Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you.
The Talents of the Fallen - 16. Chapter Sixteen: The Graft
Chapter Sixteen the Graft
At that moment Sam was preparing for another night with his benefactor. He had spent the last half hour trying to create the perfect bowtie. He wasn’t having much luck at it. But his employer had sent him this particular outfit to wear tonight so it was not like he couldn’t wear it. “Jon will you get over here and help me with this damn thing.”
While he had been prepare for later in the day, Jon had been busy writing another one of his sappy love letters to Aaron. “Just a moment. Have to fold this one into a butterfly.”
“Dang dude… how long do you plan on writing to him.”
“It’s all part of my master plan.”
“To what… make a fool of yourself. It’s not like you’ve kept it much of a secret.”
“Aaron doesn’t know.”
“Because he is a naïve gullible fool who still believes in things like true love. It also doesn’t hurt that nobody is willing to risk telling Aaron because they’re afraid Andy will go full Coven on them.
“Those Converts do tend to be hot tempered… and I mean real hot.”
“Not funny Jon and you’re not one to talk. You two are going to end up killing each other one day, then what?”
“Nothing is going to happen.”
“Says you. If you were to get expelled I would have to get new digs.” Sam looked out the windows of the penthouse apartment. There were several such dorms on the campus but theirs was the biggest bad ass one of the bunch.
“That won’t happen. Anyway in a fair world Aaron and I would already be dating.”
“You mean screwing.”
“That too.”
“You do know he will have to get a benefactor.”
“I know. It’s killing me but what can I do? If it wasn’t for the stupid rule that students can’t be each other’s benefactor I would sell the car and buy up his contract.”
“You better not sell that car. That car is the only thing you have going for you.”
Jon finally finished the letter. “You think you’re such a smart ass.” He went over to help Sam with his tie.
“Hey, you’ve never complained about my ass before.” Sam bent over so his butt hit Jon in the groin.
“You mean you’re tired worn out manhole? I’ve had better.”
“I’m sure you have.”
Jon quickly finished with the tie. “There, you’re set.”
“Thanks… what will you be doing while I’m away on business. Don’t tell me you will spend it sneaking to the Liaison School so you can plant another one of those damn letters.”
“If I am I don’t see how it’s any of your business.”
“As your best friend it is my business.” He placed his hand on Jon’s hips. “I love you dude. Don’t want to see you go to all this effort to have your heart broken.” The two spent the next several minutes making out.
The moment was broken by the ringing of the school’s tower clock. “Damn, I’m going to be late. By hon… don’t stay up waiting for me.”
“Like I give a damn.”
When Sam hopped into the waiting car he found Ryan had brought along another passenger. “Aaron?”
“Hi?” Aaron replied sheepishly. He was grateful the interior of the car was dark enough to hide his embarrassed cheeks.
Sam gave Ryan a disapproving glare. “I thought you were going to wait until he transferred?”
“I still am but I wanted him to see for himself what he’s in store for.”
“Just so long as you keep a close eye on him.” Sam joined Aaron in the back seats. Seated next to him Sam saw what Aaron was wearing and whistled. “Damn you got yourself some new threads dude.” The two shook hands.
Aaron was wearing a new black suit with silver tie, tight fitting dark spectacles, and freshly polished black shoes. If he had thought his school uniforms were fancy he couldn’t imagine how much these cost. They were all a gift from Ryan.
“Plan on being a player tonight?” Sam asked Ryan.
“Not this night. Tonight is all about getting Aaron used to the environment. Will be introducing him to the Graft.”
“Now that’s a trip. Don’t worry Aaron. The Graft is great and the best player in the world. If you let him he’ll take good care of you.”
“I don’t like doing this.” Aaron didn’t know how he had been talked into this mess.
“I know… didn’t like it at first either but it was either pick up the trade or end up back in south side. Got to pay the rent somehow. From what I understand you’re in the same fix.”
Aaron kept his gaze on the passing cars. “Yes.”
Sam took Aaron’s right hand and placed it on his thigh. “You’ll do fine.” He gave his hand and his thigh gentle squeeze.
Aaron wanted to snatch his hand back but knew Sam was just trying to help. He could already feel his friend’s empathic Talent nibbling away at his fear.
The house they arrived at was a stately home near the University of Chicago. A group of parking attendants was waiting so they wouldn’t have to worry about finding a spot and walking back. Aaron recognized the black suits of Liaison security.
Ryan hadn’t said anything about them coming but then again the Liaison Captain Harper was responsible for all interaction between the world of the Elected and the Untalented. The agents recognized their boss so didn’t bother checking to see if any of them were on the list. Inside they handed their coats to a waiting attendant then escorted to the roof top garden.
Aaron had never moved in the upper circles of society and he wasn’t sure he was ready to do so. It was not the sort of party he imagined it would be. Everyone was smartly dressed and soft spoken. There was no blasting music other than a three string ensemble. Everyone was of course male and all attractive so much so Aaron couldn’t tell who the benefactors or escorts were.
Sam, on seeing his client patted Aaron on the back and wished him luck.
Looking to see who his client was Aaron saw Sam kissing a very muscular black man with fat gold rings on each of his fingers.
He felt a nudge from Ryan. “It’s not polite to stare.”
“Sorry… I just wanted to see who he was.”
“That’s not what you’re here. Most don’t want it to be known they attend these sorts of parties. Anyway, the Graft is expecting us. He led Aaron to an enclosed tent that took up one end of the roof. Stepping inside Aaron found the tent empty. There was a sofa, a few high backed chairs, and a stocked bar but no people. “It looks like we’ll have to wait a bit. Go sit down on the sofa and make yourself comfortable. The Graft won’t be long.”
He wasn’t. The man who joined them was stunning. Six-foot-four he was about the same height as Jon. He was as muscular but it was distributed in an alluring matter. He possessed an air of maturity his friends presently lacked. He was well tan but not deeply so, his eyes glistened silver, and his impeccable dark hair was in perfect place. He was indeed a man who could command his own price. It would be his trained eye who would determine Aaron’s.
The Graft walked past Aaron and went straight to Ryan. He grabbed the Captain possessively and bent him backwards and kissed him. When they straightened up Ryan attempted to adjust his pants. “It’s good to see you again old friend. After all this time you’re still one of the best members of the trade I’ve ever trained. I hope Greg is treating you well.”
“More than well.”
“Too bad you two can never get married but that is how things are among the Elected. Now where is this new kid you’ve been talking about?”
“He’s sitting right behind you Gordon.”
The Graft turned around and flashed Aaron his pearly whites. A little on the scrawny size but we can work on that. What is more important is his Talent.”
“We don’t know for sure but we suspect he’s a Null.”
“A Null?” Aaron whispered. By this point he had figured out he had the ability to block the Talents of others but he never knew there was a name for what he did.”
“A Null… why that’s fantastic. I thought all of them were put off the market years ago. It is very rare to find one running loose. How did you find him by the way?”
“You have good eyes. Look at him and you’ll figure it out.”
The Graft gave Aaron a once over and nodded. “A pre-covert… another thing that hasn’t been seen in ages. I hope the Coven has no intention of coming after him. No one I do business with are looking for trouble with the factions.”
“That’s why I brought this letter.” Ryan handed over the letter the Chosen had sent.
The Graft looked over it and grinned. “So they want you to take good care of him. I wonder why. So long as they stick to their end of the deal I will have no problem teaching him the trade.”
“But I do.” Aaron had held back from speaking long enough. He didn’t care for being treated like a side of meat… especially since he hated meat.
Ryan shook his head ever so slightly to warn Aaron to keep his mouth shut.
Gordon Graft wanted to deal with the situation himself. He sat down next to Aaron on the sofa. “You know I once thought like you did… that I would never stoop so low as to work in the sex trade. What can I say? Fell in love with the wrong person only to end up being thrown into the gutter when he had no further interest in me. I could have given up then but I didn’t I would be damned if I let one of those Elected snobs treat me like a piece of tissue.
“I got my shit together and used want money I had left to get myself grafted. You know what grafting is?”
Aaron shook his head.
“It is where they take specially engineered tissue and implant it into you. If things work out and you manage to survive you gain a new set of tools to make yourself more desirable. I’m the most grafted man in the world. That is why I am known as THE GRAFT. You’re friend Ryan has also gotten himself grafted. If you stay in the trade long enough you will as well.
“There are all sorts of advantages you can gain from it. Superhuman physical strength and stamina that will let you fuck nonstop all night. Grafts that will slow the aging process like Ryan got. With Talents having three times the lifespan of the Untalented that procedure tends to be a necessary one. As a Talent you have little reason to worry about aging but there are other grafts you can get. There are grafts to give you the ability to release sexual stimulating pheromones more potent than any cologne, those that will teach you a foreign language overnight, give you lightning fast reflexes, others to make you bullet proof, and those that can let you breathe underwater. There are all sorts and I only make them available to my best men.”
If the Graft thought his words would spark the kid’s interest he was wrong. “I… I don’t want to be grafted.”
“You don’t have to if you don’t want. There are those clients who pay more for escorts who aren’t modified. Of course you won’t be old enough to get one until you’re at least eighteen.”
“You mean when I’m expected to have sex.”
“Yes.” Ryan and Gordon replied.
“I know what we’ll do. I’ll set up a three year contract with me as your benefactor.”
Ryan was surprised by the sudden offer. “You don’t really have to do that Gordon.”
“Consider it an investment. I will teach him the trade and at the very least he will be safe with me.” He turned his attention back on Aaron. “I will never ask you to have sex with me. I will not allow others to try and force you to have sex with them. When you turn eighteen we’ll see how things turn out and if you are ready I’ll let you loose on those helpless rich bastards. Do we have a deal?”
Aaron didn’t know what to think. Could he trust a man who made it his job to sell his services to the highest bidder? He promised to protect him and teach him the trade. He wasn’t sure he wanted to be a part of it but it would mean his tuition would be covered and wouldn’t end up in foster care or out on the streets. Aaron could only stammer when he gave his answer. “I… I agree.” He hoped he wouldn’t come to regret it.
The Graft had them shake on it. “Good… I’ll send the contract over to the school tomorrow so it will be there when you transfer to Lakes. It will not make you fabulously rich but it will cover your expenses and give you enough pocket money so you won’t end up feeling like a charity case. I will of course be calling on you often, especially when school’s out. You can’t learn the trade via correspondence. You have to experience it up front with your own eyes. Speaking of eyes? Do you think you can get him a set of tinted eye contacts?”
“There are some military grade ones I’ve been trying to get my hands on but they’ll come loaded with all the combat programing.”
“Never mind then… I wouldn’t want the kid to have a tracking icon on his future clients. Don’t worry. I’ll come up with something less intrusive then his goggles. Needing anything else seen to before I head off?”
Ryan had a suggestion. “Could you send one of your boys to talk with Aaron? It might help settle his nerves.”
“Of course… I know just the one. He’s a real up and comer in the trade. Reminds me a bit of yourself. Speaking of which I got some people you should meet.”
“You want me to leave Aaron here by himself?”
“He’ll be fine. Time to cut the apron strings right Aaron?” The Graft didn’t wait for a response.
When Aaron thought his life couldn’t get any stranger someone entered the tent. He was about 6”2’ and a little older than Aaron. He had blond hair, blue dazzling eyes, a cute pug nose, and a perfect build. When he caught sight of Aaron he gave him a playful grin. “So you’re the one the Graft’s been talking about. He’s right, you might not be much now but you have great potential. The name’s Jerry.” He held out his hand which Aaron took. “And you’re Aaron… the newest member of the oldest trade in the world.”
“Uhmmm hi?”
“So you can talk. It is always good to listen to your client no matter what he is saying but you must also be able to discuss the topic with some knowledge of the subject. I here you’re going to be at Lakes so I won’t have to worry about you getting a proper education. Now about us.” Jerry joined Aaron on the sofa and hovered over him. “You’re not going to tell me you’re a virgin.”
“Uhmmm… I don’t know.”
“You don’t know… now that’s something you don’t here every day? Let me put it this way… have you kissed other men.” Seeing Aaron nod he went on to the next one. “Have you sucked cock?” Aaron nodded a second time. “Good, now the big one have you had a cock shoved up your ass.”
Aaron went pale. He had been fucked but not of his own choice. There had been guys like Mick would who got a kick out of sexually assaulting him but those were memories he didn’t want to recall. His body trembled as he tried to figure out what to say.
He didn’t have to. Jerry could taste Aaron fear on his grafted tongue. Instead of pushing the issue he wrapped a comforting arm around him and let him cry. “It must have been bad. I’ve been there myself. My dad… well, he’s dead. The Graft saw to that. Owe him my life. I’ll be turning eighteen in three weeks. Want to come to my birthday party?”
Aaron didn’t know what else to do but nod.
“Good because I’ll love to have you. I mean that… would just love to get you in bed with me and show you what it is like to have one of the Graft’s men treat you right.
“Anyway you’ll meet the other guys. We all have a tale to tell. You will see you’re not alone. I hear Gordon will be taking you on as his apprentice. You must have impressed him because the last one he took on was the guy who brought you here.”
“Captain Harper?”
“Yep… taught him all he knows. I wish I was that lucky. Will have to get grafted if I’m going to make this my career. I can already tell you won’t be doing that. You might be a Blip like me but no kid at Lakes has made the trade their life profession. You get through this and when you do don’t forget your old friend Jerry. Who knows you might even end up being one of my clients. Speaking of which.”
Aaron felt the young man’s lips brush against his left check and move down slowly to his parted lips. He felt Jerry’s hot breath flow into his mouth and be drawn out with his next breath. “Oh god…” Aaron felt hot blood racing to his groin.
“I haven’t shown you anything yet.” Touching Aaron’s temples with both hands he closed his eyes. With gentle probes of his mind he let used his Talent to put them both into what is called the Dreaming.
Their minds mentally and emotionally joined Jerry let Aaron experience a gentle form of love making, one where there was little pain and warming pleasure.
As Aaron continued to be entranced by the Dreaming Jerry’s nimble fingers removed both their clothes and laid themselves down one the thick Asian rug. With greater exposure of their flesh the potency of the experiences was magnified sevenfold.
Aaron moaned and whimpered with each mental touch. He had never known a form of love like this. He loved Andrew, sure, but what they did in bed didn’t compare to Jerry’s mental probing.
When he felt Jerry slide in generously sized cock inside him it lacked the sense of violation he had known when his tormentors at his old school. There was some discomfort but as his body adjusted he became enraptured by a sense of fullness. This was what it was meant to feel like.
With the first thrust he let out a wild yell. It hurt, yes, but Jerry’s cock also rubbed against parts of him he never knew were there.
After he was sure Aaron was ready, Jerry took up a regular rhythm. As he thrust Aaron would empty his lungs and let out a squeak. When he pulled back he would suck in as much air as he could, producing a hissing moan.
Jerry’s Talent warned him when Aaron was near his peak. He quickly pulled out and swallowed Aaron’s cock. While his right hand pulled on Aaron’s scrotum, he stretched his left arm and let Aaron suck on his slender fingers.
Just as his cock exploded, Aaron let out a scream of pleasure. With each throbbing pulse of his sex, he arched his back higher off the floor. After he fired the last of his load he felt his body go limp. Jerry climbed on top of him and held him in his arms. Holding him in the protective warmth of his body he whispered how proud and lucky he was that Aaron had given him the chance to show him what true lovemaking could be like
That was how the Graft and Ryan found them. The two chuckled at the pair. When Aaron heard their laughter he hid behind the sofa. Jerry however would not have that. He dragged Aaron back on his feet. When he bowed he pulled Aaron down with him.
Aaron knew he should feel humiliated but those thoughts stayed in the back of his mind.
Later on the drive back Ryan explained Jerry’s Talent. He was a mixed physical empath, the perfect combination for the trade. Until he turns eighteen his role was to help the young princes of the Elected enjoy their first experience. In three week that would all change. He would then only have sex with those eighteen or older.
Ryan told Aaron how lucky he was as he was probably the last younger man Jerry would ever have sex with. That didn’t mean he would be out of a job. Many of his past clients remembered their first time with him and were already negotiating his contract with the Graft. In a matter of years he would find himself a well off courtesan free choose his own clients.
Before Ryan dropped Sam off he warned him not to tell anyone anything about tonight. He told Aaron it would be best if he did the same.
Aaron didn’t need to be told. He knew Andrew couldn’t do for him what Jerry had tonight. It pained him. It would pain Andrew more to learn how much Jerry had healed one of his emotional wounds. He loved Andrew. Andrew was his boyfriend. The idea of it ever being otherwise was not possible.
Before leaving Aaron turned to Ryan and asked; “Will you always be in the trade?”
“Yes. I think I will. A man has to keep available all possible options. I am not of your world Aaron. Though Greg and I wished otherwise it is only because I am part of the trade that his father tolerates me. When his father forces him to take a wife all that will be left to us will be the nights he hires me out as a consort.
“But… he loves you. He will always love you.”
“He does but not even a man as great as he can go against traditions as powerful as never to be broken law. Good night Aaron. And remember what I said… not a word of this to Andy.”
“I will.” Aaron was young, foolish, and naïve. He didn’t know how fast things could change.
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you.
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