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Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you. 

The Prompt You Say! - 20. Prompt 147 - The Family Prosporos

What could it mean that your father has kept you away from his family nearly your entire life? When he is gone do you follow the advice he gave you or do as you have always wanted? What will happen now that you are attending the family event?

“Why does Aunt Karen have to have the damn family get together all the way out in the middle of nowhere? I mean aren’t the Prosperos worth a damn hotel dining room?”

It was the sixth time he had asked me that question in last half hour.

“Bud, if I knew don’t you think I would have told you by now. You know you could have driven yourself or stayed home!”

“Don’t get all pissy, Sis. I mean you know as well as I do that every time one of these family events happen everyone seems to have a run of good luck. I mean remember even cousin Barry, god he has always been such a fucktard, got into that school in California, won the damn lottery, and found a god damn super model for his fiancée. Face it, Barry has a face that could stop a god damn clock, and he is engaged to Marie!”

I hated that Bud was right. Dad had always kept us out of the family reunions. I can remember growing up and seeing a part of his family at a time but never more than just Aunt Karen’s family, or Uncle George’s. Hell even if we went to see Grandma Kathy and Grandpa Brian we were the only family there and if more were coming Dad nearly dragged us out of there.

For Mom’s family it was different. Hell, we had seen the whole Martin family together nearly every Christmas or Easter. However, when we hosted Dad’s family it was still the same. Only one set of cousins at a time were ever at any event. Dad always said the Properos weren’t really prosperous and it was never a good idea to join the rest of the family for get-to-gethers. In fact, Dad had begged us to never go to a family event, not even a funeral. I always thought he was exaggerating so when Aunt Karen invited us to be with the family a month after Dad’s death Bud and I drove up to the event.

We arrived as one of the last groups of the family. It seemed strange but as soon as I got out of the car I had the sudden urge to turn and run. I shook it off as Bud grabbed my shoulder and we walked into the park.

“There they are at last. Finally the whole Proporos family is here!” called Grandpa Brian.

“Thank you Brian. You know it was your son who kept them from coming,” yelled Great Aunt Barbara.

“At last, the final pieces so we can all get a shot instead of just one.”

I felt uneasy listening to the conversations. They didn’t make much sense to me, but Bud seemed to ignore it and rushed into the group. I was feeling uncomfortable, but I really freaked when Aunt Barbara backed into Buddy with her hat pin and drew blood from his arm. Cousin Barry seemed to show up out of nowhere with bandages and helped clean Buddy up. I didn’t feel well and went back to the car for my jacket. The damp fall weather was playing havoc with my allergies and I was afraid I was going to be sick. I only felt momentarily better when I climbed into the back seat to get my coat.

“Oh Tina, you won’t need that coat. Goodness, you will faint in this heat!” Grandma Kathy cooed.

“Yes, cuz. You sure won’t need that,” piped in Ian. He was Aunt Barbara’s oldest son. He was a year older than my dad.

“Sorry, not feeling well. I either put this on or grab Buddy to have him drive home now.”

The conversations around me suddenly died.

“Oh no, Buddy and you must stay.”

I turned to find Grandpa standing behind me.

“I’ve never seen a coat like that, Tina. What is it?”

“Oh it is one of the new designs from my company. The coats are really light weight and can keep you warm but they can stop a bullet as well.”

Aunt Barbara looked upset as I explained, but I couldn’t figure out why someone’s safety would get her angry.

I heard her grab Grandfather and complain. I only caught the end of whatever she was telling him.

“…but that only gives us one instead of two like you promised.”

“Don’t worry we have a half an hour to get it yet.”

I wandered away looking for Buddy. There seemed to be more problems in this field then I had ever seen before. I was nearly smashed in the face by football thrown by Barry. I dodged a Frisbee tossed by another cousin as I came round a large oak tree. I spotted Buddy sitting on a picnic table finally and was almost there when Aunt Barbara smacked into me. I turned to see if she was alright but she was already holding her hand close to her body as blood dripped down her arm.

“Damn jacket bent my pin.”

“What did you say?”

“I said your damn jacket …”

She was cut off as Grandma Kathy took my arm and pulled me away.

“Ignore her. She has been pissed off at your father for years and is acting like an immature child. Are you okay?”

“Yes. I just want to check on Buddy. I don’t feel too well and want to be ready to go.”

Grandma Kathy looked at me carefully and nodded. She leaned in close and kissed my cheek before she softly whispered, “Go if you can child. I’m tired of this.”

I looked up surprised but she had turned and walked away from me. I seen Buddy lying across the table and hurried to his side.

“Buddy, are you alright?”

“Feel really hot all of a sudden, Sis. Can we go home?”

“Yes, let’s get out of here while we can.”

I helped Bud off the table and he swayed on his feet. The car was parked clear across the park and up a hill from here, but I had a feeling I shouldn’t leave Bud alone. I stood looking around and noticed that the entire family seemed to be missing. I looked and noted that the left side of the park held a slighter slope then the right side so it might be easier to get Bud up that way.

“Just hold on tight and we’re going to move now. I don’t want to stop for anyone, Bud, cause we are going home.”

Bud looked like a ghost. His skin was pale and he was sweating up a storm. I was worried about what could have brought this on so fast. He was barely able to walk so our movement across the park was slow. We were almost half way there when he suddenly slipped and fell. I couldn’t get him up and went looking immediately for someone from the family to help me. That is when I found out the truth about the family.

Cousin Barry stood beside Grandpa Brian. Great Aunt Barbara stood slightly behind them still cradling her hand. Everyone else in the family stood facing them with their backs to me.

“Today we have new options for the Deamon. Always one has been offered so the rest may prosper. For a long time my son, Henry, refused to be a part of the offering. The Deamon refused to reward us all until his family joined us. It was only a month ago that I got a sample of Henry’s blood for a small offering. Henry paid the ultimate price but Maggie was the favored one of the family for his sacrifice. Her complexion cleared, her paper won a full scholarship to Harvard, and overnight she found herself engaged Charles Treasor who is listed as one of the ten wealthiest men on the coast.”

There was a round of clapping and people cheering. I was horrified listening to them. What had they done to my father?

“Now we finally have Henry’s children joining the group. Tonight a full offering from the family is made. Tonight we shall see who will pay the price so the rest may prosper!”

Grandpa walked up and dropped two bloody cloths into the bar-b-que pit. There were green flames spitting out of it that turned purple when the cloths were dropped in. There was a moment where they all seemed to be happy but that turned to dismay when the flames turned black.

I began to slowly back away but I was frozen in place when this deep voice boomed across the field.

“You try to offer me someone not of the family and another whose blood is already here.”

A thick black mist poured out of the bar-b-que and began to envelop the family. It seemed to search out Aunt Barbara and she soon vanished from my sight. Cousin Barry’s face came into view for a moment and his skin looked like it was alive with pimples and things. I cringed but Grandpa Brian was lost from sight completely. I turned and rushed back to Buddy. One way or another I was getting us out of there.

I heard him whimper as I came out of the trees. Grandma Kathy was standing there.

“Hurry up and get him out of here. You two don’t want to be here when this is over.”

I nodded and grabbed Buddy trying hard to get him to his feet. Grandma helped me get him to his feet and stood watching as I half dragged, half helped Buddy to the car. I managed to shove him into the backseat and wrangle the door close. I nearly jumped into the front seat and started the car.

Guess Grandpa and the rest of the family never asked how Mom got her figure back so quick after she had Buddy. Of course if they did ask they have known that Buddy is family, just not Dad’s. Mom’s youngest sister died giving birth to Buddy. His father was unknown so Mom and Dad adopted him and he is my brother.

About a week later Grandma Kathy sent me a note telling me the family would never be the same. Grandpa Brian evidently had a massive heart attack at the park and passed away. Aunt Barbara got an infection in her hand and the doctors aren’t sure if they will be able to save it. Cousin Barry was hospitalized. They have never seen so much damage done to one person’s skin. Evidently his model girlfriend left him and his whole fortune is being used to see if they can at least clear the skin on his face.

Buddy was sick for about a week. He doesn’t seem to remember much, but he has no desire to see any of Dad’s family. I seem to be about the only Proporos not suffering from ill-fate at the moment. I think I will follow Dad’s advice and just stay away from his family.

Based off prompt 147 which reads -
The family has been called together. It has been a long time since everyone has shown up at one these. You wanted to go, but now you are upset you did because you are finding out more than you ever wanted to know about your family! What have you discovered?

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Copyright © 2012 comicfan; All Rights Reserved.
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Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
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