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Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you. 

The Talents of the Fallen - 14. Part Fourteen: Liaisons

Having to wait before he can join Jon and Sam at the Lakes School for the Gifted, Aaron has been shipped off the Liaison Academy, a military school for those who interact on the behalf of the Elected with the Untalented world. There Aaron meets a pair of precocious twins, Trey and Tracy. While they failed the Lakes entrance exam they are not completely without Talent.Together the pair introduce Aaron to a part of himself he has never explored.

Chapter Fourteen Liaisons


Fraternal twins Trey and Tracy Nelson huddled together beneath the bleachers of the parade grounds. "You know what I learned Tracy?”
Trey whispered to his sister

“Are our brothers getting into trouble again?” Tracy asked.

“When are they not sister?”

“That is true brother. If it is not about our brothers what is it?”

“The commandant is going to give us a special project.”

“It doesn’t involve shooting people does it?”

“I hope not. We both have pretty bad aim.”

“I don’t even like touching the nasty things.”

“Me too sister but that’s not what the commandant is going to ask us. He wants you and I take care of a new student.”

“Is he going to be nice to us?”

“I don’t know. Supposedly he’s the boy the Coven tried to kill last night. It’s going to be our job to patch him up and prepare him for the entrance exam.”
“You mean he’s a Talent?” Tracy’s eyes went wide. A few years ago they too took the exam but failed… if barely. Given their potential they were admitted to the Liaison School.

“They’re not sure. That’s why the headmaster is sending him here. He’s had a rough life. I guess that’s why the headmaster wants us to help him.”

“But we’re Untalented.”

“But we almost got in! If we prove we can help him they might change their mind.”

“You really think so?”

“Maybe… but we got to try.”

“When do we meet him?”

“Tonight, right before dinner.”

“But that’s almost now.” Tracy began shaking the dirt from her skirt. “Come on brother… we got to hurry if we are to meet him.”

“Coming sister.”

Before they could reach the dining hall they ran into their older brothers. “Well, well, well what do we have here Tweedledum and Tweedledee? Word has it that you two might get a second chance to that the entrance exam.” Fred looked angry. So did his twin brother, Frank. “Must think you’re better than us now.”

“No… we know you will always be better than us.” Tracy whispered submissively.

“You think I believe that? You two act so sweet and innocent when we know you two think you’re hot stuff. You two are nothing but a pair of cowards.”

“We’re not cowards. We just don’t like fighting.” Trey shouted. There was anger in his eyes. No one liked being called a coward. Not even the shy pair.

“Look at him… he looks like he wants to beat us up. You want to fight us baby brother? What do you think Fred? Did he just threaten to beat us up?”

“Sounded like fighting words to me bro.”

“Maybe we should let him. How about it baby brother? I’ll let you get the first punch. Tracy can get a free one in too if she wants.”
Trey didn’t take a half step forward before his sister grabbed him by the tail of his shirt. “No brother. Don’t you remember what happened last time?”

Frank squatted towards the ground. “Shut up Tracy… if Trey want’s to fight us let him.”

“No brother no.” Tracy dug her heels into the ground and tried to pull his brother from the fight.

“But I have to sis. If I don’t, everyone will think we’re cowards.”

“That’s right Tracy… let your brother show how brave he is.” Frank picked up a handful of dirt and threw it at his sister’s eyes.

Blinded, Tracy let go of her twin and started to cry.

Enraged for what Frank had done to his sister Trey charged at him. He pulled back a fist and punched Frank in the gut as hard as he could.

Frank stepped back. Wrapping an arm around his stomach he laughed and said; “You’ve bulked up. For a second that actually hurt. Now it’s our turn. Right brother?” Frank and Fred joined hands. Together they began to summon their joined kinetic Talent.
Recognizing what his brothers were about to do, Trey tried to run for it. Before he could get away Fred and Frank used their Talent to grab Trey by his ankles and drag him back to them. They then proceeded beating him to a pulp.

It was while they were kicking him in the ribs that Ryan arrived with Aaron and Andrew. “What do you two think you’re doing?”

“Oh shit…” the two boys made a run for it but not before Andrew gave them a taste of their own medicine. Both boys flipped over, landing hard on their backs. They groaned in pain.

While Andrew gave the pair a stern lecture Ryan introduced Aaron to the younger set of twins. “Aaron this is Tracy. Tracy this is Aaron. He’s going to be your new roommate.”

Using the sleeve of her uniform Tracy wiped the smudges from her face. She blinked a few times to see clearly and jumped. “Co… Co… Coven?”

“Aaron was their prisoner but he doesn’t have the virus so he’s perfectly safe. Aaron, offer Tracy your hand.”
Aaron stretched out a shaking limb and let Tracy squeeze it. When she felt the emotions inside him she jumped. “I... I’m glad to meet you. Let me introduce you to my brother. Tracy, still holding Aaron’s hand ran so fast that she practically dragged him to where her brother was curled up on the ground. She patted her brother on the cheek.

He quickly looked up. “Sister?”

“Are you okay brother?”

“Yeah… I was stupid to think I could take them on.”

“Very stupid. Here’s Aaron. He’s our new roommate.” She formed a chain with her in the middle.

Trey’s eyes went wide. “Hey Aaron, nice to meet ya. Let me see…” Tracy closed his eyes and focused. Using his sister as a conduit he channeled a bit of his empathic Talent into him.

Aaron felt a wave of calm come over him. He didn’t know why but something in him told him he could trust the pair. “It’s nice to meet you.”

Ryan told them about Aaron’s particular needs in regards to diet and direct light and then left them to get acquainted.

One of the first things the pair did was explain the nature of their Talent or lack thereof. As was the case with most twins with the Talent the pair shared two halves of true Talent. Tracy had the ability to read another person’s emotions while Trey had the power to change them. As a result it took both of them working together to perform as a true Talent. Their joined abilities might seem remarkable to the Untalented but they were not good enough to get into the Lakes School.
The same was true for their older brothers. Frank was the only one who could summon the power of their kinetic. However it took Fred directing and shaping it for them to be able to do anything.

That was the main source of animosity between the siblings. If Frank or Fred were not in physical contact with his brother they were completely Untalented. The same was not true for Trey and Tracy. Trey could still effect the emotions of people without being in contact with his sister just as Tracy could sense the emotions of others without her brother. That was why they had been allowed to take the entrance exam while their older brothers never could.

The two led Aaron and Andrew to a two story bungalow. The interior was divided into quarters. There were three bedrooms and a bath on the second floor with two beds, a bath, and a common study area on the first. While Tracy and Trey had shared the first floor it was quickly agreed that he, Aaron, and would take the three bedrooms upstairs.

The first thing Aaron did was cover the windows with aluminum foil. Later maintenance would come by and install tinted glass. After a long day all he wanted to do was take a shower and contemplate what his new life would lead to.

Looking in the closet he found a neat stack of white and blue striped towels, washcloths and a mess kit. He took one of each. Going to the showers he flipped off the light. With only a night lamp to guide him he placed his towel by the sink and entered one of the open stalls. Seeing the fresh bar of soap he placed the washcloth on the dish. Then, before turning the shower on, he hung his goggles around the hot water valve.

The first blast was freezing cold but it the shower quickly warmed up. With the washcloth wrapped around the soap he covered himself with suds. The pressure of the hot water eased the day’s tension.

Suddenly the lights were flipped back on. He yelled with surprise and pain. Losing his footing he fell. He gasped as the air was forced from his lungs.

It was as he was crying that Andrew found him. “Jeeze are you alright?” Aaron shook his head. “Here let me help you get up.” He offered Aaron a hand. Aaron felt around and took it. As he tried to stand up he leaned too far back. Soon both boys were piled up on each other. “Uhmmm sorry about that.” He tried to rise but Aaron had a firm hold on him. “I think you can let go now.” When Aaron didn’t he sighed and laid on top of him. Compared to Andrew’s well-built body Aaron was a skinny as a short rake. Andrew could only sigh… if things were different, if he wasn’t infected with the Coven Virus, he might have enjoyed laying there but as things were the only thing on his mind was what would happened if he lost control.

The lights flashed on again. “Turn the fucking lights off.”

“Sorry about that. Didn’t know anyone was in here.” When Trey found the pair they were a tangle of limbs. “Uhmmm, I can wait outside until you two finish.”

Aaron, still wet and naked fled from the room.

Andrew sighed. “Nothing to wait on it seems.”

“Something I don’t know about?”

“Not on my side of things but I suspect… suspect mind you, that Aaron is experiencing his first crush.”

“Too bad it isn’t me. I would love to be his boyfriend.”

“Won’t that also mean he will also be dating your sister?”

“Share and share alike. I think Tracy already gots the hots for him.”

“Give him his goggles back.” Andrew passed them over. He then headed back to the showers to finish washing up.

Trey didn’t have to go far to find Aaron. Having forgotten his goggles he was wandering the hall searching for a door with outstretched arms. Trey, not wanting to scare him placed the goggles in one of Aaron’s hands.

Aaron quickly put them on. “Thank you.”

“No problem. Always glad to help. Want me to show you back to your room.”


Trey took Aaron by the shoulder and led him to the right hall. As he touched Aaron’s bare skin he couldn’t help but feed him a wave of calming emotion. It must have worked because he soon felt Aaron’s wet face leaning on his arm. The touch caused goose pimples to pop on his arms and legs. “Here we are…” He opened Aaron’s door. “Anything else I can do for you.”

“You… you going to leave?”

“Well… I don’t have to. Want me to stay.”

“Yes.” Aaron went to the bed and spread himself out.

Trey chewed on his lower lip. From what Ryan had told him Aaron had spent most of his life either holed up at home or in special education classes. He had never been around normal teenagers his age. Trey would not consider him or Lakes normal but for one with the Talent there could be nothing closer.

He went over to the bed and lay down next to Aaron. “So rough day I take it?”

“Yes…” Aaron whispered.

“Tomorrow should be better. You’ll get to meet your new teachers, make new friends… who knows you might find yourself with a boyfriend or two.”


“Well… if it is a girlfriend your after I can name a few who might do.”

“Do you have a girlfriend?”

“Naw… don’t swing that way. You will find most boys with the Talent prefer boys over girls.”

“You have a boyfriend?”

“Not at the moment. Looking for one?” Trey grabbed Aaron’s hand in his raised them up and kissed it.

“I… I’ve never had a boyfriend.”

“I think I can name a few who wouldn’t mind having you as one.” He brought their hands to his lips and kissed them. During the short contact he gave Aaron a taste of sexual desire. It had the desired effect. Trey rolled on top of him and wiggled himself about till both were comfortable. “You know… Andrew would love to have you as his boyfriend.”

Aaron hiccupped. “He does?”

“Of course I would too.”

“You would?” Aaron hiccupped twice.

“I most certainly would.” He answered each hiccup with a kiss. “By the way have you ever kissed a guy?”

“I’ve kissed my grandma.”

Trey pursed his lips in disgust. “How about girls?”

“No… Is that bad?”

“No but it does explain why you haven’t kissed me back. If you want to use me for practice, feel free. The two rolled on their sides and looked at each other. Trey knew the goggles had to go. “I’ll be right back.” He turned off the lights but left a small crack in the door to let some light in. He then hopped back to the bed. Gently he removed Aaron’s goggles. He could not see Aaron’s silver mirror eyes. “Now you can kiss me.”

Aaron licked his lips nervously. As if to practice he puckered them a few times. When he had built up enough courage he moved in, puckered his lips… and nothing. There he laid, frozen in place and looking like a fish.

“Oh god… you are hopeless.” Trey pinched the tightly pressed lips between his thumb and forefinger and gave them a good squeeze.

“Relax. It’s not as hard as you think. Here… maybe this will help.” Trey wrapped his arms around Aaron’s waist and rolled him on top. He then let his fingers drift down to his ass. They tickled Aaron’s thoughts and body with sparks of sexual desire.

Before Aaron knew what he was doing he had his parted lips pressed against Trey open mouth. He felt the wet flesh of Trey’s tongue beckoning him to explore past his lips and into his mouth. His hips gyrated his cock up and down against Trey’s tanned body.

Trey continued to flow threads of desire into Aaron’s mind and he could not help but given in to it. He felt enlivened by the feeling of his body pressed against Aaron’s.

Aaron was virginal and clueless in what he was supposed to do and like anyone his age climaxed too easily and too soon.

When his cock exploded with cum he let out an animalistic groan. He then collapsed on top of Trey and rested his head on the youth’s chest.

Out in the hallway Andrew watched with an arched eyebrow.

Copyright © 2013 JMH; All Rights Reserved.
Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you. 
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