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The Talents of the Fallen - 34. Chapter Thirty-Three: Blood Vines

span style="font-size:2.5em;line-height:2em;">Warning Horror:
Greg, on learning the extent of Landon's intentions towards him, wished he had the strength to refuse to take part in the bloody ritual of Entwining. Landon's hold on him makes refusal impossible. There will be sacrifice, blood, death and a tragic surprise and betrayal.


Chapter Thirty-Three:

Blood Vines


Soon after Greg left the arena he received Landon’s message. He wanted them to meet. More than that, he wanted them to undergo the ritual of Entwining. A soon as he memorized the address he threw the letter into the fireplace using the poker to scatter the ashes.

He hated himself. Why had he let so much time pass without telling Ryan about his relationship with the Chicago Chosen? He wasn’t even sure why he was still a willing to be the Chosen’s lover. The relationship itself wasn’t the problem. Members of the Elected were allowed to have more than one husband. They could in fact have up to three. It was the whole secrecy of it all that he knew would upset Ryan most. Just as he had not been willing to make to make the necessary sacrifice so he and Ryan could marry, he had been all too eager to marry Landon. They had in fact been married for the last two years.

Ryan wouldn’t be able to comprehend that bit of news. Why would Greg of all people be friends let alone be the lover with one of his family’s great enemies. Who knows what atrocities the Chosen had committed? Greg understood why and he hated himself for it. Power drew power, like draws like. Just as Gregory was among the most gifted in the Talent, so was the Chosen. Ryan could not compete against the passion and emotions they could draw from each other even if they are members of the opposing faction. Talk about forbidden fruit. He might as well have eaten the entire orchard.

If it was not for one small fact Greg could believe he could have resisted. Because of a brother’s need to protect his younger sibling, Landon Casper had inserted a part of his mind into one Hal Mays. From Hal it moved on to his mother Mary. From her to Gregory himself. Landon had told him who his brother was. Greg also knew how Aaron continued to worship the ground his older sibling walked on. If Aaron were to know that Landon, the hero who had protected him from the worst the Coven was capable of, was in fact his older brother the fact would give Landon an immense power over Aaron. It was a power Greg didn’t want to see him have.

Greg hoped that by acting as a substitute Landon would be able to control himself just that little bit longer. Deep down Landon couldn’t fathom being anything to Aaron than the hero he would always worship but Landon was a Talent… probably the most powerful one Greg had ever been in close proximity to. For now, the Chosen could control himself and that gave the headmaster hope. Yet he knew how false that hope truly was for didn’t the portion of Landon inside him cause him to seek out Aaron as a lover. If that small bit could cause Greg to want it badly then what must Landon be fighting against?

Follow the directions of the letter, he found himself facing the gate to an expansive shoreline estate. He recognized the men guarding it as those solely loyal to the Chosen and they recognized him. As he was waved through he was instructed to take the left road and park his car inside the underground garage.

As he expected of a high ranking leader inside the Coven he found himself parking his car among million dollar sportsters. Compared to most people his Mercedes was not all that cheap but in present company he might as well have come in a Yugo.

Making sure his driver’s side door didn’t go anywhere near the paint of the car parked next to him he stepped out and looked to see where he should go next. He then saw the woman wearing low cut translucent red silks and veil that gave Greg a perfect view of her firm breasts.

He didn’t worry about the woman being offending by him staring. She, like most women in the Coven had been born with the same light sensitivity Aaron had. Without means to shield them they were functionally blind.

“If you will follow me sir.” She spoke with a foreign Middle Eastern accent that had a touch of British to it. Landon must have received her as a gift from the European Chosen. She signaled him to follower her.

As they walked through the modern mansion they both remained silent though Greg knew her silence was out of respect of his own.

Like many of the Talented Greg didn’t find women unattractive as much as sexually uninspiring. With the touch of a person’s Talent as just important when it came to sex as their physical beauty the difference in the way the Talent in men and women worked. Sadly Talented women did not share the same biases toward men.

Because of this Elected society remained trapped in an era where men ruled as kings most wives were restricted to child birth and decoration. Instinctually that is how he felt it should be but young men like Aaron and Sam who had once depended on their grandmothers for their very survival challenged those views.

That didn’t mean there weren’t woman of considerable power among the Elected. His sister Talia aspired to become the next head of the Order regardless that the position had always been held by the male members of House Balthazar. There were women in the Coven of certain power but they too faced a glass ceiling that had yet to be shattered.

The room the blind servant led him to was one Greg recognized from personal experience. The room was designed and furnished according to the ancient customs of the Elected. It just seemed very out of place compared to the post-modern décor of the parts of the mansion he had walked through. The room was circular with the walls, ceilings, floor were sheathed by thick sheets of basalt. The stones for every proper room of ritual were always taken from specific quarries, which the Council owned so that the necessary materials for the building of the most powerful form of the Room of Ritual was available to the member of any faction so long as they could afford it. At the circular raise altar they had set up a wood frame. It was in the shape of an upside down Y. Given the size and number of stonework he could see had to have cost at least fifty if not a hundred million.

With his first step he felt the immense power. Though the air was still the power swirling inside the chamber had the force of a dangerous storm. That in of itself justified its massive cost. In a Room of Ritual one’s Talent was magnified in proportion to the size of the room. It was the only means of magnifying one’s Talent not take away by the Engineers. Greg couldn’t imagine how powerful his Talent would become when he entered the center.

Blind servants began removing his clothes. As vthey did so the headmaster felt what could only be described as static shocks as the Talent within his body reacted with the psychic energy saturating every inch of the cave like chamber. Given the power flowing around him and the ritual that was to be performed he began to have second doubts that he should take part in the Entwining; at the very least not in such a potent Room of Ritual.”

The next to enter was the woman who would be the center of the ritual. She was beautiful, surprisingly so. Instead of red silks and veil she wore a low hanging white silk blouse that reached down low enough to cover her gentiles. The blouse was made up in layers of gossamer fabric. Starting from the bottom, each layer hung a half inch high then the one directly beneath it. By the time it reached her neck there was only enough fabric was used to wrap a white collar around her throat.

More remarkable was the way she had arrived. She had entered of her own free will and seemed lucid. She had an air of confidence about her no sane woman in her situation should.

When he saw her walking towards him he felt the unusual urge to cover at least his groin. He had been around naked women before but with so much potent power flowing through and around him he felt more exposed than he ever had as an adult.”

“Lord Balthazar.” She spoke with a strong confident voice. The way she said his name carried the emotional reverence one reserved for prayer.

“Are you the vessel?” Greg knew she was. Who else would be dressed in white.

“I have been so blessed. But you are more so. You are the one the Chosen is to be Entwined with. I am but the post which you two shall wrap yourselves around.”

“You speak of him as if he were the Master.”

“He is my Chosen.” She replied as if she didn’t see the difference between the two.

Taking in her demeanor he became sure she didn’t. “Where is the Chosen?”

“He is preparing himself for the ritual.” The woman replied. She placed the right middle and index finger in the groove in the middle of his chest. She slowly let it slip down his stomach below the groin and along the length of his half flaccid manhood. She let out a giggle. “I will never forget you.” She spun around the room. “I will never forget any of you.” Her laughter was light, innocent and carefree.

Greg had observed the Ritual of Entwining before but he had never seen a vessel who actually looked forward to it. Though she appeared stable on her feet even while she continued spinning around like a giddy little girl. Greg himself started to doubt his own sanity for agreeing to take part in such a brutal custom. His being here was poof enough of how much power Landon had come to have over him.

The women who had removed his clothes for burning had returned to perform the ritual of purification. With the help of a dipper buckets filled with sacred water his body was cleaned with the use of a pumice stone. The dead skin and all his hair was scrubbed off by the abrasive rock. If he didn’t already feel over exposed he had no reason left not to now.

Next to come were the scribes, they would draw the heraldic symbols of the original two hundred families in a swirling batter on his now hairless scalp. As they drew symbols the Vessel observed and critiqued their work. He was beginning to lose patience with her constant giddy chattiness.

After the scribes can the dressers. Different than those who had removed his clothes they wrapped silk bandages between his finger, over his hands, and up his arms until they reach his shoulders. They did the same to his legs stopping at the point even with his hanging scrotum. A narrow length of gold thread cloth was wrapped around his abdomen between the belly button and the top of the sternum Last they wrapped a silver rope belt around his waist to hold up hanging square piece of cloth that covered most of his groin.

If he had a mirror he was sure he would find he looked ridiculous but according to ancient tradition that had not changed since the time of the Engineers this was the only way the Entwining would work.

His part in the purification was now over. Now it was the Vessels turn. Knowing what it entailed he moved as far as possible from her and kept his gaze focused on the wall he was cowering behind.

Before he knew it he saw her being carrier to the central altar. She was now cocoon in bandages of crisscrossing black and white silk. Over the bandages she still wore the blouse. She was tied around the junction where the three poles met by that top layer of the blouse that had served as a collar. Her legs were spread apart and tied to the two posts.

Seeing her standing there so helpless and deluded Greg used every ounce of will and defiance he had to forced himself to head for the exit. Waiting at the threshold was the one person he didn’t want to see. It was not Landon, though that would have been devastating enough. No… it was Ryan. With his hair gone and his skin pink from being scrubbed down by the harsh stone he possessed the same giddiness he had seen radiating from the Vessel.

Greg knew exactly why Landon had brought Ryan and the role he wanted him to fulfill. The role was understandable, yes, and maybe even desired. He knew Ryan had come willingly. Greg could demand his lover leave try to use his Talent to force him to. He tried to. He summoned the power each and every one of the four Talents and tried to compel Ryan to leave. But in the Room of Ritual with its vortex psychic energy whatever power he summoned was swept away by the room’s unfelt raging winds.”

“How long… how long has this been going on?” If he couldn’t stop him he had to know how and when Landon took him under his wing. “Tell me you haven’t converted.”

“Oh my dear… he had me before he had you. But no I have not converted. He has no need for me to. We are his husbands as you and I will soon be each other’s. Isn’t that what you wanted? It’s what I always wanted. You get both of us and I finally obtain true Talent. Other than you that’s all I ever wanted… for us to be equals in the eyes of the Elected.”

“But you don’t need the Talent.”

“But I want it.” He hissed angrily. “Together you and Landon can give it to me and we can be together, forever.”

“Don’t do this Ryan. Please… I beg you.” Greg didn’t want his boyfriend to damn himself with such a terrible act.

Ryan placed a hand on either side of Greg’s face. “I’m doing this for you… for all of us.” With the pressing of his lips against Greg’s he sucked away what resistance Greg had left.

Greg thought about what he had told Aaron in the chapel. His words to him rang through him like the ringing of a tower bell. It was amazing really. All this time Landon had his eye on the bigger picture. Whatever it was Greg knew what he had seen so far was but a small piece of the whole landscape. He had thought he had been in control, that he was an equal partner in the game he thought Landon was playing. In truth he had not been a player but a piece in a game of chess that the Chosen was determined to win. He could no longer resist Landon. Not against such awesome strength of will and power. He doubted that he could have at any point.

Ryan had not yet gained true Talent but he easily read the expression on his lover’s face. “You see now? You see how things really are. He has chosen us Greg and we are blessed.”

Greg nodded he couldn’t deny the truth. He should feel bless that Landon had chosen him of all people to be a part of his life. When Landon finally arrived he felt like falling to his knees to worship at his feet.

Landon, dressed identically as Greg, went to the headmaster and supported him with a firm hand. “It’s time we became Entwined, don’t you think. I don’t know about you but I’ve dreamed and waited for this day since I first claimed you.”

Greg didn’t resist when Landon led him to the raised round altar. Placing him in front of the Vessel he positioned himself directly opposite. Ryan sat on his knees between them and the extending arm of the reverse Y.

Greg looked down at his long-time lover and wept. His tears were the only act of resistance he had left in him. They had no effect. Taunted by so many of the Elected including his sister Talia, Ryan had, until now, refused every offer made available to him to receive the gift of the Talent. Taint, Spike, grafting… he had refused each in turn believing the cost far outweighed the benefit. Not this time… he would take part in the Entwining, the most bloody, brutal, and damned of the lot. It was also the best… only survivable means an Untalented can obtain trueTalent. After all it was the way the Engineers had given the original families their great gift.

When they heard the chanting begin Ryan picked up a pair of knives and handed one to each of the celebrants. They used them to cut away the layers of silk that covered the woman’s chest and torso. Ryan collected the shredded silks and made a nest of them.

Now came the hard part. Past this point there would be no turning back and no hope for possible redemption. Greg looked at the knife and then at Ryan. He searched his eyes for any sign of doubt, a hint of horror for what was to come. He saw none of those things.

Sensing Landon’s mind focus on him he looked away from Ryan into the gaze of his dominator. The Chosen had the hilt of the curved dagger pressed against his cheek. In accordance with tradition the headmaster was to place his on the opposite side. As soon as the sacrifice was made their Talent entwined.

Somehow Greg found the will to hesitate if only for a moment. It was very short but long enough for Landon to notice. For the first time Landon felt the sting of doubt. He had believed his hold over the headmaster was complete yet still the man allowed the taint of remorse touch his heart.

Fearing if he didn’t act soon he didn’t wait for Greg to place the hilt in the traditional position of respect. With a thrust he made his cut.

With knee jerk reaction Greg made his thrust, through the vessels spine while Landon stabbed between the breasts. The two blades were now joined. The blood from the Vessel poured on down on Ryan like sacramental oil.

The chanting grew stronger as did the force of the accelerating vortex.

Greg looked at the streams of blood pooling at the feet of the still living Vessel. It was already starting to bubble. Feeling waves of increasing heat he looked up and found Landon was already moving on to the next part of the ritual. An aura of fire enveloped his body.

With the sound of a wooden hammer against a heavy drum, Landon released the fires of his Talent. The fire expanded like a star going nova until the round altar was a pillar of flame

The fires didn’t touch Greg nor did they cause him any pain. The wrapping of silk that had been so carefully rolled over their bodies did catch fire. As they were burn to ash they left behind spiraling grooves in their skin.

With the chanting growing louder, the fires burned and the blood boiled; things began to emerge out of the blood. They were thin and long and growing longer every moment. With the vines brushed against the grooves burned into their skin they latched themselves on and in a spurt of growth shot up the grooves until the men and the Vessel were encased in bloody red ivy. As the ropes of vines grew thicker around the woman, thorns jutted cutting deep into the flesh. This caused more blood to flow which fed the pool of blood from with the vines grew faster.

The vines hungered for more blood. They began to constrict around the Vessel, squeezing the blood out of her. As she was being crush the screams began. The resonance produced by her screams caused the blood vines to blossom. The air within the fire became sweet with the scent of the blood flower as it released its pollen.

The three men breathed the pollen in. Once inside the lungs the spores latched themselves to the air sacs. Like factories of mass production the spores and vines drew the Talent from the vessel and added it to a common pool shared by the three men, magnifying the Talent of Landon and Greg and giving it to Ryan. These mutagens which no grafter had managed to reproduce let alone study did things to their bodies and minds that had allowed their creators to bestow the Talent on people who before had been normal men.

According to the histories the Engineers had first used the blood vines to bestow the Talent on a single individual at a time. Later, as their curiosity grew they experimented to see what would happen to a pair encased in a single vine at the same time. The records state that the first attempts proved to be disasters. The pair lacked enough blood for both to be entwined.

That was how the Engineers came upon the concept of the Vessel from which the needed blood could be obtained. Given the amounts needed the Vessel was always killed in the process. Those first entwined emerged alive and with the Talent but their untrained minds had not been able to survive the trauma without going mad.

After going through countless men and women the Engineers decided to test the process on men and women who already had developed strong Talent. Whenever two Talents of considerable skill and power were entwined with the aid of a Vessel who also possessed Talent the result was the evolution of two Talents many times stronger than they had before. They also gained a powerful connection which allowed for the first time the ability of two Talents to merge their power as if they were one person.

Through further experimentation they found they could add a fourth figure to the ritual. This person, if possessing a strong enough constitution could be bestowed Talent superior to the old process but inferior to that of the main participants. He or she too would share a special relationship with the two prime actors. While he would lack the ability to join his strength with theirs, they could use him as a conduit to channel the power of their own Talent regardless of the distance between them. This fourth participant was named Blood Servant.

They experimented further by adding more participants but none of the methods they developed proved as rewarding as the use of four.

Even so the ritual was rarely used for the chances of finding two superior Talents… particularly mixed ones was hard to assemble. Because of the extreme rarity of true mixed talents the experiments were rare. Still those mixed Talents who took part could not just survive the ritual but also gain the most out of it.

In fact only three such sets were ever completely successful. The Engineers raised these six people and their heirs above all other Talents and declared them the only ones with the power and right to rule over the 200 families. These three couples were named Balthazar, Casper, and Melchior. These three families first ruled as equals but as the Engineers had planned they soon began to fight over which of them would become the sole leader of their people and through them the world. This conflict is what led to the first Talent War.

With Gregory Balthazar a true and potent mix Talent and former heir to his house being Entwined to Landon Casper a true heir of his line and possessing ever greater mixed powers they should have been most powerful pair of Talents of the present if not in all time but they were not. The Master was still stronger as was the Shadow Puppeteer of the Order who was the true motivating force behind the Order.

One vital piece remained to be found before Landon would dare hope of defeating his true enemies. They lacked an heir to the Melchior family who possessed mixed Talent at any strength to be Entwined with them. In the last eighty years no man or woman claiming to be of Melchior blood had presented themselves before the Grand Council. Landon despaired he would never find one. The Engineers had created them and possessed the power to destroy them. Over a thousand years ago, shortly before the Engineers disappeared, family the Melchiors, with their ability to control the minds of others, had become the dominate family and therefor the enemies of all the others.

When the flames finally died and the blood vines had become dry and brittle four gradually emerged. In addition to Greg and Landon, and Ryan, in Ryan’s hands was the new born infant. The Vessel had been carrying Landon’s child.

Even after what happened and all he had received Gregory Balthazar could not look away from the petrified remains of a woman who moments before had been so full of life and laughter. He had power, yes, he had a connection to two men he would gladly call husband. Yet, he could not ignore what it had cost. At that moment he wished nothing more but to slip out of existence and memory.

Landon wouldn’t allow that. His future plans would not allow him to let Greg lessen himself. The vessel, Ryan and the blood child all had their role to fill. Greg had been wrong about himself. He wasn’t a mere pawn on the board to be moved as the Chosen commanded. Landon saw in him a worthy husband, a true partner, and as close as he would see anyone as his near equal. In the coming war he would be the most senior of his advisors.

With Landon’s knowledge of the inner workings of the Coven and Gregory connections among the more moderate members of the Order the two could become a force of stability around which the neutral families could gather. They would let the warring factions weaken themselves as they tried to destroy one another… then when they were at their weakest Landon would make his move. In the end there would be only one faction and he would lead it to a future without war. Then after a period of peace the Three Wise Men would judge them worthy of the secrets they protect and then… and then… Oh and then nothing and no one would be able to stop him from creating the world of born of his greatest fantasies, and Greg would be by his side to stand in witness to it all.

Going to the child Greg saw it was a girl. Given the nature of her birth the ritual she would mature into womanhood in five years’ time. She would have all the powers of a true mixed Talent and more besides. She would be the weapon… the female counterbalance to stand against the might of the Master. If she could not defeat the Master then Landon would Entwine her to produce and stronger Talent and that Talent to another. He would keep on Entwining his offspring until he created a super-being capable of defeating his nemesis.

It was as the Elected feared. War was coming. They were just wrong about the sort of war it would evolve into. It would not be a war between the Order and the Coven. It was to be the final war… the war that would decide who would be the Master of all the Elected and the Untalented.

Landon didn’t care what he had to do he would not stop fighting until he was master of all.

Copyright © 2013 JMH; All Rights Reserved.
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