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Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
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Ralph: Breaking free - 34. Christmas plans

The run up to Christmas had seemed to disappear in a trice. Morrie might have been busy promoting his Autumn collection and planning the Spring one, but plenty of other clients were keeping them busy. Besides, Ivor’s robust design for Iverson’s website meant that unless Morrie decided on a radical new look, and Ralph would not put that past the man, then they wouldn’t need to do much each time there was new material.

At times, it felt like too much work for them, even though the new contractor was getting nicely bedded in. Ivor, however, was having to shave off time so he could plan the office move. When Ralph had gone along to see how the team Milly’s Dad had assembled were getting on, he was somewhat unnerved to find Nick Lowe’s ‘I Love the Sound of Breaking Glass’ blasting out, but really, he could not fault the men, and it was difficult not to have sympathy with them enjoying a job where they were removing and destroying. Stripped out, the place looked bleak, but Ivor insisted that a bit of tidying and fixing from ‘the guys’ would work wonders. As Nolan pointed out with a smile, it was too late now, wasn’t it, for changes of mind.

Movers had been booked, and were charging a fortune, claiming that between Christmas and New Year was ‘a holiday’ so there was a premium to be paid. In the odd gaps of spare time, everyone was getting involved in decommissioning the office.

In the front, where their reception area was, things had been quickly stripped out and Nolan was colonising it already. Evenings and weekends, he used it as his office, space to be himself. It was a godsend, allowing both of them the space they needed and whatever happened during the day and evening, last thing there would be a cuddle and perhaps more. But Ralph found having time to unwind on his own helpful, whilst at weekends not having to worry about the twins disturbing Nolan helped a lot.

Nolan was hell of a busy as not only had business picked up, but there was movement on various fronts regarding the embezzlement – the insurance company, the civil case, the crowd-funding - all of which took time. The rogue accountant had been located, holed up in Malta, which was progress of a sort. But there were plenty of hoops to continue to jump through.

All this was good for both of them as Nolan and Verne were able to start repaying Ralph’s loan and Nolan would eventually be able to pay his share of expenses for the ground floor. Not just money in Ralph’s pocket (much needed with the renovations on the new office, bargain basement though they were), but giving Nolan a sense of paying his way as well. It was good news for Verne too, as it brought back on track her and Richie’s plans to buy their own place.


The efforts of Fitness for All and the other companies to recover from the effects of the embezzlement had come to news outlets’ notice. An article in a national daily had led to someone doing some research and joining the dots. The resulting big piece in a Sunday supplement caused quite a stir. Both Nolan and Verne had done interviews (by video) and they had been expecting a story about their businesses and the fight back. The article, however, was far gossipier, drawing in the web of connections, include Russ Kahn and PPF, Ralph and of course the photographs for Iverson’s. It was a good read, and the journo had at least made the idea of Iverson’s photos seem to be that of businessmen helping each other. But they had used this as an excuse to print lots of photographs of the scantily clad men.

Ralph had grinned when he saw it and Nolan had rolled his eyes, saying they were always going to be known for it, weren’t they? Therese had dryly informed him that the presence of photographs of their Father and his boyfriend in a Sunday supplement had excited not only the girls, but all their friends and their friends’ parents. She wasn’t entirely sanguine, and relations had turned somewhat frosty, but Ralph understood that she was torn, on the one hand it was remarkable exposure for Ralph’s efforts helping Nolan, on the other his near naked form was plastered over the Sunday supplement.

And, to get to the nub of the matter, Ralph’s relationship with Nolan was there in print. She had admitted to him that it was difficult to accept but that the girls – Dee and Barb - had given her good advice and she had decided to ‘own it’ and the subject was all over her company intranet with Therese proclaiming she was proud of her ex-husband. At least, that’s what she said in public. If she was less proud in private, then Therese kept that to herself. Amazingly.

These were the sort of things that would have sent the old Ralph into a frenzy of anxiety and panic. But though he still worried, part of him was saying ‘to hell with it’. The people most important to him, Nolan, his work mates, the twins were all cool and most importantly Therese wasn’t going to make waves. Different degrees of cool, true, and Ralph sensed that he’d have to make sure he did not blot his copybook in any other way with Therese, otherwise things might get tricky, again. When feeling snarky, she was wont to refer to his ‘escapades’, he needed to watch that. So, there were anxieties there, but as Beth commented, it would all blow over come Christmas.

There was one exception to this list, of course. His parents. They were livid. Their friends read or saw the Sunday supplement, it was soon all round the Golf Club. His Mother had left Ralph a short, sharp message on his voicemail; that was a small mercy, at least, not having to deal directly with her. But she made it clear that the article was disgusting and that he had done it deliberately to embarrass them. The only response was to laugh and accept the large glass of wine handed to him by Nolan. He just hoped that the album of photographs of the girls went a little way towards mollifying them, but he wasn’t sanguine.

He didn’t give them an answer. Next morning, as he told Ivor and Beth about the message, Ivor had grinned and said, ‘Final big gesture!’ Indeed. Ralph dug out a pristine copy of the article (they’d bought a whole pile that issue of the paper) and had it framed, all of it, to go on the wall in the new office. ‘Own it, honey!’


Now, he was running around town doing last-minute shopping. The girls were with Therese, she’d taken the day off and promised them a day of girlie Christmas things. So, he had time, and a list. This had featured quite a big hole in it, what to get Nolan. The turn around on the album of photographs for his parents was pretty quick, you just ordered online and then could collect your present.

He’d actually created two different projects. One of the girls, for his parents and for Therese, and a very different one for Nolan. He’d missed the last recommended posting date for his parents, but what the hell. It was a fun book with some lovely images of the girls, with him, with Nolan, with the two of them. Mostly climbing and football, but also the cake one with their expressions of concentration. Priceless. And some from Therese, taken at parties, in girlie frocks. He couldn’t work out what his parents might object to. Surely...

The other featured all of Edward Hirsch’s photos of them, including the frontal ones of Ralph, and Ralph and Nolan naked. Goodness knows what the printing people made of it, but he’d checked the small print on the website first and nude was OK, as long as it wasn’t explicit.

Now he’d successfully collected them, Nolan’s was tucked away in his shopping, his parents’ one was in the post, and spares were in his bag ready to wrap for Therese. Too late to have any regrets.

He was pleased when he’d finally finished shopping. Just in time to meet Nolan and Morrie for a drink. At the bar where Nolan and he had had their first drink. Morrie had never been to it. It would probably be heaving, this time of year, but what the hell.

When Ralph got there, it was to find it as full as he’d feared, but there was also a big ‘No Standing Allowed’ notice. Now that was a novel one, but it kept things manageable and as they’d booked a table, all was OK. Nolan had already arrived, and when Ralph heaved his shopping bags over the table, Nolan had grinned.

“That first time, you’d been buying the girls’ Christmas stuff. I though you must be quite mad.”

Ralph laughed, “Now you know. It’s a never-ending journey. And in January, we start on the birthday plans.” They both smiled, remembrance of all sorts in their eyes, Ralph leaned over the table and kissed Nolan.

“I hope I’m not interrupting something”, Morrie smiled.

They settled down and ordered.

“This is fun.” Morrie looked around, “But civilised too.”

“It was a lot quieter when we first we first came here.”

Morrie quirked an eyebrow, “Your first date?”

Ralph shrugged, “Something like that.”

“My choice”, Nolan smiled. “I’m surprised you’ve never been here.”

They had a relaxing catch-up and got a bit merry, just eating the bar’s fancy nibbles. All taste and no satisfaction, as Morrie commented.

“Christmas all planned?” Morrie’s smile was wicked.

Nolan gave a self-satisfied smirk, “As a matter of fact.”

“I have our early Christmas dinner with Therese and the girls at her place on the 23rd. I’ve given Therese some recipes from Beth and Carine, so she can practice. She’s taking the girls to her parents for Christmas.”

Morrie smiled, “Where I take it that meat’s a feature?”

“Most definitely, so Thursday’s a dummy run. And whilst I’m there, Nolan, Verne and their team go out together.”

“Fun?” Morrie quirked an eyebrow at Nolan.

Nolan shrugged, “We’re more of a closeknit team now. Last year, it was me and Verne plus folk as necessary, but now we have a tight team of regular staff.”

“Full time?”

“No, they’re still contract, but do most of their work for us and Verne says we’ll need to regularise things next year. But we’re not the sort of group to go out drinking together.” He laughed, “Verne wanted to take everyone out on a run, but we’ve decided on going bowling, though I worry we might have ended up selecting an activity that no-one actually likes.”

Morrie laughed, “Bowling’s definitely not my scene. And what happens after?”

“Four days of quiet, just Nolan and I, whilst Therese and the girls are at her parent’s.”

“With a big bag of lentils”, Nolan was being deliberately funny.


Nolan rolled his eyes, “We’re taking the twins to my parents after Christmas. They are major carnivores so we’re making some contributions to take with us.”

“Very seasonal.”

Ralph shrugged, “The family that cooks together…”

“What about you?”

“Well.” Morrie drew the word out for such a long time that they wondered if he was going to say anything. “Father’s wife wanted to go somewhere warm, so they’re in the Caribbean for a month.”

Ralph raised his eyebrows, “Nice?”

Morrie wrinkled his nose, “Father has had a good run in business, recently, and his wife feels neglected.” He shrugged. “The Caribbean? Yes, in moderation. My Father at Christmas? In a very small dose. Marooned with Father and his wife on an island for Christmas? No.” This latter said with distaste.

“So, you are free?”

“After a fashion. I had wondered about Verne’s yurt.”



“I remember Ralph mentioned that she and her boyfriend had been to one on Lewis. No Wi-Fi, real time out.”

Ralph stared at the man, “Lewis, in December?”

Morrie gave an abashed smiled, “Precisely.”

Nolan gave him a look, “Would you cope, no Wi-Fi, no phone, no…”

Morrie laughed, “I’d like to try. But I don’t do cold.”

Ralph laughed, “Your flat, and switch off your Wi-Fi?”

“Well. Dad has a Summer place in Malta, and I think I might go there.”

“Warmer than Lewis.”

“Nice. You realise that’s where Nolan’s accountant ended up.”

Morrie spluttered, “I assure you that…” But he came to a halt as he saw that the other two were simply laughing at the unlikely coincidence.

“Any particular reason why your Father has a place on Malta?”

“My Gran, Dad’s Mum, was Maltese. Her family came to the UK in the 1930s and stayed. Dad took her over there a few times and liked it.” Morrie shrugged, “So, when he could, he bought somewhere.”

“Near where your family came from?”

Morrie laughed, “Doubt it, and I’ve no idea where the family is from. Dad just bought a villa.”

“Nice place to get away. But tourists…”

“The villa is on a private bit, on Gozo. Difficult to get to. Father’s wife hates it.”

“So, you use it?”


“That was the idea.”

“Can you cook?”

A dry laugh, “Well, there’s a woman that comes in but, as it happens, I do. I rather liked the idea.”

“So, what’s the problem?”

“Felix phoned and suggested we go away, together. Just the two of us.”

“Is that wise?”

Nolan gave a dry laugh, “Well, at least there’d be no other temptations for him.”

Morrie’s smile was grim, “Find ourselves?”


“I agreed”, Morrie gave an embarrassed shrug. “I know. But I can’t say no. Though his original idea was hardly tempting.”

“What was it?”

“Deserted cove in Wales.” Morrie made a face.

“He’s coming to Gozo?”

“Two of us, five days, no-one else.”

“Till you kill him.”

“Don’t tempt me.”

“So, when do we get invited to Gozo.” Ralph cocked his head on one side.

Nolan smirked, “After all, if your Father’s wife doesn’t like it, he may decide to get rid of the place.”

Morrie stared and gave a nervous laugh, “To Gozo? In the Spring? Why not. But the girls…”

“Would love it. Plenty of space to run around and I’d imagine it’s safe. Lots of climbing.” Ralph shrugged.

“You and Nolan, the girls and me?”

“And Felix?”

Morrie laughed, “Felix and two nine-year-olds.”

“Ten please. Birthdays are important.”

“Ok. Why not.”

“Your Father?”

Morrie pulled a face, “A week will be fine. In May. Little likelihood of them wanting to go, too much else on in places that his wife prefers.”

“Half term.”

“I’ll warn you, it’s a bit of a trek.”

“Flight to Malta.”

Morrie gave him a look, “For a start the cheap flights are all at unconscionable times, so if you want civilised then you’ll have to pay up. Then there a drive across the island, then the ferry to Gozo, then another drive.” He shrugged, “Oh, it’s all cute and picturesque, but at the end of a long journey it can feel a bit much.”

“Point taken, and perhaps I’ll regret it but”, Ralph grinned, “let’s do it.”

“Let’s do it.”


The next morning, Ralph was prepared to dismiss the Gozo idea as a silly fantasy, but on Christmas Eve he got a message from Morrie complete with pictures of a rather attractive house done out in what Ralph assumed was traditional style. Plus, a message that his Father would be delighted to host them at half-term in May. Wow.

The early Christmas dinner with Therese and the girls had gone reasonably well. Therese had been a bit short with him, because the girls had moaned that Nolan wasn’t going to be there. Ralph had explained to them about Nolan having to do things with Verne and their staff; they understood but were still a bit annoyed. And Therese was, Ralph thought, seriously pissed that Nolan was so popular.

Still the photo album went down well and seemed to calm things. It was lucky that he’d had extra printed because the girls wanted one each, as well.

It was after Christmas before he got a rather stiff note from his Mother, thanking him for the lovely album and commenting that some of the pictures were delightful. Some of the pictures!

He wasn’t to know that his Father had pronounced the book a waste of money and that his parents had carefully sliced a single photograph, of the girls in their party frocks, from the book, put the resulting image in a nice, but inexpensive, frame and consigned the rest of the book to the attic.

We are coming to the end of this arc of the story, with the Epilogue to come on Friday. I always wanted this story to be about Ralph’s development and coming to terms with himself, weaving Nolan in too, so that Christmas felt like a suitable point to stop and take stock.
I realise there plenty that I have not covered, and perhaps Ralph and Nolan will be back, there is after all the Christmas visit to Nolan’s parents, the much-delayed meeting up with Brian, Gordon et al, and more besides. Certainly they will be making appearances in future Brian & Gordon stories.
Watch this space.
Copyright © 2024 Robert Hugill; All Rights Reserved.
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