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Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you. 

Stockroom Secrets - 24. Chapter 24

It proved to be a busy afternoon back at work, not just with the deliveries I had to make, but also with phone calls. We weren't really supposed to be taking them during work hours, but as I kept my phone in my pocket and had it set to vibrate only, I could sometimes get away with taking calls, provided I was careful.

My first call was from Chase, from the sexual health clinic. I'd been wondering how long it might be before the results would come back, and to be honest I had been a little worried, to the point that when he identified himself my heart skipped a beat and my hands started shaking. He quickly put me at ease, however, when he told me that the tests had come back as all clear.

'You and Raffa will be able to go at it like Jack Rabbits now, sweetie,' he said, laughing as he did so. That thought seemed to have gone straight to my little head, as I immediately felt some familiar feelings stirring down there.

Chase told me that he would send the results through to my phone, so I thanked him and then disconnected, smiling to myself at the thought of what may soon lay ahead for Raffa and me. I was tempted to go and give Raffa the good news in person, but before I could do anything more I heard my name being paged over the PA system and had to return to the loading dock, where I found I was needed to help unload another delivery.

It was an hour or so later when I received my second call, this one being from my mother. I asked how dad was and she said he seemed to be doing okay. They had talked for most of the morning and he had opened up about his feelings, which all stemmed from what had happened to him when he was younger. Mum had made some enquiries about getting him some professional help and felt confident that dad would come out of this okay.

What she had rung for, however, was to talk about what we were going to do about getting my car home today, so that she could have her car back.

'I think I've got it sorted,' I said to her. 'I'm going to ask Raffa to drive mine home, then I'll drop him back here afterwards so he can get his motor bike. I'm sure he'll do that for me.'

'Oh, okay then,' mum answered. 'So, does this mean we'll get to meet him?'

'Ummm . . . I guess so. But what about dad? Do you think that'll be a good idea?'

'How about we just see how things pan out?'


'Oh, and Bryan called me. He just wanted to ask how you were doing.'

'What did you tell him?'

'That he should call you. So he said he would do that.'

'And did you tell him about dad?'

'No, not yet. I think we need to get our heads around it all first, don't you?'

'Yeah. That sounds like a plan,' I replied.

I had a feeling that I knew what Bryan's call would be about. He will no doubt be pleased to hear that I had at least made the effort to get tested, and thankfully I now have the results to prove it.

Over the next few hours I was kept busy with the latest delivery as we broke that up to take out onto the shop floor, although Mike was basically keeping to himself and wasn’t saying much. I wasn't sure what was going on with him and didn't want to tempt fate by asking him, but I could see that something was on his mind. That was hardly surprising really, given the events of the past few weeks, but I was certainly curious.

After making another delivery to the shop floor I was heading back to the loading bay when I bumped into Raffa, who was delivering boxes to the baling room. I quickly pulled him aside into one of the nearby aisles of shelves and before he could even react I planted a kiss on his lips.

'What the hell was that for?' he said in a forced whisper.

'I got the all clear,' I replied. 'Chase said now we could fuck like Jack Rabbits.'

'Did he now? Well who am I to argue with that. We will have to wait until we've finished work though . . . won't we?'

'Yeah, but it'll also have to wait until after you do me the favour I want you to do for me.'

'Which is?'

'Would you mind driving my car back to my place after work? Then I'll drop you back here to your bike afterwards.'

'Is your old man going to be there?'

'Most likely.'

'Will that be a problem for us?'

'No, I don't think so.'

'And what about after you drop me back to my bike?'

'Then we can find somewhere to go . . . so we can do what Chase said we could do.'

'I love the way you think,' he said with a chuckle, then giving me another quick kiss before disappearing amongst the stockroom aisles on his way back to his area.

My final call for the afternoon came not long afterwards, just as I was beginning the daily ritual of crushing and baling boxes for the recyclers. After feeling the phone vibrate in my pocket I pulled it out and checked the screen. It was Uncle Bryan, so I answered it.

'Hey, Unc!'

'Hey, yourself,' he answered. 'You still at work?'

'Yup, and crushing it.'


'Sorry . . . that was a feeble attempt at a joke. I'm just crushing some boxes. Riveting stuff.'

'Sounds like you could do with a distraction then,' he said, while laughing.

'Only if it's a short one. We're not supposed to be taking personal calls, and I've already had a couple today.'

'Nice to be popular, or what?'

'Nah, nothing to get excited about. Just from mum and the local health clinic.'

'Yes, I was talking to her earlier. She sounded tired. And what's that about a clinic?'

'Test results came back,' I said, wanting to jump in early before he had a chance to ask the question. 'All came back clear.'

'That's great to hear. I'm so pleased that you followed up on doing that.'

'Yeah, it was a bit nerve-wracking, but if I want to have a relationship I really needed to do it.'

'And speaking of which, how are things progressing with that cute guy you showed me?'

'One day at a time . . . but so far, so good. I'll tell you more later. Sorry, but right now I'm going to have to get going . . . I can hear someone coming.'

'That's all good, mate.'

'Thanks for the call,' I said, then disconnected, as I had indeed heard someone coming. It was only moments after I had slid my phone back into my pocket that Mike appeared at the doorway to the baler room, looking to be deep in thought.

'Everything okay?' I asked him.

'Yeah, just have stuff to think about,' he replied. 'You hear anything more from the cops or anyone?'

'Saw them earlier, but I couldn't help them much. They showed me some photos that were pulled from the CCTV, but they didn't show much. They have a number plate off their car, but they think they were probably stolen plates anyhow.'

'Okay then,' he said, before turning to leave, but then stopping. 'Will you get this all sorted this afternoon before you finish for today?'

'Yeah, no problems there,' I answered as I studied him closely. 'Are you sure you're okay?'

He looked at me, then looked away for a moment.

'I spoke with Animal today,' he eventually said. 'He's pretty pissed.'

'About what?'

'The company he drove for sacked him yesterday. Apparently Webster made a complaint to them, and it wasn't the first that had been made, so they gave him the flick.'


Mike looked back at me, his expression serious, his eyes holding my attention. 'He has other contacts around here. So just watch yourself, okay? Be careful.'

'What the fuck is that supposed to mean?' I asked, as I felt my hands begin to tremble slightly.

'I'm just saying that he could be a dangerous kind of guy if he gets something in his head.'

'I thought he was your mate? What the fuck have you gotten us tangled up in?'

'He's just a fuck buddy, that's all. Or was.'

Immediately I thought back to the events of last night, and then being shown the photos by the cops today. Could it have been him who was behind what happened? Were my attackers friends of Animal's, and not Tom's, as we had first thought?

Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!

*   *   *

Raffa could immediately sense that something was wrong as he approached me at the front doors at closing time. In an instant I saw his expression change from carefree to concerned.

'What's happened now?' he asked.

'Not here,' I said, before turning in the direction of the stairs. He quickly fell into step beside me and we set off.

'I don't like the sound of this,' he said as we started climbing the stairs, with other workmates both in front of us and behind us. I glanced his way and simply shook my head.

We went straight to my mother's car and I unlocked it, then we both climbed in.

'Okay. Spill,' Raffa demanded.

'Mike has been talking to Animal,' I began. 'Apparently he got sacked.'

'And deservedly so, I reckon.'

'Yeah, but then Mike told me to be careful because Animal has other friends around here. And that he can be a dangerous kind of guy if he gets something in his head.'


'Yeah, that's what I thought too.'

'I thought they were mates.'

'Just fuck buddies, apparently.'

I was sitting there holding on to the steering wheel, watching my knuckles turn white from the vice grip that I was holding it with.

'What . . . what if it was Animal who sent those guys after me?' I said. 'What if they try again?'

'Surely not . . .' Raffa said, as we both looked around nervously.

'Well, if it all started with that night out with Mike and me, and ended up with him getting the sack when a complaint was made by my workplace, maybe that's all he needed to connect the dots?'

'So, does Mike know these other friends of Animal's?'

'I don't know.'

We sat there for a few minutes, just watching our workmates all heading for their homes as darkness was gradually descending. It was almost exactly twenty-four hours ago when I had been leaving myself and had been jumped.

A lot can happen in twenty-four hours. Worlds can change. Lives can get upended. I had no idea where it was going to end.

'Did the cops leave those photos with Mrs Mack or Webster?' Raffa asked, breaking the silence.

'What? Oh . . . I wouldn't know. Why do you ask?'

'Well, if Mike does know these associates of Animal, maybe he should be taking a look at the photos,' he suggested.

I couldn't disagree with that and made a note to talk to him about it first thing tomorrow.

'Yeah. It's worth a shot,' I replied.

Raffa nodded, then he smiled at me. Suddenly it was as if our entire surroundings had just been lit up.

'What's the grin for?' I asked.

'So, am I going to meet your folks now, or what?'

I laughed.

'You sure you're ready for that?'

'Of course, you'll have to come meet mine too. Are you ready for that?'


'Well, why not kill two birds with the one stone and do it tonight?' he asked, while taking hold of my left hand, removing it from the steering wheel and then resting both our hands on his leg.

'You're serious, aren't you?'

'Absolutely! If we're boyfriends, dating and all that, then doesn't it make sense? Besides, I want to show you off. I've already told them about you and they want to meet you.'

'Wait . . . they know about us? So, you're out to your family? Have I asked you that before?'

'Yes, babe. I’m out. They've known about me for a few years and are totally cool with it. You won't find anything but love in my parents’ home.'

'But isn't it your home too?'

'I don't live in their house. They converted the garage behind the house into a medium-sized flat, initially for my brother, Leandro, so he could have his own space, but now he's married and moved out it's all mine. It's great for entertaining, if you know what I mean . . .'

'And just how much entertaining have you done?'

'You'll be the first, if you ever decide to stay over.'

'Hmmm . . . I'll have to think about that. My momma warned me about guys like you!'

*   *   *

We drove across town to my house, with Raffa following me, and pulled into the driveway. It was now dark and as I parked mum's car in its usual spot I could see the lights on inside the house.

As I climbed out of the car Raffa pulled in behind me in my old Toyota and came to a stop, before switching off the lights and the engine. I waited for him to join me and then we started for the back door.

I was taking deep breaths as I went, nervously trying to imagine what this meeting was going to be like, but before we were able to reach it, and before I was able to get too worked up over what I thought might happen, the back door opened.

'Geez! Don't do that! You scared the crap out of me,' I said, as I looked up to see my mother standing there, with Olly right behind her.

'Sorry,' she answered, before switching her gaze from me to Raffa and then back again.

'Mum, this is Raffa. Rafael de Silva,' I said. 'Raffa, this is my mum.'

Raffa stepped forward and extended a hand, which mum duly shook. 'It's very nice to meet you, Mrs Porter.'

'And you too, Rafael. I've heard quite a bit about you.'

Raffa shot a glance my way.

'Nothing bad, I hope?'

'Oh no, it's all been good so far,' mum replied.

'And the mummy's boy hiding back there is my brother, Oliver,' I added.

'Who are you calling a mummy's boy?' Olly snapped, as he stepped forward.

'You, you little twerp,' I replied, as I grabbed him in a headlock and dragged him down to our level. When I released him he was standing directly in front of Raffa and looking up at him, while I stood behind him with my hands on his shoulders.

'Olly, this is my mate, Raffa,' I said.

'I thought he was your boyfriend?' Olly said.

I glanced at Raffa and saw him smiling.

'How about I be Gray's boyfriend, but also your mate?' Raffa replied.

Olly cocked his head slightly sideways and folded his arms across his chest, then studied Raffa for a few moments, before a huge smile broke out across his face. As they fist bumped each other I glanced at mum and could see her smiling also, so it seemed that Raffa had passed his first test.

'Where's dad?' I asked.

'He's had a bit of a rough day, so he's in bed,' mum answered.

'Is he okay?'

'He will be.'

'Okay. Well, I need to drop Raffa back at his bike, which is still at work, then we are going over to his place.'

'You want me to save something for your tea?'

'We'll get something, thanks. I'll see you later on.'

'Okay. You boys have a good night. And it was very nice to meet you Rafael. We would love to have you over for dinner one night.'

'It was nice to meet you too, Mrs Porter. And I'd love to. Thank you.'

We left them at the back door and I drove Raffa back to our workplace so he could pick up his bike. When we got there the local hoons were doing some burnouts in the carpark again, but after doing a couple of laps and blowing some smoke they soon left.

He had gotten into the habit of padlocking his helmet to the side of his bike, to save having to carry it back and forth, so after he had unlocked it and then secured it on his head he said, 'Just follow me.'

I gave him a thumbs up as he kick-started the bike, then I followed him out of the carpark and onto the street for the drive to the de Silva's home.

When Raffa turned into the driveway of a neat brick home in a quiet street a short while later, I pulled up on the road outside, then got out and locked my car. I could see that he had stopped in front of a double garage which sat behind the house, at the end of a long, paved driveway, where he had pulled off his helmet and was now walking my way.

‘Welcome to our humble home,’ he said, imitating what I think was a line from an old television advert, as we met at the bottom of some steps that led up to a landing at the front of the house. ‘Doesn’t look like the folks are home, though.’

I didn’t know if I should be relieved or disappointed.

‘Not to worry though, maybe they’ll be home before you leave. In the meantime, you better come and check out my pad,’ he added, before taking my hand and dragging me back down the paved driveway towards the garage.


To be continued . . .

Copyright © 2024 Mark Ponyboy Peters; All Rights Reserved.
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  • Fingers Crossed 2
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Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you. 
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Chapter Comments

Gray was alerted that Animal was fired and that he has rough friends who could hurt him. He needs to be careful.

Raffa met Gray's moyher and brother.. Things went well.  Gray and Raffa moved to Raffs's home and were intending to have sex in his bedroom. Raffa's parents were not home.

Ley us hope their intimate efforts are pleasant and fully welcomed. We will find out soon....

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With the revelation that Animal was sacked because of a complaint from Gray's employer, I guess my focus on Tom is divided between them. I'm just not ready to completely forget about Tom.

On 1/21/2025 at 8:36 AM, chris191070 said:

Despite the negative results, Gray and Rafa should take things slowly and let there relationship develop.

While I agree, sometimes hormones get in the way of "slow!" :D

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