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The Order - 15. Chapter 15
Content warning: This story contains adult situations, language, and consensual sex between adult men. If said content is illegal in your state or country, please leave now and do not continue.
There are two songs in this chapter. The one from Lane’s Vision is 'Severance', by Dead Can Dance. The other is 'The Sound of Silence.' Lane's rendition would sound more like the version by Disturbed, so I'm including a link if you want to give it a listen.
Bloody, covered in sweat and bruises, their Kevlar suits hung on their bodies, shredded and tattered. The fight was not going well and they were losing. How could The Master be so strong? The Curse was unlike anything they imagined.
Bodies of countless Nephilim in human form lay broken and torn apart, most Dark Spirits who fought for The Master, but allies of The Order were also among them, including Istariel and his cousins.
So many lives…
How could it come to this?
What went wrong?
Corpses of The Enemy’s mortal servants, both the muscled Protectors and the well-dressed men, littered the ground. Carcasses of animals, called by Loy to join the fight, were strewn about, scattered among The Enemy.
Each man fought with everything in him… all the hours of training Ken put them through… They were perfect weapons, but despite the body count they inflicted on The Enemy they just kept coming. The Master was stronger than they ever dreamed possible; the Curse was just too powerful.
Images flashed through Lane’s Mind, and he saw the face of every one of his Brother’s dead and lifeless. Ken with his neck broken and mangled body at the feet of the Master… Brad’s corpse nearby with his hand reaching in desperation to save his lover… Pat and Darren ripped apart by dark creatures from beyond the Pale, brought through the Veil by The Master to serve his ends… Rick and Loy surrounded by animals trying to protect them… Kevin and Bill crushed under the weight of dozens of the Enemy… and finally, Bryan, his body impaled at the massive trunk of the blackened and charred remains of the Tree.
Despair filled Lane, and he agonized over what he saw. Not only the loss of his friends and his lover, but of the world… and somehow it was his fault. He missed something crucial that would have prevented it all. He felt it with every fiber of his being.
The Master’s voice echoed in his Mind…
This is your fate, Little Dreamer. You have no hope or chance against me. YOU failed, and are the ruin of The Order!
Lane shot out of bed, every muscle in his body tight. Drenched in sweat, his chest heaving, he shook violently from the intensity and depth of his Dream.
Bryan knew immediately what happened. Aside from his physical reaction, the intense waves of emotion churning through Lane overpowered his ability to think rationally.
Lane! It’s alright! I’m here!
The vision of his friends, Brothers, and Soulmate dead because of his failure was too much. Reaching for Bryan, Lane clung to him with desperate strength, crying and sobbing, his body mirroring his emotional distress, and he was almost nonfunctional.
Bryan held Lane tight, Mentally and physically attempting to soothe him as best he could. For nearly an hour Lane continued to sob while Bryan held him, surrounding him with his Mind and his strong arms, running his hands over Lane’s back and shoulders and talking to him so Lane could hear his deep voice.
For the first time ever, Bryan was genuinely afraid. Lane’s reactions to the Dreams were becoming stronger and more traumatic. He had never been so incoherent or incapacitated before, and it broke Bryan’s heart to see his best friend and lover in such a state. Something had to give; if the situation continued, he didn’t see how Lane could stay sane.
Once Lane regained a semblance of control, he compartmentalized the experience, walling it off in his Mind so Bryan couldn’t see it. Shame filled him, and he couldn’t stand the thought of Bryan or the other’s knowing he would be the reason The Order failed in their fight against The Enemy and The Master.
When Lane’s trembling finally subsided, Bryan wrapped Lane in the blanket from their bed and carried him to the den, setting him on the couch.
He cupped Lane’s face in his big hands, forcing eye contact.
Sit still, Lane. I’m with you, and I’m not going anywhere. I’m going to make you some tea.
Lane’s Mind and eyes never left Bryan while he moved about the kitchen.
Finally, he started coming back to himself, and sitting still, he watched Bryan go through the motions of making his tea. The simple act of Bryan’s love and devotion was as comforting as his presence, and the feel of his solid, warm body, and the deep sound of his voice.
Bryan brought him the tea, sweetened with honey just the way Lane liked it. He sat beside Lane and put the cup in his hands and then wrapped his arm around Lane’s shoulders, pulling them snugly together. Lane leaned against Bryan’s big frame, resting his head on Bryan’s shoulder and closing his eyes for a few seconds.
Share it with me Lane. Don’t box it in. Let me help you carry it.
Lane’s Mental voice was still barely audible.
It was horrible, Bry.
Show me.
Gently, Bryan probed into Lane’s Mind to the place where the Dream was walled off. He pushed harder until Lane gave in and relived the Dream with his lover. It affected him nearly as much as it did Lane, and tears ran down his face as he held Lane close, his powerful body shaking.
Bryan knew it would be bad from Lane’s reaction, but it still affected him profoundly. Exactly how it impacted Lane, and the manner in which it did was the strength of the Dreams and part of the potency of Lane’s Avatar. He didn’t merely view Dreams like a movie on a screen, he lived and experienced everything as though it happened to him. It was necessary for him to get a full understanding of what he was shown, but to Bryan it was as much a Curse as a Blessing.
He pulled Lane closer and with one big arm around his lover he continued to rub his hand up and down Lane’s arm, shoulder, and back.
It isn’t your fault Lane. Or wasn’t… or won’t be… fuck, you know what I mean.
You saw it, Bry. You heard The Master. I’ve missed something… or I’m going to, and it will be the reason we fail.
A Light touched the periphery of Bryan’s Mind. Lane felt it too and instinctively Shielded them both as the feeling persisted and grew stronger. Bryan noticed a Light in the backyard coming through the curtains.
Moving to the sliding glass doors he pulled the curtains back.
Fuck, Lane look!
Lane moved over and they stood together, gazing at the Tree in their backyard. The runes glowed so brightly the entire yard lit up. The branches of the tree swayed as though a strong wind was blowing but the night was calm and clear.
Looking at the Tree with his Avatar, Bryan saw its agitation, and the infused Runes were brighter than he had ever seen.
His voice gruff, Bryan asked, “I wonder why it didn’t protect you earlier?”
I’m not sure, Bry. It is now, though. Look.
Bryan saw the Darkness at the edge of the Light emitted by the Tree. Dark tendrils of black smoke reached down, but the Light was a barrier the Darkness could not penetrate. The tree was definitely holding off some sort of attack or influence.
Seeing such a blatant attempt on them stirred Bryan’s anger as few things could; rage towards everything that had happened to both himself and Lane, rage at the Enemy for coming after them in their home, and for the Avatar his lover had that could cause him so much pain.
It’s okay, Bry. Don’t be mad about that. I can deal with it as long as you’re with me.
Lane’s eyes were red from crying, and a large tear fell down his cheek as he quietly thought: Don’t ever leave me, Bry.
The tender desperation in Lane’s voice was killing Bryan.
The finality in Bryan’s voice, in the way he said ‘never,’ was as comforting as Bryan’s big warm body. He turned Lane around to face him and brushed the tear away with a thumb.
Bryan pulled Lane against him. The blanket fell to the floor, and Lane’s muscular body looked stunning in the stark Light put off by the Tree.
Bryan ached inside over what Lane was going through. He lowered both of them onto the carpet and cradled Lane’s head with one of his arms. With his other hand Bryan caressed the features of the most handsome man in his world.
Look at me, Little Buddy.
Lane looked into Bryan’s eyes and was drawn in, seeing the green of the Tree along with the depth of Bryan’s love for him. He fell into those eyes and Bryan’s love filled him.
Running his hand down Lane’s body, over his chest, shoulders, caressing his neck, he caressed Lane’s body, their eyes locked together the entire time. The tension started flowing out of Lane as Bryan’s hand worked its magic.
I’m sorry for falling apart on you. Fuck, Bry what did I ever do to deserve you?
Bryan grinned.
I guess you won the lotto, you little fucker. And I told you, you little shit, stop apologizing. I can see what the Dreams do to you.
Lane Opened their energy centers and they delved into one another, and it was a balm to them both. No secrets, their true selves fully revealed, their love for one another surrounded them both as their Souls blended into One perfect being, and the Healing they needed so badly began to take place.
Reacting to the emotional intimacy, and they both got hard. They made love to one another on the floor of the living room for hours. Their bodies clinging to one another, muscles straining, rippling, and sweating. After their first shared orgasm they were both charged up and continued, increasing the intensity of their passion. The Light they generated shone out into the Spiritual Realm adding to and reinforcing the Light coming from the Tree. Their Light drove the dark smoky tendrils back.
They finally wore themselves out, their bodies still intertwined and sweaty, with Lane resting his head on Bryan’s chest listening to his heartbeat. It was the most soothing sound in the world to him. Relaxed but not sleepy they quietly talked, as best friends and lovers.
Eventually they got up, heading back to their bedroom when Lane’s Avatar flared to life, gripping his Mind.
Bryan: Fuck! No fucking way! Give us a break!
I can’t hold it back, Bry!
Bryan tightened his grip on Lane’s Mind and Soul, determined not to let Lane experience whatever was about to happen.
Lane felt the buildup within him, his instincts telling him it was a response to the Dream The Master sent. Lane took he and Bryan out of their bodies, soaring into the Heavens and filling them both with the Music he heard. The Milky Way was loud that night as if it knew what he needed.
A Song shaped in his Soul, a Response to the Evil of The Master and his servants, a Message that needed to be sent. The words and the music flowed into him. No, not into, from him… the message was in him all along and was just coming out, and his Avatar was the Portal to that place residing in his Soul.
With that realization, he understood a little more about his own ability.
Lane knew what he had to do. He and Bryan were filled with Power, but he needed more to make the impact required.
As soon as they walked in the door and set the alarm Ken took off down the hall to the bathroom. Brad stayed in the kitchen to get them both something to drink. There was plenty of beer in the fridge for the upcoming cookout, but the refrigerator was so packed with food, and he had to rearrange a few things to get to it.
Ken took off his shirt and shoes and tossed them on the bed before making his way back down the hall. When he came back all he could see was Brad’s well-rounded ass poking out from behind the open refrigerator door.
Fuck, your ass looks sexy as hell, B.
Brad straightened up with a beer in each hand. Since his hands were full, he gave the refrigerator door a Mental nudge and it swung closed.
When Brad looked up and saw Ken shirtless a hungry, excited expression appeared on his face. He never tired of looking at Ken. He was perfect in every way, inside and out; it was as if they were made for one another. The smile that lit up Ken’s face when they made eye contact sent a warm feeling through Brad’s body and his Mind.
Giving another Mental nudge, the caps on the beers popped off and landed in the trash can by the door.
The beers hovered on their own for a few seconds while Brad stripped off his own shirt.
Damn, B that is so cool. I wish I could do that.
Ken moved closer, putting his arms around his lover, burying his face against Brad’s thick neck and shoulder. Closing his eyes he took a deep breath, pulling his arms a little tighter. The warmth of Ken’s breath against his skin as he exhaled felt wonderful.
The touch of their warm, soft skin over hard muscle sent signals that caused them both to get hard immediately. Ken pulled his head back just enough to kiss and nibble Brad’s neck, evoking a low moan of pleasure, and the devilish grin Ken often got appeared.
Just gettin’ you ready, stud.
Fuck, I love it when you do that.
Why do ‘ya think I’m doin’ it?
They were already Linked but Brad Opened their energy centers, and they poured themselves into each other creating a circuit of emotion between them. With their Souls One the fulfillment and contentment of losing themselves in each other was the best feeling either of them could ever imagine. For anyone who could see into the Spiritual Realm the Light between them was blinding.
Brad pulled back far enough to hand Ken his beer.
A man after my own heart. Thanks, B.
Let’s get on the couch.
Moving over Ken sat in the corner, raising his arm so Brad could lean back against him. As soon as he was in position Ken’s arms wrapped back around him.
Ken started gently licking and nibbling Brad’s neck and shoulder again. He touched one of Brad’s nipples with the ice-cold beer bottle and felt the jolt through his body, and they both chuckled.
Fuck, B this is nice. After the last few days and nearly losin’ Lane... I wasn’t prepared for that. I hope Bry ‘n Lane are really okay.
I think they are, at least for now. Bryan’s mad though, and when the doc and Albrecht find Taliesin, I’m not sure what he’s going to do. Bryan would never forgive himself if he really hurt Taliesin, but I could see the anger in him and it’s ready to surface. He almost lost Lane and you and I both know how that feels. Hell, he did lose Lane. That hour he was dead was the longest I’ve ever spent. It’s a miracle Lane’s still with us. If Uriel hadn’t intervened, Lane would really be gone.
‘Ya know B, even after all that I can’t help but think Lane made the right choice. As harsh as that sounds, if Lane let them both die they’d both be gone, and whatever purpose we’re supposedly destined ‘ta fill would be broken. Not that either one of them could have known but at least by savin’ Bry they both ended up survivin’, and that’s best for everyone. Bry knows that even if he doesn’t want to admit it yet. That’s another reason I want them ‘ta relax and be together; they need time ‘ta sort through it all. We’ll give ‘em their space but check in ‘em to make sure they’re doin’ alright.
They sat in silence for a few minutes, sipping their beers and resting against one another, enjoying the feel of their bodies together and being in each other’s Mind and Soul. Ken starting running his free hand over Brad’s chest and abs, slowly circling his nipples and then moving back down to rub his erection through his shorts.
Brad closed his eyes with a contented sigh enjoying the feel of Ken’s touch. When Ken’s hand made it down to his crotch he would lift his hips, and when it moved up to his chest he would arch his back to make the physical contact that much firmer. When Ken’s fingers circled his nipples, his body trembled and he would let out a small groan of pleasure.
You’re gettin’ wound up, B. I love it when you get this way. God, I love makin’ you feel this way.
An unexpected emotional rush hit Brad. After everything that transpired with Bryan and Lane the thought of being without Ken popped into his Mind and his eyes teared up.
Don’t go there, B. I’m here and we’re together. We always will be and so will Bryan and Lane and the rest of the guys. We have to believe that. We all have each other’s backs. We’re takin’ this fight ‘ta The Enemy, and we’re gonna kick their asses and make the world back to what it should be. We’re gonna keep trainin’ and be careful. You’re a brilliant tactician; it’s scary how smart you are. With everythin’ we can all do now if we’re careful, and especially with the doc’s and Albrecht’s help, I’m confident we’ll win this fight.
But tonight, right now, I want things ‘ta be about you’n me.
Ken finished his beer and set the bottle down, then with both hands he started to undo Brad’s belt and unzip his shorts. Lifting his hips, Ken slid Brad’s shorts down, and Brad kicked them the rest of the way off and they fell to the floor. He was now completely naked and cradled in Ken’s strong arms and sturdy legs.
Ken used one hand to start stroking him, and with his other hand he continued rubbing Brad’s chest and nipples. Ken’s warm breath on his neck, the kisses and licks, added more fire to his libido. The warmth and strength of Ken’s body against his felt incredible.
Ken wrapped Brad up with his Soul, expressing every ounce of love he felt for his lover through his touch and the connection they shared. He kept Brad squirming and on the edge a powerful orgasm for nearly an hour. Knowing it would trigger Brad’s orgasm Ken lifted Brad’s hips and entered him. Brad was drenched in sweat and nearly incoherent and immediately started shooting. Between Brad squirming in pleasure on top of him and the heat of Brad’s ass surrounding and clenching his manhood, Ken had a powerful orgasm of his own, releasing his seed into his lover.
With the onset of Ken’s load the physical charge rushed through Brad’s body, allowing him to squeeze more tightly around Ken.
Holding Brad tight they both rode out the pleasure, while Ken’s hands continued roaming over Brad’s muscled, sweaty body. Brad’s chest hair was matted down, and his stomach was covered with the results of his own orgasm.
After a minute Ken slid out from under him and got down on his knees, licking the cum off Brad’s stomach. With the first salty taste, Ken’s Mind Opened and expanded.
He crawled back on top covering Brad’s body with his own, knowing Brad could take his full weight, and Brad’s arms and legs locked around Ken. Their position now reversed they started kissing again.
Fuck, I love you, Ken. Everything about you.
Me too, B. You’re perfect ‘ta me in every way.
Smiling, they kissed and rubbed noses. Brad inhaled deeply and Ken’s scent was an instant recharge to his libido.
Still hard, Brad ground his erection against Ken’s abs.
Damn, B you’re horny tonight!
After today and everything that happened it makes me appreciate having you in my life that much more, Ken. I need to feel you.
Let’s have one more round in the bedroom and then take a hot bath together.
They made their way to the bedroom hand in hand and crawled in bed. Brad got on his back and raised his legs. Ken crawled over him, placing his hands on either side of Brad’s head. He had enough muscle control that he positioned himself perfectly and entered Brad without the use of his hands.
Ken slid into his lover as he lowered his body, putting most of his weight on Brad. Brad legs locked around Ken’s waist and his arms around Ken’s big shoulders and squeezed as hard as he could, pressing their bodies together. Their eyes roamed over each other’s features, both taking in every detail that they loved about the other.
Brad shifted his sight so he could take in not only Ken’s incredible body and handsome face but his Mind and Soul along with it. Seeing him like that was such a turn on… the man Ken was inside and out. With his sight shifted Brad saw something he had never noticed before… the edges of Ken’s emerald green eyes were ringed with the brilliant blue of his own.
Ken picked up on Brad’s surprise and shifting his Sight he saw the same thing… Brad’s bright blue eyes were ringed with green.
The idea that their connection made them that much more a part of one another sent a chill through each of them. Closing their eyes they started a gentle kiss, and the feeling of togetherness grew within them. As they squeezed their bodies together, their hands and fingers caressed and massaged each other. As tight as their Mental and Spiritual bond was they felt the need to match the intimacy through touch.
Ken started thrusting making sure he stimulated Brad’s prostate with every stroke. Brad’s eyes squeezed shut as his body trembled in pleasure.
Ohhhh fuck Ken, you feel amazing, but you know what I want.
Even with his eyes shut Brad felt the devilish grin appear on Ken’s face.
And what would that be? I wanna hear you say it… or think it.
Cut loose. Don’t hold back. I’ll be whatever you need me to be so you can go to that place. Be ‘that guy.’
As soon as Brad uttered his words, Ken got even harder. With Brad’s extra sensitivity after taking Ken’s load he felt the surge of rigidity inside of him in anticipation of what was about to happen.
Ken did what Brad wanted, and he took both of them on an incredible journey of pleasure and fulfillment.
Ken was much stronger than he used to be but Brad was also, and the physical charge he received from Ken reflected that. Ken cut loose and pounded Brad for hours in almost every conceivable position. In no time sweat was flying off them with every impact of their muscled bodies. The fact that Brad could match Ken physically and be his equal when he needed to be gave Ken the freedom to not hold back and that act and knowledge excited him beyond words. Brad had two more hands-free orgasms, and Ken ended up shooting four times himself before he started to tire and collapse on top of Brad and let himself be held.
Feeling Brad’s hands, his lover’s hands, roaming over his body and comforting him after such an intimate exertion put Ken into an emotional and physical state of pure bliss. He lay still, catching his breath with his head buried in the crux of Brad’s thick neck and shoulder. The heat from their sweaty bodies had them both completely relaxed.
Fuck, B… I wanna just stay here like this. I really don’t wanna move. Your hands feel so good. You feel too good.
Ken was so relaxed even his Mental voice sounded slurred.
Yeah, me too, Ken.
He wrapped Ken up tighter with his arms and legs in another hug.
You know I could stay here like this too. Do you still want to take a bath? Or just stay here and fall asleep?
Ken chuckled, causing his big body to rumble slightly.
I don’t know… they both sound nice.
Ken’s stomach let out a massive rumble, and Brad laughed out loud.
I can’t believe I just heard that! We each had nearly three pounds of steak a few hours ago!
Well… being ‘that guy’ makes me hungry; hungry for you, and for food. How about we skip out to Waffle House and then come back and revisit the idea of a bath.
They got up and dressed, and Ken doused them with a liberal amount of body spray on the way out the door.
Brad was just about to say something regarding the body spray when Ken cut him off.
I know you can take care of it, but I don’t want you ‘ta have to. I want you ‘ta relax and not have ‘ta worry about it.
Brad appreciated the thought even though it was no bother or effort. His unconscious Mind could easily maintain the illusion, but he loved the consideration Ken always gave him.
It was just after 0300 when they pulled into the Waffle House parking lot. Frank, Ken’s favorite cook, was on shift so he knew his hash browns were going to be perfect, and Brad always found it funny and endearing how Ken could get so happy over the smallest things.
The two men, along with their Brothers, played a major role in the cosmic battle between good and evil over the fate of mankind and Ken got excited over how crispy his hash browns were. Brad laughed and shook his head, more in love with Ken than ever. Brad felt like the luckiest man in the world and put an arm around Ken’s shoulders pulling him close for a quick kiss on his cheek as they made their way to the steps.
When they first arrived the place was empty, but it wasn’t long before more people showed up. Three different couples came in, all drunk and happy after bar hopping. The thoughts and emotional spillover coming off them were uncomfortable, so Brad tightened his Shield to block everything out.
They were relaxed and enjoying being together, talking over a cup of coffee and trying to ignore the increasing noise level. Brad had his back against the window, turned sideways in the booth with one leg stretched out while his other leg was under the table rubbing against Ken’s. Ken leaned forward and took one of Brad’s hands in his own, absentmindedly rubbing the back of his hand with his thumb as they talked. As the noise got louder Ken noticed his tattoo tingling.
The scene unfolding was comic and tragic. Ken’s Avatar was affecting the people in the restaurant and even though it wasn’t as powerful as Rick’s, the lies and deceptions the couples used to get together that night started unraveling. That, combined with the alcohol, caused the truth to come out about their thoughts and intentions towards one another.
Fuck, B I can’t help it. There’s no way ‘ta turn it off!
It’s fine, Ken. Don’t feel bad about it… in the long run, it’s better for all of them, even if there’s a short-term sting.
I don’t like bein’ the cause of what we’re seein’ though.
You aren’t, Ken. They are… they didn’t have to lie to one another, or exaggerate, or leave out the fact that they’re in a relationship and just wanted a one night fling with a hot stranger. You had nothing to do with any of that, so don’t feel guilty in the slightest. It was their choice to lie…deep down they knew better. I don’t understand why people think it’s easier to lie… you and I used to do it too. I don’t want to believe it’s human nature to be so naturally deceitful. I wonder how we fucked things up so bad somewhere in our past to make things like they are today… Albrecht and the doc call it the Curse.
You’re makin’ me hard with all this smart talk, B.
Oh yeah? Well then let’s get out of here so I can take care of you.
Brad settled their bill, and they headed out to the parking lot. As soon as they got back to the Explorer their Avatars flared to life, clearly visible through the fabric of their t-shirts. Their eyes turned White, and Lane’s voice filled their Minds.
Guys, I need you! I’m not sure how long I can hold this back, so come in tight!
At the speed of thought Brad brought the entire Team together. His action was abrupt and powerful, but they were used to sudden transitions from their training.
Lane: Bryan and Loy do your thing. We’re gonna need all the juice we can muster for this!
Lane filled all of them with the Power he already held. Loy took that Power and sent his Will out, gathering free roaming Spirits and pulling from animals all over the planet.
Come, my friends! I need your help again!
Bryan cast his Awareness out through the Tree, connecting with the Life Energy throughout Earth and beyond. Once again a ghostly image of the Tree formed around Bryan as he channeled from it.
Lane, Bryan, and Loy filled them with Power, and they became One vessel with walls of glass that shone with a Light as bright as the heart of a star in the Spiritual Realm. Agents of the Enemy all over the city burned from the Aura they generated.
Brad, I need you to help me broadcast this. Even if normals are asleep, they need to hear this message. Things need to change, and they’re about to start. The Enemy started this, and The Master broke into the wrong damned rec room tonight!
Everybody felt it when Lane’s Avatar took over. Lane was present but different. He was a vessel for the Voice, the Power behind their Avatars. He was the Grandson of Gabriel the Archangel, Herald of the Most High, but this time Lane was the Messenger.
The music started low and quickly built. For anyone awake they heard it in the back of their Minds, and for those asleep, they Dreamed it. Lane’s voice took on an otherworldly quality, echoing through their Minds and Hearts. Brad broadcast what he heard and felt into the Minds and dreams of everyone on earth and through the Veil. He knew the Enemy could hear it as well and was ready for any retaliation on their part.
Overland the winds of change consume the land
While we remain in the shadow of summers now past
When all the leaves have fallen and turned to dust
Will we remain entrenched within our ways?
Indifference, the plague that moves throughout this land
Omen signs in the shapes of things to come
The lyrics were short but potent, and their meaning sank into every person on the planet, conscious and unconscious. The apathy and indifference The Enemy instilled in mankind must be lifted so they could be free to think clearly and decide their own fate.
Ken’s Avatar, his Will and Conviction, drove the meaning of Lane’s Message into everyone. Rick’s Avatar drove home the Truth of the message, not allowing self-deception to take hold and alter the connotation. Pat’s Avatar spread Understanding, so there was no question about its meaning. Each of them contributed in some way to the Message being sent.
The Master didn’t respond with words but his anger and hatred brushed against their Shield like a cold wind.
When all was silent again and Lane came back to himself, he started to panic.
Fuck, what did I just do?
His Mental voice trembling with fear and anxiety, Lane’s panic was evident, and none of them but Bryan knew why.
Brad pulled them deeper into one another, and they surrounded Lane. Mentally and in their Hearts their arms were around his shoulders, hugging him tightly or ruffling his hair in affection.
Ken: Lane, what do you mean? Where did that come from? Show us what happened tonight! We need ‘ta understand!
Lane was afraid and all the emotions from earlier resurfaced.
We’re going to fail, and it will be my fault!
Bryan shared Lane’s Dream, the Vision of them all dead and defeated. The images and the emotions were shocking.
Ken squeezed Brad’s hand tight looking deep into his eyes, and didn’t flinch from anything he saw. He was their leader, and his confidence and trust in them would not allow the thought of failure. Ken gripped Lane’s shoulders and pulled him into a tight embrace. He spoke to Lane, but all of them heard his voice and the echo of his Conviction.
That’s not gonna happen, Lane. I can’t, I DON’T, believe that.
Brad figured it out immediately.
Lane, what you saw is a possibility, not a certainty. There’s no way to tell when that was supposed to be and you know what the doc said about changing the future. The Master needs you out of the way, just like he needs Bill out of the way. The Dreams make it seem real to you but don’t lose yourself in them… don’t lose sight of the fact that you have Bryan and all the rest of us with you, backing you up. This isn’t just your fight. I know it might feel that way because the Master singled you out but it’s not true! We’re all in this together!
Bryan’s gratitude towards Brad was clear for putting into words what Lane needed to hear.
Brad: Don’t fall for it. Easier said than done I know, but it’s not going to happen. It’s just a trick; he knows how your Avatar works.
Ken: Why didn’t their Tree protect him? I thought that was its purpose.
Lane’s voice was quiet and filled with remorse.
Because it wasn’t an attack. It was the truth.
Brad responded: One possible truth, Lane, just one of an infinite number of possibilities. You know The Master can move outside Time. He seems to be doing it a lot lately, and I’m not sure how. Even Michael and the others said doing that takes its toll on him. What he showed you wasn’t an attack, but it’s also not a certainty. You know that!
The emotional impact of the Dream was fresh inside Lane, and his buddies knew how severely he was affected. The Dreams were a part of him, infusing him with the reality and understanding of what he was being shown, and he felt their deaths and the ramifications to the world over their failure.
Everyone picked up on what Ken wanted to happen, what they needed to do for their Brother. As Couples they became One, then as Brothers, forming the bond they all had come to know and rely on with one another; the intimate place where there were no secrets as their inner selves were laid bare and open to each other. No lies, no deceptions, only unconditional Love for themselves and each other. They all appeared naked to one another and became One, more than the sum of their individual selves.
The beauty of their inner selves as men, Brothers, and Teammates, the sense of completeness and contentment in all of them from being with their Soulmates made them powerful. What Bryan did for Lane earlier they did for Lane and Bryan as a couple. The warmth and strength of their Bodies and Souls pressed together and their eyes were wet from the intimate connection, but their handsome faces smiled. Each man wrapped an arm around the powerful shoulder of his Brother next to them.
With Bryan and Lane in the center, the others formed a protective ring, immersing them in the unconditional love and well-being they felt for one another. Bryan already held Lane in him as tightly as he could, and with his Brothers upholding and surrounding them both, filling them with their support and love, it drove out the last vestiges of fear and self-blame from Lane.
Ken’s voice filled their Minds: We got your backs, guys. Rest in one another and in us. We’re holdin’ you up tonight. After all you’ve been through, this was the last thing you needed. We love you, and we need you; never forget that. You’re a part of us we can’t live without. Nothin’ else will bother you tonight. We’ll make sure of that.
Each man sent his thoughts to Lane and Bryan, reassuring and expressing their love and protection. The strength of their combined Avatars drove out the dark seed of doubt The Master tried to plant in Lane’s Soul.
In the Physical Realm Bryan took Lane back to their bedroom, and they crawled under the covers. Lane lay against Bryan’s solid warm body, resting his head on Bryan’s chest. The warmth of Bryan’s skin and the familiarity of his touch were soothing. It took a few minutes for his trembling to stop as the tension slowly drained out of him. With the peace and support of his Brothers surrounding him and the sound and feel of Bryan’s steady heartbeat, Lane fell into a Dreamless restful sleep.
Bryan kissed the top of Lane’s head and continued running his hands over Lane’s body. Just after Bryan fell asleep his Avatar glowed softly, and with a steady pulse that matched his heartbeat it sent out small and delicate tendrils of energy that covered them both briefly before disappearing inside of them.
The Tree in Bryan’s and Lane’s backyard swayed throughout the night against the probing of the Enemy, but it fulfilled its purpose and protected Lane and Bryan while they slept.
The next morning Bryan and Lane woke, feeling different right away; renewed and invigorated, Mentally, emotionally and physically by the presence of their Brothers still surrounding them. There was no better way to wake up than by being encircled by the loving presence of your family and the Souls of your Brothers wrapped around your own.
Lane’s eyes teared up over what the guys did for him and Bryan all night.
Thanks, guys. You’re the best, and don’t let anybody ever say otherwise.
They all gave Lane and Bryan the equivalent of a tight Mental hug and dropped out of the Link.
Ken sent one last thought before he and Brad dropped out.
You guys keep takin’ it easy and chill out as long as you need to. You know all of us are here for ‘ya… if you wanna come over and hang with Brad and me, just say the word.
Will do, Ken. Love you guys.
Love you too, fellas.
The same night Brad and Ken and the others kept their watch over Lane and Bryan, the doctor and Albrecht spoke quietly together in their Minds.
They were in bed, their naked bodies intertwined, their skin was still damp from the sweat of their lovemaking.
Still no sign of Taliesin, Aaron?
No… I sent the Call out a week ago. He should have been Compelled to come as quickly as he could. He is resisting the Compulsion and by now must be in extreme discomfort.
I hoped he’d just show up, but he always was incredibly stubborn. Almost as stubborn as you! Don’t worry, though, I’ll find him.
The doctor’s face broke into an uncharacteristic grin at Albrecht’s teasing.
Do not hurt him, Albrecht. He has made much mischief, I agree, but he is not entirely responsible for his actions.
Yes, he is, Aaron. Even as twisted as he’s become he knew deep down what he did to Lane and Bryan was wrong. He chose to act as he did. I’m not without compassion for what he’s become, but he’s still responsible for how he reacted to his situation.
Be careful! You know how dangerous he is.
As am I. And you also, Aaron, as much as you don’t want to think so. But yes, I promise to be careful. What are you going to do with him?
I am going to let Lane and Bryan decide his fate. They were the ones wronged and deserve to meet with him face to face. My actions will depend on their decision. I think they have grown and will surprise us. I am still concerned about Bryan though. His grief was so profound when he thought Lane was gone. His anger is still fresh and deep, but I think his gentle nature will prevail.
I’m sure you’re right, love. You usually are.
The next afternoon Loy and Rick were driving home from training, talking as usual. In much the same way as Ken played with Brad’s hand, Loy gently kneaded Rick’s thick, muscled thigh as he drove. After a few minutes Rick covered Loy’s hand with his own and brought it up and kissed the back of his hand.
Loy’s handsome face broke into a smile at the kiss.
Love you, buddy.
Both of them tended to be horny after a good workout and looked forward to getting home and crawling into bed.
Rick let go of Loy’s hand and moved his hand under Loy’s t-shirt rubbing the hair on his stomach. After a few seconds he moved his hand up and gently tweaked one of Loy’s nipples and then ran his hand over Loy’s hard hairy chest.
Fuck Ricky, you’d better stop, or I’m going to have to find someplace to pull over!
Fine with me! I don’t want to wait until we get home. I want you right now.
Rick’s grin was apparent through their connection.
A flash of images hit Loy from out of the blue, like a bolt of electricity through his Mind and body.
Unexpected pain and terror threatened to consume him and he reacted quickly, slamming on the brakes and causing the car to slide sideways, screeching to a halt. Loy instinctively Shielded Rick so he wouldn’t be caught up in whatever was happening, at least until he got it under control.
Someone was peeling the flesh from her body, slowly and painfully while she screamed and thrashed about. The cruelty was harsh and relentless. The pain wouldn’t stop! Why would her human do this to her? Her lack of understanding made her confusion worse and magnified her emotional trauma.
Loy?! What’s wrong?!
Oh God, Ricky! How could anyone do that?
Sudden tears filled Loy’s eyes, and his body tightened from the rush of emotions and sensations his Avatar was showing him.
Loy threw the car into park and jumped out, nearly stumbling in his haste.
Cupping his hands to his mouth, his Avatar bright, Loy shouted his Command verbally and Mentally across the Earth and the Spiritual Realm.
An unknown Power contested his Will, resisting him and holding her Spirit to her body.
Now that he had more control Loy shared what was happening with Rick, who jumped out of the car and grabbed Loy to steady him. Rick held him tightly in support and filled Loy’s Mind with his own presence to try to help stave off what he was experiencing. Dolly’s suffering was unimaginable!
Shit, Rick! She’s in so much pain! Something’s holding her. Help me Call her. We have to free her!
I’m with you, Loy. Pull what you need from me!
Rick’s strength became available and Loy’s Avatar flared to life, bright and strong, as he focused with the full force of his Will, shouting again.
DOLLY! Come to me, girl!
Loy was the Steward of the Animal Kingdom, their Protector, and his Will would not be denied, especially when backed by his lover, and the tether binding Dolly’s Spirit to her body snapped.
Rick was aware they were blocking traffic and cars behind them were starting to honk their horns.
Fuck, I’ll be right back Loy. I need to get the car out of the road.
Rick jumped in the Explorer and pulled it off the road. The guy in the first car behind them rolled down his window and yelled, “Get out of the road, you moron!” flipping Rick off as he sped by.
Rick was usually an easy going guy, but with what Loy was experiencing and his own empathy for the cruelty of what was being done to Dolly his temper flared. The man’s Mind was closed, only looking at the world through the window of his narrow, single-minded existence. The world revolved around him and his needs, and he didn’t have the ability or the desire to see outside of himself.
Rick’s Avatar pulsed brightly, and a crack of thunder rolled across the clear blue sky. Rick stared at the man as he sped by and his eyes turned White behind his sunglasses. If anyone could see with their Mind’s Eye a bright ribbon of White energy arced from Rick, surrounding the man and quickly disappearing inside him. A stunned look crossed his face, and he shut his mouth as he drove off.
His name was Keith, and most people who knew him considered him an asshole. His humor was crass and biting, and he was often rude and obnoxious. In his brief encounter with Rick, Keith’s life changed forever, and from that day forth the people he knew hardly recognized him. Emotional knots inside Keith, knots he spent a lifetime building that turned him into the person he was, didn’t just unravel, they snapped. Keith realized with sudden clarity what a jerk he was and how shallow. From that day forward, he became a different man and could never explain it to anyone, but he changed for the better and was a much happier person.
Rick’s encounter with Keith only lasted a few seconds, and he was back with Loy in no time. Loy anxiously paced along on the side of the road.
Is she coming?
I think so. We broke the hold of whatever Power was holding her. God Ricky, I just killed her! It was the only way to free her!
Loy was upset over what he did to free Dolly, and Rick pulled him into a hug.
It’s alright Loy. It was the only thing you could do. You felt the pain she was in, and you didn’t have a choice. That’s part of your job now… our job.
Dolly arrived, her Spirit invisible in the Physical Realm.
She’s here.
They sensed her Spirit through Loy’s Avatar. Just as he did with the dog Ely, by the light of Loy’s Avatar Dolly became corporeal.
In life, she was a beautiful creature but her Spirit displayed the torture she experienced, and it tore them up to see what had been done to her.
Hot tears flowed in both their eyes when they saw what she looked like.
Oh, girl! Who did this to you?
Loy looked into her Mind and saw an image of her owner, the man they met in the accident the day Loy’s Avatar Awakened. In her Mind his eyes were black, and his face exhibited an insane glimmer of ecstasy as he tortured her. Her confusion was evident; the man who took care of her and loved her was brutally hurting her. With Rick’s Understanding they knew it wasn’t her owner but someone assuming his guise.
Where’s Burt? Was he with you?
An image of Burt in a cage came to Loy’s Mind, terrified at the sounds of screaming and the smell of blood. Animal corpses were strewn about and the smell was terrifying.
To Loy, Dolly’s form was corporeal and he put his arms around her neck, hugging her as he Opened their energy centers.
Help me, Ricky.
The two men delved into one another, taking solace, each holding the other in their Hearts, Minds, and Souls, comforting one another through their pain, sorrow, and anger over what had been done to such a beautiful and innocent creature. Rick’s arms went around Dolly and their eyes closed as they pressed their foreheads against her fur.
Strengthened by Rick, White ribbons of Power arced off Loy’s hands, covering Dolly as he restored her gentle Spirit. He couldn’t take away the memories of her suffering yet but by letting her feel his love for her, pure and unfiltered, the outward visage of her Spirit changed and reflected the beautiful image of what she looked like whole and healthy.
Pressing her nuzzle against Loy and then Rick, she hugged them back in her own way. They breathed deeply, taking in her natural scent and smiled inside now that she was whole again.
Can you take me to the place where this happened, girl? To who did this to you? We need to find out what’s going on and put a stop to it. I promise I’ll protect you. I won’t let anything else happen to you.
He saw in her Mind that she could, and he also knew she was terrified to go back and trembled at the thought.
It’s alright, girl. You just need to show me, and then you can pass on and be at peace.
Loy continued caressing Dolly’s neck and her trembling ceased with his touch. Loy was her Steward, and she trusted him implicitly and would obey him.
“Let’s go, Ricky. You drive so I can focus on following her.”
Without the Light of Loy’s Avatar Dolly’s physical form vanished but her Spirit was visible, clear and bright before him. Rick shifted his Sight and saw her as Loy did in the Spiritual Realm.
They drove for nearly two hours heading south and then east on I-20. Loy had to call her back a few times because she flew too far ahead. When they were nearly to Augusta Dolly altered her course, heading across country. They had passed a closed rest stop on the interstate a few miles back, so Rick turned around at the next exit. He pulled off and parked behind the abandoned tourist information building to keep their Explorer out of sight.
Loy was just about to reach out to Brad and tell him what was going on when another surge of powerful images hit him. They were harsh, and Loy stumbled to one knee holding his head.
Fuck! No! Oh no! We’ll never get to him in time, Rick!
Rick immersed himself in Loy, sharing everything and trying to be a buffer against it. Whoever was torturing the animals just started on Burt.
In his anger, Loy shouted out with his Mind.
I don’t know who you are, you bastard but you aren’t hurting another living creature! Burt! Come to me! I release you, buddy! No more pain!
Loy felt resistance again, but he was ready for it and steeled his Will. His Avatar represented the Dominion and Stewardship over creatures of the world, and the tethers holding Burt’s Spirit to his body snapped with the force of his Command.
A thin, raspy voice entered their Minds, and along with it a cold presence pushing against their Shield.
Ahhhh, you are here… and foolishly just the two of you. The creatures you care for so much served their purpose to bring you here. Before you die I want you to witness what I am doing to your precious animals. I want you to weep and feel their torment.
Loy reached out to Brad and knew right away he couldn’t penetrate the barrier surrounding them.
He looked at Rick and thought: Okay, Rick. Communications are down.
Loy, if we leave now there’s no telling how many more animals will die. We don’t know what they’re even dying for. We’ve been training our asses off to fight The Enemy. I say we go in and show them who’s boss.
I was hoping you’d say that.
Burt’s Spirit appeared beside Dolly and she nuzzled against him, happy to see her lifelong friend.
Loy looked at the Spirits of the two horses, and they looked back at him expectantly.
Find our friends and bring them to help us. Can you do that?
Loy imprinted the image of the Team and the Lab in their Minds.
As soon as Loy spoke the Voice in their Minds screamed.
Consume those beasts! Do not let them leave!
Six spheres of Darkness pierced the Veil, appearing around Rick and Loy and quickly grew into vaguely humanoid shapes who immediately went for Dolly and Burt.
Loy and Rick were already One and in the place where they were naked to one another where time barely moved, Loy Opened their energy centers, twining them even tighter, and their love and support for one another filled them up. There was a resistance they had never encountered before, but the two men clung to one another and pushed through whatever tried to keep them apart. Loy reached out, searching for nearby animal spirits to draw from but there were none he could sense. He wasn’t sure how much the barrier could block his Avatar, and he had a bad feeling about that.
Rick reached for the Tree to pull from its Life Energy but he too was blocked.
We’re on our own for now, Rick. We’ll have to be enough for this.
You’re enough for me, Loy, you always have been.
The emotion and confidence Rick put in Loy lifted him up and they shone brighter. Loy let loose with a rope of White fire that ran through the creatures, burning into their Blackness and shackling them at the same time.
Dolly! Burt! Run! Find our friends and bring them here! Don’t stop until you reach them!
The Spirits of the two horses dashed away, unable to be pursued while Loy restrained the creatures. It took everything he had to hold the six beings as they struggled to free themselves.
Their Evil was evident, and Loy felt no remorse in killing them. They were willing participants in what was going on and needed to be destroyed. Loy went to the place where he and Rick were One, soaking in the intimate and powerful love they shared, letting it provide him the strength he needed. The two men blazed with a White Light the Dark beings couldn’t stand. Loy relentlessly continued his attack until the creatures burned up and dissipated, their screams fading with their existence.
Dropping to his knees, Loy’s chest heaved with the effort of what he had just done. Rick was drained as well but put one arm around Loy in support even as he looked around for any additional threat.
Rick said, “We need to find someplace to hole up and rest a few minutes. There’s no telling how many more of those things might show up.”
The cold, Dark presence of the Voice continued pushing against their Shield. It wasn’t far from where they were; a few miles at best.
We have to find that thing Ricky and destroy it. I don’t know what it is, but it’s responsible for the death of hundreds, maybe thousands of innocent creatures. I’m not sure why it’s killing them, but it can’t be for any good reason.
It’s our job, Loy. We’re part of The Order, and it’s what we do.
It wasn’t long before they recovered and headed towards the direction of the presence. Moving forward slowly and cautiously Loy still felt no sign of any animals or Animal Spirits. As far as his senses could reach with the barrier over them, everything felt wrong. The area was completely void of any animal presence. Similarly, Rick’s Avatar detected no Life around them. The grass under their shoes was dead and brittle. Shifting their Sight, the landscape seemed lifeless and muted, with no signs of Life, not even insects or bacteria in the soil.
As they moved closer the strength of the presence increased, incessantly pushing against their Shields, surrounding them and cutting them off from any help.
Rick saw the structure first. They were approaching an abandoned water treatment plant. A high chain link fence, overgrown with weeds and tall grass surrounded the old facility. The fence was in bad shape and had a ‘No Trespassing’ sign hanging by one corner, nearly illegible from rust and dirt.
Loy knew he couldn’t teleport through whatever barrier the malevolent presence kept over the area, but he easily made the few feet to get on the other side of the fence.
Rick: Showoff.
Rick backed up about twenty feet and with a running start he leapt, easily clearing the top of the fence. Vaulting up, he flipped in a full three-sixty before landing lightly on his feet.
Now, who’s showing off?
Now that they were closer, they could tell the presence was below them. Looking around the ruins of the old plant there were multiple large empty cement holding tanks in the ground. Rick noticed tire tracks where a large truck of some kind had backed up to a ramp, most likely where they brought the horses or some other large animals in.
Rick also caught wind of a strong smell of decay, and his stomach turned when he realized what it was. Loy picked up on his reaction, and a surge of rage and distress ran through him from the loss of life necessary to create such a strong smell in that large an area.
Rick noticed the tension in Loy; the muscles in his arms, shoulders, and back were tight. He moved over and put his arm around Loy’s shoulder giving him a tight squeeze. He pulled Loy’s head close and kissed his temple.
I’m sorry, Loy. I know how this affects you. I’m here, and we’re going to put a stop to this. I promise.
Rick saw the brightness in Loy’s eyes from unshed tears for all the animals that died there. Loy’s Avatar was picking up echoes and whispers of the violence and death of the place. The pain and torture that ravaged the animals and drained their Spirits to non-existence were horrendous.
Rick, this thing, whatever it is… It’s going to be strong. It’s fed off the Spirits of all these animals. We need to find out if there are any still alive and either free them or release them. If there are any left, they’re either Shielded or too weak for me to sense from here. It’s going to be just the two of us.
We’ll be enough, Loy. I told you already, you’re all I need. We’ll have to be enough.
Damn Ricky, I love you so much. You’re all I need too. You know that. You’re my world.
Loy pulled the two of them tightly together, merging their Minds and Souls, strengthening and refreshing them. Neither man realized the adverse effect just being in the area already had on them. Even Shielded as they were the constant Darkness of the place fought against their nature, dimming their Light.
Let’s head in. That thing knows we’re here, so there’s no use in trying to hide. If we’re going to make it out of here we can’t pull any punches or hold back. Anyone or anything it throws at us, willing or controlled, we have to take out with no hesitation. Let’s kick some ass.
The two men approached the large doors on the ground where the tire tracks backed up. A thick steel chain around the handle of the doors with a large padlock served to keep any trespassers out. Rick twisted the lock in his hands until it popped open and then carefully removed the chain from the handles, trying to make as little noise as possible. Even though the creature knew they were there, there was little sense advertising their presence to any human servants that might be nearby and alert.
The two men, Warriors of The Order, moved down the steps into the Darkness, ready to face the Evil awaiting them.
The next morning Ken and Brad arrived at the Lab early to go over some new training procedures. By 0730 everyone was present except Rick and Loy, which was odd because they were usually the first to arrive. Bryan and Lane were still on R&R, so no one expected to see them.
Officially training didn’t start until 0800, and most of them stayed in the kitchen drinking coffee and talking while they waited. At 0750 Bryan and Lane surprised everyone when they walked in the door.
Everyone was happy to see them and gathered in the break room to visit. Lane and Bryan got a hug and a fist bump from everybody.
Ken asked them, “What’re you guys doin’ here? I thought you were supposed ‘ta be takin’ it easy?”
With a grin Lane replied, “Bryan got bored and started cooking, and I’ve been eating nonstop! I needed to come in and workout before I get flabby.”
Bryan had an innocent look on his face and shrugged his big shoulders.
“Well, I’m glad you’re here. I’m odd man out for a sparrin’ partner. Bry, you wanna warm up and hit the ring with me?”
Bryan grinned, stripping off his shirt and heading to the locker room to put on some shorts.
Lane winked at Brad saying, “Well, pretty boy, it looks like you’re stuck with me. Get ready to get your ass kicked, blondie.”
A few minutes later, Brad, Ken, Lane, and Bryan were paired together.
Ken said, “Alright, let’s get you two ladies warmed up.”
Lane and Bryan’s eyes turned White, and a pair of jump ropes appeared in their hands. Brad raised an eyebrow and said, “I see you’ve been practicing.” Brad’s eyes turned White, and ropes appeared in his and Ken’s hands too.
Lane said, “I hope you two made out this morning. It’s going to make this a lot more fun.”
As it turned out Brad and Ken had made out and were both charged up, Ken Mentally and Brad physically.
Lane’s eyes turned White again, and his handsome face broke into his usual mischievous grin as Power built inside him.
“Ready? Try to keep up!”
Ken and Brad were startled when the music they heard wasn’t in their Minds. It was a quick dance beat Lane mixed from a few songs he liked.
They started jumping rope to the beat of the song, and every thirty seconds Lane increased the tempo of the music. Ken glanced over at Bryan and with a grin and a wink he started an intricate bout of footwork matching the beat. Bryan smirked back and started the same. Before the Program Bryan had been a champion boxer in the Navy, and his footwork was amazingly intricate.
Brad and Lane joined in, and it became a competition. Their footwork became faster and more intricate every time Lane picked up the tempo. Kevin, Bill, Pat, and Darren halted their practice and came over to watch and cheer them on.
After a few minutes Brad and Lane couldn’t keep up even with their physical charge and laughing and out of breath, they dropped to the mats. Ken and Bryan continued, and their smiles widened as the speed and complexity increased. They were having such a good time they didn’t want to stop. It was like a scene out of River Dance on steroids, and their inhuman speed and agility were beautiful to behold. The fluidity of their muscles and the perfection of their movements were breathtaking.
Bryan and Ken were both drenched in sweat after five minutes but they were only getting warmed up, and Bryan added additional rope work on top of the footwork. Ken matched him move for move, and when the music finally stopped they both dropped to the mat, breathing heavy and soaked in sweat but laughing like kids.
After they stopped laughing, they rested on the mats catching their breath. Bryan looked over at Ken with a hint of a grin on his face and in his deep, gravelly voice said, “Not bad for a girly man.”
He rolled on his shoulders and kicked his legs, springing up onto his feet and held out a hand to pull Ken up.
Bryan and Lane’s arrival lightened the mood, especially after the little exhibition Bryan and Ken put on with the ropes.
“I’m glad you guys’re here, even if I didn’t need a sparrin’ partner. B and I worked up some new maneuvers we want to start on this mornin’. Let’s all keep warmin’ up for a bit and then we’ll break, and B can download what we came up with.”
It was 0800 precisely and Brad was just about to reach out to Loy when a loud crash came from the Lab, and a voice shouted, “UNHAND ME, YOU BRUTE!”
Instantly defensive, Linked together and Shielded, they were ready to protect the doctor or Albrecht as they rushed into the Lab. Ken was the first one there, and Brad looked through his eyes.
Oh shit! It’s Taliesin!
Taliesin looked disheveled, his clothing dirty and wrinkled, and he smelled. His complexion was almost gray, and he was visibly shaking. His long hair was greasy and unwashed and his ponytail, previously kept tight and neat, was a wreck. He looked like he hadn’t shaved in days.
Once in the room they felt the doctor’s Shield over Taliesin’s Mind while Albrecht forced him to sit in a chair. Taliesin’s hands were bound behind his back, but even so they knew he was an excellent fighter, and Albrecht was careful.
Albrecht said, “Now that you’re here Tal relax and stop fighting the Compulsion. You know you’ll feel better once you do. You’re already here so what’s the point in continuing to resist?”
Taliesin perceptibly relaxed, taking a deep breath, and his demeanor changed immediately. He glanced up and saw the eight large handsome men staring at him, muscled and sweaty from their workout. He saw Lane and Bryan among them, and a mix of emotions crossed his features. At first surprise, then curiosity, and finally resignation and sorrow.
“Hello, Dreamer. I didn’t expect to see you or your lumbering ox of a partner again. I know my plan failed. That rarely ever happens; you should be proud of yourself.”
Everyone in the room felt the tension in Bryan and Lane as soon as they recognized Taliesin. The light-hearted banter they enjoyed moments before vanished and all the emotions of their ordeal in Taliesin’s Construct rushed back to the surface.
It was evident from the look on the doctor’s face that he didn’t expect Bryan and Lane to be there.
Bryan’s body, already pumped from his workout flushed a deep red as every muscle tensed. A wave of heat radiated off of him, and everyone heard a low guttural growl come out of him with their ears and their Minds. The sound wasn’t human, and it startled them. The pupils of Bryan’s eyes became slitted and before Ken could react Bryan moved forward with a roar and grabbed Taliesin around his throat and lifted him, chair and all, into the air and slammed him down, cracking the floor with the impact.
Bryan was on top of him, his face inches from Taliesin’s and he let out another growl. They were all shocked as the sounds coming out of Bryan echoed throughout the building.
Bryan was the Protector of the Tree and Guardian of the Creature under the Tree he named Leroy. Leroy’s Purpose was to destroy the world and all of Creation if or when God called for it. Until that time Bryan was Linked with him. The bond between Lane and Bryan was so powerful that the grief Bryan felt when Lane died affected Leroy even in his slumber. That connection was still fresh, and Bryan wasn’t prepared for the primal anger coursing through him.
When Bryan spoke, his voice was even deeper than usual, “Tell me, little man, why I shouldn’t kill you for what you did!”
Even Lane looked shocked at Bryan’s words. Ken made eye contact with Lane, and his meaning was clear.
I’m giving you the chance to stop him first.
Lane moved over, putting his hands on Bryan’s shoulders, and his body was so tense it was like touching granite.
“Bry! Calm down! You know if you wake up Leroy what’s going to happen! He’s not worth it! I’m here! Look at me! Come back to me, Bry!”
Taliesin took everything in, his clever Mind spinning and working.
“You can’t kill me, you lummox! I’m Immortal!”
Bryan breathed slow and deep, looking dazed. At the sound of Lane’s voice he blinked, shaking his head to focus, and his eyes returned to normal.
He looked Taliesin in the eye and saw the smug look on his face as though he was in total control of the situation. Bryan’s anger twitched again at the impetuous nature of the man in front of him. After everything he put Lane and Bryan through… and for him to sit there with such a look on his face…
He headbutted Taliesin, shattering his nose. Taliesin screamed in pain, “You imbecile! You will pay for that!”
Bryan said, “You say I can’t kill you, little man. Maybe I can and maybe I can’t, but I have a better idea. Leroy’s stomach would be a perfect place to hide you away until the end of time. Would you like that? To be digested in the belly of a dragon? Forever? I’m sure you’ll wish you were dead soon enough, fucker.”
Taliesin’s face blanched white as a sheet at the thought, and the smirk left his face.
Bryan stood up, lifting Taliesin with him, and set his chair back down. Everybody stared at him wide-eyed in shock.
Glancing at his buddies with an innocent look on his face Bryan shrugged and said, “What?! He pissed me off!”
Leroy’s presence was gone from the Link, and they knew Bryan was back in control of himself. He was still angry but not serious about his threat, however it was apparent Taliesin didn’t realize that. They were still alert, but the extra tension over Bryan’s reaction went away.
Lane’s eyes were on Bryan, but he asked, “Hey doc, what are you going to do with him?”
“I think Lane, that you and Bryan should decide what to do with him. I will tell you my opinion if you wish to hear it, but I think you are both wise enough to decide how he should pay for what he did to you. That is, as long as Bryan is in his right Mind?”
“I’m okay now, doc.”
“I want to talk with you, Bryan, about what just happened when this situation is resolved.”
“Yes, sir.”
Lane interjected, “Alright guys, I want me and Bryan to be alone with this dirtbag for a few minutes. I mean privately.”
The concern from the doctor and Albrecht and the rest of the guys was clear. It didn’t make him mad; he knew they had his well-being in Mind. They didn’t think him incapable of dealing with the situation, they were just concerned for him. Taliesin was dangerous.
“I appreciate your concern fellas, but we’ll be fine. Doc, you can let me take over his Shield.”
Everyone went back to the gym followed by the doctor and Albrecht. Lane dropped himself and Bryan out of the Link.
Once they were alone, Taliesin’s smirk returned.
Lane, what’re you doing? I can’t read you right now.
“It’s cool, Bry. I’m just being careful.”
Lane knelt in front of Taliesin, staring at him. He reached his hands out, and Taliesin jerked back.
“Relax. I need to set your nose before I Heal it. Bryan’s sorry he broke it.”
“No, I’m not.”
Lane looked over and arched an eyebrow.
“Okay, maybe a little.”
“It’s nothing to be proud of Taliesin, but I’ve never seen Bry lose his shit like that. I think once we’ve had our little chat you might have wanted to take your chances with him.”
“The Order has rules. You can’t kill me.”
Lane Opened his and Bryan’s energy centers, merging them deeply. His hands glowed as he sent flows of Healing into Taliesin, knitting the bone and cartilage in his nose back together. Taliesin’s eyes widened in surprise; Healing was such a rare art back in his day he was impressed, not only that Lane was a Healer but how casually he channeled the Power.
“I have something else in mind. You see, I had a Dream about you, and you still have an important part to play in events. There’s something you have to do in order for us to win against The Enemy. I do too, but there’s a problem. The Enemy has been after you for a very long time… actually, they’ve been after what you carry inside you. To keep you alive I need to make you useless to them so they won’t care about you anymore.”
Bryan’s stomach knotted when he heard what Lane said and realized what he was about to do.
“Lane, no! Don’t man, please! You don’t know what it’ll do to you!”
“It’s alright Bry but get ready. I’m going to need you very badly here in a minute.”
Lane looked deeply into Taliesin’s eyes and saw that he at least understood part of what Lane was saying.
“Ask me the Question.”
Taliesin’s voice trembled at the sudden turn of events. When he saw Bryan still alive, his hopes of Lane helping him crumbled. Now, suddenly, everything he longed for was back!
“Do you Lane Weaver, willingly accept the Gift I carry inside me? Will you become the Seer and Oracle of The Order?”
There was a long drawn out pause where Lane stared intensely into Taliesin’s eyes. He saw so many things there; a lifetime of thousands of years, and much of it miserable. He decided he felt sorry for Taliesin after all.
Taliesin’s body convulsed, and his back arched as a bright ribbon of energy erupted from his chest, arcing into Lane. Lane was ready with his energy centers already Open, but it was still an abrupt transition of Power between them. He didn’t really know what to expect. His unconscious Mind put everything together in the last few minutes, otherwise there was no way Bryan or the others would have let him do it. After the memory The Master sent Lane, he knew what he had to do in order for them to have a chance against him. Even with The Master moving outside Time, Lane’s act of Free Will would create endless new possibilities for the outcome of the Battle.
There was no pain, but Lane became extremely disoriented. Suddenly there were multiple versions of Taliesin and Bryan in the room. His Mind saw the echoes of every alternate reality spinning off his own as each decision was made around him, from Bryan to Taliesin to the rest of the Team. It was the effect the doctor warned him about. The Gift by itself wasn’t powerful enough to cause such a reaction but his Avatar complimented and magnified it immeasurably, and that was why he had to accept it.
Fuck! Lane, why did you do this? I’m here!
Lane’s perceptions went wild and he couldn’t focus, lost in the various realities spiraling around him. His eyes went White, and the energies whipping around him caused a hot wind to blow. He stood at the center of a vortex as new realities cascaded from where he stood.
Bryan felt Lane slipping away. Not just his Mind and Soul but his existence, being pulled apart by the various realities he touched.
You aren’t going anywhere, you fucker! I’m not losing you again!
Bryan’s desperation echoed in his voice and through the Link, and his strong arms wrapped around Lane squeezing him so tight he could hardly breathe. Their energy centers were already Open, and Bryan tied himself around Lane’s Heart, Mind, and Soul. Those parts of him were just as strong as his Body, and he tied himself in a knot around Lane like the Roots of the Tree, with all his might. Bryan’s Avatar flared brilliant green as Energy from the Tree of Life channeled into him, tying Lane to him even tighter.
Ghostly images of roots formed around Lane and Bryan, holding them together and preventing Lane from being pulled away. Bryan anchored Lane to himself and to their reality, forcing them together into One perfect being.
An idea had been forming in Lane’s unconscious Mind for some time. Lane knew the doctor was aware Nephilim are spiritual creatures and Immortal. Bill’s ordeal with the Skull proved their perceptions of time differ from humans. What Lane planned might take a little time… an eternity that in reality would only take a few seconds. Bryan’s love for him created a buffer, and the pressure in Lane lessened. It gave him the control and the stability he needed to carry out his plan.
Bry, come with me.
There’s no way in hell I’m letting you go anywhere without me, you little shit! When we’re back and this is over, I’m gonna kick your ass for putting me through this again!
Lane and Bryan left their bodies and became One ball of light. Just as Brad was able to take Ken with him across the Veil when their Souls were combined, Lane took Bryan with him on a temporal pathway. Even though the thought just occurred to him, Lanes plan had been in motion for eons. His Mind was now able to understand the Paradox of the Multiverse and realize how that was even possible.
He didn’t take them forward or backward, he took them sideways to a branch so remote the probability it existed was infinitesimally small. Even though they appeared in the same spot geographically, the Earth of the side Reality was entirely different. The Lab didn’t exist there, and they stood in a barren rocky landscape with no buildings or structures in sight. The sky was gray and overcast and the air hot and arid. Lane wasn’t sure what happened, but there was no life on that version of Earth. It was perfect for his plan.
Once there they split apart and took the semblance of their physical forms. It was just an illusion, but they held hands anyway.
I’m pretty sure The Master has never been here… it’s so far beneath his notice he’s never paid attention to it. We’re pretty far out.
The part of Bryan’s Avatar that came from Pat gave him the Understanding of where they were, and he was in awe of what Lane accomplished.
What are we doing here?
Solving a problem, I hope.
Lane looked upwards and sent his voice into the Heavens. He was careful, sending his Voice back through the same pathway he took to get them there. He needed the Gabriel of his reality.
It took a moment, but a small ball of light appeared that quickly grew into the form of his Angelic grandfather. He was dressed in his usual gray suit and his dark red hair pulled back into a ponytail.
Lane smiled when their eyes met.
Thanks for coming.
You certainly picked an out of the way place. You are aware of the Paradox you will create by this knowledge transfer? If you were bound by our Rules this would not be permissible, but I’m sure that was part of the doctor’s intent when he started all of this. I think Raphael is right and you have to be outside our Rules to succeed.
I’ll be careful grandfather, and I understand the risks. Did you bring it?
Gabriel held out his hand, and a small box appeared in his palm. Glancing at Bryan, Gabriel thought: Unlock it.
Bryan looked carefully at the small ornate box. He sensed the Wood immediately, and his first reaction was anger that anyone would use even a small piece of the Tree for a jewelry box, but his Understanding kicked in and he knew it was necessary to Shield whatever was inside from The Enemy. He saw the intricate carving of their tattoos in the wood overlaid by a five-sided star.
When he looked closer, he realized the patterns weren’t complete. Small gaps in the designs needed to be filled in to finish them. His Avatar pulsed to life and his hands glowed with a soft green light. The Wood grew and the patterns filled in.
At each point of the star was a letter spelling out “I-L-Y-L-B.” He realized he was the one who made the box… or would make it. He grinned at the thought of how clever he had been and his grin quickly broadened into a smile. There wasn’t anyone else in existence that could open the box without destroying it. It would only work if he were the one that said the words but just as important, the timbre and love in his voice were also crucial. It was magic.
His eyes bright, Bryan looked Lane in the eye and spoke the Truth, “I love you, Little Buddy.”
With a small pop, the box opened and a tiny blue ball, a memory sphere, lifted out and hovered. Lane motioned with his hand and the ball moved over, disappearing into his forehead. He blinked and his brow furrowed in the cute way Bryan loved when he was concentrating on writing a song.
His Mind filled with the knowledge and experience of how to integrate the Gift with his Avatar. It was a gift to himself from his future self.
Bryan saw the relief in Lane through his body language. Bryan felt his own relief when he Understood Lane was now in control of the Gift and no longer being pulled apart.
Bry, it worked! Hot damn! I was pretty sure it would, but it did! Thank you, grandfather!
I did nothing but keep a family heirloom safe for a time.
When did I give it to you?
You know I can’t answer that, it would cause too many ripples. You will know when the time is right, I assure you. I must get back. Be well, both of you.
Gabriel smiled as he transformed into a ball of light and disappeared.
Bryan hugged Lane, and their bodies disappeared. Lane dropped the illusion, but Bryan still held Lane close inside himself.
I do love you, Little Buddy. More than anything, you little shit. You need to quit scaring me like this. You’re going to make me go gray!
Well you know that’s not gonna happen… but if it did, I think you’d look sexy as hell. Now get ready, I’m taking us back.
Returning to their bodies, Taliesin still sat in the chair barely conscious, recovering from the massive transfer of Power from his body. The entire sideways shunt took no time in their reality.
Leaning over, Lane gave him a few gentle taps on his cheek to wake him up.
“Wakey, wakey.”
Bryan and Lane knew right away Taliesin’s Mind was closed, and all the powers the Gift bestowed upon him were gone; he was mortal once again, and defenseless against the Enemy.
He jerked awake, and the emotions running through his Mind were an open book for Lane and Bryan. Mortal once again he planned to find a painless way to end his life and be at peace. His viewed his life as a tragedy, filled with pain and loss, and wanted it to end.
“What are you going to do with me? I’m of no use to you now.”
“That’s not true. You’re of immense value, and I’m afraid I can’t let you carry out your plan. You need to stick around a little longer.”
Taliesin’s reaction surprised them. Instead of getting violent or angry, his eyes watered.
“I should have known the grand and mighty Order wouldn’t be done with me. They never truly release their servants, and they will bleed your Souls dry as they did mine. Eventually, you will see the truth of my words.”
Taliesin’s emotional state and suffering were evident, and the fact he believed what he said made Lane’s choice uncomfortable.
“I’m sorry Taliesin… I know you believe what you say, but your experiences with The Order weren’t always bad. You’ve forgotten many years of happiness. Maybe now you’ll have the time or inclination to remember those times and become the man you used to be.”
We can’t tell him anything important Bry, just in case the Enemy still goes after him. I doubt they will, but we need to protect his Mind and set some Compulsions to ensure his survival. I don’t like doing that, but we can’t let him kill himself. He has a role to play that will be crucial in The Enemy’s defeat… I can’t see it clearly yet, but he needs to survive.
You’re the boss on this one, Lane. I’ll back whatever decision you make where this guy is concerned.
Lane reinserted himself and Bryan into the Link with Brad, Ken, and everyone else. The comfort and presence of their Brothers flooded back into them, everyone but Loy and Rick.
Lane: Where are those goofballs?
Ken: I’m not sure, but they’re late, and B can’t reach ‘em. We’re worried about ‘em.
Brad realized the difference in Lane as soon as he was back in the Link.
Brad: Oh no! Lane! Why did you do that?! The doc said it was dangerous!
The immediate concern of all the guys filled the Link, and all of them started in on him, but he interrupted them.
Look guys, I heard the doc! I get it! But you know the Dream I had, and yeah, it was just a possibility, not a certainty, but I’ve had other visions since. It was risky, but I’ve got it under control. We needed this to up our chances against The Master.
Lane shared what he had done and the complexity and danger of his plan astounded them.
Brad: It could still backfire, Lane. The Paradox you created… holy shit! And what about the side effects of the Gift on Taliesin?
Lane: Yeah, but I have an advantage. For one I’m half Nephilim, and that alone makes a huge difference. On top of that, the Gift is entirely complementary to my Avatar. It fits like a glove now that it’s settled. The combination will let me See and understand things more on my own terms and under my control. I won’t be at the mercy, or at least not as much, of what my Avatar chooses to show me.
Ken: So, what about Taliesin? What’s gonna happen to him now?
Lane: All I know is that he has to stay alive. His role is still necessary, although I don’t know how yet. Once I have time to focus, I‘ll try to figure it out, but for now I need your help. We need to Shield him so The Enemy can’t get to his Mind. If they can’t get to him that way he’ll no longer be of interest to them. That’s just a precaution … I’m hoping the doc and Albrecht can hide him so They won’t find him.
Ken: Okay let’s get this done so we can focus on Ricky and Loy. I’m gettin’ a bad feelin’ about them. Lane, Bry, since Loy isn’t here the two of you will have ‘ta power us up. B, the Shield is your shindig. Hop to it, ladies!
Their practice and training kicked in, and they merged together like a well-oiled machine. Lane Listened, channeling the Music of Creation and filling them with strength and Power while Bryan channeled the Life Energy of Creation from the Tree. The two sources of power filled them and bright White energy arced and flowed between them. Brad was the focal point, building a wall around Taliesin’s Mind to protect him while Lane set the Compulsions necessary to keep Taliesin alive.
As a precaution in case The Enemy made a concerted effort to break through their protections, Brad built safeguards to alert them so they could intervene and if necessary teleport him to safety.
Physically exhausted from fighting the Compulsion, he also suffered from the power transfer of the Gift, and his emotional state over not being able to end his life was traumatic, so Brad put Taliesin to sleep hoping to give him peace at least for a short time.
They just finished with Taliesin when Brad, Lane, Darren, and Bill sensed the presence of a Spirit enter the Lab, so weak it had no discernable form. A split second later the Lab’s alarm system chirped, and a tingle in their gut indicated the presence The Enemy.
Before Ken could ask, the doctor was already looking at the monitors.
Ken: Guys, do what you can to protect that Spirit! Doc, talk to me!
Aaron: I am not sure yet, Kenneth. The Spirit Wards were activated as well as the physical lockdown.
The doctor shifted his Sight, and his eyes turned White. The building disappeared as he looked on the Spiritual Plane, and he saw three dark humanoid shapes at the edge of the Wards in the parking lot.
Aaron: They are some form of Dark Spirit. It seems The Enemy did not wish that Spirit to reach us.
Ken: There are only three of ‘em. While we’re still juiced up this should be a cinch. You four send Kev and me outside, and B and Bill come in behind us. Dar, Pat, Lane, and Bry, you guys stay in here to protect the Spirit, and you’ll be our backup in case anythin’ goes wrong. Stay tight and let’s light ’em up, guys.
It would have been easier with Loy, but Darren took the lead and synchronized his Avatar with Brad’s, Lane’s, and Bill’s. A fraction of a second later Ken, Brad, Kevin, and Bill stood outside in the parking lot behind the creatures.
Surprise registered as their collective Avatars came to life. As soon as they were close, Brad and Ken recognized the creatures as lesser Nephilim from across the Veil! In fact, Brad identified them as part of the band that tried to interfere with rescuing Bill.
Ken said, “You’re too late. The Spirit’s with us and under our protection. You shouldn’t have come here. Kev, shut ‘em down. B, Bill, grab ‘em and find out why they’re here.”
Kevin focused. It was a strain because the creatures were Nephilim and there were three of them, but he set his Will and shut their powers down, trapping them in the Physical Realm so they couldn’t flee.
The four men were deeply Linked, and Brad guided the flows among them. White bands of Power arced out from his hands, trapping the three creatures and holding them immobile. The Nephilim were servants of The Enemy, and Evil, and screamed pain from the White Power Brad wielded.
Bill moved forward and one by one held out a hand, touching each Nephilim, and his Avatar glowed brightly as he Read them. As soon as he made contact, everything about each of them became known to Bill.
Bill cried out: “Oh fuck! Guys!”
Everything about the facility where Loy and Rick were trapped and the reason behind it, all the knowledge and understanding became known to Bill, and through their Link, everyone else. The Master had been draining thousands of Animal Spirits into oblivion, taking them out of the Cycle of Rebirth to give him the power to travel outside of Time. The Amalgam he created, the Presence Rick and Loy felt, was the focal point of that Power and Loy and Rick were facing it alone. To top it all off, The Master knew they were there and was on his way to destroy them in person and break The Order!
Inside, Lane and Darren channeled Healing energy into the Spirit. It was on the brink of fading beyond recovery. As it rejuvenated, they recognized it as the horse Dolly from the day of Loy’s Awakening.
By the Light of their Avatars, she took on a corporeal form. They looked into her memory and were shocked at what they found; images of her torture, of Loy and Rick fighting a number of those dark creatures, and Dolly and Burt fleeing to try to reach the Lab.
Loy’s Command still echoed prominently in her Mind.
Dolly! Burt! Run! Find our friends and bring them here! Don’t stop until you reach them!
Dolly’s memory showed more creatures pursuing her and Burt and Burt sacrificing himself so she could reach them. The Dark Nephilim nearly caught her and came close enough to drain more of her essence, but in a desperate effort she escaped and made it to the Lab seconds before they caught her.
Rick and Loy spent all night working their way through the abandoned facility, uncovering chamber after chamber filled with cages. Most were filled with corpses, but occasionally they discovered some animals still alive. The doors to each room were covered with Runes masking the presence of the animals from Loy’s senses, so they had to check room by room. Healing any animals still alive, Loy escorted them to the outside entrance, adding a Compulsion; if they were pets return to their owners, and if they were wild, run far away and find a safe place to live.
Rick and Loy kept their Souls bound together, and their love for one another kept them going… when they became exhausted, they rested in each another and refreshed one another; however, each Healing took more out of them, and they grew weaker as the Presence grew stronger.
They encountered and killed half a dozen muscled Protectors manning the facility. None of the Protectors were coerced into servitude and while they regretted the loss of life, that knowledge made their actions bearable.
I think we fucked up, Ricky. We should have tried to reach the guys earlier.
Maybe Loy, but there’s no way we could have known we’d find this place… and we did try, just too late. We can’t go crying every time we have a suspicion something’s wrong.
I’m not sure we’re going to make it out of here, bud. I’m really getting worn out.
Fuck that thinking, Loy! Keep pulling from me! As much as you need to! I’m tired too, but I have a lot left in me, and so do you. It’s that thing wearing on us again. Come here.
Grabbing Loy, Rick held his partner, squeezing tight. After a minute, his hands roamed over Loy’s back, shoulders, and neck, and the physical contact helped settle both of them.
Rick put one hand inside Loy’s shirt on the center of his chest and his other hand on Loy’s back, pressing his hands together. To that day, Rick didn’t know why, but it was one of Loy’s favorite things for him to do. Rick loved doing it because he got to feel Loy’s solid body but Loy received an indescribable rush from the action.
Loy sighed, and Rick smiled at the sound.
Fuck Ricky, I love you. Damn, I love it when you do that.
You remember the first time I did it? We had just met, and I was helping you keep good form while you were doing curls in the gym and you popped a boner.
Loy smiled at the memory and brought them closer into the deep, intimate coupling that completed them, and like perfect pieces of a puzzle and they clicked together. Resting in each other, their auras strengthened, and aside from refreshing them, it reinforced their Shield, lessening the emotional pressure the sense of futility.
Both had the same thought at the same time and chuckled.
Loy: Really? Here? In the middle of all this?
I think we need to, Loy. I know it’s crazy, but it’ll make us stronger.
You know the guys will never let us live this down if we make it out of here, right?
Hell, it’s another good war story, and you know a good war story makes all the guys hot and bothered. Fuck, Ken’s already hard and doesn’t even know it yet.
Loy literally laughed out loud at Rick’s comment about Ken because it was probably true.
Still smiling, Rick pulled Loy’s shirt off. The facility was hot and humid, and they were both sweaty. The sight of Loy bare torso, his muscles shining in the dim light, lit a fire in Rick. He took a deep breath, inhaling Loy’s musky scent, the smell of his lover, and he got hard right away. He stripped off his own shirt revealing his muscular body. Their eyes met, glinting with growing lust, knowing what they did to one another.
Dropping their shorts, they stood chest to chest. Putting his arms around Rick’s heavy shoulders Loy jumped, wrapping his legs around Rick’s waist. Rick’s arms flexed as he caught Loy’s full weight effortlessly. Their skin slick with sweat, they had to hold each other tightly.
Something about the situation, where they were and what they were doing, excited them both. Rick’s erection, already hard and wet at the tip, pressed against Loy’s hairy stomach. Rick cupped Loy’s ass cheeks, spreading them apart, his muscle control allowing him to enter Loy hands-free. Loy tensed briefly, and then relaxed, allowing Rick to enter him smoothly.
Rick moved them against the wall, and started thrusting, slowly picking up his pace. He wasn’t trying to hold back and let the excitement of the moment carry him to a powerful orgasm. Rick shot into his lover, recharging Loy, filling him with fresh strength.
It was difficult for Loy to hold off but he managed. Once Rick finished shooting, he lowered Loy to his feet and knelt in front of him, taking Loy into his mouth. As soon as Rick’s warm mouth enveloped him, he let go, filling his mouth and Opening Rick’s Mind.
In the Dark place they were in, and in the Spiritual Realm, they shone like the core of the sun as they held each other. Their grip on each other was tight, expressing their emotions. They kissed and finally broke apart, their sweaty foreheads touching as they smiled and caught their breath. They didn’t need words to express how they felt about each other; they were One and more than the sum of their individual selves, naked to one another in every way imaginable.
The pressure against their Shields lessened as they renewed one another, becoming stronger. Their act was primal and pure, and they both felt physically and emotionally better after the release.
With the brief respite, as they rested together, Loy heard a whimper in the back of his Mind, and reached for it.
Ricky! Just down the hall! Let’s go!
They quickly dressed, only stopping for a brief kiss and a smile as their eyes met. They were careful but moved quickly down the hall, and Rick’s enhanced hearing picked up the sound through a heavy metal door that was barred and covered in runes. Many of the runes were smoking and partially burned off… the Aura they generated during their lovemaking partially incinerated them.
Damn Ricky, I should have thought of that earlier.
Well, with the Shield that thing has over this place it might not have worked. I’m sure these were affected because we were so close. That, and we were hot as hell.
Grinning at his comment, they were both still wound up, and if not for the severity of the situation they could easily go at it again.
True, but it would have been worth a shot.
Rick rolled his eyes at Loy’s overused pun. Regardless of how it happened, their spirits lifted and they felt more optimistic about their chances.
Loy held out his hand, and Rick grasped it. Breathing deeply, they brought their Souls together again for a brief instant and in seconds their Light burned the remaining runes to ash. As soon as the runes were gone Loy was aware of the animals in the room.
Opening the door, they went inside. The smell of urine and feces was almost overpowering, especially to Rick, hitting them right away. In the dim light, Loy made out one large cage against the back wall, and four pairs of eyes shining back at him. They were wolves, and Rick saw dried blood on their muzzles.
The wolves were smart and with the runes gone they were aware of their Steward, looking at him expectantly, no longer afraid. Rick snapped the lock with his hands, and the wolves moved into the room, weak and hungry but otherwise healthy.
The look in their eyes was clear.
We are a part of your pack now, and we’re coming with you.
Looking into their memories Loy saw them viciously fighting Protectors. One of the Protectors killed a pack member who in turn was killed by the Presence. After that they were locked up and left to starve.
Loy’s conflict over the wolves was clear.
What’s wrong, Loy?
We should lead them out like the others, but my gut tells me to keep them with us. They’re in much better shape than most of the animals we’ve come across, and they’re great fighters, but I’m afraid they’ll die if they stay with us.
This is their fight as much as ours, Loy. I know we’re supposed to Protect them, but we could use the help. Any friends in this place are a good thing, right?
Loy looked directly at the alpha, holding his gaze.
You can come with us but stay back. Don’t attack anything unless we attack first.
Loy’s Command was more a matter of Will, but they heard his words and understood them. With his Avatar of Stewardship over the Animal Kingdom they would abide by his commands. As Original Men animals would obey any of the guys but Loy in particular, or the Mentalists who bore a lesser version of his Avatar.
Continuing down the hall they came to another set of steps leading down. The Presence was stronger there; it was close. The first room they came to was a makeshift kitchen for the Protectors that kept the place running, empty now that Rick and Loy killed them.
I don’t think the thing running this place cared about the human servants. To it they were disposable, and it probably got a kick out of us taking them out.
The kitchen was mostly empty, but it had a refrigerator and running water. Looking in the cabinets, Rick found a stash of protein bars, an odd assortment of snacks, and the fridge was full of bottled water. Neither man had eaten in almost twenty-four hours, and were ravenous. Their stomachs grumbled and they devoured most of the protein bars. Loy filled the sink with water for the wolves and fed them whatever in the stash was safe for them to eat.
Resting a few minutes gave themselves and the wolves time to let the food and water settle into their systems, then they continued down the hallway. All of them felt better with food and water in them.
The temperature dropped considerably as they moved down the last set of stairs. In the colder air the heat of their bodies quickly dried their sweaty clothing, and they would have been cold if not for their extra body heat.
The hallway was long and dark with occasional dim lights set in the walls near the ceiling to show the way. The Presence lay directly ahead, very close. The pressure of its Darkness pushed, constant and unyielding against their Shields. The wolves emitted low guttural growls and Loy commanded them again to stay behind him and Rick.
The raspy voice spoke in their Minds.
So… you come to confront me. You will find your death here.
An odd light flickered from an open doorway farther down the hall. Whatever they were about to face was in that room. Hand in hand Rick and Loy moved forward, ready to face it.
I love you, Ricky. There’s no one I’d rather have by my side or in my Soul than the man standing here with me.
Rick squeezed Loy’s hand and leaned over to press their heads together in a show of affection. The look in Rick’s eyes said everything Loy needed to know, the emotion and love he felt was shared through their connection. They strengthened their bond and their Shield, glowing brighter as they brought their Light to bear in the Presence of The Enemy.
They moved into the room cautiously. The wolves followed, fanning out behind them, their ferocity and protectiveness towards Loy and Rick apparent. Their fangs bared and hackles rose as low guttural growls came from deep inside their chests.
The creature was unlike anything Loy or Rick had ever seen or imagined. It wasn’t a living creature; it was an Amalgam made from thousands of animal Spirits. The energy filled a harness crafted of armored plates and linked runes. The shape of the harness gave it a quadrupedal form that looked vaguely wolf-like. It stood on four paws looking at them. It didn’t have eyes, only a glow from holes in the armor where its eyes should be.
Looking closer, Rick and Loy saw the Animal Spirits swirling, contained in the armor. Loy hurt over the loss of so many animals drained out of existence for the purposes of The Enemy, taken out of the Cycle of Life. His anger stirred at the affront and clouds in the sky overhead darkened, and thunder rumbled loudly in response to his emotion.
My existence angers you, no? Am I an affront to you? Good… I wish you to feel the same pain and suffering as these wretched creatures before I take you as well.
Rick moved behind Loy and wrapped his arms tightly around him wanting Loy to feel his support physically as well as Spiritually.
I’m ready, Loy.
The Amalgam crouched aggressively and let out a challenging roar. When its jaws opened, black smoky tendrils belched forth like thick ropes striking their Shield. White Light flared as the Powers clashed and Rick and Loy felt the impact; it was strong. Lightning and thunder ripped through the skies overhead, reflecting the confrontation.
The creature repeatedly struck their Shields, trying to break through. The strain was incredible, and after only a few minutes Rick and Loy were both drenched in sweat, their chests heaving with the effort of maintaining their defense.
We have to figure out some way to go on the offensive, or we’re not gonna make it!
Even as Loy formed his thought, the four wolves attacked. The Amalgam consisted of Spirits, but the harness gave it a physical form that could be damaged.
Loy yelled, “No! Get away! You’ll die!”
As their Steward the wolves should have obeyed him, but their overriding need to protect him took precedence over his command, and he couldn’t spare the energy to Compel them to obey.
They were ferocious in their attack, giving no heed to their own safety or well-being. Loy knew they intended to save him and Rick even if it cost them their lives. It was the way of the pack.
The Amalgam shrugged its massive form, knocking the attackers away. The wolves gnashed and bit at the harness with their teeth, instinctively knowing which links were weakest, but they were worldly creatures against a Magical Construct of enormous Power. With a shrug it threw them off, and there were yelps of pain as their bodies slammed against the concrete walls.
Anger flared in Loy and Rick at the sight of the lifeless corpse of one of the wolves. The other three, despite their pain, attacked again. Loy and Rick sensed a lessening of pressure against their Shield as the Amalgam focused on the corpse. Loy realized it intended to capture and drain the Spirit of the dead wolf.
Steeling his Will, Loy commanded the Spirit of the wolf shouting, “No! Come to me!”
The Amalgam howled in rage as its hold on the Spirit failed. The Spirit gave Loy its strength, emptying itself before he could stop it. Tears streamed down his face at the sacrifice it made for them.
Over the next few minutes the other three wolves died in the same manner, and Loy commanded their Spirits to come to him rather than be consumed by the creature. The alpha was the last to die, and as its Spirit came to Loy it took on a corporeal form by the Light of his Avatar. Loy made eye contact, and through the tears streaming down his face he saw peace in its eyes. There was no fear or blame, only love and acceptance. Loy felt its contentment as it gave him the last of its strength.
Loy and Rick were angered as the spirits emptied themselves, sacrificing their existence for the sake of defeating the Amalgam and protecting their Steward.
Loy learned one more thing from the minds of the wolves as their essence became a part of him; they managed to weaken a few of the metal links on the harness.
Looking at the harness, the part of Rick’s Avatar that came from Pat gave him the Understanding of which links were the most damaged. He also Understood how the runes worked and how the harness was crafted and which Link would be the most effective to break first. Loy used the part of his Avatar that came from Darren and reached out with his Mind, latching onto the most damaged Link, twisting it with all his strength. The effort was incredible, but after a moment the metal stretched and the links popped apart. His effort took all the extra Power they received from the wolves.
A small flare of light appeared as energy spit out, leaking from the tear between the runes. The damage was minor, but it was something, and the Amalgam howled its rage.
That is of no consequence! You will tire long before I do, and I will consume you!
They knew it spoke the truth. They were exhausted, and even though its Power was weakening, Loy was on the floor leaning against Rick, who could barely hold them up. But they wouldn’t give up! Defeat wasn’t in their nature, and they couldn’t let their Brothers or The Order down.
Minutes stretched into what seemed like hours as they held on beyond any endurance they thought they had. Their love and fierce protectiveness for each other were the only things keeping them alive. Each was a defense for the other, and they reached deeper into themselves than they thought possible. The attacks against them became weaker as the creature’s essence drained, but their Shield was about to break. Each blow was painful to their Bodies, their Minds, and their Souls. They were drenched in sweat and clung to one another in desperation, knowing any second the black tendrils would break through and finish them.
Surprisingly a new voice made itself known.
You have done well.
The attacks stopped when the voice spoke. Rick and Loy knew that voice from Lane’s Dream and the cold, Dark presence of The Master brushed against their failing Shield. He was close.
Oh Fuck, Ricky! Not Him! Not now!
Their lungs burned with each heaving breath; neither one of them had ever felt so drained or tired. It hurt to breathe. It hurt to be alive. They were so drained their Mental voices were barely audible to each other, and they knew if the Master was present there was no doubt that they were done for.
I love you, Ricky.
I love you too, Loy. At least we’re together. We made a good go of it, buddy.
I’m sorry man, I guess I wasn’t enough.
Fuck that, Loy. Don’t even go there.
We can’t let him kill us, Rick. I can at least prevent that so we can die clean and of our own Free Will.
Rick hugged Loy with what little strength he had left. He pressed his cheek against his lover, and Loy pushed his face back as much as he was able.
I guess we’ll see each other on the other side. We’re Immortal. I wish we had talked to the doc more about what that really means.
Little late now, don’t you think?
Their bodies were so exhausted they didn’t have the energy to smile, but they laughed in their Minds at their banter. Even if they met their end at least they were together, and that mattered.
As Loy prepared to end their lives the sound of footsteps echoed in the hallway. The click of dress shoes against the wet gritty concrete floor echoed in the tunnel just outside the room. His presence, the same as in Lane’s Dream, brought a cold sensation on their already weary Souls. The Master was there for them gathering His Power to strike them down.
Even as Loy took a deep breath, bracing himself against what he had to do, faint music touched the back of their Minds. At first it was so quiet they weren’t sure it was real, the first few notes barely discernable, but by the end of the first bar it was loud and filling the entire abandoned facility.
The Master heard it too, and he hesitated a brief second to assess what was happening. That fraction of a second was all the guys needed.
Hello Darkness my old friend…
The sound of Lane’s voice brought unexpected relief, filling them with the strength and presence of their Brothers. White Light erupted around them, bolstering their Shield and forming a wall between them and their Enemy. The tears in their eyes changed from resignation to unimaginable relief.
Lane’s voice filled the area, echoing in their Minds and Hearts and the Dark Soul of the Master. The scene was surreal. The Amalgam stood still, it’s light dimming as the energy that gave it life spit out into the room. The Master was in the hallway mere feet from the door and Lane singing Simon and Garfunkel’s ‘The Sound of Silence’ filled the facility.
The footsteps stopped.
Brad: Hey, fellas.
Ken: You two fuckers aren’t goin’ anywhere. Now get up and kick that things ass!
Loy: Shit guys, are we glad to hear you. That was a little too close for comfort!
Ken: We got your backs! But we’re gettin’ you outta there pronto. We aren’t ready for a confrontation with you know who just yet.
With renewed strength, Rick picked them both up off the floor.
Let’s destroy that thing once and for all, Loy.
The grip of their hands tightened along with their Souls and Minds, and they delved into their Brothers and each another. They inhaled one another, relishing the love between them and their Brothers who just pulled their asses out of the fire.
The creature whipped around when they stood up, snarling and attacking but it had expended nearly all its strength in the earlier fight. White Light arced from Loy’s hands, striking the creature and tearing it apart, dissipating it. The harness fell to the floor with a loud clang now empty of the Spirits. Without the Amalgam’s Shield to protect it the Dark runes turned to ash in the presence of their Light.
Rage radiated from the Master over the destruction of His servant.
You will pay for that!
His anger hit their Shield hard. If Loy and Rick hadn’t had backup it would have cut through their Shield like a hot knife through butter. But they were together, as only they could be and along with their Brothers, they were enough.
Ken’s voice filled the room: I guess you won’t be toodlin’ outside ‘a Time so much now, will you? Yeah, I’d be pissed too. Sorry about that, asshole.
Loy and Rick vanished, pulled out by Darren and the others, and in their place a small ball of light appeared. It bobbed through the doorway and down the hall and stopped, hovering in front of The Master.
The Master seemed hesitant, but after a brief second he reached out and took it. The Vision Lane sent included alternate realities where the Master lay defeated and the Enemy decimated. He knew they were possibilities, like the one he sent Lane. When he traveled outside Time to find the Vision he sent Lane there was only one timeline in which he was defeated. Something changed, and there were now more. What had they done?
Lane’s voice echoed in His Mind as The Master saw the visions.
Two can play at that game, fucker.
Even at such a great distance, his cold anger touched them.
Loy and Rick appeared on the gym floor in the middle of their Brothers. The guys were holding hands, and a bright ribbon of Power flowed through them. Their eyes were White and their Avatars bright on their muscled shoulders, spitting off colorful tendrils of energy. The energy coursing through them blew a hot wind that felt soothing to Rick and Loy as it washed over their sweaty skin. They were dirty and grimy and emotionally exhausted. Lane and Bryan altered the flows and their bruises, cuts, and scrapes disappeared as their bodies were refreshed.
Emotional relief hit them with the support of everyone; sympathy and comfort for the loss they experienced, pride for the fight they put up, fear of almost losing them, and even chastisement for getting into the mess they found themselves in without letting someone know sooner.
Rick and Loy both breathed a heavy sigh of relief as they came to grips with it all. The abrupt transition from preparing to die to being saved was traumatic. As they held one another, glad to be alive and going over everything in their Minds, they both laughed at the thought that popped into their heads at the same time.
Really, Lane? Simon and Garfunkel?
Lane got that impish grin on his handsome face.
Hey! You gotta admit the words were perfect! How about next time I’ll take a little longer and come up with something original? I’m sure The Master wouldn’t mind waiting!
As Loy and Rick got up off the floor, they grabbed Lane first.
We love you, man. You’re special, and we don’t mean short bus special.
Rick and Loy shook their heads with broad smiles on their handsome faces, and the look in their eyes expressed the feelings behind their words.
Ken and Brad and the rest of the Team moved forward and embraced them. Once again, they overcame The Enemy by standing together.
They all laughed as they heard the doctor say, “I am getting too old for this!”
That night after Ken and Brad finished making love, as they rested together in bed caressing and holding one another, Brad sensed worry in Ken.
What’s wrong, Ken?
There was a slight pause before his response.
Thanks, B.
For what?
For askin’ what’s wrong instead of just lookin’. I know how easy it’d be for you.
We aren’t that deep right now. If we were I couldn’t help but see it, unless you tried to hide it. The way we are right now it would be like spying, and I’d never do that to you.
We’ve come a long way, B. You remember when I told ‘ya the hardest part about adjustin’ to your new abilities would be learnin’ restraint?
Yeah, I remember that night. Fun times!
They laughed at the memories of their earlier struggles.
Well, I’d say you learned it well.
So, you still haven’t answered my question. What’s wrong?
It’s nothin’ specific… just a feelin’. Against The Master’s flunkies we kick ass. It’d take a major mistake on our part ‘ta get taken by any of them now, or we’d have ‘ta be mobbed. I wonder how many of them we could take on as a group if it came to it?
Brad knew Ken was thinking about Lane’s Dream.
I know that’s really not what’s bothering you.
Ken looked at Brad and smiled. He reached out and cupped his lover’s handsome face and brought them together for a kiss.
After they separated Brad repositioned himself, resting his head on Ken’s chest while gently stroking Ken’s body with his free hand.
We have The Master’s attention now, maybe sooner than we should have. We’ve managed ‘ta piss him off, and we need ‘ta step up our game. It’s not that we’ve done anythin’ wrong. In fact, I’m happy with the progress we’ve made in our trainin’ and how far the guys, you and me included, have come. He’s always known we were a threat, but now he knows we have a chance of winnin’ this fight, and he’s gonna come after us. A direct confrontation isn’t his style unless he’s sure he can win. He’s gonna try and whittle us down, wear us down, any way he can. He’ll try ‘ta separate us like he did with Loy and Rick. We have ‘ta be ready for anythin’ he’s gonna throw at us. I think it’s about ‘ta get ugly.
His plan with Rick and Loy almost worked. That was too close.
Yeah, but we can’t blame them. They did what we’ve been trainin’ ‘ta do. Technically they should have contacted you sooner, but at the same time I understand why they didn’t. But that’s what I’m talkin’ about… we need ‘ta be more cautious than ever. We have ‘ta be smart. Things are escalatin’. I can feel it.
On one hand I wish things would slow down. So much has changed in the last year it seems like it’s been longer than that, but at the same time the sooner this confrontation is over, assuming we win, the better off the world will be.
I wish I could believe that B. We’ve got a decision ‘ta make. Once we win, what then? Do we step back and let humanity stumble forward on their own? Or do we try to lead them to a better place? And if we choose ‘ta do that how would we do it? We should talk ‘ta the doc and Albrecht about this. I’m sure they’ve already thought this through. The doc’s been taking a hands-off approach lately, and while I appreciate that, I wish he’d stay more involved. He has so much experience it’s daunting.
You know that’s why right? He wants us to grow on our own and not follow him.
I know, but….
You know he always has a reason. I think I understand why.
Ken grinned.
Are you holdin’ out on me?
The Order and The Enemy have been fighting for so long it’s crazy. Instead of things being Balanced between the two sides, it’s mostly been one or the other in control. There’s a final confrontation coming that we’re a part of. We’re Random, Ken. Gabriel told Lane the Rules don’t apply to us… we’re a bridge between the two worlds, and we can bring them back together. I think the doc sees himself as part of the old world that wasn’t successful in winning the fight. He created us, but he feels if he has too much influence on us we won’t be able to win. He doesn’t want to hold us back.
He’s also doing it because he loves us. As our father he wants us to grow up and be independent.
But he still has so much ‘ta teach us.
If you think about it Ken, he hasn’t shown us all that much lately. After our last two Awakenings, he’s pulled back from actively trying to teach us anything. Now he’s more of a guide and a moral compass, but only if we seek him out and ask him things. I’m so glad Albrecht is back in his life. He’ll always have us, but by pulling back and not being so involved he would have been so lonely.
If Albrecht wasn’t around, we wouldn’t have let him pull back.
Ken, can you imagine being together for thousands of years?
Not yet, but it’s a good thing I like you, otherwise it would seem like a really long time.
Ken grinned and pulled Brad up so he could kiss him again.
Brad’s hand moved down and found Ken already hard. He wrapped his hand around Ken’s solid shaft and started stroking him slowly but firmly.
All this smart talk outta you got me hard again. Sorry, I can’t help it.
Well if things ever get really boring between us, I know how to start your engine.
Just bein’ with you keeps my engine runnin’, B. You’re the hottest, sexiest, most handsome man in the entire world ‘ta me.
Brad started kissing Ken’s chest and slowly worked his way down until he took Ken into his mouth.
Ken pulled back enough to spin Brad around into a sixty-nine. Ken’s eyes turned White as he started their physical connection. After twenty years together, each man knew what the other liked and they did their best to pleasure each other. There was no hurry, and they took their time. The goal was to make each other feel good.
After a while, Brad Opened their other energy centers and merged them together. The colors of their eyes mixed and the love they held for one another, in one another, filled them up. Their bodies reacted as their Souls blended and everything between them intensified, and the Light between them got even brighter as they took in the essence of each other.
Ken pulled Brad back up into a tight embrace and they hugged, neither wanting to separate. They stayed like that for hours, their bodies relaxed, their Minds and Hearts One. Brad’s unconscious Mind kept them together and they fell asleep that way, a Light that shone for miles around their home in the Spiritual Realm. The love they felt for one another emanated out like a gentle wave, touching the Hearts and Minds of humans around them. That night there were no bad dreams or nightmares, and anyone who felt that Light touch them experienced a subtle feeling of things the way they were supposed to be.
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