Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you.
The Prompt You Say! - 14. Prompt 142 - An Egg Problem
“Because … how could you not know this was done to me?”
Marya stopped cleaning her son’s cuts and sat beside him.
“Devan, I am an intelligent woman. I know many things, but I don’t know everything. I am not the Goddess, nor am a Dracon. I wish I could say I was more than I am for you,” she paused as her son’s tear filled eyes focused on her, “but I’m still only your mother.”
“But you are the Dracian, Watcher of the Eggs.”
“That is my title, but it does not alter who I am or what I can or can’t do my love.”
Devan sat looking at his mother. He’d always believed she could do anything, right any wrong, but he was learning different.
“I wield great power and respect, but also fear. People do not understand exactly what I do or how I do it. Unless they are chosen to become a Dracon, most will simply avoid me.”
Devan stared at his mother. For the first time he realized the difference between his classmates and himself wasn’t due to him not trying hard enough, but to the job his mother held.
Marya stood and continued to clean the twigs from his hair, before washing the remaining cuts on his arms. Devan no longer cried. Instead he watched his mother’s movements noticing the scars on her hands and the gentle touch of her fingers on his skin.
“Rest now. Tomorrow will be another day. I will ask to have you trained to protect yourself.”
“I want to join the Dracon classes.”
Marya smiled sadly at her son. She looked at him and paused before she spoke.
“You are much smaller than any in that class, Devan.”
“I still want to join it. I want to be trained.”
Devan’s face became a mask. Marya could not help but think of Devan’s father. His son definitely showed his spirit.
Marya shook her dark main of hair, dislodging a curl that had fallen across her face. Absentmindedly she tucked it away, and then patted Devan’s shoulder.
“I will see if I can get you into the beginning class. Just know it can mean you change your destiny with that class.” She paused as she looked at him. “It will be up to you to earn your place there if you get in, and then to keep it, Devan."
Devan crossed his arms and stared at his mother, angry and sure of himself as only an eight year old can be.
+ * + * + *
The sun still hadn’t reached its zenith when he pulled himself onto the crag. The rest of the class was still miles below him, but he wasn’t even winded from climbing up here. The climb up the side of the mountain hadn’t proven to be of much difficulty for him, probably due to the fact he climbed things like this all the time searching for dragon scales. It wasn’t often that they were shed, but if you could find enough of them then you could make some decent money with them. He had been collecting for a long time, but the best of them he kept for himself. He still hoped one day to be able to put them to use.
“Devan, you shouldn’t always beat them like this.”
He’d heard the gentle rustle that had meant the instructor for the class was there. Devan turned and tried to keep his face as stony as his instructor’s.
“Sorry, Dracon Erdie, but they are so damn slow. Besides,” Devan tried to hide his smile, “I’m just the short one who shouldn’t be in this class.”
“Right. You out shine most in physical abilities, logical thinking, and still have more compassion than any of them. “
Devan looked down at the class still crawling like ants to reach where he sat with Dracon Erdie. There were times he remembered how they had pushed him around for being the smallest one in class, calling him names, and how he had channeled that anger into something good. He worked harder, studied more, and noticed how his mother handled the problems of her position. He realized as he grew up, that while she was respected by the Dracon staff, the normals who washed out or didn’t desire the opportunity to bond, those were the ones that feared and hated Marya. His mother rose above that hatred and dealt with each person calmly and politely. It wasn’t a lesson that had been lost on him. Ten years later he still remembered her telling him that she was only human, but daily he grew to wonder if that was true.
“Where did you go Devan?”
“Sorry. Was thinking of my mother.”
“She is a fine woman and an honorable Darian. Unlike others, she truly does let anyone with the desire near the eggs. If the Dragon finds a human it desires she allows the bonding.”
“For most.” Devan looked at the ground his face becoming a mask again.
Dracon Erdie looked at his student and shook his head.
“She won’t let you near the eggs, will she.”
Devan shook his head.
“You know she onced hoped that you would follow in her footsteps and become the next Darian.”
“No,” Devan looked up in surprise. “She can’t make someone Darian, can she?”
“Dracians usually run in families, Devan. She had hoped that it would show up in you.”
“So that is why I was able to stay in this class.” His voice grew deeper and his hands curled into fists.
“You never did ask your mother. She asked that you be allowed to take the class. You were to be given no special treatment and if you washed out, that was it. You are here in my class because you belong, not because your mother forced us to keep you.”
“She … she didn’t make you keep me.”
Dracon Erdie laughed and shook his head.
“Your mother is a strong woman and not one I would want to fight unnecessarily, but even she couldn’t make you stay in a Dracon class if you didn’t have the ability.”
The sounds of his classmates grunts and curses slowly became clear as they finally neared the ledge of the crag. Sanla was the first to pull herself onto it, but the rest of the class slowly followed her. Soon the remaining ten students lay panting and collapsing around the ledge. The Dracon stood waiting for them all to begin to breath normally again.
“You’ve all managed to make the climb. Usually this is where the cut down is nearly over. You lot are in better shape than I expected. The Dracian has stated that the rookery has eight eggs that seek a partner. I suppose you will have to come then. First …” Dracon Erdie’s voice faded as he caught sight of Dragon and rider heading straight toward them.
The Dragon circled once allowing the class to see its deep red scales and vibrant orange underbelly. The claws were red and white, and its eyes glowed a deep crimson. The rider on it seemed to melt into insignificance but only made her presence known when the Dragon landed.
“Dracon Mereta, what brings you here now?”
There was no doubt left in the class that it was unusual for more than one Dracon to show for a class, and up till now, none had arrived with a Dragon.
“You have not been near Skysight today?”
Skysight often stayed near the valley floor, snacking on the sheep stored in the valley for the Dragons. Skysight was Dracon Erdie’s bond, a blue green dragon of exceptional size and beauty.
“No, I have been with my class.”
She glanced carefully at the class before returning her attention to Dracon Erdie.
“The Emperiam glows.”
If the class hadn’t been silent before that would have done it. An Emperiam egg only glowed when it was ready and had felt its human counterpart. They were smaller than the other dragons, but they were royalty and always ushered in a new age.
“Which rook has the glowing Emperiam?” Dracon Erdie stood stock still waiting for Mereta to answer him.
“Dracian Marya’s rookery.”
Devan’s breath caught. His mother held one of the legendary eggs in her rookery, that had been well known. It had been in the rookery for five generations and now it was glowing. He wondered what his mother was doing with the egg now.
“She had requested all candidates be brought to the rookery now. There will be no delays. If the mate is here, they must be found because the egg must bond by tonight.”
“Emperiam’s don’t bond like other Dragons, or so she has said. They must pick and bond nearly immediately. All possible Dracon’s must be brought before the Emperiam tonight. She will also see if any of the candidates are right for the remaining eggs.”
“Tell her we will be there immediately.”
Dracon Mereta returned to her Dragon, saluted, and took off into the air.
“You took an hour and half to get up here. Unfortunately all other concerns are now behind us. I expect to meet you all at the bottom of the mountain in a half hour. I will arrange transport directly back to Dracian Marya’s rookery for all of you from there.”
He whistled once and suddenly there was Skysight. The Dragon circled once and then gracefully landed at the edge of the ledge. Dracon Erdie bowed to Skysight and rapidly mounted the Dragon. A moment later they were up and away over the edge of valley heading back toward Keplas and the rookery.
“We better get climbing, now!” Sanla called to her classmates.
The class groaned and began to lower themselves over the edge for the climb back down.
Sanla waited till she was alone with Devan on the ledge before she walked over to him.
“That means you too Devan. We have to get down as well.”
Devan looked up at Sanla. She was taller than nearly anyone else, muscles defined her arms and legs. A Dracon would have to be in peak condition to hang on and fly with a Dragon. It was one of the many reasons for exercises like todays.
“I suppose we do.”
“You don’t seem excited.”
“Why should I be? I’m smaller than any of you. Even if I do make it, everything will have to be custom made for me. What Dragon is going to want a rider so small and incapable?”
Sanla shook her head, her long red hair flared out behind her looking like a sudden flame.
“I think that is up to the Dragon in the end, not us. Come on, we still have a long climb back down.”
Devan sighed but began to climb down.
+ * + * + *
Dracian Marya finished the last of the adjustments. The eggs were ready and the tweleve possible bond mates waited outside. Nine eggs of various hues lay upon the special birthing pillows waiting to see if any of the Dragon’s would choose from this group of possibles. It was the second group of the day, but this one held her son and made her nervous.
“My Lady, the students await you,” Dracon Erdie announced, bowing just inside the doorway.
Marya nodded and moved to the doorway.
The students were brought before her and lined up.
“Your training has reached the point of impasse. I stand before your final hurdle.” Marya walked slowly down the line of students as she talked. “Every student is given three opportunities to find a bond mate. This brood of eggs is ready to be bonded. Listen carefully to me.”
The room fell into complete silence. It was as if everyone were holding their breath waiting for Dracian Marya to finish.
“I will take each of you one by one down the line. If an egg glows I will ask you to reach forth and touch it. If your hand glows the Dragon inside has chosen you as its bond mate. If it doesn’t we continue down the line to the end. If none chooses you today, you will return to a second round of classes to await another brood. If you are chosen you will be brought to another room to begin your final training for becoming a Dracon.”
One by one Marya led the students past the clutch of eggs. By the time she had brought the first six down the line only one egg had glowed and accepted the student. A girl by the name of Nylar had been accepted by a dark purple egg. She would begin the training tomorrow so she would be ready for the bonding ceremony at the end of the week. The Emperian Egg hadn’t blinked so far and Marya was worried because all other possible Dracon’s were now on the way because her egg was ready and was an Emperian. The person the Emperian bonded with would help alter the face of Elderoon forever.
Marya paused to take a drink before returning to the waiting students. Before her stood Sanla, the daughter of the town’s mayor, and quiet the opinionated young woman. The girl was nearly as tenacious as her own son and Marya had to keep the smile from her face as she thought it.
“Are you ready, Supplicant Sanla?”
“Yes, Dracian Marya.”
Marya nodded as they finished the formal greetings.
They had barely reached the first egg when it glowed with the yellow of a dandelion. Sanla turned and looked at Marya.
“Approach the egg, Sanla, and place your hand over it.”
Sanla slowly walked over and put her hand over the egg. A moment later her hand glowed the same soft yellow light as the egg.
“You have been chosen, Dracon Sanla.”
Sanla turned and bowed to Marya who led her out to join the only other student chosen so far.
Marya returned to face her son. Devan stood nervously before her, eyes downcast, but his back was ramrod straight.
“Are you ready, Supplicant Devan?”
Devan looked up hopefully at his mother. He swallowed and rubbed his hands together nervously.
“Yes, Dracian Marya.”
Marya walked down the row of eggs. Only she knew which of them was the Emperian, and each time she walked by with any of the possible bond mates she was apprehensive. It was as they were about to reach it her heart nearly stopped. The Emperian egg glowed a deep sea blue. She seen her son turn and look at her. His eyes match the color of the egg.
“Approach the egg, Devan. Place your hand over it.”
Devan walked slowly toward the egg. His hand was trembling as he slowly put his hand over the egg. In front of the remaining hopefuls the egg rose off of its pillow and into Devan’s hand by itself.
“Dracian Marya, does this,” began Dracon Erdie.
“The Emperian Egg has chosen its bond mate. Devan Somber will be the next Phoenix Rider.”
Devan turned and looked at his mother. She couldn’t be right about this could she? He would ride a Dragon, a Phoenix Dragon at that? There had to be a mistake!
Mayra smiled at her son and then gently kissed his forehead. She leaned in and whispered in his ear, “Remember, I might not always know what is happening everywhere with my son, but I always know when you make a choice that will alter your destiny. Be careful my little phoenix.”
Devan stared open-mouthed at his mother as Dracon Erdie hurried him and the egg into another room.
Dracian Marya looked at the remaining four students and smiled.
“I’m sorry, so who was next?”
So what did you think of my dragon tale? Did you like it? Have questions or comments? I'd love to hear from you.
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you.
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