Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you.
Fates Mates & Pirates - 5. Chapter 5
I was down at the Lock at the appointed time to find everyone was wearing a dress uniform of one form or another and yes; I wore the sidearm. As we walked down the ramp, a tall, burly station security guard waited, standing in front of three others, spoke.
“Good evening, Sa’s,” He said to us all before he zeroed in on me. “We have been detailed to escort you to the restaurant Sa Alexander. Courtesy of the Station Commander.” Confused, I looked at my companions and everybody, but Uncle Peter had no clue what was going on.
“Uncle Peter.” I raised one eyebrow.
“It’s called setting the stage. You haven’t seen what’s going on, have you?” I shook my head no. “Ah. Well. We are headed to a restaurant to meet the people we rescued today, the Sector Governor and Station Commander.” He paused for a moment in thought. “A few other people, and then you get an award or something.” I rolled my eyes.
“Are you kidding me? Gram sent them to make sure I come. Didn’t she?” He just shook his head no, then stopped in thought.
“Well. Actually. Maybe. We had to clear the Dock of newsies earlier that were demanding to talk to you. I believe you were still on the Bridge.” I shook my head.
“You’ve got to be kidding me.” My anger stepped up a notch, as did my volume. “I did nothing that anyone else wouldn’t have done and you were all there, too. You had better be getting whatever I get or I am going to cut loose a few choice words that will show I am the true reincarnation of great grandfather Joshua Alexander.” He laughed heartily at that.
“I think we are, but if not. Please be diplomatic in your tongue lashing, my dear nephew. And we must be going now.” My eyes rolled again.
“Very well.” I turned back to the security guards. “Lead on please, Sa.” He nodded and made a hand motion to his people before leading us down the dock towards the entrance to the station. We were mobbed and people kept asking questions until I told the lead security guard to hold for a second. I turned to the assembled crowd and roared out one word.
“SILENCE.” I was still a little aggravated. That had the desired effect of stopping all sounds. I raised my voice a few decibels above normal as I spoke in my best command voice. “I am on my way to dinner. I have had a long day. There will be no statements made. There will be no questions answered either until I have eaten and found out what is causing all of this disturbance in my name. Is that understood?” I motioned for the security to lead on again without waiting for an answer. Everyone backed off and let us continue in relative peace, following behind us. Mike had looked back at me a few times, admiring my Dress Uniform, smiling. I sighed inwardly as I looked at his ass. Maybe I will try him again tonight.
We made it to the restaurant without incident, but possibly we might need more security to get back as the crowds were growing. I wasn’t happy about this, but I did smile. Grandma was watching something on a tablet a gentleman was holding for her. Grandpa let out a loud belly laugh as he heard my speech.
“An Alexander knows how to control a crowd. Even newsies back off.” Grandma spotted us arriving and gave me a knowing grin as she approached.
“I see you are back in rare form and ready for this evening.” She hugged me. “I have some people for you to meet. Come.” We maneuvered through the crowd and headed for the front table.
“Well said Marc, but that set the stage for later. They will want you to speak again.” Grandpa had a smile as he said it, and I shrugged.
“I am trying to figure out if I can hire some Marines before we leave. Possibly get my armor delivered from the ship.” He laughed again.
“Come on. They wanted to meet you earlier on the ship, but we told them you were occupied with Family Business. They understood that completely.”
My Grandmother let her husband lead and introduce me to everyone as she watched on. He might be Chief Engineer on this ship, but he is also on the Family Corporation’s Board of Directors. I may not be on the Board as a full member yet, but I hold a sizable interest as an Alexander. Even if I can’t access it until I am 25, it still gives me a say.
Adam Knight
I just finished looking at a News Cast Special Report that showed the person I wanted to meet earlier and his hazel eyes. A smile crossed my face as I shut the news feed down. Looking up, I saw him entering the restaurant with a group of other people from the ship. They stopped by the Armstrongs I had met earlier. He was looking resplendent in his formal dress uniform with all of his medals and shining Captain’s Insignia’s. Walking with a grace and authority that would make him stick out in any crowd as someone in command. And he was cute. His blond hair over his chiseled face with muscle tone showing in his legs and broad shoulders. All proportionate to his height. The red and black of his colors looked good on him. He looked tall, not as tall as me, but close. His grandparents had finished talking to him and they were headed this way.
“Dad. He’s here.” I said as he looked where I was facing before he moved his chair and rose.
At the table were two people I recognized and who must be there plus ones and the father and son I had seen in the distress call plus an empty seat next to the Dad. People rose as we arrived, and I spoke immediately to the dad.
“Please Sa. Be seated. I fear you have had a longer day than me and hopefully the Autodoc has handled everything. I am the Roid Runner on this trip, Captain Marc Alexander of the Mining Vessel Bear Claws, serving aboard the Blockade Runner Solar Flare.” He sat back down as people murmured behind me. And took my extended hand in his.
“Thank you, Captain. I’m Brendan Knight.” A flicker of recognition ran across my face.
“The same Brendan Knight of Knight Industries.” He nodded. “Ah. So that explains the newsies.” He smiled.
“Indeed, and that is why I asked the Station Commander to send some security people to assist you in arriving here once I realized word got out. I also wanted to thank you personally and as well as publicly for your timely intervention in our situation. We have seen the recordings. I know you were in command at the time of our distress signal and you took decisive action. For that, I will be forever grateful. I am impressed by your abilities as both a Captain and a Pilot.”
“Thank you, Sa. I did nothing that any other Captain should have done in my place.” He snorted.
“Not with piloting like that. But that is a conversation for another time. Allow me to introduce my son. I believe you have spoken already across the Link. Now you will be able to put a face to the voice. Captain Marc Alexander, this is Adam Knight.” I stepped around behind his father to take his hand and looked at him for the first time. I almost froze as I looked up into his eyes. He was almost 17 centimeters taller than my 188.5 and well defined with some muscle. Close cut dark hair and chiseled features. Those eyes. Blue crystals that seemed to sparkle. His smile reached his eyes as our hands met in a clasp. I felt like the world had ceased to be and there was nobody else but us. My heartbeat faster as my pulse sounded in my ears. Then he spoke.
“Nice to meet you, Captain, and thank you for your help today.” My body responded in a way I didn’t want it too outside of the bedroom. Confused, I gave myself a mental shake, coming back to the present.
“Nice to meet you again, under much better circumstances, I think. Unless you count the newsies outside.” His laugh had caught me off guard. I felt like I had heard it before and that scent. Cinnamon and a touch of cherry. His smile was drawing me in again, and I had to separate from him before I did something stupid.
“Indeed. We made it here before they came out in force and ambushed you.” He said. It was my turn to laugh as his father had turned his chair. A clear line had formed under the guidance of a very nice-looking older woman who appeared to be Sa Knights’ age.
“Captain. If I may introduce my wife, Amelia.” I smiled as I bowed my head.
“Sa. It’s a pleasure to meet you.” And I kissed her hand. Which made her giggle.
“Such a gentleman as well as everything else. Please Captain. Call me Amelia. It’s the least I can do after you brought my wayward boys home to me.” The smile reached her eyes too and was calculating, but happy.
“In that case, I would prefer if your entire family called me Marc. I don’t usually stand on formality in close company.” She laughed, and so did Brendan.
“And modest too. I’d expect nothing less from an Alexander and I’m betting that underneath all that calm exterior that you are as tired and hungry as these two are.” She paused as my stomach betrayed me with a rumble and turned to her husband. “I know you two are hungry, so let’s take this up a notch, dear, and I’ll move things along.”
“Of course, love. We are all tired, I think.” We all laughed at that as she nodded to Grandpa. He took a position with Grandma by his side and the rest of our crew behind us. They started the introductions of the family first to those who hadn’t met them. Turning us back to the line I spotted Adam giving me an unreadable look as his father beamed at me as his wife quickly and efficiently walked everyone in the line past us introducing us to the Governor, Station Commander, our assets on this station, their assets, various other important people that I couldn’t even remember. Within thirty minutes, we were all seated again. I was next to my grandparents at the same table as the Knight family. I leaned into them.
“It would be nice if I was filled in on what’s going on between the Knight family and ours.” Grandpa snorted.
“Told you he’d pick up on something.” Grams just nodded and turned to me.
“We have been in talks exploring the idea of merging them with us. We didn’t know who we picked up until they got on board.” I sighed as I sat back and rubbed my neck. I purposely drove myself into running miners, not just because I enjoyed it, but because I wanted nothing to do with the administration of the Corporation or politics. This was too close to that. I was an Alexander though, and I will act as one, helping this merger happen.
The Sector Governor had just finished his speech and introduced Brendan Knight. Newsies were let in for this and were using their hovervid cameras to video everything. They could not ask any questions until the end. He stood and walked with a limp to the podium.
“Does he always limp, or is this from the crash?” I asked then Grams asked Gramps.
“Gramps thinks it was from the crash.” I leaned back, turning towards Adam.
“Adam.” He looked, then leaned back to look around my grandparents at me. “What was the Autodoc’s treatment recommendation?”
“That he stays in overnight because of the leg.”
“The pain reducers are wearing off?” He nodded. I slid my chair back and stepped behind him to lean in close. I almost stumbled as I breathed in his cinnamon scent mixed with cherries from being so close. An involuntary shutter coursed through my body as I pulled a micro injector out of my belt pouch. “Is your father allergic to Vesatraison?” He looked at me and shrugged, then leaned over to his mother. They spoke for a second before he leaned back. His mother was looking at me. I handed him the packet.
“Just slide up next to him and jab this over the spot he was injured. Easy, just against the skin and squeeze. The auto injector will do the rest. It’s only good for 2 hours at most.” He nodded and his mother stopped him. She examined it and nodded to me.
“I can do it and it will look normal.” I nodded and went back to my seat. She stood and walked over to her husband as if she had to whisper in his ear, and he stepped back for a second. She whispered, and he nodded. Watching, he took the injector, and his hand passed his leg before handing it back to her after looking at it. He resumed his speech and after a few minutes, you could see he was much better.
“Thank you, Marc. It seems you are always looking out for our family today.” I heard applause at something that was said.
“Marc?” I looked at Grams. “He just introduced you. You need to go up.”
“And do what?” Grams nodded towards the podium.
“Get your award or whatever.” I rolled my eyes and pushed back the chair as I stood to walk over to Brendan.
“Sa’s. This is Captain Marc Alexander. The person instrumental in rescuing us off the rocks today.” The applause was deafening. He held up a hand and continued. “Now that you have seen the Captain with your own eyes, we have some decorating to do.” The Sector Governor stepped over and stood next to us handing a box to Brendan. He opened it to reveal a magnificent medallion attached to a ribbon. Protector of the Sector, it read.
“As Sector Governor there are few moments that are as monumental as what happened today. With no direct course and only a generalized bearing on the asteroid belt. Captain Alexander, a Mining Ship Captain, was able to put together a team of crews and dispatch them to various areas of the belt to search his three chosen search locations. The Knight Family was very fortunate that not only did their distress call be heard before their communicator died, but that the Captain was himself even in our area of space as he normally is not in High Sec. It is the investigator’s opinion that even if another vessel had received the distress call, the chances of finding the Knight Family were very low. To that end, and because of that investigation, I have awarded the Captain with the Protector of the Sector Medal.” The crowd erupted in applause as Brendan held the box forward for the Sector Governor. He picked up the medal and turned to me. I held up a hand and motioned for him to step aside. Confused, he looked at Brendan, and I just stepped forward.
“Silence.” I roared out, and the crowd froze into silence. Then I stepped back and began in my best formal command voice.
“I mean no disrespect Sector Governor, but I cannot accept this award for myself. I know there are Captains that would, but I am not one of them. I can accept it in the name of the crews of the Solar Flare, Nu Symphony, Antagonist, Bear Claws, and two other ships that will remain unnamed. Contrary to how it sounds, I did nothing. We, the crews of these ships acting as a team, were able to rescue Brendan and Adam Knight. If any one of those ships were not part of our combined effort, it is my opinion that not only would the Knight Family not have survived, but the Solar Flare and her crew would not have either. To that end, Sector Governor, I will accept this medal and have multiple copies made to distribute to all the vessels involved in this operation on your behalf for their service to this sector. Thank you.” Brendan had shoved the box under his arm and applauded as the Sector Governor lowered the medal into my hands, stepping back to applaud himself. The entire room stood and applauded as Amelia and Adam joined us at the podium. Grandma and Grandpa came up to me, hugging me as the applause continued. I stood frozen in place as Grandpa whispered into my ear.
“Damn Marc. Nice job taking the limelight from a Sector governor and making him happy about it. So much for not wanting to run the Corporation. You just made yourself the face.”
“I need my rocks.” Grandpa laughed as he patted my back. Grams hugged my side.
“You’re growing up, kid. Nice job.” Brendan and his family came over to thank me again, and all three of them hugged me. The Sector Governor got everyone’s attention again as people seated themselves.
“If I may Sa’s. I will say I have never been interrupted like that before. I can tell you that listening to Captain Alexander speak reminded me of one of his ancestors, Joshua Alexander. I can tell you he would be proud of Captain Alexander’s words if he were here with us tonight. I most certainly am. To that Captain Alexander, if you would give the ship names to my assistant here, we will have those extra medals made up for each ship and two extras that you could have your people engrave for the two unnamed ships. I thank you and all of your shipmates for your service in the Knight’s family time of need. Will that be acceptable, Captain?”
I stepped forward and held out my hand. “Perfectly acceptable Sector Governor.” He grasped my hand in his as I saw the photo opportunity we had. I nodded to Brendan and Adam. And had them stand on each side of me as I held the medal with the Sector Governor. Then the Governor turned back to the audience.
“If the Sa’s of the Press could excuse us now, I believe our dinner is ready, everyone.” The staff ushered out the press as everyone returned to their seats, while Grandma and I spoke with an assistant. He said the awards would be at the Solar Flare by morning.
We were returning to our seats and the Knight family was ecstatic with what had happened. Brendan stopped me on the way past.
“Thank you for the pain meds. I probably should have stayed in the Autodoc overnight, but we had to do this tonight to get the Sector Governor.”
“I assumed it was something like that, but if you don’t get off that leg soon, it’s going to wear off faster.” Brendan shifted in his chair.
“That was what I thought, but I can sleep in tomorrow.” I laughed with his wife. Adam was quiet.
“Marc? Was what you said about one of those ships not being there? None of us would be here now, factual.” Amelia was concerned, as she had not heard that before.
“Yes.” I said. Brendan thought for a moment.
“When we jumped at the end of the log. That wasn’t to a Jump Gate was it Marc?”
“I am not at liberty to say. I would appreciate it if you don’t mention that fact to anyone.” Adam looked at me thoughtfully, but he said nothing. I nodded to him and his family again as I went to sit next to Grandma.
“Everything all right?” asked grandma. I saw the Knights put their heads together and were talking about something.
“Can I go to bed now or can I sleep in tomorrow morning?”
“You can sleep in to 07:00 hours. Besides, your Link will probably start backing up with Comm’s. I am sure that you will have a Comm from your parents and grandparents after that performance. He was right, you know,” said my grandmother, and I didn’t know what she was talking about.
“You. Sounding like your great grandfather.”
“Whatever it takes to get to bed tonight.” She cackled as she turned to talk to someone else.
Uncle Peter caught my eye and gave me a thumbs up. I smiled my predatory grin. He raised an eyebrow at me. Looking around, I noticed that our original security detachment had tripled in size and a few plain clothes people stepped into the room. One approached Grandpa and he pointed me out, as well as Robert, Mike and Peter. He spoke and disappeared. Grandpa caught my eye and mouthed security. I nodded back. We had dinner and socialized for an hour before I turned to my grandparents.
“Time for me to say my goodbyes.” My eyelids were drooping.
“Did you want to stay? I have a Wastinert micro injector on me.” I shivered visibly at the thought. It is a wonderful stimulant but no.
“It gives me headaches and you are right. I already have messages on my Link. Also, I need to get a location to send Caitlin’s two medals, as I would like to send them back out tomorrow before we leave.” Grams nodded as Grandpa signaled. Our civilian dressed security was here.
“Marc, this is Toby. He works for us and will escort you back to the ship.” Said grandpa. I pushed back my chair as my grandparents rose as well.
“We are not leaving tomorrow, so you don’t need to be up until 08:00.” Grandma informed me as I smiled my thanks while we hugged, and I started the long trip of saying my farewells to all the people I needed to.
The Knights hugged me again and Adam was last. I could smell a hint of cinnamon and cherries on him again. My mind drifted off to snippets of dreams I have had several times over the past few years. Which made my body respond again. Not really wanting to let go, but I made myself step back.
“We are not leaving tomorrow. You could stop by the ship and ask me your question.” I said. He looked at me strangely, then smiled.
“OK Marc. What time?” I shrugged.
“I don’t think I am doing anything tomorrow. After lunch or would you like to join me for lunch at, say, 11:30 hours?” Adam smiled again, which made my heart race. He really needs to stop doing that to me in public.
“That would be fine. Have a good night and I will see you then.” I nodded and turned to hit the next group to find he was beside me as I walked.
“I’ll walk with you to the door. Ask if you need someone’s name. I know most of them.” Adam said.
“Thank you. I only get up here occasionally and don’t even know half of our own people.” He nodded in understanding. It took 15 minutes to hit just the few people I wanted to make sure I said good night to. When we made it to the entrance where he signaled, and the station security approached us.
“I was told to send the four back with you, plus your own security and your sidearm should get you through the newsies.”
I laughed as I said, “I really wanted my armor delivered, but Grandma said no.” He laughed too. The sounds vibrated through my body and I relaxed again. He spoke softly when he stopped.
“Good night Marc. Sleep well and I will see you for lunch.”
“Same to you, Adam. Until we meet again.” We shook hands as he nodded and before I left, he gave me the personal departing wishes.
“Until we meet again, Marc.” I so didn’t want to leave him, but I was exhausted and turned to follow the security group back to the ship.
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you.
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