Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you.
The Order - 7. Chapter 7
Content warning: This story contains adult situations, language, and consensual sex between adult men. If said content is illegal in your state or country, please leave now and do not continue.
The next morning, Ken and Brad woke early and headed to the Lab for their workout. Sally texted their daily schedule, and they had a job lined up at noon with a new client. Between Ken’s post-workout exam, having to head home and shower, change, and grab some lunch, they weren’t going to have time to fool around.
After his exam, while they were getting ready to head back home, Ken laughed and said, “Damn, B, we’re spoiled from havin’ all that time off. I got used ‘ta foolin’ around whenever we wanted. This is gonna be tough.”
Brad chose that time to pull off his underwear and bend over. He squeezed his ass cheeks together and said, “Hey Ken, look.”
“You fucker!”
“I just don’t want you to forget what you’re missing out on. That’ll have to hold you until we get home tonight.”
“You’re so gonna pay for that later.”
“Promises, promises, big guy!”
It was a long drive to Alpharetta from the house, and while Brad drove, Ken reviewed the details of the job attached to Sally’s email. Sally also attached a ‘Welcome back!’ e-card to both of them. They were Linked, and Brad picked up everything he needed to know from Ken as he read through the details.
Luckily traffic wasn’t bad, and they arrived at the hotel a little early. They sat in the car with the AC blowing full blast, but it was nearly one hundred degrees outside and the AC was fighting a losing battle.
They were both sweating in the heat and Brad said, “Man I can’t wait until winter. I hate wearing a suit in the summer.”
Ken got a cocky grin on his handsome face and said, “I think you can’t wait for winter ’cause you wanna snuggle with me.”
“Oh yeah, that too. Douche,” Brad said with a smile.
“Here ya go B, lean over and look at me.”
Brad leaned over, and Ken used his thumb to wipe off a trickle of sweat running down Brad’s temple. He stuck his thumb in his mouth and licked it off.
“Ahhhh, essence of Brad Wilson, my favorite.”
“Ken, if you give me a boner, I’m going to kick your ass.”
“Promises, promises, B.”
“Let’s head in. I need to hit the head.”
Entering the lobby of the hotel, they headed straight to the men’s room. The day’s client ran some type of get rich quick seminar involving real estate. As hired private security, their roles would be to watch for previous disgruntled customers and allow no one to interrupt or interfere with the presentation. After the presentation, they were to escort whoever was carrying the day’s proceeds to the bank for deposit. Apparently, the speaker could pull in quite a load of cash on a good day, which is the reason he their firm; their reputation was sterling and their rates reflected that fact.
The staffers working for the presenter were already in the ballroom setting up, so Ken and Brad went in to introduce themselves. Sheri, the personal assistant to the speaker, was very demanding and downright bitchy.
Over the years, Ken and Brad learned to deal with countless clients like Sheri, so they found it easy enough to ignore her attitude. She gave them strict instructions on how she thought they should do their jobs and made it very clear she would put up with no nonsense from either one of them.
With almost half an hour left before the start of the seminar, Brad and Ken took up their positions at the entrance to the ballroom and did their best to look the part they were there to play. Once the seminar officially started, Ken would stand close to the speaker, and Brad would remain at the entrance to the ballroom.
Ken wasn’t surprised when Brad’s voice entered his Mind.
This is going to be harder than I thought. I feel like I need another shower after being around bitchy.
Yeah, I know what ‘ya mean. With the mix of smells from her skin lotion, shampoo, and perfume, plus her attitude, I’m surprised she hasn’t spontaneously combusted.
I’m going to have to shut things down before this gets started. We’ll be close enough that you can talk to me if you need too. Just say the magic words.
What’re the magic words? ‘Brad’s a hot stud muffin?’
No, but I like that! Just say, ‘I’m a douche.’
Ken laughed in his Mind, his face breaking into a huge smile.
You Fucker!
For the next few minutes, they passed the time bullshitting and hanging shit on one another, enjoying being together in their own private world until people started to arrive.
Okay Ken, it looks like folks are starting to arrive.
Brad took the Mental equivalent of a deep breath.
Time to put our game faces on. I’m going dark now.
Alright, B. This’ll be a good time ‘ta put into practice what the doc told us. No time like the present, I guess. Stay strong and chin up. If you need ‘ta step out for a few just say so.
Ken felt sorry for Brad. The ballroom was about to be crammed full of financially desperate people, and the goal of the operation was to milk them out of money most of them couldn’t afford to lose. Emotions would be harsh and on the surface, and while Brad could block out most of it, some would leak through.
When he and Brad talked with Sheri, Brad Read her without meaning too, and Ken picked up on everything through him. He knew she was a snake, so it had to be worse for Brad. The event was a horrible environment for Brad to be in.
I need to be extra good to him tonight. He doesn’t deserve this.
Once the presentation started, Ken had to admit the speaker delivered his pitch flawlessly. He subtly but masterfully played on every hope and dream of his audience. Nearly a third of the attendees signed up by the end of the session, which if Ken calculated correctly, would be close to two hundred thousand dollars. Sheri was ecstatic and took their money with a practiced smile, hugging each person or couple that paid them.
The crowd was well behaved and Ken never had a sense of any trouble, so it was an easy afternoon as far as their job was concerned. Their final task was to escort Sheri to the bank and then he and Brad would be done for the day and could get back home to the pool and relax.
One frustrating catch came when Sheri insisted they escort her to the main Wells Fargo branch downtown, rather than the one close to the hotel. She was the client, so to avoid trouble and in the hope of repeat business, neither of them said a word. Ken accompanied Sheri in her car, and Brad followed in Ken’s Explorer.
Once in her car, Sheri was overly flirty with Ken and kept finding excuses to touch his arm or his hand. He acted oblivious to her intentions, easily diverting the conversation when necessary, and by the time they were close to the bank, Sheri was one very frustrated woman.
Brad did his best to Shield himself from the emotional turmoil and desperation of the crowd, but some of it managed to leak through, and by the end of the seminar he was in a foul mood and had a blinding headache. His heart ached for the people in the audience. In the rough financial economy, their emotional distress blinded them to the con, and many of them were risking what retirement money they managed to save to buy into the scam.
As the day proceeded, Brad’s thoughts turned down a dark path. More and more often, there were times when he didn’t like having his abilities. What was the point of seeing and knowing the truth, and not being able to act on it? He knew he couldn’t play God. In fact, that thought was detestable to him, but Brad ached to show those people the truth about the presenter and his scam. Instead, he was forced to keep his mouth shut and watch them get ripped off, and on top of that, he had to feel their emotional pain and distress while they did it. What was the point? Merging with Ken made it all worthwhile in the moment, but surely that wasn’t all there was to it.
If only he and Ken could get stranded on some deserted island and live together peacefully, naked and on the beach.
Fuck that would be wonderful.
Instead, Brad was trapped in a world full of normals whose Minds were Closed, and he wasn’t allowed to show them the truth. Brad admired the doctor even more for what he did and how he was able to cope with these types of things.
By the time they arrived at the bank, Brad’s mood was even worse. Sheri was a horrible driver and gave no consideration to the fact he was following her and needed to stay close for her protection. He got lucky and found street parking a block from the bank and headed to the front entrance to wait for Ken and Sheri. He sensed Ken through their Link and knew they weren’t far away.
A few minutes later Ken and Sheri joined him. Brad’s mood lightened when he saw Ken walking towards him. Ken assumed his work face, but Brad knew what was going on underneath his exterior. Ken put a better face on everything than he did. Granted Ken didn’t feel everything as acutely as Brad, but his personality was better suited to handling uncomfortable and unwanted situations. Brad would rather remove himself and not deal with it.
The bank was busy, and the teller line long. Sheri, flanked by two handsome escorts, was filled with self-importance and acted downright obnoxious.
Since they were standing close, Ken reached out to Brad through their Link. He could tell Brad was in a bad mood and did his best not to show it, but Ken was aware of the tension in him. His exterior demeanor appeared calm, and anyone but Ken probably couldn’t tell anything was wrong.
How’re ‘ya holdin’ up, B?
Ken could talk, but Brad was Shielding himself from anything deeper.
I’ll live. I want to get this over as soon as possible and head out.
Brad’s Mental voice sounded flat and expressionless.
Yeah, I’m with ‘ya. If Sheri touched my arm one more time on the drive down, I think my dick would have fallen off. But, it’s almost over. Remember what we have and use it as a shield.
Even in his current mood, Brad smiled at Ken’s comment. Ken always made him feel better just by his presence. Brad took a deep breath, wanting to smell Ken’s cologne, but all he got was an overpowering whiff of Sheri’s perfume and hand lotion.
The line moved slowly, and they were almost to the front when Brad picked up a sudden and unexpected tension around him. His Intuition sent him a powerful signal that something was about to happen. He gave no outward indication that anything was wrong, but he said loud and clear into Ken’s Mind: Ken get Sheri out of here NOW! Something’s up!
Without question or hesitation, Ken grabbed Sheri by the arm and firmly pulled her out of line, whispering in her ear, “Sheri we need to leave. I’ll explain when you’re safe.”
Sheri tried to jerk her arm out of Ken’s hand, dug in her heels, and screeched loudly, “Let go of me!”
The security guards might have had time to react if her shout hadn’t diverted their attention. As it turned out, because they were looking at her, they didn’t see the six men pulling masks over their faces and openly drawing firearms.
Ken heard an audible click as a lock snapped in place on the front door. The leader shouted, “Nobody move! This is a robbery! Everybody down on the floor now!”
Another one of the robbers shouted, “Pull out your cell phones and hand ’em to me! If anyone tries to video this or send a text, they will be shot! Hand me your wallets and jewelry along with your phones!”
Sheri screamed and Ken pulled her close, covering her body with his as he pulled her to the floor. He was irritated at her attitude and her behavior, but his exasperation lessened slightly when he felt the trembling of her body.
Two of the robbers held the security guards at gunpoint, disarming them and cuffing their hands behind their backs.
Ken, how do you want to handle this? Do you want to try to take these guys, or just see how it plays out and hopefully no one gets hurt?
As much as I hate it, let’s just see how it goes. This whole thing should be over in a few minutes. I don’t want anyone gettin’ shot if we try ‘ta jump these guys and one of ‘em panics.
The robbery would have been over quickly except one of the tellers tripped the silent alarm, and there happened to be two Atlanta PD Black and White units a few blocks away.
Before the man collecting cell phones and wallets made it as far as Brad, the police cars skidded to a halt in front of the bank with their lights on.
The leader let out a “Fuck me! How the hell did they get here so quick?”
Pointing his gun at one of the bank employees he shouted, “Pull the blinds down NOW!”
Terrified, the young man got up quickly and followed his instructions.
“Alright people! This situation just changed for the worse! You are now hostages, thanks to the Atlanta Police Department! Everybody move to the far corner and let the nice man finish collecting your wallets and phones.”
Brad: Fuck me! This just went from bad to worse.
Ken: Alright, B, let’s sit tight a few minutes and come up with a plan. We need ‘ta figure out how ‘ta get everyone outta here alive, without givin’ ourselves away, and preferably without you or me gettin’ shot! Do your best to try’n keep everybody calm.
Brad waited until the man collected his wallet and then closed his eyes so no one would see them turn White, and Mentally shouted to Lane.
Lane! Can you hear me!?
Damn, Brad! Tone it down, Brother!
Sorry! I guess it’s the adrenaline. Ken and I are with a client at the Wells Fargo Bank downtown, and the bank is being robbed. We’re inside with twenty-eight hostages, and six gunmen.
Yeah, tell me about it. Are you and Bry at the Lab?
We just left, but we can be back in a jiffy.
Alright. I need you to get back there pronto and see if Bryan can break into the computer system; specifically, the surveillance cameras. Ken and I can probably take care of this, but it can’t be on camera. I’m not sure how we can do this with so many witnesses and not give ourselves away, but at least that’s a start.
Okay, Brad, you guys hang tight. I’ll get everyone else here ASAP and holler back at you in a few.
Ken, I just talked with Lane. He and Bryan are close to the Lab. Bryan is going to hack the computer system and disable the security cameras. We still need to figure out how to do this without giving ourselves away, but at least it won’t be on camera.
B, you’re amazin’. Have I ever told you that?
Not often enough. Douche.
I love you too, B. Let me know when you hear back from Lane.
Brad wracked his brain, trying to think of some way to get them out of the mess without him, Ken, or any of the hostages getting shot. He could handle the robbers one at a time with no trouble, but he’d never tried to control so many Minds at once.
His headache made it more difficult, but Brad amped up the wave of calm he was emitting. His Empathic Broadcast wasn’t as strenuous as controlling a person but trying to influence over thirty people by himself was still a strain. The bank robbers were high strung, but he could tell it was working on them too, just not as effectively.
At least they won’t be as likely to have a hair trigger and shoot somebody.
The corner of Ken’s mouth raised in a hint of a grin when Brad started broadcasting. Brad winked back but didn’t want to draw any attention, so he left it at that.
Peeking through the blinds, the leader was freaked out by what he saw. Police cars filled the street, and there were cops everywhere. While he was looking a SWAT van pulled up and he cursed under his breath. He knew they would try to make contact soon, and he needed time to think and formulate a plan. The robbery was not supposed to go down like it was, but as long as he got away, he didn’t mind killing a few hostages or losing any of his crew.
A few minutes later, Lane’s voice entered Brad’s Mind.
How are you guys doing? How’re the hostages?
So far no one’s hurt, and I’m keeping everyone calm. I have a plan, but I’m not sure if I’m strong enough to do it on my own.
Brad, don’t doubt yourself. You’re fucking Professor X! You almost blew my eardrums off when you called earlier. You’re way stronger than you know man, you just need to stay focused. I wish I was there to help just so you two pervs don’t take all the glory.
How’s Bry coming with the cameras?
My man has the situation in hand. The cameras are offline, and as of a few seconds ago the video is looped.
Thanks, Lane. Ken and I will take it from here.
Brad, everyone except Bry and me is headed to you. I doubt they’ll make it in time, but they’ll be there in about twenty minutes, barring traffic. Bill, Darren, and Loy don’t have the range you and I do yet, but they’ll be there to help if things go south. Do what you have to do to keep everyone safe, but if you can wait, they’ll be there soon.
Okay Lane, thanks. You guys rock.
Yeah, B?
I have a plan, but I need you to be ready. How long will you need to take all six of them out if they’re immobilized?
Immobilized? What’re you gonna do?
I’m going to make a Construct of the bank and pull them in for a talk. I’m not sure if I’ll be able to keep all six of them immobile in my head, but I can keep them occupied. Honestly, I think it depends on how smart they are, or more likely how dumb. The dumber they are, the easier it will be to hold them. Anyway, I’m going to grab them, but I’m not sure how much I can do with all six of them at once, so it will be easier if you just knock them out rather than me trying to go Freddy Kruger on them. Just be quick, with the time differential it will be minutes for me with them in my head.
B, you’re badass.
Let’s wait until we’re all out of this safe and sound before I agree with you. I’m still not sure how we’re going to handle the hostages. I can erase their memories but it will take some time, and I’m probably going to be exhausted after this.
B, don’t stress about it. Let’s take things one step at a time and not overcomplicate it. Our priority is ‘ta get everyone out safe, except Sheri.
Brad felt Ken’s mental smirk at his comment about Sheri.
Okay, Ken, I need a few minutes to get my thoughts in order, and I’ll let you know when I’m ready.
It took Brad less than a minute to memorize the interior of the bank. He wanted to keep it simple; it would be just him and the six men, without their weapons. Lowering his head and closing his eyes, he formed the image and set his Mental ‘hooks’ into all of them.
Okay Ken, NOW!
Brad yanked their Minds, none too gently, into his own.
He said it would take him a few minutes and Ken was surprised when he heard Brad’s voice in his Mind so quickly. Ken sprang into action, moving towards the closest of the robbers with all his enhanced speed.
Suddenly the six robbers found themselves standing in the bank, with all the hostages but one gone. Startled and unsure what was happening, they started to train their weapons on Brad but realized their guns were gone.
Tyler, their leader shouted, “What the fuck just happened?”
Brushing off his pants, Brad stood up, saying, “That’s a good question, Tyler. You and your boys picked a bad day to rob this particular bank.”
Scared and confused, the robbers resorted to the one thing that had gotten through life, and often rough situations in prison – violence!
“I don’t know who you are, mother fucker, but there are six of us and one of you. I don’t know how you pulled this shit off, or what you’ve done to us, but we’re gonna break that pretty face of yours. Get ’em!”
Brad was ready but hadn’t decided on his best course of action. He knew the more complicated he made things, the harder it would be. It would be best just to keep them occupied and let Ken do his job. The temptation to fry them with fireballs or lightning bolts was enticing, but he knew their bodies would be damaged if he did that, and it might even kill them. Trying to remember what the doctor said about loving them, Brad opted for a simple game of cat and mouse.
As they all tried to tackle him, he jumped and rolled off the back of the closest one, landing on his feet. He continued moving, using his momentum to vault over the counter.
As Brad landed, the robber he rolled over yelled loudly, grabbed his hand and disappeared as he crumpled to the floor. Immediately the pressure on Brad’s Mind lessened when the man dropped out of his Construct.
Tyler let out another, “What the fuck?!”
Brad said, “That would be my badass partner in the real world, taking you guys out. Don’t try to figure it out boys, you’ll only get a headache. Just know that you’re all going to disappear like that, one by one.”
“Ty, what the fuck is he talking about? I didn’t sign up for any shit like this!”
“That’s right, Buck. You didn’t sign up for this. But neither did all those people you’re holding hostage. How the hell can you sit here and whine about what’s happening to you when they’re on the other end of your gun, and I know you don’t have any qualms about killing them? As a matter of fact, Buck, Tyler here has no qualms about letting you die either.”
Tyler knew he was losing control of the situation and interjected, “Buck, don’t listen to him! I don’t know what the fuck’s going on, but he’s just one guy and there are five of us! He’s going down as soon as we get our hands on him!”
Another one of the gumen fell to the floor and disappeared.
“Did you say five Tyler? Did you even bother learning to count when you were in school?”
The pressure on Brad’s Mind eased even more as the other robber disappeared, knocked out by Ken.
With two of the robbers incapacitated by Ken, Brad had some breathing room, although the entire affair was easier than he expected. Lane and Ken were right; he was stronger than he gave himself credit for.
His attitude towards his abilities throughout the day, and in the past weeks, came to a head, and out of the blue, Brad had an epiphany.
For months his unconscious Mind had processed his thoughts and chose that moment to thrust them to the surface. Brad was acutely aware his attitude towards his abilities was going downhill, even bordering on self-pity. Ken tried to explain how long it took for him and the other Bodies to adjust to their physical abilities and enhanced senses after their change, but Brad, in his ego, didn’t think the same adjustment would, or should, apply to him.
Success always came easily to Brad, excelling at anything he applied himself too, except his damned Mental abilities. They were as much a matter of Will as Intellect and didn’t always do what he wanted when he wanted them to, and he felt inadequate for not mastering them immediately. It was okay for Lane and the others to struggle and learn slowly, but not him. Not Alan Whetherson, Valedictorian at his high school, Magna Cum Laude in College, top of his class in the Naval Academy, first run BUD/S graduate, and a genetically perfect man with an enhanced Mind and body. Failure to grasp and understand difficult concepts were for others, not for him.
As much as Brad didn’t want to admit it, and as humble as he came across to others, he had a huge ego. The most humbling thing about his life was Ken, who loved Brad above everyone and everything else. With all the ugliness Brad carried on the inside, Ken saw through it all and loved him unconditionally. Ken saw all of it when they merged, but he also saw all the beautiful things. Ken saw the beautiful train wreck that was his lover.
The most painful thought at that moment was he didn’t feel worthy of Ken’s love, and understanding Ken knew that about him made him feel like he just got punched in the gut. Brad didn’t love himself unconditionally, so he didn’t feel worthy of Ken’s love. He had deluded himself into believing otherwise, but faced with his epiphany he knew it wasn’t true.
When the doctor said the answer to their predicament was both simple and profoundly difficult, he wasn’t lying. It made Brad love Ken all the more, because every time they merged deeply Ken saw everything, and gave Brad the space he needed to realize on his own that he was worthy. Ken could tell him over and over until he was blue in the face, but until Brad accepted it on his own, he would never actually believe it.
Fuck me, I’ve been an absolute fucking idiot! Ken knows me better than I know myself. He’s been telling me, and I know we can’t lie to one another, but now I know it’s true. God, I love you, Ken Habersham. If you can accept me for who I am, I can accept myself.
Surrendering his ego, the self-imposed barriers Brad placed on himself shattered. Letting go of his pride, Brad accepted Ken’s love, finally feeling worthy of the man who loved him more than anything, and the power Brad’s unconscious Mind had been holding back surged into his conscious Mind.
With only three of the robbers left, they were starting to panic. Suddenly they couldn’t move their feet, and handcuffs appeared out of nowhere. Brad held them, effortlessly, until Ken knocked them out. Tyler was the last one standing, fiercely cussing Brad out. As soon as Tyler disappeared, Brad left the Construct, and when he opened his eyes he saw Tyler at Ken’s feet, unconscious.
Brad emitted a surge of calm so powerful the hostages slumped to the floor, asleep.
Ken’s eyes widened in surprise. When he looked at Brad, he saw a single tear running down his cheek, his eyes red and bright, and the Power emanating from him was almost palpable.
Brad saw the concern on Ken’s face and heard it in his voice as he asked, “B, are you alright?”
Brad voice caught in his throat as he said, “Never better, Ken.”
“Are you sure? I can’t read you.”
Brad sniffed and shook his head, focusing on the moment and compartmentalizing the intense emotions running through his Mind.
Rubbing his hands roughly across his face he said, “Sorry. I’m Shielding you, so you didn’t go to sleep with everyone else.”
Ken knew something significant just occurred but had no idea what it might be. He saw Brad focus and push aside whatever happened, at least temporarily, and as much as he wanted to express his concern and make sure Brad was okay, out of love and respect for his partner he held himself in check.
“What are we gonna tell the cops?”
“That the robbers started to fight among themselves and we took advantage of the situation and got the jump on them. We need to remain anonymous, but we can say we’re retired SEALs, and I can keep any reporters away that get nosey.”
Brad felt Ken’s concern for him and loved him for it, but he was glad Ken didn’t push him about what happened in the middle of everything. He could hardly wait until they were alone so he could apologize for being such a jerk.
Lane? We’re all good. Everyone’s safe, and the robbers are unconscious. We’ll be opening the doors in just a few minutes.
Damn, the guys were hoping for some action, but you two studs did it all by yourselves!
Just pass the word on to the guys, you dork, and we’ll see them outside in a few minutes.
Ken retrieved the bag with the cell phones and wallets, pulling out his and Brad’s, along with Sheri’s deposit bag which he tucked under her arm. Looking at Brad’s wallet, Ken laughed to himself.
Brad looked over and said, “What’s so funny?”
“I wish your wallet said ‘bad muther fucker’ on it.”
Brad gave him a smirk but didn’t laugh, still a little wound up from everything that just happened.
“Come on B, you have to admit it’s funny.”
Brad let himself relax and laughed as he said “Alright, it’s funny. Sorry, I’m a little wound up still. Should I go walk the earth like Cain now?”
Ken did his best Samuel L. Jackson impression and said, “Check out the big brain on Brad!”
“Ken, shut up and call 911 before the SWAT team breaks down the door and shoots us.”
Ken called 911 and explained he was inside the bank and the robbers were neutralized. He stayed on the phone until the message was relayed to the police outside, and then raised the blinds on the door, motioning the police forward.
Brad woke everyone up just as Ken opened the door.
The next two hours were a blur as the police moved in, got the hostages out safe, and took statements from everyone. Ken received most of the recognition because people saw him disarm the robbers. Ken was emphatic with the police that he and Brad remain anonymous. Brad had to enforce the idea in Sheri’s Mind because he knew she would try to figure out a way to take advantage of the situation.
Ken and Brad gave their statements to the police while Kevin, Bill, Rick, Loy, Pat, and Darren waited. Once finished, Ken and Brad moved over to them, and after fist bumping their buddies, all of the guys gave Ken and Brad hugs or backslaps, relieved they were safe and proud of their actions.
Brad was in a fog, his Mind still processing everything that happened. His emotions were raw and on the surface, and his love for Ken stronger than ever. Ken always told him to go back to the love they had and use it as a shield. Brad sought the comfort of that feeling, letting his Mind and heart sink into that special place the two of them shared.
As they stood talking, Bill, Loy, and Darren started staring at Brad.
Bill said, “Brad, what the hell?”
In their Mind’s Eye, Brad’s aura grew so bright he was blinding to look at.
At Bill’s comment Brad closed his eyes, reinforcing his Shield. His emotional intensity was so high, he didn’t realize he was broadcasting. His Mind kept wandering back to thoughts of how much he loved Ken for putting up with him and all the things he wanted to say.
Brad: I’m sorry guys. I’m still a little on edge.
Bill: Are you sure you’re alright?
Brad: Seriously, guys, I’m fine… In fact, I’m better than fine. I’ll explain soon, I promise.
Linked and standing so close to Brad, Ken saw what happened and heard the Mental conversation between Brad and Bill.
He couldn’t wait to get Brad out of there and find out what the hell was going on.
Kevin heard Bill’s comment and looked questioningly at Ken, who gave a slight shake of his head indicating he didn’t want to talk about it.
Ken wanted to bring some normality back to the weirdness going on and said, “Sorry you losers didn’t get ‘ta help out, but we knew ya’ll had our backs. Maybe next time we’ll save some bad guys for ‘ya!”
That broke the ice, and they continued to joke around and hang shit on each other until the police gave them permission to leave. The guys took off, and Brad and Ken made their way to Ken’s Explorer, jumping in and heading towards home.
As usual, Ken held Brad’s hand, playing with it while Brad drove, rubbing his thumb across the back, or holding it. Because they were touching the physical contact heightened their connection, and Ken was able to read Brad on the surface but there was a barrier preventing him from seeing deeper, and he didn’t like it. As hard as it was, Ken gave Brad his space knowing he would talk when he was ready. In the meantime, Ken masked his concern with positive feelings of support and confidence.
By the time the police finally let them go, it was the middle of rush hour traffic, and I-85 north of the perimeter was practically a parking lot. Brad’s irritation worsened as more and more people drove like assholes.
Out of the blue, Brad asked, “Hey Ken, would you mind if we stopped for dinner somewhere on the way home? I want to get out of this traffic and let it clear out. I’m starving, so I know you are too.”
“Sure, B. That sounds good to me too. We’ve had a long day. How about catching a movie on the couch later since we won’t have to cook?”
Brad sighed, and his face lit up at Ken’s suggestion.
“God, you have no idea how good that sounds to me right now.”
“Hey B, that new seafood place we’ve been wanting to try is just ahead if you can make it over in time.”
Brad put his blinker on, but typical of Atlanta drivers, no one let him over.
The hair on the back of Ken’s neck rose when a powerful Compulsion came off of Brad, and immediately cars in both lanes blocking them slowed down to let them over.
“Holy shit, B, what’d you just do?”
“Sorry Ken, but I’m hungry, my head is killing me, and I’m not in the mood to fuck around with rudeness. Letting us over cost them all of 5 seconds and 20 feet of pavement.”
Ken raised his eyebrows but didn’t say a word. He did squeeze Brad’s hand a little tighter.
They made it to the exit ramp and turned left towards the restaurant. The parking lot was nearly full, but Brad saw an open spot and headed towards it. Just as he was halfway down the row with his blinker on, a guy in a convertible zipped up and took the spot. Ken heard the screech of tires, so there was no doubt of the driver's intentions in taking the parking space.
In a very uncharacteristic display of anger, Brad slammed a hand on the steering wheel and shouted, “Son of a BITCH!”
Startled, Ken jumped from his outburst and said, “It’s okay B, he’s just bein’ a jerk. Let it go, and we’ll find another spot. He’s not worth it.”
“Sorry Ken, but not today. I’ve had it up to fucking here with assholes today.”
Brad shoved the gearshift into Park and hopped out of the car.
“I’ll be right back.”
Ken was unsure whether he should intervene or not. Brad was acting so far outside his norm Ken wasn’t sure what he might do. Brad’s Shield was still up so Ken couldn’t read deep enough to see what was going on in him. He was leery, but at the same time he had to show his trust that Brad could keep himself under control, or it could make his lack of confidence worse. Ken stayed in the car, ready to intercede if necessary.
Brad was usually so laid back it was easy to forget how intimidating he could be, and right then his face was a mask of anger. The little guy that jumped out of the convertible didn’t have a clue what he was up against.
Brad had shut the door when he got out, so Ken couldn’t hear their conversation, but watched as the driver tried to run past Brad, making for the entrance to the restaurant. Brad pointed his finger at the ground in front of him, and the guy spun around, heading back to where Brad stood. Brad had his arms crossed over his chest looking down at the guy while they talked. Brad was much taller, his physique intimidating, and to Ken, based on the shorter man’s body language, he looked like he was about to piss his pants.
The conversation ended quickly, and the man took off into the restaurant. Brad got back in the car and didn’t say a word, putting the car in gear and circling the parking lot until he found another spot.
Once they were parked Ken asked, “Are you seriously not gonna tell me what just happened back there?”
Brad gave a heavy sigh and lowered his head saying, “You were right Ken. He wasn’t worth it. He had what he thought was a legitimate excuse for being a jerk. I let him know I didn’t appreciate it, but all he had to do was ask, and I would’ve let him have the spot.”
“That’s all?”
“Well, I want to get inside. For the next few minutes he’s Compelled to tell the truth, and I want to see what happens. He’s getting married tomorrow, and he’s here for the rehearsal dinner.”
Ken’s stomach let out an enormous rumble as the seafood smells hit them when they walked up to the door. Surprisingly, they were seated immediately. The layout of the restaurant was big, and the hostess led them to a table by a window overlooking the fountain. Draping their coats over the backs of their chairs, Ken and Brad loosened their ties, rolled up their sleeves and took their seats.
While they waited for their server to take their drink orders, there was a commotion near the back where the private dining room was located. With his enhanced hearing, Ken heard the sound of someone getting slapped and a woman crying.
Brad said, “Well that went about like I expected. He slept with his fiancée’s sister and her best friend twice this week. He had it coming.”
“B, should you…”
Brad looked chagrined and held up his hand, cutting Ken off.
“Wait, Ken, before you say anything, I know I shouldn’t have interfered, but in the long run, I probably saved them a lot of anger, grief, and money. Their relationship is a disaster.”
Brad let out another heavy sigh and lowered his head sheepishly.
“Yeah, I know I should have stayed out of it.”
Before Ken could say anything else, their server came back to go over the specials for the night and take their orders.
Brad ordered a bottle of wine to go with their dinner, wanting to take advantage of being in a nice place with Ken. As they made their choices, the server was amazed at how much food Ken ordered.
They started with calamari for an appetizer, and while they ate, Brad lifted his glass.
“To you and me Ken, the doc, and all our Brothers in Arms.”
Ken tapped his glass and said, “To us, B. You and me, the doc, and the guys, but especially you. I love you.”
After the toast, Ken reached across the table and took Brad’s hand.
Their server stopped by to refill their water and saw them holding hands and heard Ken’s proclamation. Brad started to retract his hand, but Ken made it clear through his grip that he didn’t want to hide their hands. The server got an eyeful; never in a million years would she have guessed the two gorgeous, rugged looking men could be gay.
Just my luck! She thought as she moved to another table.
Brad heard her stray thought, and told Ken with a grin, “We just dashed her hopes.”
“B, I’m not gonna press you on anythin’ that happened today, but I do want you ‘ta know how fuckin’ proud of you I am. You took a seriously eff’d-up situation with the hostages, and because of you everyone, includin’ you’n me, made it out safe and uninjured. You were amazin’.”
“We make a good team Ken. More than I ever thought we could when all this started. But I couldn’t have done it without you, at least not without hurting, or maybe killing them, and I didn’t want to do that.”
“Well whenever you want to share, I want the Mental play by play. Now on ‘ta more important things like what the hell were you thinkin’ goin’ all fried clams on me tonight? You never eat fried stuff.”
“It’s all a part of my master plan for tonight. Remember those mad seduction skills I was telling you about?”
“You mean the ones where I seduce you, and you try to take credit for it? Yeah, I remember those nonexistent skills.”
“Well they’re at work this very moment, and you’ve already fallen for the first part of tonight’s agenda.”
“B, you better not make me pop a boner. I don’t wanna turn the table over.”
Even with the restaurant nearly full, Brad and Ken felt like they had the place to themselves. Ken kept the conversation light, and Brad felt more like his old self. Spending time with Ken did that to him, especially these days, and the anger and tension flowed out of him. The wine probably helped, but in Brad’s mind it was all Ken. With his new confidence and strength, he effortlessly maintained a Shield that kept out the thoughts and emotions of everyone in the restaurant. He extended it to include Ken, and it made him feel even more like they were in their own little world.
Neither Ken nor Brad noticed the well-dressed man staring at them across the restaurant, along with two large muscular men. When Brad put up his Shield, the well-dressed man frowned and raised a hand to his temple. After a moment his face went livid, and without saying a word he stormed out of the restaurant, followed by the other two men.
They hadn’t settled their bill yet and their server started after them, but the well-dressed man’s eyes turned white, and lifting a finger he stopped the server in her tracks. With a vacant expression on her face, she turned around and walked away, and no one nearby seemed to hear or see anything out of the ordinary. That night, Brad and Ken only had eyes for each other and had no reason to be suspicious of anyone in the restaurant.
By the time they finished eating, it was nearly dark. The night was warm, and when they got back to the car, Ken unbuttoned his shirt. He wore a white t-shirt underneath his dress shirt that fit snug against his big frame, and he looked sexy as hell to Brad.
“I’ll drive B. You had too much wine ‘ta drive home. Besides, I know you’re horny after eatin’ all those clams and won’t be able ‘ta keep your hands off me and I don’t want us endin’ up in a ditch.”
When they were seated and buckled up, Ken reached over and put his hand behind Brad’s neck, pulling him into a long, passionate kiss. Brad’s hand gripped Ken’s neck and shoulder, pulling them as close as the car seats allowed.
When they broke apart, breathing hard, they smiled at one another. Staring into Brad’s eyes, Ken asked, “B, do you have any special teleportation powers I don’t know about? Can you make us, like, appear in the garage so we can go inside and fuck like rabbits right now?”
“Sorry to disappoint you, but I haven’t mastered that one yet.”
Brad gave Ken his sexiest smile and said, “But I can clear any traffic that might get in our way.”
As soon as they arrived home, both men went back to their bedroom to get out of their suits. While Brad was hanging his coat, Ken came up behind him and wrapped his arms around him, pulling him back against his warm hard body. Ken ran his hands seductively over Brad’s chest and abs, loving the feel of his hard muscles, especially his broad back pressing against Ken’s chest.
Ken’s voice was low with passion, and he breathed hotly into Brad’s ear, “How’re those seduction skills comin’ along, B?”
Brad leaned his head back so their rough cheeks touched and breathed deeply. Ken’s scent and the heat of his body wrapped around him just as much as his arms, and Brad sighed contentedly replying, “Just fine. You’re falling for them hook, line, and sinker, as usual.”
Ken’s hands went lower, into Brad’s briefs. One hand cupped his balls, and the other grabbed his rapidly hardening dick and started slowly stroking it.
“B, there’s not much in this world I love more than feelin’ you against me and holdin’ you in my hand.”
“Does this mean we’re skipping the movie?” Brad asked with a chuckle.
“No talkin’. This one’s for you, hero. This is your reward for bein’ macho and studly and makin’ me so hot for you today I could hardly stand it. Do you know how hard it was ‘ta kick those guys’ asses with a ragin’ hard-on the entire time?”
Ken dropped to his knees and took Brad into his mouth. His hands roamed over Brad’s hard body, playing with his nipples and feeling every muscle within reach while his mouth and throat worked their magic. Ken knew Brad’s body intimately and used his knowledge expertly, and he soon had Brad on the brink of an impending orgasm.
Ken pulled off, and looking up with a smile said, “Let’s get on the bed.”
Ken crawled into bed and got on his back, his erection stretched across his abs. He patted his stomach and said, “Get up here, but face the door and lean back against me.”
Brad loved that position and as soon as he reclined, one of Ken’s big arms wrapped around his chest and his other hand reached down to guide himself into his lover. When he was in position Ken thrust gently but firmly, entering Brad up to the hilt.
Brad moaned in pleasure, “Oh fuck, Ken. God, you feel so good inside me.”
Ken wanted to take it slow and give Brad as much pleasure as possible. He cupped Brad’s chin, bringing his face around so they could kiss, while he slowly thrust in and out. His hands roamed over Brad’s muscled body, from his chest down to his balls, occasionally stroking him.
Every time Ken slid across his prostate, Brad’s hips jerked slightly. Ken kept it slow and steady, wanting to draw the pleasure out. All the while, when they weren’t kissing, Ken kept up a running dialogue about how hot Brad’s body was, how good he felt, and how much he loved him.
After half an hour, they were both sweating and breathing hard. Brad ground his hips in time to Ken’s thrusts, and their movements became more frantic as their pleasure built.
Ken kept one hand wrapped around Brad’s chest squeezing him tightly, and with his other hand, he started to stroke Brad with a tight firm grip. It only took a minute for Brad to reach the point of no return and shoot across his chest and abs. Contractions hit his entire body, causing his anal muscles to squeeze and milk Ken, sending him over the edge.
Ken’s deep voice rumbled in his chest, “Ohhhh fuuuuckkkkk, B!”
As soon as their orgasms subsided, Brad turned over, and they hugged each other tightly. Brad whispered in his ear, “Squeeze me, Ken. I want to feel how much you love me.”
With Ken’s load inside him Brad was fully charged up, and Ken didn’t worry about hurting him. Knowing what the hug would do to Brad, Ken squeezed as hard as he could, and Brad hugged him back just as tight, while each nuzzled his face in the crux of the other’s neck and shoulders.
After a few minutes, Brad murmured, “That was hot and amazing. Thanks, Ken.”
“If you ever thank me for lovin’ you again B, I’m gonna’ kick your ass.”
“Don’t be a douche.”
“Apparently bein’ a douche is what I do best.”
“I have something else in mind as a thank you. Part two of tonight’s seduction.”
Ken chuckled and asked, “How’s that seduction workin’ there, buddy?”
Brad gave a huge sigh of contentment and nuzzled his face tighter against Ken’s neck and shoulder.
“Great! It’s all under control.”
“Alright Romeo, you just lay here and recover and let me know when you’re strong enough 'ta continue seducin’ me.”
“You got it.”
Brad rested, quiet and still, happy in Ken’s arms and content to stay awake the rest of the night. Ken loved holding Brad or having Brad hold him, so he was perfectly happy either way.
Brad waited a little while longer before he raised his head up to look at Ken. He couldn’t help but nibble on Ken’s neck and upper chest before he pushed himself up.
“Alright Ken, I have something I want to try. Are you up for a trip down memory lane?”
“If it involves more wild, hot sex with the sexiest man in the world, I’m all for it.”
“Well since you’re the sexiest man on the planet that might present a problem. I don’t think you could pull this off by yourself.”
“Alright, I’ll admit I’m the sexiest man alive to you, but you are to me, so does that let us get to the sex part?”
“I think I just got defeated by Ken logic.”
“I don’t want anythin’ 'ta come between me and havin’ sex with the most awesome man in the universe; the man I love more than anythin’, except myself.”
“What’s that vinegary fresh scent I smell? Oh yeah, it’s a douche!”
Ken laughed and said, “Fuck you, B.”
“You’re starting to get the idea!”
Brad went quiet again. He wasn’t nervous about what he wanted to do, not after the events of the day, but he wanted to make sure he did it right. He needed to dig deep in both himself and Ken to find the memories and get the details right.
“Alright, Ken. I need you to relax and Open your Mind. Instead of just watching this, I want us to go back and relive it.”
Ken had a slight sensation of falling into himself…
Summer of 1989
Bruce was having a great day. Finally, he was making progress towards getting his strength under control, tired of breaking glasses and coffee mugs every time he tried to take a drink of water or a sip of coffee, or bending silverware when he ate. The doctor had metal cups in the meantime, but Bruce was determined to get enough control and sensitivity to stop using those; they felt too much like training wheels.
Every time Bruce stopped to think about the recent changes in his life, he could hardly believe how different things were. He joined the Navy out of a sense of adventure, but little did he realize what he was in for!
The sound of a key in the door to their quarters told him Alan was back early. He and Alan had hit it off and become great friends in the first few weeks after becoming roommates. As soon as Bruce and Alan met they were comfortable around each other, like they had known each other their whole lives. Lately, however, Bruce found himself in the position of having to keep himself in check around his new friend. His preference for men was a secret, and if that cat got out of the bag his career in the Navy would be over.
Alan had an awesome personality, was incredibly handsome, and had an amazing body. Basically, he was everything Bruce could ever desire in a partner. Bruce had become very adept at building a wall around that part of himself and was careful to keep things casual, friendly, and on the surface.
When the door opened, Alan’s face appeared in the doorway with his keys dangling from his mouth. He had to kick the door open with his foot because his hands were full. He had stopped by the cleaners to picked up his uniforms and had a bag from the PX.
His handsome face lit up in a smile when he saw Bruce. He put the bag on the kitchen counter and dropped his keys into his hand so he could talk.
“Hey, buddy! I wasn’t sure if you’d be in yet or not. How’d things go today?”
“Hey, Alan. Pretty good! I only broke a dozen coffee mugs today!”
As soon as Alan saw Bruce on the couch in his workout shorts and tank top, he had to clamp down on his libido. His physical reaction to Bruce was getting to be a problem. He and Bruce had become such good friends so fast; it was unbelievable how well they clicked. Alan realized if he wasn’t careful his feelings for Bruce could easily get out of hand, and he couldn’t afford to let that happen. If he was honest with himself, he knew they were already out of hand. Bruce was such a stud and everything Alan could ever want in a partner, but he needed to reign in his feelings, put a lid on them, and bury that box so far down inside himself he could never find it again.
Alan laughed at Bruce’s running joke. He really did break coffee mugs all the time, and glasses and plates; the other four guys who were physically enhanced were going through the same adjustments. Alan’s modifications were much easier to deal with; he was mostly just a lot smarter than he was before. The Empathic changes seemed intuitive, and he mastered them quickly.
“Well, that’s better than last week! You’re making progress.”
“Hey, I checked the paper, and the theater on base is showin’ ‘Field of Dreams’ tonight. You wanna go?”
“Yeah, sounds good. I need to catch a shower and drop by the doc’s office for a short meeting. When I get back, we can grab some food if you want and head out.”
“Sounds good. I’m gonna take a nap. If I’m still snoozin’ when you get back wake me up.”
Alan put his uniforms in the closet and his personal items away and went into the bathroom to start the hot water. He had to be extra careful around Bruce; aside from his strength, Alan knew Bruce’s hearing, smell, and other senses were extremely acute. As soon as he shut the bathroom door, Alan let his libido loose and popped an instant erection. The sight of Bruce on the couch, his tan, muscled body in his shorts and tank top, coupled with his smell, was too much to resist. He turned on the water in the sink to be extra sure Bruce wouldn’t hear him jack off. He even kept a small can of Lysol hidden to mask the smell of his cum.
Half an hour later, showered and in a clean-pressed uniform, Alan knocked on the door of Dr. Thomas’s office.
“Come in, Alan! Come in, my boy.”
The doctor was always so polite. For such a brilliant man, he didn’t have an ego about himself or his Top-Secret work for the government. He never called any of the men by their rank, always by their first names.
“Reporting as ordered, Sir.”
“Come in and have a seat. I wish to discuss something with you.”
Alan took off his hat and moved to one of the chairs in front of the doctor’s desk and sat down.
“First of all, how are you? Is there anything you wish to discuss? Any issues adjusting?”
“No sir, none. I’m enjoying the changes immensely, to be honest.”
He couldn’t help his thought: More in Bruce than in myself!
“Excellent. I am pleased to hear that.”
The doctor opened a folder on his desk, scanning a few documents. After a short pause, he continued “I am enrolling you in some specialized training. These will be entirely new areas of study for you, but given your new aptitude and retention I am confident you will pick everything up quickly.”
“What kind of training, Sir?”
“Basic and Advanced Anatomy and Physiology, Basic and Advanced First Aid, EMT Training, Chiropractic Care, and Massage Therapy.”
Alan looked at the doctor with a blank stare, thinking it was a joke. When the doctor didn’t smile he asked, “Sir, are you serious? Those are completely outside any core competency I currently have. Advanced Physics or Calculus I could see, but those I don’t get?”
“I understand, but it is necessary for your role in the Program. The need for these skills will become apparent in time. Lt.’s Brennan, Shogren, Barton, and Bolin will join you. As with all your training associated with the Program, you will keep this confidential, and no one outside of the Program is to know. I will have your other duties suspended until your training is complete.”
“Yes, sir. When do I start?”
“First thing Monday morning.”
“Yes, sir. Is that all?”
“Yes, my boy.”
When Alan got back, Bruce was sound asleep on the couch. Bruce had taken off his tank top, and Alan took the opportunity to openly stare at his body.
My God, he’s… Perfect.
Bruce’s deeply tanned and flawless skin practically glowed with health. His definition was mouthwatering, and the thick, lean muscles, even at rest, were beautiful. Bruce’s body, coupled with his natural charisma and personality made him extremely desirable to Alan.
Looking at Bruce caused Alan to get hard again in seconds. Bruce must have sensed him standing there because he slowly stretched as he woke up, flexing his whole body. Alan turned away quickly, hoping Bruce hadn’t seen him staring or his pants tenting out.
He groggily looked up and asked, “Hey man, what time is it?”
“Almost 1900. I’m going to change, and we can head out for food and the movie. Let’s grab some wings and beer so you can eat with your hands and won’t have to worry about plates and silverware. I promise I won’t laugh if you drink your beer through a straw.”
Bruce got off the couch, absentmindedly scratching the sparse hair on his chest while heading to the bathroom. Alan caught part of the view in the mirror from their small living room and thought to himself: Fuck! He’s too damn hot. Keep a lid on it, Alan. Don’t go there!
For the next four weeks, Alan attended a very intense training program outlined by the doctor. The instructors were private, and the doctor taught some of the curriculum himself. Alan and the other four Lieutenants learned the material easily and quickly. It was nice to spend time and get to know the other guys better. They were all part of the Program, and he was sure they would be working together more as time went on.
Alan and Bruce spent more and more time together off duty, and their friendship grew every day. Bruce was a very physical friend, always grabbing an arm or patting a shoulder. He was that way with the entire team, not just Alan, but it seemed to Alan that Bruce touched him more than anyone else.
One of the physical changes in Bruce and the other Bodies, aside from their strength, was an increased core body temperature. Their bodies were warm to the touch, and when Alan and Bruce went out to movies or to eat, Alan felt the warmth of being near his buddy. The heat affected Alan and being around Bruce felt good and made him even more attractive. Bruce’s body felt so comforting, especially if their shoulders were touching at a movie, or if Bruce came up behind him and grabbed his shoulders. Alan found himself getting hard whenever Bruce touched him.
At the end of their specialized training, the doctor called Alan and his four teammates together for a short meeting.
“You all did exemplary in your new training, as I knew you would. I am sure you are still wondering why it was necessary to learn these new skills.
“As you know the physical changes in Lt.’s Dutcher, Abrams, Schrader, Elenburg, and Thibodeaux were extreme. Their bodies are still adjusting to the alternations from the process that changed them. If you wish to think of their bodies as machines, they need regular maintenance to remain in top condition. Moving forward, you are required to oversee and administer a daily physical exam as part of their training regimen.
“I have modified a gymnasium for them to work out in, where they can push their new bodies to their physical limits. You will assist in their recovery time, maximize their efforts, and make any necessary skeletal or muscular corrections on a daily basis to keep them in proper alignment. You will collect data daily so I can monitor their status and changes over time.”
Alan’s outward expression didn’t change, but he blanched internally at what the doctor said. There was no way he could keep his secret if he had to touch Bruce’s body every day! He was going to have to figure out some way to deal with that. He didn’t want to get discharged from the Navy, and more importantly, as much as he was afraid to admit it to himself, the possibility of losing his best friend!
“I will help administer the first exam to show you precisely how I wish them performed, and how to collect the data. Performing these exams will take their toll on you physically, so you may wish to increase your personal workout regimens to compensate. We will begin this new schedule in one week.”
Alan was in a panic. He and Bruce had become good friends from the time they started sharing quarters together, but over the last month Alan’s feelings for Bruce had grown even stronger despite his efforts to resist. No matter how hard Alan fought his feelings, everything about Bruce attracted him; his sense of humor, his personality, the way he treated people, and of course his incredible body and handsome face.
Fuck, and the way he smells!
Alan resorted to planning his schedule around when and how often he could jack off, to better control himself around Bruce. He had no idea how he was going to handle intimately touching Bruce during an exam and maintain his composure. Alan was terrified of how Bruce might react if he realized Alan was gay, convinced it would ruin their friendship.
Alan had limited experience with other men and had not been with a man since joining the Navy. He had messed around with two friends in high school, but fear of getting caught kept him from experimenting further. As he got older, Alan buried that part of himself, not even secretly looking at porn. Bruce, just by his presence, was shattering the self-protection barriers Alan spent years building around himself.
Bruce’s stomach knotted in a cold ball of fear when he realized Alan would be administering his physical exams. Daily!
There was no way Bruce felt he could maintain his composure with Alan’s hands touching him.
What the fuck am I gonna do?
As much as he tried to fight his feelings, Bruce knew he had already fallen for Alan.
The grip Alan’s presence had on him was too powerful to ignore. Bruce felt like a kid around Alan; his heart jumped when Alan smiled, and he always wanted to reach out and touch him. He looked forward to seeing him come through the door when he got off duty, and their shoulders touching when they sat next to each other in the theater.
Bruce’s thoughts forced him to look back and reflect on his sexuality. He realized he was gay his entire adult life, but only consciously admitted it to himself just before joining the Navy. He never acted on it and no one knew, and no one could ever know, or his career would be over.
Alan was such a stud and acted so straight, there was no way he could feel the same way about Bruce. The thought of Alan finding out and what he might do if he did, terrified Bruce. Bruce was sure he would lose his best friend, and they would have to work together in the Program for God knew how long. Bruce’s mind spun out of control with all the ‘what if’s’ and he was a nervous wreck by the time he got back to their quarters.
Alan resorted to doing the only thing he thought might have a chance of working. As painful as it would be, he had to withdraw and distance himself from Bruce. Starting that night, Alan made an excuse not to eat with Bruce or go to a movie. The disappointment on Bruce’s face was visible when Alan said he couldn’t go, but he steeled himself and stuck to his plan, feeling utterly miserable about it.
The next morning, he got up early and snuck out to do his PT run by himself, and during the day he did everything he could to avoid being around Bruce. Alan didn’t realize how much it was going to hurt and how hard it would be, but he shored up his defenses against the emotional pain and convinced himself it was the only way to move forward. He had to get some level of detachment back.
Bruce was disappointed when Alan couldn’t go out to eat or see a movie. It was a regular part of their roommate routine, and he looked forward to it more than ever. The next morning when Bruce got up for PT, Alan was already gone. Over the next few days, where before he and Alan palled around all the time, Alan was conspicuously absent. It was like he was intentionally avoiding Bruce, but he always had an excuse. Bruce’s emotional distress caused him to start unintentionally break things again, and he felt like he had regressed months in his control. He was depressed and had an anxious knot in his stomach anytime he thought about Alan, which seemed to be most of the time.
Alan made it through the rest of the week, but internally he was a basket case. He didn’t sleep well and was irritable towards everyone around him. One afternoon that week, Alan forgot his wallet and had to run back to their quarters. When he walked in the door, Bruce was coming out of the bathroom and his eyes were red. If Alan could believe it, he would swear Bruce had been crying. As much as he wanted to ignore what he saw, and knowing it was the wrong thing to do to keep his resolve, he asked, “Hey Bruce, are you alright?”
Bruce’s face lit up with a smile when he saw Alan standing there in his uniform, looking as handsome as ever. He sniffed and wiped at his face and lied, “Yeah man, I just washed my face and got soap in my eyes. Hey, you wanna go grab some chow?”
“Sorry, I can’t. I forgot my wallet and need to head back, or I’ll be late.”
Alan had to get out of there quick. Being in same room with Bruce was breaking down what little resolve he managed to build up. Alan could smell Bruce from where he stood and feel Bruce’s body heat as he moved by. Despite his effort to resist, he got hard.
Alan stopped at his dresser, looking at himself in the mirror. His hands gripped the edge of the wood, and his arms were tight from the tension running through his body. He breathed hard, and his chest felt cold and tight.
Fuck! Look at him standing there, so God damned handsome! What am I going to do?
Alan ran out of their quarters, moving by Bruce as quickly as he could. As he ran by, Bruce reached out to grab his arm in the friendly way he had about him.
“Hey man, you wanna catch a movie later?”
Alan couldn’t let Bruce touch him, so he twisted his torso as he moved by, staying out of arm’s reach. He knew it looked intentional, but he didn’t care. He had to get out of there.
Alan called over his shoulder as he ran out the door, “Sorry man, I can’t.”
The door slammed behind him, and he took off running, needing to get out of the barracks as quickly as he could.
He didn’t see the hurt look on Bruce’s face, or the fresh tear falling out of the corner of his eye as the door slammed shut. It took Bruce almost an hour to get himself under control enough to leave the room. For the rest of the night he was like a zombie.
The next day Bruce was determined to figure out what was wrong. He was afraid he had done something to offend or piss off his friend. As soon as Bruce got off duty, he went looking for Alan but couldn’t find him. There was no sign he had been back to their quarters since that morning. Bruce saw some of Alan’s buddies and asked if they had seen Alan around and one of them said he was in the mess hall a few minutes ago.
Bruce headed over right away. It was the middle of the afternoon, so why Alan would be in the mess hall that time of day was a mystery, but Bruce wanted to sit down and talk with him and figure out what was going on.
Alan wasn’t hungry, but he had to keep up his food intake because of his workout schedule. He ate by himself at a table when a small group of men came in. They sat at a larger table close to his, and Alan heard their banter. He recognized most of them, and one in particular, Ensign Hampton, was a known troublemaker. As Alan stood up to leave Hampton made a snide remark.
“Hey Whetherson, where’s your boyfriend?”
Alan paused, turning white as a sheet. Anyone who didn’t know him would think he was furious at the remark, but the truth of Hampton’s statement and the fact Alan wanted so badly for it to be true shook him to his core. He had to maintain control of himself. The doctor impressed on all of them the need not to draw attention to themselves. As much as Alan wanted to say something, he let the comment go and moved on.
One of them muttered, “Chicken shit” as he walked to the clearing station. At that moment, there was nothing Alan would love more than to take out his frustration on Hampton and his goons and kick all their asses. Alan was not usually a violent man, but if pushed far enough he could explode. Alan decided to head to the base gym to try and work the anxiety and tension out of his system.
An hour later Alan’s body felt better, but his emotions were still a wreck. He wore only his PT shorts and shoes, and his sweat drenched, powerful body shone under the bright lights in the gym. He still had energy to burn, so he started a full body routine on the rings.
Alan saw Hampton, the jerk from the mess hall, come in with his buddies and start working out. They were lazy and seemed more interested in joking around than lifting. It didn’t take long before one of them saw Alan and mentioned it to Hampton, who sauntered over.
“I see your boyfriend’s still missing Whetherson. What’s the matter, lovers’ quarrel?”
“Hampton, you need to back off. I was willing to overlook your comment in the mess hall, but you’re pushing your luck. You and your pals need to leave now.”
“Or what, Whetherson?”
“That’s Lt. Whetherson, Ensign.”
“Or what, Lt.?”
Hamptons belligerent, unapologetic tone and attitude pushed a button in Alan and his temper snapped. The tension in him needed an outlet and if Hampton wanted a fight, he was going to get one.
“Alright, Hampton. You win. Get your ass in the ring if you think you can take me. No repercussions on you if I lose.”
Hampton got a big smile on his face and stripped off his shirt as he moved to the ring. His buddies gathered around and immediately started their shit talk.
“Do you want to use gloves or not? Up to you.”
“No gloves, I want to feel your nose break when I punch you in the face.”
Alan didn’t say a word, he just ducked between the ropes and stepped into the ring.
Hampton got in the ring with a cocky grin on his face and said, “I’ve been waitin’ for this for a while now. You think you’re better’n me Whetherson. I’m tired of your stuck up attitude.”
Alan wasn’t in the mood to play around. He wanted to get his frustrations out, and Hampton was an easy target. Alan had no idea what Hampton was even talking about. Apparently, his shallow brain felt some perceived slight.
“I don't know what you’re talking about Hampton, but since you seem to have a problem with me, now’s your chance.”
Hampton rushed him, and Alan deftly sidestepped, not even taking advantage of Hampton’s overbalanced stance. He let Hampton take a few more swings and kept moving out of the way, nimbly dodging his uncoordinated attacks. Hampton had a lot of raw power but was unfocused. He had some training but nowhere near Alan’s level of skill. Hampton was already breathing hard, making it apparent he had no real conditioning.
“Quit running like a girl Whetherson! Stand still and fight!”
“Alright Hampton, you asked for it.”
On Hampton’s next lunge, Alan grabbed his wrist and pulled him forward and off balance and drove his knee into the center of Hampton’s chest directly into his solar plexus. Hampton dropped like a rock, curling up into a ball on the floor of the ring, wheezing and gasping for air.
Alan stepped back to let him recover. Hampton got up slowly, clutching his chest. His face was beet red, and he was furious. With a loud roar he charged Alan, wanting nothing more than to beat him to a bloody pulp.
Alan cut loose with multiple blows to his chest, abdomen, and neck. Hampton’s body stopped moving forward from the force of the first few punches to his ribs and stomach. Almost comically, his body proceeded to twitch and spasm with each impact of Alan’s fists, elbows, forearms, and knees. Hampton stood still for a second, just long enough for his eyes to roll back in his head before he fell to the mat unconscious.
Alan looked at Hampton’s buddies and said, “If any of you want a shot, now’s your chance.”
As one, all five of them launched themselves into the ring. For a time, Alan held his ground, but one of them brought a folded metal chair into the ring. Alan saw it and tried to dodge, but it clipped his shoulder. He didn’t feel anything break, but the pain was excruciating and he went down to one knee. Once he was down, they jumped on him. Two of them pinned his arms, and the others started pummeling his face and stomach.
Bruce went to the mess hall but didn’t see any sign of Alan.
Where the fuck was he?
Dejected and upset, he left the building and started walking back towards their quarters. He passed the base gym, and it dawned on him Alan might be there. Bruce hadn’t thought about the gym because he couldn’t work out there anymore. In fact, he was under orders not to even enter the building. He would take a quick glance inside just to check.
He heard the commotion as soon as he walked in. When he entered the main room and saw what was going on, his blood ran cold. A man lay unconscious in the ring and Alan, his face and torso bloody, was being held down and beaten by four other guys. Bruce had no time for thought, and his reaction was pure instinct.
“Get the fuck off him!”
The ring was a good 30 feet away but Bruce took off blindingly fast, and after only a few strides he launched himself, sailing through the air and over the top rope, landing on his feet in the ring. The entire structure of the boxing ring shook as his weight hit the mat, nearly breaking it apart with the impact. The shockwave knocked a few of them down. Bruce moved so fast the men beating Alan barely had time to react. They scattered quickly, letting go of Alan and running as fast as they could. Without them holding him up, Alan collapsed beside Hampton in the ring.
Bruce saw the folded metal chair on the mat, and it was easy enough to figure out the cowards hit Alan with the chair; there was no other way they could have gotten him down like they did. Bruce swiped up the chair and pulled it apart like it was paper. In his anger, he wadded up the seat into the semblance of a ball, cutting his hands on the sharp edges where he ripped it apart, and threw it as hard as he could at the last of the fleeing men. The ragged ball of metal hit the wooden door like a cannonball, splintering the wood and sending slivers flying everywhere. Luckily he missed, realizing he could have killed the man.
That thought snapped Bruce out of his anger, and he quickly knelt beside Alan.
“Alan, can ‘ya hear me!?”
Fuck! Please be alright!
Bruce was so worked up his control was shot, and he didn’t want to touch Alan and hurt him even more. Alan’s nose looked broken and possibly a few ribs. Both of Alan’s eyes were swollen shut, and his bottom lip torn.
Bruce hated feeling helpless! He had to learn to get this shit under control! Shaking with anger, fear, and concern for Alan, and from the effort of keeping himself in check, he checked Alan over as best he could.
Bruce’s eyes were bright with tears of frustration and anger.
Fuck! I need to learn to fucking control myself! If I hurt him, I’ll never forgive myself!
As gently as he could, Bruce picked Alan up, cradling his body against his chest. Alan’s blood and sweat ruined Bruce’s white uniform as soon as he picked him up.
Alan moaned in pain from the movement. Bruce carried him to the locker room, where he got some towels and as lightly as he could manage, started cleaning Alan up. Bruce concentrated so hard his forehead broke out in a sweat as he softly ran his fingertips over Alan’s ribs trying to ascertain if any were broken. His hands shook from the effort of keeping his touch soft. It was difficult to tell, but nothing seemed broken, so hopefully Alan’s ribs were only bruised.
Alan moaned again as he came too.
“Alan, can you hear me? It’s Bruce! Talk ‘ta me!”
With his split lip, his words came out fuzzy. “Bruce? Fuck…”
“Alan, what the hell’s goin’ on? I need ‘ta get hold of the doc, we can’t use the Dispensary.”
“You cut your hands.”
“Your hands are bleeding.”
“Fuck my hands! I’m worried about you! Who were those guys?”
“Hampton and his goon squad.”
While Alan talked, Bruce wiped his body with wet towels as best he could, still afraid of hurting him.
“Thanks, man.”
“It’s nothin’. I wish I could have kicked their sorry asses for doin’ this. I need ‘ta clean up the mess I made out there. That chair’ll be hard ‘ta explain.”
“Go do that. I’ll be okay here. Check on Hampton too. I knocked him out before the others joined in. He should be okay, but I want to make sure.”
“Are you sure? I don’t like leavin’ you like this.”
“I’m not a baby. I’ll be fine. Go take care of that. You know how important it is for us to keep a low profile.”
Bruce smirked as he said, “Yeah, so says the man who’s a bloody mess.”
Alan couldn’t help the grin that crossed his face at Bruce’s remark, and he winced in pain as his split lip stretched when he smiled.
Bruce reluctantly left the locker room. When he got back to the ring, Hampton was gone. Bruce assumed Hampton’s buddies came back for him. He picked up the remnants of the metal chair, but there was nothing he could do about the hole in the door or the splintered wood. He would have to fess up and tell the doc what happened. He doubted the men responsible would say anything out of fear of getting thrown into the brig.
When he got back to the locker room, Alan was gone and Bruce felt like he got punched in the gut again. He realized Alan wanted him to leave so he could take off.
What the hell is goin’ on with him?
Bruce managed to get back to their quarters without getting into any trouble or drawing too much attention to his blood-stained uniform. He changed into a fresh uniform and immediately went to the doctor to tell him what happened.
“Bruce, as soon as Alan comes back to your room I want you to bring him straight to me, do you understand? I do not care how late it is.”
“Yes, sir. He’s been actin’ strange recently, and I don’t know what’s goin’ on with him. I thought we were friends, but lately, it’s like he can’t stand bein’ around me.”
“Do not worry Bruce. I have an idea what the problem might be. I did not think things would be so difficult for him.”
It was Friday and Alan didn’t come back to their room that night, and Bruce stayed up all night worrying.
Fuck, where is he? What’s he doin’?
Despite Alan’s behavior, Bruce’s feelings for Alan continued to get stronger and he didn’t know what he was going to do, but his fear of losing Alan was still too much to risk telling him how he felt. The situation was killing him, and Alan’s behavior didn’t make any sense and caused Bruce more heartache. He’d rather have Alan as a friend and in his life than not in his life at all, so he would do whatever it took no matter how hard, to keep himself under control. He hoped over time his feelings would lessen into something less forceful.
Alan didn’t come back on Saturday or Sunday either. Bruce was a total wreck and stayed on the couch in their quarters, waiting. He didn’t watch TV or read, he just sat on the couch, his emotions vacillating between fear, anxiety, and even anger. His body was hot, and he sweated from the emotional tension.
By the end of the weekend, a pile of empty pizza boxes sat on the coffee table. His body needed food, and his stomach continually rumbled, but he couldn’t bring himself to get off the couch, so he ordered out, and with pizza he didn’t need to worry about breaking plates or bending silverware.
Bruce finally got a few hours’ sleep before getting up early Monday for his PT session. His first exam by Alan was scheduled that morning at 1000. He was nervous and his workout went horrible, his control entirely shot. He was also worried for Alan and what it would mean if he didn’t show. If he went AWOL, it would be a disaster.
Precisely at 1000, Bruce and the doctor were in the Lab and saw Alan come in. He wore a clean, freshly pressed uniform, but his face was a wreck. His eyes were swollen, and his whole face bruised. His lip had scabbed over, and he had tape over his nose.
He was trying to act like everything was perfectly normal.
“Reporting for duty, doc.”
“Oh, my! Alan, I am not sure that you are in any condition to perform today’s duties.”
“I’m fine, doc. I apologize for my appearance. I had a little mishap at the base gym a few days ago, but I feel much better Sir. Not nearly as bad as I look. I’d like to proceed as planned.”
The doctor looked at him for a moment and with a sigh said, “Very well. We will see how you proceed. If I have the slightest doubt about your ability to continue, I will stop this and put you on medical leave for a few days.”
“I understand, and thank you, Sir. Let’s get started.”
From the moment Alan stepped into the Lab, Bruce tried to make eye contact but Alan kept his eyes averted. Whatever it was he felt, or whatever Bruce had done, it seemed Alan didn’t want to move past it. Bruce was starting to get pissed off about the entire situation.
They proceeded into one of the exam rooms for privacy, and the doctor asked Ken to strip.
Fuck! Here we go!
Thinking to his dick: You’d better not betray me you fucker, or I’ll cut you off along with my balls!
The doctor had Bruce stand up straight, with his legs wide apart and his arms straight out at shoulder height. Using a tape measure and calipers, he proceeded to have Alan take full body measurements on the size of each major muscle and body fat measurements via the calipers. The doctor had pre-printed sheets labeled where everything should go and in what order, making it an easy process.
So far, Alan managed to keep himself under control. If he felt even the slightest twinge below the belt, he bit down on his sore lip and the pain helped distract him.
The measurements took about twenty minutes. For the next step, the doctor had Bruce get into a specially designed ergonomic massage chair.
“For the first part, Bruce will remain in the chair. For the second part, he will need to get on the table.”
The doctor retrieved a vial of warm oil from a machine on the counter, and said, “Alan, you should change into your workout clothes for the massage.”
Bruce maneuvered himself into the chair, which was quite comfortable, and put his face over the hole while draping his arms on the forward pads, and resting his chest against the central pad. His broad shoulders, back, arms, and lats were fully exposed, and most of the major muscle groups on his arms and legs were available from various angles. The exam table for the last part would be to cover his chest and abdominals.
Alan quickly changed, wincing when he pulled on his tank top. His ribs were black and blue and extremely tender, as was his bruised shoulder.
“Now Alan, just as we went over in your training, begin at his neck and shoulders and work your way down to his legs, pushing any tension towards his feet. It will be harder with Bruce because of the density of his muscle and connective tissues, and you will have to use quite a bit of pressure to get the deep tissue movement required. The oil will help with elasticity once his skin has absorbed it. While you do this, you will need to make any adjustments necessary to keep his body in alignment.”
As soon as Alan’s hands touched Bruce’s bare shoulders, something ran through their bodies. Both men felt it and tried to fight against it. Despite his anger, Bruce started getting hard. It took every ounce of willpower he had to halt his erection and keep it from getting any bigger. The next hour was sheer torture as Bruce fought his body every second to keep his composure.
As soon as Alan placed his hands on Bruce’s shoulders, he wasn’t sure if he could continue. Bruce’s muscles were like rocks under his warm, soft skin, and it took all the strength in his fingers, hands, and forearms to move them. Alan assumed the tension in Bruce was from his discomfort with the situation. He was right of course, but Bruce was uncomfortable for the opposite reasons Alan thought!
Shortly into the massage, Alan was sweating heavily and his arms shook with fatigue, which helped to cover the trembling in his hands. His ribs and shoulder ached every time he used his body weight to push down against the muscles in Bruce’s back.
Alan’s emotions were spinning out of control. His feelings for Bruce were raw and on the surface, and touching him as he’d dreamed about was almost more than he could bear. Feeling the heat of Bruce's body, and smelling his natural scent pushed the limits of his resolve.
When Bruce got on the exam table, he wasn’t hard, but he wasn’t entirely soft either. He did his best to ignore his dick and continued his internal struggle to keep it down.
The only thing that allowed both of them to make it through the exam was the doctor’s presence, and him periodically stopping Alan to correct his motion or position.
When they finished, the doctor said, “Well done Alan, well done. As always you do not disappoint me. You can go shower now if you wish and come to my office before you leave.”
“Yes, sir.”
The doctor hesitated at the door as if he was about to say something else, but someone in the hall called his name and he shut the door.
When Alan went to his office the door was shut and a note on the door said ‘Alan, unexpectedly away. See me in the AM.”
Bruce went to clean up, but when he entered the shower to look for Alan his locker was closed and he was already gone. Bruce hightailed it back to their quarters hoping to find him there, but again he was disappointed when there was no sign of him.
Bruce sat on the couch going over everything in his mind, trying desperately to figure out what he might have said or done to make Alan act the way was. He missed Alan’s friendship and didn’t realize how much he had come to look forward to their time together. Over the next few hours, his mind was a rollercoaster of emotions. By that evening Bruce was so emotionally exhausted he passed out on the couch.
Alan was as quiet as he could be when he got home. It took him over a minute to put his key in the lock and open the door, trying to be quiet. Knowing how sensitive Bruce’s hearing was, he didn’t want to let him know he was back. He saw Bruce sleeping on the couch and found it odd the television was off. He was hoping it would have been on to make the noise easier to cover.
He slowly and quietly made his way down the hall to his bedroom and shut the door. He turned on his bedside lamp to undress, leaving his boxers on to sleep in.
He rested on top of the covers and turned off the lamp, but was wide awake, his mind racing out of control. After what he felt that morning when he touched Bruce, Alan knew he couldn’t continue. Something had to give. There was no way he could touch Bruce’s naked body day after day and not completely lose his shit. He would talk to the doc in the morning and ask to be reassigned.
How the hell do you resign from a program that has altered your genetic structure?
With all the money the government had in the Program they weren’t going to let him just walk away. Alan felt stuck between a rock and a hard place.
Alan couldn’t hold his emotions in anymore and started to cry. He tried to be quiet, but once he opened the emotional box inside himself, it was like opening Hoover Dam. Sobs wracked his big frame, and hot tears wet his pillow. His chest was so tight he could hardly breathe, and his body was icy cold and trembling from uncontrolled anxiety. He rolled on his side, pressing his face into his pillow, trying not to make any noise.
In the living room, Bruce woke with a start. Sad and despondent, he stripped off his shirt as he moved towards his bedroom, feeling like he wanted to throw up. The pain was getting to be too much to deal with, and he didn’t know what to do about it. It seemed like a no-win situation.
As he moved down the hall he heard noise from Alan’s room. He hadn’t heard Alan come in and his chest tightened even more. All he wanted was for Alan to come home so they could talk, but now he was there, Bruce was even more terrified. He didn’t have a clue as to what he was going to say.
He went to Alan’s door and listened for a second.
No way!
He heard Alan sobbing uncontrollably.
He knocked on the door and tried the handle, but it was locked.
“Hey Alan, open the door. I wanna talk ‘ta you.”
Alan panicked at the sound of Bruce’s voice. He was in no condition to talk.
His throat was so thick with emotion he tried to talk and couldn’t. Swallowing hard and clearing his throat he managed to squeak out, “I’m already in bed. We can talk in the morning.”
Fed up with excuses, Bruce twisted the doorknob off and pushed the door open.
With Bruce’s enhanced sight there was plenty of light from the hallway for him to make it over to Alan’s bedside. He turned on the light on the nightstand and was shocked when he saw Alan’s face. The bruises were still dark, and most of the swelling was down, but where there was no discoloration from the bruising his skin was white as a sheet. Tears covered his face, and his nose ran; his blue eyes were bloodshot and glassy. Alan's whole body was tense, and he was sweaty and breathing heavy.
The sight of his buddy so distraught broke Bruce’s heart. He wanted nothing more than to comfort Alan and make him feel better but knew he couldn’t, at least not in the way he wanted.
Bruce’s throat was also tight with emotion, and he knew his voice sounded gruff as he said, “If you try ’ta leave I’ll break your legs. Stay put.”
Bruce went down the hall to the bathroom, turned on the hot water, and got a warm washcloth and a hand towel. Back in Alan’s room, Bruce knelt on the floor, knowing Alan’s bed couldn’t support his weight. Alan shied away from Bruce when he knelt down, and Bruce glared at him.
“I said stay put.”
Bruce took the warm washcloth and wiped Alan’s face like he would a child’s. Next, he used the hand towel to dry his face and wipe down his chest and shoulders, steering clear of his ribs.
“That’s a little better. Alright, we’re gonna have a chat. I wanna know what I’ve done that’s makin’ you act the way you’ve been. I thought we were friends. Actually, I thought you were my best friend until last week.”
Bruce started to tear up as he continued, his emotions building as his thoughts formed into words. He felt like his chest was about to explode.
His head dropped, and he quietly said, “Whatever I did Alan, I apologize. I want our friendship back. I need it back.”
Alan lost it again and started to cry. His thoughts were almost incoherent in his distress. All he managed to say was, “Fuck Bruce, I’m so sorry.”
He kept repeating how sorry he was over and over. He put an arm over his eyes and couldn’t stop crying.
Bruce put a hand on Alan’s chest trying and comfort him and was shocked at how wound up Alan was. His body was so tight he was hard as a rock and trembling.
“Alan please tell me what’s wrong. What’re you sorry about?”
Bruce rubbed his hand in small circles on Alan’s chest, trying to soothe him. Alan’s body was undergoing small jerks as his breath caught between sobs.
“I’m sorry Bruce. Things are so out of control right now. I don’t want to hurt you. I’m scared as hell to tell you what’s wrong. I don’t know what I’d do if I lost your friendship.”
“What the hell are you talkin’ about? There isn’t anythin’ you could say or do that would affect our friendship like that.”
“I’m not so sure.”
There was a short pause as Bruce collected his thoughts and tried to give Alan a minute to calm down. He moved his hand up from Alan’s chest and gripped his neck and shoulder loosely, wanting Alan to feel his support.
“Well buddy, here’s the way I see it. You’ve backed yourself into a corner, and you’re in a place you can’t stay at. In my leadership trainin’, they taught us that if you ever get in a spot like that you have ‘ta make a decision, move forward, and go with the consequences. You can’t keep on livin’ like this. I miss my best friend, and I don’t like seein’ you like this. It hurts me, seein’ you like this. I might not show it as much, but I’ve been a wreck this week. I’ve been cryin’ like a baby on the couch for a few nights now, waitin’ for your sorry ass ‘ta come home so we could talk.”
“I’m sorry Bruce. I’m just terrified of what’s going to happen if I tell you the truth.”
“Alan I’m gonna kick your ass if you keep sayin’ you’re sorry without tellin’ me what you’re sorry about. I’m gonna make you a promise. No matter what you tell me, I swear ‘ta the Big Man upstairs, it will not come between us. You need ‘ta trust me on this.”
Alan looked at Bruce, making eye contact for the first time in almost a week. It only took a second, and he was lost in Bruce’s green eyes. Between Bruce’s warm hand rubbing his chest, and looking into his eyes, the last of Alan’s resistance crumbled. Bruce was right; he had backed himself into a corner, and something had to give.
Alan repositioned himself on his side and he covered Bruce’s hand on his chest with his own.
“I’ve never had a friend like you, Bruce. Growing up, moving from foster home to foster home after my mom died kept me from having any lasting friendships. Once I got out of high school, I focused on college and then my career in the Navy. This wasn’t supposed to happen, and I don’t know how the fuck to handle it.”
“Handle what, buddy?
“I love you man, like a brother.”
“I love you too, Alan. We are brothers. I feel closer to you than I’ve ever felt with anybody. Is that what this is about?”
“No, you don’t understand. I’m not saying this very well. I don’t just love you…”
Alan’s throat tightened back up. Once he said the words, there was no turning back. He had to take a leap of faith and trust that Bruce meant what he said.
“I’m in love with you.”
Alan’s words stunned Bruce beyond belief, and his mind reeled.
I’m in love with you.
The pressure in Bruce’s chest, the near incapacitating tightness, broke loose and the relief was more than he could take. His eyes welled with tears, whether from joy or relief he wasn’t sure. Bruce leaned forward, and resting his head on Alan’s chest he wrapped his arms around his best friend and the man he loved.
Alan felt Bruce’s tears on his bare chest. Bruce’s hot breath on his sweaty skin and the warmth of his body sent a shiver through Alan he couldn’t control.
Bruce wanted to squeeze Alan as hard as he could but knew that was impossible. Not trusting his control, he remained touching Alan but held himself up so he wouldn’t hurt Alan’s bruised ribs.
Why was Bruce crying?
What have I done!?
Alan started to panic, thinking the worst. He wanted to move but Bruce’s arms were still around him and his ribs screamed when he tried to move Bruce’s dense body even a few inches.
“I’m sorry Bruce. I’ll talk to the doc in the morning and see about getting transferred to different quarters.”
Alan finally realized Bruce was trying to hug him but was afraid of hurting him.
Bruce looked up, his handsome face a mess, but smiling.
Bruce’s voice caught in his throat, but he finally managed to ask, “Can I tell ‘ya a secret?”
Alan wasn’t sure he could talk, so just nodded.
“I feel the same way about you. I wasn’t sure what I was gonna do because havin’ you touch me in that exam was about ‘ta kill me. I didn’t think I could take it, and I was afraid if I told you how I feel you’d hate me.”
“God Bruce, I could never hate you.”
Alan put his arms around Bruce’s head and pulled his face against his chest and squeezed as tight as his bruised ribs would allow.
They stayed together like that for a while, until they both stopped crying. The warmth and touch of Bruce’s body against his had Alan hard as a rock.
“Hey, Bruce.”
“I have another problem.”
Alan started laughing. Taking one of Bruce’s hands, Alan put in on his crotch so Bruce could feel how hard he was.
“This is what you do to me.”
A sheepish, almost embarrassed look crossed Bruce’s face.
“What’s wrong?”
“Well, you might find this hard ‘ta believe… but I… well… I’ve never been with a guy.”
“Never? How many women?”
“Only a couple and that didn’t go very well. I tried, but nothin’ happened. I used the excuse of too much beer and pretended ‘ta pass out.”
“Bruce, you don’t know how happy that makes me. I want to make your first time special. It’s been a rough few days for both of us. Are you sure you want to do this now? Tonight? I don’t want to pressure you. We can wait if you want.”
“Alan my dick is so hard for you I could jack up a car. If you touch me, I’m gonna shoot. I want this more than I’ve ever wanted anythin’.”
“Okay, here’s what I want to do. I want you to cut loose with the first one so we can take our time after. Now that we’re together, we’ll have all the time in the world.”
“Let’s go to my bed. Yours can’t hold both of us.”
When Bruce stood up, Alan saw his tented his shorts and a big wet spot.
When they got to Bruce’s bed, Alan took his shorts off and reached over to take Bruce’s off as well. Bruce let him take the lead. The cold, anxious feeling in his chest and stomach from earlier was now a hot fire. His body flushed with excitement, and his dick was so hard it almost hurt.
“Get on your back.”
Bruce got on the bed, and Alan sat on the edge not getting on top just yet. He placed his hands on Bruce’s hard chest, wanting to feel his heartbeat and how excited he was. He also wanted to openly feel Bruce’s hard pecs. Sure enough, Bruce’s heart pounded in his chest, and his dick throbbed to match it. The head glistened with precum, and the hair of his treasure trail was wet with it.
Alan firmly gripped the thick base of Bruce’s shaft. Bruce’s big balls were tight, and Alan knew he could shoot any second. Alan kept his hand still for a minute, to let Bruce get used to the feeling. Once some of his urgency passed, Alan moved his hand up to the head and back down, smearing the precum and giving him just a few strokes before he stopped again. The solidity and density of Bruce’s erection was the same as his body and it sent a thrill through Alan just holding him.
Bruce raised his hips with a small gasp, his eyes shut tight and his head thrown back. His whole body was tight and flexed, trembling in anticipation. No other man had ever touched him like Alan was and the sensations were overpowering. He never imagined someone else’s hands would feel so much better than his own, and the fact it was Alan touching him made it even more intimate and intense.
Alan leaned over and took Bruce into his mouth, circling the head with his tongue. As soon the heat and wetness of Alan’s mouth enveloped him, Bruce moaned loudly, “Oh Fuck! My God, Alan that feels good. Oh man, I’m gonna shoot!”
It only took a few strokes before Bruce filled Alan’s mouth.
Both men thought: God, I’ve wanted this so bad!
Alan knew Bruce’s cum was going to taste good, only because it was from Bruce. It could have tasted like battery acid, but because it was from the man he loved, it would taste sweeter than anything. It actually did taste a little sweet because Bruce drank a lot of pineapple and citrus juices in his diet.
Alan continued sucking and stroking Bruce through his orgasm, letting him ride out the pleasure as long as he could.
As Alan stroked Bruce, a strange sense of wholeness permeated his Mind and body. He felt as though he just had a great workout and his body was full of energy, and the last of the tension from the night's emotional turmoil left him.
It took Bruce a few minutes to recover, and he lay with a goofy smile on his handsome face, looking at Alan. Alan looked back, smiling. They couldn’t take their eyes off one another. The sight of Bruce’s naked body laid out in front of him, his to touch and caress, was almost too much to think about.
Bruce finally broke the silence and said, “Fuck Alan, I can’t stand not touchin’ you.”
Reaching over, Bruce pulled Alan on top of him.
“Come here stud.”
The feeling of his naked body against Bruce’s was better than anything Alan ever fantasized about. Their chests and dicks pressing against one another felt amazing. Alan put his arms around Bruce’s shoulders and brought their faces together for a kiss. He had swallowed Bruce’s load and the taste was still heavy in his mouth. He wasn’t sure how Bruce would react, so he took it slow in case he wasn’t ready to take that step.
Bruce found the taste odd but not bad. He wanted Alan’s tongue in his mouth and wasn’t going to let his cum get it the way of that. What started as a gentle kiss became a long passionate session that lasted a few minutes. Bruce never went soft and Alan felt him, hot and hard against his stomach.
Alan broke off the kiss and smiled, saying “Time for round two. I want you inside me.”
The apprehensive look returned to Bruce’s face.
“What’s the matter?”
“I don’t wanna hurt you, Alan. I’m still not in control, and if I get too wound up, I might not be able ‘ta keep myself in check. I’d never forgive myself if I hurt you.”
“Bruce, I trust you. What better way to learn control than by playing around with each other? For starters let me stay on top and guide things along. The more we do this, the more you can be in charge. How’s that?”
“If you’re sure. I’m nervous as hell.”
“There’s no reason to be scared or nervous Bruce. I love you, and there’s no right or wrong in what we’re about to do. We need to learn how to make each other feel good. I don’t have much experience either. I just know that I feel more for you than any other person ever in my life, and I want to make you feel amazing.”
Bruce averted his eyes and quietly said, “I don’t know how to make you feel good, Alan.”
“But you already have, Bruce! God, man, you do. I feel more alive than ever just being with you and touching you. I want us to go slow, and don’t be afraid to tell me what you like or don’t like. You can touch me any way you want to. In fact, I want you to. I can’t tell you how good your touch makes me feel, and what your hands do to me.
“Like right now I want to do something to you. There’s something about you that drives me absolutely bonkers, and it was one of the reasons I was having such a hard time being around you.”
“What’s that?”
“Your smell. I don’t mean you stink; it’s nothing like that. You can be fresh out of the shower, and you have this distinct smell that drives me crazy. It’s like you have this natural cologne made just for me, and I bet I’m the only one who ever picks up on it.”
Bruce grinned and said, “Okay that’s a bit weird and a little kinky, but it’s hot!”
“You can’t believe how fucking hot you are to me, Bruce. Put your arms over your head.”
Bruce raised his arms, and Alan grabbed his hands intertwining their fingers. Alan gazed at Bruce’s broad chest and armpits, and his perfect nipples. Bruce didn’t have a lot of hair under his arms. In fact, he wasn’t a very hairy man, but where he did have hair, it was perfect and in all the right places.
Alan leaned over and started to kiss and lick Bruce’s armpit.
“Ohhhhhh, Alan that feels amazin’. Fuck!”
Alan kept at it, moving back and forth between his armpits, taking his time, including his nipples in between. Bruce’s excitement and pleasure drove Alan’s own excitement.
“You better not do that much longer, or you’re gonna make me shoot.”
“Okay, let’s cool down a second. Just touching you is about to make me explode.”
Alan straddled Bruce’s waist and ran his hands over Bruce’s body, caressing his chest and rubbing his nipples, moving his hands up to his shoulders, and down his arms. Bruce did the same; the sight of Alan’s hot body, his hairy chest and stomach, was driving him crazy and he couldn’t keep his hands off him. His touch was a little awkward and unsure, but none of that mattered to Alan, they were Bruce’s hands, warm and strong, and that was all that mattered.
They couldn’t stop staring at one another and smiling, not believing where they were after all the turmoil of the last week. Both men felt they were meant to be together, and any stress or strain between them vanished.
Alan finally said, “Ok, I can’t wait any longer. I have to feel you inside me. You aren’t small, so this might take a few minutes. Let me get some lotion from the bathroom to use as lube. We’ll have to get some real lube tomorrow.”
Alan ran to the bathroom and was back in a flash. He used lots of lotion on Bruce and a liberal amount on himself. Sitting up, he put the head of Bruce’s dick against his opening and slowly lowered himself. He read enough to know to push out to make going in less painful, but that was easier said than done. He felt a sharp pain when the head pushed past his sphincter.
Bruce watched Alan’s body for signs of pleasure or discomfort. Bruce could tell it hurt, and asked, “Are you sure you wanna do this Alan? We can wait. Fuck it feels amazin’, but it has ‘ta hurt. I don’t wanna hurt you.”
“No way in hell I’m waiting Bruce. I want this more than anything in the world!”
Alan was starting to sweat, and he leaned forward putting his hands on Bruce’s chest to hold himself up. The heat and solidity of Bruce’s body was such a turn on. There was so little give to Bruce’s body even when Alan put his full weight down on him for leverage he didn’t want to move his hands.
He kept pushing down slowly, a fraction of an inch at a time, occasionally going back up. After a few minutes he started to loosen up and pushed down firmly until he felt Bruce’s balls against his ass. By the time he was all the way down, he was sweating hard and breathing heavily.
“Sorry man, I sweat a lot when I get excited.”
Bruce grinned and said, “It’s sexy as hell man. I love it. It lets me know you’re feelin’ me. I wanna see you get all worked up.”
The heat and tightness inside Alan were more than Bruce expected, and it took all his willpower not to start thrusting madly in and out of Alan’s hot tight ass.
Alan kept still for another minute to get used to Bruce’s size.
“Fuck you’re big, Bruce; nice and thick. I love having you inside me. I can feel your heartbeat through your dick. Here we go! Hold on!”
Alan started sliding up and down, first with short strokes but getting longer and longer as he got more comfortable. He angled forward a little and started to feel Ken’s erection rubbing across his prostate, and he let out an, “Oh Fuck!” when he found the spot.
“What’s wrong!?”
“Nothing’s wrong, I just found my love nut. Fuck! That feels unbelievable!”
Alan started grinding against Bruce and bumping his prostate with every thrust. It only took him a few minutes before he was past the point of no return.
“Oh, fuck Bruce, I’m gonna’ shoot. You feel too good inside me. Shit, I can’t hold off any longer!”
The orgasm that hit Alan was the most powerful of his life. He had never felt that way about anyone, and the emotional intensity was just as powerful as the physical. His whole body contracted in pleasure, and his first shot flew over Bruce’s chest and hit the headboard. The next few volleys covered Bruce’s chest and abs. His ass spasmed with the rest of his body, and it drove Bruce over the edge again, flooding Alan’s insides with hot cum.
Alan collapsed on top of Bruce, nuzzling his face against Bruce’s neck and shoulder, breathing in his scent and resting on his warm smooth skin and hard body. Bruce brought his arms around Alan’s back, rubbing up and down and hugging the man he loved.
Alan teared up again, and said, “I love you, Bruce. Man, I can’t believe I can say that now. I was so scared I was going to lose you!”
Rolling to one side Alan propped his head up on one hand. His other hand had free reign to roam and caress Bruce’s body wherever he could reach. Bruce was still recovering from what happened between them. He never thought he’d be with another man and had resigned himself to shutting off that part himself a long time ago. Now that he didn’t have to live the lie of his sexuality, at least with Alan, he felt a sense of inner freedom. No one else could ever know, but he and Alan could be together, and that was more than he ever hoped for.
Alan placed a hand on Bruce’s cheek, angling his face to look at him.
“God, I love your face. I love the feel of your rough cheeks; the feel of a man.”
Alan ran the backs of his knuckles over the five o’clock shadow on Bruce’s face. He rubbed his cheek against Bruce’s and then rolled back on top, wrapping his arms around Bruce, and their chins fit perfectly in the crux of each other’s neck and shoulder.
Bruce took a chance and hugged Alan back, whispering in his ear, “I love you too Alan. I can’t believe how all this worked out. You’ve made me one happy man. I didn’t want ‘ta lose you either. I think we’re meant ‘ta be together. We’re like two pieces of a puzzle, and we fit together perfectly. It just took us a little time ‘ta figure out the right way for the pieces ‘ta fit together.”
After a few minutes of cuddling, Alan rolled over and said, “Spoon up against me and put your arm around me. I want to fall asleep with you holding me.”
Bruce pulled him close, with one arm draped over Alan, putting his hand on Alan’s chest to hold them together.
Alan was totally relaxed. Sharing an orgasm with Bruce and openly and unashamedly lying naked with him, after all the fear and emotional turmoil of the last week was amazing. He felt like he was dreaming. A thought popped into his head as he was drifting off to sleep.
“Hey, Bruce?”
“Did you notice your control was a lot better tonight? I think you just needed the right motivation.”
Bruce smiled sleepily and said, “Hell yeah! You definitely motivate me.”
He kissed Alan on the shoulder.
“Fuck this feels good. I can’t believe an hour ago we were ready to give up everythin’, and now here you are in my arms.”
“Yeah, I know. Funny how things work out.”
“I can’t wait for tomorrow’s exam.”
“Me either.”
Alan fell asleep to Bruce’s warm breath against his neck and shoulder, and their bodies touching. There was no better feeling in the world. It felt perfect.
The next morning when they got up, Alan went into the bathroom to take a piss, and did a double take when he looked in the mirror.
“Shit! Hey Bruce, come here! You’ve got to see this!”
Bruce was there in a flash, thinking something was wrong.
Looking at his face in the mirror, Alan ran his hands over his nose and jaw, now void of bruising and swelling. There was the slightest trace of his lip still healing, but other than that his face was back to normal. He ran his hands across his ribcage and they didn’t feel the slightest bit tender.
His handsome face broke out into a huge smile, and Bruce pulled him back against his own body wrapping his arms around him in a hug.
“What’cha think coulda’ happened?”
“You know I felt something last night when we were together, but we were so wound up I didn’t think much about it at the time.”
“I’m sure the doc can explain it.”
“Hey, Alan?”
“We need ‘ta set the alarm for earlier tomorrow.”
“We’ll just have to be a few minutes late today. Come here stud.”
They did their PT run together and then went to the Lab. The doctor was already in his office, and as soon as they knocked on his door, he looked up and the corner of his mouth rose in the barest hint of a smile.
“Good morning, my boys.”
“Doc, something strange is going on.”
“And what might that be?”
“All my bruises are gone, and my ribs are almost fully healed!”
“Yes, I can see that.”
“You don’t look surprised!”
“My only surprise is how long it took you two to realize your feelings for one another. I was about to lock you both in a room until you figured it out. You two are very stubborn!”
Bruce and Alan looked at each other in shock, and then both of them broke into big smiles, their faces red.
“There is no need to be embarrassed, my boys. Rest assured no one will ever find out that can harm you or your careers. Now that you have taken this step, I must explain a few things to you both. I have been waiting for you to discover this on your own. Knowing ahead of time not only takes the fun out of it, but it might also keep you from discovering everything about yourselves. You have just taken the first step on a marvelous journey together. I am happy for you both!”
Bruce felt the sensation of falling into himself again and...
Brad and Ken both had tears in their eyes from reliving their memories. Emotions were thick between them, and they hugged each other physically and with their Minds.
Remembering that time, and reliving it, reinforced just how much they loved each other, and how far they had come together. Ken pulled Brad close in a cuddle, running his hands up and down Brad’s back.
“Oh my God B, that was incredible! I’m so hot for you right now I can hardly stand it!”
“Looking back, it’s hard to believe the journey we’ve had together. I love you, Ken.”
“I love you too, Brad. If you can believe it, I think I love you a little bit more every day we’re together. I wanna make love 'ta you.”
Brad rolled onto his back, and Ken crawled over him. They started kissing, and Ken was so passionate Brad got hard immediately.
They kept some lube in the nightstand, and Brad wasn’t sure when but Ken had lubed himself up in anticipation of making out. Ken positioned himself against Brad’s opening and slowly and gently thrust forward.
The next half hour was an intimate and tender time between them. Ken rested his weight on his elbows, so their bodies were in as much contact as possible. Brad kept his arms around Ken’s back and shoulders, their chests and abs pressed together while Ken ground their bodies together as he stroked in and out of his lover.
Ken Opened his Mind and wrapped Brad in his emotions. Brad was overwhelmed again by how much Ken loved him and how much he loved the man on top of him. All the while Ken stroked in and out, when they weren’t kissing, they were hugging or nibbling on ears, necks, and shoulders. The feel of their hot breath on their sweaty skin turned them on even more.
Ken was more vocal and regularly interjected how good Brad felt, how much he loved him, and what a great lover he was. Brad told Ken the same thing through their Link, with his Mind, not in words but with feelings.
With the two of them merged, when they finally couldn’t hold off any longer, they shared their orgasm. It was so powerful neither one of them could talk for a few minutes. Ken stayed on top of Brad, and they continued to hold each other while they kissed and their hands roamed.
When they finally separated, they shifted so Brad was spooned by Ken, with Ken’s arm draped over him, their fingers intertwined.
They were quiet for a time, basking in each other’s presence and shared intimacy.
Brad finally broke the silence and asked quietly, “Ken, do you mind if we talk about some things from today, or do you want to go to sleep? It can wait until tomorrow if you want to.”
“B, there’s nothin’ I’d rather do right now than talk with you. Tell me what happened.”
“Well, first off, I owe you a huge apology for the past few months.”
Ken cupped Brad’s face and turned him around so he could look into his eyes. He was serious as he asked, “Why do you think that?”
“Because you kept telling me this is all new, and how long it takes to adjust, and I didn’t believe you. That’s one reason I wanted to look at those memories. I’ve been frustrated and filled with self-pity because control over my abilities didn’t just come to me. I felt stupid, and inadequate, and not equipped to handle them. My ego was in the way, which is something I came to grips with today. You’ve borne the brunt of my attitude and selfishness this entire time and never complained. You were with me the whole time, supporting me. I just want to tell you how sorry I am for you having to put up with me.”
“B, there’s nothin’ ‘ta apologize for. I did try’n tell you how things were for me after the Program, but you learn different than I do, and ‘ta be honest, what I told you might not be relevant to what you were goin’ through. Some of the underlyin’ principles might be the same, but it’s mental versus physical, so I might’ve been steerin’ you wrong.”
“No, Ken, everything you said was spot on. I was just too stubborn and proud to listen and take what you said to heart. I had a bit of an Epiphany today. I stopped fighting against it and feeling sorry for myself, and for lack of a better way to say it, I surrendered to it. In the back of my Mind, I still felt like I didn’t deserve your love, but everything came together in my head in the middle of the bank robbery. As soon as I accepted your love and pushed my ego out of the way, it was like this switch went off in my head and all these things fell into place.
“That’s why I chose those memories to relive with you tonight; it makes tonight even more special to me. Nearly twenty years ago you told me you loved me, and tonight I finally, completely accepted that love. I can’t believe all the years we’ve already been together since that night.”
“See, I knew you’d figure it out. You’re too fuckin’ smart for your own good sometimes. You tend ‘ta over analyze things, and it shakes your confidence. Even the doc says you’re one of the smartest people he knows. I still don’t know why you felt like you didn’t deserve my love. Are you sure you’re okay with that now? Cause I can prove it to you over’n over again if I need too!”
Ken smiled and held him tighter when he made his comment.
“Honestly, I’m good with it now.”
Brad grinned back before he continued, “But I can have a memory lapse now and then if you need me to.”
After a brief pause, Brad’s forehead creased, and he asked, “How come you’re so smart about all this, Ken? How were you so confident I’d figure it out?”
“I may not be as smart as you are about some things, but when it comes ‘ta Brad Wilson I have a fuckin’ Ph.D. You’re my best friend Brad, and I love you more than anythin’. I’ve been with you for almost twenty years now and when it comes ‘ta you, I’m a genius. I think I know you better than you know yourself sometimes. Because ‘a that, I knew the stages you’d go through ‘ta figure it out. You just had ‘ta get to the point to believe in yourself enough ‘ta accept all the changes.
“I know I said it earlier, but I’m really proud of you for how you handled things today. I knew the minute we cleaned house with those punk bank robbers somethin’ was different. You had a new look of confidence. I could see the difference in you. And when we were drivin’ in traffic, your brain was still workin’. I think the hardest thing for you ‘ta adjust too will be the restraint you’ll have ‘ta exercise. You can kill someone with a thought just like I can physically kill someone if I’m not careful. We’re two sides of the same coin.”
As Brad listened, hearing Ken’s words, it reinforced how much Ken loved and supported him. He knew Brad was struggling and was there every second without smothering him, giving him time to work through his issues without rushing him.
“I know this is gonna sound mushy Ken, but thanks for believing in me and supporting me. I know I haven’t been the easiest person to be around.”
“B, even at your fuckin’ worst, you’re the easiest person in the world for me ‘ta be with. With you, it’s not an effort ‘cause I love you so much.”
Ken tightened his arm around Brad when he said that and kissed his shoulder.
Brad continued, “So, yeah when things clicked into place, I realized I was the one holding myself back. The Power I have is a bit of a rush. I know I was a little out of control while we were driving back, and I can’t let that happen again. But I have some more ideas after tonight’s play time.”
“Oh yeah? Do you wanna tell me what you’ve got in mind? No pun intended, of course.”
“Well, when I get more practice, and as I get stronger, my Constructs can be bigger and more elaborate. With you, I don’t have to be as careful because you know what’s going on, and your brain won’t fight me to try and figure out what you’re seeing isn’t real. So, I was thinking when things get stressful, I can make us a getaway where you and I can be by ourselves. We’ll have all the time in the world to enjoy ourselves, whether it’s a cabin in the mountains, or a villa on the beach. Wherever we want to go, I can take us there and we can have as much hot passionate, wild sex as we can imagine.”
“Hell yeah, I like that part. The more time we have together, the happier I’ll be. Because I’ve been thinkin’, B...”
Ken chuckled and said, “Shut it punk, I’m bein’ serious for a change.”
Brad turned his head and kissed Ken as an apology.
“As I was sayin’… We need ‘ta take care of each other. With the way we are now, except for the guys, we’re more isolated than ever. If we’re gonna help them in whatever way the doc has planned, we need ‘ta keep ourselves strong and sane. Does that make sense?”
“It makes perfect sense. Almost as perfect as that handsome face of yours.”
“B, I’m bein’ serious.”
“So am I.”
“So, are you good now? Is there anythin’ else you wanna tell me?”
“I think that’s the gist of it. I needed to tell you how sorry I am and how much I love you for supporting me and putting up with my sorry ass.”
Ken reached down and ran his hand over Brad’s rock-hard ass and said, “I don’t think your ass is sorry at all. It’s a nice ass.”
Brad couldn’t help but laugh and said, “You douche. I love you, Ken Habersham.”
“I love you too, B.”
Another quiet pause followed.
“Hey, B?”
“This is totally shiftin’ gears, but I think we need ‘ta have Bryan and Lane over for dinner in the next few nights, and maybe next week we can have everyone over for a big cookout. We haven’t seen much of them outside of work in a while. They’ve been givin’ us our space, and I appreciate that, but they’re our family.”
“That sounds like a plan. I’ll talk to Lane tomorrow. He and I need to have a Mental chat about some things now that I’m getting a better grip on this stuff. He’s ahead of the others by a good bit, and maybe I can prevent him from having any heartache like I did.”
“Now that’s the Brad Wilson, I know and love, always puttin’ others before yourself.”
Ken tightened his grip in a quick hug, and then they were quiet again. After a few minutes, Brad heard Ken’s steady breathing and knew he was asleep. Brad drifted off to sleep in Ken’s arms, his favorite place in the world, feeling his warm, steady breath on his neck.
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