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Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
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The Best Year - 45. Chapter 45

Tara ended up taking us well past the smaller towns that I was used to, every one of them probably having the same sad stories of people being stuck in them. Dominated by banks and factories and people who lived there for generations. Each one of them dead as ghost towns now that it was later in the evening.

Now we were driving down a quiet street where every driveway ended with a closed gate that led up to large, newly built houses. Looking around, I couldn’t really imagine growing up here and when a massive white house came into view, a basketball court in the front, with a stone overhang for a garage, Tara honked her horn.

“That’s where Drae lives,” Charlie announced as he turned back to look at us. Luke whistled beside me as I took in the three story house. It had large windows in the front, it was the most modern looking thing I ever saw. I wanted there to be a hint of a pool on the property, but I didn’t see one, it would have made it perfect.

“It surprised me that you lived in such a tiny little town,” Shay said as she turned around in the passenger side to look past Charlie and Simon to us.

“Yeah,” I said, feeling Luke’s hand find my wrist. He gave it a gentle squeeze knowing how I felt about home and wanting nothing to do with it after I left. Other than family, but that’s all anyone who successfully gets out ever comes back to see.

“How are you going to survive Athens?” Simon asked, turning to look at me. “That’s where UGA is, right?”

“Yeah,” I offered, my face getting hot. “After I get fat from eating out everywhere, I’ll probably spend most of my time in the pool getting my ass kicked.”

“It won’t be too big of a difference, you’ll be in training a lot during your free time, surely,” Tara said and I found her eyes through the rearview mirror. “Your little town was very cute.”

“It was,” Shay added, offering me a small smile. “You just never really talked about it.”

“Not much to talk about, unless you like banks and churches,” I answered and when they all laughed I glanced over at Luke. Always defending our small town he rolled his eyes, but smiled when I nudged him with my elbow.

“We’re almost there, we’re going to cut our reservation close,” Shay said as we got out of the fancy homes and into the heart of it all. It wasn’t quite large enough to be a city, but two or three of my hometowns could fit in it too. Most of the people on the team were from here or neighboring towns like it. I only ever saw places like this during meets or the rare times we went on vacations. Still, it looked like something I would want to run away from when I had the chance and I wondered what sort of place would actually hold me when I wanted to settle down. Glancing at Luke, I knew it probably wasn’t the location, that would keep me there.

“Alright here we are, we hope you like authentic Italian,” Tara said as she slowed at a light and waited for it to turn green. Glancing at the restaurant with the large open windows, it was brick sided with very cliche’ overhangs with an Italian flag flying on a pole in a small garden surrounded by the parking lot. The name I couldn’t pronounce was written in cursive, lit gently by lights on a brick wall facing the street. I didn’t know if I liked authentic Italian, but I knew enough to know that it wasn’t Tony approved, either.

“I picked the place,” Charlie said as Tara finally got the green light and turned into the parking lot. “The owners are from Italy, it’s not a chain restaurant.”

Once we were parked and filed out of the van, Tara locked the doors and after the girls checked their dresses and make-up we followed them inside. Out in public Luke let go of my hand, but Charlie and Simon never broke contact. When I glanced at Luke I saw that he was watching them, the way Simon leaned against Charlie when they walked between cars instead of walking behind him.

“Do you think we’ll ever be like them?” Luke whispered as he fell into step behind me between the parked vehicles.

“I hope not,” I answered when we stepped out between the cars and into the next driving lane between spaces. They were a good three feet ahead of us, the girls were talking animatedly enough, that I hoped they couldn’t hear me. “I like the way we are now.”

“I don’t know that I do,” he answered as he stepped behind me again so that we could squeeze between the cars. We’d be on the sidewalk next and at the entrance where everyone else waited for us.

“We can try it, then,” I said, offering him my hand when I cleared the car and half stepped up onto the sidewalk. Luke looked down at my hand briefly before he looked around at the people who didn’t make reservations waiting on benches. None of them were paying us any attention, but he only shook his head and made his own way onto the sidewalk, offering me a small smile. I didn’t want tonight to be about comparing us to Simon and Charlie who were too lost into each other to care what people thought.

“You suck,” Luke whispered as he fell in line behind Simon as we filed past everyone and into the restaurant. There we waited for Tara to announce us and with our reservations the hostess summoned our waitress and she led us to our booth.

Inside it was dimly lit, with a soft yellow sort of lighting. Over the hum of the talking from other tables, I could hear string music, soft and not overpowering. The walls looked to have texture on them with large pictures. They were either stock images of Italy or blown up pictures taken from the family that owned the property. There wasn’t an overwhelming garlic or onion smell that I knew I would hate, but I could smell bread.

“Hi, I’m Kelly,” our waitress greeted after we were all seated. I ended up against the wall with Tara beside me and Shay beside her. Luke sat across from me with Simon between him and Charlie. “I’ll take care of you tonight, I’ll give you a minute to look over our drink selection.”

Glancing up at her I offered her a small smile as I opened a cloth covered menu. The inside had laminated yellowed paper that was actually hard to read with the soft lighting. Squinting and already decided on water I waited for everyone else to make up their minds.

“Do you think my fake will work here?” Charlie asked just before Kelly returned to take our drink orders.

“No and don’t try it,” Simon answered, offering Kelly a small smile.

“You all ready?” She asked as she took out a small tablet and waited for us with a smile.

“Water for me,” I answered, then glanced across the table for Luke.

“Water,” he said as he started to study the menu again. Not being a picky eater, but also not knowing what the fuck most of this stuff was, I knew I needed more time with it.

“The mushroom ravioli with the spinach and white sauce is delicious,” Tara whispered after she ordered a sweet tea that was always a staple in every restaurant in the state, no matter the restaurant’s authenticity or theme. “It’s probably the most Tony approved thing on the menu too, though.”

“Then I’m not getting it,” I said and when she laughed I smirked and looked up to see Luke cocking his eyebrow. When I found his foot under the table, I got a gentle kick in response and chewed on my bottom lip to keep from laughing. I knew with Tara sitting next to me that it would bother him, but I also didn’t want to be sandwiched between him and Tara either, at least with the two girls on my side, I had a little more room.

“That’s five waters and one sweet tea,” Kelly said as she tapped her fingers on her tablet then offered us all another wide smile. “I’ll be back with your bread.”

“Thank you,” Shay offered as Kelly whipped around and started towards the kitchen, her tight ponytail bouncing as she walked.

“Guys, look at that,” Charlie said as he retrieved his straw. When I glanced up I saw him nodding his head to the left. Simon was the first to look and when he elbowed Charlie I looked over to see a male waiter taking the order from the booth across from us.

“Of course you’d notice that,” Shay offered and I heard Tara giggle beside me.

“I think I know where some bread is,” Charlie whispered as he played with his straw. The waiter was tall with his hair slicked back in wavy curls that I didn’t care much for, but that wasn’t what Charlie was looking at. When I got to his ass I glanced over at Luke and smiled as I waited for him to look away and find my eyes. When he did I raised my eyebrows and felt his foot slide against mine under the table again. When he shrugged and went back to his menu I laughed just loud enough for everyone else to look at me. Not wanting to explain it, I coughed and went back to looking at the menu hoping to see something I half-assed understood so we could order when Kelly got back to our table.

“Tara should make a play for him, right?” Charlie whispered when the waiter walked back by, headed towards a different table in his section.

“He’s just trying to work, Charlie,” Simon offered, but smiled across the table at Tara. We all knew he just said it to sound responsible, because Simon was that type of guy.

“Well I don’t,” Tara said, sticking out her tongue as she reached up and fiddled around with her hair.

“Come on, you’re single,” Shay whispered and I looked down the table to see Shay nudging Tara’s elbow with hers.

“And we know that he is, how?” Tara asked as she closed her own menu and crossed her arms over it as she looked across the table to Charlie and I knew he would get the blame for all this before the night ended.

“No ring,” Charlie answered, shrugging. “It’s no guarantee, but it is a start.”

“He looks too old for us,” I said as I finally found something with chicken listed as the main ingredient and hoped it wasn’t awful.

“You’re all eighteen but me,” Charlie countered, shaking his head. “I mean if it were me, I would at least try.”

“Really?” Simon asked as he half turned to face Charlie, blinking expectantly. With his glasses and striped collared shirt he didn’t look all that intimidating, but Charlie offered him a quick smile and a wave.

“I mean if I didn’t have you, Simon, obviously,” Charlie answered, shaking his head, but then I saw him smirk and knew, as we all did, that something inappropriate was about to pop out of his mouth.

“Oh mercy here it comes,” Shay said as she took a quick glance around the room, but all I saw was her black hair flipping around and hitting Tara in the face.

“Even though if someone bounced a quarter off that ass it would put a hole through the ceiling,” Charlie said then opened his menu as we laughed loud enough for people nearby to snarl their noses at us for making too much noise.

“Should I though?” Tara asked and I looked up to see her glancing around the room. I hated that I felt a slight tug of jealousy. I didn’t know Tara well, even though I had always been drawn to her. Mostly for her quick comebacks whenever Matt or Aiden were assholes or for putting Charlie in his place. Her beautiful breaststroke didn’t hurt her in my eyes either.

“Yes, definitely,” Shay said as Kelly came back with our bread and our tray of drinks. She placed the bread down then with Simon’s help passed all of our drinks out to us. Since most of us had water, it was easy to keep us sorted and after she tucked the tray under her arm and pulled out her tablet she offered us another smile.

“Are you all ready to order?” She asked just as the waiter with the nice ass walked by and we all watched as even Kelly took time to glance over at him.

“Yes, I think so,” Simon answered as he glanced at every one of us in turn. When we all nodded back he smiled up at her and placed his order. I looked back down at the menu so that I could remember exactly what I ordered when Kelly got to me.

Being the farthest from Kelly, I ended up being the last to order, but not really knowing what I wanted I ended up just ordering the mushroom thing Tara suggested. She had ordered it for herself and when I glanced over at Luke he cocked his eyebrow, but ordered a chicken dish that I would never be able to pronounce if I tried. I was never into food like a lot of people and this place reeked of foodie types. Mom wasn’t the most experimental cook either.

“Hopefully they’re quick, the club should be filling up by now,” Shay said after Kelly left our table to put in our orders. Grimacing, I plunged my straw into my water and took a few sips as I felt a foot brush up against mine.

“Have you been to the club before?” Luke asked as he slid his own drink over to hold in both of his hands.

“A couple times,” she answered, glancing at Charlie. “I think they have a couple gay nights during June.”

“Pride month,” Charlie said, offering Luke a smile. “It is actually where I ran into Simon and found out he was gay.”

“What the hell is an underage club anyway?” I asked, snarling my nose, hoping no one saw it. Clubs to me were all about being old enough to drink, so that I could get drunk enough to dance and actually enjoy the thumping dance music that I otherwise hated. It wouldn’t have been my first choice, but I also hadn’t been to one either, so at least it would be something new. It just made me realize that bonfires with friends was where I felt most alive. I also knew that was small town bullshit, the same shit that I had tried to get away from since I started swimming. I knew I wouldn’t find much of that at Georgia, the thought caused a slight bittersweet regret for leaving. None of my friends would be there though, maybe aside from Luke if I couldn’t convince him to come with me. I only had a couple more months to win Georgia over with him and I hoped that I could. I already told him where I belonged, but I didn’t know if he belonged in Georgia with me.

“Uh a dance club for people our age,” Charlie answered, smirking at me. Out of the corner of my eye I saw Luke smile and shake his head and I knew I had asked a dumb question. Moving my foot I pressed down on Luke’s toe and when I saw him frown I smirked and slid my foot off his.

“It sounds fun,” Luke commented and I should have known this was something that he’d be excited about. If it wasn’t for his churcher background I wondered if he’d be far better off in a city than out here where we lived, if he would be the one that fucking thrived and I’d be the one homesick. As much as I hated our home off and on growing up and felt claustrophobic.

The food ended up delicious, but expensive. Since they all paid for mine, I didn’t mind much. I’ve always been on a nice and healthy allowance from Dad, for good grades and all that shit. Not chores, I stopped doing chores for money before middle school. I did pay for Luke’s food after a bit of an argument that took place completely under the table and Tara never caught the attention of the hot assed waiter. So all in all it was a nice place, too fucking far of a drive for me to come back to though.

Back outside we piled back into the van and Tara turned deeper into the town that was still wide awake despite it being a weeknight. If we were driving back home every small town we passed on the way up here would already look like ghost towns by comparison.

When she pulled into a brightly lit, neon signed building I glanced up to see a pulsing sign over the top of a pair of double doors. I could tell it was a refurbished building, it looked like a warehouse, the brick was old and chipped in a few places. The doors looked metal with just enough glass to see light bouncing on the pavement outside. Cars were lined out front and around the side, it looked packed. When I glanced over Luke was leaning forward to get a better look through the windshield as Tara circled the place looking for a parking spot. As we got closer to the building I could hear the bass thumping and when Luke turned to me his eyes widened with a smile. I knew I would be dragged out of the van and into the club as soon as we found a spot and when Tara pulled into one Charlie reached around Simon and opened the door and we all spilled out. The girls checked their make-up in the mirrors as they waited for us. Once outside I smoothed out my shirt thinking I was too overdressed for a club, but we all were really.

“Sounds like a decent D.J tonight,” Charlie said as he grabbed Simon’s hand and led us around the corner to the entrance.

“This used to be a small factory,” Shay said as she walked beside Luke, with Tara falling in step beside me. “I think they made candles and stuff.”

“I’ve never been to a club,” I said as we rounded the corner and found the doors were now occupied with security. Not seeing them when we first got here made me nervous, but it wasn’t like we were trying to sneak into a bar or anything and as we got closer Luke’s hand slid across mine. He still wasn’t willing to hold hands in public and if I had to admit it, I wasn’t either. I was never really into it with the girls either, but they were so I did it anyway.

“They have live bands like four times a year,” Tara explained, offering me a smile. “I’ve only been here twice, one time I knew a guy that was in one of the bands that played here.”

“Boyfriend?” I asked and grimaced when I felt an elbow connect with my ribcage.

“Ex-boyfriend,” she answered with a small smile.

“Sorry,” I offered, more to Luke than to her, but she offered me another small smile then surprised me by looping her arm with mine.

“It’s alright, he was a bit of a dick,” she said and I heard Shay snort as we approached the security guards.

“Which one of you are going to dance with me?” Shay asked as Charlie was stopped by the first guy as the second one came to stand next to the first one manning the doors. Standing just outside the doors, I could almost feel the bass through my shoes and I wondered how much worse it would be inside. I wasn’t a dancer, never was. The most I mustered up during school dances was the fucking awkward slow dances and a little grinding. The girls just liked to use me as a pole to throw themselves on then dance around and I was fine with that.

“I will,” Tara said leaning forward so she could see Shay on the other side of Luke.

“No offense Tara, but I want to grab an ass that is distinctly male tonight,” she said and I laughed as the security guard opened the door and allowed Charlie and Simon to enter. The music attacked my ears and the smell of the place wasn’t something I could really describe if I tried. It was a mix of locker room and an earthy leather smell.

“Jackson tells me he has a glorious butt,” Luke said and when I turned to look at him he was looking straight ahead as we stepped up to security.

“Really,” Tara said as my cheeks flushed and I hated myself. I never got embarrassed, but he pulled it off. Using my own words against me just made it worse.

“You do not have any drugs or sharp objects on you, correct?” The larger of the two security officers asked. Looking at them, they seemed bored as fuck, but they also had arms that could pop my head right off my shoulders.

“No sir,” Tara answered and I glanced over to see her smile. “We’re actually here with the two guys you let in before us.”

“I don’t either,” Luke offered, then I felt the heel of his shoe slide against mine. I heard the gravel on the pavement scraping under his shoe.

“I don’t either,” I answered with a shrug and after Shay answered they both separated and pulled the doors open.

Shay led the way inside as the air escaped out the doors violently enough to blow my hair. I ended up entering last, waiting for Luke and Tara to enter. From this far back and away from the speakers and music, I couldn’t make out any of the words. I knew it wasn’t the point though, as we immediately stepped into the crowd of people.

Laser lights were shooting around the room, cutting over people briefly illuminating them in neon blues, green, and pinks. Off to the sides were booths with gentler lights hovering between them, with a drink table in the middle. There was no way to talk in here without screaming and the farther we elbowed through the writhing bodies, the more the bass hit me in the chest. We ended up having to walk single file, me behind Tara. Charlie and Simon were lost in the crowd and unless we met up at a booth, I doubted we’d be able to find them.

Shay being the leader led us right to the center and when I looked down I saw that the floor was blocked off in squares, with lights running through them, following the tempo of the music. It was dizzying to stare at and when I looked up I saw that Luke had edged himself around Tara and was staring at me. Half of his face was shadowed and the other a neon blue and when I took a step closer the light that caught him was gone again. He was smiling, but we were the only two not moving to the music or the intoxicating crowd. Catching his eyes in the chaos made him look like he was moving in slow motion and when he was standing in front of me, I shrugged again and he smiled.

“What is this place?” He asked and I had to half read his lips and lean forward to hear him.

“Hell,” I answered, shaking my head. “It has to be.”

“You didn’t mind it all at my Uncle’s place,” he said, offering me a smile and I knew I was being an idiot.

“No paint,” I answered shrugging just as Tara returned and slid between us. Luke looked put out until Shay grabbed his elbow and dragged him into the center of the fray of dancers. Glancing around as we followed them, the crowd only parted momentarily then swallowed us back up behind. They had found Charlie and Simon though and when we were all together Tara let go of my arm and slid her body against mine with a smile.

“Dance!” She yelled and I glanced over her shoulder to see Shay turning around and grinding her ass against Luke’s crotch. The look on his face was more like a deer caught in the headlights than anything. I didn’t know what I looked like to him, but he finally smiled as a flush came to his cheeks. Charlie and Simon on the other hand looked like they were having seizures or couldn’t get out of an electric fence and if that counted as dancing, then I didn’t feel as bad about what I was about to do. I wasn’t going to shit on the night anymore though and when the song suddenly transitioned to a new one with barely a breath of silence, I threw my hand up in the air as Tara laughed and grabbed hold of it, bringing it back down.

“What?” I asked leaning into her and I heard her laughter.

“This music is kinda hard to dance to,” she said as she reached up and smoothed back some of her hair that had fallen over her shoulder.

“Yeah, I know,” I answered as she brought my hand up to her waist and when she released it, I left it there. With another smile she stepped closer and I ended up grinding against her, shifting my weight between one foot and the other. When she grabbed the back of my neck, her breasts came into view, as that was the only thing I could see as she smashed herself against me. Swallowing, I glanced over to see that Luke had completely lost himself and was pretending to smack Shay on the ass as she kept pressing it into his crotch. They were both laughing and in our small circle, Simon was pointing and laughing at them as Charlie’s mouth fell open. Surprising him was difficult to do, as he was usually the one doing that to us. The sight of Luke made me laugh and break my half ass decent rhythm I had going with Tara. When she looked up at me and followed my gaze she stepped away from me and I could hear her laughter over the music again.

Without warning she grabbed my hand again and led me closer to where Shay and Luke were dancing, just as the DJ shifted gears again. This time a very auto-tuned voice kept repeating the word, ‘jump,’ over and over with slicing screeching notes in between. Everyone around us started jumping up and down and after the fourth or so jump, I did as well. Bodies were knocking into me from every angle, sweaty and warm, but I didn’t look around to see who it was. When the chanting stopped the lasers and strobe lights started flashing with an assaulting rapid bass slamming me in the chest like a fist and as I stopped jumping and tried to catch my breath. I looked over to Luke, he was still moving, holding Shay’s hand as she danced around him. The heat of the room had my shirt sticking to me as I started sweating as a bead ran down my face, catching the corner of my mouth before continuing on.

The music changed again, this time with more of a rhythm that I could keep up to, I recognized it despite the words being taken out of it. It was slower and when Tara’s hand found my chest I turned away from Luke to look down at her. Her face was flushed and some loose curls from her hair were sticking to her face. Her make-up was smudged and she was smiling up at me. Swallowing, I offered her a tight smile and started shuffling my feet with more confidence than what I felt when we first entered the dance floor.

“Your heart is pounding,” she said as she let her hand fall from my chest.

“Yeah?” I asked, not really wanting to admit to what she was doing to me. The song was just good enough for me to get a little more lost in it. Looking past her as she slid her hand across my stomach, my shirt pulling up with her hand I looked across the small space that separated us to see Luke watching us. The intention of the DJ had definitely changed from the supercharged songs to a more lowkey set, it allowed my mind to think. Reaching up I tugged on my shirt collar, not liking the heat of the room.

It took me a moment to realize that I had veered away from Tara, who followed me over to where Shay and Luke were dancing. Locked on him, his face flushed and his own shirt clinging to his chest I swallowed again until I slid slowly between them. Facing Luke I swallowed again and tentatively reached my hand out to him just as a pink laser light hit his face. He blinked away from the sudden light and I smiled as he stepped closer, almost into me, but not quite there.

“Hi,” I offered as I felt Tara’s hand slide across my side and around my lower back. Not looking away from Luke, my breath caught in my lungs. He hadn’t pulled away from my hand and when I moved it up from his stomach, the fabric of his shirt coming with me, he finally moved and grabbed my hand.

“Hi,” he said, cocking an eyebrow as I started shifting my weight from one foot to the other.

I watched him glance around and my eyes followed briefly. No one was paying us any attention, the people around us were just shaded in darkness, bodies that could be anyone. The only people close enough to us for us to see fully were Tara and Shay and they were too busy dancing together.

“Come on,” I said trying to get his attention and when he finally turned back to me, he offered me a smile and let go of my hand. Freed from his grip I slid my hand around to his side, pulling him closer to me. When his stomach slid against mine I grunted, instantly feeling the heat from his body against mine. Leaning forward I pressed my hips into his. He looked up at me, but didn’t back away as I started swaying my weight between my feet again, pulling him with me until he relaxed and I felt his hand slide up my side. The touch made me shudder and I felt him laugh against me as we danced. The heat of the room and the bodies around us was starting to get to me though, the music took on a more intoxicating feel, something I could get more lost in than before.

Smiling, I let go of Luke’s side and grabbed the hem of my shirt with both of my hands. Seeing what I was about to do Luke’s mouth fell open as his hand reached out to stop me. Chewing on my bottom lip. Stepping away from him I started slowly moving my hips in a small circle as he started shaking his head.

“Don’t, idiot,” he said, reaching for me again and I laughed as I started pulling my shirt up over my stomach. I heard Tara squeal as the music faded, but I stopped pulling my shirt over my head when a second song didn’t start and the lights died to the soft white of the overhead lights.

“Alright, get out of here,” a voice said and people around us groaned and started looking around as I pulled my shirt back down over my stomach.

“Damn it was just getting good,” Charlie said as the crowd started pressing against us towards the exits.

“Where the hell were you two?” I asked as we turned and I fell in line with the person ahead of me. A short blond girl with blue dyed into her tips. She was wearing a mesh top with a black bra underneath and when I accidentally bumped into her she shot me a glare and I saw too many piercings in her face to think she was pretty.

“Nowhere,” Charlie answered smiling as he shrugged his shoulders.

“Really?” Tara asked, rolling her eyes. “Here?”

“Be quiet Tara,” Charlie said as we made it to the exit and stepped through it. Once outside I took a deep breath and watched the stream of people expand as they went to get into their vehicles.

“Well damn,” I said, finally understanding Charlie’s smile. He didn’t look at all ashamed for having Tara figure him out. I wished I had more time with them, one season Aidan and Matt aside didn’t feel like enough time for me to build something that would last. Especially since Drae was going farther away than I was.

“He’s lying, we got hot and got drinks,” Simon said as we walked along the sidewalk towards the van.

“Simon,” Charlie groaned, shaking his head. “I had them convinced.”

“Well not really, we know Simon is better behaved than you,” Shay said as Tara hit the unlock button on the van and the lights came on. There was a bit of a traffic jam leaving the club right now, so when we got inside Tara didn’t start the engine. Feeling the comfortable seat in the back I stretched out and rested my head, feeling Luke settling in beside me I smiled.

“Did you have fun though?” Charlie asked half turning to look back at us. His cheeks were flushed, and his easy smile was still unwavering on his face.

“Yeah, I did,” I answered, “thanks for dragging me out here.”

“We can do it again,” Charlie said, reaching up to rest his arm on the back of his seat. When he rested his chin on it his smile faded slightly. “Not having you and Drae next year is going to fucking suck.”

“Aiden is leaving too,” Shay offered, but she couldn’t keep a straight face when Tara shot her a glare. Charlie rolled his eyes then sighed far more dramatically than I thought he needed to. The thought of only having Matt as someone I knew going into a new season next year wouldn’t have been the most exciting for me either. Aiden was far worse though, but he was leaving with us, I didn’t know where he was going either, I never asked and he never offered the information. Charlie’s heart was set on Texas and I thought that had more to do with the parties the school was known for, than the actual swimming.

“Maybe some of the new guys will keep you entertained,” Simon offered, reaching up and messing Charlie’s hair up. It was meticulously fixed and had enough product in it to keep it that way, despite sweat and dancing. Shooting Simon a sideways glare he reached up with his other hand and smoothed out his hair.

“They better be,” he said as he half-smirked before sighing again. “I don’t remember any of them having decent asses like you two though.”

“Shut up,” I groaned as Luke laughed beside me.

“I almost gave myself a concussion in the pool when I saw you,” he said, shaking his head just as he groaned and looked over at Simon.

“My first impression of you was that you were another Aiden,” Shay said, winking at me. I saw Charlie’s eyes widen as he snickered and turned to look at her.

“Shay,” Tara hissed, shaking her head.

“Well Aiden made an ass of himself shortly after and Jackson put him in his place,” Shay said as Tara started the engine and I looked around to see that traffic in the parking lot had thinned out a lot. “So I knew he wasn’t, it was nice to see Aiden squirm.”

“Glad I could be of service then,” I said and smiled when they laughed as Tara backed out of the parking space and I knew, without a doubt, that I would miss these people.

“I thought you were actually quiet,” Tara said and Luke openly laughed loud enough for people to hear him. Charlie turned back around to see him, but I turned to look at him and he shrugged. The first time I met Luke I didn’t talk much to him either, mostly because I was pissed and didn’t want to. He kept talking to me and we were picking up trash, the more he talked the more pissed I got. I wondered if he was remembering that now and that’s why he laughed or if it was because he didn’t think I was quiet at all.

“What was that?” I asked, my voice falling to a whisper when Charlie turned back around.

“Nothing,” Luke answered, smirking as he shook his head. “Maybe it was the few choice words you had for me when we first met.”

“I knew it was that,” I said, wrinkling my nose. “You were an annoying little shit.”

“Dad told me to make you feel welcome,” he said, shrugging. “I didn’t want to do it, my opinion of you came from Mom.”

“Fuck,” I hissed, “probably lucky you even looked in my direction then.”

“I would have,” he said leaning against me. “Something about a glorious butt.”

“Damn it,” I hissed, chewing on my bottom lip. Everyone else had settled down and I wanted to keep them out of the conversation now that we were back on the road. Shay had turned on the radio, but kept the volume low so people could talk if they wanted to. Simon and Charlie were having their own conversation in front of us, but I couldn’t hear what they were talking about either.

“I didn’t think anything would come of it,” Luke added as he leaned his head against his head rest. “At best I thought you would just end up telling me to go away enough times and I would.”

“You’re too stubborn for that bullshit,” I countered, feeling my face warm. I remembered how I was when we were doing the park restoration. It was the last thing I wanted to do, I wouldn’t do it again. The inevitable flood, because our town was stupid enough to build a park next to a river, would bring down that park again. I would let it rust down to nothing if it was up to me, despite all the good it brought me.

“Probably,” he said and I wondered just how close I was to losing Luke back then. I doubted I would have thought losing him would have been that big of a loss. I had everything I was going to get from this small ass town, I thought. “You were stubborn too.”

“Yeah,” I said, turning to fully look at him. Now Luke was someone I didn’t want to leave behind, not even to fulfill my one dream, of swimming, and getting out and going to college. I wanted him with me, every step of the way. I didn’t think I could handle knowing he was stuck here, even if Luke didn’t see it that way. Luke never blamed the small town for anything, not even for having to hide our secret. That’s what made us the most different, he was never angry with the roots he had here and I was. There will be a time, soon and ever encroaching, when I will outright ask Luke to come with me, that I needed him to come. I would hate admitting that a separation, even if it were just miles, would fuck me up. I would do it though, over and over again if I had to.

I jumped and opened my eyes when the van’s door opened. I looked around stretching and saw that we were in my driveway. The only light on was the porch light that automatically came on when it got dark. Glancing at my other side I saw that Luke was also stretching and looking around.

“You’re home,” Tara said and I nodded as I unhooked my seatbelt and started crawling towards the door. When I was out I turned around and watched Luke crawl out.

“Thanks for all this,” I said, smiling at them all. “It was a fucking awesome night.”

“Good,” Tara said as she was the most awake. Charlie just gave us a lazy wave and a smirk as I closed the van door and we stepped back and let Tara back out of the driveway. When she was safely out on the road I turned and fished out my keys.

“I need to get home,” Luke said as he started walking up to the sidewalk with me.

“You need to call your Dad and say you’re staying over,” I countered, glancing in his direction.

“I’ll be pushing my luck,” he countered as he dug his phone out of his pocket. I stopped walking and watched him call his Dad. When he told him he was tired and spending the night at my house, I heard muffled talking on the other end, but I couldn’t make out any of the words. When he hung up he shrugged and slid his phone back into his pocket.

“Good to go?” I asked as I started walking again.

“Yeah,” he answered smiling, “I guess so.”

“Good,” I said as we walked up the stairs onto the porch and I unlocked the door and held it open for him. Then I followed him inside and closed and locked the door behind me. We toed out of our shoes and I smiled remembering the last time we entered my house together and how different this time was. After our shoes were neatly placed by the door I reached up and put my keys away and led him across the living room and up the stairs to my room. My bed was still a mess so I grabbed my sheets out of the dryer and Luke helped me put everything back on the bed.

“Should I go to the guest room?” Luke asked and I shook my head.

“Hell no,” I answered, reaching down and grabbing the bottom of my shirt. I pulled it up over my head and pulled off my pants and socks. When my clothes were a pile on the floor I slid into the bed and watched Luke strip down as he walked around the bottom of my bed, leaving his clothes in a line. I smiled when he slid into the bed beside me and I offered him my second pillow when he slid further down and got comfortable. When I saw that he was settled I pulled the covers over us both and turned off my bedside lamp.

At first he kept to his side of the bed and I was getting impatient and was about to grab his hand and pull him over. When he turned on his side and I felt his fingers find my stomach, I involuntarily jumped. He snickered as I felt his knee slide against my leg, his hairs tickling my freshly shaved one.

“Goodnight,” I said as I closed my eyes as Luke started rubbing my stomach. Something that would have had a different effect altogether if I wasn’t so tired from the evening.

“Goodnight,” he said as his hand stopped moving. Opening my eyes I looked over at him, but only saw his silhouette from the little light that came through the window.

“What?” I asked, knowing Luke well enough to know that he was thinking about something.

“Do you like Tara?” He asked as his hand started making a small circle on my stomach again. It was just his fingertips now though and I did start waking up to his touch now and if he kept going I knew it would drive me crazy.

“I don’t think so,” I answered and his fingers stopped momentarily and I heard him release a breath and I turned my head towards him despite not being able to see him. “It doesn’t matter though. You know where I want to be.”

“Good,” he said as his hand moved up to my chest and rested between my nipples. I know he could feel my heart beating in my chest. “I mean, she reminds me of your Mom anyway.”

“Luke,” I groaned, wrinkling my nose as he laughed. I didn’t and never would see the resemblance, not really. His playful jealousy was also something I found hot about him. That he knew I was his and he wouldn’t like sharing me with anyone else.

“If you do though,” he said as I looked back towards the ceiling. I felt his head slide onto my pillow and when his lips grazed my jawline just below my ear I smiled and reached up with my hand and slid it over his still resting on my chest. Grabbing it I gave it a squeeze and closed my eyes.

“I love you,” I said, feeling a hitch in my throat not expecting this turn in the conversation. “No more ifs.”

“I love you, too,” he said as his lips found my cheek again. I smiled, feeling the words wash over me like they always did when he told them to me.

Copyright © 2017 Krista; All Rights Reserved.
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Chapter Comments

21 hours ago, Krista said:

anyone who made it a drinking game to see how many times I wrote, "cocking an eyebrow.." 

Jackson has cocky eyebrows.  It's just who he is, there's no point pretending otherwise. 

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It looks like Henry is definitely on their side, and is fighting to let Luke have a so-called "normal" high school senior year.  Henry definitely knows what's up with both boys and is encouraging it too.  How will Cindy deal with this when the truth finally dawns?  Given her rabid personal moral code and conviction that she is always right and others are always wrong I don't think it will go well.  She strikes me of one of those rabid sign carrying bible thumpers like Phelps spewing hatred everywhere, and would throw him out.

Edited by Fry
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10 hours ago, Fry said:

It looks like Henry is definitely on their side, and is fighting to let Luke have a so-called "normal" high school senior year.  Henry definitely knows what's up with both boys and is encouraging it too.  How will Cindy deal with this when the truth finally dawns?  Given her rabid personal moral code and conviction that she is always right and others are always wrong I don't think it will go well.  She strikes me of one of those rabid sign carrying bible thumpers like Phelps spewing hatred everywhere, and would throw him out.

ah, I do not like being so far ahead of my writing and posting. :P I never know what to say and what not to say. So I will say nothing, but I want to acknowledge the comment. It was thoughtful, and the vision of Cindy with a megaphone marching around holding  a sign is scary.

I personally like her being a more Cindzilla character myself, just havoc and destruction in her wake... no innocents left behind. lol. 

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Why hasn't Jack asked Luke where he applied to college? Jack is going to face a crossroads on what is more important to him, swimming alone or being with Luke. Jack can swim at almost any university, whether or not he gets a scholarship. 

We got our first clue on where they live, if Tara ordered sweet tea and "sweet tea that was always a staple in every restaurant in the state" that pretty much tells you they live in the South.

So if Jack wants to fight to be with Luke, and Luke is going to a school like Belmont University, Jack can apply to Tennessee and be three hours from him, and so.

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