Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you.
The Order - 21. Chapter 21
Content warning: This story contains adult situations, language, and consensual sex between adult men. If said content is illegal in your state or country, please leave now and do not continue.
The Song Lane plays on "Lane Radio" during the fight/rescue is: Bedroom Hymns if you want to give it a listen.
(** Prologue **)
The Master thrashed about in bed, his hairy muscled body drenched in sweat. His Mind filled with the color of blood, and in his dreams he held the Stone again, the source of his pain. His thoughts were primitive as they had been eighty thousand years ago. At that time, no language existed among his people, but his thoughts were clear.
What have I done!?
The Spirit spoke directly to his Mind, teaching him, sharing secrets and making him strong. Even without language, he comprehended the meaning of the words and their intent. He quickly realized the difference between himself and the rest of his tribe. He was young, but he was smarter and better at everything, and they feared him. Being so different made him feel special, and the Spirit fanned the flames of his vanity. However, there was another among them as smart as himself; his younger brother.
His brother was just as clever as he was, and the Spirit cultivated seeds of jealousy deep within him. At first, the young Master didn’t understand the emotion, but once the seeds took root the Spirit nurtured his anger and pettiness, whispering in his conscious and unconscious Mind.
You will never be special as long as he lives.
The young Master looked down upon brother, his face nearly unrecognizable from the crushing damage he inflicted. He thought it would make him feel strong; the Spirit said it would! Instead, it made him feel cold and empty inside; his only brother, whose thoughts he shared Mind to Mind, was gone! Lightning filled the dark and cloudy skies, and cold rain fell as the World cried at his actions, its tears matching his own. The Groaning of Creation started that day.
The Master woke with a start to the sound of his harsh breathing. He detested that sound; it reminded him of his appearance. He couldn’t stand the sight of his ruddy skin and hairy primitive body. He forbade mirrors and reflective surfaces in any of his strongholds and domiciles, so he would never see his image. His abhorrence towards his appearance made him loathe the beautiful perfection of the new Warriors of The Order all the more.
His hands bled, dripping onto the sheets, cut by his sharp fingernails from clenching his fists while he Dreamt. The weight of the Stone still rested in his hand, wet with the smell of the blood, its memory sharp and clear in his Mind.
He buried those memories tens of thousands of years ago. How and why did they resurface now? He knew the answer even as he formulated the question… someone held the Stone. How and why after so many thousands of years he did not know, but it was of no consequence. Even the Stone could not be used against him. However, he could never be too careful and vowed to discover who held it and solve the mystery of how it returned to the world.
Unsettled by his dream, The Master pushed the memories back down where they should stay forever, burying them in the deepest darkest well in his Mind, along with everything else that made him human. That place echoed with ages upon ages of pain, and he didn’t like to go there. When he did, he often heard a voice echoing up from the deepest part of himself, and it terrified even him. It was the voice of his brother, screaming as the life was beaten out of him.
The Master grunted in anger, and black smoky tendrils flowed from his body. He rolled over, attempting to go back to sleep.
He Dreamed again of a young boy floating in the air as the Stone orbited his body. He recognized the boy. The Master held him and his mother captive not long ago, among the prisoners rescued by the Warriors of The Order. Drew and Liz Hastings were associated with the Order, but what was their significance? How did the Stone fit into what he saw? He would meditate and discover the meaning.
Unable to sleep, The Master lumbered out of his bedroom to find one of his whores and relieve his tension and anger.
The screams that soon followed, breaking the early morning silence of the house, unsettled His servants. All of them learned to tread lightly on days that started with those screams, lest their voices add to the spine-chilling chorus.
(** Beginning of Chapter **)
Nearly two weeks passed since Liz’s death, and Henry continued giving Ken and the others the cold shoulder, keeping his interaction with them to a minimum. He spoke only when necessary, and even then, his communication was short and curt. Drew spent most of his time in their room playing by himself or coloring. Sally tried her best to help and did a good job with Drew, but as soon as any of the guys showed up, he quietly packed up his crayons or collected his toys and retreated to his room.
Neither Ken nor his Brothers could shake the deep thread of sadness over Henry and Drew’s behavior. Brad did his best to keep Ken distracted and upbeat but often found him with a sad expression on his face. They spent more time than usual in one another warding off the feelings; all of the guys did. They stayed merged more often as a group too, sharing their grief and shoring each other up in their Hearts.
Their training continued, and Ken pushed himself and the rest of them harder than ever. They all knew what he was doing; he knew it himself. He wanted to make sure they would be strong enough in the future so no one would ever have to make a sacrifice like Liz did again.
Bill and Kevin spent a good deal of their time at the Orphanage making sure the kids were taken care of. All of the guys helped there too… meeting the children and getting to know them, playing sports, and helping organize chores. Bryan even cooked a few special meals for them. The kids were presented with an entirely new world for themselves when they were with adults who cared for them.
In a few instances, Bill was forced to fall back on disciplinary tactics from their Navy background with a few of the older kids who continued to misbehave… and they responded well. The kids needed boundaries, and when they knew there was love along with the punishment, it stuck with them. Over time the kids wanted to make Bill, Kevin, and the rest of the guys proud of them, and that was the best motivation of all.
The kids figured out quickly that any of the men knew when they were lying, and it didn’t take long for them to stop trying to pull the wool over their eyes. It was a surprising discovery to learn they could get along fine by telling the truth.
With Halloween rapidly approaching, Sally was deep in plans for a party at the Lab. Drew isolated himself more and more, and she tried as desperately as any of them to help him in any way she could. The sad fact was that Drew was just a little boy who wanted his mom. They couldn’t even comfort him with the lie of Liz waiting for him in Heaven; at some point, his Mind would slip Open, and he would see the lie for what it was.
Henry watched his new son and tried his best, but he was floundering inside. Liz’s death devastated him, and he didn’t feel equipped to raise Drew on his own. On top of everything else, Drew wasn’t making things any easier with his behavior. He acted out at the slightest provocation, he spoke less, and wet the bed nearly every night. He stopped wearing his Marvel Superhero clothes and no longer played with his superhero toys. Instead, he played with his hot wheels and coloring books and watched the same videos Liz got him over and over until Henry wanted to scream.
Trying to keep his contact with the guys to a minimum, Henry adopted the habit of waiting until they were in the gym and training before he and Drew emerged from their room for the day. He usually made bowls of cereal for himself and Drew, then retreated to their room to eat.
That morning, Sally attempted to pre-empt the rut Henry and Drew were in by cooking some of Drew’s favorite breakfast foods. She made snowman-shaped pancakes, crispy bacon, scrambled eggs with cheese, and cinnamon toast. She found chocolate milk in the fridge and was sure Bryan put it there for Drew.
She also noticed Drew’s favorite snacks appearing on the counters within easy reach. Bryan and all the guys were doing many subtle and unobtrusive things for Henry and Drew, and it made her want to cry at their caring efforts.
Henry traipsed through the kitchen in his underwear holding Drew, who was still drowsy and resting his head on Henry’s shoulder. Liz had always taken care of washing Drew, and it was another duty Henry took up, so every morning, Henry took Drew to the shower with him. She noticed Drew wore underwear rather than his pajamas and figured he was trying to be like Henry.
Sally did a double-take when she saw Henry’s mostly naked body. The physical changes the Enemy caused in him made his body as lean and muscular as any of the guys, and he was a devastatingly handsome man in his own right. Henry didn’t have the angelic charisma of the guys, but to Sally that made him even more attractive. With his dirty blond hair, green eyes, and usual facial stubble, he looked like the type of scruffy bad boy Sally had always been attracted too. He had a perfect dusting of hair on his chest and abs and seeing him in his Kalvin Kline tighty-whities, showing off his body caused Sally’s heart to skip a beat.
Drew’s head perked up off Henry’s shoulder when he smelled the bacon on their way to the showers.
In a chipper voice, Sally said, “Good morning, guys! I made you breakfast! You’ve been eating way too much cereal lately.”
Henry’s reply was low key as he said, “Thanks, Sally. I appreciate it. Drew, what do you say?”
Drew’s reply was sleepy and automatic, “Thank you, Ms. Sally.”
“You’re welcome, Tiger.”
Sally paused and turned back to the stove, knowing Henry would be irritated at what she was about to say.
“Drew, Halloween’s coming up soon. Have you thought about a costume for the party?”
She felt Henry’s glare on the back of her head. He knew what she was doing, but Sally kept her back to him and maintained her positive demeanor.
Drew hung his head, and in a barely discernable whisper said, “I don’t know.”
Sally saw cracks in Drew’s behavior, knowing how much he missed his friendship and interaction with the guys. He was confused, and Henry’s attitude towards Ken and the others didn’t help. With Liz gone, Drew wouldn’t let Henry out of his sight, and he mimicked Henry’s behavior and mannerisms, worshipping the ground his new dad walked on. But she knew it was more than that; Drew was terrified of Henry leaving him like his mom.
“Well, be thinking about it Tiger, okay? Oh, Henry, I noticed Drew’s jeans are getting a little high around the ankles. He’s growing like a weed, and we need to get him some new clothes, so be thinking about a costume we can pick up when we go shopping.”
On one hand, Henry was irritated at Sally for pushing Drew about a costume. She knew perfectly well he planned to go as Iron Man before Liz died. On the other hand, her comments dug at him and made him feel like he was neglecting Drew. Henry was doing the best he could, but he was barely holding himself together. He missed his connection to the guys terribly, but the conflict in his Heart and his stubborn anger prevented him from giving in. Henry blamed them for everything that occurred the day Liz died, convinced they should have done more. If they had, she would still be alive, and Drew would have his mom and Henry would have his wife.
Neither Henry nor Sally realized the doctor overheard their conversation. His face was impassive, but his heart ached for them; for all of them. His massive intellect was struggling, trying to figure out how in the world they would ever arrive at the point of Drew confronting the Master, especially with the direction things were going.
I know it looks bleak at the moment Aaron, but there’s still time. I’m anxious as well, but we have to trust that things will work out. With the men…I think, somehow, they will find a way. We must trust them.
Aaron sighed and thought: You are right, Albrecht. I admit I am having a difficult time, though. The thought of that young boy and what he has been through… so many deaths through the ages. He does not remember them consciously, but each is etched on his Soul.
Henry took Drew into the shower and washed them both. Drew kept facing away from him in the shower and he wondered why, but keeping in mind what the doctor said in regards to odd behavior Henry didn’t draw attention to it.
After toweling off and donning clean underwear, they returned to their room and got dressed. Henry looked at Drew’s pants, agreeing with Sally about Drew’s growth spurt, and he said, “Hey Tiger, Miss Sally’s right, we need to get you some new clothes. I’ll talk to the doctor and see if we can go after breakfast, okay?”
Drew’s response was barely audible, and he hung his head when he spoke.
Henry knelt in front of Drew, but he wouldn’t make eye contact. He gently cupped Drew’s chin, lifting his head and forcing Drew to look at him.
“Drew, what’s wrong?”
Drew’s eyes started watering, and hot tears dripped over his cheeks as he started crying. Henry didn’t know what else to do other than grab him and hold him tight. Drew’s arms reached up into a death grip around Henry’s neck as he sobbed.
“I’m here Drew. I’m here, buddy.”
Henry tried to keep his voice even and not break down himself. He bounced Drew like he would a baby, trying desperately to comfort him.
“Shhhhhh, I got you. It’s alright.”
He cupped Drew’s head in one of his big hands, stroking him soothingly while his other arm was around Drew’s bottom holding him up. He slowly walked out of their room towards the kitchen. Sally made eye contact with Henry and saw the pleading look in his eyes. She teared up herself but held it together, trying to sound chipper as she said, “Who wants pancakes and cheesy eggs?”
Henry whispered in Drew’s ear, “How about it, Drew? Those are your favorites.”
He sat Drew at the table and scooted his chair up. Drew was still crying although not as intensely, but his breathing was still ragged. Sally put a plate full of food in front of him, but he sat unresponsive with his arms at his sides.
Hearing the commotion, Tag and Olive came out of their room to see what was going on. On seeing Drew, knowing glances passed between them as they sat down.
Olive said, “Good mornin’ Drew, how’s my sweet boy dis morning?”
Drew sat unresponsive, and Henry started to say something when Tag stopped him with a glance. Picking up a fork Tag reached across the table, cutting off a big piece of a snowman pancake. Dragging it through the syrup so it was dripping, Tag stuffed it in his mouth and started making the most outlandish noises of pleasure.
“Mmmm mmm mmmm mmm! This has got ‘ta be the best tastin’ snowman I ever put in my mouth! You sure you don’t want none a’ dat boy? You know, when I was in the Army we didn’t get snowman pancakes. No sir! We got Spam! And that’s if we was lucky!”
Drew looked at him, and his tears stopped. He sniffed and swallowed, and his voice was uneven as he caught his breath and asked, “Wh.. what’s .. sp.. spam?”
“You never heard a’ Spam?!”
Wide-eyed, Tag put his hands on the table, leaning over in surprise. His voice loud with amazement he asked, “What do they teach these kids nowadays!?”
Tag proceeded to give an over-exaggerated, very animated story he made up about Spam and food in the Army… but in less than a minute Drew was giggling.
Tag winked at Henry with a big grin on his face and nodded towards the food. Henry filled his plate and sat down looking relieved.
After they finished eating, Drew announced, “I have to wee-wee,” and darted off towards the locker rooms. Henry was shocked; Drew hadn’t let Henry out of his sight in the last two weeks, but he ran off like everything was normal.
Henry looked at Tag and said, “Thanks, Tag. You’re great with him.”
Tag said, “Well, me and momma had kids of our own. I learnt a thing or two on how ta take their minds off their troubles when they git upset. He’s hurtin’ inside somethin’ horrible, and you are too, Henry. Try’n be patient with ’im, and don’t be too hard on yourself either.”
Olive reached over, covering Henry’s hand with her own, giving him a comforting squeeze. Olive was a petite woman, but her grip was strong just like her heart. Her hand barely covered his knuckles, but she conveyed her support through the strength of her grip.
In her quiet, gentle voice, she said, “It’s gonna work out Henry. You wait and see. Have faith.”
Drew’s pants were bunched around his ankles when Bryan entered the bathroom to take a leak. He glanced around when he saw Drew, surprised not to see Henry.
Bryan was in the middle of a strenuous workout, wearing only workout shorts and tennis shoes, and he shone with sweat. His entire body was pumped with veins visible across his shoulders, upper chest, arms, and legs.
His demeanor changed as soon as he saw Drew, transforming from a focused fighting machine to a gentle giant. His green eyes lost their intensity, and in his deep, gravelly voice, he said, “Hey little man! How’s it hangin’?”
Drew turned away, trying to cover himself. Pulling his pants up quickly, he started to dart out of the bathroom. Bryan’s heavy sigh echoed off the tiles in the empty bathroom. His Heart hurt so much for Drew and his loss; it also hurt for himself and his Brothers, including Henry. Henry was one of them now, and it upset all of them to see him in such pain and keeping his distance from them.
Bryan reached out, grabbing Drew by his shoulder before he got away. Gently but firmly he turned Drew around so they could look into each other’s eyes and said, “You know I love you, little man. I miss you.”
Bryan leaned over and kissed Drew gently on his forehead and took his hand away. Drew stood still for a moment, looking at Bryan’s huge form. The heat radiating off Bryan was comforting, and Drew could smell him. He wanted to throw his arms around Bryan’s neck, but his resolve returned and he turned away, quietly leaving the bathroom.
Glassy-eyed, Bryan finished up, washed his hands, and returned to his workout.
While Drew was in the bathroom, Henry took advantage of the short window to knock on the door of the doctor’s office.
He quickly explained the need for new clothes and asked the doctor if a short outing to Wal-Mart could be arranged.
“Of course, my boy, of course. I’ll arrange everything, and you can leave shortly.”
Thirty minutes later Henry and Drew looked up as Brad and Ken came to get them. They looked freshly showered with their hair still damp, and Henry realized the doctor pulled them out of training to escort him and Drew to the store. Ken, trying to sound upbeat, said, “Up and at ’em guys. Pat and Darren are bringin’ the car around, so let’s hop to it.”
With all the extra ‘guests’ in the Lab, the doctor arranged the purchase of two fully loaded Chevy Suburban’s for transporting everyone around as needed. The guys weren’t sure who did the modifications once the vehicles left the dealership, but the doctor had the suspensions modified for the extra weight, as well as bulletproof glass installed. The vehicles drank gas like mad, but they were extremely comfortable and safe. Ken and the others noticed Runes etched into the frame of both cars as well. The doctor had definitely increased security measures.
Ken acted as if everything was normal, but Henry merely nodded and grabbed Drew’s Iron Man hoodie and started putting it on him. Drew wouldn’t hold out his arms and turned away, not wanting to wear it.
Henry tried not to sound frustrated and said, “Drew, come on. It’s cold outside, and you have to wear a jacket. You can pick out a new one at the store okay?”
Reluctantly Drew put it on and he trudged out of their room with Henry in tow. Ken took a deep breath.
Fuck, I hate this B. I just wanna’ grab him and hold him ‘til he forgives me. I need ‘ta figure out a way to make things right with both of them.
Brad’s Mental voice was gentle: I know, Ken. I feel the same way.
In his Heart, Brad held Ken tighter than usual. They all hurt, but Ken bore the brunt, and it hurt him deeply. They followed Henry and Drew out to the waiting vehicle. Drew made a fuss about getting in the car seat, but it was still the law in Georgia at his age. He was angry and irritable, and Henry knew it was going to be a difficult trip for everyone.
While they drove, Ken held Brad’s hand, running his thumb over the back or squeezing it gently, bringing comfort to them both.
In Wal-Mart, Ken, Brad, Pat, and Darren made themselves scarce, letting Henry and Drew shop. Their strained relationships, along with the discomfort, were evident to Pat’s Avatar. With effort, Pat could tone down his ability but couldn’t turn it off. Brad was just as aware of the emotional pain between them through his Avatar, and his heart ached for everyone. Ken was fully cognizant of how the situation affected Brad. When together, Ken kept a hand on Brad almost all the time or an arm around his shoulders. Ken was always physically affectionate, but he was more attentive than usual, trying to buffer the harshness.
Ken watched his lover and observed with his eyes and Heart the effect his touch had on Brad. The four men were tightly Linked, and Darren and Pat felt the emotions between their Brothers. The two of them were similar, and no shit was hung, at least at the moment, because they needed each other’s support.
Between their special forces training and owning and operating a security firm, it was easy to keep Henry and Drew in sight while remaining unobtrusive. Brad maintained a Link with Henry, light enough to talk but no deeper. It was clear all four men would rather be helping Drew pick out clothes than hanging back out of sight, but they kept a lid on their emotions to keep peace with Henry.
Drew was making things difficult, being indecisive and non-committal with everything Henry picked out for him. The only thing Drew made clear was that he didn’t want anything to do with the superhero items he usually got so excited over.
It took a while, but Henry finally thought he had enough clothes in their cart. Drew needed to try on at least some of them to make sure they fit, especially the pants. Henry tried his best not to let his irritation and frustration with Drew show. Before he lost his temper and said something he would regret, Henry set Drew in the cart with the clothes.
“Come on, Tiger. We need to go try some of these on.”
Drew’s Mind was Open, and even though Henry tried to hide his emotions, Drew was aware they were directed at him. Drew’s anxiety levels spiked, starting an emotional tailspin. Drew squatted down, holding the sides of the buggy and not saying anything. Henry didn’t notice Drew’s knuckles were white from the strain of his grip on the buggy. There was a line at the fitting rooms, and while they waited, the emotional turmoil in father and son continued to build.
Henry didn’t notice until it was too late; he never saw Drew grab the can of Coke, but he turned at the noise of the can opening and saw Drew pouring it over the clothes in the buggy.
Henry saw red and shouted, “DREW!”
Drew’s eyes went as round as saucers. He looked stunned, and his eyes filled with tears as he opened his mouth, but no sound came out. He was so scared he could hardly breathe, and it took a moment for him to draw breath. Once air hit his lungs, a high-pitched wail escaped. Henry had never yelled at him before, and it terrified him. Buried in his psyche Drew was afraid Henry was angry enough to abandon him.
Drew thought if he misbehaved, somehow Liz would come back. It was child logic and didn’t make sense to anyone but him, but he wanted his mom so badly he was willing to try anything. He didn’t act up to drive Henry away; he did it to bring his mommy back.
Ken and the other’s heard Henry shout and arrived just as Drew started to cry. None of them sensed any danger, so they knew it wasn’t an attack, but they reacted quickly when Henry shouted Drew’s name.
The dam of emotion in Henry broke, and he was so mad he could barely control himself. Grabbing the edges of the steel buggy, he warped them closer together in his anger, trapping Drew inside. Henry looked at his trembling hands and the mangled steel, realizing he could have hurt Drew.
Not knowing what else to do, he turned and walked away. His Mind wasn’t Open, and he wasn’t aware of the core of Drew’s fear, but it was the worst thing he could have done. He only moved a few feet away, but he had to get his temper under control. Henry wanted to hit something, anything, to lash out and strike back in anger. He didn’t even know what he wanted to hit, the storm of emotions within him raged and just wanted an outlet. Henry didn’t want Drew to see him like that, acting like his real father, Doug, and see his anger directed at him.
Drew watched Henry move away, and the pitch of his voice increased, making his words barely legible.
“Daddy! Don’t leave me!”
Drew tried to crawl out of the cart, his little hands pulling at the pinched steel, desperate to get to Henry, but he was trapped and couldn’t get out.
Ken and the others watched, devastated by what they saw. Pat’s and Brad’s Avatars glowed brightly on their shoulders, each showing them the hysterical desperation in of Drew. He wanted his mom and was terrified his dad was abandoning him, while he was trapped and couldn’t move.
Henry froze, his eyes wide and bloodshot, as hot tears spilled from his eyes. He wanted to throw up from the pain Drew’s cry sent into the pit of his stomach.
Suddenly everything went deathly quiet. Henry spun around, seeing Drew, his mouth open, and hands reaching impotently for his father. His face was red and blotchy from crying so hard, his nose ran, and his chin was covered in spittle. A drip hung frozen a few inches below his chin, as if reality paused.
Ken, Brad, Pat, and Darren, their eyes glassy with tears, stood unmoving.
Henry thought he might be going insane, and fell to his knees, bent over, screaming and slamming his fists into the floor. The tiles buckled under his first blow, and it hurt; the flooring was directly over a concrete slab, and he might have broken his hands.
He embraced the pain, hoping it would drive out his emotional hurt and frustration. He punched the floor again, and again, each blow aimed at the ache within him. Henry struck back at all the wrong that happened that day at the park. He struck at his anger towards Ken for letting him take Drew and Liz on the train, for not beating the Eschphene leader soon enough, and the others for not protecting Liz and allowing the situation to escalate, forcing her to sacrifice her Soul to save her son.
“Henry, stop.”
His breath came in ragged gasps, and he sweated from the tension in his body and the pain in his hands. His face was red with tears, the emotional storm running through him, and the physical pain.
He didn’t know whose voice he heard, but it was beautiful. Strong arms embraced him, wrapping around his body and his Soul, giving him comfort.
Henry knew whoever it was understood everything he was going through and loved him deeply. Not even looking up, he thrust himself against the body of whoever it was, and he clung with all his strength as his big frame wracked with sobs.
Strong, gentle hands soothed him, holding him tight, and Henry knew that was how he should be comforting Drew. It took him a few minutes to get himself under control.
Once he calmed down enough to talk, he pulled back, looking into an inhumanly beautiful face. A soft nimbus covered the man, warming Henry on the inside and reminding him of what he felt from Ken and Brad and the guys when they were deeply merged. It drove home how much he missed them.
“Who are you?”
“A friend, Henry.”
“What’s happening?”
“I know how much pain you are in, and Drew, and Ken and Brad and the others. The events of that day were tragic but also heroic beyond words. Gabriel led the choirs of Heaven in a song for Liz Hastings that day.”
“You’re one of the angels?”
“Yes, I am. I am Raphael.”
“What have you done to me? What’s going on?”
“I slipped you out of Time for a moment, to talk. There are some things I want to show you.”
Henry moved to face Raphael, getting a good look at him. Brad spoke of his Angelic grandfather, but Henry had never seen or met any of them in person. Raphael’s Presence was staggering, and Henry was afraid.
“There is no need to fear me, Henry. I am here to help.”
Raphael reached out, putting a hand on Henry’s solid chest, and felt his rapidly beating heart. He Opened Henry’s Heart, and a bright yellow Light shone forth.
“Brad and the others are being patient with you, Henry. They love you, you know. Not just as a human being, which is part of their task, but as a man and a Brother. You are one of them, and your anger towards them is causing them a great deal of pain and anxiety.”
Henry’s face hardened as the turmoil inside him surfaced. He rasped vehemently, “Liz is gone because of them!”
“You do not believe that Henry. You are trying to convince yourself of that because it would be easier, but it is not true. I’m going to show you everything that happened that day while you were unconscious. I’m going to show it to you a few times, each from a different perspective. Brad could show you some of this, but he would never force it on you, especially knowing how you feel right now.”
“But you will?”
“Yes. For many reasons, some of which I hope will be clear once you have seen everything. Much rests on your shoulders, Henry. So much happened that day, and the men learned many secrets they have not shared with you, not wanting to increase your burden. They have your best interest in their Hearts and are trying to protect you. It pains me to show you, but it must be done. There is too much at stake and time is running out.”
Raphael took Henry on a journey into the past, reliving the day Liz died from her perspective. Henry heard her thoughts and felt everything she did the entire day. He felt her joy at his proposal, her regret over her comment about the ring he and Albrecht made for her, her hatred and anger towards Doug, her fear for Drew and Henry when she picked him as her Intercedent, and her pain and terror when she grabbed the Stone that obliterated her body.
Her Soul would have been destroyed immediately if Uriel hadn’t intervened. Henry heard her last thoughts, of just finding Henry and having him in her life, and her sadness of not living the rest of her life with him. He listened to her final words to Drew and the guys… telling them to hold Henry tight and protect him and Drew and to find a way to defeat the Master without Drew turning into a monster. He felt the last moment of her existence, as Uriel wrapped her in the comfort of his wings, staying with her until she was gone. The groan that escaped Henry came from his Soul as he heard Liz’s last words to Uriel:
Will it hurt?
Uriel’s presence surrounded her, wrapping her in his Strength, Warmth, and Love.
No Child, it will not hurt. I will be with you until the end, and it will be peaceful. You will simply go to sleep and never wake up.
Henry felt Liz cease to exist, and it crushed him. He curled up in a ball at Raphael’s feet, debilitated in his anguish.
Relentless, Raphael moved on, knowing it would be far crueler to draw the Visions out. As painful as they were for Henry, Raphael knew it would be best to continue until he was done.
Next, Henry lived the day inside Ken. Henry experienced Ken’s split-second decision to have Brad knock him out so Ken would be the one to face the Eschphene Leader. Ken intended to save Henry, Drew, and Liz, and Henry became aware of Ken’s self-anger for what happened while they were under his protection. Henry lived through Ken’s fear and shock at learning Drew was the Master’s brother and the Curse of his existence, forced to die every seven years in a never-ending cycle. Henry listened again at how the Master must ask Drew’s forgiveness for killing him, and that Drew would have to forgive the monster. Henry knew some of that information, but everything was confirmed while he was unconscious, and he was even more terrified for his son.
Ken’s fight with the Eschphene was just as painful. The brutality of the combat and Ken nearly dying, coupled with the emotional trauma of knowing Brad would also die if he lost the fight, and that Drew would be at the mercy of whatever plan the Eschphene had for him.
Henry felt Brad’s presence in Ken, immersed in the special bond they shared, and as deeply as Henry was in Ken, however Raphael did it, he felt the powerful, intense love the two men shared when their Souls were merged. Henry’s breath caught in his throat at sharing that intimacy, and fresh tears fell down his face. The raw, brutal purity of the Truth between the two men was both beautiful and terrifying to Henry. He realized how great Ken’s capacity for love was, as well as his capacity to be hurt. Henry lived through Ken’s anguish when Liz’s body unraveled, how his anger hurt Ken deeply, and how much Drew’s little fist and words “I hate you!” cut into his Heart.
Raphael continued Henry’s journey through every one of the men…making him feel what it was to be each of them that day; how they clung to one another in their Minds, Hearts, and Souls as they watched Ken almost die, and their grief over losing Liz.
After all of that, Henry was shocked at everything Bill went through at the Orphanage. Henry was unaware of that tragic situation because of his isolation from their friendship.
Lastly, he lived inside Drew, feeling his happiness and contentment on the mountain playing with Henry, of having his mom and new dad there along with Sally, Ken, Brad, Loy, and Rick. He learned how much the men meant to Drew, and felt Drew’s terror as his world unraveled when Doug shot Henry and knocked Liz out, kidnapping him. Henry groaned at Drew’s pain and humiliation when Doug ripped his urine-drenched clothes off and squeezed his balls, and the blinding pain in his head and body as the rocky ground cut him.
He felt Istariel in Drew’s Mind, trying to comfort him. He felt Drew’s confusion at waking up and having Henry tell him his mom was gone, and the betrayal he felt by Ken for not protecting his mother as he promised. Iron Man should have saved her! Ken was Drew’s biggest role model besides Henry, and all the pain and loneliness of losing his mother turned into anger towards Ken, and the world in general.
He felt Drew’s thought process of acting out in the store, subconsciously, desperately hoping his mom would come back to him… and Henry felt Drew’s shocked terror and fear when Henry yelled at him and then turned away. It was more than his young Mind could take, and he was having a psychotic breakdown, thinking Henry was leaving him too.
Less than halfway through the lives Raphael forced him to relive, Henry was curled up on the floor in a ball, shamelessly sobbing. He begged Raphael to stop, but the experiences continued, feeling everything as if he lived it himself. He squeezed his eyes shut, trying to block it all out, but he couldn’t close his Mind. Raphael kept it Open, making him share and experience everyone’s pain.
The experience brought back Henry’s old perceptions of feeling like a monster. Henry knew if he was more of a man, and brave enough to accept the Compassion and support his Brothers offered, the last few weeks would have been very different for himself and Drew. He berated himself, knowing he deserved the pain Raphael inflicted upon him.
Raphael sat quietly while Henry cried. After a short while, he pulled Henry back into his lap, cradling him like a child, comforting him, holding him tightly and letting him cry. It was nearly an hour before the tears slowed down, and Henry was emotionally and physically exhausted. His body ached from the tension, his eyes were bloodshot, and his nose ran. His face and body were flushed and sweaty from the emotional strain.
Finally, Raphael broke the silence saying quietly, “I’m sorry, Henry, to have done that to you, but you now know everything about that day. You know who Drew is and what he must do, and you know the roles Ken and Brad and the others play in this Battle. Most importantly, you know you and Drew are loved. Most humans know this in their Minds, but you know it in your Heart as well. It is a Blessing.”
It still took a few minutes before Henry could talk, but he knew Raphael was in his Mind so he thought: How can one little boy carry that? He doesn’t deserve it… it’s not fair!
No, Henry, it is not. But that is his fate… and Drew needs you. He needs you to be his father and help him prepare to face his destiny. Much rests on your shoulders, and I believe it is no coincidence you are in his life. Your own life prepared you to be in his, and you can help raise him to be who he needs to be and break the cycle of his Curse.
I do not know. I know, as you do, what needs to happen, but not how it will occur. The randomness of Ken and the others, of being Free and Unfettered, is what will make it possible. It also makes it impossible to see. I think that is no coincidence for if we cannot see then neither can the Dark One or The Master. You must have faith and move forward for the sake of all.
I need to get back to Drew. I have to make it clear to him I’m not leaving. I know he’s frozen, but I can’t stand the thought of him being scared out of his wits because he thinks I’m abandoning him.
Very well.
Reality un-paused and Drew’s cry continued mid-wail. Henry’s Mind raced over what just happened, but he pushed it all away and turned around.
The sight of Drew incapacitated and hurting beyond his ability to cope nearly broke Henry. With inhuman speed Henry rushed to the buggy, pulling it apart and lifting Drew into his arms. Drew wrapped his arms and legs around Henry as tightly as he could, crushing his face against Henry’s neck.
Henry kept whispering into his ear, “I’ve got you, Drew. I’m not going anywhere. I’ll never leave you, son. You mean everything to me, and I love you so much.”
Tears fell down his face, and his throat was so tight he barely managed to get the words out.
Pat, and Ken, to a lesser extent, saw the emotional turmoil in Henry, and Brad through his Avatar. Something happened they didn’t understand; one second Henry was furious and nearly lost complete control of his anger, and the next he was an emotional basket case desperate to comfort Drew. The change was sudden and drastic, near instantaneous, and it made no sense to them.
People were staring, and the Wal-Mart employee operating the fitting rooms looked at the twisted metal buggy and the Coke covered clothes with huge eyes.
Henry didn’t trust himself to say much yet; he felt like a heel for the way he treated Ken and the rest of the guys. Trying to make his voice as neutral as possible, Henry said, “Ken… I’m sorry about the clothes, but I need to get Drew out of here.”
Ken’s eyes were still glassy from what he witnessed with Drew, and his own throat was tight. He started to reply, but Brad quietly interjected, “No worries Henry, we’ll take care of it. Go with Pat and Darren and get in the car, then swing by and pick us up out front.”
Thanks, B.
That’s what badass boyfriends are for, right?
Ken knew what Brad did and loved him all the more for it because he felt the turmoil inside Brad as well, and it was enormous. Brad was a rock for him and what he needed. He would be the rock for Brad as soon as they got back to the Lab.
Drew was Henry’s main priority, and he continued holding his son, whispering in his ear how much he loved him and how he would never leave. His Heart and Mind raced, and he was scared beyond words at what Drew would face by his seventh birthday. Henry was terrified for Drew, himself, and the guys.
The enormity of it all hit him, and it was surreal being in a Wal-Mart shopping for children’s clothes when the fate of Mankind rested on their shoulders. It didn’t make sense, and the transition was mind-boggling.
Pat and Darren escorted him out. Pat kept a hand on Henry’s shoulder as they walked to the car, and for the first time in weeks, Henry didn’t shrug off his touch. Darren wanted to do the same thing but didn’t want to inadvertently Read Henry without permission. His curiosity was on fire over what happened, but he would never invade his friend’s privacy in such a manner.
Brad paid for the damaged clothes, and he and Ken hopped in the Suburban when Darren pulled over to pick them up. The drive back to the Lab was quiet. Ken, Brad, Pat, and Darren discussed the strangeness of what happened in their Minds, not wanting to engage Henry and giving him his space. Drew finally calmed down, and halfway back to the Lab he fell asleep in Henry’s arms, exhausted.
As soon as they were back at the Lab, Henry took Drew to their room and put him to bed. He shut the door so it would be quiet and sat on the recliner collecting his thoughts. What was he going to say? He had been an asshole and hurt his friends, his Brothers, when they did their best to protect him and his son. He now knew their desperation to save Liz and realized how powerful and unexpected the encounter with the Eschphene was, and he couldn’t blame Ken or any of them for not knowing the danger ahead of time. The dark thoughts came again about himself.
I’m not a nice person, and I don’t deserve their friendship.
He owed them so much. His life changed completely that fateful day nearly two years before when he had been ordered to kill Loy and Rick. Loy freed him from the bondage and forced servitude to The Master, and then a year later they helped him find himself, pulling him out of suicidal depression and showing him a future he never thought possible. It was tragic that the life they showed him with Liz was gone now, but it wasn’t their fault. He was alive and human again because of them, and he had the most amazing little boy in his life who loved him as a father.
Ken held Brad’s hand, playing with it on the drive back to the Lab like he always did. Brad could tell how much the incident at Wal-Mart affected Ken; it drove home how much Henry and Drew still hurt, and blamed him for it. As soon as they got back to the Lab and Henry disappeared behind closed doors, Ken wanted to leave. For the first time, the Lab didn’t feel like a place he wanted to be.
B, let’s head out. I don’t feel like bein’ here right now.
Brad sighed heavily and replied: I know Ken. I’m with you.
Brad didn’t need to say anything else because he was in Ken’s Mind and Heart, holding him tight. Ken knew Brad understood and was there for him as always. Brad’s reply was twofold; he agreed with Ken and expressed his presence inside his partner to let him know he shared the hurt. Usually, Ken would work off his feelings in the gym, but there wasn’t any place else he could go and do that. Outside the Lab, there wasn’t a gym in the world that could challenge Ken enough to take his Mind off his troubles.
The drive home was quiet, and once again Ken played with Brad’s hand, taking solace in his lover's presence. The subject of Henry and Drew was talked out, and there was nothing left to say. The situation sucked and would eventually get better, but until then they just had to ride it out and make the best of it.
Thanks again, B. I’m leaning on you pretty hard right now, and you know I appreciate it. I’m here for you too.
Ken reached up to hit the garage door opener as they turned the corner on their street. As they pulled into their driveway, they were both surprised to see a man sitting on their front doorstep. Their jaws dropped when they realized it was Michael.
As soon as they opened the car doors, Michael was waiting at the rear of the Explorer.
Ken felt a note of panic, thinking something must be wrong for Michael to show up and he quickly asked, “Is everythin’ alright?”
In their few interactions with Michael, he had never been overly friendly towards any of them. He smiled on occasion, but Raphael seemed to do a lot of his talking for him. This time his smile was genuine, and it transformed his face. Michael was so handsome he was almost hard to look at, not just his face but his body
B I’m sorry, but I think I might have popped a boner lookin’ at my grandfather.
Brad barely contained his laughter, and he thought back: I’m glad I’m not the only one! Ken, you’re a stud, the stud of my life, but fuck he’s gorgeous!
“Hello, Ken. Hello, Brad.”
Michael held his hand out in greeting to both of them and continued, “There is nothing amiss other than the sorrow dwelling in your hearts. I am here to take your Mind off your troubles. I would have visited your Lab earlier, but it is warded against me. I’m not pleased about that, but I understand your reasoning. I haven’t had a fight with Raphael like that in ages, but he explained his reasons, and I respect his Wisdom.”
Ken was touched that Michael, such a powerful being and busy doing whatever Archangels did, would take the time to visit him to lift his spirits.
Brad said, “Come inside, Michael.”
Michael didn’t move and said, “Actually I was hoping you would come with me, Ken. Brad, you are welcome to join us and observe if you wish. I know how difficult it is for you to be apart from one another.”
Ken’s handsome brow furrowed, and he asked, “Where do you want ‘ta take us?”
The same grin Ken often got appeared on Michael’s face, and he said, “A place I go when I am troubled.”
Brad’s Intuition told him it was the right thing to do for Ken. He knew the doctor harbored doubts about the Archangels and their agendas as far as Ken, Brad, and the guys were concerned. He also remembered Luke’s words in the Valley:
“No offense Brad but you are terribly naïve. If you think they aren’t already using you, you are sadly mistaken. Your faith in them is commendable, but it is misplaced. Such beings don’t care for you… and even if they did, their affections for you would not stand in their way of using you however they thought necessary to accomplish their goals.”
Brad knew Luke attempted to plant seeds of doubt with his words and was most likely using truth to do it rather than lies, but deep-down Brad felt Raphael, Michael, and the others really did care about them. Brad knew Ken wanted to take Michael up on his offer, and there was no way he wanted Ken out of his sight.
Brad smiled and said, “Count me in.”
Neither Ken nor Brad felt any transition, but suddenly they were standing in what at first glance looked like the Coliseum in Rome. Brad quickly realized they were not the ancient ruins, but a clean and well-kept area and the structures were new and immaculate. The three of them were the only ones present.
The ground of the large oval area they stood in was hard-packed dirt and ran nearly two hundred feet at the longest point. The air was warm, and a little humid and the sun shone brightly, directly overhead. There were a few scattered clouds in the deep blue sky.
Ken and Brad looked around in wonder and were curious as to where they might be. Were they still on Earth?
Michael saw their faces and guessed at their question, not intruding into their thoughts.
“I created this place as a private refuge. It is not large, and lies outside Time.”
Michael took off his jacket as he spoke. Both of them were impressed at the hint of a body straining against the t-shirt he wore. He stripped his t-shirt off, and Brad and Ken gaped.
Michael had to be the most perfect male specimen in existence, at least to them. His form was handsome and muscular, while incredibly lean and tight. He was taller than Ken by six inches in his human form, with a light dusting of hair on his chest and stomach, perfectly accentuating his physique. His body was thick with corded muscle, and his skin flexed and twitched with the slightest movement.
He glanced at Ken with a smirk and said, “You have this same effect on humans Ken, whether you realize it or not. Your body is a weapon in every form imaginable. Your appearance is part of your arsenal, as much as the strength of your arms. The charisma you have as a Nephilim is a part of you, and your humility makes you all the more stunning and appealing to mortals.”
Michael continued to disrobe, kicking off his shoes and popping the top button on his jeans and slipping them down his legs. They also got one question answered; at least this one angel went commando!
Ken laughed in his Mind and thought to Brad: I win!
Brad was stunned, but laughed at their joke: Damn!
Michael stood naked before them, his visage glorious, the pinnacle of masculinity. They weren’t surprised to see what hung between his legs was just as perfect as the rest of him.
Brad remembered reading Aristotle, and it struck him that everything about Michael’s appearance followed the Golden Mean – symmetry, proportion, and harmony – in every aspect of his being. The form of his face and body - his chest, arms, shoulders, legs, forearms, and calves – all followed the proportionate law of this ideal. The bulge of his biceps and triceps in relation to the big ball of his shoulders, the thickness of his chest to the size of his core, every part of his appearance followed this law… he was Perfect.
Michael grinned, knowing the effect he had on them.
Chuckling, he said, “You need to disrobe Ken. Don’t be bashful.”
Fuck B. We’re gonna’ have some wild sex later tonight.
You know you’re that hot to me all the time Ken, and I want a date with ‘that guy’ when we get home later so you’d better be ready.
Ken stripped down, and by the time he slid off his jeans, his erection was under control.
Brad was so hard it hurt as he looked at the two naked men. He felt tremendous pride towards Ken, and made sure Ken knew it. In Brad’s eyes, Ken was just as glorious and perfect as Michael.
Ken felt Brad’s feelings towards him, and it warmed him inside as nothing else could.
Ken looked at Michael and grinned back saying, “Well your plan is workin’ so far, but starin’ at my naked studly grandfather didn’t cross my mind when you said you wanted ‘ta take my Mind off my troubles.”
Michael chuckled and began stretching, indicating to Ken he should do the same. He moved over, and they began to help one another, bracing an arm or a leg, or pulling limbs to stretch their muscles. The temperature was warm, and in the bright sunshine, they both began to sweat as their bodies loosened and warmed up.
As soon as they started working, Michael began talking, “I watched you, Ken, as you fought the Eschphene Leader. I am proud of how you carried yourself.”
Ken grunted as Michael pulled him forward, stretching his inner thighs and replied, “Yeah, if the bastard hadn’t cheated, I would’a beat him without Liz havin’ ‘ta die.”
“That entire situation was regrettable. He had no honor, and his insanity drove him to act in a cowardly manner and made him unpredictable. Yet you stayed true to yourself in the fight, and that is what matters. The strength of their Magic was formidable to begin with, but his reprehensible action of devouring the souls of his people made him extremely potent. There was no way to predict that.”
There were small pauses as they changed positions, continuing to warm up and stretch.
“What you have managed to do with your training so far is commendable. Albrecht is a good instructor, but as good as he is and as much as he has helped you, he does not have your strength and agility so he cannot teach you from his own experience. I mean no disrespect to him when I say that, it is simply the truth.”
They spent a few more minutes warming up, and Michael said, “I know you and Brad are together even now, in your Minds and Hearts. I wish you to blend even deeper. After observing you fight, I realize as you have when the two of you are One, the whole is greater than the sum of your individual selves. That is another Paradox of your Avatars. It is not necessary to try to ponder why; again, a simple fact.”
Brad watched and listened, standing near the two men. He was fascinated as he observed them and wondered what Michael had in store for Ken. He heard the instructions and poured himself into Ken. Their breath caught and their eyes watered and time seemed to stand still as their Minds, Hearts, and Souls became One.
Brad laughed as he had the thought: How can time stand still for us when we’re already outside of Time? That’s a mind fuck!
Michael could tell from Ken’s reaction what just happened. A small pang of jealousy ran through him at what his grandson and his partner shared. Since the outset of their involvement in Aaron Thomas’s Project, none of the Archangels realized how they would be affected too. Just as Istariel changed through his contact with these men, Michael and the other Archangels had as well, in ways they could never have imagined.
“Now, Ken, let us fight. Do not hold back.”
Michael and Ken moved to the middle of the Arena and faced one another. They stared at each other, not blinking, and after a moment moved at the same time. Just like the fight with the Eschphene Leader, Ken was able to pit himself against Michael in a way he couldn’t with his Brothers in the Lab. Finding his Center, he embraced his Avatar, and it shone brightly on the big ball of his shoulder, spitting brilliant arcs of color.
Brad loved how the colors of Ken’s Avatar reflected on his sweaty muscles and darkly tanned skin. He slowed his perception of time to watch his lover’s body in all its glory.
Michael and Ken moved blindingly fast, and Ken pushed harder and harder. He lost himself in the fight, which is what Michael wanted; to find the place inside himself where he acted on instinct, not allowing his Mind to interfere with his Body.
Brad felt it too as he was with Ken in the fight, and it was exhilarating.
As good as Ken was, and as hard as he pushed himself, he was no match for Michael. Michael was impressed regardless and enjoying himself immensely. He seldom took the time for anything so personal, and this was one way he thought he and his grandson could bond. Michael also admitted to himself in a moment of grandfatherly pride, Ken was very good. In a few ages, Ken might even be his equal.
After nearly half an hour, both of them were coated in sweat; it flew off their bodies with every impact as they blocked and parried one another. Their inhuman grace and agility were a sight to behold, and Brad was in awe of both of them. When Brad saw what Ken was capable of when he cut loose was awe-inspiring, but it also forced Brad to rethink how he could be what Ken needed him to be in their relationship.
Michael finally called a halt to their sparring and began his instruction. He spent hours going over different holds and sweeps and strikes and even grappling techniques. The two big men threw each other around like rag dolls and had huge smiles on their faces the entire time.
Lastly, Michael taught Ken a Kata. He called it The Quintessential Dance and spent much time helping him learn the proper form and techniques. The Kata was long and complex, but Ken was a fast learner. Being in Ken, Brad learned it as well. Michael was a good teacher, patient, and not afraid of using his hands to reposition Ken when necessary. Many of the movements were extremely precise, but Michael only had to correct Ken once, and his body remembered.
The two men practiced the Kata repeatedly; it was a dance, and they moved fluidly together. In the time they spent with Michael, Ken was so focused on learning and pushing himself, and wanting to please his grandfather he finally, at least for a while, forgot his troubles with Henry and Drew.
Michael finally called a halt so they could rest. Ken was breathing hard, and his body felt exhilarated.
“I think you have learned enough for this visit.”
Ken moved forward and embraced his Grandfather, hugging him tightly with genuine affection, and it sent a feeling of warmth through Michael he was unaccustomed to.
“Thank you, Grandfather. This was just what I needed."
“If it is alright with you Ken, I would like to do this again.”
Ken’s face lit up, and he said, “Me too.”
The two men embraced again for nearly a full minute. As they pulled apart, Michael put one of his hands on Ken’s shoulder and the other on his chest over his heart.
“Until next time.”
Brad and Ken appeared at the doorstep of their house as if they hadn’t moved. The entire experience seemed like a Dream except for the exhilaration Ken felt throughout his body.
Brad moved over and wrapped his arms around Ken, hugging him tightly.
I’m happy for you Ken. I’m also so hot for you right now I can barely keep from shooting in my pants. Let’s get inside.
They were in the kitchen, and Ken just set the house in ‘vault’ mode when Bill’s voice entered their Minds. Brad and Ken felt all their Brothers in the Link and wondered what was up.
Bill: Guys?
Brad: Hey, Bill, what’s up?
Bill: Where were you? I’ve been trying to reach you for a minute or so. We were getting worried.
Brad: Sorry, we had a visit from Michael. We didn’t mean to worry you.
Bill: Whew! Okay… I hope it was a good thing? You don’t seem stressed, so I’m guessing it was. Look, I know you guys just got home, but can you come back to the Lab? Henry’s seriously upset and wants to talk to all of us together. He’s wound up… I asked him if it could wait until the morning when we all get in for training, but he’s pushing.
Brad: Dar?
Darren: No problem, Brad… I’ll bring everybody back as soon as it’s safe — the meter’s running fellas.
Through the Link, Brad realized Loy and Rick were still driving.
Loy: We’re almost home guys, we’ll be another couple of minutes, tops.
In less than five minutes, all ten men stood in the Lab, gathered in the kitchen. A thread of curiosity and more than a little anxiety ran through all of them. None of them knew what to expect.
Henry sat by himself in the gym. After asking Bill to get everyone together, he went in to wait.
They entered together and saw Henry sitting on the edge of the boxing ring, with his arms hung over the bottom rope and his knees dangling over the edge. As soon the door opened, his head snapped up.
The first thought that ran through all their Minds at the same time was: Fuck, he looks awful.
Henry’s face was pale, his eyes bloodshot, and the tension in his body evident. He made eye contact with Ken first and then all of them, and as he looked at their faces, fresh tears filled his eyes. His trembling worsened, and he nervously ran a hand through his hair.
Leaning over, he rolled out from under the bottom rope and stood up. He started to talk, but he choked up and had to stop and take a few deep breaths.
To the Mentalists with Brad’s Avatar, the knot of emotions in Henry was uncomfortable to look at. Brad gently touched Henry’s Mind, drawing him into their Link.
Their concern and Compassion touched him, and he fell to his knees with a loud sob.
Ken rushed over before anyone else moved and knelt in front of him. Cupping a hand around Henry’s neck and shoulder, he pulled him forward until their foreheads touched. Ken’s deep voice was steady and gentle.
We’re here, Henry. We’re with you.
The simplicity and profundity of Ken’s statement struck Henry, and the floodgates opened inside him; relief, shame, embarrassment, self-loathing, loneliness, fear, and all the other emotions raging in him. There was no anger or bitterness directed at any of them, only himself.
Oh, God, Ken… guys… I’m sorry!
That’s as far as he got before he lost it completely. He reached out and fell against Ken, wrapping his arms around Ken’s shoulders and holding on for dear life as his body wracked with sobs. Everyone gathered around, and the closest ones hugged him and held him tight. Rick, Bryan, and Kevin were there first, and Henry was barely visible as they had him surrounded, each wanting to touch him. He poured out his feelings while they held him close in their Hearts and their arms.
Bill was hesitant; sometimes he hated not being able to touch someone without his Avatar firing off, but Henry needed his support, so he placed his hand gently on top of Henry’s head along with everyone else. His Avatar glowed brightly, reaching out and synchronizing with Brad’s, Lane’s, Loy’s, and Darren’s, and everything that happened at Wal-Mart was made known to them.
Henry’s experience with Raphael was traumatic for all of them – reliving Liz’s death, being inside her as she sacrificed herself to save Drew – Ken’s experience as he fought to save Drew – everything each one of them thought or felt that day was open and raw. The most painful part, but also oddly cathartic, were Liz’s last thoughts:
Will it hurt?
Uriel’s presence surrounded her, wrapping her up in his Strength and Warmth and Love.
No Child, it will not hurt. I will be with you until the end, and it will be peaceful. You will simply go to sleep and never wake up.
As with Henry, when they felt her cease to exist it was agonizing, but they were relieved to know she didn’t suffer in any way. Uriel made sure it was peaceful.
They were shocked by what Raphael did to Henry and angry at the harshness of his actions.
They suppressed their anger and focused on Henry, who needed them badly. All of his thought processes were open to them. With his Mind and Heart closed as a human, Henry was barraged with the loss of his future wife and fear of raising Drew and taking on that responsibility on his own. His abject terror at what Drew faced overwhelmed him, and he felt utterly inadequate against it by himself.
Brad’s voice filled his Mind: You aren’t alone Henry, and neither is Drew. We’ll be with you every step of the way and do whatever we can to help both of you. I see what happened, and there’s no need to be ashamed at how you reacted; we understand. Yes, it hurt; it hurt all of us because we care for you and Drew and Liz so much. We’re scared for Drew too after everything we’ve learned, but we’re with you Henry, and you won’t face any of this by yourself.
Lane’s Avatar came to life, his eyes turning White, as a Vision filled his Mind. He withdrew from the Link on instinct, not wanting Bryan, or Henry, or any of his Brothers to be negatively affected if it was a bad one. He saw what needed to happen…there was even precedence for it with Kelly, the girl from Australia.
Lane Linked privately with Brad, sharing with him what needed to be done.
Brad Opened their energy centers, blue, yellow, and red, and wove them together into a bright White ribbon. Their Avatar’s glowed brightly as their tattoos shifted into the single complex Rune. A hot wind blew around Henry as their eyes turned White, and they wrapped themselves around him as Brad Opened his energy centers.
Don’t be afraid, Henry.
With his Mind Open, Henry saw them through his Mind’s Eye, bright and Powerful as the warmth of their Souls washed over him. He relished that feeling, the feeling he missed so badly, and he wanted Drew to know it too. After all the stress and turmoil of the day, the soothing presence of their Aura’s was blissful and peaceful.
Brad wove flows of energy, shaping them to his Will and directing them into Henry. Henry’s body arched in shock at the Power Brad sent through him, and his arms went out to his sides. Ken held Henry tight, anchoring him as Brad permanently Opened his Mind and Heart, removing the blocks humans were born with. Henry became as they were, an Original, Unfallen Man, but without their Nephilim Heritage.
Lane’s Avatar showed him that if Drew had any hope of completing his task, he needed Henry as his father. Pat’s Avatar revealed to him in Australia the danger of trying to raise an Aware child if the parent's Mind was closed, and Darren had done the same thing to Kelly.
Drew’s Mind slipped Open often enough the doctor was sure it would eventually stay that way, and Henry needed to cope with that and help guide and protect his son. Henry needed to show Drew how much he was loved, not just in words but in his Mind and Heart.
Henry felt the change immediately. It was frightening, but his Brothers were with him. He was merged with them, allowing him to see through Pat’s Avatar, and Henry Understood what they did to him. He also felt their hurt at his behavior over losing Liz, and how much Drew’s words hurt Ken, but tempering the hurt was their unconditional love and support for him as a man and their Brother.
They helped Henry work through the shame and embarrassment of his behavior, and it made him realize if he had been willing to merge with them right away, most of the last few weeks wouldn’t have happened, or at the very least not been as difficult.
Henry laughed when Lane hung shit on him for that, but it was as a loving Brother trying to ease the tension, and Henry knew it wasn’t meant to hurt but to make him smile, and it did.
Henry knew he was forgiven, and they stayed with him in the place where Time nearly stood still, until he was able to forgive himself. Just like when Brad, Ken, Loy, and Rick were with Greg Rawlins, they crawled into the well of Henry’s emotions, dredging deep to the bottom and crawling out with him.
Henry was sweating heavily, his emotional tension extreme; his body remained tense during all of it, exhausting him. Lane sent a gentle flow of Healing into him, restoring his body and relaxing him. His blinding headache faded, and he felt like he just had a full body massage with a happy ending. He laughed with all of them at that thought.
They slowly withdrew their arms, and Ken pulled Henry to his feet, but they stayed deeply merged.
Henry: Guys, I don’t know what to say…but I guess I don’t have too. You can feel everything I want to say.
Ken: We love you, Henry, you know that. No thanks’re needed. We’re glad you’re with us and a part of our lives. This is gonna’ be a huge adjustment for you, though. I’m gonna’ talk to the doc, but I want you ‘ta start trainin’ with us. You have the Body of a Protector and the Mind of a ‘suit’ now… you’re double trouble against the Enemy and more like us now. You’re the perfect Protector for Drew along with us.
Henry: I can’t believe what you just did for me. I’m still scared shitless for Drew. I’m going to talk with him today; he misses Liz so much, and he doesn’t understand any of this, and I’m sure my behavior confused the shit out of him.
Bryan, always more insightful than most people realized, thought: Don’t merge deep with him Henry. Lane or Brad or one of these other fuckers needs to show you how to Shield yourself. He’s just a kid, and he shouldn’t see a lot of what’s in you. I’m not just talking about your past…he doesn’t need to see images of when you and Liz were together; you know, adult shit. No kid should see that, and you don’t want him growing into a sexual pervert like all these fuckers.
All of them got a chuckle out of his comment, but there was a strong thread of wisdom in his words.
Brad: Bry’s right. Where’s Drew now?
Henry: He’s asleep. I asked Sally to sit with him in case he wakes up, and I’m not there. He freaks out if he can’t see me or doesn’t know where I am.
Brad: I can give you a crash course on the basics right now. You have to learn to Shield yourself, or things will get ugly very fast out in public. More importantly, right now you need to learn how to compartmentalize anything you don’t want to share with someone. It will only take a few seconds if we go deep. The other stuff we’ll start you on in the morning.
Henry grinned.
This is going to take some getting used to!
Henry’s eyes were still glassy, but his Mind and emotions were clear, and he was grateful. He pulled Ken into a hug first, squeezing him tightly and slapping his back, and continued around the circle until he hugged each one of them expressing his gratitude. No thanks were needed, but he wanted to.
Tremendous relief was present in all of them, and with Henry merged, he felt it as well; their Brother was back with them, and it made them happy. There was still hurt in Henry and all of them over Liz, but it was shared grief and not a wedge between them.
Now they just had to make things right with Drew.
Everyone hung around the kitchen, looking for snacks. With their hyper metabolism’s they were always hungry, and in a few minutes the huge fruit and snack bowl Sally kept stocked for them was empty.
While eating, Brad maintained a light Link for talking, and Bryan thought: All you fuckers be back here by 1800 for dinner.
Lane came up behind Bryan, crisscrossing his arms over Bryan’s chest and gave him a peck his cheek.
I can see what’s going on in that handsome head of yours Bry. If we’re going to get everything done by six, we need to head out now.
Darren sent everyone home but Bill and Kevin, who were on duty until dinner time. Henry went back to his room and talked with Sally. She was wide-eyed over what the guys did for him. She was thrilled and also a bit jealous. Henry didn’t tell her about Drew being the Master’s brother. He wanted to talk to the doctor before he did that. It wasn’t that he didn’t trust her, but it was a burden he didn’t want to put on anybody lightly.
Sally left, and Henry sat in the recliner in the corner of their room watching Drew sleep, still worn out by events at Wal-Mart. Henry didn’t want Drew to sleep much longer, or he wouldn’t want to go to bed later. Like most kids, he was a heavy sleeper, so Henry decided to wake him up gently.
“Come here, pod’ner.”
Henry drawled in his best cowboy accent as he picked Drew up and set him on his lap facing forward. Sleepy-eyed, Drew reclined against Henry’s big chest with his head on Henry’s shoulder, awake but quiet and still.
Just like Brad showed him, Henry brought Drew into a light Link, enough to talk and feel emotions. Drew didn’t show any surprise and seemed comfortable with it. It reinforced Henry’s presence which Drew found reassuring.
Henry wrapped his arms around Drew, holding him close and letting him wake up at his own pace. Drew’s head rested against Henry’s cheek, and every once in awhile, Henry kissed the top of Drew’s head.
Henry had the TV volume turned down low and changed it to the Weather Channel knowing Drew would find it boring. Sure enough, after a few minutes, he began to fidget.
“Alright buddy, I need you to turn around so we can talk.”
Drew repositioned himself, so he straddled Henry’s lap.
“You need to listen to me carefully, Drew. Okay?”
Drew had one of the almost adult looks on his little face, and he said quietly, “Okay, Daddy.”
“First of all, I want you to know how much I love you. I’m your daddy now, and that means everything in the world to me. I want you to know it’s okay to cry, and it’s okay to be mad. There’s nothing wrong with feeling either way.”
He paused a moment to collect his thoughts and took a deep breath.
“I know you miss your mom, Drew. I do too… more than anything. If there was any way to bring her back, I would. She was so brave…”
Henry started to choke up, but he forced himself to continue and not break down.
“I had a talk with Uncle Ken and Uncle Brad and the rest of the guys while you were asleep, and I realized a few things. I know you’re mad at them honey…but they did everything possible to try and save your mom, and they feel horrible they couldn’t. They feel like they let you down.”
Drew kept his eyes downcast, fidgeting with the buttons on Henry’s shirt. He wouldn’t make eye contact, but Henry saw hot tears starting to drip down his cheeks.
“They tried so hard Drew, and your Uncle Ken almost died too. Sometimes bad things happen in the world. Sometimes there are bad people, and there’s no reason other than that’s the way it is. But we have to be brave, just like your mom, and we have to keep going. It’s sad, and it hurts, but we have each other, and we have our friends. Uncle Ken and Uncle Brad and the other guys… they’re our family now. They love us very much and want to protect us.
“I know you feel mad at them, but it’s not their fault. Uncle Ken is sad because he thinks you don’t love him anymore. All the guys think that. I know that’s not true, but I know you’re mad about your mom…and you’re taking it out on them, and that’s not fair. You can be mad…I’m mad too…but we can’t be mad at them.”
Henry reached out and lifted Drew’s chin, forcing him to look into his eyes.
“Do you understand what I’m telling you, son?”
Drew couldn’t talk. He started to hiccup and breathe hard as tears fell down his cheeks. He wasn’t wailing like earlier in the day. He was grieving and sad, a little boy that wanted his mommy who was gone forever.
“Come here, buddy.”
Henry pulled Drew against him, wrapping his big arms around the little boy. He felt how much Drew hurt through the Link and tears ran down Henry’s cheeks too. He let Drew cry, hoping he understood at least part of what Henry told him. The anger was still there, along with confusion and hurt.
At the moment, Drew’s emotions weren’t directed at anyone specifically, but they were there. Henry could tell Drew didn’t understand his feelings; he was only five years old and wasn’t processing emotions like an adult, but they were present and upsetting.
Henry continued holding Drew until the worst of his tears were over. Earlier, he moved a box of Kleenex onto the nightstand, knowing there would be tears. Henry put his hands under Drew’s arms and turned him around again, so he was straddling his waist. Grabbing a tissue, Henry had Drew blow his nose and cleaned his face up as best he could.
“Are you hungry, Tiger?”
Drew still couldn’t talk, but he nodded his head yes.
“What sounds good? Nothing too big, because dinner’s only a few hours away. My guess is something with cheese in it. Am I right?”
Drew nodded his head.
“Okay, give me a big hug and a kiss, and we’ll go find something. You’re going to turn into a big piece of cheese one of these days. I need to get kisses and hugs from you before that happens.”
Drew threw himself against Henry’s big body, wrapping his arms around his neck, and giving him a big wet sloppy kiss on the lips.
“I love you, Drew. You’re a good boy, and I’m proud of you.”
“I love you too, Daddy.”
Drew’s voice was muffled with his face pressed against Henry’s body. They held the hug for nearly a minute and Henry, with a big sniff, finally said, “Alright, up and at ’em kiddo.”
When Bryan and Lane returned with groceries, they didn’t have much time to throw things together. Luckily, they both had a few Mental tricks up their sleeves to move things along.
Henry’s door was shut, and he and Drew were behind closed doors, but they hoped after everything that happened a few hours ago it wasn’t a bad sign.
Henry was right about Drew liking almost anything with cheese in it, and Bryan knew spaghetti was Drew’s favorite dinner, so he decided to throw them both into one amazing dish of twice baked cheesy spaghetti. It was a cholesterol and fat bomb, but all of them would work it off in the gym the next morning. He also made a variation on his famous yeast rolls, whipping up buttered garlic knots with parmesan. Drew didn’t think parmesan was cheese because it wasn’t orange and didn’t come wrapped in single slices, but Bryan was pretty sure he would love them anyway.
Lane was in tune with Bryan and helped as much as he could. Having telekinesis helped in many ways, and Bryan’s Avatar allowed him to speed up certain parts of the cooking process. The guys started showing up around 1730, always early in hopes of snacking before dinner.
Much to Ken’s delight, Bryan used Velveeta in the spaghetti because it melted better and wasn’t greasy. Bryan didn’t mind the taste, but it was a plastic artificial food and didn’t like it, but put aside his prejudices for Drew. The only other exception he made was for Ken when he made Velveeta and Picante queso dip for their parties and football games.
The kitchen smelled amazing, and everyone’s stomach rumbled as it got closer to dinner time. Bryan threw together a simple garden salad as the last dish. Lane’s primary duty was the homemade strawberry ice cream, another of Drew’s favorites.
While they stood around talking, Brad noticed something interesting while he observed Bryan cooking. When Lane played a song that was special to him, he broadcast the sound in his Mind as well as through his guitar.
While watching Bryan in the kitchen, Brad switched his Sight, and sure enough, he saw it. They were so faint he could barely see them, but small tendrils of energy seeped off Bryan’s Aura and into the food he cooked. Brad was sure Bryan wasn’t even aware of it. They always wondered why his cooking tasted so much better than everyone else’s…his joy in the act of making things for people he loved translated magically, enhancing everything.
Drew devoured his grilled cheese sandwich and went back to his room to color and watch videos. He was quieter than usual, and Henry wasn’t sure how much of their talk sank in. He kept a Link up but didn’t intrude or invade Drew’s privacy.
Henry dozed on and off, letting the noise of the TV, the millionth time he heard Thomas the Tank Engine, lull him into a nap.
He started awake when someone knocked on their door. Drew was coloring and didn’t even look up.
Henry sleepily called out, “Come in.”
Lane stuck his head in the door and said, “Dinner’s ready guys.”
He had a big grin on his face, and he winked at Henry.
Without looking up, Drew said, “I’m not hungry.”
Henry said, “Sorry, Lane, I fell asleep. Thomas the Tank Engine puts me in la-la land.”
Lane got that mischievous grin on his face and shot back, “Hey, at least it’s not Barney! Or the Teletubbies! Those little purse-toting goobs freak me out!”
Henry grimaced and said, “Yeah, thank God. We’ll be right there. Don’t hold up for us. I need to run Tiger here to the bathroom to wash his face and hands.”
Lane replied, “No rush,” and shut the door.
Henry looked down, watching Drew coloring in his Transformers coloring book. He was intently trying to stay inside the lines and doing a pretty good job of it; Optimus Prime only looked a little squiggly.
“You’re doing pretty good there Tiger, but it’s time for dinner. Let’s go wash up. It sure smells good!”
“I’m not hungry.”
“You need to eat; otherwise you’ll be starving by bedtime. Come on lets at least try okay? Please? For me?”
Drew let out an exaggerated sigh, making Henry grin, and he got up.
As they went through the kitchen everyone was there; all the guys, the doctor and Albrecht, Sally, the Keenan’s, and Kelly. The noise level was high from the various conversations. Drew kept his head down and followed Henry into the bathroom, and they washed their hands and faces. Henry wet Drew’s hair down and did his best to brush it out of his eyes; Drew definitely needed a haircut.
Henry told Lane not to wait, but they did anyway. As soon as Drew and Henry made it back, everyone sat down. The tables in the kitchen were arranged so everyone could sit together.
There was enough food to feed an army, or at least eleven men with hyper metabolisms, a little boy, and a few average adults.
As they sat down, Bryan winked at the doctor and said, “I know it’s not Long John Silver’s doc, but I put extra grease in yours so it should pass muster.”
Albrecht lowered his head, stifling a chuckle, and the doctor actually smirked.
Henry tried his best to keep Drew upbeat. Sally and the Keenan’s talked to him, and all of the guys said hello but didn’t engage him any further, not wanting to upset him.
Henry said, “Wow Drew, this looks like it was made just for you! Spaghetti with cheese in it! What do you say to Uncle Bryan?”
Drew didn’t look up, but quietly said, “Thank you, Uncle Bryan.”
“You’re welcome, buddy. Remember what I told you in the bathroom this morning.”
Drew tried hard to maintain his charade of not being hungry, but everything smelled so good, and they were all his favorites, that Henry had to stop him on his third plate. He had cheesy spaghetti sauce all over his cheeks.
“Whoa, pod’ner! I heard a rumor that there’s strawberry ice cream for dessert! You gotta save some room!”
By the time the ice cream was served, Drew was much more animated and wasn’t keeping his eyes downcast, but he was still quiet. If Sally, the doctor, Albrecht, or the Keenan’s spoke to him, he was polite but limited his responses to single words or short sentences.
It wasn’t much, but it was so much better than his behavior the last few weeks that it uplifted their spirits a little. They kept the conversation at the table light, and there was a lot of laughter.
Henry was a heavy sleeper. Drew had taken to sleeping in Henry’s bed since Liz died, which was frustrating because he wet the bed nearly every night. Henry loved Drew but didn’t like waking up smelling like piss. He started keeping fresh sheets and towels by the bedside, so when it happened there was minimal interruption of sleep.
Drew also started sleeping in his underwear instead of his Marvel Superhero pajamas, probably because he wanted to be more like Henry. Henry didn’t want Drew wearing kid’s diapers because of self-esteem issues, so like a caring father, he toughed it out and didn’t make a big deal when the bed was soaked.
Henry snored softly so Drew was sure he was sound asleep. He looked at the clock on their nightstand; he knew his numbers but wasn’t good at telling time yet, but he knew it was late. As quietly as he could, Drew slipped out of bed and left their room, shutting the door softly behind him.
Ken and Brad were on Lab duty that night, asleep in the room they shared.
As soon as they crawled into bed and thought about their interaction with Michael, they both got hard. Ken remembered Brad’s comment about wanting a date with ‘that guy.’ Because they were in the Lab, they toned it down slightly and only kept at it for a few hours, and Ken made sure to mask their Aura’s. There was no need to broadcast to everyone in the building what they were up too even though everyone probably knew it.
Finally spent, Ken rested his weight on Brad, letting his sweaty muscled frame be held and caressed. Brad’s hands on his body, especially while their Souls were One, sent Ken to another place. Brad felt it and was amazed after all their years together he could still do that to Ken, the man of his dreams that owned his Heart. They had both long ago overcome any insecurities about their relationship and accepted their devotion to one another, and each of them smiled at the effect they had on the other.
Ken let himself be held until he finally rolled onto his side and pulled Brad back against him. Wrapping Brad up in his arms, their sweaty bodies pressed together, they drifted off to sleep, relaxed.
Ken was a light sleeper, combat-trained to wake at the slightest provocation. Even in the Lab where he knew he was safe, or at home in ‘vault’ mode, he still woke up if he heard something strange.
They didn’t usually lock the door to their room in the Lab; no one ever invaded their privacy. There was a great deal of respect between the guys about leaving each other alone if the doors were shut. With their libidos as strong as they were it was likely someone walking in unannounced would get quite a show!
As soon as their door cracked open Ken was wide awake and alert. He felt no sense of danger and didn’t panic, and it only took a second for him to realize it was Drew.
Hey B, wake up.
Brad’s Mental voice sounded groggy as he thought: What’s up?
We got company.
Both men slept naked and always had. They weren’t bashful or shy about their bodies, and there was no better feeling than your lover’s naked body against your own. Before their friends moved into the Lab, it wasn’t unusual to see some of the men walk naked from the showers back to their rooms. They treated the Lab like the barracks in the Navy when it was just them, the doctor and Albrecht. Now they at least put on underwear or shorts.
Ken sensed a trickle of Power from Brad and an illusion of underwear appeared on both of them.
Good thinkin’ B.
Yup: he chuckled — no need to scare him with the snake pit.
What’cha think he’s doin’?
Just stay still a minute.
Neither of them moved a muscle, letting Drew think they were asleep. He made his way quietly to Ken’s side of the bed. Ken heard a sniff and realized Drew was crying.
He didn’t want to startle Drew so he resettled himself, knowing Drew would hear the movement. The only light in the room came from a small nightlight in case Brad had to get up to go to the bathroom, but with Ken’s enhanced vision the room was almost like daylight.
“Hey, buddy, what’s wrong?”
Drew was in a bad way. His emotions started building once he opened the door, and he was hiccupping and hyperventilating. He had a hard time talking but managed to get out, “U..Un..Uncle Ken, c... can... I…s…sleep...with you and Un.. Uncle Brad?”
Ken was shocked and his eyes teared up, and he said, “Of course you can, buddy!”
Pulling back the covers, Drew climbed up and over, between the two big men. Ken and Brad moved apart to make room for him and turned on their sides facing him. Both of them put a hand on Drew in comfort, wanting to soothe him.
“Drew what’s wrong, Tiger? Settle down, breath deep… take your time. Everythin’s okay little guy.”
It took a minute for him to calm down enough before he blurted out, “I…I’m…sorry Uncle Ken. I…s…still…l…love y…you.”
He threw his little arms around Ken’s neck, rolling himself over and wrapping himself around Ken like a spider, his little body shaking with sobs.
Drew’s words broke the dam of emotion in Ken, and his throat tightened up as tears fell down his cheeks. He had to swallow hard, but managed to squeak out, “I love you too, Drew. Never, ever, think I don’t!”
Brad smiled, letting them have their moment, knowing how much it meant to Ken. His relief was evident to Ken through their Link. Brad continued running his hand slowly up and down Drew’s back in comfort. It took a few minutes for both Ken and Drew to calm down, and he said in a playfully hurt tone, “What about me? Don’t I get any love?”
Drew pulled back and managed to sit up in the space they made for him between their big bodies. He sniffed and wiped his eyes with the back of his hand. As soon as he got into position, he dove against Brad’s neck and chest, squeezing his arms around Brad as tightly as he could, and said, “I love you too Uncle Brad.”
Brad’s eyes were glassy as he said, “I love you too Drew. Just like Uncle Ken said, never, ever think I don’t.”
It only took a few seconds before Drew giggled and said, “Uncle Brad, you tickle!”
Drew was in just his Marvel Superhero underwear, and Brad realized the hair on his chest and stomach must be tickling Drew, and he laughed, hugging him a little tighter.
Ken said, “Drew, you’ve made me really happy. I’m sorry I let you down.”
Drew sniffed and hiccupped again, but managed to say, “Daddy told me how hard you tried. He said it made you sad about mommy, and that I made you feel bad. I’m sorry I hit you.”
Ken was still having a hard time getting himself under control. Drew was talking more like an adult than a five-year-old, but Ken knew he understood what he was saying.
Ken sniffed loudly and said, “Hey, I’m gettin’ jealous. Get back over here, and gimme a hug.”
Drew grinned and disengaged himself from Brad. He rolled over and hugged Ken and gave him a big wet sloppy kiss on his cheek. Ken chuckled at the face Drew made as he giggled, “Your whiskers tickle.”
Oh my God, B. I can’t believe this.
He’s a terrific little boy Ken. Henry obviously talked with him… I could tell he was different at dinner. It just took a little time for whatever Henry said to sink in and process.
Ken continued to hold him, and after a few minutes of resting against Ken’s big warm body Drew drifted off to sleep. Ken and Brad stayed up a while longer, deep inside each other’s Hearts and Minds sharing the happiness of the moment. They let the Light of their Auras shine on Drew while he slept, knowing he would feel it even then.
Henry panicked when he woke up and Drew was gone. Looking around the room, there was no evidence he had been up. His crayons were still in their box, and his coloring books neatly stacked on the small coffee table. Thinking maybe Drew was hungry or went to the bathroom, Henry threw off the covers and got up. The bed was dry, but Henry didn’t know if that was a good thing or a bad thing. Drew couldn’t leave the Lab so he had to be safe, but Henry was worried not knowing where he was.
He went out into the small hallway and down to the common area near the kitchen and didn’t see him anywhere. There was no cereal bowl on any of the tables or the counter. It was early, and the Lab was quiet, so Henry didn’t want to call out.
He went to the kitchen and back to the bathrooms and didn’t see Drew anywhere, and was beginning to get worried. The main door was sealed, and checking the log Henry saw it hadn’t been opened since the previous evening. Ken and Brad were listed on the duty roster, and he hated to wake them up, but he wasn’t taking any chances.
Still new to his Mind being Open, Henry didn’t want to try and contact them Mentally, not wanting to make a mistake or shout and wake everybody up. Padding back to their door he knocked gently.
Ken instantly woke at Henry’s knock and realized what was going on. Ken didn’t want to wake Drew, who slept peacefully between him and Brad.
Hey Henry, Drew’s with Brad and me. He came in a little after 0300.
Henry sighed in relief, and Ken felt it.
Sorry if you got a scare. He fell asleep after we talked and he’s still snoozin’.
As long as he’s okay. I hope he didn’t bother you guys. You want me to come in and get him?
Naw, let him sleep. He was upset and came to talk to us. Your chat did wonders man; thank you for that. We’re all patched up with him now. He’s an amazin’ little boy.
Ken knew Henry was still new to everything, but he shared the memory of their conversation with Drew. The emotions hit Henry hard, and his breath caught in his chest. He was going to have to get used to the brutal honesty and truth in communicating Mind to Mind; it was beautiful but jarring.
Ken chuckled.
You get used to it fast, Henry. Sorry if that was a bit sudden.
It’s fine. I actually like it. It’s refreshing, but it’s also like jumping into freezing water; once you get over the shock and warm up, it’s nice.
Yeah, I get ‘ya. You should’ve seen the first time B and I merged. That was a rough time for both of us. One night over a beer we’ll share that with ‘ya.
When you guys are ready to get up give me a holler, and if Drew’s not awake yet I’ll come get him. I don’t want him to be a bother.
Henry let me make this clear… you and Drew are family. We’re thrilled he came to us, and he can jump in bed with us anytime he wants. We love havin’ him. My guess is he’ll be makin’ the rounds with all the guys this way at some point.
Ken chuckled before he continued.
I think you might have to fight us to get him back.
Henry laughed too, thinking: My eleven dads, it’ll be a best seller!
Naw, you’re his dad; we’re his gay uncles. That way you get to be the bad guy, and we get to spoil him rotten.
Oh, I see how it is! Just wait; payback’s a bitch Mr. Gay Uncle Ken.
They both had a good laugh, and the same thought struck them; it was nice to be back on track.
Henry had a thought, and a huge grin crossed his face.
Hey, Ken, I know this is personal, but I guess there aren’t any secrets anymore. Are you into watersports?
A curious look crossed Ken’s face, and he wondered where Henry’s question came from.
No, why? I’m surprised you even know what that is.
I learn a lot hanging around you pervs in the locker room. It’s too bad you aren’t.
Just then Ken felt warm wetness filling the bed.
With inhuman agility Ken shot out of bed, landing on his feet leaving Brad in the warm puddle.
Henry howled out in the hallway, doubled over with laughter.
Ken’s movement woke Brad, who realized immediately what happened and rolled off the bed and hit the floor. Ken laughed hysterically at the look on Brad’s face; bed-headed, bleary-eyed, and disgusted.
Drew slept peacefully through it all. Henry knew when Drew wet the bed, it was always early in the morning, and it was due any time.
Henry had tears in his eyes from laughing so hard.
Still want to fight me for him?
Man, it’s a good thing Ricky and Loy weren’t on duty last night!
Why’s that?
They totally woulda’ boned up from that. You might have ‘ta fight ‘em until Drew gets past this stage.
Oh my God, those pervs! Ewwwwwww.
Ken’s comment reignited Henry’s laughter, and he started howling again.
All the noise and laughter woke a few people up. The rooms in the Australian Lab were soundproofed, but not the rooms in Atlanta and their laughter filled the hallway.
Trying to explain it just set Henry and Ken off again.
Their laughter finally woke Drew up, and he was upset about wetting the bed. Brad especially felt his embarrassment. Henry moved over and picked Drew up under his arms, setting him on the floor.
Brad started stripping the bed once Drew was awake and said, “Drew, let’s get those wet undies off, and I’ll wash them with the sheets.”
On top of being upset about wetting the bed, Brad sensed a sudden surge of panic in Drew that surprised him. It was very intense, and Drew took off, running back to his room.
As Drew ran by, Ken said, “Hey Drew, where ‘ya goin’?”
Brad and Ken looked at Henry with raised eyebrows. Henry shrugged his shoulders and said, “I’m not sure guys… you know this is new to me. I’m not used to being around kids his age, and I think he’s going through a phase about people seeing him naked. After what Doug did to him, I think it made it worse. I plan to talk to the doc about it and get his opinion.”
Brad said, “Good idea. Drew’s got so much on his plate right now for a kid his age. All in all, I think he’s doing really well. He adores you, Henry, and you’re doing great with him.”
Henry blushed at the compliment and said, “Thanks. I never thought I’d be a father. I was never the marrying type before my days with The Enemy. I didn’t want kids, didn’t like ‘em, but now I can’t imagine not having Drew in my life.”
Henry’s eyes misted over as he expressed his sentiments.
Trying to keep the mood light Ken said, “Okay guys no more waterworks allowed this mornin’! Remember we’re supposed to be manly men!”
Ken felt a small surge of power from Brad, and Henry started howling with laughter again. Ken looked at him funny, wondering what was going on when he caught sight of himself in the mirror. Brad changed the illusion of his underwear, which had been basic military-style boxers, to a hot pink posing strap covered with little glitter hearts, leaving little to the imagination.
Still laughing, Henry turned and said over his shoulder, “I’ll leave you two manly men to do what manly men do!”
By the time Henry got to their room, Drew already changed into a fresh pair of underwear. He didn’t draw attention to Drew’s behavior and Drew seemed to be alright, so he said, “Okay Tiger, we gotta hit the shower and get ourselves clean.”
Father and son walked down the hall in their underwear to the locker rooms. Drew kept his back to Henry in the shower, trying to cover himself as much as he could. Henry didn’t pry, but something was bothering Drew. Henry kept his thoughts positive in their Link, trying his best to make Drew feel safe and loved.
They dried themselves off and, as they walked back through the kitchen, the doctor and Albrecht sat eating their breakfast. Sally was in the kitchen in her robe and slippers. The Keenan’s were late risers and, Kelly usually slept until early afternoon.
Everyone said good morning to Drew, and he made his rounds saying good morning and giving out hugs.
The doctor said, “Henry, my boy, we have much to discuss. When you get dressed will you come to my office?”
“Sure thing doc, I’ll be right there. Sally, would you mind watching ‘Squirt’ here while I talk to the doc?”
Drew giggled and said, “I’m not a Squirt; I’m a Tiger!”
Henry knelt and said, “Oh yeah? Well, I was looking for my Tiger, but I can’t see him through all that hair in his eyes.”
Drew pulled his hair back, and Henry exclaimed, “There he is!”
Drew giggled and said, “You're silly, Daddy.”
Albrecht had a smile on his face, and for once, the doctor did as well. He was pleased to see the smiles after all the sadness the last few weeks. The grief would continue for a time, but as they moved forward and away from the intense sorrow there would be small windows such as what just occurred.
Henry leaned down and picked Drew up, flipping him onto his shoulders. Drew’s hands wrapped around Henry’s head and they went back to their room to get dressed.
Sally said, “We need to plan another shopping trip. Yesterday’s was a bust as you know, Drew needs a haircut, and I still need to pick up a few things for the Halloween party.”
The Lab was a busy place that morning. Ken and Brad, after putting the sheets and Drew’s wet underwear in the washing machine, retreated to their room.
Brad pulled out their workout clothes, knowing they would start PT shortly when Ken spoke in his Mind.
Hey B, come here.
Brad knew Ken’s intentions from the tone of his voice and the rush of emotion that went with it.
He stopped and looked at Ken, smiling as he dropped the illusion of their underwear.
They stared into each other’s eyes as Brad moved over. Ken pulled him into their signature full-bodied hug, resting their chins in the crook of each other’s thick neck and shoulders. Brad still smelled of piss from Drew wetting the bed, and it Ken chuckled.
Brad chuckled too: Sorry.
It was worth it, B. I’m thankful Drew seems ‘ta be back on track with us. I have ‘ta admit I missed sleepin’ next to you, but havin’ him between us was nice too. We’ve never thought about adoptin’ a kid or anythin’, but fuck I love him so much…
Me too, Ken. And yeah, I missed your arms around me, but anytime we’re here, and he wants to do that, I’d love it.
You know what else I love B?
What’s that?
Everything about you. Your Soul, your Heart, your Mind, your sexy body, your eyes, your handsome face, your dick…
I see my mad seduction skills are working perfectly this morning.
Their hands moved down, beginning to roam over each other. It dawned on them that as often as they made love, it had been a while since they enjoyed exploring each other’s body. Ken pulled back far enough to make eye contact, and as soon as they did Brad brought their Souls together.
Their eyes flashed White briefly, and the different colors became visible, Ken’s emerald green ringed by Brad’s crystal blue and vice versa. Emotions washed over them as they touched, knowing how it felt to themselves and their lover. The complexity and depth of what passed between them were as mind-numbingly beautiful as always; painfully intimate yet fulfilling beyond words.
Each man felt the rush when they made each other smile or caught their breath as they touched a special place, causing arousal. They took their time and made each other feel good as only they could.
After nearly half an hour of keeping themselves on the brink of a powerful orgasm, they were both sweating and breathing deeply.
Fuck B, I could stay with you like this forever.
Do you mean that?
Well, at least ‘til I get hungry.
As much as I wanna’ keep goin,’ we’ve been at this for a while. The guys’ll be showin’ up any time for trainin’.
Let’s get on the bed.
They moved over, still holding hands. Brad got on the bed first so Ken would be over him; he wanted the perfect view of Ken’s handsome face and body. Wrapping his legs around Ken, Brad let out a deep guttural moan of pleasure as Ken slipped inside him. There was so much precum they didn’t need any extra lube.
As excited as they both were, it only took a few minutes of steady thrusting for Ken to reach his orgasm. The onset of the first pulse from Ken triggered Brad’s orgasm, and they came together.
Strength flooded into Brad’s body as Ken’s DNA fueled their supernatural bond, and the euphoric emotions that accompanied his increased physical strength were overwhelming. Ken needed Brad’s load for the same reason, and in an amazing show of agility, Ken took Brad into his mouth as the first volley shot out. With Brad’s increased strength, Ken felt the spurts hit the back of his throat, and he swallowed.
Ken continued sucking Brad until he was soft and then lowered himself, putting his full weight on Brad knowing how it made them both feel. The touch of their warm, sweaty, bodies felt perfect together. Their breathing slowed as they rested against one another in every way; in the Spiritual Realm, they were a shining star. Brad’s hands roamed over Ken’s broad back soothingly, caressing his warm, soft skin.
Fuck B, your hands’re magic.
With his enhanced hearing, Ken knew when the guys started arriving in the kitchen, and they reluctantly got up to dress and headed out to start their morning.
Henry dressed in workout shorts, a sleeveless t-shirt, and tennis shoes, ready to get into the gym with the guys.
The doctor was waiting for him and shut the door for privacy. He sat behind his desk and looked at Henry intently, quiet for a moment before he spoke.
“You have come a long way, my boy, since you first came to us. I must say I am very proud of you, and I cannot tell you how nice it is to see you and Drew reconciled with everyone. I knew it would happen and had every faith in you, but I am happy it did not stretch out too long.”
“Thank you, doc. I’m sorry for the way I acted. I didn’t handle things well.”
“Nonsense! You handled it as well as anyone would have given the circumstances. I was going to say you are only human, and while technically that is true, after the changes you have gone through, yesterday in particular, you are much more than that.”
“Well, I know the guys are half Nephilim. After merging with them, I know what that means. I’m not sure what I am.”
“You are a hybrid as well. Half of you was changed by the Enemy… I have studied you extensively since you came to us, Henry, and I believe I know how they altered you. It was an excruciatingly painful and brutal process. Whoever designed the concept was intelligent but misguided. The part of you that Bradford and the others Opened yesterday…they restored your Mind to a state before the Curse fell on Mankind. You are now an Original Man as they are, with an Unfallen nature. You do not have their Nephilim Heritage or an Avatar, but you are still extremely powerful. Once we have trained you properly, you will be more than a match for Agents of the Enemy. You are also now Immortal, Henry. You can be killed, but you will no longer age.”
Henry sat wide-eyed as he listened, taking in what the doctor explained. What the guys did to him was nothing short of a miracle.
Henry’s first thought was, “What about Drew?”
“We will have to wait and see with your son. If his Mind eventually stays Open, which I believe will happen soon, he will be the same as you are as far as his Mind is concerned.”
“Will he stay young forever?”
The concern in Henry’s voice was evident when he asked his question.
“No, my boy, the process is gradual, allowing him to grow naturally into a young man. He will stop aging at the ‘perfect’ point in his physical and Mental maturity. That time is different for everyone but usually occurs in the mid to late twenties or even early thirties depending on the person.
“The most difficult adaptation you will face in the short term is the Mental aspect of your new nature. The moral obligation associated with such power is extreme. There are many things you must learn to protect yourself and those around you. I will not overwhelm you today but suffice it to say you have a long road ahead of you. I will accelerate that road as much as I think safe to do so. Drew will desperately need you as he approaches his seventh birthday.”
The doctor noted the fear in Henry’s eyes at the mention of Drew’s Curse.
“Do not fear yet, Henry. There is time to prepare, and I have learned where Bradford, Kenneth, and the others are concerned, nothing is set in stone. We must be diligent and watchful and remain hopeful that things will turn out alright. I am not saying it will not be difficult, but we must hope for the best.
“Now, for today, I wish to talk with you again later this afternoon about Drew specifically. We must be optimistic about his future and start his education. I have some ideas on this, but as Drew’s father you will need to make certain decisions where he is concerned. I will find you before dinner to discuss these matters.
“At the moment, however, there is one more aspect of your nature I wish to explore. Albrecht will explain this next part to you in private. I will ask Sally or Olive to watch Drew while you begin your training after you talk with Albrecht.
“I know, Henry, this is a lot of information. Do you have any questions?”
Henry had a deer in the headlights look on his handsome face, but shook his head negative.
The doctor gave one of his rare grins and said, “Very well. I am sure questions will arise, so do not hesitate to find me. I am adding you to the rotation of counseling sessions I have with all the men and will make myself available to you anytime you need me.”
The doctor signaled Albrecht, who waited outside the door.
Sticking his head into the doctor’s office, Albrecht said, “Come with me please, Henry.”
Henry got up and followed Albrecht out and down the hall to one of the small examination rooms.
Henry was a little nervous and couldn’t imagine what Albrecht wanted to talk to him about.
As they entered the small room, Albrecht patted the exam bench and said, “Please sit and make yourself comfortable.”
Henry hopped up and sat on the white paper that covered the padded bench. He didn’t like exam rooms; much of what was done to him by The Enemy occurred in a similar room, strapped down and helpless. The sound of the paper crinkling sent chills down his spine at the memories.
Albrecht stood quietly for a moment, and he looked at Henry and smiled. His voice was deep and soothing, as he said, “There’s no need to be nervous Henry. As Aaron said, he and I have studied you extensively since your arrival with us. We have, more or less, reverse engineered the Process they used to change you.
“The results of the changes in your body are similar to those of Ken, Bryan, Rick, Pat, and Kevin. You don’t have their increased muscle and bone density or enhanced senses, but you do have vastly increased strength, speed, dexterity, and agility. There are enough similarities that Aaron and I wish to try a little experiment if you are agreeable.”
“What do I need to do?”
“Let me explain a few things first, so you have a clear picture of where I want to go with this. It will be deeply personal if you wish to continue, but you know there are no secrets any longer between you and the other men. When you merge with them you are truly naked in every aspect, emotionally and physically. It is both painfully intimate and breathtakingly beautiful at the same time.”
“Yes sir, it is. The first time was rough, but I’ve come to like it. It’s changed my entire life and the way I look at everything.”
Albrecht smiled and said, “Yes, it has a way of doing that. Suddenly small pettiness and negative thoughts seem trivial in the bigger picture, no? You rise above such things to the truer meaning of what it means to be human and the way humans were meant to exist together.
“I could easily get sidetracked explaining more of this to you. It’s a fascinating topic and one I have studied extensively, and if you wish, I’d be happy to share my insights with you. But for now, back to the task at hand.
“You are aware the men share their Souls. You also know how their bodies react to one another when they make love. Their DNA fuels the bond between them making them far stronger in every way imaginable. It is not just their Physical and Mental natures; it also magnifies who they are.
“You also know that Ken’s semen and that of the other Bodies can kill a person if ingested or internalized by someone other than their partner. The same enzymes and amino acids in them exist in you, but the Enemy did something else to you. As soon as your semen leaves your body, it breaks down. That effectively makes you sterile as far as regular intercourse is concerned, but if you ever wish to have children Aaron and I can help with that so don’t be alarmed.
“Aaron and I believe the same supernatural elements that exist in Ken and the others also exist in you. The Enemy didn’t understand the significance of this, and in essence, they didn’t take you far enough.”
A curious, almost disbelieving look came across Henry’s face, and he asked, “So you are telling me I’ll get stronger if I eat my own cum? Sorry to be blunt but I don’t know the medical terms.”
Albrecht laughed and said, “I told you this would be deeply personal. In theory, that’s what I’m saying, but because your semen breaks down so quickly, that won’t work. There is a Tantric practice I can teach you that will let your body retain your discharge. If you do this, I believe your body will absorb the DNA in much the same way it works for the men. Except for you, it will be like fueling yourself because you don’t share a Soul with someone else.”
“Holy shit.”
Albrecht grinned and said, “Yes. And if it works as I hope, you will experience a feeling of euphoria immediately following your orgasm, and then a significant boost in strength. I’m not sure of that, but I believe that will be the case.”
Henry looked embarrassed, and his face turned red, but he was also excited. Albrecht noticed his breathing deepen and knew Henry wanted to try it.
“What do I have to do?”
“Something you will no doubt enjoy, and hopefully have enjoyed your entire life. Masturbate!”
Henry blushed a deeper shade of red and asked, “That’s it?”
“Mostly. Once you reach the point of ejaculation, you will need to clamp down firmly on the head of your erection. There is a specific grip I will show you that will prevent the semen from discharging, forcing it to backwash into your body. I’m not sure how long it will take to absorb, but I believe it will only be a matter of seconds. As soon as that happens, you will feel the effects. How significantly you will be affected, I don’t know. And I don’t know if the effects will only be physical or if you will also receive a benefit to your Mind now that it is Open. The Enemy didn’t plan for that, and it is an unknown. At worst you will feel no effect whatsoever.”
“When do you want me to try this?”
Albrecht grinned and said, “No time like the present, my boy. I will need to show you how to grip yourself properly. I hope that will not make you uncomfortable. I have seen you unclothed numerous times, and I have been deeply in your Mind, so I have essentially seen everything there is to know about you. There is no need for embarrassment, but it is a very private thing, and I respect that. How long has it been since your last release?”
Henry’s eyes misted slightly and said, “The day Liz died. I’ve been so focused on Drew and my own issues I just haven’t since then. To be honest, I’m horny as a goat. Even before the changes to my body, I was a twice a day guy minimum. After the changes, I could easily do five to six times on a good day.”
Albrecht grinned and said, “I see, then this should go quickly.”
“Very funny!”
“There is another lesson I will show you that will help this process in the future. Now that you have access to your energy centers, you will learn a level of control over your body you never dreamed possible. Your Core Energy center, which represents your physical strength and sexual needs is very strong already. After yesterday, your Mind will be much stronger and will continue to strengthen over time. Your Heart will grow as well but will be the weakest of your three centers. I have some thoughts on that but will leave those for another day. Please disrobe and lay back on the table.”
Henry stripped down and was already partially erect from the thought of what was about to happen. Henry was well endowed and larger than any of the other guys, and he was uncut.
“This time, Henry, I will open your Energy Center for you. Part of your training will be with Brad and the other Mentalists, and you will learn how to do this and control your own energy flows.”
Albrecht rested his hand on Henry’s taut stomach, covering his belly button, and reaching out with his Mind, he opened Henry’s Core.
Henry watched the crimson flare come out of his Body and became fully erect almost instantly.
There is no need for embarrassment, Henry. This is natural and often happens early on. Even once you are used to the energy flows it will continue, and become a great source of pleasure and Power for you. Eventually, it will become second nature.
No wonder the guys are such horndogs.
Albrecht laughed at his comment.
Yes. I will make this clinical Henry, to avoid any discomfort on your part. I know you are not familiar with being touched by another man.
It’s okay, Albrecht. I’ll admit it took me a while to get over that hang-up, but I’m past that now.
Henry chuckled and continued: I know I’m the odd man out here. I’m not used to being the only straight guy around. But with my Mind Opened…well, you know. That stuff really doesn’t matter. In a way, I feel incredibly lucky…I get a glimpse of what the world should be like and will be like once we defeat the bad guys. I’m comfortable being around the guys in every way now. I know they’re all in love with one another, and I’m over any conceit on my part that they want to be with me. I think all straight guys have that thought as soon as they learn a friend is gay. They don’t want to sleep with me, and I have no interest in sleeping with them. That doesn’t mean we don’t love each other. I love them, but I’m not in love with them.
I’m proud of you, Henry. You’ve not had an easy road these last years, and you have grown beyond what I expected. The first time I looked into your Mind I saw a good man deep down. The men have a habit of bringing out the best in people, and you are no exception.
So, go ahead, Al.
Albrecht raised an eyebrow and looked at him: Al?
Henry winked with an impish grin.
Sorry, but if we’re going to be jerk off buddies, we’re past the point of formalities.
Albrecht looked shocked for a moment and then broke out laughing at Henry’s joke. Henry hadn’t heard Albrecht laugh like that since he’d met him.
Are you ready?
Henry rested on his elbows so he would have a good view. He was still hard as a rock from his Core Energies flowing. Albrecht pulled down his foreskin, exposing the head, which glistened from Henry’s level of arousal. Albrecht firmly gripped Henry’s erection, placing his thumb just under the head and the rest of his fingers around the shaft. Red fire flared from his hand, and even though Henry was ready, his eyes nearly popped out of his head when the orgasm hit him. It was so powerful his whole body tightened.
Albrecht pinched down firmly on the head not letting any semen escape, and he used a reverse milking motion, stroking downward and forcing the semen captured in his urethra back into his system.
Albrecht did a countdown, and in less than three seconds a warm flush came over Henry. Suddenly his body arched as Albrecht witnessed a torrent of blue and red energy burst forth. His muscular body looked magnificent as the energies ran through him. Henry was untrained, so the outburst was wild and uncontrolled, and Albrecht was astounded at how potent the flows were. His Mind and Body were now as powerful as any one of the Team!
Henry was dazed from the powerful euphoria, and he fell back on the table for a few seconds acclimating himself and catching his breath. Albrecht said he and the doctor weren’t sure if Henry’s Mind would be affected, but apparently it was. With his new strength and range, unshielded thoughts from people in the front area of the building entered his Mind.
At first it was faint, but as he focused, the voices and emotions strengthened until suddenly he was immersed in their Brokenness. He doubled over in pain, clutching his head, momentarily overcome at what Brad referred to as their ‘fucked-upness.’
Albrecht was in his Mind in an instant, Shielding them both.
I’m sorry Henry, I had no idea you would be so strong. My apologies. Let’s get you dressed and come with me to the gym immediately.
Henry still saw spots in his eyes from the intense pain; not only the Brokenness but seeing through all their eyes at once was blindingly painful.
As Henry dressed, there was an urgent knocking on the door. Albrecht opened it to see Brad, Lane, Loy, Darren, and Bill with concerned looks on their faces.
Brad asked, “Is everything alright? We felt a surge from Henry and realized he was in pain and then your Shield went up.”
Henry was still a little unsteady on his feet, but he said, “I’m alright guys, thanks. That was just unexpected.”
Brad asked, “What happened? That wave we felt was damn powerful.”
Albrecht brought all of them into a Link and shared what occurred. The most common reaction, aside from the smiles on their faces, was a smattering of “Fuck me’s” and “Holy shits.”
As Henry made his way to the gym to begin his training, Albrecht sought the other half of his Soul.
Aaron? You felt it too?
Yes, Albrecht. That was a surprise. I was confident in my prediction of his body’s reaction, but I was doubtful of his Mind. His strength is impressive, and he will be quite formidable once trained.
I’m worried about him, Aaron. Now Liz is gone, our plans for him have changed. You and I and the men… we share our Souls, keeping us grounded and fulfilled. Henry won’t have that now, and over time it will be difficult for him. Now that he is Immortal it will be more painful as the year's pass.
Aaron gave a heavy sigh which Albrecht felt.
Yes, love, I know. It will be difficult for Henry not having that connection with someone of his own. I will communicate our concerns to Bradford and the others; they will have to be a support net for young Henry. That will have to suffice until we are successful in our mission of defeating The Master. I will not permit Henry to be a casualty in that aspect. I learned my lesson with Taliesin and will not repeat that mistake.
Henry was more than a little overwhelmed. With his Mind expanded, he sensed things he never imagined. He thought merging with the guys would have prepared him, but it was different than he expected.
Ken and Brad held a private conversation over Henry’s training, and they agreed his Mental disciplines must take priority in the short term. Henry had to learn to control and Shield himself. Brad knew they would have to be careful as Henry’s Mind wasn’t genetically enhanced; he didn’t have the perfect recall the Mentalists did, and it would take him longer to learn. Brad knew from merging Henry was a smart man, but there was still only so much information he could retain efficiently at one time.
Brad quickly came up with an outline and each of the Mentalists, starting with Brad, became his instructors. Collectively they created a Construct of the gym and took Henry deep with them, so time barely moved in the Physical Realm, and there they began the core exercises each of them learned early on and continued to practice.
They encouraged Henry and helped with his headaches when the stress became too much and answered all his questions. He was an excellent student, and in the first few hours, he spent the equivalent of days with them. Spending so much time with each man, Henry came to know them even better, and his friendship with each of his Brothers grew stronger and more profound.
After lunch he switched to working out with Ken and the Bodies, giving his Mind a rest. As a Protector, The Enemy trained Henry how to use his strength, speed, and agility, but he did not have their fighting skills from the Navy or Albrecht. Henry’s Mind wasn’t genetically enhanced, but his body was, and he had perfect muscle memory; once shown a technique, it became a part of him.
Ken instructed everyone in the Kata Michael had taught him, The Quintessential Dance. The kata came from the fighting style of the Archangels, encompassing moves and techniques that, once mastered, would make them all even more deadly as fighters.
Henry laughed when the guys started competing over who got to spar with him. They were so used to fighting each other; it was more fun to have someone new. It also made things easier having a sixth person in their rotation. With five Bodies and five Mentalists, there was always an odd man out, but now at least when Henry was with them there was an even number, and it made certain aspects of their training faster.
By late afternoon Henry was shirtless with the rest of them and dripping sweat. He was exhausted and sore and loved every second of it.
When Ken called their training that afternoon, he approached Henry, putting an arm around his shoulders and ruffling his sweaty hair.
Not bad for your first day, bud. I’m proud of you, Henry; all of us are. You bring so much ‘ta the Team, and make our job easier. I gotta warn you though, don’t drop the soap in the shower. I saw these horn dogs eyein’ your backside.
Henry’s eyes widened for a second, and then he burst out laughing with all of them. He heard a few catcalls in his Mind about how fine his ass looked, and he took the teasing as it was intended.
You guys are a bunch of pervs.
Lane: Yeah, no wonder you fit in so well!
Ken kept his arm around Henry’s shoulder as they walked to the locker room and cupped his neck in an affectionate squeeze before moving off to his locker.
Drew spent the morning with Olive and Tag, while Sally worked on tasks for the doctor. Sally quickly mastered nearly all of the custom software applications he developed for the new computer systems Darren and Pat helped him develop. Before going to work at TGH Securities, Sally put herself through night school working towards a Masters of Business Administration, but never finished it. Some of the courses she had completed exposed her to a few programming languages as well as HTML/XML, and other scripting languages. Sally seemed to have a natural gift for interface design, and with her help and input, the new applications became much easier to use.
Most of the applications on the new systems were still command-line driven and complicated to use, so Sally worked with the doctor in her spare time to create graphical user interfaces for the new applications as well as the new operating system. The doctor focused primarily on updating the raw code of the applications and hadn’t yet gotten to the point of making them easier to use. Even for him it was a daunting task to re-write and update decades of code.
Sally had a real knack for the design interface, and it was something to pass the time. After Carlo died, she used the time as an emotional crutch to get by, but now she enjoyed it, and it helped the guys learn the new applications.
After lunch, she spent her afternoon with Drew when the doctor asked her to include homeschooling in her schedule. Drew knew his numbers and the alphabet and Liz had started him reading, but he was behind for his age.
The doctor purchased an interactive whiteboard along with curriculum software for reading and mathematics. Drew, like most modern kids, loved the technology and considered it more of a game, and much of the time didn’t realize he was learning. The doctor and Albrecht also spent time on his cognitive skills. Without Drew even knowing it, they taught him fundamental principles of reasoning, logic, and philosophy.
Once finished with training, the few hours before dinner were considered ‘free time’ and the guys hung around, ran back to their homes to perform various chores, or ran errands.
Sally had Drew down for a nap, and Henry accidentally woke him when he came in, exhausted from his day of training. He wanted a short nap before dinner. He hadn’t showered yet and was still sweaty and shirtless but was so exhausted he didn’t care.
“Hey Tiger, I’m sorry I woke you up. Move over a bit. I’m going to take a nap too.”
Henry kissed the top of Drew’s head and laid down beside him. He heard Drew fidgeting and then felt Drew’s fingers on his back, outlining his muscles. Drew’s touch was so light and soothing Henry fell asleep in less than a minute.
Drew dozed off after a few moments. Henry’s presence was a comfort, and he liked the idea of napping with his dad. He liked the heat coming off Henry’s body, and even how he smelled after his workout. Henry didn’t stink, he smelled manly and Drew liked it.
The urge to pee hit Drew hard and fast, waking him up from a sound sleep. He didn’t want to go in his pants or the bed, so he took off running, holding his crotch and trying to make it to the locker room and a urinal. He didn’t quite make it, and before he pulled his pants down he wet himself.
It upset him, and he started quietly crying. Doug’s voice echoed in his Mind.
Damn you smell you little shit. You pissed your pants like a baby.
Drew wanted to be a big boy so bad, like Henry, and his Uncles. The fact that in his Mind he was still a baby made him feel worthless.
Drew heard Bryan and Lane talking outside the side entrance to the bathroom, and he panicked, wanting to hide. He shuffled into a stall and closed the door, climbing up on the toilet.
Lane said, “I’ll be right there, Bry, just got to hit the head.”
Lane entered, humming to himself, and Drew heard his pants unzip. A second later, the sound of a steady stream hitting a urinal filled the room. Lane’s eyes flashed white for the briefest of seconds, and his Intuition told him to turn around.
Drew remained perfectly still, squeezing his eyes shut, not wanting Lane to find him. The Will he expressed to stay hidden formed a rudimentary Shield, so when Lane cast his Mind out, he didn’t sense Drew in the stall.
Lane glanced over his shoulder and didn’t see anything, but his Intuition told him someone was there. His Avatar and Intuition rarely sent conflicting signals, and he cast his Mind out, immediately alert. With the new Runes in the Lab nothing could be wrong, and his gut feeling wasn’t one of alarm. His forehead creased in confusion at the contradictory messages.
He moved forward quietly, glancing at the row of stalls. He slowly pushed open each stall door, and on the second one, he saw Drew squatting down with his tennis shoes on the rim of the bowl. He had his head down and was trying to be quiet, but Lane knew something was wrong.
He asked quietly and calmly, “Drew? What’s wrong buddy? Why are you hiding?”
Moving forward, Lane knelt and smelled urine right away.
“Did you have an accident?”
Drew had to sniff a few times and get his breathing under control, and he said almost imperceptibly, and very dejectedly, “Yes, Uncle Lane.”
“Hey, Tiger, it's no problem! Come here and let’s get you cleaned up. Where’s your dad?”
“He’s taking a nap.”
“Okay, let’s get you over by the sink.”
Lane lifted Drew up by his armpits and set him on the floor by the row of sinks.
He continued, “Let’s get these wet pants off and get you clean and dry.”
Drew’s hands grabbed the top of his jeans, and he said rather forcibly and with a hint of panic, “No, don’t!”
Lane stopped immediately. Drew wouldn’t make eye contact, and he knew whatever was wrong wasn’t about Drew wetting himself.
Drew. Look at me, Tiger.
Lane’s presence in Drew’s Mind was so calming and caring Drew looked up, and fresh tears fell down his cheeks.
Drew, what’s the matter? Why don’t you want me to take your pants off? Are you ashamed for me to see you?
Drew nodded his head up and down slowly.
Drew I’ve seen you naked before, all of us have. We’re all guys, and there’s nothing to be ashamed of. Tell me what’s bothering you.
Drew’s anxiety level spiked, and Lane pulled him into a hug. Drew’s arms flew around Lane’s neck, and he started sobbing into Lane’s shoulder.
Lane sent comforting thoughts and words, trying to calm him down.
It’s okay, Drew, I’ve got you, buddy. I’m here. It’s alright. Shhhhh.
Lane rubbed Drew’s back and let him cry until he calmed down.
Drew? Will you let me look inside and see what’s bothering you? That way, you won’t have to tell me in words. I know you’re upset, and I don’t like seeing you this way. It makes me sad, and I’m not sure what to do to help you. Will you let me do that?
Drew didn’t say anything but almost imperceptibly nodded his head yes. To Drew, his uncles were infallible, and maybe there was a chance Lane could help him.
Lane gently brought Drew into a deep Link. They never fully merged with Drew; the doctor said it wasn’t a good idea unless absolutely necessary. The developing Mind of a child is vastly different from an adult, and Lane kept himself tightly Shielded to prevent Drew from seeing anything inappropriate, he simply made sure Drew knew how much he was loved and cared for.
The prominent memory of Doug shouting at him the day Liz died was strong.
Damn you smell you little shit. You pissed your pants like a baby.
Lane knew Drew was upset about wetting himself, but his Intuition told him it was something deeper than that.
Lane would have some serious explaining to do if his efforts went wrong, but he opened Drew’s Heart and brought them together. They appeared naked in the dark place where he and Bryan shared their Souls.
Drew panicked and immediately covered himself.
Drew, it’s okay. Look I’m naked too. We both are. There’s nothing to be ashamed of.
Drew looked at Lane’s soft penis, and his eyes widened.
You have a boo-boo too Uncle Lane.
What? What do you mean?
You’re wee-wee. It’s broke; like mine.
Lane chuckled.
What do you mean it’s broke? It works great! So does yours from what I can see. We just need to work on your bladder control.
No, it’s broke!
Show me what you mean.
An image of Henry and Drew taking their morning shower together appeared in Lane’s Mind, and Lane immediately realized what the problem was. He had to suppress his humor, so Drew wouldn’t think Lane was laughing at him, knowing how deeply Drew was bothered. To him, it was a huge deal.
Henry was uncut, and Drew was circumcised. He wanted to be like his dad in every way and had a severe case of hero-worship towards Henry, and it bothered him that aside from their size their dicks weren’t alike.
Seeing himself as different added to his already fragile self-esteem and self-image. Doug shouting about him being a baby for peeing in his pants, coupled with his inability to stop wetting the bed, plus the emotional abuse he suffered… Lane saw the intense emotional undercurrents in Drew’s subconscious. Lane had to remember that things he didn’t think were important sometimes meant everything to a child.
Bry, I need you.
Bryan appeared with Lane and Drew, and his eyes went wide at Drew’s presence. Lane shared his memory from the bathroom to present with Bryan in a flash.
Bryan: Fuck! Poor kid.
Bryan picked Drew up, wrapping the little boy up in his powerful arms.
Come here, kiddo and hug Uncle Bry. You got nothing to worry about little guy.
The warmth and strength of Bryan’s body helped calm Drew, and he rested his head on Bryan’s shoulder. It was a few moments before Drew broke the silence.
Uncle Lane, you fix boo-boo’s, right?
Well yeah, pretty much.
Can you fix me?
Bryan: Sure he can!
In their private Link Lane exclaimed: Bry! I should talk to the doc about this first!
Bryan: No! You need to fix this! Look at him Lane; the little fucker is torn up inside. This is a simple thing. He wants to be like Henry, so we make a small change. I’ll take the heat from any fucker, including the doc, who has a problem with it.
Lane: I love you, ya big lug. You’re right. This is a simple fix. I’m also going to set up a trigger to wake him up if he’s asleep and he has to pee and add a little tweak to his parasympathetic nervous system to help with his bladder that will give him more time to get to a bathroom. I know the doc will probably have an issue with that too; he doesn’t like interfering or tampering with people like that but being with Drew like this and seeing what it’s doing to him, I say fuck that.
Bryan: We’ll take the heat if there is any Little Buddy. Pull what you need from me.
Lane: We’ll share, so it’s from both of us.
Lane dropped the private Link with Bryan and thought: Sure I can Tiger!
Drew’s face split into a huge smile and their hearts melted. In that place, Drew’s smile was from his Soul.
Their eyes misted over at how a small thing to them could bring so much happiness to a little boy who had been through so much in his life already. He simply wanted to be like his dad. Lane had another thought about that he would follow up with in a few minutes.
Lane Opened his and Bryan’s energy centers and wove them into a bright White ribbon. A hot wind blew their hair and Drew saw them as they were in the Spiritual Realm, shining towers of strength and Light. The warmth of their Souls and their unconditional love for him made him feel wholly Loved and safe.
Lane’s Mental voice echoed with Power.
Don’t be afraid Drew. This won’t hurt, it might tickle a little, but that’s all.
Lane wove a fine lacelike weave of Healing and the tendrils arced over and into Drew’s small penis. Lane looked deep into Drew’s DNA and saw what he needed, the pattern he was born with, and restored the flesh and nerves that were cut away as a baby.
Their Light dimmed and Drew twisted himself, leaning his body from Bryan’s arms against Lane, hugging his neck and giving him a big wet sloppy kiss on his cheek. The two big men sandwiched Drew between them and felt his relief.
Lane kissed the top of Drew’s head, and his eyes flashed White as he set his triggers.
Lane to Bryan: Time to face the piper. I hope Henry will be okay with this too.
Drew let Lane help him clean up from his accident but before Drew could run back to his room Lane grabbed his shoulder.
“I got two things, buddy, before you go ripping out of here.”
Drew turned to look at him, his face suddenly serious and wondering if he had done something wrong.
Lane laughed and said, “You haven’t done anything wrong, Tiger. I need to tell you something and ask you a question.”
Drew nodded his head.
“Okay, first off, I did something else besides fixing your boo-boo. There are two reasons you’ve been having accidents. One is that you aren’t waking up, so I set a trigger that will wake you up if you have to pee. The other reason is the muscles in your bladder need training, so I helped them out a little. From now on if you’re asleep and you have to go to the bathroom you’ll wake up, or if it’s during the day you’ll have more time to get to the bathroom. Do you understand?”
“Really, Uncle Lane? Alright!”
“I want you to know Drew, that your accidents are not a big deal and they happen to everyone at some point growing up. I just sort of helped you skip a stage, so count yourself lucky.”
Lane grinned and Drew grinned back.
“Now, the other thing. You need a haircut bad. Do you trust me to help you out with that too?”
Drew let out an exaggerated sigh as only little boys can, and his shoulders slumped as he said, “Alright, Uncle Lane. I don’t like haircuts, but okay.”
“Good deal. Run and change clothes and meet me back here.”
Henry was still snoring softly when Drew entered their room to get some clean pants. He quietly changed, then moved to the bed to look at Henry’s sleeping face.
Drew’s eyes flashed White, and his Mind slipped Open. He remembered the first time he met Henry in the basement of that house when they were kidnapped. Drew saw the terrible hurt inside Henry, not fully understanding it, but feeling it. Drew knew Henry had been forced to do terrible things against his will.
A barrier now existed in Henry’s Mind Drew couldn’t see past, but he did see how much Henry loved him and wanted to protect him. The pain in Henry over losing Liz was powerful, and Drew sniffed as his eyes turned glassy over what he saw in his new dad. Looking deeper, Drew also saw an intense fear for him, but didn’t understand it and couldn’t see the reason.
The first time Drew met Henry in that basement, he was drawn to the big man. Henry exuded a solid presence, and even in the basement when Drew was scared, Henry did his best to make him feel safe, unlike his real dad, Doug. Drew always prayed for a dad like Henry.
Drew knew his mommy had been happy when she and Henry were together, but he missed her smile, and the way she brushed his hair out of his eyes, and how she read to him at bedtime and tucked him in. Drew hadn’t told Lane, or anyone, the reason he was reluctant to get a haircut was because of the way his mom brushed the hair out of his eyes. He still imagined her doing that, and once his hair was cut, he knew it would be different, and he didn’t want to forget that feeling.
When Henry talked to Drew about his Uncles, explaining how bad things happened, Henry said he and Drew had to be strong and keep going. Drew figured a haircut was part of moving on. It wasn’t easy though; he didn’t want to let go of the memory but wanted to be a big boy, and the conflict made him sad.
Drew looked at Henry’s handsome face, calm and peaceful in sleep, and knew Henry needed him as well. With wisdom far greater than an ordinary five-year-old boy, a boy whose Soul was over eighty thousand years old, Drew leaned over and kissed Henry on his forehead, saying quietly, “I love you. Thanks for being my daddy.”
Drew’s eyes returned to normal as his Mind closed, and he quietly shut the door, running back to meet his Uncle Lane in the bathroom.
Henry woke to the smell of something delicious coming from the kitchen. His stomach growled as he stretched his big frame. He noticed Drew wasn’t in the room and he looked at the clock in a moment of panic – it was almost six o’clock, and he slept much longer than intended.
He knew more people would be out and about, so he threw on a t-shirt and grabbed some spare clothes and headed towards the locker room to take a shower before dinner. He was still bleary-eyed as he stumbled through the common area towards the kitchen.
From the hallway, he heard Drew in the kitchen giggling uncontrollably. Darren was levitating a ball, and Drew was trying to catch it. It spun around in the air, around his head or his hands, and he kept trying to catch it but never quite could. He sounded happy, and Henry smiled.
Lane was in the kitchen with Bryan when he saw Henry. Henry hadn’t noticed Drew’s haircut yet, so Lane blocked Henry from going any further.
“Henry, hold on! Close your eyes; we got a surprise for you.”
Henry stopped and did as he was told, knowing they were up to something. He heard excited whispering and waited patiently.
Suddenly Drew almost screamed, “Look, Daddy!”
He opened his eyes and Drew stood there with a huge grin on his face, sporting a new haircut that looked exactly like Henry’s. Short on the sides and a little longer on top. The big mop of hair that had been falling over his eyes like an English sheepdog was gone!
Henry got a surprised look on his face and looked around in a panic.
“Wait! I hear Drew! Where’d he go?”
“I’m right here, Daddy!”
“You can’t be Drew! Who’s this handsome boy wearing Drew’s clothes?”
“It’s me, Daddy! Uncle Lane gave me a haircut!”
I hope you don’t mind Henry. He needed one pretty bad.
Henry smiled and thought: I love it, Lane! Thanks, man, I was dreading taking him to get one to be honest. Liz said he hates getting his haircut.
“Come here, Tiger and give your old man a hug.”
Drew leapt into Henry’s arms for his signature hug and wet sloppy kiss.
“It’s going to be so much easier taking care of your hair like this buddy. Did you thank Uncle Lane?”
“I did, Daddy. Didn’t I Uncle Lane?
“Well, he kinda did… I was hoping for at least ten hugs, but I think I only got nine, so I’m feeling a bit short-changed. I think you need to give your favorite Uncle another hug and a kiss!”
Darren stood up with his arms out, saying, “Well I’ll go for that, being his favorite Uncle and all. Sucks to be you, Lane!”
Drew loved the attention and the mock fight the guys started over who was his favorite Uncle. Bryan joined in on the argument, and Henry said, “Okay while your favorite Uncles are making you dizzy, I’m going to hop in the shower! I stink!”
Henry started back to the locker room, and Lane exclaimed, “Hey Drew! We almost forgot; show your dad your new move! Henry, check this out!”
Henry turned around and Drew struck an Elvis pose, hand on hip, and he licked his hand and slid it along the side of his freshly cut hair. He even had the lip action going, and Henry burst out laughing, shaking his head.
As Henry turned to head into the shower, he saw Drew ‘high five’ Lane. He almost teared up at the sight as it dawned on him how lucky he was to be there with Drew. With everything he knew about what was coming, there was no better place in the world for them to be.
As soon as Henry was out of sight, Lane sent his thought out: Henry?
Yeah, Lane, what’s up?
Ummm… I hope you aren’t mad, but I did something else besides cut Drew’s hair.
Lane shared his memory of what transpired while Henry was asleep. Henry was shocked; not angry at all but stunned Lane could do what he did.
Oh my God Lane that’s fucking unbelievable! No, I’m not mad… you solved a huge issue for Drew. I wondered what was going on with him. God, it’s so humbling he wants to be like me that much. Thanks for the trigger on waking him up, too. I want to learn how to do that. I should have set one in myself to wake up on time! I missed all the fun.
Man, I’m glad you aren’t pissed. I still haven’t told the doc what we did, and he might not approve. He doesn’t like us tampering with people, and I get why, but when we saw what was going on and how important it was to him… well fuck, we had the power to make it right so we did.
Tell the doc I’m grateful if he gives you any flack. I’ll talk to him about it in my session.
Henry just started soaping himself up when Drew ran naked into the shower with him.
“Uncle Lane said I needed to clean up before dinner. I had an accident while you were asleep.”
“Well then, let’s get you all squeaky clean and see if we can pass inspection.”
He noticed a difference in Drew right away; he wasn’t trying to cover himself.
Drew kept looking at Henry like he wanted him to notice something. Henry grinned and looked down in surprise, “Hey Drew, what happened to your pecker?”
Drew smiled brightly and bowed his body a little, pushing out his waist and proudly showing himself off to his dad.
“It’s not a pecker daddy; it’s my wee-wee.”
“No, it was a wee-wee… now it’s a pecker! There’s a big difference! Come up here a sec.”
Henry picked Drew up, cupping his big arm under Drew’s bottom. He knew all little boys needed and wanted validation from their fathers, and he knew Drew had never received anything but pain and ridicule from Doug.
Henry looked directly at Drew’s penis and said, “That’s a fine looking pecker, Drew. With your new haircut, you’re such a handsome young man you’re going to be a heartbreaker just like I was at your age. The ladies are going to love you son. Now, there’s something I need to show you. I know this is new to you and I’ll be careful.”
Henry proceeded to show Drew how to wash himself and told him how important it was to keep his foreskin clean. It was a special father-son moment, and Henry remembered his father showing him the same thing.
Even in the Lab, protected by the guys until there was some resolution with The Master, Henry had to proceed as the doctor suggested and remain optimistic about Drew being alive and well past his seventh birthday. Henry gave him the father/son talk about not letting strangers touch him ‘down there,’ and if he ever felt uncomfortable to find Henry, one of his Uncles, or the doctor or Albrecht immediately.
Drew stayed quiet and solemn, listening to everything Henry said. He loved it when Henry talked to him as a grown-up, or at least not like a baby.
They were clean and drying themselves with fresh towels as Henry brought the conversation to a close.
To break the solemn talk, Henry asked, “Okay, who’s hungry? I know I am!”
Drew blurted out, “I am! I could eat a fuckin’ horse!”
Henry was so shocked he didn’t know what to say and burst out laughing. He let Drew’s comment go but made a note to himself to talk about using bad words – another item on the dad list – and to ask the guys to be more careful around Drew with the ‘F-bombs.’
Lane and Bryan talked to the doctor right after dinner and were surprised at his reaction. They expected him to be angry. He repeated his lecture about responsibility, but also commended Lane for his caring nature and the way he approached Linking with Drew. The worst chastisement he gave was they should have consulted Henry first. The fact that Henry was okay with their actions afterward did not make it alright.
Henry was waiting outside the doctor’s office when Lane and Bryan came out. Lane gave Henry a wink and a thumb’s up letting him know they weren’t in the doghouse, and Henry grinned back.
Henry apologized for missing his earlier appointment before dinner. The doctor waved off his apology, clearly understanding his exhaustion. He asked how Henry felt the day went from all aspects. Henry found the doctor incredibly easy to talk too. Even though he seemed so formal on the surface, the doctor was a very down-to-earth man, and as Henry came to discover, incredibly wise and caring.
The doctor had a pile of documents for Henry to sign. Unbeknownst to Henry the doctor had taken care of the transfer of legal Guardianship of Drew from Liz to Henry. Henry was stunned; he considered himself Drew’s dad but had not given the idea of legally adopting him any real thought yet because of everything going on. His relief was almost overwhelming, and he thanked the doctor profusely.
They went on to discuss Drew’s education with Sally, so as a parent Henry would be aware and involved in Drew’s progress. The doctor went over many things Henry could do to help including reading to Drew, but also letting Drew read to him. He demonstrated many learning techniques Drew saw as games that taught him basic principles of math and logic. Henry was a little cross-eyed after a few hours had gone by.
The doctor, knowing what a long day Henry already had, smiled and said, “I am going to break one of my own rules tonight, Henry. Do not expect this often, but I know how much all this is to take in.”
Putting his hands to his chest, the doctor formed a diamond pattern with his fingers and thumbs, and a small ball of Light appeared out of his chest. It gently floated over to Henry and disappeared into his body.
“I told you I would accelerate your training as much as I thought safely possible. Albrecht and I spent much time today coming up with this for you. I believe it will help.”
Henry’s Mind filled with information; not only everything they had just spoken of but an understanding of his new Mental abilities and advanced fighting techniques from Albrecht. The knowledge built on everything he learned earlier in the day. With a little bit of practice in the real world, the experiences would become part of him, as if he spent years studying and working with the guys.
Henry’s eyes misted over, and he laughed at himself.
“Doc, I’m sorry. I’ve cried more in the last two days than I have my entire life. I can’t begin to thank you enough for everything you, Albrecht, and the guys have done and are doing for Drew and me.”
“Nonsense, my boy. There is no need for thanks, but thank you for being so polite, and your gratitude is welcome. Now go spend some time with your son. Perhaps even read him a book, and I will see you tomorrow.”
That night Lane and Bryan were getting ready for bed, already naked and about to crawl under the covers. Bryan noted the grin on Lane’s face, and knew exactly what he was thinking, and rolled his eyes chuckling.
Fuck Bry! Why didn’t we think of this a long time ago?
Hell, I don’t know. You’ve always been perfect to me, Little Buddy. I remember seeing uncut guys in the barracks and being curious, but it’s just something that hadn’t crossed my mind since we’ve been able to do all this amazing shit.
Do you want to do it?
Hell yeah! If you do! I’ll be happy with you either way, you little shit, you know that.
Bryan sat on the edge of the bed and Lane crawled over behind him on his hands and knees.
I love you so much, Bry. I know you know how much, but I don’t ever want to stop telling you.
Lane put his hands on Bryan’s thick shoulders and pulled him back against his bare chest. His hands roamed down and started firmly kneading Bryan’s pecs, knowing what a huge turn on it was for his partner. He made sure to pay attention to Bryan’s nipples, and every time he rubbed over them, Bryan pushed his chest out.
Bryan leaned his head back against Lane and let out a huge sigh of pleasure.
Fuck that feels good.
Lane Opened up their energy centers one by one and laced them together. Just as he had with Drew earlier in the day, he looked at their genetic code inside the strands of energy, looking for the patterns they were born with. Once he had what he needed, he sent the reconstructive flows into both of them at the same time, limiting it only to the areas he wanted - their dicks!
In a matter of seconds, the nerves and skin regenerated and their foreskins were fully restored. A slight sensation ran through their groins, and they sweated lightly from the Healing.
The drain on their energy was minimal, and they both smiled.
Lane’s mischievous grin appeared, and he thought: Okay, let’s test drive these fuckers!
Early the next morning, while they were doing their PT Lane sent a private thought to Ken: Hey boss man! You up, lazybones?
Ken laughed and replied: Me and B are already back from our run shithead. We’re eatin’ breakfast. What’s up?
Bry and I have a few things to share with you yahoos when we all get to the Lab before training starts. Just wanted to give you a heads up.
Alright, anything I need to know, so I’m not blindsided?
Ken knew if there was anything important Lane would have already told him, but he wanted to tease his friend a bit.
No, nothing like that. Just an update mostly, but it will be easier to have one conversation with all you sissies.
Lane felt Ken’s laughter.
Damn you didn’t rise to the bait. You’re catching on.
Hey, that’s B’s line!
Lane chuckled.
Yeah, I know, but it was appropriate. I see why he uses it so much!
Ken laughed even harder.
Okay, see you guys in a few!
As usual, by the time everyone arrived at the Lab, they had already done their PT and had breakfast. Unless something unusual happened, they were always early and hung out in the kitchen talking while downing a last-minute cup of coffee. Henry wasn’t an early riser but committed to everybody he would wake up early and get his run in before training started. Drew was still sound asleep, and Henry was happy to report that Drew woke up a few hours earlier and made it to the bathroom without incident. Everybody would be sure to give Drew a high-five at his success later in the morning.
Since he was up earlier with Drew, Henry went to an exam room for some privacy to jerk off. After the experiences the doctor shared with him the evening before, his energy flows weren’t as sporadic, and he controlled them well as he gripped himself and squeezed just like Albrecht showed him. The euphoric shock took a minute to recover from; the orgasm was far more powerful and full-bodied than anything he had ever experienced in the past.
Ken and Brad sought him out the night before as they left to go home and told him he would need to do that every morning, and probably every afternoon, to make sure he was at full strength for their Training sessions. None of them were sure how long the effects would last, so better safe than sorry.
Brad usually initiated a Link as everyone gathered at the Lab, and that morning was no exception. As soon as it was active and everyone felt the comforting presence of their Brothers, this time including Henry, Brad sent out a thought: Guys, let’s hop into the Conference Room fast before we get changed.
Everyone filed in, and Ken stood at the podium waiting.
“Good morning, ladies. That now includes you, Henry. Get used to it!”
Ken got his little kid grin when he said that.
Ken looked at Lane and said, “You’re up, Lanester.”
Okay, guys, I wanted to give you an update on something that happened last night with Drew.
He shared the memory of the previous night’s event in the bathroom up through the haircut.
There were echoes of Mental ‘oh shits!’ and ‘fuck me’s’ as usual.
So of course, I know what all you pervs are thinking, and the answer is yes! No, I’m not pulling out my junk to show you sickos, but Bry and I did the same thing to ourselves last night. I don’t know why we didn’t think of it sooner, but it was super easy.
Lane had his own grin when he said that.
Each of them went through the same thought process; if they could regenerate flesh and nerves that had been cut off years, could they restore Tag’s leg?
I don’t know fellas, but I don’t see why not, and again I’m kicking myself for not thinking about it before now. We need to talk to the doc about it, but I don’t see why it wouldn’t work. It will take a lot of energy but nothing compared to some of the things we’ve done.
Brad: My guess is the doc was waiting for us to think of this on our own.
Lane: You know this opens up another can of moral worms for us, right?
Brad: Does it ever!
Ken: It does, but not in the short term. Barrin’ any emergencies of our own, the same rule applies we talked about after the Orphanage. If somethin’ lands in our lap we can address it, but we can’t go lookin’ for issues. Our mission is ‘ta continue trainin’ and fightin’ The Enemy and findin’ a way to defeat The Master and keep Drew alive. None of that’s changed. We stay on target, just like any other mission.
I get how hard it is for the doc and Albrecht… more so every day. The bigger picture has ‘ta be our target and as painful as it might be we gotta’ let smaller things go for the time bein’. You know what I mean when I say ‘smaller;’ there are no little people. Even once The Master’s defeated and out of the way, we’ll have choices ‘ta make as to how to proceed. We could wear ourselves out helpin’ people one at a time, or we can focus on all of humanity first and then work our way towards individuals.
I’m not sayin’ that’s what we’ll do; I’m kinda thinkin’ out loud here, but you get the drift.
Henry, as he sat listening, felt in awe of his Brothers and the responsibilities they faced. His role seemed insignificant compared to what they would eventually face.
Brad: Henry, that’s not true at all. You’re a part of the Team, and you’ll be involved. I’m not saying this to freak you out, but your role in a lot of ways is much bigger than ours. You’re Drew’s father, and if anyone can prepare him for what’s coming, it’s you. If Drew fails, then it’s all a moot point. You know we’re with you just like we’ve said. I’m saying this to prove the point that you play a vital role in all of this, and we consider you just as important as any one of us as far as the success or failure of The Order is concerned. I, for one, feel blessed it’s you.
After a slight pause and a grin, he continued… I bet you don’t, though!
Henry was at a loss for words. When Brad stated it so plainly the responsibility was daunting, and it scared him, but he knew he wasn’t alone. Through the Link, Henry felt their hands on his back and shoulders even as he sat there.
His answer brought smiles to their faces and warmed their hearts.
It’s a privilege, fellas. I mean that.
Rick and Kevin were the closest to Henry sitting on either side of him. They both leaned over and sounded like the guy in the Budweiser Beer commercial as they said in unison, “We love you man!” and they both kissed him on either cheek at the same time, and everybody got a good laugh out of it.
Ken said, “Okay, ladies, while we’re all here, is there anythin’ else ‘ta cover? We haven’t had a pow-wow like this in a while.”
Everyone felt Henry get a little nervous, reminding them of Bryan when he was bashful about speaking up.
Bryan said, “Spit it out, Henry. If I can learn to do it, you can too, fucker.”
Again, they all laughed, but Henry didn’t know the background.
He lowered his head a lot like Bryan did when he was nervous and said, “Sorry guys I’m just not used to speaking in groups. The doc did something for me last night too, after dinner.”
He closed his eyes and pulled the memory, as he now knew how to do, and shared it through the Link.
Looking deeper into Henry’s Mind, they knew what the doctor shared. Amazement ran through them! The doctor was always adamant on letting them grow into their powers they were surprised he would do such a thing… but it emphasized time was running out.
Brad: That’s awesome, Henry. It means we have our work cut out for us today! We’ll spend the morning getting you used to everything you can do now, and if you’re ready we’ll add to it!
The next few weeks went great for everyone. Henry had always been a ‘morning guy,’ waking up horny, so the first thing he did was get Drew up to use the bathroom and get him resettled, and then slip into the small exam room for his tantric exercise. He had to be careful and not lose track of time; he laughed at himself the first day when he realized he had been edging for over half an hour with no realization of the passage of time. He promised himself he would set a trigger in his Mind for fifteen minutes and try to stick to it.
After his ‘personal time,’ he would get dressed for his morning PT, eat breakfast, and be ready by 0745 when the guys started arriving. Training started at 0800 sharp.
Henry was surprised on his second morning when Bill and Kevin showed up to run with him, and instead of using the treadmill by himself as he planned, they ran a route from the Lab parking lot they occasionally used. He wasn’t supposed to go out on his own, certainly not because he couldn’t take care of himself, especially now, but the doctor’s rule was still in force as far as no one traveling by themselves.
The next morning, Ricky and Loy showed up, and the next day Lane and Bryan, then Patrick and Darren, and on Friday Ken and Brad. Henry was grateful, and no explanation was needed, he knew they didn’t want him to feel left out or lonely. He also knew it was no imposition; they did it because he was their Brother and a part of the Team, and he accepted their efforts with no guilty feelings.
On rainy mornings they ran on the treadmills; otherwise they enjoyed running outdoors. It was ingrained into all of them to emit an active Compulsion for anyone seeing them to ignore them, and they kept constant feelers out for any Enemy presence when they were outside the Lab. It was great practice for Henry to manage the Compulsion while he focused on running.
In the evenings, most of the guys came back to the Lab for dinner. On a few occasions, if some of them had errands or chores to do they would skip, so there were occasionally empty seats, but typically they were all together.
Most of the time Bryan cooked, but they all tried to chip in and share that duty. Olive loved to cook too, and surprisingly Kelly did as well. She would surprise them with some Australian style dishes that always tasted great even if they weren’t used to them. Kelly was slowly coming out of her shell. The doctor really was a miracle worker.
Henry was always exhausted after a hard day of training, but no longer got headaches. He got in the habit of taking a short nap before dinner, and Drew was always careful not to wake him up. Once in a while Henry would wake up to Drew curled up against him. Drew liked to climb on his back and give him back rubs, which sent Henry out like a light. He wasn’t strong enough to really give Henry a massage, but it still felt great, and Drew felt he was helping his dad.
Henry read to Drew every night, and following the doctor’s suggestion, he started watching television for an hour or two after dinner, usually something along the lines of The History Channel, The Discovery Channel, Animal Planet, or once a week one of the news networks. Henry planned to keep those on rotation since all of them seemed biased in one direction or another. Even though Drew was only five he needed to get more sense of the world outside the Lab. Henry always asked Drew if he understood everything he saw, and did his best to answer any questions his son might have.
The doctor never urged any of the men to keep up with current headlines, explaining after centuries of personal experience it was best not to get tangled up in contemporary politics or religious movements. He encouraged them to be aware but not become involved. As they had all come to realize it would be too easy to become sidetracked from their goals if they did, and as horrible as some atrocities in the world were, most events were Free Will at work. If the Enemy were known to be directly involved, that would be another story.
Everyone was so busy with their daily schedules and tasks, Halloween crept up on them before they realized it. Sally managed to go shopping and picked up the rest of her supplies, but it was last minute. Henry purchased badly needed clothes for Drew, but Drew was upset there were no Iron Man costumes left. Sally didn’t want him to make a mess with the green face paint that went with The Hulk costume, and the only one left was a Thor costume which had been opened and returned. There were dozens of other costumes, but Thor was all that was left of the superhero variety other than Spider-Man which for some reason Drew didn’t like.
Everyone took off Halloween day, which was on a Friday. Sally decorated the lab with cobwebs, bats, and spiders hanging on everything, much to the doctor’s annoyance. He seemed grumpy and stayed in his office most of the day. Albrecht told her not to worry about it, but she tip-toed around the doctor all day.
Sally did her best with Drew’s costume, even buying a Thor play kit with a plastic Mjolnir and winged helmet that had blond hair attached to it to accessorize his basic outfit. Combined with the packaged costume it didn’t look bad, but Drew was less than enthused, and his body posture reeked of dejection.
As the guys arrived, they made a big deal of how great he looked, and it helped, but everyone knew he had his heart set on being Iron Man. Sally understood the significance and how much it meant to him, but there was nothing to be done.
When everybody arrived, Henry brought them all into a light Link. As part of his training, he initiated Links in the Lab and practiced increasing his range in the evenings while many of the guys were at their houses.
Guys? I have a favor to ask. I hope it’s not a big deal, but could a few of you go with me and Drew to Bill and Kevin’s neighborhood and let him do some trick-or-treating? Their neighborhood has the most kids, so there will be plenty of houses to hit. He’s already bummed about his costume, but I bet that would make him feel better.
Ken: Alright, but we’re all goin’. We can disguise ourselves easily enough. I don’t want any surprises, and I’m not takin’ any chances. I think it’ll do Drew a world’a good ‘ta get out and have some fun.
Everybody felt a spike of excitement from Lane, and he suddenly Shielded himself.
Dar, Brad, meet me in the gym. Henry, get Drew, and all you sissies come find us in five minutes.
Brad and Darren appeared in the gym beside Lane, and he brought them into a Construct of the Lab. He took them deep for the time differential, and after explaining his idea, Darren’s dimples were in full force in an enthusiastic smile of agreement and Brad’s smile was just as wide.
Henry walked Drew into the gym, and the rest of the guys filed in behind them. Drew wore his full Thor costume but didn’t seem excited.
Brad, Lane, and Darren stood in the middle of the gym wearing Men in Black suits and sunglasses. Lane was in the center holding a briefcase, with Brad and Darren positioned on either side of him with their hands crossed and feet wide apart looking very official.
Lane stepped forward and in a serious voice, said, “Special Agent Drew, please step forward!”
Drew seemed apprehensive and looked up to Henry, not sure what was happening. Henry had a good idea of what was going on and was trying to keep a serious face and not tear up from what the guys were doing for his son.
“Go on Drew! That’s you, Tiger!”
Henry scooted Drew forward by his shoulders until he was moving on his own, with his red Thor cape dragging behind him.
He walked up to Lane, who knelt in front of him.
“Special Agent Drew, I have a very important assignment for you. We discovered a prototype of the new Iron Man Mark IV Armor, but it only came in your size! Can you test it out for us?”
Drew’s eyes were as big as saucers, and he was speechless. Drew was so excited he was about to explode as he realized what was happening. They found him a costume!
Drew literally started tearing off his Thor costume, and Henry moved forward to help, gathering the pieces and wrapping them in the cloak.
Once Drew stood in his jeans, t-shirt, and sneakers, Darren knelt and pulled out a wristband from his pocket and slipped it on Drew’s right wrist.
Lane held out the briefcase and Drew took it, not sure what to do with it.
Darren took Drew’s wrist and said, “Press the red button to activate your armor.”
Ken, Bryan, Patrick, and the rest of the guys were just as excited to see what Lane, Brad, and Darren had come up with.
Lane couldn’t help it and thought: Hold onto your hat’s guys… this is going to be so badass!
Drew looked at the wristband. It didn’t look like a toy; it seemed real. It was shiny and black with lights on it, and a large red blinking circle.
Henry and the guys were lightly Linked with Drew, and they felt his excitement and nervousness.
Henry leaned over and whispered in his ear, “Go ahead, Drew! This is what you wanted, right? Don’t be scared Tiger, me and your Uncles are all here. Push the button.”
Drew couldn’t believe what was happening. Taking a deep breath, he pushed the button.
He jumped when the briefcase flipped open. Two gloves, two boots, and the helmet shot out, wrapping around his hands, feet, and face while red and gold metal unfolded from the rest of the case. The sound of rivets and screws and clicks were audible as the armor formed and wrapped around his body. In less than five seconds he was standing in a child-sized fully articulated suit of Iron Man Mark IV armor. The last thing was the visor shutting over his face as the eyes and the chest light illuminated – just like in the movies.
Lane designed it, and Brad created the external Construct for it. Everybody wondered what Darren’s role was.
Darren’s voice was for Drew alone.
Time to fly special Agent Drew! Just think of where you want to go!
The boot jets activated and the Repulsor beams in the gloves lit up and Drew lifted off the ground. Darren knew where Drew wanted to go and flew him around the gym. The guys were in complete control, Drew was perfectly safe, and he was so excited he could hardly contain himself. The movements and sounds were exactly like the movies, and to Drew, it was perfect!
Drew was small for his age, and it was no effort for Darren to lift him with his Mind, but once Drew took off Darren synchronized his Avatar with the other Mentalists and it became effortless. The Construct itself was weightless even though it sounded and looked real, so they were only lifting Drew’s normal body weight.
They piled into the two Suburban’s, and Brad and Darren drove them to Bill and Kevin’s house. Brad thought about a costume for Henry on the drive and decided on a Spartan Warrior from 300. Henry had a better body than any of the actors from the movie, making his appearance even easier.
As he stepped out of the car, Henry wore a cloak, a bronze helmet, leather sandals, and a spear. Henry had dirty blonde hair and green eyes and was a handsome man, with a perfect dusting of hair on his chest and stomach accentuating his incredible physique. He looked stunning.
Brad decided to make everyone else virtually invisible, not wanting to draw more attention than Drew and Henry already would. He broadcast a Compulsory Net for everyone in the immediate vicinity to ignore them. Henry Shielded himself and Drew so it wouldn’t affect them. It was good practice and drove home the need to never let his guard down over himself or Drew.
Henry told Drew there would be no flying outside the Lab, and Drew was so excited over his costume it didn’t matter. He could still make the boot jets flare, the rings in the gloves light up and flip the face shield up and down. The smile on his face showed how happy and excited he was.
Seeing Drew so happy reminded Henry of what his son would soon face. He quickly masked his thoughts so Drew wouldn’t pick up on them and forced himself to think only of that night and making sure his son had the best time possible.
Trick or Treating wasn’t part of the original plan for the night, and the guys promised Sally they would be back in a little over an hour. She put a tremendous amount of effort into the party, and they didn’t want to disappoint her. When she saw Drew walk out of the gym as a mini Iron Man her jaw dropped, and any objections flew out of her head.
Henry walked Drew door to door through the entire subdivision, and he was proud that Drew was so polite, thanking everyone for the candy. Drew didn’t realize how much extra candy he got because of Henry. Lonely housewives and gay men in the neighborhood were extra chatty and tried to keep Henry at their door. He declined any photographs of him or Drew, and Darren took care of pictures or videos people tried to take without permission.
All the guys were happy for Drew as they followed him unobtrusively through the neighborhood. There were some excellent costumes but also quite a few that were inappropriate. One neighborhood teenager, dressed as a zombie from The Walking Dead, was scaring smaller kids and laughing, but after one look at Henry he steered clear of Drew.
A little over an hour later, they made it back to Kevin and Bill’s driveway and piled into the Suburban’s to head back to the Lab. As soon as they were inside with the door secure Lane, Brad, and Darren vanished back to the gym.
Henry, followed by the rest of the guys, led Drew through the Lab and into the gym. As soon as they entered Lane, Brad, and Darren were back in their black suits and sunglasses.
Lane stepped forward, saying, “Special Agent Drew, you performed your task very well! We have to take the armor back to the vault now. Please press the green button on your wrist.”
A panel on his right wrist popped open, revealing the indicated button.
Drew pressed the button, and the armor flew off, folding back up into the suitcase. He reluctantly handed it back to Lane, asking, “Can I wear it again tomorrow, Uncle Lane? Please?”
Brad took off his glasses and knelt, ruffling Drew’s short hair.
“Sorry Agent Drew, but Halloween is the only night we’re allowed to use it! You’ll have to wait until next year.”
Drew was so excited the news hardly put a damper on his spirits. Before Drew had time to think about it, Henry called to him.
“Come on, Agent Drew! We have to see what Miss Sally has for you at the party! Coming guys?”
Henry held his hand down, and Drew ran quickly to grab it. He loved the maneuver, and Henry took Drew’s hand, perfectly flipping him up and onto his shoulders, walking out of the gym.
As Henry moved towards the door, Ken sent a private thought to Brad.
Fuck B, I love you more every day. What you guys did for that little boy tonight… I hardly know what ‘ta say.
What’s the point of having ten half-angel Uncles if there aren’t any perks? It wasn’t that big a deal to pull off Ken. It was Lane’s idea, and it was a good one. With everything coming Drew’s way, he needs happy memories like tonight.
Well, I wanna’ make a happy memory with you later tonight. When you do shit like this, it shows what a beautiful man you are, and it just gets me goin’.
You mean it makes you cry like a baby, or it makes you all drippy?
Well… uh… both!
Ken put on the little kid grin he knew Brad couldn’t resist and pulled him in for a quick hug and a kiss; then they made their way to the kitchen and the party.
The weekend was quiet after Halloween. Sally spent the next morning cleaning the Lab and getting all the cobwebs down. She was tempted to stretch some across the door to the doctor’s office as a joke, but as grumpy as he had been, she thought better of it. Better safe than sorry!
Ken and Brad decided to hold an impromptu get-together on Saturday at their house for dinner. Bill and Kevin were official ‘Big Brother’s’ to Tommy and Brett, the two brothers from the Orphanage and were able to take the boys out on a pre-arranged schedule. Bill checked with everyone first to be sure they didn’t mind; he thought Drew might enjoy having a couple of other boys close to his age to play with.
Henry had a long talk with Drew and coached him about not talking about the Lab or anything that happened to his mom. He was a little on edge about Drew saying something wrong but Drew seemed to take it all in stride.
While the food cooked, Henry ended up standing with Ken, Brad, Bill, Loy, and Rick by the fire pit talking and drinking beer. The guys could tell how nervous Henry was about Drew saying something he shouldn’t to Brett or Tommy.
Brad: Relax Henry, it’s okay. Drew’s smart, and he won’t spill the beans. If he gets too excited and says something he shouldn’t, Bill will take Brett and Tommy out back and shoot them.
Henry was so engrossed in watching Drew it took a second for Brad’s comment to register. When it did, he spit beer out his nose, and they all busted out laughing.
Once he got himself under control, Henry laughed too.
Sorry guys. I’ll try to relax.
Ken: Just have a good time, Henry. That’s why we have these get-togethers. We all need our chill time, and it looks like Drew’s havin’ a great time too. Who knows how long it’s been since he got to play with someone his age.
Bill: Well, since he was playing with you yesterday, Ken, that’s an easy answer.
They all laughed again, and Ken thought: Fuck you, Bill. Kev, you need to keep your man here in line!
Kevin, in the kitchen with Bryan, laughed with everyone else.
Never fear Ken, I’ll lick his ass… I mean kick his ass later tonight!
Henry: Ewwwwwww!
The evening continued, and everyone enjoyed themselves. The thought occurred to all of them at some point during the evening that it was nice to have a gathering where nothing terrible happened, and everybody could relax.
The back of Henry’s head hurt from smiling and laughing so much. He couldn’t remember the last time he felt so happy. He had a brief moment of guilt when he realized he hadn’t thought about Liz all night while having fun.
Brad picked up on his emotional spike through their Link. Everyone was lightly together, but Brad’s Avatar tuned him into such things. Ken stood closest to Henry, and put his arm around his Brother, squeezing his shoulder tight, letting Henry know he Understood and it was alright to feel that way. No words were spoken or thought, but Henry’s eyes misted over at the gesture and the feeling of support from all the guys.
Henry looked up, his eyes scanning the night sky. A few stars were already visible in the beautiful autumn evening. It was chilly enough the fire pit felt great, but it wasn’t cold enough to be uncomfortable. Ken had a comfortable and friendly way of touching friends, and his arm remained around Henry’s shoulder. He kept his hand on the crook of Henry’s shoulder and neck, giving regular light squeezes.
Henry relaxed into the feeling, drifting in the Link with his Brother’s, wanting to feel everyone more fully. In only a moment of resting in them, Henry had an epiphany. In his sessions with the doctor and Albrecht, Henry was learning many interesting things about himself and human nature. With his Mind Open, it was a necessary part of his education. The thought foremost in his Mind, as he felt Ken’s arm around his shoulder and his Brothers’ in him, was that one thing humans crave above all else is to be known and understood. Even above connections with others, or a sense of purpose, humans needed to know that they mattered and that there was a reason for their existence.
After merging with his Brothers, Henry knew they loved him unconditionally; they understood him regardless of his faults and brokenness, loving and accepting him for who he was. They knew him, and that validation was a source of unimaginable comfort. The profound well-being his insight brought washed through the Link, and all the guys became teary-eyed at the emotions that struck Henry so suddenly and intensely.
Henry realized most humans sought what he felt through religion, and part of their eternal soul searching for God was to find that feeling of being known by a higher power. Now that he knew beyond a shadow of a doubt angels existed, simple extrapolation suggested that God did as well as demons, and Raphael had mentioned the Dark One. Henry realized what he felt with his Brothers was what most people sought from God, which drove home just how horrible the Curse was. It created that feeling of isolation and separateness from God and fellow human beings, leaving the human race adrift and causing the Brokenness and ‘fucked-upness.'
Henry’s epiphany was brief but powerful, and Lane didn’t miss the opportunity to hang shit on Henry for making them cry. At the same time Lane verbalized his thoughts, he was the first one to pull Henry closer inside his Heart in a Mental hug that left no doubt in Henry that he was one of them.
He would always love Liz; she would be in his heart forever, and he would never forget her, but he was slowly getting over the grief and emptiness her death left inside him.
Ken raised his beer, “‘Ta Liz.”
Everyone followed, “To Liz.”
The sound of clanking bottles and cans ensued, and they all took a swig of their beers and stood in silence, not wanting to break the mood, honoring the memory of a woman who was brave beyond words and made the ultimate sacrifice to save her son. As soldiers, they knew about sacrifice and honored her action.
Bryan’s timing was perfect. To break the solemn moment and bring everyone back to the happy, relaxed atmosphere, he called out, “Chow’s ready!”
An undercurrent of excitement ran through all of them over an email the doctor sent out late Sunday evening. The small healthcare business that occupied the front part of the building was moving to a larger facility, and the doctor planned to expand the Lab into that space. He wanted to renovate the entire building, making it more on a par with the Australian base.
There would be new rooms housing additional cardio equipment; they loved the idea of a spinning room and also moving the treadmills out of the workout area in the gym, and even a quiet space for yoga and meditation. By moving the treadmills out of the gym, it would make room for two new boxing rings and more floor space for weights and gymnastics.
The bad news was they would be doing the renovations themselves and would need to cover the additional area with Runes. The doctor and Albrecht decided to temporarily discontinue their efforts to relocate the Keenan’s, Sally, and Kelly, and were adamant about Henry and Drew staying in the Lab. The new renovations would also include more extensive and more comfortable mini-apartments for the couples as well as the guests.
Much discussion ensued over their morning coffee, but by 0800 the men were changed into their workout gear and divided into their prospective groups. Ken kept a roster by the door of the routines he and Brad came up with.
Henry seemed more than a little distracted, and Darren, his partner for the morning, said, “Hey Henry, snap too! Mind on the job.”
Henry sheepishly replied, “Sorry, Darren. Parent stuff.”
A slight frown crossed Darren’s handsome face as he asked, “Everything okay with Drew?”
Henry sighed as he responded, “We were watching TV last night, and when I went to the kitchen to get us a snack he changed the channel, which he knows he’s not supposed to do. I have the remote restricted to the few channels we watch at night, and I have the news networks on the list. He turned it to CNN Headline News and got freaked out by what he saw. Sometimes I don’t know what to tell him.”
Even though they were Linked, Darren didn’t just look. It was a common courtesy they all gave one another.
“What did he see?”
“There’s a hostage situation in the Middle East, and a terrorist group is saying they’re going to cut off the heads of the hostages unless their demands are met. The family members of the hostages were reading prepared statements asking mercy for their sons’ lives. It’s heavy shit for a five-year-old. They showed blurry still shots from a video taken a few weeks ago of some reporters getting beheaded. They had the graphic warning before they showed the pictures, but I wasn’t in the room and Drew saw them. You couldn’t see any details, but he was really upset.
“I mean, fuck Dar, with what he’s already seen… he’s even been face to face with The Master, and thank God that fucker didn’t know who Drew was or we wouldn’t be here, but he doesn’t need to see shit like that. How do you explain Evil to a five-year-old? Between Doug and The Master he’s seen more Evil and cruelty than most people do in a lifetime, so he knows it’s out there, but… I don’t know. I did the best I could to try to explain things to him… but he told me you guys could save them. I’m trying to teach him how to make good choices and that we need to be good people… but the ‘it’s not our problem/Free Will’ answer confused him.
“I know what the doctor says about not getting involved in political issues… and we aren’t supposed to interfere with Free Will… but that part Drew doesn’t understand. I want to be out there with him right now, even though I don’t know what to tell him. I don’t want Sally to have to field stuff like that either. It’s my job as his dad.”
Darren sat in silence a few seconds and lowered his head.
There was no humor in Henry’s voice as he chuckled and said, “Yeah, tell me about it.”
Henry and Darren sat on a mat on the gym floor and were supposed to be going through their Mental disciplines but hadn’t started yet because of their conversation. Henry had his head lowered in thought when suddenly a powerful, cold wave of anxiety came off Darren causing his entire body to tighten. They were deeply connected and touching to help with their exercises, and the same feeling hit Henry almost as hard as Darren.
Darren’s eyes flashed White, and Henry saw the hair on Darren’s arms rise as Goosebumps covered his body, and his trembling increased.
Henry’s head shot up in surprise, and he leaned forward, gripping Darren’s shoulder in concern.
Darren!? What’s wrong?
Darren knew everyone was in the middle of their exercises and didn’t want to jar any of them with what he felt, so he sent a mental ‘711’ to activate their triggers to stop whatever they were doing and Link immediately.
At the speed of thought, the rest of the Team joined him and Henry and their comforting presence filled the Link, surrounding their two Brothers. They all felt the wave of anxiety in Darren, and Henry to a lesser extent. It wasn’t incapacitating, but it visibly affected Darren, and they could see his body reacting. Pat was at his side in a flash, wrapping his big arms around his lover protectively, pouring himself into Darren to help counteract the feelings.
Brad, not intruding into the bond Pat and Darren shared, reached into Darren’s Mind and walled off the anxiety. Darren sagged with relief; the anxiety was still there, but now distant.
Ken: Dar? What triggered that?
Darren shared the memory of his conversation with Henry about Drew. Intuitively he knew it was relevant, but he still wasn’t sure what specifically set his Avatar off.
Lane’s eyes turned White as soon as Darren shared the memory. His energy centers erupted, and his Avatar flared brightly on the big ball of his shoulder. A hot wind whipped his hair, and his handsome face went still as he began to speak, and the voice that came out of his mouth wasn’t his own, it was The Masters, deep and echoing with Power.
“I so wished to meet all of you. Your reputation precedes you. It’s too bad you weren’t in time to save your friend Greg. The absence of his life in yours is but one small sting you will feel. You may have rescued the others, but they are not beyond my reach forever. And there are others in your lives, your past lives, you don’t even know about. But I do, and they will also perish; horribly and painfully and not even knowing why.”
Power coursed through Lane and what he said was as much memory as a Vision. The Master uttered those words after they rescued Sally, Liz, Drew, Henry, and the Keenan’s from their imprisonment… the day The Master killed their friend Greg Rawlins.
Brad’s Intellect absorbed everything, and the pieces of the puzzle began forming in his Mind.
Brad: Guy’s get into the Conference Room stat.
As they rushed out of the Lab, Ken reached out to their mentors.
Doc! Albrecht! We have a situation. Can you both come to the Conference Room?
The doctor and Albrecht, aware of his urgency, stopped what they were doing and rushed to join them. The doctor’s office was close to the Conference Room, so everyone arrived at nearly the same time.
Brad brought the doctor and Albrecht into their Link and shared everything that had transpired in the last few minutes. As soon as Brad entered the Conference Room the Operations Board came to life, and the input switched to the external cable feed. He changed the channel to CNN Headline News; it was all with his Mind and happened instantly.
The hostage story from was the previous night was still running. Henry could tell it was a recorded loop, so there must not have been any significant developments overnight.
The father of one of the hostages stood on a podium reading a prepared statement, asking the terrorists to have mercy on his son. The name at the bottom of the screen read “Retired Navy Chief Petty Officer Kent Peterson.”
Off to one side, standing beside the man’s wife was Craig Peterson, the young Marine ROTC Cadet Bill and Kevin met the morning they visited the Orphanage.
Bill exclaimed, “Holy shit, Kev! That’s Craig!”
“Guys he was driving a panel truck picking up donated toys in our neighborhood, and someone hit his truck while we were out jogging. It was the morning we went to the Orphanage.”
Not wanting to upset Henry, Bill didn’t continue and say it was the day Liz died.
The camera panned back, and they saw the other families standing off to the side.
A few of the men looked familiar; Brad, Lane, Loy, Darren, and Bill all had the same feeling. Their memories were perfect since the inception of the Program, but it had been nearly twenty-two years since they had seen any of the men on TV in person, and they looked significantly different.
Brad muttered under his breath, “Hampton!”
Ken asked, “Hampton?”
Recognition dawned on Brad and the other Mentalists as he said, “Yeah, Hampton. You remember Hampton and his goon squad Ken. The guys I had that run-in with at the base gym.”
Ken recalled the memories. His memory, unlike Brad’s, wasn’t perfect, but he had relived the incident the year before of when he and Brad first met. He vividly remembered entering the base gym and seeing them beating Brad to a bloody pulp after nearly breaking his shoulder with a metal chair.
Henry felt lost; the guys obviously knew the man on TV from their time in the Navy, but it sounded like they were on bad terms. Through the Link, Henry picked up their intense emotions, and the prevalent feeling was the guy on TV was a total asshole.
Brad noticed Henry’s confusion and pulled Henry deep with him and Ken into a private Link, deep enough that Time nearly stood still for the three of them. Even though Brad and Ken had previously merged with Henry, he didn’t know or remember every detail of their lives.
Brad shared the memory of when he and Ken first met, and the near disaster that followed as they struggled in their early relationship during the first months after Doctor Thompson changed them.
Henry was still not used to the Time differential. He relived the memories Brad shared as a viewer from both their perspectives and effectively spent weeks in their past, feeling everything they did, hearing their thoughts and living their struggles with each other. The experience brought him even closer to Brad and Ken in their intimate friendship.
Amidst the memories, Henry saw Hampton’s cohorts hit Brad with the folded metal chair after he knocked Hampton out, and the other four holding Brad down and beating him.
Ken’s anger burned from the memory and the raw emotion of viewing it again. He saw where Ken had balled up a metal chair like tinfoil and launched it at the fleeing men.
Henry saw the faces of the five men, and he now knew the names of the ‘goon squad.' He also now knew each of his Brothers’ birth names. With everything he just learned, it struck him funny, as well as Ken and Brad, that his prevailing thought was: Damn! How long did it take you to get used to new names?
Ken chuckled and thought: Yeah, it was a bitch for me. Blondie here didn’t have an issue. Sometimes that perfect memory’a his pisses me off.
Brad grinned: Yeah. Ken, you remember that time at 0032 eighteen years ago when you…
Ken: Fuck. See what I mean, Henry?
Henry: Damn! I thought women were bad about pulling that shit. I feel for you brother.
Brad looked at Henry and winked.
Just wait Henry, your turn will come.
Brad brought them back up, and no time had passed. Henry blinked, in awe of the subtle power and complexity of Brad’s abilities. Brad sent one more private thought to Henry.
Don’t worry, Henry; you’ll be doing the same thing soon enough. You only started yesterday. Give yourself a little time, and we’ll have you running circles around the Enemy ‘suits.’
Kevin had a frown on his handsome face as he said, “You guys have no idea how many times I wanted to kick that guy’s ass. Man, he was a jerk.”
Darren chuckled and said, “At least Bry and Lane got him good. The whole bunch of them. That was classic.”
Even though the situation was serious they all had grins on their faces at the memory, and again Henry was clueless. Lane noticed Henry’s confusion and said, “They pulled a stunt with me, and it pissed Bry off. We snuck into their rooms in the barracks and rubbed their underwear down with habanero peppers. That blistered their balls, and they walked funny for a week.”
Henry laughed, but he also made a mental note not to piss Bryan off.
Ken pulled everybody back on track by asking, “So what do you guys think is goin’ on? Do you think The Master is goin’ after them because we knew them when we were in the Navy?”
Darren said, “Ken, that has to be it. When Henry told me what Drew saw, it triggered my Avatar. That, plus the fact Bill and Kevin met one of their kids recently… it’s that whole coincidence thing again. I can practically feel the puppet strings.”
Lane said, “Yeah, it’s a trap, but The Master knows we won’t sit back and let those kids die because their fathers knew us. This isn’t an issue of Free Will where we aren’t supposed to get involved. This time there’s a direct connection to us.”
Ken looked at the doctor, who so far had been silent.
“Sir? What do you think?”
The doctor said, “That it is a trap, and tragic, but not unexpected for The Enemy to do something like this. I feel responsible. If I had covered your disappearance more thoroughly, this would not have happened.”
Albrecht frowned at the doctor’s comment and was about to say something, but Ken cut him off.
“Pardon me, sir, but that’s bullshit. You couldn’t find every person we ever came into contact with and wipe their memories. It was amazin’ you made all evidence of us disappear the way you did. This is NOT your fault!”
Albrecht looked grateful for Ken’s comments and nodded his appreciation.
Ken continued, “We know it’s a trap, so we go in careful and aware. We weren’t Awake or aware of The Order when we ran missions in Syria. Sir, what can you tell us about the Enemy in that part of the world?”
Albrecht responded, “There is more of the Old World in that region than any place on Earth, Ken. Many Evil creatures have Dominion over small areas there. The strife in that region of the world is no coincidence. Even though many of those creatures are not human, The Master was granted Dominion over them by The Dark One. You must be extremely careful… most likely it is a Nephilim or Fallen Angel that is ultimately responsible. It would be best to go in by stealth, rescue the hostages, and get out with no supernatural confrontation, or as little as possible. That may not be an option, but that should be your goal.”
Ken put on his Captain’s voice and said, “Okay. Guys, we’re now on mission status. Henry, you and Sally will stay here in the Lab to help with remote Operations. Henry, you’ll be Drew’s primary protection while we’re gone, so stay sharp. The doc and Albrecht are here and don’t hesitate to lean on them if you need too. And try to stick to your trainin’ schedule as much as possible while we're gone. No slackin’.”
He winked at Henry when he said that, but he was serious about the training.
For the next few hours they strategized, laying out their approach. There would be a strong possibility of exposure if things escalated inadvertently, and they worked on multiple contingency plans. Henry was impressed with their combat and tactical experience, and how they planned everything in such minute detail. All of them asked Henry numerous questions about the Enemy, wanting his opinion on several issues.
Many of their questions dredged up painful memories, but Henry shared whatever they asked, knowing it might help. Many of the questions made him uncomfortable, but he did his best to answer everything, and his contributions and opinions mattered.
The first step was to head to Washington, DC, where the families of the hostages were gathered for security reasons. They needed whatever Intel the Government had already acquired, so they could fine-tune the operation.
While they strategized, the news feed ran muted in the background, and just before lunch there was an update. Sally ordered sandwiches for all of them, and they listened to the update while eating. To keep her developing computer skills sharp, Sally started a database of their food preferences, as well as all the food establishments that delivered to the Lab. How she managed to help the doctor, teach Drew, keep the Lab clean, and help them with meals throughout the day was a mystery to them. As often as they ate, the meals alone should keep her busy.
They knew she wasn’t their maid or responsible for feeding them, or cleaning the Lab, but she always took care of them at TGH Securities, and she continued that role in her new life. She enjoyed doing it, and when she merged with them it was clear she didn’t mind. Sally knew how much they appreciated it, and more importantly didn’t expect it of her.
None of the guys wanted her to feel belittled by forcing a gender role on her of ‘keeping the menfolk fed.’ She had just put Drew down for a nap and entered the Conference Room to clear the leftovers of their meal when she saw the new updates on CNN. Not surprisingly, there were no leftovers.
A new video of the terrorists had appeared on the internet. It hadn’t been verified by the Pentagon yet, but it was going viral. The leader of the terrorist group had his head covered, so only his eyes were visible. The scene panned across a street somewhere in Syria, showing the five hostages lined up on their knees with sacks over their heads. The soldiers were tied hand and foot with their arms behind them and looked severely beaten. The remaining tatters of their uniforms were bloodstained, and any exposed skin covered in welts and bruises. According to CNN two of the men were Marines, and the other three Army.
The military didn’t want the names of the hostages publicly released, but an overzealous reporter managed to ascertain their identities. It was only a matter of time anyway because the families insisted, against advisement, on making statements to the press. The names of the men were PFC Rich Hampton, PFC Guy Caulfield, L.Cpl. Jacob Peterson, PFC Caleb Donaldson, and SPC Nathan Cochran.
The terrorist leader screamed into the camera saying if the President didn’t stop all airstrikes against them, one hostage a day would die, beginning the following morning at sunrise. It would be death by beheading, and the bodies would be desecrated in unspeakable ways.
Seeing fellow soldiers in such a predicament made their blood boil. Anger rippled through the Link and reinforced the sense of urgency to get moving.
Ken said, “Okay guys, enough planning. We have the basics down, and we’ll improvise as we get more Intel. Y’all are the best, and we’re gettin’ those guys out safe. Dar, send us back to our houses. Everybody pack the clothes you’ll need. Pull us back in fifteen minutes, and we’ll get the gear we need from here. We’re goin’ in heavy so pack appropriately. We’ll store everythin’ at the Aussie Base; after we hit DC, it’ll be closer. Hit it guys.”
Darren’s eyes turned White as he Opened their energy centers, and Henry took part in the White ribbon of Power flowing between them. He stayed in the Link to contribute the energy needed to teleport them and felt it as their Avatars synchronized and they vanished. He remained with them, but they were at the limit of his current range. Brad had assured him he would get stronger every day as he stretched himself in training.
An hour later they were in Arlington, VA next door to the Pentagon. The Enemy presence was everywhere. It wasn’t as strong as in Australia, but they felt it, and it didn’t surprise them at all.
Rick’s Avatar synchronized with Ken, Bryan, Kevin, and Patrick, masking their Auras and making them undetectable to The Enemy.
The building housed a media center where the families of the hostages waited. The News networks used it for interviews, and the families were fed information as it became available and deemed appropriate to pass on.
General Dixon was in charge of Special Operations and overseeing affairs State-side.
The Mentalists maintained external Constructs, giving them full access D.O.D. Nametags, and they used their Avatars working in conjunction with one another to pass through any security checkpoints into and throughout the facility.
Craig’s older brother Jacob was the main reason he joined the ROTC and planned on becoming a Marine. The only difference between Craig and his brother was Craig wanted to complete a college degree and enter as an Officer. When he received the news Jacob was held hostage, Craig was so scared he didn’t know what to do.
He immediately contacted his advisor on campus who handled matters at school. He would receive ‘Incompletes’ in all his classes which meant he would have to retake them but wouldn’t receive failing grades, and it would give him time to be with his family until the issue was resolved.
Craig tried to put on a strong front for his mom and dad, but when he was by himself, he shook with fright. He knew the US Government’s policy of not negotiating with terrorists. It wasn’t just knowing Jacob was going to die. His fear was what that meant for his brother and the other hostages. Logically he understood the policy, but this was his brother Jake, and suddenly it made a difference. The source of his fear was how Jake would die, decapitated while bound and helpless. Craig watched the uncensored videos of the journalists beheaded weeks before, and he still heard their screams in his head.
Taking a bullet or getting blown up by a bomb would at least be quick, but the thought of what Jake would feel made him sick to his stomach. He needed a distraction to keep himself from dwelling on the bad thoughts.
“Ma’, you want me to get you and Dad a cup of coffee? There’s a vending machine down the hall.”
His mother was in a Valium-induced fog, and Craig had to repeat himself. Marge Peterson hadn’t coped well with Jake’s deployment overseas and had started taking sedatives again. When Jake deployed to Afghanistan, she barely slept the entire time. She really freaked out when Craig announced his decision to join the Marines, but at least he was in college a few more years before going in.
Craig felt for his mother, but joining the Marines was something he had to do. He wanted his father and Jake to be proud of him. His dad Kent was retired Navy and wanted his sons to follow in his footsteps. He had been an asshole about his sons choosing the Marines over the Navy, but once he settled down, he seemed proud in his way. Craig always thought his father was more pleased with the bragging rights to his buddies than he was of his two sons’ serving their country.
“Thank you, sweetheart. Do you need any money?”
“No Ma’, I’ve got it. I’ll be back in a few minutes. I’m going to run to the bathroom while I’m out there.”
“Remember honey, don’t talk to any reporters.”
“I know, Ma.’ I won’t, I promise.”
Craig made his way out of the waiting area and down the hall. He entered the bathroom, and sure enough, there was a reporter who tried to corner him, but he said “no comment,” repeatedly, as he had been instructed. The reporter was pushy, and Craig almost lost his temper but stuck to his guns, and not wanting to cause a scene he left as quickly as he could.
He stood at the vending machine, trying to figure out how it worked. It was a lot more complicated than the ones on campus, and he had just enough money to get three cups, one each for himself, his mom, and his dad. He didn’t want to screw up, knowing his dad would be sure to let Craig know if he got it wrong.
The hallway was filled with bustling people, and Craig glanced around when he heard his name, but didn’t see anybody.
He looked around again, this time noticing a big handsome man staring at him from down the hall. He looked familiar, and it took a second because Kevin was cleanly dressed and not sweaty and wearing running shorts. He had no idea how or why Kevin could be there, but he smiled and nodded a greeting. With the noise in the hall, it didn’t register with Craig he heard Kevin’s voice in his Mind.
Kevin gave a slight nod of his head, indicating he wanted Craig to come over to him.
Craig had a curious look on his face as he made his way down the hall. He hoped Kevin wasn’t a reporter, but as he got closer, he recognized the D.O.D. logo on the laminated ID card at his waist, and his eyes widened in surprise.
As soon as Craig got close, Kevin held out his hand. Kevin’s grip was warm and firm, and his other hand went to Craig’s shoulder, squeezing him in comfort.
Kevin said, “Hey Craig. I’m sorry about what’s going on with your brother and the other guys. Do you have a second? I need to talk to you privately.”
“I’m supposed to be getting coffee for my mom and dad, so I can’t be long.”
“It’s important, Craig. It involves Jacob.”
Craig’s curiosity was on fire and he felt conflicted, but Kevin seemed like a nice guy when he helped him collect the toys in the street after the wreck. Craig had an inexplicable sense he could trust Kevin.
“Is the other guy here with you? Bill?”
“Yeah, he’s waiting for us along with a few friends. Follow me. I promise it won’t take long.”
Kevin kept his hand on Craig’s shoulder as he turned, guiding him down the corridor to a door labeled ‘Conference Room 1.’
In reality, the door was a large walk-in supply closet where Bill waited, broadcasting a Compulsion for no one to enter. As soon as Kevin and Craig walked through the door, Brad took them into a Construct of the ‘Conference Room.’
Craig stopped when he saw nine other big handsome men looking at him. He recognized Bill, who stood to shake his hand.
Bill Read him when their hands touched, to make sure he was free of any Enemy influence.
He’s clean, guys.
“Hey Craig, it’s great to see you again. I wish it were under better circumstances.”
“Thanks, Bill.”
Craig was nervous and didn’t understand what was going on. He looked back to Kevin and said, “You said this was about Jake?”
Ken stood to shake Craig’s hand, “Hey Craig; I’m Ken. We’re takin’ a big chance involvin’ you, and I don’t want ‘ta put you in any danger, but we need your help. We’re here ‘ta extract Jacob and the other hostages.”
Craig’s eyes widened, and he looked at Kevin, asking quietly, “Who are you guys?”
Ken answered, “We’re friends, Craig. There’s a lot more goin’ on here than you or most people realize. Before I go any further, I need you ‘ta promise me that whatever you see or hear in the next few minutes goes no further. No one can know about us. Can you promise me that?”
Craig’s mind raced, and he didn’t know what to do. He was scared and wondering what Jake might be involved in.
Brad, monitoring Craig’s thoughts, said: “Jake’s not involved in anything covert, Craig. As far as we know, he’s not special forces.”
“Then why are you guys here? What does this mean? And why is this in secret?”
Ken smiled, trying to put Craig at ease.
“All good questions Craig. You’re gonna’ make a fine officer. You’re keepin’ your wits about you in a difficult situation. I mean no disrespect when I say that for a young man of your age, you’re handlin’ everythin’ exceptionally well.”
Kevin, with his hand still on Craig’s shoulder, turned him to make eye contact.
“Craig, we’re the only hope Jake and the others have of getting out of this situation alive, but we need your help. We’re taking a huge risk by doing this, so we need you to promise that whatever you see and hear goes no further. No one can know we’re here. I don’t mean to frighten you, but there are people in the military, in the room with your parents right now, that are working with the terrorists. This is a no-win situation for Jake unless we step in. I know this is a lot to take in, but please, for your brother’s sake, we need your promise.”
Craig started to panic as Kevin spoke, and he almost shouted, “Are my mom and dad in danger?”
Ken said, “Not at the moment, but they will be if we’re successful. A lot’s goin' on here from years ago, Craig. This is actually about your dad and the fathers of the other four men bein’ held. It all stems back ‘ta their time together in the Navy.”
“I don’t understand.”
Craig felt more than a little overwhelmed. Brad looked deeper into Craig’s memories hoping to find something that would help.
Brad said, “Remember your promise to Jake, Craig. He made you promise to keep your mom and dad safe and be brave. You told him you want to serve your country and make this world a better place. That’s what you’ll be doing if you keep your promise to us. I can’t explain more just yet but remember your words to him, Craig.”
Craig whispered, “How could you know that? No one heard me say those words but Jake.”
Lane, wearing his usual mischievous grin, said, “You might be too young to remember the Transformers Craig, but just like the theme song, there’s more to us than meets the eye. Rest easy bud, we’re the good guys, and here to get your brother back safe.”
Craig’s brain was in overdrive trying to absorb everything he heard. They had to be a special operations group; the kind you never knew existed. It sounded like a movie, but they were right in front of him, and there was a strange quality about them besides their solid presence and clean-cut hyper military appearance that put him at ease. It was something deeper, something he couldn’t explain. Each one of them epitomized what it meant to be a soldier; strong body, square jaw, ruggedly handsome, intelligent, confident, kind but stern… but it went beyond that. Ken, Kevin, Bill, and the others made him feel positive and good in a strange way, and Craig knew he could trust them.
Craig and Jacob had a difficult childhood. Their father, Kent, had come close to being dishonorably discharged from the Navy. He was an alcoholic and stayed drunk through most of their early upbringing. It was Jake, in his teenage years, that convinced their father to sober up. Jake had been more of a father to Craig than Kent, and Jake taught Craig what he knew about being a man and having honor.
“Your word is all you have in this world, Craig,” he would say, “You have to learn to keep your word no matter what.”
As if they were reading his mind, Ken said, “I trust you ‘ta keep your word, Craig. So, what do you say?”
Craig slowly put out his hand for Ken to take and said, “I promise, Sir. I won’t say a thing. What can I do to help?”
Ken smiled and said, “Good man! Now, here’s what we need you ‘ta do…”
Kevin and Bill escorted Craig back to the vending machine.
“Don’t worry Craig, stick to the plan, and everything will be fine. Just get the General isolated for a few minutes and say exactly what we told you.”
Kevin looked at the vending machine and Understood the intricacies of the mechanisms and how it worked. Bill, through Kevin, reached inside the machine with his Mind, and before Craig went back to his mom and dad, he had two cups of hot coffee just like they liked them with the perfect amount of cream and sugar and one hot cocoa for himself, with extra chocolate.
Kevin winked and said, “On the house. I think the US Government can afford three drinks, don’t you?”
Kevin and Bill turned, walking back towards the Conference Room, and Craig lost sight of them immediately in the busy hallway. It was almost as if they disappeared.
Craig took a deep breath, wondering again who they could be. They seemed to know everything about him and Jake, even secrets no one could possibly know, but he trusted them, and if they could rescue Jake he would do whatever they asked.
He made his way back with the drinks and said, “Sorry I took so long Ma’. There was a line.”
Marge looked at him funny and said, “You were only gone a few minutes, dear. Thank you for getting this for your father and me. That was very thoughtful of you.”
Craig hadn’t looked at his watch before he left, but he had to have been gone at least fifteen minutes talking with Kevin and Bill and the other men.
Kevin looked at Ken apprehensively.
I hope he’s going to be okay, Ken. This place is crawling with Enemy Agents.
Ken: He’ll do fine, Kev. We need the Intel, and we can’t just take on everyone here. Well, we could, but then Jacob and the others would be dead before we could get to ‘em. Craig’ll get the General by himself, and we’ll get what we need from him. He won’t suspect anythin’ from Craig.
Brad: I have a Shield on Craig. If the General turns out to be an Agent and tries anything with Craig, it will be diverted to me. I have a Construct of Craig’s Mind already built just in case.
Lane did his best Samuel Jackson Impression: Check out the big brain on Brad!
Brad shot him a bird as they grinned at one another.
They continued to chat and shoot the shit. If anyone didn’t know better, it would seem like they didn’t have a care in the world and were just hanging out together, but they were soldiers, focused and ready for whatever came their way.
Ken was proud of all of them and confident they could handle any situation that might arise.
Craig covered his nervousness well while waiting for General Dixon to return. The General had only addressed Craig and his family once, appearing to be an arrogant, cold man who spent as little time with the families as possible. Craig’s father Kent and the fathers of the other hostages seemed extremely nervous around him. Craig assumed it was because they were intimidated by a Four-Star General.
The General, along with his senior staff and aides, went into one of the Conference rooms attached to the media center where Craig and his family waited. Craig hovered by the door hoping the meeting wouldn’t last long.
He knew it was breaking protocol to approach the General directly, but that was part of the plan. When the door finally opened, the General was one of the first men out the door and Craig practically pounced on him.
“General Dixon, sir! May I have a word with you?”
He spoke loud enough to be heard by everyone so the General couldn’t ignore him. Scowling, the General turned towards Craig and asked irritably, “What is it, son?”
The General’s top aide tried to intervene and said, “The General is a busy man, Cadet. I’ll have someone come find you momentarily.”
Craig was persistent, addressing the General directly.
“Sir, it’s private and very important.”
The General, not used to being pushed, was furious and blurted out, “More important than the lives of your brother and the other men?”
Craig had a temper and always had to work hard to keep in check. He knew he was impertinent, but he was so angry towards the General’s attitude he didn’t care. Craig straightened his shoulders and keeping his voice even said, “What I have to say General is for your ears only. It’s not only private but a matter of security. If you want me to spill the beans in front of everyone here, I’ll gladly do that if it means helping my brother.”
Kent Peterson turned ten shades of red in embarrassment over the scene Craig made, but Kent’s fear of the General was greater than his desire to support his son, so in typical fashion, Kent left his youngest son hanging out to dry.
The General’s face was a storm cloud, but he pointed back at the door to the Conference room and said, “Two minutes!”
His aide started to follow, but the General cut him off with a sharp motion. His aide looked surprised, and Craig saw a look of almost uncontrolled fury cross his face for a split second before he got himself under control. It happened so fast Craig thought he might have imagined it.
Now it came down to it, Craig was terrified. Doubts about trusting Kevin and the other men crept into the back of his mind. What they wanted him to do seemed so insanely crazy, and he was having second thoughts about it all.
He walked into the Conference room and heard the door close behind them.
The General glared at him and said tightly, “What’s so important, son? It better be good, or your days as a Marine will be over before they ever get off the ground!”
Brad, and everyone else through him, monitored Craig. Kevin’s Avatar synchronized with Ken, Bryan, Rick, and Patrick to make sure their presence was invisible and undetectable, not just in Craig’s Mind but in the building.
They were aware of Craig’s second thoughts, but the young man pulled himself together. He made a promise and would stick to the plan, no matter how unorthodox it seemed.
Craig took a deep breath to steady his nerves, and just before he opened his mouth the door abruptly opened and the General’s aide, Major Tidwell, burst into the room.
General Dixon, already irritated with Craig and not used to being disobeyed turned to his aide and said, “Major Tidwell I thought I made it clear I didn’t want to be disturbed!”
Major Tidwell glanced at Craig and then the General. His eyes turned white, and his attempt to control Craig’s Mind seamlessly diverted to Brad’s Construct.
Terrified, Craig felt the brunt of something cold and malevolent brush against his Mind. He had never felt anything like it. The sensation wasn’t physical and sent a shiver down his Soul.
Brad: I’ve got you, Craig. We’re not going to let anything happen to you. I’m holding you still, so they won’t suspect anything.
Ken and the others weren’t expecting such a direct move by any Enemy Agent. They always worked in the shadows and behind the scenes, but Brad was ready, and while he protected Craig’s Mind, he knew the others wouldn’t let anything physically happen to Craig. If the situation turned violent, Kevin could be there in seconds, and if it came down to it they could teleport him out of the room even if it meant blowing their cover.
Craig heard Kevin’s voice in his Mind: Craig, I’ll explain soon, but for now, stay calm. Major Tidwell thinks he has you under his control, and he needs to believe that he does. If you move, he’ll know it’s not working, so we’re holding you still. We’re with you, and you’re safe.
Craig not only heard their voices but felt their presence in his Mind. It confused him; Kevin’s presence, along with Brad’s, had a warmth that was comforting, counteracting the cold malevolence of Major Tidwell.
Turning back to the General, Tidwell sneered and in a contemptuous voice said, “Shut up, Dixon.”
The General blustered and looked like he was about to bellow when Tidwell’s eyes flashed white again, and the General paled.
“Yes, General, I’m from Them. Did you really think we weren’t keeping an eye on you with something so important going on? We can’t let you ruin our plans.”
“What plans?”
“There will be no authorization for a SpecOps mission to rescue the hostages.”
The General wasn’t an Enemy Agent but had been a loyal servant most of his career. They seldom interfered with him, and he gave Them whatever was required of him. In return, his career blossomed along with his bank account. He knew they could take everything away from him in an instant if it suited their purposes, and he was terrified. It was clear to Craig the General was more afraid of losing his rank and money than trying to save Jacob and the other soldiers.
“Fine. I’ll take care of it. What about the boy?”
“What did he want?”
“I don’t know; you barged in before he told me anything.”
“I’m sure it has something to do with The Order. I know he was in contact with two of their new Warriors recently. I can still smell their stench on him. It’s a good thing I came in before you bungled everything.”
“I wasn’t going to tell him anything, Tidwell! He made a scene in front of the reporters, so I gave him his little meeting. I was handling the situation just fine.”
With Brad holding him still, Craig couldn’t react to what the two men said. The General had no intention of rescuing Jake or the others! Who did this Tidwell guy work for that the General was so afraid of? Kevin said his parents would be in danger once Jake and the others were rescued. Craig’s Mind was spinning with all the questions.
“Pull your men out of Baiji, General. I don’t want any overzealous SEALS being heroic and going against your orders. I need those hostages alive long enough to spring our trap, and then their lives are forfeit.”
The General knew better than to ask questions about Tidwell’s plan, but he did ask, “Is it necessary to kill all of them?”
Tidwell laughed and asked, “Don’t tell me you’re finally feeling a seed of patriotism after all these years General? I’d hate to think you’re getting soft. To be sure of your loyalties, take care of this boy and the families for us. After the media circus has run its course, you will arrange for their deaths. Wipe their bloodlines from the earth.”
Craig’s panic at overhearing Tidwell order his death, along with his family and the families of the other soldiers was painful to watch. He was in over his head, but his fear quickly turned to anger and the desire to protect his loved ones. If Brad wasn’t controlling him, Craig would have launched himself at Tidwell.
Kevin: Craig you’re doing great. Don’t worry; we won’t let anything happen to your family or the others. This didn’t happen like we planned, but we got what we needed. We’ll let this scene play out until you’re back with your family, and then I need you to meet me at the vending machine.
Tidwell looked at Craig and said, “I will make him think he had his little meeting, and you told him you’re doing everything possible to recover his brother and the other hostages. Whatever he was concerned about turned out to be inconsequential. He will wake up after I shut the door behind me.”
Major Tidwell left the room, and his perceived control over Craig went with him. As soon as the door shut, Brad removed his control over Craig.
Kevin: Craig, thank the General for his time. Stay calm buddy, and act normal.
Craig was freaked out by everything that just happened, but held himself together, and said, “Thanks for your time, General. I appreciate it, Sir, and I’m sorry if I bothered you. I know you’re doing everything you can to rescue my brother and the others.”
The General was scared after discovering his aide was an agent of The Enemy. He didn’t like being so closely monitored, and now they ordered him to arrange for the deaths of five families! He knew he would have to do it. His bruised ego made him want to exert his authority, and Craig was in front of him, so he yelled, “If you ever do anything like this again Cadet, I will ruin your career. I don’t want to see you or hear anything you have to say. If you have any more bright ideas, keep them to yourself. You’re at the bottom of the food chain here and not worth my time. Now get your ass back out there, sit with your family, and keep to yourself.”
Craig swallowed hard, and even though his anger flared again, he was worried the General could ruin his dream of becoming a Marine.
Kevin: Don’t worry Craig. He’s a dick. For now, stay focused on your family. Put the General and Tidwell out of your mind.
The General opened the door and Craig walked out first, moving to his mom and dad. His father, Kent, started in on him right away.
“What the hell were you thinking Craig? Don’t you ever think about anyone but yourself? You need to learn your place, and it isn’t dealing with Majors and Generals. You’ve always thought a lot of yourself, and it’s going to get you nothing but trouble. You completely embarrassed your mother and me.”
After the stress of the meeting, Craig was nearly in tears at his father’s words. Kevin and all the guys were with Craig, and they felt Kent’s words cut him to his core.
When Bill Read him as they shook hands, everything about Craig became known to them. He was a solid young man with good values he surely didn’t get from his father. Craig was human and far from perfect but didn’t have nearly as much ugliness in him as most people. They knew how much Craig loved his older brother and what a positive influence Jacob was in his life; apparently a far greater influence than Kent. Craig could easily have turned out to be a carbon copy of his father, but he rose above his circumstances and was a fine young man.
Craig looked down at his mother hoping to get some support, but she sat quietly in a Valium-induced fog with the cup of coffee Craig got for her still in her hand untouched, teetering on the edge of her knee with her slack hand barely wrapped around it. Craig gently took it out of her hand, setting it on the small table in front of her.
Kevin: Craig, come back to the vending machine.
Craig looked at his father, so different than the pictures of his days in the Navy. He was now middle-aged, missing most of his hair, and overweight. He was a heart attack waiting to happen, and Craig hoped the stress of the situation with Jacob wouldn’t push him over the edge.
Brad’s Avatar caused him a great deal of discomfort as he witnessed the burdens Craig carried at such a young age. It was a testament to Craig’s character that his main concerns were for his family and those around him. His father always thought the worst of him, and Jacob always thought the best. Fear for his older brother came rushing back and with it his determination to help Kevin and his friends bring Jacob back safe.
Craig took a deep breath and said as calmly as he could, “I’m going to get some air dad. I’ll be right back. I’m sorry if I embarrass you.”
He didn’t wait for his father’s reply and quickly left the room.
Craig went out into the hallway, and when he turned the corner, Kevin and Bill were standing by the vending machine waiting for him. Kevin held his arm out, and as Craig walked up he put an arm around Craig’s shoulder.
They went back to the door labeled ‘Conference Room 1’ and Kevin opened the door for Craig, keeping a hand on his shoulder as he guided him through the door and back into Brad’s Construct.
As soon as the door closed Craig emotions let loose, and he started shaking. He didn’t want to cry in front of Kevin and the others and fought back tears.
Kevin turned Craig around to face him and said, “Craig, you did awesome. We got the Intel we needed to find Jacob and the others. You should be proud of yourself. I know how stressful this situation is for you, but you rose to the occasion. You played an important role in helping us, and Jacob and the others are in your debt.”
As Kevin spoke, he pulled Craig against him. Craig was reluctant at first, but after a brief hesitation, he hugged Kevin back. Jacob used to hug him when he was upset, and he desperately needed it even though he wouldn’t admit it.
“Let me tell you something, Craig. I didn’t do nearly so well as you just did on my first mission. You kept your head about you, and even though you were freaked out, you showed everyone what you’re made of. It’s okay to feel scared. Being brave is about taking action and doing the right thing even when you feel that way. Everyone’s scared buddy, and don’t for a second think it makes you less of a man because you feel that way. It’s also okay to get a hug from a fellow soldier. You’ll learn you have to lean on the men around you in stressful situations. That doesn’t make you less of a man either.
“I’ve known your father a very long time. He was a dick when I knew him, and he’s a dick now. I know you care about him. He’s your father, and I get that, but don’t take his words to heart. You and Jacob have each other, and if your brother is half the man you already are, you only need each other. You’ll need to take care of your parents, but don’t let them rule your heart or the direction of your life.”
Craig’s voice was muffled with his face pressed against Kevin’s big frame, but he said, “Thank you, sir. I don’t know what to make of all this, but thanks for saying that. I know my parents aren’t the best, but they’re all I have besides Jake. I get what you mean though.”
Kevin took Craig by his shoulders, holding him at arm’s length, and smiled at him, saying “Good man.”
Craig asked, “So who are you guys? How were you talking to me? I felt something in my head… it’s hard to describe.”
Ken replied, “That’s a bit hard ‘ta explain right now Craig, and you’re safer not knowin’ too many details. I don’t mean ‘ta scare you by sayin’ that, but for now, it’s the truth. We’ll tell you what we can after everyone’s safe. Since we know Major Tidwell is an Enemy Agent, we need ‘ta move your family and the others before we get Jake and the rest of the hostages.”
Brad continued, “Craig, your parents are tired and will want to go back to your hotel room to rest. In fact, all of the other families will be doing the same thing in the next few minutes.”
Craig got a hint of a grin on his face and asked, “You know this … how?”
Lane hummed the first line of the Transformers theme song and winked at Craig.
“Trade secret, but it’s from a reliable source.”
Brad continued, “When you get to your rooms, instructions will be given to all the families. You’ll be changing hotels and need to pack everything so be ready. We won’t have much time once they’ve discovered you’re gone. Major Tidwell will put things together quickly once he realizes you’re all missing, so we have to get Jacob and the others free as quickly as we can.”
Craig said, “But it’s going to take you a long time to get to Syria where Jake’s being held captive. If you move us now, they could kill him before you can get to him!”
Ken grinned and said, “You let us worry about that. You’ll have a clue once we leave the hotel. Now Craig, we still need your help. You’ll need to keep your parents and the other families calm once we move you and head out to rescue Jake and the others. It will all happen fast, so you’ll need to be ready.”
When Craig returned to the waiting area, Kent was in a circle talking with the other fathers. Craig remembered pictures of the five of them back in the Navy and knew they were tight; he heard all the stories from his father’s point of view. Craig suspected the reality of those stories was very different from the drunken recollections he heard. Mr. Hampton, the ringleader of their circle, was the first one to decide he was tired and wanted to go back to the hotel and rest. The other men agreed it was a good idea, and one of the junior aides assigned to them made the arrangements.
Craig’s Mind was still racing, wondering who Kevin and the other guys were, how they knew his memories and talked in his head. He kept reminding himself it didn’t matter as long as Jake and the others made it out safe, but his curious Mind wouldn’t let the thoughts go, and his imagination was running wild.
Regardless, Craig felt he could trust them, which turned his mind to Major Tidwell and General Dixon. After his encounter with them and knowing they were connected to the terrorists, there was no way Craig could trust either of them. How could the government be so corrupt? Within a few hours, Craig's entire worldview turned upside down, and he would have to rethink things.
An hour later, Craig was with his parents back in their hotel room. They had only been in the room a few minutes when Craig heard a knock on the door. His father answered, and Craig heard him speaking quietly with someone. The conversation was short and Kent seemed agitated, almost slamming the door.
Kent announced, “We have to move hotels. There’s a security concern, and we’re being relocated. Pack up fast.”
The other families were in the same wing of the hotel and streamed into the hallway about the same time. It took a few trips in the elevator to get everyone plus the luggage downstairs, and into the small ballroom they had been instructed to gather in.
Ken decided not to hide their identities. Craig already knew who they were, and it would be more trouble than he wanted to deal with trying to cover everything. If the situation turned ugly, they would resort to tampering with memories but only as a last-ditch effort. The entire premise of The Order was based on Free Will, and he wanted the willing cooperation of the families.
Loy gave Ken the signal once the families were in the ballroom and waiting.
Ken: This is gonna’ be interestin.’ Let’s hope they don’t freak out completely.
Brad: Expect the worst, and hope for the best with these guys, Ken.
Lane: Hopefully, they aren’t the same tools we remember, but from the way Craig’s dad treated him I’m doubtful.
Ken: Okay, here goes nothin’. I want ‘ta make an impression. B, you got us covered?
Brad grinned: I’m on it.
Ken, Brad, and the others filed into the ballroom, effectively invisible due to an external Construct from Brad. As couples, they positioned themselves around the seated families, holding hands.
When Brad dropped the illusion, there were gasps of surprise and a little fear as they appeared out of nowhere.
With his typical false bravado, Hampton stood up, about to make a blustery exclamation when his eyes landed on Brad and Ken. His double-take was almost comical and quickly changed to a look of disbelief. His eyes darted to Lane and Bryan, and then around the group, taking in each couple.
“Whetherson? Dutcher? It can’t be you! You’ve hardly changed… none of you have! What’s going on!?”
“I’ll get right ‘ta the point Hampton. You and your family…” Ken’s eyes scanned all of them as he spoke, “… and the rest of you are all in a great deal of danger. We’re here ‘ta offer our help and protect you, and we’re about ‘ta get your sons back and keep you someplace safe. As difficult as it is ‘ta understand, your lives are on hold. I’m sorry it has ‘ta be that way, but you’ve landed in the middle of a fight you know nothin’ about.”
Craig’s father Kent spoke up, “Are you kidnapping us? I’m going to call the General and see what he has to say about this!”
Craig spoke up, “The General is part of the problem, Dad. He’s been ordered to kill all of us after Jake and the others are executed.”
Kent turned on his son and almost shouted, “Are you involved in this!? How could you get mixed up in something like this and endanger your mother and me, and your brother!?”
Kevin’s voice was hard, surprising Bill and even Ken, who had known Kevin longer than any of them. Kevin was a very controlled individual and rarely showed anger, but Kent’s continued ill-treatment of Craig pushed a button in him.
“Let me tell you something, Peterson! Your son is a brave man! Not a KID! He’s already shown what kind of man he is by putting his life on the line to save Jacob and the rest of you. He’s more of a man than you ever were, and you will start treating him with a little more love and respect as of right now! Do I make myself clear!?”
A loud rumble of thunder in the skies of Washington, DC accompanied Kevin’s outburst, reflecting his anger. Kevin dropped his Shield momentarily, revealing his anger, shocking and scaring Kent Peterson so bad he almost pissed in his pants.
Ken: Not helpin,’ Kev.
Kevin: Sorry, Ken, but I can’t stand seeing him treat Craig that way. God, he’s such as ass.
Ken continued, “With Craig’s help we got the Intel we needed from the General to locate Jacob and the others. We’ll be extractin’ them in a few minutes after we get all of you ‘ta safety. Craig’s right about the General and Major Tidwell. We know there are others, but they’re the only two we’ve identified so far, which means you shouldn’t trust anyone in Washington right now except us.”
Kent looked pale, staring wide-eyed at Kevin, but Hampton asked, “Why should we trust you? How can you show up after all these years and look like you do? What’s going on?”
Ken replied, “We’ll explain more once we have Jacob and the others back. One good reason you can trust us is that you’re still alive. We’re the good guys. I told you, you’ve landed in a fight you know nothin’ about, and you don’t want ‘ta tangle with the bad guys without our help.”
Craig spoke up, saying, “I trust them, dad. You should too. Stop being a jerk and let them get Jake back safe. They have to hurry.”
Craig glanced at Kevin and received a wink of reassurance and support.
Brad asked, “Will you cooperate? If you want our protection and our help you need to let us know. We’re being honest with you, this will completely disrupt your lives, maybe for a few years, but you will get your sons back safe. It’s going to be hard, but that’s the reality. Our condition is you have to agree to cooperate, and we’ll know if you’re telling the truth.”
Ken said, “We’ll give you five minutes ‘ta talk it over amongst yourselves. After that, if anyone wants ‘ta leave they can. We’ll get your sons back regardless, but if you refuse our help, you’ll be on your own.”
The scene that unfolded would have been comical if it had been under different circumstances. All of the wives, including Craig’s mother, started soundly berating their husbands, and a few of them even hit their husbands in the arm or chest. The consensus was that their spouses were asses and needed to do whatever necessary to get their sons back.
Ken, Bryan, Kevin, Ricky, and Pat, with their enhanced hearing, heard every word and it sounded like a cackling hen house, grating on their nerves.
Trying to lighten the mood, Brad sent a private thought to Ken.
After seeing them interact, I guess I’m not so bad, huh?
Ken coughed, trying to cover the snort that burst out of him at Brad’s comment.
Ken: My God B, if I had ‘ta listen to that for any length of time, I’d go insane.
In less than two minutes Hampton moved over to Ken and said, “We’ll do whatever you need us to do. Just get our boys back.”
Brad looked directly at Hampton, not just the man but deep inside him. The Brokenness and bitterness were brutally painful and harsh, but he felt the need to look. Brad pitied Hampton and what he had become and when he looked deep, he realized he was partly to blame for Hampton’s attitude.
Even before the Program Brad had been smart, but after the genetic alterations by the doctor, his intelligence level was even higher. Brad didn’t realize in his interactions with Hampton he came across as arrogant. It was never his intent, but to Hampton, who wasn’t a bright man, he came across as demeaning, which planted seeds for the animosity that grew between them.
Brad knew he wasn’t responsible for how Hampton reacted or the decisions he made throughout his life that led him to be who he was, but it made him sad to think he contributed to Hampton’s unhappiness. However, with Brad’s Avatar he couldn’t help his Compassion for Hampton and the other four men. He had a glimpse through the part of his Avatar that came from Lane of what these men could have become if they had been happy and content, and it pained him to see how far they missed the mark.
Ken and Brad were deeply merged, and Ken felt the sadness in his partner and heard his thoughts. Inside, where their Souls were One, Ken wrapped his arms around Brad.
B, you know you aren’t responsible. He made his decisions and reacted the way he did; you see that as clearly as I do. Don’t beat yourself up. Yeah, we were young and cocky after the Program…we were SEALS, trained ‘ta be confident, but you never did a single thing ‘ta intentionally hurt him. None of us did. He was an immature prick, and he’s no better as an adult. I feel sorry for him too, but I don’t take any responsibility for how he chose ‘ta live his life, and you can’t either. And you never know, it might not be too late for him ‘ta change.
Brad: You know I’m supposed to be the smart one, right?
Ken chuckled: You are! I’m just pointin’ out what I see inside you. Your Compassion is blindin’ you at the moment. Remember I have a Ph.D. in Brad Wilson, so I have an advantage.
Brad: Thanks, Ken. I love you.
Ken, not caring if Hampton or the others saw, moved over and put his arms around Brad in a hug.
I love you too, B.
Meanwhile, Pat and Bryan collected and organized the luggage into a nice neat stack. Lane Listened and filled them with a burst of Power. With no warning to the normals, Darren and the entire pile of luggage disappeared.
Craig was wide-eyed, and Ken gave him that little kid grin and said, “I told ‘ya you’d have an idea of how we can get ‘ta Jacob in time. Pretty cool, huh?”
Darren was only gone long enough to move the luggage off the platform in the Australian Base and clear it for bringing everyone else there.
Ken used his Captain’s voice to get their attention and to calm them down, “Okay everybody. We’re takin’ you ‘ta a safe facility. Don’t be afraid; you won’t feel anythin’.”
Darren said loudly, “Everybody gather close, and relax.”
The Team formed a ring around the families. Craig was the only one who didn’t look nervous, instead wearing a grin on his face along with a wide-eyed sense of wonder.
Taking the entire Team plus the five families pushed Darren, even with their Avatars synchronized. The families couldn’t see the ghostly image of Yggdrasil or the Animal Spirits swimming and flying around the room, filling the men with Power. They did perceive a slight glow and a pervading warmth that touched their Souls as the men surrounding them embraced one another with their Hearts, Minds, and Souls. Power filled them as Darren visualized the platform in Australia, and they vanished.
A few minutes after they arrived in Australia, Darren teleported back to Atlanta and brought Albrecht, Kelly, and Sally back to look after their guests. The doctor remained in Atlanta with Henry, Drew, and the Keenan’s.
Seeing the families with their luggage sent the same thought through their Minds; they were nearly at maximum capacity to hide and protect anyone else from The Enemy. They would have to think long and hard about how to proceed if they needed to help more people in the future.
As soon as Sally, Kelly, and Albrecht arrived to organize everyone, Ken gave the order to suit up. Each couple moved to their small private rooms, changing into their new Kevlar assault gear. They used Heckler & Koch Mk 23 Mod 0’s for handguns with extra ammunition in case they needed weapons, plus other gadgets supplied by the doctor; fiber optic cameras, C4 with detonators, emergency first aid kits, and numerous other things. The new suits even incorporated automated external defibrillators and EPI pens in case of extreme trauma.
The upgraded technology Darren and Pat had developed with the doctor allowed for encrypted satellite communication anywhere on the planet. Even with the new weapons and gadgetry, their Bodies and Minds were their primary weapons of preference, but it was comforting to have the equipment as a backup.
By the time they were geared up and back on the platform, Darren was fully recovered. The Mentalists created external constructs of black Didashah and Shumaq, the robes and head coverings of the locals at the target area. It was late evening in Baiji, and the dark robes covering their suits would help them blend in if anyone happened to see them.
The main Operations board displayed a satellite map of Baiji, which Brad used as a visual reference. His eyes flashed White as he cast his Mind across the globe from Uluru, Australia to Syria. Once he got close, Brad skimmed Minds, moving across the area until he located a Mosque in Baiji.
A strong presence of the Enemy permeated the area, but Kevin suppressed Brad’s Aura and was confident no one could detect him. He entered the Mind of an Akhoond who was alone in the building and sent a Compulsion to go into a private hall and lock the doors.
Darren, through Brad, used the eyes of the Akhoond for his visual lock. Collectively their eyes flashed White as a bright ribbon of Power flowed through them. Their robes billowed from the hot wind blowing around them, and Brad opened Craig’s Mind enough for him to see them as they were in the Spiritual Realm. Their Powerful warmth washed over Craig, and he saw them as brightly glowing pillars of Light. Craig made eye contact with Kevin, who grinned and winked at him just before they vanished.
Craig’s eyes nearly popped out of his head when he saw them as they truly were. He had no idea who, or even what they were, but seeing them revealed, Craig knew Jacob’s chances of coming home were better than ever.
Drained emotionally and physically to exhaustion, Jacob couldn’t find sleep and hadn’t in days. The terror of what he and the other soldiers faced at sunrise wouldn’t let his Mind slow down. Past the fear, his thoughts of Craig and his parents and what they must be going through consumed him. When he allowed his thoughts to stray, he wondered if he would be the first to die.
As terrified as he was, Jacob secretly hoped he would be first. If he were, it would give the other men an extra day for a rescue attempt or for circumstances to change. It sounded brave, but he admitted guilt underlying his motivations; it would end his suffering. Cowardice followed guilt, but he couldn’t help it and berated himself.
Squirming against the ropes, he stifled a groan. His bruised body ached from the beatings, and his arms had been pinned behind him for days. Occasionally Jacob heard the other men move or groan and wished for some way to comfort them, but they learned the hard way about disobeying the command not to talk amongst themselves. A few of the soldiers were crying; it was hard to hear with the sacks over their heads, but the sound was unmistakable.
None of the hostages had seen the faces of their fellow prisoners. They were fed one at a time, with just enough sustenance to keep them alive, but too weak to resist. The fight slowly drained out of them as they realized their captors had no intentions of letting them live.
Even so, Jacob tried his best to be brave and not show fear. He didn’t regret his decision to join the Marines; if anything, his circumstances convinced him he made the right decision. The type of evil he faced needed to be stopped. Jacob didn’t want to die, but if he had to die for his country, he wished it would be in a nobler manner than being helplessly bound and beheaded.
That thought pissed him off, and the anger drove his resistance for a time, until the fear and guilt returned, starting the cycle over again.
Fuck I hope they make it fast.
Thinking of the pain he would have to endure almost debilitated him if he dwelled on it, so he tried to distract himself.
Trying to focus on happy memories, Jake remembered playing football with Craig in their backyard, and Thanksgiving dinners at his grandparent’s house. He was so proud of Craig. Jacob had practically raised his younger brother on his own and did the best he could.
When he and Craig were kids, their father stayed drunk and their mother doped up on sedatives, and if either parent was coherent too long it usually meant an argument. Jacob finally had a man-to-man talk with his father when he turned eighteen, threatening to take Craig and leave if his parents didn’t get their act together. It worked, and things improved, but he couldn’t wait for Craig to finish college, join the Marines, and get out of the house.
His sorrow when he realized he wouldn’t be there for Craig anymore hit him hard. It was that thought that broke him; not the fear of the pain or getting beaten, but the fear of Craig not having his older brother to look out for him.
The sensation of something crawling on his leg jerked Jacob’s awareness back to the present. He didn’t want to draw the attention of the guards by making too much noise but tried to shake off whatever it was. He heard rats all the time, and they seemed to be getting bolder. The thought of one crawling on him creeped him out.
Whatever it was appeared to be gone. He stayed still and tried to listen, but it was difficult with the sack over his head. It seemed quiet again, but after a minute, he felt the oddest sensation. Something tapped his leg lightly three times, and after a pause of a few seconds, and he felt it again.
The weight on his leg returned, this time by his knees. He started to squirm and shake it off but whatever it was tapped him again. One. Two. Three. It was deliberate.
Jacob had no idea what was happening but stayed still, while his heart raced. It moved forward another few inches and tapped again. One. Two. Three. Whatever it was weighed a few pounds so if it was a rat, it was a big one. How could a rat count? It didn’t make sense.
It moved further up, pausing every few inches and tapping him slow and methodical, and he somehow got the sense it didn’t want him to panic. He had just calmed down but almost jumped out of his skin again when two more of the mysterious creatures crawled up on his legs. The tapping repeated in unison. One. Two. Three. Jacob was starting to freak out but forced himself to stay calm. Maybe, just maybe, beyond all hope, it was help. He held still, and they moved up his body.
The creatures moved faster once he kept still. One crawled up, perching on his shoulder, and the other two went over his shoulders, one on either side, leaning their weight on the ropes binding him. Little jerking motions of their bodies ensued, and in another minute the ropes around his arms and shoulders went slack. Pain shot through his body at the sudden movement, and he inhaled sharply, biting down hard to stifle a groan. Hopefully the sack covering his head muffled the hiss of pain that slipped out.
Their weight left his shoulders and he felt paws on his hands, down behind his back, and in another few seconds his hands were free. His hands and arms felt like thousands of ice-cold needles were shooting into his skin as his circulation returned. Jacob had no idea how that could be happening, but he almost cried with relief, not just from his arms being free of the pain, but that somehow help seemed to have found him.
The rat still on his shoulder dug at the edge of the sack, burrowing under the rough cloth, and its furry body rubbed against his neck. He felt a tickling sensation, and he realized it was licking the wound on his neck. That grossed him out, and the thought of catching some disease ran through his head, but then he laughed at himself.
That’s a pretty damn good problem to have compared to what I was facing even a few seconds ago.
It took a few minutes for his circulation to come back. He was slow to resettle himself, trying not to do anything that would draw the attention of the guards. Slowly, Jacob reached up, edging the sack up to his eyes. He was in luck; the room was dimly lit, and there was only one guard, seated and facing away from him. It appeared the man was using a smartphone or tablet from the nimbus of light his body shielded. Jason noticed earbuds and realized the guard was listening to music.
Jacob reached up, gently picking up the rat, and even though it only weighed a few pounds sharp pain shot through his right shoulder. He transferred the rat to his left hand and held it up in the dim light. The rat stayed docile in his hand.
As soon as he looked into its tiny black eyes, Loy said: Gotcha!
Jacob spun around assuming a defensive stance, completely shocked and surprised, surrounded by a group of men in full black assault gear. Their faces weren’t covered, and relief showed on their faces.
“Where am I!? How did I get here!?”
Jacob looked at his uniform, now whole and clean. His wounds were gone! He was in no pain!
Loy stepped forward, holding his hands out in a placating gesture, “Relax Jacob. We’re friends.”
Jacob recognized the voice from when he picked up the rat.
“We’ve got a lot to tell you…”
Jacob didn’t know what to make of anything he heard. The revelation that a Supernatural Enemy kidnapped him as a pawn was difficult enough to swallow. The fact no time was passing as they talked in their Minds while his body was still held captive was almost too much to take in.
Jacob listened, figuring he had no choice since there was no door out of the room they were in. The men surrounding him exuded a peculiar air, especially the leader, a guy named Ken. Ken’s words sank into Jacob in a strange and bizarre way, and Jacob knew they were telling him the truth.
He sat and listened quietly until Ken said, “Okay, Jacob, ask away. I know ‘ya got questions. We’ll answer what we can and be upfront about the ones we can’t.”
“How do I know any of this is real? I could be hallucinating this entire situation. I haven’t eaten in days, and I’m dehydrated.”
It was Brad who answered, “Well, I guess you won’t until we send you back to your body. When you feel the pain in your shoulders and arms again and are in the room with your fellow hostages, you’ll have to decide if you believe us. Now that we’re in contact with your Mind you’ll continue to hear us, and you can talk to us as well.”
“Okay. Why the rats? If you can talk in my head, I don’t get that, other than them chewing through the ropes. Why didn’t you contact me that way? Like that bald guy in the X-Men movies.”
Brad grinned as he replied, “Because you’re surrounded by some very powerful and Evil beings Jake, otherwise I could have. There are protections around you and the others keeping us from doing that. We have a few tricks up our sleeve that allowed us to circumvent those protections; Loy’s ability with animals is one of them. The rats are beneath their notice, and even then, we had to be extremely careful in using them.
“We hoped to get in, free you, and evac without any confrontation, but it looks like that’s not going to happen. We’re close to where you’re being held, but there’s something in our way, a barrier we can’t cross. We didn’t expect that, so we need you to take out the guard in your cell and get the other four men on their feet. We’ll need your help in getting them to us.”
Jacob took everything in and prayed he wasn’t hallucinating. These men had to be some sort of secret Black Ops SEAL team, the kind that technically doesn’t exist. That frightened him, for himself and his family, afraid if he saw or heard too much things wouldn’t go well for him.
Bryan stepped forward at Jake’s thoughts, hearing his concerns. Bryan, the gentle giant, knelt and put his hand on Jacob’s shoulder looking him in the eyes and saying, “You got nothing to worry about Jake. We’re the good guys. These ladies here are the best fuckers on the planet. You got part of it right. We used to be a SEAL Team, but we aren’t anymore. Your life is going to change pretty drastically for a while. We got your family and your brother safe, but you’re all going to have to stay hidden once we get you out of here. Not forever, but for a while.”
Jacob’s anxiety spiked when Bryan mentioned Craig, and he would have come out of his chair if Bryan’s big hand wasn’t on his shoulder, holding him down.
“Craig’s with you guys? He’s okay? Mom and Dad are okay?”
Lane, with his usual mischievous grin, said, “Yeah, Craig’s at one of our safe houses along with your mom and dad. Your little bro is something, Jake. He helped us get the Intel to find you. You owe him big time.”
Despite the situation, Jacob smiled and said, “That little fucker. I’m going to kick his ass for putting himself in danger for me; but, hell yeah, little bro!”
Ken smiled and said, “He kept his wits about him in a rough situation Jake. You did a good job raisin’ him. You’re a fine man and soldier; you should be proud of both of you.”
Jacob’s eyes misted over and as he thought about Craig and he said, “I am proud of him. He could have so easily become fucked up in our dysfunctional family, but he didn’t.”
Ken said, “He had a great role model.”
Jacob sighed and said, “Alright, I guess I don’t have any more questions. Well, I do, but I think I believe you so they can wait until later. What can I do?”
Brad said, “Jake if it’s alright with you, I’d like to look through your memories. Your Mind holds details you might not be consciously aware of that I can pick up on, but I’ll only do that with your permission. So far, we’re just on the surface of your Mind, and we can hear your conscious thoughts and feel your emotions. We don’t like to go deeper without permission. I promise to keep things only to what I need and not look any deeper.”
Jacob looked nervous, but after a moment of silence, he said, “Go ahead, but it’s not pretty.”
Brad’s eyes flashed White, and his soothing presence flowed into Jake. He flinched at the unfamiliar sensation, but quickly realized it was nice, even comforting. Jacob relaxed into the warmth of Brad’s presence, whose unshielded Aura touched the young soldier Soul in a way he had never felt before.
Jacob’s eyes widened, and tears filled his eyes as he muttered, “Oh my God…”
Brad relived Jacob’s life over the past few weeks, taking Ken and the others with him, using their surveillance expertise to observe every detail. Between Bill’s and Brad’s Avatars, they pieced together what happened.
Jacob’s Commanding Officer was involved and sent him into the ambush where he was captured. He was the only survivor in his unit, and they felt every blow as Jacob was beaten and tortured. His physical abuse was more for pleasure than to debilitate him. His thoughts, emotions, and experiences became theirs.
Just as it was with Greg Rawlins when they met him at the Waffle House, much of the pettiness and deceit had been burned out of Jacob through his suffering, and what remained was pure and noble. They saw how he retreated to his happy memories of playing football with Craig, and even though his relationship with his parents wasn’t great, how he still thought of them and was more worried about what they were going through than his own situation.
It restored a little bit of their faith in humanity to see what was inside Jacob. There were still good men in the world, just not enough.
Inside Jacob’s memories, they heard snatches of conversation in Arabic that Pat was able to Understand even though Jacob didn’t speak the language. They didn’t get a name, but his captors referred to a number of powerful men in charge. There was no way to tell how many of the terrorists might be Enemy Agents versus human servants, but it sounded like there might be quite a few Agents there.
Brad withdrew and smiled at Jacob. He winked, saying, “You have a well-ordered Mind Jake and don’t take this the wrong way, but that wasn’t nearly as unpleasant as I expected. Most of the time, seeing people on the inside isn’t very pretty. I didn’t look deep, but I can tell you’re a good man.”
Jacob didn’t even realize he was crying until he tried to talk. He swiped his eyes and lowered his head in embarrassment. He blushed at the praise and asked, “Did you see anything helpful?”
Brad said, “Yes, and the more we know, the better off we are.”
Jacob asked, “So, what’s next?”
Ken asked him, “Jake, do you think you can take that guard out without makin’ any noise?”
Jacob frowned and said, “I’m not sure, Sir. My arms and shoulders are pretty bad off from being tied up for so long, and I’m dehydrated and haven’t eaten in days. If I get the jump on him, I’d say I have a 50/50 chance, to be honest.”
He hung his head and said quietly, “Probably not what you wanted to hear.”
Ken looked at Lane and asked, “Do you think we can do anythin’ about that with those Runes up?”
Lane nodded saying, “Now that we’re connected with Jake, it might be possible. The issue is the rats; we can’t channel too much power through them, or we’ll kill them. I think we can manage to fix Jake, but we’ll have to wait on the other guys until they’re with us.”
Ken looked at Jake and said, “I hate ‘ta put that on ‘ya Jake, but if we get ‘ya back in fightin’ shape you’ll have ‘ta take the brunt of gettin’ the other hostages out and makin’ it to us.”
Wide-eyed, Jacob asked, “How can you do that?”
Lane grinned, replying, “Like I told Craig, there’s more to us than meets the eye.”
Ken looked at Jacob and asked again, “So if we get ‘ya patched up can we count on you?”
Jacob grinned, looking at them and boldly said, “Not only yes, but hell yes, Sir.”
Ken smiled back.
“Good man. You’ve been through a lot Jacob, and I hate askin’ you ‘ta do more, but we need your help to get the others out safe. I’m proud of you.”
Jacob blushed again, “Just earning my pay, Sir, such as it is.”
Brad said, “Okay, Jacob… No time has passed for your body while we’ve been talking, so you’re still holding the rat. I know they creep you out, but we need to use them as a conduit to Heal you. Now that we’re in contact with your Mind, we can continue to talk with you so you won’t feel alone. We’ll talk you through everything once you’re ready to take out the guard.”
Ken asked, “One more question, Jake. Have you killed anyone in hand-to-hand combat before?”
Jacob replied, “No, Sir. I’ve had the training but have never had to use it. I’ve killed with my weapon before, but not with my hands.”
“Are you sure you can do it?”
“Yes, Sir! To protect the others, I know I can.”
“Okay. Just don’t think about it. Do it and keep movin,’ and don’t dwell on it. There’ll be plenty of time later ‘ta think about it, and you’ll have any of us ‘ta talk to once we have you out safe.”
“Thank you, Sir.”
Brad said, “Alright, Jake, I’m sending you back to your body in five…four…three…two…”
Instantly the pain and discomfort came back to Jacob’s awareness as he heard Brad’s final countdown in his head …One.
Brad: We’re still with you, Jake.
Jacob knew Brad was grinning.
You’re not hallucinating.
Jacob kept his eyes on the guard, who thankfully was still focused on his phone, his head bobbing in tune to whatever music he was listening to. Jacob thought to himself: Probably Lady Gaga.
Lane chuckled, and Jacob blushed, forgetting they could hear his thoughts.
Relax Jake; this won’t take long.
With Jacob in the Link, he saw tendrils of White energy seep out of the rats and into his body, and he immediately felt the effect. Lane kept the flows gentle, which took longer, but was easier on Jacob’s body and the rats. Loy kept the little creatures calm as their bodies became a conduit for the Power they sent to Heal the young soldier.
Jacob had never felt anything like it in his life; the dehydration, nausea, and weakness from malnutrition vanished. He was no longer hungry, and his body felt refreshed and healthy again. Cuts and bruises covering his body faded, the only evidence bloodstains on his tattered uniform.
He set the rat down, and the three rodents moved to his feet, chewing through the last of the ropes binding him. Brad and the others felt his wonder, even a little fear over the Healing, but like a good soldier, Jacob stayed focused, concentrating on the task in front of him.
I’m free. Here goes nothing.
Jacob took advantage of the guard’s distraction, creeping up behind him and snapping his neck. He remembered the maneuver from training and was surprised at how easy it was. As he caught the body before it fell and made any noise, he couldn’t help the thought: I wonder if he has a family?
Jacob was reaching for the rifle leaning against the wall when the door opened. His stomach lurched as he made eye contact with a man standing in the doorway. His eyes were dark brown, almost black, and he was inhumanly handsome. He had short dark hair with a full goatee neatly trimmed, and even covered in black robes his body seemed thick with muscle.
Orophir glanced at the rats and realizing one of the hostages was free, knew what happened. His eyes flashed White, and the three rats squealed as the bonds holding their Spirit’s to their small bodies snapped. Loy wasn’t prepared for that, and in his room across the street he bent over at the sudden pain and loss of his little friends.
As soon as Orophir moved close enough to Jacob, the Amulet he wore broke the Link. It was a new Matrix of his own design, containing the trapped essence of lesser Nephilim. His father had more than enough servants and wouldn’t miss the few he kept imprisoned for his purposes.
Brad’s presence disappeared, and Jacob knew he was in trouble. In desperation, Jacob launched himself at the man hoping to incapacitate him quickly with as little noise as possible. Orophir was a Nephilim in human form, with strength, speed, and agility beyond human, and Jacob didn’t stand a chance. He effortlessly caught Jacob and sent him flying across the room, slamming his body into the wall and knocking the young soldier unconscious. Orophir heard bones crunch and hoped he hadn’t been overzealous.
Orophir: Azaziel, as we suspected, the Warriors of The Order are here. Make sure they do not leave alive. My father will be most displeased if you fail.
Azaziel’s voice sounded like grating rocks: You doubt me?
Until these new Warriors are dead once and for all, yes. They are stronger than you think.
Brad’s Link with Jacob severed as Loy doubled over.
Ken: B!? What just happened!?
Brad: Shit! It’s Orophir! I saw his face just as the Link severed. He’s not strong enough to do that on his own, so he must have some new toys.
Ken: Fuck! Okay, we knew this wasn’t gonna be easy. God, I hope Jacob’s alright! Their plan was ‘ta start the executions at sunrise. We’ll have ‘ta wait until Jacob and the others are in the open, then make our move.
Brad took them all deep into a Construct to revise their strategy. They compartmentalized their concern and anxiety for Jacob and focused on a new plan.
The entire setup was a trap for them, and Orophir now knew they were there. Ken was certain the execution of the first prisoner would still occur at sunrise to draw them out.
Ken’s handsome face hardened and his Avatar glowed brighter as he brought the others in. Everyone felt his anger and focus, pushing into them and fueling them. They were getting tired of losing friends and would suffer no more losses. The trap was sprung, but unknowingly, the Enemy just kicked the anthill.
The blackness of the night slipped into pre-dawn grey. The skies remained dark as the clouds over Baiji were thick and heavy, filled with lightning. There was no rain, but a cold wind blew, and the town was afraid. Warfare had taken over the streets keeping the residents scared and in their houses. The devastation of the ongoing conflict was evident from rubble filling the streets.
Jacob remained unconscious for hours, but his fellow hostages couldn’t sleep. As exhausted as they were, their fear, pain, and the cold of their cell kept them awake. One of them tried to escape; the commotion was unclear since they couldn’t see or hear clearly. Talking wasn’t allowed, so they remained silent, scared and isolated, knowing at least one of them was about to die.
Their stomachs knotted when guards entered their cell, roughly forcing them to their feet. The captives stumbled more than walked, their captors pushing them and laughing when they fell. Jacob was barely conscious, and the sack over his head again. His body was on fire, and he was barely coherent. Before they made it out of the building, he collapsed, unable to walk, so they dragged him. He fought to remain quiet and prayed Ken and the others were still nearby and had a plan.
Their captors didn’t speak English, but their taunts and jeers were obvious, trying to demoralize the broken soldiers even further. With their uniforms in tatters, the icy wind bit into their skin, and they shivered from cold and fear. Like Jacob, the other soldiers were resigned to the fact they were going to die. It wasn’t fear of death; it was fear of how they would die that terrified them. Unconsciously, and unanimously, they didn’t want to disgrace their country or their uniforms by screaming. He didn’t scream, but PFC Hampton broke off, trying to run but was quickly caught and beaten so severely they had to carry his body the rest of the way.
The Market area was clear, and any carts left overnight had been pushed into the center and used as fuel for a huge bonfire. The terrorists not taunting or guarding the hostages gathered by the fire, warming their hands and talking amongst themselves.
Their leader had everything staged for his performance. The hostages were on their knees, bound, with their heads still covered, positioned in a line and far apart. A news van parked nearby was ready to broadcast and record everything.
Lightning thickened and thunder ripped across the sky as the biting wind whipped harder.
Orophir, aware of their Avatars and what they were capable of, gave orders to have animals of any kind in the area destroyed. Loy felt each passing over the next few hours after they lost contact with Jacob. His anger built with every death, and he called the Spirits to him, sending them on with his blessing to be Reborn.
The doctor’s voice came through loud and clear in their earpieces, “I have current satellite imagery of the Market area. The hostages are staged for their cameras. I am initiating a live feed to your HUD’s. Darren, I believe the image is good enough for your use to Teleport. There is a two-second time variance due to signal latency from the satellite, so be aware. Patrick can help you account for that.”
Ken double-clicked his earpiece in acknowledgment. Orophir had done an excellent job of countering their attempts to reconnect with Jake. They were cut off from the doctor for a few seconds, but with his new computers he broke through their encryption in seconds, boosted his signal, and re-established communications.
On their HUD’s, they watched the terrorist leader strut back and forth in front of the hostages, his demeanor arrogant and cocky as he verbally abused the captives in English.
The hostages had to be wearing an Amulet or Runes from Orophir that kept Darren from pulling them out, so they were about to engage in a full-on assault. They had all been itching for a fight anyway. The Enemy needed a good ass-kicking, and it was the perfect opportunity while rescuing the hostages.
As soldiers, the guys were incensed at what Jacob and the other soldiers were going through. It pained them to see fellow soldiers bound and tortured, bringing back memories of their own time in Syria as SEALS and living in that part of the world, dealing with the heat and the cold and the deaths of friends. Ken let their anger build, knowing they would stay focused and in control, but also drive them to not hold back. He wanted to strike the Enemy and let them know who they were dealing with.
As soon as the terrorist leader pointed to Jake, indicating he was the first one to die, Ken gave the signal.
An enormous bolt of lightning arced down from the heavens, so thick and bright it blinded anyone nearby. A hundred yards above the ground, it branched, splitting into ten forks. The crack of thunder accompanying the lightning was deafening. Ken said he wanted to make an entrance, and Brad, Lane, and Darren cooked up a good one.
Underneath their headgear, their eyes were White, and their tattoos glowed brightly as they appeared in the Market. They were filled with Power from across the Veil, Yggdrasil, Animal Spirits, and the Music of Creation. They were more potent than they had ever been, and they came down like a sledgehammer on the Enemy.
Lane: Whoever wants fighting music tune into Lane Radio. I have a separate Link running with music Bry and I have been playing around with.
Ken knew it wouldn’t interfere and they had come to like it. He left the decision to them, but every one of them tapped in to see what Lane had for them. Bryan learned the drum piece to “Bedroom Hymns” by Florence + The Machine, and Lane did everything else plus the lyrics.
As soon as they appeared they were in motion, facing hundreds of men with weapons, mostly automatic rifles, but there were a few rocket launchers in the mix.
Brad, his Avatar synchronized with Lane, Loy, Darren, and Bill, sent out an explosion of Psychic energy that shattered any Shields protecting them. A few Enemy Agents whose Minds were Open dropped as their Minds were blown away by his assault, and their protection over the Minds of the normals collapsed, leaving them defenseless.
Now they were physically present with Jacob and the other hostages Brad brought them into a light Link. The Team was One, their Souls merged tightly, shining with the Light of a star in the Spiritual Realm.
Behind the darkness of their hoods, through the Link, the captive soldiers were suddenly immersed in the warm liquid light washing over their Souls. Their breath caught in their chests at the extreme and unexpected feeling of hope and warmth. They didn’t understand it, but it drove the fear out of them.
Ken’s voice entered their Minds: We got you fellas. Just hold tight and let us take care of these guys. We’ll have you free in a few minutes. You’re all goin’ back ‘ta your families.
Unimaginable relief hit them from the Conviction of Ken’s words, cutting through their pain and confusion. Each of them felt Ken’s steady hand on their back or shoulder, and they knew he spoke the Truth.
They also heard Lane’s music. He chose the song not only because Bryan wanted to learn the drum piece, but because the lyrics were oddly appropriate and meaningful.
Lane grinned at Loy.
At least it wasn’t Simon and Garfunkel this time!
Darren could have killed The Enemy single-handedly, but Ken would never ask him to do that unless there was absolutely no other way. Darren was prepared just in case, but their training paid off, and there was no need. In less than three minutes, the hundreds of men in front of them were either dead or incapacitated, without a single blow landing on any of the Team.
They were a swath of death through the terrorists. The inhuman speed, grace, and agility with which they fought were breathtaking. Working in unison, their attacks coordinated, they often used one another in choreographed maneuvers practiced repeatedly and executed flawlessly. They were perfect, fulfilling their role in fighting The Enemy.
Earlier, Ken had pondered various ways to approach the fight. Brad or any of the Mentalists could have killed The Enemy with their Minds or their Avatars. Not wanting to tip their hand and reveal just how powerful they had become, Ken opted to keep the fight physical with minimal psychic intervention. Darren and the Mentalists reflected any bullets, but aside from that, they mowed their opponents down like a hot knife through butter with their hands, elbows, legs, feet, and occasional head-butts.
As soon as they arrived, Bill’s and Patrick’s Avatars reacted to the Evil around them. Not the town or the residents, but the terrorists who were willing Servants of The Enemy. As such, their lives were forfeit, decimated in a blur of death, struck down by the weapons Ken and his Brother’s had forged themselves into.
The entire fight was filmed; Brad and Darren made sure the media van recorded everything. Before they evacuated with the hostages, the plan was to get the recording and leak it onto the internet to show the rescue and the terrorists getting their asses handed to them. The doctor was not a fan of the idea, but Ken insisted. There was no way to identify any of the Team with their heads covered. Ken knew many people would think it a hoax, but he wanted to shove it in the Enemy’s face.
The hostages were still bound with their heads covered. Even amidst the noise of the initial gunfire they held still, not understanding what was happening but trusting the voice that spoke in their Hearts and Minds.
To them, the fight seemed to take forever, but in truth, it lasted a little over three minutes. The only reason it took so long was there were so many opponents it took time for all of them to come within arm’s reach to die. Coincidentally, Lane’s music ended as the last of the bodies fell, and the Market became deathly silent.
Once the noise stopped, Jacob felt the ropes vanish as Darren freed all of them from their bindings. Brad, Lane, Loy, Darren, and Bill all knelt and removed the sacks covering their heads.
Brad was calm as he asked, “You guys ready to get out of here?”
After the darkness of the sacks the men squinted, their eyes filled with tears of relief. Brad noticed the sacks covering their heads had runes embroidered with silver threading in the lining.
Brad: Dar?
Darren: Yeah, those hoods were keeping me from grabbing them. I’m going to take them back to study and have the doc look at them.
Ken and the Body’s kept a defensive ring around the hostages while Brad and his group helped them stand if they were able. It was decided before the fight any Healing would wait until they were back in Australia unless it was critical.
Jake’s voice was weak as he said, “Fuck me, Sirs, am I glad to see you. I wasn’t sure what you were going to do after that guy knocked me for a loop.”
Ken knew they weren’t scot-free yet. Orophir still hadn’t made an appearance, and they were ready and prepared for whatever came next.
As if Ken’s thoughts summoned their Nephilim antagonist, Orophir stepped into the Market from around the corner. He was human-sized, and dressed similar to Istariel, except his robes were jet black; his cowl was pulled back revealing his inhumanly handsome face.
Orophir’s voice was rich and deep, and he smiled saying, “You made that look effortless.”
Ken’s voice was hard and confident as he retorted, “Don’t fuck with us Orophir. We’ve kicked your ass once already, even with the Amulet, and there were only four of us.”
Orophir frowned at Ken’s words. How did they know his name, and what was he referring to?
“You knew we wouldn’t have any trouble with these men. Why did you sacrifice them?”
“After Azaziel kills you, he will need sustenance. I am not here to fight you. This area is under his Dominion, and you will face him. I am merely an observer.”
Their stomachs clenched in a cold knot indicating danger. Ken and the other Bodies heard wings flapping high in the sky, even through the howling winds. Amidst flashes of lightning, a figure became visible, much larger than a human with bat-like like wings flying in the clouds.
Lane’s eyes flashed White, and he saw what would happen to Jacob and the other soldiers if they weren’t protected.
Lane shouted, “Guys! Put the sacks back over your heads fast! No matter what don’t take them off!”
The captives hadn’t seen Azaziel yet, but his cold presence touched them, striking fear in their hearts. The urgency of Lane’s words screamed at them through the Link, and they scrambled to put the hoods back on, not knowing why, but realizing it would save their lives.
Through Patrick’s Avatar, they knew Azaziel was a Fallen Angel, a Demon from Beyond the Pale. The ground shook from the impact as his huge form hit the ground, his massive body flexing and stretching his wings across the entire Market as he bellowed his challenge to The Order.
Brad wove their Energy flows into a bright white Ribbon, forming a dome over them with the hostages in the center. Azaziel’s body shifted into a cloud of seething Darkness, momentarily revealing his True Form, trying to overwhelm them with his Aura and obliterate the humans. He wasn’t an Archangel like their grandparents, but he was strong, as old as Creation, and Evil. Their Avatars glowed brightly in response, strengthening all of them.
Ken’s words filled them with Strength and Conviction as he shouted: Hold him! Fight it off!
Ken’s Avatar knitted all ten together, forging them into a single Power. It had happened before at Rick’s first Awakening when the Enemy tried to kill him. That day, Ken shouted his defiant response to the Enemy and was heard throughout the city of Atlanta, as his Avatar became a key locking them all together.
Everyone dug deep, delving into their partners, their Souls One and letting their Light be the defense against Azaziel’s Darkness. Brad felt it again; how their Avatars brightened and filled them with the Power to match what they faced. His Mind made the same connections as before, and his epiphany from the alternate reality happened again.
Brad realized he had known this before, and knew his memory had been altered, and almost certainly by whom. He was furious over the revelation, and he would soon have a talk with Raphael about it.
Their Light clashed with Azaziel’s Darkness, and they were enough.
They stood facing Azaziel in a defensive posture seemingly unfazed, and Ken asked, “Is that all you got?”
Azaziel’s black eyes widened in surprise, and then his voice, like crumbling rocks, filled their Minds.
I will break you, half-breeds. You cannot stand against me.
Lane: These guys need to come up with better catchphrases of doom. I feel like we’re fighting Durin's Bane.
Silence followed in the Link.
Lane: Come on, guys! You know…The Balrog of Moria in The Lord of the Rings?
Kevin: Yeah, but didn’t he kick Gandalf’s ass?
Lane: In the pansy-ass movie he did, but not in the books. In the books, you know Gandalf was a Maia…A lesser angelic spirit, kind of like us. He was basically a Nephilim.
Kevin: Fuck me… This Demon guy said that on purpose. He knows you’re a Tolkien fanatic, and knew if he could get you started, you’d quote the entire fucking Silmarillion to us, and we’d die of boredom.
There was a smattering of Mental snickers through the Link at Kevin’s comment.
Lane: Hey Kev, don’t be dissin’ Tolkien man, he’s the shit.
Bryan: God, I love my nerd.
Ken couldn’t help his smile but didn’t want them to relax too much.
Alright, ladies… More focus less chatter. We have a Demon’s ass to kick.
With their Avatars One, the tattoos on their shoulders transformed into the single complex Rune, and in the darkness of the morning their shoulders were bright, emitting brilliant arcs of color like small flares. Just as he had done in the alternate reality, Brad revealed the secrets of their Avatar’s to his Brothers.
The tension between the Physical and Spiritual Realms filled Patrick’s Vision. Icy rain poured from the sky with lightning so thick it was like a constant strobe light. The flashes of Power through the Heavens reflected in their White eyes as they faced an Evil they were born to confront.
Ken’s mind went back to 1992, there in Syria, on the morning the Team boarded the helicopter to fake their deaths. There had been a storm that morning over the Mediterranean Sea, and he remembered thinking even then, that storms seemed to follow the pivotal moments in their lives. He recalled the tornadoes in Atlanta the morning of their first Major Awakening, the last Procedure the doctor put them through that brought forth their Nephilim Heritage.
Barachiel sent out a call to gather as soon as he felt Azaziel’s presence. The other nine Archangels appeared instantly as they slipped out of Time and into the pocket dimension Raphael created for that specific purpose.
Raphael sighed, “This was inevitable. The spirals leading to the Confrontation are too close.”
Michael frowned with a sigh of resignation and said, “Yes, Raf, they are.”
Gabriel said, “It is futile to continue our intervention at this point. We will have to let the course of events proceed as they will.”
Raphael responded, “I agree, Gabriel. In retrospect, I believe we never should have the first time. Brad has realized I was the one who altered his memory. May he forgive me.”
Uriel, who rarely spoke in their meetings, said, “Our intervention failed because our motives were to protect our interests, rather than the benefit of our grandchildren.”
Raphael smiled, “Ahh Uriel… You speak so seldom, but, when you do, your Wisdom often surpasses my own. I believe you are right. Even we are not infallible.”
Michael looked on the fight and said, “Let us hope they prevail.”
Silence fell as they watched…Saddened already by either outcome. If any of their Grandchildren perished, their plans would come to ruin. They remembered Azaziel when he was first created, a creature of pure Light before the Dark One corrupted him, and they would mourn his destruction if he were vanquished.
Brad’s Mind took every tactical thought each one of them had and combined them into a strategy. They attacked as two groups of five – Ken, Bryan, Kevin, Patrick, and Rick physically launched themselves at Azaziel. The force of their bodies colliding against him echoed through the Market as they grappled with the Demon, pinning his arms and legs. Azaziel’s wings fluttered as he fought to maintain his balance from the weight and strength of their attack.
Brad, Lane, Darren, Loy, and Bill collectively launched thick White chains of Power, wrapping them around Azaziel and confining his movements. He bellowed in rage and pain as their Light burned against his very nature.
Azaziel was Powerful, an elemental creature of Evil, and in response to their attack, he flexed his Aura, exploding with Dark Power. They were all thrown back, but Darren was ready, and their forms blinked as he reversed their trajectories. Twisting their Bodies with inhuman grace and agility, they were right back on him, relentless in their attack.
There were old and powerful Spirits in the region that kept themselves hidden against the Evil of the Enemy, and Loy called them to join the fight. The air was thick with them as they flew around the ghostly image of the Tree of Life. Ethereal branches and roots appeared as Bryan’s Avatar glowed emerald green, wrapping around Azaziel’s body.
“Oh, my!”
The doctor and Henry watched the fight on the Operations board, both tense and afraid of what they witnessed. The doctor knew what it was they fought, and his heart nearly stopped when Azaziel first revealed himself.
They couldn’t see the Spiritual side of the battle on the screen, but they knew what was happening.
In short order, the doctor’s massive intellect pieced together the puzzle surrounding his young charges, and he had the same epiphany as Brad… again. A very brief moment of anger coursed through him over being used against his will and treated like a puppet in their creation, but his thought quickly turned to thankfulness. What the men were now, what he saw and was partly responsible for humbled him, and he sent a silent prayer of thanks for what his sons had become.
Orophir watched in disbelief as the Warriors of the Order fought Azaziel. He heard the rumors of their strength and courage but never believed they could stand against a Demon of Azaziel’s might.
His father explicitly told him not to interfere, but as the fight wore on Orophir saw a very real chance that Azaziel could lose.
Orophir’s hand went inside his robe, reaching for an Amulet, but before he could locate it a hand gripped his own with incredible strength.
Orophir’s head snapped around in surprise and looked right into the eyes of Istariel.
“You will not interfere.”
As Istariel spoke, his three cousins appeared beside him. Orophir wasn’t prepared to fight them, and he didn’t like surprises. Lowering his hands in frustration, he watched the fight continue.
Azaziel was pinned down. It took all their might, but they held him, equal to the task as Brad knew they would be. To destroy Azaziel, they would have to find a way to reach even further inside themselves.
A sudden and unexpected surge from their Avatar’s caught Kevin and Rick off guard. Both men had felt the same tugging at their Minds once before, in the parking lot of the Waffle House when the black-suited Agent of the Enemy attacked them, the night they met Greg Rawlins.
A compelling desire to reset Azaziel gripped Kevin. Rick’s Avatar knew the Truth of who and what Azaziel was, the angel he started as. Destroying Azaziel would send a loud and clear message to the Enemy but resetting him would be unprecedented.
Tactically it seemed nearly impossible. The ten of them were stretched to their limit holding Azaziel down. However, Lane remembered what he did in the cavern when they needed to stop Leroy, and after Brad’s epiphany, they now Understood how their Avatar’s worked.
Once again, Lane knew there was no Music in Creation potent enough for what they needed. The Power Kevin and Rick required was only available from one source; inside them, and Bill and Loy, their partners.
With their Avatar’s forged into One by Ken, Lane looked with Pat’s Understanding at the Souls of his Brothers; the halves in Kevin and Rick, and the halves in their partners. He Listened to the Souls of his Brothers, and his Avatar wove them together. The crystalline sound was breathtaking and Powerful. Lane remembered the Song in Bryan’s Soul that had soothed Leroy and how potent it was. There were no words, just the Music of their existence, a golden Light and the Love inside them, unconditional and pure.
Lane pushed the Music into Kevin and Rick, immersing them in the Songs of their lover’s Souls, the essence of their being and the parts of them that belonged together. The ten men were already One, but what Kevin and Rick heard filled them with Power in a way that nothing ever had. Their breath caught in their big chest and tears of intense emotion streamed down their handsome faces as Power flooded into them, giving them what they needed to be more than equal to the task.
Rick’s physical strength was stretched to the limit pinning one of Azaziel’s legs, but the strength he needed next wasn’t physical. White tendrils of Energy seeped from his Avatar, disappearing into the Demon’s grotesquely muscled body. Knots of Hate and Evil inside Azaziel started to Unravel, as Rick’s Avatar, backed by his Brothers made itself felt.
Kevin pinned one of Azaziel’s massive arms behind his back in a hammerlock, using his entire body for leverage. His Avatar, synchronized with his Brothers and pulling from them, struck like a spear into Azaziel’s Demonic Soul.
When the ten men were together, fully merged as Brothers and One, there was an intangible ‘something extra’ about their Avatars. The doctor sensed it and knew that was what the Enemy feared most about them; their ability when working in concert to overwrite the Curse and restore Creation to an Unfallen state. While The Master lived, the Curse would continue to corrupt reality in both the Physical and the Spiritual Realms, but the men, with effort, could restore or affect individual beings.
The effort exerted to confine Azaziel was immense, and Kevin’s body showed the strain. The Velcro bindings of his assault suit stretched and came apart on his shoulders, arms, and chest as he flexed and tensed his body in his efforts. Bill sensed the distraction, and with his Mind, he removed the separated pieces, not wanting them to hamper Kevin’s efforts in any way.
His muscular body, now bare from the waist up, was red with effort. Rivulets of sweat dripped off every rock-hard piece of corded muscle, making his skin slick. The striations in his shoulders, arms, and chest were incredible, and the dark hair covering his torso matted against his skin. His chest heaved with the effort of taking in enough oxygen to support the efforts of his body.
Rick’s effort was just as extreme, and the Velcro bindings of his suit came apart as well. He shrugged them off, exposing his incredible physique. Sweat oozed from every pore as each muscle, ligament, and tendon was tight in his efforts to hold the Demon.
Ken changed his position enough to put a hand on each of their sweaty backs, while his legs scissored Azaziel’s torso. Through his hands, he Willed strength into Kevin and Rick. The two men became the focal point of their Power; Pat’s Understanding, Brad’s Compassion, Brian’s gentle nature and connection to Life, Lane’s connection to the Music of Creation, Ken’s Conviction and Strength of Will, Bill’s Knowledge of Reality, Darren’s connection to the Physical Realm and his ability to manipulate it, and Loy’s connection to the Spirit World. All of it combined into that ‘something extra’ the doctor and Albrecht saw when they were together and One. They were more than the sum of their individual selves; a Paradox.
Their eyes shone White, reflecting the Lightning in the skies along with the Power they wielded. Ken’s warm hands on Kevin and Rick’s flesh had the desired effect, not only giving them comfort but bolstering their efforts and helping them push even harder.
Azaziel screamed as their Light burned into him, beyond anything he had ever felt. At first, it was their Auras fueled by their emotional bonds, but as Kevin’s Avatar ignited, their Light turned liquid and started pouring into the Demon. His wings trembled and flapped in desperation, and his bellow of rage transformed into a scream of agony.
Ken saw it first…A single white feather appeared on one of his leathery wings, oddly bright in the dark of the morning against the Demon’s dark purple hide. A few seconds later there was another, and slowly more feathers appeared as the Demon screamed. Azaziel twisted and turned, trying to wrest himself out of their grasp and escape the excruciating pain as his Evil was seared away. The liquid Light was a purifying fire, literally burning the Evil out of him.
Their Light reached every dark crevice in his Black Soul. Azaziel was a powerful entity and old as Creation, and his Light had been snuffed out of existence long ago. The barren landscape of his Soul was vast, but it slowly filled with what they poured into him.
Azaziel’s terror was as great as his pain. Reaching out, Bill touched Azaziel, Reading him, cutting through his Shields and Protections as if they didn’t exist. Like Kevin and Rick, Bill’s Avatar wanted him to Read Azaziel, but what he discovered struck him like a physical blow. With his Avatar magnified by his Brothers, Azaziel’s existence was laid bare to all of them.
Through Bill’s insight, they Understood Azaziel’s fear wasn’t of the Dark One or retaliation. He sundered himself from Home so long ago he was afraid he could never return. After millennia of servitude to the Dark, how would he ever be allowed to go Home? The fear of being an eternally outcast and separated from the Light is what terrified him.
Almost in answer to Azaziel’s fear the black storm clouds parted, and a ray of sunlight came down like a halo around the Demon. The white feathers of his wings glowed brilliantly in the sunlight as his body became more human. The inhuman grace and beauty of his original form returned.
Michael and the other Archangels stood dumbfounded as the scene unfolded. What their grandchildren were accomplishing was outside any outcome they could have foreseen.
Every time one of their Brothers fell to the Dark One, consumed by Evil, they experienced the pain and loss of losing a loved one. A third of the Infinite Host sided with Luke in the Rebellion, and the War had been ongoing ever since. Now the cosmic scales tipped in favor of the Light by the newborn Azaziel.
Creation itself seemed to pause as if it too was stunned by what just occurred. Tears of Light fell down the faces of the ten Archangels, tears of joy for the return of a Brother they thought lost to them forever. As One, they vanished with the sound of fluttering wings.
Azaziel’s giant form, beautiful once again, went limp. Tears streamed down his face, leftover from the pain of his Transformation. He was a new being, as fresh and unique as the day he was created with no memories of his servitude to the Dark One. The fear that possessed him only seconds before was gone as if it never existed.
The cold rain stopped, and a calm fell over the Market, the only sound a quiet breeze and the heavy breath of the ten men. They relaxed their hold on Azaziel, sliding off him, but were still vigilant in case their actions had any unforeseen consequences.
Brad noted Orophir surrounded by Istariel and his three cousins, and the look of disbelief on Orophir’s face spoke volumes.
Ken was so proud of everyone he was about to burst and his emotions carried through with his words: Fuck me, fellas, I don’t even know what to say! We did it! I always tell B there’s nothin’ we can’t do if we stick together, and by God, today we just proved that beyond any doubt. There are no men anywhere I’d rather have by my side!
They all knew Ken included the doctor, Albrecht, and Henry in his statement.
The little kid grin appeared on his handsome sweaty face.
You guys rock!
Ricky and Kevin were about to collapse, and Ken knelt between them, putting his arms around their shoulders. He pulled their heads closer and kissed the top of each of their heads, giving their bare shoulders a firm squeeze of comfort.
He sent a private thought to both of them.
Well done, guys.
Ken’s praise and love for his two Brothers warmed both men in their Hearts as they recovered.
Bill and Loy picked up the pieces of their partners’ Assault suits and helped them dress. The wind died down, but it was bitterly cold out, and the sweat was freezing on their skin.
Lane and Bryan moved to the hostages. With a grin, Lane said, “It’s okay guys. Take off the sacks, and don’t go screaming like little girls when you see what’s going on.”
Jake was the first to see the massive form of Azaziel on the ground, in tears and looking around in confusion. The sight of the Angel, so large and with his wings spread on the ground nearly covering the width of the Market, was shocking. He also saw Orophir, Istariel, and the other Nephilim standing off to one side in their robes. They were human-sized but still a shock to see.
PFC Rich Hampton did scream, and he fainted. Even though Brad felt sorry for him, he had to smirk and said out loud, “Well that apple didn’t fall far from the tree, did it?”
There was a sound of fluttering wings as Michael and the Archangels appeared around the Market. Uriel scanned the bodies covering the area, they had only been dead a few minutes, and he would convey their Souls to the next phase of their existence soon.
Michael approached Ken saying, “Ken…there aren’t words to express what you accomplished today. We watched, already mourning, sure to lose one or more of our grandchildren, or an old friend and Brother. Rather than either sorrow, you created only joy. I am proud of you.”
Ken accepted the praise knowing it was meant just for him, but he turned it into approval of the Team and not only himself. Michael realized Ken would never take the personal credit, even as their leader.
Brad looked at Raphael, his voice cold and said, “You have some explaining to do.”
Raphael looked sad, and was quiet in his response, “Can we talk? After we get Azaziel situated, I’d like to settle this between us.”
Brad nodded in acknowledgment and moved towards Istariel and Orophir.
Lane looked in the Minds of Jacob and the other soldiers and knew they were about to freak out. The Auras of the Archangels terrified them; the presence of such powerful beings was overwhelming to mortals. Lane slipped their Minds into neutral, and they stopped moving.
Bryan looked at Lane and said, “Good thinking. They’ve dealt with enough.”
As Michael and the others made their way to greet their newborn Brother, Brad approached Orophir. He nodded to Istariel and his cousins in greeting and said, “Thanks. I realize you probably stopped him from interfering and we’re grateful. I’m not sure we would have succeeded if we had to deal with him at the same time.”
His gaze was hard as he turned to Orophir, “You and I have met before…Another version of you. Ken was right…We kicked your ass. We aren’t sure about your involvement, but you had better tread lightly. I will make it my life’s mission to end yours if you interfere with us anymore in any way.”
Orophir made eye contact with Brad and was unsure of what he saw. He was unfamiliar with the full extent of human emotions and confused. He saw a mixture of anger, pity, and sadness… All tempered by Compassion.
After a slight pause, Brad said, “Consider this a gift.”
Raising his hands to his chest, a small ball of Light appeared and bobbed over to Orophir. It was Brad’s memory of Orophir’s death in the alternate reality. It showed his fight with Ken, Bryan, Lane, and Brad and how it ended in his death by Luke’s hand.
The memories shocked Orophir as they became his own. His father killed the other version of himself for failing. The death of his alternate self drove a wedge of fear into him. The same desires and wants of acceptance by his father existed in him, but seeing how casually his counterpart was killed he realized, as badly as he wanted to think otherwise, his father would do the same to him if it suited his purposes.
Orophir’s face blanched, but he was not yet willing to betray his father. He knew if he revealed his identity to Michael and the others they would act. His Mind spun with emotions, and Brad saw it. He was still fully merged with everyone, and his Avatar magnified, making him extremely sensitive to what he witnessed.
Brad’s Intuition told him he planted a seed of doubt in Orophir, and he needed to let it grow. If they held him captive, even if they could, that seed would wither and go nowhere.
Brad looked at Istariel and said, “Let him go.”
“Brad Wilson, are you sure? He can cause much mischief and disruption to our cause.”
“I’m sure, Istariel. Please trust me on this.”
“Very well.”
Orophir vanished across the Veil. The Amulet he wore would keep him hidden, even from his father. Once across the Veil, he had no body to shed tears, but his Spiritual form was in immense emotional pain, and was all alone as he always had been.
Orophir saw what existed in the half-breeds; their Auras were blinding to him. The warmth they exuded was unfamiliar to him because his father kept him shielded and isolated his entire upbringing. Like a child, he was hurt and confused and not sure what to do.
Once Orophir and the other Nephilim were gone, Brad made his way back to Ken and the hostages.
Uriel stood apart from the other Archangels, who had formed a ring around Azaziel. The smiles on their faces for their grandchildren said everything they needed to convey.
Raphael sent a private thought to Brad.
I will come to you soon to discuss all of this.
With the sound of fluttering wings, they vanished, leaving Uriel behind.
Uriel looked at Bryan and said, “Wait until I am gone before you release their Minds. Tighten your Protection over them.”
Uriel assumed his true form, a being of pure White Light filling the Market, but his wings became Raven Black, a testament to the fate of the terrorists. He gathered their Souls, pulling them into his embrace.
A profound moment of Compassion hit the Team for the Souls of the men who turned themselves over to Evil. As mortals, they never truly understood the consequences of their actions, and now they would pay the price for eternity. The Team felt no regret over the deaths but were still saddened by the loss of life.
Through their actions that day, there was no doubt in The Enemy that The Order was back and stronger than ever.
Ken: Dar can you take us back to Australia? I know some soldiers who need to be with their families.
Darren grinned: 10-4, Boss.
He added with a dimpled grin: Don’t forget to tip your driver, ladies.
Gathering in a circle around the hostages, they disappeared.
The dark clouds broke immediately, and the sun shone bright, the strain on reality gone with the ending of the confrontation between the Light and the Dark. The town lay eerily quiet in the early morning, the only sound a slight breeze and the occasional settling of rubble.
The camera still recorded, showing the bodies. Suddenly a man appeared in their midst. He didn’t look happy.
He paused, staring directly into the camera. His eyes flashed black, and the recording ended as the camera was obliterated.
Back in Atlanta, the doctor cut the satellite link; he had the full digital recording and smiled grimly to himself. Henry had never heard the doctor cuss, but he quietly spoke as he looked at the screen, “Take that, you son-of-a-bitch. Now you know who you are dealing with!”
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you.
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