Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you.
The Order - 6. Chapter 6
Content warning: This story contains adult situations, language, and consensual sex between adult men. If said content is illegal in your state or country, please leave now and do not continue.
The next five chapters comprised the second Ebook of the series, entitled Heritage.
Brad and Ken showered together, glad they had the locker room to themselves. As soon as their soapy hands started rubbing over each other, washing the sweat and cum from their bodies, they got hard again. Reluctantly, they didn’t act on their urges, hurrying to try and appease the near constant growling of Ken’s empty stomach. Every time Brad heard that cavernous rumble he laughed and rubbed his soapy hands over Ken’s tight stomach.
The best clothes they had in their lockers were jeans and t-shirts, but Brad thought those would be good enough for lunch at the restaurant he had in mind.
As they finished dressing, Ken asked, “Okay B, where are we gonna’ eat? I could eat a fuckin’ horse right now.”
“It’ll take us a few minutes to get there, but I have the perfect place.”
Brad put an arm around Ken’s shoulder as they walked to the car, not wanting the physical contact to end just yet. He leaned over and kissed Ken’s rough cheek, whispering in his ear, “No peeking, I want it to be a surprise.”
Ken smiled when Brad whispered into his ear, sending an indescribable warmth in Brad through their connection. Their emotions, Open to one another through their Link, were like a drug.
Hopping in Ken’s Explorer, Brad drove as usual. It felt nice to be together, shooting the shit and making small talk. Neither of them brought up events of the last few months. There was nothing to hide, but they wanted to move past that dark time and not dwell on it. There would be plenty of time to remember and talk through everything, but for the present they wanted a semblance of normality back in their lives.
Glancing at Ken while he drove, Brad was struck again by how incredibly handsome Ken was; the way he filled out his jeans and t-shirt, his clothes hinting at the body underneath but not so tight as to be showing off, and the sunglasses pushing him over the top. Ken was one of those men who had a perpetual five o’clock shadow, and the scruff on his face made him look that much sexier. It was a huge turn on to Brad and a testament to Ken’s character that he was so casual and unassuming about his looks. Ken was drop dead ruggedly handsome, and everyone around him always looked twice. Brad seldom paid attention, but people often reacted the same way towards him.
Seeing Ken in his sunglasses reminded Brad they needed to replace the broken, shattered aviator glasses Ken lost the night of his abduction. They were his favorite pair, and he looked great in them.
Shortly after pulling out of the Lab, Ken reached over and took Brad’s hand, playing with it the entire trip, fiddling with his fingers, rubbing his thumb across the back, or just holding it tight. With Ken’s higher body temperature his hands were warm, and the physical touch coupled with their new emotional connection was intoxicating.
As soon as they turned onto Hwy 141, Ken had a good idea where they were headed, and his face broke out into a big smile.
He squeezed Brad’s hand tighter and blurted out, “Fuck yeah, B! Man, you always pick the best places!”
The smile on Ken’s face was worth it. Brad loved to see the little kid in Ken come out when he was happy. In another few minutes, they pulled into the parking lot of The Stony River Steakhouse, one of Ken’s favorite restaurants.
After a massive lunch of salad, steak, baked potato, bread, beer, and cheesecake for dessert, Brad was about to explode. Still hungry, Ken ordered his third Ribeye, much to the amazement of their server. Even with their Minds touching during their meal, Ken kept rubbing his legs against Brad’s under the table, craving the physical contact. Brad and Ken rarely made overt shows of affection in public, but after recent events and their newfound closeness, neither of them was overly concerned about keeping their relationship on the down low.
On the drive home Ken stretched out an arm, resting his hand on the back of Brad’s neck, gingerly, almost absentmindedly running his fingers through Brad’s short blond hair. Periodically his hand moved lower to rub Brad’s neck or run his finger across the growth on Brad’s unshaven cheek. Ken knew full well the effect his touch had on Brad. If the tent and wet spot in his shorts weren't enough evidence, he felt Brad’s excitement as though it were his own.
Brad parked in the garage, but before Ken could pull his hand back, Brad pulled Ken closer into a long kiss. As they separated, Brad gave Ken a quick peck on his forehead before getting out of the car.
“It feels good to be home, Ken, just you and me. I love the doc and all the guys, but I need me some Ken time, and right now I don’t feel like sharing.”
“Yeah, I know what you mean. Let’s get changed and hit the pool for a bit.”
“That sounds awesome.”
Minutes later, both in their swim trunks, they jumped into the pool. It was still summer with the temperature in the upper 90’s, so the water felt crisp and refreshing. They both had a float of some kind, or in Ken’s case multiple floats to support his extra body weight, to relax and lounge in the water. They stayed close, with Brad’s legs loosely wrapped around Ken’s waist so they could face one another, be lazy, and soak up the sunshine. Ken scooted them even closer so he could hold one of Brad’s hands like he did when they drove. For over an hour they drifted in silence, relaxing in each other’s presence, their Minds touching just like their bodies.
The backyard was silent except for an occasional breeze and the lapping of the water against the floats. The only time they broke apart was to take turns getting beer or going to the bathroom. It was a much needed quiet and peaceful time for both of them.
On his next beer run, Ken decided it was time to shake things up a little. As he came out of the house, he ran and leapt high into the air, doing a full 360 and landing in a cannonball right beside Brad with his 420-lb. body, completely capsizing him. Ken tried to hide his intent, but his excitement leaked through, giving Brad just enough warning to take a quick breath before he was overturned. Laughing, he popped up out of the water ready to retaliate.
They were just starting to roughhouse when Brad said, “Wait a minute! Come over here.”
Ken stopped splashing him and moved to the edge of the pool, where Brad patted his hand on the concrete.
“Get your ass up here.”
Ken turned around and hopped backward, catching the edge of the pool and lifting himself up, causing his arms and chest to tighten. The sight of his tanned body, tight muscles glistening and wet, gave Brad an instant erection.
Brad moved between Ken’s thighs, and while keeping eye contact, started to untie Ken’s bathing suit.
Grinning, Ken asked, “B, what are you doin? It’s broad daylight!”
Brad grinned back asking, “So, what’s your point?”
As Brad fished Ken’s rapidly growing dick out of his trunks, Ken laughingly said, “I think you’re about to find out!”
“Just lean back and relax.”
Ken lifted his hips, and Brad pulled his swim trunks off. He tossed them on the pavement by the edge of the pool and started fondling Ken’s growing shaft. The feeling of being outside in the hot sun, totally naked with Brad added to Ken’s already increasing excitement.
Brad eyed Ken’s rapidly growing erection and murmured, “Mmmmmm chlorine dick, my fave!”
Even with the sex they had earlier Ken was ready, and at Brad’s touch he reached his full potential in a matter of seconds.
Steadying himself on Ken’s thighs, Brad took Ken’s full length into his mouth and down his throat. Using his formidable oral skills, he brought Ken as much pleasure as he could, his efforts slow and relentless.
After nearly twenty years together Brad was familiar with Ken’s pleasure buttons. Ken loved having his balls played with, and Brad paid just as much attention to them, but he didn’t want Ken to cum yet, so he kept it slow and steady with just enough speed to keep him on the brink of shooting. Ken’s nipples were sensitive, but he held off there for the time being. If he went there too soon, he knew Ken wouldn’t be able to hold off.
Ken threw his head back and moaned, “Oh fuck yeah, B that feels so good. Ohhhhh, fuck yeah...”
Ken leaned back on an elbow, and with his other hand, he caressed Brad’s head, running his fingers through Brad’s short, wet hair. He wasn’t forceful, he just wanted to touch his lover while he received pleasure.
Ken continued moaning as Brad worked him over for quite a while. Eventually, Brad was breathing hard and sweating from the hot sun on his shoulders and his efforts. Ken leaned forward, rubbing Brad’s shoulders and traps, caressing and squeezing his muscles, continuing to moan and murmuring to Brad letting him know how good it felt.
Encouraged by Ken’s running dialogue, Brad finally decided to take them both over the edge. He had a plan for later that evening and wanted as big a load as he could get out of Ken.
Not wanting to pull off to talk, Brad thought: Hey douche bag, are you forgetting something?
Ken grinned, and their eyes briefly turned White. As Brad continued to pleasure Ken, he suddenly felt the effects of his efforts on himself. Ken’s excitement became his and Brad was immediately on the edge himself. He kept both of them on the precipice of a powerful orgasm for another few minutes, wanting their loads to build up.
Once he felt it was time, he switched tactics, speeding up and using both hands, one on Ken’s full tight balls and the other on his shaft. With their nervous systems Linked and sharing each other’s sensations and pleasure, it was impossible for either man to hold back any longer.
Just as Ken reached the point of no return, Brad pushed all the way down and stuck his tongue out as far as it could reach, wrapping it around as much of Ken’s tight, tender balls as he could. Knowing Ken would arch his back and push his chest out, Brad kneaded Ken’s hard pecs, one in each hand, using his fingertips to firmly rub his nipples.
Brad was having a difficult time not squirming as all the pleasure he gave Ken was mirrored in his own body. The best part was that it wasn’t like touching himself, it was like Ken touching him, and it amplified everything.
Ken threw his head back, his eyes shut tight, his breath coming in short gasps of pleasure, “Oh fuck B, fuck, AHHHHHH…!”
With Ken’s first shot down Brad’s throat, Brad’s own contractions started, shooting hot cum into his trunks. Ken’s body went rigid, his muscles taut and flexed, pushing his chest out against Brad’s hands. He was sweating in the hot sun, and Brad got off watching and feeling Ken’s magnificent body tightened in pleasure and shining in the bright sun.
A fresh surge of strength infused Brad from taking Ken’s load, bringing an immediate awareness of his body and muscles to his conscious Mind. The sensation was a euphoric rush, almost like a drug. He grinned inwardly, knowing he was now ready for Ken’s surprise later that night.
Brad kept Ken in his mouth until he was soft, riding out the last waves of his orgasm. With a contented sigh Ken said, “Fuck, B, no one can do that to me like you can.”
Ken reached down, putting his hands under Brad’s armpits, and effortlessly lifted him out of the pool and on top of him. Ken grinned at the warm spot on Brad’s trunks against his leg and hugged Brad tightly against him. The two big men kissed and cuddled in the hot sun until they started to get uncomfortable on the hard concrete.
As they stood up, Ken reached for Brad’s trunks, but Brad stopped him saying, “Let’s wait a bit, Ken. I got off with you. Besides, I have a plan for a little later, so promise me you won’t peek.”
Brad tapped his temple when he said that.
Ken’s gaze raked over Brad’s wet body, and with a lewd grin on his handsome face, he said, “Fuck, B, I don’t need ‘ta look on the inside. Right now, the outside is plenty good enough ‘ta keep me occupied.”
Going into the house, they rinsed off in the shower and put on dry shorts. It was a warm day, so they stayed shirtless.
After fixing a big lunch, Ken found a movie on Pay-Per-View and got on the couch to get it started. Brad snuggled against him, so the back of his head rested on Ken’s chest and his lower half was wrapped up by Ken’s legs.
By the end of the movie, they had both gotten up at least once to go to the bathroom and get drinks, so their positions ended up reversed with Ken’s head and shoulders on Brad’s lap. Normally Ken would be too heavy but Brad was amped up from their last bout of sex, and Brad loved the weight of Ken’s body on him. As they reclined together finishing the movie, Brad gently ran one hand through Ken’s hair, and his other hand rested on Ken’s bare chest.
When the movie was over Ken wasn’t tired, but he was so relaxed from Brad’s ministrations he almost slurred the words, “Fuck B, your hands feel nice. You’re too good ‘ta me.”
“Don’t get too relaxed, I still have a surprise for you!”
“B, I feel horrible. All you’ve done today is take care ‘a me, and I’ve been a big slug. I need ‘ta take care of you now.”
“We aren’t keeping score Ken, you know that. After all we’ve been through, I feel the need to let you know how much you mean to me. We never have to doubt each other ever again. The only reason we aren’t any deeper in each other’s heads right now is because I want to surprise you tonight.”
Brad leaned over and kissed Ken on his forehead and said, “After that, I have a date inside this handsome head of yours.”
Ken looked up, making eye contact, and said, “B, I thought I was happy bein’ with you before, but now… I don’t know… I feel like we were stumblin’ around in the dark. I don’t know how normal people make it day in and day out bein’ so closed off from each other.”
Brad continued slowly brushing the hair off Ken’s forehead and rubbing his chest while they talked.
“Don’t think too much about it, Ken, at least not right now. I have a feeling the doc planned this from the beginning. It would be an entirely different world if there were no lies, if there couldn’t be any lies. It would still be harsh, and sad, and people would still be assholes, just honest assholes. But I think if everyone felt what we do it would bring humanity up to a new level and give us a real chance at a future.”
Ken grinned and said, “Fuck me, you’re talkin’ smart again. Should I be worried?”
Brad reached down and pinched one of Ken’s nipples and said, “You’re such a douche.”
Ken put on his big cocky grin and looked up at Brad, melting his heart, and asked, “But I’m a lovable douche, right?”
“God, I hate to admit it, but yeah, you are… and you’re all mine.”
They stayed on the couch, quiet and content to be together with their bodies touching. After a few minutes, their breathing slowed as both men drifted off to sleep.
Brad woke first and noticed how late it was getting, so he gently woke Ken, and they went to the kitchen to make dinner. Brad cooked, and Ken cleaned; another part of their routine they were happy to get back into.
Once the last of the pots and pans were dried and put away, Ken asked, “Okay, so what’s this about a surprise.”
Brad moved over and put his arms around Ken’s shoulders, bringing them together for a long kiss. When he broke it off, he took one of Ken’s hands in his and said, “Come with me.”
Brad led them down the hall to the spare bedroom which was mostly empty, except for a bookshelf, some free weights on a rack, and an old floor-standing punching bag.
With a solemn look on his face, Brad turned to face Ken and put his hands on the big balls of Ken’s shoulders, squeezing them firmly. Brad never tired of feeling the weight and solidity of Ken’s body and the warmth of his soft skin.
Brad continued staring long enough to elicit a nervous smile from Ken. His brow furrowed and he asked, “B, what…?”
Brad put a finger to Ken’s lips.
Another moment passed, and Ken asked, “Should I be worried?”
Brad’s answer was slow to come, but after a moment he replied, “No. I think you’ll like this.”
Ken noticed a shift in Brad’s eyes. His body language changed and Ken was having a difficult time reading him.
“Ken, you trust me, right?”
“Of course I do, B. With my life, you know that.”
“And you know I would never do anything to hurt you right?”
“B, what’re you gettin’ at? You’re makin’ me nervous.”
“When we merged that first time, it caught us both by surprise. It was painful and beautiful, and we fell in love with each other all over again. While I was in your Mind… Well, I saw things, private things. We both did. One, in particular, was tucked pretty far away, and I think I know why you put it there. Seeing that thought, and some others, hurt because I realize I haven’t been able to meet some of your needs. I think you kept it hidden, even from yourself, because you never thought it a possibility. But things are different now, and I can take you to that place and be the person you need me to be.”
Brad removed his hands from Ken’s shoulders and cupped his face firmly with both hands, running his thumbs across the stubble on Ken’s cheeks.
“If you don’t want me to do this, I’ll stop. If at any point you want me to quit, just think it, and I’ll know. But if you go with me on this, I will fulfill a need in you that you never thought possible.
“You don’t have to say anything, just nod your head if you want to continue, yes or no, and know that I won’t be disappointed or hurt if you say ‘no.’ You know how much I love you, and nothing can or ever will change that.”
A nervous tightness gripped Ken’s stomach, like a kid who knows he’s about to get laid for the first time and is so scared and excited he can hardly stand it. He nodded his head ‘yes.' He was rock hard.
Brad smiled.
“Alright, this is what’s going to happen. First, we’re going to have a wrestling match. If you pin me, you can do whatever you want to me, but if I win, I get to do whatever I want to you. And you better not hold back, fucker, or I’ll know.”
The change in Brad’s demeanor became apparent right away. His back seemed straighter, his broad shoulders were squared back, and he had a confident, commanding look on his face. He had no problem reading Brad’s body language now… he was focused and prepared to fight.
Brad stepped back, planting his legs in a balanced stance, and held his hands up. Ken hesitated, not wanting to hurt him, but put his hands up so their fingers could intertwine.
Brad jerked Ken forward hard and fast into a side headlock, plastering Ken’s face against his ribcage. Ken’s combat instincts took over, and he tried to sweep Brad’s leg to get him onto the floor.
As a SEAL, Brad had the same training as Ken, plus he was highly trained in close combat, and at that moment he was charged up from the sex they had earlier by the pool. Brad easily blocked the sweep and spun around, lifting Ken and slamming him down onto the carpet. The whole house shook from the impact of Ken’s body hitting the floor. Ken let out a loud “Oomph!” as he landed on his back.
“Come on Ken! I’m going to kick your ass anyway, but don’t let me! Make me!”
Brad backed off so Ken could get up. Ken stood and shrugged his heavy shoulders, cracking his neck and loosening himself up. With a grin on his face and his shorts tented he said, “Okay B, you’re askin’ for it, fucker. No more mister nice guy.”
Brad glanced at Ken’s erection and grinned, pleased his plan was already working.
The match lasted for nearly an hour. Ken quickly realized that with Brad charged up so much more than he used to be he was very likely Ken’s equal. Ken loved the feel of muscle on muscle, and he was getting turned on more and more as they started to sweat heavily from their exertions. The closet doors were mirrored, and he kept catching glimpses of he and Brad locked together, muscles straining, cords and veins showing, and their bodies shining with sweat.
The feel of their hard bodies grappling, the impact of their blows on each other, the smells and the sweat as they pitted themselves against one another as men, aroused something in Ken. The fact that it was Brad magnified everything, and he lost himself in what was happening.
The longer the match continued, the more Ken realized Brad was right about him wanting this. No, not wanting; he needed to feel Brad as his equal, perhaps even his superior. Brad was an excellent fighter, and at that moment not only was he a match for Ken, he was also motivated to win. Both men were breathing hard and looking for the opening needed to pin the other.
They were evenly matched in skill, so Ken finally decided to try and overpower Brad. As they circled each other, Ken raised his hands with his fingers spread, nodding for Brad to do the same; it was a classic test of strength. Without hesitating, Brad locked hands with Ken, and immediately the two men began to flex and strain. At first, their hands were above their heads, but once their fingers locked together, their arms moved down as each man tried to get better leverage.
Ken wanted to force Brad down on his knees and was surprised when Brad stayed up. His body shook and strained with effort, but he held his ground. As their hands lowered, their bodies moved closer. Brad inched his way forward and pressed his straining chest against Ken’s, rubbing himself slowly up and down. He knew what the feeling of his chest hair would do to Ken as it brushed against his skin. They made eye contact, and Brad grinned.
Ken was on the verge of an intense orgasm and had been for the entire match. To pit himself against Brad in such a manner was something he had never dreamed possible. It wasn’t about dominating Brad, it was about being physically dominated by Brad, which was something he never, ever thought could happen.
Neither of them were into Dominance, Submission, or any type of S&M, but as Alpha males, they had the drive to test themselves. Ken was altered by the doctor along with Bryan, Kevin, Pat, and Rick, to be the Physical partner, or the Body, as depicted in Leonardo da Vinci’s Vitruvian Man. But Brad and the other Minds were still men with powerful bodies. They all had needs as men, physical and psychological. Ken needed Brad to be his equal, but because of his strength, he never thought it possible, yet Brad found a way after merging with Ken. They knew each other intimately, and after merging were aware of each other’s innermost needs.
When Brad’s hard, sweaty, hairy chest rubbed against Ken’s, it sent him over the edge, triggering his orgasm. Brad took full advantage of the distraction as Ken’s orgasm wracked his big frame, and head-butted Ken in his solar plexus, knocking the wind out of him as he was momentarily overcome by the intense pleasure.
Brad was on top of him in a flash and pinned Ken’s shoulders to the carpet.
Brad put his hands on either side of Ken’s face, leaning over him, as sweat dripped off of his body and onto Ken. Their chests heaved, sucking in air, trying to recover from their exertion.
Brad smiled and leaning down, whispered hotly into Ken’s ear, “Got you, fucker. I know that was something you’ve wanted, but this is only the beginning. Now, the fun really starts. Get up and take off your shorts.”
Ken stood up and did as he was told. He was still hard, and his dick slapped against his tight stomach, beet red and slick from the cum dripping down his shaft. Brad pulled a small futon they kept for guests out of the closet and tossed it on the floor.
“Get on your knees in the middle.”
Brad pulled out a silk rope he had put in the closet earlier.
“Spread your legs, put your hands behind your back, and cross your ankles.”
Ken did as Brad commanded, his dick still hard and pulsing with every heartbeat. Ken’s excitement wasn’t centered only on his erection, his whole body was aroused and trembling in anticipation. Brad moved behind him and tied his hands together, then his feet, and finally linked the knots between his hands and ankles, forcing a slight arch in his back, pushing his chest out.
Brad gripped Ken’s shoulders, staring at his lover. His hands roamed over Ken’s shoulders and chest briefly, relishing Ken’s physical strength, and just plain loving the feel of his warm, sweaty body.
After a moment he leaned forward, so his hot breath blew against Ken’s ear and neck, whispering; “Now I get to do whatever I want to you, Ken. Your body is mine, and your pleasure is mine. If I want to get you off, I can, or I can tease you until you beg me to let you shoot.”
Heat radiated off Ken’s body in waves, a clear indication of how powerfully he was affected by Brad’s efforts. Brad had never seen Ken react like he was; the anticipation, need, and desire in his Mind and body rippled through the Link, and Brad knew he was on the right track.
With Ken’s physical strength and density, he always had to hold back. There was no question of his day to day physical superiority, but they were partners, and both men wanted equality in their relationship. Before they merged that first time, Brad never had a clue of Ken’s need for Brad to be his physical equal. As Brad surmised, it wasn’t possible, so Ken buried his desires. Because he was physically enhanced and Brad wasn’t it never seemed a possibility, but Ken’s need was as much emotional as it was physical.
They weren’t into bondage or S&M, but Brad pulled in the extra element this one time in hopes of fulfilling something he saw inside his lover. Brad stood up and moved around in front of Ken.
“Yeah, I know this turns you on. You can’t hide it.”
Brad reached down and gripped Ken’s dick, squeezing it firmly. Ken had never been so hard; his dick throbbed, matching his pounding heartbeat. Brad saw the pulse in Ken’s neck with every beat. His skin was slick with sweat and veins visible across his body. Brad looked at his lover, taking in every detail. He was as excited as Ken but maintained control; he had to for Ken, and his determination to be what Ken needed from him gave him the strength.
Ken didn’t make a sound, but he was more excited than he had ever been in his entire life. His whole body flushed and his stomach had a cold ball of fire from the anticipation of what was coming next. Brad scooped a drop of precum and held it up for Ken to lick off, and he almost shot again when Brad’s fingers rubbed over the sensitive head of his dick.
“You see, Ken, it’s not just about getting you off. It’s about giving you want you need. You want to test your body. You have all this strength and power, all these big beautiful muscles, and yet you hardly ever get tested. You always have to hold back. There are only a few men on the planet that even have a chance against you, and right now I’m one of them. The wrestling was fun, but that was just the beginning.”
As Brad spoke, he walked over to the shelves and picked up a pair of padded leather boxing gloves. He put them on and secured them around his wrists with the Velcro straps. Moving back in front of Ken, Brad looked down at his muscular body, dripping sweat, his erection painfully hard and standing straight up against his stomach, visibly throbbing.
Brad rubbed the back of the gloves across Ken’s nipples and Ken sucked in his breath and arched his back, pushing his chest out against the touch, hungry for it.
“I know you think you’re tough. Let’s see what you got.”
Brad stepped back and punched Ken as hard as he could on his chest with every bit of his enhanced strength. Ken jerked in surprise, but saw the next blow coming and instinctively tightened his body to absorb the shock. If Brad wasn’t amped up, he might have broken his hand from the impact; Ken’s chest felt like a steel plate. However, he was amped up, both physically from their earlier lovemaking, and emotionally because he knew he was fulfilling something special in his lover that he could never have done before.
Brad used Ken’s body as a punching bag, raining down blows, and pounding his chest and abs, even using his knees and forearms. With each impact, sweat flew off both men. Every strike against Ken’s hard, taut muscles increased his excitement.
Brad had never seen Ken’s body so pumped. Looking into Ken’s Mind, he realized Ken was in a state of unparalleled arousal, his thoughts nearly incoherent as emotions and sensations overpowered his conscious Mind. Ken pushed his chest out, leaning into the blows, pushing himself past whatever limits he thought he had. He already shot once, and when Brad paused to rub the soft backside of the gloves against his hard shaft, he came again. Ken couldn’t stop moaning or grunting in pleasure through all of it. Brad kept it up for almost forty minutes until he had to stop and catch his breath. His hands hurt from the continued impact on Ken’s dense body and he was tiring himself out, even with his extra energy.
Ken’s head was thrown back, his eyes closed and mouth open. His chest and stomach were red from the blows, and his breath came in ragged gasps. His body trembled from the effort of keeping his muscles tensed for so long. With every exhale his abs contracted so tightly all eight abdominal ridges were clearly and deeply defined. Fully pumped, Ken’s entire body was swollen like he just finished an intense workout, with veins visible all over his sweat soaked body. He radiated physical masculinity and beauty and the vision of him took Brad’s breath away.
Looking at Ken’s naked form, Brad thought Ken had never seemed so virile or desirable. Both men were on an emotional and physical high, connected in Mind and Body. Neither of them realized the wetness in their eyes from the intimacy between them.
Brad cupped Ken’s head in between his gloved hands, forcing Ken to look at him.
Ken opened his eyes, but they were glazed and unfocused, still crazed from what Brad was doing to him. He was having a hard time coming back from the place deep in his Mind where Brad took him.
Brad, incredibly turned on by Ken’s reaction to his efforts, wanted to make sure Ken knew how much he got out of it as well. Seeing Ken as he was, naked and tied up, shooting multiple loads without Brad even touching his dick, was about to send Brad over the edge himself. The most exciting thing to Brad, above the physical reaction, was knowing he was able to be who and what Ken needed him to be.
Brad pulled Ken’s face against his sweat soaked chest, hugging him tight, squeezing with all the strength left in his amped-up body. The heat and excitement between them were almost unbearable. Brad backed off before he shot again, kissing the top of Ken’s sweaty head as he did.
“Now for the last part, buddy. If you want your revenge, now’s the time.”
Brad stripped off his gloves, untied Ken, and dropped his shorts to the floor, showing Ken how hard he was. He slapped the palms of his hands hard against Ken’s chest, roughly kneading his pecs and nipples.
“I know you always have to hold back when you fuck me. Well, no more Ken. I want you to take me as hard and fast as you have ever wanted to. You won’t hurt me Ken, not tonight or ever again. Squeeze my body as tight as you have ever wanted too. I want to feel how strong you are, and I’m not afraid. I want you to cut loose like you’ve always wanted to, but never have because you were scared of hurting me.”
Brad moved closer and looked directly into Ken’s green eyes, looking for a sign that everything was okay. Ken’s Mind was still reeling from the overwhelming sensations Brad brought out in him. His green eyes were bright and bloodshot from the sweat that had dripped into them, and his short brown hair was plastered to his head. Ken looked so manly and hot, more powerful yet also more vulnerable than ever, that Brad could hardly stand it.
He looked intently into Ken’s eyes and quietly asked, “Are you okay Ken? Is this okay?”
Ken’s throat was so tight with emotion he could barely talk, and his voice cracked as he whispered, “B, I’ve never been more okay in my entire life.”
Brad heard his words and knowing how much Ken was affected by his efforts, he threw his arms around Ken’s shoulders and jumped, wrapping his legs around Ken’s waist. Ken caught him like a child, cupping his ass cheeks with his hands. Ken’s dick stood at the entrance of Brad’s waiting ass, and he thrust forward. As soon as he slid into his lover, he came again. The hot velvety glove was just too much, and he tensed, squeezing Brad so hard it would have cracked his spine if he wasn’t charged up. Brad clenched himself around Ken as he fired off volley after volley of molten cum inside of him. To Ken, it felt like getting milked by a hot silken sleeve. As soon as Ken’s DNA touched the inside of Brad’s body, renewed strength filled him.
Ken held their embrace until his contractions stopped, and then started thrusting, lifting Brad up by his ass with every stroke. Ken’s body was still fully pumped, every muscle in his body flexed tight in pleasure.
Brad lost himself in pleasure too, as Ken mercilessly pounded his prostate. That coupled with Ken’s powerful body holding him up, flexing as he thrust into Brad, the sweat flying off both of them with every smack of Ken’s pelvis against his ass; it all culminated to a primal rut that was both physical and emotional, and hotter than either of them ever imagined.
Ken proceeded to plow Brad for hours and lost count of his orgasms before he finally exhausted himself. After the first thirty minutes, Ken lowered them onto the futon, and he placed Brad in every conceivable position over the next three hours, exhausting himself.
Through all of it, Ken felt more alive and full of love for Brad than ever. Finally spent, he collapsed on top of his lover, pulling their hot, sweaty, cum covered bodies together. Neither of them had ever sweated or shot so much at one time. Brad’s eyes were shut tight, nuzzling his face against Ken’s thick neck and inhaling his heat and musk. Ken, in turn, rubbed his stubble covered cheek against Brad’s as he hugged his lover back.
The only sound was their harsh breathing as they held one another.
They both said, “Ohhhhhhhh fuckkkkkkkk” at the same time, which made them laugh.
Ken shook from exhaustion, and for the first time since the Program, he was as weak as a kitten. Brad whispered, “Stay here,” as he got up and left the room. He quickly came back with two bottles of Gatorade, handing one to Ken before he plopped down beside him on the futon.
Brad sat in silence, stroking Ken’s chest, giving him time to recover and come back to himself. After a few minutes, he broke the silence.
“Fuck Ken, I don’t know about you, but for me THAT was EPIC. If I ever have any doubts about your virility ever again, just remind me of tonight.”
Ken lay on his back with his arms and legs sprawled out, his eyes open, but looking at nothing, his Mind still reeling and coming back from the place Brad took him. Brad lay beside him, propping his head up on one hand while his other hand roamed soothingly over Ken’s chest and abs, continuing to caress him. Ken’s dick, shiny and wet and still mostly hard, lay across his abs, and Brad included it in his caresses, along with his balls.
Ken looked over at Brad and tried to talk, but his throat closed up, and fresh tears leaked from the corners of his eyes. Unable to form the words, he spoke in Brad’s Mind.
I love you with all my heart and Soul, Brad Wilson. I thank God every day for you bein’ in my life. I can’t believe what you just did for me. That was the most amazin’ thing EVER.
Ken Opened his Mind and emotions, filling Brad with all of him. Brad Opened himself as well and embraced Ken, merging them completely. They stayed together for hours, in each other’s arms and Minds, awake and content, before they finally drifted off to sleep.
The doctor didn’t want Ken or Brad returning to work yet, preferring Brad and Ken take at least a month off to relax and start adjusting to their new abilities. Unless they had any concerns or questions, he would wait to talk to them after they returned. The only thing he specifically asked them not to do was to try anything Mental with the other guys if they came by to visit. Brad and Ken would still be at the Lab nearly every day for Ken to work out, and the doctor was available if anything urgent came up they needed to talk about.
Over the next few weeks, Ken and Brad woke every morning and went for their daily run. Brad accompanied Ken on his workout routine at the Lab which housed specific equipment for Ken and the others Bodies. Brad belonged to a gym closer to their house since he worked out with regular weights, but for the time being he made do at the Lab to stay close to Ken.
After their run, while Ken was getting dressed after his shower, he noticed the seams of his tennis shoes were coming apart. Being so heavy, Ken went through shoes quickly; ordinary shoes weren’t designed for his kind of weight. So, he and Brad decided to swing by the Mall of Georgia in Buford to look for some new shoes. They hadn’t been shopping in a while, and Brad thought it would be nice to pick out some new clothes for both of them.
Of course, the Mall was horribly crowded. Public Schools were out for the summer, so even in the middle of the day the place was wall-to-wall teenagers, and the moms with baby strollers were out in force, as always. Ken and Brad received a lot of looks from the girls and moms, and many from guys too, as they walked around the mall.
Ken didn’t notice at first, but Brad was getting quieter as they moved through the Mall. He seemed a bit distracted while looking at shoes in The Foot Locker, and abruptly said, “Hey Ken, I have to hit the head. I’ll meet you at the carousel in the food court.” He walked out quickly, not waiting for a reply.
Ken reached out with his Mind to see if something was wrong, but either Brad was already out of range, or he dampened their Link for some reason. It was still active but turned down to a bare minimum. Ken thought maybe Brad just had to piss badly and didn’t want the feeling to spill over to him.
They learned early on that each of them could send echoes to the other without meaning too. If either of them was hungry or had to go to the bathroom, the other could mirror the sensation. Their control was improving every day, but it still happened on occasion. Ken’s instincts weren’t picking up any physical danger, so he didn’t think much about it.
As usual, it took Ken longer to find a pair of shoes than expected. It always seemed as if none of the stores he frequented carried shoes in his size that he liked, so he kept looking until he found something that was comfortable and suitable for jogging.
He finally settled on a pair, and just as he was finishing at the cash register, his Link with Brad severed. Ken was so used to their connection it was second nature, and when it suddenly disappeared it left an abrupt and uncomfortable hole in him. He and Brad didn’t stay in each other’s Mind or even talk to one another Mentally all the time, but there was still a sense of ‘togetherness’ that over time they came to rely on. Ken felt like he got punched in the gut when Brad’s presence abruptly vanished.
Ken nearly ran over a couple of teenagers as he rushed out of the store. The bathrooms were at the food court on the lower level, close to a carousel for kids they used as a meeting place if they ever had to split up. Brad said he would meet Ken there.
Ken scanned the area, bustling with people, but didn’t see Brad anywhere. The noise level was outrageous, so calling out wouldn’t do any good. He ran down the hallway that led to the bathrooms and as soon as he turned the corner into the Men’s Room, he saw Brad sitting on the floor with his back against the wall. His head rested on his knees, so his face was hidden. Ken’s first thought was ‘thank God he’s here,’ and his second was that while something was apparently wrong, Brad appeared to be physically okay.
Ken rushed over and knelt down, putting a hand on Brad’s shoulder. Brad flinched from the contact and didn’t look up. Brad’s body was visibly taut, his t-shirt soaked through with sweat, and he looked white as a sheet.
Ken kept his voice steady and asked, “B, what’s goin on? Talk ‘ta me. What’s the matter?”
Brad raised his head with a confused, distant look on his face, staring through Ken like he wasn’t there.
Not knowing what else to do, Ken firmly took Brad’s face between his hands trying to force Brad to look directly at him.
“B, focus man. You’re scarin’ the shit out of me! It’s Ken!”
Brad whispered, “Ken? Oh, fuck! Thank God it’s you!”
Brad launched himself at Ken, grabbing hold and squeezing tightly, almost desperately.
“It’s okay, B. I got you, I got you.”
Ken held Brad close, wrapping him up so he would feel safe and protected, rubbing a hand up and down his back, giving him time to snap out of whatever was happening. With the physical contact, Ken reached out with his Mind. He felt resistance but pushed against it and was stunned as thousands of loud voices, all jumbled and talking over one another filled his Mind. He saw through thousands of pairs of eyes at the same time, and it was so chaotic he couldn’t focus. Emotions and feelings accompanied the voices, overpowering Ken, and he wasn’t prepared for the lies and deceit, and worst of all, the brokenness.
The pain in his head from the sudden influx was piercingly sharp, and he rebounded out of Brad’s Mind in shock and surprise. He was breathing hard and seeing spots from even brief exposure, and Brad felt everything far more acutely than he did, so what he was experiencing had to be unbearable.
“Fuck, B! I gotta get you outta here!”
Ken was sure he knew what was going on but didn’t understand how it could have happened. For some reason, the thoughts and feelings of all the people in the Mall were inundating Brad’s Mind all at once. The problem was that there were so many people he would have to get Brad through them to get him out of the Mall. He wasn’t sure if Brad could walk and didn’t want to draw attention by carrying him over his shoulder.
“Ken, I can’t hold them off! There’s too many! They’re so loud! Fuck! The lies and hate, the cruelty and brokenness… it’s… really… painful! I’m not sure how much more I can take.”
“B, look at me! Look at me!”
Ken shook Brad, and even slapped him, trying to get him to focus.
“Listen to me, B! Listen to my voice and focus on me. I got an idea. Look at me and concentrate. We’re gonna figure this shit out.”
The sound of Ken’s voice helped Brad focus, and his eyes lost some of their detachment.
“There are so many, Ken, it’s hard to hear you…”
Ken knew Brad was the source of their Mental connection, just as Ken was responsible for the physical connection. He remembered how Brad made the Construct of the River, that small piece of reality he used to imprison the creature that almost killed them both. Ken didn’t have the power to do something on that scale, but after being connected to Brad, his Mind had grown. He could initiate their connection when they were close and touching like they were.
Ken heard some teenagers coming down the hallway to the bathroom, talking loudly and laughing among themselves.
Well, there’s nothin’ for it. Fuck it! If they see us, they see us.
Ken closed his eyes and formed a picture in his Mind of a small, soundproof room, with solid walls no one could see in or out of, in the middle of the food court. The only two people allowed in that room were Ken and Brad. He imagined all the people, milling about and shopping, and talking, but inside that room it was deathly quiet.
It was difficult to hold the image in his Mind and push against Brad’s resistance, but desperation and adrenaline worked wonders, and he managed to punch through.
Opening his eyes, Ken found himself in the food court with Brad at his feet, bent over in pain and holding his head. Ken picked Brad up, throwing him over his shoulder in a fireman’s carry. In the Construct no one paid any attention to them, as if they were so wrapped up in themselves they couldn’t see what was happening right in front of them.
Ken rushed into the room with Brad and closed the door. As soon as the door shut, the voices stopped. The pressure on Ken’s Mind was immense, and the walls bulged, but they held.
He set Brad on the floor and admonished himself for not thinking to put in a couch or a bed. Brad was breathing heavily, holding his head, and repeating, “Oh fuck, oh fuck…,” over and over.
Ken sat behind Brad and pulled him up into a sitting position, wrapping his arms tightly around him. With his chin resting on Brad’s shoulder, Ken started rocking him gently.
“Just be quiet B, and relax. Relax and be still...”
Ken whispered encouragement, wanting Brad to hear his voice. Ken moved one hand up and brushed the hair back from Brad’s forehead, continuing to rock him in a soothing motion. He was scared for his partner and couldn’t imagine what set the incident off. He knew Brad had been practicing to keep this type of thing from happening, so something must have triggered it.
After a few minutes Brad’s breathing returned to normal, and he grabbed hold of Ken’s forearm wrapped around his middle.
He whispered a quiet, “Thanks, Ken. Fuck my head hurts. Where are we?”
“’Ta be honest B, I’m not sure if we’re in my head or yours. I didn’t have much time, so I put this together on the fly hopin’ it would work. You and I are still in the men’s room.”
Brad gave a surprised, “No shit?”
“So, what happened? I mean I know what happened, but how and why?”
“I went to the bathroom, and everything was mostly alright. I haven’t been around this many people yet, but I was doing fine until out of the blue this scream tore right through my Mind and broke the Shield I had up. I’ve been practicing on Shielding people’s thoughts; most of what they think is seriously fucked-up, and I need to shut it out. But that scream cut through me like a knife, and suddenly everyone in the Mall was inside my head with all their fucked-up shit. It’s hard to imagine that was us not too long ago. There’s good also, but it’s buried so deep it gets lost in the sea of all the other crap. It’s physically painful if I let it in, and it hurts like hell to see through thousands of pairs of eyes at the same time.
“Ken, I think some little kid is in trouble. It was his scream that broke through. He’s terrified, and I think he might be hurt.”
“Okay B, first we need ‘ta get outta here. Are you alright now?”
“Yeah, I’m good. Thanks, Ken, you pulled my ass out of the fire.”
Ken pulled him into a tight hug and kissed the top of his head.
“Yeah, that’s what badass boyfriends are supposed ‘ta do.”
“I just wish you didn’t have to do it quite so often. I’m beginning to wonder if I’m ever going to get a grip on this Mental stuff.”
“Whoa, B, stop right there.”
Ken grabbed Brad firmly by his shoulders and held him at arm’s length.
“First off, do you remember how long it took the guys and me to adjust to our bodies after the change? Yeah, that’s right. Months! And we were in good shape before the Program. The senses were even worse! This is no different. You’re dealin’ with this shit way better than I ever could, and you’re doin’ fuckin’ great. It’s new territory, and it sucks, but you’re learnin’ as you go. There isn’t a manual for this shit.”
“Yeah, I guess you’re right.”
“No guessing about it, B. Look here, and I’ll prove it.”
Ken took Brad’s hand and placed it on his chest over his heart.
Brad merged with Ken and lost himself for a moment in the bond they shared. Their love and support for one another were like a healing balm and a shot of adrenaline at the same time, lifting them up. Brad drew strength from Ken’s physical presence, feeling the heat of his body, breathing in his scent, and just as much from touching his Mind.
B, use us as a shield. What we have is strong enough ‘ta get us through anythin’ as long as we’re together. If you feel yourself slippin’, just come back ‘ta this, ‘ta what we have, and let it be a barrier that nothin’ can get through.
Hey, Ken?
I’m supposed to be the smart one, you know that right?
Hey, buddy, I’m just holdin’ you up ’til you get back on your feet. That’s what badass boyfriends do for one another. Remember that the next time I get knocked on my ass, okay?
Alright, we’ve been here long enough. Let’s get back to our bodies.
Neither of them noticed a well-dressed man sitting in the food court of Ken’s Construct, observing them. To him, the walls of Ken’s room were nonexistent, and he heard every word and thought. He listened with a contemptuous scowl on his face and vanished just before Brad took them back to their bodies.
When Brad opened his eyes, he was sitting on the floor of the men’s bathroom. Ken knelt beside him, with a hand on his shoulder. Ken stood up and held out a hand, pulling Brad to his feet.
Even with everything that transpired in the Construct, only a few seconds passed in the real world. Just as Brad stood up, the teenagers rounded the corner and entered the bathroom.
Brad looked at himself in the mirror and he was pale and sweaty. Ken had their shopping bags, and Brad said, “Hey Ken, would you hand me one of the new shirts? I don’t want to go back out there looking like this. And remind me to burn these clothes, I’m not sure I can wear them again knowing they were on the floor of a public bathroom.”
One of the kids, a young Hispanic guy, looked over at Brad and asked, “Hey man, you okay? You need some help?”
The young man’s honest concern and willingness to help a stranger touched Brad and made him feel just a little bit better.
“Thanks for asking, but I’m okay. Something I ate didn’t agree with me.”
The kid nodded and went over to a urinal to take a piss.
Stripping off his shirt, Brad washed his face and wet his short hair, wiping off with some paper towels. He wiped his body down with his dirty shirt and donned the new one Ken tossed to him. Taking a deep breath, he looked and felt better except for the pain in his head.
As the kids headed out, Ken heard one of them say, “Shit did you see that guy? He was built!”
Ken smiled at their comments about Brad. He couldn’t agree more!
Brad’s eyes were red and glassy, and Ken asked, “B, are you sure you’re alright?”
“Yeah, I have a splitting headache, but I’m good. I’m ready if it happens again. Ken, we need to find that kid.”
“Don’t you think we should at least call the doc and see if he has an opinion on what just happened?”
“We don’t have time. We can after, but I have a bad feeling about this. We can call the doc after, man, I promise.”
“Alright, so you heard this kid scream, but did you see him? Do we know who we’re lookin’ for?”
“He’s a little boy, but I didn’t see his face. He’s young, maybe three or four. I got a brief glimpse through his eyes before he got jumbled into everyone else. He’s in the food court, and the kid’s meal he’s eating is from Dairy Queen. There’s a man and a woman with him. The man has some serious tats on his arms. He’s big, and the kid is scared shitless of him. He did something that triggered this. It had to be pretty bad for the boy to react like he did.”
“Okay, we’re goin’ out there and takin’ a look. If they’re still there, we need ‘ta identify ‘em and hold tight for a few minutes. We can’t just barge in and tell ‘em you had a vision of their terrified son. If the kid’s in trouble, we’ll need proof ‘ta help him.”
Brad and Ken left the bathroom and headed towards the Dairy Queen counter. A movie had just let out from the upstairs theater, and people were flooding into the food court off the escalators, making the noise level even louder.
Ken focused, and through the noise he heard a few kids crying. One cry in particular was higher pitched, nearly hysterical, and he immediately honed in on the little boy. He wore an Iron Man t-shirt, shorts, and tennis shoes. His cheeks were bright red and wet from crying. He was hysterical from sobbing so hard; his nose was running, and spittle covered his chin, dripping down onto his shirt. A messy kid’s meal sat on the table in front of him, and his little fingers held a soggy, half eaten, ketchup covered french-fry, but he was crying so hard he couldn’t finish it.
The boy’s mother was trying to calm him down, but the father, a big man, muscular and covered with tattoos looked furious. He grabbed the little boy, each of his big fists gripping one of the boys’ small arms and jerked the boy into his lap. Ken winced when he saw the man’s knuckles turn white from the strength of his grip, knowing he could easily break the boy’s arms if he wasn’t careful.
Ken turned to Brad and said, “Hey B, go get Mall Security pronto.”
Ken’s reaction when he saw the man jerk the boy into his lap hit Brad through their Link. Brad’s voice turned steely, and he said, “You call them Ken. He’s not touching that kid again. In fact, you better call an ambulance.”
Ken wasn’t worried about Brad getting hurt, but he was worried about what Brad might do to the guy. Waves of white hot of anger radiated from Brad through their Link.
Ken muttered, “Oh Shit,” under his breath.
“Don’t worry Ken, I’m in control.”
Ken hoped he or Brad knew some of the Mall cops on duty. It would make whatever was about to happen easier to smooth over.
When Brad got close, he heard the man scream into the kid’s ear, “Why the fuck can’t you ever listen to me you little shit!? Do you know how much that food costs!?”
The mother was trying to diffuse the situation, but she was visibly frightened, and Brad saw her hands trembling.
“Doug, you know he didn’t mean it! He’s just a baby! Here let me take him...”
She reached over to take the boy, but Doug slammed him down onto the chair next to him, away from her. The boy was so hysterical all he could do was cry, but the pitch of his scream increased when his tailbone slammed down into the hard wooden chair. His little legs kicked as he squirmed from the pain of the impact. The sounds of his cries were mostly drowned out in the noise level of the Mall, and only a few people right next to them could see what was going on. Most of them, Brad noted, were trying to ignore the situation. The mother cringed, and when Doug grabbed her wrist, Brad saw the discoloration of recent bruising on her arms.
Doug was a big man, with broad shoulders and massive arms, but he was redneck fat with a paunch to his gut from all the beer. He looked mean, but Brad was 6’ 2” and 245 lbs. of solid muscle and a trained Navy SEAL. People around Doug started to stare and point as Brad approached, but Doug was oblivious.
Brad’s anger snapped when he saw bruises on the mother’s arms and the little boy’s pain. He grabbed Doug’s wrist with an iron grip, squeezing hard enough to break his grip on his wife’s arm.
Brad said calmly but loud enough to be heard, “Let go of her.”
Doug’s head jerked up, furious, and he yelled, “Let go of me right now mother fucker, or I’ll rip your arm off!”
Doug stood up so fast he knocked his chair over. People sitting adjacent started backing away quickly, realizing a fight was about to break out. It was apparent from Doug’s body language he was trying to intimidate Brad.
Brad maintained his grip, twisting Doug’s arm behind his back, and put him in a very painful arm lock, shoving his face onto the table, purposefully aiming for the ketchup covered napkin. The woman’s eyes went wide as saucers. Brad calmly looked at her and said, “Ma’am you see that man over there in the blue t-shirt talking with Mall Security?”
The woman was shaking and to upset to talk, but she nodded her head.
“You need to take your little boy and go over to him. He’s going to make sure you and your son are safe, while I have a talk with Doug here.”
Doug was livid, his face turning purple with rage.
“You fuckin’ bastard! How the hell do you know my name? I’m gonna’ kill you! Liz, get your ass back over here bitch if you know what’s good for you!”
Liz picked her son up, hugging him tightly against her and hurried over to Ken.
“Doug, I’m going to let you go so we can have a little chat. If you’re smart, which I doubt, you’ll pick up your chair and sit your ass down. But I hope you’re a dumb shit just like you look, and that you’ll take a swing at me.”
Brad released Doug’s arm and quickly moved out of reach. Brad looked calm and relaxed but was thoroughly prepared and expecting Doug to rush him.
Doug breathed hard, his nostrils flaring in anger as he looked around. People were staring at him, making him feel foolish and angry. The flow of Doug’s shallow, base emotions were an open book to Brad.
Standing about twenty feet away, Ken was dealing with Mall Security but also keeping an eye on the situation. Doug telegraphed his moves a mile away, and Ken whispered to himself, “Don’t do it, man.”
As Ken’s words left his mouth, Doug lunged at Brad, trying to catch him off guard. Five seconds later, Doug was on the ground semi-conscious. Brad, extremely efficient at dirty infighting from his combat training, hit Doug no less than a dozen times, reigning blows down on his chest, stomach, and neck. Doug never had a clue as to what hit him.
Brad knelt down, acting like he was checking on Doug and touched his temple.
“Time for a little chat, you sorry piece of shit.”
Doug had no idea what was happening, but suddenly he found himself sitting on his couch at home, with duct tape around his hands and feet. A very intimidating Brad stood in front of him, with his arms crossed over his chest.
“Alright Doug, I only have a few minutes, so I’m going to cut right to the chase. Don’t lie to me. In fact, you can’t lie to me here. And don’t try to hold anything back, because I can force you to talk if I have to. What is your son’s name?”
“I ain’t tellin’ you shit! What the fuck is goin’ on? How’d I get here? You better untie me you bastard or…”
“Or what Doug? Are you going to hit me like you do your wife and son? I’m asking you one more time. What is your son’s name?”
“Fuck you, you son of a bitch!”
“Alright Doug, I’m going to try and explain this in terms your dumb ass can understand. We’re in your Mind right now. Your body is lying unconscious on the floor of the food court at the Mall of Georgia, where I just kicked your redneck ass. While we’re in your head, think of me like Freddy Kruger. In this place I’m your worst nightmare, and I can pretty much do whatever I want to you. If I kill you here, your body will die on the floor of the Mall.”
While Brad spoke, Doug seemed oblivious, ignoring him and struggling against the tape to try and break free. As he watched Doug struggle, Brad’s anger towards Doug continued to build. The stupid, ignorant, man, a wife beater and child abuser, was too dumb to realize how much trouble he was in.
Brad saw red. He rarely lost his temper, but Doug pushed all his buttons.
“Alright Doug, you asked for it.”
Brad Opened Doug’s Mind like peeling an onion. He did it intentionally, even harshly, and Doug screamed as layer after layer was stripped away. Brad wasn’t proud of his actions, but he was furious. He sifted through Doug’s unintelligent and unorganized Mind, witnessing his life and the experiences that led him to be the man he was. Brad watched Doug and Liz marry, and saw the birth of their son Drew.
Brad saw Doug’s rage and resentment at what he thought was an unfair life, and his desire to feel powerful and in control. Brad watched, horrified, as Doug burned Drew with cigarettes and beat Liz. When Drew was only two years old, Doug broke Drew’s leg and managed to fool Child and Family Services and lie his way out of going to jail.
Doug screamed as Brad tore into his memories, aware of everything Brad saw. Doug was so terrified he shit his pants. Unfortunately, and much to the dismay of anyone close to him in the food court, his body followed suit.
Brad went ballistic when he saw the beatings, the burns, and Drew’s broken leg. His face flushed dark red, his whole body tensed, and veins showed at his temples, neck, and arms.
The waves of anger radiating off Brad were like a physical force in the Construct as he shouted. Doug cried in fear and pain and started begging, “Please man, don’t kill me! I can change! I swear it! I promise! I’ll do whatever you want, but don’t hurt me!”
Doug sobbed, nearly incoherent with fear, his face covered in tears and snot, looking just as terrified as Drew did a few seconds ago.
The brokenness in Doug physically hurt Brad. Doug was a horrible human being, and Brad’s immersion in his Mind and memories was painful and made him sick. He already had a splitting headache from Drew breaking his Shield, and he paled even more and wanted to throw up.
Assessing Doug’s life and memories, Brad saw and heard every excuse Doug used before. His temper would get out of hand, and he would beat Liz or hurt Drew, and then promise to change. He would for a time, until he was drunk or in a bad mood, and then Drew would make too much noise, or Liz would do something wrong. Brad realized Doug would never change his behavior. He could, but never would.
Brad’s voice dripped with contempt as he said, “You’re a fucking animal, Doug. You know, and I know, you’ll never change. You’re too weak and lazy.”
Brad leaned down, putting his face inches from Doug, who was crying like a baby, afraid Brad was going to kill him.
“So, should I get out a blowtorch and burn you because you’re crying? Like you burned Drew with your cigarettes when he made too much noise? Like you burned Liz’s hand on the stovetop when she burned your dinner? How does it feel to be helpless and afraid Doug? To feel like you make your wife and son feel? You’re scared shitless right now, but as soon as you get home, you’ll find a way to make this their fault and take it out on them. You know it’s the truth!”
Brad was having a difficult time keeping his anger in check. Once he dug deep and realized what kind of person Doug was, he was unsure how to proceed. He could erase the bad memories and experiences that made Doug the person he was, but that would change him too much and be too hard to explain, and there was no way to know what kind of man Doug might become; he could turn out even worse. Brad could kill him, which would be the easiest choice and probably best for everyone involved, especially Drew, but that wasn’t an option or at least one he could consider at the moment. No, the only thing a man like Doug could understand was fear and control.
“Okay Doug, here is what’s going to happen. You’re going to jail and you’re never going to see Drew or Liz again. EVER. You can communicate with Liz, but you will never go near her again. EVER. You’re going to make it your life’s work to make theirs better. As soon as you can, you will get a job and send them money. You will put Drew through college if he wants to go. You will pay their rent. I don’t care how miserable your life becomes, you’re going to make it up to them. You will never get married or have any more children. If you ever hit another woman or abuse another child, I will know about it, and I will hunt you down, and flay your fucking brain inside out and leave you a mindless corpse. Do you understand me?”
As Brad spoke, he placed Compulsions in Doug’s Mind, enforcing his commands.
Doug was shaking so hard and still crying all he could do was nod his head ‘yes.'
“I’m so glad we had this little chat, Doug. I’m going to knock you out now. Painfully.”
There was no outward sign of what happened to Doug, other than he passed out with a grunt and defecated in his pants. Brad looked up and saw Liz with Drew in her arms, standing next to Ken.
One of the Mall cops kept everyone away from Doug and told Brad, “Gwinnett PD is on their way. You need to stay put until they get here for a statement.”
Brad nodded and went over to where Ken stood with Liz and Drew. Drew was still crying.
Brad looked at Liz and asked her, “Are you okay?”
Her voice was shaky, and she started to cry as she replied, “Thank you, but you have no idea what you just did. He’s going to be so mad when he wakes up.”
“Liz, it’s going to be alright. He’s not going to hurt you or Drew ever again. I know you may not believe it now, but trust me, everything is going to be fine.”
Not wanting her to ask any questions right then, Brad gave her his most disarming smile and asked, “So how’s your little Iron Man doing?”
“He’s settled down a little, but I can’t get him to stop crying.”
Hey Ken, could you do me a favor? The Disney Store is right around the corner on this level. When we walked by earlier, they had Iron Man hoodies for kids. Could you run and get one? Size 3 in Little Boys.
Are you gonna’ tell me what’s goin on? What the hell did you do ‘ta him, Brad? I saw you kick his ass, but that doesn’t make a guy shit his pants.
I’ll show you everything later. I was harsh, I won’t deny it, but hopefully you’ll understand and agree with me once you see it all.
Alright, you know I trust you. One Iron Man hoodie comin’ up!
Ken motioned for one of the Mall cops to come over and quietly told him where he was going, out of earshot of Liz and Drew.
“Liz, if you don’t mind, could I hold Drew for a minute? Maybe I can get him to stop crying. I know I’m a stranger, but I’d like to try.”
Liz looked at Drew, and asked him, “Drew, do you mind if this nice man holds you for a minute? You’re such a big boy, you’re getting heavy, and Mommy needs a rest.”
Brad didn’t have much experience with kids Drew’s age, and after his abuse and horrible experiences Brad was afraid of hurting him more.
Drew seemed ambivalent to the exchange and didn’t put up a fuss when Liz transferred him to Brad, who put one arm under his butt and one around his back. Brad gently rubbed Drew’s back, hoping it would help calm him down.
“Hi, Drew, my name’s Brad. That sure is a nice Iron Man shirt you got there. Did your mommy get it for you?”
Drew rested his head on Brad’s shoulder and put his arms up as far around Brad’s thick neck as he could. His nod was barely discernible, but he didn’t say anything.
Brad closed his eyes and sent soft, soothing thoughts of comfort and safety into Drew’s young Mind. In seconds, Drew stopped crying. He wasn’t sleepy, he was just content to let Brad hold him, and for the first time that day, and probably for far longer, he felt safe.
Liz sniffed and wiped her eyes with her sleeve. She was amazed when Drew stopped crying and said, “He must really like you. He’s not usually too warm to strangers.”
Brad grinned and said, “I think he knows I’m a friend. Don’t you, buddy?”
While Brad held Drew, the Gwinnett Police showed up and started taking statements. Brad and Ken were in luck, and one of the officers worked with them on a regular basis as extra security at a local bar. While the police took statements, Ken came back with a Disney Store bag in hand.
Brad said, “Hey Drew! Look here buddy, I got something for you. Check this out, little man!”
The hoodie caught Drew’s attention as soon as Ken pulled it out of the bag. The screen printing made it look like Iron Man armor.
“Wow! You’ll look even more like Iron Man wearing this! Do you want to put it on?”
Drew actually smiled, and perked up a little, and nodded his head ‘yes.'
Brad set Drew on the floor and knelt down, so they were at eye level.
“Here buddy, it’s hot out today, so let’s take your T-shirt off before we put this on alright?”
Drew raised his arms, and before Liz realized what he was doing, Brad had his t-shirt up and off.
Ken went white with anger when he saw the burn scars and bruises. The cops saw them too. Brad quickly put the hoodie on Drew and picked him back up. Liz started crying quietly again, but Brad reiterated, “Liz, don’t worry.”
The cop they knew told them, “You know we have to call a caseworker on this.”
Brad said, “I know Frank, but Liz here is a good mom. That Fu...” Brad stopped himself from cussing in front of Drew, “guy over there is responsible. I’ll vouch for her.”
It didn’t take long before someone from Child Services showed up. While they interviewed Liz, Drew was getting fidgety.
“Hey, Drew I want you to meet my friend, Ken.”
Ken held out his hand and Drew tentatively took it.
“Pleased ‘ta meet ‘ya, little man.”
Brad motioned for Ken to come closer, and whispered in Drew’s ear, “Can you keep a secret?”
Drew still wasn’t talking but nodded his head yes, his eyes big and solemn.
“Ken is really Iron Man, but we have to keep his secret. He’s here to keep you and your mom safe.”
Ken looked at Brad like he was crazy.
“B? What’re you doin’?”
Drew frowned and said, “uh-uh.”
“Yeah, Drew, he is, and I can prove it. He’s wearing his armor underneath his clothes, but he doesn’t want anyone to know who he is. Do you believe me?”
Drew shook his head ‘no.'
“Okay buddy, here’s what I want you to do. I want you to stick your finger out and poke him hard right on his chest, and you’ll feel the armor under his shirt. Here, watch this.”
Brad stuck out his finger and poked Ken hard on his upper chest, and then shook his hand exclaiming, “Ow! That hurt!”
Ken caught on and was ready when Drew’s finger poked him. Drew had a look on his face like he knew they were lying to him, but he stuck his little finger out and poked hard. The density of Ken’s body made him hard to the touch, but Ken tensed his chest, and to Drew it did feel as hard as steel. His eyes went wide, and he looked at Brad, who whispered, “See, I told you! But we have to keep it a secret, okay?”
Drew whispered in Brad’s ear, “Okay.”
The rest of the time Drew couldn’t keep his eyes off Ken.
After the police finished and hauled Doug away to jail, Brad pulled Liz off to the side. Ken held Drew, who kept poking him in the chest and giggling.
“Liz, I know all this is a shock, but I want to let you know again that everything is going to be alright. I can’t explain right now, and I might never be able too, but Doug is out of your life as of today. You’ll hear from him at some point, but he will never see you in person again. When he can, he’ll start sending money. More importantly, I’m concerned about how Drew is going to handle all this. You know he’s going to have issues to deal with.”
Liz’s eyes were still red from crying all afternoon, but she managed to say, “I can’t thank you enough, Mr. Wilson. I don’t understand any of this. I was so scared for Drew, and me. I’ve tried to leave Doug before, and it always ended with Drew getting hurt.”
“Well, Doug can’t hurt you anymore. I’ll make sure of that. When things settle down, I’d like you to get in touch with me. I know a great doctor who can help Drew. There won’t be any charge, so don’t worry about money. I’d hate for Drew to grow into someone like Doug, but after what he’s been through, you know it’s a possibility.”
“I know. I hope he’s young enough to get past this. I’ll call you about that doctor if you answer one question.”
“What’s that?”
“Why did you do this? I mean why did you get involved, and how did you know what was going on?”
“All I can tell you, Liz, is that I heard Drew cry. I heard him through all these people and all the noise, and I knew he needed my help. I know that sounds crazy, but it’s the only answer I have.”
“Well, angels come in all shapes and sizes.”
Brad gave her his most handsome, charming smile and said, “I think I’m more like a knight in shining armor than an angel. That’s a little manlier image.”
“Thanks again, Brad, for everything.”
She got up on her tiptoes and kissed his cheek.
Finally, Brad and Ken were able to leave the Mall. PF Chang’s was attached to the outside area of the Mall, so on their way to the car they stopped and placed an order to go. Both of them were ready to get home, and after the day they had neither one felt like cooking.
Brad stayed quiet and pensive, and Ken left him alone except for holding his hand on the drive home. Their Link was active, but Ken didn’t pry, he just made sure Brad was aware of his love and support.
Brad was still pale and suffering residual effects of looking so deeply into Doug. He was nauseous, but the worst of his headache was gone. The warmth of Ken’s hand helped settle him, but even more so Ken’s solid presence in his Mind.
They arrived home, parked the car in the garage, went inside, and activated the security protocols. As always, Ken relaxed at the sound of the system engaging. Brad remained pensive, and Ken knew something was bothering him, but he didn’t push or try to ‘peek,’ knowing Brad would share everything with him soon enough.
Being in Ken counteracted the nastiness of Doug and once his stomach settled, he was starving. Ken’s stomach rumbled while he unpacked the food and Brad set out plates and drinks. They ate dinner together, and Ken kept the conversation light and unobtrusive.
After dinner, Lane called to check in and see how they were doing. While Ken talked to him, Brad cleared the table and rinsed the dishes before stacking them in the dishwasher. He had taken off his new shirt so he wouldn’t splash any soapy water on it.
Ken paced around the den, talking with Lane and expertly dodging the seriousness of the day. Ken promised he and Brad would get together with Lane and Bryan in the next few nights before he hung up. Ken set the phone back on the charger and stopped to stare at Brad, watching the muscles of his back move and stretch under his skin as he rinsed the dishes and put them in the dishwasher.
Brad noticed the silence and glanced over his shoulder to see Ken sitting on the back of the couch staring at him. Ken had his arms crossed over his chest and his legs out and crossed at the ankles.
Brad froze in mid-motion as he was reaching down to close the dishwasher, staring back. After an awkward silence of a few seconds, Brad asked, “What?”
Ken’s voice was low as he said, “I can’t tell you how hot I am for you right now, B. Come here.”
Brad moved over, and Ken spread his legs wide but stayed perched on the back of the couch. He pulled Brad close and pressed his face against Brad’s bare chest, reaching his arms around in a hug. Brad put his arms around Ken’s head and shoulders and hugged him back squeezing Ken’s face against him.
“It’s been a long day, B, and not an easy one for you. I want you ‘ta share what happened with me, but first I wanna take care of you. I want to de-stress you. I want you to feel how much I love you. I want ‘ta feel you getting off, either in my hand, my mouth, or my ass, at least a few times. Like NOW.”
Brad chuckled, kissing Ken on the top of his head.
“Damn, Ken, when did you learn foreplay?”
Ken took Brad’s hand and led him back to their bedroom. Lifting Brad’s hand, he kissed the back of it and grinned saying, “Mmmmm the fresh taste of Dawn dishwashing liquid. Take your shorts off B and get on the bed.”
Brad dropped his shorts and got on his back in the middle of the bed. Ken stripped off his shirt and shorts and crawled on top. Straddling Brad’s waist he intertwined his fingers with Brad’s, pinning his arms over his head. Ken loved having Brad’s impressive physique stretched out with his arms over his head, his chest, nipples, and armpits bare and defenseless. Brad was instantly hard, and Ken felt the heat of his erection against his leg.
Ken lowered his torso and started rubbing their chests together. Each man was turned on by the hard, muscular body of the other, and Ken, in particular, knew how his extra body heat effected Brad. As he moved against Brad, Ken’s dick slid along the ridges of Brad’s furry stomach.
Ken put his head down and licked the sensitive skin of Brad’s left armpit, making it as slow and erotic as he could, and Brad’s sigh of pleasure told him what he needed to know. After a while he moved over, kissing Brad’s thick neck and upper chest while making his way across to the other armpit. While he used his tongue, he made sure to rub his stubble covered chin and cheeks against Brad wherever he could. Eventually, he covered every square inch of Brad’s upper torso.
By then, Brad’s state of arousal was to the point where he couldn’t stand not touching Ken anymore, and his hands started roaming over Ken’s chest, shoulders, and arms, loving the tension in his muscles from holding his body up.
Ken moved down until he was between Brad’s knees, then sat up to hold and stroke their erections together. Brad started thrusting his hips, matching the motion of Ken’s hand.
Ken had the most amazing hands, and the fact that they were his lover’s hands made Brad’s pleasure that much better. Ken’s hands were strong enough to rip metal, yet he was gentle and loving in his touches, and the dichotomy of that turned Brad on. The gentle strength and warmth of Ken’s hands never failed to bring him pleasure.
“God, B, I love holdin’ you in my hand and feelin’ how hard you are. I can feel your heartbeat. It’s amazin’. You’re amazin’, and you deserve more than I can ever possibly give you.”
While Ken continued stroking him, with his other hand he entered Brad with a thick finger and found his prostate. Ken’s heightened sensitivity and touch made him perfectly aware of Brad’s reactions. With their thoughts and emotions Open through the Link, it made him even more conscious of the effect he had on his lover.
Ken looked down at Brad’s masculine form, perfect and desirable to him in every way. Watching Brad react to his ministrations and the sight of his sweaty, muscular body writhing and working towards a mind-blowing orgasm affected him deeply.
“Fuck yeah B, work it up. I love it when you get all pumped up and sweaty for me. I wanna feel you go off in my hand.”
Lost in the sensations, Brad couldn’t talk. He hovered on the edge of an intense orgasm, and Ken read the signs of his imminent eruption as he continued stroking his lover. Just as Brad reached the point of no return, Ken leaned over and took Brad into his mouth, matching the motions of his tongue with his finger on Brad’s prostate.
“Oh, Oh, Ohhhh, fuck Ken, I’m cumming! Uhhhhhh!”
Ken swallowed Brad’s load and continued stroking him until he was done. Once Brad finished, Ken crawled back up, supporting most of his weight, but keeping as much of his body against Brad as he could. Brad wrapped his arms around Ken’s back and his legs around Ken’s waist, hugging with all his strength. Brad breathed heavy, still in the lingering aftermath of his orgasm, and Ken kissed his forehead, nose, and cheeks, finally stopping at his mouth for a long passionate kiss.
Ken was so turned on by getting Brad off and watching him writhe in pleasure, pleasure he brought, in less than a minute Ken’s powerful frame erupted in his own intense orgasm as he ground himself against Brad’s hairy stomach.
When Ken finished shooting, he rolled them over, so Brad was on top, and his hands rubbed lovingly over Brad’s back and shoulders while they kissed.
They continued cuddling and enjoying each other’s bodies for a few minutes when a devilish grin crossed Ken’s handsome face, and he whispered into Brad’s ear, “That was one.”
He raised his head up enough to make eye contact, and they stared at each other, their eyes roaming over each other’s face.
After a minute Ken broke the silence, “You know what, B?”
Brad let out a lazy and very relaxed, “What?”
“I love you.”
“Yeah, I know.”
Brad smirked and said, “You need to use more syllables, Ken, I didn’t quite catch that.”
“Dude, don’t you know what the proper response is when someone says ‘I love you?’”
“Yeah, but you’re a douche.”
Ken chuckled under his breath and asked, “What the fuck does me bein’ a douche have ‘ta do with you not usin’ the proper designated response to ‘I love you.’”
Brad’s smirk turned into a full-fledged smile, and he replied, “Nothing. I just wanted to piss you off.”
“Are you ever gonna grow up?”
Ken reached down and fondled Brad’s semi-hard erection saying, “Speakin’ of growin’… how do you want the next one?”
“Hmm, you know what I really want?”
“I want you to get off inside me so I can get all charged up, and then I want a repeat of the other night. I want to see every muscle in your body pumped and dripping sweat all over me. I want to see veins popping. I want every ounce of your weight on top of me, and I want you to squeeze me so hard I can’t breathe.”
“But I want this ‘ta be about you gettin’ off, not me.”
“Ken, the last time you did that to me, do you remember the word I used to describe it? Think hard because it has more than one syllable.”
“Fuck you, asshole.”
Brad laughed and said, “Now you’re getting it!”
“The word, Mr. Habersham, was EPIC. When you get that way, it drives me over the edge. Believe me, this is not just about you… I have a selfish interest in wanting it. I want you to know how much I get off on you when you get like that. When you start, I want you to turn on that physical thing you do with us.”
“Alright, Mr. Wilson.”
As Brad made his wishes known, Ken got more and more turned on by the thought of what Brad wanted to do. Both their eyes flashed White, and the devilish grin on Ken’s handsome face returned.
For the next few hours, Ken became ‘that guy’ for Brad, driving them both to unparalleled heights of pleasure. Ken maintained their physical bond and Brad held their Minds tight. Every touch, every thought, every bit of pleasure resonated between the two men, until finally, exhausted, they collapsed together in a big pile of satisfied, sweaty, muscle.
Ken’s orgasm was so intense all he could do was stay on top of Brad and let himself be held while Brad rubbed and caressed his back and shoulders. Brad's legs were still wrapped around Ken’s waist holding them close and keeping them connected. The weight and touch of Ken’s body sent Brad into his own state of bliss as he comforted his lover.
It was almost twenty minutes before Ken rolled off onto his back. Brad rolled with him and rested his head on Ken’s chest, wanting to feel and hear his heartbeat. He continued stroking and caressing Ken wherever his hands could reach. Ken put one hand behind his head, and his other arm wrapped around Brad, hugging him hard and tight, almost desperately, like he never wanted to let go.
After a few minutes, Brad raised himself up on one elbow, and with his other hand, he brushed Ken’s sweaty hair off his forehead. Ken sniffed and cleared his throat, and Brad noticed his eyes were bright and teary.
Finally breaking the silence, Ken said, “B, I’ve said it before, but it scares the shit out of me how much I love you… How much you mean ‘ta me, and how much better we are together after everythin’ that’s happened. I can so lose myself in you, and it baffles me how you can feel the same way about me. I don’t deserve you, but I’m so grateful ‘ta be with you.”
“You deserve me Ken, never doubt that. I’m the one who feels like he got the better end of the deal. We deserve each other, and we both know it. We can’t stay merged all the time, and to be honest I don’t think we should, but at times like this it reminds our hearts how much we love each other when our Minds start to forget while we’re apart. And just for the record big guy, I’m grateful to be with you too. I can’t imagine life without your ugly mug in it.”
Ken was completely relaxed, enjoying Brad’s roaming hands. He lazily said, “So am I ugly, or am I a douche, 'cause I can’t possibly be both.”
“You’re the most handsome, courageous, studly, ugly, douche in the world… and, you’re all mine.”
“Speakin’ of ugly douches, why don’t you share what happened today? I wanna get the whole picture.”
Brad Opened his Mind, and Ken slipped in. For a few minutes they stayed together, silent and content with no barriers between them. The freedom to be themselves even with their faults and the intimacy of their Minds being coupled, made their eyes water. The contentment they found in each other was indescribable.
After a few minutes, Brad shared his memories of earlier in the day, leading Ken through events. Ken’s anger flared again when he saw how Doug hurt Drew and Liz, terrifying his wife and son. Ken saw the burn marks and scars on Drew, and it upset him, but to see the fresh memories and relive them made him furious.
It only took a few seconds for Brad to share everything. When they separated, each going back to his own body, Ken was breathing hard from anger.
That muther fuckin son of a bitch!
Yeah, but Ken, it scared me how close I came to destroying his Mind. I could have done it so easily, and the world would probably be a better place if I had.
I wouldn’t have blamed you if you did B, but I’m proud of you for not doin’ it. I know the doc didn’t make us this way ‘ta be killers. When we ran missions in the war it was different; that was a part of bein’ in the military. But the doc knew that was temporary, and even though we could kill off piece of shit dirtbags like Doug, I don’t think we should.
I’m glad you think that, Ken.
There was a slight pause, and Ken grinned.
Hey B, if you’re Freddy Kruger, next time can I be Jason X?
Brad couldn’t help but laugh. Ken rolled on his side, pulling Brad close against him and they went quiet. With one arm under his head and the other wrapped around the man he loved most in the world, Ken drifted off to sleep. Brad was in his favorite spot, naked and spooned by Ken, the place he felt the safest and loved. He fell asleep to the sound Ken’s steady heartbeat and warm breath on his neck, holding the arm Ken had draped over him.
The next few weeks were nice and peaceful. Ken and Brad returned to work, and the whole Team resumed their regular routines. The only rule still in place was to never travel alone, and preferably with their partners.
Since their workout schedules were so extreme, the doctor modified the gym at the Lab so Brad and the other Mentalists, as they now liked to call themselves, had everything necessary to work out alongside Ken and the stronger guys. The new equipment saved them an enormous amount of time, and the guys liked it much better.
The doctor started regular counseling sessions with each couple in regards to their developing abilities. By then all of the guys had successfully tried the physical connection Ken and Brad discovered, and Bryan and Lane even merged completely. After what Brad did to try and save Ken, and what Lane was able to do, the other couples started experimenting, and the doctor needed to set some guidelines. As far as ‘merging’ with anyone else outside of their partners, the doctor would leave it up to them as individuals. He warned them it could cause any number of problems if they didn’t approach it in a mature manner.
Over time, Brad started noticing a change in his and Ken’s attitude towards ‘normals,' as they now called ordinary people. The change happened gradually, but when he thought about it consciously, a definite pattern was developing. He and Ken were going out less, and in general disliked dealing with people, except the doc and the rest of the guys. Except for necessities like grocery shopping and work, they stopped going to movies or out drinking. Brad mentioned his concern to Ken, and they decided to bring it up to the doctor.
Their next session happened to be later that afternoon close to dinner time, so they picked up food for the doctor and themselves on the way to the Lab. No one else was scheduled to be in at that time, so they could all eat in the kitchen area and have the place to themselves. It still baffled Ken and Brad how the doctor could eat such greasy fried food and stay looking as good as he did.
As they sat down to eat the doctor, perceptive as always, said, “I believe you both have something you wish to discuss this evening.”
Brad said, “Yeah doc, we talked about this earlier today, and it’s something that’s happened slowly over the last few months. It’s been so gradual we didn’t notice it at first, but we can see it becoming a serious problem if we don’t nip it in the bud.”
“And what is this problem?”
“Well, sir…. from the first-time Ken and I merged, our lives together have been better than ever. Neither of us ever thought we could be closer than we were before all this started, but when we’re truly together, without all the nastiness and brokenness, we wonder how we ever made it. Looking back, it’s amazing how blind we were, all the while thinking we were blissfully happy. Now, we can hardly imagine not being together like we are, which leads me to our current conundrum.
“I’ve noticed neither one of us wants to be around normals much anymore, and it’s getting worse. Ken picks up, for lack of a better word, an echo from me of what’s going on around us. When we’re apart, it’s not so bad for Ken, but when we’re touching or holding hands, it can get extreme. All of the things we shed in our relationship, the lies and such, are distasteful, even painful to be around. We’ve gotten to the point of not wanting to be around anyone else. It’s no problem with you and the guys, but we can’t be hermits and just live with you and the guys all the time.
“We still haven’t taken the full plunge with anyone else yet, although we’d like to try it with Bryan and Lane first since they’ve already taken that step. Mental communication isn’t the same as merging, but you still can’t lie, and it’s brought our friendships with all the guys to a much deeper level. I’ll be glad when we’re at that point with everyone. We’re confident it won’t be a problem long term, even if there are some bumps along the way.
“I want to be clear we aren’t approaching this issue from any sense of ego or superiority over normals. It’s just getting harder and harder to be around them and see how the world works, how fragile things really are between people, and how the world essentially runs on deception.”
Brad had done all the talking up to that point, and the doctor glanced at Ken with a questioning look on his face. Ken replied with a grin, “What he said, doc. We talked it over this mornin’ in our heads. I’m still gettin’ used ‘ta the idea of a few hours of conversation only takin’ a few seconds. But yeah, basically I think we have a purpose in this world that still isn’t clear, and we’re concerned that we won’t be able to accomplish whatever that purpose ends up bein’ if we can’t be out in the world.”
The doctor leaned back in his chair, wiping the corners of his mouth with a napkin while pondering their comments. After a short pause he said, “As always, you two are my star pupils. I intended to bring this matter up, but I am glad you recognize the issue on your own. I have always known your development would reach this level, but honestly, I did not expect it for some years. It does present a problem for you.”
A thought popped into the back of Ken’s Mind, and he asked, “Doc, how did you learn to deal with it?”
Brad almost spit out his drink at Ken’s comment.
The doctor didn’t bat an eye and asked, “My boy, whatever do you mean?”
Ken grinned and said, “Oh come on doc, I think you know exactly what I mean, but I’m guessin’ you aren’t ‘permitted’ ‘ta talk about it. So, let me throw a few ideas out for you. We’ve often wondered how you know so much about, like, everythin.’ There isn’t a field of science, medicine, or philosophy that you aren’t top man on the planet in. I don’t think you’re like us,” Ken pointed to Brad and himself, “but you are somethin’ different. I don’t think I’d be surprised at anythin’ you might be able ‘ta do. If you’re supposed ‘ta be our guide, you gotta have some experience with all of this stuff.
“I’m not gonna push you on this, doc. I think that would be a bad idea for everybody, and I don’t wanna cause you any grief or complications. I just want you ‘ta know that I feel we need you more than ever, and we love you and support you like a father. But we do need ‘ta know how ‘ta cope with this new part of our development, and I think you figured out how ‘ta do that a long, long time ago.”
Much to Ken’s surprise, the doctor shrank into himself as he spoke. A tear fell down his cheek, and he had to wipe his eyes.
Ken was shocked, and Brad felt his panic at the doctor’s reaction. Ken jumped out of his chair and knelt down, taking the doctor’s hand. Brad followed, distressed at the doctor’s response.
“Sir, I’m sorry. Forget what I said. It’s not important.”
The doctor sat quietly for a moment, gripping Ken’s hand tightly while he got himself under control. His voice was almost a whisper when he replied, “On the contrary, Kenneth, it is more important than you can imagine. There is so much I wish to tell you that I cannot. Not yet, anyway. It breaks my heart to keep anything from you, but I have no choice. I love you like my own sons, and I am so proud of you.”
Brad said, “Sir, I’m sorry too. We didn’t mean to upset you or cause you any pain.”
“Nonsense Bradford, neither you nor Kenneth cause me pain, nor any of your Brother’s.”
Ken glanced at Brad before he continued, “With all due respect sir, I think I’m startin’ ‘ta understand. I know you aren’t like us, but you modeled us after you, at least in a way. You have, or had, a partner, and us talkin’ about this reminds you of what you no longer have. I know you have things you can’t show us, but would you find it a comfort ‘ta communicate with us in that way?”
More tears leaked from the corners of the doctor’s eyes, and he was unable to speak. He squeezed Ken’s hand again and put his other hand on Brad’s shoulder. Brad felt the Opening, and gently took Ken and himself into the doctor’s Mind.
I am not sure this is a good idea, Bradford. I would never have presumed to ask. In fact, I am not allowed to, but since you offered, I must admit to a moment of weakness. Thank you, both of you, for this. It will make things easier in so many ways.
Brad and Ken were overwhelmed inside the doctor’s Mind. They felt his strength and intellect, far superior to their own. They felt a sense of Light, and strength of character, and deep sadness.
You are correct Kenneth, I do have a partner. He is still alive, but we have not been together for many years. We are both paying the price for a transgression made years ago. It is our hope that one day we will be together again. In the meantime, I am here with you, to guide and prepare you, and love you.
The doctor’s sorrow was evident when he spoke of his partner. The loneliness he must feel every day! It humbled them to think that all the years he’d been with them, the doctor had someone he cared about more than life itself and not been allowed to be with him.
Doc, how can you stand it?
At first, it was unbearable. But over time the pain lessens, and I have my memories of our time together. I have proof, recently, that he is alive and well, which gives me hope we will one day be together again. And do not for one second think that being with you two, or any of your Brothers, brings me pain. You and the others are what makes my life bearable! Never, think otherwise, my boys.
Ken: So, doc, what makes it bearable; your situation and ours? How do you cope with the world? How did you cope with us before all of this? Sir, I can’t imagine how difficult we must have been to deal with, especially this Bradford yahoo.
The doctor barely smirked, but his humor at Ken’s comment ran through the Link.
The answer, Kenneth, is both extremely simple, yet deeply profound. It is simple to say, but very difficult to follow. The answer, my boy, is love; unconditional love. It sounds simple and probably foolish, but you need to remember that you were once as they are and realize what they can be. Never think of yourself as above them. We should never judge them.
Doc what about Doug and what he did to Drew? How can I love someone like that?
I never said it would be easy, but Bradford saw in Douglas’s memories the events that led him to that point. Douglas Hasting’s does not have to be that man and could still choose a different path. Sometimes life takes people to a point where they can no longer change, but it is rare. Think of the first time the two of you merged, and how painful it was, even as it was joyous. Even with the benefit of seeing each other’s Mind’s laid bare before the other, you still had to forgive one another for transgressions neither of you realized you committed against the other. You never realized how much you hurt one another even at the time when you felt you were totally and utterly in love. You must always remember what that was like because that is how Mankind exists. One day, perhaps, the world will be for everyone as it is for us.
I cannot tell you more yet, other than it will be our job to make sure they have that chance.
Brad drove, and Ken held his hand, playing with his fingers or rubbing his thumb across the back, while they rode in silence.
Once home, right after Ken activated the security protocols in the kitchen, he let out a heavy, “Aye, Kurumba!”
Brad chuckled saying, “You can say that again. I’d say we have our emotional work cut out for us. What the doc said is definitely easier said than done.”
Ken was in the den and looked over at Brad who was still in the kitchen.
“Hey B, come here a sec.”
As soon as Brad came within arm’s reach, Ken pulled him into a firm, full body hug and kissed his neck before resting his chin on Brad’s shoulder. Brad instinctively reached around Ken and rested his chin in the same spot. They both sighed in contentment at the same time, which made them smile. Their warm bodies fit perfectly together, and Brad squeezed tighter, rubbing one hand up and down Ken’s back.
Both men were silent, enjoying their physical connection and the emotions it invoked. After a few minutes, Ken pulled back far enough to untuck Brad’s t-shirt and lift it up. Brad raised his arms, and Ken saw what he wanted… Brad’s wide lats flare, and his chest thicken when he lowered his arms. Brad returned the favor, taking in the sight of Ken’s muscled torso. They resumed their hug, each with his chin nuzzled against the neck and shoulder of the other, their eyes closed, relishing the closeness and comfort of their bare flesh and Minds touching.
They stayed that way, gently swaying like they were slow dancing, for almost half an hour. Both of them were hard, but neither of them wanted the feeling to end. Eventually, Brad broke the embrace and took Ken by the hand, leading him down the hallway to their bedroom. Neither one said a word, while they each finished undressing each other. Once they were naked, they got on the bed facing one another.
Ken leaned forward and started a kiss. Instead of the frenzied love-making that usually took place, what followed was a bonfire that began with kindling in the den, and they slowly stoked the fires in their loins, building up the heat.
They weren’t deeply merged, but their awareness of one another was in full effect. Ken hadn’t started the physical bond yet, not wanting to push things along too quickly. They both thought at the same time:
Ken, I want you to make love to me.
B, I want ‘ta make love to you so bad.
As usual, they smiled at each other and laughed when they had the same thought at the same time. Their eyes flashed White, and their Minds became One, with no barriers, no secrets between them, just total honesty. Their breath caught in their chests and their eyes watered from the exquisite, blissful sting of being so open and honest with each other and knowing that even with all their faults they accepted one another unconditionally.
The doctor told them their ultimate mission involved loving people that way, and they started the journey down that path with themselves.
The love and respect they had for one another, the pride and joy they shared, fueled the touches and kisses between them. It would have been easy to lose themselves in the depths of one another, but they managed to stay on the precipice, each wanting to bring the utmost pleasure to the other in an act of pure physical love.
After what seemed like forever, with both of them dripping precum, Ken gently pushed Brad’s legs up and apart and entered him. Brad, hot with lust, wrapped his arms around Ken’s shoulders and his ankles locked around Ken’s waist, as Ken slowly sank into his lover.
In all the time they had been together, neither one of them had ever felt the intensity of emotion they experienced at that moment. Their physical lovemaking was always great, but the connection ran so deep between their Minds and bodies, the intimate pleasure was almost unbearable. Ken kept his forehead pressed against Brad’s while their arms wrapped around one another, kissing the entire time, only stopping to breathe. After an hour, their muscular bodies were slick with sweat.
Ken muttered the first words in over two hours. His body shaking and trembling, he whispered in Brad’s ear, “Oh God, B, I can’t hold off.”
Brad didn’t say anything but squeezed his body harder against Ken’s, clenching and rotating himself around Ken’s thrusting dick. They both came at the same time and stopped all movement, their bodies taut, every muscle flexed, holding each other tight as they shot volley after volley of cum, Ken into Brad and Brad between their bodies. Brad’s body strengthened as Ken flooded his insides. Ken knew it from the strength of Brad’s arms around him, and when he knew it was safe, he hugged Brad as tight as he could with his arms and legs. It was the most intense, longest-lasting, emotional orgasm either man ever had. Both of them were carried away on the waves of pleasure and emotion and other than small moans and heavy breathing, they were unable to talk.
It was nearly half an hour before they shifted positions. Ken rolled on his side and pulled Brad back against him, wrapping one arm around him with a hand on his chest holding him snugly against his body, and one leg thrown over so Brad was wrapped up by him. Brad intertwined his fingers with Ken’s hand against his chest, and he put his other arm up under the pillow to support his head. Ken was still semi-hard, his dick pressed against the small of Brad’s back, and he continued kissing his way across Brad’s shoulders and on the back of his neck.
It didn’t take long before they both fell asleep, their Minds One. Neither man had ever felt so content or at peace with himself or each other.
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