Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you.
Liar vs. Liar - 25. Tease Me, Tease Me
Chapter Twenty-Five – Tease Me, Tease Me
Cottontail could say whatever he liked about himself and his looks, but that pout was just adorable.
“What’s this? I told you we wouldn’t be having sex.”
Jamie hissed as his guest brushed his hand rather rudely over his erection. “And who said we were going to?” he countered. He enjoyed Cottontail’s hand on his cock and wanted more of that. This was a battle, and if it ended with someone in tears, he wouldn’t mind. Because the loser wouldn’t be him, and the tears would be tears of pleasure, anyway.
“Why are you naked then?” Cottontail asked. “And why are you hard? Do you take stimulants, Jamie? You’re a bit too young for that.”
“You’re the only stimulant I need.”
“I’m not even naked,” Cottontail pointed out.
“Sadly, yes.” He enjoyed seeing his bunny boy wearing his clothes, as oversized as they were for him. Such a little detail, and they suddenly gave the illusion of being a couple enjoying an evening at home, playing naughty games. “You know, if you continue to stroke my cock like that don’t act all outraged when I end up shooting in your hand.”
He grinned as Cottontail snatched his hand away as if it had been burned. The pouting lips reminded Jamie of how they felt around his cock; he’d had enough samples to go by and knew how good the bunny boy was becoming. Even if he wasn’t some expert in deepthroating, his technique was cute.
Damn, he needed to control his thoughts if he wanted to control his body. After all, his plans revolved around getting Cottontail to beg for it.
“Put some clothes on,” Cottontail said in a tone that was supposed to sound stern and failed spectacularly.
“I love my body,” Jamie replied. He moved his hands over his pecs and abs, slowly, with intention, enjoying how Cottontail’s eyes followed everything he did. “And I enjoy being naked because it’s natural and healthy.”
“Healthy? If you start sneezing, you’ll know who you have to blame,” Cottontail said, seeming quite vexed at having his direct orders ignored by his host.
Jamie avoided touching his cock. He continued to caress himself while taking in his guest’s obvious discomfort. “I’m sure you’re here to give me lessons in how to deal with the reality show guys. Why don’t you start? Please have a seat. Would you like something to eat or drink? I’m afraid I don’t have any baby carrots in the fridge, but I’ll stock up for your future visits.”
“Quit it,” Cottontail hissed at him while walking rigidly to sit on a chair across from Jamie. He was holding his hands stubbornly by his sides, but he was pitching a tent too. “Yes, that is why I’m here. And thank you, I don’t need anything.”
“Are you ignoring the chance of having me serve you food and drinks naked?” Jamie tsked, shaking his head. “I see. I’m not attractive enough for you.”
“Oh, please,” Cottontail said with a snort. He crossed his legs, winced, and reconsidered. Even if his package was not humongous, there was no way he could hide it so easily.
“Then allow me to relax over here,” Jamie said, grinning widely. He could tell Cottontail’s eyes were running all over his body without stopping. If his guest gave up too soon, that would be a serious problem, because Jamie was planning on testing his own limits. For now, to keep things in check, it was a good idea to steer their conversation toward mundane topics. He also wanted to give his dick a break.
Years of experience had taught him a thing or two. His cock rested against his leg, less hard now, but enhanced by his knowledge of the art of good presentation nonetheless.
“If you continue to stare like that, you might burn a hole in my sofa,” he joked.
Too bad he couldn’t help himself. Flustered, Cottontail shook his head to get rid of the fascination game Jamie was obviously playing. Now, the inquisitive eyes were staring at him from behind the bunny mask.
“Well?” he asked, while swinging one leg over one of the sofa’s arms, only so he could offer a more unimpeded view of his balls. “The short they posted under my profile for the show is going viral. Why are you crying?”
“I’m not crying,” Cottontail said right away, with the usual indignation that seemed to be part of his DNA. “Did you hear what they said at the end of the video?”
“Can’t say I did,” Jamie replied, frowning slightly. Had he missed something?
“They’re sure they can exploit that part of you,” Cottontail insisted. “Their exact words? ‘We got him.’ Do you understand, Jamie? They know how to twist this.”
“It’s like a ten-second short,” Jamie pointed out. “In which I threaten to skewer their butts with my drumsticks.”
“The sexual innuendo was lost on no one, trust me,” Cottontail said with growing annoyance.
“Sexual innuendo? That wasn’t the intention. I think they understood pretty well that I intended to hurt them.”
“Not really, and you know it,” Cottontail reminded him.
“Yes, but they acted like they didn’t, and that’s what matters.”
“They’re going to sell you like the villain.”
“Works for me,” Jamie replied. “Since the only other empty spot is the pushover, I’ll take the villain.”
“They’ll go hard on this. They’ll work every angle to show you as such. Have you ever cheated on a test, Jamie? In your life?”
“I’ve never been a fan of getting schooled, but I’ve also never cheated. Also, someone else is about to get schooled,” he joked.
“Have you ever broken the law? Have any speeding tickets on your record? You have a bike.”
“A couple, yes. But that’s like part of being a badass,” Jamie said.
“Not if you injured someone else,” Cottontail argued.
“I’ve never injured anyone,” Jamie exclaimed. “They won’t invent things out of the blue. I might not know much, but I’m sure I can sue them for slander if they make stuff up.”
“Hmm, but you can’t be pure as snow. You can’t be.”
Jamie shrugged. “No one is. But I’m telling you, there’s nothing in my past they can exploit to make me into a guy who pushes grandmas down the stairs or something equally insane.”
“As long as you’re sure.”
“You sound unconvinced. Do you know what I think? I think we should hold hands and stare into each other’s eyes. That way, you will come to know that I’m telling the truth.”
Cottontail had nothing to worry about. Whatever of Jamie’s past could be considered questionable, it would only appear so in the eyes of those involved; and seeing how those people were the most secretive in the world, hell would freeze over before someone outside their very tight circle would learn of the things they didn’t care to share.
“What are you doing? Why aren’t you moving?” Jamie asked teasingly. “If you care so much about my reputation, put your mouth where your money is.”
“That’s not how that saying goes,” Cottontail protested. “And I’m sure you’re thinking of sexual things,” he complained for good measure.
“I’m always thinking of sexual things. Wasn’t there a study about how men think of sex around a million times a day or something of the sort?”
“Now you’re making things up. That’s not true.”
“You’re cute when you’re trying to show off your indignation. What are you thinking about right now? Damn, you really look uncomfortable over there. What sort of host am I? Here, let me give you a hand.”
Although Cottontail tried to make himself small in his chair when Jamie got up, it was clear as day that he didn’t dislike being grabbed from his place and carried to the sofa. He even ran one hand quickly over Jamie’s chest before being sat down on his ass.
Jamie climbed onto the sofa by his side, crossing his legs under him. His cock and balls hung heavy in front, and that was exactly where Cottontail was looking right now.
“Hey, my eyes are up here,” Jamie teased.
“I know.” Cottontail scowled. “Are you really all right with being turned into the villainest of them all?”
“It’s not that bad. And you know,” Jamie snuck up a hand to play with the hair at the back of Cottontail’s neck where it stuck out from under the mask that was wrapped around his head, “I think it goes to prove that I have no intention of playing their tune. They were telling me to eat with my drumsticks. How inane is that?”
“It’s plain stupid,” Cottontail agreed, seemingly playing hard to get. He sat there rigidly, his hands in his lap, pressed against the erection he couldn’t hide. “I’m scared by how fast they recovered after you send them out the door. Not even after, they were on it right away. These are scary people, Jamie.”
“Uh-um,” Jamie purred while sneaking closer.
Cottontail turned his head at the perfect moment, because an inch was all it took to bridge the distance between their lips.
Jamie had expected at least a bit of resistance for show, but there was none. Cottontail showed no hesitation as his mouth went slack, allowing Jamie to kiss him. That was good, because it meant that he didn’t have to hurry. Carefully crafting his game of seduction was one of his specialties. It felt amazing that his partner was meeting him half-way.
The most surprising part, however, was how chaste their kiss felt. It felt wrong to use his tongue so early. It was a light brush of lips over lips, as if they were just getting to know each other. Jamie could read the same intention in his partner. No one hurried. This was the best kind of teasing.
Although he knew he could press onward, he decided to pull back. Whatever was happening between them somehow superseded sex. Not that it was unrelated to sex entirely; it certainly had to do with it, but it was more than that. How could he explain it when he was so dumbfounded by it?
“How many people have ever told you that you’re an amazing kisser, Jamie?” Cottontail asked softly.
“Not nearly enough to make me believe it,” he joked in turn.
“Then you can be sure that you are. Can we do it again like this?”
“No tongue, you mean? You’re hurting my feelings.”
“I’m sure that’s not true. It feels good like this. I want to know you like this.”
“Okay, sure,” Jamie said brusquely because he wanted to hide how weirdly flustered hearing things like that made him feel. He leaned over again, but this time, he became overly conscious of his every move. His lips felt a little numb.
Cottontail pulled away. “You aren’t given compliments often, are you, Jamie Vayne?”
“What do you mean? I get compliments all the time,” he protested.
“I don’t think you do. Not the sort of compliments you want to hear.”
“That’s bullshit. Come on, let’s kiss.”
“You’re too shy to do it.”
“Excuse you?!” Jamie exclaimed. “I’m shy? How the hell am I shy?”
“I told you how great you are at kissing like that, without going in for the kill, and now you don’t know what to do with your lips.”
Jamie straightened up and planted both feet on the floor. What the hell was going on here? And was Cottontail needling him to get him hot and bothered or—
His guest touched his knee. “It’s okay, Jamie. You can tell me that you’ve never kissed anyone like that.”
He crossed his arms over his chest. “You’re full of old wisdom, you sage you,” he grumpily shot back.
“I’d rather be full of you, but I’ll take that as a compliment.”
Jamie turned his head to stare at his weird bunny boy again. “Do you want me to fuck you now? After making fun of how I kiss?”
“See? You’re jumping to conclusions. And four-letter words,” Cottontail added after a short moment of deliberation.
Jamie shook his head. “You’re very confusing.”
“Yes, I guess I am. But shouldn’t this feel better then?” Cottontail took initiative and cupped Jamie’s cheek, pulling him forward.
When they kissed, it was as pleasant as the first time. Jamie smirked against the kiss. So Cottontail was using him to experiment with, after all. A guy who probably hadn’t kissed much in his life, he wanted the whole thing – the fluttering of the first time, the realization that this was kissing after all, all that jazz.
Knowing what it was made him feel better. He pushed Cottontail on his back and made space for himself between his legs. Although his semi rubbed only against the fabric of the shorts he had lent his guest, it felt good enough.
No longer in the mood to explore how kissing like first-timers felt, he took Cottontail’s head in his hands and began kissing him thoroughly.
His action didn’t go unnoticed. Cottontail appeared hesitant at first to give up on playing like teenagers, but his shoulders relaxed as Jamie caressed them. Soon enough, his arms were wrapped around his partner, and they were moving to the same rhythm, ebb and flow.
It hadn’t been his plan exactly to end up here, losing his head a smidge over what Jamie was doing to him and how, but short stops along the way were required if he aimed for reaching the destination that now appeared to be coming into sight.
The soft kisses from earlier had awakened something in him. They made him think – although his body seemed more inclined to be doing the thinking now, unlike his brain that had gotten all fuzzy and drunk on Jamie’s lips.
When they were together like this, the world around them disappeared. His father’s disappointment, Wencel’s constant anger at the world, everything that wore him out every single day was just gone.
Could it be so easy to let go? To not have to live under the pressure of being better, doing better, although the bar was raised all the time, and the target shifted to be just out of reach?
“Are you here or are you thinking of some weird stuff?” Jamie asked, interrupting their kissing.
“Sorry. I tend to get like that sometimes.”
“More like all the time.”
“Do I really get this much attention from you?”
“Why shouldn’t you? I thought you were full of yourself.” Jamie continued to caress his shoulders slowly. It felt nice, like many other things that kept happening to him lately, since he had been charged by his brother to target Jamie.
“Not really,” he whispered.
The bunny mask was between them. It was an uneven battle, because Jamie was Jamie, this gorgeous guy who could have anyone he wanted—
“Why aren’t you taken?” he asked.
“Taken?” Jamie threw him an amused look. “Am I an object to be taken? Are you objectifying me?”
“Laugh all you want. You know what I mean. You could have a boyfriend.”
“I don’t want a boyfriend.”
“Why do you sound so vexed?” Jamie laughed. “You knew what you were getting yourself into. You knew it from the start. Ah, don’t tell me I’m giving you butterflies and all that.”
“As if.” Even though it was true, and their earlier tame kisses had done it to him or more, it clearly wasn’t the time to admit it. “You have your guard up, all the time. Why?”
“Why?” Jamie’s smile didn’t falter. Maybe it was true that he had nothing to lose or hide. Maybe that stupid reality show would help him with his career, although it was highly unlikely, based on the track records of so many other participants in this sort of thing.
“Is it wrong to ask?” He bristled at the annoying smirk that quirked Jamie’s lips. He was definitely a guy who knew how to rile someone up. The fact that Jamie had chosen him to rile up meant something. A lot.
“No, it’s not. But don’t expect an answer.” Jamie stretched and yawned. “If we’re done here, how about you shoo? I need to take care of my erection, and it would be a little weird to use my hand, while you’re two inches away from me.”
“You can’t be serious. And we should talk some more about your show.” He was grasping at straws, but he didn’t want to give in so quickly or allow Jamie to send him out the door whenever and however he wanted.
“If you care so much about that, you need to offer something in exchange.”
“Name it.”
Jamie observed him for a while, without saying anything. Was this how other guys had felt before, when Jamie offered them his undivided attention? Or maybe he was the only one to enjoy that sort of thing.
“You’ll allow me to tease you for as long as I want. What do you say?”
“I’m not that easy,” he protested, although a small shiver coursed through him as Jamie stared at him with hooded eyes.
“Deal or no deal?” Jamie was a guy who always got what he wanted. No wonder so many guys fell in his well-laid traps. But that wasn’t who he was, right?
“Deal. But I will tease you back.”
“And how are you going to do that?”
Jamie was too quick for any reaction on his part. In no time, he was ass up in the air, stretched over Jamie’s lap.
Until next time,
All the best,
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you.
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