Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you.
The Academy - 6. Part 6
Chapter Fourteen:
One Risk Too Great
"The Senate is sending a delegation to investigate these injuries. It is more about an attempt to have the Commandant removed than you. We have had to use more Centurion bone this year than we have had to in ten years... thanks to you." Melkior said as he put his shirt back on.
"It's not my fault none of them can fight."
"I know, but if those two friends of your keep on pushing you to fight so hard only trouble and heartache will result. You must hold yourself back from injuring your fellow Legatio. You are a good fighter Jason, but you still lack the control that a true weapons master has."
"Like Varrus?" Jason said, remembering how his mentor always held back.
"Yes, after you've earned your weapons mastery mark, you should try sparring more with your fellow Legatio instead of Varrus all
the time. See if you can gain some control over yourself."
"Alright..." Jason pouted.
"When the investigators come, they will want to interview you. Make sure you don't act like some bloodthirsty Centurion."
"They are not bloodthirsty."
"Oh yes they are. Centurions love to kill. They wouldn't have their backs covered in marks if they didn't. You seem to enjoy your
victories as well young student." "You also have a lot of them," Jason pointed out.
"Yes, I was a little rambunctious in my youth... But look at my father, he was the first Field Marshal."
Realizing he was standing before one of the founders of Domus,
Jason's head filled with questions. "How did the Centurions and Legatio come into existence?" "That is a secret my father took to his grave as did his lover,
Constantine, the first Speaker of the Senate."
"So no one knows...?" Jason said disappointed.
"The gods might know, but they are not talking to me." Melkior laughed.
"When are the Senators coming?"
"In three weeks. I have sent a letter to all three Field Marshals begging them to come to the Academy and put a stop to this nonsense. Xavier would have come even without the invitation. Darius, I hope, will see the danger the school is in and will come. Lukas, though, has his own problems. A third of his army is trapped on the island of Eb. The rest are being pressed hard near Gladmore... Jadoor is already moving its army to the mainland and will soon be able to counter our advances"
"Will we be forced to retreat?"
"Not if Lukas has anything to say about it. He has captured three kingdoms. Winter is fast approaching. If he can hold out until then, he will be safe until after the spring rains and the roads have dried out."
"What if Jadoor attacks during the winter."
"That would be suicide... the mountain passes are unreliable, a whole army can get trapped in them if a storm hits at the wrong time. In early spring the roads are nothing but mud... an army moving down them would be a perfect target for ambush. No... both the Western Army and Jadoor will have to wait until the roads dry in late spring before engaging each other."
"So we are safe."
"Yes... don't worry, Jason. Never has a Centurion army been defeated." "No one thought the Labyrinth Tower could ever be taken," Jason reminded Melkior. "Yes, you are right... there is always a first time for everything," Melkior agreed before finally starting Jason's lesson.
Asking Oktor to be able to practice his staff during hand combat class, Jason followed Varrus into a wooded grove where the two could duel in private
Near the end of practice, Jason was still having problems with his jumps where he had to use his staff to pole vault toward the imaginary opponent. It took a lot of strength and speed to perform the move but, with his new staff, Jason found he was having more success at it.
Varrus watch his pupil with great interest... Jason had added to the muscles he had gained from Gorr's anima. He looked almost as strong as any of his Centurion students, only shorter and a little more slender.
Varrus was thinking of all this while Jason finished going through the last and most difficult of the hundred exercises. He watched as Jason planted his staff on the ground... jumping and flipping over it before lifting the staff over his head, bringing it down hard with a bang.
"Yes!" Varrus cheered, seeing Jason do the most challenging maneuver. He wanted to run over and hug his student but there were still seven more maneuvers left to finish the one hundredth exercise. Varrus waited while Jason spun the staff around his neck a few times, pole-vaulting followed by striking low in a crouched position. Jason then stood up and spun the staff around his waist, followed by an upper block, a lower block and finally back to the guard position, finishing the exercise. Jason held the pose as he tried to catch his breath. Then he felt two arms wrap around his waist, taking hold of his staff.
"That was beautiful," Varrus whispered into Jason's ear.
The rich timber of Varrus' voice sent a shiver down Jason's spine. He let Varrus take the staff out of his hands and drop it to the ground. He then leaned back falling against the Centurion's body. Jason could feel the hardness of Varrus' manhood pressing against his back, moving up and down it as Varrus thrust his hips back and forth. Soon Varrus' hands slipped down Jason's pants, running down his thighs. Varrus then pulled the young man's shirttail out and lifted it up. Jason responded by raising his arms up, letting Varrus take his shirt off. Varrus lowered Jason down on the cool grass before climbing on top of
Jason's body, their hard stomachs pressed against each other, giving off red and blue light.
"Remember the first time I brought you here?" Varrus sighed as he ran his finger though Jason's hair.
"I remember each time perfectly." Jason moaned as his body continued to shudder with excitement.
"I don't know." Varrus smiled kissing the top of Jason's head.
"That is a lot to remember."
"It's been eight, eight times too few," Jason said, no force behind his words. He wanted to make love to Varrus. His body ached for it. Each time he had made love to Varrus his love for the Centurion grew that much stronger
"Jason... please." Varrus begged.
"I want this," Jason insisted, not stopping.
Varrus lowered his body down Jason's so he could look into Jason's eyes. His mouth was watering and some of it dripped onto Jason's face. To Varrus' surprise what fell on Jason face was bright blue... his anima fluid, coming forth once again for Jason.
Varrus pressed his lips against Jason's, letting his vital fluid pass to his student, his body taking on a blue glow. Soon Jason's body glowed purple, the two Anima's mixing together. In the process of their passions, both men ended up naked, their sex dripping. When their lips finally parted they entered into full lovemaking, kissing each other as they pressed their manhoods against their bodies.
Varrus lifted up Jason's legs, and began pushing inside him, the flow of anima in Jason's body blocking the pain of penetration. All Jason cared about was the feelings Varrus seemed to bring out of him... love... lust... longing.
Varrus pounded against Jason hard, not caring that doing so carried severe punishments. With the bond, Jason was now a part of him. As he made love to the Legatio he was making love to himself. At the same time Varrus reached the pinnacle of his passions, Jason reached it himself, his seed shooting over his chest. Exhausted, Varrus then collapsed on top of Jason, nuzzling his face against his student's.
Just as the two lovers were beginning to calm down an angry
voice startled the both of them. "Hope you enjoyed that." "Oktor!" Varrus said, panicked. He climbed off Jason to see the Commandant and two of the other teachers present.
"Consider yourself under arrest," Oktor said darkly as the two teachers took hold of Varrus.
"Please... Oktor... we both wanted it. I gave him my bond, you can't take him away from me."
"The law is the law... your punishment is clear... exile or death."
"No!" Jason cried. He ran over to Varrus and clung to him.
The fear in Jason's voice sent a shudder down Varrus' spine. "Jason, don't be scared. I'll be alright." Varrus said as he tried to calm his student.
"No, you won't be," Jason cried.
"Yes I will... I accept exile. I will leave tonight." "You have nowhere to go," Jason insisted.
"Yes I do. I'll go to Qul Tos. You are their king. One day we will meet again."
"Please no..." Jason replied as he took off his blue sapphire ring.
"Show the people this... it is part of the royal crown."
"No, Jason. I can't take that. Philip made that ring especially for you. You would hurt his feelings giving it away. Don't worry, I will get the Tosians to understand," Varrus said with a forced smile.
"I need you."
"And I will be waiting for you," Varrus smiled even while the other teachers started pulling him away. Varrus then turned his attention on Oktor. "I have one request."
"What is it?" the Commandant said in a tone that warned he was in no mood to grant requests.
"I beg that I be allowed to watch Jason's staff mastering ceremony."
"I will agree to it under one condition."
"That you be stripped of your marks."
After a moment of silence Varrus spoke. "I agree."
"Go on your knees," Oktor ordered.
Varrus went down to his knees but looked at Jason scared face. "Please, let Jason go before doing this."
"No... this is to also be his punishment as well," Oktor grunted as he took out a sharp knife.
"Please... don't let him see this," Varrus begged.
"No... hold him!" Oktor ordered. One of the teachers let go of Varrus and took a firm hold of Jason.
"Now don't move... I might cut too deep if you squirm," Oktor warned as he took the knife to Varrus' skin.
Jason watched in horror as Oktor cut the tattooed skin of both shoulders off. Varrus screamed in pain and eventually passed out. When done Oktor left a bloody mass of fat and tissue on the ground.
"He will die!" Jason screamed while trying to break free.
"No he won't," Oktor muttered as he cleaned his knife on the grass.
Jason watched as Varrus' exposed flesh pulsated and new tissue and skin slowly grew back. Oktor made Jason watch the hour-long process as two masses of scar tissue grew where Varrus' marks had been. Slowly and with a great deal of pain, Varrus stood back up, brushing the grass off him.
"You are to go to the Famulus quarters and dress yourself in black... you are no longer a Centurion," Oktor said as he sheathed his knife.
Jason broke free of the other teacher's grip and ran to hug Varrus wrapping his arms around the staff master's neck and gave him a kiss. In that moment a single drop of red anima passed from Jason to Varrus' mouth. Varrus' eyes went wide as he was dragged away. He did not know what had just happened but it made getting skinned worth it.
Before entering the woods and losing sight of Jason, Varrus mouthed the words... I love you.
It was true what they said about the plains of Uul... to see more than one tree in the kingdom in one's lifetime meant one was truly blessed. General Prat, leading his legions across the empty plains became lax, expecting as his brother did that nothing would happen until they arrived at the border of Gladmore.
Riding next to his bond-mate Commander Zophar, General Prat rode out ahead of his escort to see if he could indeed find a nice tree under which he and his lover could be intimate with each other.
"You see one?" Prat asked his love.
"Yes I think I do... on the hill to the west." Zophar laughed.
In the far off distance they saw the branches of an elm tree, leafless, and alone on the shallow rocky soil of Uul. Riding towards it, Zophar saw a glint of metal just before the crossbow was fired, hitting
Prat right through the neck, killing him instantly. In shock Zophar did something he would regret for the rest of his life... he abandoned his lover's fallen body, his warrior instincts telling him that so long as he was in range of the sniper his own life was in danger.
Racing back to where the Legions were marching. Zophar sounded the alarm. As the General's lover Zophar found himself in the awkward position of commanding the legion.
Knowing that there had to be more than one sniper... Zophar ordered his scouts to do a wide search of the surrounding areas. "I want you to search north, south, east, and west. I want every tree burned to the ground, and I want the general's body brought back. That is your duty, men!" Three hours later the scouts began to make their return. The first was the team sent to recover Prat's body. With them they dragged along the dead corpse of the sniper.
"He's a Jadoorian sir... a Templar knight by the look of his black armor," the scout reported.
Jadoorians... so the enemy was not going to wait until the Centurion army reached the boarder of Gladmore, that must mean that they had superior numbers to overwhelm the thin lines Lukas had set up. "Order a full retreat!" Zophar ordered at nearly the same time Aegis came forward to see his dead brother.
Aegis did not say a word but went directly to Prat's body, and taking his dead left hand pulled off the ring Zophar had given the General on the day of their bonding. He then placed it on his own hand. Finally Aegis gave Zophar a look that dared him to challenge what he had just done.
Going down on one knee Zophar bowed his head, "Your
brother's death was my fault... I should have protected him."
"My brother was a good man but a fool. With me as your bond-mate I promise to bring an end to all this stupidity.
"What would you have me do?"
"Retreat back to Yelding and the safety of the hills... save the lives of our men. Do these things, and I will love you." Aegis swore.
"Just as you always have..." Zophar said under his breath, triggering sad smiles on both men's faces.
Chapter Fifteen:
The Grau
The ceremony was very solemn... Jason looked into the audience and saw all of his friends and teachers watching... even a few of his Legatio ones. Alex, Philip, and Gideon sat in the front row where tradition held that his mentor should have sat. Jason tried to find Varrus but he could not see him. Not wanting to start without his staff master, Jason waited in still silence, dozens of eyes on him.
It took Philip walking up to him to get Jason out of his daze. "Jason... you need to start."
"I won't without Varrus." "He's here, Jason, you just can't see him?"
"Where is he?"
"Up there on the tenth floor balcony." Philip pointed up. "I can't see him," Jason said looking up into the darkness.
"He can see you." Philip grinned. "I believe you..." "So can you do this?"
"Yes I can... I'll be alright." Jason nodded. "I know you will, little one." Philip smiled, giving Jason a kiss on his forehead before leaving him.
After Philip went back to his seat, Jason took a deep breath... looked up into the darkness looking one last time for Varrus. Not finding him, Jason had to take Philip at his word. Jason then began the hundred exercises.
One by one Jason went through all the moves, just as Philip and Varrus had taught him. One hour passed and then a second... Into the third and final hour. Sweat soaked the white shirt Jason was wearing, and he was getting weary while his fingers ached from holding the staff for so long, but he did finally finish. When he entered the final guard position, his heart was pounding almost out of his chest, his eyes burning from drops of sweat. Breathing deeply, it was all Jason could do to not fall over from dizziness.
Jason did not know what he had expected when he finished but the dead silence did surprise him. He started to think he had made a mistake... that he had not done well enough and everyone was too embarrassed to tell him so. But then, two guards walked onto the platform, holding a wooden bench between them, placed it behind Jason. Philip, now staff master at the Academy came onto the stage taking the staff away from Jason. He handed it to one of the guards before going back to Jason and peeling off his shirt. Philip then guided
Jason to lie down on the bench on his stomach. Jason now knew what they were doing... as a bucket of cold water was tossed onto his hot sweaty back. He could see the tattoo artist walk onto the platform waiting for Jason to be dried off.
It seemed that Centurions did not waste time in tattooing those who had just earned a mark. Already Jason had his first blood, first duel, and five duel victory marks on his back. Now the tattoo artist was drawing what would be the staff mastery mark onto Jason's skin, two staves, crossed together inside a ring decorated with scrollwork.
It took two hours of intense labor for the artist to finish. When done, Jason was splashed down again with water, dried off and the tattoo covered with a paste of Centurion bone. Then, each of the Centurion teachers came by and kissed the new mark on Jason's back.
Only when all of them were done did Philip lift Jason off the bench. "Come home with me... we need to talk."
"Alright..." Jason said nervously as he was led away into the cool night air, scared by the serious tone in his guardian's voice.
"Did Varrus seduce you, Jason," Philip asked as they walked alone. "No..."
"Because he has a reputation of doing that... with the older students and teachers that is," Philip replied as the two walked together.
"I wanted to have sex with him. I guess it is something I wanted the first time I saw him," Jason tried to explain.
Philip stopped walking and waited until Jason was looking at him, only the stars of the moonless night allowing both of them to see the shadow of each others' faces. "He is in serious trouble. You might never see him again."
"I know... I wish we never did it, but at the same time I'm glad we did. Alex and Gideon..."
"I know. Varrus is the first experienced man you've ever been with," Philip whispered with regret, remembering Varrus' words to him.
When they arrived, Jason was so tired that Erik insisted he go straight to bed, not even taking a bath. While Philip dined on roast lamb and potatoes, Jason was led upstairs to the bedroom. Erik then took out his special ointment and massaged it into Jason's body, numbing the young man into sleep. Erik then collected another blood sample, pocketing it within seconds before Philip appeared.
"You can go now... I will watch over him." Philip yawned.
"As you wish... be careful, he is very tired."
"Don't worry I plan to take it easy with him." "Goodnight then, master." Erik bowed as he left.
Once Erik saw the lamplight go out in Philip's bedroom, he put on his black cloak and left the house into the night. As he walked down the stone streets he saw a cart heading toward the waterfall gateway. In the back of it was Varrus, dressed in a similar black robe.
On seeing Erik he waved and shouted. "Tell Jason I will wait for him in Qul Tos."
"I will," Erik shouted back.
Erik would not have minded taking a blood sample from Varrus but another of his fellow Grau would have to take care of that. Right now he had a delivery to make. He traveled deep into the forest... past the glen where Jason and Varrus had made love to a deep valley free of the pine trees of the surrounding region. There he took out six short torches and lit them but instead of glowing red and yellow, an intense blue light was released. Once Erik had made a circle of these lights he waited.
Around two in the morning a great wind picked up. Erik, who had been sleeping, stood up and waved his hands into the sky. The roaring wind grew louder and louder, nearly ripping out the nearby small bushes from the ground. Then, just as the wind reached its strongest, two bright white lights beamed down on Erik blinding him. By the time Erik recovered his sight he saw two men dressed in green uniforms. "Do you have the sample?" one of them asked in a harsh voice.
"Yes." Erik bowed as he took out the vial containing Jason's blood.
"Good... here are more sample vials and the medicine you asked for," the uniformed redheaded man said in a less stern voice."
"Thank you. Can I ask how the first sample turned out?"
"No you may not," the man who had not spoken yet said. "You only need to know what the Dominus want you to know."
"Yes...of course," Erik meekly bowed.
"Do you have anything else to report?" the first man asked Erik.
"There was an incident... the boy and one of the teachers were caught bonding."
"Do you have a blood sample from the teacher?"
"No... he was under guard and being sent into exile outside of the empire."
"Fine... we will have to find another Grau to track him down. Do you know where he is heading?"
"Yes... the ruined city of Qul Tos."
"Excellent... we have three agents in the region and have received reports that people have already started moving back into the ruins. It will not be hard to find the exiled Centurion. Good job, Erik... the Dominus will receive a favorable report."
"Thank you," Erik groveled again.
"We will be back soon."
"I will be here." Eric bowed.
The two men in green then left. The two white lights disappeared just as the wind picked up again, forcing Eric to close his eyes to avoid the dust. He did not open them again until the wind was gone.
His mission complete, Erik picked up the remains of the six blue torches and buried them in a shallow hole he scrapped with his bare hands. With the coming of winter he would soon need to bring a shovel to break what the hard ground, but that time had yet not come.
With his hands and robes covered with dirt, Erik made his way back to the Academy, arriving at Philip's house an hour before dawn. Eric then took a quick bath and changed into fresh clothes before starting breakfast. Soon Philip was downstairs getting ready to take the Centurion youths out for their morning exercises. He saw that Erik looked tired and worn as if he had not gotten much sleep but he shrugged it off, thinking Erik must have joined his fellow Famulus for a midnight tryst. He never suspected that Erik had been out doing things that were beyond his understanding.
"So that was Erik," Thomas said chuckling from the tree he was hidden in. Ever since he had found himself aboard what had become locally known as a zephyr his eyes had been wide with excitement as he had watched the ground below him turn from a reddish-brown to a shallow sea until they finally stopped at the barrier... the barrier that separated the wastes of Mordel from the living lands of Ares. There the zephyr had been forced to land, not able to cross the field. After being stripped of all metal, Thomas had walked through the shield. He knew he should not feel a thing but still Thomas believed he sensed a tingling sensation. Once across the barrier, he found another zephyr waiting to take him and the small furry package he carried the rest of the way to Domus.
There, while the other Grau, Erik, was blinded by the lights of the aircraft, Thomas had dropped off the other side of the craft, running into the forest with his package. He did not know why Erik was not to know of his presence, only that it was the will of the Dominus. Not even a Grau, The Dominus' most favored servants, dared question them. Now all Thomas had to do was wait for a chance to deliver the package to Jason. He did not have to wait long.
The day after Jason earned his master's mark, the staff class was taught by one of the older Centurion students instead of Varrus. It was then that it finally hit Jason that his teacher was not ever coming back. With tears running down his face, he ran away from class and into the woods where he and Varrus had made love.
"Why!" Jason shouted. "Why does everyone I love have to leave me?"
Falling onto the ground where Varrus' blood still stained the grass, Jason curled up into a ball and continued to cry. Wishing that all that had happened had only been another of his nightmare.
Jason did not know how long he was like that, only that the sun had set when he was brought back to reality by the feel of a wet tongue on his ear. Turning his head to face its source... Jason was surprised to find a small grey wolf pup staring at him with yellow eyes.
The animal looked so cute, pawing it's snout that Jason could not help but let his lips form the first smile he had all day. "Hello."
The wolf pup formed a smile with his lips, its tongue hanging out as it jumped over to lick Jason's face.
"Hey... stop that!" Jason laughed.
As soon as Jason said those words the wolf stopped, and began to whimper, its head hanging low.
Thinking that he had hurt the wolf's feelings, Jason quickly apologized. "I'm sorry... but your licks were tickling me."
The pup still looked sullen and began to walk away.
"Oh no you don't," Jason said as he jumped to grab the wolf only to miss and land hard on his face. Before Jason had a chance to recover, the pup was on top of him licking the back of his neck.
Laughing as the wet tongue continued to tickle him Jason rolled over and took hold of the wolf. "I love you." Jason grinned, not knowing the reason why.
At that moment... Jason heard his name being called. Standing up with the wolf pup in his hands, he saw torch lights moving in his direction.
"Jason!" Philip's voice rang once he came in sight of his charge.
"Philip, look what I found!" Jason laughed as he held up the wolf.
"Jason put that animal down before its mother shows up!" Kirsten said, panicked. "But ..." Jason protested.
"Jason, don't look at me like that. King or no king, you can't have a wild animal as a pet," Philip said.
On hearing that the wolf jumped out of Jason's arms and ran over to Philip where it tried to bite the Centurion's heels. Philip, not one bit amused, picked up the wolf by the scruff of its neck and held it, giving it a hard look. "Jason, you can't have a..."
"Yes he can!" Erik spoke up from behind. "What an adorable little creature the boy has found."
"Erik, this is not your place to argue with me!"
"But look how cute it is!" Erik grinned as he petted the gray furry animal.
Between licking Erik's hand and trying to bite off Philip's nose, the rest of the search party had a good laugh at Philip's expense. It seemed that the animal was friendly to everyone but Philip, which annoyed the Centurion greatly.
"Well, I say if the boy wants a wolf for a pet... let him try," Oktor spoke up.
"I am not letting that animal near my house!" Philip insisted, just as he dropped the pup when it succeeded in biting a finger. The pup then ran right to Jason, jumped in the air and landed in the Legatio's arms. "What are you going to name him?" Erik asked.
"I don't know what kind of name the pup would like."
"Let me have a look at him..." Erik said, picking the wolf up from Jason's arms. "Well first of all, it is a he... so you better not give him a girl's name."
"So we will give him a boy's name?" Jason asked, curious.
"Yes... or you could name him by his appearance."
"I could call him Gray... he is a gray wolf," Jason suggested, only to hear a whimper from the wolf."
"No... I don't think that the pup likes that name... think of another one."
"What is the name of this forest?" Jason asked.
"Why, it is the Jacobite Woods."
"Then can I name him Jacob so I can remember where we first
met?" On hearing the name Jacob, the wolf let out a happy bark, jumped out of Erik's hands and back into Jason's.
"Yes... I think Jacob would be a good name for him." Erik grinned.
"Uhmmm, Erik... the Jacobite woods are said to be haunted?" Philip pointed out.
"Oh hush... it is a good name," Erik pouted. He did not know how or why one of the Dalf was here, and with Jason, but he did not think it was an accident. Not when the great barrier stood between here and Mordel, homeland of both Grau and Dalf.
That night, though neither Alex, Gideon nor Philip were in his bed... Jason slept contently while basking in the unconditional love of the wolf pup which only wanted his love in return.
Monitoring the situation was Thomas. Miles away, he had looked on with a smile as the Dalf had been taken into the Academy and directly to Jason's room.
Chapter Sixteen:
Closing the Trap
A Jadoorian Hymn:
Praise... sing her praise! Praise the Mother who gave birth to us all.
Extol, Extol! Extol the Mother who protects us all
Bow down, bow down! Bow down to the light and warmth of her soul
Her sons, her sons! Her sons, High Priest and King they rule us all
High Priest, High Priest High Priest guides us in worship and singing
High King, High King, High King, rules Jadoor and over the seas
Praise... sing her praise! Praise the Mother who gave birth to us all.
Unlike the poetry and songs of Domus, Jadoorian poems rely heavily on syllable patterns... in this case 4-10. Other patterns include 2-6-4, and 7-3. The first and last lines are always repeated so that the song can be repeated over and over again as a chant, prayer beads often used to keep track.
"The Kingdom of Jadoor is a very peculiar place..." Melkior started to explain to Jason. "With the war going badly for the empire there is greater need to understand our enemy, for I have long believed that with understanding comes mastery."
"Is it not like the other kingdoms?" Jason asked as he looked at
a map showing the group of islands under Jadoor's control.
"No... far from it. Yes, they have a king, but he is only one of three leaders of their government. There is Aidan III, their king... High Priest Niles IX, and Prime Minister Diana, head of the Merchant's Guild. The king controls the Army, the High Priest the clerics and their religious fanatics, while the Merchant Guild controls the kingdom's purse strings.
"Who has the most power?" Jason asked.
"Well, like here in Domus... he who controls the sword controls the empire, which makes King Aidan the strongest. He also has the power to appoint the Prime Minister as long as a majority of the guild members accept his candidate. When the High Priest dies, the king can select his replacement but once made, he cannot remove him. As for the people, it helps that he is looked upon as a living god."
"A living god?" Jason said not understanding.
"Yes, it is a bunch of foolishness in my opinion but the people of Jadoor believe that their King and High Priest are reincarnations of two of their three main deities." Melkior laughed.
"Why do the people believe that?"
"Because that is what they are taught from the moment they are born. I must say it has been an effective tool in keeping down revolts. Why would the common folk rebel if it means they will be damned to hell for all eternity. As I said, foolishness."
"Who is the third god?"
"Goddess..." Melkior laughed. "Can you believe it... their chief god is a woman... The "Mother" they call her. The King and High Priest are supposed to be her offspring."
"When the king dies, though, how do they explain the new king calling himself a god?"
"I don't understand it as well as it is kept as a state secret. When the old king dies the crown prince goes to a sacred part of the temple and undergoes a special ceremony. Supposedly this ceremony infuses the new king with the spirit of the old one. I don't believe that really happens of course."
"Is that why they are winning the war... they have gods on their side? I thought the Centurions were the best army?"
"We are, but things are more complex than a single battle. The Domus Empire has always been strong on land but not on sea. Most of the Western Federation is made up of islands of different sizes and importance. It would be considered treason if a Centurion said this, but Field Marshal Lukas messed up in sending the whole fleet to capture a small and relatively insignificant target."
"Is that the only reason?"
"No... we are also outnumbered 5 to 1... which would not make much of a difference except we are fighting Jadoorian troops."
"Are they that good?"
"No... they are that insane. First of all, they are all slaves. What civilization would arm their servants? I don't have a clue. It would be like us arming the Famulus and expect them to protect us Legatio and Centurions."
"Why don't the slaves revolt?"
"Because they are raised into believing it is their role to serve the King of Jadoor and the Church as slaves. The only free people in Jadoor are the royal family and the priests. Even the wealthiest merchant is considered a slave. Everyone is a slave except those who have earned freedom through courage in battle. "So they fight us instead of their enslavers for their freedom?"
Jason asked, confused. "Yes... that insane."
Admiral James, head of the Jadoorian fleet trapping the Centurion army on the Island of Eb, was bored. His only purpose being to prevent the Centurions' on Eb from rejoining their comrades on the mainland.
The role of jailor did not fit well with the admiral's view of himself. He was famous for his daring attacks against Qopo pirates, not blockades. He would have been much happier if the Centurion fleet had tried to escape the blockade or, even better, King Aidan gave the order for him to sack the Domus main port city of Aquanos. As it was, his fleet had been cut down to three hundred ships, new ships coming in each week as replacements, to allow some to go back to port for rest and resupply.
Admiral James, though, did not have such pleasure. As commanding admiral he was forced to spend each boring week guarding the still wreckage-blocked harbor. After the Famulus had escaped with most of the Empires warships, the commanding Centurion, a man by the name Urrak, ordered most of his remaining warships to scuttle themselves at the mouth to the harbor. Now neither James's own ships or Urraks few remaining supply boats could enter or leave the harbor.
James had just laid himself down in his hammock, intending to take an afternoon's nap with one of his officers approached him. "Sir... we have a situation," Commander Kyle reported.
"What is it... another drunk sailor drowned falling off my ship?" James sighed.
"No sir... something more serious."
"What is it then?" James asked, trying to get out of the tangled net he had been lying in.
"The Centurions are about to put to sea."
"They are? That's wonderful. How soon until they clear the wreckage from the mouth of the port?"
"They are not trying to leave the harbor... they are trying to launch their ships from the other side of the island," the officer said,hoping not to insult his superior commander.
"And what are they trying to sail in... palm tree canoes?" James laughed.
"No sir... modified supply ships."
"What do you mean, modified," James asked, suddenly getting serious. "Sir, it might sound amazing but the Centurions are porting their supply ships over to the other side of the island."
"What?! Tell me. What did the patrol ship see?"
"The Captain was scanning the shore line as you ordered when he saw a movement in the forest that caught his eye. He moved his spyglass to see what it was, and was surprised to find it was the mast of a ship moving among the trees. I do not know how many ships they are trying to move but their purpose is clear... to reach the wide open beaches on the northern coast," Kyle explained.
"This could be a trick..." James mumbled to himself, but deep in his heart he knew that was unlikely. The time and effort to portage a few ships over five miles would be too costly for it not to be a serious attempt to escape the blockade. "Send the order to the fleet that all but fifty ships are to strike anchor. We need to go to the other side of the island and cut them off," James ordered, while reaching for his sword and hat.
"Yes sir." The officer saluted.
"Finally, a challenge," James chuckled. He looked down at a map of the island and saw that the other side was clear open beach, no choke points like here at the harbor. The Centurions could launch their fleet from anywhere on the 30 miles of coast. This was definitely going to be interesting.
His Majesty, Aidan III, wearing his white robe of state, strolled down the black marble halls of the Temple of the Mother, home of High Priest Niles, the thorn he had never been able to remove from his side. Walking with him was the Prime Minster Diana, the daughter of a former slave who had risen to become one of the wealthiest men in Jadoor. While older than the king, she was also Aidan's lover, something which had started as a seduction of convenience. Diana, needing Aidan's support to rise to the post of Prime Minster of the Merchant's Guild, gave him the funding the king required to wage his war against the Domus Empire. Right now though, both were worried about the growing independence of the High Priest, a man who had been selected by Aidan's father for his conservative views instead of his loyalty to the royal family.
At the doors to the High Priest's office, two Templar guards stood watch in their black armor, holding a pair of sharp pikes. When Aidan and Diana approached, the guards clicked their heels, the metal of their armor making a loud banging sound that echoed down the stone hall. "Your majesty," one of them bowed.
"I am here to see Niles," Aidan said in a demanding voice, he refused to rattle off the long list of the High Priest's titles. He had no time for it.
"I'm sorry your Majesty... his Holiness is in conference with his advisors." Aidan was about to draw his sword but was stopped by the much calmer Prime Minister. "Please inform his Holiness that we are at his door."
The guard looked like he thought hard about it, as if worried that his partner would not be able to handle the King and Prime Minister on his own, but seeing the angry look Aidan was giving him he relented and slipped into the High Priest's office. It was twenty minutes before the guard returned, followed by several of the Templar's highest officers. Finally after all had passed, the guard led the King and Prime Minister into the office of the High Priest. The room was decorated with thick black carpets and drapes. The desk of the High Priest was made of mahogany wood, twelve feet long and five feet wide. Behind the desk was a throne-like chair, leafed in gold with hundreds of black pearls embedded in it. On the wall behind the throne was a giant white marble statue of the Mother holding two infants in her slender arms, one white the other black. The High priest, though, was nowhere to be seen.
"Where is the bastard," Aidan smoldered... his anger rising.
"Don't worry, your majesty... he is most likely preparing for a grand entrance." Diana chuckled.
"We have no time for ceremony," Aidan said as he paced the room.
"Just sit down," the Prime Minster recommended as she sat herself on one of the black cushioned chairs.
"Fine!" Aidan pouted, dropping himself in the chair next to Diana... his arms crossed.
The two of them waited in silence for the High Priest. Diana then looked out the window toward the setting sun and moaned, just as the church bells rang... calling for mass. "He won't be coming anytime soon," she sighed.
"Oh yes he is, even if I have to drag him down from his pulpit to get him here," Aidan fumed as he got out of his chair and headed for the door.
Diana jumped out of the High Priests chair and grabbed Aidan's arm. "Wait, I have an idea"
"What," Aidan said impatiently.
"You know... we will not be disturbed for a good hour."
"So... when will we get another chance to have sex in the office of the High Priest? We could even leave a surprise for him," Diana smiled while eyeing the High Priest's throne-like chair.
Soon one of Diana's slender hands was down Aidan's pants, her fingers running down the king's sex. She stood on his toes as he reached over the chair to meet Aidan's lips, both with an arm wrapped around the backs of each other's necks. It did not take her long to bring the king to climax, letting his seed land on the black cushion of the throne.
After giving his closing blessing, Niles went to his private quarters and changed from the gold and black robes of the High Priest into the military uniform of Chief Commander of the Templar Guards, even strapping on a sword. Then, the sixty-year-old gangly man opened the private door to his office, steeling himself for the fight ahead.
There, waiting for him, not looking as impatient as he expected, were the king and Prime Minister. Both remaining in their seats, refusing to bow let alone stand in his presence.
"Glad you can join us," Aidan said sarcastically. "I have responsibilities to my flock your majesty. As High Priest
I must make sure that the Mother receives the respect due her."
"I'm very sure the Mother enjoys how you tell women that it is the husband's right to beat them."
"No woman is equal to the Mother... that is why they need their husbands to instruct them in humility, " Niles said as if giving another sermon.
"I disagree, but that is not why I am here. I want you to call your thugs back."
"The Templars are the holy defenders of the church and the loyal servants of the children of the Mother."
"You mean one of the Sons of the Mother," Aidan grunted.
"Unlike you, your majesty, I am not an abomination. The Templars follow me because they know that only I speak the will of the Mother," Niles said as he moved toward his chair.
"I will tell you again... call back your troops."
"No..." Niles said in what started off as a smirk but just at that moment he sat down on his throne and felt something cool and wet soak his tunic. He almost stood up to see what he had sat on but Niles knew he would look ridiculous doing so. "No... I will not call my army back. They are doing the will of the Mother, something not even you, your Majesty, can oppose."
Aidan held back a laugh, seeing the uncomfortable expression Niles' face took on. Only his hatred and anger at the High Priest's presumptive attitude kept him in check. "They are not doing the will of the Mother... they are only throwing away their lives to feed your ambitions! Sending them through the mountain passes this late in the year is suicide, one that my own armies will take no part in."
"I beg to differ... Tomorrow I will declare our war against the Domus Empire a holy war... a great crusade to free the Famulus and
bring them the blessing of the Mother's teachings."
"You would not dare!" Aidan threatened. Such a declaration would give Niles command of his armies. "You can't declare a holy war without the approval of me or the Prime Minister."
This was the moment Niles had been waiting for as his face took on a sinister grin. "By tomorrow Diana will no longer be Prime Minister."
Diana jumped from her chair "What!"
"While you have been waiting here, the Merchant's Guild has gathered to have a vote of no confidence. I guarantee the Prime Minister will lose that vote."
"Still I get to choose any replacement."
"If you can find one who can receive a majority of the vote. None will but my candidate. During the time you waste it will only take a majority of the Guild to vote in my favor for them to declare a holy war" Niles snickered. "Admit it... I control the merchants now. By law, your majesty, you only have five days to pick a new Prime Minister who can pass a vote of confidence. If not, then the Guild will have the right to pick a temporary minister... my minister."
Aidan looked at Diana... the once cheerful woman already looked broken. "You will not get away with this!"
"I already have. The new prime minister will vote with me to declare a holy war. As High Priest I will become head of all Jadoorian forces, your majesty," Niles said with an insincere bow before continuing.
"You still need me to agree." Aidan pointed out.
"But you will your majesty. While waiting here in my office I was giving an important sermon."
"On what?" The king demanded.
"On the abominations that you and the faggots like you commit in our holy city," Niles spat.
"I don't know what you're talking about," Aidan insisted, reaching to take Diana's hands in his.
"Do you think me a fool your majesty? Yes it was quite clever of you to use the scandal of your relationship with the Prime Minister to hide your true crimes. Nothing escapes the eyes of the Mother however." Nile said in a chiding tone.
"So I sleep with both men and women, why should you care?" Aidan demanded.
"In truth I don't care. It is the fact that our enemies, the Centurions, act in a similar manner that has given me the knife I now have placed against your throat."
"Must be a pretty dull knife," Aidan laughed.
"Tell that to the mob that is now rioting across the city, destroying those places where men like you lurk. Tell it to the Inquisitors who at this moment are arresting all your friends on charges of heresy. Now ask yourself my heirless king, would you prefer that I hand you over to the High Inquisitor or will you join the rest of your people in declaring our conflict with the Centurions for what it is, a holy war to free our people from the tyranny of Domus." Niles demanded, taking the declaration out of his desk and handing it to Aidan.
Only after Aidan had signed the document did Niles continue. "We will not wait until late spring to launch our counterattack. We will attack now when the Centurions will least expect it. At the same time, I will order the fleet to attack the port city of Aquanos, preventing the Centurion Home Guard from giving support to the Western Army. I have also sent a detachment of Templars disguised in Centurion armor to attack a few villages in the Eastern Confederacy. This will break up any peace deals between Domus and the East, adding a third front to the war. By attacking Domus on three sides, I am sure that within a year we will be at the gates of their capital."
Nodding, Aidan had to admit it was a daring plan. His goal had only been to beat the Centurions back so that during peace talks he could end the centuries of tribute the Western Federation had been forced to pay to Domus. At least few soldiers would have been lost his way. What the High Priest was aiming for instead was the outright defeat and conquest of the empire. It was a risky plan, with many chances to fail, and certain to cost tens of thousands of lives in the effort. There was only one thing he could do now, something none of his ancestor's had done in hundreds of years. He would have to speak to the gods directly and plead with them to act on his behalf.
Leaving Diana at the doors to the temple Aidan rode to the far western side of the great square where that the Temple of the Mother stood to the royal palace. Using four of his strongest servants he unlocked the ancient gold door that stood directly behind his throne, using the men to force the heavy door open with crowbars and ropes. With a torch in hand he walked down the stairs the door protected, deep down into the catacombs beneath the royal palace until he enter a large cavernous hall. On reaching the end he found himself standing in a triangle made up of three stone thrones. All were empty but one where a skeleton of a man dressed in the gray rags of what remained of his robe sat as if made of stone himself.
Going down on his knees Aidan prayed before the man for what felt like hours before the ancient man spoke. "Why have you disturbed my sleep Son of the Mother?" The man asked in a hoarse voice, his eyes opening to reveal two black opals.
"I seek your wisdom and blessing, First King of Jadoor."
"You came for that but five years ago King Aidan, third of that name, after your father died and you assumed the throne. What more can I give you?"
"High Priest Niles has declared a holy war against Domus."
"He will fail as your ancestors did thousands of years ago," the First King replied.
"Please Amplexor," Aidan begged, daring to speak the god's forbidden name. "He has stripped me of my armies and most of my power. It is only a matter of time before he tries to remove me as a threat for good because of my debaucheries."
"Debaucheries?" Amplexor ask with a hacking laugh. "It has been long since my eyes have seen such sights. What kinds of sin can the High Preist accuse you of that has frightened you so?"
"I sleep with men." Aidan whispered.
"What, say that again? A sin is not committed with such a timid voice. Say what you have done with the same force by which you committed your crime," Amplexor demanded, his voice now much stronger, standing halfway off his stone throne.
"I sleep with men!" Aidan this time shouted, his voice echoing throughout the catacombs.
"I thought so," Amplexor chuckled, sitting back down. "And you wish me to protect you from the High Priest's persecution?"
"Yes holiness," Aidan said, pressing his head down on the stone cavern floor.
After a long moment of silence Amplexor spoke, his voice this time sounding very weary. "Bring me a Centurion and I will give you my aid."
"A Centurion?" Aidan asked, confused.
"Yes," Amplexor said his black opal eyes closing, appearing once again to be nothing but a statue.
"A Centurion," Aidan sighed as he stood back up. He did not know how to go about finding a Centurion, at least one that would not want to kill him as well. There was also the matter of capturing the Centurion once found. Most Centurions would rather take their own lives than be made a prisoner. As he made his way out of the catacombs Aidan became infuriated. The Son of the Mother was supposed to help the Kings of Jadoor in their time of need. Amplexor might as well have asked him to go to the Temple and cut Niles head off. That would have been a far easier and more obvious solution to his problem than trying to cage a Centurion. Still, his god had spoken. Tomorrow he would leave for the port city of Koor and take a ship to Gladmore. If he was going to find a Centurion he hoped he could find one who had already been taken prisoner... if there were any that is.
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