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Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you. 

The Talents of the Fallen - 25. Part Twenty Four: The Other Man

When Aaron doesn't return to the school on Monday, Jon grows concerned. He has never liked Aaron working for the Graft. As the saying goes however "What the Graft has he keeps". If Jon wants to be a part of Aaron's life, it will on the Graft's terms. Jon can only hope the price is not more than he can afford.


Chapter Twenty-Four: The Other Man



When Jon learned Aaron had gone off with the Graft he first assumed it was just for the weekend. He knew Aaron would do his best not to enjoy himself but this was the Graft and he had ways to make even to most resistant lover cave in and let themselves experience their deepest desires.

When Monday came and passed and Aaron had not returned, Jon began to worry. The strange part was he seemed to be the only one to express concern. Sam didn’t doubt that Aaron was having the time of his life. It is not like he would miss out on a lot of class time. The bookworm had already taken every difficult course the school had to offer. This, his last year at the school his schedule was loaded up with nothing but art and athletic classes. Anyway Sam insisted he knew better what Aaron situation was as they were part of the same trade.

That did little to convince Jon. He had never liked the idea Aaron being in the trade. Once in it, it’s impossible to leave. He would have sold his car and all his other superficial possessions but it wouldn’t have covered four years’ worth of schooling. It was also against the school charter for another family to pay the tuition of an outsider. For that Aaron needed a benefactor and that person was the Graft. But as the saying goes, ‘What Graft has, he keeps’. After so many years of waiting he probably was having Aaron make up for lost time.

More disturbing than Sam’s lack of concern was Andrew’s disinterest. Everyone knew why Andrew was doing his best to put some distance between himself and Aaron. He was on borrowed time and everyone knew it. Everyone but Aaron is seemed.

Aaron, as naïve as ever, still believed in things as eternal love. No matter what Andy did to try and get rid of him he didn’t have the heart to be cruel about it, and Aaron was too hard headed to leave his first love.

That left only the headmaster and his pet goon.

Ambushing Ryan as he stepped out of the headmaster’s office Jon demanded answers. Ryan was the one who took Aaron to these parties it should have been his job to make sure Aaron came back safely.

Though he tried to blow off Jon’s concern he couldn’t hide his own discomfort with the situation. The headmaster was going to be blunter.

After catching Jon interrogating his lover he ordered the young man into his office. “Come in Mr. Omicron.”

“Sir…” Jon glared one last time at Ryan before follow the headmaster inside.

“Please… sit.”

“I would rather stand sir.

“So be it. I understand you’ve been asking a bunch of questions concerning Mr. Mays.”

“I think we should all be concerned. How do you know the Coven hasn’t got him?”

“I know exactly where he is.”

“I know he’s with the Graft but I don’t trust him.”

“He is one of the few people outside this school I do trust. His sworn neutrality is legendary. Compared to him the Council looks like a joke. Aaron is one of his people and he never betrays his own.”

“I don’t like that he sees Aaron as being his.”

“Do you think the feeling isn’t mutual?”

“I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

“But I clearly do. I know what you and my brother are up to. Time is running out and everyone but Aaron seems to have accepted that. Before that happens you both want Aaron’s future secured. My brother thinks that can be best done by having Aaron be adopted into the Order. You on the other hand would rather he be associated with your family and the Council. I… well. You all know how I feel towards Aaron. The fact remains that the Graft is the only person who can keep Aaron safe and protect your relationship with him.”

“I fail to see how.”

“Aaron is a Coven runaway. So far the Master has shown no interest in getting him back. Do you think that will be true if he were to become a part of the Order? How about your father and the Council. Those seeking an alliance with your family will pause before harming him but you know as well as I do that war is coming and Council or no Council, the families are going to be forced to pick sides, including yours. Aaron would become a target of the opposite faction your family decides to join.

“The option I prefer, and am allowing is for Aaron’s relationship with the Graft to mature. The Graft does not take sides, he offers services that no faction want’s to lose access to, and he is truly the only person would can act as a go between. These things will not change when war breaks out. If anything his services will be in greater demand. The Graft keeps what is his and everyone knows that. With him Aaron is safe. The question I pose to you is how much you are willing to give up to be with him.”

“Anything and Everything.” Jon replied without hesitation.

“Even if it means walking away from your family and your inheritance.”

“I don’t know what would cost me either but yes I would.”

“You would agree to be grafted and become one of the Graft’s men.”

“I…” Jon had to think about that one. He was an Omicron, a man of honor. To sell his body to the highest bidder was neither honorable nor desired. “I don’t see why I would have to. I don’t even get why you would even ask me that. If you know something I don’t know spit it out.”

“Aaron is in the process of being grafted. Once the process is complete it cannot be reversed.”

“Then we need to put a stop to it. We need to find Aaron and save him.”

“Under what justification? Aaron didn’t just agree to take the Graft’s money he agreed to be his protégé. The Graft does not go to such efforts for no reason. It was never his intention for Aaron to be just one of his men. I never thought the day would come where the Graft find himself wanting someone he wasn’t paid to have as a lover but it seems he has. The person he’s picked is Aaron. So I’ll ask you again. What are you willing to give up in return for Aaron?”

Jon fell into the chair he had refused and swallowed hard. Was the pain he would cause his family desired, no. Did he think he would ever come across someone who fit him so perfectly as Aaron if he were to refused, no. Was his own happiness worthy giving up his life for? That depended on what new life he would live. “If it means I have to become one of the Grafts whores so be it. My only requirement is that I be Aaron’s whore.”

“You will have to negotiate your contract with the Graft but I have found him to be the most reasonable of men. Are you certain you want to do this? There’s no going back.”

“Wherever you are going to take me can Sam come with me? I would like him there with me when it happens.”

“I think that can be arranged.” Greg left his desk and walk around to Jon. “There is a car ready to take you to the airport outside. Don’t bother going back to the dorms. There is no point in packing. Ryan and Sam will catch up with you later but they will be with you before the end.”

“You knew I would agree?”

“Andrew knew. At least my brother prayed you would. He has being doing his best to convince Aaron to break up with him. But there are some things Aaron is still naïve about. You and Aaron can live out the life Andrew knows he can never have.”

“How soon until he converts?”

“It’s hard to tell. He’s already at the cliffs ledge. It only takes a moment of extreme stress, fear or anger and he will fully convert.”

“I understand. If you’re going to go out might as well go out with a bang. Don’t worry I won’t warn Aaron. He needs to experience it for himself before he will believe it.”

“You are most likely right.”


When Jon got aboard the Airbus A380 he had expected it to be a lot more crowded than the way he found it. It was, without exaggeration a flying mansion, Including what should have been a lower service and pressurized luggage area the plane had six bed room, two kitchens, eight baths, two dining areas, a bar, and lounge. The actually passenger cabin made up only a fraction of the plane. There he found the only other passenger waiting for him, Gordon Graft.

“Hello Mr. Omicron. I glad you decided to come.”

“The only reason I’m here is because you are holding Aaron hostage.”

“Hostage? Nothing of the sort. He agreed to come.”

“He agreed? I don’t doubt it was because you didn’t leave him much of a choice.”

“He agreed to the terms of the contract. Still, most in his position would make a run for it. He didn’t. His sense of honor one of the many things I find desirable in him. I find you just as honorable. You are willing to give up your family and your future for no other reason but love. That is the kind of loyalty I expect from my people. Some need more encouragement than others to learn that kind of loyalty.” Gordon didn’t see the need to list the sort of grafts he had the less loyal undergo. “But don’t worry. I have no intention of having you or Aaron be taught how to behave.

“Now that’s out of the way… from what I understand you wish to discuss the terms of your contract. Tell me what you have in mind.”

“The only thing on my mind at this moment is Aaron.” That much was true. Jon didn’t know what the Graft would demand from him but Jon wanted Aaron to be the center of the contract.”

“You wish for the contract to require you spend as much time as possible with him?”

“If I had it my way he would be in my arms right now.”

“Yes… you two experience some sort of empathic reaction whenever you two are near each other. Is that true?”

“It is at its strongest when we are in direct physical contact but yes that’s true.”

“If I can ask… how’s the sex?”

“The sex? Well except on one occasion we haven’t had any.”

The Graft couldn’t hold back a chuckle. “I see… holding out on ya is he?”

“He has a boyfriend and except for your clients he won’t betray him.”

“Even though Andrew has done everything he can to get rid of him?”

Jon slipped into the nearest seat. “What can I say? As you already said yourself, Aaron is too loyal for his own good.” He looked at the Graft. He seemed younger than the first time he met him. He also looked hot. “Legend has it that no man can turn you down.”

“So far none have. Of course there are some men I don’t desire wanting me.”

“Like the Master.” It was an easy guess, and all too right.

“Yes, but then people say no living thing can turn him down. I don’t think I want to know what it is like being on the other side of the equation.”

“Mutual attraction is a bitch. So tell me, why Aaron?”

“Why not? He is attractive, witty, the opposite of being self-absorbed, and most importantly honest. If he doesn’t like you he will he will be kind enough to let you know it. Lucky for us all he is quite an affable young man. He doesn’t string people along hoping to get his hands on their money.”

“Yet money is the only reason he agreed to work for you.”

“Your friend Sam does as well.”

“Another reason why I don’t like you. He deserves more in life then being your hooker.”

“Really? Did he tell you his dream is to become a doctor?”

“He obsesses about it.”

“Then he must have told you I’ve agreed to pick up the tab. No… I guess not.”

“I guess he felt too ashamed to.”

“There’s nothing to be ashamed of getting what you want. All I ever wanted was to live with a man who would always love me.”

“And you think Aaron is that man?”

“No. Why would I want to take something like that from you?”

“By grafting him you have taken him away from me.”

“By grafting you as well I am giving him back. You do know I do not plan to stop with you two. Sam, Ryan, Dr. Balthazar, they’re all on my list and they’ve all agreed. You were the only one I was not sure about. But here you are… ready to be grafted by the Graft himself.”

“I won’t let you turn me into one of your whores.”

“I don’t plan on selling you for money.”

“Then what use am I to you?”

“The plan is for me to ship you off to the military, army or marines, your choice. With your Talent you are perfect Special Forces material. Lately enforcing the terms of the Council Treaty is getting harder. It is only a matter of time before war breaks out. When that happens I will need somebody connections with the military to protect my interests.”

“I see… you seem to have thought things through but what about Aaron.”

“I plan on sending Aaron to college and then on to Harvard Law. There is a special research facility that Harvard is running that has me and several of my clients deeply concerned. Aaron will be my eyes and ears there.”

“And afterwards?”

“Afterwards I plan to get him involved in setting governmental policy in regards to the Elected. I already have the perfect client lined up to take care of that.”

“And if Aaron says no?”

“He won’t. Not because I force it on him but because it’s what he wants. It is in his contract. He has stated his preference for a long term contract with a single client and his desire for a professional career outside the trade. Unlike what the rest of the world thinks I want my men to be doctors, lawyers, bankers, and such. Powerful men... men who can afford the services I offer prefer the company of men who themselves are involved in high level professions. It’s a kink most of my clients have so I fulfill it for them. Soldier boys are also high in demand, especially among closested generals.”

“So that’s the way it’s going to be. I join the army, Aaron gets into politics and we use your grafts to help us sleep our way to the top.” Jon was amazed by how the Graft could decide now what he wanted to achieve a decade later.

“It doesn’t have to be. I could have you do other things for me but you already made it clear you do not want to whore yourself out.”

Jon felt the plane vibrate. It was preparing to take off. Once it was airborne there would be no turning back. “You’re right… your offer is the best I can hope for. My only other requirement is that my family never knows I work for you.”

“They might find out on their own. You might be ostracized for choosing to live in the world of the Untalented instead of the Elected but you are a physical Talent so joining the military will not be all that surprising. As Blips, Aaron and Sam cannot becoming one of the Elected and are barred from seating in the Council. Even if your plan works and your family agrees to adopt him he will still be a Blip.” Gordon stood from his chair and went over to where Jon sat. “Sam and him will never have a better chance at personal success than they will have with me.”

“And Dr. Balthazar and Ryan.”

“Like his brother Dr. Balthazar position at the school is running on borrowed time. Members of the Elected are tired of him allowing ‘Blip Trash’ in the school. It won’t be long before the Council votes to remove him. My guess is that it will happen the same time his brother converts which, by the time you get back, could be at any moment.” The Graft knelt and pushed Jon’s knees apart.

“What will happen to them?”

“Dr. Balthazar has made it clear he will feel free of any loyalty to the Elected when he is removed. He will do whatever he wants, which includes living with his lover openly. In return for his expertise in the Talent, and connections among the Elected I will provide the seed money he will need to set up his own security firm.”

“Security firm? Why would he be interested in that?”

“Because it is the perfect profession for people with his Talent. With all the Blips who owe their education to him he will have no problem with recruiting them to join his firm. Give him five years and his company will be a major military contractor.”

“And I, being in the army, will be in perfect position to help him out. You really have thought things through.” Jon felt the Graft’s hand massage his cock through his pants. The air was thick with his pheromones.

“Yes. That you for instance. You are in the prefect position for me to teach you how a real man sucks dick.”

As the plane began to ascend Jon’s pants dropped to his feet and the half hard cock was swallowed whole. Before the plane leveled out Jon was well on his way towards appreciating his new found career.

Copyright © 2013 JMH; All Rights Reserved.
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Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
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Chapter Comments

On 05/01/2013 09:48 AM, Scarab said:
another unexpected twist, but i've come to enjoy that about your writing, as well as your story time frames. there is a lot to take in but i love the tension that is building, the graft seems to be planting the seeds of change but he also seems expendable in the grand scheme of things :whistle: ... awesome chapter.. as always
The Graft is a bit of a scoundrel with multiple motives. He owes everything he is to Aaron's brother but he is not necessarily his slave. While he claims he has the boys' best interest in mind in Aaron's case he despises what the Graft has done to him. At some point there will be a reckoning but it won't be in the fashion one might expect.


Right now working on the Gods of Mir, Nano Wars, Tower of High Sun, this series and a new untitled one so I'm sort of going nuts trying to pick and choose which one to work on at any given day. I have the first of the Fallen books done and a second draft of the next one. Even so there will be a month or two before I start posting the second book.


Once again thanks for the review.

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