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Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
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Stockroom Secrets - 25. Chapter 25

I could tell that Raffa was excited at the prospect of showing me his man cave, and I had to admit that I was just as excited at seeing where he lived and where we might possibly, well . . . be hooking up. There was absolutely zero chance of us ever being able to get together at my house, so I knew that our opportunities would be limited to elsewhere.

The front of the double garage was brick, which matched the house, with there being two roller doors, side by side, along with a regular sized access door. Pulling his keys from his pocket, Raffa unlocked the access door and stepped inside, inviting me in as he did so.

'So, this is it,' he said. 'Where the magic happens.'

'Magic? I thought I was going to be the first guy that you've entertained here?'

'Well, yeah, that's true. Maybe what I should have said was that this was where magic has been known to happen. After all, it was Leandro's pad before he went and got hitched and then I moved in.'

'Okay, that sounds better.'

The place was dark as I entered, with the only light I could see being what was coming through a window in the next room. Even before Raffa reached out and flicked a switch, illuminating what I could see was a combined living room and bedroom, I was hit by an inviting, yet heady, scent. It was a mix of the cologne or deodorant that he wore, and something more manly, earthy, and intoxicating. I knew just what that was and where it came from, and I found myself stirring at the thought of it.

Looking around I could see that the place was neat and well set up, other than the fact there were some clothes scattered here and there, while a towel hung over the back of a lounge. The walls were all painted white and were adorned with various movie posters on one wall, while the opposite wall had shelves attached to it, along with various framed photos and prints. The front wall, where the roller doors were, had some brightly coloured curtains in various shades of blue covering them, with a large double bed, currently unmade, butting up against the one furthest from where we stood at the doorway, while an entertainment unit housing a decent sized digital television, along with various electronic devices stood in front of the other roller door.

The room was separated into two distinct areas by a tall shelving system that was open to both sides of the room, which was stacked with books and sports trophies and various other knick-knacks. The only other items of note that I could see were a wardrobe for clothes and a desk with a computer and monitor sitting upon it.

'Errr . . . you'll have to excuse the mess,' Raffa quickly said, before reaching for the nearest of the discarded clothes.

'It's all good. No different to my room . . . except you have more stuff and a bigger bed.'

I moved over to the bed and sat down on the edge of it.

'Hmmm . . . not bad,' I said, as I pressed down on the mattress.

Tossing his clothes down on the lounge he sat down beside me.

'There's a kitchen and a bathroom through there,' he said, while pointing through the doorway in the wall opposite. 'I've pretty much got everything I need, really. Except for maybe one thing.'

'Oh yeah? And what's that?'

'Someone to snuggle up with at night and wake up beside me of a morning,' he replied, while reaching out and placing a hand on my knee.

I looked down and then placed a hand over his, allowing our fingers to intertwine as I did so.

'One day I'd like that too . . . when I'm ready.'

Raffa smiled and then his other hand brushed my cheek, before he turned my head towards him and leaned in.

'I’m already looking forward to that day,' he said, softly.

As he leaned closer, I felt myself being drawn to him, and leaned towards him also, my eyes fixed on his inviting lips. My heart was racing and my stomach was in knots as our lips touched, gently, tentatively at first, but soon building intensity and working feverishly against each other, our mouths opening, tongues probing, wrestling against each other, as our hands moved over each other's bodies, feeling the hardness of our youth and our excitement.

This was a new experience for me; nothing at all like what I had experienced with Mike and Animal. Those trysts had purely been about the act of sex, about lust, about getting off. This was different. As we kissed, there was an intensity here that had a deeper meaning, something that I felt we would be able to build on.

Raffa gently pushed me back, so we were now lying on the bed on our sides and facing each other, our hands exploring each other, our mouths still working passionately against each other, coming up for air only when needed before diving back in.

We were so wrapped up in each other, neither wanting it to end, that we were both startled when the sound of a car horn blasted right outside the garage, just through the curtain and roller door beyond the headboard of the bed.

'Fuck!' I yelled, as I almost fell off the bed.

Raffa chuckled, once he had gotten over the initial surprise, then said, 'Sounds like the folks are home.'

I got to my feet and tried to straighten out my clothes a little, though hiding the hard-on which was tenting out my pants definitely wasn't going to be easy.

Next thing we heard was the sound of two car doors slamming, then somebody bashing on one of the roller doors.

'Hey Raffa, we've got Chinese!' a man's voice said.

Raffa immediately called back with, 'You got extra? I've got a mate visiting!'

'Sure! There's plenty to go around. Come on up when you're ready.'

As Raffa and I grinned at each other we listened to the sound of footsteps fading away, then we heard a door slam. I think that was when I finally started breathing again.

'You didn't have to worry. They never come in without announcing their presence first. They learnt the hard way when Leandro was living here.'

'The hard way?'

'Yeah . . . and he was very fucking hard!' he replied, as we both laughed.

I held out my hand for Raffa and pulled him to his feet, with him bumping into me as he did so, only to have him wrap an arm around me and pull me close.

'I'm so glad that I've brought you here,' he whispered. 'My folks will love you. And you'll love them. I promise you.'

'I'm nervous about meeting them. I guess I'm just thinking it's a lot to take in so soon in our . . .'

'Our what?'

'I'm not sure exactly. Is relationship the right word? Is that what we have now?'

'Well, I'm hoping so. But if you think it's too much too soon, you just have to say so. I don't want you to feel like you’re being pressured into anything. You get me?'

'Yeah, I get you. And thanks. You're a pretty special guy, you know that?'

'I bet you say that to all the gurrrls?'

'No . . . just the ones I want to get naked with,' I answered.

'How about we have dinner first then, eh?'

'That sounds good to me,' I said, before kissing him once more.

*   *   *

The only way that I can describe Raffa's parents is that they are an absolute delight. They welcomed me into their home, and we enjoyed a lovely meal from my favourite restaurant, The Peking Palace, and I learned more about Raffa and his family in one night than I could have done in a year of dating him.

His father was a businessman, while his red-haired mother worked part-time in a fashion shop, as well as volunteering for one of the local charities. With a brown-haired father, whose family I learned had settled in our country after arriving from Spain almost fifty years ago, and a red-haired mother, with Scottish ancestry, it wasn't difficult to see where Raffa got his colouring from.

I remembered my mum asking whether they had anything to do with the real estate agency in town that shared their name and so I asked the question. Mr de Silva – Antonio, but call me Tony – proudly said that they certainly did have something to do with it; it was their family business, with both he and Leandro working in the business these days. I glanced at Raffa but when he returned a tight smile, accompanied by the beginnings of a frown, I thought better of asking anything about him joining the family firm just at that moment. Maybe later.

Eventually the question was asked about how Raffa and I knew each other, along with some gentle probing about our friendship.

'Geez, mum, give us a break, won't you?' Raffa grumbled.

I had a fair idea that unless we gave them something now the fishing expedition would only continue, so I volunteered an answer.

'We work together,' I said to them, then added, 'and we kind of hit it off when we found out that we had some similar interests, such as the fact we both have a similar sense of humour.'

'You mean, your sick sense of humour,' his father said with a laugh.

'What can I say. Guilty as charged,' I replied.

‘Well, it certainly looks like the two of you have hit it off,’ Tony observed.

Raffa and I looked at each other and grinned, which certainly didn’t go unnoticed.

'And I know it's none of my business really,' his mother – call me Katherine – said, 'but what about you and Raffa . . . is it more than . . .'

'Oh, god no, you're not going to go there, mum!'

At first it felt as if my heart had lurched somewhere up into my throat, but then I heard my uncle's words echoing around in my head telling me that the first step is to actually admit to the world just who and what I am. I looked across at Raffa and could see him almost cringing in his seat, so I reached over and placed a hand on his, and as our fingers intertwined I took a few deep breaths.

'Raffa told me that he was out to his family and that you were fine with it,' I said.

'Oh, yes. We most definitely are,' his mother replied as she gazed down at my hand in Raffa's and smiled. 'But if I can ask, what about your family?'

'To be honest, this is all new to me, and my family. Since Raffa and I have become close he has helped me through what had been quite a difficult time, for which I will be eternally grateful. I've really only just come out to my family and for the most part they have been supportive, even if my father is still a work in progress.'

'Oh?' Tony said.

'It's a long story, but I can say that he's getting there. Mum's brother – my Uncle Bryan – is gay, and mum has been great, as have my older sister and younger brother.'

'And when did you come out to them?' Tony enquired.

'Officially . . . only yesterday. So I guess it's a bit too soon to be passing judgement on my father just yet.'

'Yeah, some of us dads can be a bit slow on the uptake sometimes, eh Raffie?' he said, while reaching across and giving his son a friendly slap on the shoulder.

It truly was a cringeworthy dad moment, and I couldn't help but notice ‘Raffie's’ eyes almost roll into the back of his head, as I grinned at him and locked my boyfriend's new pet name into my memory banks. I would be sure to get some mileage out of that later.

We spent the next fifteen minutes or so just chatting and I found that both Raffa's parents were really easy to talk to and interested in what was happening in our lives. They asked a number of questions about my family, and about our jobs, and they sounded genuinely pleased when we told them about my job becoming a permanent one, and that I was in fact just about to take over Raffa's position, while he was set to move into another department.

When Katherine started gathering up the dishes I helped her, by taking them from her and carrying a load into the kitchen, before placing them on the sink. Moments later I felt my phone buzz in my pocket and quickly retrieved it to see that a text had come through from my mother.

< Everything okay? >

I quickly punched in a reply and hit send.

<Yes. Just at Raffa's and talking to his parents. Shouldn't be long. >

'Everything okay?' Katherine enquired.

Was it a coincidence that she used had exactly the same words as my mother had used? Probably not, it's got to be a mother thing, I thought.

'Yes, all good thanks. Just an over-protective mother checking up on me,' I answered. 'I guess I'll have to get going shortly.'

'We mothers can be like that sometimes,' she offered, with a smile.

'So I've noticed,' I replied.

'Now, we'll leave all this for the time being. Tony and I will stack it in the dishwasher later. I don't know what plans you and Raffa had for tonight, but I'm thinking maybe the two of you might want to get going.'

I immediately felt my face flush at her suggestion and looked away. Was she really suggesting what I thought she was suggesting?

'We mothers were also teenagers once,' she added. 'Why don't the two of you go and spend some time together.'

We headed back into the dining room where Raffa and his father were talking quietly. As soon as Raffa noticed us he got to his feet. I held my phone up for him.

'I'm being checked up on,' I said to him.

'Of course you are. I suppose we need to make a move then?'

I turned to Tony and held out my hand. 'It was very nice to meet you, and thank you very much for dinner,' I said to him.

'The pleasure was all mine,' he answered.

At that point Katherine came over to me and gave me a hug and a kiss on the cheek. 'It was wonderful to meet you, Grayson, and I certainly hope we'll be seeing more of you.'

I looked at Raffa and could see him grinning.

'There's a fair chance of that,' he said, as he hooked an arm through mine and tried to drag me away.

His parents both laughed. They knew what this game was.

'Go on, get out of here,' Tony said to us. 'But don't be a stranger, Grayson. We hope to see you again soon.'

'Likewise,' I replied. 'And thanks again for a great night.'

*   *   *

No sooner than when we had made it through the door to Raffa's man cave I found myself forced back against it, his hands roughly grasping my shirt and his lips once more on mine.

When we finally broke for air I pushed him back just slightly and whispered, 'What now, Raffie?’

‘Shhh . . .’ he said, while putting a finger to my lips.

Both of us were taking shallow breaths. The tips of his fingers reached my ear and then ran down along my jaw to the end of my chin. From there they started down my neck, brushing across my Adam’s apple, before finally reaching the top button of my shirt.

Slowly, he began to undo the buttons, one by one, then slid my shirt off my shoulders, allowing it to fall to the floor. I reached up and did the same for him, though with nervous hands I fumbled with a few of the buttons.

‘I haven't exactly had a lot of practice at this,’ I whispered as I let his shirt fall to the floor.

'Who cares,' he whispered back, before taking my hand, leading me around the cabinet across the middle of the room and to his bed, where we stood at the foot of it, the back of my legs touching its edge.

Everything was happening in slow motion as Raffa reached for my belt and undid the buckle, then the button of my trousers.

I did the same for him.

He unzipped me and my trousers soon fell around my knees.

I did the same for him.

After stepping out of his shoes, he pulled off his trousers and jocks in one swift motion, soon standing there before me in nothing but a pair of socks, his erection pointing straight at me.

Quickly I kicked off my shoes, but as I went to pull down my jocks, he stopped me. Without saying anything he placed a hand on each side of my hips and slid them downwards, hooking his thumbs in either side of my jocks before sliding his hands and my jocks down my legs, then crouching down in front of me while my clothes were around my ankles and my cock was right in his face. I just stood there, knowing what was coming, so I placed my hands on Raffa's shoulders to steady myself, then just closed my eyes.

I felt his breath on me as he leaned in closer, then I felt the first tentative touch from his tongue, as he licked the pre-cum from the tip of my cock, sending a shudder right through me. This wasn't going to be one of the usual quick blow and go's that I had recently experienced, this was going to be so much more, as Raffa continued to lick my manhood, again and again, with one hand holding it steady.

When I opened my eyes and looked down, I could see him looking up at me, at which point he then opened his mouth and slid his lips entirely over the sensitive head. It was simply beautiful, that feeling of having something warm wrapped around my cock as my body trembled all over.

Then, while he was down there Raffa gently pushed me backwards, so that I sat down on the bed. While doing this he still had his lips around the head of my cock, moving his own head up and down along its shaft.

Finally he came up for air and grinned up at me from where he sat on his knees.

‘How am I doing so far?’ he whispered.

‘Un-be-fucking-lievable,’ I whispered back.

While we spoke he quickly removed my trousers and jocks, then sat up on the bed beside me, with one hand resting on my leg, gently stroking the inside of my thigh and the other draped over my shoulder, his fingers reaching down and gently playing with my right nipple.

Tentatively I reached out and ran my hand over his smooth chest and stomach, then let my hand slide down to his groin, where I wrapped my fingers around his hard and impressive cock.

‘What next?’ he asked me.

'I want you to make love to me,' I replied.

‘Are you sure?’

‘I’ve never been more sure of anything,’ I replied. And so that was what he did.


To be continued . . .

Copyright © 2024 Mark Ponyboy Peters; All Rights Reserved.
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Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
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Chapter Comments

Although Richard has irked me with his attitude to date, it appears he is going to make the effort to at least improve his attitude to Grayson. If Grayson is able to be patient with him as evidenced by his revelations to Rafael's parents "To be honest, this is all new to me, and my family. Since Raffa and I have become close he has helped me through what had been quite a difficult time, for which I will be eternally grateful. I've really only just come out to my family and for the most part they have been supportive, even if my father is still a work in progress." and "Officially . . . only yesterday. So I guess it's a bit too soon to be passing judgement on my father just yet." then I think I can cut him some slack and not be my usual impatient and snarky self. 

Antonio and Katherine presented very well, both with a sense of humour and liberal views on their gay son. I was surprised Antonio was Spanish, I would have laid odds he would be Portuguese as I have worked with a number of de Silva's over the years and all have been of Portuguese descent. We now know where Rafael gets his fair complexion and red hair from too, his mother of Scottish descent. 

Grayson's first consensual sex appears to be off to a great start, blissful one might say.

Another great chapter @Mark Ponyboy Peters. Rafael's living arrangements brought to mind Matt who also had his own "man cave" separate from his parents main residence. Matt, Luke, Rafael and Grayson are all of a similar age too. I wonder what Matt would think of Grayson's Toyota though? I doubt he would compare if favourably to his Commodore.

Edited by Summerabbacat
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