Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you.
Fates Mates & Pirates - 7. Chapter 7
I made my way to the conference work room aboard Nova Provider and entered to a standing ovation. “Nicely done Marc.” Mom said as I looked around the room and rolled my eyes. My parents and both sets of grandparents were here.
“OK, Stop. Stop, Stop please. It’s bad enough I had to put one parent in their place over my relationship with Adam. Please don’t make me do it here. I made this public for him too, not just myself. He has broken away from his mother’s strings through me. That was what this was all about.”
“And you enjoyed the kiss.”
“And yes. His kisses are very nice.”
“What about Mike?” I turned to Grandma Armstrong.
“He’s not my boyfriend. He’s somebody I have sex with and he has already been told that is all it will ever be.” Uncle Andrew came into the room and pointed straight at me.
“Repeat after me. The Marines are Andrew’s.” I smirked.
“My Marines are Andrew’s.”
“No. The Marines are Andrew’s.”
“My Marines are Andrew’s. Besides, I need them again at Seventy-Seven, maybe here too.” He just threw his hands up in the air as everyone started laughing. Dad looked at me.
“What did you do?” I shrugged with an innocent look.
“Nothing Dad. I just gave them a beer or two.” Grandpa Alexander started roaring before everyone else.
“Fastest way to a Marine’s heart, beer. Well played kiddo, well played indeed.” I smiled my devilish grin at him.
“Well, I learned it from you, Grandpa.”
“True, but go on in the side room and peel off your armor, then come sit. We have much to talk about since your latest news story broke. Everybody, and I mean everybody, is running to keep up with us.” I nodded as I popped off pieces and check them while walking to the next room.
Grandpa Alexander was pointing out locations on a chart as he spoke to me. “Well Marc. What do you think? They have invited us and you specifically. They want your opinion on their mining, too.”
“The readings on the Ice Rings look fantastic, but I don’t know their setup. If it’s a Rock Miner and not an Ice Miner, then the numbers could be off by a large amount.” He was rubbing his chin.
“Yeah. I was wondering about that, but they must have the same equipment we do. They mine most of their own ores too.” We hashed back and forth for almost an hour when my Link chimed. The smile that grew across my face was undeniable. Grandma Armstrong nudged my mother, who looked at me as I moved to take the Comm.
“Hi Marc. Did I catch you at a bad time?” I chuckled.
“Right now, I think the only bad time is when you are not with me. How did your home coming go? Did you get grilled?”
“It was alright, but we forgot to discuss you coming over at some point.” I palmed my head with a groan.
“I’m sorry. I completely forgot about that.”
“It’s OK. I did too. I was to into you and us.” My stomach flipped at the thought he felt the same way. I got a devilish idea.
“Um... How do you feel about tonight and seven people?” I heard nothing for a few seconds until he asked.
“What are you planning now?”
“More time with you and my Marines. But I have both sets of grandparents here and my parents. So I thought I could kill several hostiles with one asteroid. You could meet my family. I could spend time with you. You could spend time with me. I could spend time with your family. And I can enlist your mother’s help in planning my next little media blitz at Seventy-Seven.” He laughed.
“You’re not kidding, are you?”
“No. I am not kidding. It’s my last day here and I don’t want to wait too long. The fires are hot and I need to keep them burning a little while longer.”
“You’re a monster. A true monster.” He was smiling as he said it and it made me smile, too. “I’ll explain the situation to Mom and Dad. Give me a few minutes.”
“OK. That will give me time to ask all of my grandparents. Um... Do you want to hold or should you Comm me back?”
“I’ll Comm you back Marc.”
“OK. Hugs.” My mouth dropped open. Did I just say, hugs?
I disconnected and went to find my parents in the lounge. They were talking as I entered the living room.
“When I was talking with Marc, we forgot about his visit.” Dad raised one eyebrow and motioned for me to continue. “I just Comm’d him and he suggested that since he has two sets of grandparents and his parents here now as well as this is his last day on this station, we should get together for dinner here tonight.”
Mom shook her head no, “I can’t put on a dinner party with only a few hours notice. It will have to be another time.” My spine stiffened.
“No. It will have to be now. His family doesn’t live on a planet or one of the stations like we do. They spend 70 percent of their time on their ships. Because it’s their business. Yes. They own two Stations, but they don’t really live there. Marc was born and raised on a ship. That’s why he’s so good at what he does. He has over a decade of experience and training before he sat his Boards. They don’t just hand out Captain’s Stars to anyone who can pay for them. You have to pass the exams, then you sit an oral exam in front of a board of three Captains. Most people his age don’t pass the first time around. You’ve seen Nova Provider. It’s a small station in itself that moves. They don’t have the luxury of time that we have here. They get a few days here and there. Now that time is ending for this stop. They have one more stop tomorrow and then they are off to the Joshua Seventy-Seven Station. When is the next time we leave this station, in 4 months when we go back to Casi Oceanus for the winter season? He is making time and pushing his family to come now. Least we could do is bend a little and make it happen for them.” Dad looked very proud at that moment and Mom was calculating again.
Dad turned to my Mother, “He’s got a point dear. Marc had to cancel something to spend time with Adam at lunch today.” She nodded.
“OK. What time Adam.” I just shrugged.
“We didn’t settle on one. I figured you would need to work out how long it would take to make dinner.” She sighed.
“OK, let’s go to the kitchen and see what we can do. I’ll have to call in extra staff, too.” She said as we headed for the other side of the quarters to the kitchen. I stayed back at Dad’s prompting. It looked like he wanted to say something as we heard the door chime sound. He raised an eyebrow and smirked at me.
“Is he back already?” I looked surprised.
“I don’t think so. He was working over on Nova Provider with his family.” Dad stood and walked towards the foyer as I heard the voices of Arthur and Betty Knight. My grandparents. I rushed out, and they hugged me before Grandpa spoke.
“Adam. You’ve created an interesting stir in the media lately. How are you doing?” I told them everything as we sat in the living room and Grandma stood.
“I’ll go help your mother. I suggest you be careful with him. I knew Joshua Alexander. Very kind person, just don’t cross him. It appears this Marc is no different.” I looked confused and Grandpa spoke.
“Listen Adam. He’s an Alexander. He’s been trained in the ways of his family since the day he was born. He obviously has the Knight’s family number, as he already showed today when he picked you up for lunch. He didn’t use force, but made it quite clear he could if necessary.” I nodded in thought as he paused. “You said his ship is named Bear Claws.”
“Yes, and I think his Ice Miner is named Arctic Bear Claws.” He nodded.
“Do you know what a bear is?”
My face blanked. “No.”
“It’s a warm-blooded animal on old Earth, large and deadly if provoked. The old saying is, ‘Don’t poke the sleeping bear.’ Well, that’s what your mother did and his response was to come get you for your lunch, with his personal armor and Marines.” I nodded, understanding.
“Do you like him?”
“Yes Grandpa. I am still learning about him, but I like what I know so far. And he makes me happy.” He smiled at me knowingly.
“Well, I suggest you hang right on to him. He obviously likes you too or he wouldn’t have come for you. And he doesn’t care what everyone else thinks as he made such a display out of it. I bet he shows up tonight dressed in civilian clothes and his Marines escorting again as a gentle reminder he is not to be trifled with.” I looked down at my feet, embarrassed.
“I guess we will find out later how right you are.” He laughed at me.
“I guess we will. I look forward to seeing an Alexander in action, up close and personal, when they decide they want something. I still remember the old days when I was your age. It’s a sight to be seen that few people can match. That is why we are pushing the merger ahead as fast as we can. He’ll bring all of us into the limelight, not just in this Sector but the entire Region, if he’s decided that is what he wants.” I looked at grandpa with a questioning look.
“And am I supposed to push him in that direction?” Grandpa just snorted in disgust.
“I don’t play that game, young man. I can guarantee if you tried it, he would dump you right out of an airlock and tell you to walk home. The Alexanders don’t play that game either. No Adam. Your relationship is yours and his. And he has already shown publicly what he has decided, it seems. I hope you are ready for what is coming.” He said as he patted me on my shoulder. I just received the best news of my life and my smile expanded. Grandpa smiled back at me.
“You better go check with your mother on the timing so you can Comm him and let them know.” I hugged Grandpa and Dad before almost running out to the kitchen.
“What’s the word Mom?”
“Sirloins is the best we can do.” I rolled my eyes.
“Mom.” I started, then took a deep breath to calm myself. “Just relax. It will be fine. What time?” She sighed.
“This means a lot to you, doesn’t it?”
“Yes Mom. We don’t need to be fancy. We just need to be us. He wants to see us, not something fake. No politics, no maneuvering or whatever. And I want to spend time with him.” She hugged me.
“OK Adam. How about 19:00 hours?” I pulled back and smiled.
“Thanks Mom.” I pulled my Link out and Comm’d Marc.
“What’s the word Adam?”
I walked back to the group and said. “Excuse me.” I waited until I had everyone’s attention. “Quick announcement. We are going to have dinner. I am still waiting for the time.” Mom looked at me, and Grandma Alexander chuckled.
“Going to meet the future in-laws, are we?” I clapped my hands together cheerfully.
“Got it in one. Yes, we are going to the Knight’s for dinner. I need my Marines back, and I think we should take something. My plan is to get to know one another.”
“And you want another kiss?”
“Yes, I want another kiss. But seriously. I want Amelia to help me with my little party at Seventy-Seven. That should serve multiple purposes, including keeping her where I can monitor her. That is another media event that involves all of us. The crews of as many of the ships that helped us, that I can get to Seventy-Seven in time and the Sector Governor again. Which is why I want Amelia and her connections. I will use my Marines to help put on a little show and then present each Captain with the Medal for their ship and we have dinner. Hence why Caitlin’s has not been shipped out yet, or anyone else's for that matter.” Grandpa just clapped his hands once.
“Look out. The kid is taking over the station next.” Mom just hushed him before speaking to me again.
“You’re talking about three or four hundred people.”
“Yes. I need more mining, but I can cover it.” Grandpa Alexander just chuckled, then outright laughs. Everyone looked at him until he stopped.
“If you haven’t realized it yet. He’s driving all the changes and the speed at which this merger is moving at. Now he wants to go into the Lion’s den and smack the lion around until it eats out of his hand. Just like Dad would have done.” That comment stopped everyone cold and made them think. Dad tapped his Link.
“Andrew put those Marines on standby, were going out tonight and need a show.” He listened as everyone started working on something different.
“Yes. I know. Thank you.” My father said. Grandma Armstrong moved up beside me.
“Shall I call the ships?” I looked at her and nodded slowly as I was planning.
“Would it be possible to get them all docked in the same area? I want to march my Marines to each ship and pick up the Captain’s as we swing past, then march everyone to the reception hall. All the off duty crews will already be there and the newsies.” She gave me an appraising look.
“I think that could be arranged. I’ll get started.” I hugged her as she patted my arm. Then my Link chimed and I popped out of the room again.
“What’s the word Adam.” He laughed.
“Mom flipped, but she and Dad agreed. She’s trying to figure out what to do for dinner and how does 19:00 hours sound.” I looked at my time.
“Should be good. What should we bring?” I heard him ask someone.
“Wine is always good. And Mom said we are having sirloins tonight. They come from Armbrewster beef. She also asked if you could grab dessert too.” My mouth was already watering.
“Oh. I know the Planet. We import some of their beef a few times a year to Low Point Station and Joshua Seventy-Seven Station. It’s good. You might have to carry me home tonight.” He laughed and then spoke softly.
“Maybe you could stay here. We have extra rooms.” Now I was nervous, and this was moving too fast. Adam was more than a quick roll in the bed.
“I’ll have to think about it. I don’t know what is going on tomorrow yet. I know we are supposed to stop at another station before we go to Seventy-Seven.” I thought I heard him exhale, like he was holding his breath.
“It was just a thought. You don’t have to.” Now he’s worried he upset me.
“It’s not a matter of whether or not I want to, because I do. It’s a matter of if we are leaving at 05:00 hours. I don’t want to wake you up or anyone else at 03:30 hours.”
“Oh. I didn’t think of that.”
“It’s OK. I know what you’re thinking. And I’ll say it again so you understand me perfectly. Yes Adam. I want to spend the night with you. Many nights with you. So that being said, since we can’t do it here. Maybe you can stay with me on Seventy-Seven for a night or two.” I could hear the smile in his voice as he spoke.
“I would like that. I think we are going into the Wormhole with you. Maybe I can fly your wing or we could get the same ship.” I didn’t think about that. It never occurred to me he might be coming with us.
“We’ll have to see what happens. I’ve got my Ice Miner and crew there already, but I don’t know for certain if I am taking it in or not. Yet.” I took a deep breath. “We need to slow down. Let’s just concentrate on tonight. Then ‘77, then the Wormhole.” He was silent again for a few heartbeats.
“You’re right. That’s why you're the Captain and I’m not.” He laughed again as I replied.
“Maybe you just haven’t had the right training.”
“Back on track. What desserts do you like?” He told me a few ideas, and I typed them into my Link pad. Saying my goodbyes, I closed the channel.
As I walked back out to the other room. “19:00 hours and we can bring wine and dessert. Adam gave me the desserts list everyone likes, so we just need a wine that goes with the sirloins from Armbrewster.” Everybody looked at me. Grandpa Alexander nodded to me.
“I’ll get four bottles out of our stocks on board. We have a red that goes especially good with Armbrewster beef.”
“Send me your list and I’ll have Kisha grab a good selection for us to take.” I flashed the list to Grandma Alexander with a smile as she looked it over. Mom looked at me thoughtfully.
“You should go down to your cabin and see if your civilian clothes still fit, or are you wearing armor again?”
“Civvies. I made my point. The Marines will be enough of a reminder.” Grandma Armstrong just cackled again.
“From rescue to award to kidnapping to meeting the in-laws. The newsies will go wild. You’re right, Andrew, we have created a monster.” It was my turn to snort.
“Funny that. Adam called me a monster, too.” I said.
“He’s got your number, kid, and you’ve got theirs. Hang on to him.” Everyone laughed with her.
“Oh. I plan too.” My devilish grin appeared. Grandma Armstrong’s eyebrows raised to her hairline as she looked at me, then nodded.
I had an hour before we were going to leave and ran down to the office on board Nova Provider. Within five minutes, I had the ship’s AI chewing on a question and searching the archives for an answer. Within 30 minutes, I had what I was looking for and nodding in appreciation at the simplicity of the old days before I memorized the document with my implant.
* * *
Thirty minutes later, my Marines looked absolutely fantastic as they had formed up in full dress uniform this time, with just sidearms and swords. I thought about it as I looked them over with the rest of my family standing behind me.
“First. I will apologize to the Marines who were trying to enjoy their beer before I had to call upon you again. Fear not. I shall make restitution for that oversight on my part.” I got several smiles as I moved over to the Lieutenant, standing before him as I spoke.
“Save those beer chits. You are going to be busy the next few days, as I have a lot of items to take care of before I vanish into the stars once again. I will make sure you get your quality time at some point.” More smiles.
“We have a detour, Lieutenant. I need some flowers.” He raised an eyebrow as he smiled at me.
“Indeed Sa. I see you have the wine, desserts, but were lacking something. I believe I know just the place.” He turned and spoke to our Station Security personnel, who was vigorously nodding as his smile grew wider. Jenson, I found out his name. The large, burly Station Security guard turned to me.
“I’ve got just the place, Sa. It’s almost on the way. A better selection than what the Lieutenant had thought of and closer too.”
“Excellent Sa’s. Shall we be going then?” They both nodded, and the Marines fell into position.
We had a change this time. Someone had broken out the old Alexander House Colors and had a staff member carrying it in the lead position of the Marines, plus the Marine Pipe and Drums were out with us. Two of our staff had come to help out and carry the wine and desserts. I carried one bottle in the crook of my left arm and had my small holdout Needler tucked under my jacket. I was semi formal, just nice pants and shirt with a blazer tossed on to hide my Needler. We created another disruption of the station as we marched through. I thought the Florist’s staff was going to have a panic attack when we blocked the entire store front as I picked the bouquet I wanted. I made sure the newsies caught the store’s name by hesitating in front of it as I looked into the shop windows before returning to the passageway and my Marines.
“Now we can go LT.” He smiled as the Pipes and drums struck up. We were on the move again. I received several salutes and people yelling, ‘Good Luck,’ as we weaved through the station passageways. Approaching, I saw nobody at the entrance; this suited me. I am sure this would be on the Link Cast News later if it wasn’t already. The first squad split off with the honor escort into the courtyard. We halted, and I nodded to the Lieutenant as I led my family to the door. I rang the chime and waited as the door was opened by a Staff member.
“Ah, Sa Alexander, you have returned.” I looked over his shoulder and my eyes locked with Adam's. He had that smile and sparkle going on. My heart rate increased as I took a deep breath. This is going to be a long night. I thought to myself as the staffer ushered us in. I entered and stepped right up to Adam. He looked at the flowers and the wine on my left arm expectantly.
“Not for you.” As I twisted my body. “This is.” I put my free arm around his lower back and pulled him into a sidewinder hug as I stretched up and pecked at his lips. I pulled away with a mischievous look, and one side of my mouth turned up.
“Your monster has arrived.” His smile widened.
“Am I going to like what happens?”
“Oh, I think we will.” His smile increased even more as he leaned down and kissed me again.
Whispering. “My monster.” Into my ear as I nodded and pulled away. I raised an eyebrow as I noticed we had more people besides his parents behind him. Adam smiled as he turned and indicated the newcomers I didn’t recognize.
“Captain Marc Alexander, I would like you to meet my grandparents. Arthur and Betty Knight.”
“A pleasure to meet you.” I said, as I took their hands and turned to Brendan.
“Brendan, it’s good to see you again. We brought one of our reds for dinner.” Handing him the wine and receiving a hug.
“Glad you could make it, Marc.” I slipped to Amelia and handed her the flowers.
“Amelia, it’s good to see you again. Flowers for you.” Her eyes lit up, and I saw that calculating look again. “I am sorry about the short notice, but we are on a tight schedule. We also brought dessert and two of our staff to assist yours.” My first shot across her bow to start her bending to my will.
“Why thank you Marc. I am just glad you could make it before you had to leave.” I nodded before turning back to my family.
“To make this simple, I will just do a mass introduction. Of course, you know one set of my grandparents, Donald and Barbara Armstrong, and my other set of grandparents. Edna and Andrew Alexander and last but not least, my parents Dorothy and Lloyd Alexander.” I turned and slid in front of Adam’s family. “And this is Adam Knight and his parents, Amelia and Brendan. And last but not least, Brendan's parents Arthur and Betty Knight.” Everyone shook hands, and I moved around to come up beside Adam as he slipped his hand into mine.
Amelia led us into the living room where my grandparents started off the conversations with Adam’s grandparents. It seems Arther and Andrew actually went to school together at some point and were talking about the old days. The ice was broken and the second bottle of wine opened before we moved to the dining room for dinner. Adam sat across from me as we intermingled ourselves around the table. We had a light conversation as we ate until we ended our dessert. Adam and I exchanged glances many times during the meal and had our own small talk. I know we were being watched, especially by Arthur Knight. He had an amused look throughout dinner. I had to smile at one point when I caught him looking. I figured now was the time as I locked eyes with Adam...
To be continued…
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you.
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