Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you.
Fates Mates & Pirates - 8. Chapter 8
Dinner: Adam and Marc’s Family’s
“Adam.” I started louder than needed so the entire table could hear me. “Let’s review history for a moment. A few days ago I was woke up at 04:00 to come and fly off to here. On the way, we had to fly through Gate Camps of hostiles before we arrived in High Sec. Then I get a garbled message I had to take my best guess, made from experience in the asteroid belts, to figure out where you were. Once we were able to find you, we almost ended up dead ourselves due to more hostiles. Then once we return to this Station, after a long day I might add, I had to deal with politicians giving me an award for something that I feel is the duty of any Captain who sits in the seat. Then I meet you and we have a nice talk, so I decide to invite you to my ship for lunch.” Amelia stiffened. “Without my consent or consultation, our private, one-on-one lunch gets changed to here with your family. Me, being a typical Alexander, would have probably let that slide. As a Captain, there are times I have to control my personal feelings and put on a happy face. Not unlike what I did at the awards ceremony. Except this was personal. I wanted to spend time with you, not everyone else, at that time. I decided it was time to act like an Alexander and go after what I wanted, and damn all to hell who stood in my way. Hence my armor and my Armored Marines when I arrived to pick you up. We had our lunch after all and I decided I liked our time together as well as you, in general. As I said and you agreed. Our relationship is already complicated.” I paused, and he nodded. “Now I am leaving again. Simply because it’s what we do. Our Stations and our Ships are our homes. I don’t know when I will get back, so that being said. I am invoking the old laws of Courtship. I am asking the Knight Family for your hand as my Consort. I want you with me as my boyfriend until such time as we decide we want to be Bonded together. The dowry I demand is Knight Industries for your hand.” Whereas the grandparents had understood what I said. Our parents did not, and jaws fell open around the table. “At this time I am going forwards. Our relationship and courting period will be highly publicized.” I hid the internal wince, but decided it was necessary. “I want it to be the biggest ongoing event in the region. Call us the newest power couple or whatever. Let the commentators say what they like. We will say nothing until the appropriate time. Once we have reached a point, which we will determine later, Alexander-Knight Interstellar Industries will take the limelight, and we will simply disappear from public view. To that end, I have already started, and the ships involved with your rescue will be at Joshua ‘77 Station in three days for a banquet for all the crews. The Captains will be collected from their ships by you, myself and our Marines.” The smile on his face went from amusement to excited. “They will be delivered to the banquet hall, where, with Amelia’s help,” I nodded towards his mother before looking back at Adam, “We will have the Sector Governor there again to stand next to us and a few other politicians. Us meaning, you, myself, and Brendan as well as the Sector Governor, hand out the ship’s medals to their respective Captains. It is at this time I would like to also announce you as an official suitor, but that is not set in stone. We will also have to take some time off and travel. You have many people to meet in my family and places that you will need to see, as I do of yours. We will, of course, be taking a media team with us for holopics, holovids, and such. I have a few places I haven’t been I would like to see and I am sure you do too. To that end, Adam. What say you?” He looked at me as my one-sided grin and mischievous look crossed my face. His sparkle reappeared as he smiled.
“My monster.” He whispered. I nodded.
“Yes Adam. Your monster. For eternity.” I stood and moved around the table. He stood to take me in his arms. Kissing me. It was slow, deep, and full of passion. Pulling back and looking into my eyes.
“You are right. I would like it.” He said.
“Do you think you are ready to become my mate for the rest of our lives?” He nodded and kissed me again. Just a light brush of the lips, but with so much promise of things to come.
“Let’s go for a walk.” I said as I lost myself in the sparkle of his eyes and that smile.
“Where too?”
“I think everyone needs to think for a bit and our Marines need to stretch. I’ll figure it out when we get moving.” He smiled.
I turned to our audience. “I am taking my boyfriend out for a walk. I’ll be leaving the Honor Guard and two squads here. I’ll take the other with me. Think about what I have said. You will have one hour to work out the details.” With that, I turned and led my boyfriend out of his home.
It all started when I saw the person in armor sitting at the helm station on the Bridge of Solar Flare. Marc Alexander. A 19-year-old Captain who owns his own mining ships. I had that image of the black and red armor sitting there as the person behind the voice over the Comm that guided us to the ship. I wanted to meet him but was told he was busy with family business and couldn’t be disturbed. That was fine. He is, after all, a member of his family’s Corporation. The figure sitting there was also the person who had, as I found out later, used all his experience and knowledge of asteroid belts to plan the tracks for the hunt for me and my father via the images I saw as my father and I were reviewing the logs and other information. He’s decisive, has a command presence and ability, very good at the helm. Some of his runs even had me moving in my seat to counteract the ship’s movement. And after talking with him last night and at lunch. I found he has a good personality, a strategic and well thought out hold on reality. I mean, he knows he has to do something, and he hates it, but goes above and beyond to do the job to the best of his ability. And then there was the kiss. It was just a brush of my lips across his, but I felt it. Like a ball of heat had hit me. Every nerve ending was tingling. My heart was racing. Time slowed, sounds were off in the far distance. I felt as if the heat was coming from him and transferring to me, enveloping my entire body. A soothing calmness came across me and I reveled in it. In the feeling of. Love? Is this my mate? Time suddenly sped back up as my lips separated from his. His face was a mix of emotions before it settled into an awareness of something and extreme happiness. Then there was the excitement when I talked to him over the Comms about dinner. I did something I have never done, and that was stand up to my mother. She has always tried to control my life when dad is not around. Dad was just as unhappy as I was when we found out she changed Marc’s plans for lunch. Unfortunately for her, Marc wasn’t thrilled about that either and arrived with the Marines. I think that was what gave me the strength to stand up to her. He was showing me he will protect me. Or so I hope. Now that we have had dinner, his intentions are clear. Although I didn’t understand some of the terminology, I am now his boyfriend. Albeit by some archaic law that has gone out of favor, but apparently our grandparents are very happy about it. I’ll look it up later after Marc leaves to understand it all. He is my monster, it seems, and I need to keep up with him.
Grandparents and Parents
“Yes Arthur.”
“Why am I getting the feeling that there is laughter throughout the Stars as your father looks down on us?”
“Because there is Arthur. It started the minute someone woke Marc up at 04:00 and I have a feeling it’s only just beginning.” Both of them laughed, which turned into a full belly rolling laugh before they finished. Amelia spoke first.
“What do we do?” Arthur Knight just turned to her.
“You do exactly what he said to do and hang on for dear life. We are going on an uncontrollable shuttle flight that young Marc Alexander is piloting.” Andrew Alexander spoke then.
“Just like the stories I’ve heard of Dad in his younger days. He’s going to double, triple our combined corporation size in the next few years, then just sit back and watch. Wait and see.”
We walked out of the house and the Marines jumped to attention.
“Stand easy.” I said as I approached the Lt, waving over Jenson.
“Sa Jenson, is there a coffee shop or something we and 1 squad of Marines plus two of your people could sit in? Just for lite snacks or something and conversation.” He thought for a minute, then snapped his fingers.
“I know just the place.” I smiled.
“Excellent. Thank you, Sa Jenson.” I turned to the Lt.
“Just one squad and we’ll leave the rest here for later.”
“Aye Sa.” A moment later and Jenson was leading them off.
“Marc. What did all that mean? I’m a consort?”
I chuckled, “Consort means husband or wife. I our case the way I worded it. You’re my boyfriend. When we are ready, we can get Bonded.”
“And what is a dowry?”
“The goods, credits, estate that you bring to our Bonding. In this case Knight Industries.” I couldn’t decipher his look.
“So I am nothing but Knight Industries to you?”
“No. You are Adam Knight. And I want Adam Knight with me for the rest of my life as my Mate. As for Knight Industries. You know our two families are trying to merge the companies. What I have done is say we, meaning you and I, are going to merge the companies. That new company’s name is going to be Alexander-Knight Interstellar Industries.” He looked confused. I slowed to a stop. The Marines responded by circling us.
“Let me make something understood. I want you. I don’t care about the Corporations. Only you. Unfortunately, I keep getting dragged into it. If I’m going to be part of it, I am going to do what needs to be done to make it the largest in the region. By doing what I did, we will have control of the entire company instead of just our 10 percent.”
“My monster.”
“Yes Adam. Your monster.” He hugged me as our lips brushed again before pulling back. I turned and spun a finger in the air, signaling to move. Five minutes later we stopped outside a little Cafe with assorted items and drinks. We entered and the realization of who we were dawned on a few people.
I looked around and said, “Let me get the gang.” The smile faded as he looked around. I returned in seconds with the Station Security people and half the squad, telling them to order something and in 30 minutes switch with the other half. I would pay for everything. Adam and I ordered before sitting by the window.
“So, how do you feel about me now? Are you mad at me?” Adam looked up in shock.
“No. You just caught me off guard.” I cocked my head to one side.
“In what way? I thought by liberating you for lunch and everything that entailed, you would know I liked you.”
“I don’t know what I bring to this relationship besides Knight Industries. I’m not a Captain. I can’t run a ship. I’m a fair pilot, sensor tech, gunner, I’m good at manufacturing and management, but I do little of any of those.”
“Well. I didn’t pull your records or anything. I saw you and who you are. That’s all I want.” He looked into my eyes for a few heartbeats.
“I was raised to think that everyone has to have something special to be with someone else.” I shrugged.
“You are special to me. Your smile and those eyes. The sparkle they give off when you smile. And that laugh. That’s what drew me to you.” He smiled and his eyes sparkled again.
“Like that?”
“Oh yes. Just like that.” He reached across the table and placed his hand over mine.
“So you want us to be public?” I nodded.
“Just like we are now. Two people who care for each other, spending time together.” He smiled again, and I smiled back at him, lost in those eyes.
“You really like them, don’t you?” I leaned across the table and kissed him lightly.
“Yes.” He blushed as he looked around the Cafe.
“Why are you blushing?”
“We never kissed in public, just outside with our Marines.” I looked thoughtfully at him.
“I’m sorry. I will try not to do that without our Marines around us.” He smiled again.
“You can. I like it when you kiss me unexpectantly.” I chuckled.
“Tell me when you want me to stop doing it.”
“How about never?”
“OK.” The marines had stood and a new set was moving in. One of the staff had come over.
“Sa’s?” I looked up, looking at his name tag before looking at his face.
“Yes Lars.”
“Might I get a selfie with the two of you?” I looked at Adam, who shrugged.
“Sure Lars.” He squatted down in front of us and we moved in as he took a few pictures.
“Thank you Sa’s. Nobody believed me when I said you were here.” I raised an eyebrow.
“Really. How about some pictures of the Marines, too?” His eyes went wide.
“Could I Sa.” I shrugged.
“Let’s find out.” I leaned back into the view of the Lt.
“LT. Can he get a couple of selfies with some of your people? Seems his friends don’t believe we are here.”
“Of course Captain.” He motioned to a couple of his people, and they gathered around the barista as he took a few shots. I stood and motioned for Adam.
“The LT, Lars, and a few more gather around us.” I grabbed Adam in a hug as they moved around us and one of the Marines took the Link and snapped a couple of shots.
“That should take care of your problem Lars.” He was ecstatic as he replied.
“Thank you Sa’s. Thanks.” I laughed as we sat back down.
“I think you made his day.” I looked back at Adam.
“You made mine. I thought I should pass it on.” He laughed as we continued to talk until my Link chimed.
“Alexander here.”
“Are you heading back? They spotted you in a Cafe.” I started to laugh.
“OK Mom. We’re heading back now.” I looked at the LT and spun a finger in the air. He nodded as the Marines stood. I reached across the table and took Adam’s hand and pulled him up with me.
“Is everything worked out?” I asked, hearing a laugh.
“You do not know, but you will.” I snorted.
“OK. We’ll be there in 10.”
“OK Marc. Be careful.” We exited and returned to the Knight’s residence to find we had quite the crowd out front. It surprised them when we came up behind them, but they moved once we got closer.
“I may have made a mistake doing this.” Adam looked at me questioningly. “I forgot. You need to live here. You won’t be able to go out on your own anymore.”
“OH. I didn’t think of that.”
“Neither did I until Mom Comm’d. I am sorry. This is going to cause you problems.” He shook his head no.
“No. Not really. We already agreed our relationship is complicated. This is just part of that.” He was smiling when he said it.
“OK.” We entered the courtyard without issue and headed inside.
Mom was pacing when we came in. “You really have things stirred up.” I smiled.
“Yes. Keeping everything on the top of everyone’s mind.” She just huffed.
“Fine. Sit down.” I chuckled, “Yes, Mom.” As I pulled Adam down next to me and leaned into him. He wrapped an arm around my shoulder. Looking up at him.
“Thanks.” He smiled.
“You’re welcome.” I listen to what was said and looked up at Adam a few times. When he looked confused, I held up a hand for a stop.
“What didn’t you understand?” He looked at me, perplexed.
“How did you know?”
“Your facial expression. But which part?”
“The two weeks after the wormhole.”
“Oh. How about we get it in writing and just look at it later? This is just a preliminary.” He nodded.
“How soon should I move in with you?”
“At Seventy-seven. I have a few more things to do first. Then I’ll meet you at the station. Your family is staying with mine anyway and I need to get a bigger room. Then we’ll head down to Low Sec and I can show you around down there. Or we can stay on Seventy-Seven for a while. Whatever you want to do.” He smiled.
“Thank you.”
Brendan interrupted us, “Marc. He’s good to go whenever you want, but I have the dates noted I need him here.”
“I saw that. I’ll have to add all of this to my calender.” He laughed.
“Don’t we all.” I agreed as I shook my head.
“So if I read this right, Amelia and Adam are going to ride over on Nova Provider tomorrow? And set up for the Ceremony?”
“Yes. They’re going to stay at Gramp’s place for a few days until everything gets straightened out. Oh, and that unit you always wanted is open now. Do you want me to secure it for you?” I had to think. I wasn’t sure if she had the right one.
“Which one?”
“The one over the hanger. With the extra viewing port.” My head snapped up.
“OH. Yes, please, Mom.” Mom nodded. Adam looked at me quizzically.
“I think when you see it, you will love it. If not, we can look for another one.” He smiled and nodded as he went back to everything. I tapped out a note and sent it to Grandpa Alexander. He read it and looked over at me, staring for a few seconds, then gave me a sharp nod before going back to what he was working on.
“Marc, I was able to get the Sector Governor again, and he’s very excited to ride our coattails.” I smiled up at Amelia.
“As he should be. We’re going to need a favor from him in the future. Will he remember us?” She smiled a feral grin.
“Oh, he’ll remember us. Sector wide Link Cast twice in one week. We should probably see what else we can get him holovid time on.” I nodded.
“If it’s convenient for us. We also need a holovid team for our romantic trip.” She nodded.
“Already looking into that. What about a personal interview?” I grimaced.
“At a later point. Not sure I want to get into that yet. Build it up more first and make them pay for it.” She got that feral grin again. This was her element and I think she’ll be good at it.
“Here’s the latest on our movements.” Grandma Armstrong said as she sent it over to me. I looked it over and sent a note back. She read it and looked up at me.
“Sneaky little devil, aren’t you?” I nodded.
“But of course. All that time in the asteroid belts.” She snorted as she shook her head and fired back an idea and CC’d Grandpa Alexander. He looked at it, then at us. Another sharp nod and he went back to work. My Link chirped again and I read the note.
“Oops. Time for us to leave. My Marines need to go home.” I was typing when I said it. Everyone started packing up and said they would continue tomorrow. After I left. They would all be in the viewing area with the newsies. I smiled at that. And Adam’s monster will strike again. I stood and looked at Adam. He took my hand and led me off to a side room and kissed me. Not a brush of the lips, but a full on, push the tongue in my mouth passionate kiss, that lit the fire within me again. When he released me.
“Until we meet again Marc Alexander.”
“Until we meet again, Adam Knight.” We kissed again but shorter in duration this time before heading back out to say goodbye to everyone.
We headed out to find two small vehicles for my grandparents there. Mom and Dad chose to walk with me and my Marines. One last look at Adam and a wave before we were off at a quick march. The crowd disbursed once they notice we weren’t slowing or Adam wasn’t with me, so there would be no kissing stops.
“Are you sure this is how you want to live Marc.” Dad didn’t like it either.
“Not really, Dad, but it will be done.”
“Understood. Are you two coming down to Low Sec to live?” I shrugged.
“We haven’t made it that far yet in our discussions. We are trying to take it one day at a time.” He nodded.
“Good. Don’t rush into anything. Have you had sex yet?” My eyes rolled.
“Really, Dad? No. Just a good tonsillectomy tonight. Best kiss I’ve had from him yet and it keeps getting better every time.” Mom roared out a laugh.
“They sound just like us. Now leave him alone. What was that with Grandpa Alexander?”
“I’m borrowing the jump shuttle tomorrow. I need to be at a certain place at a certain time.” Mom looked confused.
“I thought you were going out on Solar Flare in the morning.” My feral grin spread.
“I am and everyone will see me leave, standing on the Bridge.” Now she was really confused.
“I’m not understanding.”
“I am going to sit at the Jump Gate when Nova Provider comes through. Myself and a few of my friends.” Her head whipped around to look at me and so was Dad.
“You’re expecting trouble.” Asked Dad. I nodded my head to one side as I shrugged.
“It’s a possibility, and that’s the most likely spot. Not much in the way of CONFED Navy vessels around to enforce laws out that way. I’ll have enough firepower to discourage anyone that might be stupid enough to try anything.” Dad puckered his lips, then nodded before speaking.
“Do you think you have it handled?”
“I believe so. I doubt anyone would blatantly attack the ship, but you never know. And if it happens, it’s going to make people think.”
“In what way?” I smiled.
“Simple. How can I have been in two places at once? Then, if I was there, what did I use for weapons?” He laughed at that.
“OK. Call if you need any help. We have 8 Aggie’s in work ups now. 2 are close enough to send up here if needed.” I nodded.
“I think we better hold them for the trip down. I have a feeling we are going to need to clear out the pirates again.” Mom nodded.
“Yes, Grandma said that too. You had a rough ride on the way up?”
“Could have been better, but we survived.”
“OK. I’ll talk to the others in the Guild. See if we can get some fleet action and start sweeping.” Dad said.
“That would be nice.” We had just turned the corner and had a large crowd of people in front of us.
“My my, you have caused quite a stir on this station. I’ll bet they can’t wait for you to leave.” Said mom. I roared out a laugh.
“I’m sorry I didn’t let my Marines have their Battle Armor.” Dad just gave one of those smiles he gives when he agrees but can’t say anything. We pulled up next to the Lock and dropped off the Alexanders and turned to head for the Solar Flare. As we approached the Solar Flare, I spotted a few of our spacers walking towards the ship. I called for them to fall in with us. Mike moved to my side. I smiled at him.
“Did you get any studying in today?”
“I finished half of it. I should get the rest before we get to Seventy-Seven, as long as you’re in the seat.”
“I will not be. I’ll be arranging our rendezvous after I command the ship out of the dock.” He wanted to ask something.
“You may ask.”
“Is it time for me to leave?”
“Yes and no. We will not be having sex, but I am going to train you.” He smiled as he looked at me.
“Thank you, Marc.”
“Your welcome Mike.” We arrived at the ship and everyone went inside as I stayed out with my Marines for a few minutes.
“Lt. I don’t think I’ll need you again until Seventy-Seven. I have some ideas written out about what I am doing over there. Could I send it to you and have you send me back a plan of how your Platoon would fit into my plans? Also, I am providing the Platoon with dinner at our reception. I am thinking of one beer each during the meal. Is that a good idea?”
“Might be better if they didn’t have the beer Captain, being on duty and all.”
“I thought I’d ask. Thank you.”
“And yes Captain, I can check your plan and slot us into it. Full Dress I assume.”
“Yes. They seem to be getting cranky that I walk around the station with my own Marines in Battle Armor. Real poo pooers if you ask me.” He let out a laugh at that.
“Aye Captain we’ve been getting some heat too, but we’ll be alright.”
“From Colonel Andrew Alexander by any chance?” He smiled a knowing smile.
“OK. I’ll take care of that and if he really pisses you off, just tell him you’re Marc’s Marines. That will raise his blood pressure up.” The Lt just roared at that.
“Aye Captain. I’ll send that information right out before you leave tomorrow.”
“Thank you Lieutenant. Until we meet again.”
“Until we meet again, Captain.” I boarded the ship and headed for my stateroom. I was asleep in thirty minutes.
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you.
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