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Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
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The Order - 16. Chapter 16

Content warning: This story contains adult situations, language, and consensual sex between adult men. If said content is illegal in your state or country, please leave now and do not continue.

The song Lane wrote for Greg is "Home" by Caleb if you want to give it a listen.

An uncomfortable cold, wet sensation on Sally’s face tugged at her consciousness. Foggy and confused, her eyes fluttered open. Her head pounded, and groaning, she rolled over attempting to sit up, but stopped immediately at the pain in her bruised and sore body. One of her first thoughts was her hair must be a mess and she was sure her makeup was a disaster. As she came to, the fog over her Mind lifted and the memory of what happened rushed back to her conscious Mind.

Carlo! Oh no!

Squeezing her eyes shut, tears dripped down her cheeks at the vision of Carlo trying to fend off the three large men that broke into her home. Carlo was a strong man, in good shape, and he knew how to take care of himself in a fight, but those men handled him like he was a child. She saw the look of surprise on his face when his blows had no effect on their attackers.

His shout still echoed in her Mind, “Sally run! Get out of here!”

One of the attacker’s reached out, almost casually, and snapped Carlo’s neck. His eyes, wide in surprise, stared lifelessly back at her as his body fell to the floor. Screaming, Sally ran for the gun Carlo kept hidden in their bedroom, but one of the big men grabbed her by her hair, throwing her roughly to the floor.

“What do you want!? Who are you!?”

“Shut ‘er up before the neighbors hear her.”

She cringed when the man’s big fist pulled back, remembering the pain when he hit her, and then darkness.

As her vision cleared, she looked around the room. She appeared to be in some kind of basement, with bare cement walls and an open wooden staircase leading up to a door. A low watt bulb gave off what light there was, and the room was dim. The concrete floor was cold and damp, with water pooled across part of it. A man lay unconscious not too far away. Sally jumped when a woman’s voice asked her softly, “Hey are you alright?”

Looking around she saw a young woman with a little boy in her arms. The woman looked terrified and it was obvious they had both been crying. The little boy, his face red and splotchy, seemed wide awake and stared at her.

Putting a hand to her aching head, Sally groggily asked, “Where are we?”

“I don’t know. I think we’re in a house somewhere, but I’m not sure.”

Sally crawled into a sitting position, her body stiff and aching. She was still crying and couldn’t get the image of Carlo’s lifeless eyes out of her Mind.

The woman asked her, “What’s your name?”

Sally sniffed and swallowed, her throat tight with emotion, but she managed to say, “Sally. Sally Bisel.”

“I’m Liz, Sally, and this is Drew.”

Liz nodded towards the unconscious man near the bottom of the staircase.

“I’m not sure who he is, but he’s hurt pretty bad.”

“What do they want with us?”

“I don’t know. We’ve been here a few days.”

Nodding towards the unconscious man she said, “They threw him down here yesterday. He’s still breathing, but he hasn’t moved or made any noise. You’ve been here a few hours. Are you hurt?”

“I don’t think so. Nothing broken anyway.”

Putting her head in her hands, Sally started crying again.

“Sally, come out of the water. Move over by me. We need to get you warm.”

Sally crawled over and sat with her back against the wall, her shoulder touching Liz’s. Liz took her free arm and put it around Sally’s shoulder rubbing her hand up and down her arm attempting to generate some warmth.

Liz asked, “Do you remember how you got here?”

“Some men broke into my house and killed my boyfriend. They didn’t say what they wanted.”

Sally sniffed again, wishing she had a Kleenex.

“I’m so sorry, honey.”

Liz pulled Sally closer and let her cry, continuing to run her hand up and down Sally’s arm.

Sally lost consciousness again for a time, and when she woke up Liz and Drew were both asleep. She had no idea how long she slept. The man on the floor was still unconscious and hadn’t moved.

Trying not to wake Liz, Sally crawled over to him. He had dried blood on his nose, mouth, and in his short beard. She was reluctant to try and move him, afraid of hurting him further. As severely beaten as he was, he might have broken bones or internal bleeding. She gently tried to wake him but he was unresponsive.

Crawling back to Liz and Drew, Sally sat quietly, lost in thoughts and emotions running through her mind, trying to process what was happening, and more than anything deal with the fact that Carlo was gone forever.




A few hours later, the men who broke into Sally’s house returned, throwing another man roughly down the stairs. Sally noted immediately how large and muscular he was, just like her captors. He was also beaten nearly to death, his face and clothes covered in blood.

One of the men said, “That’s for old time’s sake, Hank.”

When the men left, Sally crawled over to him and said, “Here let me help you.”

With Sally’s help, Henry managed to pull himself up and move so his back rested against the wall. He wore a short sleeve shirt over a wife beater and Sally managed to help him take his outer shirt off and used it to clean his face. She used some of the water on the floor that looked clean.

“My name’s Sally.”

“Henry. Thanks, Sally.”

One of Henry’s eyes was nearly swollen shut, and he had a deep laceration on his forehead. His bottom lip was torn, but the blood had clotted up. Sally felt sure he needed stitches. He was very stoic and hardly reacted to her efforts to clean him up even though she was sure he was in a lot of pain.

“Do you know who those men are?”

“Yeah, I was forced to work for them for a while, until some friends helped me get away. Apparently, it’s not the kind of business you can just walk away from.”

“How much trouble are we in?”

“You don’t want to know.”

“Do you know why they have us here?”

“I have a pretty good guess. Look, Sally, it’s probably better if you don’t know, for all kinds of reasons. Trust me on that.”

They both fell silent, lost in their own thoughts. Sally was terrified. Carlo was dead, and she had no idea who the men were that took her or what they wanted, and Henry’s vague answers unsettled her even more.




Sally wasn’t sure how much time passed before she heard footsteps on the floor above and the door opening at the top of the staircase. Terror suddenly gripped her; not the natural fear of what had already happened to her, but fear that chilled her down to her Soul.

A man came down the steps, followed by two of the big men who brought her there. Her heart nearly stopped as he moved down the steps. At first she only saw his legs, and he had a strange gate to his movement. When he was far enough down the steps, she looked right at him but couldn’t see his face. His features were cloaked in a Darkness her eyes couldn’t see through. She had never seen anything like it, and it terrified her. He radiated evil.

For reasons Sally couldn’t fathom, her thoughts turned to Ken and Brad and the guys at TGH Securities she used to work with. She remembered the party, and the song Lane sang to Bryan. Instinctively thoughts of them gave her comfort, and she wished with all her heart that she had a way to reach them.

The man stood at the bottom of the stairs, and even though no one could see his face, they were compelled against their will to turn and look at him. In the midst of the Darkness surrounding him there were two darker spots, blacker than black, where his eyes should be.

When he gazed at Sally, looking directly at her, she nearly threw up. Terror utterly consumed her, and her body reacted to it, trembling uncontrollably and frozen to her core.

She didn’t realize she wasn’t breathing until he looked away, releasing her, and she sucked air into her burning lungs.

He moved to the unconscious man on the floor.

When he spoke, his voice was unnaturally deep.


Greg twitched slightly and coughed, moaning as he tried to move, and the man chuckled.

“I think my servants were perhaps a bit… overzealous.”

Greg’s voice was weak and barely discernible.

“Wh… what.. do you want f.. from… me?”

“I want you to tell me everything you know about some friends of yours. The men who helped you the night you planned to kill yourself.”

The cold presence of the man terrified Greg, petrifying him. As a defense his Mind retreated, remembering the warmth that radiated off Ken, Brad, Rick, and Loy on a night not so long ago. The man standing over him exuded the exact opposite. His Aura of evil overwhelmed Greg merely by being next to him.

Greg remembered talking Mind to Mind with Loy and his new friends, and the feeling of openness and love they helped him achieve. He remembered the warmth and strength of Loy’s arm around his shoulder, and Ken’s hand rubbing his neck and back. The Aura of this man tried to smother those feelings.

“W.. why don’t y.. you just t… take it. I kn… know you can.”

“Yes, I could. I could crush your Mind and take everything. But the act of you betraying their trust is much more satisfying. If you don’t tell me everything I want to know, I will take you back to that place, to the bottom of that dark hole in your Mind. I will re-tie the knots they loosened inside you, and I will tie them so tight your Soul will choke and every second of your life will be a misery. Then, I will let you live forever, and relish your cries as you beg for death and release.”

“F… fuck.. you a… asshole.”

Even though his voice was weak, Greg’s defiance was clear.

I’ll see you soon Ely.

With blinding speed, The Master lifted Greg by his throat like a puppet. Greg’s feet dangled nearly a foot off the floor, his legs twitching and thrashing about. As terrified as Greg was, there was a seed of strength inside of him; it wasn’t just a memory, it was something else. What his friends did for him that night was something The Master could not touch; it was magic, and it changed him forever.

The Master took Greg back to that dark place in his Mind. His anger was overpowering, and Greg’s mortal Mind didn’t stand a chance. Greg screamed in physical and Mental torment. For a brief moment, Greg was terrified and back in the bottom of the dark well where he never wanted to be again. But immediately Greg felt them… he wasn’t alone. Their hands were on his back, their strong arms around his shoulders, and he felt the warmth of their bodies. Loy, Rick, Ken, and Brad were with him, touching him, holding him, and Shielding him.

Greg suddenly realized Ken, Brad, Rick, and Loy, didn’t just throw him a lifeline that night. They crawled into that dark place with him and led him out. They were still present, in him… the Light and warmth of their unconditional love for him… it wasn’t something The Master could take away. For all his Power and Evil that was something he couldn’t touch.

The Master’s Mind burned at what he found in Greg, but his scream wasn’t in pain, it was in anger and frustration. How?!

Primitive rage railed in The Master and his clawed hand tightened in response, making the sound of Greg’s neck snapping echo loudly in the basement. The Master’s anger deepened even further over his uncontrolled outburst, and he tossed Greg’s lifeless body against the concrete wall like a rag doll. Most of the bones in Greg’s frame broke on the impact and his body crumpled to the floor.

Sally, Liz, and Drew jumped as Greg’s body hit the wall. Henry stared at Greg’s lifeless body on the floor, his face expressionless. The Master stood silent for a moment, breathing deeply and looking down at Greg’s body before he turned and went back up the steps.

In the silence that followed Henry quietly said, “He got off easy. I don’t think we’ll be so lucky.”

Liz and Sally held one another and cried. Drew unexpectedly pulled away from Liz and ran to Greg. He was crying and put his little hands on Greg like he wanted to help.

“Mister? Are you okay?”

One of the Protectors quickly moved over and grabbed Drew by his arm. As soon as his hand came in contact with Drew, time stopped and the little boy heard a voice in his Mind…




Be still, little one. I am with you.

They hurt him like my daddy used to hurt mommy and me. I’m scared!

I understand. I am frightened as well. You must listen and tell no one I am communicating with you. Do you understand?

Those men; like daddy. They’re bad.

If those men come for you, I can take you before they hurt you.

What about mommy?

No little one, I’m sorry, but only you. Your Mind is Open to me, and hers is not. If I wasn’t a prisoner, like you, I could do much more.

I’m not supposed to talk to strangers.

That is wise, child. But we have mutual friends, so we are not exactly strangers. The one you call ‘Iron Man’ and his friend Brad Wilson, are cousins of mine. We must try to help them find us. Can you be brave and help me?

What if they hurt mommy? And the other pretty lady?

I will be honest little one… the evil men will, but not right away. If you help me, there is a chance we can escape before they hurt anyone else.

I’ll try.

Then listen child, and here is what you must do...




The big man picked Drew up and dragged him back to Liz, tossing him roughly at her when he got close.

“Keep ‘yer brat in line!”

As soon as the man’s hand left Drew the voice stopped, but now he was connected to it and took comfort in that. He snuggled against Liz and let her put her arm around him.

“Baby, you need to stay with me.”

“Okay, mommy.”




That morning Ken and Brad climbed out of bed at their usual time and did PT but skipped weight training to save time. The cookout was at their house later in the day, and they needed to do some last minute shopping and cleaning.

They were both horny when they got back from their run, and as they undressed to shower Ken stared at Brad’s body. He never tired of looking at Brad’s muscled frame. To Ken, it was even sexier because Brad had to work so much harder to maintain his physique. After the last and final transformation, it was easier for Brad and the other Mentalists, but they still had to put in the time and effort, and Ken was happy Brad did so.

Brad felt Ken’s eyes on him, so he bent over and clenched his cheeks.

In an instant, Ken went from mostly hard to fully hard, and Brad had a smile on his handsome face.


Ken moved behind his lover, pulling him up and turning him around to bring their warm bodies together. They were both still sweaty, and Brad smelled him. Ken’s scent, coupled with his touch, and seeing him hard and excited, put Brad’s own libido into overdrive.

They hugged one another and started kissing. No words were needed because they were in each other’s Minds, Hearts, and Souls.

Brad raised one of Ken’s arms and started licking and kissing from his armpit down to his nipple. Ken moaned in pleasure and with his other hand, he squeezed Brad tighter against him.

Fuck that feels good, B.

They were both agile enough that Ken raised Brad’s other arm and started doing the same thing to him.

The water was hot, filling the bathroom with steam and fogging the mirrors. They separated, but Ken kept hold of Brad’s hand, and pulled them both into the shower, closing the glass door. Taking their time, the two men washed each other, running their hands over each other’s muscular body and taking pleasure in each other’s touch.

They soaped each other up and washed each other’s hair, talking in their heads and enjoying the intimate emotional time together as their Souls stayed tightly knit. Before they rinsed off Ken reached down and lifted one of Brad’s legs. Knowing what he was doing, Brad jumped, wrapping his legs around Ken’s waist. Ken caught him easily, and cupping his hands under Brad’s butt cheeks, he kneaded them briefly before spreading them apart and entering his lover.

Brad’s body tensed briefly, and his arms tightened around Ken’s shoulders. Ken lifted Brad up and down as he thrust in and out. They both smiled and pressed their foreheads together, keeping eye contact as their physical pleasure matched the intensity of their Minds and emotions.

Shifting their Sight, they both saw the color of their eyes change; Brad’s crystal blue eyes ringed with the emerald green of Ken’s and vice versa, further evidence of their perfect blending. The confirmation gave them an even greater feeling of connectedness.

They continued until Ken couldn’t hold back any longer and filled Brad with his seed. Brad was barely able to hold off, but it had become part of their morning ritual for Brad to delay his orgasm so Ken could take Brad’s load in his mouth.

Strength coursed through Brad’s body as Ken’s DNA bonded with his own, fueling the Supernatural connection the two men shared. Brad cooled down slightly as he continued holding onto Ken, caressing him through his orgasm. As strength flooded his body, Brad used his anal muscles to squeeze and stroke Ken through his orgasm. Ken closed his eyes, his face a mask of pleasure as he stayed in his lover. Brad held him tight, moving his arms up from Ken’s big shoulders to cradle his head in a loving embrace.

When Ken finished, he turned off the water and had Brad sit on the ledge in the shower. Kneeling down, he took Brad in his mouth, and in less than a minute Brad shot down his throat, fueling the other side of their bond. Ken’s Mind Opened, fully expanding from imbibing Brad’s seed. Ken stayed on his knees and pulled Brad against him, chest to chest, hugging him tightly. They buried their faces in the crux of each other’s shoulder and stayed like that for about a minute before they broke apart. To each of them, the post-orgasmic cuddle was just as intimate and powerful as getting off.

As they toweled each other dry Ken’s phone rang, and Brad’s stomach twinged in a cold knot.

You need to get that Ken. It’s important.

Ken felt Brad’s reaction and hurried to the bedroom to get his phone. The caller ID said Bobby Simmons, owner of Simmons Security, the company they transferred all their clients to when they shut down their own security firm a few months ago.

“Hey Bobby, this is Ken. What’s up?”

“Hey, Ken.”

The tone of Bobby’s voice was flat, and Ken could tell he was holding his emotions in check.

“What’s wrong?”

“Ken I’m not sure how to tell you this. I know she means a lot to you guys… us too, you know.”

“Has something happened to Sally!?”

“We aren’t sure yet Ken, but she’s missing. Her boyfriend Carlo is dead, his neck snapped clean. It looks like he was trying to protect her. They were definitely attacked.”

“Fuck! We’ll be right there.”

“We aren’t sure if she got away or if she was taken, but no one’s heard from her. There was no note. I figured you’d want to know right away.”

“Thanks for the heads-up Bobby. We’ll be there in a few minutes.”

Brad connected the entire Team along with the doc and Albrecht in a flash. He scanned everyone on the surface to make sure no one was driving or doing anything dangerous, and created a Construct in his Mind of the Conference Room at the Lab and pulled everyone in.

Everyone appeared in full mission gear. The expression on Ken’s face told them it was something serious. Once they were all present, Brad took them deeper so no time would pass.

All eyes were on Ken as he stood at the lectern. Even through the Kevlar, they saw the tension in his arms as he gripped the edges.

Guys, I just got a call from Bobby Simmons. Sally’s missin’ and Carlo’s dead.

Ken shared the memory of his phone conversation a moment ago to get everyone up to speed.

Fear for Sally’s safety and sadness over Carlo’s death ran through the Link.

Brad asked: Doc, wasn’t Sally’s house warded to prevent something like this?

Yes, Bradford. I can only surmise that somehow The Enemy has found a way around our protections. It is very disconcerting if that is the case. I will check on our other friends immediately.

Alright doc, while you do that, the rest of us are goin’ ‘ta Sally’s house pronto. B, can you locate Bobby’s Mind and get a good enough picture to teleport over? You can be an anchor for Dar and the others to push us all there.

I already found him.

Okay, fella’s let’s stay tight. I want us to be ready for anythin’ here, so Lane, Bry, and Loy keep the power flowin’.




Brad disliked hitchhiking off of Bobby’s Mind, but he didn’t have a choice with all the police around. He Compelled Bobby to go behind the shed in Sally’s backyard to get away from prying eyes and as soon as Bobby was out of sight, Brad appeared in front of him. Bobby’s face was blank and didn’t register anything out of the ordinary. In another few seconds, the entire Team appeared around him. Brad sent Bobby back to the front yard with no memory of what just occurred.

Ken: Bill, you and Kev go in the house and see what you can pick up. Dar and Pat, you go in with ‘em. Between Bill and Pat we should get a clear picture of what happened. The rest of you stay alert and make everyone blind ‘ta our presence, at least for now.




As soon as Bill entered the house his Avatar came to life and his Mind filled with images. The impressions on Sally’s home were distinct, and the place felt like her. Overlying those feelings was a cloud of violence and terror, strong because it was so recent.

A tape outline of Carlo’s body was on the living room floor, but to Bill Carlo was still there, his eyes wide and lifeless. The realization hit him when he saw the image of Carlo that The Enemy was coming after them through Sally.

It only took a minute for Bill to Read the impressions, and his Avatar coalesced everything into a Vision of what happened.

Sally and Carlo were in the living room just before bed. They were happy and laughing and starting to fool around. As they were kissing the front door burst open. Carlo jumped up but before he could even make it around the couch three large men, Protectors of The Enemy, were on him.

They wore trench coats as usual, but each bore a pendant clearly visible around their thick necks. The runes looked familiar and pulsed with Dark energy.

Carlo was a good fighter and immediately went on the offensive, trying to quickly incapacitate the three attackers and protect Sally. Surprise and fear showed in his eyes when none of his blows had the slightest effect.

He turned, and with a panicked look on his face shouted, “Sally, run! Get out of here!”

As soon as the words were out of his mouth, one of the men casually, almost nonchalantly, snapped his neck. Carlo’s face showed surprise for just a brief second and then his expression went blank as he fell to the floor dead.

Sally screamed and tried to make it to the gun she knew Carlo kept in their bedroom, but one of the big men grabbed her by her hair and threw her to the floor.

“What do you want!? Who are you!?”

“Shut ‘er up before the neighbors hear her.”

One of the men pulled his arm back to slap her, and she flinched and put up her hands trying to ward off the blow. His hand hit her hard, knocking her out.

Throwing her over his shoulder, he carried her out the front door.

Bill watched events play out as if he stood in the middle of the action with the figures moving around him. Sadness filled him when Carlo’s neck was broken, followed by anger when they hit Sally. Bill didn’t merely observe the events, his Avatar, similar to Lane’s Dreams, made what he saw a part of him. He felt Carlo’s neck snap and Sally get knocked out, not just the physical sensations but the terror and pain and emotions behind the images. He stood, tense and sweating as it all became a part of him. Kevin came up and wrapped his arms around Bill, loving him and trying to be a buffer against the harshness.

Brad had everyone tightly Linked, and everything Bill experienced became part of the Team. Like Kevin, the guys wrapped him in their Souls, supporting him. The brightness in Bill’s eyes increased, this time not from the pain, but from the emotional support and presence of his Brothers.

Patrick saw the pendants around the necks of the Protector’s, and through his Avatar he knew they were the reason the wards didn’t trigger danger or protect the house. The runes on the pendants were similar to their own Avatars, but new and in an unfamiliar combination. They were far stronger than any of the Rune’s he learned from the doctor.

He Understood that as long as those men wore the pendants, they would effectively be invisible to detection or location. If he could see one in person and not through a Vision, he was sure his Avatar would tell him exactly what they were and how they worked. He was surprised he picked up anything through Bill’s Vision.




Lane and Bryan stayed outside with Ken, Brad, Rick, and Loy, while Lane masked their presence from the local police. He experienced the same emotions as everyone else when Bill shared the vision of Carlo and Sally’s abduction. The violence and loss of Carlo’s life were harsh, but he had a powerful sense there was something else… something hidden. Knowing what happened was helpful but they still had no clue how to find Sally, and The Enemy figured out a way to mask her presence from them as well as their own.

Brad and Bryan both picked up on the tension in Lane.

Bryan: Lane what’s up?

Brad: Are you sensing something else?

Lane: Guys, I’m not sure. I feel like there’s something else here, but whatever they did to mask themselves is blocking it.

Ken: Bill are you sure there’s nothin’ left for you ‘ta pick up?

Bill: Nothing related to what happened. There’s a lot here; this is usually a happy place and underneath the violence, it feels like Sally.

While they were talking everyone reconvened in the backyard.

Ken: Okay Lane, do you have any ideas? If whatever you’re feelin’ is part of this we need ‘ta figure it out.

Unexpectedly Lane’s eyes turned White, and he dropped to his knees with a confused look on his face. Bryan was at his side instantly, grabbing hold of him.

Bryan: Lane!

Bryan put his big arms around Lane protectively, ready to anchor him if necessary, and brought the two of them together.

Lane: Gimme a sec.

Wrapping his hands around Bryan’s thick forearms, he squeezed tightly. Images began flitting through his Mind faster than he could absorb them. He went deeper with Bryan in an attempt to slow them down. It seemed to work, and his Mind began assimilating what he was being shown. He felt the Gift at work, augmenting his Avatar.

Once the images stopped he shook his head to refocus on the present, using Bryan’s stoic presence and the touch of his arms around him, the strength of his body and Soul, to anchor himself.

Lane: I love you, Bry.

Bryan hugged Lane tighter for a second before letting him go.

Bryan: I told you, you little shit, you aren’t going anywhere, at least not without me.

Lane’s handsome face broke into a hint of a smile. Not just from feeling Bryan against him but from what he now knew.

Lane: This is cool as shit. I’m not sure what’s going to happen but here’s what we need to do. Brad, you need to open a portal through the Veil. Can you do that? There’s something here associated with that, and we need an opening, even if it’s only for a second.

Brad: I’ll try Lane. I’ve never tried to keep it open, but I think with Ken and I together I can do it.

Lane: Loy, Darren, and Bill Link with me, and Brad you too if you can manage it while you’re working on the opening. Bry, Ken, Pat, Kev, and Rick, you all need to be Linked and in a circle around us. Don’t ask me why but that’s what we need to do.

On top of all that we need some major juice, so me, Bry, and Loy need to do our thing and get us all charged up. This needs to be slow and precise, not hard and fast, so let’s form the finest weave we can so the energy will dissipate as slowly as possible.

Across the Veil in the Spiritual Realm a giant ghostly image of the Tree of Life appeared, its trunk nearly a quarter mile across with animal spirits flitting around its branches and swimming through the air. The sky above the canopy went dark and filled with stars as Lane, Bryan, and Loy wove the Power into a fine net, holding it ready.

Lane placed Bryan and the other Bodies in the order that seemed right to him, arranging the positioning of himself, Brad, Loy, Darren, and Bill as well. Pat recognized the Pattern immediately and the others picked up on it through him. Each of them stood at a vector point of their Primary Physical and Mental Avatars. It felt right, and when they were all in position the last piece of a puzzle snapped into place, revealing a picture that was there but unclear until that moment.

Brad, as soon as you open the way it’s going to be the trigger, and everything will start. You all hang onto your hats and no one break position and run screaming like little girls.

Brad and Ken became One. The love and strength of their bond permeated the Link with a feeling of wholeness and contentment, even in the midst of the circumstances. Their handsome faces broke into smiles as their hands gripped each other tighter in a show of affection. They were strongest when together, and each couple did the same thing. The ten became five, the five became One, and a bright ribbon of White Power coursed through them, causing a hot wind to blow the hair on their heads.

Brad started to slip himself and Ken out of the Physical Realm and through the Veil, attempting to stop halfway. Even though he wanted to stop, he slipped through. The Veil wasn’t meant to stay open, and Brad fought against its nature. He pulled strength from Ken and the Power stored inside them, and steeling his Will he managed to stop halfway through on his next attempt. The opening existed for the barest fraction of a second, and a silent explosion as Light burst through and into all of them.

Their Avatars flared to life and bound together. Power coursed through them, like the night of their first Awakening when their Nephilim Heritage was brought forth. The Power ran through them in a circuit, making them stronger. Hot wind whipped at their clothing and blew the hair on their heads. In the center of it all Lane’s body arched as he became the focal point of the forces channeling through them, and an image formed in his Mind.

Istariel and his three cousins appeared seated back to back, their giant bodies stiff and covered in gray cowled robes with large shackles binding their wrists and ankles. The chains looked like polished silver and covered in Runes. A young boy sat cradled in Istariel’s arms as if he were trying to protect the boy. The boy looked directly at Lane and slowly sat up, raising an arm. A Pendant dangled from his little fist, like the ones the Protectors who took Sally wore. He cried loudly, “Mister Ken! Mister Brad! Help!”

Istariel’s voice rang loud and strong in Lane’s Mind: You must free us. When the child holds the Amulet, you will have a small opening. Be diligent, or we will perish. There are others you know here with us. One of your friends has already been killed. I will do all I can to protect the child, but I can do nothing for his mother or the others. You must act quickly!

The Veil closed and Brad and Ken returned to their bodies. As soon as it closed the Power stopped flowing and Lane nearly collapsed. All their eyes went from White back to their normal color.

A new sense of urgency filled them after seeing Lane’s Vision. Istariel and their Nephilim cousins were imprisoned as well as some of their friends!

Ken: Let’s get back to the Lab pronto!




Still full of Power, it took little effort from Darren and the other Mentalists to teleport them back to the Lab where the doctor and Albrecht anxiously awaited their return.

Ken asked them, “So doc, what’d you find out?”

“Your former assistant, Sally Bisel, was not the only one taken. Henry Ross, the former Protector Rick and Loy brought to us is missing as well. Liz Hastings, her son Drew, and Greg Rawlins all appear to be missing. I have not yet located the Keenan’s, but I am fearful for their well-being.”

Brad brought the doctor and Albrecht up to speed with everything that happened at Sally’s house.

His response was a quiet, “Oh, my.”

Brad asked, “Doc, how can The Enemy do these things? Imprisoning Nephilim, especially one as powerful as Istariel? And those Amulets? From everything I’ve learned these types of actions should be beyond their ability. What’s changed?”

“I am afraid, Bradford, they are receiving assistance from something or someone very powerful that wishes them to succeed. These new developments will require further study and thought as well as a new level of caution on our part.”

Ken spoke up, “Alright. We’ll definitely have ‘ta be more careful, but in the meantime B, how do we wanna approach this ‘window of opportunity’ Istariel mentioned? We have no way of knowin’ when it will be and what’ll even happen.”

“I think Lane, Bill, Loy, Dar, and I will have to set up shifts around the clock. We’ll need to work on Scrying Sally’s location. The doc and Albrecht showed me how to do it… they were protecting us from Taliesin and felt we’d need to know how to do it ourselves.

“It’s also entirely possible Lane’s Avatar will latch onto the event when it happens, and he’ll have a Dream or a Vision when it occurs, but we can’t count on that.”




Yelling upstairs jolted Sally back to wakefulness. It sounded like a woman screaming but it was muffled, and she couldn’t be sure. Heavy footsteps stomped around and there was definitely some kind of commotion going on. Sally glanced over and saw Liz and Drew were still asleep. Henry sat wide awake, staring at the door, stoically silent.

The door at the top of the stairs opened and two of the big men came down dragging an older black couple. The woman was struggling like a wildcat, kicking and screaming, and the man, missing a leg below his knee, was off balance and trying to fight them but wasn’t able too.

The big men taunted them, “You got more spunk than your old man, that’s for sure. We’ll have fun with you later.”

Laughing, they shoved the old couple onto the concrete floor and went back upstairs.

Tag grabbed hold of Olive and asked her, “Baby, are you alright?”

“I ain’t hurt, but I won’t be alright ‘til we git outta here.”




Sally was a smart woman. It only took a second for her brain to identify the old couple. She had never met them but she was pretty sure she knew who they were.

She got up immediately and went to help them.

“Here, let me help you.”

She helped Olive get Tag situated against the wall in a dry spot.

Once they had Tag in place and Olive by his side, Sally held out her hand, “My name’s Sally. Are you the Keenan’s?”

Olive looked her, suspicious and asked, “How do you know our names?”

“You know my old employers. I read the file.”

Tag asked her, “You worked wit the boys? Rick ‘n Loy and their friends?”

“I did until a few months ago. This can’t be a coincidence.”

Sally looked at Henry, who stared back at her.

“You know them too, don’t you? The friends you said helped get you away from these guys upstairs.”


Sally looked over at Liz and Drew.

“Do you know them too?”

“Who are you talking about?”

“The men who used to work at TGH Securities.”

Sally started listing their names and as soon as she mentioned Brad and Ken Liz said, “I know Brad Wilson and Ken Habersham. They helped me and Drew get away from my ex-husband last year.”

“Alright well at least we know there’s a connection between all of us. I wonder who the man was they killed yesterday. I’m sure he knew them too. The guy in the suit called him Greg and wanted him to tell him something… betray some confidence. My guess is he’s going to want us all to tell him what we know.”

Tag said, “Well, honey, you know dem boys is special. You must know all ‘bout ‘em if you worked wit ‘em.”

“What do you mean special? They’re great guys and ran a top-notch security business, but aside from that, there’s nothing special about them. They’re all ex-military, and cute… really cute, and all of them are sweethearts behind those big muscles, but that’s it.”

Tag chuckled and said, “Sugar, you must not know ‘em very well. Dem boys is something else. Not sure what they are but it sure ain’t normal. They pulled me out of a jam and turned my life around. Gave me my life back so I could get my momma back.”

Tag reached over and patted Olive’s hand when he said that.

Henry spoke up saying, “If you don’t know about that part of them, there’s a reason. Most likely they were protecting you to keep something like this from happening. Something must have gone wrong, or they finally pissed off the wrong people. I hope they’re ready.”

“Ready for what? What are you all talking about? What do you mean special? I don’t understand.”

Olive said, “They’s blessed child. They got the Light in ‘em, and it shines bright. I felt it down in my Soul that day they saved my baby. You can feel it when you’re around ‘em. I saw things that day you wouldn’t believe.”

Sally couldn’t believe what she was hearing. She loved the guys like goofy younger brothers, but there was no way what these people were saying could be true. Her Mind turned to the man in the suit… she had never felt anything like the fear that gripped her when he came down the stairs. The Darkness around him was like something out of a horror movie except it was real. There was something strange going on, and the guys were in the middle of it.

Regardless, she realized their best hope rested in trying to contact one of them for help. With their Special Forces training in the Navy they would be better equipped to handle her kidnappers. After seeing how those men dealt with Carlo like he was a child, she knew the police wouldn’t be much good against their abductors.




Drew was scared… scared like he was of his father, Doug. It was the same fear inside him when he saw the bad man, only the bad man was worse. The bad man made Drew want to pee his pants, but he had to try and do what the tall man in the gray robes told him. He had to get a necklace off of one of the big men upstairs.

His young Mind worked overtime trying to figure out how to accomplish his task. Drew was barely four years old, but he had already lived through horrible things in his young life and his experiences had hardened and matured him beyond his age. He had learned in dealing with his father he sometimes had to take chances to prevent he or his mother being hurt later. Those were painful memories, but he learned his lessons.

Drew looked up and saw his mother asleep. Quietly disengaging himself from her side, he made his way to the small bathroom they used. The only person awake was the other man. He had big muscles like Mr. Brad and Mr. Ken. He looked tired… not the sleepy tired but the kind of tired on the inside. He heard the man tell Sally his name was Henry. Henry watched him as he made his way to the bathroom but didn’t say a word.

Drew used to make his daddy mad by stopping up the toilet. He never did it on purpose, he just liked to flush things and watch them disappear. There was a trash can in the bathroom that had some paper towels and wrappers in it. He turned on the water in the sink to try and make some noise and cover the flushing. He put the paper towels and cardboard wrappings in the toilet, and after a few flushes the water in the toilet bowl backed up.

He turned off the faucet and opened the door and went back out to his mommy. Henry was still, watching him with a thoughtful expression. As Drew passed close to him, Henry whispered, “Hey kid. Come here.”

Drew stopped and moved over but remained quiet. He wasn’t afraid of the big stranger and moved close enough so they could whisper to one another.

“What were you doing in there? Don’t do anything to piss these guys off. Don’t give them an excuse to hurt you or your mom or any of these other people. Do you understand?”

Since the day in the Mall, Drew’s Mind had changed. Now, on occasion, he saw inside people and knew what they were thinking. Usually what he saw were adult thoughts he didn’t understand, but he read emotions very well. He looked into Henry and saw incredible hurt and suffering.

“I’m sorry, mister.”

Henry’s forehead wrinkled in curiosity, and he asked, “About what kid?”

“For what they made you do. You were bad, but not on purpose.”

The shock of Drew’s words brought unexpected tears to Henry’s eyes. How could this kid know about that? Something was going on he didn’t understand.

Henry swiped at his good eye and asked, “What did you do in there? You can trust me, kid. I’m the only one here who has a chance of helping you. I promise I’ll keep it a secret. Just between us.”

Drew knew Henry was telling the truth and debated telling him about the tall man in the gray robes.

“I stopped up the potty.”

“Why did you do that?”

“I have to get upstairs.”


“I have to get one of the chains from around the bad men’s necks.”

“The pendants? Why? I’ve never seen those before, and I don’t know what they do.”

“They keep Iron Man from finding us. If I get one, he can find us.”

Henry’s handsome face showed his confusion, and he asked, “How do you know that?”

“The tall man in the robes told me. He’s here too, but we can’t see him.”

“Tall man?”

“Uh huh. I like him. He’s friends with Iron Man and Mister Brad.”

“When you say Iron Man you mean Ken, right?”

“That’s what Mister Brad called him, but I know his secret.”

“Alright kid, I’ll try to help you get a pendant. Be ready, and I’ll do what I can. Now go back over to your mom.”

Drew didn’t hesitate and leaned forward, putting his little arms around Henry’s thick neck. Instinctively, Henry’s arms wrapped around Drew, patting his back. The sudden and unexpected show of affection caught Henry off guard, and it affected him deeply. To survive the ordeal of his time with The Enemy Henry walled his Heart off, shutting down his emotions. Drew’s hug cracked that wall, and a warmth Henry hadn’t felt in years crept back in. It felt wonderful, letting in a small bit of Light in the dark place in him, but he was unprepared for it and didn’t know how to react. He sat still once Drew left him, wide-eyed and grappling with his emotions.




Alright Dar, I’ll take over for a bit.

Thanks, Brad… man, I hope we get something soon.

Yeah, me too. Rest up bud… we all need to be ready the second we get anything.


Brad took over from Darren, focused on Scrying for their friends. Scrying wasn’t difficult but required concentration and after an hour Brad’s back and shoulders were tense and stiff.

Ken noted the tension in him, not just reading his body language but through their connection. Moving over he started rubbing Brad’s neck and shoulders. Sure enough, Brad’s shoulders and upper back muscles were in knots.

Given the seriousness of the situation neither one of them were in the mood to make out, but Ken did want Brad to relax, especially with another hour left on his shift.

Ken removed their shirts and squeezed behind Brad in the chair, pressing his warm body against Brad’s, wanting him to feel the comfort of their skin touching while he continued kneading Brad’s neck and shoulders. Brad hung his head forward and said, “Man that feels good Ken, thanks.”

“Just relax and keep doin’ what you’re doin’ B. My job right now is ‘ta keep you relaxed and ready for whatever’s about ‘ta happen. If it’s too distractin’ let me know.”

Brad chuckled under his breath.

“Little chance of that. Just keep it up, my upper back and shoulders are killing me right now.”




Drew cuddled against Liz, who was still asleep. A full bladder woke her, and she gingerly began dislodging Drew from her side.

Sally was awake and quietly told her, “Here, I’ll hold him until you get back.”


Liz made her way to the bathroom and noticed water on the floor right away, and the bowl was full. She had to go pretty bad, so she made her way to the steps. Unsure how her request would be met, Liz took a deep breath and went up far enough to knock on the door. She stepped back immediately, not wanting to be within arms-reach when the door opened.

It only took a second, and the doorframe was filled with the menacing presence of one of the big muscular men.

“What the hell do you want?”

“The toilet’s stopped up and I have to go.”

“Pee on the floor.”

“Do you really want the place to smell? You’ll have to deal with it too, and probably clean it up. Couldn’t you just let me come up quick?”

He seemed agitated and closed the door. A short, muted discussion took place, but Liz couldn’t make out the words. A few seconds later the door opened again.

“Alright, but you’re all gonna go. Women first, then the boy and the two men. Hurry it up.”

Everyone except Drew listened intently to the exchange, expecting something bad to come of it. They were surprised at the easy compliance to Liz’s request.

Liz wondered when Drew went over and stood beside Henry without being told. Henry looked at her and said, “I’ll keep an eye on him, don’t worry.”

The ladies went, and once they were back and away from the stairs, the man at the top said, “Alright, now the men.”

Tag looked at Henry and said, “You look like a sturdy fella. It would be easier if’n you could carry me. Once we is up top, I can make it on my own.”

“No problem, old fella. Up and at’em.”

Henry leaned over and lifted Tag effortlessly. Even though Henry was no longer controlled by The Enemy, the physical changes they made to him were permanent, and he was incredibly strong and fast. He didn’t even feel Tag’s weight.

Henry started up the stairs and looking back at Drew said, “Stay close to me, kid.”

He winked at Drew, trying to clue him in that this might be the chance they talked about. Drew looked at Henry, and with an almost adult-like look on his young face he gave a nearly imperceptible nod of understanding.

Henry’s Mind was clear and calm. He knew he should be scared or nervous. If he helped Drew get a pendant, there was every reason to think he would die in the process. His life was a wreck, and memories of the unspeakable atrocities he committed in servitude to The Enemy still haunted him. His time with The Order and talking with Dr. Thomas helped give him some small solace, and he had learned to cope with the memories. The nightmares had stopped at least; well mostly.

As Henry saw it, his current situation was a means to atone for his life. Maybe that was why he was so calm. Deep in his Heart, he knew if he could help Drew and save these people by sacrificing himself, it might make up for his past.

As fate would have it, Henry didn’t have to sacrifice himself. Once they got to the door of the bathroom, Henry set Tag down. Tag was alright for a second, but the blood had rushed to his head from hanging over Henry’s shoulder, and as soon as he stood upright he got dizzy and started to pass out.

He reached to steady himself but the closest person to him happened to be their guard, the Protector Henry knew as Dale Evans. As Tag’s hand reached out Dale moved back with a cruel sneer covering his face, willing to let Tag fall and not help him. Tag’s fingers caught at the chain around Dale’s neck and the clasp came undone from the weight of his body.

Dale’s sneer quickly changed to panic as the Pendant started to fall to the floor. With his inhumanly fast reflexes, Henry grabbed the charm before Dale reacted, and before he cried out Henry’s other hand wrapped around Dale’s throat. Henry shoved the Pendant into Drew’s waiting hands, and as soon as it touched Drew’s skin, his eyes turned White.




Brad felt it immediately. Just like in the Mall of Georgia all those months ago, Drew’s cry shouted in his Mind.

Mister Ken! Mister Brad! Help us!

At the speed of thought, Brad pulled the Team into a Construct of the Lab, taking them so deep Time nearly stood still.

Everyone looked at him expectantly.

“Drew has a pendant!”

Already at the lectern, Ken continued, “Alright guys just like we planned. Everybody merge together as couples and then as a group. Me, Bry, Pat, Kev, and Rick Link our Avatars. B, you and the others do the same. Kevin, with our backin’, will mask us so whoever else is in the house won’t know we’re talkin’ ‘ta Drew.”




Greetings again, Brad Wilson.

Istariel’s voice seemed faint and far away.

Istariel? Where are you?

I am trapped, bound inside a Pendant. My cousins and I are the reason The Enemy is able to mask their presence from you. Our essence is what powers their Charms. The four amulets together make a powerful matrix. The boy now holds the one I am imprisoned in. His Mind is somehow Open, and I am able to talk to him when he is in contact with the Pendant, or one who wears it.

Drew? Can you hear me, buddy?

Mister Brad?

Yeah, bud! You’re such a brave little man! Ken is with me and some other friends. We’re going to get you out of there.

Brad gently looked into Drew’s Mind and saw everything that happened; Greg’s death, Sally, Liz, Tag and Olive, and his conversations with Istariel and Henry.

Drew, I need you to turn around and touch Henry and the man he’s fighting. Do it quick, alright? Can you do that for me?




Tag lost consciousness and his body fell to the bathroom floor, so he was out of sight for the moment. Luckily his head hit the floor mat in front of the sink, and he would probably have a black eye but nothing more serious.

Henry held Dale by the throat, squeezing as tightly as he could to keep Dale from crying out or making any noise and alerting the others. Henry’s face showed the strain, cords in his neck and arm clearly visible as he brought all his formidable strength to bear. His body was severely bruised and the effort painful, but he used the hurt as a focus, pushing with everything in him.

Henry was shocked when Drew’s eyes turned White, and the expression on his face changed from flushed fear to a calm, peaceful mien. Drew quickly reached out, touching Henry and Dale on their legs.

Dale stopped struggling immediately, and the presence of his friends slipped into Henry’s Mind. Their Souls were like a hot wind blowing against his own, similar to the feeling of Drew’s hug, but far more potent. Henry’s breath caught in his chest as his eyes became wet at the unexpected emotion, and a stunned expression came over his handsome face.

Brad broke the Shields over Dales Mind, taking control of him. With their Avatars Linked, similar to how the Pendants worked, Kevin masked their Aura’s, keeping their presence hidden from anyone in the house.

Brad: It’s okay Henry, I have Dale now.

Henry blinked, unsure if what he felt was relief or regret. He had worked himself up to the point where he was willing to sacrifice himself to help Drew and the others, halfway hoping he would have died. It would have been a relief after all he had been through.

Ken: Henry, it’s alright man. You’re a hero. Don’t do anythin’ foolish. We need you on the inside ‘ta keep everyone safe ‘til we can get there. Brad’s in control of Dale now. You can let go.

Loy, the one who freed Henry from the Mental shackles that kept him subservient to The Enemy, saw Henry’s thoughts and what he was going through. Loy’s arms wrapped around Henry, not only his body but his Heart and Soul, holding him tight. Deep in Henry where his Soul resided, their hands were on his back or around his shoulders, embracing him along with Loy.

Loy: You’re a good man, Henry. I’m sorry you got mixed back up in this, but you’ve come so far. You know deep down you aren’t responsible for what you did. By risking yourself to help these strangers you’ve proven what kind of man you are. We can help you be that man, but you have to hang on just a little longer.

Dale stood under Brad’s control, just as one of the other guards stuck his head out from the kitchen. Everything looked in order, so he went back to whatever he was doing.

Brad learned everything he needed to know through Dale’s Mind from the address to the floorplan of the house. He was not happy to discover The Master was staying in the house with his prisoners.

To Henry, Drew, and Istariel, Ken thought: Alright guys, we’ll be there as soon as we can. Dale won’t remember any of this. Henry, do what you can ‘ta help keep everyone safe. Drew, you‘re awesome little man! You’ve been really brave, and I’m proud of you. It would be best if you don’t tell the others we’re comin’, not even your mom. We need everyone ‘ta act the same, so the guys upstairs won’t be suspicious. Our goal is ‘ta get you all out safe. We don’t want a confrontation unless there’s no other choice.

Dale turned to Drew and reached down to take the Pendant. Henry lightly slapped Tag’s face, waking him up and helping him stand. Brad waited until everyone had gone to the bathroom and were back in the basement before he had Dale put the Pendant back on, breaking his hold, but the Compulsion to forget everything was already in place.




Anxiety levels were high. The Master could kill another of their friends any time, but a full-on assault was out of the question. They still didn’t know enough about The Master to risk a direct confrontation. Stealth was their best option, and they needed to wait until dark.

They did some recon the house and the area, locating several hi-tech security cameras at vantage points thoroughly covering the property. They were careful to mask their Aura’s, and the doctor taught them how to block Scrying attempts against them.

When they arrived The Master’s Escalade wasn’t in the driveway, which was a relief. There was a strong desire in of them to see their Enemy in person, but at the same time it was better he wasn’t there.

Everyone wore full assault gear to help with any stray bullets in case there was gunfire.

The first step was taking care of the security cameras without alerting anyone inside. Loy called birds living in the backyard to perch on top of the cameras, looking through their eyes to attain a clear visual of the yard from each vantage point. Then with Pat’s and Darren’s Avatar’s, they set a static image on the lens of each camera.

Large, full hedges bordered the front and sides of the house, providing complete cover once they were against the house. With the other Bodies Linked with Kevin, he maintained the Shield masking them from detection. The only thing preventing Darren or the other Mentalists from teleporting into the basement was the lack of a clear visual, which they couldn’t get while the Pendants concealed the Minds and presence of their friends.

Loy called a chipmunk who lived in the hedges and sent it through a small ventilation duct that led to the basement.

No one noticed the tiny creature as it exited the pipe and skittered along the floor to the dark area behind the stairs. The perspective was slightly off because of how tiny the animal was, but it was enough for Darren to use to teleport inside. He didn’t have a full view of the basement, but there were Protectors there at the moment. The area was silent to the tiny ears of the chipmunk, and he saw Olive and Tag asleep, and the legs of someone else.

Darren appeared, soundless and nearly invisible in the shadows. Gently picking up the chipmunk he teleported it back to Loy, using Pat’s eyes to see where he was sending it.

I’m in guys. Let me get them ready.

Darren removed his headset and pulled back his face covering. Quickly scanning the room, he didn’t see any cameras and made his way to Sally, who was asleep. He lightly touched her shoulder to wake her up.

She jumped slightly, and when her eyes opened, she saw Darren’s handsome, dimpled face smiling at her, holding a finger to his lips indicating silence. Tears of relief filled her eyes, and she threw herself into his arms, squeezing him with desperate strength. Darren felt her trembling, even through his suit.

He whispered in her ear, “Hey, beautiful. Sorry, it took us a while to find you, but we’re here.”

“Darren, oh my God… thank goodness you’re here. Where’s everybody else?”

“They’ll be here in a second. I need to get all of you up and awake. Can you help me with that? Everybody needs to be as quiet as possible okay?”


“Hey, Sally?”

She turned to face him and saw the look in his eyes. He said, “I’m sorry about Carlo. I know this isn’t the place to talk about it, but I have to say it.”

She nodded her acknowledgment. More tears fell, and she wasn’t sure she could speak, so she lowered her head and took a deep breath, squeezing his hand in thanks.

Sally woke Liz and Drew, and Darren woke Henry, Olive, and Tag. When they were huddled together against the wall, Darren whispered, “Alright I need you to stay calm. Some of you have seen some crazy shit around us, and some of you haven’t. Don’t be alarmed or scared… the rest of the team is going to appear down here.”

Sally remembered what Olive and Tag had said about her friends, but her curiosity overpowered her fear and anxiety.

Okay, guys, everybody get ready. I’m your anchor. Send in the fat asses first.

Darren, still Linked with everyone, became their eyes and his Avatar synchronized the teleport. Brad, Lane, Bill, and Loy pushed Ken, Bryan, Kevin, Rick, and Patrick through one by one. Patrick was first so he could be close to Darren. Ken was next, and then the rest followed. As soon as one of them appeared, they moved out of the way and joined the huddled captives.

Sally’s eyes nearly popped out of her head when Darren’s eyes turned White, and Patrick’s big frame appeared out of nowhere. She was confused by what she saw; how was it even possible? She knew these men and had worked with them for years. How could they have kept something like this a secret all that time?

Darren monitored their thoughts, making sure no one would do anything unexpected that might alert the Protectors upstairs. He read Sally’s confusion amid all her emotions, and gave Sally his most disarming smile, winking at her.

“Pretty cool huh? I promise we’ll explain all this once you’re safe.”

If Sally knew Darren could hear her thoughts, it might terrify her even more, and he couldn’t stand the thought of her being afraid of him or any of the guys.

As soon as Drew recognized Brad and Ken, he ran to them, wrapping his arms around them. Ken picked him up and Drew whispered in his ear, “I knew you’d come.”

Ken was a little teary-eyed, and he said, “Nothing could’a kept me away Drew. I’m really proud of you. You’re a hero little man; we wouldn’t have been able ‘ta find you if you weren’t so brave.”

The guys formed a protective circle around their friends and knelt down so they could talk quietly.

Ken said, “We’re sorry it took so long ‘ta find ya’ll, and we’re sorry this happened. We’re gonna get you outta here, and then we’ll explain more about what’s goin on. Don’t be scared, but we’re gettin’ you out the same way we got in. It’ll seem strange, but it’s perfectly safe. Two men will greet you when you appear. Some of you have met the doc and Albrecht before. If you haven’t, you’re in for a real treat. They’ll keep you safe until we get back.”

“Liz and Drew, you’ll go first. Are you ready?”

Liz nodded, wide-eyed and a little scared but ready to get out of that place and get Drew to safety.

Drew looked distraught and whispered, “Wait! We can’t leave him!”

He pointed to Greg’s body, which one of the guards had dragged in a corner and thrown a tarp over.

Ken squatted and said, “Thanks, Drew. We never leave friends behind. We’ll get Greg, don’t worry.”

Drew nodded and took Liz’s hand.

Darren pictured his safe spot in the lab and synchronizing their Avatars, Sally and Drew disappeared.

Olive’s hand went over her mouth, and she said, “I swear I’ll never git used ‘ta seein’ you all do what you do.”

Tag chuckled and said, “Dem’s my boyz.”

Ken said, “Okay Tag, you’n Olive are next, then Sally, then Henry.”

Henry took a deep breath and asked, “Do you want me to stay and help?”

“No, if everythin’ goes accordin’ ‘ta plan we’ll be right behind you. Tonight is about stealth and safety, not retaliation, but thanks for the offer. You did good tonight Henry.”

Ken reached out and squeezed Henry’s shoulder in appreciation.

“You made it possible for Drew ‘ta get that Pendant and risked your life doin’ it. Don’t be hard on yourself.”

The warmth of Ken’s touch and the emotion behind his words caused another crack in the wall inside Henry. His eyes watered and he wasn’t sure he could talk, so he nodded his acceptance. Seeing his emotional state, the guys closest to him put their hands on his back or shoulders in thanks and comfort. It hurt but it was a good hurt, and he took a deep breath to regain his composure.

In another few seconds Sally, then Henry vanished, and all of them were safe in the Lab with the doctor and Albrecht.

Lane and Bryan wrapped Greg’s body more securely in the tarp and found some rope to keep it tightly bound. When they were done, Darren sent Greg’s body to the Lab.

They remained silent a few seconds out of respect for their friend who died at the hands of The Enemy, his only crime being their friend. The thought of Greg’s death renewed their anger at the situation, and sadness at the life that was snuffed out just as he was starting to build a new one.

Alright ladies, we need ‘ta get those amulets. Hopefully, the doc’ll know how to free Istariel and the others without hurtin’ ‘em.

Darren: If we can get a visual on the amulets any one of us can teleport them to us.

Brad: Darren, you and I will go upstairs and get them. Once the Pedants are off, I can hold them until we’re ready to leave.

Without saying anything Ken and Pat went upstairs with Brad and Darren. Ken quietly twisted the lock on the door until he forced it open. Silently they moved into the hallway. A TV in the living room and someone talking in the kitchen covered any noise they made.

Ken: There are two in the livin’ room and two in the kitchen. Get ready.

Brad knelt at the edge of the kitchen door and slowly eased forward until he could see the two men. One of them noticed him, but as he made eye contact it was too late to react. The two Pendants appeared in Brad’s hand, and he was in their Mind’s and in control at the speed of thought.

He held the two immobile and broke the Shields over their Mind’s.

Two down.

It took minimal effort to hold the two men once he was in control. The thought crossed his mind and also Ken’s that not so long ago what they were doing wouldn’t have been so easy. It wasn’t without effort on Brad’s part, but he was so much stronger than he used to be it was more than doable. Without The Enemy ‘suits,’ the Protectors were easily controllable.

The two men in the living room didn’t have a chance. Their backs were to the kitchen while they watched TV on the couch. Brad grabbed their Minds once Darren held their Pendants.

A few seconds before anyone else, Brad felt the cold presence of The Master.

He’s back.

As Brad sent his thought, the Bodies heard a car pulling into the driveway.

Brad created the illusion in the Protector’s Minds that they still wore the Pendants and that everything was normal in the house.

Ken: Okay everybody let’s evac fast. We’re on our way back ‘ta the basement, and we’ll all go together.

Lane’s eyes flashed White, and his Mental voice assumed an otherworldly quality: We can’t go yet. There’s something else that has to happen.

Ken: Lane, what the fuck are you talkin’ about? We aren’t ready ‘ta face him yet.

Lane: Remember the skull…

Brad made the connection immediately.

Bill! Oh shit! He wanted Bill dead because of his Avatar. Bill can find out who he is!




Greetings, Darren Wilcox. I reside in the Pendants you now hold. Use them. Merge your Soul with your Partner and place a Pendant around your neck. Have the others do the same. With Kevin Ayers Avatar, he and William Brennan will not require one. Even The Master will not be able to sense you.

Guy’s, Istariel says we can use the Pendants to keep The Master from knowing we’re here! Kevin’s Avatar is Primary for staying masked so he and Bill won’t need one. He says if the rest of us Merge as couples and the Mentalist wears a Pendant it will mask us.

Ken: Fuck!

Brad: We might not get another chance like this Ken.

Ken: Okay guys. B’s right, but let’s take as little risk as possible. We know virtually nothin’ about Him yet, other than he’s spiritually and psychically supposed to be badass. He might be stronger than us physically too, at least one on one.

Bill: I only need to touch him, Ken. Just for a second. As Powerful as he is, I’m not sure what it’s going to do to me. Kev, if I black out, be ready to grab me.

Ken: Lane, get ready to give us a burst of Power.

Lane: Ready, boss.

Ken: Alright ladies, here’s the plan…




As soon as The Master entered the house, he went to the main bedroom to meditate. Try as he might, he had a hard time centering his thoughts. Something was wrong. The itch in the back of his Mind was slight, but there.

Ever since the New Warriors of The Order destroyed his Amalgam, the source of his extra power for traveling outside of Time, The Master felt blind. He could still travel, but the effort was prohibitive.

He continued trying to meditate for nearly an hour before he let out a barely audible grunt of frustration. He didn’t like to make that sound… it reminded him too much of… before.

Frustrated, he got up and went into the living room. As soon as Dale Evans turned to face him, The Master noticed the absence of the Pendant, and with barely a thought he broke the illusion Brad placed in the Minds of his servants. Their pendants vanished, and his servants realized they had somehow been tricked.

“You fools!”

The Master rushed down the hallway to the basement door. With a casual brush of his arm the door splintered, breaking apart. Once the pieces of the door settled, silence fell. There was no sound from the prisoners he knew were no longer there. Anger gripped his Mind; rage like he hadn't felt since the night he called all his forces to destroy The Order and failed. The night Istariel and the other Nephilim invoked the Four Corners of Creation, intervening to save them.

The Master moved down the steps with incredible agility. His servants followed and he felt their fear, but loyalty kept them at his side.

Dale was the only one brave enough to speak, “Sir, how? We didn’t hear anything. We’ve had the Pendants on the entire time just like you said.”

In anger, The Masters' eyes flashed black, and the three men dropped dead.

“You really need ‘ta quit doin’ that, or you’re gonna run outta help. It wasn’t their fault.”

The Master’s head whipped around to see Ken and Brad, backed by six other members of the team. He had never seen them in person, only in his Dreams. The missing Pendants hung around their necks, and he could not sense their presence.

None of them knew what to expect when they finally saw The Master in person. He was big, and their vision couldn’t penetrate the aura of Darkness hiding his face. A cold evil radiated off him, sending a chill down their spines.

The Darkness covering his head prevented them from seeing the scowl on his face. Their physical perfection evoked an unforgiving sense of hatred in him. They wouldn’t exist if it weren't for him! It wasn’t fair that they were so handsome and flawless while he remained so… primitive! He shoved those thoughts aside, confident in his ability to defeat them. Let them do their best and see how they fared. He would let them play their little game a few more moments.

He embraced the Darkness that ruled his Heart and let them feel the Aura of his Power.

None of the guys showed any outward sign of the immense pressure against their Shields.

Hold tight fellas. He’s feelin’ us out. Go deep and fight this off. We aren’t attackin’, but we aren’t givin’ an inch either. Let him play his game and let’s show him what we’re made of.

Everyone did as Ken instructed. All of them held tighter to one another and their Light shone brighter. In the Spiritual Realm the two powers clashed, Black against White. An echo of thunder rolled across the clear night sky as the Physical Realm mirrored the confrontation.

“So, we finally meet.”

His voice was deep, and he spoke in barely a whisper.

“Where are the rest of you?”

“Makin’ sure our friends are safe.”

“I so wished to meet all of you. Your reputation precedes you. It's a shame you weren’t in time to save your friend Greg. The absence of his life is but one small sting you will feel. You may have rescued the others, but they are not beyond my reach forever. There are others in your lives as well, your past lives, you know nothing about, but I do, and they will also perish; horribly and painfully, not even knowing why.”

“We’ll see about that.”

“False bravado, from the leader of fools. You have no idea who or what I am… How can you ever hope to defeat me? I am beyond any of you.”

Ken moved forward, nearly within arm’s reach. The Master wasn’t scared, but he was cautious. Ken’s green eyes stared at him. Under his Kevlar suit, Ken’s Avatar glowed brightly, filling his words with Conviction.

“One of your flunkies said the same thing right before my badass boyfriend kicked his ass. We didn’t come here ‘ta fight you tonight. We came ‘ta rescue our friends, but I want you ‘ta know we aren’t afraid of you and we are gonna take you down.”

As soon as Ken moved forward to distract The Master, Bill and Kevin, masked by Kevin’s Avatar, stealthily moved forward. The Masters hearing was exceptional, as was his sense of smell, but Bill and Kevin were highly trained Navy SEALS and experts and moving silently. By the time he sensed someone behind him, it was too late. Bill’s hands reached out, grabbing The Master’s face from behind. Through the smoky nimbus Bill touched his rough, ruddy flesh.

As soon as their skin touched Bill’s Avatar exploded with Light and color, as the knowledge of eighty thousand years flooded into his Mind. His body went stiff, and Kevin grabbed him. The Master spun around, but Ken grabbed one of The Masters' arms with all his strength.

The Master knew immediately what happened. His body flexed, shredding his clothing as he howled his anger. The Black Power of his Aura exploded nearly overwhelming them, throwing them back in a torrent of Darkness. Even though they were ready for his reaction, they barely held on. Lane Listened, channeling the first thing he heard, and sent a burst of Power through all of them. It was enough for them to gather together. Darren synchronized his Avatar with the other Mentalists, and they vanished.

The Master went berserk, tearing the bodies of his already dead servants apart. The primitive anger he struggled to control took over, and he destroyed everything in the house before he got it under control.




The doctor and Albrecht were worried. After Greg’s body appeared the Team should have followed immediately. It was nearly an hour before they appeared, with Bill barely conscious in Kevin’s arms.

Relief ran through their mentors when their young charges materialized, but the doctor knew something significant must have occurred to delay them, and seeing Bill nearly unconscious he surmised what happened.

Kevin had Bill wrapped in his big arms, holding him tightly. Their Minds and Souls were intertwined, and Kevin was sending all his strength to Bill to cope with what his Avatar processed. Bill’s tattoo glowed so brightly it was visible through his Kevlar. Everybody gathered around, all merged and forming a protective circle around Bill and Kevin, lending their strength but not intruding on what was happening.

The noise from their arrival alerted Liz, Drew and the others. Drew came running out of his room yelling, “Mister Brad, Mister Ken!”

He ran up to Ken and wrapped himself around one of Ken’s legs.

Ken reached down and lifted him up saying, “Hey buddy! We’re back!”

Liz, Sally, Henry, Tag, and Olive all came over and grouped around them, their faces a mix of relief and concern.

Sally was crying, holding a crumpled tissue in her hand, but her concern for Bill snapped her out of her grief, and she rushed over to him. Now her friends were back, she sensed something about them. The love they shared through their bonds, unshielded in the Lab, emanated out affecting all the humans in the room.

Sally and the others saw a glow about the men and were touched by the warmth of their Auras; it affected her in a way she had never experienced before. Her love for Carlo paled in comparison to what she felt from her friends. The realization that she really didn’t know them like she thought increased her feeling of isolation and loneliness, especially without Carlo.

Hurt and confused, Sally was unsure what to think. The evil she confronted in the basement of that house, the men she thought she knew but realized she didn’t, the death of her future husband, it all spun in her mind and she didn’t know what to feel, or how to act.

Brad picked up on her thoughts immediately and went over to her.

“Come here, hun.”

He folded her into his arms, hugging her gently.

“I’m so sorry, Sally.”

She broke down in his arms, sobbing quietly. Each of the guys put a comforting hand on her, expressing their care and concern for her loss.

“We’re still the same guys, you know. Yes, there have been some changes, but there’s no need to feel like we’re strangers.”

“How do you know what I’m thinking?”

This might be rushing things Sally, but I think it will help. I’m going to share some things with you. Ken and I go much deeper, and you aren’t ready for that yet, but I want you to know how much we love you as a person and friend, and how sorry we are about Carlo. We’ll do whatever we can to help you get through this and make sure you’re safe.

At first, Sally didn’t realize Brad’s voice was in her Mind. She looked at him with a confused expression on her face, but it quickly turned to wonder as Brad Opened her Mind and brought her into a light Link with all the guys.

She heard their voices, and more importantly, felt their emotions and love for her. Their regret over Carlo was plain for her to see, and how happy they had been for her when she found him. She felt the strength of their love for one another, which caused fresh tears, but this time they weren’t tears of grief.

One thing I want you to know Sally, beyond anything else, is that you never have to be afraid of us. We love you like a sister, and we’ll do anything to protect you. This is all new and strange, but don’t be afraid, and if you have any concerns or questions, come to one of us immediately, alright?

Unable to talk, she could only nod her head in agreement. Brad hugged her a little tighter and let her out of his arms to give everyone else a chance to express their affection.

By the time she got to Bill he felt somewhat better, but he still looked shaken. Once she thought about it, Sally realized she had never seen any of the guys look pale, or sick. He was sweating and pale, but his smile for her was genuine and not forced or strained.

“Bill, what happened to you? Are you alright?”

“I’m fine Sally. I sort of got the wind knocked out of me, but I got what I needed. What WE needed.”

“I’m glad you’re alright. After Carlo, I don’t know what I’d do if anything happened to one of you guys too.”

“No worries there girl, we’re here to stay. Are you going to be okay?”

Sally sighed, fighting back fresh tears at his question, saying, “I’m not sure, Bill. I think so, but this is a lot to take in, and I still don’t really know what I’m involved in, and what’s going on other than Carlo is gone.”

Ken came over and took her hand and said, “Sally, this isn’t the time ‘ta talk about things. You need ‘ta rest and not worry about this other stuff right now. We’ll explain what we’re able when you’re feelin’ better.”

“Okay Ken, but I’m going to hold you to that mister, and don’t you think for one second I’m going to forget you said that.”

Ken pulled his most disarming grin and said, “No ma’am, I won’t forget.”

“Oh Lord, Ken, if you were straight that smile would melt any woman’s heart, but I have your number, so don’t even try that with me.”

Ken chuckled, knowing he rarely ever put anything over on Sally in the time they worked together.

Before Ken could continue their banter, the doctor interjected, “May I have your attention, please? I need our guests to return to their rooms for a short time. I apologize, but there is some urgent business we need to attend to, and I must see to William.”

Liz collected Drew, and all of them walked back towards the guest rooms the doctor had prepared for them. As they were moving Ken used his ‘Captain’s voice’ so everyone would hear, “I’m sure the doc said this already, but I want you ‘ta know you’re safe here. I know we said it before, but this is one place they can’t come. We’ll figure all this out, but in the meantime, try ‘ta rest as best you can. I’m sorry you had ‘ta go through this experience.”

As they went back to their rooms, Ken noticed Liz motion for Henry to join her. He hesitated at first but then went in with her and Drew.

Brad: Interesting. That wouldn’t be a bad thing for the two of them to get together. They’ve both been through so much shit, they could be a huge help to one another, and Drew could sure use a strong father figure. That could be just what Henry needs to give him a reason to live.

Ken grinned as he thought: Alright, matchmaker. First off, Bill, how are you bud? You shouldn’t be blockin’ yourself, what’s the deal?

Sorry, Ken, I’m still assimilating everything. My Avatar’s working overtime, and it’s not finished yet. I don’t want to expose any of you before it’s finished, in case we have another incident like with the skull. Kev’s monitoring me just to be careful.

Pat interjected: At the rate his Avatar is going, it will be a few days before it’s finished.

Ken: Alright. This is uncharted territory for us… it proves just how old’n powerful that mofo is that it’s takin’ this long for your Avatar to process things.

Brad: I have an idea on how to speed it up. I don’t think it would be dangerous to Bill or us to try.

Lane: I know where you’re going, Brad. I think that would be badass. We should try it.

Ken: This is your department guys. If you think it’s safe, I don’t see any harm in tryin’. The more we know about The Master, and the sooner, the better.

Bill, Loy, and Darren picked up the plan from Brad and Lane.

It was the spontaneous ritual Lane had them perform in Sally’s backyard that gave Brad the idea. They were Spiritual beings as much as Physical and hadn't yet explored much of their metaphysical side, but the ritual proved that together, and probably individually on a smaller scale, they could perform actions outside the scope of their Avatars.

Alright, guys, this is going to be similar to what Lane had us do in Sally’s backyard. Me, Lane, Loy, Bill, and Darren will arrange ourselves in the pattern of Bill’s Avatar with Bill at the center position.

He sent them a mental image of where they should stand.

Now, Ken and you other yahoos form a circle around us. Each group of five merge together first, and then we’ll all join as a group. It’s a little different than we usually do it, so no one get your panties in a wad.

Bill, you take control of synchronizing our Avatars with yours and once we’re all Linked together, pull from us. Think of it like adding more CPU’s to a computer.

Once they were in position, Patrick thought: Brad you’re spot on as usual. Now that we’re all in place I can see the Purpose and connection behind it. This is going to work.

Alright, guys let’s do this. Bill, you ready?

I was born ready.

A collective groan followed over Bill’s old and overused pun, but they still laughed.

Each group of five merged first and when fully together, Brad coordinated the merge between the two groups, and it was like two perfect puzzle pieces snapping seamlessly into place.

There was a silent explosion of Light around them, and Bill’s Avatar expanded, filling their Minds with the knowledge it absorbed.

It still took a few minutes, but they absorbed everything about The Master. None of them knew what to expect, and nearly all of them had different reactions to the revelation.

The Master was the first Man. As evolution changed the creatures that lived, The Master was the first primitive humanoid that transitioned from having an Animal Spirit to a Human Soul. His Soul was raw and powerful when he was born, the first of his kind. New and bright, he was a beacon for many Spiritual creatures and he attracted the Darkest and vilest being in all creation. The Dark One disguised himself as a friend and planted thoughts and emotions in the young Master. He became jealous of his brother, the second Soul to be born, and in a fit of jealous rage, he slew his brother and brought down the wrath of Heaven, Cursing him and all men to follow.

Fuck guys, he’s the reason for the Curse the doc talks about. It all started with Him!

As a result, The Master was Cursed, destined to live forever, Immortal and unable to be killed. The Curse on Mankind could never be lifted or broken while he lived and he could not die.

They saw every detail of his life, spanning eighty thousand years. He didn’t start out evil, but he was easily corruptible, and once he opened himself and let The Dark One in, he was lost. They felt his pain and regret when he saw his brothers’ lifeless body at his feet, his skull crushed by the Stone in his hand. They also realized he buried that memory so deep it was lost to his conscious Mind, intentionally shut away.

The rest of his life up to the present was one of domination, inflicting pain and suffering on mankind in a deep-seated unconscious need for everyone else to feel the pain he lived with every moment. They saw how powerful he was. Even if he wasn’t protected from Death by the Curse, they might not be able to defeat Him. He had tens of thousands of years of experience and knowledge, and his Soul was mighty.

Silence fell among them as they stood, subdued and daunted by the revelations of Bill’s Avatar.

Ken: Guys I feel it too, but there has ‘ta be a way. If there wasn’t, he wouldn’t have tried ‘ta get rid of Bill and Lane. He’s afraid for a reason, and our mission now is ‘ta find a way to defeat him once and for all. There’s a reason we’re here and for what we’ve become. Just because we can’t see a clear picture now, we can’t lose confidence or stray from our mission. We’ll get the doctor and Albrecht up to speed on what we know, then figure out how to proceed.

We have no idea how long it’ll take us ‘ta win. It might be soon, and it might be years, but we signed on for this with the doc, and we’re in it for the long haul, so let’s buck up and kick ass.

Ken’s Avatar added Conviction to his words, and the spark of determination and hope within them rekindled. In the place where their Souls were One, they leaned on one another, arm in arm, Mind in Mind, and Soul in Soul. They filled one another, steeling themselves against what they learned, and treated it like any other ongoing mission. Love, perseverance, and teamwork would see them through. It always had and always would.




Ken wanted everyone to take shifts with one couple staying in the Lab at all times while Sally and the others were under their protection. The doctor was confident his wards weren’t triggered because of the amulets, and wanted everyone under their protection another few weeks until he could be sure.

The doctor wasn’t sure how to free Istariel and his cousins and before any attempts were made he wanted to be absolutely certain they would come to no harm in the process. The Nephilim were anxious to be free but deferred to the doctor’s wisdom. Everyone took turns wearing the amulets so the Nephilim wouldn’t feel isolated or alone, but also out of friendship and support. The guys looked forward to their turn to talk with their cousins and get to know them better.

The Nephilim, in turn, learned more about them, and the extra time served to strengthen the alliance between them.




That night Ken was in a pensive mood. Brad was with him, Linked to feel his love and support, but didn’t intrude any deeper.

I wanna go for a run, B. I miss not workin’ out this week.

Sure thing, Ken. Let’s change and head out. If you want, we can try that new park instead of chancing the roads around here after dark. They have a track, and I can’t imagine many folks would be out this late.

Great idea.



Let’s go get hot and sweaty, come back here and screw like rabbits and then take a shower so we can go to bed and screw like rabbits again.

Ken got that little kid grin on his face.

I like yer thinkin’ B. I know what you’re doin’ and I appreciate it. I wanna clear my head with this run and then we can talk later.

Ken paused, and his emotions intensified through their Link.

I love you, Brad. Thanks for knowin’ me so well. Yeah, I know that sounds stupid to say the way we’re in each other’s heads all the time, but it’s still true.

Brad put his arms around Ken’s big shoulders and pulled them into a chest to chest hug. He gave Ken a quick kiss on the lips and looked into his eyes.

That’s what badass boyfriends are for remember? And there’s nothing stupid about it. I love being in your head and having you in mine.

The weather was cooling off in the evenings, but it wasn’t chilly so they wore shorts and t-shirts. Brad drove them to the park, and as predicted the track was empty. As usual, Ken set their pace.

After five miles Brad thought: Okay, stud. I’m good, but you go ahead and cut loose. There’s no one here and if anyone shows up, I’ll cover.

Ken’s gratitude was apparent and he took off, running for another half an hour. To Brad’s calculation Ken ran another twenty miles before he stopped, and he still wasn’t breathing hard. His t-shirt was damp across his broad back and under his arms, and his skin had a light sheen of sweat that made him look incredibly hot.

Looking at Ken’s handsome face, his muscular body, his stubble covered cheeks, and smelling his unique scent sent Brad’s libido into overdrive. On top of the powerful physical attraction, Brad’s love for Ken stemmed from the touch of their Souls.

Feel better?

With a wink and a smile he responded: Yeah, in all sorts of ways. Let’s get home. Pronto!

The drive home only took a few minutes, and Ken held Brad’s hand as usual, running his thumb across the back of his hand and across his knuckles.

As soon as they arrived home, Ken set the house in vault mode and glanced at the Tree through the curtains. There was no sign of any activity, so he relaxed and headed to the bedroom.

As Ken walked through the door, he saw Brad standing in their walk-in closet with his shirt already off, bent over taking off his shoes. He watched the muscles in Brad’s arms and shoulders tighten and flex as he pulled off his shoes. When Brad straightened up, Ken noticed the full outline of his erection in his shorts. There was already a small wet spot visible.

Glancing back, Brad noticed Ken watching him and they made eye contact, blue to green, and Brad Opened their energy centers. Blue, Yellow, and Red streams blended into a thick White ribbon that arced between them. Their eye colors mixed and a powerful contentment filled them both; it was the perfection they felt when they were One, and more than their individual selves.

Ken stripped off his shirt and kicked off his shoes. He took off his socks, and when he pulled down his underwear his manhood smacked against his abs with an audible thwack! Walking over Brad put his hands on Ken’s lean hips, pulling them closer, pressing their erections together. Ken buried his face in the crux of Brad’s thick neck and shoulder as his arms encircled his lover. They embraced, enjoying the feel of their hard, warm bodies.

After a moment Brad pulled back and led Ken to the bed. Ken got on his back with his head on a pillow and Brad pressed against him on his side with one hand propping up his head. His free hand roamed over Ken’s body, caressing him wherever he could reach. Ken’s eyes closed in pleasure and Brad took his time. Ken had a lot of pent-up energy from whatever was bothering him, and Brad wanted to draw out his pleasure. The longer he lasted, the more relaxed Ken would be once he reached an orgasm… or two or three.

Brad altered the flows, and red tendrils of sexual energy seeped off his hands and into Ken’s body wherever he touched.

Just lay back and go with this Ken. I want you to make you feel good. Don’t reciprocate.

In no time Ken trembled in excitement, and his breathing deepened. His already sweaty body heated up again and he starting sweating more. His dick throbbed in tune with his heartbeat and a steady drip of precum leaked out, pooling in the light dusting of hair on his stomach.

For the next few hours they had a mixture of hot, raw, sex, and passionate lovemaking. Brad took his time getting Ken off the first time, and received his physical charge so Ken could become ‘that guy.’

Without the need to hold back or worry about hurting Brad, the Light and Power emanating during their lovemaking was like a small sun in the Spiritual Realm. The strength of their emotions towards one another was so intense it overwhelmed them. The Runes on the Tree in their backyard glowed brighter, soaking up the Power they gave off.

Finally, in a heap of sweaty, satisfied muscle, they collapsed with Ken on top, while Brad held and comforted him. The vulnerable state he was in never ceased to touch Brad, and he caressed his lover soothingly, letting him come down at his own pace.

Eventually Ken rolled to his side, spooning Brad, and they continued basking in the afterglow of their orgasms. Brad rested his head on Ken’s chest, and their legs stayed intertwined, while they cuddled and stroked one another for nearly another hour, quiet and content to relax and just be together.

Brad finally broke the silence.

So, what’s bothering you, Ken? I think I know, but I want you to get it off your chest.

There was a slight pause while Ken collected his thoughts.

We finally met The Master face ‘ta face. In one way, it was good ‘ta see he’s only a man. I mean we knew that but ‘ta actually see him and grab his arm and feel that he’s flesh‘n blood is a relief. But B… fuck he’s powerful. Even with all of us ready and on the defensive, we barely held our own. He’s had over eighty fuckin’ thousand years ‘ta grow powerful. We’ve had our powers for a little over a year.

I was pretty sure that’s what you were thinking. Let me point a few things out Ken. First, we don’t know how long it will take to defeat him. There’s no reason to think it will be anytime soon or maybe even years down the road. That will just give us time to get stronger too. There are ten of us and one of him and don’t forget Istariel and his cousins. Even if we never find a way and can’t defeat him and, say it’s a stalemate… we can neutralize his effect in the world, and everybody will still be better off.

But, if we do manage to find a way to break the Curse, and that part of the plan works, who’s to say it won’t weaken him considerably once the Curse is Broken? We just don’t know some of those answers, and you taught me we need to focus on what we know, not what we don’t know. Let’s take things one step at a time.

When you lay it out like that, it’s easier ‘ta swallow. Thanks.

You’re smart Ken. Way smarter than you give yourself credit for. I didn’t tell you anything you don’t already know. You’re our natural leader, and you would have worked all this out without me.

Maybe and maybe not, but I still love you.

Making eye contact, Ken got a gleam in his eye as the little kid grin showed up on his handsome face.

And it was worth having you get me off like that ‘ta chill me out enough ‘ta listen. Feel free to do that anytime… that was over the top!

So, do you want to stay here and fall asleep or get up and take a shower?

Let’s just stay here. You feel too nice against me, and I don’t wanna move.

The sheets were soaked with cum and sweat, but it was the smell of their love and it wrapped around them. In the moment it wasn’t gross, it was an affirmation.

They hugged and continued to snuggle and caress each other until they fell asleep.




The next few days were quiet and subdued around the Lab. Ken canceled training for the rest of the week while they had guests. Most of the guys spent a fair amount of time in the gym anyways, regardless of whoever’s shift it was. They felt responsible for The Enemy pulling their friends into the conflict and wanted to make things as easy as possible for them while their lives were uprooted. Drew, in particular, loved the attention he received from the guys.

Sally became more withdrawn, but none of them pried into her Mind to see if it was grief or a reaction to her finding out about them. They were giving her space out of respect and friendship while keeping a close eye on her.

Loy and Rick contacted Greg’s ex-wife and most of the friends he made since he came out. Greg’s wife didn’t return their phone calls or messages. He didn’t have any children, but his father was in poor health, and they made arrangements to get him to the funeral service.

Sally, Liz and Drew, Henry, Olive, and Tag all wanted to go to the funeral to honor Greg and the fight they found themselves in. None of them knew him personally, but they were with him when he died and felt the need to be there. Bill, Kevin, Darren, and Pat helped them with clothes, either shopping or sneaking them to their houses or apartments to get what they needed.

In the short time Greg had been out and accepted himself he made some great friends. He had just found a boyfriend, a nice man named Lewis who was devastated at the news of Greg’s death. Greg wasn’t out to his father, but Mr. Rawlins was so wrapped up in the grief over losing his son he didn’t seem to pay attention to the fact that nearly thirty large bearded men attended the service. They were all polite and shook his hand and offered their condolences.

Ken and Brad planned a get together at their house after the funeral for anyone wanting to attend. It was a simple gathering to celebrate Greg’s life and their friendship with him. Greg, after coming out of his shell, touched a number of people’s lives.

The party set up was typical, with Brad and Ken taking care of the food, Bryan handling the majority of the cooking, Lane taking care of the music, and the rest of the guys helping to set up and organize. Lane scanned the memories of Greg’s boyfriend and his other friends to see what kind of music Greg liked and made a playlist from what he found.

He didn’t pry any further than their memories of Greg; it wasn’t something he wanted to do, and the idea of invading their privacy without cause was reprehensible to him or the other Mentalists. Besides that, there was always the ever-present layers of what he and Brad called ‘fucked-upness’ that normal humans seemed inundated with that he didn’t want to expose himself too.

Immediately after Lane scanned them, his Avatar responded. Something in their memories stirred a reaction and once he let it run its course, the resulting urge was overwhelming.

Lane: Hey Bry, I need you for a few minutes.

Bryan knew something was up through their connection and by the tone of Lane’s voice.

Bryan: Ken, can you cover the grill for a minute?

Lane took Bryan’s hand and led him to a corner of the yard where no one was standing. He positioned them with their backs to everyone so when their eyes turned White no one would see. Creating a Construct of their living room, Lane took himself and Bryan deep for the time differential.

Lane, what’s wrong?

Even as Bryan asked his question, he pulled Lane against him, wrapping his strong arms around his lover and hugging him tightly.

I’m sorry Bry, I just need to be with you for a minute. I was looking at the memories everyone had of Greg. I wanted to make a good playlist for the party. I barely met him, but he was a good man. None of those people except his father have known Greg more than a few months, but the impact he had on them is amazing. A Light just went out of this world, one The Master snuffed out because of us.

No! Not because of us! Don’t go there, Little Buddy. This war started a long time ago, way before we got involved. We’re here to finish it. Greg meeting Brad and Ken that night was random, and with Loy and Rick’s help they gave him a second chance at life. They opened him up, and he was happy for the first time in years. At least he had that.

But he was killed because he knew us.

Yeah, but we’re in a war. We’ve seen this before when we were running missions. There’s more going on in your head Lane, than just what you’re telling me. Show me what’s going on. This is affecting you more than it should.

Even though they were isolated in their own Link, the guys and all the guests felt the warmth and Power radiating off Lane and Bryan. It was brief because they were so deeply merged, but everyone felt it. Brad had to alter the memory of Greg’s friends but didn’t bother with Sally or the others after what they already knew.

A strained look crossed Sally’s face as their Light touched her., and tears formed in her eyes. She went into the house to the bathroom and locked the door.

Lane’s Avatar was at work, and Bryan immediately Understood what was happening. Greg’s death was affecting them, not just the Team but all his friends, in ways they didn’t realize or could imagine; it was acting as some type of catalyst for an event. Ripples he saw but didn’t Understand radiated out, touching all of them.

There’s a song in me about this Bry; for Greg, about his life and the tragedy of his death. His life had meaning for all of us, and I need to bring that out. I want it to be powerful, and I want The Enemy to hear it. I want them to know we honor our dead, and we can turn our grief into something beautiful to fight them. We can turn our pain around and remember the love of our friend and his life.

They need to know they can’t use our friends against us without repercussion. Will you stay and help me write it?

You little shit, why are you even asking? Of course. No matter how long it takes us in here, it will only be a second for them. Ken won’t have time to burn anything before I get back to the grill.

Lane smiled and pulled Bryan closer. A set of drums and his guitar appeared in the Construct.

Okay, let’s get to work...




Greg’s father sat by himself, withdrawn and isolated. Lewis and Greg’s friends had already come by to extend their condolences.

Brad noticed and moved over to him.

“How are you holding up Mr. Rawlins?”

“My son is gone. A parent shouldn’t outlive their children. It’s not right.”

“No sir, it isn’t. I can’t tell you how sorry I am about Greg. He was a good man.”

“We haven’t been as close as I would have liked, but I think I’ve figured it out. I feel like I failed him.”

He lowered his head, and his shoulders shook with quiet sobs.

Brad’s Avatar reacted to Mr. Rawlins grief and the reasons behind it. He put everything together in the last hour and realized Greg was gay. No one thought he was paying attention, but his Mind was still sharp.

“Sir, you didn’t fail him. Greg had a lot on his plate these last few years. He made some mistakes and decisions that led his life to where it was. I’m glad we ran into him and were able to help him. Given a little more time, I’m sure he would have told you. You didn’t fail him, so please don’t blame yourself or Greg. You can’t second-guess either one of you at this point. Know that he loved you, and you loved him, and cherish that. The rest doesn’t matter.”

“I don’t understand how he died. Who did this to him? Why weren’t the police involved? Something doesn’t seem right.”

“Sir, that’s hard to explain. Greg was a victim in a conflict he knew next to nothing about.”

“So, you either can’t or won’t tell me more.”

It was a statement and not a question.

“No, sir I’m sorry, but I can’t.”

“I’d like to be alone for a few minutes young man.”

“Yes sir, I understand. If you need anything just let me know.”

Brad left Greg’s father to his thoughts and grief and didn’t intrude in his Mind.




The rest of the afternoon was quiet, and after a few hours most of the guests left. The food was excellent as always, but the mood sad and reserved. As Bill and Kevin were getting ready to take Mr. Rawlins back to his house, Lane made an announcement.

“Hey everybody, could you gather around for a minute?”

Everyone had curious looks on their faces. The guys knew Lane and Bryan had been up to something and wondered what it was. Sally was there, pale and quiet, standing by herself while Liz and Henry stood with Drew, and Tag and Olive sat by the fire pit.

“I wrote a song for Greg I want to share with you all. It bothers me how he died. He wasn’t guilty of anything other than meeting some of us when he was having a hard time, and our help cost him his life. I know he was happy in these last months and he touched a lot of lives in that short time. I don’t want that to be forgotten.”

Lane turned, addressing Greg’s father directly, “Mr. Rawlins don’t be alarmed at what you’re about to see.”

Lane reached out to the guys and brought everyone into a Link.

Guys, you know the drill. Ten, five, One. This is going to be heard by The Enemy and especially Him. I want Them to feel this.

Each couple merged and became One, and then went deeper together. To their human friends they started to glow and in the Spiritual Realm, they shone like a star.

The warmth and love flowing off of the handsome men Opened the Hearts of the humans present to feel the way things should be. Sadly, as beautiful as it was, it caused Sally pain. Through the brokenness inside her, she felt like something had been stolen from her.

Bryan called on the Tree, Loy on Animal Spirits, and Lane Listened, calling on the Music underlying Creation. It was already dusk, and the sky over the backyard darkened into a night sky filled with stars, as a ghostly image of the Tree of Life took shape. In and around the Tree were Animal Spirits of all shapes and sizes, lending their strength.

Across the sky thunder rumbled and echoed, and the darkness filled with flashes of heat lightning reflected in the White Light of their eyes. The Enemy heard and felt it and knew it wasn’t natural. It was the power of The Order, strong once again.

Not wanting to freak anyone out too much Lane didn’t summon his guitar or Bryan his drums. He channeled the Music, altered it to suit his need, and made it come from the sound system in the backyard.

Their eyes were White, and a hot wind blew their hair. Lane’s Avatar lit up like fire, and so did Brad’s, Loy’s, Bill’s, and Darren’s, acting in concert as their Avatar’s synchronized. Lane looked to the Heaven’s, and his voice echoed not just through the Minds of The Enemy but into the Spiritual Realm.

He opened his mouth and sang Greg’s story. He sang about the pain in Greg’s life, and the emotional valleys and mountains he climbed through to find a new life. The Darkness that gripped Greg was present, and the threads of his brokenness, and how he found salvation even through the dark times on his journey Home. The sound of Greg’s life breaking was like a thousand thunderstorms in the Heavens, and the skies overhead reflected that sound through Lane’s song, driving his point home to The Enemy.

By the time he finished, everyone had tears in their eyes. Greg’s struggle, his pain, and his salvation were all written beautifully in the words Lane chose, and everyone stood quietly in their thoughts. Something reverent and otherworldly was still present. Heat lightning continued to flare across the sky, followed by deep rolling thunder.

Drew looked up at the lightning and saw it first; a ball of light falling from the sky.

He pointed and said, “Look mommy!”

It came down and hovered, bobbing gently for a moment before assuming the shape of a man. None of the guys felt any fear or anxiety, so they knew whatever it was wasn’t evil. They recognized it for what it was; a human Soul. A smaller ball of light appeared, zipping playfully around the larger one. Loy sensed it was an animal Spirit.

Suddenly Greg stood in their backyard with Ely by his side.

“Thanks, Lane, that was beautiful.”

They stared, dumbfounded.

Greg was dead and shouldn’t be there.

Bryan immediately cast his thoughts out: Grandfather?

Uriel, I am here, Bryan. There is no need for the humans to see me but I am here.

Drew moved forward, planting himself in front of Ely. He reached out to pet the dog, but his hand passed through, and he giggled and kept trying while Ely kept trying to sniff his hand.

Mr. Rawlins voice was barely a whisper.


“Hi, dad. I’m sorry I had to leave you. I was allowed to come back for just a moment to say goodbye and to give you all a message. Apparently, the man who killed me broke some kind of Rule, or I wouldn’t be here...”

Grandfather, I didn’t think this was allowed?

Only two other times in all of history has this happened.

Fuck me.


Mr. Rawlins broke down and started crying.

“It’s alright dad. I’m really here. Not my body, but me. I know you figured it out… about me being gay. You met Lewis, my boyfriend, and my other friends. They’re great guys, dad. I wish I would have introduced you to them before, but I was afraid of disappointing you if I told you the truth about me.”

Through his tears, Mr. Rawlins lowered his head and said, “I understand son, and I’m not disappointed. I’m sorry I let you down. I always wanted you to be able to tell me anything. I just wanted you to be happy.”

“I finally found happiness dad, when I accepted myself and who I am. It took my friends here to show me how to do that. I owe them a lot.”

Greg nodded to Rick and Loy and the rest of the guys when he said that.

“You can’t stay?”

“No, dad, I can’t. I only have a few minutes, but I’m glad I got one last chance to see you and tell you I love you. I want to make sure you’ll be alright.”

“How can I be alright with you gone? And your mom and your brother? I shouldn’t be here! I’m not strong enough to keep going by myself! I don’t want to…”

“Dad, don’t say that! You have to be strong. Please don’t be sad. Mom and Terry are waiting… we’ll all be waiting for you. You have to live out the rest of your life, however long that is. Think of this as a gift. You know where I am; where mom and Terry are. We’ll be waiting for you. We’re all at peace dad… try to take comfort in knowing that.”

Uriel: Greg Rawlins... There isn’t much time.

Greg turned to Ken and Brad, and he said, “The answer to the riddle of the defeating The Master is his brother. He’s still alive, tied to the Curse, continually reborn in a new body and has been all these thousands of years. The Master must ask his forgiveness. If he does that, and his brother forgives him, the Curse will be lifted, and he will no longer be Protected from Death. Then you can kill him. Once he’s dead, you can choose to remove the Curse over Mankind. That will be up to you. That’s the message I was sent to give you.”

The impact of Greg’s words was not lost on any of them. The immensity of what they were and what they had become, and what their Purpose was… it was daunting.

Uriel: It is time. I must take you back now Greg Rawlins.

“I have to go now, dad. I love you. Promise me you’ll be okay?”

Mr. Rawlins had tears running down his cheeks.

“Goodbye, son, I love you too. At least I know you’re at peace. Tell your mother and brother I love them too.”

He reached out to put a hand on Greg’s shoulder, but his hand passed through Greg’s spiritual form.

“I wish I could hug you one last time.”

“Me too, dad.”

Brad: Guys that’s one wish we can grant.

Together they Opened up Mr. Rawlins energy centers and separated his Soul from his Body. A perfect version of his younger self stepped out of his body. He looked at his hands in surprise as he held them up. He could see through them.

Brad said, “Some wishes we have control over, Sir.”

Mr. Rawlins pulled his son into a tight embrace. They stayed that way for a moment until Greg transformed back into a ball of light. Ely barked once at Drew, and he pranced over in front of the guys with his tail wagging, and then he transformed as well, and the two of them shot off into the Heavens to go Home.

Mr. Rawlins, when he opened his eyes was back in his body.

“I don’t understand any of this tonight. This must be a dream, but I hope it’s not. I want to know I got to hug my son one last time and tell him I love him. I want to know he heard me.”

Ken said, “It was real Sir, and he heard you. It’s hard ‘ta explain, but it was real.”




Bill, Kevin, Pat, and Darren took the other guests back to the Lab. Sally didn’t say a word the entire time.

Loy and Rick took Mr. Rawlins back to his house. He assured them he would be alright, but they planned on checking on him the next day to be sure, and over time to help him transfer into some type of assisted living facility. Without Greg to help him, he wouldn’t be able to live on his own.

On the drive back to their house Loy was quiet. He and Rick were together as always but not deeply.

Rick reached over and squeezed Loy’s shoulder in comfort.

I love you, Loy. More every day, if that’s possible. What’s eating you?

Rick could have pried or taken them deeper, but he wanted Loy to take the lead in how they were going to communicate.

I’m thinking about Mr. Rawlins. Tonight was hard on him. Even though what happened was miraculous, he still had to say goodbye to his son all over again. I know he’s old, and we could cure his physical ailments without any effort, but I’m wondering if we should. As much as I want to, I don’t think we should, and it makes me sad.

I know Loy. I know.

Kevin let out a heavy sigh.

We can do so much shit these days. Hell, if we all got together I bet we could make Mr. Rawlins young again, but what would that accomplish? He’d live another life without his loved ones, and I wouldn’t want to do that to him.

Lane’s song was amazing. I forget how talented he is sometimes behind his goofy ass exterior. What he put into words, and how we all felt it… it was beautiful.

The doctor told us early on what we were going to become would be a burden, but I never thought it would be like this. I knew as far as the War with The Enemy it would be tough, but I never realized this part of it would be as hard or harder. We can do so much, but should we, or do we have the right to? The doc is so much greater than we ever realized – he’s been dealing with this longer than we ever knew or could imagine. We’ve been at it for less than a year.

I still wouldn’t have it any other way, Loy. To be with you and the guys like we are, and to do what we’re doing… you know how right it feels. We’ll grow into the heavy stuff. No one said it would be easy, but that’s why we have each other. I couldn’t do this without you man… I wouldn’t want to. Being with you is what makes me strong. Being with you is what makes it bearable.

Loy’s eyes turned glassy in response to Rick’s words. To make his statement more impactful, Rick brought them together, Mind, Heart, and Soul… and in that brief second while they were driving, they spent a small eternity together.

Rick put a hand under Loy’s shirt and moved it up to his chest. He started kneading Loy’s hard pecs, loving the feel of his hairy chest under his hands. Both their libidos responded, and they were hard in seconds.

I can’t wait to get you home.

If you didn’t weigh so much, I could get us both there pronto and come back for the car.

Rick laughed and moved his other hand down, rubbing the outline of Loy’s erection.

Loy gunned the Explorer, anxious to get home and get his lover naked and in bed.




Two hours later after everyone was gone, Ken and Brad had the yard cleaned up and everything back in order. They went into the house, and Ken got on the couch first. Brad followed, reclining in his customary position between Ken’s thighs and leaning back against him. Ken wrapped his arms around his lover and hugged him tight.

What a day, B. I guess this is the new normal for us.

They both chuckled at his statement.


Brad let out a contented sigh as he rested his hands on Ken’s forearms.

Man, I can’t get over seeing Greg. You heard what Bryan said; Uriel told him that’s only happened two times before. Holy shit I don’t know what to say to that. I’m also worried about Sally. I haven’t looked into her Mind on purpose, but I can tell she’s having a tough time with all this.

I know B. I’m not sure what ‘ta do other than give her time. She’s smart, and she’s tough, but I don’t like seein’ her upset or in pain. Do you wanna try and talk with her?

We can tomorrow. Let’s at least give her a little more time for all this to soak in.

Out of the blue Ken’s stomach let out a loud rumble, and Brad laughed.

I don’t believe I just heard that!

Ken looked sheepish, but he chuckled too.

Sorry! I know we just ate, but I can’t help it. It must be all the adrenaline and excitement.

You know Lane never ceases to amaze me. That song gave me goosebumps.

And Bry is getting damn good on the drums.

Yeah, he is.

I’m jealous. My only talents seem ‘ta be stomach rumblin’, eatin’, and bein’ douchey.

You can add being handsome and studly to the list.

Ken smiled and hugged Brad tighter.

I knew there was a reason I loved you.

So, do you want to go to Waffle House?

I don’t know… I mean I really do, but every time we go there somethin’ seems ‘ta happen! I’m ready for a quiet night with you on the couch.

How about I order us a couple of pizzas?

Now we’re talkin’!

Hey, Ken, I want to try something.

Oh shit… should I be scared?

Brad laughed.

Douche. Just go with me.

Brad merged them into the warmth and perfection of being together. They hugged tighter and settled into one another. No matter how often they became One, it was just like the first time.

Their eyes turned White as their energy centers Opened, blending together. Brad used Ken’s Avatar along with his own and when he looked at his iPhone, the screen lit up. He tapped out his passcode with his mind and launched a browser. Within a few seconds, he had the pizza ordered online and paid for without physically touching his phone. Through Ken’s Avatar, and the part of his that came from Darren, Brad manipulated the app, the device, and the credit card payment.

Pretty cool, huh? Darren’s been doing this with Pat for a while, and he mentioned it to me at the Lab this week. By the way, Darren and Pat have been putting in a lot of hours with the doc getting those new computers designed and built. We need to do something for them … that’s going to be a massive benefit to all of us once they’re up and running.

That is so cool. We didn’t even have to get up!

Ken grinned.

We could get fat and lazy this way. And yeah, you’re totally right about Dar and Pat. We definitely need ‘ta do somethin’ for them.

They stopped talking, falling silent and resting in one another. One of Ken’s hands moved up and started lightly brushing the hair off Brad’s forehead. Brad let out a contented sigh, enjoying the feel of Ken’s warm, strong hand caressing his head.

They were so lost in one another they didn’t realize how much time passed until the chirp of the alarm system went off a few seconds before the doorbell rang.

Ken threw on a t-shirt and went to the front door, checking the security monitor in the kitchen first just to be sure it was the delivery person.

As soon as he opened the door, he was pretty sure he knew the guy.

“Hey wait a minute… you’re Tony, right?”

“Umm, yeah I’m Tony. Do I know you?”

Ken shouted over his shoulder.

“Hey B! Come here a sec!”

As soon as Tony saw Brad his face lit up with a smile of recognition.

“Tony! Damn man, it’s great to see you! What have you been up to?”

Brad pulled Tony into a quick bear hug, excited to see his old gym bud.

Tony’s smile faded, and he looked downcast.

“Yeah, well…things didn’t go so well for me at the gym. I haven’t been there in months, and I’m trying to make ends meet. You know how it goes.”

“Wait a minute… what do you mean things didn’t go well at the gym? When I left business was booming, mostly because of you. What happened?”

“About a month after you stopped coming in these guys showed up and basically took over. Real assholes, but they knew the manager of the leasing company that owns the building. Long story short I got squeezed out, and they took over my business.”

“Fuck Tony, I’m sorry. I know how much you put into that place and how much it meant to you.”

As soon as Tony mentioned what happened at the gym, Brad’s Intuition sent him signals that something wasn’t right. Usually he wouldn’t intrude, but he had a strong feeling something was wrong with his friend, so he looked into Tony’s Mind, and sure enough the ‘assholes’ he mentioned looked like Protectors. They probably targeted the gym because Brad worked out there before the doctor re-outfitted the Lab.

Brad saw a confrontation between Tony and two of the Protectors, Dave and Brett. Things got violent, and Tony’s arm ended up in a cast for 8 weeks. They were pushing steroids to the younger clients, and Brad wondered if they were using the gym as a recruiting farm for potential Protectors.

Ken picked up on everything from Brad and saw it all. He was furious at the situation along with Brad but didn’t say anything.

“Well, Tony it was good to see you, bud. Please keep in touch and let me know how things work out, okay?”

“I will Brad. It’s great to see you, too. I didn’t know you lived in this neighborhood. I drive by here all the time. Maybe one night when I get off I can stop by, and we can catch up? I need to head out now… customers are waiting for their pizzas.”

Tony left, and Ken took the pizzas into the kitchen. Before Brad could say or think anything he interjected: We’ll check it out first thing in the mornin’ B. Sounds like someone else has suffered ‘cause of us.

Thanks, Ken. Yeah, it looks like it. I think we should talk to the doc and Albrecht about it before we head over though. If The Enemy has taken over the gym, we might be able to use it to our advantage. Regardless I want to make sure Tony is taken care of. I want to fix his arm – there’s some damage there that will cause him problems down the road. However they forced him out financially I want to figure it out too and try to help him get back what's his.

Ken knew Brad felt responsible for Tony’s circumstances.

Don’t worry B, we’ll fix it. For now, Tony’s off their radar, and we need ‘ta be careful and not put him back on. Hey B?


Did I ever tell you how hot you are when you get riled up? Let’s down this pizza and head back to bed.

Brad smiled, realizing what Ken was doing.

As they sat at the kitchen table eating, making eye contact and smiling, they enjoyed one another’s company and the time alone with just the two of them. Even with everything they were involved in, they were happier than ever with their lives and their relationship, and once they got back to the bedroom they relished the chance to prove it to one another again… and again… and again….


Copyright © 2019 btaoc1963; All Rights Reserved.
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Chapter Comments

Excellent chapter! The master’s been identified. The war has included the first innocent death amongst the friends, family and associates related to the team. Greg was a good guy that didn’t deserve to be killed, and now Tony the owner of the gym where Brad used to work out is the victim of the master’s plan to make everyone the team knows or knew suffer painfully. My guess is that the evil one will take out the master prior to his defeat to prevent the curse being broken. I’m definitely looking forward to the next chapter! 😢❤️

  • Love 1

Intriguing chapter! 

I've tossed around the idea of killing off a character and I know at some point in the course of my writing it'll come into play.  It always sucks to have to say goodbye. Your farewell tribute for Greg was beautiful. 

I do hope that the boys figure out a way to help Sally.  I think she may be at a crossroad.

Now that the Master has been revealed,  it should be interesting to see how the revelation that Greg brought to them pans out and how they use the knowledge to their advantage. 

(Hopefully I won't get confused.  I'm currently watching Season 3 of Lucifer on Netflix and he's trying to figure out a way to break the curse so Pierce [a.k.a Cain] can finally die)😁👍

  • Love 1

I read a quote somewhere online that has to deal with what Greg's father said about a parent losing a child. it says that when a child loses their parents, they are an orphan. When a man loses his wife, he's a widower. When a woman loses a husband, she a Widow. But there are no words to describe what a parent is when they lose a child. Because there are no words to describe the immense pain, they go through. 

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