Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you.
The Talents of the Fallen - 2. Part Two: The Master's Favorite
Chapter Two: The Master’s Favorite
The light was painfully bright, so much so that Aaron quickly covered his eyes with both hands.
“The shades, god damn it!” Landon shouted. Hal rushed past the bed to the set of barred floor to ceiling windows and pulled the curtains down. “The glasses too.” He pointed to the case on the dresser. Hal handed them dark goggle like sunglasses. Carefully he pulled Aarons hands away from his eyes and slipped the glasses on. “You can open your eyes now.”
Apprehensive Aaron cracked open his left eye, then the right. Seeing the lights had dimmed, he opened them all the way. Landon sat on the edge of his king size bed. His naked body was covered with a sheen of sweat.
Aaron looked into Landon’s eyes. He couldn’t tell of he was mad at him or shocked of his unexpected appearance. “I…”
“Shhh… I’m certain you have a good explanation for being here but….”
“I do. I really do!”
“”But it cannot compare to my never wanting you to see me like this.”
“Well, that’s partly it. The mansion is no place for a boy your age. But here you are and nothing can change that. Care to tell me why?”
“They’re going to kill you?”
“They? Do you happen to know their names?”
“No but they’ve already killed one boy.”
“I can tell you’ve had quite the adventure today. Tell me what happened from the beginning.” When Aaron was done Landon laid back on the bed. “Why me?” He groaned.
“I don’t know. I don’t understand why anyone would want to kill anyone.”
“I don’t know either. It’s all part of a game they’re desperate to win. As a Proctor I’m closer to winning than most my age. They think that by taking my life they’ll also be able to take my place as one of the Master’s favorites. That’s not how it works. It doesn’t matter how many they throw at me. Even if they do manage to kill me they’ll only prove how weak they are. No… by they will only make themselves a target for elimination.”
“E-lim-in-ation?” Aaron had never heard the word before. “Do you mean if they kill you someone will kill them?”
“My fellow Proctors might not like me but they certainly don’t want a group of inferior upstarts trying to eliminate them like they are with me. The attempt alone will earn them a trip to the butchers.”
Landon, who had been taken at an older age, had enjoyed some schooling. Poor Aaron on the other hand would be kept ignorant until the Master said otherwise. “Never mind… forget I said that.” Landon went to his desk and opened the bottom drawer. “Look since you’re already up here I might as well give you this.” He took out a slice of chocolate cake from the drawer.
Hal took in a sharp breath. He looked at Proctor with a confused look. “Cake?”
Landon ignored him. He handed Aaron the plate and a plastic fork. “Eat up.”
Aaron peeled off the cellophane. He placed the tips of the fork into the icing but not into the cake itself. He felt his mouth salivate with anticipation.
Landon laughed. “Go on.”
Aaron plunged the fork the rest of the way through. As he took his first bite he felt like he stepped into heaven. The taste of dark rich cocoa mixed with sugar, flour, eggs, milk and butter. Between the two layers of the cake was sweet raspberry crème. It was perfect. Before he knew it he was scraping the plate for the last remaining crumbs.
Landon ruffled Aaron’s wavy hair. “I take it you liked it?”
“Very much, thank you.”
Hal sighed with relief.
“Don’t mention it. I mean that… don’t tell anyone.”
“But why?”
“Because I want it to be our secret. There is something else. From now on I don’t want you to eat any meat.”
“No meat?”
“No meat. Eggs, milk, cheese and fish are fine but otherwise only fruit, nuts, and vegetables.”
“But why?”
“Because I said so.” There was coldness in his voice. “You do trust me don’t you?”
“More than anyone.”
“Then you will have to trust me in this. No meat.” He ruffled Aaron hair. He then turned to Hal. “Do you think you can get him back safely?”
“Should not be too hard.”
“Good… I have a second favor to ask.”
“What sort of favor.” Hal asked when Landon didn’t say more.
“That’s the hard part. I cannot tell you in advance. You’ll know what I’m asking you to do without me having to tell you.”
“Is that why you gave him ‘that’ cake.”
Landon pulled Aaron to him and gave him a noogy. “What can I say? The boy likes cake.”
Aaron protested against the rough treatment “Hey… let me go!”
“Eh? Just playing with ya.” There was a knock on the door. Everyone jumped. “Get behind the curtains.” Aaron nodded and hurried off. There was a second knock. Landon grabbed Hal by the straps of his overalls and flung him on the bed. He then tore the clothes off him.
“Open the god damn door Landon. The Master sent me.”
“One moment Gary.” He gave Hal a studious examination. “Look awestruck.” Hal didn’t need to be told. He was already taken aback by the man’s aggression. Landon went to the door and unlocked it.
Gary was about the same six foot height and platinum blond hair as Landon but was broader around the shoulders. He was dressed in a black skin suit. “What took you so long?” He peered over Landon’s shoulder and saw Hal lying half stripped on the bed. “Slumming eh?”
“It never hurts to see how the others live. Now what’s this about the Master wanting to see me?”
“You got to be kidding. You do know what today is, right?”
“Cake Day, I know…” Landon did little to hide his disapproval.
“How else are the weak to be shifted from the strong?
“It’s barbaric.”
“Such is the will of the Master, eh? As it is a Cake Day he wants to see you.”
“Give me a chance to get dressed.”
“No need. You’re fine as you are.”
“Master might be but I’m not fine with it.”
“Then be quick about it.” Gary snapped. He threw a nearby bathrobe at Landon.
Landon didn’t bother hurrying. Instead of putting on the robe he took his time dressing up in a low collared black uniform. Only when the last button was in place did he head for the door. “Now I’m ready.”
“Damn it Landon. It is your disregard for the Master that will get you killed.”
“The Master knows me well enough by now. If he wanted me dead he would have had one of you kill me long ago. Lead the way.” When he locked the door Gary frowned. Most in the Complex didn’t bother to lock their door. “Don’t want anyone else slumming with my new toy.”
“You and your egalitarian nonsense. You’ve even lowered yourself to playing big brother for that useless brat.”
Landon grabbed Gary by the throat with the invisible force of his Talent. “He’s not useless.” Gary tried to speak but found he couldn’t. His eyes went wide and skin flushed red then purple. Landon didn’t let go into Gary’s eyes fluttered. “Do we understand?”
“Yes… I’ll do whatever you want.”
“I want the boy to live. One way or another he will even if that means killing pathetic weaklings such as you.”
“Of course Proctor.”
They took the elevator to the top floor cupola residence of the Master. Waiting for them were the six other Proctors, their forty two Prefects and eighty four trustees. They, like, Landon had taken the time to dress in their formal uniforms.
Landon ushered Gary out with a dismissive hand. Once the door was closed he went to one knee. “Proctor 5 presenting himself to the Master.”
“The Master recognizes the 5th Proctor. He may join the others.”
With a sense of deep calm he slowly made his way to the front row with the other Proctors. Before them stood the Master. He had sliver white hair, pale flawless skin, and bright blue eyes. He appeared to be no older than in his mid-twenties.
The Master gazed at his devoted followers with a sense of pride. Once they had been terrified babes… crying for their mothers. How they had grown. They were now strong, proud and of their own free will willing to give their lives for their Master’s cause. Once they had hated their beloved Master. Now they loved him as a god. “My beloved men… another year has passed, another class has graduated, and another slice of cake is to be served.
Up in the domed copula holographic security camera showed footage of the dining halls one of which was Aaron group. “Cake, cake, cake, cake!” The children pounded on the table with their forks. On the higher floors cake was also being passed around.
“You hear them boys?” The Master laughed. “They want their cake. Shall we give it to them?”
“Let them eat cake!” All the older boys shouted.
“Cake for everyone!” The Master spun around like a whirling dervish.
On cue the supervisors watching the children began handing out plates of rich, moist, red velvet cake. When the last child had been served they all bowed and gave thanks to the Master for his gracious kindness. They dug in.
It started civil enough. The children laughed about their good fortune for none of them had ever enjoyed cake before. They took one bite at a time. Fruit punch was then passed around which the kids drank eagerly. It was all going so well.
Then nightmare began. It began as soon as the first kid finished his cake. He looked at the boy sitting next to him and saw he had cake left. Not satisfied with the one piece he had he grabbed what was left of the piece and scarfed it down. The other boy began to cry but the supervisors did not intervene. The bigger boy next stole his punch. When the smaller boy tried to snatch it back the thief hit him in the eye.
Still not satisfied the large boy stole the cake and punch of the next boy and then the next. It was as if a rabid hunger had taken hold of the boy. Soon enough however the boys who he had robbed attacked him in mass. Outnumbered the big boy screamed for the supervisors for help but just as they had not helped the boys he had stolen from they didn’t stop them from beating him. Soon enough all the boys were fighting. Even when there was no cake left they kept going at each other’s throats. Eventually it became clear that the seven year olds were killing each other.
If anyone in the copula seemed disturbed by what they saw none of them dared show it. Some were placing bets on which boy would survive. When one boy bit into the throat of another there was a burst of celebratory cheering. The child was eating the other boy.
“Separating the chaff from the wheat… right my young man.” The Master asked. Somehow he had approached Landon without him noticing. Landon hadn’t realized that he had let the expected expression ecstatic exaltation to one of pure terror.
“Yes Master… of course.”
“Come with me.” The Master wrapped an arm around Landon and led him to his private quarters. As the door closed behind them cake was being served to the others.
Knowing he had crossed a line Landon fell to his knees and begged for mercy. “Forgive me Master.”
“Forgive you… and here I was going to apologize to you. It is not every Cake Day that one of my Proctors goes pale during the feeding. Very strange indeed.”
“Please Master… tell me what I can do to fix this. I will do anything… just ask.”
“Yes Master… anything.”
“I can think of several things but we both know what I really want. It’s something you want just as bad.” The Master undid the belt that held his robe in place. He let it drop to the ground. No one knew how old the Master was, centuries ago he had learned how to extend his life indefinitely. Later he developed the talent to reverse his physical aging.
With the robe removed Landon could see the rippling fold of hard muscle and sinew. His face and hair gave him the chiseled appearance of a handsome man in his mid-forties. The rest of him possessed the broad shoulders and narrow waist and deep definition of a young professional athlete. The half hard ten inch cock the swayed between his massive thighs dripped with sticky precum. “Well my son… does the sight of my body please you?”
“Ye… yes my Master.” The reasoning part of Landon’s mind was repulsed by the sight, but the animalistic beast within all men ached to submit to the Master’s possessive touch.
“Now it’s your turn… let me see if what I find pleases me just as much.”
Without a moment of resistance Landon stripped down to nothing. The mix of excitement and fear had every muscle bulging from tension.
The Master examined his Proctor with a critical gaze. Going to a draw he took out a crystal decanter filled with scented oil. To warm the oil he placed it near the heat coming from the roaring flames of one of the room’s many fireplaces. While he waited for the oil to reach the right temperature he continued to speak. “You have pleased me in the past but there is much you must do to convince me you will continue to do so now and in the future.”
“I am yours to command Master. Take my body. It belongs to you.”
“I accept. In return for giving me your flesh, what can I give you in return?”
“There’s this boy…”
“Ah… someone’s stolen the heart of my dear Proctor.”
“No Master… it’s not like that.”
“How can it not be? You would not bring him up if you had no feelings toward him.”
“He’s just a kid... and I don’t feel the way you think.”
“But that doesn’t mean that one day you won’t. Tell me, you wish for him to be your pet… to train and care for?”
“I do but not in the sense you think.” The idea that he had any romantic or sexual feelings toward Aaron made him sick.
“I know your heart better than you. I was the one who created it… shaped it, and paced it to have perfect beat. There is no need to pretend you don’t want him. If he is as young as you suggest you might want to claim him later. Between now and then you could train him in how… shall we say best to serve his master.”
“It’s not like that!”
“Then what is it!” The Master roared. His face had twisted from that of a benign father into one of ancient hatred and evil. Knowing he had lost control he took a deep breath and went back to being the benevolent mentor he wished the world to see him as. “You love this boy, no?”
“I do.”
“Then you must know that one day it will be physically manifested. That is the way it is among the Elected. You cannot fight your true nature. At first you will love the boy like a father or older brother but as he matures and reaches adulthood those benign feelings will begin to change. When he is a man you will feel towards him as any man among the Elected would. Deny it if you wish but your know I’m right.”
“It’s not like that! I don’t want the boy as a pet I want you to set him free.”
“Set him free? I am surprised… nay confused. If the boy means so much to you why would you want to send him away?”
Because he doesn’t belong here. He doesn’t have Talent so he’s not one of the Elected… not one of us. Without the Talent he is nothing but food to feed on Cake Day. I beg you… let him go.”
“If he is not among the Elected then he is of no use to me. Very well, sate my hunger for your flesh and I will let him go. If you do not then he will be left to the cooks. Are we agreed?”
“Yes Master…” Landon knew the ebbs and flow of the Master’s many sexual hungers. He had found himself in this sort of situation before and had never failed to meet the Master’s expectations. This time however he would have to do more than meet them… he would have to take the worst the Master was capable over.
Taking the decanter from the Master he loosened the crystal stopper and began to pour the heated oil over the Master’s body. When he had used half of it he set the decanter down. With both hands he rubbed the oil over the Master’s body, squeezing, massaging, and tickling every part of his body with all the skill he could muster.
At some preset point they switched roles. The Master took the oil and slicked Landon’s body with it. His touch was harder and more probing. When he reached Landon’s shaved groin he grabbed the sack of Landon’s balls and gave them a hard yank. Landon let out a shout, part pain, and part pleasure. The Master then took the young man’s cock and squeezed it, squeezed until the head of the penis had turned purple.
Landon’s cock swelled with blood with every touch. When it was engorged the Master took firm hold of it and guided Landon to the piled of furs in front of the fires. He shoved Landon onto his back. Joining him on the furs he straddles his legs between Landon’s shoulders. The Master’s dick, ten inches in length, bounced against Landon’s lips with each breath each took.
Landon took a taste of the mixture of scented oil and precum that stained his lips. The moment he took the first taste he gasped. The oil was drugged, but then it always was. While his mouth hung open the Master took advantage of the opening and slid his cock inside and down Landon’s throat.
The drug contained a mixture of muscle relaxant and sexual stimulator. Together they relaxed the muscles lining the throat as well melting away any remaining resistance with blinding sexual hunger.
The Master thrust forward and back, up and down Landon’s throat. Landon check’s stayed caved in and his tongue remained in constant motion. It was when the Master had shoved all of it down to the root and he shot his load.
The Master however was not so easily stated. Without losing a beat he pulled out and signaled Landon to go on all fours. Landon… feeling hollow and empty without the massive cock in his mouth was all too eager to have the Master’s dick shoved into his ass.
With his dick as hard as it had been before he shot his first load, the Master didn’t bother to give Landon a chance to adjust to his length and girth. With a single thrust he shoved all then inches in at once.
Landon screamed as he felt his insides being stretched apart but he didn’t pull away. The Master didn’t like it when his lovers tried to struggle. Landon wouldn’t have even if he wanted to. The two had always had a connection, one that both found irresistible. This Master reveled in their shared attraction and had showered Landon with increased rank and privileges. Everyone in the Coven knew it was only a matter of time before Landon was named one of the Master’s Chosen.
Each time the Master summoned him to his bed, the reason and emotional parts of his brained dueled with one another. The reasoning part of him hated being the Master’s favorite. The emotional part… the part that fueled both lust and love, always caused his heart to quicken each time the Master called for him. In this battle between mind and soul his emotions always won out. Like all in the Coven he had been raised to hunger for the Master’s love and the Master had made it clear that out of all his followers he loved Landon most of all.
How could Landon claim otherwise? Out of all his followers he was the only one who could dare challenge the Master’s will and not be sent to the butchers for it. Both knew of countless examples of him not following orders or acting directly against the Master and yet he didn’t just continue to live but prospered.
It continued to remain a mystery as to why the Master favored him. The Master often took followers to his bed, some of them more often than himself, yet the Master made it known to all that out of all of them, he, Landon, was first among them. Why would that be true if the Master didn’t love him, want him, cherish him.
With a final deep thrust the Master’s load exploded deep in Landon’s ass. There was then a pause, where the only sounds that could be heard were their heavy breathing and the roar of the flames. By this point the fire had heated up their oil coated bodies so that every part of their bodies that touch burned pain and pleasure at those spots.
Though Landon had yet to cum once he knew the Master’s sexual endurance made him capable of as many as a dozen organisms without any softening of his manhood. The pause was not so he could recover but so the Mater could debate if he would give Landon sexual release or continue taking all the pleasure for himself.
Having reached a decision he flipped Landon back onto his back and rolled him on his side. Lying next to his head to tail, he took his follower’s cock in his mouth while Landon took back the Master’s inside his.
The Master never said how Landon compared to the others on specific sexual acts. He would only say that out of all his lovers he found fucking him the most rewarding. When the Master deep throated him however Landon had taken any man who could compare. The Master sucked and licked with such ferocity that it could only compare to a man dying of thirst trying to draw water from a thin but long straw. He wanted Landon’s cum inside him and he wanted it now. Against such a demand Landon was always surprised how long he could hold out but cum he did.
He felt his cock pulse twelve times, each pulse sending him to levels of pleasure he could experience with no other man. When the spasms stopped he felt his cock slid out of the Master’s mouth. The Master, not yet done with his Favorite, licked the sides and head of the spent cock like a sweating popsicle stick.
As was always the case, Landon couldn’t continue to keep up. He was spent. With the lust that had fueled his sexual hunger melting away he let the Master’s cock slip out. If the Master was disappointed that Landon couldn’t continue he did speak of it.
Landon hoped he had pleased the Master because only then would the Master consider letting Aaron go.
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you.
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