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Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you. 

Orphic Revelations - 3. Chapter 3

“Go, you’re freaking him out.”

The lion huffed, turning away. I gasped as he faded as he walked away until he disappeared. I flicked my eyes sideways, glancing up as far as I dared.

The wemic stood next to my pallet, naked. He was dusted in golden hair but he had legs, human legs. I glanced back toward where the lion disappeared, my hand on my chest where the raspy tongue had scoured my skin. Questions flashed through my mind, one after another that I dared not ask.

After a moment my new master moved away. What was he? I’d heard stories about wemics; tales of their violence and rage as well as their lust for human flesh were whispered on dark nights, but nothing had been said of this. What it some fantasy made up by my mind? Was I delirious back in my cell, lost in a fantasy dream?

“I told you to sleep.”

I lay down, obedient even then. The warm bath, food, and soft bed were too much for me and I fell asleep quickly.


The next morning the dysantha was gone from my system. Without orders I was at a loss. I spied a privy pot set off to one side in a small room. I crawled, unable to walk due to the inflamed burns on my heels. On my way back I banged into a chair, making a book fall to the floor.

I froze when the wemic sat up, his eyes falling on me with all their shining brilliance. I yanked my gaze away, prostrating myself for punishment.

“What are you doing?”

I shook as he stomped up next to me. I hadn’t seen him grab a rod, but he was a huge man, he could punish me without one easily.

One hot hand palmed my face, forcing me to sit up. “What were you doing?”

“I had to …” My eyes slid to the privy closet.

“You’re not healed enough to move around.” He yanked me up, our bare bodies touching as he held me. He put me down on my pallet as he grabbed something from the shelf by his bed.

“Your feet are still infected. Your stupid flight through the city’s filth infected your wounds. I cannot believe your sadistic fuck of an uncle burned them; you would’ve been marked for life.”

As if I wasn’t already? One hand flashed up to my collar but I moved it before my hand was smacked. “I’m sorry my injuries render me unable to serve you.”

The man snarled, sounding as fierce as the lion. “I don’t want a servant.”

Of course not, I was his slave.

“Yes, master.”

“I said don’t call me that!”

I jerked back, moving away from his outstretched hand. The wemic snarled.

“Damn it, stay still.” He pushed me until I fell back. I whimpered when he grabbed my feet, one hand easily holding both ankles still. He slathered something cold on my heels then set them down gently.

Confusion warred in me. His words were rough but his touch was gentle. Nothing made sense. Sweat beaded on my forehead but I decided to risk everything. I had to know.

“You said a son of Imvar Youk should know better,” I whispered. “You knew my father?”

“I did.”

The wemic stood, moving to a cupboard along one wall. He stepped into a pair of loose linen pants and then pulled a tunic on.

He tossed a tunic to me. “Put that on.”

Dare I question him further? “Ma—”

“Don’t you dare call me master! I. Am Not. Your. Master. I paid your uncle but
I was rescuing you. My name’s Tek and you will use it. I promised your father I would look out for you, and I failed. There’s more to you than a slave. You will stop acting like one. ” He glared at me. “Now.”

My mouth dropped open.

“Put on that tunic so we can eat. You have much to learn. First, though, that collar comes off.”

My hands flew up to the thick metal around my neck. “You can’t.”

“You’re right, but my lion can.”

He pointed to the tunic. I grabbed it, my fingers rubbing the soft fabric. I hadn’t worn anything so fine since I’d been enslaved. The large shirt extended past my elbows and pooled around my waist.

I knelt at the edge of the bed and the wemic—Tek—growled. “Don’t get up. Stay there. I will pick you up; your feet need more time to heal.”

He sat me in a chair at the table. I tried to slip down but he growled. Tek made me food, more than I could possibly eat. He’d glared at me but when I’d been unable to eat more, he took my plate and finished it off. Now I was waiting.

Tek was doing … something.

“He’s coming.” Tek put me back on my pallet. “Don’t be afraid. He won’t hurt you; he actually likes you.”

A shadow darkened and then I saw the lion. He appeared to step out of the shadows, like a legend made life. I couldn’t help but gasp when he walked straight up to me and rubbed his head against my chest. I could feel him, touch him, but he’d appeared like a spirit.

“Yes, I know you like him. Now help him so I can explain everything without that blasted collar confusing him.”

The lion huffed.

“Be very still.” I knew why Tek had warned me not to move as soon as the lion’s jaws closed over my neck. I felt the smooth edges of his teeth between my skin and the metal of the collar before he closed his jaws with a snap.

The collar was in two pieces when he spit it into my lap.

“Now it’s time for the revelation of your true self. Your orphic self,” Tek said.

“The orphic are extinct,” I gasped out before the world went dark. 

Copyright © 2012 Cia; All Rights Reserved.
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Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you. 
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Chapter Comments

Tek is really making me curious. I'm looking forward to understanding more of his relationship to his spirit/lion. He's also kind of a jerk. The main character is obviously suffering from abuse and his manner doesn't know how to deal with that. It will be nice to see both characters grow.


It's a shame that the Briefers format limits the chapter size. I want more! (Even if you are cheating a little on the 1k word limit. LOL) Great chapter. I'll be on the lookout for next week's installment.

  • Site Administrator
On 11/22/2012 04:55 AM, Mann Ramblings said:
Tek is really making me curious. I'm looking forward to understanding more of his relationship to his spirit/lion. He's also kind of a jerk. The main character is obviously suffering from abuse and his manner doesn't know how to deal with that. It will be nice to see both characters grow.


It's a shame that the Briefers format limits the chapter size. I want more! (Even if you are cheating a little on the 1k word limit. LOL) Great chapter. I'll be on the lookout for next week's installment.

:P I'm so glad you like it Mann. Actually, copy the text only from my story and you'll find I'm toeing the line on the actual words almost exactly and never go over. Tek is a bit of a jerk, but he's not had it easy either. More will be coming next week!
  • Site Administrator
On 11/22/2012 06:42 AM, Rebelghost85 said:
There short updates are killing me also but I'm really liking it. What is an Orphic? (heh. I'm ignoring the title).


I want to know why and how Tek failed to protect him.


Still hoping for blood retribution on the uncle and cousin and I'm looking forward to next Wednesday.

Sorry Rebelghost, it's all part of the torture from the Wednesday Briefers group I'm part of, lol. Lots to come still, I think I'll end up writing this for a while until it's time to do a Christmas special. I'm glad you're enjoying it and don't worry, your questions will be answered eventually!

I really like the idea of the lion being a separate being. I love the lion too...it's so sweet how he likes the boy. I read your comments about Tek above and I look forward to learning more of his past. I can't seem to reconcile the man who rescued him and cares for him well with the gruff and short tempered man. I don't know if he resents having to care for the boy? Why be caring and yet not show understanding when it comes to his fears and behaviors fostered by the uncle. I look forward to more. I also wanna know what an orphic is and how tek knew his father. How an he teach the boy about what he is. Well, keep it coming, Cia. Brilliant work as always.

  • Site Administrator
On 11/22/2012 01:26 PM, Cannd said:
I really like the idea of the lion being a separate being. I love the lion too...it's so sweet how he likes the boy. I read your comments about Tek above and I look forward to learning more of his past. I can't seem to reconcile the man who rescued him and cares for him well with the gruff and short tempered man. I don't know if he resents having to care for the boy? Why be caring and yet not show understanding when it comes to his fears and behaviors fostered by the uncle. I look forward to more. I also wanna know what an orphic is and how tek knew his father. How an he teach the boy about what he is. Well, keep it coming, Cia. Brilliant work as always.
I know, there are so many questions about the world and what everything means. Don't worry though, things will start coming together next week. Thanks so much for reading and commenting, Cannd, I always look forward to your insights.

I, too, am fascinated by these characters and, like others, am buried under a huge mound of questions. I know you will bring the explanations, Cia, as you introduce us to yet another new universe, but I agree that for the next chapter, Wednesday cannot be too soon. whistle.gif

One question: near the end of the chapter when the collar is being removed, you talk about Tek's warning and then the wemic's jaws breaking the collar. I understood the lion was breaking the collar but I also thought that the wemic was Tek. Did I mix up something, or is it part of what will be revealed?

  • Site Administrator
On 11/22/2012 04:14 PM, lilansui said:
I feel like I'm late to make a review.... :) I love it! As always. Tek is such a gruff man. He's feeling a lot of guilt for the main character's pain and submissiveness. It must be hard to see someone you were supposed to protect acting the way he is. I'm with Layla. Can't wait for next Wednesday to know more.

Great Chapter.

I think that might be part of it. Tek is pretty gruff, but I think he has quite the story himself. Thanks for reviewing.
  • Site Administrator
On 11/23/2012 12:43 AM, hillj69 said:
I, too, am fascinated by these characters and, like others, am buried under a huge mound of questions. I know you will bring the explanations, Cia, as you introduce us to yet another new universe, but I agree that for the next chapter, Wednesday cannot be too soon. whistle.gif

One question: near the end of the chapter when the collar is being removed, you talk about Tek's warning and then the wemic's jaws breaking the collar. I understood the lion was breaking the collar but I also thought that the wemic was Tek. Did I mix up something, or is it part of what will be revealed?

No, I mixed it up. The wemic is Tek and the lion together, it should have said lion. That was my mistake. There are a lot of questions left unanswered but you will definitely have them all explained. :)
  • Site Administrator
On 11/30/2012 03:59 AM, Michael9344 said:
I know you've explained this before, but I'm still confused with the wermic and lion. I understand that Tek is a wermic, man and lion mixed up, but is the lion just a pet or something else?
Ahh, well I can't just tell that! It'll all come out, never fear. I haven't answered all the questions yet but I'm sure you're getting a few AHA moments reading ch. 4. :)
  • Site Administrator
On 01/08/2013 06:11 PM, SidLove said:
Okay this might come off weird, but I really think Tek is soooo cute!! ^_^

BTW, not to nitpick, but you might wanna correct this: "... nothing had been said of this. What it some fantasy made up by my mind?"

I am sorry it is little, but well ... I am embarrassed :blushes:

Nitpick away! I'll fix it! I think is cute in his own gruff way too. ;)
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