Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you.
The Talents of the Fallen - 23. Part Twenty-Two: Paying One's Way
Chapter Twenty-Two: Paying One’s Way
Looking at the clock Aaron slipped out of bed, got dressed and left the apartment. In the parking lot he found a car waiting for him. Knocking on the tinted driver side window, it was lowered. He recognized the driver. “Ryan?”
“Get in you silly kid.”
Aaron walked around to the passenger side and hopped in. As soon as the door was locked he turned to face Ryan only to run into his lips. They kissed.
Get your seatbelt on and we’ll be on our way.” Ryan ordered. Once Aaron was buckled in, he stepped on the gas and raced away from the school. “You’ll find your clothes in the backseat.”
“Thanks.” As they drove Aaron stripped down to nothing. Reaching for the back seat he picked up a Nordstrom’s bag. “He wants me to put this on?” Aaron held out a black jockstrap.
“No… I want you to put it on.” Ryan removed his hand from the gearshift and placed it on Aaron’s inner thigh. He gave it a squeeze.
“Don’t start something you’re not willing to finish.” Aaron warned.
“Well I could take you back to my place and…”
“Tempting but no… Got to pay the bills.”
“Awww… and here I thought you loved me.”
“I do sir… but Dr. Balthazar loves you more.”
“And he loves you.”
“He only thinks he does.”
“That hasn’t stopped him from trying.”
It had all started soon after Aaron’s 17th birthday. He and Captain Harper had been dancing around the issue for months. Neither knew what to do about it. They both wanted the other to make the first move.
As Aaron had no money of his own he had found himself depending on the generosity of others. Each summer the Balthazar brothers would spend three months on a private Pacific island off the coast of Fiji. Last summer Andrew had talked Greg into inviting the entire dueling team.
One night, when Ryan had taken the boys out to one of the main islands for the weekend. Aaron and Greg found themselves alone. Greg would always accuse Ryan for having set things up but to this day he continued to deny it.
Greg and Aaron had ended up lying on the beach, looking up the stars. Greg was about to point out the Southern Cross when Aaron surprised him with a kiss.
When the others came back neither man gave any hint of what they had been doing while they had been away. Ryan knew and soon as he made sure Aaron knew he knew. Soon enough the two of them went to the main island by themselves and had their own chance to get to know each other. This time when he and Aaron retuned everyone knew exactly what the two of them had been doing.
Once dressed Aaron put his old clothes into the bag which he tossed into the back. Opening the glove compartment he found a red felt box which had his mask. As these get-togethers were seen as taboo, wearing masks was considered essential if not stylish. Aaron’s mask was black with white spots, marking him as a Blip. The mask Ryan would wear would be completely black. Full Talents wore white while those among the Elected nobility had the privilege of wearing gold masks.
Aaron knew how important these social outings were for Ryan. Being the closest thing to a spouse Greg had at the moment it pained them both that they had to keep their relationship secret from Greg’s family.
Aaron, for his part, enjoyed the chance to be among young men as confused and amazed by the secret world they found themselves in as he. He hated to admit it to Jon and Andy but he found he could be more true to himself among the Untalented. Among them at least he didn’t have to worry what effect brushing against them might have.
As Chicago was a Council city it was littered with real-estate own by this or that member of the Elected. Many of these places were left available for the use of the Elected as a whole. Some however… like the place Aaron was going to were not so widely known.
Tonight’s party was taking place at the Jon Hancock Building in downtown Chicago. Among those Talented who mingles with their lessers, it was known that the lease was jointly held by Talented and Untalented businessmen. The hosts of this party ran an investment business on two midlevel floors and owned the two three-story penthouses at the top. The party was to take place in both condos.
After they had parked in the underground lot the two checked each other’s masks. Approving how each looked in their tuxedos they hopped into the express elevator. Using the magnetic key that came with the invitations they stepped off to find the party had already started.
“Now remember if you need any help… or a pair of experienced hands; push the panic button.” Ryan tapped his noggin.
Nodding Aaron went searching for some excitement. While Aaron was fairly weak as a pure Talent he had developed his mental Talent enough that he could connect with the minds of people he was given the chance practiced on.
Instead of finding his own excitement, excitement found him in the form of the hottest 21 year old he had ever laid eyes on. “Well hello cutie… care to introduce yourself.” The man had the looks of one of the Master’s prized Chosen expect his eyes were mirror green. His mask was completely black.
“Uhmmm… the name’s Aaron.”
“Stan. I shouldn’t but I must say your name is a lot sexier than mine.”
Aaron blushed. “You did just say that.”’
“I might also say that you have the hottest ass I’ve seen this night. How do you do it?”
“How do I do what?”
The man let his large hand cup the left side of Aaron’s butt. “How did you get such a hot ass?” He squeezed it.
“You’re not wasting anytime are you?”
“I want to fuck you… and by the color of your cheeks I’m quite certain you want me to.”
“Oh god… you do have a big head.”
“A very very big head… and a tree trunk to go with it.”
“You really are too much.”
“Wouldn’t you like to find out?”
“Are you going to reply to everything I say with a description of your penis?”
“I can… all night if I have to.”
Aaron started walking away. He wouldn’t mind getting a peek of the man’s cock but not if it was attached to that ego of his. When he caught sight of someone he recognized he made a beeline for him. “Hey Allen… can I hide out with you for a moment.”
“Why, someone bothering you.” Allen lifted up his spotted mask and looked at the direction Aaron had come from.
“Yeah… that guy.” Aaron pointed to Stan.
“Oh him…” Allen sounded annoyed. “Trying to steal all your best customers?”
“You know I’m not here for sex.” Aaron hissed. Looking back he saw that the guy had been intercepted by a man wearing a gold mask.
“That doesn’t mean you don’t want their money.”
“I’m dirt poor and you know it.”
“As I said… your customers.”
“He’s not out to steal them. He’s out to steal me.” The Elected had moved on leaving Stan free to come after him.
“Really…Gordon Graft is one of your Johns. If you want my advice…”
“He’s Gordon Graft? He looks nothing like him.”
“What? You’ve been in the trade and you didn’t know he can change his appearance? Here’s a bit of advice let him have you and you’ll get the best of both worlds. He’s filthy rich and hot as hell. You’ll get loads of money, enjoy killer sex. What’s not to like?”
“His ego.” Aaron turned back to look and saw Gordon was searching the crowds for him.
“Oh it can’t be that bad.”
“It is.”
“Look. You’ve already admitted you need the money so why not stuff your ears with cotton and let him have you.” Aaron was about to say more but Allen silenced him. “Got to go… as I’ve come to learn hanging around you is bad for business.”
“There you are.” Gordon had found him.
“Oh god…” Aaron was tempted to ask Ryan to save him but if Gordon had the ability to change his appearance there was little he could do to help the situation. The Graft did hold his contract after all.
“There you are Aaron. I thought I lost you for a bit.”
“Well you found me.”
“Did I do something wrong?” Gordon actually sounded hurt.
“No… yes… no…” Before Aaron could decide what to say Gordon silenced his lips with his own.
“There… all better. No?”
Aaron gasped for air. The man might be filled with hot air but he was more than willing to share it with his kissed. “What the hell is going on Gordon? You looked like you’ve shaved off fifteen years.”
“I’m the Graft. I can look any age I want. Well, not a baby and not a kid either. Let’s just say I can look as young as any fully grown man can be.”
“You look ridiculous.”
“No… I look hot and you want me.”
“I do not want you.”
“I’m hurt. Ever since you turned seventeen you’ve done everything you can to avoid me. Is it because our contract is about to expire or you don’t love me anymore.”
“It’s because I don’t want to move on to that thing all seventeen year olds in the trade do.”
“You mean screw your clients. Your pardon my dear you don’t have to sleep with them to screw them over.”
“I’ve never taken advantage of a client and you know it.”
“Which is why you are such a hot commodity right now. All your old clients want to see if you as good in bed as you are at conversation. I’ve told them you talk so much to keep your jaw in shape.”
“I do not talk a lot.”
“But you should. Clients love to hear about the lives of their escorts. Leaves them feeling they have a personal connection with you.”
“I don’t want them to have a connection to me. I am happy with what I am doing right now. I don’t need you setting me up with people I would rather not be with.”
“Be careful Aaron. I’m not a spiteful man but I always get what I pay for.” He slid a hand beneath Aaron’s pants. He grinned when he felt the bare smooth round flesh of his ass. “I see you’re wearing it.”
“So what if I am.”
“So… you have yet to let me show you want being with a real man’s like.”
“I’ve been with real men.”
“I know you’ve been with Ryan and I have to admit he is one of the best but you haven’t been with me. People pay me millions of dollars for an hour of my time and a jackoff session.”
“They do not.”
“They do so. I’m the Graft which means I’m the best.” He let Aaron get a whiff if his potent pheromones.
“You know no means no.”
“No…? I offer to pay you 100,000 to spend the night with me.”
“Think about out. You’ll get paid for me to do things to you other men pay me millions for. You know how to contact me if you change your mind.” Gordon gave Aaron’s ass a firm squeeze before removing it and disappearing into the crowd.
“A hundred thousand for me to let him fuck me.” It was a tempting offer. At each party a group of men young and old alike would fawn over him. Aaron suspect the man had more wealth than many of the Elected and he had no problem spreading that wealth around.
He needed time to clear his head and think rationally. He could not forget the mantra… What the Graft has, he keeps. By giving himself to the Graft would he give Gordon greater possession of him?
Thinking some fresh air would do him some good he went outside and did his best to enjoy the view. The sky was lit up by towers and lights of downtown Chicago. Aaron didn’t think it was a scene he would ever get used to. Up here the real players made decisions that didn’t just affect the Elected but the rest of humanity as well. To think mankind didn’t know of the select million possessors of Talent, rich and poor, whose opinions mattered a hundred times more than that of the wealthiest 10% among the Untalented around the globe. Not for the first time he regretted being a Talent. He didn’t deserve to be more important in the way the world works especially since he saw himself as nothing but an overpriced hooker.
“Can I join you?”
Aaron jolted himself out of his revelry and noticed the young man standing next to him. He wore a black mask which marked him as Untalented. Given he appeared to be in his early twenties he was either in the trade or had become quite successful at a young age. Not anyone could get invited into these sorts of parties. Curious he nodded. “Feel free to.”
“Quite a nice night don’t you think?” The young man’s was fidgeting nervously with his glass.
So… he’s the successful young entrepreneur who has found himself out of his depth. “The name’s Aaron.” He politely offered his hand.
The man took it eagerly. “Chase… Chase Welford. What do you do for a living?”
“I’m in the trade.”
“The what.”
He is a newbie. “I offer men my company in return for cash. You?”
“Well… can’t say I live a more exciting life. I’m a freshman at Harvard.”
“Is this your first time at one of these parties.”
“Yeah… it shows doesn’t it? I had to beg my stepfather to let me use his invitation to get in. I’m only here for the week and…”
“You’ve come to see the sights and enjoy the spectacle that is the world of the Elected.”
“I’ve come looking for a husband.”
“A husband… I see. You’re either are insane or are setting the bar too high. The Elected don’t marry Untalented.”
“But I understand Blips often do.”
“I see…” I knew this was leading to something. I didn’t know it would be a marriage proposal.
“I’m not asking you to marry me on the spot.”
“I know… I have till the end of the week to make up my mind. If you are interested in me you’re talking to the wrong person. The Graft sets my rates.”
“I don’t want to rent you for the night. I want to marry you.”
Aaron finally took a good look at the man. He had taken his mask off, letting Aaron see his fine featured face, narrow cheek bones and nose, high forehead, and olive skin. He looked more Mediterranean than his last name would suggest. He had a sincere look about him as if he did indeed think Aaron would take him up on his offer. “I… I already have someone I plan on marrying. I’m sorry.”
“Not at all.” Feeling disappointed and foolish he stepped back. “Whoever he is he’s a lucky man.”
“You seem to be quite certain of that.”
“I am… everyone I’ve spoken to tell me that out of everyone here you’re the sort who will get married one day.”
“That might be true but they didn’t mean I would marry whoever asked me first.”
“I see that now. It’s just, well, my brother… I mean stepbrother was a Talent. He and I, well it got pretty hot and heavy between us. He’s been gone for a few years now and I would be lying if I didn’t say I miss what we had. It’s not like no one else has shown an interest in me, being the son of a Senator, lots of men and women see me as a way to get into politics. They’re all Untalented when what I really want is someone with it. After you’ve seen the world of the Elected you can never go back.” He chuckled nervously.
“If you really are that serious you should speak with the Graft.”
“Where is he? How would I recognize him?”
“Oh believe me when you see him you’ll know who he is. If that doesn’t work just follow the train of the rich drooling fat cats debating how much of their fortune they’re willing to sacrifice for a one night’s fuck.”
“He’s that good?”
“Everyone here seems to think so.”
“But not you.”
“I think so too. I just haven’t decided if I will let him have me.”
“Have you? Don’t you want him?”
“He’s made the first move. I’ve not decided how I will respond to his offer.”
“Hell, I’ll match it.”
“You are the crazy sort.”
“I know what I want and I want you.”
“I am amazed you think so highly of me. Many of the other ones in the trade are better looking, more charming, and better conversationalists.”
“But everyone agrees you are the most sincere. You also have a lot more class than most of those fawning sheep. I had to deal at least with five of them before I could find you. It was like watching a bad infomercial. One of them even pull down his pants and said… Wait there’s more as if he was trying to sell me Ginsu knives.”
“That would be Hawk. Unfortunately he is desperate enough to say that. It is only a matter of time before he won’t be allowed in these sorts of functions.”
“Is it all that difficult to get in?”
“If you have the right credentials it’s not. I work for the Graft and he is the only credential I need. Hank is the discarded boy toy of a member of the Elected. I’ve only been in the trade for three years and I’ve seen too many like him to risk getting involved with them.”
“That’s a bit cold hearted.”
“Not when dealing with the Elected. Look, let me give you a piece of advice. Don’t trust them… hell you have no reason to trust me. They let people like you be a part of their world only for as long as you are useful to them. When they no longer need you you’ll find yourself half the man you were when you first met them.”
“That’s a harsh way of seeing your own people.”
Aaron tapped his mask. “I’m a Blip and nothing will ever change that.” He could not keep Andrew out of his thoughts.
“But you have Talent.”
“It doesn’t matter. Among the Elected it’s all about maintaining the purity of their bloodlines. If a male member of the Elected decides to take on a wife he usually is forced to marry his sister, all in the name purity.”
“I didn’t know that.”
“Neither did I. Until three years ago I knew nothing of the Elected or their silly machinations. Sometimes I wish I was back where they found me… in special ed.”
“You were in special ed?”
“I wasn’t stupid but I was very emotionally handicap. Something bad happened when I was young. It caused me to become an emotional wreck stuck with the maturity of a toddler. I would cry over the stupidest things. Couldn’t handle anything the least bit socially challenging.”
“Then you’ve come a far way.”
“You could say that. I’m stronger, more self-confident but still feel as lost as ever.”
“I could help you get unlost.”
“Thanks but no.” Aaron saw the Graft approaching with an older man. “It looks like we have company.”
“Oh that’s my stepfather.”
“And with him is the Graft.”
“Good you can introduce me to him.”
“You’re funeral.”
“Well there you two are.” As always Gordon wore a shit face grin. “Care to make the introductions.”
“I think your guest knows who my companion is.”
“He might but I don’t.”
“Of course.” Aaron apologized with a slight bow. “My companion here is Chase Welford, a student at Harvard. It seems he’s searching for a husband.”
“And he asked you to marry him didn’t he? I said you would be popular. Didn’t I?” The Graft nudged Aaron playfully in the ribs.
“I unfortunately had to tell him no. I’m not on the market for that kind of commitment.”
“Of course you’re not.” The Graft’s companion, whom Chase had claimed to be his stepfather, glared at his son. “I ask your pardon Mr. Mays my stepson is a romantic fool. He didn’t mean to offend you. I must admit he does have good taste”
“He didn’t offend me. I actually found his proposal quite charming. Unfortunately, as I explained, I’m spoken for.”
“To whom if I may ask?”
“A member of the Balthazar family.” Aaron made sure not to bring up which member it was.
“Didn’t I say he’s already cornering the market on eligible bachelors? Too bad your family is out of the game Senator. That’s the price you pay when you marry an Untalented.”
“No hard feelings. My family had lost its influence in London so I decided to marry Chase’s mother and get into American politics. I might not find it as thrilling as debates in the Council but the Order is pleased with where I am so I have little to complain about.”
“Loyalty to one’s faction always comes before all other considerations.” Gordon agreed. “Me, I’m my own faction and I’m loyal to no one but myself and my people. Ask Aaron he knows I’ve taken good care of him.”
“You have been most generous sir.” Aaron forced himself to smile and sound cheerful
“He and I will be going on a little private vacation to celebrate his coming of age. Did I forget to tell you? He turned seventeen last August.”
The significance of his age was not lost on the Senator. “Congratulations you’re now a man among the Talented.”
Nor was it lost on Chase. “You’re only seventeen?”
“I’m sorry if you thought otherwise.”
“But that means you’re just a kid… I think I’m going to be sick.”
“Forgive my stepson’s rudeness he can be a little prudish when it comes to something like marriage.” He said to Aaron. He then turned to his son. “Don’t be such a child. If you are that concerned about his age you can ask him again when he’s eighteen.”
“I can’t believe what I’ve done… Sorry Aaron, it was nice meeting you. We’ll have to meet again… when you’re older.” Chase fled.
“He’s Untalented, what else can I say?” was the Senator’s excuse.
“Aaron and I should be going as well. We have a flight to catch.” Gordon offered Aaron his arm. Aaron knew better than not to take it.
As they left Aaron could feel the fingers pointed at him, and heard the lewd whispering coming from the other guest. It was stuff like this that sent him running whenever he caught sight of the Graft. Gordon couldn’t go anywhere without creating a scene. By the end of the week every Talent in Chicago would know that Gordon Graft had decided to spend the entire weekend with a young man who could never hope to pay for his services. When Aaron attended another party the Graft will be able to demand triple his asking price. If the Graft thought he was doing Aaron a favor Aaron was not about to admit it.
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you.
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