Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you.
The Talents of the Fallen - 1. Part One: Down in the Depths
Chapter One: Down in the Depths
Aaron sat on the edge of the top bunk. In the room next door he could hear the shouting of the older boys. The fighting among them was becoming a daily occurrence. The younger boys didn’t know what it was about but it could not be good.
Aaron couldn’t remember when he had arrived at the compound or his mother for that matter. He also had no idea of his age. Deep in the underground bunker there was nothing to mark the passing of time. His earliest memories were made up of his time laboring in the many different workshops that took up much of the lower levels.
Right now he was already expected to be working in the laundries but with all the shouting neither he nor the other children were willing to leave the relative safety of their bunks.
“Bang!” A door in the next room was slammed followed by terrifying silence. When they heard the click of a lock half the boys ducked under the sheets. There was audible whimpering as the door creaked open.
When Aaron saw who entered the room he was the only one to smile. “Landon! Are you okay?” Landon with his platinum blond hair, blue eyes, and medium build was the only one of the older boys who would pay the younger one’s any mind.
Landon, on hearing Aaron, made his way down the rows of double bunks to Aaron’s bed. “Nothing you need worry about.” He said as he ruffled Aaron’s wavy chestnut hair. With both hands his lifted Aaron down. “It’s time for the work shift to start. You’re assigned to laundry duty, aren’t ya?”
“Then you better get going. The sheets won’t clean themselves.”
Aaron gave a clumsy salute. “On my way captain.”
“Double time soldier. The same for the rest of you. Get to your duties. The sooner you are done with your chores the sooner we get to eat cake.”
The boys all went wide-eyed. “Cake?”
A boy named Harvey raised his hand. “Will it be chocolate cake?”
“You will have to talk to your friends in the kitchens.”
“I work in the kitchens.” One boy shouted.
“So do I.” Another said while laughing.
Being assigned kitchen duty was treated as a reward for good behavior. They got to taste the food reserved for the older boys. Though he did his best to be good Aaron never got kitchen duty. “Don’t worry Mr. A (Mr. A was Aarons nickname) I’ll make sure you get a piece.”
“Thank you Captain L.”
“Now off with ya.”
Aaron hurried out as fast as his legs could take him.
In the laundries he sweated from the heat from dryers and irons as he and three other boys did load after load. With the risk of burns and blisters laundry duty was one of the more dangerous chores. Aaron worked very hard not to get burned but it was a near impossible task for the young child.
With drops of salty perspiration stinging his eyes he sneakily used a clean sheet to wipe his forehead. If caught soiling the cloth he would earn a demerit. He had earned far too many of those to want another.
Ion, a larger boy caught sight of what Aaron was doing. He went over to him and whispered, “If I catch you doing that again I’ll rat you out.”
“Please… I swear I’ll wash the sheet again.”
“How about this… you give me you share of the cake and I’ll let you slide.”
“But…” Aaron wanted the cake something fierce but not as much as he wanted to avoid another trip to the pit. “Alright.”
“Glad we reached an understanding.” Ion patted Aaron’s face with the sheet in a motherly fashion. Before he had finished drying Aaron’s face he grabbed an inch of his cheek and pinched it hard enough to turn the skin white. “If you double cross me I’ll make sure you regret it.” After Aaron nodded the boy let go. “Get back to work.” He slapped Aaron hard against the back of his head.
Aaron did his best not to cry.
As soon as his shift was done Aaron rushed to the nearest bathroom. After sweating so much he was desperately thirsty. It took a few hops to lift him on the sink counter but the effort was more than worth it. He lapped up the water like a dying dog. After a few swallows he stuck his head under the water, letting the chilled water cool his throbbing head.
When he could not swallow a drop more he went over to the open stalls and hurried to relieve himself. As he sat there two of the older boys entered the bathroom.
One of them checked under the stalls. Aaron’s legs much have been too short to see for he said; “It looks like we have the place to ourselves but whatever you have to say you better be quick about it.”
“Fine… you want the short of it. We’re going to kill him. You can either help or not just stay out of our way.”
“Has it really gotten that bad? What does the Master think?”
“The Master doesn’t care which way or the other. He just wants the matter settled.”
“But to kill him… that would be murdering one of our own.”
“One of our own? Since when? He’s snubbed his nose at each and every one of us. All because he thinks he’s the strongest.”
“He is, isn’t he?”
“He might be in a one on one fight but he can’t beat us all.”
“So you say but are you willing to risk your life on that. He might kill three or four of you before you can get him.”
‘Kill us, no. He’s too civilized to go that far. That’s where we have him at an advantage. Our first and last strike will have the power of a deathblow. Believe me he’ll be dead before he knows we mean to kill him.”
“Are you sure the Master is willing to go along with this?”
“Like I said he doesn’t care either way. It is as it always is. All he cares about is finding out which of us is the strongest.”
“What about the brats… they might go into a frenzy.”
“Let the weak die and the strong surviving. The only one who might give us any trouble is the weakest of them all. To be honest I don’t understand why the Master has let him live this long. He has not shown a bit of the Talent.”
“He might be blocked… “
“All the more reason for us to kill him along with Landon.”
Hearing them name Landon as the one they plan to kill Aaron felt the breath knocked out of him. Afraid he had made too much noise he clapped his hands over his mouth.
“What was that?” The unsure boy asked.
“Don’t get jumpy on me. I heard nothing.” There was a short silence. “Since you won’t be of any use to us we’re going to have to get rid of you.”
“Hey now… it’s not like I’m going to rat you out. I don’t like the bastard either.”
“But you’re not willing to risk your life no matter what the reward.”
“I just can’t believe the Master would want one of his protégés disposed of.”
“It is not the Master’s way to rid himself of the weak to make room for the strong? He probably wants to see if his protégé is as strong as he claims to be.”
“Alright… I’ll keep my mouth shut but leave me out of it.”
“You better or else we’ll be coming for you next.” There was a warning knock on the door. “Someone’s coming. We can’t be seen together. Don’t leave until five minutes after I do.”
“Why shouldn’t I leave first?” Whoever the nervous youth was he didn’t want to stay in the bathroom a moment longer than he had to.
Like a sudden change in air pressure Aaron heard a ringing in his ears and felt his head throb. Someone was getting ready to use their Talent.
“I see you’re going to be a trouble maker.”
“No I…” Before the nervous youth could finish his sentence an invisible force flung him against the far tiled wall. Lifted up again he was flung into the sink and mirrors. Aaron heard the cracking sound of bones and glass. The boy was them flung into the wall of Aarons stall.
Aaron looked at the blood streaming from the youth’s torn up face. Bubbles of blood formed between his broken lips like red foam. His brown eyes met Aarons. They went wide but he didn’t say a word. If Aaron had not already been seated on the toilet he would have wetted his pants.
The door to the bathroom burst open as two large boys entered they grabbed the dying youth and dragged him out by his boots. After the doors closed there was silence.
Aaron remained on the toilet and began to sob. They were going to kill Landon… the only one of the older boys who had ever shown him kindness. He knew what he should do. He should have already run out and warned Landon but to do so would mean stepping in the pools of blood that now had the stall surrounded.
He stayed seated with his knees up to his chin. He then heard the door slowly open and a pair of boots step inside. “By Holy Mary… what have they done now?”
Aaron knew that voice… it was Hal. He was an older boy but without the Talent he was no more than a janitor.
The young man had never been mean to Aaron but nor had he showed him much kindness so he stayed perched in the stall pray he would not be noticed. He heard swish, swish of the janitor’s mop wiping up the blood. Please don’t find me. The man and his mop got closer. He was now mopping just outside the stall. Please, go away. He heard the handle jiggle.
“What the hell. Well Marv… it looks like you’re going to have to get a little dirty. When Hal’s head poked out from beneath the door, Aaron screamed. “Hell child… it’s not like I’m that ugly.” Aaron kept on screaming. Hal yanked the door open. Putting Aaron into a headlock he covered the child’s mouth and nose with his other hand. Seeing the man was not out to kill him Aaron began to relax. “Ya going to be quiet now or am I going to have to stuff one of my dirty rags down your throat to shut you up?” Aaron nodded and the man let go. “Jeeze boy… you have a pair of lungs on ya. I take it you were here when this funny business was going on?”
Aaron nodded.
“Care to tell Marv what happened?”
“They’re going to kill Landon.”
“Landon as in the Proctor?”
“I don’t know what a Procter is. Landon is my friend and they’re going to kill him. You got to stop them.”
“Wish I could boy… but a man with no Talent can’t stop anything in this hellhole.”
“Then we got to warn him.”
“I might be able to get a message to him but why should I risk my neck when it’s already gotten at least one boy killed.”
“Please… if you won’t warn him then I will.”
“Unless he comes down here to see you, you’ll have to go to him. Not an easy task given he lives up in the mansion.”
“A big fancy house.” Hal saw Aaron was still confused. Having lived underground since he was a baby he had no idea what a house was, let alone a mansion. “Damn it. No boy should be raised in this kind of hell. You work in the laundries right? He saw Aaron nod. “You’re not too large so I guess you would fit in one.”
“Fit in what Mr. Hal.”
“Well it just so happens that I’m expected to carry the laundry baskets to those brats in the Mansion. I could stuff you in one and take you right to him.”
“Thank you Mr. Hal. You’re the best!”
“Now don’t get too excited. Once you’re there I won’t be able to get you out. That’ll be up to you and your friend. I only ask that if you do get caught that you don’t point the finger at me.”
“I swear I’ll never rat you out Mr. Hal.”
“And enough of this Mister business. Plain Hal will do me fine.
Cleaning up the bathroom still took some time. Aaron offered to help out but the janitor refused. The last thing he wanted was for the Proctor to see Aaron covered in blood. He even made Aaron wash his white shoes in the sink.
When the last of the blood had been cleaned up he sent Aaron on ahead back to the laundries while he disposed of the blood dirty water.
On the way there Aaron ran into one of his Supervisors. “Where do you think you’re headed?”
“Sorry sir… but I found this dirty sock. I was on my way to put it in the dirty clothes basket so I could wash it tomorrow.”
“What use is a single clean sock if it doesn’t have its matching pair?” Aaron was terrified the supervisor would send him back to his bunk but the man just sighed and waved him on. “Be quick or you’ll miss out on the cake.”
Relieved, Aaron ran the rest of the way. With the dryers no longer running the room was much cooler than before. If it was this way all the time then working in the laundries wouldn’t be so tiring. He kept the lights off just in case someone poked their heads in.
He hid behind a row of driers until Hal showed up. “Come on kid we don’t have all day.” Hal flipped on the lights.
“Coming.” Aaron skipped to where the janitor was stacking baskets onto a cart.
“You seemed to be in a better mood. Already forgotten that your friend is in danger?”
“Uhmmm …”
“Don’t worry kid… I’m sure the Proctor will be glad to see you too.” He stuffed Aaron into the bottom of one of the baskets and covered him with blankets and sheets.
When all the baskets were loaded Hal rolled the cart to a freight elevator. He then went back for two more. When all the carts were loaded he opened the elevator with a magnetic tag.
From a crack in the sheets Aaron could see the rows of buttons. Aaron saw he was on the 6th floor. The button Hal pushed was the 18th. Aaron had been in elevator before. A while back he had undergone what they called graduation and had been moved from the 4th floor to the 5th. With the move had marked the start of his working in the laundries and other workshops on the 6th. He had no idea what was on the 18th floor or those above it. They have to be part of the mansion Hal talked about.
As the elevator began to climb Hal gave Aaron a final warning. Keep yourself covered and your eyes closed. You don’t want to see what goes on where your friend lives.”
At first Aaron did what he was asked. But when the doors opened, he could not block out the screams. Peeking out of the weaved basket he saw men running around naked doing things to each other that Aaron could not comprehend.
There were those walking on all fours led by a leash. At the other end of the hall a man was tied spread eagled to a Saint Andrews cross. There were those tied together by a circle of chains and other’s being whipped by them. Aaron closed his eyes and did his best not to cry out in fright.
“What the hell are you doing here old man? Can’t you see I’m busy?” A man shouted.
The cart came to a stop. “Laundry service sirs.”
“Laundry service?’
“Let Hal do his job.” Aaron heard Landon say. Aaron felt the basket being lifted off the cart and placed at the foot of a bed. “Is there anything else?” Landon asked.
“If I may have a moment of your time sir there is something I wish to discuss.”
“Really… can it wait as you can see I am a bit occupied?”
“I promise I will be quick.”
“I see. Can you step out for a bit Tom?”
“You’re kicking me out for this Talentless retard?”
“It will only for a minute.”
“You don’t know a good thing when you see it do you?”
“Come on Tom…”
“Fine… I’ll leave but don’t think you will be cumming on me anytime soon.” As Tom left he made sure to slam the door behind him.
Landon glared at the janitor “Thanks a lot Hal… Tom might be all drama but he’s always a hot fuck.”
“Uhmmm… I don’t think you and I should be discussing your sex life with the kid.”
“Come on Aaron… you didn’t have me bring you all the way here for you to hide with your tail between your legs.”
“Aaron?” Landon was flabbergasted by the idea that the janitor would bring Aaron to such a place.
Just from Landon’s tone Aaron knew he was in for it. Afraid at what he might see he rose from the basket like a ghost, sheets and all.”
Landon reached over and pulled the sheets off him. “Aaron?”
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you.
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