Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you.
The Talents of the Fallen - 12. Part Twelve: Lakes
Chapter Twelve: Lakes
In order to beat the morning commuter traffic Ryan and Aaron left for the Lakes School for the Gifted before dawn. Taking Highway 9 South they reached Evanston just as the sun had risen above the horizon. From there they took Michigan Ave. past Gilson Park. The Lakes School was a wall off half -block of old stately houses that had been converted into classrooms and dorms. “See? You’ll be living better than I do.”
“Live here?” There was trepidation in the question.
“Only if you want to.” Ryan replied.
As they rolled up to the administrative building the headmaster and two students were there waiting for them. “Jon and Sam here will give you the tour while I discuss the details of you staying with us with the headmaster.”
Once Mr. Harper was out of sight Aaron let his shoulder’s slump. This did not go unnoticed by the other two. “I know, rough night I take it.” Jon shook his head. “Don’t worry you’ll love it here.”
“From what I remember you cried for your mother the first week here.” Sam pointed out.
“I kicked that habit real quick?”
Seeing Aaron’s attention drift Sam tapped him on the shoulder. “Hey you… Aaron right?”
“What’s with the glasses?”
“Bright light.”
“That’s cool. For a moment I thought you were blind. Would have sort of defeated the purpose of showing you around if you couldn’t see how cool this place is.” Sam pulled Aaron towards him. “I’m Sam… I’m sort of the class clown. Jon here is captain of the rugby, football, wrestling and most of the other teams. He’s pretty much an all-around jock. Now what about you?”
“I draw.”
“No problem there… we have a cool kick ass arts department.”
Jon smirked. “You think everything here is kick ass.”
“Well if you were born in the South Side you would appreciate how good you got it.”
“You’re so ghetto?”
“And you’re nothing but a hoity–totty snob.” Sam raised his voice to a squeaky high pitch. “Oh help, all they have is Grey Poupon in plastic bottles.”
“I’ll get you for that.” Jon gave Sam a threatening glare. The last thing he wanted was to be humiliated in front of Aaron.
“Please don’t fight.” Even if it was playfully done, Aaron hated conflict.
“So he knows how to speak using full sentences.” Jon elbowed Aaron in the ribs.
“Don’t do that.” Aaron rubbed his side.
“Just playing.”
“Never mind him.” Sam said. “He’s just jealous.”
“Jealous?” Aaron didn’t understand.
“Jealous of you dummy. Jon and I had to fight tooth and nail to get accepted here. You on the other hand are getting a free pass. I don’t know what your Talent is but it has to be better than ours.”
“Talent?” But?” The only people Aaron had met with the Talent had been cannibals. Even Andrew had admitted he had eaten human flesh. The very idea that he too possessed Talent was like accusing him of being a murderer. “Don’t eat me. Don’t eat me.”
“Was it something we said?” Sam asked as the two circled around Aaron.
“You know what he went through last night. You know what to do.”
“Alright… step back.” As an empath, Sam had the ability to manipulate the emotions of others. While not as impressive as mind control some said it was the more powerful of the two. Focusing, he sent out a wave of calming emotions at Aaron. Though he could tell the waves were reaching Aaron they had no effect.
Sam sighed. “I guess we’ll have to do it the old fashion way.” Kneeling down he held Aaron in his arms and rocked him gently. The use of direct contact had some effect but not as great as Sam had expected. As a result it took much longer than he expected. “There you go… all better now?”
Aaron wiped the tears from his face and nodded.
Jon was losing patience. “Think we can hurry up with the tour? I have practice, remember?” Sam knew how he felt about Aaron. So why was he going out of his way to flirt with him.
“I’m sure the coach won’t mind you being a little late.” Sam replied.
As they toured the campus Sam never lost physical contact with Aaron. He wanted to make sure he didn’t have another breakdown. The three largest buildings taught the main core subjects; language, math, natural, and social sciences. The rooms attached to the auditorium housed the arts programs, dance, painting, acting, pottery, and such. Aaron asked the most questions about what and how many drawing classes he could take in one semester.
Next was Jon’s favorite part of the school, the athletics department. Taking much of the back area of the campus there was an indoor aquatics center, covered tennis courts, a gym and a workout center. There were rugby, baseball, soccer and football teams but they practiced off site on Northwestern’s intermural fields. Much to Aaron’s horror he would be expected to play at least two sports. Sam with his 6’4” height played on the basketball and swimming team. Jon on the other hand played on nearly every team available. Aaron didn’t know what two teams he would play on… hopeful it would be two requiring the least violence.
By this point it was well past one and all three were quite hungry. Aaron, who hadn’t eaten breakfast, was especially so. At the door to the cafeteria however he came to a sudden halt. On the other side of the door he could smell the scent of meat. “I…”
Sam arched an eyebrow. “Not hungry anymore?”
“No… it’s just… I can’t go in there.” Aaron backed away from the doors.
“I know the food here isn’t five stars but it isn’t that bad.”
“I… sorry.” Aaron fled.
When Jon offered to go after him Sam nodded. “He’s one of those.”
“No shit.” Jon ran after Aaron with lighting speed. Aaron had barely gotten to the next building when Jon tackled him. “I don’t know what your problem is but you’re starting to get on my nerves.”
“No meat, no meat, no meat.” Aaron screamed.
“Is that what this is about? You don’t have to eat meat. Take Sam… he eats veggies like a freaking rabbit. I on the other hand love meat. Need it to build up muscle.” Jon felt Aaron squirming under him and found he liked it. As skinny as you are, you could do with a little fattening up.”
Dragging Aaron back to his feet he put him in a headlock and escorted him back to the cafeteria. Sam looked at Aaron, then at Jon. Seeing a tenting of his pants he could only groan. “You can let him go now.”
“Are you sure, he might run off.”
“I’m certain if he does you wouldn’t mind wrestling him again. It is one of your kinks.”
“It’s not like that.”
“Forget it...” Sam offered Aaron his hand which he took. He sent another wave of calming energy through his body. When he was sure Aaron wouldn’t panic he led him inside.
The cafeteria was broken up into different self-serve stations. There was the salad bar, the grill, and mix your own pasta and stir-fry stations. “If you ever get hungry the joint is open 24-7. Lots of the clubs and study groups meet here as well. See anything here that might interest you?”
“He doesn’t eat meat.” Jon said.
“No meat?” Sam asked. Seeing Aaron nodded he smiled. “Not a problem. There’s the salad bar. You can also make your own vegie pasta, and stir-fry. There’s a cool bean burger at the grill. They also have tofu dogs but no one eats those. Any of those pique your interest.”
“Fish?” Aaron asked.
“Ah… you eat fish but no other meats. What about cheese, eggs, and milk?” Seeing Aaron nod, Sam guided them to the pasta station. “Watch and learn.” He went to a nearby frig and took out a fillet of red snapped, sprinkled it blackening season and put it on a George Forman Grill. He added about a cup and a half of soft uncooked angel hair into a deep pan. In the sauce pan he added oil and garlic followed by onions and cubed portabella mushrooms. He let those cook for a while. Once the pasta was al dente he slid the whole mix into a wide shallow bowl. By this time the blackened snapper was done. He put the filet on top of the pasta followed by a creamy basil sauce. “Here you go… A Sam Pasta Special just for you.” He bowed and offered the bowl.
By this point Aaron’s stomach was aching. It was all he could do to wait until he was at the table before digging in.
While Sam went to make his own lunch Jon, who had been busy getting his sat with Aaron. “So gay or straight.”
“Uh? “
“Are you gay or straight? It’s not that hard of a question is it?”
“I… I don’t know.” Aaron squirmed in his chair. He didn’t want to admit that he found Jon quite alluring. The youth probably knew that which is why he was asking.
“Never been on a date or done the deed? Haven’t popped your cherry or any of that.”
“I don’t know...” Aaron was as embarrassed as he was confused.
“You mean you don’t know about sex?”
“No.” Aaron didn’t want to admit that he had spent his whole life being sheltered in special ed.”
“Okay here’s an easier one… have you ever masturbated?”
“I… what?”
“Spank the monkey… you know jacked off. Shoot your load?”
“I...” Aaron’s checks flushed red. He had never known the word for it but it had been his guilty pleasure for the last two years.
“I’m sure you have. So tell me… what are you thinking of while you’re jacking off. A boy or a girl.”
“Uhmmm.” Aaron wasn’t about to mention he mostly thought about his gym teacher.
“A boy… I knew it.” Jon grabbed Aaron by the back of his neck and pulled him over until their lips met.
Aaron gasped in shock as he felt Jon’s tongue slip into his mouth. It slid under his tongue, curled up and tickled the underside. It was the first time anyone had kissed him like that, boy or a girl.
When Jon let go he had gave Aaron a satisfied smile. “You and I are going to get along fine.” He was glowing with a sense of conquest when cold chocolate milk was pour over him.
Sam, who had seen what just happened, was not amused. “I saw that.”
“Hey… whatcha do that for.”
“Just putting out the fire of your burning lust. It is his first day and you’re already jumping his bones.” Sam turned a sympathetic eye one Aaron. “Believe me; you can do a lot better.”
“Like yourself?” Jon spat.
“You think I wouldn’t. You go through boyfriends faster than Paris Hilton. I won’t let you break this kid’s heart.”
“That’s for him to decide. Right Aaron?”
All this was happening too fast for him. He had never been kissed like that before but then again if he was to trust either of the pair he would be Sam. “I… I need.” He felt like running but he was sure he wound only end up being tackled again. There was something about Jon and stirred a deep desire in him. He wanted nothing more than to feel the teenager’s strong arms hold him.
“Well think about this the next time you jack off.” Jon pulled down his kakis to show he wasn’t wearing underwear. What did show was his engorged dick. When he was sure Aaron had gotten a good look he pulled them back up. He then turned around, slapped himself on the ass and then went looking for something to clean himself off with.
“See what a jerk he is?” Sam pulled a seat next to Aaron and held his hand. “I’m not saying he ain’t good in bed. Quite the opposite. It’s because he knows how good he is that he thinks so much of himself. He can have anyone he wants and throw them away when he’s done with them.”
“He asked if I was gay.”
“Are you?”
“I don’t know.”
“No reason to rush figuring that out. What you will find however is that most of the boys here are either gay or bisexual. On the girl’s campus it’s different… for the most part they’re all straight.”
“The school only takes gay people?”
“Oh it’s not like that it’s just…” Sam let his voice trail off. That Aaron didn’t know why had caught him off guard. “You do know what sort of school this is?”
“I see.” Aaron not knowing what he was doing here was getting on Sam’s nerves. He was not mad at Aaron. No, he was angry that his family or the school had not explained what the Lake’s School for the Specially Gifted was created for. He was tempted to tell Aaron everything. He didn’t because he suspected that the administration had good reason to leave Aaron in the dark. He looked at Aaron’s bowl and saw that it was empty. “Care for dessert?”
“Yes please.”
“Good, because I make a killer sundae.”
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you.
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