him. Lane used the time to think about the tree in his Dream and the lunchbox. Those images were key to getting them out of the Construct. He wasn’t sure what Taliesin had done, but he would figure it out.
Lane moved over and sat behind Don, wrapping his arms and legs around him.
“You doing alright, Don?”
“Yeah, I think so. This is all so fucked up I don’t understand it.”
He took Lane’s hands in his and said, “But this… this I can deal with. It feels real.”
Lane grinned and lowered his hands, rubbing Don’s crotch. He whispered, “Let’s see how real I can make you feel.”
Don was instantly hard, and Lane unzipped his jeans, freeing his erection. Leaning back, Don spread his legs to give Lane full and easy access. He grinned when he felt Lane’s erection pressed against him from behind.
“Let me take care of you, big guy. You’ve been without for way too long.”
Lane’s hands felt like magic, and Don moaned, “Fuck Jim, that feels so good.”
“Yeah, I have talented hands and fingers. All those years of playing the guitar and piano have to be good for something.”
“You play?”
“A little. Right now, I want to play with this.”
With that Lane picked up his pace and in a few minutes Don’s body tensed, and he started shooting. Lane aimed it away to get as little on his pants as he could.
Don kept still while he caught his breath.
Lane was trying not to push and make things as good as possible, but he also knew Don wasn’t a talker, and sometimes he had to pull stuff out of him.
“What are you thinking, Don? Are you alright?”
“I want to make you feel as good as you make me feel, but I don’t know how.”
“Can I tell you a secret, Don? You make me the happiest man in the world just by being with you like this. You can do whatever you want to me. I’ll love it no matter what because it’s you, your hands, your body, your Mind.”
Don turned around so they faced each other. He didn’t say anything, but he unbuckled Lane’s belt and unzipped his jeans. Lane was already hard and had been ever since he started touching Don.
Lane’s breath caught when Don’s hands wrapped around his exposed erection, and his eyes closed in pleasure as he let Don explore at his own pace. A minute later, Don took most of Lane’s length into his warm mouth.
Lane tensed as all the feeling in his body centered on the head of his dick, and Don’s tongue was moving all over it. The release Lane needed came quickly, and before he could warn Don, he came in his mouth. Don swallowed it all and continued sucking until Lane was soft.
Don looked up hesitantly and when Lane opened his eyes a smile lit up his handsome face. Don’s heart leapt inside his chest at that smile. Lane pulled him up, and they kissed and cuddled by the warmth of the fire until they fell asleep.
Lane woke with a start to see Gabriel sitting by the small fire with a guitar in his lap, idly strumming a few chords.
“Hello, Lane.”
“What are you doing here?”
“I should ask you that. You brought me here. I wasn’t allowed to come on my own, the Rules don’t allow it. Taliesin isn’t the Enemy, and my Protection over you is only against Them, and even then only in certain circumstances. I’m not allowed to intervene against Taliesin.”
“So you can’t help me?”
“Not directly. But we can talk. You’re Dreaming inside Taliesin’s Construct. The brief time I’m here will be barely measurable in the Physical Realm.”
The chords Gabriel strummed stirred something in Lane.
“I miss music almost as much as I miss Bryan. Taliesin stripped this place of music.”
“He has. But not out of you. Your Avatar is the key to that, Lane. Bryan’s too. Taliesin didn’t know about your Avatars and couldn’t account for them when he created this place. You’re smart, Lane. You’ve felt the cruelty of this place, but you’re stronger and smarter than he is. You have all the information you need.”
“Of course, it would be too easy for you just to tell me.”
Gabriel laughed and said, “Of course. I’ve already said more than I should.”
“Is Uriel still here?”
“No, he took great risk intervening as he did, and is under intense scrutiny. I am too for that matter, so I should go. I won’t be able to come back even if you call me again. Believe in yourself Lane, and trust in your Avatar. It is a part of you, and it will help.”
“Thank you… Grandfather? Is that the right word for it?”
“So, you know? Yes, I am your Grandfather.”
“I figured it out. I was already suspicious when you said you knew my family well and wanted to be the one to teach me how to Listen. Michael’s comment to Ken made it obvious. Plus, it feels right. And I’m not bragging, but not many people play better than I do and you put me to shame.”
Gabriel smiled and seemed genuinely pleased at Lane’s realization.
“I’ve had a few more years of practice. I look forward to a time when we can play together again. For now, goodbye Lane, and be careful.”
Lane woke up. The fire was out, it was cold, and Don spooned against him for warmth. It was still pre-dawn and quiet, and he fell back asleep in Don’s arms.
The next day was nearly a disaster. Don’s disappearance triggered a trap in the Construct and everyone, everywhere, was looking for him. If it wasn’t so serious Lane would have laughed, thinking the entire affair was like a scene out of Jim Carey’s, The Truman Show.
In the next town they went to a sporting goods store to buy a tent, sleeping bags, and supplies, but the store clerk recognized Don and slipped away to call the police. Lane picked up on the clerk’s odd behavior when he tried too hard to delay them from leaving the store. The harder Lane pushed, the more things spun out of control, and the store clerk along with some of the patrons actually mobbed Lane and Don, wanting to detain them until the police arrived.
Knowing they weren’t real Lane didn’t worry about hurting them, and snapped the neck of the store clerk with a roundhouse kick. Just as he finished knocking out the other’s the store clerk’s head snapped back into place and he stood up.
Don freaked out seeing Jim actually kill someone, but was even more freaked out when the store clerk got back up!
Lane sighed in frustration, exclaiming, “Are you fucking shitting me?!”
Before the clerk stood all the way up Lane broke his neck again.
“Don, they’re going to wear us out if this keeps up. I’ll keep these guys down. There are rolls of plastic and duct tape on the hardware aisle. Get some, and we’ll tie them up.”
Once he had them secure, Lane made sure they overheard him talking to Don about heading West and then up into Canada. Hopefully, that would throw them off the trail at least for a while. It was a simple ruse, but he hoped it would work.
They managed to get out of the store and out of sight just as the police cars came roaring up to the store.
Lane decided the only safe way to travel was on foot and off-road. His Intuition told him it was too risky to try stealing a car and driving. He thought about motorcycles since they could wear helmets and keep their faces covered but had the same feeling. He didn’t understand why, but he went with his gut.
That night Lane and Don snuck back to town and broke into the store, taking the supplies they needed. Don felt guilty, and Lane tried to convince him not to worry, but he left cash on the counter anyway.
In the Navy, Bryan had been exceptionally good at doctoring up MREs and making them taste great. Lane learned most of Bryan’s tricks over the years even though he rarely used them. There was little point because Bryan was so much better at it. Cooking was another part of Bryan the Construct stripped away, and Lane was taking care of their meals. Once out of town and in their camp for the evening, Don was impressed at how good the food tasted.
“Jim, where did you learn to fight like that? I’m good in the ring, but you could kick my ass.”
“Don, you won’t believe this right now, but I don’t hold a candle to you. When we get out of here, you’ll be able to kick my ass into next week without breaking a sweat.”
“No way!”
“Yes, way! You also taught me everything I know about cooking.”
Don chuckled, “Fuck, now I know you’re lying! I can’t even boil water.”
“You can’t here. It’s just another fucking reason to get out of this place. I miss your cooking. I miss a lot of things. I’ll never take your cooking for granted ever again. Promise.”
After eating, Don was impressed at how quickly and efficiently Jim cleaned and packed their plates and cooking gear.
“How did you learn to do all this, Jim? You said you’d tell me more when we got someplace safe.”
“Yeah, I did, didn’t I? I’m still not sure how much to say. I want more than anything to tell you everything, but you’ll think I’m crazy, and I don’t want to risk losing you again.”
“After what’s already happened I don’t see how it could get any crazier. When those guys in the store kept coming at you… I’ve never seen anything like that. My world is turning upside down, and the only thing that seems to make sense is you and me.”
They sat a few feet apart, leaning against a fallen tree. Lane held his arms out in an invitation for Don to move over closer.
“Come over here, Don.”
Lane spread his legs, patting the ground in front of him. Don moved over, reclining against him and Lane’s arms immediately went around him, holding him tight.
“Fuck, this feels good, Jim. You feel good. You can be the craziest fucker on the planet, but if you keep your arms around me, I’ll believe anything you tell me.”
Feeling Don against him was difficult, because Lane couldn’t let himself get distracted. Ken words about staying focused and not letting his guard down were always in the back of his mind. He had to stay strong to rescue Bryan and get them both out of the Construct safely.
Lane inhaled and sighed heavily, smelling them both. Neither had showered in the last few days, and they had been hiking and sweating. They weren’t entirely rank but smelling Don reminded him of all the times working out and running missions together. The memories were bittersweet at the moment, and Lanes Mind went back to his favorite times with Bryan.
Lane didn’t realize he was crying. Don had his head tilted back, resting on Lane’s chest and shoulder, and a tear hit his cheek. At first, Don thought it was a drop of rain; it was cloudy and could start raining. He glanced up, and in the firelight, he saw the tear trail on Lane’s cheek.
Looking around with a worried expression on his face he asked, “Jim, what’s wrong?”
Lane’s voice was faint and thick with emotion, almost a whisper.
“I’ve missed you so much, Bry. I’m sorry but sitting here with you like this is reminding me of so many things. I just let my head get away from me for a sec. I can’t afford to do that until we’re out of this place for good. I'm all right.”
“You just called me Bry. Is that my real name? Is Jim your real name?”
“Actually it is, but I haven’t gone by Jim in a long time, and you haven’t gone by Don in years either.”
“So, who are we?”
“We’re us. That’s all that matters. Our names aren’t important.”
“But I want to know what you call me. I like the sound of Bry. The way you say it…”
“I think we need to stick with Don and Jim here.”
Don kept quiet for a moment pondering everything, not just since Jim showed up but his life before. When Jim asked him if his life felt right, he said no. His life was a dark, foggy place before Jim showed up, and now he felt more awake, more alive than ever. His brain seemed to be working again. He wanted to hear the sound of his name, the name Jim knew him by.
As soon as he said his name, searing pain ripped through his Mind, and he jerked forward holding his head in his hands.
“Don! What’s wrong!?”
“My head! It hurts!”
“Don, don’t think about your other name! Forget it! You’re Don here, and we need to stick with that!”
Lane pulled Don back against him, rubbing his temples and forehead and brushing the hair back off his forehead.
He kept his voice quiet and soothing, “Relax, Don. Don’t think about it. Still your Mind.”
Internally, Lane was furious at how Taliesin made sure Bryan didn’t exist there.
Unexpectedly, Lane’s Avatar came to life, reacting and tugging at his Mind. It wasn’t only responding to Don’s physical pain, it was reacting to something in Lane as well. A song came to the back of his Mind, fighting to make its way to his conscious Mind. The Construct stripped music from this world, but Gabriel told Lane that there was no way Taliesin could remove it from him.
Closing his eyes Lane Listened inside himself. An image of Brad and Ken’s backyard filled his Mind along with the vision of playing his guitar at one of their get togethers when he sang a song from his ‘Bryan List.'
He started humming and at first his voice was quiet, but after the first few bars something inside Lane pushed back against the restrictions Taliesin put on that place.
As Lane started singing his voice became clearer and stronger. Strength unlocked within him as his love for music and his love for Bryan filled him up. It was greatly subdued compared to what he was used to, but it was still a balm to his Soul.
As he sang the words, his hands glowed softly and small tendrils of Light seeped from his fingertips, soaking into Don’s temples and washing away his pain. Don’s breath caught from the emotional rush he was unprepared for.
Don’s feelings for Jim were already strong but what he felt was much more powerful. It wasn’t just his love for Jim, it was also Jim’s love for him. Something in him, some small window, Opened, driving out the pain in his head. The image of a Tree came to Mind, and a lunchbox, and he smelled something musty, old, and leathery... the feelings and memories were powerful.
Don was overwhelmed. Jim’s hands on his head, touching him and washing away the pain brought a depth of feeling he didn’t know was possible. For the briefest moment, almost too fast to see, a bright yellow Light appeared under his shirt.
As soon as Lane finished the song things went back to normal, at least as far as normal in the Construct, and once again they were just two men embracing. They sat in silence for a while, enjoying the presence and feel of the other.
Don finally broke the silence by saying, “I don’t understand what happened but fuck you sing good, Jim. I want to hear more.”
Lane chuckled and said, “Not tonight, bud. I don’t think it would be a good idea.”
“Jim, what you made me feel…”
“What we feel for each other, Don… I felt it too…”
“Fuck… I want it. I want it bad. I want it to be like that all the time.”
“If we get out of here not only will it be all the time, it’ll be a thousand times better.”
“Then let’s get the hell out of here.”
“Let’s get some sleep and make an early start.”
Now that they had a tent and sleeping bags Lane didn’t think anything about stripping down naked when it was time to go to bed. He zipped the two sleeping bags together to make one large bed for both of them. A huge grin came over Don’s face when he realized the situation and was naked in no time. The emotions were fresh between them after Lane’s song, and they spent hours making love before falling asleep.
The next morning Don woke up first, so comfortable against Lane’s warm body he didn’t want to get up. Something was different, and in his sleep-fogged Mind it took a minute to register. Tack was curled up under his chin and purring loudly. Don's eyes opened wide in disbelief, and he woke Lane out of a sound sleep with his exclamation.
“Tack! Holy shit, how’d you get here!?”
Lane wasn’t the least bit surprised to see Tack and put his head back down, saying sleepily, “I told you not to worry about him. I figured he’d show up sooner or later.”
Don pulled Lane closer with one arm and with his other hand he petted the kitten.
“Where’d you go, boy?”
With all the weirdness of the last few days, Don wouldn’t have been surprised if Tack answered him, but he continued to purr and started cleaning himself, ignoring Don’s question.
Don leaned his head back and closed his eyes, losing himself in the feelings running through him. Lane resettled himself, propping his head up on one hand. Lane’s other hand roamed over Don’s chest and shoulders, moving around Tack’s soft little body. His hand slowly snaked downward until he found what he was looking for.
Lane grinned and shifted so his own hard on pushed against Don’s leg. Don's hand wrapped around Lane in response and Lane closed his eyes briefly in pleasure as he inhaled sharply.
Both men leaned forward and started to kiss. The passion in each of them built quickly and the kiss became more intense. Their dicks reflected the feelings and surged with their excitement. They continued stroking each other until they came within seconds of one another.
Lane looked directly into Don’s green eyes and whispered quietly but intently, “I love you.”
Don looked back just as intently, and he started to say, “I lo...” but Lane held his finger up, “Shhhhh, I know you do, Don. Don’t say it. I know you want to and I want to hear it so bad I could scream, but don’t say it out loud.”
Don scowled, frustrated, but he knew Jim was right after what happened when he said his real name.
“Who did this to me? To us?”
“I don’t think I should say his name either but I know who he is, and when we get out of here and things are back to normal, I’m gonna find him and make him pay.”
“There may not be enough of him left for you, Jim. I’m starting to get an idea of what’s been taken from me. I owe you big time for being here. The longer I’m with you, the more I realize that.”
Don’s eyes were watery, and he swiped at his eyes.
“Fuck! I need to buy stock in Kleenex from all this crying.”
Lane laughed and said, “Yeah, you’ve said that before. If we come across a campground with showers or a laundry room we need to take advantage. We both stink and need to wash our clothes and the sleeping bags.”
Just then Tack’s rough little tongue started licking Don’s stomach, making him jump in surprise. Tack was licking up the cum that dripped down his abs.
“You perverted little shit! What’re you doing? That tickles!”
Tack was purring louder than ever as he lapped up the salty discharge, and there was no longer any doubt in Lane’s Mind about what Tack was. Laughing, he shook his head.
Even though Lane and Don were in superb physical shape, they were not making good time. Staying off-road and out of sight severely hampered their progress.
Lane still didn’t feel safe about traveling by car or motorcycle. On the other hand, he was a good sailor and Don had learned some boating skills when he worked on the shrimp boat in Maine, so he decided to steal a sailboat.
It was winter in the Construct, and there were numerous marinas with winterized boats that wouldn’t be missed. Lane and Don had become quite adept at breaking into grocery and sporting goods stores for clothes and supplies; stealing a boat wouldn’t be any different.
By dawn the following morning they were more than a hundred miles away from New York, headed south along the coast. They happened upon a beautiful 48-foot sailboat named Coastal Dreams, and Lane found the name appropriate. They stocked up on food and enough supplies to last them until they reached Savannah.
The week they spent together on the boat was the best time of Don’s life. Lane coached him on his rusty sailing skills, and they took turns cooking meals. They were in their own little world, together, and Lane was careful not to fall into that trap. In fact, he was sure their contentment was a ruse in case Lane made it into the Construct to lull him into wanting to stay with Don. The thoughts were so prevalent he was sure that might be the case and guarded himself against them.
Every night he sang a song to Don before they went to bed and slept together, and each night the music came more easily and the effects lasted longer.
The first night on the boat, after they made love and fell asleep in each other’s arms, Lane had another Dream.
Looking down at his hands he held a broken key. It seemed old, like a large iron skeleton key, but it was split in two. On further inspection it wasn’t split, it was torn. He could tell where the metal snapped leaving jagged edges. Two halves… something about the key was important, but it eluded him...
… The sun was so bright shining through the branches of the tree he could barely see when he looked up. The air was hot and humid, and sweat trickled down his bare torso. A strong, swampy odor permeated his sense of smell, and the air was thick with gnats.
His muscles flexed and rippled with the effort of digging a hole under a massive oak tree. A breeze picked up, soothing his sweaty body. The blade of the shovel struck something metal, and he reached down to brush the dirt away with his hands.
Sitting in the hole, uncovered by his efforts, was a rusty old lunch box. It looked familiar… the characters on it must have been from a TV show he watched as a kid. Ten men resembling Navy SEALS were on some kind of mission taking out a bad guy. Their faces, even as cartoons, seemed oddly familiar. One of the characters looked like him.
Something rattled loudly inside the lunchbox when he picked it up. Along with the breeze, he heard small clinking sounds. Looking up amidst the thick clumps of Spanish moss scattered across the branches, he noticed hundreds of objects hanging from limbs. Images filled his Mind as he looked at them… the horn from his first bike… the little black Mustang from his hot wheels collection… the GI Joe with Kung-Fu Grip. Memories came with each object, filling up the emptiness in him and making him feel good inside. A picture of a handsome man playing a guitar caught his attention. The man was smiling at whoever took the picture… smiling at me?
He looked down at the lunchbox in his big dirty hands. The clasp holding it shut was rusted. He tried to pull it back with his thumb, but it didn’t move. He used both hands to try and pry it open but he couldn’t…
…Lane ran for his life, his breath coming in ragged gasps. He managed to pull away from the crowd, but he was sure they would catch him soon.
Fuck why didn’t I see this coming? I should have known! Bry… God, I’m going to miss you! I don’t know what’s going to happen… we’re Immortal, but our bodies can die. I hope we can figure out a way to at least talk to one another.
Tears streamed down his face, and his emotional pain was gut-wrenching, but there was no other way. Taliesin fucked things up royally for both of them, and he didn’t even do it on purpose. Lane was sure of that. There was no way he could have known about their Souls; Gabriel and the doc both said so.
There was a shout in the distance, and he knew the crowd spotted Don near the tree. Lane wasn’t afraid to die but he was terrified of the idea that he and Bryan might never be together again. There was no other way he could see… instead of both of them dying in the Construct at least one of them would live, and he would make sure it was Bryan.
I love you, Bry. More than anything. Goodbye.
He wanted so badly for Bryan to hear his thoughts and feel the love he had for him at least once, but their connection didn’t exist in the Construct.
Lane stepped out from where he was hiding and shouted, “Okay, you fuckers! I’m the one you want! Come and get me!”
A cry of recognition went up, and the crowd roared as they all turned like a wave towards Lane. He ran a little farther down the road and they quickly surrounded him, piling on top of him, pulling him down and pummeling his body. He was dead in less than a minute, his body torn apart by the crazed mob…
Lane woke with a start. Don woke up enough to pull him closer and resettle the blanket over their shoulders. The sound of water lapping against the bottom of the boat sent Don back to sleep in seconds.
Lane stayed awake wrapped up by Don’s warm body, his eyes filled with tears as he realized what the Dream meant. In the Dream, he regretted not being able to share his thoughts and feelings with Don but now he was glad he couldn’t. There was no way Don would let him do what he needed if he knew.
By boat, they made it to Savannah in a little over a week. They never saw another boat and Lane kept them far enough offshore to avoid anyone seeing them from the coast.
“Alright Don, we’re getting close. We need to find the tree you dreamed about.”
“I know where it is.”
“You do?”
“Yeah. I’ve been thinking about it a lot. Wilmington Island. My grandparents showed me a house there when I was a kid. They said that’s where I was born.”
“Okay, well that’s a start. Don, I’m not sure what’s going to happen when we get there. You’ll need to dig up that lunchbox and get it open. We won’t know until we get there but I have a feeling that place is going to be heavily guarded.”
Don gave him the shrewd look Bryan always did when he thought Lane was pulling something over on him.
“What are you not telling me?”
“There’s a Tree where we come from that’s special; special to you, and us, and the entire world. This place is built from your memories, so I don’t think it’s any coincidence that a tree will hold the key to breaking out of this place. I’m not sure what’s going to happen to you when we get close. Maybe nothing, but whatever happens you have to find that lunchbox and get it open. That’s all I know. I’ll get you there, but the rest will be up to you.”
Lying to Don was painful, but he didn’t know what else to do. He remembered his promise about never lying to Don
…I’m not lying … I’ll never lie to you. We’ve never lied to each other…
Hearing his own words in his Mind tore Lane up inside. He had never broken a promise to Bryan, and he felt like he crossed a line, committing an irrevocable act that could never be undone. His only consolation was that it was Don and not Bryan, but the comfort was meager.
Every night they were on the boat Lane had the same Dream. It took him a few days, but he figured out what the key represented and what he would have to do to make it whole. The lunchbox wouldn’t open until the key was whole and Lane only knew one way to make that happen.
The coast along Savannah was so densely populated Lane decided to go ashore further north. They ended up just south of Beaufort, SC about 0300. There, they broke into a store for supplies and stole a car. The drive to Wilmington Island wasn’t far, and Lane felt it worth the risk to get there as quickly as possible. There were an inordinate number of people out and about for the middle of the night, and caution made Lane drive further out than he originally intended.
The weather in Savannah was much warmer than New York, and even in the middle of the night it was warm and muggy.
Needing to ditch the car, Lane rigged it to drive off the road and into the swampy mud of a small inlet. The tide was low and the vehicle sank deep into the mud, so by the time the tide came in the car should be covered.
As hard as Lane tried to cover his feelings, Don knew something was going on and asked, “Jim, what’s wrong. You’ve been getting quieter all week.”
“It’s nothing Don, just nerves. We’re close to getting out of here, and we only have one shot at this. I always used to get this way before a mission in the Navy.”
“Come here.”
It was awkward with their packs on, but Don pulled Lane into a hug.
“I know I can’t say it but I want you to know it.”
He kissed Lane on his rough cheek and held him tight for nearly a minute, and it took everything Lane had to keep himself together.
“Thanks, Don. I love you, too. You don’t know how badly I want to hear you say it. I will soon enough if things go according to plan. We need to get close and then find a place to hole up so I can do some recon. Then we’ll make a plan and blow this pop stand.”
Again, Lane hated lying but felt he had no choice. Bryan had to get out of the Construct. Lane understood now the decision Brad made all those months ago to sacrifice himself for Ken, only he didn’t see a way out for himself. Of the two of them Bryan was more important; he was the Protector of the Tree and the creature hidden beneath the Valley.
I love you so much, Bry. Once you’re out of this place, I know you’ll remember how much you mean to me. That will have to be enough.
Don had a good memory, and navigated them to the little house. It was in a small neighborhood close to the town square. A huge oak tree stood in the backyard covered with Spanish moss and Lane recognized it immediately from his Dream. A small church sat half a block away, unlocked, so they went inside and took off their gear.
Lane pulled out an entrenching tool they stole from one of the sporting goods stores, unfolding it and locking the blade in place before handing it to Don. Don was nervous and trying to hide it. Lane walked up and put a hand on his shoulder.
“You okay, Don? Ready?”
“Jim… my life sucked before you. That’s all I know or care about. Even if you are fucked in the head and this is all some sick game, I’m still happier than I’ve ever been. But I don’t think you’re crazy, and I trust you. I want us to be together. I want it bad, and I’m ready.”
Lane took a breath to steady his nerves and brace himself for what was about to happen.
“Okay, I’m going to slip out back and take a look around. You sit tight and be ready to move as soon as I get back. If anyone shows up before I get back knock them out. There’s rope and duct tape in my pack.”
Don nodded, and Lane went through the building and out the back door.
The sun was just coming up, with the sky turning lighter by the minute. It was already eighty degrees and getting warmer. The humidity was thick in the air. Lane was stunned by how many people were out and milling about. They looked like zombies from The Walking Dead, just standing about or slowly walking around aimlessly. It was obvious they were programmed to protect the tree.
Lane took his time and scouted the entire area, counting over fifty people within a block of the tree and probably more nearby.
Fuck you, Taliesin. Even if you didn’t dick us over on purpose, you still wanted to screw Bryan and not let him out of here. I so wish I was the one that was gonna find you and kick your ass. You screwed yourself over too, you son of a bitch… when I’m gone, there’s no one alive who can receive that Gift inside of you. You’re stuck with it.
Lane plotted the best course to lead everybody away from the tree and give Don the time he needed. He would have to improvise heavily once things started and would do whatever he needed to do to keep them away from Don and give him time to dig up the lunchbox.
Lane made it back to the church where Don nervously waited. Tack sat on the chest of a priest Don had tied up and gagged with duct tape to keep him quiet.
“Alright, Don. It’s now or never big guy. I’m going to cause a diversion. Keep an eye out and as soon as the coast is clear take off like a bat out of hell for the backyard and find that lunchbox. When you get it bring it back here. We have to be close when you open it. If anyone tries to stop you, you know what you have to do. Remember they aren’t real people, so you aren’t killing anyone.”
As soon as events started and their adrenaline kicked in, time began moving in slow motion. Lane stepped out into the street in plain sight of everyone.
He whistled loudly and shouted, “Okay, you fuckers! I’m the one you want! Come and get me!”
He took off towards the house, and everyone shouted, running after him, but Lane was fast, in great shape, and easily stayed in front of everyone.
Don’s stomach twisted in knots. He watched Lane step out and shout and was shocked at how quickly everyone reacted. Waiting a few extra seconds to make sure the coast was clear Don then took off as fast as he could run towards the little house where his life began.
The tree was huge, and as soon as he reached the base of the trunk he stopped. It was eerily quiet, the only sound his harsh breathing. He looked up and the sun was shining so brightly through the branches he could hardly see. A gentle breeze blew, making the Spanish moss sway in the wind, and Don heard chimes up in the branches. Looking up he saw dozens of objects hanging from the limbs clinking together in the wind.
The Dream from his childhood came back to him, and he recognized the objects. The memories each one invoked were captivating, fascinating him. The objects were a trap Taliesin set to stop him if he should ever make it that far.
His Mind started processing the memories tied to each object. He remembered playing with his GI Joe doll… the big one, not the smaller later ones… it had real fuzz for hair and had a button on his back you could press to make his fist squeeze with the ‘Kung-Fu’ grip. He saw the horn from his first bike… he remembered the first time he rode it after the training wheels were taken off…
While he stood entranced, a man tackled him and the impact nearly knocked the breath out of him. They wrestled, and the man tore Don’s t-shirt trying to keep hold of him. Don remembered what Lane said, but couldn’t bring himself to kill anyone; he just didn’t have it in him. He knocked the man out cold and stripped him of his belt, using it to bind his hands behind his back before he regained consciousness. Don’s t-shirt was shredded in the tussle so he removed it and wadded it up, sticking it into the man’s mouth so he couldn’t call for help.
Don picked up the entrenching tool and shook his head to focus. He wanted to look up at the objects, but knew Jim was running for his life and didn’t have much time.
Between the heat, humidity, and his nervousness he was sweating. Gnats swarmed around his face. He wasn’t sure where to start digging and began to panic.
A glimmer of Light in his peripheral vision caught his attention. When he turned to look, it came from the tree. A strange, brightly colored pattern in the bark was glowing with a warm, beautiful Light, and it shone down on a spot on the dirt like a beacon. His shoulder suddenly felt hot and he glanced down, surprised to see a tattoo on the ball of his shoulder matching the symbol on the tree.
Something pulled inside of him, tugging at his Mind. He didn’t understand it, but he knew where to dig. His Mind suddenly focused, and the distractions of the objects vanished from his Mind.
The ground wasn’t hard, and Don was a strong man. He churned through the dirt quickly, and in less than a minute he heard the clank of metal as the entrenching tool hit the lunchbox.
Scooping away the loose dirt with his hands he soon saw the box and grabbed it. He held it in his hands, staring at it. It was real! He remembered the scene from his Dream; the ten men, all part of a Navy SEAL Team, taking out a bad guy. He saw the character that looked like him, and he was stunned that Jim was there too. Even as a caricature he recognized Jim’s handsome face. He didn’t recognize any of the other men, but Jim referred to them on occasion. He should know them. Seeing the box, holding it in his hand after seeing it in a Dream, and after everything Jim told him… it drove home how wrong his world was. The only truth he knew at the moment was that he loved Jim and knew they belonged together.
Something inside the box rattled around as he held it. The clasp was old and rusted shut, but he didn’t try to open it yet. Jim said they had to be close.
The shouts and screaming in the distance brought him back to himself, and Don took off running as fast as he could back to the front porch of the church.
His lungs were on fire by the time he made it back. He saw Jim turn the corner half a block down, running for his life. There must have been over a hundred people after him. Don held the box up over his head so Jim could see he had it.
Lane was in great shape, but he had been running fast for minutes dodging and shaking off a number of close calls. As he turned the corner back towards the church, he saw Don on the porch holding the lunchbox up.
So many thoughts ran through Lane’s Mind… How much he loved Bryan and Brad and Ken and all his Brothers… How much he loved the doctor and had come to love Albrecht. He had only just met Gabriel and was looking forward to getting to know him better. He would miss Bryan’s deep voice and their lazy days relaxing together with Bryan in his garden and Lane playing for him. Their hot sweaty nights, their Minds and Hearts One, sending their Souls out into Creation to Listen and fly together... There was no better place than resting in Bryan’s Mind and Heart; it was where he was meant to be… the only place he wanted to be.
He loved his life and what it had become. The things he and his buddies could do now were amazing, and he felt cheated by having to give it up. But he had no regrets about his decision to save Bryan. With Bryan’s Soul intact Lane hoped Bryan would find the strength to go on without him. He knew Ken and Brad and the others would help him.
Lane sprinted in front of the crowd to give himself a few seconds leeway before abruptly stopped. With tears covering his face his eyes met Don’s, and he shouted, “My name is Lane! I love you, Bryan! I always will!”
He turned to face the crowd as they caught up with him. Fortunately, he was knocked out quickly and didn’t feel much pain. They pummeled and kicked his body viciously, and in seconds most of his limbs were broken. The crowd didn’t stop until the last breath left his body.
Don couldn’t believe it. Jim sprinted out and could easily have made it to him, but he stopped. It all happened so fast, Don didn’t have time to react. As soon as he realized Jim meant to die, grief welled up inside him so powerfully he couldn’t move. He fell to his knees, the lunchbox still in his big hands. His throat closed and he couldn’t breathe. The cold knot of terror hit him so hard it paralyzed him, and his eyes filled with hot tears.
The morning sky was bright and clear. The sun shining, and a gentle breeze blew. The scene was surreal as Don watched, unable to move. The crowd stopped moving, and Don knew Lane was dead.
After a brief moment they started moving again as if they were waking up. Just as one of them saw Don on the porch and started to point and shout there was an explosion of Light, and the sound of a trumpet blast broke through the sky louder than anything Don had ever heard. He felt the sound through his body and covered his ears. In every corner of the Construct windows shattered from the sound of Gabriel’s trumpet, blown in anger and grief at Lane’s sacrifice.
The trumpet blast blew the crowd away from Lane’s body. As Lane lay still, his body now lifeless, an orb of Light lifted out of his chest. It was beautiful, hovering for a brief second before floating over to Don. He stared at it, mesmerized, as it approached. Without stopping it entered his chest, and he felt… something… fill him up. The lunchbox popped open in Don’s hands. He glanced down and saw an old skeleton key. It was the skeleton key from Lane’s Dream, but it was whole and intact, the two halves of Bryan’s Soul back together.
In the smallest of moments Bryan came back to himself, remembering his entire life, except Lane was no longer in him. The part of Lane that had always been with him was gone. Taliesin’s trap stripped it out of him, and now Lane lay dead, his Soul gone.
Even as Bryan screamed out his rage and loss, the world unraveled around him.
Bryan woke with a cry, scaring the doctor half to death.
The pain in his voice was heartbreaking as he threw himself on Lane’s lifeless body. The cardiac arrest alarm went off, and the doctor saw the flat line moving across Lane’s monitor.
The doctor’s face was a mask of shock and he whispered, “Oh, my poor boy…”
Tears of grief appeared in the doctor’s eyes, and he nearly fell over, stunned at the realization of what just occurred.
Bryan was hysterical, sobbing uncontrollably and nearly incoherent. He kept repeating, “No… no… no… why’d you do it?! You fucker! How could you?!”
Albrecht sensed Aaron’s grief from the other room and sent a thought to Brad immediately. Within a minute everyone was in the Lab. Brad, Darren, Bill, and Loy looked rough; teleporting everyone there as quickly as possible pushed them hard.
They had been waiting days for some sign of Lane and Bryan waking up. When they arrived and saw Bryan, but felt Lane’s absence along with his lifeless body, it was like a part of them was missing. They were all stunned and caught off guard with the suddenness of the unexpected loss.
The first thing Ken did was grab hold of Bryan. None of them knew what to say. There were no words that could express the sudden emptiness in them and what Bryan was going through. Brad pulled Bryan into their Hearts and Minds so he could feel their love and support, but his anguish nearly overpowered them.
As soon as Bryan entered the Link, it was apparent why he was so grief stricken. On top of Lane’s death, Bryan’s Soul was intact. Both halves were in him, and the half that was Lane was missing. None of them were prepared for that. Not only was Lane dead but the half of his Soul that was normally a part of Bryan was gone.
How could that have happened? One by one all of them added their arms around Bryan as he cried, his body shaking with grief. None of them had ever seen Bryan in such a state. He always seemed so solid and unshakable.
Minutes passed as they stayed together where their Souls were one, supporting Bryan and coming to grips with everything. Nearly an hour later they finally started to pull apart.
Bryan’s voice was barely audible when he looked at them, his deep voice practically begging, “Guys… what am I going to do?”
All of them were startled when a ball of Light appeared in the room and quickly grew into the form of Uriel. In his hands, he held a small white kitten.
Right behind him, Raphael, Gabriel, and Michael appeared as well, and Michael shouted, “Uriel, no! It is forbidden!”
Uriel turned to face him, his voice steady and defiant as he said, “Death is my Province Michael, not yours! There is no precedent for this. My attempt to carry Lane home failed. It is for me to decide how to proceed, not you.”
It was apparent an argument was taking place and the Archangels appeared in the middle of it.
Bryan saw the kitten, and his throat nearly closed again. His voice was a whisper, but he managed to say, “Tack? How?”
Michael interjected, pointing at Tack.
“He should not be here!”
Brad, Bill, and Darren felt something odd about the kitten. Loy sensed it more acutely than any of them. He was the Steward of the Animal Kingdom, his Avatar tying him to all creatures of the world, knowing them intimately. He looked directly at Tack and said, “That’s not a kitten.”
Bryan’s voice cracked and he was barely able to say, “It’s Lane.”
Raphael spoke, “Yes. It is the part of Lane stripped out of you when you entered Taliesin’s fabricated world.”
Uriel responded, “It is my Province to convey the Souls of those who die to the next phase of their existence. I have never attempted to carry an incomplete Soul Home before. I was forbidden to enter the Gates with only this part.”
Michael sounded shocked, “You were forbidden?”
“Yes, Brother, I was forbidden.”
The doctor sounded urgent, and he asked, “Where is the other half?”
“It is in my keeping. The part I hold in my hands is a manifestation from the fabricated world Bryan and Lane were trapped in. For now I am keeping them apart. If I allow them to rejoin I will have no choice but to take Lane home.”
Gabriel, silent until that moment looked at Uriel said, “Brother, please...”
His voice sounded desperate and urgent.
Uriel looked at Bryan and knelt beside him, putting a hand on his shoulder.
“It pains me to see you so grief stricken.”
Uriel’s hand began to glow, and he reached inside Bryan’s chest. When he pulled his hand back, it contained half of Bryan’s Soul.
Bryan’s eyes widened in shock, and he almost collapsed. Tack frantically wiggled and writhed in Uriel’s hand, desperate to get to Bryan. Uriel released the kitten and it leaped, transforming into a beautiful ball of Light, disappearing as it dived into Bryan’s chest.
Bryan closed his eyes as Lane’s presence once again resided within him, relishing the awareness that at least a part of Lane was once more inside him. Brad and Ken and all the rest of the guys were affected by everything happening to Bryan through their Link, feeling the physical effects and pain in Bryan’s Heart.
Uriel stood and walked over to Lane’s body. In one hand he cupped the part of Bryan’s Soul he extracted from Bryan. Holding his other hand out palm up, the half of Lane’s Soul in his keeping appeared.
Uriel looked at Michael and said, “Your concerns are unfounded Brother. These two Souls are destined to be together. I can feel it. Even now they pull towards one another. Observe.”
Uriel lowered his hands, and the two Souls floated in the air in front of him. Once released they moved towards each other and as soon as they touched, in a small flash of Light, they melded back into a Single Soul, beautiful to behold, it’s Light and warmth breathtaking and full of laughter and music… its beauty echoed in their Hearts and Minds, familiar to all of them. It was the essence of Lane, their Brother.
Uriel cupped his hand under the merged Soul and held it close to his face.
“Return to your body with my Blessing.”
He blew softly, sending the Soul back to Lane’s body.
All eyes were riveted on Lane. None of them dared to believe what was happening. Seconds before Lane was gone and now they hung on the hope at what they were witness to.
The Soul drifted over, bobbing for a brief second above the center of Lane’s chest before lowering into his body. They waited for some sign, but he remained still, not breathing. The waveform showing his heartbeat on the monitor was still flat.
The seconds stretched out and seemed an eternity. The absolute silence filling the room was deafening. Suddenly the heart monitor beeped, and it seemed so loud they nearly jumped out of their skin.
Tears streamed down the faces of every man, including the doctor and Albrecht. Ken lifted Bryan to his feet and moved him to Lane’s bedside, where Lane’s chest was slowly rising and falling once again.
Bryan pulled Lane against him, wrapping his arms around him and burying his face against Lane’s neck, his whole body shaking with silent sobs. His face was purple from the strain and intensity of his emotions, and he could hardly see from the thickness of tears in his eyes. He was sweating from the emotional turmoil.
Lane’s arms slowly rose, reaching around Bryan’s big back in a hug. He seemed groggy, like he was having a hard time waking up, but his consciousness suddenly re-entered the Link.
His hands shifted from Bryan’s back to cupping his face. He was weak, but gripped Bryan’s face as tightly as he could and pulled him close so their noses touched.
In a quiet voice, he smiled and said, “Hey, Bry.”
Bryan’s deep, gravelly voice was so thick with emotion he could barely talk.
“Fuck, Lane I thought you were gone. I didn’t know what I was going to do.”
“Shhhh, Bry, it’s okay. I’m here. We’re together, and that’s all that matters.”
Lane wiped the tears out of Bryan’s eyes and brushed the hair back off his sweaty forehead while he spoke.
Shit, I’ve never been so tired. I’m weak as a kitten…
Bryan choked when he laughed at Lane’s comment. The humor hit so unexpectedly in the mix of all the other emotions running through him, but it drove home that Lane was back with him and it made him cry even harder.
Lane could barely Open his and Bryan’s energy centers but he managed it, and they delved into one another, their Souls clinging to one another. It was apparent to Bryan right away how drained Lane was, and it was frightening how fragile his existence was at that moment.
Brad pulled Ken into himself and the other couples did the same, and then they all merged into One. Brad controlled the energy flows of all ten of them, and they rejuvenated Bryan and Lane.
Lane was overwhelmed by the love not only from Bryan but from all of them. He didn’t expect their loss to be so profound and the thought in the back of his Mind about only being a battery for the Team finally snapped. Lane accepted, and was uplifted by, that revelation.
In a matter of seconds, he was fully restored. Bryan was as well, both from the love of his partner and from the support of his Brothers.
They were all so deep together time moved slowly and they stayed together for what seemed like hours before breaking apart. It was as if the conversations were all happening simultaneously, but each and every one of his Brothers expressed to Lane beyond a shadow of any doubt what he meant to them. Once the initial expressions were made they all hung shit on him over his surprise at their reaction to his death.
Aside from their relief and gratitude for having Lane and Bryan back with them, it was a shock to realize that Gabriel was Lane’s ethereal grandfather, and Uriel was Bryan’s.
Brad sent them all back to their bodies and Lane sat up, refreshed and restored. Tears covered his face and he was reluctant to let go of Bryan, but he stood and moved to Gabriel.
Smiling, he said, “Hello, Grandfather.”
Gabriel, with relief in his voice, said, “Hello, Lane. I was genuinely frightened for you. I’m very proud of you and your actions, but please don’t do that again.”
Lane put his arms around Gabriel and hugged him. Lane didn’t mention his thanks for their conversation in the Construct. He knew Gabriel wasn’t supposed to have been there and didn’t want to cause any trouble for him.
Michael’s face darkened when Lane called Gabriel grandfather.
Gabriel’s voice sounded droll as he said, “He figured it out on his own, Michael. I told you he was smart.”
Lane moved to Uriel and hugged him as well.
“Thank you. I don’t know what else to say. I didn’t expect to make it, and I wouldn’t be here if it wasn’t for you.”
Bryan hugged Uriel as well.
Bryan expressed his gratitude through the strength of his hug.
When Uriel and Bryan parted, Lane moved back putting an arm around Bryan, needing to feel him.
“So, grandfather, I figured out you and Uriel. I’m pretty sure I figured out that Raphael and Michael belong with Brad and Ken. Are the rest of these ladies related to one of you four?”
“No, there are others of our kin from whom the rest of your Brothers are descended. I am sure one day you will meet them. They are busy fulfilling their tasks as we fulfill ours.”
Michael interjected, “Tasks to which we must return. Come, Brothers.”
Michael made eye contact with Ken, nodding in recognition, and Ken was sure he saw the corners of Michael’s mouth rise in a slight smile.
With that, the four Archangels transformed into small balls of light and disappeared.
With the abrupt departure of the Archangels, the room became quiet once again.
After a few seconds the doctor broke the silence, “Lane, Bryan, I want to give you both a full exam before you leave. Everyone else, please leave the room. There will be enough time to visit after.”
Ken piped up, “Alright, ladies, you heard the doc. Let’s give ’em some space.”
A line formed and each of the men hugged Lane and Bryan before they left the room, but continued holding them in their Minds and Hearts. Their reluctance to let him out of their sight so soon after losing him, made him feel good.
The first thing the doctor did was move over and pull Lane into a tight embrace. The doctor rarely cried but had tears in his eyes as he said, “My dear boy, you gave me a fright. I do not know what I would have done if you left us.”
Releasing Lane, he embraced Bryan, “You too, Bryan. You are my sons, and I could not bear to lose either one of you.”
“I know you want to examine us doc, but everything’s fine. When we merged the guys gave me a recharge, and I looked at our energy centers in the flows. We’re both as good as new, better even.”
“Very well, then. You are making me obsolete!”
“Never doc. Never, ever think that. Think of it as us giving you more time with Albrecht, or to tinker with your new computers. You won’t have to waste so much time keeping us ticking.”
The tone of Bryan’s voice made both Lane and the doctor look at him.
“Where’s Taliesin?”
The abrupt change in Bryan’s mood caught everyone in the Link by surprise. The gentle giant they knew was not only angry, he was furious.
“I do not know at this moment, Bryan. Albrecht and I can force him to come to us if need be.”
“Call him. Get his ass here. I want to talk to him.”
“I will, son, but not today. I promise you it will be soon, but not now. For today, and the next few days, you two need to be alone or with your Brothers. You have been through so much, it breaks my heart for both of you. Be together and rest yourselves.”
With a firm squeeze of their shoulders expressing his love for both men, the doctor left the room, shutting the door behind him.
Lane kept Bryan and himself in the Link with everybody but pulled back so they were only on the surface, enough to talk if needed and to maintain the feeling of connectedness they found so comforting and relied on.
The two men looked at one another. Bryan was still in his boxers and nothing else. Lane was shirtless but wore sweatpants, his torso still showing red circles where the ECG pads had been attached.
I need to feel you, Bry.
Bryan lowered his head, his big shoulders hunching and he started crying again. Seeing Lane standing in front of him, alive and breathing, sent a torrent of thoughts and emotions through his Mind. He dropped to his knees, his body tense and flushed.
Lane quickly moved to him, knowing Bryan needed to get the emotions out of his system. Kneeling down, Lane wrapped his arms around Bryan’s thick shoulders and held his face against his chest. Bryan’s skin felt hot to the touch, and he was sweating again from the tension in his body. Lane desperately wanted Bryan to understand why he did what he did, and his Mental voice trembled.
I’m here, Bry. I’m sorry man, but I didn’t know what else to do. I love you more than anything, but when I realized there was no way for you to open that box without the part of you that was in me… it was the only thing I could think of to do. I had to make sure you got out.
Fucker! How could you do that!? I don’t want to live without you! Haven’t you figured that out? You should just have let us both die in there!
Don’t say that, Bry! Fuck, don’t say that. I had to make sure you lived. I had to. I didn’t know what else to do. You’re the Protector of the Tree and Leroy…You had to survive! I’m sorry.
While they talked, Lane’s hands moved over Bryan’s body, trying to soothe him and wash away the tension.
With their connection so deep Bryan’s pain hurt Lane, tearing at him, and he realized he made the wrong decision. He should have let them both die, and they could have just gone to Heaven together.
Lanes thoughts and emotions were evident to Bryan, and he felt horrible being the cause of such pain.
Fuck. We have to let it go, Lane. There is no blame; there can’t be. You did what you did because you love me. I get that, you little shit. I can’t be mad at you for that.
They looked into one another’s eyes, and after a minute they both smiled.
You know I can’t stay mad at you when you smile like that, you little fucker.
Lane’s desperation to save Bryan was clear. They were completely Open to one another and fully merged, so there were no secrets. The fact that Lane let himself be killed to save Bryan was as infuriating as it was overwhelming… and humbling.
It only took the blink of an eye for them to process everything between them. The bottom line was that they loved one another so deeply, so thoroughly, that nothing else mattered. Forgiveness and unconditional love were at the heart of all of it, along with redemption.
Pure, unselfish, unconditional Love transcended their transgressions.
Both of them had the same thought in the back of their minds at the same time.
We should talk to Ken and Brad about this. They went through this already.
They stayed in one another for what seemed like hours, but when they came back up there was still some discomfort. As usual, the deep emotional intimacy of such sharing invoked the desire for physical intimacy.
Make love to me, Bry. I need to feel you in me.
They spent the next hour wrapped in each other; striving to make as much body contact as possible. Lane wrapped his legs around Bryan’s waist and his arms around his shoulders like a crab while Bryan thrust into him, driving both of them to release multiple times. Only once did they break apart, so Lane could feed Bryan his cum. Once Bryan’s Mind was Open and Lane physically charged up, the Power they generated radiated like a hot fire for miles over the city.
Afterward, they lay in a hot sweaty heap, holding, resting, and healing one another.
Reluctantly pulling apart, they dressed, not bothering to shower. The plan was to go home and continue their lovemaking. As soon as they came out of the room, Brad and Ken stood waiting for them with huge smiles on their faces.
Ken: You horndogs! You just lit up half the city. I bet you nine months from now there are gonna be a bazillion babies born because of you two.
Their buddies blushed but laughed, and Brad and Ken hugged them again.
Brad: Damn, guys, you gave us a scare.
Ken: Do you know how hard it would be to get someone else to do the cookin’ at our parties? You know I’ll burn everythin’! Or put on the music? Brad’s taste in music sucks! You two are irreplaceable!
The smile on his face covered his anxiety over almost losing two of his closest friends. Ken tried to use humor to hide his emotions, but they knew him too well and realized how shaken he was over almost losing them.
Brad: Hey guys, don’t feel any pressure if you just want to take off and be alone, but we’re starving and figured you are too. Do you want to grab something to eat with us on your way home? Seriously, if you’d rather just be by yourselves you know we more than understand.
What do you think, Bry?
Yeah, I could chew a fucking horse right now. We’re going to be busy all night so we should stop somewhere, but we should shower first if we’re going out.
Actually, guys, don’t worry about it. We’ll go wherever you want and I’ll handle everything. I’ve been practicing. Check this out.
With a small surge of Power from Brad their vision shifted slightly, and suddenly they were wearing tuxedos and each wore his favorite cologne. They blurred again, and they were all in swim trunks and sunglasses and smelled like coconut oil.
Lane: That’s badass, Brad! I need to learn how to do that!
It’s really not that hard once you get the hang of it. It’s basically an external Construct. Your ability to summon instruments gave me the idea. So anyway, don’t worry about how we look. Let’s hit your favorite spot and fill you up.
Ken: Oh yeah, guys, we got your car here.
Ken pulled their car keys out and tossed them to Lane.
Lane: Thanks, fellas. Okay, Bry where do you feel like eating?
Bryan: Pampas. I haven’t been there in YEARS!
They laughed when they realized that for Bryan it was no exaggeration, happy he was able to put some humor into what was still a traumatic experience.
Lane: Well, that was easy. Damn, Pampas sounds good.
Bryan: I told you I was hungry.
Lane: Okay, BK, we’ll meet you guys there. Warp speed because I can hear his stomach rumbling already.
Usually, Brad wouldn’t use his powers for something so trivial or selfish, but when they arrived at Pampas the wait for a table was nearly two hours. In less than ten minutes they were seated.
They were perfect, and people all over the restaurant stared at them. After their final Awakening, each of the guys had a natural charisma tied to their Nephilim Heritage. Their deeply tanned skin was flawless, and they had the perfect amount of unshaven scruff to make them look sexy, and of course they filled out their clothes perfectly, hinting at their muscular body’s underneath. They were so handsome people couldn’t help but look, and Brad outdid himself on their attire.
They started off with mini empanadas around the table and then after each of them devoured a 24oz bone-in ribeye with garlic steak fries, they ordered another round. Brad had to alter the memories of the wait staff to draw less attention to how much food they ate. They finished with white chocolate volcano cakes. Even Ken and Bryan were stuffed by the time they were finished.
Once they were drinking coffee after they finished dessert Brad pulled them more deeply together. They stayed connected through dinner but things light for surface thoughts and feelings. Ken was masterful at keeping the conversation casual and not touching on anything serious.
There was a short awkward silence after the last coffee refill and Brad decided it was time to address the obvious.
Alright, guys. Ken and I pretty much know what you just went through. I thought about a long speech and the right thing to say but think I have a better idea. Will you merge with us now? If you’d rather wait, I understand, just know that we’re here and ready to help you whenever you’re comfortable.
Bryan and Lane looked at one another. They took each other’s hand and then held out their hands for Brad and Ken, forming a circle. Brad was surprised when Lane took over and brought them together.
Guys, this time I want to take you where Bry and I go.
With his thought, Lane lifted them up and took them far out into Creation. Bryan invoked his Avatar and Ken’s automatically synchronized, increasing its potency. Ken was always aware of it on the surface but never so strongly, and Brad was in awe of what he felt. Life energy throughout Creation flowed through them. Lane Listened, and the Music behind that Life channeled into them. The part of Lane’s Avatar that Brad now shared magnified it and he experienced the Music as Lane did. Ken and Brad saw reality through the eyes and Souls of their Brothers, and they were in awe.
As friends and Brothers they joined as couples first and then together, wrapping each other in their Minds, Hearts, and Souls. Brad and Ken brought Lane and Bryan in and let them relive their entire experience with Ken’s abduction, the creature, and the sacrifices they made for one another. They relived the thoughts and emotions together, and Lane and Bryan shared their experiences in Taliesin’s Construct.
The harshness of the truth, but also the beauty, cut them deeply. In the place where they were One, naked in every way to one another, they wept and held each other through every trial and painful experience, every thought and memory, sometimes unable to do more than just be present and supportive and understanding of each other.
The Compassion and Empathy of Brad’s Avatar, magnified by Lane’s, helped them understand and empathize to work through the emotions. In the end, there was no blame, resentment, or anger. With the love they shared and the Soul bonds that tied them together, how could there be? Everything they felt for one another was reinforced through their experience. In hours or perhaps days that only took a few seconds in the Physical Realm, they worked through everything together. It wasn’t easy, but their love for each other shone all the brighter in the end.
Through the process Brad and Lane kept them Shielded so their emotions wouldn’t spill out and affect the people around them.
When they returned to themselves, their eyes were bright with unshed tears.
Bryan wiped his eyes with the back of his hand and chuckled to himself.
You sissy fuckers. I love you guys.
Ken: I’m proud of you two. Somethin’ like this could’ve torn you apart.
Lane thought: Naw, we’re in it for the long haul. There might be a few bumps in the road but I’m spending as much of eternity as I can with this big lug, and nothing’s going to stop me. Thanks for sharing with us, guys.
Ken: We love you guys; you know that.
There was a short pause, and Ken thought: I want you two to take a few weeks off and relax.
Bryan: I got an idea. I think everyone could use a break and have a little fun. Now that Darren and these other yahoos can teleport us easier I want to take everyone to the Tree to see Leroy. We can camp and hang out there for a while.
Ken: Shit Bry, that sounds great! I’ve been wantin’ ‘ta do somethin’ with all of us besides just a backyard party, and that would be perfect. Speakin’ of backyard parties, we still have everythin’ for the last one, and the food’s gonna go bad if we don’t use it. How about we go ahead and cookout tomorrow at our place with everybody and then we can make plans for the campin’ trip.
Brad: I’m not saying this to put a damper on anything, but I think we need to resolve the issue with Taliesin before we take a trip. I’m guessing the doc and Albrecht already have something in Mind so we can find out tomorrow. I don’t like the idea of him running around loose, and we need to get that girl out from under his control.
Ken, Bryan, and Lane all looked at Brad, and in unison thought:
They all started laughing, Brad included.
Ken: Okay guys, sorry ‘ta bust this up but every time I get inside that sexy head of B’s it makes me horny. I need ‘ta get him home pronto!
Brad settled the tab, and they went out to the parking lot where they hugged each other goodnight, holding each other tighter and longer than usual.
As soon as they were back in their cars Brad dropped the illusion, and they were once again in their shorts and t-shirts.
‘Night you two! Sleep tight!
In their car, Bryan looked over at Lane with a twinkle in his green eyes.
Sleep, hell. I’m with Ken. Nothing makes me hornier than being in your head.
Lane reached over and felt Bryan’s erection in his shorts and grinned, hitting the accelerator. He made it home in record time, covering up his speed with two different highway patrol officers to avoid getting pulled over. He was sure Ken and Brad and the doc would understand.
When The Master discovered Michael and the Archangels had moved his body forward in Time, he was beyond furious. By the time he located his body their rituals were complete, and the new Warriors of The Order were fully Awake and far more powerful. They also now had the Protection of the Trees! Magic removed from the world two thousand years ago was back and part of their defense!
He would have to be more careful moving forward but remained confident of their defeat. He was patient and cunning and his rule over the Physical Realm still firm and strong. It was time to show them they were vulnerable. He would turn the love they felt for each other into a weapon to defeat them. Their hearts, grown so big, he would fill with agony and despair. He will make them beg for an end to their suffering.
He had been tracking their movements for nearly two decades. The Order thought one of their high-ranking leaders defected, but in truth he was captured and tortured until he told the Master about Dr. Thomas’s plan. The doctor was clever and masked most of his intentions from his superiors, so The Master hadn’t discovered everything, but he knew enough.
His minions tracked everyone they came into contact with. The young boy Drew and his mother Liz Hastings, Taggart Keenan the war veteran amputee, Henry Ross one of his own servants, and Greg Rawlins the man who almost killed himself and would have if they had not intervened. All these people he kept track of, even Sally Bisel, their secretary from the security firm. He knew where they were and they would be key in his plan to fill the hearts of his enemies with despair and agony.
Your grasp is slipping.
The Master’s blood ran cold. The Dark One hadn’t spoken to him directly in nearly a thousand years. His presence, the malevolence and Power that accompanied his voice, was a pressure on The Master’s Black Soul that wanted to crush him. As powerful as the Master was, the Dark One could strike him down with a thought. The Curse would keep him alive, but the Evil behind that voice could make him yearn for death.
I granted you dominion over this Realm to do my bidding, but I am beginning to have doubts.
Never! I will crush them and prove my worth. Once they are vanquished, we will rule unopposed.
Do not make me intervene. If I do, it will not go well for you.
The presence of The Dark One withdrew and the pressure on The Master’s Mind went with it. The Master released the breath he had been holding and sat back in his chair, continuing to formulate his plan.
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you.
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