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Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you. 

Little Man - 3. Monty Python Night

Tuesday and Thursday were my back to back studio art class days. With an hour between, it took over seven hours to get through two classes. It was usually my favorite time of the week, but today I was looking forward to our Monty Python night. Ogre's coming over. All day I had been so excited I could barely sit still.

I climbed out of the car dragging my supplies and portfolio case and nearly ran to the front door. My energy was hard to contain. I bounded into the room and secured my gear. I found Eric in the living room as I flashed past.

“Little Man, can you actually draw and paint without wearing it?” he chided.

“What?” I replied.

I turned and found the hallway mirror. Smudges of charcoal and oil paint streaked my arms and face. I was filthy. God only knows how long I'd been like this. It would've been nice if anyone in my class would mention it.

“Aw, fuck! I need a shower!” I shouted and raced into my room peeling away my dirty clothes. I couldn't get the shower to warm up fast enough. I jumped under the spray and yelped as I scrambled to escape the frigid spray. It was so cold I thought my balls were going to rise into my throat.

Once it warmed up, I scrubbed myself fanatically to remove the remnants of my class. My hands were blackened with charcoal so I scoured them twice. Once my hands looked normal, I scrupulously cleaned every inch of my body paying special attention to my groin. I finished when the water turned cold. In front of the mirror I checked my body hair to make sure it was neat and trimmed. My skin looked good; no sudden blemishes. My jawline was coarse; I needed a shave. A careful barbering left my face smooth, the small defined pen-line goatee left intact. I made sure my hair had the natural looking shape I liked so much.

Once I was satisfied with my grooming, I rushed to my bedroom and carefully picked out my clothing. I chose a pair of black briefs that cupped my package and gave it extra visual weight. A pair of ass-hugging gray denim shorts covered them. I chose a ribbed athletic undershirt that gripped my chest and showed off the top edge of my chest hair. A thick silver chain clipped around my neck grazed the top of the fur. I stopped short of a shot of cologne.

When I finally emerged, I found Eric in the living room in the same place I found him before.

“Do you have a date?” Eric asked.

“Um, no. Why do you ask?”

Eric laughed at me. “You've spent the last hour primping.” I didn't realize how long I'd been.

“I felt the need to be clean.” I crossed my arms over my chest.

“Would this have anything to do with the guy from the party you were caught kissing?”

“Why would you say that?” I felt very transparent.

“You're in such a good mood, you're practically vibrating.” The heat in my face told me I was blushing.

“Things are looking up for the mystery man?”

“We may have found some common ground. But I don't want to jinx it. So stop asking.” I didn't want to lie to Eric.

“All right, all right. I just wanted to make sure you weren't going out. The three of us haven't had a Monty Python night in a while.”

“I'm not going anywhere.” I wasn't planning on missing my next chance to see him.

Monty Python Night had become a kind of odd tradition for Eric, Ogre and myself. Pizza, beer and British comedy. It was one thing we all could agree on. Ogre could pull off a flawless accent that could keep us in uncontrollable laughter in all the key scenes.

Eric was trying to smooth the awkwardness between Ogre and me. The whole evening was a pretext to bonding. I knew this. It was obvious. If Ogre and I hadn't settled things yesterday, this probably would have succeeded. I loved Eric for doing the right thing. I wish I was able to fully confide in him, but I promised Ogre. When and if he was ready we would include Eric. I was willing to wait.

It would be another hour or so before Ogre would arrive. Crap. I didn't know what to do. I absentmindedly paged through some old sketchbooks while I watched the clock slowly tick away. I didn't really care about the sketchbooks right now.

* * *

“I've got the bloody beer, mate!” Ogre called out as I heard him enter the front door. My chest tightened and my pulse quickened. I inched out of my room.

“I'll put the beer in the fridge. I was about to go get the pizza,” Eric said as I saw him walk into the kitchen. Ogre stood at the doorway in a skin tight black tee shirt with khaki shorts and sandals. His tight short hair was immaculate and his rugged, handsome face was freshly shaved. Damn, he looked good. I tried poorly to suppress my smile. Ogre's eyes found me and his leering gaze appraised me top to bottom. His grin couldn't hide his approval.

“Hey, Ogre.” I tried to sound as casual as possible in spite of my excitement.

“Hey, Little Man. Sorry about the other day. I was being stupid,” Ogre said for Eric's benefit.

“Don't worry about it. We're good,” I replied back.

“You two play nice while I run for the pizza. Two supremes coming up!” Eric headed out the front door to give us a chance to clear the air without his presence. “Be back in five.” We watched as Eric hopped in his car and drove away, clearly out of sight and earshot.

“You look really good.” Ogre beamed. His smile was radiant and sent warm shivers through my spine.

“I hope you're wearing that shirt for my benefit.”

“Is it that obvious?”

“Only to me.” I was so delighted to hear his voice. “Eric's only going to be gone for a few minutes. If you want to keep this a secret you'd better fucking kiss me now.” Ogre's towering form came forward and swept me up, lifting me off the ground. His kiss crushed me breathless. This was worth all the anticipation of the day. I swooned.

We kept stealing kisses while we childishly kept a look out for Eric's return.

* * *

It may have been our mood, but I swear that was the best pizza I ever had. The conversation was flowing and effortless. Eric sat in the recliner while Ogre and I took up the couch as we quickly went through the two supremes opened on the coffee table. The three of us were interacting as if the events of the last few days were nonexistent. It felt wonderful to place the confusion aside and put everything back in order.

I still found myself having lecherous thoughts over the black shirted stud sitting on the couch next to me. I carefully catalogued every detail. If I looked closely, the faint impression of his nipples could be found through his shirt. Ogre's jaw didn't show even a hint of stubble, he had to have shaved directly before arriving. The package of his shorts was bulging impressively. His forearms were lined in deep ridges of sinew. I wanted to taste his perfect earlobes. Even the slight smudge of pizza sauce at the corner of his mouth while he ate drew my fascination.

“Ok, Ogre. Do you know how I ended up naked Saturday night?” Eric finally asked.

“The football team pulled a train on you. So quit asking,” I interrupted. Ogre snorted so hard he nearly spit out his beer. Recovering quickly, he leaned into Eric and gently rubbed his head.

“It was the sweetest ass I'd ever had, baby. Is your butt still sore?” he asked in his sexy pimp voice.

“Shut up!” Eric shoved Ogre away from him with an irrepressible grin. “What happened, really?”

“I already told you,” I teased, “I don't know why you continue to deny it. You were the biggest cock whore I've ever seen.” Eric knew me well enough to know he wasn't getting a straight answer any time soon so he relented. Ogre was laughing so hard tears were starting to form in his eyes. The tenor of his voice was sending pleasurable rushes through me.

“Fuck you, guys.” Eric laughed. “Since I'm not getting a straight answer I'm putting in the first movie. Monty Python and the Holy Grail to start. Life of Brian to finish.” The lineup was perfect. Eric slid the DVD into the player and started the show.

“I have a present to make it a special night,” Ogre said. He reached into his pocket and produced a single rolled joint and a lighter. It wasn't small. Well, a small cigar, maybe. One of his roommates was a bit of a pot-head. Wow. This was going to be a giggle fest. The last time we all smoked together the night was filled with uncontrolled fits of laughter.

“Oh my god, Ogre. That's perfect.” I snickered.

“Ogre, you rock,” Eric said with a high five to Ogre. “I'm hitting the can while the previews run. Be right back.”

Eric headed down the hallway to the bathroom. Ogre lit the joint and drew a deep inhale. Holding it in for several seconds he motioned me closer to signal my turn. I reached for the joint and Ogre suddenly moved forward and placed his mouth on mine and exhaled. His large hand held my head in place. A rush swept over me that had nothing to do with the marijuana. His tongue caressed mine and Ogre sat back down at his end of the couch. Seconds later, Eric reappeared.

“Aw. . . you lit that bitch without me?” Eric pretended to be annoyed. I slowly exhaled; the acrid smoke filled the air before me.

“We just couldn't control ourselves,” I replied. Ogre smirked at me.

Monty Python and the Holy Grail played and fueled by weed, beer and good humor we fell over ourselves in laughter. The awkwardness of yesterday had been long forgotten. We sang along to “Camelot” and recited lines that brought tears to our eyes. Our falling all over ourselves was a cheap excuse to get close enough to touch Ogre. The sexual tension between us was fevered, but Eric showed no sign of awareness. We stole furtive glances at each other and when I went to kitchen to refresh our beers I used it as an opportunity to stroke the back of his neck and head with my fingertips as I walked past. His hair was so well trimmed it was like touching velvet. The night seemed filled with clandestine contacts.

We smoked the last of the joint at the intermission between films. I got us another round of beers and saw the two of them had shifted on the couch dominating the space. There was no way for me to sit back without being unnaturally close to Ogre. I doubted my ability to keep my composure under these conditions. Eric's eyelids were looking a little heavy. After they accepted the brews I started the second dvd, pushed the coffee table forward and sat down on the floor between them.

“You guys are too fucking big!” I snorted as I settled my back into the couch. The movie appeared and Ogre's leg began to gently press against me. The lights were out for the sake of the movies and the darkness was wearing away even more of the inhibitions than the beer and weed had. Blocked from view, I discretely reached my hand up, gripping Ogre's calves gently. He responded by pressing himself into me further still. I wasn't sure how much further I could handle this. I was so painfully erect it was wetting my underwear and I constantly had to resist the urge to run my tongue up Ogre's leg. We weren't laughing as much now, and Eric was inaudible. After surreptitiously adjusting myself I got up for another beer halfway through the film and found out why.

Eric's head was slumped backwards on the back of the couch, his mouth slightly open. Being up all night screwing his brains out, all the exercise, alcohol and marijuana had taken their toll. He was so softly asleep we didn't even notice. I nudged Ogre and pointed at the sleeping beauty. He seemed surprised. I think our flirtations had distracted him to what was happening right next to him. I nudged Eric awake.

“Eric, go to bed. You're five seconds from snoring,” I said. He started to open his eyes. “I was about to have Ogre carry you to bed.”

“All right, all right,” he croaked as he pried his body from the couch. He shambled for the bedroom and stopped in the hallway. He stood for a long moment as if pondering his thoughts. Eric slowly turned to us and asked, “Is that what happened on Saturday? I passed out and Ogre carried me to bed?”

“Pretty much,” I responded.

“And you guys undressed me to fuck with my head.”

“Pretty much,” I repeated.

“Fuckers.” Eric shook his head and turned, entered his bedroom and closed the door behind him.

I smiled to Ogre and took Eric's spot on the couch. His hand found mine and a surge ran through my spine and I shuddered. For a so-called straight man, Ogre kept doing things that couldn't be categorized as simply curious. I wanted him so badly but found myself feeling very self-conscious. My opportunity was before me and suddenly I was apprehensive that it couldn't live up to my expectations. I kept worrying how far this could go. At what point would his orientation kick in and he'd dash off to the next convenient bimbo to reaffirm himself and wash away the gay?

“I need another beer.” I got up to take a breath, heading into the kitchen to create enough distance to collect myself.

My hand touched the refrigerator handle just before large arms snaked around my torso and pulled me back against his hard chest. I hadn't even heard him rise from the couch. My eyes closed in pleasure as he placed a wet kiss on the back of my neck. A strong hand threaded into my hair as his mouth traveled to the crease of my neck and shoulder, his teeth gently grazing me along the way. Then he bit down.

“Oh, God!”

I barely managed to keep from screaming as my hands were suddenly on his. I realized I wasn't stopping him. I was trying to hold him in place as my lust peaked and my mind overloaded. All my second guesses seemed small in that moment and I pushed them away.

I moaned as his hands roamed my body and his rigid member pressed against me through our clothing. His scent was overwhelming me. I managed to spin myself and found his mouth with mine. My hands found themselves at his neck and his broad expanse of his back. How could a body be so soft and hard at once? All I could feel was his mouth and the force of our bodies trying to crush into each other. Any lingering self-preservation I had collapsed.

“Fuck me, Ogre. Now,” I pleaded.

“Eric might hear. Not now. Not like this.” I couldn't stop kissing him in spite of his protest. Taking a breath, we pulled back from each other and Ogre's lusty eyes roamed my body. He took a deep breath and squared his shoulders. I could feel the animal inside threatening to tear out and give me what I wanted. If it did, there was no doubt the secret would be lost. We would not be able to keep quiet. Even in the kitchen, as far away from Eric as we could be, it would be useless. Ogre's body was tight and near vibrating, as if he was ready to pounce. I could see how difficult it was for him to not simply conquer me as he had no doubt done to women in the past. I wouldn't be able to stop him and wouldn't have tried either. Breaking the tension, Ogre looked up to the ceiling, cleared his throat and thinly attempted to change the subject.

“What happened to the red pair of underwear I left here?” His question was delivered with a smirk that almost made me orgasm. The memory of our first night was still that intense and my desire had become so sensitive in denial.

“They're mine now. Sex trophy.”

“I was wondering if you were going to give them back.”

“If you wanted them so badly, you should have worn them home.” I had no intention of admitting I liked the smell of them.

He laughed at me. “What are you going to do with them?”

“Nail them to my headboard. Isn't that what you're supposed to do when you score a nice piece of ass?”

“You did not score a piece of ass. You did not get my ass. Nothing goes into my ass. Ever. Exit only orifice. Not negotiable.” His tone was jovial, but the tone was clear. This was a serious note. I wasn't surprised. His sexual identity was no doubt fragile, and playing with his ass, let alone taking a cock in it, would be the demise of his shrinking heterosexuality. There was still a lot of straight prejudices in his head, but it didn't matter. As long as I had him, I didn't have any issues with his boundaries.

“I'm still nailing them to my headboard.”

“You've been sniffing them haven't you?” I couldn't answer him. I just fixed my gaze to his as he smiled knowingly. I leaned into him and inhaled softly yet deeply.

“What makes you say that?”

A lusty chuckle escaped him and Ogre lifted me off my feet and sat me down on the kitchen counter. His hands pawed my chest and legs while his kiss stole my breath and my hands gripped the velvety cropped sides of his head. He pressed his hand into the hardness trapped in my shorts and quickly tore apart my fly splaying it open to my hips. Ogre wasted no time in attacking my underwear. Cool air hit my cock and balls providing a stark contrast to his burning touch as he released them from their fabric prison.

He gently explored my flesh, his eyes glazed and transfixed as he went over the reality of his actions. One hand felt the weight of my nuts, comparing their unfamiliar density. They were solid and firm to my body, the teasing of the evening has brought me close to the finish. His other hand stroked my length firmly.

Yet again, Ogre educated himself over the touch of another man and it amazed me. He touched every inch of me slowly and carefully as if he were memorizing something brand new, his soft smile filled with wonder. I watched him as he explored his repressed desires. Every time we were together seemed to press us farther along. I prayed his needs would be stronger than his crumbling prejudices. My feelings were so strong and I distinctly felt he was sharing more than a curious expedition.

My hands stripped his shorts in record seconds, pooling them to his ankles. A guttural moan escaped him as I gave his length a firm squeeze and stroke in one move. More kisses brought us to a fever pitch. Breaking our kiss, Ogre heavily licked his hand leaving the palm slick and glistening and re-gripped my cock. I inhaled sharply, freezing at the slickened strokes, unable to do more than merely hold on for survival. I was losing the struggle to stretch out this event. I desperately wanted to make this feverish contact last forever. It would be over far too soon.

“Ogre! I'm losing it!” I hissed trying not to shout. Ogre suddenly stooped over and swallowed my cock. That was it. My hands flashed to his head trying to push him down farther as the orgasm smashed through me. I could feel the shocks of energy shooting through my body and into his still moving eager mouth. I silently wished for a lifetime extension of this moment. Trying to contain my orgasm was intensifying it. Too soon it ended and I was on the verge on hyperventilating. Sweat rolled down the back of my neck as my head fell back. He rose and kissed me again; only a residue of my semen remained.

“You really enjoy the feel of me getting off in your mouth, don't you?” I panted with a smile.

“I didn't want to make a mess in the kitchen,” he explained as he coyly raised his eyebrows. I wasn't buying it.

I hopped off the counter, my clothing hung at mid thigh. I turned him around and leaned him against the counter, grabbing hold of the obscene erection jutting from between his legs. Following his thin reasoning, I dropped to one knee and returned the favor. Suppressed expletives came from Ogre's lips as mine attacked his organ like a starving man. He suddenly gripped the counter as he moaned through a closed mouth in a shaky attempt to control his volume. His sensitive cock was so swollen and his thick thighs were quaking. My free hand found a hardened nipple under his snug shirt and I pinched it gently. He gasped and crested. The bulbous head swelled in my mouth, forceful gushes ran over my tongue and down my throat as I continued my voracious feeding.

”Oh, God. Stop,” Ogre gasped. He pulled me upward to free himself from the spastic tremors of his over sensitive sex as I refused to give up my prize. Sweat was beading on his forehead and upper lip. He smiled appreciatively. We kissed again and I squeezed the head of his slippery flesh that refused to go down and he nearly yelped. He squirmed free of my grasp and bear hugged me under my arms so I couldn’t continue to torture him.

We continued to kiss as our breathing slowed, our naked groins sliding against one another. The smiles on our faces making deep kisses impossible.

“I know I keep asking questions at awkward times, but why me?” I asked.

“What?” He laughed.

“What made you kiss me that night?” Ogre stopped and his brow furrowed slightly; I could read his indecision as his smile began to fade. I couldn't fathom why I felt the need to possibly complicate this evening. My insecurities were beginning to show. Ogre's interest in me was exciting and confusing at the same time.

“I think you reminded me of someone I used to know.”

A slight anxious heat rose into my chest and felt myself shrinking away from him. “I thought you said you hadn't been with a guy before.”

“I hadn't. Tommy was my best friend back in high school. We were a lot like you and Eric are,” he started, “Tommy was smaller and I always kept a close eye on him. We spent almost every moment together. I always thought he was kind of cute even.” He laughed uncomfortably as he admitted it.

“Did you ever kiss him?”

Ogre shook his head. “No. It was never like that.”

“What happened?”

“One day some kids found a gay porn mag in his locker and the story was all over school before we knew it. I don't even know what it was doing there in the first place.” Ogre's face darkened and his voice grew somber as he turned away from me. “A couple of guys found us hanging out after school and jumped him. They asked me why I would hang with a cocksucker. They beat his ass and made me help to prove I wasn't a fag. I still wish I could take that day back.”

“Was he okay?”

“Physically yeah, but he never spoke to me again. I can't say I really blame him. His parents moved him out of school and then moved away a few months later.” Ogre shrugged slightly in defeat. “I never got to apologize. I wanted to so badly. I missed my best friend.”

“I'm sorry.”

“Don't be. I deserved it. I should have stood up to those guys.” I watched his hands close into fists. “I should've stopped them. He needed my help, and I didn't come through for him.”

I reached up to his chin and turned Ogre's face so I could look into his eyes again. “Don't blame yourself so much. High school is all about cliques and popularity, standing out in a crowd is the hardest thing to do. A lot of guys can't manage it. That was a long time ago. What about now?”

“I hadn't thought too much about it before Saturday night. When you were drawing on me I had the same feeling I had when I spent time with him. I don't even know why. It was the first time I'd ever been like that. You were so close when you finished. Kissing you just seemed to be the right thing to do.” Ogre started to smile again.

“So I remind you of him?” Even I could hear the uneasiness in my question. I hoped it didn't come through like a freight train. I didn't want to be an echo of an unrequited love. I needed to be unique.

“Only in the good ways. Cute. Talented. Sexy. Hot body. Kissable,” Ogre confessed.

“That's good enough for me,” I said to Ogre as I planted a strong, confirming kiss upon his lips.

I felt gratefully at ease with Ogre as his hand found mine again. His other hand began to caress the side of my face and I was nearly purring in contentment. The moment might have been more magical if we weren't standing in the kitchen with our shorts around our ankles.

A very special thanks to Cia for her help in cleaning up the first three chapters! The tips I learned in such a short time has made a world of difference. If you haven't already read her work, do it. After you read mine on course. :)
Copyright © 2012 Mann Ramblings; All Rights Reserved.
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Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
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Chapter Comments

I sure hope Ogre does not break Little Man's heart and spirit by changing his mind, once they are found out, and something tells me that it won't be long before that happens. Eric's reaction, I think is going to be pretty interesting, to say the least. Little Man is about ready to go all in, and Ogre is still exploring his feelings. Can't wait for more. Great job!

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Oh man, I was holding my breath, expecting Eric to come bounding in there for a glass of water or something. lol Whew! I think they dodged a bullet there. :)


I could kick Ogre right now. I'm glad he's sorry for what he did in high school. I can't believe he would succumb to stupid high school homophobes and not stick up for his friend. Wasn't he built back in high school also? He could've kicked their asses. I'm ashamed of him.


I just hope he's not using Little Man subconsciously, trying to make up to his friend. He should really look into finding Tommy (was that his name?) on Facebook or something and apologize to him. I think he needs some sort of closure; he's going to be carrying this regret and guilt with him for the rest of his life. All deserved of course.


Anyway......awesome chapter Mann! =) I'm wondering when Eric's gonna figure things out. I'm sure from the way they look at each other he's gonna put two and two together pretty soon. lol

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Those guys have got it bad. The dialog really shines in this story, it's a

joy to read. I like all three characters and their interactions are lively

and seem real. I really like this story.

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On 09/22/2012 10:40 AM, Stephen said:
Those guys have got it bad. The dialog really shines in this story, it's a

joy to read. I like all three characters and their interactions are lively

and seem real. I really like this story.

Thanks for the comment about the dialog. I tend to recite it out loud so it sounds as natural as possible. Glad to hear my efforts aren't wasted. :)
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Flirting with danger. Heck this is the easiest way for secrets to come crashing out! But then again, it is amazing what you can really get away with when you play the game well. :)

Great chapter, but I worry about Little Man. I am not 100% sure that Ogre will turn out completely gay, and it would seem as if he is in some way trying to make amends for his own guilt at not sticking up for his best friend. That is maybe not the best way to start out a relationship.

Yet as that may be the case, it could well be that Ogre is completely gay and just suppressed his desires so damn well, even he didn't know!

Argh to be in such a quandary of whether to trust him or not!!!! The funny thing is I suspect that Eric already knows, or suspects. Maybe? :P


Great chapter Mann Ramblings, and looking forward to more.

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Finding out about Tommy explained a few things I just hope that Ogre isn't unintentionally using Little Man to make amends for Tommy. That would just about kill Little Man and I'm pretty sure it wouldn't do much for Ogre and Erics friendship either. By the way why doesn't Eric have ever a nickname?

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On 08/25/2013 06:10 AM, Daithi said:
Finding out about Tommy explained a few things I just hope that Ogre isn't unintentionally using Little Man to make amends for Tommy. That would just about kill Little Man and I'm pretty sure it wouldn't do much for Ogre and Erics friendship either. By the way why doesn't Eric have ever a nickname?
Sometimes nicknames just don't happen or stick. Eric is just kind of like that.
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I think Monty Python serves as the perfect backdrop for the chapter. I am a kind of bracing myself for the moment which I know Ogre will go running from the hills. I pray Little Man's heart doesn't get broken in the process.

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On 09/08/2014 11:43 AM, Bryce Lee said:
I think Monty Python serves as the perfect backdrop for the chapter. I am a kind of bracing myself for the moment which I know Ogre will go running from the hills. I pray Little Man's heart doesn't get broken in the process.
My friends and I were obsessed with Monty Python back in our college years, hence it made it way into the story LOL
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I like the way things are moving forward. I don't want to think that Ogre will hurt Little Man, so I will take the time on trust and read on. Thanks. Jeff

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I always wondered what Monty python was the first time I read this story just found out what it was last week😂

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3 hours ago, Sussins said:

I always wondered what Monty python was the first time I read this story just found out what it was last week😂


My friends and I were obsessed with Monty Python back in the day, so therefore LM and friends are too. LOL

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I notice that you are working with Cia on this story. That is one of the best things you can do. Is Cia acting as an editor or as a Beta reader? Someone is doing a great job as your chapters read well.

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On 11/21/2018 at 1:11 PM, Will Hawkins said:

I notice that you are working with Cia on this story. That is one of the best things you can do. Is Cia acting as an editor or as a Beta reader? Someone is doing a great job as your chapters read well.


Cia helped me as beta/editor when I started posting, but her schedule didn't allow her to help me for more than the first chapters. Thankfully, MJ85 was available and helped me clean up the rest.

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Wow these two can't seem to get enough of each other and who can blame them. I too keep expecting Eric to walk in on them at some point. The three of them are such great friends, hopefully they will remain so whatever the future holds. I was initially dissappointed in Ogre after the Tommy story, but can understand where his head was at the time, still no excuse though, it was a crappy thing to do and I can only feel sorry for Tommy. It makes me wonder if there's going to be something similar crop up involving LM and will Ogre step up or what? As always the sex scenes are hot. Awesome job all round.

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