Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you.
The Talents of the Fallen - 29. Part Twenty-Eight: Escape
Chapter Twenty-Eight: Escape
As soon as he was outside the control room Gordon dashed full speed down to the mainframe vault.
The scientist had been more right than he knew. There would be no recreating the data… not for years to come. If Gordon didn’t get his hands on the core all his research it would be lost for good. He would not let it be destroyed so easily.
Entering the vault was not easy. Given all the valuable data it held it was never meant to be. The Graft had taken steps to make sure he was the only one who could enter. The locking mechanism was controlled by combinations of proteins and DNA sequences that only he possessed.
The input panel for the codes was near twin to the one in the Grand Chamber of the London Council. Place one’s hand on it and it would collect the biometric and genetic data on the person’s whose palm was there.
Gordon however was not so trusting as to let it be it vaults only line of defense. A gaseous neurotoxin was released into the room. He had specifically designed it so he was immune to it. This protected him from someone forcing him to open the vault against his will. The first and second doors opened. All that was left was the third.
He went to the final key pad.
Since it had been the Vault of the Three Wise Men that had served as the inspiration for his own. The last line of defense was the AI he had built for himself.
“Yes papa.” The voice was that of a child. The AI had been given his voice and his old name.
“I need you to give me the Omega Graft.”
“Are you sure papa? There will be no going back once I give it to you.”
“You know our present situation.”
“Yes papa. It has me greatly concerned. You do know there is a traitor among your people.”
“I do and I plan on dealing with it but I can’t let everything I worked towards over the last ten years be destroyed in the process.”
“I understand papa… Papa will you dream of me after I’m gone.”
“Of course I will. You’re my son.”
“Thank you papa.” The room’s florescent lights went from white to red. “Omega is primed.” A lid dropped from the wall. Inside was a metal ring lined with barbs. “Place the injector collar around your neck.” Gordon did as he was instructed. “Grab the support handles and pressed down until the middle of the collar is aligned with the base of your neck.” Gordon pressed down as hard as he could. He felt the barbs around the ring cut into his flesh. “Injection will commence in ten second. Do not remove the collar until the vault’s light turns green. “Good bye papa.”
Good bye Timmy. No longer able to speak he could only mentally send his good bye. Through Omega you will always be a part of me.” The computer core’s genetic matrix was now being pumped into him.
His body burned like it was lit by the fires of hell. The pain inside his skull felt thousand times worse as several lifetimes of gathered knowledge was force fed into his brain. He had no clue to how long the process would take. Until now no one had dared to undergo the process. Not even his master had been willing to risk it. As he had been the first to undergo so many new grafts he would be the first to merge his mind and body with that of a living AI.
“I knew I would find you here.” A malevolent voice said from behind.
Even through the excruciating pain the Graft heard and recognized the voice. It was the scientist who had challenged his destroying the island. He tried to say something but the collar prevented him from doing so. In his hands he held an assault rifle.
“Can’t talk eh? Must be a bitch not being able to speak. You do know why I’m here, don’t you?” The scientist didn’t wait for a response. “You’re planning to betray us sir. You swore to protect us, to always look out for us. But you no longer plan to do that. Because you’re certain there is a traitor among us you will get rid of all of us. Don’t you? I saw what you did to the communication team. Maybe there was a traitor among them but did they all deserve to die for it. What is yours, you keep. That is until you can no longer trust us.
“Do you remember how we met? I like you was once one of those stupid kids who thought my lover among the Elected truly loved me. When he found someone he wanted more he threw me out on the streets. I had to sell myself out like an old worn out whore on the streets, 10 dollar blow jobs. 50 to fuck me. For only twenty dollars more I’ll let you do it without a condom. As desperate as I was I looked forward to being fucked raw. That’s how I got caught HIV and later developed full AIDS.
“Now remember where we met? You found me in a hospice dying from pneumonia. You said you remembered me… that you had been looking for me for some time. You swore you would help me. You might not be able to cure me but you would give me back my health and a chance at a new life. You kept your word… you gave me a life free of shame.
“That is why I find this so… difficult. I never thought I would find myself wanting to kill you sir but I won’t let you betray us. I will see that you keep your word and kill you before you break your promise. I don’t want to do this. Believe me I don’t. If we get out of this I swear I won’t tell the men the truth. I will let them believe you died a hero’s death saving us. You deserve that much I think.” He raised the rifle and prepared to fire.
As he pressed his finger on the trigger the lights flash green. Caught off guard he lowered the gun and spun around as if expecting to find someone standing there. By the time he recovered his wits it was too late. The grafted Omega modification where complete. Gordon and the AI Timmy were now of one body and mind. The first thing the Graft used his new modifications for was releasing more of the neurotoxin into the vault.
With one breath the scientist was dead.
As he removed the transfer collar, its barbs cracked into nano particle dust. “Alright Timmy let’s get this show on the road.”
He had once again been betrayed… by a man who would not let the Graft betray him. It didn’t change what the Graft would do to the others. If anything the man’s actions had removed any guilt or hesitation that had been haunting him.
Now possessing the collective knowledge of all his grafting research within his body he could use the Omega modifications to turn his body into its own grafting research lab. He could graft anyone and give them any modification he wished. He could invent new ones and apply them to modify his body and others’ without needing a lab to produce the mutagenic material.
He could do anything he wanted now and no one could stop me. He could even not have to kill his men for he now had the means of destroying their will to resist. First he needed to find the traitors and then decide what to do with the rest of his men.
There were now only two people who could resist him, the very two people he was truly incapable of betraying… his master, and Aaron. Out of his love for his master he had allowed himself to be hard coded to obey him no matter what and the sole thing he was to obey at all costs was to see to his brother’s protection, even if it meant protecting Aaron from his own brother.
Returning to the command center he found most of his remaining men were still busy preparing for the evacuation. If he was to start his search for the traitors among his people this spot was as good as any other.
Using his new abilities he released a new set of pheromones into the air. He circled around the room, making sure all his men had breathed it in. When he sensed it had taken effect he went to the center of the room and shouted; “Which of you is the traitor?”
His men looked around one another… on their faces was the same look of suspicion and anger that marked their boss’s face.
Eventually two people stepped forward. “Sir, forgive us. We are the ones who betrayed you.”
“Only you two.”
“There were two other but they’re dead. They worked in the communication room. Forgive us sir. We meant you no harm. All she wanted was the kid.”
“Yes sir, Mr. Mays.”
“Who is this person and what Faction does she work for.”
“Forgive us sir but she didn’t tell us. We were at a party. At some point we were drugged. When we awoke we found ourselves in some sort of lab. That’s where we met her. She showed us things… things she would do to us if we didn’t do as she said. Those creatures… she threated to turn us into one of them.”
“She made us watch her do it to another person just so we would know she was not bluffing. Please forgive us sir.”
“Forgive us sir. We beg you.”
The Graft wave a hand to silence them. “I will forgive you. I will forgive you both as soon as you two are dead. Die, die for me and you will receive my forgiveness.
“Thank you sir.”
“Bless you sir.”
His control over them was now so potent that their hearts stopped beating at the same time. By the time they hit the floor they were dead.
Disturbed by his new found power he changed his mind about the others. He would spare them. “Now that’s out of the way how much longer until the evacuation process is complete.”
“Everything is prepared Graft. We’re only waiting for you to give the word to complete the evacuation.”
“Is the self-destruct sequence ready?”
“The EMP is charged, and the explosives have all been set for detonation. Everything is as you commanded sir.”
Gordon sighed… he liked his men to be loyal but their new compulsion to obey and please him at all costs had stripped away much of their humanity. He would have to be more careful in the future when using such pheromones. “The word is given. Set the timer for the EMP to go off in five minutes and the explosives to go off twenty minutes after that. You are then free to head to the evacuations points and board the boats. Please, no dawdling. I want to see each and every one of you safe and alive at the secondary base. Yes?”
“Yes sir.” They shouted.
He gave them a final approving nod then hurried to where Aaron and the other should be waiting for him so they could be the first to evacuate.
Aaron knew pain when he saw it and he saw how strong it was in the Graft. None of the others seemed to notice, not even Sam. Aaron did and it worried him.
Once aboard the submarine he made his way to the Graft’s captain cabin. Pressing the comm button he whispered. “It’s me sir. Can I come in?”
The door opened and he stepped inside. As soon as he saw the red splotches dotting the Graft’s face Aaron knew he had been crying. As soon as he looked up at Aaron he averted his gaze. “Be quick. I have a lot on my mind.”
“I can tell. Want to talk about it?”
“No not really.”
Aaron sat down on one of the metal chairs bolted to the flood opposite of where his boss sat. He took the Graft’s hand in his brought it to his lips and kissed it.
The Graft raised his gaze back on Aaron. He was amazed. “Why did you do that?”
“Because I wanted to.”
“Not because I wanted you to.”
“No… because I did. What’s wrong sir. The others don’t see it but I know something has changed and it has you upset.”
“Why would I be upset? With my new grafts my men now obey me with total conviction. They will never betray me. They will follow every order I give, I can command their hearts to stop with a single word. All I have to do is ask.” The Graft saw Aaron didn’t understand what he was saying. “I’m not joking, and I’m not trying to brag. I gave myself the ultimate graft. It gives me total control over those I’ve grafted… total. It even gives me control over parts of their bodies that they themselves have no control over.”
“Am I included among them?”
“No… I didn’t give you or your people any of the usual loyalty grafts. I can’t control people who don’t have them. That doesn’t mean I can’t self-modify my body to find a way to do so. I’m a freak… a monster… someone better off dead.”
“I don’t want you dead.”
“Thank you for saying that Aaron but don’t be such a suck up.”
“Suck up? Here I am trying to cheer you up and you accusing me of sucking up to you.”
“Aren’t you?”
“The hell I am. Screw this crap.” Aaron made for the hatch but Gordon grabbed his arm and pulled him back.
“You really need to do something about that temper of yours.”
“I don’t have a bad temper. I’m just pissed off that you think I’m trying to take advantage of you when you are the one who’s taken advantage of me from the very start.”
“Well Aaron… this might sound funny I am thrilled your pissed off.”
Aaron arched an eyebrow. “You are?”
“Yes, it means you’re still human which is why I love you.”
Before Aaron could think better of it, he found himself lying next to the Graft in his bed. “You do know your contract is up for renewal.”
“I thought we already talked about this.”
“Yes but a man is allowed to change his mind sometimes. I’m going to set you up with that Harvard kid. You remember him.”
Aaron had to think on that one. “Chase was it? I only remember that because he asked me to marry him without us going out on a single date.”
“Yes… his family isn’t offering that much money, not the amount you deserve, but I don’t think you’ll need to ever worry about that.”
“If not for the money, then what?”
“His father, Graham Welford, is a Senator on the Joint Committee on Talent Activity.”
“I didn’t know there was such a committee.”
“That’s why it is a secret committee. Very few people outside the committee know it existence. Members are selected within the committee and because of its nature the committee appointments are usually passed down from father to son.”
“I don’t have a family so I don’t see how I would get on this committee.”
Gordon coughed. He had stumbled into dangerous territory. He needed to talk fast. “I, and by that I also mean the Council, don’t want you on the committee per say they want you to be one of their advisors… a sort of ambassador to the Untalented world.”
“Ambassador? Wouldn’t the Council prefer a member of the Elected instead of a Blip?” Aaron knew the answer before he even finished the sentence. “I see… they don’t want to be seen slumming with low life Untalented politicians so would rather have a Blip do the job for them.”
“Not any Blip… you. You are Lakes educated and you have endeared yourself to the heirs of the Omicron and Balthazar families. I cannot claim the other Elected are all too happy about a mere Blip being in such a strong position. He corrected himself when he saw on Aaron’s face what he thought about his present position. “For a Blip you really are blessed with the friends you have. You also work for me, which is to your benefit.”
“And the Senator?”
“Senator Welford is a member of the Elected who fell on hard time. Still he was not willing to give up a life in politics. He did the only thing he could think of which was to marry a rich heiress of a powerful political family and get involved in U.S. politics. No one on the committee knows he is a Talent of course and you are not to let them find out. You have to understand something the son wants you as a husband because he thinks that’s what will earn him his stepfather’s respect. The Senator on the other hand wants to have easy access to a Talent to serve as his lover?”
“And the mother?”
“Graham is a mental Talent so she wants whatever he wants.”
“Okay… That has me confused. Which one am I going to be contracted with?”
“Both the Senator and his stepson. Chase was once the lover of the Senator’s biological son. Somehow Ben got into some trouble with the Coven and has gone into hiding. It was not like the Senator’s son was all that serious about the relationship. In fact that bastard was only using the kid as exercise practice. Ben had Chase completely under his control… the kid would do anything he asked. If that cockroach ever comes out of hiding he might go back to controlling him.
“You mean he was stringing the kid along waiting for a chance to crush his soul.”
“I’m glad you understand where he’s coming from. The kid never quite got over the breakup and has gotten it into his head that only someone with Talent can make him happy. He however is just a student at Harvard and fully dependent on his family for funds. That’s where the Senator steps in. He will pay your contract, and fund you education but you will be expected to discretely sate his need for the company and sexual appetite of a fellow Talent.”
“Let me see if I got this right. Publically I will be dating the son which will provide the cover the Senator needs to explain my close proximity to him.”
“Exactly. In return you will go to Harvard and get your law degree, all other living expenses all paid for by me, while will be paid by the Senator. When you graduate you will be offered the job as an advisor to the Joint Committee on Talent Activity. In doing so you will gain the independent career you’ve wanted. As an agent on the committee the Council will see you as an asset instead of a mere Blip. With Omicron in the military you two will be in perfect position to support each other’s careers and you won’t have to worry about me drowning you in clients.”
“You seem to have all this thought out. But what about Andrew… he’s my boyfriend. I’m not going to give him up just to marry someone I don’t know just to get a job.”
The Graft sucked in a breath. He didn’t know how to respond. He had thought that with the ice broken between him and Jon, Aaron would stop insisting he and the future Convert had a real future together. Aaron, the dogged fool, would never give up on him, not even when he saw the truth with his own eyes. If the Graft was in Andrew’s position he would live his whole life treasuring a love that only fate could end. He knew from his talks with Jon that Andrew had been giving Aaron every chance to break up with him without being cruel about it. Andrew could have broken things off but with Aaron being the only thing keeping him from fully converting he would not he would not be the one to leave.
Any decision would have to wait until Andrew converted, which was only two months away at the longest from happening. Until then talks of the future had to be kept on hold.
That didn’t mean Gordon was going to wait any longer having his way with Aaron. He was the Graft after all. “My dear cupcake. We’re long past due fulfilling the final terms of your contract with me.” The Graft straddled himself over Aaron’s thighs.
Aaron swallowed hard. “Terms?” He knew what was coming.
“Don’t play dumb.”
“But I am dumb. You can ask anyone I’m dumb as a door knob.” His heart and breathing was quickening.
“Oh really,” The Graft began unbuttoning Aaron’s shirt. “Didn’t you say you wanted to cheer me up?”
“I... I…” As he always did whenever he got real nervous, Aaron started hiccupping.
The Graft stretched out his body to the ceiling and pulled off his shirt. “You are so adorable.”
“I am not.”
“Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.” The Graft countered.
“Please sir… I’m really not up for this.”
Swinging back and forth he let the part of his pants between his leg rub up against Aaron’s swelling groin. “Your cock seems to be up for it and by that I mean really up.” He yanked the rest of Aaron’s shirt off and began working on the buckle of his pants.”
“That’s your fault not mine.” He protested. “You’re the Graft after all.”
“That’s right; and men are willing to pay a fortune just to be in my company. What I’m offering you I’ll do for free.”
“I don’t need your charity.” Aaron tried to sit up only to be met by a firm palm. The Graft pushed him back down. “Enough of this cold feet business. It can be cute at times but not right now. I want you like I’ve wanted only one other person before. While you might not love me… how much does love matter to a stiff dick, a mouth hungering for the taste for cock, and a hole aching to be filled.” When Aaron didn’t argue he laughed. “Not much right?” With a hard yank he whipped off Aaron’s belt.
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you.
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