Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you.
Fates Mates & Pirates - 9. Chapter 9
We had just finished our preflight briefing as I entered the Bridge. Grandma Armstrong was going to wait in the Captain's cabin until we departed the station.
“Engineering, please bring the Mains online. EO Open hanger doors please.”
“Aye Captain. Mains 55 percent and rising fast.”
“Very Well.” I said as I stood behind the center console of the Helm Station. I stepped back to the Captain's chair and tapped a few keys. I had a zoom on the Hangar Bay viewing gallery area and there they were. Most of my family, Adam’s family, some local politicians and Station higher ups. I know they were listening in to my Bridge. Anything we said would be broadcast to them and they probably had the view port locked and enlarged on the Bridge so they could see me too. I spotted Adam.
“Helm Release Docking clamps and pull in the Lock.”
“Aye Captain.” I tapped at my wrist Link pad.
“Hello.” Adam said.
“Almost ready Adam.” I looked up and saw people closest had heard it too. He had his Link on speaker.
“Docking Clamps released and Lock is secured.”
“Thank you Helm.”
“Hangar Door open and locked Captain.”
“Thank you, EO. Helm slide to starboard 10 meters.”
“10 Meters Aye Captain. Holding steady.”
“I’ll see you in a few days. Tell everyone I said safe travels.”
“I will Marc. Safe travels. Until we meet again.”
“Until we meet again, my Adam.” I said, as I disconnected from Adam and tapped another tab on my chair.
“Control this is Solar Flare. Requesting departure clearance.”
“Solar Flare you are clear for departure. Safe travels Captain Alexander.”
“Thank you Control, Alexander out.” I closed the Comm. “Helm, take us out, please.” I stood ramrod straight, looking Adam’s image right in the eyes as I slammed my fist over my heart in salute. He followed suit, dipping his head to me. Then the rest of the people in uniform returned the gesture as we pulled back. Once the stern was clear of the hangar, I lowered my fist and moved back to the chair to sit.
“Clear of the doors, swinging around.” Mike said.
“Very well.” I cut the transmission to the viewing area. “EO. Cloak if you please. Helm. Lock my course and take us to 90 percent on the Mains.”
“Cloaked Captain.”
“Thank you EO.”
“Steady on course 90 percent.”
“EO, give the Captain the all clear please.”
“Aye Captain.”
“Helm, take my next course for the Jump. Lock my target.”
“Aye Captain, target locked. Ready to Jump on command.”
“Very well.”
“Mike. I also loaded another set of trainings for you. That should hold you until after the wormhole.”
“Thank you Marc.”
“Captain, I relieve you.”
“I stand relieved Captain. We are ready for the Jump Grams. It’s all programed. My ride should be there at the time, noted.” Grams looked at the notes, including the time until Jump.
“10 Minutes then. Do you think this is really necessary?”
“I rather be prepared and not be needed than to have to run a rescue operation and be too late.” She grimaced and nodded.
“Who is going with you?” I motion her to the back of the Bridge.
“I’m meeting Captain Wynn and the Black Haven.” She looked at me, bug-eyed for a few heartbeats.
“Well, that sounds like how you do things. Good luck.”
“Thank you Grandma. Until we meet again.”
“Until we meet again, Marc.”
I left the bridge and went to my cabin. Grabbed my gear and headed for the port side airlock. I waited until I heard the words passed.
“Jump in three, two, one, Jump.” I felt the queasy feeling and then 5 minutes later it settled.
“Marc, we are on station. All stop.” I tapped the code for the Bridge.
“Thanks Grandma. I’m going for my walk now.”
“Copy that Marc. Safe travels.”
“Same to you Grandma.” I coded the lock and entered, shutting the hatch behind me and tapping the decompress code. Once I had vacuum and double checked my suit’s seal, I entered the outer lock and sealed the hatch. I tapped the code for the outer door and the warning lights came on as it opened. Looking out and my ride decloaked just as I stepped outside, my reaction thrusters pushed me forwards as I guided myself to the open hatch on the Jump shuttle. She was sleek, meant for atmospheric as well as space flight. Most importantly, she was fast and could cloak. I neared the hatch, slowing my approach. Reaching out, I grabbed a hand hold and pulled myself in, closing the hatch behind me. I tapped my Link and synced it with the shuttle. Tapping a few more buttons. I hit send and looked out at the Solar Flare as she moved away and cloaked. The door opened and a crew chief welcomed me aboard, leading me to the cockpit. We were already Jumping as I entered. It was fantastically fast as I watched the panels. I really need to get one of these. It only took an hour to reach the jump point and pass through, then we were jumping again. Within 10 minutes we were on station. The crew chief told me we would dock in a few minutes. I smiled as I sat back and watched the Battleship drop out of cloak in front of us.
* * *
I was escorted to the Captain’s cabin. The 80ish gentleman in an immaculate uniform rose to greet me when we entered the cabin. He barely looked over 30, but then. Even at nineteen, I still look like I am twelve with a muscular body.
“Captain Alexander, I’m Captain Wynn. Welcome aboard the Black Haven.”
“Thank you, Captain, for meeting me here.” We talked for almost 30 minutes before he asked if I wanted to join him in an early lunch as we had at least another hour yet. I agreed, and he told me a few stories his grandfather told him. Apparently, he had known and worked with my great grandfather Joshua Alexander. It was good to hear those stories, and he brought it up because this operation sounded like one of the stories he heard and he was right. That’s how I got the idea. He checked the clock.
“Let’s head up to the Bridge and familiarize you with our weapons systems.” I followed him out and marveled at the size of the ship. When we entered the Bridge, I looked at all the stations. There were 20 people up here in just the watch section. I was in command deck heaven looking at all the equipment and the people running it. The helm was fantastic. We went to the weapons station, and he had me sit in one of the empty seats as the tactical officer went over the weapons specifics, ranges, mount numbers, and firing rates. I told both of them what I wanted to do and the Captain called over a few more people. After 10 minutes of discussion they could do what I wanted and I could make the commands over the Link. This way I could act as Officer of the Deck, since the Captain checked my file and I had the correct trainings and certifications for Duty Watch Officer on this ship class from Uncle Fran’s ship. We walked through the proper commands multiple times before he had me escorted back to the shuttle bay. We waited for the signal before we launched. The crew chief set me up at a work station that I could use to track everything going on. I Linked to the Bridge and talked with the Captain as he explained what they saw. We sat cloaked as the Black Haven fed us data. I watched and plotted my thoughts and sent them back to Black Haven.
“Monster, we concur on your last.”
“Monster copies.” I had the pilot move us a few kilometers for a better look. As my chime sounded on the Link. “This is Monster we have tone.”
“Copy that, Monster, we have it too.” We waited as I tapped into Nova Provider’s Comm’s feed and fed it to the ship. And here it comes.
“This is Monster. The bubble just went up.”
“Copy that Monster. We concur.” And we wait. They had her in the bubble. She couldn’t jump. I listen to the Comm’s traffic and then I heard it.
“Are you kidding me?”
“Say again Sa.”
“Sorry Chief. The first demand just came in. It’s newsies trying to force an interview.”
“We had that a few years ago. CONFED Navy shut it down.”
“Well, it’s time to play. Lock these three ships please and escalate a CONFED Hostile report.”
“This is Monster. We have targets locked and have escalated a Hostile report to CONFED. Lock my targets. Mount 51, Mount 52 and Mount 53. One per. Confirm weapons lock.”
Monster, we have your targets locked and are ready to fire.
“Monster copies Standby fire plan Beta.”
“We copy, Fire Plan Beta. Decloak, fire single round, cloak. Confirm Monster.”
“Monster confirms.”
“Captain Alexander, we have confirmation of Hostile report from CONFED.” The Chief said.
“Thank you Chief.”
“This is Monster. You are clear to fire, I say again, Foxtrot, Foxtrot, Foxtrot.”
“Copy Foxtrot Inbound and cloaked.” I watched as all three ships took a plasma bolt that almost knocked through the shields and into the armor.
“Well, that sucked for them.” I said out loud and the crew chief agreed with me whole-heartedly. I tapped a few keys and opened all channels and stood. I took a deep breath and lowered into my command voice. “Attention Hostile vessels. This is Captain Alexander of the Mining Vessel Bear Claws. Do I have your attention now with my warning shot? You have been designated hostile by CONFED Navy. You have 15 seconds to deactivate the interdiction bubble holding the vessel Nova Provider and vacate the area. If you do not terminate your blackmail attempt on the vessel Nova Provider, I will terminate you. You have 15 seconds from my Mark. Mark.” And I cut the Comm’s but still listened in. Obviously, losing your shields in one shot has a bad effect on your confidence as they pulled off. I thought as I watched the scans.
“Chief, move us down to the Nova Provider, please.”
“Aye Sa.” I tapped the Link again.
“This is Monster. Hostiles seemed to decide it would be better to leave the area. Thank you for your help. Until we meet again. Monster out.”
“We copy Monster. Until we meet again. Safe travels. Wynn out.” I tapped back into the Nova Provider Comm’s and tapped out a Closed Band Link number. Pass to Captain Alexander, Adam Knight. Hold position. Monster inbound.
Nova Provider Bridge
“Sound Battle Stations. Helm make best speed for the edge of this interdiction bubble.”
“Aye Captain.” Andrew Alexander sat in his command chair, watching his Bridge personnel carry out their jobs as the ship slowly made its way to the edge of the warp bubble. Adam Knight was on the Bridge at the time and was standing next to him.
“Well, Adam, it appears Marc was right. I think he’ll be paying us a visit soon. Don’t tell anyone, including your Mother.” Adam looked confused then thought about it. Maybe Solar Flare was here too, cloaked.
“Aye Captain.” Adam finally responded.
“Captain, we have three vessels just outside the bubble.” Said the EO.
“Are they trying to lock us up?”
“Negative Captain.” His eyebrows lifted as he thought that over.
Attention Nova Provider: We are requesting an interview with the following people. Adam Knight, Marc Alexander, Brendan Knight. Until we get our interview, we will not drop the interdiction bubble. The same message repeated three times before it suddenly stopped mid broadcast.
“Captain. Something just knocked their shields down instantly and they have started erratic maneuvers.”
“Captain, you’ve got to hear this.” Said the EO.
“On speakers Comm’s.”
“This is Captain Marc Alexander of the Mining Vessel Bear Claws. Do I have your attention now with my warning shot? You have been designated hostile by CONFED Navy. You have 15 seconds to deactivate the interdiction bubble holding the vessel Nova Provider and vacate the area. If you do not terminate your blackmail attempt on the vessel Nova Provider, I will terminate you.” Shivering at the coldness of the tone, Marc spoke in. “You have 15 seconds from my mark. Mark.”
“I guess that explains what happened to their shields.” Laughed the Captain Alexander.
The EO perked up. “Captain. I’ve got something. I don’t know what it means, but it’s on your screen now and for Sa Knight.”
“Adam, I think you better look at this.” I looked at the screen and read the message as a smile grew on his face. “Pass to Captain Alexander, Adam Knight. Hold position. Monster inbound.”
“Helm Hold position.”
“Aye Captain, coming to all stop and holding position.” Looking at the Captain.
“Marc is coming here?” the Captain shrugged. “EO, do we have any other ships in the vicinity?” He tapped out some keys and looked at the screens.
“Nothing but the CONFED Cruiser that just entered Sector and a few ships on the other side.” Adam’s link chimed. “Hello.”
Fancy meeting you here. Could you step over to the briefing room on the starboard side, please? Captain Alexander was looking at me.
“Starboard side briefing room?” He pointed to the third door at the back of the Bridge. I nodded and walked fast to get there. Once the door closed behind me. “OK I’m here.”
“So am I. Look out the view port.” Turning just in time to see the shuttle decloak. My smile radiated out the view port towards Marc.
“Hello my monster.”
Yes Adam. Your monster. I’ll see you in a day or so. You shouldn’t have anymore problems now.
“Thank you Marc. I can’t wait to hold you again.” The shuttle cloaked again.
I miss you already, too. We’ll be together soon. We are getting ready to Jump. Tell Grandpa he can go. And the Link cut out. I walked back to the Bridge and Captain Alexander. He looked at me.
“The shuttle?” I nodded to him.
“He said we can go.” He nodded a thoughtful smile as he turned forwards.
“Helm, get us back on course for the next jump point.”
“How did he knock down shields with a shuttle?” The Captain snorted.
“With something bigger, much bigger.” Getting the feeling that was the only answer he was going to get, he just nodded a smile and went to check on his Mother with the holovid team in tow. Captain Andrew Alexander Senior watched fondly as Adam and the newsie departed the Bridge and mumbled. “The stories they will tell their grandchildren.”
“Say again Captain” asked the Duty Watch Officer.
“Nothing Sa Ternovva. Just thinking aloud.” He nodded and returned to his duties. Marc is definitely recreating the legends of the past that were told about my father, Joshua Alexander. He thought as he moved out of the seat and headed for his own work space.
Adam walked into the quarters and work area that they had been assigned and, seeing the smile she knew meant her son had been in contact with Marc, his Mother looked past him to the newsie she had hired.
“Did you get anything good?”
“Yes Sa. I need to edit it down and then we can watch it.” Her grin was spreading as she locked her eyes on Adam again.
“And how is Marc?” Adam’s surprised look changed quickly to questioning.
“Why do you think I had any contact with Marc?” She smiled a knowing smile at him.
“Because I know you and how you act after you’ve been in contact with Marc. You might as well carry a sign saying Marc was here, the way you broadcast your happiness around.” Adam just grinned at her as she shook her head. “My dear son. It’s called being in love.” He thought about it as he moved to sit down.
“Yes. But how is he doing these things?” Amelia just snorted.
“Maybe you should spend a little time researching Joshua Alexander. Look at some of the stories people tell. I think you’ll find Marc has heard them and he’s recreating some of them. Bringing the legends of the Alexander Family to life again. I bet in 100 years or so the two of you will be telling all kinds of stories to your grandchildren and great grandchildren.”
Adam had drifted into daydreams as she spoke. Him and Marc sitting under umbrellas on a pure white beach watching children and adults playing volleyball as other people played in the surf. Marc sitting between his legs, leaning into his chest. Holding a tiny child. He made cooing noises as he shook a toy in front of the bundle, causing little giggles to emit from it. An older person coming over and saying, Thanks Grandpa, I’ll take Ronan now. The kids want you two in the water. I look down at Marc’s blond hair that’s turning silver and kissed the top his head before I spoke. “Let’s go play for a while. We’re not that old.” Marc barks out a laugh.
“Look around you, my love. We have great, great grandchildren. We're not 19 anymore. Are you having a mid-life crisis?” I chuckled before I shot back.
“Well… maybe if you weren't such a monster…”
“Yes, Adam. Your monster. For all eternity.” He pulled my arm from around him and kissed the back of my hand. “OK. Let’s go play in the water, love.” I shook myself back to reality and did as Mom suggested as I started tapping keys and reading.
Amelia nodded as she watched Adam tap out keys and start reading. Marc is doing well, but I will escalate the stories into the legends they need. Amelia Knight just smiled as she went back to her planning, fingers tapping and eyes moving from one screen to another. Reading and sending messages.
We had Jumped and were burning hard for the Solar Flare. “Captain. May I ask a question?”
“Of course Chief. What’s on your mind?”
“We’ve been hearing some rumors. Now meeting you in person and seeing how you operate. I am wondering if they are true.” I had to concentrate not to smile.
“And what might those rumors be Chief,” I cocked my head to one side slightly with an inquisitive look.
He smiled, “We heard you took Battle Dressed Marines out on a date with your boyfriend.” I smirked.
“Well, he wasn’t my boyfriend at the time. There was a little issue over a lunch date I planned. I figured my Marines needed to go out for a walk anyway, so I took them along.” He was evaluating me as closely as he would evaluate any recruit in boot camp. A mixture of well-honed bullshit detector and lie detector.
“Interesting way to start a relationship.”
“When we were having lunch, we both agreed our relationship was, how shall we say, complicated.” Now he snorted.
“Aye Sa. I could see that. Thank you, Sa.” I nodded as he turned back to his work.
“My turn Chief.”
“Aye, Sa?” He looked back with an inquisitive look on his own face.
“Could the ship hold a few platoons of Marines and does it have a large VIP quarters?” Now the chief was amused and raised an eyebrow.
“I’m getting the feeling you want to travel with company. Discreetly, but with force.” I smiled my feral grin.
“I knew I could count on you to get it right in one.” He laughed, a deep sounding belly laugh as he looked at me.
“Aye Sa. The Black Haven could accommodate your party and Marines. We have a platoon on board already. As for the accommodations, I’m not sure on your definition of large, but we have a few extra cabins and bunk space with the crew aside from the VIP Quarters.” I nodded in thought.
“So, how do you think Captain Wynn would feel about that?” The Chief shrugged.
“He’s a good officer. Likes what he does and if you combine that into your trip.” He paused, letting that idea resonate. I was thinking. Then a smile grew across my lips as I nodded. “I think he might find it rather nice to play spy all over the Region under cover of your grand tour.” I smiled broadly.
“Thank you, Chief. I think that is a wonderful idea. I’ll have to discuss it with the new board of Alexander-Knight Interstellar Industries.” His eyebrows shot up at that one. “But I think they’ll see the good idea for what it is, or at least what they think it is.” He did that deep belly laugh again.
“Aye Sa. I think you understand as I’d expect of an Alexander.” I nodded appreciatively.
“Thank you, Chief. That conversation was very enlightening and has given me a few things to think about.” He dipped his head in my direction before turning back to his position. We were closing on the position and I had to pack up my gear and ensure my suit was ready for a walk back to Solar Flare.
“5 minutes Captain.”
“Already packed, Chief. Thanks.” It wasn’t long before the chief was shaking my hand. I stepped into the Air Lock. I floated through the open door and waved back at the shuttle as they took off cloaking. I closed the outer hatch and hit the compression pad, then tapped the Comm.
“I’m home. Cloak and jump for the Station. I’ll be right up.”
“Better hurry, we’re already in Jump space.”
“On my way, Grams.” 4 minutes later I was on the Bridge dropping my helmet in its slot on the command chair.
“I have the ship.”
“You have the ship. Good trip Marc?”
“Interesting, to say the least. I want to talk to you later about some thoughts. Now if you could please. It’s time for act three of this play.” I made a shooing motion as Grandma cackled her way off the Bridge. We dropped out of Jump Space, and I tapped a few keys, opening a Link to the Station. Here goes, I thought.
“Vandermain Station Control, this is Solar Flare, Captain Marc Alexander, commanding. Requesting docking instructions.”
“Solar Flare, this is Control. You are clear to dock in hanger A-7. Welcome back Captain.” I raised an eyebrow at that. I didn’t know who I was talking to.
“Thank you Control. Copy hangar A-7. Alexander out.” I looked around the Bridge and saw Uncle Peter trying hard not to smile. “Friends of yours.” He chuckled.
“Family actually. 3rd cousins, probably 4th to you. We should make it a point to visit while we are here.” Interesting, I thought. Getting the entire family in on the deal, or just a side role, anyway.
“Indeed. I think you are right.” A tone sounded on my personal Link. “You’ll need to check out the latest Link Cast. Headline reads, Protector of the Sector rescues Boyfriend again.” I snorted loud enough for the entire bridge to look at me as I lowered my arm. Peter lifted an eyebrow in my direction.
“Helm, take us around to A-7, please. Keep us moving but stay within local limits.”
“Aye Captain.” I leaned to Peter.
“Check the news Links before we dock.” His smile became broader.
“We almost made it.”
“Close enough, actually. I had already asked for clearance and there is no way this ship made a 3 sector run in time to do that.” I said as I pointed to the Link Cast on Peter’s screen. He started to laugh and read out loud.
“Star-Crossed Lovers Meet in the Stars Again.” He looked at me with a smirk.
“Amelia, I think.” He nodded.
“Interesting times. Probably shouldn’t have woken you up at 04:00 hours.” I roared out a laugh at that.
“That’s what Grandpa Alexander said last night.” I turned back to the main view port. Another 15 minutes and we would be docked. My personal Link sounded again.
“Link Cast stories released. Here’s a list of talking points if you need to speak. Amelia.” I raised an eyebrow and sat back as Peter looked over at me questioningly. “Amelia sent me talking points in case I need to speak, and Grandma Alexander concurs.” He nodded.
“She’ll know what to say and how to say it.” Relaxing in the chair as we glided around the Station and entered the hanger. I tapped to codes to enlarge the viewing area in the center upper portion of the main viewing screen again. Stood moving to the center console of the Helm station again. A few Officers saluted as we passed through the Hanger doors. I came to attention and returned the salute momentarily before assuming parade rest as I watched our progress. Mike had Helm and took us in, smoothly sliding us over to the dock as the Docking Clamps engaged and the Lock thumped into position.
“Helm reports Lock extended, and Docking Clamps engaged. Helm is finished with Mains and Thrusters. Ready to secure.”
“Nicely done Helm, you may secure.” I went around the Bridge and secured each station in turn as I cut the view off from the hanger. I’ve been seen, and that was all that was needed. I turned the ship over to the duty watch section and headed down to Grandma’s cabin.
Grandma was on the Link as I arrived and motioned me to sit as she continued talking. “He just walked in now. I’ll talk it over with him and Comm you back.” She listened intently for a second, then responded. “That was my opinion too when I saw that one. We’ll spend a few minutes looking at the lot of them. 5 right?” She listened again as she tapped out something on her workstation. “OK. We’ll Comm back in 30 minutes. Armstrong out.” She turned and gave me an appraising look. “I should have woken you up years ago. Do you have any idea what’s going on in both Corporations right now?”
I put on my best innocent look as I said, “No. What is going on now?” She gave me an exasperated look.
“Don’t even play innocent with me, kid. You just thrust us into the eyes of the Region. We have Corporations big and small wanting to join the Alexanders and Knights with you at the Helm. The industrials are going off the charts in orders for ores, processed materials, manufactured goods, ships, even a new Station. We’ve reached the point we have back orders now extending out to six months instead of one. Your Dad talked to the Guild, and they are putting their weight behind you, not a Corp, but you. Leading a series of Rat Raids to clean out the pirates in the Low Sectors along the Pipe again. And that’s just the beginning of what’s going on. You also need to go over the talking points and speak soon. Amelia wants to do it tomorrow at the reception, but said if push comes to shove you can do it tonight. And for a heads up. We have the Sector Governors from three Sectors we operate in coming tomorrow.” She just huffed as she ran out of steam, piercing me with her withering gaze.
“Yes. And?” She blinked at me and started laughing.
“You need a staff.” I shrugged.
“I thought we had one.” She puffed out a sigh.
“Not for this kid. We need to quadruple its size.”
“Then it’s time to do it.” She just looked at me.
“And you have.” She stopped speaking and snapped her mouth shut. Sat back, then spun her seat and started typing furiously. Then she stopped to read something. She scrolled through a few pages, hunched over, then shot straight up in her chair looking at me with newfound appreciation. “Do you know what you have done?”
“Yes. I think you are the first to realize it.”
“Holy hell and back, kid. Arthur and Andrew agreed to this the other night?”
“For all intents and purposes, they didn’t say no or object. So, the answer is yes.” Her jaw dropped open. Then closed slowly.
“Joshua Alexander is indeed laughing throughout the Stars at all of us.” It started out slow as a smile, then built into a roaring cackle that could probably be heard by all the Stars themselves.
* * *
Thanks to Uncle Peter, I was rescued from the 2-hour marathon of watching the Link Cast holovids, to talking with Grandma Alexander and Amelia. To talking with the staff of both Corporations and ordering the organization of the Corporations applying to join us by location, specialty, size and capitalization. I also told them they now work together and should start hiring the staff needed to handle the workload. It wasn’t 10 minutes later I had a file containing all the Corps wanting entrance. We escaped to the Dock and headed for the restaurant we were meeting our cousin at. We ended up with a few more people that came to meet me. It was a nice dinner until I spotted people looking at me strangely. Nudging Peter.
“It’s time to get back to the ship.” He looked at me and I motioned to a group with my eyes. He looked and grimaced.
“Crappy life you have created for yourself.” I had to think about that. If my Marines were here, I wouldn’t care.
Peter might be right. We said our goodbyes after Peter made an excuse to return to the ship. Once I boarded the ship, I headed straight for my cabin. I had tons of work anyway and sat down to start it. The most important was Lieutenant Peters had sent me a file that was amended after the changes. It was good, and I sent back a note explaining other changes that were possibly on the horizon as well and that I was impressed with the plans so far. Then I opened the file for the Corporations. I was looking for something. I just didn’t know what. The mix was interesting, but out of the almost 3 dozen applicants, I found three that were not specialized. They diversified into several fields. Not one of them was on our scale, but they could be an instant boost across the board for us. That could be needed sooner rather than later. I found three more that were just diversifying away from their main fields of excellence. What I found interesting were the locations themselves. They were concentrated in areas we were not and had been trying to break into those local markets. Those Sector governors were coming tomorrow to our reception. I tapped out a note to the Board that I wanted these six Corporations under our flag soonest. I continued working late into the night.
My Link came to life as I had an incoming Comm and smiled as I answered it. Waiting for the image to stabilize before I spoke.
“Hello, my mischievous trio. How are you?” I said to Hugo, Janek and Rory.
“We are doing good. Rory is a little upset and needed to speak with you.” Janek said. I heard the inflection in his voice as he spoke. I looked at Rory. Eyebrows raised in question.
He was pouting as he asked. “No more romping on Rory?” I sighed softy.
“Sorry Rory. No more romps on Rory for the foreseeable future.” I said. “Still love the three of you, though. Adam will like you too.” I said as a consolation prize.
“Is he the one?” Asked Janek.
“I think he is. Scent, height and the feeling of when he holds me matches the dreams.” I said.
“Then we should be expecting a Bonding soon?” Asked Hugo.
“Yes. At some point. I will make sure all of my past loves are in the front row.” I said with a grin.
“Special treatment?” Asked Rory.
“Of course. You’ll get the full effect of just how much I can do when I want to. I am the Prince of the Confederation after all.” That made Rory and Janek break out in roaring laughter as Hugo smiled at me. Slightly tilted as his eyes closed momentarily. I felt the demand for connection with my implant. I tilted my own head slightly and accepted without closing my eyes. I felt the happiness, love, and the hug envelope me from him.
“Hello Hugo. My love. Thank you for the hugs and love.” I sent back through the implant as I let the feelings of me hugging him tight and lifting him off the ground as we kissed flow back to him. I knew the other two had realized that we were communicating.
“Adam Knight is the one?” I nodded on his shoulder as I was now holding him tight to me, virtually. I felt the lips on my neck. “Are you finally going to settle down or are you going to convince him that it’s OK to have many loves scattered around the universe to make love with?” I shrugged.
“Don’t know. We haven’t even had sex yet.” I could feel his surprise as I felt him trying to pull the other two into the connection for a four-way implant discussion. I let the feelings of love expand again before I reached out and dragged Rory and Janek in. Hugo’s eyes opened wide.
“Didn’t know I could do that, did you?” My mind flicked to Janek. He was getting anxious. “Janek. Just relax. Open your mind and talk to us.” I said, as his eyes blinked a few times before he took a deep breath.
“Hi Marc. Sorry. It’s still new.”
“I know baby. Just relax. I’ll run the communication. All you need to do is listen and talk. Feel too when I send you feelings.” I sent to him, then sent a gentle hug and kiss. He smiled.
“You’ve done that to Hugo before?” Asked Janek. Rory was being quiet as Hugo physically held him. He understood I would relax Janek.
“Yes, I have. Not Rory, though. Until now.” I sent. Rory went to open his mouth and was hit with my recording of us making love. Hugo’s eyebrows shot up as Rory gasped and buried his head into Hugo’s neck. Janek looked at my expression and started to laugh as he figured out what had just happened. I smirked as I turned my eyes on Janek. I sent him a little blast of our emotions from our last time together. I did the same thing to Hugo. He chuckled and sent his version back to me.
“Seriously. No implant sex. I am happy with Adam and there will be a Bonding. That is most likely going to be years away.” I locked the equivalent of my eyes to Hugo’s. “We have much to do the next year and we will not have time.” Hugo gave the virtual nod of understanding. He knows as well as I do. There is a war coming.
“You still love us, but will you be able to spend time with us? We miss you too.” Asked Rory.
“I am sure we will. But. Just like now. It will not be as much as we like.” He gave me the mental nodded. Janek yawned, and I decided it was time to go.
“Love the three of you. I need to get back to work. Until we meet again, my triad.” I sent. They returned the sentiments and the love before we disconnected. As I returned to my work.
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