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Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
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The Talents of the Fallen - 24. Part Twenty-Three: The Other Master

The Graft was not always the Graft. In the beginning he started life as a farm boy in Kansas. Like any young man he sought out a new life in the cities. It was there that he got entangled with the members of the Elected. While life was good for a while nothing lasts forever, especially for the Untalented. This is the Graft's story... one Aaron must learn from.

Chapter Twenty-Three: The Other Master


Once Aaron was in the back of Graft’s black SUV’s Gordon’s demeanor changed. He went from playing the part of the a snooty young gentleman to a man who knew what he wanted and what he wanted more than anything at the moment was Aaron. “You’ll never look back and regret this trip, I promise you.”

“I don’t doubt it. One way or another you’re going to make sure I have a good time.”

“It is what I designed myself for. Now that you’re seventeen it’s time for us to do a little designing work on you.”

“You mean graft me? No thanks. I like being mostly human.”

“I must insist. Every man who works for me, even my gardener, has to get some grafting done. You are too valuable an investment to let be otherwise.”

“What sort of grafts are we talking about?”

“Well the sexual stamina booster is certainly one. It’s expected if not demanded by the clients that each of my people have that graft done. There are others I wouldn’t want you to worry about but I promise you won’t find the process the least bit uncomfortable. In fact I’m certain you will enjoy it.”

“I don’t want to know.” He knew there was no point arguing. The Graft might be Untalented but he had his body modified to the point he had near the same abilities of a strong mixed Talent.

By the time they were in the air it was three a.m. Aaron had laid himself down in one of those half-chair, half-bed seats the newer plans were getting. As Aaron slept the Graft’s enhanced senses gathered as much data as they could on what made the young man ticked. Though he would never admit it, he was not as independent as he claimed to be. He had his own boss he had to report to and his boss wanted Aaron to be well taken care of.

Not that Gordon needed to be ordered to. Aaron might not be the greatest looker of the bunch or the most charming but he was by far the most sincere of his men and that was worth its weight in gold to the right client. His boss being no exception.

He wanted Gordon to fix Aaron up so he excelled in meeting every desire a man could want. That wouldn’t be too hard. One good long hard fuck was all it would take to get the ball moving. Through the use of engineered proteins the changes will appear natural. Another six inches in height, a slightly higher metabolism, a few changes in his bone structure, the development of potent pheromone glands, a set of complex biological defenses to protect him from unwanted advances, and a few other minor improvements and he would be as perfect as the Graft himself… all according to the precise specifications set by Gordon’s demanding boss. Gordon had been warned enough times that he couldn’t foul this one up. If he did, his boss would take away all he had given him and leave him penniless with a body no man would desire.

Ten years had passed since he had become the Graft and he still remembered what his life was like before. Like too many born without Talent he found himself a part of their world only through sexual surrender. Back then he was known by a different name given to him by his dirt poor Kansan mother and father. Living on a farm he was the sole openly gay kid he knew of. There were therefore very few he could confined in.

Once he got his driver’s license he stole his father’s truck and drove off to Topeka. He had hoped to find a job, a boyfriend, and a life worth living. All he got was a life on the cold streets of a city still hostile towards homosexuality.

Still he was able to scratch out a living as a hooker. There was no shortage of married men who had a knick for teenage farm boys. Eventually a young gay rights activist took him in and gave him a job distributing pro equality literature.

It was during a counter protest against the anti-gay Westboro Baptist Church that the activist introduced him to one of the Liaisons to the Talented Elected. The pair soon developed a romantic relationship.

Over time the Liaison introduced Gordon to other Liaisons and even a few members of the Elected. It became Gordon’s dream to become a Liaison but that dream was soon hijacked by his first lover among the Elected.

The married Lord Oliver Balthazar, a purist by nature had a taste for young naive Untalented men and Gordon fit the bill. No matter how often Oliver beat him Gordon always came back for more. He truly believed that the head of the Order loved him as much as he loved his lordship.

After five years of rough sex, things went too far and Gordon ended up in the hospital. So no one would find out what happened Lord Balthazar threatened to send him to the Reformatory if he ever laid eyes on him again.

Broken and with his dream of becoming a Liaison stolen from him Gordon fell into a deep depression. When the money ran out he once again was living on the streets. None of those he thought were his friends within the world of the Elected wanted anything to do with him. None were willing to earn the ire of the head of the Order.

That was how his master found him. Ten years from the present the man who would not give him his name took him in. With tender lovemaking he headed Gordon’s physical and emotional wounds, setting the foundation of the man who would become known as the Graft.

Through genetic modifications he gave Gordon a new body and a new identity. If it was revenge Gordon was after he could obtain it by having the members of the Elected beg for a mere moment of his time.

What his master promised turned out to be true. The members of the Elected would pay any price for him to give them something as small as a kiss, a tender caress, and a kind word. Though he was not of the Elected he became a man worthy of their respect.

Lord Oliver, not recognizing his old sex slave, paid Gordon a fortune to be in his company. During their so called lovemaking Gordon did to him many of the things the head of the Order and done to his former naïve self.

To add to his revenge he seduced Lord Oliver’s son Gregory to let him apprentice him in the trade. Greg turned out to be an eager student. Soon enough he was known as the most desired member of the Elected in the trade.

All the while Gordon’s master let his protégée do as he wished. However when Aaron entered the picture things changed, if ever so slightly. His master wanted Aaron to receive the Graft special tutorage.

He was to be train to the standards of he had set for Gregory, and be given many of the grafts he had bestowed on his protégée. He was to see that Aaron become a great courtesan. If all worked as planned Arron would be able to command his own price and choose his own clients. His clients however were to always be chosen by the Graft who in turn would follow whatever commands set by his master.

As far as his master was concern the only quality Gordon was to consider was Aaron’s safety. With the grafts he had been commanded to give the lad he would be better prepared to protect himself.

Walking over to Aaron’s chair he wondered not for the first time if the young man was the one person who could meet his standards as a husband. He liked Aaron. He was handsome, adorable, honest and sincere. Most rare of all was he did not give his clients an excuse to see him as false. Flattery from them came too easily to be taken seriously. When Aaron gave his clients a compliment they experienced a true rush of pleasure knowing Aaron really meant what he said. Gordon wondered what Aaron honestly felt towards him. He knew the lad didn’t like being in the trade but did his contempt for the biz extend to the man who had worked so hard in training him to master it.

Bending over he let his lips hover over Aaron’s parted mouth and exhaled. As he did so he triggered one of his grafts to release as sleeping agent. It would make sure Aaron remained unconscious for the rest of the flight.

With Aaron out cold Gordon when to the pilot’s cabin and knocked five times. The door opened and out stepped his master. “Is he asleep?”

“Yes master. Everything is as you wanted it.”

His master, brush the knuckles of one hand affectionately down Gordon’s left cheek. “You and I have some catching up to do.”

“We truly do my master.” Out of all the lovers he taken his master was the one who always had him begging for more.

“Not until Aaron is taken care of. Take me to him.”

“This way my master.” Gordon led his master to Aaron’s seat. “He has grown to become a fine young gentleman. “When Aaron got into view his master gasped.

“Has he?” Gordon’s master leaned over the chair to get a better look.

“And a well loved one my master. Do you wish to take him now?”

“No… not yet. He need time to find himself and mature. My greatest desire is that he be safe. My being here does not help but I couldn’t stand not seeing him again.” Gordon’s master leaned over and kissed Aaron.

It started off gently but the longer their lips touched the more aggressive the master became. He already had Aaron’s shirt unbutton and his own ripped shirt on the floor when Gordon intervened. He grabbed the master by the waist and threw him down the length of the first class cabin. From where he fell the master’s red glowing eyes warned he was ready to kill him. “Master stop… you ordered me not to let you do this.”

“I don’t care what I ordered. I must have him, I need him. I will not let you or any other deny me what is mine. He leapt head first out like a bullet hitting Gordon on the left side of his chest. Both fell and rolled over each other. They wrestled like rabid dogs to see who would get to Aaron first.

While his master had his talent Gordon had the advantages given to him via his genetic modification. The plane they were on was also his as was the crew. Soon enough his men had them surrounded.

“Stop master. I don’t want to hurt you.” Gordon exhaled some of the sleeping agent into his master’s face.

“Hurt me?” His master’s resistance began to weaken.

“Yes my poor master.” Gregory stood up. “You made me promise to protect Aaron even if that person was you. I am your ever loyal servant and would never betray you.”

“God… what have I done.” With his rage and lust dampened by the gas his master began to realize what he had been about to do.

“Nothing my master. Nothing happened. Nothing will happen until the proper time.” He held out a hand. “Come master. You are in need of being sated and I wish nothing more than to sate you.” He gave his master a sly wink.

“Yes… it has been too long.” His master let his ever loyal servant help lift him back on his feet. Gordon nodded to his men, dismissing them. They would keep an eye on things over the monitors. Not that Gordon thought they needed to. He would sate his master’s lust as he had in the past. In doing so he would sate his own.

The two went to the private bedroom on the third level. By that time the pair had left a trail of their discarded clothes. Gordon lowered his master onto the bed and laid himself on top. “How can I please you most my master. Top, bottom, all of the above?”

“Let the dice roll and see where they fall.”

“Sevens it is.”

The two wrestled and rolled over each other fighting to see who would end up on top. Both knew how it would end. The master was the master and as such he always topped first.

Gordon didn’t mind. He was completely versatile. When he felt his master’s thick meat slide into he groaned with relief. It really had been too long. His master was the best lover he ever had or would ever be with. He filled up not just his body but his mind and soul at the same time. He knew just how to hit the right spots, which should be expected since he was the one who put them there.

With both possessing extraordinary stamina they kept at it until the plane landed in Hawaii. The master then left but not before paying Aaron one last visit. He kissed Aaron on the forehead and whispered in his ear sweet promises he had sworn himself to fulfill.

Gordon escorted his master off the plane to the jet that would take him to his true destination. “Take care, master.” He whispered as his master climbed up the stairs

His master looked down at his servant and nodded. Thank you Gordon. You stopped be from doing something I swore not to do until the proper time.”

“Master… if I may ask. Who is he to you?”

“He is the future…”

“I understand my master. I will protect him with my life.”

“It will come to that. You will either die protecting him or he will kill you for the life we’ve forced on him.”


When Aaron awoke it was to the scent orange blossoms and the sea. He was spread out on a white bed in an open air bungalow. Sitting up he saw a translucent curtains of shear silk made up all four walls. Suddenly he noticed something. He was not wearing his glasses.

Jumping out of the bed he went searching for them. When he couldn’t find them he thought of burying himself under the sheets. Quickly he thought better of it. The sun was rising in the east but the light didn’t hurt his eyes.

Very carefully he opened his eyes wide and dipped a finger in his left eye. He felt the soft slipper disc of a contact lens. “How did you get in there?”

He had been told these sort of contacts existed but they were all military grade. He didn’t know if these were the same sort. He really didn’t care. To see the sun rise like any normal person could was all that truly mattered to him.

He was so occupied by the changing color of the sky he didn’t notice the curtains part and a man stepped inside. “Good morning sir… you’re breakfast.”

Aaron jumped with a start. Turning toward the voice he saw a man who appeared to be of mixed Polynesian and European ancestry. He was carrying a tray and was only dressed in a saffron loin cloth.

He must have found Aaron’s confusion amusing for he had to hold back a chuckle. “I hope I didn’t disturb you. I have bought your breakfast.”

“Uhmmm. How did I get here?”

“By boat sir. You arrived yesterday. The master asked you be allowed to rest. I hope you slept well.”

“I guess I did.” Aaron stretched himself out. He had not noticed until then he was completely naked. “Oh boy… You wouldn’t happen to know where my clothes are?” Living with his randy teammates on the dueling club Aaron had gotten use to casual nudity. That did not mean he wasn’t at bit disturbed finding himself naked in front of a complete stranger.

“They are being prepared.”

“What do you mean prepared. Wasn’t I wearing a suit when I arrived?”

“I cannot say sir. You are as you were when you arrived.”


“I am sorry sir if I have upset you in some way.”

“Don’t worry about it. I’m certain the Graft will come up with some sort of excuse.” Aaron said sarcastically. His nose caught the scent of breakfast. He went over to the tray. He didn’t recognize any of the dishes.

“This is sweet coconut milk sticky rice wrapped in banana leaves.” He pointed the two small wrapped rolls. “The one over here.” He lifted a clay lid. “Is a spicy fish soup.” “This one.” He pointed to three different colored rice cakes.” Are coconut, rum, and chocolate mochi.”

“I see. Certainly the breakfast of champions for the fabulously wealthy.”

“Yes sir.” He placed the tray on a nearby table. “My name is Blake Akamu. If you need anything.” He cupped Aaron’s smooth balls and gave them a gentle squeeze. “And I mean anything I will do my upmost best to provide it.” To prove his point he pulled off his loin cloth at let Aaron see what he had to offer.

“Oh boy.”

When Blake left Aaron sat himself down to start breakfast. As he ate he tried to find some way to escape this island of temptation. He understood who he was up against so knew it was a lost cause.

He was just finishing the last of the mochi rice cakes when the Graft came to pay him a visit. “Welcome to my winter home. Nice isn’t it?”

“You know how I feel about pretentious displays of wealth.”

“Only because you’re not use to it.”

“Being at Lakes I know what money does to people. I can’t say I like those pompous snots.”

“Those snots might one day become one of your highest paying clients.”

“No, never… I’m telling you. No. I’m begging you that you never rent me out to anyone from Lakes.”

“Not even Dr. Balthazar?”

“What do you mean? He has Ryan and is quite happy with him.”

“Both of them also were quite happy with you during your last summer holiday.”

“Oh boy…” He began to wonder who else knew about his summer escapades. The very thought caused his guts to twist. He could feel a hiccup building up.

“Anyway… I’m not here to discuss your future contract. I bought you here to discuss us.”

“Us? I didn’t know there was an us?” He hiccupped as he said the last two word, making sound like he had just said anus.

Gordon laughed. “There has always been an anus between us. You’ve known that since we first met.” Gordon began massaging the tension in Aaron’s neck and shoulders.

“What do you want from me… it’s not only for sex?”

“Well… sex is a part of it. What it really comes down to is us becoming business partners.”


“Yes… I want you to be my partner.” He let Aaron get a whiff of his pheromones.

“You make it smell like a marriage.” Aaron wanted to escape the man, his scent, and their mutual sexual attraction.

“I know better than to ask for that.” He turned Aaron around to face him. What I want is an agreement based on mutual understanding.”

“That sounds like a bunch of legal nonsense.”

“It is meant to. It will be a legal agreement enforceable under both Elected and international law.”

“This sounds serious.” He attempted to turn and face Gordon but firm hands on either side of his face stopped him from looking back.

“Because I am serious.” He reached between Aaron’s legs and took hold of his already swelling cock. He gave it a hard yank forcing Aaron to fall into his arms.

Aaron could but didn’t want to fight with Gordon any more so didn’t bother to try.”

“You’ve done something to me very few men have. You’ve made me want you.” When Aaron didn’t respond he drew him toward the bed. “I want to be inside you. I want you inside me. I want to be a part of you, not all, but enough.” He lay Aaron down on the edge of the bed. “Tell me you don’t want the same.”

Aaron knew he could but did he really want to. This was the Graft he was dealing with. No man had ever turned him down. Here he was daring him to. The stare from the man’s silver eyes was so penetration Aaron had to look away. “Just don’t take everything. My friends are too important to me for you to take them too.”

“I wouldn’t dream of it my dear beloved.” He lied. Steps were already being taken to bring the others to the island as well. He raised Aaron’s legs over his shoulder. Looking down he saw his cock was rock hard and already lubed by his grafted modified secretions. “You have no idea I much I’ve longed for this.” He wouldn’t dare tell Aaron he had been waiting for this moment before they even met. When his master took him off the streets and was nurturing him back to health he had promised him the day when he would claim his equal.

He pushed his slicked cock past the sphincter till it was buried deep inside. He then left it there and let the genetic mutagens his cock was already releasing do their work.

Looking down at Aaron he could see they were already having an effect. Aaron was breathing deeply filling his lungs with rich oxygen to feed the new cells growing inside him. His pale skin looked sunburned as his bone marrow worked over time to flush his body with fresh blood. Taking gentle hold of Aaron’s chin he turned his head so he could see into his eyes. Even with the tinted contacts he could see they too were red with blood.

If Aaron could see how he now looked he would have panicked but as things were the secretions had him enthralled with an addictive drug like buzz. What the Graft saw was a caterpillar entering its cocoon to transform and evolve into a higher and more perfect being. He meant that quite literally.

He had coated the condom with mutagens.. These would quickly be absorbed by his colon. He had told Aaron he would be paid $100,000 just for three days of his time. Instead it he would be with the Graft for the next three weeks. Two week asleep to allow the grafts to grow and develop old leaving the remaining one for training and love making.

His master will be pleased.

Copyright © 2013 JMH; All Rights Reserved.
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