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Fates Mates & Pirates - 6. Chapter 6
I held the box in my hand with the medal as we walked. I took no questions or even acknowledged anyone was there. The same burly security guard from before was leading us and asked if I wanted to talk to them this time.
“No. Thank you, Sa. I’ve had enough for tonight.” He chuckled.
“Understood, Sa.” I was delivered, in one piece, to my ship and boarded through the Lock. Everyone wanted to see the Medal as I returned. I pointed to a bulkhead and asked if a plaque could be mounted there, and everyone wanted to know why. Simple. Display it there so everyone that comes on board can see it. Once they thought about it, everyone agreed it would be good. I smiled and left.
Returning to my stateroom where I undressed and hung my Dress uniform. Hatch chimes sounded, and I answered it in my underwear.
“I was told I didn’t have to be on duty until 08:30 hours. I thought I would help you in the fresher, since you looked so tired.” Mike bounced on the balls of his feet as he smiled at me. I stepped out of the doorway and he stepped in, pulling me into a kiss. It was passionate and slow. When he pulled away, he took my hand and guided me to the bedroom. It wasn’t long before I had him under me with his legs pulled up and my dick sliding into his ass. Ten minutes later, he shot his load, and I followed suit. We showered again and came back to the bed.
“Are you going to run off in the morning saying nothing again?” He lowered his head.
“I’m sorry. I didn’t know what to think. You don’t want a relationship, but you asked me to stay the night. I was confused and just left. I’ve been hurt before.” I pulled him into the bed and held him in my arms.
“I just want someone to hold me sometimes. Tonight is another one of those times. I don’t really want a relationship, because we can’t be together. We are from two different worlds. I’m just here because I needed my 1st class ticket punched. Then I go back to my Low Sec life. I won’t pull anyone into that. It’s dangerous, and it’s hard work. I fly the way I do because it’s how we survive down there. I can’t even count the number of people I know I have lost down there. I will not demand that lifestyle of anyone. I just want to have sex and be held once in a while. If it’s alright with you. I would like that to be you while I am here. If not, then that’s alright too.” He kissed me. It was slow and smooth.
“Thank you for telling me. I’ll stay tonight and get you up in time for breakfast. I’ll be here when you want me. I will leave when you don’t.” I sighed, then spoke quietly.
“Thank you. Did you work on your course work today?” He lifted his head off me and looked into my eyes.
“We were a little busy. I didn’t get to do much more than look at it.” I was nodding as he snuggled back down onto my chest. His hand gently played with one of my nipples as I drifted off to sleep.
* * *
I smiled as I felt someone lay down on my chest and gentle lips caressed mine. “Good morning, Marc.” I wrapped my arms around him and caressed his back.
“Morning. What time is it?” He gave me a peck on the lips and pulled himself away, getting out of bed.
“It’s almost 08:00. Breakfast is on the table.” I cracked open one eye and looked at him as he got dressed. His hand found mine, and he pulled.
“Come on sleepy head. You have a lot of work to do today and the Medals have arrived.” I moaned as I let him pull me out of bed.
“Go take care of your needs and meet me at the table. I need to get going soon.” I smiled as I walked into the head. Then I got dressed and headed out to the table. Mike had placed my tablet next to my spot, and he was looking at his. He had an amusing look on his face as I sat down.
“Thank you for this and for staying last night.”
“Thank you for explaining it to me. I don’t think I will see you today so I will Comm your Link tonight and see if I can come over.”
“Yes, please Mike. I would like that.” He nodded as I looked at my tablet while taking a bite of food. The fork never made it to my mouth as my blood pressure rose. “You have got to be kidding me.” I said to nobody in particular. My eyes got wider as I scrolled down the list of Link messages awaiting me, then popped open my planner. I had been scheduled for several meetings today as well as blocked time to answer my messages. Also my lunch, which was apparently changed to a different venue instead of here on board at the request of the Knight family. I sat back and my jaw hung open, then snapped shut as I stood and headed for the hatch.
“Marc?” I stopped and turned back, then crossed back to Mike and kissed him.
“I need to yell. I am going next door. I will Comm you later if I don’t come right back.”
“Just remember that everyone is using it as a publicity boost. Please stay calm.” My eyes narrowed.
“Who told you to say that?” He had that amused look again.
“Your Grandparents and go ahead, they are expecting you Sa Alexander, great grandson of Joshua Alexander.” The smirk was infuriating, and I was getting madder. He made a little shooing motion towards the door with his hand. Then turned back to eat. I exited the cabin, pounding three times before entering my grandparents’ cabin.
“What took you so long?” said my mother. I froze in my tracks. Dad turned and gave me a once over before patting a chair next to him.
“Let’s talk. Did you eat yet or did you just storm over here to yell?” I let out an exasperated sigh.
“I just sat down and was looking at my Tablet when I saw everything. I haven’t eaten yet.” He nodded, and Grandma tapped a button. Brian popped out with a tray of various foods on it. He started placing items on the table, then placed a plate loaded with breakfast items in front of me. He refilled everyone’s drinks of choice and departed.
“You may eat while you listen.” I nodded and picked at my food. “As you asked your grandparents last night, we will explain what is going on and what you are going to help us with. Before I do that, though, I will say this. Your mother and I are very proud of the way you handled that last night. When you get a chance, you should probably watch the entire 40-minute presentation and commentators’ comments.” Dad was interrupted by my mother.
“Actually, dear, I think he needs to do that now while he eats. We still have a few items to iron out, then we can explain everything to him.”
“I agree with Dorothy. That will give Edna and Andrew time to get here. Then we can transfer this discussion to Nova Provider.” Grandpa said. My mother looked thoughtful as she placed her elbows on the table. Hands clasped in front of her face.
“Then he needs the overview before then, so he knows the basics of what’s going on. I see no reason for him to be blindsided by all this like he was last night.” My dad nodded thoughtfully.
“You’re right dear.” Then he turned to me. “I am sorry Marc. I know you want nothing to do with politics, but this will all blow over in a few months. The next few days will be the hardest.” I scowled, but nodded.
“Barb, can you make sure his boyfriend is ready to travel too?” Dad continued. “That would probably make it easier.” Grams had that mischievous look as she looked over at me.
“Michael is already packing up some items and getting Marc’s ready.”
“He’s not my boyfriend. He’s just a friend that I have sex with.” I grumbled out.
“And he stays the night with you to run off in the morning. I am aware. We will bring him anyway. He’s a good stress reliever for you.” Said grandma as Mom and Dad nodded in agreement.
“That being said Marc.” Dad continued. “Grab your earpiece and watch the holovid on your tablet.” I did as I was told and finished eating. Brian brought me out a selection of fruits to nibble on as I watched. Funny how I was there, and I didn’t even know half of this stuff happened or was said. I have to admit I made a good speech on the fly. And the comments. What have I got myself into? I froze at the sight on my screen. A shot of me and Adam hugging before he walked me through my goodbyes while he took me to the door for my departure. The comments went wild. We were called everything from cute to the Region’s newest power couple. Several commentators went into depth of how us Bonding would bring the two corporations together and would make us the one of the largest in the Region, not just this Sector. I just sat there with my mouth hanging open.
“Looks like you got to the section with their son walking you to the door.” It was my grandmother who spoke.
“You know he likes you.” Added Grandpa. I tuned out all the other comments from my family.
Until my mother chimed in. “Marc. What do you think of Adam?” The room was silent as they all looked at me. My mouth snapped shut.
“I will not Bond with anyone just to get part of the corporation, and I feel that Amelia has that on the table.” Grandpa barked out a laugh.
“I told you he was reading the room. Just like he was taught.” My mother’s smile would have lit the room if the lights had been out.
“He has learned everything we have tried to teach him and more. So you picked out Amelia. Why?”
I shrugged. “Brendan is the technical brains, she is the political brain.” Mom nodded.
“And what is Adam?” I did not know, but the Stars were drawing me to him.
“Besides cute. I do not know.” Mom nodded again and held a hand up to Dad. He closed his mouth. “So tell me Marc. You actually feel something for him. Don’t you?” It was a statement, not really a question. I just sighed and nodded. Her smile grew even larger, if that was possible.
“You should take some time to get to know him before you decide anything.” Her hand flew up in the universal sign for stop again as I stiffened in my chair. Her tone changed from gentle to commanding. “There will be no arranged Bondings, my son. What I will endeavor to do is give the two of you the space to explore each other. If a relationship develops out of that, then I will do my best to help protect it for what it is. Two people are in love. Amelia and members of her family may have other ideas, though. I suggest you meet with him alone, not in a family setting.”
“That is already happening, Mom. I had lunch planned today with him, on board here and that was changed to another location with his entire family at their request.” Mom just rolled her eyes and looked at Dad.
“Already. Wonderful.” He thought for a minute.
“Let’s just cancel it then. We’ll use the Nova Provider’s arrival as an excuse.” I looked at both of my parents as they planned my life right in front of me.
“And what could happen if I go as planned?” I asked. Gramps snorted.
“You two do not know what you’ve created here, do you? You’re going to have to step back and give him the tools to do what needs to be done.” Mom just looked at him, then sighed, before looking back at me.
“Is that what you want to do, Marc?” I pushed my tablet to the side and placed my elbows on the table with my hands clasped together as I leaned forwards.
“What I wanted was to talk to Adam alone. What I got was time with everyone. What I will do is spend time with Adam alone. If I have to kidnap him to do it. Will I have any problems with this family if I do that?” My father had to place his hand over his mouth to hide the smile I knew he had. Mom looked contemplative for a moment.
“I am getting the feeling you are going to do what you want, regardless of what we want. What do you need to make this happen the way you want?”
“Did you bring me any Marines?” Grandma cackled as she smacked a hand on the table.
“No, but I did.” I turned to see Andrew Alexander Jr entering the room.
“Uncle Andrew.” I drew out the ‘w’ as I jumped up to hug him.
“Interesting times you seem to be living kid. What do you need my Marines for?” He asked as he pulled out of the hug.
“Kidnapping my invited guest for lunch?” He raised an eyebrow as the room erupted in laughter.
“I will assume you are going to explain to me why you need to kidnap your guest at lunch, for lunch, something involving a lunch?” The smirk on his face was wavering, but the twinkle in his eyes was not.
Dad came over and hugged his brother. “It’s a long story.”
“Oh please. Enlighten me. I have nothing but time.” He said as he sat on the edge of the table looking over the assembled group.
* * *
I was back in my cabin as I told everyone I needed an hour to work out orders for my mining fleet in my absence. Zoe is running the Ice Group, which is 4 Ice choppers now. The Mining Vessel Bear Claws is down for repairs, but the other 4 Miners are hard at work and the training center is fully booked out through the next stanyear. Then there is my triad, the twins, and Sasha that needs to be checked on. I can make that a mere message and read the responses at my leisure. With the exception of the triad. I have them looking for something and need to change their route. Which means the actual change will take two months as they already have delivery commitments. I smiled as the idea of using an Armed Freighter as an information gather platform works out well. They even earn a profit by hauling freight. Well. As long as you use the numbers for a freighter. Not the cost of building it with a Battle Cruiser’s systems and keel.
Reading through various reports, I was happy with everyone’s work as I worked out the income and expenses. Thankfully, my implant allows me to sift through everything faster and run the numbers in my head. The more I practice, the easier it is. It didn’t take me the hour to work everything out. And I was tapping out the orders for my different teams. The changing of work areas for the Ghost Feet was the most involving and would need my father’s approval, but I think he’ll see the merit in checking the validity of my assertions of the issues we encountered flying up the Pipe. By the time I was finished, I needed to dress for my lunch.
* * *
It was coming up on the appointed time. I walked with one of our security personnel leading me and my Marine escort through Wallas Industrial Station to the Knight’s residence. We were attracting all kinds of attention. Especially once people realized who we represented. Everyone with me had Alexander on their uniform some place. Even though I wore my Armor, I had my Captain’s Stars on and, of course, the Blood Red Bear Claws on my right breast. I carried my helmet in the crook of my left arm and I had my right hand swung back and forth past my combat sidearm as we marched. We approached the building the Knight’s called home and my security person raised a hand to indicate stop. The Lt. in command of the squad called for a halt. I looked at the building as I had not been to it before and people could be seen looking out of windows. I checked the address on my Link again and smiled. The entire one side of the building was theirs. I stepped forward and pointed to the main gate by the small courtyard. Then I waited as the Marines moved around me and formed up inside the courtyard.
“Thank you, Lt. I should be back momentarily. Please see to it I am not disturbed by newsies or civilians.”
“Aye Captain.” My head pivoted as I checked to see if my three newsies were watching and I got the nod from one.
* * *
My thoughts drifted back to the Nova Provider just before I left to come here. Grandpa had almost fallen on the floor laughing with the looks I got as I said I wanted several news teams to follow us and broadcast live what was happening.
“You people do not know what you have created and what he will do when he decides he wants to.” Even Grandma Alexander had a shrewd look as she evaluated me and my escort. And Grandpa Alexander was roaring as he listen to the stories that Grandma Armstrong had told him of what has been happening. He turned and looked at me.
“My Dad, your great grandfather, will be laughing throughout the stars at the thought that he lives on in you.” I didn’t understand that, but now I do. He was comparing me to Joshua Alexander, and that I was his revenge on the universe. I smiled as I shook the thoughts out of my head.
Turning and walking to the door, I pushed the door chime for admittance. The door opened and the staff members’ eyes went wide as he saw me and the Marines behind me.
“May I help you Sa?”
“Yes indeed. I am Captain Marc Alexander and I am here to escort Sa Adam Knight to my ship for lunch. Alone, without newsies or family influence.”
“I see Sa. Please come in?” I stepped forward with a Sergent Major and a Staff Sergent right behind me. Both in full battle Armor, like the rest of my Marines. The staffer was bug eyed and sweating as he looked at my two bodyguards. Just then, Brendan had entered the foyer. He looked at me and my ensemble carefully before speaking.
“Marc. Is there a problem?”
I smiled. “Not at all Brendan. I just brought a team over to escort myself and Adam to my ship for our lunch. My apologies that I couldn’t Comm first, but I find my schedule was changed without consulting me or even my consent. Unfortunately, with Nova Provider now here in system my schedule has tightened even more. Since I had originally invited just Adam for a private lunch between the two of us, I am returning to that schedule. I mean no disrespect, but I would like to know if Adam is available for lunch or if I should return to my work?”
“A moment please, Marc. I am at a loss, unaware that you had a lunch date with Adam.”
“Of course Brendan. I will wait here while you check with Adam.” I could hear yelling from behind him and it sounded like Adam. I raised an eyebrow in question. Brendan’s eyes rolled as he shook his head.
“I think I understand now, Marc. I’ll bring Adam. Should he get dressed in his Armor too?” My devilish grin just couldn’t stop.
“Might be best. With the newsies, politicians and all. I wouldn’t want people to think I was kidnapping him or something.”
Brendan’s smirk told me he knew that was exactly what I was doing. “Indeed. I’ll get him.” And with that, he left to collect Adam and sort out what had happened.
I should have left already for my lunch with Marc, but Mom detained me and said that the lunch was going to be here. Confused by that, as I didn’t know Marc had wanted a change. Having thought he would have contacted me. Then I thought about it and realized that we didn’t exchange contact information last night. After more thoughts, I thought nothing of it until I caught a News Cast Report showing Marc dressed in Armor marching down a passageway with a squad of Armored Marines. Black Armor and a red set of claws on his right breast. Just like in my dreams. Shock was quickly replaced with anger as I turned on Mom.
“Why is Marc coming here with Marines?” She had the audacity to look surprised until I asked the magic question. “He didn’t change our lunch, did he? You did?”
“Yes Adam. I thought it would be better if he came here where I could control the conversation instead of you going to his ship alone.” My face flushed even as I heard the chime of the main door below and my voice came up a few decibels as I spoke.
“What did you do? I wanted to spend time alone with him and he invited me. Not everyone. For a private lunch in his cabin.” I was a little loud and heard footsteps coming just as Dad turned the corner and he wasn’t happy.
“Adam. Did you have a lunch date with Marc aboard his ship?”
I smiled in relief. “Yes Dad. But Mom changed it to here.” His eyes locked with my mother’s.
“It appears Marc is rather unhappy that his lunch plans were changed for many reasons I will not get into now. As well as how it was changed.” He said as he turned back to me.
“Go slip on your armor. Quickly. Marc is very busy and is changing his schedule to meet with you today.” I nodded as I took off down the hall, speaking over my shoulder.
“I’ll be back in a few minutes.” He turned on mom.
“You realize he’s not at all happy and has armored Marines down there?”
“I was just making sure we could control the conversation.” She said. Dad was shaking his head when I returned.
“No. What you did was piss off the person who has all the publicity right now and he wanted to speak with Adam alone. I’ll have to arrange a family gathering with him, and you should apologize.” Said my Dad as he looked over at me and smiled.
“I think you have a date to attend. We best be moving.” I nodded as Dad led me back to the foyer and Marc. We turned the corner and there stood Marc with two of his Marines. He looked so handsome in his Armor and then those eyes saw me. The smile that lit up his face made me increase my strides.
I turned to my two bodyguards. “My dear Marines. Please pass to the Lt. the first round of beer for this squad is on me. Send me the bill.” They gave me the thumbs up and returned to attention. It was 5 minutes later when I heard footsteps coming down the hallway to the left. Brendan turned the corner, with Adam right behind him. Brendan looked absolutely infuriated, and Adam looked relieved. I looked Adam over as he moved up next to his father. He wore a black and gray suit with armor. It looked fantastic on him. My smile widened when he looked up at me and my escort.
“My apologies Marc. I will have to make this up to you at some point. It was, in my opinion, plain rude of my wife to change things around as if she was in charge. I ask that you not hold it against my family in the future. I would also like to schedule with you a visit to our home and a meal with us. So that we may get to know each other, and my wife owes you an apology.” Said his father.
“No hard feelings Brendan. I will talk that offer over with Adam and work out a possible time for that visit.” Trailing off, I raised an eyebrow at Adam.
“Yes. We could do that, Dad.”
“I will have him back.” I looked at my Link on my wrist and made a sour face. It was 11:30. I’ve been here almost 30 minutes, shaking my head before I said. “About 13:00 hours, give or take a few minutes. Will that be acceptable?”
“I feel that is more than acceptable. I also feel that you just canceled something to spend more time with Adam that you would have already had, if this incident didn’t happen.”
“True, but I will survive with what I have.” I shifted my gaze the Adam. “That being said, we need to be moving. I am sure we can quick march back, but I created quite the stir coming through the first time. It might take longer.” Brendan laughed.
“Yes. It’s all over the Link and they are waiting for you.” He said, as I grimaced.
“Oh the joy. Well Adam. Shall we be going?” He laughed as he moved up alongside me.
“I am ready when you are.” He stood to my right with his helmet on his right arm. He also wore a sidearm, but unlike my heavy kinetic projectile weapon, he wore a long-barreled Needler. Much more practical for this. I reached out and Brendan gripped my hand in his.
“Good luck, boys. I’ll see you later, Adam. Enjoy.” I smiled as I turned to my escort.
“Let’s move. At a quick march please. We are late for lunch.”
“Aye Sa. The LT is already forming up the squad.”
We exited into a media frenzy. Glancing around as we walked with our helmets off, I noticed we had a station security escort, like we did last night. Not because of us. My Marines were in full Battle Armor. No, they wanted everyone out of our way so we could move to avoid my Marines getting involved. Adam told me that his father had called the Station Commander and explained what was going on, hence the increase in our escort. Adam and I had talked on the way back, mentioning his mom was pissed I had ruined her plan. Shrugging before speaking.
“I don’t care. You can tell her that and that even my own family will not get in my way when I decide to do something. And I did invite you to lunch for more reasons than just answering your question.”
“Good.” He smiled down at me. “I wanted to spend time with you, too.” I smiled back up at him.
“You saw the commentators’ comments from last night?” He laughed as we turned a corner, making me want to reach out and take his hand in mine.
“Yes. I watched it this morning.” Nodding myself.
“So did I. You won’t be upset when it’s all over the system tonight that the Hero Of the Sector has to bring the Marines to kidnap his rescued boyfriend for a lunch date.” He roared out a laugh, then looked down at me.
“No.” Adam paused before asking, “Can I hold your hand on the way back and really get them going?” I smiled.
“You could hold it now. If you wanted.” Seeing he was thinking it over and decided.
“I think I want to.” He said as his hand slid into mine, fingers interlocking, as we turned another corner. I felt a tingling through my entire body at the touch and I moved closer to him.
“I like that too.” I turned to look over my shoulder at the LT. “Sa. Let’s slow to a normal walking pace for the rest of the trip back, please.”
“Yes Sa.” He passed the commands, and we slowed.
“You are devious. Making sure that everyone gets a good look?”
“Absolutely. If I have to deal with this nonsense, then I am going to use it to my advantage and yours.” I paused, then shrugged, “I am planning something for when we get to Joshua Seventy-Seven Station. I would like you to be there. Your family too if you want, but I want you there.” He looked at me carefully.
“What for? If I may ask?” Asked Adam.
“Why?” I grinned. “I am giving out Medals to ship Captains. I’ll be pulling the ships from the rescue operation in and thought I would have a little ceremony, then hand out the medals to each Captain to display on their ship.” He laughed.
“Another media blitz?”
“Using it for all it’s worth.” He roared out a laugh before he spoke.
“You’re worse than my mother.” I dropped his hand and smacked his arm playfully before taking his hand again.
“Really. I will remind you I pulled you off that rock. I had to get that award. I had to marshal the Marines to spend time with you alone. What has your mother got to do with it, besides being your mother?” He took a moment to think as we approached the dock. And he got a very interesting look on his face.
“Marc. I thank you for everything. And you are right. You are also giving me a chance to do something that will not be because my mother wanted it done. May I kiss you?” I stopped dead in my tracks as my heart skipped a beat. The Lieutenant was on the ball and called a halt. Stepping up to Adam, placed my hands on his shoulders as his hands gripped my waist. The Lieutenant called out another command and suddenly we were encircled by Marines with a 4-meter perimeter from us. Adam leaned down as I lifted, and his lips touched mine. I felt the feelings wash over me like a tidal wave. Like our two souls just crashed together, connecting. Leaving me with a feeling I have never felt before. This is my mate, came from deep within me. What felt like minutes was only a fraction of a second as his lips pulled away from the brush of a kiss, he just gave me. I looked up into his eyes. Those sparkling blue jewels that pierced right through me and stepped back as I whispered.
“This is going to get complicated, Adam. I liked that very much. Thank you.” He smiled down at me.
“I liked that too, and we are already complicated. It couldn’t get much worse.” Oh yes, it could. I thought to myself before I laughed.
“You win. Point in your favor.” I stepped back in to raise myself up on my toes and kissed him just as lightly as he did me. Oh yes. This is going to be very complicated. I said to myself when I pulled back.
“We need to get moving again.” I turned to my escort. “Lieutenant, make that the first two rounds and bill it to me. Let’s move please, quick march.” I heard a laugh.
“Aye Sa. Thank you Sa.” He called out some commands and had us moving forwards again in no time. I walked onto the ship with Adam at my side as the Watch Stander on Duty came to attention, logging us both in. He also informed me he was to call to the Captain’s Galley and let them know we arrived. I nodded my thanks. I turned to the LT.
“We will depart here 12:45 hours for the return trip.”
“Aye Sa. We’ll be here.”
“Thank you, Lieutenant.” I turned and headed onto the ship with Adam.
We were still holding hands as we went and entered my stateroom. A steward greeted us and provided our drinks before were served a salad to start our meal.
“What did you want to ask me?” Adam was thoughtful as he chewed, then sat forward, looking me in the eye as he spoke.
“Why are the logs incomplete? I know we Jumped from one asteroid belt to another. I also saw the Cruiser that was there. Why keep it a secret?” I stopped eating as I sat back, then shrugged.
“It’s a new ship class for us and we are keeping it under a strict security blanket until we have more of them built. They are Tech III ships.” His eyes went wide and his jaw dropped and closed several times before he asked slowly.
“Tech III ships, but how.”
“Research. Lots of research.” He nodded and went back to eating. So did I. I asked and answered more questions. By the time we were finished, I knew things about him and Knight Industries. He also knew about me and the Alexander Industrials Corporation, but now it was time to go.
“Back out into the wild, we go. I need to take you home.”
“I could go home by myself. You don’t need to take me.”
“Oh, but I do. Otherwise we go from Power Couple of the Region to Hero of the Sector, tells his Rescued Boyfriend to get out and walk.” He roared with laughter as we stood and headed for the door. “Besides. I want to walk you home and spend more time with you.” He gripped my hand before I could reach the panel to open the door.
“Before we go Marc.” He turned me into his arms, then his lips touched mine. I tensed at first, then melted into his embrace as I felt our souls joining again, entwining themselves together, providing me with a feeling of the most intense love I have ever felt in my life. Rising on my toes to kiss back, I pushed my love back into the kiss. It was slow and full of passion. He pulled back, visibly shivered before speaking.
“I don’t want to kiss like that in public.” Warmth spread through me as I smiled at him seductively.
“So. You’ll kiss me again on the way back.” He nodded.
“Just in case the newsies missed it the first time.”
“Oh, they didn’t miss it.” I said as he raised his eyebrows at me as my devilish grin appeared. “I called them.” The smile started, and the eyes sparkled even more, drawing me in. We opened the hatch, and what began as a small chuckle became a booming laugh, as we went down to the Lock, hand-in-hand.
I walked down the ramp to find my Marines had tripled. They were called to attention at the sight of me. I turned to the Lieutenant. As I looked around at three squads of Marines. I spoke loud enough for all of them to hear.
“I must have forgotten to read the instructions that said, don’t add beer or they multiply.” They did a wonderful job of trying not to laugh until Adam hugged me from behind as he spoke equally loud over my head.
“Don’t tease them, at least until I get home.” That did it. A few broke, and I smiled.
“Lieutenant. Are we ready?”
“Yes Sa.” I turned to Station Security. “You Sa’s ready?”
“Haven’t had this much fun in ages, Sa. You just say when.” I nodded to them. I turned to my personal guard.
“Let’s move, and we need to be quick.” He nodded and moved to the front as we moved.
The Station Guards led at a quick pace as my security guided them. My Marines walked with one squad in front of us and two squads behind us. We had an even larger crowd now, with people waving and taking holo pics as we walked hand in hand to his home. Even drawing a few salutes from other Officers and Crew members as we passed. At one point, we were close when the squad behind us split and moved past to get in front of us. I raised an eyebrow as I watched when we turned the next corner and headed for the Knight’s residence. They obviously knew we were coming as Brendan and Amelia were standing in their open doorway flanked by security guards. My Marines were putting on a show as the first squad peeled off and entered the courtyard. The next squad moved past the gate and fanned out. When I looked over my shoulder, the squad behind us had fanned out also before a halt was called. Adam was directly in front of the gate as we stopped. My two Marine squads had formed a perimeter around us to give us space and privacy.
“Well, Adam, I got you home in one piece and on time, too.” We both laughed at that.
“Thank you for lunch and our conversations. I enjoyed it.”
“So did I. Thank you for coming.” He moved, and I met him in an embrace which was more than friendly. I lifted again as he leaned down to kiss me. It was just a quick kiss on the lips. I really wanted more, but not here. I stepped back and took his arm with his wrist Link. Tapping a few combinations, then I heard my chime sound. Tapping a few commands on my own Link, making his Link chime in response as he smiles at me.
“Now you can contact me directly, whenever you want.” Adam hugged me again, and we kissed briefly before talking.
“I should let you go.” I sighed, not wanting to let go at all.
“Yes, I have to get to the Nova Provider for a meeting and to return these guys.” He laughed.
“It’s fun, but not very discreet having them escort us.”
“True.” Then I looked back at his parents. “Well, they seem almost as happy as we are. Please give my regards to your parents and apologies for not staying a few minutes.” He had that devilish grin, and his eyes sparkled again. This is going to get oh so bad if I don’t get moving.
“They will understand. Especially now that Mom knows you’re not to be played with, but I will tell them. Have a good rest of your day.”
“You too Adam.” I kissed his lips lightly and pulled away to watch him walk down the path to the entrance. Even in his armor, he looked sexy. Using pure willpower, I raised my eyes off that muscular ass. His parents waved as I waved back while they stepped into the house to let Adam enter. He turned to give me a wave that made my body practically hum with excitement. I waved back as I turned to my Marines. They were already forming up.
“To the Nova Provider, if you please.”
“Aye Sa.” Ten minutes later we all boarded the ship, and I grabbed the Lieutenant.
“For the two new squads, I’ll take the first round. Add that to my bill. And pass my thanks for a very nice visual display of Marine performance.”
“Thank you, Sa. And the Platoon thanks you. We haven’t had fun in ages. Anytime you need us, Sa, you just have to call.”
“Thank you, Lieutenant. I think I will do just that once I’ve mined enough asteroids to cover the beer costs.” He laughed, roaring at that.
“Thank you again, Sa.” Saluting, he left.
I entered my family’s home and headed to my rooms after I hugged my parents. Mom wanted to question me, but Dad intervened and led her away to one of the other rooms. All I could think about was Marc. When I took his hand, I felt as if the entire world ceased to exist. It was when my lips touched his I was sure. The wave of feelings that washed across me were like nothing I have ever felt before. Just holding him made me feel safe and when our lips separated, I looked into those eyes and they seemed to glow. I had found my mate, and I hope he feels the same towards me. I removed my armor and changed into a working shipsuit and got down to what I needed to do today. It was several hours later when I realized Marc and I didn’t set up a time for a meeting with my family.
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