Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you.
Permanently Black and Blue - 27. Chapter 27
I was 'awwing' way too much while writing this. Ridiculous.
Jesse and Sam had just settled in to watch another episode of Pawn Stars on the History Channel when the front door burst open with a loud bang, startling Jesse so badly he nearly spilled the bowl of popcorn in his lap. His head snapped toward the doorway just as Shaun stormed in, his presence filling the room with the force of a hurricane.
“Shaun?” Jesse said, his voice caught between surprise and confusion as he sat up straighter on the couch. It was 12:30, exactly. He hadn’t been expecting the other boy for another thirty minutes, at least.
Shaun didn’t respond. He marched straight to Jesse, his heavy boots pounding against the floor, his expression sharp and unreadable. The sheer intensity in his dark eyes made Jesse’s stomach flip.
When he stopped, Shaun reached out and grabbed Jesse’s arm, yanking him unceremoniously to his feet. “C’mon,” he said, his voice a low growl, the command leaving no room for argument.
Jesse shot a quick glance at Sam, who was frozen with a handful of popcorn halfway to his mouth. “Uh, where are we—?”
“Quiet!” Shaun snapped, steering Jesse away from Sam and the couch, toward the hallway with purposeful strides. As they passed, the faint sounds of laughter and the clattering of pans drifted from the kitchen. Gretchen and Ben were busy making cookies with little Brian and they were thoroughly distracted. Whatever Shaun had planned, they wouldn’t be interrupted.
Shaun marched Jesse down the hall and out the back patio door. As they crossed the lawn, Jesse tried to look over the side gate at Shaun’s new car in the driveway, but Shaun pushed him straight ahead, toward the garage. “Move,” he grunted, and Jesse figured he’d better just keep his head down. Shaun was obviously in a mood….
They entered the garage through the side door. Shaun nudged Jesse ahead, toward the worn couch against the back wall, then he folded his arms and watched with his dark, serious eyes as Jesse sat hesitantly on the edge of the seat. He stared at Jesse for a moment, then asked sharply: “Did I tell you to sit?”
Jesse flinched and stood up abruptly. “I-I’m s—”
“Get naked,” Shaun snapped, cutting off Jesse’s lame apology. “Then climb up on the couch and hold onto the back so your ass is sticking out.”
Jesse blinked once in surprise, then he jerked into action, pulling his t-shirt over his head, then hurrying to kick off his tennis shoes.
As he bared his slim, little body, Shaun watched him calmly and without expression. At one point though, Jesse noticed him reach down to adjust himself and he smiled a little because Shaun wasn’t nearly as unaffected as he appeared. His cock was obviously very erect right now.
Finally, Jesse peeled his jeans off, exposing his own hard cock to the air as he let his pants fall, forgotten, to the dusty floor. He was totally nude and Shaun watched him intently, the heavy feel of his gaze forcing little goosebumps to pop up along Jesse’s vulnerable, naked flesh.
“Get on the couch,” Shaun barked and Jesse jumped a little, then turned to get into place. He folded his arms along the back of the couch and leaned up against it, gasping at the cool sensation of the fabric against his hot dick. His knees were wedged into the very back of the seat and he braced himself, then arched his back with a moan, presenting his ass for Shaun’s inspection.
Shaun stepped closer, Jesse could hear his boots thudding against the concrete. Still, he gasped when Shaun’s big, rough hand cupped his right asscheek. His instinct was to press back into his touch and he did, groaning as Shaun began to firmly kneed the fleshy mound.
“You’ve got the most gorgeous ass,” he muttered, squeezing Jesse’s rounded cheek with obvious desire. “I still haven’t seen one better yet.”
“You say that like you were actually looking,” Jesse said with a nervous laugh. “Were you?”
“Maybe for a second…when we were apart.”
“What?” Jesse started to turn, wanting to ask Shaun what he was talking about when there was a sudden crack followed by a sharp pain blossoming across his right asscheek. “Ahhhha!” he cried out. “Shaun! What the—?!”
“No questions!” Shaun snarled, grabbing another handful of Jesse’s burning asscheek and squeezing hard. “And face the damned wall! I didn’t tell you to turn around.”
Whimpering, Jesse faced the wall again, pressing his ass back into Shaun’s big, commanding hand at the same time. He didn’t want to be spanked again, but at the same time, he actually kinda did. He was filled with a weird mixture of fear and arousal as Shaun leaned in, pressing his chest to Jesse’s naked back so he could whisper in his ear.
“I’m gonna spank your gorgeous ass till it’s bright red and your begging me to stop,” he hissed, his breath ghosting hotly against the soft shell of Jesse’s ear. “Then I’ll fuck you. Hard.”
Jesse shivered dramatically. Suddenly, it didn’t matter what he did or didn’t want, all that mattered was what Shaun wanted. He pushed his ass back as far as he could, then screwed his eyes shut as he waited for the spanking to start.
Shaun backed away and straightened up again. He took his hand away and for a few seconds, he stood in silence, probably staring at Jesse’s anxiously waiting backside. Jesse wanted to peek over his shoulder, but he kept facing the wall, kept his eyes shut tight. He was taking a deep, shaky breath to calm himself when Shaun brought his hand down in another blistering slap, on his left cheek this time.
Jesse flinched but held his ass determinedly in place. Shaun rewarded him with another burning spank, then another. He started alternating between Jesse’s left asscheek and his right, smacking each rounded globe with an exuberant force.
After maybe the sixth time, Jesse’s ass was stinging horribly and he broke and started to cry out unreservedly. When Shaun reached the double digits, Jesse’s ass was literally burning and he was jerking his hips frantically left and right, trying to hold still but, also, trying desperately to escape another application of Shaun’s powerful hand.
Something must have happened when Shaun had gone to see Erin earlier for that car, Jesse decided as Shaun eagerly turned his ass into raw meat. Something had happened and Shaun had ended up in this weirdly…violent mood. Now, Jesse was the scapegoat, but honestly, after witnessing the newest cuts along Shaun’s ribcage, he was glad to be here, surrendering his ass.
So, he reached deep inside himself and found the resolve to persevere. He loved Shaun and wanted to be his everything…. If this is what he needed, then so be it. With big, pitiful tears rolling down his cheeks, Jesse let Shaun spank his upturned little backside until Shaun finally ran out of steam and came to a stop, leaning over his knees as he fought to catch his breath.
“Shit, Jess…You took that like a champ,” he said with a mean laugh and finally, Jesse let out a huge, sigh of relief and tried to relax against the back of the couch. He was crying openly. It was done, but his poor asscheeks and the area just below them throbbed with unrelenting pain. He didn’t even have to look to know his ass was burning bright red right now. “Fuck…I’ve gotta get a picture of this…”
Jesse moaned and buried his face in his arms as Shaun straightened up and whipped out his phone.
“Your ass is glowing,” he said proudly. “How’s it feel? You can look at me, baby boy…”
Wincing, Jesse looked miserably over his shoulder, his blue eyes shiny with tears. “It fucking hurts, Shaun.”
Smirking down at his phone, Shaun rubbed his dick through his jeans as he took embarrassing pictures of Jesse from behind. “It looks like it does.”
Jesse moaned again, but he kept his ass in the air for his boyfriend’s viewing pleasure.
Shaun tossed his phone aside and stepped up behind Jesse again, hissing a little as he grasped both his stinging cheeks. “Fuck, they’re burning hot, “ he commented, then gently eased them apart.
Jesse groaned as his asshole was exposed to Shaun’s careful scrutiny. The other boy held him wide open for a moment, too, studying him intimately, and Jesse felt his anal muscles contract in a nervous response.
“Still so tight…” Shaun murmured and Jesse gasped and then moaned loudly when Shaun placed a thick finger against his pucker and began to rub in slow, little circles. “It’s like nobody ever touched you.”
Blushing furiously, Jesse huffed and glared at the wall. “I know you think Kyle did something to me, but I already told you he didn’t.”
“Mm-hmm,” Shaun hummed, but it was obvious he wanted to talk about the blond even less than Jesse did. He continued to rub Jesse’s pink little pucker, making his hole spasm and clench with need, and slowly, after a minute or two of teasing, Jesse forgot he’d even said anything to begin with.
“Mmm, Shaun…” Jesse’s asscheeks were still on fire, but his little hole was yearning to be filled. “Did you grab the lube?”
“Nope,” Shaun said, then he removed his finger and Jesse heard his fly unzip.
“Shut up,” Shaun said, then he ripped his t-shirt over his head and spat rudely in his hand. Jesse bit his lip and braced himself against the back of the couch as the other boy quickly slicked himself with saliva. When Shaun touched him again, Jesse was ready and he moaned wantonly as Shaun spread him open and pressed the blunt tip of his dick against his hole.
Shaun didn’t ask for permission, he took a steadying breath, then with a deep, primal growl, he pushed halfway inside Jesse’s body.
Immediately, Jesse felt a searing pain, and already on edge, he felt another round of tears begin tracking down his cheeks. The tender ring of his butthole felt like it was tearing and he had to grit his teeth in an effort not to start screaming.
Shaun, totally oblivious, rocked his hips and with a groan, forced another inch or two of cock into Jesse’s tight, clenching passage. He had an iron like grip on Jesse’s hips and he held him still as he pushed further and further inside.
Trembling, Jesse moaned as his anus was unrelentingly stretched. Their fucking had hurt last night, too, but not nearly as much as this. Jesse had been generous with the lube last night, but right now Shaun spit, unfortunately, didn’t have the same kind of slickness. Jesse was suffering greatly, but still, he was determined to get through this. He wanted Shaun’s approval, his undying adoration and respect, and he felt sex was the only real way to get it.
Soon, Shaun reached the end of the line and holding Jesse firmly in place, he slammed his last few inches of cock into Jesse’s squirming body.
“Ahhhh! God!” Jesse cried out as Shaun stabbed deep into his guts. The pain was blinding and sobbing brokenly, he dropped his head on his folded arms and did his best to concentrate on holding himself upright on his wobbly legs.
Chuckling darkly, Shaun leaned in again so he could whisper in Jesse’s delicate ear. “I told you I was going to fuck you hard, baby…. But I haven’t even really started yet.”
Jesse let out a helpless whimper. Shaun was balls deep inside him and the length felt impossibly big as his body reflexively squeezed the intrusion like a vise.
Shaun slid an arm around Jesse’s middle and firmly grasped his penis. It’d gone soft under all the pain and distress, but it jumped against his rough palm and slowly started to warm up. “That’s a good boy,” he hummed in Jesse’s ear. “Get hard for me. I want you to enjoy this.” As he stroked Jesse’s cock, he also began to move his hips. Slowly, he drew himself out of Jesse, exposing half his shaft. He waited a beat, then slammed home once more, directly nailing Jesse’s prostate in the process.
Jesse wailed at the sudden burst of pleasure and his cock twitched excitedly in Shaun’s hand. His asshole was still painfully full, but he felt if Shaun kept hitting that spot, he might be able to ignore the discomfort.
And Shaun certainly gave it his best shot. He gave Jesse just seconds to recover, then he began moving his hips, thrusting his dick in and out of Jesse’s little hole with a rapidly increasing speed. On every other stroke, he took care to aim for Jesse’s sweet spot and that, along with his hand pulling Jesse’s erection, had him panting with uncontrollable desire in just minutes. No longer was Jesse focused on the pain; pleasure flowed through his body like a warm wave and he moaned over and over as Shaun filled him, almost delirious with the incredible feeling.
Then Shaun cracked him casually across the ass and reached up to grab a handful of his short hair, yanking his head back painfully so he could latch onto his throat again, right over the last mark.
“Shaun!!!” Jesse yelped, but he couldn’t help arching into the feel of Shaun’s sucking lips and tongue. “Ooooh god… I’m gonna be all bruised up…”
Shaun bit down hard on Jesse’s sensitive skin, forcing another yell of pain from the redhead, then he released him all at once and pulled back so his cock in Jesse’s ass was their only point of contact. He paused, then angled his hips and drove himself into Jesse with even more force than before. He did it again and again until he found a rhythm that had him pounding Jesse’s ass with a wild, animalistic need.
Jesse, crying out with Shaun’s every brutal thrust, held on tightly to the back of the couch as his entire body was flattened against it. The musky scent of Shaun’s sweat, the sound of his labored breathing in his ear, the feel of being dominated completely, it was all Jesse could focus on. Shaun surrounded him with his intense presence and Jesse was loving every second of it.
Soon though, Shaun started grunting. He was fucking Jesse hard, just as promised, and the sweat slicking his brow dripped into the small of Jesse’s back. “I’m close, babe,” he said, his voice strained. “Fuck! I’m gonna come….”
Jesse shivered at the sheer desperation in his tone. Balancing his weight on his casted arm, he reached down with the other and began to masturbate himself. When Shaun nailed his prostate twice in a row, Jesse’s eyes rolled back in his head and he groaned as his cock squirted precome. He was close, too…
“Fuck, fuck, fuck!” Shaun growled and Jesse flinched when his hands fell around his hips again and Shaun clutched his waist in a death grip. He plunged his cock into Jesse several more times, then he came with a roar.
Moaning, Jesse pulled himself off until he came, too, spraying the back of the couch with his sticky seed. It was such a huge relief after all the build up, that he went totally limp.
Shaun had no reaction to Jesse’s orgasm. He’d never let go of his hips and he was hunched over Jesse with his forehead resting on his shoulder. His cock was still buried in Jesse’s ass and he was panting hard, his breath coming out hot against Jesse’s sore, love-bitten neck.
Jesse took a shaky breath. “I’m ready for you to take my cast off now. “
Shaun snorted. “Oh, now you trust me again?” With a groan, he straightened up and stepped back, leaving Jesse with his ass in the air.
“I trust you… I just had to work up to the idea of you going at my arm with sharp objects.” Laughing, Jesse spun around and without even thinking about it, he plopped down on the couch cushion. “Oooh…shit! My butt!”
Already halfway across the room, Shaun turned back to chuckle evilly. “Does it sting a little?”
Jesse crossed his arms and gave Shaun a death glare. “More than a little. And I think you know that.”
Like Jesse, Shaun was still naked. His dick was swinging and everything, but for once, he didn’t seem ashamed of himself. Smirking, he stopped at the shelf in the far corner. There was a old rusty toolbox and he crouched down, then pried it open with his fingers and looked inside. “I was hoping you’d be able to feel it for a couple days. You know, so you can finger your sore asshole at home and think about me.”
Jesse rolled his eye but couldn’t help being amused despite Shaun’s crudeness. Still, something was bugging him. Erin. The little nurse had been a huge comfort to him when he’d been forced to spend the night in the ER. In Jesse’s greatest time of need, he’d had someone mature and level-heated to talk to. And for once, there had been no limits on what he could and couldn’t say. Erin had listened to Jesse spill the beans about Shaun, their relationship, and their many problems for a couple hours, commenting here and there, but mostly just listening.
But every time Jesse mentioned the nurse, Shaun got all flustered and upset. It’s why he’d accused Shaun of “something going on” in the first place. And now he’d just returned from a visit with the man in question, one he’d insisted on going to alone, mind, and he was way angrier than normal. Shit, he’d had just picked up a new car and instead of being grateful, he was filled with aggression.
Jesse watched as Shaun pulled a hacksaw out of the toolbox, his eyes lighting up as he inspected the blade. He couldn’t stand the feeling of “not knowing” anymore. He had to ask Shaun the questions sitting on the tip of his tongue.
“Babe? So, what happened with Erin at the DMV? You got home awfully fast.”
Shaun’s face turned a telltale brick red and Jesse stomach dropped. It was happening again. Shaun was being suspicious. “I don’t know, Jess. I wasn’t watching the clock. It just took less time than I was expecting,” he said finally, uncomfortably. “Twenty minutes, tops. There was nobody at the DMV and Erin had all the paperwork ready to go at his place so I didn’t even have to go in.”
Jesse laughed a little. “That’s good, I know you hate small talk.”
“Right,” Shaun grumbled, leaning back on his heels as he returned to sorting through Gretchen’s tools. “Plus, I sped on the way home. Just like you requested.”
Jesse nodded. None of that sounded off. But even so, Shaun’s movements were deliberate but stiff as he selected a pair of pliers and set them aside. Jesse could tell he was trying to play it cool, trying appear composed. The anger that had radiated off him earlier seemed to have dissipated, but there was still a nervous energy lingering under the surface. Jesse just couldn’t get over the feeling that he was hiding something.
Shaun shut the toolbox, then he gathered his supplies and headed back to Jesse. He stopped to grab the little stool that went to Gretchen’s drum kit and set it in front of Jesse, taking a seat. “Alright, babe. Give me your arm.”
Jesse’s stomach churned as he slowly extended his arm. The bright blue cast was scratched and faded from weeks of wear and tear, and he couldn’t help but feel like it had become part of him—a sweaty, uncomfortable, itchy part.
“I’m going to start cutting here,” Shaun said as he rested Jesse’s arm on his thigh. With a single finger, he tapped the thickest part of the cast near Jesse’s elbow. “Once I get a good groove going, I’ll work my way down. You just sit still and try not to scream too loud, alright?”
“That is not comforting,” Jesse deadpanned, but his lips twitched with the hint of a smile.
Shaun grinned. “You’ll be fine. Probably.”
“Hold still.” Shaun grabbed the hacksaw and brought it down to the cast.
Jesse flinched at the first rasp of metal against fiberglass. It sounded like nails on a chalkboard, and he couldn’t help but squeeze his eyes shut. “Oh my god, I can feel that!”
“You’re fine,” Shaun said, his voice a mix of exasperation and amusement. “I’m not even touching your skin.”
Jesse peeked through one eye and saw Shaun’s brows furrowed in concentration, his hands steady as he worked the blade back and forth. Despite the ridiculousness of the situation, Jesse couldn’t help but admire how serious Shaun looked—how careful and determined he was.
“You seem… better,” Jesse said, carefully not looking as Shaun continued to saw through his cast. “Not so ready to rip my head off, anyway.”
Shaun paused his sawing for a moment. “Yeah, well… I had some time to cool off,” he muttered.
Jesse bit his lip, unsure how to approach the subject. But he still had another question. “So… are you gonna tell me why you were so pissed when you got back? I mean, you said it went quick at the DMV and that Erin was cooperative.”
Shaun’s shoulders stiffened as he slowly resumed his sawing. “I didn’t say that.”
Jesse’s eyebrows rose. “Didn’t say what?”
Shaun let out a long sigh, and finally, he looked up to meet Jesse’s questioning gaze. “Erin’s been… hitting on me. For awhile now,” he admitted and Jesse stared at him in silence, trying to process what he’d just said, but Shaun was already adding more. “I entertained him for a bit, in the beginning, so I’m not exactly innocent, but he’s been acting really desperate and jealous since we got back together. It’s pissing me off.”
Jesse blinked, surprised by the honesty. “He…likes you?”
“Yeah,” Shaun said with an awkward laugh. “I think it’s the hair or something.” He swung his head around so his long locks fell romantically around his face. Jesse laughed at the moony expression he made.
“Definitely,” he said, snorting.
“Jess,” Shaun started, and suddenly, his expression was serious again. Jesse pressed his lips together so he could listen. “I just want you to know, I’ve been shutting him down all week. The only reason I was keeping in contact was for the car. But it’s mine now. Officially,” Shaun said, and though Jesse searched his face for dishonesty, all he saw was exhaustion and frustration. “I blocked him on Facebook before I drove home. We won’t have to deal with him ever again,” Shaun finished adamantly. “That’s it. It’s over, ok?”
“You’re sure that’s it? You’re not leaving anything out?”
“That’s it,” Shaun said firmly, his eyes locked on Jesse’s. “I handled it. He’s out of our lives now. He’s done.“
Jesse nodded slowly, his unease beginning to subside. Shaun wasn’t lying—at least, not about the important stuff. “Okay. If you say it’s done, then I believe you.”
“Good,” Shaun said, his voice softening. “I don’t want you stressing about this. It’s under control, ok?”
Jesse smiled faintly. “Ok.”
Shaun returned the smile, then glanced down Jesse’s arm again. “Now, let’s get this stupid thing off you.” His smile widening, Shaun gripped the handle of the hacksaw and took up his task once more.
“You’re really enjoying this, aren’t you?” Jesse asked, his laugh shaky but teasing.
Shaun smirked without looking up. “Maybe a little. It’s not every day I get to play doctor.”
Jesse snorted. “Pretty sure doctors don’t use hacksaws.”
“Then it’s a good thing I’m just fucking around,” Shaun shot back. “Now shut up and let me concentrate.”
Jesse pressed his lips together again, and for a moment, the only sound in the little garage was the grating noise of the saw. Jesse bit his lip, trying to ignore the way his arm vibrated with every stroke. He focused on Shaun instead—on the way his long hair kept falling into his face and the way his strong hands held his arm steady and secure.
“Almost there,” Shaun murmured, his voice a deep rumble, and Jesse’s heart skipped a beat at the sound of it.
Shaun glanced up, his dark eyes locking onto Jesse’s. “Yep. I wouldn’t lie about something this important. Now hold still.”
Jesse swallowed hard, suddenly feeling a different kind of nervous. Shaun’s gaze was intense, but not in a scary way—it was the kind of look that made Jesse feel like he was the center of Shaun’s whole world….
Finally, the saw broke through the cast with a loud crack! Jesse let out a startled yelp.
“Relax,” Shaun said, chuckling as he set the saw aside. “We’re halfway there. Just gotta pry it open now.” He grabbed the pliers and started working them into the groove he’d made.
Jesse watched in horrified fascination as Shaun twisted and tugged, the fiberglass slowly giving way. “I love you, baby, but if you break my arm again, I am going to kill you.”
Shaun snickered. “Noted.”
With one final yank, the cast popped open, and Shaun pulled it away like he was unwrapping a gift. Jesse stared down at his pale, scrawny arm, blinking in disbelief.
“Holy crap,” he muttered, flexing his fingers one by one. The muscles were incredibly weak, and it hurt a little to move them, but honestly, Jesse was thrilled to have his arm back. “I kinda forgot what my hand looked like.”
“Beautiful,” Shaun said with a mock-serious tone, cradling Jesse’s little hand in his own. “Absolutely stunning.”
Jesse laughed, the sound light and full of relief. “You’re such an idiot.”
“Yeah, but you love me anyway,” Shaun said, leaning in to press a kiss to Jesse’s knuckles when suddenly, the side door to the garage burst open.
“I’ve got fresh-baked cookies!” Sam called cheerfully as he bounded inside, holding up a huge plate of chocolate chip cookies.
Shaun shot to his feet like a rocket, whirling around to face the door. Unfortunately, he’d evidently forgotten he was still stark naked from their earlier romp and his long, muscular body stood on full display under the harsh fluorescent lights.
Sam froze mid-step, his grin collapsing as his gaze darted from Shaun, to Jesse, then back to Shaun again—before landing squarely on a very specific part of Shaun’s anatomy, his cock. “What the fuck, dude?!” Sam shrieked, dropping the plate of cookies on the floor as his eyes widened with dawning horror. “Oh my god, why?!”
“GET OUT!!!” Shaun bellowed, his voice booming with unfiltered rage and mortification. He grabbed the nearest covering—a stained rag from the workbench—and frantically covered his groin. “GO! NOW!”
Sam scrambled backward, tripping over his own feet in his haste to escape. “I didn’t see anything! I swear!” he yelled as he stumbled out the door, slamming it shut behind him.
The garage fell into a heavy, awkward silence.
For a moment, Shaun just stood there, clutching the rag to himself, his face bright red and his chest heaving. Then, very slowly, he turned to Jesse.
Jesse was trembling. His eyes were squeezed shut, his hands clamped over his mouth, and his entire body was shaking with suppressed laughter.
“Don’t,” Shaun growled, narrowing his eyes.
But Jesse lost it. A loud, snorting laugh burst from his lips, and he doubled over, clutching his sides. “Oh my god! Shaun! That was—you—he—!” He couldn’t even finish his sentence through his hysterics.
“It’s not funny!” Shaun shouted, though the heat rising to his cheeks betrayed his utter embarrassment. “That little shit just saw my dick!”
Jesse laughed even harder, tears streaming down his face. “The look on his face! Oh my god, Shaun, he looked like he was going to pass out!”
“I’m gonna pass out,” Shaun muttered, dragging a hand across his face. He dropped onto the couch beside Jesse, still holding the rag in place. “That’s it. I’m never going to live this down. I might as well die now.”
Jesse wiped at his eyes, his giggles finally subsiding to soft chuckles. “Oh, come on. Sam sees me naked all the time. It’s not that bad.”
“Not that bad?” Shaun hissed, shooting him a disbelieving glare. “Jess, that little brat is probably traumatized. He’s halfway to therapy right now, I bet. “
“Yeah, but that’s because he’s supposed to get a psych eval through CPS, not because of you,” Jesse reminded him with a snort, patting Shaun’s knee consolingly. “Relax. He’ll get over it. He’s thirteen.”
Shaun groaned, dropping his head into his hands. “This is the worst day of my life. I’m being serious right now!”
Jesse leaned in, pressing a soft kiss to Shaun’s shoulder. “At least you got the car, right?” he offered with a teasing smile.
Shaun groaned again, louder this time, and Jesse burst into laughter all over again.
Shaun took a few minutes to compose himself, then they got dressed and headed back inside. Voices were coming from the kitchen, and Jesse pulled Shaun down the hall to investigate.
“There you are,” Gretchen said the second they entered the room. She and Ben were leaned against the counter, sharing one of her cigarettes. She tried to look stern, but she was also still smiling from whatever Ben had just said. At the table, Brian sat with a big plate of cookies and a glass of milk, munching away, while beside him Sam wasn’t touching a thing. He stared straight ahead at nothing in particular with a hollow-eyed look on his face, like he’d just seen something truly terrifying. “You’ve gotta stop sneaking off and leaving us to watch your kids,” Gretchen continued. “It’s not right. I mean, shit, it looks like you really fucked this one up.” She gestured to Sam who was still staring at nothing. “I sent him out with cookies and he comes back looking like that. What the hell were you guys doing out there?”
“What do you think we were doing?” Shaun huffed, then broke away from Jesse. He stormed over to the fridge and grabbed a beer. “I mean, seriously, why else would we have gone out there, away from everyone else?”
Gretchen folded her arms and gave Shaun a nasty look. “Let me guess, you—”
“Ah, ah! Gretchen…” Ben interrupted. “We’ve got little ears in the room. Better keep it PG.”
Gretchen rolled her eyes but she didn’t say anymore as Shaun angrily cracked his beer open and took a healthy swig.
Trying not to laugh, Jesse pulled out the chair next to his little brother and took a seat. Sam stiffened a little and turned to give him a haunted, side-eyed glance.
“Look, Shaun just sawed my cast off,” Jesse said, holding up his pale, skinny arm.
Sam nodded wordlessly.
“You OK there, kid?” Jesse asked, and he couldn’t help smirking a little. He had a feeling that after this weekend, Sam might never look at Shaun the same way again.
Sam hesitated for a second, then he asked in a little voice, just barely over a whisper: “Do you really put that…thing inside you?”
“Um…yeah?” Jesse laughed awkwardly as Sam’s face paled in horror. “You know, it gets a lot bigger than that, too. You didn’t even see it hard.”
“Oh god,” Sam muttered. “How are you even walking right now?”
“Painfully,” Jesse snorted, shifting on the seat a bit to prove his point. “Hurts to sit, too.”
Sam looked away, horrified. Jesse laughed it off, because honestly, what the hell else was he supposed to do? Sam thought he was such a pro in bed, maybe seeing Shaun’s dick would shut him up for awhile.
Eventually, Shaun and Jesse moved into the living room and put a movie on the TV. Gretchen and Ben, despite their complaints about babysitting, had taken Brian out back to play, so it was just them and Sam in the room.
Shaun continued to drink, but Jesse had rolled a blunt and was sharing it with Sam, who sat across the way in the armchair, a safe distance from the couple on the couch. Sam never looked up from his phone as the movie played out. Occasionally, he’d glance up to take the blunt from Jesse, but other than that, he acted like they didn’t exist.
Jesse was amused by his brother’s overreaction, but at the same time, he was rolling his eyes. There was no way Shaun’s cock was this huge of a deal.
Shaun, luckily, was ignoring Sam just the same. He was pleasantly drunk, and his hand rested possessively on Jesse’s upper thigh. He squeezed him warmly from time to time. Jesse took great comfort in his touch.
Midway through the movie, Shaun’s phone started buzzing on the coffee table. Jesse glanced up from the blunt in his hand as Shaun grunted, set his beer aside, and leaned forward to grab it. His face was unreadable as he glanced at the screen and then answered the call.
“What’s up?” he said, his voice low and casual.
Jesse studied him curiously, but Shaun’s expression didn’t change much as he listened to whoever was on the other end of the line.
After a moment, Shaun said, “Yeah, I’m free. Where at?”
Jesse took a slow drag from the blunt, pretending not to eavesdrop, though his curiosity was steadily growing. Shaun had been so tense and upset earlier, but now he seemed oddly calm, his demeanor steady and controlled.
“Works for me,” Shaun said after a pause. “I’ll see you then.” He ended the call and tossed his phone onto the coffee table, then he leaned back against the couch again, his hand returning to Jesse’s thigh like it belonged there.
Jesse glanced at him, raising an eyebrow. “Who was that?”
“Miguel,” Shaun said simply, taking another sip of his beer.
Jesse blinked. “Oh. You never replied to his message?”
“Nope,” Shaun said. “He still wants to meet for a drink tonight though.”
Jesse’s stomach fluttered slightly. “Are you going?”
“Yeah,” Shaun said, then he added, “And you’re coming with me.”
Jesse froze, caught completely off guard. “Wait, what? I thought you didn’t want me to go.”
Shaun’s dark eyes turned to him, steady and serious. “I changed my mind.”
Jesse stared at him, searching his face for an explanation. “Why?”
Shaun’s jaw tightened slightly, but his gaze didn’t waver. “The band supports me being ‘out’. I thought maybe…we should try telling Miguel first. As a test run.”
Jesse’s heart swelled at the words. “But…are you sure? I don’t want to mess anything up.”
“You won’t,” Shaun said firmly, giving his thigh a reassuring squeeze. “Just…be your normal adorable self. I don’t need you to hide this time.”
Jesse studied him for another long moment, then nodded, a small, shy smile tugging at his lips. “Alright. I’ll come.”
“Good,” Shaun said, his lips curving into a smirk. “I wanted to take you out anyway. I figured this would count.”
Laughing softly, Jesse leaned against Shaun’s side as he exhaled a plume of smoke. Whatever Miguel wanted to talk about, it didn’t matter. At least Shaun wanted him there. That was different. For once he wasn’t trying to hide their relationship.
“Wait…so you guys are going out tonight?” Sam asked and Jesse turned to see he’d finally put his phone down and was giving them some attention.
“Sounds like it, yeah,” Jesse said. “Um, I hope you’re ok with staying here. I’m sure Gretchen and Ben will need help with Brian.”
Sam rolled his eyes. “They haven’t needed my help yet. They’ve been watching him all day like they’re actually enjoying themselves. Are they like…trying to have a kid or something?”
“God, I hope not,” Shaun grumbled.
Jesse elbowed him. “I don’t know, Sam, but this is kind of an important meeting tonight. Shaun’s making connections with other bands. You know, it’s good for exposure and stuff.”
Sam shrugged unhappily.
“Tell you what, we’ll leave you with a couple blunts and I’ll tell Gretchen you can have some beers, too,” Jesse offered. “Watch a movie. Sit on Facebook all night. Scroll through Reddit. Whatever. Just try to behave yourself and don’t cause Gretchen and Ben any problems.”
“Yeah, alright,” Sam said slowly. “I didn’t want to go out with you guys anyway.”
“Well, that’s good then,” Jesse said. “It worked out for everyone.”
Already disinterested in the conversation, Sam turned back to his phone.
Sighing, Jesse focused on cuddling into Shaun’s side so he could finish the movie. He didn’t know what time they were meeting the other singer, but it wasn’t even 3pm. He figured they had hours to go yet.
And Jesse was right. They got through a late lunch, an even later dinner, and Jesse had just dutifully given Brian a bath and dressed him in his footie pajamas when it was finally time to go.
Jesse said his goodbyes to his brother and son and thanked Gretchen and Ben again for keeping an eye on them. While he gave hugs and exchanged pleasantries, Shaun waited impatiently by the door.
“Alright! Let’s go,” Jesse laughed, hurrying to Shaun’s side at last.
Shaun slipped an arm around Jesse’s waist, pulling him close. “Ready?”
Shaun’s lips twitched upward just a bit, then he leaned down and kissed Jesse softly. “Come on, then.”
Jesse was thrilled when he saw Shaun’s new car in the driveway. While it wasn’t nearly as cool as the Mustang, the Malibu looked safe and actually had four doors so it’d be easy to throw a booster seat in the back for Brian.
When he expressed this to Shaun, the other boy immediately rolled his eyes. “You know me, always thinking about the kids.”
Jesse snorted as he climbed in the passenger seat. “You’ll be thanking your lucky stars we have four doors when you get stuck dropping Brian off at preschool every day. That would have been such a bitch in that Mustang.”
Shaun shrugged noncommittally as he messed with the radio. He smiled a little when Metallica started playing and he turned it up.
Jesse let it go. They had other things to worry about tonight.
Before they drove off, Shaun pulled up the bar on his phone. “It’s like 20 minutes from here,” he said as he reversed the car and started down the street. “We’ll be there soon, so stay sharp.”
Jesse had no idea what that was supposed to mean, so he ignored it and looked out the window as they passed through Gretchen’s little community.
They didn’t even have to get on the highway. Miguel had kept it local. After a short drive across town, Shaun pulled into the parking lot of a small, dimly lit bar tucked away at the edge of a strip mall. The neon sign above the door buzzed faintly, advertising cheap beer and karaoke. Jesse looked over at him as he turned off the car. Shaun was gripping the wheel, staring straight ahead with his jaw clenched.
“You good?” Jesse asked gently, placing a hand on Shaun’s arm.
“Yeah,” Shaun muttered, letting out a breath through his nose. He turned to look at Jesse, his expression unreadable. “Let’s do this.”
They stepped out of the car and walked across the lot side by side. Inside, the bar was cozy, with mismatched tables and booths scattered around. A little karaoke machine with a TV glowed softly in the corner.
Miguel was already waiting, sitting at a table near the back and he waved them over with a welcoming smile. Jesse instantly recognized the short Mexican guy from that disastrous party weeks back and he blushed a little at the memory, hoping he wasn’t going to mess everything up again.
“Miguel,” Shaun said as they approached, his tone stiff. He glanced at Jesse, hesitated for a split second then added, “This is Jesse…my boyfriend.”
Jesse stifled a laugh, extending a hand. “Nice to meet you again.”
Miguel grinned and stood up to shake Jesse’s hand. “I remember you from that party. Nice to see you again, man.” He turned his attention back to Shaun, his smile widening. “You know, me and that guy from Hangnail took care of that Nicky chick after that whole…thing.”
Shaun froze, his brows shooting up in shock. “What?”
Miguel stroked his goatee, his grin turning sly. “Yeah, we handled it. She moved to Cali with her friend last I heard. Guess she figured there wasn’t much left for her here.”
Shaun’s mouth opened, then closed again as he tried to process the information. “You…what? Why?”
Miguel shrugged like it was no big deal. “Seemed like the right thing to do. She was causing trouble, and nobody liked that.”
Jesse bit back a grin as he watched Shaun struggle for words.
“I don’t even know what to say,” Shaun finally muttered, his face red with embarrassment. “Thank you. Seriously.”
Miguel waved it off, his grin easy. “Don’t mention it. We’ll call it a favor to a fellow musician.” He nodded toward the bar. “Now, let me get us a round. What are you drinking?”
“Uh, beer’s fine,” Shaun said, glancing at Jesse, who nodded in agreement.
Miguel sauntered off to the bar, leaving Jesse and Shaun standing at the table. Jesse smirked at Shaun, who was still looking slightly shell-shocked.
“Well, that was unexpected,” Jesse teased, nudging Shaun playfully.
“Yeah,” Shaun muttered, running a hand through his hair. “I didn’t think anyone would…” He trailed off, frowning.
Before Jesse could respond, Miguel returned with three frosty pints of beer balanced in his hands. He set them down on the table and gestured for them to sit. Shaun and Jesse slid into the booth on one side, Miguel taking the seat across from them.
Shaun still seemed to be hesitating about something and he gripped the offered beer with undue force. Jesse silently willed him to speak.
Miguel noticed the same thing as he took a casual first sip off his pint. “Something on your mind?”
Shaun took a deep, shaky breath. “Can I ask you something? And…don’t take this the wrong way or anything.”
Miguel raised an eyebrow, sipping his beer again. “Sure, man. What’s up?”
Shaun hesitated, his gaze flickering to Jesse briefly before he said, “So, uh…me being gay…is that going to be a problem? Like…with the band stuff or anything?”
Miguel blinked, clearly caught off guard. “What? No. Why would it be?”
Shaun stared at him, his expression somewhere between confusion and disbelief. “I mean…you know how some people can be. Especially in this scene.”
Miguel leaned forward, setting his beer down. “Shaun, listen. Nobody gives a shit who you’re dating. What people care about is whether you’re good at what you do. And you are. That’s all that matters.”
Shaun’s mouth opened slightly, like he didn’t quite know how to respond. Jesse watched as a flicker of something—relief, maybe—passed over his face.
“Seriously,” Miguel continued, his tone firm but easy. “You’re talented, your band is killer, and you’ve got a good thing going. Don’t let dumb shit like that get in your head.”
Shaun nodded slowly, looking down at his beer. “Thanks,” he muttered, his voice barely audible.
Miguel smiled, leaning back again. “No problem. Glad we cleared that up.”
Jesse nudged Shaun’s side gently, a soft smile on his face. Shaun glanced at him, his expression still a little dazed, but there was a hint of a smile tugging at the corners of his lips.
“Well,” Miguel said, lifting his glass, “here’s to kicking ass, making music, and not sweating the small stuff.”
They all raised their glasses, and as they drank, Jesse couldn’t help but feel a little more hopeful.
“Alright,” Miguel said, leaning back comfortably in the booth. “Now, as I was saying earlier on the phone, that video from Friday night was tight, man. I can really see the work you’ve been putting in.”
Shaun shrugged slightly. “Yeah, we’ve been grinding. Gotta keep the momentum up.”
Miguel nodded, a faint smile playing on his lips. “Well, it shows. You’ve got the presence, the sound, the whole vibe. That’s why I wanted to talk to you.”
Jesse watched as Shaun’s brow furrowed, his fingers drumming on the table. “Okay… so, talk.”
“Battle of the Bands is coming up, right? It’ll be September in a week.”
Shaun nodded, his posture stiffening. “Yeah.”
“Look, man,” Miguel said, his voice dropping slightly, “I don’t want to bullshit you. I’ve been through this before, so I know how it works. And I gotta be straight with you; the odds aren’t exactly in your favor.”
Shaun’s jaw tightened, and Jesse could instantly feel tension radiating off him. “What are you saying?”
Miguel sighed, running a hand over his goatee. “Last year, we were in your spot, hungry for a win, giving it everything we had. And we still lost.”
“I know,” Shaun said. “But I thought you guys were big last year.”
Miguel shook his head. “Not as big as you think. Our image wasn’t solid yet. Our drummer at the time? He wasn’t cutting it. We didn’t have the chemistry we needed, and it showed, even if our sound was good. The industry doesn’t just want good. They want the whole package, an image, a brand they can sell.”
Shaun’s jaw tightened. “So you’re saying it doesn’t matter how good you are?”
Miguel hesitated, then shrugged. “Not entirely. It’s not just about talent. The organizers are looking at marketability. Which band has the best chance of turning a profit if they win? That’s what they’re thinking about. And, man, I hate to break it to you, but… they already have a favorite.”
Shaun’s fingers stopped drumming, and he stared at Miguel, his expression hard. “Let me guess. It’s you.”
Miguel didn’t flinch. “Yeah. It is.”
Jesse felt Shaun tense beside him, and he quickly placed a comforting hand on his thigh, hoping to keep him calm. “That’s… bullshit,” Shaun muttered, his voice low and bitter.
“I know,” Miguel said quickly, holding up his hands in a gesture of peace. “It feels like it. But it’s not personal. It’s just how this game works. Sponsors want the safe bet, the band that’s already got traction. And yeah, we’ve been around a little longer, we’ve built up a following, and we’ve got a team backing us now. That’s what they’re looking at.”
Shaun clenched his jaw, staring at his beer like it had personally offended him. “So, what’s the point of even competing?”
Miguel’s expression softened. “Exposure, man. That’s what it’s about. You guys have something special. I saw it Friday night, and so did a lot of other people. You don’t have to win to make an impression. People are paying attention.”
Jesse glanced at Shaun, his heart aching at the frustration etched on his face. “So, you’re saying we’re just there to make you look good,” Shaun said, his tone sharp.
“No,” Miguel said firmly. “You’re there to show people what you’ve got. And if you play like you did Friday, trust me, you’ll turn heads. You just have to think beyond this one competition.”
Shaun looked up, his dark eyes searching Miguel’s face. “What are you getting at?”
Miguel leaned in, his voice dropping to a conspiratorial tone. “Look, man, I didn’t just call you here to break bad news. I called you because I think you’ve got something, and I want to help. After the Battle of the Bands, we’re planning our next move. If all goes well, we might be hitting the road. And if we do, we’re gonna need an opening act.”
Shaun blinked, caught off guard. “Wait… are you serious?”
“Dead serious,” Miguel said, a small grin tugging at the corner of his mouth. “I’m not making any promises right now, but I’ve been keeping an eye on you, and I like what I see. I just wanted to let you know—not everything rides on this one show. Keep your head in the game, and there could be something even bigger on the horizon.”
Jesse’s heart soared at Miguel’s words, and he squeezed Shaun’s thigh, his excitement bubbling over. “Shaun, that’s—”
“I heard him,” Shaun cut in, his voice quieter now, but there was a flicker of hope in his eyes. He looked at Miguel, his lips twitching into the ghost of a smile. “Thanks, man. I appreciate that.”
Miguel nodded, raising his glass. “Like I said, just helping out a fellow musician. You’ve got the stuff, Shaun. Don’t lose sight of that.”
They clinked their glasses, and Jesse couldn’t help the smile spreading across his face. Whatever happened at the Battle of the Bands in October, he knew one thing for sure: it wouldn’t be the end, but yet, the beginning of something exciting and new.
The three of them hung out for another hour or so, drinking and talking music. Jesse was so proud of his boyfriend. He’d come so far over the past several months. It amazed him how Shaun could sit here so calmly, talking about his future in music like it was just another topic of conversation, right after willingly coming out as gay to Miguel. The Shaun he’d met months ago would’ve done anything to avoid a moment like this, but now? Now, he had an arm slung casually around Jesse’s shoulders as he openly talked about the band’s potential, their struggles, and even their dreams, as if being himself was the most natural thing in the world.
Jesse smiled softly as he listened, his heart swelling with love. Shaun wasn’t just surviving anymore—he was thriving.
Eventually, Miguel said he had to get going.
“Call me if you ever want to talk or need some advice,” Miguel said, clapping Shaun on the back. Then, turning to Jesse, he added with a grin, “Nice seeing you again, man. It’s cool you came out to support him.”
Jesse returned his smile, his voice warm. “Always. Someone’s gotta keep him in line.”
Miguel chuckled, throwing a knowing glance at Shaun. “Good luck with that.” He gave them both a quick nod before heading toward the door. “Take care, guys. I’ll be in touch.”
Jesse watched Miguel leave, then turned to Shaun with a soft smile. “You did great,” he said. “I don’t think either of us were expecting all that to happen."
“Sucks about the Battle of the Bands though,” Shaun said. “I mean, I didn’t actually think I’d win, but…”
Jesse rubbed his back warmly.” Well, you heard what Miguel said. There’s a lot of opportunities out there. Don’t lose hope.”
“Yeah.” Sighing, Shaun finished the last of his beer, then set it down with a clatter. “Cmon. Let’s head out.”
Moments later, they stepped out of the bar and into the warm night. The air was thick with the scent of summer, and above them, the moon hung heavy and bright. Shaun stretched his arms over his head, groaning softly as he shook off the tension of the evening. Jesse followed close behind, his cheeks still flushed from the beers and his heart lighter than it had been in days.
“You OK, baby?” Jesse asked, smiling at Shaun’s slightly uneven stride as they walked back to the car.
“Yeah, I’m fine,” Shaun grunted, stuffing his hands into his pockets. Absently, he glanced up and down the strip mall, his dark eyes catching on something further down the sidewalk. “Wait—hold up.”
Jesse stopped and looked in the direction Shaun was staring. A brightly lit candy shop sat several stores down from the bar, its windows glowing with colorful displays of sweets and treats.
“Candy?” Jesse asked, his brow arching. “I thought you hated sweets.”
“I do,” Shaun said, his voice unusually hesitant. “I, uh… I was thinking maybe I should grab something for Sam and Brian.”
Jesse blinked in surprise. “You were thinking of getting them candy?”
“I’m just trying to be nice. Don’t make it weird,” Shaun grumbled, his tone gruff. He started toward the shop without waiting for Jesse to follow. “Come on, you can help me pick something. You’d know what they like better than me.”
Jesse’s lips twitched with amusement, but he jogged to catch up. “Sure, sure. I’d love to help you be nice.”
Shaun shot him a sideways glare as they entered the store, the scent of sugar and chocolate immediately washing over them. The shop was small but packed with colorful bins and shelves, every inch of it glowing like a sugary wonderland. Shaun looked totally out of place wandering around in all black with his big kick-ass boots.
“So, uh,” he began awkwardly, grabbing a little basket as he glanced around. “What does Sam like? Chocolate or something?”
Jesse chuckled as he watched Shaun try—and fail—to look comfortable surrounded by rows of candy. “Sam’s a sour guy. Anything that makes your face pucker, he’s into it.”
“Right,” Shaun muttered, heading toward a bin of neon-colored sour belts. He grabbed a bag and started scooping candy into it with the little plastic shovel, his movements stiff and uncertain. “This… should be good, right?”
“Perfect,” Jesse said, biting back a grin. “What about Brian?”
Shaun paused, frowning. “I don’t know. He’s a kid, right? Kids like chocolate.”
“Some do,” Jesse teased. “Brian’s crazy about jellybeans.”
“Shit, okay,” Shaun said, scanning the shelves until he found a box advertising 50 fun flavors. He grabbed it, and tossed it into his basket, too.
Jesse smiled, his chest warm at the sight of Shaun awkwardly fumbling through an act of kindness.
“And, uh…” Shaun hesitated, scratching the back of his neck as his gaze darted toward Jesse. “Do you… want anything? Like… for yourself?”
Jesse blinked in surprise, then smiled softly. “I mean, you don’t have to—”
“Just pick something, alright?” Shaun interrupted, his cheeks turning red. “We’re already here. Might as well.”
Touched, Jesse walked over to a shelf lined with assorted chocolate. He picked up a small heart-shaped box, showing it up to Shaun. “How about these? We can share.”
Shaun shrugged, but Jesse could see the corner of his mouth twitch. “Fine. Whatever. Get ‘em.”
Jesse added the heart box to Shaun’s basket, then watched as Shaun glanced around one last time, clearly unsure of himself.
“You did good,” Jesse said, leaning against Shaun’s side and smiling up at him. “They’re gonna love this. And I think it’s really sweet of you.”
Shaun snorted, rolling his eyes. “Yeah, well… don’t get used to it.” But his tone was softer, and Jesse could tell he was pleased.
When they left the store, Shaun handed Jesse the bag. “Here. You can give it to them. You’re better at that stuff.”
Jesse laughed as he took the bag, his heart full. For someone who didn’t normally do “nice,” Shaun was doing an amazing job.
They hopped in Shaun’s new car, and Shaun maneuvered them out of the strip mall parking lot, one hand on the wheel and the other resting on Jesse’s knee. The drive home was quiet for the first few minutes, Black Sabbath playing low on the radio. Jesse glanced at Shaun out of the corner of his eye, catching the way his brow furrowed slightly, as if he were thinking about something.
Finally, Shaun cleared his throat. “So… you wanna, uh… take a walk or something?”
Jesse blinked, turning to face him fully. “A walk?”
“Yeah,” Shaun muttered, his fingers tapping against the steering wheel. “Like, you know. Outside. Fresh air. Nature and shit.”
“It’s almost midnight.” Jesse’s lips twitched with a smile.
“So?” Shaun glanced at him quickly before focusing back on the road. “I mean, we don’t have to if you’re tired…”
Jesse tilted his head, studying Shaun’s profile. He remembered Shaun’s comment earlier about wanting to take him out and realized with a pang of affection that this was probably Shaun’s idea of a date night. Drinks with a friend, the candy shop, now a walk—Shaun was trying in his own way.
“Fuck it. Let’s do it,” Jesse said, his smile widening. “I’m not tired.”
Shaun’s shoulders relaxed slightly, and he nodded. “Cool. I saw a trail up ahead when we passed by earlier. Should be empty this time of night.”
They drove for a few more minutes before Shaun turned into a small parking lot near the edge of a wooded area. A large sign at the entrance read “Park Closes at Dusk.”
Jesse pointed to the sign as they got out of the car. “Pretty sure we’re breaking the rules, babe.”
Shaun smirked, slamming the car door shut. “So what? You scared the park ranger’s gonna get us?”
Jesse laughed, shaking his head. “No, but I don’t want to end up in the news for getting arrested on a nature trail either.”
Shaun rolled his eyes, grabbing Jesse’s hand and tugging him toward the trail. “Relax. No one’s gonna catch us. It’s fine.”
Jesse let Shaun lead him, their fingers laced together as they stepped onto the path. The trees cast long shadows in the moonlight, and the air was cool and crisp, carrying the faint scent of pine and earth.
The trail was quiet except for the sound of their footsteps crunching on the gravel and the occasional rustle of leaves in the breeze. Jesse couldn’t help smiling as he glanced at Shaun, who was looking unusually calm and content.
“This is nice,” Jesse said after a while, his voice soft.
“Yeah,” Shaun replied, his tone deep and rumbling. “It’s peaceful. No noise. No people.”
Jesse chuckled. “Except us.”
“Except us,” Shaun agreed, his lips twitching into a faint smile.
They walked in comfortable silence for a bit longer until the trail opened up to a small clearing. The moonlight spilled onto the grass, illuminating a wooden bench positioned under a tree.
Shaun hesitated, then nodded toward the bench. “Wanna sit?”
“Sure,” Jesse said, letting Shaun guide him over.
They sat down, the wood cool beneath them, and Jesse leaned against Shaun’s side, resting his head on his shoulder. The night was so quiet that Jesse could hear Shaun’s steady breathing, feel the warmth of his body against his own.
After a moment, Shaun shifted, turning slightly so he could look at Jesse. “I can’t believe you have to go back home tomorrow.”
Jesse lifted his head, meeting Shaun’s somber gaze. “I know. I’ve been trying not to think about it.”
“So, what’s happening with that CPS lady? She’s gonna come back soon, right?” Shaun asked.
Jesse’s chest tightened at the thought. “Imani’s supposed to call mom Monday morning, to follow up with our next steps. I’ve gotta make sure she doesn’t miss that call.”
Shaun nodded slowly. “I was thinking, now that I’ve got my own ride again, I can stop by after work for a few hours to help out. You know, on the days my grandma isn’t watching the kids.”
Jesse looked up at him, his big, blue eyes filled with excitement. “Oh, Shaun, I’d love that.”
Shaun sneered a little, but his fingers were incredibly gentle when he brushed through Jesse’s hair. “You’re mom’s lucky. Between you, me, and my grandma, we’re going to save her the embarrassment of losing her kids to the system.”
Jesse blinked up at him fondly. “You can come by every day, if you want. I don’t just need help with the kids.”
Shaun smirked. “I’d love to, but you’re 40 minutes from here and gas is expensive. I’ve got 100 bucks left for fuel and lunch this week and I’m still supposed to pay Gretchen back for food this weekend.”
“Oh come on, she’ll cut you a break,” Jesse said easily. “She tries so hard, but she’s a huge push over.”
“Yeah, well, I’m not planning on it,” Shaun grumbled. “I’m fucking sick of asking for handouts.”
Slowly, Jesse nodded in understanding. Shaun’s views on everything were changing so fast, it was hard to keep up at times. Just a few months ago, he’d been almost completely dependent on handouts. “No, you’re right. Seeing you even just one day out of the week would be great. I’m glad you’re budgeting your money.”
“Next week will be better,” Shaun said. “I mean, I probably won’t be able to afford anything but gas station hot dogs this week, but I do have a car now. Can’t knock that.”
Jesse agreed wholeheartedly and with a soft sigh of contentment, he let his eyes fall shut as he rested his head on Shaun’s shoulder again. For a couple minutes, they sat together in the quiet, enjoying the night and the closeness.
Suddenly, Shaun dropped a kiss on the top of Jesse’s head. “I know I don’t say it enough, but… I’m glad you’re here. With me.”
Jesse hummed, turning into Shaun’s warmth. “I’m glad, too.” Lazily, he opened his eyes and caught Shaun staring back at him intently. “Shaun?”
The moonlight caught in Shaun’s dark eyes as he leaned in slowly, his hand cupping Jesse’s cheek. Their lips met in a soft, lingering kiss and Jesse sighed into it, surprised, but pleasantly so.
Shaun held Jesse gently, kissed him with care, grazed his skin with a delicate touch, and Jesse began to moan as his body reacted. Shaun was being so sweet, it was making Jesse’s penis tingle with excitement.
Then, like a bucket of ice water being dumped over his head, Shaun shoved Jesse roughly to the ground, then stood so his large form totally eclipsed the moon.
Jesse blinked up at him in shock. “What the fuck?!”
Smirking, Shaun unzipped his fly. “The next time you open your mouth, you’d better be swallowing my cock, Jesse, or I promise you, I’ll bend you over this bench and beat your ass a second time.”
Raising an eyebrow, Jesse opened his mouth to reply when Shaun held up a single finger for silence, and frowning, Jesse pressed his lips together again. His smirk widening, Shaun pointed the same finger down to his open fly.
“Let’s go, Jess,” he said, his voice deep. “I’m not joking. I can probably find a nice switch around here, too, if you really want to test me. Place is full of fucking tree branches…”
Jesse’s blue eyes widened. The sudden shift from romance to punishment was upsetting him a bit, but then he thought about the fresh wounds between Shaun’s ribs, the spanking and hard fucking he’d had to take that afternoon, and he realized, this was Shaun’s ultimate fantasy. If Jesse was seriously going to make a life with him, then this was going to be a part of it. Domination and pain had been ingrained in his boyfriend from an early age, and his desire for it would probably never go away, not completely.
“Should I start looking for a stick?” Shaun drawled.
Jesse shook his head. Biting his bottom lip, he got up on his hands and knees and crawled closer to sit at Shaun’s feet.
Shaun gazed down at him affectionately, then he hooked his thumbs into his jeans and tugged them partway down. His fat dick sprang free and Jesse unconsciously licked his lips as the heavy length bobbed before him.
“Open your mouth,” Shaun said, and Jesse complied at once, starting to get in the mood. He sat patiently as Shaun fisted his shaft, then pushed his cock head into Jesse’s mouth, hissing as he took over and wrapped his tongue around the length. “That’s a good boy, Jess…fuck. Keep sucking.”
Jesse closed his eyes and concentrated on the feel and taste of Shaun on his tongue. The very scent of him, strong and masculine, was calming to him and he let his senses overwhelm everything unpleasant—his tremulous emotions, the hard feel of the ground below him, the vague threat that they’d be caught. None of that was important right now, all that mattered was his mouth around Shaun’s cock.
Shaun groaned as Jesse determinedly sucked him. He watched him bob his head for a couple seconds, then he laced his fingers through Jesse’s short hair and started to guide him, pressing his fingertips insistently into the back of his neck.
Jesse moaned in acceptance. He was getting turned on again and he wanted Shaun to use him. He arched into his touch, reaching subtly between his legs as he started to pleasure himself.
Shaun seemed to get the hint. He gripped the back of Jesse’s neck and thrust his hips, pushing himself deeper into Jesse’s mouth, into his throat. He kept thrusting, pumping his cock in and out of Jesse’s mouth over and over until he’d worked up to a brisk pace and he threw his head back, groaning loudly into the night as he fucked Jesse’s pretty face as hard as he could.
Jesse kept his eyes squeezed shut, focusing everything he had on relaxing his gag reflex. Shaun’s big cock head jabbing repeatedly into the back of his throat was a bit painful, but also, deeply satisfying. Jesse was rock hard and he’d never felt like such a huge slut before. He couldn’t believe he was sucking dick like this in a public park.
Then, suddenly, Shaun ripped his cock out of Jesse’s hot mouth. He gripped the shiny, wet shaft with his fist, baring his teeth like an animal. “Lay back,” he bit out and Jesse gasped a little, then hurried to stretch out in the grass. Shaun was on him in an instant, forcing his mouth down on Jesse’s while his hands tore at his fly. Together, they pulled Jesse’s jeans off in between frantic kisses.
As soon as Jesse’s naked butt hit the grass, Shaun slid a hand down his bare thigh, hooked his knee and pulled it over his shoulder. He did the same with the other leg, bending Jesse in half, and Jesse whimpered as his cheeks parted and his little asshole was exposed to the open air.
Shaun pulled away and spat in his hand a few times, then reached between them to slick his cock. Jesse closed his eyes tight, mentally preparing for another round of rough sex. When he felt Shaun rubbing against his little hole, he grabbed onto the other boy’s hips and braced himself to be penetrated.
And Shaun wasn’t gentle. With a growl, he entered Jesse with a single, powerful thrust, forcing him to yell out in pain. Shaun didn’t stop though, he crouched over Jesse, drove his booted foot into the grass and plunged his cock into him over and over again. It was pretty impressive actually. He was practically doing push-ups.
Jesse moaned and held onto his boyfriend as he was fucked. The initial pain, thankfully, had dulled and Jesse mindlessly pulled himself off, his eyes rolling back in his head with the sheer bliss of the sensations in his little body. God, he could feel every inch of Shaun’s cock. The hot length pulsed inside him, rubbing perfectly against his prostate. The stretching was intense, Jesse was still incredibly sore from earlier, but added to everything else it only heightened the experience. He was hurting right now because Shaun willed it, he was seconds away from coming, too, for the same reason and it was…comforting in a way. Gradually, Jesse was starting to trust Shaun’s judgment. He always seemed to know what Jesse needed when it came to sex.
Shaun fucked Jesse into the ground for several long moments, breathing hard, sweat beading along his forehead. Jesse watched the expressions play across his face as the other boy drilled into his body repeatedly. Jesse was getting close, and he was witnessing the same thing happen to Shaun. A warm flood of satisfaction rushed through him when Shaun finally lost control. His mouth fell open around a low, guttural moan and his eyes rolled back in his head as he slammed into Jesse hard one last time. Then he came with a wild shout that echoed through the trees, falling limp onto Jesse’s chest right after.
Jesse squirmed beneath Shaun, still incredibly turned on. He was so close, if he could just…
With a grunt, Shaun rolled over and wrapped a hand around Jesse’s straining cock.
“Ahh!” Jesse cried out softly, arching helplessly into Shaun’s touch.
“I didn’t forget about you, baby,” Shaun purred, burying his face in Jesse’s throat and nuzzling the delicate skin with his lips. “You were so good, Jesse. You were perfect.”
Jesse moaned and held onto Shaun’s bicep as Shaun stroked him lovingly. He pulled Jesse’s cock faster and faster and Jesse’s eyes slammed shut and stars burst behind his eyelids as the pleasure mounted.
Then Shaun started sucking Jesse’s throat again, pulling the fragile skin into his mouth so he could worry it with his teeth.
Jesse sobbed. “Noooo! Shaun…you’re leaving too many marks!”
“I don’t care,” Shaun hissed, then he bit down hard and sucked determinedly.
Crying brokenly, Jesse’s cock lurched in Shaun’s grip and finally, he came, spraying come up his t-shirt, some even splattering his chin and bottom lip.
As he collapsed in the grass, Shaun let go of his throat and kissed him heatedly, pausing to clean the come off his chin. Tired, Jesse kissed him back lazily. He was seconds from passing out. He was sore, sexually spent, and now, the beer from earlier was making him sleepy, too.
Finally, Shaun pulled away and Jesse moaned as an errant breeze licked his bare legs and naked butt. Above him, Shaun chuckled.
“Come on, Jess. We’re not dressed for a camping trip. Stand up.”
Groaning with reluctance, Jesse looked up to see Shaun was already standing. He pulled his jeans up, fastened the fly, then stretched out a hand for Jesse to take.
Jesse took it. “So, was this your idea of a date night?”
Shaun smirked as he pulled Jesse to his feet. “Maybe.”
Rolling his eyes, Jesse snatched his pants off the ground then pulled them on, wincing as his sore muscles protested the sudden movements. This was going to be a super fun walk back to the car, he thought bitterly, and he turned to say something similar to Shaun when the other boy grabbed him by the front of his t-shirt.
Jesse gasped as he was pulled up against Shaun’s firm body, but before he could say anything, Shaun grasped his chin and tilted his face up. He forced their lips together, and Jesse, at first, blinked in surprise, but Shaun deepened the kiss, sliding his tongue into Jesse’s mouth, and Jesse’s eyes fell shut, moaning loudly as his desire grew all over again.
Then Shaun tore his mouth away with a wet sucking sound. “Just wanted to say I love you, babe.”
Jesse stared up at him dazedly. “L-love you, too.”
Grinning, Shaun took Jesse’s hand. “Come on. I wanna fuck you again when we get back.”
Groaning, Jesse let himself be dragged back into the trees.
As they walked toward the parking lot, the peaceful quiet of the nature trail gave way to the faint sounds of the nearby street. Jesse smiled softly, squeezing Shaun’s hand as he replayed the evening in his mind. Shaun had surprised him tonight in so many ways. And even better, Jesse had a feeling Shaun still had a lot more in store for them both. The future was looking bright.
But as they neared the edge of the lot, Shaun stopped abruptly, his hand tightening around Jesse’s. “Shit,” he muttered.
“What?” Jesse whispered, his heart skipping a beat as he followed Shaun’s gaze.
Up ahead, a cop stood by Shaun’s car, shining a flashlight through the driver’s side window.
“Oh, great,” Jesse groaned, his pulse quickening.
Shaun pulled him into the shadows of a nearby tree, his lips twitching with a mix of frustration and amusement. “They’re probably checking to see if anyone’s taking a nap. It’s fine. We’ll just wait till they leave.”
Jesse stifled a laugh as they crouched low, hidden by the tree line. “Do you think they’ll tow it?”
Shaun smirked, shaking his head. “Not if we stay quiet. Cops are lazy. They’ll probably run the plates and move on.”
They watched as the officer circled the car, the beam of the flashlight bouncing off the windows. Jesse bit his lip to keep from laughing as Shaun muttered under his breath about nosy cops.
Finally, the flashlight clicked off, and the officer walked back to his cruiser, leaving the lot without a second glance.
Shaun exhaled sharply, then grinned at Jesse. “Told you. Easy.”
“Yeah, easy,” Jesse teased, nudging him. “Come on, let’s go before they come back.”
They bolted from their hiding spot, racing toward the car with stifled laughter. Shaun fumbled with the keys for a second, cursing softly as Jesse glanced nervously over his shoulder.
“Come on, come on,” Jesse urged, starting to panic.
“Got it!” Shaun said triumphantly as the car unlocked. They jumped inside, and Shaun wasted no time turning the engine over, then he threw it into reverse and spun them powerfully out of the parking spot.
“Subtle,” Jesse said, his voice dripping with sarcasm.
Shaun flashed him a mischievous grin. “You said to hurry, right?”
Before Jesse could respond, Shaun shifted into drive and floored it, the tires squealing as they shot out of the lot and onto the main road.
The adrenaline buzzed between them as the wind whipped through the open windows, carrying their laughter into the night.
“Think they’ll chase us?” Jesse asked, only half joking.
Shaun snorted, gripping the wheel in a death grip. “Not a chance. We’re long gone.”
Jesse shook his head, smirking. “You’re insane, Shaun.”
In response, Shaun threw his head back and let out a wild, triumphant yell that echoed through the car and into the open night air. It was raw, unfiltered, and so full of energy that it sent a shock down Jesse’s spine.
“God, you’re such a maniac.” Jesse burst out laughing, his chest warm with affection.
“Damn right!” Shaun roared, pounding a fist on the steering wheel as they sped down the dark road. “This is freedom, Jess! Pure fucking freedom!”
Jesse couldn’t stop smiling, his heart racing as he watched Shaun in his element—wild, unrestrained, and utterly himself. For a moment, he forgot about everything else. All that mattered was Shaun and the electric energy that filled the air between them.
They got back to Gretchen’s in 15 minutes and snuck in through the front.
The house was quiet and when Jesse and Shaun crept into the living room, they found Sam and Brian passed out together on the blow-up bed, some forgotten movie playing on the TV.
Shaun let out a sigh of relief, then turned to take the stairs up to his room. Jesse paused though and gazed down fondly at his little family. Sam was a menace most of the time, but Jesse loved him dearly. Same with Brian. The picture of them sleeping though was a peaceful one, and Jesse found himself smiling. Before he forgot, he set the bag of candy Shaun had insisted on buying on the coffee table next to the blow-up mattress so the kids would see it in the morning. He took the little heart-shaped box with assorted chocolates for himself, then turned to follow Shaun upstairs.
In the little room, Shaun waited for Jesse at the foot of the bed. His clothes were strewn across the floor and when Jesse met Shaun’s dark gaze, he raised a hand and crooked his finger for Jesse to come closer. Swallowing nervously, Jesse set the chocolate aside then yanked his t-shirt over his head, shuffling across the carpet until he stopped just inches from Shaun.
“You’ve got two options,” Shaun said in a deep voice, then he held up twin bottles of KY. “Warming lube or cooling gel?”
“Umm…” Jesse bit his lip, hesitating.
Shaun rolled his eyes and tossed the lube on the bed. “We’ll just pick one at random, then. Fuck, Jess, it’s not rocket science.” He grabbed Jesse by his waistband, then yanked him in close so their bodies fit together perfectly, leaving no space between them.
Jesse gasped and smirking, Shaun swooped down and plunged his tongue into Jesse’s open mouth.
They ended up using both kinds of lube, the warming and the cooling. Jesse didn’t know which he liked better, but he was so fucking appreciative for the extra assistance after their two earlier and quite painful sexual experiences. Shaun easily went another three rounds, sending Jesse into orgasm after orgasm, honestly, neither one of them were able to keep count. Jesse was so overly sensitive and turned on, he couldn’t stop coming.
It was getting close to 4 in the morning when Shaun finally pulled out. He rolled off Jesse, then stretched out beside him, grinning up at the ceiling. “I fucking needed that. Shit, Jess. That was so much better than masturbating.”
Slick with sweat and other bodily fluids, Jesse hummed in agreement. He hadn’t felt relaxed like this for weeks. He lay flat on his back, an arm stretched lazily across his face, panting softly as he finally got the chance to catch his breath.
Shaun lay beside him for a moment longer, catching his own breath. Then, out of nowhere, he shot up and jumped out of bed.
“What the hell are you doing?” Jesse muttered, too tired to even lift his arm off his face to look.
“Getting something,” Shaun said, then he crossed the room in a few quick strides and grabbed the heart-shaped box of chocolates Jesse had left on the dresser. He turned back, holding it up like a trophy, a grin on his face.
Jesse peeked at him through his fingers, his lips quirking upward. “Are you serious? Right now?”
Shaun plopped back onto the bed, the mattress bouncing under his weight. “Yeah, right now.” He opened the box with a flourish, scanning the contents. “I bought this for you, so I think I should get to feed it to you, too.”
Jesse couldn’t help but laugh as he rolled onto his side to face Shaun. “Oh, is that how it works?”
“Shut up and eat,” Shaun said playfully, holding a chocolate to Jesse’s lips.
Jesse raised an eyebrow but opened his mouth, letting Shaun pop the piece in. It was sweet, creamy, and absolutely perfect. “Mmm,” Jesse hummed, savoring the treat. “Okay, that’s actually really good.”
“Fucking better be. $15 for a box of candy is highway robbery,” Shaun joked, then grabbed another piece and fed it to Jesse, watching with an almost childlike fascination as he chewed. “Glad you like it though.”
Jesse swallowed his second bite, his cheeks warm with affection. “You should try one.”
Shaun wrinkled his nose. “You know I don’t like candy.”
“Oh, c’mon,” Jesse said, reaching out to pluck a chocolate from the box. “Just one. For me?”
Shaun groaned dramatically but leaned in closer. “Fine. But if I hate it, it’s your fault.”
Jesse grinned and pressed the chocolate to Shaun’s lips. Shaun hesitated for half a second, then opened his mouth and bit into it. Immediately, his expression twisted into one of exaggerated disgust.
“Oh my god, what is this?” Shaun opened his mouth again and glared down at the red on his tongue. “Raspberry cough syrup? Why would they even make something like this?!”
Jesse burst out laughing, nearly falling over as Shaun made dramatic faces like the chocolate was poison. “You’re such a baby,” he teased between giggles.
Shaun swallowed the bite with visible effort, then groaned, flinging the box back toward the dresser with zero ceremony. “Never again. That was awful.”
Still laughing, Jesse tugged him back down onto the bed. “Alright, Mr. Anti-Sweets. No more chocolate for you.”
“Damn right,” Shaun muttered, but his tone softened as he pulled Jesse into a tight embrace. His arms wrapped around him, holding him close, their bodies flush together. “Night Jesse.”
“Night, babe.” Jesse snuggled against Shaun’s chest, his laughter fading into a contented sigh. It had been a good day. A really good day.
Brushing his hair back softly, Shaun kissed the top of Jesse’s head and whispered, “Love you.”
“Me too,” Jesse whispered back, smiling against Shaun’s skin, eyes already drifting shut.
The room fell into a comfortable silence then, the only sound the gentle rhythm of their breathing as they curled into each other and settled down at last, and before long, they both drifted off to sleep, tangled in each other’s arms.
Morning sunlight streaming through the bedroom window and the sound of birds chirping outside stirred Jesse first, and he groaned softly, stretching out beside Shaun. His boyfriend was still half-asleep, his face buried in the pillow, but as Jesse pressed a gentle kiss to his shoulder, Shaun grumbled awake.
“Morning,” Jesse murmured, his voice soft and a little hoarse from the late night.
Shaun cracked one eye open, his lips curving into a sleepy smirk. “Morning.” He reached out to pull Jesse closer, but Jesse slipped from his grasp, sitting up instead. “C’mon,” he teased. “We’ve gotta shower and make an appearance before Gretchen thinks we’re dead.”
Shaun groaned, but he followed Jesse down to the bathroom, where they showered together under the warm spray of water. It was a bit hurried, but filled with quiet laughs and playful touches nonetheless, though Jesse had to swat Shaun’s hands away more than once. “Quit it!” he giggled, dodging another mischievous attempt. “Gretchen will kill us if we take too long!”
By the time they made it to the kitchen, the smell of pancakes filled the air, mingling with the sound of Gretchen’s complaints and Sam and Brian’s laughter. They walked into the kitchen to find Ben at the stove, flipping pancakes onto a growing stack, while Gretchen leaned against the counter with her arms crossed.
“They’re going to be sick,” she was saying, gesturing at Sam and Brian, who were sitting at the table, their mouths full. “They’ve already had enough candy to last a week. Now they’re stuffing their faces with syrupy pancakes!”
Jesse winced, raising a hand like a kid caught in class. “That might be my fault. I left the candy out last night.”
Sam swallowed and grinned. “It was good,” he said unapologetically. “I love sour shit.”
Brian nodded eagerly, a jellybean clutched in his little hand. “I didn’t get to try every flavor of jellybean yet, though! But they’re so good!”
Jesse smiled and gestured toward Shaun, who was leaning against the doorframe, watching the scene with faint amusement. “Well, you should thank Shaun. He’s the one who bought everything at the candy store last night.”
Brian’s face lit up, and he turned to Shaun with wide, grateful eyes. “Thanks, Shaun!” he chirped enthusiastically.
Shaun straightened up a little. “Uh…yeah. You’re welcome, kid,” he said, his tone awkward but sincere.
Sam, meanwhile, was still avoiding Shaun’s gaze, his cheeks flushing slightly as he muttered a quiet, “Thanks,” before quickly shoving a piece of pancake into his mouth.
Shaun scratched the back of his neck, clearly uncomfortable, but he managed a gruff, “No problem.”
Jesse, watching the interaction, couldn’t help bursting into laughter, his eyes crinkling with amusement. “You two are hilarious,” he said, shaking his head. “I think you broke Sam for life, babe.”
Shaun shot him a dry look, but the faintest smirk tugged at his lips. “Yeah, well, maybe he’ll think twice before he barges in next time.”
Sam dropped his head in embarrassment, popping another bite of pancake into his mouth as Shaun and Jesse shared a conspiratorial laugh at his expense.
Breakfast continued with plenty of chatter and laughter, Ben passing out pancakes while Gretchen muttered dire warnings about the impending sugar crash. Despite the chaos, it was a warm and lively start to the day, and Jesse couldn’t stop smiling as he looked around the table, feeling grateful for the little family they’d created.
The morning passed quickly after everybody had eaten. As the kids chattered and snacked on leftover candy, Jesse and Gretchen tackled the mess in the kitchen. Jesse washed while Gretchen dried, and they moved together effectively, chatting happily about various topics, boyfriends included.
At the table, Brian happily munched on his jellybeans, pushing his favorites toward Shaun. “Try this one,” he insisted, holding out a bright red jellybean. Shaun, to Jesse’s surprise, actually obliged, popping it into his mouth without hesitation.
“Not bad,” Shaun muttered, leaning back in his chair and reaching for another handful from Brian’s growing pile. Jesse raised an eyebrow at him. Apparently, jellybeans were more Shaun’s speed.
Sam, meanwhile, continued to slouch in his chair, phone in hand, his thumb scrolling aimlessly as he half-listened to the conversations around him.
When the kitchen was finally clean, Jesse and Sam went to pack up their things. Brian helped in his own way, though it was mostly an excuse to run back and forth between the car and the house, carrying small items like his little toy truck and Jesse’s phone charger. Once everything was packed, they gathered in the living room to say their goodbyes.
Brian hugged both Ben and Gretchen tightly, but he lingered a little longer with Gretchen, squeezing her neck with his tiny arms and saying cheerfully, “Thanks for letting us stay!”
Gretchen flushed, clearly touched, and patted his back awkwardly. “Anytime, kiddo. That wasn’t nearly as bad as I thought it’d be.”
With warm farewells exchanged, the little group piled into Shaun’s car. The mood in the car was subdued as they began driving. The weekend’s end hung over them, and suddenly, nobody looked very cheerful at all. As they got on the highway and started towards Hallettsville, Sam stared out the window, looking bored again. He occasionally checked his phone, but for the most part, he continued to stare listlessly at nothing. Beside him, Brian dozed off in his booster seat, just as bored as Sam. His head lolled to one side, eyes fluttering shut.
Jesse glanced at Shaun, who seemed quieter than usual, his hands steady on the wheel as the highway stretched on. He wished Shaun didn’t have to work in the morning. He wished he didn’t have to go back to his mother’s house, back to constant babysitting, back to being alone, back to feeling like nothing… Jesse felt tears prick the corners of his eyes as he dreaded the upcoming week and all the hoops they were going to have to jump through in order to appease CPS. He seriously felt like he was about to start crying when suddenly, Shaun veered off the highway onto an unfamiliar exit. Jesse frowned, looking out the window in confusion. “Uh, where are we going?”
“You’ll see,” Shaun said, a small smirk tugging at his lips.
Jesse exchanged a curious glance with Sam, who had just looked up from his phone. Jesse gave the younger boy a shrug, and Sam rolled his eyes, then returned to staring at his screen.
As they drove on, the road got bumpy and narrow. Shaun didn’t seem to care, he sped down the lane, going close to 80 with a 50 mph limit posted.
Jesse tried to ignore the speed limit signs as they flew past them. But other signs were posted, too, big, wooden signs with yellow letters for a state park began to appear, and Jesse’s curiosity deepened. When more signs started pointing toward a lake and beach area, Jesse finally spoke up.
“Shaun, are we going swimming?”
Brian woke up almost instantly at the word, bouncing in his seat. “Swimming? Really?!”
Even Sam straightened up, tucking his phone into his pocket as glimpses of the lake began to flash between the trees outside the window.
Shaun’s smirk widened as he sped on. “Grandpa used to take me here when I was a kid,” he said, his voice softer now. “Figured it’d be fun to stop by.”
When they pulled into the parking lot, Jesse looked around skeptically. “But we don’t even have towels.”
“So?” Shaun said, already pushing his door open. “It’s 100 degrees. We’ll dry off. Come on!”
Shaun barely waited for anyone to reply before he climbed out of the car. Jesse laughed as Brian scrambled out after him, already yanking off his sneakers in his excitement. Even Sam, who usually took every opportunity to act unimpressed, was grinning as he followed, tugging his shirt over his head.
The beach wasn’t crowded—just a handful of people sunbathing and a couple of groups of kids playing further down the shoreline. The air was warm, and the lake shimmered under the late-afternoon sunlight. It was perfect. Jesse kicked off his shoes and rolled up the cuffs of his jeans, trailing behind as Brian raced ahead, his tiny legs carrying him straight to the water’s edge. Shaun followed close behind, peeling off his shirt as he went.
For a moment, Jesse stood back, watching them. Brian squealed with delight as Shaun scooped up a handful of water and splashed it toward him. Jesse chuckled softly, his heart swelling as he watched his boyfriend crouch down in the shallows to meet Brian’s height, laughing and splashing along with him. Shaun looked… different here. Lighter, somehow. Happier. It was a side of him Jesse didn’t get to see often enough.
Further out, Sam waded into the water, glancing around as if to make sure no one was watching him, before stretching out on his back. He floated effortlessly, his face tilted toward the sun, and for the first time all weekend, Jesse thought he looked completely at peace.
After a while, Shaun coaxed Brian into looking along the shoreline for shells and other little treasures. Brian dove into the task with gusto, crouching near the water and digging through the sand with his tiny hands. Jesse took that as his cue to finally join Shaun, wading into the water until it lapped at his knees.
“You know,” Jesse said as he stepped up beside him, “this was a really good idea.”
Shaun turned to him, the corner of his mouth twitching into a grin. “Yeah?”
Jesse nodded, his gaze soft. “Yeah.”
The two of them stood there for a moment, the water rippling gently around their legs as they watched Brian sift through the sand. Shaun nudged Jesse with his elbow, inclining his head toward the deeper part of the lake. “Come on,” he said, taking Jesse’s hand. “Come out with me.”
They waded out until the water reached their chests, the coolness a welcome relief against the heat. Jesse slid his arms around Shaun’s waist, the world around them fading into the background. It was just the two of them now, suspended in this quiet, tranquil moment.
Shaun reached up, cradling Jesse’s face in his hands. His dark eyes were steady, full of that fierce protectiveness that Jesse had come to know so well. “I know you don’t want to go home, but this is all temporary, okay? Everything’s gonna work out,” he said, his voice low but firm. “I don’t care how long it takes or how hard it gets. We’re gonna figure this shit out. All of it. I promise.”
Jesse felt his chest tighten, a lump forming in his throat. He believed him. He always believed Shaun, even when everything else felt uncertain. “I love you,” he whispered.
“I love you, too,” Shaun said, leaning in. Their lips met in a deep, passionate kiss, the water rippling softly around them as the world seemed to hold its breath.
When Shaun pulled back from the kiss, he tugged Jesse into a hug, resting his chin on the top of his head. “I mean it, Jess,” he murmured. “Everything’s going to work out. I’ll make sure of it.”
Jesse’s heart ached with love as he burrowed closer into Shaun’s chest. “I don’t want this day to end,” he whispered and Shaun gently kissed his temple.
“Then let’s make it last a little longer,” he whispered back. “Grandma can wait…”
For the next couple hours, they stayed at the beach, soaking in every moment. Brian eventually joined a group of kids playing nearby, laughing and building sandcastles together. Sam alternated between swimming and sunbathing, stretching out on the warm sand like he didn’t have a care in the world. And Shaun and Jesse? They were inseparable. They swam, splashed, and laughed like kids themselves, their touches lingering, their smiles coming easily.
As the sun dipped lower in the sky, painting the lake in hues of orange and gold, Jesse found himself wishing over and over again that they didn’t have to leave. This—this perfect, fleeting moment—felt like something out of a dream. And as he watched Shaun scoop Brian up and carry him back toward the car, laughter echoing between them, Jesse knew it was a memory he’d hold onto forever.
“Hold on tight, little man,” Shaun was saying, gripping Brian’s ankles securely as he balanced the boy on his shoulder.
Brian stretched his arms out wide like wings, his giggles echoing across the quiet beach. “I’m an airplane!” he declared, making exaggerated swooshing sounds as his body tilted left and right. “Shaun, duck! There’s a mountain!”
Shaun grinned, clearly enjoying himself more than he would ever admit. “Oh no! Not the mountain!” he said, bending his knees and dramatically swaying side to side like he was maneuvering through the imaginary terrain. “We’re going in for a crash landing!”
Jesse laughed at the sight, the sound light and carefree, and even Sam, who was walking a little behind them, cracked a grin. “You’re such a dork, Shaun,” Sam muttered, but his tone was amused.
“Gotta keep the passengers entertained,” Shaun shot back with a playful smirk. He dodged another “obstacle,” making Brian giggle so hard he could barely keep his airplane arms up.
When they finally reached the car, Shaun lowered Brian off his shoulders and set him on the ground. Brian immediately started rummaging through his shell collection in his little hands, still buzzing with energy. Jesse lingered beside the car, brushing sand off his arms and legs, watching as Sam hesitated by the passenger door.
“Umm, thanks… for today,” Sam muttered, not looking directly at Shaun, but at his heavy boots, crusted with sand. “That was surprisingly fun. Like, the whole weekend was actually pretty decent.”
“Yeah, sure thing,” Shaun said casually. He gave the teen a quick nod before turning toward the driver’s side and Sam, sighing a little in relief, wordlessly slid into the backseat.
Jesse took a minute to buckle Brian into his booster seat, then he climbed in the car beside Shaun. His hand still a little sandy from the beach, he reached for Shaun’s as the other boy started the car. Jesse’s fingers slid between Shaun’s, and Shaun didn’t pull away. Instead, he glanced at Jesse with a small, genuine smile that softened his sharp features dramatically. He didn’t say anything, but he didn’t need to. That smile, so unguarded and rare, made Jesse’s chest feel full to bursting.
Shaun backed out of their parking space and started toward the exit. Jesse was still smiling as he leaned back in his seat, a breeze from the open window blowing through his hair. He let his eyes fall shut as the sun beamed down on him, warming his damp clothes and skin.
It was another 30 minutes back to Hallettsville and Jesse was half asleep when Shaun pulled into his grandparents’ driveway. The crunch of gravel beneath the tires was loud in the quiet afternoon and Jesse sat up, in a bit of a daze. He could instantly feel the tension radiating off Shaun, though, and he glanced at the other boy, observing how his jaw was clenched so tight it looked like it might snap, his dark eyes fixed on the little house ahead, all the while. Jesse looked back at Sam and Brian, both of whom were sitting quietly for once, sensing the mood.
Next door, Jesse’s family home stood as familiar as ever, its peeling white paint and crooked shutters a stark contrast to the neat and tidy appearance of the brown rambler they’d just parked in front of. Shaun’s old house was small and modest, with a porch that looked like it hadn’t been painted in years, but the flower beds beneath the windows were perfectly tended—a testament to Ruth’s diligence.
Jesse unbuckled his seatbelt and turned to look at Shaun, who hadn’t moved. His dark eyes were locked on the house, his expression unreadable.
“You should come inside,” Jesse said softly.
Shaun snorted, but he didn’t outright refuse. “Why? So grandma can yell at me again, tell me what a loser I am?”
“Shaun…she’s been helping me with the kids all weekend, remember?” Jesse said, carefully picking his words. “We should both go in there and thank her. If it hadn’t had been for her, I probably wouldn’t have been able to spend the weekend with you like I did.” He hesitated, then added, “And I think you miss them more than you want to admit. It wouldn’t kill you to say hi, baby.”
Shaun’s head whipped toward him, a sharp retort clearly on the tip of his tongue, but it never came. Instead, he sighed, dragging a hand through his long hair. “Fine. Let’s get this over with.”
Jesse smiled faintly and climbed out of the car. Brian was already bouncing on the balls of his feet, eager to see what Eli and Tyler had done to the train set. Sam followed at a slower pace, his phone still in hand.
The front door opened as they approached, and Ruth appeared in the doorway, her sharp eyes narrowing when she caught sight of Shaun. “Well,” she said, her voice cold. “Look who decided to show his face.”
Shaun’s shoulders stiffened, but he kept walking, brushing past her without a word. Jesse gave her an apologetic smile as he followed him inside, the kids trailing after.
Inside, the kitchen was warm, and Jesse smelled meat cooking. He suddenly remembered he hadn’t eaten in hours when his stomach rumbled uncomfortably.
Eli sat at the table, bouncing baby Lissa in his lap, and through the doorway, Jesse could see the backs of the twins’ heads. From the looks of it, they were scribbling on a large piece of butcher paper with a collection of crayons spread between them. Jesse smiled a little, glad to see his siblings were being well cared for and entertained.
Eli looked up, smiling as Shaun stopped next to the fridge and crossed his arms grumpily. “Well, if it isn’t the rock star himself!” he said, his voice light and teasing. “How’d the show go, Shaun?”
Shaun shrugged, his expression tight. “It was fine.”
“It was more than fine,” Sam said, looking up from his phone with a little half-smile. “There were hot groupies everywhere.”
“Is that so?” Eli asked, chuckling, and the baby, pressed to his chest, started to giggle, too. Beside them, Shaun rolled his eyes dramatically.
“Shaun was so cool!” Brian piped up, grinning as he looked at Eli. “You should have seen it, Mr. Eli!”
“Hopefully, soon, I will,” Eli said, beaming at his indifferent grandson, pride shining in his eyes, but Ruth scoffed, crossing her arms so her stance mimicked Shaun’s.
“I’m sure it was loud and obnoxious,” she said, her voice icy. “I can’t believe people pay good money to hear that heathenry.”
Shaun turned sharply to face her, his eyes flashing. “You’ve never even been to one of my shows, so why don’t you keep your fucking opinions to yourself.”
“As if I’d waste my time on that nonsense,” Ruth shot back. “I’ve got better things to do than watch you make a fool of yourself.”
“Ruthie…” Eli said softly, his smile fading, but she ignored him.
“You’re just like your father,” Ruth continued, her voice rising. “Reckless, irresponsible, selfish.”
Shaun’s arms dropped to his sides, hands curling into fists. “I’m nothing like him, you bitch,” he growled. “I’m not...”
“No?” Ruth snapped, stepping closer. “You drop out of school, crash the car we gave you, break the heart of the only person who’s ever had the misfortune of dating you, and you disrespect everyone who cares about or tries to help you. Tell me how that’s any different!”
Shaun’s face flushed with anger, and for a moment, Jesse thought he was going to explode. But then something shifted. Shaun’s jaw tightened, and he took a deep breath, his fists unclenching.
“I got a job, you know,” he said. “I work over 40 hours a week waterproofing basements.”
“Jesse might have mentioned it,” Ruth grumbled. “Am I supposed to be impressed?”
“Yeah, well, that car out there? I just bought it with my first paycheck,” Shaun said, nodding out the front window. “I was really lucky you guys gave me that Mustang and I regret crashing it, but I need wheels now that I’m working every day. I made a deal with this guy I met and made it happen. I’ve been making friends on the side, networking, too. I think, for once in my life, I’m actually kind of happy right now.”
“Great,” Ruth said flatly. “Glad to hear it.”
“Grandma…” Shaun sighed deeply, rubbing a hand across his face. “I’m sorry, okay? I’m sorry for wrecking the Mustang.”
“Is that all you’re sorry for?” Ruth asked, her lips pursed.
“No,” Shaun said wearily. “I’m sorry for hurting Jesse. I’m sorry for being rude to you, repeatedly. For being disrespectful. For just being an asshole in general, too, I guess.”
Jesse saw the way Ruth’s lips twitched, like she was trying to suppress a reaction. Eli’s brows shot up, clearly surprised by Shaun’s words. Sam and Brian watched in silence, sensing the gravity of the moment.
“I know I’ve been a screw-up,” Shaun continued, his voice rough. “And I know I’ve said some things I can’t take back. But I’m trying, okay? I’m trying to be better.”
For a moment, Ruth said nothing. The silence stretched, heavy and suffocating. Jesse held his breath, his heart pounding as he waited for her response.
“You should’ve said that a long time ago,” Ruth said finally, her tone still sharp, but her expression softer. “But I suppose it’s better late than never.”
Shaun nodded, but he still looked determined. There was still something on his mind. “I’m sorry about a lot of things,” he said slowly. “But there’s a couple I just need you to accept. Things that I’m just not willing to change.”
Ruth studied him for a long moment. Finally, she drawled, “Go on.”
Shaun drew himself up to his full height, looming over the old, cranky woman with a menacing glower. “I won’t apologize for dropping out of school. I know you don’t understand, but that place has nothing to offer me. I’m done wasting my time there.”
Ruth glared at Shaun, but she kept quiet, waiting for him to continue.
“And I’m not sorry for my music, grandma. I won’t apologize for that. Ever,” Shaun said, baring his teeth a little. “My band’s got a real chance at making it big. I know that because people are talking about me, about my music, and for once, they’re saying good things. Really, really good things.”
Ruth let out a huff. “Alright,” she said. “I’ll accept. I’m done nagging. I know that’s what you think I’m doing. Nagging. You never think for a second that I say these things because I…love and care about you….”
Shaun’s glower fell away. “I thought you were embarrassed of me.”
Ruth sighed, her expression softening, too. “I suppose I said a few things I shouldn’t have, as well. That…might have been one of them.”
Shaun chuckled a little. “Yeah, that was a pretty shitty thing to say, grandma.”
“You’re one to talk,” Ruth said, narrowing her eyes. “After all the things you’ve said to me over the years…” And Jesse, sensing the tension was about to start again, jumped in.
“Ruth?” he asked, sliding forward to move between the old woman and his boyfriend. “You should seriously come to one of Shaun’s shows. You should see him in action for yourself. We’re not joking, he’s really good on stage.”
Huffing with embarrassment, Shaun laid a heavy hand on Jesse’s shoulder. “Alright, Jess. You don’t have to fucking stand up for me.”
“Yes, I do,” Jesse said, glancing at him over his shoulder. “You’re my boyfriend, that’s kind of my job.”
Shaun snorted, rolling his eyes.
Ruth cleared her throat for attention and Jesse turned back to her, smiling sheepishly. The old woman was watching him with a faint amusement in her dark eyes. “That’s sweet, Jesse, but I’m not sure I could handle a rock concert at my age. The noise alone would knock me on my butt.”
“How about this,” Jesse said as a sudden and brilliant idea came to him. “You should wear a pair of those little foam earplugs that construction workers have. It’ll dull the noise so you can focus on watching Shaun play the audience. He’s excellent at it. He had everyone so pumped-up Friday night, it was incredible to see.”
“Well, that’s an idea, I guess,” Ruth grumbled.
“A pretty good one, I think,” Eli spoke up, bouncing the baby on his knee. “I know you’re curious, Ruthie. Same as I am.”
Ruth nodded shortly. “I’ll think about it.”
Jesse felt a wave of relief wash over him. Ruth might not have hugged Shaun or outright told him she forgave him, but this was progress. Huge progress, in Jesse’s eyes.
“Well,” Ruth said stiffly after a long, awkward pause. “Are you boys hungry?”
Jesse perked up immediately, glancing between Ruth and Shaun. “I am. Starving, actually,” he said quickly, sensing the opportunity to ease some of the tension. Shaun, however, remained standoffish, his arms crossed and his expression unreadable.
“What are you making?” he asked indifferently.
“Pork chops,” Ruth said brusquely. “And potatoes. There’s enough if you want to stay.”
Shaun started to open his mouth, looking like he was about to refuse just for the sake of being difficult. But before he could say anything, Jesse cut in. “Yes, please! We’d love to stay for dinner.”
Ruth gave a small nod of acknowledgment before turning toward the stove, then busied herself with the pans. Shaun moved to the table and pulled out a chair, his scowl softening slightly as he took a seat across from Eli. Jesse noticed his eyes flick toward the stove where the pork chops were sizzling, his resolve weakening at the smell of buttery, seasoned meat.
Eli stood and handed Jesse baby Lissa, who immediately grabbed at his shirt with her tiny hands. “Here you go, Jesse. I’ve got to keep this one’s siblings entertained,” he said with a chuckle, nodding toward the living room. “Brian, want to come see what Tyler added to the train set this weekend? You can color with the twins after.”
Brian’s face lit up. “Yeah!” he said, hurrying to follow Eli out of the kitchen.
Jesse smiled after him fondly as he adjusted Lissa in his arms. He took the chair next to Shaun, then sat the little girl in his lap and kissed her chubby cheek, making her giggle.
Sam, meanwhile, slumped down beside Jesse, scrolling through his phone with a sigh. Jesse glanced at him curiously, wondering what—or who—had had him so preoccupied all weekend.
“Is Kyle still texting you?” Jesse asked, keeping his tone casual.
Sam froze for a second, his ears turning red. He hesitated before muttering, “No. He hasn’t texted me in a few days.”
Jesse frowned. “Nothing? Not even one of his usual ‘what’s up’ texts?”
Sam shook his head, avoiding eye contact. “I’ve sent him a couple, but…nothing.”
Beside Jesse, Shaun snorted, his chin propped in his hand. “I bet that pussy’s long gone,” he said dryly. “I finally exposed him. He was always threatening to do it to me—glad I had the chance to return the favor.”
Sam’s face fell, and he stared down at his phone with a sad, distant look. Jesse felt a pang of guilt for asking, but at the same time, he was relieved. Maybe, just maybe, this was the end of whatever dangerous influence Kyle had over his little brother. Still, seeing Sam so dejected tugged at Jesse’s heart.
“Dinner’s ready,” Ruth announced sharply, setting a platter of pork chops on the table. Eli returned with Brian and the twins, but instead of joining them at the dining table, the kids carried their plates to the living room, settling around the coffee table in front of the TV. Eli made sure they were situated before taking his place at the kitchen table with the adults.
The smell of the food was mouthwatering, and Shaun dug in immediately, tearing into his pork chop with enthusiasm. Grease dripped onto his plate as he took big bites, chewing loudly and licking his fingers. “God,” he said around a mouthful of food. “This is so good.”
“What are you eating over at your friend’s house, then?” Ruth asked as she took her seat and started making herself a plate. “Cereal for breakfast, lunch, and dinner?”
“No,” Shaun grumbled. “I eat sandwiches, too.”
Jesse couldn’t help but laugh at the look of disgust on Ruth’s face.
“Well, eat up while you’re here,” she said briskly, then stabbed a second chop and leaned over the table to add it to Shaun’s plate. “You still need your protein, after all.”
Grunting, Shaun immediately cut into the second chop, taking another big, juicy bite.
“So, Shaun,” Eli said conversationally, watching Shaun devour his meal with a faint smile. “How’s the new job treating you?”
Shaun shrugged, his mouth too full to answer right away. After a big swallow, he said vaguely, “It’s fine. Pays decent. Keeps me busy.”
“Busy’s good,” Eli said, nodding. “What exactly are you doing?”
Shaun set down his fork, clearly reluctant to elaborate. “Basement waterproofing. You know, lots of digging, setting up drainage systems, stuff like that.”
Eli raised his eyebrows, impressed. “That’s hard work. I bet it’s tough on your back.”
Shaun gave a dry laugh. “Yeah, no kidding.”
Eli smiled warmly. “You working with a good crew?”
“They’re alright,” Shaun said, spearing another bite of pork chop. “Couple of them are assholes, but most of them just keep their heads down and do the job.”
“That’s the way it goes,” Eli said with a chuckle. “Every workplace has its share of characters.”
Across the table, Ruth ate quietly, her expression carefully neutral. She didn’t say a word, but Jesse caught the subtle way her eyes flicked toward Shaun every so often, clearly listening to every word.
“I saw the car outside,” Eli continued, clearly trying to keep the conversation going. “You said you bought it with your first paycheck?”
“Yeah,” Shaun said, nodding. “Got it from this guy who was looking to offload it quick. It’s nothing fancy, but it runs. Better than nothing.”
Eli smiled. “That’s great. I’m proud of you for taking that step.”
Jesse glanced at Ruth again and noticed the faintest twitch of her lips, like she was trying not to smile. She still didn’t say anything, but her shoulders seemed to relax ever so slightly.
Sam, meanwhile, barely touched his food, pushing it around with his fork. Jesse kept glancing at him, his heart aching a little at the sight of his younger brother looking so defeated. He made a mental note to check in with Sam later, to make sure he was really okay.
The meal continued in relative peace until a firm knock at the front door broke the quiet. Everyone paused, their heads turning toward the sound.
“I’ll get it,” Jesse said, standing and carefully handing Lissa to Ruth. He walked to the door and opened it to find his mother, Monica, standing on the porch with her keys dangling from her fingers.
“Mom,” Jesse blinked, surprised. “You’re home early.”
“Jesus, Jesse,” Monica grumbled, pushing inside. “I came home and the house was totally empty. Then I remembered you mentioning Ruth’s been helping you babysit…” she trailed off as she took in the full dinner table, her eyes lingering briefly on Lissa, who was cradled to Ruth’s chest, babbling nonsense, and then on Sam, slouched at the table, still picking unhappily at his food. When the kids started laughing in the other room, her eyebrows raised.
“Uh yeah. Me, Sam, and Brian just got back from Shaun’s new place,” Jesse said awkwardly, shutting the door behind him. “We were going to finish dinner, then head home.”
“Well, I certainly hope you’re not overstaying your welcome, Jesse,” Monica snapped. “I don’t know why I’m busting my ass all week at the hospital, saving up for bills and groceries, when you’re just going to bring the kids over here and bother the neighbors.”
“They haven’t been a bother,” Ruth spoke up, pursing her lips. “Though I am pretty bothered watching you abandon your young children with your teenage son, day after day, so you can jet off to who knows where…And that’s been happening for months now.”
Monica’s jaw tightened. “That’s none of your business, Ruth.”
Ruth let out a humorless laugh, gently bouncing Lissa in her arms. “None of my business? Monica, I’m literally holding your baby right now.”
Her face reddening, Monica turned back to Jesse, fuming. She started to say something, then paused, her eyes narrowing as she finally noticed the dark bruising on Jesse’s neck. “Wait a minute…what the hell is on your neck, Jesse?”
Jesse’s face drained of color . Oh fuck, Shaun’s love bites… Embarrassed, he instinctively tried to cover them with a hand, but Monica was already flying over the handle.
“Are those hickeys?” she asked, her voice rising slightly. “Are you serious right now? You’ve got time to fool around, but not to focus on taking care of your siblings? And now CPS is involved because you can’t handle things at home?! She fell dramatically against the counter, clutching her chest. “Oh my god…this can’t be happening! We cannot afford another baby in this family right now!”
Jesse’s face flushed, humiliation rising inside him like a wave. Out of the corner of his eye, he caught Ruth watching him, a pitying look on her face. The twins and little Brian peeked into the kitchen from the doorway, their wide eyes darting between Jesse and Monica. God, even they could tell this was bad. “Mom, it’s not like that…” Jesse said softly, trying to keep his voice steady. “And CPS showed up because—”
“Because you don’t know how to prioritize!” Monica cried, cutting him off. “You’re too busy playing around with your girlfriend or whoever’s marking up your neck, while I’m the one trying to keep food on the table!”
Shaun, who had been silently observing, suddenly let out a low chuckle. It grew into a laugh, and then a full-on guffaw. “Oh, wow,” he said, shaking his head, still laughing. “This is rich. Jesse’s been raising your kids, Monica. He’s been the one keeping it together while you’re out playing who’s the next baby daddy? You’ve got a lot of fucking nerve talking about priorities.”
Monica shot him a glare but didn’t engage. Her attention was fully locked on Jesse, who looked like he wanted to melt into the floor. “This is serious, Jesse! We don’t need another screw up like—” She caught herself, glancing over at Brian, still standing quietly in the doorway, listening to everything. “Well… I just hope to God you’re being responsible this time and wrapping it up, at least,” she continued meanly, turning her harsh gaze back to her eldest. “So, Jesse, who’s the lucky lady? That dark haired girl you went out with a few months ago? She was…cute.”
Jesse wanted to start crying he was so frustrated and embarrassed. He could feel Brian’s huge eyes gazing up at him and he tried to swallow the lump in his throat, but it was no use. The humiliation was too much. He felt like he was choking. His mother was standing here, tearing him down in front of everyone, making it seem like he was the irresponsible one.
“Jesse,” Shaun hissed, and Jesse, his face bright red, met his dark, serious eyes. “Don’t let her talk to you like that. Say something.”
“And what’s he going to say?” Monica spat, letting out another bark of sarcastic laughter. “Jesse’s little-love child almost destroyed our family. You have no idea how completely irresponsible he can be! I mean, look at him! CPS is on our case and they already think Jesse’s reckless. Now he’s covered in love bites! He’s just begging for them to take the kids away!”
“Mom, I’m not having another baby,” Jesse said suddenly, his voice louder than he’d intended. Monica, frowning, shut her mouth, and for a second Jesse’s words hung in the air like a challenge. “These hickeys?” he said finally, jerking a thumb at his ravaged neck. “They’re from Shaun.”
Monica blinked, her jaw slack as if she’d misheard. “From… Shaun?” Her wide-eyed gaze darted to the table, landing on Shaun, who leaned back in his chair with a smug grin. He gave her a little wave, his dark eyes glinting with amusement.
“Guess we’re family now,” he said, his voice dripping with sarcasm. “Cause guess what? I’m not going anywhere.”
“You’ve got to be shitting me,” Monica said, her voice barely above a whisper. She stared at Shaun like he’d grown a second head. “This… this asshole? Jesse, what the hell are you thinking?”
“I’m thinking I’m happy,” Jesse said, his voice shaking with both anger and resolve. “I’m thinking that for once, I’m with someone who actually cares about me.”
Monica looked like she was going to explode. Her mouth opened and closed a few times, but no words came out. Finally, she shook her head. “I need some air,” she muttered, grabbing her keys, then she stormed for the door.
The screen slammed behind her, leaving the room in a heavy silence.
Ruth cleared her throat, her lips pressed into a tight line as she cradled Lissa a little closer. “Well, that was… dramatic,” she said dryly.
Shaun let out another low chuckle, shaking his head. “She had that coming.”
Jesse shuffled back to his seat and sank into his chair, still shaking, but a small part of him felt a flicker of relief. For better or worse, the truth was finally out. He didn’t even know why he’d waited so long to begin with.
“Jesse?” Brian’s little voice carried from the doorway and Jesse turned to see the little blond gazing at him still, confusion in his big blue eyes. “Why was Mommy so upset?” Everyone turned toward him, their faces softening with guilt and sadness.
Jesse’s chest tightened. There was still one other thing he needed to truthful about. Brian. He looked over at Shaun, who gave him a small, reassuring nod. That was all the encouragement Jesse needed. Summoning every ounce of courage he had, he gave Shaun’s shoulder a gentle squeeze, then stood and walked toward Brian.
“Hey, bud,” he said softly, kneeling to Brian’s eye level. “We need to talk about something important, okay? Come with me.”
Brian blinked up at him, curious but trusting, and placed his small hand in Jesse’s. Jesse stood again and led him down the hallway, past Allison and Tyler’s watchful gazes, and into Shaun’s old room. It looked almost the same as the last time he’d been here, except for the neatly made bed and a closet filled with long, floral church dresses that mostly likely belonged to Ruth. Jesse shut the door gently behind them, then sat Brian down on the edge of the bed.
Brian looked up at him with wide, curious eyes, his legs swinging a little. “Is this about Mommy?”
Jesse took a deep breath and sat down beside him. “Kind of,” he admitted, his voice calm but steady. “Brian, I’ve been wanting to tell you something for a long time. And I think now’s the right time. It’s about your family.”
Brian tilted his head, confused. “What about my family?”
Jesse swallowed hard. “Brian, Monica isn’t actually your mom.”
Brian blinked, his brow furrowing. “She’s not?”
Jesse shook his head. “No. She’s your grandma.”
Brian’s mouth fell open in surprise. “Then… who’s my mom?”
Jesse offered him a small, reassuring smile. “I know her pretty well, actually. Her name’s Crystal. We met when I was in freshman year of high school, back when we lived in California.”
Brian’s eyes widened further. “Really? What’s she like?”
“She’s really nice,” Jesse said, his voice softening with fondness. “She’s pretty, and she loves art. She’s actually really good at it, too. When I knew her, she had this thick notebook full of her drawings. I’ll have to look through my stuff to find it, but I might still have this cartoon drawing she did of me once. It’s really funny. I look like a rabbit. I must have had really big teeth back then.”
Brian giggled, his tension easing a little. “She sounds cool.”
“She is,” Jesse agreed, his smile growing. But then Brian’s expression turned serious again.
“Are you my dad?” he asked quietly, his voice trembling just slightly.
Jesse’s heart clenched with emotion. He nodded. “Yeah, buddy. I’m your dad.”
Brian stared at him for a moment, and then a huge smile broke across his face. “Really?! That’s so cool!”
Jesse let out a breath he hadn’t even realized he’d been holding and chuckled softly. “Yeah. And guess what? Shaun’s working really hard right now to save up for an apartment for us. Soon, we’re going to have our own place. Just me, you, and Shaun. We’ll all be a family.”
Brian’s face lit up even more. “So, Shaun will be my stepdad?”
Jesse laughed. “Yeah. Think you can handle two dads?”
Brian nodded enthusiastically. “Yeah! That sounds awesome!”
Jesse felt his heart swell as relief and love surged through him. “You’re an amazing kid, Brian,” he said, ruffling his blond hair. “I’m so proud of you.”
Brian beamed, then tilted his head again, curiosity sparking in his eyes. “Will I ever get to meet Crystal?”
Jesse hesitated. On Brian’s second birthday, he’d tried to send Crystal a photo of her baby boy, but the message had never been received. But…if Brian wanted to meet his mom, then Jesse was determined to make it happen. “I’ll make sure you get to meet her, alright? Someday. I don’t know how yet, but I’ll do everything I can to make it happen. I promise.”
Brian seemed satisfied with that. He leaned forward and wrapped his arms around Jesse’s waist, hugging him tightly. “Thanks, Dad!”
Jesse froze for a moment, overwhelmed by the word. Then he smiled, pulling his little boy close. “I love you, Brian,” he whispered. “So much.”
“I love you, too,” Brian whispered back, hugging him tighter. “I’m so glad your my dad.”
They stayed like that for a while, holding onto each other as the weight of Jesse’s confession settled over them like a warm blanket.
Jesse knew they’d have to go home soon, and that he’d probably have to face his mother for a second time behind their closed doors. He was trying not to think about it, though. For now, he tired to focus on all the good things that had happened, because there’d been a lot of good moments over the past few days.
Suddenly, there was a tap at the door and Jesse and Brian turned as it opened a crack.
“Uh… You guys good?” It was Shaun, and he nudged the door open fully when he saw the two sitting peacefully on the bed. “I mean…you look okay.”
“Just okay?” Jesse pretended to be offended and Shaun snorted, crossing arms. Before he could come up with a snarky reply, though, Brian scrambled out of Jesse’s arms and ran to Shaun. He threw his little arms around his waist and hugged him tightly. Shaun let out a surprised laugh, instinctively crouching to return the embrace.
“Whoa, what’s this for?” he asked, clearly caught off guard but grinning.
“I’m glad you’re gonna be my other dad,” Brian said earnestly, looking up at Shaun with wide, sincere eyes.
Shaun froze for half a second, then he chuckled nervously, ruffling Brian’s hair. “Y-Yeah. Me too, kid.”
Jesse leaned back on the bed, watching them with a warm smile. His heart swelled at the sight—his son and Shaun together like this. It was everything he’d ever hoped for, and he felt a deep sense of peace knowing they were building something real.
Shaun stood, lifting Brian effortlessly. The little boy giggled as Shaun swung him onto his shoulder. “Alright, kiddo. Let’s go see if grandma Ruth saved us any dessert. Hell, even I could use some sugar after that conversation.”
Brian laughed and nodded enthusiastically, his excitement infectious.
Shaun glanced back at Jesse, his dark eyes softening. “You coming?”
Jesse grinned, sliding off the bed. “Yeah, I’m coming.”
As they walked out together, Jesse reached out and took Shaun’s free hand, giving it a gentle squeeze. Shaun didn’t say anything, but the way his fingers intertwined with Jesse’s said more than enough. It was like he’d said earlier out at the lake. They’d figure this shit out. All of it. Together.
also, i've got a secret new writing partner. They've been helping for a couple chapters now and I'm so in love 🤩 🤩🤩
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