Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you.
The Talents of the Fallen - 31. Chapter Thirty: Match Makers
Chapter Thirty: Match Makers
The day of the North American Council Tournament finally arrived and Aaron couldn’t be more nervous. It was not the duels that worried him. It was that Andy and Jon both intended to introduce him to their powerful fathers.
The first one he met was Andrew’s. Lord Oliver was tall yet heavyset… his best days clearly behind him. Still, he had a keen mind and a love for intrigue. Under his leadership the Order had recovered ground they had lost to the Coven under the previous heads of the Balthazar family.
“So you are the one who my sons can’t shut up about.” Oliver said after his third born introduced Aaron to him.
“Sons?” Aaron gulped. He didn’t like the idea that he had collected a harem of possible lovers.
“Andrew and Gregory of course. My youngest Jeff is not yet old enough to be interested in fucking let alone know what it entails but my older boys do.”
“Uhmmm the only one I’m interested in is Andy.”
“And what a shame… Gregory is my eldest and therefore first in line to succeed me. It would not hurt your standing if you were to become his official concubine but if it is Andrew you have your heart set on you could also do much worse.
Seeing Andrew had moved out of range of his voice Lord Oliver drop the act as jovial father at let Aaron see how he truly felt about him being involved in the lives of his sons. “Understand this boy the Council will never recognize your relationship with either of my sons. Not with your status or should I say lack thereof. Only a member of an original families can be officially joined another. You are not a member of any family. You’re an orphan, the Graft’s whore, and worst of all a Blip. So take my advice… it would be best for you to die in the Arena. If not… I will see you dismembered as you scream for mercy.
“What this tournament is really about is my given my sons this one chance to convince me to bring you into the fold of family Balthazar. If you win it you will have to right to be adopted into one of the families and marry above your pathetic station. I will never let you marry into my family or let you continue to leech what reputation you have from the honor of my sons. You Blips are…” Whatever nasty thing he was going to say he cut himself off when he saw Andrew was coming back. “Ha ha ha… if you are to marry anyone I suggest you marry Talia … she’s around your age and has never been all too picky about her boyfriends. Most importantly of all she is Andrews twin sister. The two adore each other to no end and would do anything to make the other happy. I am certain you two… I mean three, will make and excellent set.”
“Marriage? Set?” Aaron’s cheeks flushed red and not out of embarrassment. Andy had said nothing about marrying his sister marry his. Andy had to have known that he would never go along with something so tawdry and cheap. Andy however showed no sign of guilt. Aaron had fallen into his trap. What Andy hadn’t guessed was that his trap might prove fatal. There was nothing he could do but hope he lost.
Glad to get away from the two-faced Lord Oliver he let Jon introduce him to his family. He hoped they would not see him in such a negative light.
As the dominate family of those with physical Talents, the Omicrons were nearly as powerful as the Balthazars. Even so they felt slighted by the fact that those with physical Talents were not included among the three major Talents of Empathy, Telepathy, and Kinetics.
Jon’s father was quite the sight to behold. Aaron had never been so close to someone so tall and muscular. He had the frame of a body builder, which, with the skin tight black Lycra bodysuit he was wearing left little to the imagination including his half hard penis. He had no shame of maintaining his hard-on by rubbing the shaft in public. Aaron looked towards Jon and felt sorry for him. He didn’t know what he would do if he had someone like him as a father. Most likely die from embarrassment.
“I thought you would be taller.” Berg Omicron said with disapproval when Jon introduced him to his father.
Jon did his best to put a positive spin on it. “That is one of the things I like about him dad. He’s the right size to hold in my arms.”
“If you wanted a stuffed animal to hold I wouldn’t have thrown your teddy bear away.”
“It’s nothing like that! Aaron might not look it but he is quite the duelist;” Jon insisted
“I’m certain he is.” The Berg’s sarcasm more than suggested he believed otherwise. “Are you sure you want your sister to marry this shrimp?”
Aaron jaw dropped. “Wait a minute… you want me to marry your sister? Funny Andy is trying to get me to do the same thing.” Aaron was felt himself losing control of the situation fast.
“Who’s Andy?”
“He’s Lord Balthazar’s son.”
“Lord Balthazar wants this midget as a son-in-law?” Jon’s father rubbed his crotch while he thought about the implications. “Well we can’t have that now? If Oliver thinks his family is better than mine then we will have to prove otherwise. I won’t let that oaf have that which is rightfully ours.”
“I am rightfully no ones.” Aaron pointed out.
“Of course not… you haven’t won the tournament yet. Not saying you will, but if you do, I’ll make you a proud member of House Omicron. That’s ten times better than being married to one of those sleazy Balthazar’s. Isn’t that right Jon?”
Jon could see Aaron was daring him to agree but he wouldn’t contradict his father. “Uhmmm… sure. Whatever you say dad.”
“Damn right!” He slapped Jon hard on the back with such force he knocked him off his feet. “Now that’s settled how about you introduce my future son in law to your sister.”
Jon drew Aaron aside. “Don’t look shocked when you see her.”
Aaron was not blind to the Jon’s growing unease. “Why? What’s wrong?”
“She’s one of those Goth types. You know… all in black, moaning how pointless life is. If I were to describe here I would have to say she looks like Elvira, Mistress of the Night, from those old horror show marathons Sam and I would watch all night.”
“I see.” Aaron did see, heading toward him was a young voluptuous woman in a low split down the middle blouse and laced down the sides leather plants. Her long black silky hair was done up in an almost beehive fashion. Her skin was deathly pale. Her nails were painting ultraviolet, her lips, blood red. Around her neck was a platinum necklace with a black opal broach. It was as Jon had said… Elvira.
“Well hello brother dear. Is this thing the midget you want me to marry?”
“Elisa, he is not a ‘thing’ but my boyfriend.” Jon saw the daggers Aaron was throwing at his direction and quickly corrected himself. “In all good time he is the man I will marry.”
“Then why do you need me…” She grabbed her brother by the arm with her talon like hands and led him aside. “Oh, now I remember, you’re afraid what daddy would think if you were to marry a no-name penniless commoner.”
“There is nothing common about him.”
“I know… with those goggles of his he looks like one of the pre-converted.”
“He doesn’t even have the virus.”
“Then why does he look like that?”
“Look…” Jon led her further away. “The Coven took him soon after he was born. He spent the first seven years of his life in near darkness. As for his hair, it’s not gray from the virus but a result of the shock he went through while there. So please, sis, don’t make assumptions about him when you don’t have all the facts.”
“I didn’t say he was ugly or anything… just weird.”
“Like you’re one to talk. You and dad still dress up like in the ancient times.”
“I like being mysteriously, our father is a braggart. I don’t know why you still obsessed in getting his approval. You’ll never get it hanging out with trash. As for your future Blip husband, he looks more like a clueless country bumpkin not royalty.”
“Royalty… Jeeze. You and dad need to realize that those days are over. It’s the 21st century so at least dress like it. Only the Order thinks about bring back the old ways.”
“Some think they are right to want to bring back the old ways.” Seeing her brother raise his fist she stepped back and held up a hand. “Please… not here. You and father will never see eye to eye on the subject but wouldn’t it be for the betterment of our people if we didn’t have to hide what we are? I mean the gays no longer have to... well maybe in Alabama, but not you or your new teddy bear… too bad father threw the old one away. You cried for weeks. Anyway the point is we of the Elected shouldn’t have to keep ourselves hidden. After all why hide who we are when we are vastly their superior.”
“In what way.”
“In every way my dear brother.” She pinched him with two of her black nail polished fingers. “We are the Elected after all.”
“Elected? There is no proof we are anything more than the result of inbreeding. Most normal people would find that more abhorrent than being gay or anything else.” He didn’t need to bring up that his father was planning to force him to marry Elisa in the hope of producing a superior Talent.
“So I guess the marriage is off.” His sister said whimsically
“Ours is… You better get used to the fact that you’re going to marry Aaron whether you like it or not.”
“Uhmmm, not if she has anything to say about it.” Elisa pointed to where Aaron was speaking to the daughter of Lord Balthazar.
While Jon and her sister had been discussing family politics, Andrew’s sister, Talia had taken the opportunity to speak privately with Aaron. “Quiet the party, don’t you think.”
Aaron shook his head and sighed. “I feel like I’m in the back room of a political convention.”
“I know the feeling. The leaders of the families don’t often gather in one place. These blood sport tournaments are one of the few times real business gets done.”
“Not in the Council Chambers?”
“Oh Aaron, still naïve as ever. Those so called “important” sessions are only for show. Some lord accusing another of poaching on their territory. The members of the Order and the Coven accuse each other of horrendous acts. It’s all kabuki theater.”
“The Order? I thought you were the good guys.”
“Once that was true but our moral superiority has degenerated to the point that the only real differences between us and the Coven is that we don’t eat people. While my father might hate Blips, he’s not insane. No one will admit it and the official figures will never be made public but everyone has to eventually come to terms that there are more Blips than there are Elected. To make up for that both we and the Coven kidnap the children of Blips for instance. We also practice interbreeding in the hope that it will result in the creating new, stronger Talents. Our worst shared crime however was letting the Melchior’s be slaughter by the Engineers. We lost too many families and so much Talent when they were wiped out.”
“The Engineers?”
“They’re the ones who made us what we are. They were also the inventors of telepathic warfare. They wanted to create a world where the Elect would use their Talents to the benefit of the Untalented. All they really did however was come up with better ways for us to kill each other. That’s why they built the Vault and the Three Wise Men. They wanted to make sure no one could use their weapons to start another Talent War.”
“Why didn’t they destroy all the weapons? If they were so dangerous why keep them?”
“Because they feared that one day they’ll find themselves in a tight spot and need us to get them out of it. That’s why they created the Three Wise Men… the three AI’s Balthazar, Melchior and Casper were not just protect what the Vault contains but to serve as its keepers waiting for the day when they Engineer’s would need us.
“Each of the Wise Men was program to fill a certain purpose. Casper’s was to defend the Vault. Melchior decides what if anything of the Vault’s secrets is to be released, and Balthazar’s the decision on whether or not to release the virus.”
And there you have it… the Coven and the Order allies in genocide. By the way if you don’t remember me, I’m Talia, Talia Balthazar.”
Aaron choked. “You’re Andy’s sister? I thought you were his girlfriend.” He very much remembered the football game where they had met. It had been the same one where he had almost been raped.
“If he didn’t become a Covey, don’t tell him I called him that, he and I would be expected to marry start a family… perish the thought.”
Aaron didn’t know how to respond.
“Had to think hard on that didn’t you?”
“No I…”
“I’m just teasing you. You’re the man who has made poor gloomy Andy smile again. For that you have my dearest thanks. As for us marrying… you might not be a member of a powerful family or are notable for your Talent but if you do win at this Games then yes, for the sake of my beloved brother I will marry you.”
“But you don’t love me.” Aaron frowned.
“And you don’t love me either so we’re even.”
“But wouldn’t you like to marry someone you actually love?”
“Love?” she said bitterly. Since when has a daughter of House Balthazar been allowed to marry for love? I would rather marry someone my brothers love than for my father’s political gain.”
“You said brothers… didn’t you?”
“Well it would be a lie if I were to say my older brother doesn’t have a thing for you.”
“But he’s too old for me.”
“True, but he also very powerful. If you were to let him take you under his wing you will find all sorts of doors open for you. With Andy all you will get out of him is his love.”
“All I need is his love.”
“How sweet…” She patted him on the check. “Naïve but sweet.” Reaching between her breasts she pulled out a laced scarf which she wrapped around Aaron’s right arm.” Good luck in the Games.” She gave him a kiss on each cheek then went hurrying to join her father in their private box.
Just as he thought he had recovered from his talk with Talia he hear Elisa scream; “You two timing whore!” She slapped him on the spots where Talia had kissed him. “If you’re going to marry anyone it’s going to be me.” She pulled a scarf of red silk from her bra almost strangled him when she knotted it tight around his neck. She too kissed him then left to watch the duels.
Jon rushed to Aaron. “Oh god… sorry about that Aaron.” Jon apologized. “Look she smeared her red lipstick all over you. Let me clean you up.” Jon used the silk to remove it. “Don’t worry it’s already red the stains won’t show. Now look… I’m not trying to force you to marry my crazy sister but just ask yourself if you would rather marry that she-bitch Talia. My sister might look like she’s out of a B-horror flick but that girl is evil.”
“I don’t know about evil but definitely jaded.”
“No, evil. Why do you think she’s not already married? She might look like a sweet innocent princess but she has a heart as cold as iron.”
The two heard the announcer list the first of the team duels. “We’re up first so we better hurry.” When Aaron didn’t immediately follow Jon took his hands and placed them over his heart. The touch of skin sent a shiver down both their spines. “Don’t worry… things will work out. I’ve thought of everything.” He pulled Aaron into a breath stealing kiss. They heard their names being called out a second time. “Now we really need to hurry. If we stay here much longer we will end up fucking instead of fighting.”
Before Aaron could leave someone very strong grabbed him by the arm. Looking to see who it was Aaron gasped when he saw it was the Graft. “What are you doing here?”
“Making money. You might consider doing the same. It would be more profitable and a lot safer than getting yourself killed in the arena.”
“People don’t actually die, do they?”
“Most tournaments don’t have any fatalities but this isn’t your typical one.”
“How so.”
“Because the Coven has decided to take part. That almost never happens. I know you’re not the strongest Talent in the world so you should really reconsider.”
“I can’t. My friends are counting on me.”
“So am I Aaron.”Aaron could see the pained look on the man’s otherwise handsome face. “Look maybe after the contest you can I can go…”
“Out and do what? Offer ourselves as a package deal. Some might be willing to take us up on the offer but we’ll make more money in total if we work separately. Of course if you would reconsider the contract I offered when we last talked…”
“Look, I’ve already decided. I’m marrying Andy.”
“Even though he is infected?”
“So what if he is. We’ve been together for almost three years now and I’ve not gotten infected.”
“Probably because unlike you and me you two have never fucked.”
“So from what I remember you really like it when there’s a cock up your ass.” To prove his point he squeezed a butt cheek.
Aaron shuddered. He remembered all too well what it felt like having all ten inches in him. “We can talk about this after I get married.”
“After you get married you’ll be off the market. Do you think you can keep on being a gigolo after you marry into a family as important as the Balthazars?”
“That’s a big reason why I want to marry him. Do you really think I want to be selling my ass for the rest of my life? I doubt anyone would want some senior citizen’s flat wrinkled ass.”
“That will never happen and you know it. I just don’t want you to be selling yourself short.”
“Sell myself short? Is that a joke or are you really being serious.”
“Hell, I dare you to tell me you didn’t enjoy our time together. If you can than I’ll leave you alone. If not… well I suggest you reconsider your priorities.”
“Look I might have enjoyed it but I can’t spend the rest of my life being a hooker.”
“You never were a hooker… for starters you’re too high classed to be one. Let me ask you this… when have you not sold yourself to the highest bidder. Not since you were accepted to Lakes you haven’t. With me at least you’ll live the life you’ve dreamed of.”
“I… I can’t. I’ve already taken the SAT’s and ACT’s and nearly got perfect scores on each. With all the money I’ve saved I can finally afford to go to a good school without have to sell off my hand in marriage.”
“You mean all the money you’ve gotten selling that hot ass of yours.”
“So what!”
“So even if you do get accepted to an Ivy League school you’ll still have to keep a list of clients entertained if you’re going to be able to continue to put food on the table and maintain a roof over your head. Look, maybe I’m coming across a little too strong. All I want is for you to be taken care of. I would give you the money flat out but I already know you too well to believe you would take it.”
“I wouldn’t.” Aaron might have spent the last three years selling his body but at least he had earned that money. He would not let himself become a kept man. That was really what Gordon was offering… a life where his every want and desire would be served to him on a gold platter. Well… he would never let that happen. He didn’t want it then. He wouldn’t agree to it now. Still he knew his time working for the Graft would remain a part of his life until the day he died. What he didn’t know was the biological changes already taking place in his body would make sure of it.
Hearing the first horn being blown Aaron gave Gordon a final look and ran.
For a while Gordon stood there debating whether he should chase after Aaron and admit what he had done to him. But his master wouldn’t like that. As he had given Gordon everything which made him the Graft he could easily take it all away.
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you.
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