Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you.
The Talents of the Fallen - 27. Chapter Twenty-Six: Nulls
Chapter Twenty-Six: Nulls
Sam was the first to sense something was wrong. Jumping to his feet he quickly extinguished the lamps around the bed. Something, not someone, was coming and it wasn’t coming to offer the hand of friendship. It was their approaching waves of negative emotions, void rings with pure malice, which tipped him off.
Nudging Ryan awake. He slapped a hand over his mouth before he could shout in protect. “Something’s coming. Something bad.”
Ryan nodded and silently got to his feet. Running around naked with a hard dick bouncing against your stomach was fun and all but it didn’t fit all situations. Thanking god he had brought Sam back to his bungalow he reached under the bed and pulled out his clothes. Under his coat was one of his two guns. The other was beneath his pants. There were also a pair of clips strapped to the back of his belt.
He debated whether it would do any good to hand one over to Sam, but unlike the Liaison’s, combat and fire practice was not part of the curriculum at Lakes. That’s what their Talent and the dueling clubs were for. He quickly decided to keep both.
They could leave before taking the time to get dressed but he needed to at least put on his pants if he was to carry the clips. He didn’t want to hand them to Sam only for him to not be close enough for him to reload.
Once he yanked his pants on, he turned to Sam and whispered; “How close are they?”
“They’ve reached the shoreline bungalow Aaron was in.”
“Are they armed? Are they Talented?
“I can’t tell. They feel like… they feel like a bunch of angry dead people.”
Ryan had a good idea how good an empath Sam was. He definitely knew after the way the kid played with his emotions as the two fucked each other. He could only think of one thing that could cause Sam sense these kinds of emotions. They had to be Nulls, Talents who’s Talent was the ability to cancel all other Talents. That had to be why Sam sensed less than nothing from them. It was good that Sam could use that to tract them. The bad part was that during the last Talent War Nulls were mostly used to assassinate other Talents. If they were as good at killing Talents as they had been during the last war that meant they had to be just as good killing the Untalented. “How many are there?”
“Twelve are on the beach but more are coming.”
“Do you know where they’re coming from?”
“The ocean?”
Ryan glared as Sam. “That’s not very helpful.”
“Sorry. Wherever boat they came on is outside my range.”
“Can you contact and warn Jon?” With Jon most likely busy screwing Aaron, Ryan knew it was a long shot.”
“No… He’s too close to Aaron and he’s shielding him.”
“But you know where they are, right?”
“Yeah… they’re six bungalows up the trail but there are five of those things nearly on top of them.”
“Then we better not sit with our hands on our asses and get there a.s.a.p.” Ryan placed a finger on Sam’s lips warning him to stay quite. They then ran into the darkness praying they arrived in time.
Same didn’t need to warn Jon and Aaron to be careful. Aaron sensed the approaching danger. He was not what one would call the best empath but he was able to sense someone’s Talent from a good distance away. Whatever was coming out of the ocean there were several of them and they were using a Talent he had never felt before. The only word he could use to describe it was cold, as cold as a dead corpse.
Jon, noticing Aaron’s growing discomfort knew something had to be wrong. “What is it?”
“People are coming… at least they might be people. I sense their Talent but it’s not one I’ve dealt with before.”
“Are they dangerous?”
“Yes… I would assume things creeping up from the ocean toward us either plan to kill us or surprise us with a cake. Which do you think it is?”
Jon should have known better than to ask that question. “Point taken. Where are they coming from?”
“They’re ringed around us and getting closer. The closest ones are about twenty yards away.”
“Then we better get to the house.” Stay close to me.”
The two didn’t’ get very far before the gunfire started. Both duck behind furniture. “Dang they’re not planning fair. What Talents use guns?”
“Talents who block out other Talents will of course use guns.”
“What sort of Talent are they? You’ve said you can see the energy our Talents creates?”
When I look in the mirror I can see my refection. These things I can’t see, at least not directly. They’re like a bunch of black people.”
“I’ll be sure to tell Sam that.”
“I didn’t mean that… I should have said they look like they’re black shadows in the shape of men. They have Talent… except theirs seems to destroy it.”
Aaron’s answer told Jon all he needed to know to know who their attackers were… Null Talents. They were supposedly wiped out during the last war. One of factions must have kept a few alive just in case they needed them. But this didn’t make sense. This was the Graft’s island. Neither he nor most of his people had Talents that these Null Talents could use to their advantage. Unless… “Dang… they’ve come to kill us.”
“I already figured that one out.” Aaron replied.
Another hail of gunfire rained down on them. This time the heat of the bullets caused the gossamer silk curtains to catch fire. “Well time’s up. We’re getting out of here.” Jon grabbed Aaron’s hand and ran. Gunfire was now coming from every direction. As Aaron had warned they had them surrounded.
They needed to find some cover. Jon and Aaron ran to a nearby rock garden. Going to a stone beach near a large granite boulder Jon used his Talent to tip it over. They now had cover from in front and behind.
Jon looked at Aaron. He was clearly frightened but his time as a duelist had given him a backbone he had lack three years ago. Jon just hoped he didn’t look too scared. Of all the Talents vulnerable to Nulls, Jon’s physical Talent left him in the worst position. If a Null were to get close enough their Talent would not just negate his physical Talent, but would draw the very life out of him. “We can’t stay here.”
“I know… Don’t worry. Everything will be okay.” Just as he had figured out why Jon looked so terrified Aaron had come upon a solution. It would mean Jon seeing how his Talent really worked but the secret was not worth someone dying over.
To Jon’s horror he rose even as the guns continued firing.
Aaron took three bullets before he could locate them all. Using his Talent he turned the Null’s Talent against them. If the field was fatal to Jon what would happen if the field was inverted on them. It didn’t take long for Aaron to find out. He heard eight squishy pops as the inverted fields caused their bodies to explode.
Aaron didn’t know how using his talent in this fashion would affect him. It didn’t matter. It was their only way they had any chance to survive. The touch of their Null Talent felt exactly what he has sense when he first detected him… living death. Inverting the fields against the Nulls was the same as touching it. If there was such a thing as vital energy the feat and sucked away most of his.
Collapsing, he fell into Jon’s arms. He knew he was dying and was surprised he had already come to terms with it.
Jon however was not so ready. He didn’t know what Aaron had done but he could see how much it cost him. Though he knew there was no point to it, he summoned his physical Talent and directed it into Aaron.
Every Talent has a weakness, mentalist are useless against empaths, empaths stand no chance against kinetic. Physicals are weak against mentalists, and Aaron, whatever his talent was, was weak against Jon’s physical. In dueling Aaron had never be able to defeat Jon. In this special case it saved his life.
The vitality of Jon’s Talent warmed Aaron’s near frozen body. Color returned to his checks, his heart began to beat again, and he once again had the energy to breathe. Jon had saved him as much as he had saved Jon.
Something else changed for Aaron. With Jon’s vitality now a part of him Jon’s Talent would allow Jon to sense Aaron from any part in the world no matter how distant. Aaron would never be able escape or hide from him now. He would forever be a part of Jon… something Andrew could never be. He didn’t know it at that moment and later he would deny it but in his heart he knew he had just broken up with Andrew.”
When Sam and Ryan found him Jon was still cradling Aaron in his arms. His face was soaked with tears.
“What happed Jon… what we saw what was left of those things shooting at you … well, you better not see it for yourself. If those things were ever related to humanity they lost it generations ago.”
“Aaron… he’s been shot.” Jon croaked.
“I can see that so we better get him to the house. Greg is out with a bunch of the Graft’s security men taking care of the rest of the Nulls. Still, there’s no telling when more will come and until we deal with the surveillance satellite above us it’s too dangerous for us to try to leave. We’re going to be trapped here for a while. Let’s go… I’ll carry Aaron for you.”
“The fuck you will!” Jon sobbed. “He’s mine… and I won’t give him up, not to the Nulls, you, or even Andrew. He’s mine god damn it.” His voice faded. He’s mine…”
“Fine… but I want you to stay close. The last thing we need is for you to get shot.”
Sam having not said a word until now whispered; “He’ll be alright. I’m sure of it. After all he means the world to you.”
“God damn you better believe that.”
When they got to the house they found the Graft and his medical team ready for them. “I won’t ask what happened out there. My men are already collecting the bodies… not that they look like anything human.”
“I want you to figure out who is behind this.” Ryan demanded. He could see the rage in Jon’s tearful eyes. If the Graft didn’t figure out why the Null’s had attack then Jon would kill him.
The Graft swallowed hard. He could see the expressions on the three who could stand and the blood coating Aaron and Jon. He understood the situation clear enough. “God damn right I’m going to. Nobody gets away trying to kill my people.”
“They were Nulls… which means they were after us specifically.” Gordon explained what they had discovered in as much detail as he could. “Who else knows we’re here Gordon.”
“I know what you’re getting at. At least one of my men is a traitor which means they’re all suspect. You can interrogate, torture, do whatever you wish to them. I won’t stand in your way. Not after this shit.”
“You know we might have them all killed.” Gordon warned.
“As I said, you can do whatever you want.” The Graft could not feel more defeated. He never thought it could be possible that one of his people would betray him. Except for Aaron and his friends he made sure every person who worked for him were given modification to prevent this exact situation.
That was, of course, if he had been one of the attackers targets. They had been Nulls, perfect assassins against Talents but with their Talent would give them no advantage against well trained Untalented soldiers. Aaron, Greg, Ryan, Sam, and Jon had to be the main targets. Now that the first wave of the attack had failed whoever wanted them dead would move on to Plan-B. Gordon had to get everyone out before that happened and the clock was ticking.
Wanting to do something… needing to, the Graft went to the communications room. He looked at the men there, men he had once trusted. Triggering a grafted pheromone gland he thought he would never have to use, he released into the air a thin vapor of hormones. He then left. Ten minutes later he returned and they were all dead. While the presence of a traitor among the communication seemed the most likely he would never again be able to trust any of his people. In due time they would all have to die.
With the communication staff gone he could only make contact with the one person who would be able to save them.
When Aaron opened his eyes and felt the sting of Jon’s tears raining down on him, he quickly shut them again. “Jon… can you please stop crying Niagara Falls. I can’t see when you do that.” Before he felt the drops stop Jon’s lips were pressed against his own. As weak as he was he tried to push Jon off him.
Jon eventually got the hint and let Aaron sit up . “I… I thought you died.”
Aaron thought back. The last thing he remembered was falling into Jon’s arms and his heart stopping. “I thought so too.”
“I don’t know what you did but it is to never to happen again. I won’t let you die on me. Not a second time.”
“It was not my intention to die… but I had to do something.”
“The fuck you did. I could have gotten you out of there.”
“Not without both of us ending up filled with as many holes as a wheel of Swiss cheese.”
“I could have. God damn it I know I could’ve.”
Aaron knew better than to argue. Jon had always seen himself as a hero and heroes save people, they don’t get save by the people they’ve sworn to protect. It was a reversal of roles that was ripping Jon’s pride apart.”
Looking around Aaron saw Sam was also present. “Sam I need you to help me.”
“I can help you.” Jon insisted.
Sam got the hint. With Aaron so close only direct contact would work. Placing a gentle hand on Jon he took away as much of the self-hate as he could. Slowly Jon was able to calm down.
“Thank you… thank you both. Now will one of you tell me what the hell is going on?”
“It seems some faction or possible someone is willing to go to any means to see one or all of us dead.”
“Any idea who they are?”
“Not a clue… it’s not like we’ve done anything lately to piss somebody off this badly.”
“But there has to be a reason.” Aaron replied. “From what we were taught on the history of the Elected the Nulls were supposed to be wiped out during the last Talent War.”
Ryan let out a weary sigh. “Well it seems a few were kept alive. Between the end of the war and now, some mad scientist has being fiddling with their DNA to the point that these things are no longer human. At least they don’t appear to be. Whatever they are they were damn hard to kill. It took shooting them right into their head or heart to bring them down for good. Don’t’ worry Aaron. We’ll get to the bottom of this.”
“Not if we don’t get off this damn island.” Jon said bitterly as he stormed out.
Aaron could tell Jon wanted someone to take his rage out on… do something if not anything to restore his sense of honor. “Ryan, don’t let him do anything stupid.”
“In the mood he’s in he would kill me just for trying. If he’s going to kill someone let it be someone you won’t miss.”
“He might try to kill the Graft sir… did you consider that?” Sam asked
“The Graft is more than capable of defending himself. He’s a living arsenal. When he grafted us he gave us a few of the same modifications. There just wasn’t time for him to teach us how to use them. But they’ve already served their purpose. I took at least five bullets and you took three Aaron. Without the tissue and bone reinforcement grafts we both might be dead.”
Aaron pulled away the blanket covering him. The bullet had already been removed and the wounds were already in the process of healing. “They came to kill me. I’m certain of it.”
“You don’t know that Aaron.” Ryan replied sternly. “So don’t start blaming yourself for everything. Jon has that job fully covered.”
“But I’m the only one who has enemies willing to go to these kinds of extremes.”
“If you are referring to the Coven I will forget you even thought that. They might not be please about having one of their intended converts running around free but they would never go to this sort of effort to get rid of you when they’ve had plenty of times to do so in the States. There has to be a real explanation for what is going on here. Why not just bomb the island for instance.”
“Because whoever is involved doesn’t want the Graft to be killed with us?” Sam suggested.
Ryan agreed. You’re most likely right which is why we all would be better off avoiding him as well. He’s hungrier for blood than Jon.”
“Why? None of his people were hurt?” Sam said. Like Jon he partly blamed the Graft for letting the Nulls get past his security.
“We are his people” Ryan stated.
“Aaron, Mr. Harper, and I might be but the rest of you aren’t.” Sam pointed out.
“Yes we are… we became his when we agreed to him grafting us. That part of our vacation was at least enjoyable.” Ryan could not hold back a wry grin
“Hey… didn’t you enjoy us fucking?” Sam demanded.
“Sorry… but that experience was tainted the moment I woke up naked with those things trying to kill us.”
Aaron was tired of the attackers being referred to as things. Things don’t go out of their way to assassinate people. Only humanity is capable of such evil. He was also tired of not having a clue what his attackers looked like given the only thing he say of them were the black voids created by their Talent. “I want to see them.”
“See who?”
“See what those things look like.”
“You most certainly do not?” Ryan replied sharply.
“I killed at least seven of them and nearly died in the process. I think I’ve earned the right to at least see what those things really look like.”
“He has a point.” Sam said in Aaron defense.
Ryan knew better than to argue. “He does… but I would rather wait until you’ve recover.”
“I hope to be off this island well before then.” Aaron pointed out.
“He has a point.” Sam said a second time.”
Ryan glared at Sam. “Will you shut up and go do something useful.”
“Like what?” When he saw Ryan reach for his gun he made a quick exit.
Aaron noticed the maneuver “You didn’t have to threaten him.”
“He’s a good guy, and pretty good in bed too but right now he’s being as annoying as hell. I’m in no mood for any silly games.” When Aaron continued to look at him disapprovingly he let go of him.” Don’t look at me like that.”
“Show them to me.”
“Alright… but don’t blame me for the nightmares these things will give you.”
After Ryan had helped him back onto his feet. Aaron let him support him to the makeshift morgue where the creatures were being autopsied.
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you.
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