Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you.
The Talents of the Fallen - 18. Part Eighteen: The Storm
Aaron's curiosity to find out who has been writing him love letters is about to lead to a series of disasters. The Twins Fred and Frank, unable to handle their siblings new popularity plot to take away all they have gain through Aaron. Soon there will be a reckoning that will leave scars on all sides.
Chapter Eighteen: The Storm
“Damn it Frank.” Fred hiss from the bottom of a ladder. “What the hell do you think you’re doing?”
Standing on the roof of the bungalow Frank had been sawing into the supporting beams. “What? You’re asking that now? How many times do I need to ask you? Do you or don’t you want those brats to get away with snubbing their noses at us?”
“But you might get someone killed.”
“So what… they deserve it. I would see them dead before letting them get accepted to Lakes.”
“Well uhmmm… Are you sure they’ll get in?”
“Aren’t you.”
“They wouldn’t if they weren’t friends with the retard.” Fred said angrily. The very idea that their younger sibling could outshine them had both of them furious. As the eldest they should been the ones getting into Lakes not Trey and Tracy who should be looking up to them, not that retard Aaron Mays.
“This is why I’m planning to get rid of him. If anything were to happen to him… say the roof collapsing while he’s in bed, then Trey and Tracy will take the blame for it and bye bye goes getting into Lakes. Who knows they might even get kicked out of the Liaison Program.”
“So… we won’t be dropping the roof on them?”
“Of course not dipshit. We’re not monsters. We’ll wait until the retard is the only one in the house and then drop the roof.”
“I don’t know… even if we cut the beams I don’t think we’re strong enough to bring it down. If we were that strong the headmaster would have let us take the entrance exam.”
Frank took something out of his pocket and dropped it at his brother’s feet. “That’s why we got these.”
Fred picked up what looked like a medicine bottle. Inside were seven black gel capsule pills. “What this?”
“It’s call MEAT.”
“Yeah… Mental Enhancing Advance Therapy… or something or other. Got it off a dealer down in the South Side.”
“South Side? Why the hell did you go down there for?”
“To get these.” He giggled a second bottle.
“And what?”
“What the hell do they do?”
“They magnify your Talent.”
“And you believe them?” Fred was sure his brother had been duped.
“Not at first but after he gave me a free sample I was hooked. I can now use Talent without having to be chained to you.” Frank’s grin was so wide he could fit a small grapefruit in it.
“How about I prove it.” Twisting open the bottle he took one of the pills and popped it in his mouth. His trembling body went deathly pale but the discomfort didn’t last long. He went to the end of the roof. “Now watch this.” He jumped. Fred feared he would have to scrap up his brother with a spatula but instead of fall he floated back to the ground. Cool, ain’t it.”
“Damn… you did that by taking just one of these pills.” Fred popped open the bottle but instead of taking one pill he swallowed them all.
“Hey, not all at once. These things are fucking expensive.” He didn’t want to tell his brother how many times the dealer warned him not to take too many at once.
“Hey, twelve times to dose should give me twelve times the Talent.” He jumped and soared into the air like a rocket. “Look at me… I’m Peter Pan.”
Regardless of the warning he was not willing to be outdone by his brother. Frank took his remaining pills and joined him in the sky. With such power they could take on any of the Liaisons, possibly even those with true Talent.
Aaron had been finding little origami animals all over the place for six months now. In his backpack, in the locker, on his desk before each class, in the medicine cabinet and even on top of his pillow. When he unfolded them he wound find the cutest little love letters, all addressed to him.
At first he had assumed Andy was behind them but when he asked Andy would get angry and storm off. He asked Trey if the letters came from him but Trey would just laugh and tell him not to worry about it.
But Aaron was worried. With each new letter the writer became more passionate about his or her love for him. It didn't take him long to learn not to read them in front of Andrew. His boyfriend was clearly jealous. Aaron sensed that he knew who the admirer was.
Today, as he studied for his calculus exam, he accidently passed the page he was looking for. Ending up on a chapter they hadn’t reached yet he found a pressed rose on the title page. It was a dry yellow rose with three thorns on its stem. Between two of the thorns a note and been rolled around the steam. Making sure to avoid the thorns he removed and opened the letter up.
Written on soft parchment were words of professed love, promised happiness, and the fulfillment of shared desires. To a cynical reader they would recognize how sappy it was. Aaron however, who only recently began to explore such feelings it was the sweetest thing someone had bothered to write him
On the bottom of the page was when and where he could meet his amore. He would be waiting for him by the north soccer goal at nine o'clock this very night. It warned that if he didn't show up he would never hear from him again.
Aaron, who had come to look forward to receiving the letters, took the threat seriously. Curfew started at exactly nine PM and it was already eight-fifteen. The soccer field was a good two miles away. If he wanted to get there in time he would have to leave now.
As it was mid-November and this was the Windy City he made sure to cover up. First he put on his school sweater followed by his gloves and scarf. As he headed out the door he put on his thickest, warmest coat. As soon as he stepped out he felt three light drops of rain on his face. Looking up he couldn't see the cloud covered moon so we went back inside. If it started raining he wanted to be prepared. Going back upstairs he knocked on Andrew’s door.
“What is it?”
“Going out to meet a friend. Can I borrow your umbrella?
Andrew, glad for the excuse to stop focusing on his homework turned his chair towards Aaron. “Going out where?”
“To the park.”
“At this time of night?”
“I see. This friend might not happen to be the freak sending you all those origami animals.”
“No…” It wasn’t a lie. The note hadn’t been like the usual ones. The letter had come tied to a rose.
“Well… so long as you get back before curfew”
After Aaron left Andrew went back to his books. As hard as he tried he found studying impossible. Aaron was not the sort to go out wandering at night. So why was he so eager to go out at this late hour? That it was raining only added to his suspicions. Andrew had never known Aaron to lie but that didn’t mean he was incapable of fibbing. What had he said…? He had asked Aaron if person he was meeting was the guy who had been sending him those origami letters. What if he hadn’t received a piece of origami but an actual letter telling Aaron where and when to meet his so called amore? Andrew saw the splitting of hairs as being no different than a flat out lie but Aaron might not see it that way.
He tried not to worry about it. Aaron was not much younger than him and didn’t need him looking over his shoulder 24/7 but that could not hold back his growing jealousy. He knew quite well who was behind the letters and though he hated to admit it he could not claim he was by far the better man.
Jon… you just can’t leave well enough alone. Unable to standby as his rival attempted to steal his boyfriend, Andrew got dressed, put on his clothes and stormed out into the night. He didn’t get far before regretting he loaned Aaron his umbrella.
With the wind howling and the rain coming down in sheets Aaron hoped he wasn’t making a fool of himself. If he were to show up only for no one to come he wouldn’t forget his disappointment for a very long time.
It would not be the first time he been stood up. Back at his old school some of the kids would feign friendship only to abandon him at the worst possible moment. Grandma had warned him enough times not to let the other kids take him out for a ride but Aaron, always looking for acceptance could not help but find himself dumped at the movie theaters. Once he had even been abandoned in the middle of a vast cornfield. It had been two days before he was found.
With a storming raging and the temperature dropping as a cold front passed through he would not be surprised if his amore didn’t come. Aaron, of course, had to. Solving of such an important riddle was too enticing. There was that and the fact that he still believed the tales of finding true love.
That didn’t mean he didn’t love Andrew. He did. Even so he was finding having a boyfriend was an awful lot of work. With them attending classes at different campuses he wasn’t able to spend the sort of time with Andrew that he wanted to. Andrew could also be very, not controlling, but authoritative. He knew how little Aaron knew of what was expected of him in his new life among the Talented and did not shy from using it to his advantage. It did not cause Aaron to feel resentful but it did reinforce his own belief in how helpless he was.
Tonight however was all about taking risks. Wandering out so late at night in the middle of a storm no less was a new experience in of itself. That he hoped to meet his flatterer as well made the trip an adventure.
Following the instructions he had been given he headed to the shoreline park. From the entrance he made his way to the soccer field and the north goal. On arriving he found he was the only one there. When he pulled up the sleeve of his coat to check the time he suddenly realized he wasn’t wearing his watch. He had taken it off when he showered, and as he had intended to go to bed as soon as he finished studying, he hadn’t bothered to put it back on.
For all the times he made sure to put on his watch he had forgotten to do so when he absolutely needed it. Without knowing what time it was, how was he to know when it was nine o’clock? As far as he knew he had come too late. He had to remind himself that when he left it had only been 8:15. Even with the storm it would have only taken him twenty minutes to reach the field. That meant he needed to stay at least a half hour for his amore to show.
Remembering the warning at the bottom of the letter Aaron decided he had to at least try to wait. So leaning against the metal goal post he pulled the collar of his coat closer to his face and waited for his amore to come.
It was a fifteen minute drive from the Liaison’s campus to Lakes and less than ten for Andrew to reach the main dorms. Inside he found his fellow students up to the usual shit. In the lounge some were watching TV while other’s played strip poker. A few nodded their heads in greetings but most ignored him. After all why would they want anything to do with someone carrying the contagious Coven Virus?
Jon’s dorm, which he shared with Sam, was a suite of five rooms on the top floor. It was one of the VIP dorms reserved for the more important sons of influential families of the Elected. Once Andrew had similar quarters but after he got infected the parents of the other students insisted he live off campus until he moved in with Aaron and the twins.
Racing up the stairs to Jon and Sam’s dorm he heard the heavy thud thud of rap music mixed in with the sound of a violin.
Seeing the door was open he barged in. He was in too foul a mood to bother knocking.
Sam, who’d been trying to play his violin to the beat of the blasting music went bug eyed when he saw Andrew rush inside. He knew all about the letters Jon had been sending Aaron and knew there would come the day with Andrew wouldn’t be able to stand it anymore. Not wanting to get involved, he darted to his room. Locked inside he went to the wall he shared with Jon’s room. Pressing his ear against it he waited with eager anticipation to hear the two go at it.
If he wanted to listen in, he got an ear full. Things must have gone south real quick because even before the shouting could start the section of the wall he was leaning against was blasted to pieces by one of Andrew’s kinetic attacks.
“Leave my fucking boyfriend the fuck alone!”
“He might be yours now but you know he’ll eventually end up with me.” Jon climbed out from a pile of broken wood and sheet rock. “Admit it the only reason he’s with you is because he doesn’t know better Covey.”
Andrew snarled he hated it when people called him by that name. Made his time with the Coven sound like a Cub Scout outing. “Covey? You’ll pay for that.”
With little concern for wreaking the place, he released another wave of kinetic Talent at Jon. Hitting Jon square into the chest, he was flung to the far outer brick wall.
“I am only going to ask you this once so listen carefully. Where’s Aaron?”
“Aaron? How should I know?”
Andrew pointed to one of the floor to ceiling window built into the wall. “Because he went out into that storm to meet you.”
“Meet me? In this weather?” Jon was hit by a sudden realization. “But… but he wasn’t supposed to find it until next week.”
“Find what Jon?” Andrew summoned his Talent and started using it to create a ball of visible kinetic energy. Creating ball lightening out of thin air was not the sort of feat any but the strongest kinetic Talents could achieve.
“Awww shit.” Sam raced for the door. As he struggled with the lock he felt the tingling of his scalp as his nappy hair picked up the growing static energy in the air. “Open god damn it!”
If Jon felt his life was in danger he didn’t show it. “Seem like I’m late for my date… toodles.” With a charge of speed he smashed through one of the fifth story window and out of sight.
Andrew screamed in frustration. Not only had Jon gotten away but by letting his jealousy get the better of him had proven what all the parents accused him of being… a Covey.
As the ball of static energy he had been forming could not be simply discharged he shot it out the window Jon had crashed through and into the storm. When the energy inside the ball fused with that of the storm the reaction caused rains of constant lightning crackling down in the area in and around the school.
Looking out at the chaos he had caused a part of him hoped Jon got hit by at least one bolt. As soon as that thought passed his mind he realized that Aaron could be out there too. Unlike Jon who had his physical Talent to protect him, a lighting strike could prove fatal for Aaron. He had to find him before it was too late.
The school authorities chose that moment to come barging in. Leading them was his brother Dr. Balthazar. Seeing his brother moving toward the shattered window he shouted; “Enough Andy! It’s time to end this.”
Andrew looked towards his brother with vacant eyes. “But Aaron… he’s out there. I… I got to save him. Got to stop Jon before he gets to him.”
“Jon is more than capable of taking care of himself. You however have taken your rivalry with Jon a step too far. Now get away from the window.”
“But Aaron…”
Up to that point Sam had thought he had seen the worst Andy was capable of. But when he felt the frigid air began to rapidly heat up he knew that things were about to get worse. “Shit… he’s converting!”
The headmaster noticed it too. “Andy you got to calm down. Calm down before it’s too late.”
“No… I got to stop Jon. Got to stop him before he steals Aaron from me.”
Greg knew that unless his brother got control of his emotions he would irreparably be consumed by the Coven virus. Out of all those present only one person had the Talent that could save him. “Sam, he’s losing control… do something!”
“Forgive me for asking sir but what the fuck do you want me to do.”
“You’re an empath, aren’t you? Use your Talent.”
“Damn… why didn’t I think of that?” Sam knew he had to act fast and hard. He couldn’t hope to stop Andy from converting with a slow change in his emotional state. The emotional force needed to be strong enough to overwhelm his rage. There was only one emotion that could overcome his anger and that was a state of total loss. Concentrating he focused his Talent on his target, instead of changing his emotions through positive energy he would us negative emotional energy and leave him unable to feel anything. Once he had enough built up he blasted the negative power into Andrew’s mind.
The negative energy soaked up and canceled every emotion Andrew had been feeling, leaving him an empty husk. Without his rage to fuel his Talent a sense of total exhaustion took hold. Before darkness and the cold could claim him he managed to whisper a single word. “Aaron.”
Jon knew all too well how dangerous an out of control kinetic could be. As one of the best duelist at the school he had fought against countless kinetics and other Talents. It was those who lost control of their emotions who were among the most dangerous. Andrew, coming from a family known for producing the strongest kinetics, was among the worst.
When the bolts of lightning came raining from the sky his increased the flow of his physical talent to strengthen the power and endurance of his legs. At the same time he increased the amount of hemoglobin in his blood to increase his level of oxygenation. With these adjustments he knew he could run 3 second 10 meter dash the length of the New York Marathon. With an out of control electrical storm strikes and Aaron out in an open field he was in terrible danger.
When he reached the park he raced straight to the pitch. There he found Aaron exactly where he asked him to meet him. With his enhanced vision he could see how terrified Aaron was. That he hadn’t run for safety was as stupid as it was endearing. Without missing a beat he tackled Aaron and pushed him away from the post just as a bolt struck the goal’s metal frame.
As fast as he could he grabbed Aaron and lifted him into his arms and raced towards the nearest structure he could find. Only when they were under the roof of one of the park’s gazebos did Jon stop long enough to catch his breath.
Looking at Aaron he saw he was soaked to the bone. He sure had to be freezing. Jon sat him on his lap, wrapped his body around him, and using his Talent did his best towards keeping the pair of them warm.
“Are you the one who’s been writing me all those letters?” Aaron asked.
Jon laughed. Of all the things Aaron could bring up the letters should be the last thing on his mind. “Yes… it’s been me all along. Sorry about being late but I didn’t expect you to find that particular letter until your class reached that chapter after tomorrow’s exam. I most certainly didn’t think you would come all this way in the middle of a storm.”
“But the letter said that if I didn’t come I would never hear from you again.”
“Damn it… I was only bluffing. If you want you can beat me up until I’m black and blue. Just don’t… don’t hate me. I could stand anything but that.”
“I don’t hate you. You spent so much time making me those paper animals I…” Aaron didn’t know what more to say. Though he couldn’t remember his name, Aaron recognized Jon from the night he and his grandma were almost killed. He had risked his life to save him that time as well. “I’m sorry that I don’t remember your name. That’s not very nice since you tried to save my life.”
“My name is Jon. And if I might say, you’re the nicest person I’ve ever let myself fall in love with.”
“Love with me?” Aaron blushed. He could feel a hiccup coming on.
“You don’t have to be in love with me yet. One day I hope when you get to know me you will. It’s just… damn it. This might sound stupid but I fell in love with you as soon as I first laid eyes on you.”
Aaron still couldn’t believe what he was hearing. There had not been many people he was sure did love him. His Grams would tell him she loved him each night before he went to bed. Andy would tell him he loved him often enough but not on the first day they met. There was no one Aaron could claim he loved more.
“Are you okay or am I coming on too strong?”
“I…” Aaron felt the warmth radiating from Jon’s body and was aroused. There was something about Jon that hit a certain button inside him. He wanted Jon to hold him. He wanted him to touch him. At that moment what he wanted most was for Jon to kiss him.
Jon wanted the same. Slowly kissing the back of Aaron’s scalp he could detect a faint whiff of shampoo.
Aaron turned his face around until their eyes met.
Jon could see there was both wonder and trepidation reflecting from those silver orbs. He placed a hand on each side of Aaron’s pale face. The skin was cold and clammy but soon warmed up. Jon could see and feel Aaron’s deep need for a guy like him. If he could see through Aaron’s goggles into his mirrored eyes Jon could see in the refection of his own need for Aaron.
They were two powerful magnets each drawn to the other. Separate they were nothing but together they would have the energy of a dynamo capable of powering the world with their not yet understood love.
Their lips met and both gasped. Jon slipped his tongue past Aaron’s lips and let it explore the taste and touch of the wet flesh inside.
Before either boy knew it Jon had cast off their clothes. Aaron found himself pinned beneath Jon’s hot heavily muscled body. Even as sleet began the tap like a snare drum on the roof neither felt the least bit cold. It anything their sweaty bodies show how heated they’d become.
“Oh god… you don’t know how much I’ve wanted this.” Jon whispered between kisses.
“I…” Aaron didn’t know what to say. How could he have wanted something so badly when he never knew such emotions could exist?
When Aaron felt being penetrated he nearly screamed. Soon however the intoxicating magnetism of their joined bodies had him wanting more.
Jon gave all he could and then some. He had fucked many other students but none had him so enthralled as Aaron. His tight hole, his begging for more, and the overwhelming feelings of elation such deep, penetrating physical contact caused sent him into a realm of pleasures that no one could would be able to match it .
“Oh god… oh god… oh god…” Jon yelled over and over, each time louder than before. Just as a bolt of lightning struck the metallic roof he hit his peak he let out an animalistic roar. As soon as the last reverberation of his vocal cords faded his sudden state of physical exhaustion sent him collapsing on top of his long wanted lover.
Aaron clung to Jon as if he as if he was his most valuable possession. He did not however lack a sense of guilt. Though they had never spoken on the subject he was sure Andy would not forgive him quickly or easily.
That was how Dr. Balthazar found them… naked in the freezing weather clinging to one another as if their lives depended on it. As the two were led away he debated what their punishment would be. Later on that night the storm would punish Aaron more than the headmaster ever could.
After they had fucked each other senseless, Frank when to the bathroom to wash off the sweat and cum. As he stood under the shower he noticed the stall was starting to fill up. Checking the drain he saw it was clogged up with hair. No matter. He’ll have Fred clean the mess in the morning.
As he dried off he noticed his reflection. He saw a big fat zit between his eyebrows. Unable to stop himself he popped it. Chunks of black puss spray on the mirror. That was different. No matter he would have Fred wipe down the mirror in the morning… after he fucked him again of course.
Going back to bed he snuggled up to his brother. Fred stank. He certainly could do with a shower. When Frank couldn’t stand the smell any more he left the bed and flopped himself down on the sofa in the common room. Even away from his brother he could smell the stench. He too would need to take a shower in the morning… the two of them could take one at the same time. It would give them more time to fuck.
Though he tossed and turned he wasn’t able to fall asleep. He worried he would be too tried to stay awake in class but when the light from rising sun began to pour into the room he didn’t feel the least bit fatigued. Reminding himself he needed to take another shower he raced back to the bathroom to find his brother was already there.
Fred was on the floor his head looking up at his reflection on the mirror. Looking at his brother Frank saw he was in bad shape. His body was covered with zits. Half his hair had fallen up. There were dark rings around his now sunken eyes. Frank could hear his sobs but no tears stained his sore covered face.
Fred turned to face his brother. “We shouldn’t have taken so many of those pills Frank. Look what they’ve done to us.”
Fred continued to talk but Frank had stopped listen when his brother said ‘us’ He looked at his reflection in the mirror and screamed.
Nearby another pair of twins found themselves in grave danger, but they, unlike their brothers, had lost the ability to speak.
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you.
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