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Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you. 

JM Shorts: That Year With Joe (A Three Part Novella) - 2. Part 2 - Having

Part 2 contains sexual descriptions. I felt it necessary to write them in to portray an accurate description of what is happening to Craig in both a physical sense and mentally - and to paint an accurate picture of "first love" on a primitive level. I never write these sorts of scenes for kicks or to get those with depraved minds excited, it's not my bag, nor should it be anyone's.
These "feelings" are very much based on my own experiences and how I felt being Craig at 14. That yearning you have when you see someone you get fixated on and that first time exploring another person.

Part 2



"I can join you for that," were the words he chose. I'd got my reaction. Surprisingly it felt like the one I was expecting somehow. But the relief of not being punched in the mouth or him storming off to tell our parents still lingered in my mind somewhat.

I could see Joe begin to masturbate under the covers. His hand slowly moved back and forth. My mind felt electric as I watched. I dared not touch myself, or it would all be over almost, embarrassingly, immediately,

"It's bubbling," he said, shooting me a glance.

"Okay," I replied. "Wanna tell me when?" I asked. He didn't. All I saw was his head tip back, and a strain of satisfaction escaped his mouth. Whatever had just happened under that blanket had bound to be messy.

I came on demand, being so excited. A few strokes, and it was also all over for me. My orgasm was powerful, and I probably produced the most I'd ever done. At least that's what it felt like. But I hadn't looked.

"You erm... you need a towel or something?" I asked.

His face was serious, expressing deep regret, almost anger. "Tired now, see you in the morning," was all I got, and he turned over.


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I jolted up. The morning was here. I looked over to see an empty sunbed with the blanket Joe had slept under the night before, just screwed up in a ball at the end. I quickly got out of bed, stuffing the towel I'd used to clean myself last night under my duvet. I'd sort that later. So, where the hell was Joe?

Pulling on some shorts and yesterday's t-shirt, I hurried downstairs to find him sitting at the breakfast bar talking to my mum.

"Oh, you're here. I'd thought you'd gone," I said, trying to act casual but feeling joy and excitement spread through my body.

"I've done some bacon," mum said, eyeing me to a plate on the side. "Joe's been telling me you go to the same school and went to youth club last night?"

"Yeah," I said, pulling up a chair opposite him. He looked up at me and winked. I smiled shyly and waited for mum to pass me the bacon, which I stuffed into two slices of buttered bread.

"Thanks for the brekkie, Melody," Joe said, pushing out his chair. "I need to be going now. I gotta get back home and change. Got pub duties at nine."

"Want me to walk you back?" I said, instantly realising how stupid that would have sounded. Let alone suspicious to any intelligent human being.

"Why?" Joe asked bluntly.

I cleared my throat, looking at my mum. "Yeah, silly idea, I'd only have to walk back anyway. Just something to do."

Mum didn't say anything but did look at me as she was baffled. Then, she walked out of the kitchen.

Joe leaned into. "Last night never happened, alright?" he whispered, almost scolding me in his tone. I didn't know what to say. So I shrugged and said nothing, feeling a little wounded by his statement.

He got up and placed his plate in the sink before walking past me, smiling. "Are you going now?" I asked.

"Yeah, why?"

I got up and followed him out towards the front door. I had to; he was heading that way regardless of what I wanted. He was acting like a dick, actually, and I felt let down by his behaviour. I felt sad.

"So uh, you wanna do something tonight?" I asked as he opened the front door, turning the catch.

"Can't tonight, busy," he replied assertively, walking out onto the driveway. "Probably see you Monday, then?"

Following those words, he left my house for the path on my street. I could have cried right there and then. The level of emptiness I felt was palpable. I closed the front door and wandered back to the kitchen, feeling echoes of his soul still lingering near me.

All I could do was sigh!


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Back in my bedroom, a loneliness of almighty weight descended on me as I started to fold up the sunbed that Joe had only left an hour earlier. I picked up the blanket he'd slept under, pushed it tight against my face and took in a deep breath . A mixture of cheap deodorant, slight body odour and his natural scent invaded my nostrils. I wanted to bottle it, save it and pull it out to smell again whenever I thought about him.

I heard mum humming as she came up the stairs. "God, it stinks in here," she said. I blushed but had to ask.

"What of?"

She shook her head. "Dunno, teenage boys," she replied, handing me a clean washing pile. What she could smell was probably the odour of unwashed bodies and dry cum. That's because I could smell it too when I concentrated.

Mum walked out of my room and got on with the rest of her chores.


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I was back at the flour mill again, and on my bridge. Yeah, I called it my bridge because I was the only one ever on it. The sun was being blocked out by the odd grey cloud that seemed to be attracted in the sun's direction. Maybe it just felt like that. A breeze picked up suddenly, making me shiver.

Joe... fucking Joe! It was all I was thinking about as I sat there. I prayed to God that he step in and find a way to make Joe come around to my place again. I needed him; I wanted him... I was addicted to him.

I tried to think about something else... someone else - Just to take my mind off him, but nothing interested me - none of my friends, hobbies, or even a holiday to Spain I was going on. I banged my fists on the bridge, thinking about how cold he'd treated me. But then, him being cold like that? Perhaps I could deal with it as long as I saw him. As long as he spoke to me, gave me some attention.

That wank we had together? Some might say it was nothing special. It wasn't like I even saw anything, but the fact we were in the same room, the fact I could see his face as he did it. It excited me so much. The thoughts of that were almost as powerful and draining as being in love itself. I had to do that again with him. I had to do something with him again! At 14, your thoughts are so primitive, and looking back? The idea of being in love with someone - Joe. It was mainly about the basic instincts you have at that age. It was nothing about companionship or longevity. No playing house, marriage, or kids. It was about the naked, raw and simplistic drives. Drives of passion, yearning and sexual encounters with the same person. No one else. Just him. Just Joe! It was deep to me - at my age. But in hindsight, stupidly basic.

On the bridge, I looked for ways in my mind to bring us together again. Should I invite him to Youth Club? No point, I thought; he'll probably be there anyway. But that's good, right? Yeah, but he'll probably ignore me and play football with the older kids. Oh, what about computer games? Perhaps I could lend him my Console, hoping he'll bring it back with thanks a couple of weeks later. How fucking sad I was! Lending him my Console. What a shit idea!


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Monday Morning

I jumped off the bus and walked the short distance to my school, which was only a matter of two roads from the one the bus went down. Through the main gate, I could see the tennis courts where the older boys played football. He was there, of course; he had to be. He had to be there to torture me. I walked over, not even bothering to find any of my friends who were usually scattered about on the nearby benches surrounding the main grounds.

Slowly approaching, I ensured I didn't interfere with the intense game. Joe was too busy vying for the ball to pay attention to me. However, I saw him. It was at least lovely to be close to him. He looked fresh, well slept and lively. There appeared to be no product applied to his hair, which he'd brushed back. So today, it was flopping around as he ran about. With no blazer on and a tight shirt yet to be fixed with the school tie, his body flexed and bulged in his quick movements. I tried to slow that down in my mind and replay it back.

After fifteen minutes of drooling over him, I couldn't take it any more. I ran off to B floor toilets and locked myself in a stall. B floor toilets were usually quiet, even on lesson change, so I knew the likelihood of anyone coming in was slim. I whipped out my erect penis, and within less then a full minute of hard and fast motions, I was done, letting out an audible breath as a rope of cum shot into the bowl.

This is ridiculous, I thought, zipping myself up. It's just a boy!


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Lessons were slow, and I frantically waited for lunch to roll around. Gary, Ben and John were all disgruntled at my inability to hold a conversation that day. What? I'd said. Huh? I'd said. Oh yeah, I'd said, pretending to hear what they had said. They knew, of course, I was on another planet.

Without saying a word to Gary, who I'd sat next to in Geography, I grabbed my bag and headed for the tennis courts as the bell went for lunch. Usually, I would be first in line for lunch in the main cafeteria, but not today. Today was about feeding my other hunger. Although just seeing him and not talking to him was like a smoker putting a cigarette in their mouth and not lighting it.

Damn, he isn't there, I thought, feeling dramatically disappointed. That was until he appeared behind me.

"What are you doing here?" he asked, walking past me, covertly.

"Just watching, why?"

"It looks weird. Don't you have friends to hang around with?"

"Can't I even watch you play?"

Joe came back over to me, looking around. "You hate football," he said, grinning.

"So! Nothing better to do," I replied, shrugging.

"You never watched before, I would have seen you."

"I like watching you," I said, smiling.

"Well that's just even weirder. Anyway, see ya," he announced, walking away from me and joining two friends he'd seen walking over.

"Where's the ball," one of them shouted.

"In my bag," Joe said, pulling it out. Moments later, loads more boys seemed to herd up out of nowhere, and suddenly a game had started. It was that casual.


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I sat alone at a table with a plate of chicken nuggets, chips and peas in front of me. With my head rested on my hand, I'd nibbled on a few bites, but I wasn't hungry. I pushed my plate away, seeing Joe walk in... alone. I followed him with my eyes as he went and grabbed a tray, queued up and started picking out what he wanted. Then he flashed his free school meal voucher and went to find a table with some people he knew. I looked over, seeing most of them had finished. Before long, most of them had left, leaving him to eat alone because he was late. Our eyes met; I'd forced them. I smiled at him, and he suddenly got up and came over, sitting in front of me.

"Hey, you wanna do something after school? You have a bike, right?"

"Yeah," I said, confused at his change of attitude.

"I know place, it's through some farmers field, and there is a river there. We can take the bikes."

"Okeeeey," I said, surprised at his offer.

He bunged the last chips on his plate in his mouth and got up. "See ya then," he announced, leaving his empty crockery and cutlery next to mine.

"Yeah, see ya," I said to myself as he'd already left.


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At the river, I'd seen his dick for the first time. I thought he would be shy about getting it out in front me, but he wasn't. We had ridden to a dirt track that led through some undergrowth and stopped. Trees covered us from every angle, and the river flowed past just down from the bank Joe had located.

"Get it out then, don't be shy," he had said to me. I felt on show, so embarrassed. I was erect, which was a given, but I worried how much smaller I would be compared to him.

"You first," I replied, nervous. He sighed and unbuttoned his jeans, removing the first real-life penis I'd ever seen apart from my own and the men on dad's VHS tapes hidden behind the TV was.

"This ain't going to take long at all," he announced. "Then I need to get back home; I'm meeting a friend."


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Watching him masturbate again was beautiful, and I got to see the end result this time. It was thick... thicker than I'd ever seen, and there was lots of it. But most satisfying was the spattering sound as it hit the dead leaves and twigs on the ground. Then, a close second - his face as he came. I'll never forget that face.

I'd cum soon after, and 'after' only because I had stopped several times to prevent from going over the edge.

Again he'd been cold and barely spoke a word after. It was like being with two different people. But It had happened again with him, and that was much of all that mattered to me at the time.

The contact and attention!


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As the weeks went on, he would come and knock for me in what became a rinse and repeat cycle. I never said no, of course. I loved him. Whatever he wanted, I did. Wherever he wanted to go, I went.

He was still a shit at school, though, barely noticing me and never offering me anything. He even asked me to stay away from him a few times, but he would always turn up after school as if nothing had happened. It was a real head fuck.

One Friday night, unbeknown to me, he had somehow been allowed to get drunk at the pub. The details remain scant to me even to this day, but I remember he was brought home to my place by my parents after having a blazing argument with his dad outside the pub. But, of course, he's dad had also been drunk, and he had refused to let him come home. Joe had been sent up to my room, where I was still awake playing on my computer. He rolled in and fell onto my bed.

Mum came into my room moments later. "Help him get to bed and sleep, and, here, take this bucket," she slurred, laughing. I looked from her drunken offering to my crush and love, lying passed out on my bed.

"Right, okay. And how did he end up like that?"

"His stupid father, that's how. No noise, okay? We're going to bed."

My mum closed my door and walked away, leaving me with a drunken Joe.

"Hey! HEY! I said, trying to get him to wake up. I remembered being nice enough to help him properly into my bed and was met with kicking and arm waving as he protested my assistance.

"Oh," he suddenly said, sitting up. "Oh, god, I think I'm gonna... Ruuuuufttt!"

"I threw the bucket in his lap, and he vomited no less than five times. I looked away as the acrid smell made its way into my nostrils.

"Wow, what is that?" I asked, pinching my nose.

"Vermouth," he replied seemingly little more alert.. "I... I need to get undressed. Would ya help me?" he asked.


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Laying naked... yeah, naked, in my bed was Joe. Of course, it was him who had insisted everything be taken off, not me. But laying next to a naked him on my small bed was. Fuuuuuuuuck!

I must have watched him sleep for hours, possibly until the sun started to turn the sky from black to blue. I'd opened my window to get that horrible smell out of my room. But It was a smell that never really went, and even today, I can't see a bottle of Cinzano without thinking of Joe.

The blanket over us was sitting below his belly button, tantalisingly close to his flaccid dick and loose balls. Even at that age, I did have some respect and never took advantage of the situation. But he did when he woke up at some point during those twilight hours.

"Hmmm, get on top of me," he said, seeing I was awake.

"What?" I mumbled quickly, pretending to be half asleep. Bah! Who was I kidding?

I did as he asked and slid my naked body over his. To describe this would take an age, such were my feelings and emotions. I did not dare go near my steel pole right now. I had dared not to touch myself. I could feel the blood rushing through my head like a whooshing sound as my pulse went crazy with anticipation.

Joe, who was already erect, it seemed, took his dick, placed it at the base of my ass, and began pushing it in the crack. Then, making circle motions against the head of his penis, he began to gyrate his hips until I felt a long rope of spunk fly between my ass cheeks before running down my ball sack.

I was in heaven, It felt.

I remember Joe pushing me off, making me almost fall off the side of my bed. "You got a towel?" he asked abruptly, jumping off and flicking his cum covered dick on my carpet.

"Hey, what the fuck Joe," I said, steadying myself.

"That towel?" he replied.

"Yeah, I'm getting it," I sulked. Then, heading out to the bathroom, taking a risk as I was still naked, I pulled one off the radiator.

When I got back, he was getting dressed and looked sheepish. "I need to go," he announced, causing me to baulk.

I found my Casio watch on the edge of my computer desk. It was 4:22 am. "You can't be serious," I whispered.

"It's either that or you sleep on the floor."


"Guess I'll be off then."

"Okay, okay, wait. Just get into bed," I'll grab a spare blanket from my cupboard.

"I ain't getting undressed again," he said, climbing onto my bed in his clothes. I just shrugged and continued to my cupboard, pulling down a spare woollen sheet type thing from the top shelf and grabbing one pillow from my bed.

I got onto the carpet and lay down, pulling the blanket up to my face. In the navy blue hue of my room, if anyone had been looking closely enough, yeah, tears were falling down my cheeks.

Copyright © 2022 James Matthews; All Rights Reserved.
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Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
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Chapter Comments

Joe is one confused teen, who wants the best of both worlds. Craig is a horny teen with a crush.

They need to sort out there issues.

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14 hours ago, drsawzall said:

Love and lust combined to, add spice to the hormonal swimming pool!!!

Pin on pool pics


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