Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you.
The Talents of the Fallen - 20. Part Twenty: Confronting the Truth
Chapter Twenty: Confronting the Truth
When Aaron was made comfortable Greg moved on to more serious business. After a few calls to his father and other higher ups on the Council he soon assembled an ambassadorial level mission to Chicago’s Chosen.
Without warning he and twelve councilmen marched into the old Sears Tower and took the elevator to the 70th floor. There they were met by the Chosen and his top aides.
Landon was not at all amused by their sudden appearance. “Well gentlemen… I wish you called ahead. We could have provided your esteem selves a proper reception.”
The Speaker of the Chicago Council, none other than Jon’s father, spat on the marble floor. “Enough of this nonsense Chosen. You know exactly why we’re here”
Landon look disapprovingly at the spittle then and the Councilman. “Speaker Omicron, you at least should have told me you were coming. The Master would have wanted to greet you himself.
“And where pray tell is the Master?” Talia had cast off her high school persona for that of her noble ladyship. “The Order would also like to meet him.”
Talia might have never been introduced to him but Landon knew her by reputation. She was cold, calculating, and her father’s chief minion. With her incredible mental Talent she was a force to be reckoned with. “You dare much by bringing a member of the Order, Lord Omicron. If you are here under the auspices of the Council we can reach some sort of accommodation but you will get nothing from me so long as you harbor the genocidal mass murder in your company.”
“Like you cannibals are so much better.” Talia laughed.
“Talia… Greaves… Neil… and the rest of you can wait for us in the lobby.” Breg Omicron barked.
“This will not be the end of this Chosen.” Talia warned.
“Yes, but it will be the Coven who will end you Lady Talia.” The Chosen retorted. She represented everything he had been raised to despise in the Order. An imperialistic, pseudo-intellectual, genocidal, bigot who would see every Untalented man woman and child sent to the crematoriums.
Once the Speaker and the headmaster were alone with the Chosen, Landon’s glare softened. “I know why you’re hear headmaster. May I offer my deepest condolences for the death of those two poor children?”
“Are you trying to be condescending or are you that unaware as to why we’re here.”
“None of the above sir… If we can go somewhere more private I’m certain we can reach…” The Chosen paused. He looked at the headmaster as if he caught sight of something. He sensed something he was unsure was really there. The matter needed further investigating. “If I may, I know Lord Omicron, you’re here at Dr. Balthazar’s request. I think we can cut to the chase if he and I were to deal with each other directly. Kate?”
“Yes sir.” His chief aid walked towards them.
“Clear the rest of my schedules for the day… include the next three days as well. A situation has come up that needs my personal attention.” He tried not to sound too predatory but failed miserably. He could not always hide the aggressive persona the Master had engrained in him.
“I can take care of it if you wish.” The offer was almost an order. Landon gave her a look she knew too well. “Of course Mr. Casper. I’ll cancel all your appointments and reschedule them for next week.”
“Let Dean handle those. I just need you to make sure things do not fall apart while I’m gone. I will want a full report of your activities when I get back. A full report mind you.” Landon trusted Kate as much as anyone should trust Talia. By this point he knew she was the one the Master had placed to keep tabs on his rebellious Chosen.
“Of course Mr. Casper… I will see to it right away.” Kate didn’t attempt to hide she was grinding her teeth.
“See that Lord Omicron is made comfortable.” He told Dean as he led Greg away. “If you will follow me Dr. Balthazar.” Landon led Greg back to the elevators. Taking out a key card. He slid it though a card reader. Soon the elevator was taking them up to his private quarters.
“If I might say so you don’t seem to trust your employees. Is that common in the Coven.” Greg knew it was all too true but couldn’t miss the opportunity to throw it in the Chosen’s face.
“You mean Kate? I trust all my people. She happens not be one of mine. Do you trust Talia.”
“One can chose one’s friends not always your family. But back to Kate… why do you let her work for you.”
“Because I haven’t come up with a legitimate excuse to get rid of her.”
“Does that mean I should be dealing with her?”
“No… she would have you eating your cousins if she thought she could get away with it. I make all the decisions for the Coven in this region but that doesn’t mean the Master doesn’t keep a close eye on me.”
“But I thought the Coven was one big happy family.”
Andrew grabbed Greg by the collar and lifted him off his feet with one hand. “You know nothing about my family. Nothing…”
“You’re right I don’t.” Greg heard the stories of what the Master had his followers do to prove their loyalty to him. Before he knew it he found himself pinned to a wall the Chosen sucking the air out of his lung through his hard pressed lips.
“I feel it in you.” The Chosen whispered while he waited for Greg to catch his breath.
“Feel what?”
“Me… or at least a part of me I thought I lost.” Landon kissed Greg again. “I want you. I need you.” Landon looked at their tented pants and grinned. “And you want me too.” Landon had long assumed himself broken. Inside Greg, however, was a part of his rebellious consciousness that had escaped the Master’s notice. If he could gain access to its faint embers its sparks could free him. The very chance of regaining his freedom was sending blood rushing to his groin.
Greg was taken aback. “What the hell are you talking about?” They kissed a third time. “And who the hell are you?” He felt the Chosen’s mind undo both their belts. With his passions rising rapidly he felt as if his mind had entered a hot steam bath. “What the hell are you doing to me?”
“I could ask you the same thing.” Landon pressed down on Greg’s shoulders and pushed him down to his knees. “Take it. It’s what you want. It’s what you’ve always wanted.”
Greg looked at the hot piece of flesh jutting from the Chosen’s groin. His mouth watered. He wanted, no needed to taste, lick and suck that stick of male flesh dripping wet with precum
The Chosen was more than willing to give it to him. He shoved all nine inches down Greg’s throat which the headmaster accepted greedily. “That’s it… suck it… suck it dry.”
Mad with lust Greg could only obey. He had never been with a man who could compel him to so easily obey. He wanted the Chosen… He needed him… He had to have him. Still common sense held him from plunging into the abyss. “Wha.. what about the virus?”
Landon raised Greg back up. “Does it really matter?” He forced their lips together and released a hot breath into Greg’s lungs.
“Yes… yes it does matter.” Greg stood at the cliff’s edge. One inch further and he would be under the thrall of the Chosen.
“Then I’ll let you in on a secret. I don’t have it. At least not the Master’s virus.”
Landon forced another kiss on the headmaster. He could feel the man’s resistance was nearly broken. “I don’t have it.”
“You’re immune?” Greg felt his knees begin to wobble and shake. “How?”
“Because I’m special… you’re special… my… my brother is special.” He reached down and cupped Greg’s balls. He jiggled them with his fingers.”
The Chosen slammed Greg back against the wall. He pressed his body against his. Aye… I have a brother. The Master thought I killed him when he had me kill my mother. After the fire I wasn’t sure if he still lived. With you and your beautiful mind in my grasp I know he has.
Somehow Greg knew instinctively who the Chosen was referring to. “Aar…” Before he could finish saying the word Landon silenced him with a soul stealing kiss.
“My brother…” Landon grabbed a fist worth of Greg’s hair and pulled his head back. “Do not lie… I know you know where he is.”
“Where is he? Is he a student?”
“Ye… yes. Please… please.” Greg had thought himself among the more powerful members of the Elected but this man… this Chosen was making his way through his mind like a hot knife through soft butter.
“Please? Please? Please I don’t take him. Or are you worried I will take this.” He thrust his cock between Greg’s thighs, the burning hot meat rubbed against Greg’s rising balls. “Away from you.”
“Both…” Greg groaned.
“You Order men… always deny yourself the fruits of your gifts. You’re too busy killing those you see as impure to see how much fun you can have with them.” Landon flipped Greg around. With his ass now exposed, he pulled the headmaster’s hips back. He squeezed and pulled the cheeks apart. “Want to know what it’s like to get fucked by one of the Master’s Chosen.”
“Yes… yes… I want it. I want it.”
Landon slipped a digit past the headmaster’s pink pucker. “Like this?”
“More… more.”
He slid in a second finger. “How about this.”
“Yes… More!”
“More…” Landon slid the fingers out and stepped back.
“Wha… what are you doing?”
“Agonizing isn’t it. You want what I got and I’ll give it to you but first you must earn it.”
Greg screamed with frustration. He pounded on the marble walls. How could this asshole do this to him? He had gotten him hot… so very hot only to dump a bucket of artic water on his lust. “What do you want from me?”
“What I want.” Landon went back to Greg. “What I want…” He flipped him over so they could look in each other’s eyes. “What I want is for you to tell me everything.” He grabbed Greg’s cock. “Everything.” He went down on his knees. “Everything you know about my brother.” He swallowed Greg’s cock whole.
“Oh god…” Consumed by pleasure and lust Greg could do nothing to prevent the Chosen from rampaging through his head for everything he knew about Aaron. Once he possessed every detail he gave Greg what he really wanted.
With cock in hand Landon took the headmaster to the bedroom. He threw him on the bed raised his legs up. Once he had spit on his cock and rubbed it along the shaft he slid all nine inches into the headmaster’s ass.
Greg moaned. Since finishing college he had rarely let anything inside there, not even Ryan. The Chosen however had him wanting it, begging for it, willing to surrender his soul for it. Landon gave him what he wanted and took all he wanted as payment.
After years of sating the Master’s lusts, Landon knew how to please a man. Being allowed to lead his own region he learned how to use the same skill to enslave lesser men to him. The headmaster was no lesser man for Landon wanted him almost as much as Greg wanted the Chosen. He could not help but unleash the full force of his sexual hunger on the poor man.
He would not make a slave of this one. People would start asking questions. He needed Greg almost as much as Greg needed him. Greg ran Lakes and Aaron was now a student there. As headmaster Greg could protect Aaron in ways Landon wasn’t prepared to.
With each pounding of Greg’s ass Landon increased the man’s devotion to him. Wanting it. Needing it. He kept fucking Greg until he couldn’t withstand it a second more.
Landon pulled out. Standing on the bed he helped Greg sit up. Landon fed his cock down Greg’s throat and let it accept his load.
Greg accepted each and every drop greedily yet still hungered for more.
Landon too hungered for a taste of the headmaster’s spunk. Kneeling off the edge of the bed, he pulled Greg toward him by his balls. Sucking on his dick he squeezed the cum out from his sac.
Spent and exhausted Greg fell back on the bed.
Landon soon lay on top of him. “Had fun?”
“God… did I ever.”
“Want to do it again.”
“Oh man… yes, but not right now. You need to give me some time to recuperate.”
“I could teach you ways to increase your stamina. Interested?”
“Maybe… ask me later.”
“I’m asking you now.” Landon ran his fingers down the man’s ribs.
“No… don’t think I would want to be more than human.”
“Are you saying I’m superhuman?”
Landon rolled off. It was time to be serious. “There is something in your head.”
“It’s call my brain. Or what’s left of it after you pillaged it.”
“It’s inside your brain… buried deep without your subconsciousness. It hasn’t been there long but one day it will destroy you.”
“You mean you?”
“I mean the part of me Ms. Mays planted inside your mind.”
“Did you really think my brother managed to escape the Coven without my help?”
“No. I’m certain he had help. I assumed that person was Ms. Mays’s son.”
“Hal Mays was nothing but a low Talent Blip. He was the janitor. I used him to protect my brother. The same was true of this Ms. Mays. It’s now true for you. You do know what happened to the former two.”
“They… they committed suicide. Will that happen to me?”
“To be honest I don’t know. Hal and Mary were two weak untrained Talents. You on the other hand among the strongest. I cannot say for sure how the possession will affect you.”
“Possession? I’m possessed.” Greg had heard of such forms of autonomous mind control. He had never heard of a possession being infectious.
“Yes… When we first met I sense the possession in you. That’s how I knew you must have come in contact with my brother.”
“Your brother really is Aaron?”
“Yes. The possession I created was designed to cause those possessed to do whatever it takes to keep my brother safe from the Master. When they find themselves unable to continue being his protector the possessed looks for someone else to pass the possession to. Once it has, the person previously possessed kill themselves for they have no longer have a reason to live. I don’t like leaving behind evidence of my tampering I take it that Hal killed himself when he passed Aaron to his mother?”
“Yes… from what we can tell she fled Bay Bulls a few days later.”
“As the possession would want her to do. Now you are possessed and are now experiencing… conflicting emotions concerning my brother.”
“I…” Greg didn’t want to admit to this man that he would become aroused around his brother.
“Do not worry about lusting after him. You have me to sate your lust. I created the possession so Aaron would not be made to endure what I have from the Master. If I hadn’t then I would have been given the task of breaking Aaron. I do not want my brother to be broken. Not by me. Most of all not by the Master.”
“Who was your mother?”
“She… well. Aaron takes after her more than I do. You’ve learned about his special Talent?”
“I first thought he was a Null Talent but now I don’t know.”
“No. Aaron is not a Null Talent. The Master does have special assassination units made up of outlawed Nulls. Of course so does the Order but Aaron is not one of them. No… he’s something else and so am I. Maybe that’s why I’ve been able to resist the Master… why I have yet to be fully broken.”
“I’ve heard stories of what you’re able to do.”
“And you don’t see Aaron having the same power? He has never been taken by the Master… never been broken. Only when one is broken can one access one’s true power. You, a son of the head of the Order know that. I don’t want my brother to ever know what it’s like to be broken. I…” His throat tightened up just thinking what might happen to his brother.
“I take it you don’t want Aaron to know his brother is alive?”
“No… not yet at least. Lord… he doesn’t even know he has any family left.”
“What about the possession. Is there any way to get rid of it?”
“I can change its nature so that if it ever leaves for another you won’t try to kill yourself. The feelings… the wanting… will never go away and will only grow stronger. Just your contact with him has me wanting to keep you.”
“You can keep me!” Greg wanted to shout. Instead he whispered; “Is it also why you can have me begging for your touch?”
The Chosen laughed. “It will one day have us both begging.” He patted Greg on the back. “I’ve cleared my schedule for the next three days. “We could… you know.” The petting evolved into caresses.
Greg wasn’t sure what Landon was suggesting but he had an itching feeling he did. “Elope?”
“Think about it… a Chosen of the Coven marries a Prince of the Order. Wouldn’t make great press.”
“Well… don’t you think our families would protest?”
“I have no family I would care to tell. You?”
“None that I care for.”
Landon climbed on top Greg. Laying down he made sure his quickly swelling cock ran up the middle of the headmaster’s ass. “Ready for more.”
“Oh god…”
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you.
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