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    Sammy Blue
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  • 3,305 Words
Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you. 

Gemini - 21. More Than Expected

Finally! After like forever, I have started writing again. I am sorry about the major delay and I hope I maintained whatever little quality I had before. ;) Enjoy!


I was with my back against the wall of the swimming pool, my arms outstretched, hands holding onto the edge of the pool, my eyes fixed on Ethan. His perfect body was floating to my left, a couple of feet away. His eyes were closed, giving me the perfect opportunity to admire him. His wet, golden hair was reflecting the sun, making him look hotter than ever before and his abs seriously had me consider starting to work out. Oh how I wished I were able to touch his soft skin...

A sudden splash of water to my face interrupted my daydreams and made me look around. My eyes caught the culprit quickly; it was Cody. He gave me a scarily knowing smirk and started splashing more water at me. I blushed hard, and I immediately dived, hoping he wouldn’t see my reaction. I then swam over to him and tried to pull him under, but he got away. After a few minutes of chasing around and splashing water at each other, we ended up on the other side of the pool, panting heavily. I recovered first and dashed forward, trying to pull him under again, in the process almost pulling down his rainbow-colored swimming trunks. Only Cody would wear the pride flag as swimming trunks. At least I was successful this time.

Finally feeling like I had gotten back at him for interrupting such a nice moment, I swam a few yards away, waiting whether he would go after me, or give up. When he surfaced, he looked around, found me and started to smirk again.

“So you…” he started, but I never found out what he wanted to say. An inflated plastic ball hit me on the head and a second later, somebody jumped from the edge of the pool between the two of us, making a loud splash and showering us.

Before I had even processed what was happening, Ian surfaced next to me and snatched the ball away, tossing it to one of his jock friends, Wayne, who had also jumped into the pool a bit further away. He turned to me and grinned. “You up for a game?”

“Ian!” I called, surprised. “What are you doing here?”

He shrugged. “Same as you, just hanging out. Conrad and the guys are over that the beach volleyball field. Anyway, you game?”

“Sure, I’m in,” I said, without much thinking.

He turned to the other side of the pool and called: “Ethan, Sarah, get over here. You’re in a team with Wayne, I’m with J and Cody.”

That made me smile. I was sure he had intentionally chosen Cody and me to be on his team, as a show of support for Jacob’s little crusade for gays. As Sarah and Ethan made their way to us, I swam over to Ian and nudged him. “Thanks,” I said.

“It’s nothing, kiddo,” he replied with a warm smile.

“Hey, I’m barely younger than you; there’s no reason to call me kiddo!” I protested, but stuck out my tongue and grinned, showing that I didn’t really mind.

Ian laughed. “Yeah, whatever. Just make sure we beat their asses, I’ve got a bet with Wayne on this.”

And beat their asses we did. Since dinner time was getting close, the pool wasn’t too crowded, so we could easily set up two improvised goals and start our game. It quickly became clear that we were the better team. Cody had apparently played a lot of water polo at his old school, and while I had not, all the swimming I had done in the past years came in rather handy. I didn’t even mind the ball, since it didn’t really hurt, even when it hit you right in the face. With Ian being a better player than Wayne, we constantly had the upper hand. After losing the basketball game so badly, I really enjoyed this.

It must’ve been half an hour into the game when I started to become exhausted and didn’t pay as much attention anymore. I was swimming backwards and the ball came flying in my direction, but a little too high. I threw myself backwards, trying to catch of it, when the back of my head collided with something and I saw stars. For a few seconds, I was dazed and went underwater, but then quickly got back control and surfaced.

Turning around, I saw Ethan, obviously in pain. I must’ve hit him right on the nose. He was struggling with tears, though he tried to look brave and like nothing had happened. Ignoring my own pain, I focused on him. “I’m sorry.” I heard myself say. “Are you okay?”

“I’ll be fine, it’s nothing,” Ethan said through gritted teeth.

“Come over here, you’re bleeding,” I told him. I pulled him to the edge of the pool and gently touched his nose. “It’s not broken,” I concluded after some prodding. Turning to the others I called. “We’ll take a break and join you later again, alright?”

As we were climbing out of the pool, Sarah shot us a worried look, but Ian just shrugged, grabbed the ball and passed it to Cody, effectively cutting her off. The game continued and we headed towards the lawn behind the pool.

“It’s getting late, what do you think about heading home?” Ethan suddenly asked me.

“Sounds good. Let’s wait for the others, though. They should be leaving soon anyway,” I decided, and then I stopped dead in my tracks. Right before us on the lawn I saw Parker, sitting there with a few of his buddies. He was the last person I expected to run into, and I was so surprised that I paused for a few seconds, trying to figure out what to do. Unfortunately those seconds were just enough for him to notice me and get up.

“Ah, the little fag and his girlfriend again,” he drawled, taking a few steps towards us.

I just stood there, frozen, all my insecurities crashing down on me. This was exactly what I had feared, Parker actually confronting me. I didn’t want to turn around and walk away, I was sure he would see that as an opportunity to blindside me, but I couldn’t think of anything useful to say either.

The look on his face was so malicious, it was downright scary. Something about him was different from how he normally acted, it showed in his movements and in his voice. As soon as he spoke again, I knew why.

“So which one of you is the girl, huh? It must be you, I bet you enjoy taking it up the ass,” he taunted me, and I could clearly smell the alcohol on his breath. Right then, I got really worried. Parker was usually mean and aggressive, however, a drunk Parker was also dangerous and unpredictable.

“Just who the fuck do you think you…” Ethan finally reacted, but before he could say any more, Parker shoved him hard, making him stumble and fall to the ground.

“Shut up faggot,” he slurred, much louder this time.

That got a reaction from me. Without even thinking, I made a fist and hit him right in the face. I was so furious that he had dared to touch Ethan, I didn’t even hesitate before I buried my other fist in his stomach. Apparently I didn’t hit very hard, or maybe he was just too drunk to notice, because he merely looked surprised. Then he hit back, and before I knew what was happening, he had me in a headlock, and I could see several of his buddies getting up.

“Hits like a fairy, too,” he snarled. I merely wheezed for air in response. My stomach was in so much pain, I almost threw up. I glanced over at Ethan who was just getting back up, hoping he would run and get help, instead of trying to fight. I struggled against Parker’s grip, but it was futile. An attempt to call for Ian turned out to be just as fruitless, all I got out was a loud wheeze. Gasping for air, I had to watch Ethan getting up, just to be pushed back down by one of Parker’s lackeys, and I could feel tears simmering in my eyes.

Suddenly Parker grunted and his headlock eased. Then he was ripped away from me and I sank to the ground, finally able to breathe again.

“What’s your fucking problem?” Someone shouted at him.

“He’s just some faggot,” I heard Parker say. “What do you care?”

I looked up, just in time to see Conrad shoving Parker, sending him stumbling backwards and almost trip over a camera that was lying on the ground next to their other stuff.

“Don’t ever call my brother a faggot again. You fuck with him, you fuck with me, got it?” Conrad snarled. “Now get the fuck outta here before I call the cops.”

Behind Conrad stood several of his baseball teammates, backing him up. For a moment, Parker just stared at Conrad. He definitely wasn’t a weakling, but Conrad and most of his friends were a year or two older than him, and all of them were jocks. Sarah, Cody, Ian and Wayne were also coming towards us, obviously having heard the commotion. When one of Conrad’s teammates took out a cellphone, indicating that calling 911 wasn’t a joke, Parker finally reacted.

“Yeah, whatever man,” he said, shaking his head. Conrad almost looked like he wanted to hit him again, but instead turned to us while Parker and his friends gathered their stuff and left. “This asshole ever comes near you again, you tell me, got it?” He said to me, loud enough for Parker to hear.

I just nodded and took the hand Conrad was offering me to get back to my feet. “Thanks.”

He just shrugged and looked a bit awkwardly at me, and then at Cody. “No problem. Well, see you on Sunday, I guess.” And with that, he and his friends returned to the volleyball field to resume their game. I let out a sigh of relief. Parker was gone and neither Ian nor Conrad seemed to be suspicious about anything. Luckily Parker hadn’t said anything stupid to give away Jacob’s and my secret. I really hoped he wouldn’t figure out why Conrad had called me his brother.

“You alright?” Ethan asked me softly.

“I’m okay,” I replied, and only then I noticed how hard I was shaking. Ethan’s arms moved to embrace me, but suddenly, looking at the others, he stopped himself. There were a few awkward seconds between us, before Sarah glanced at him and then threw her arms around me, pressing me close.

“That was scary,” she whispered. “Why do such assholes even exist? Don’t they have anything better to do than harassing other people?”

“Ouch! Careful, I still need to breathe,” I protested.

“Sorry,” she said, letting me go, but then embracing me again, softer this time.

I put my arms around her and closed my eyes. Ethan would’ve been my first choice for this, but being close to Sarah also helped. When I finally calmed down, I stepped back. “Let’s go home,” I suggested. “This kinda ruined my mood, and I’m hungry anyway.”

Ethan nodded in agreement, but Ian gave me a hesitant look. “Are you sure you want to stay at Ethan’s for the weekend? Mom and dad are worried about our fight, and there really is no reason to stay away. I mean, things are okay now, aren’t they?”

“Don’t worry, Ian,” I reassured him, trying to smile. “I wanted to spend the weekend at Ethan’s either way. Can you tell mom and dad that we’re cool?”

Ian wavered for a moment longer, but then he agreed. “Alright. See you Sunday, then.”

I nodded. “Thanks for the game, it was fun.” Turning to Wayne I said: “Thanks for joining us, take care.”

Wayne glanced at Cody, then looked back to me, smiling. “Sure, anytime. Ian told me what this whole fight was about. I think you’re doing the right thing.”

I grinned. “At least someone sees my point.”

After that we parted and got changed. Ten minutes later, Ethan and I said our goodbyes to Sarah and Cody and started walking over to his place.

“Do you think Parker will figure out what’s going on?” I asked worriedly.

“Why would he?” Ethan asked. “I mean, he doesn’t know you’re supposed to be in Washington, right?”

“Well, Conrad called me his brother when he was shouting at him, and Parker probably knows that I have no brothers,” I explained.

“Huh? I don’t even remember that,” Ethan said. “It was in the heat of the moment and Parker was pretty drunk. Even if he noticed it, he probably won’t figure out what really is going on.”

“What if he does?” I argued.

“We will deal with that when and if it happens,” Ethan shrugged. “It might happen, but Jacob and you being twins was bound to come out sooner or later anyway. You can’t hide it forever. Sure, there are better ways for it to happen, but it’s not like we can do anything about it either.”

“I don’t think I’m ready for that to happen, not yet,” I mumbled.

Ethan stopped walking and looked at me. “Why? I mean, what would be so bad about it?”

I didn’t know what to reply, at first. “Dunno,” I shrugged.

“C’mon, think about this,” Ethan urged me on. “It is more important than whether or not Parker figures it out and tells anyone.”

We started walking again and I mulled it over for a few minutes. Finally I spoke up. “I guess I’m scared,” I admitted. “I really have no idea how my parents would react. It’s even worse with Jacob’s family. I already feel at home there. What if they don’t like me?” I paused and looked over to him. “And what if they take our whole deception badly?”

“I honestly don’t think there will be any problems with Jacob’s family,” Ethan told me. “Ian will accept you no matter what, and Jacob’s mom will love you just like she loves everyone else. I don’t know about his dad, but he should be fine, too. Same for Conrad.”

Well, he didn’t know that I was gay, and if Conrad ever found out that not only I liked dick, but I had also slept in a room with him, and without him knowing… well, better not think about that more than necessary. “I guess you’re right,” I sighed. “I just… I just worry, okay?”

“I get that,” Ethan nodded. “Just saying, I don’t think it’ll be as bad as you make it in your mind.”

“Maybe you’re right,” I said reluctantly.

“I always am,” Ethan joked.

“Alright, I’ll try to stop worrying,” I promised after some more thinking, but really only to placate him. “What’s for dinner?”

“No clue,” Ethan replied. “Leftovers from whatever my parents had.”

The rest of the walk was silent, and also a little awkward. I was constantly trying to think of something I could do to find out if he was interested in me. In that way. I came up empty-handed, though. After what had happened with Parker, I couldn’t really focus. I just wanted to eat something and crash; and not have to think or worry anymore.

We finally arrived and Ethan unlocked the door. The light in the hallway was turned off, but I could hear noises of a TV coming from the living room. “We’re home,” Ethan called into the house.

“Dinner’s in the fridge,” his mother called back.

We went to the kitchen and I sat down at the table waiting while Ethan set the table and heated up some lasagna in the microwave. There was no sound, other than the humming of the microwave and a distant car chase on the TV. As the silence grew, I felt an urge to say something. Anything. “Did you ever have a girlfriend?” I blurted out.

Ethan looked up in surprise. “Nah, you?”

I was shocked for a moment. Had I actually just asked him that? It took a few seconds before I replied. “Nah, me neither.”

I had no idea what else to say, and Ethan didn’t continue the conversation either, apparently lost in thoughts. A beep from the microwave indicated that the food was done and Ethan took out the plate and set it in front of me. “Enjoy,” he said.

After we were done eating, we went to the living room and Ethan stuck his head in. “Mom, dad, we’re going to bed early, good night.”

I glanced over his shoulder and saw his parents sitting on the couch in casual clothing. Both his parents were much taller than him. His mother had short blonde hair while his father had dark hair and was wearing glasses. Overall they both looked like educated and nice people. They weren’t anything like Jacob’s parents, kind of more distant, but still, I instantly liked them. Well, maybe I was simply biased, considering what my parents were like.

“Have a good night boys,” his mother said with a smile.

“Thanks mom, you too,” Ethan replied, and closed the door. I followed him up to his room and we dumped our backpacks next to his bed. He sat down and looked at me.

“So,” he finally said. “You wanna do anything? Play some game? Talk? Just go to bed?”

“Uhm,” I said. I was tired and going to bed sounded like a good option, but on the other hand this seemed like the perfect opportunity to make a move on Ethan. Also, I really didn’t want to force him go to bed early simply because I was tired.

Seeing my reluctance, Ethan took the matters into his own hands. “Tell you what,” he proposed. “How about I turn on some music and we go to bed and just relax until we fall asleep?”

“Sounds good,” I agreed.

He walked over to the stereo and shuffled through his CDs while I got undressed and slipped under the blankets. When he had finally decided for a CD, he put it in and pressed start. I heard the sound of classic rock coming from the speakers and closed my eyes, relaxing. It was almost… romantic. I noticed just how tired I was. My muscles were aching from all the things I had done during the day and finally being in bed felt like heaven. I only opened my eyes again when Ethan was getting into bed. I longed to look at his body once more, but restrained myself. I didn’t want to be too obvious, and I had already seen him all afternoon at the public pool.

“Penny for your thoughts,” Ethan said after a while.

This was the perfect opportunity to confess, to tell him everything. I could have done it then and there, but I chickened out. I just couldn’t help it. No matter how hard I tried, any words that could be used to tell the deepest of my secrets were blocked; locked away in the depths of my mind. “You’re wasting your money on that,” I finally joked. “My mind is completely blank right now.”

When Ethan didn’t reply, I turned my head to him. By now it was hard to keep my eyes open. He was staring at me intently through his ocean blue eyes. We stayed like that for an eternity, until I blinked, once, twice, and then I couldn’t keep my eyes open anymore.

“Be yourself, everyone else is already taken,” was the last thing on the surface of my mind before sleep claimed me, although I wasn’t quite sure whether it was Ethan or my subconsciousness quoting Oscar Wilde.

As always, I'm looking forward to hear your opinion, criticism or thoughts.
I hope you liked it! :)
Copyright © 2016 Sammy Blue; All Rights Reserved.
  • Like 27
  • Fingers Crossed 2
Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you. 
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Chapter Comments

On 09/29/2014 03:44 AM, DynoReads said:
Too short! Why did Conrad see the fight when Ian was closer?
Hehe I'm sorry. :P

As for your question: I didn't really want to spend too much time describing the layout, distances, direction they walk in etc. They were walking in the general direction of where Conrad was hanging out. So they were actually about as close to him as to Ian. Also, Ian being in the water and Conrad being on the ground did give him a height advantage there, so he's more likely to see what's going on than Ian.

On 09/29/2014 04:27 AM, Jaro_423 said:
Too frustratingly short again! Ugh! Just not enough to move forward in the story and still at a deadlock with Josh and Ethan. Drat!

Well, I'm not caught up it seems so will have to twiddle my thumbs until the next post.

Hehe I will try to write quicker and longer chapters then. I suppose writing longer chapters might be possible, but if I do that it definitely won't be very quick. ;D

I'm sorry I haven't been around for a while. I got to tell you that this story is really good. There are a few things that irk me. Like once you say in the chapter they you're going to the public pool, just refer to it as the pool, after that. You sometimes talk to formal. We don't talk like that.

Also, you I like the twin thing. I really do. But having two names nearly the same is confusing. I have a twin brother, his name is Finn, where my name is Justin. You see. It doesn't stop us from being twin brothers. Also, there is some sexual tension between Jacob and Joshua. Don't. It will only hurt your story.I have really liked the story thus far. Come on, already, have Ethan kiss Josh. The tension is too much.

On 10/08/2014 05:33 AM, Olo said:
I'm sorry I haven't been around for a while. I got to tell you that this story is really good. There are a few things that irk me. Like once you say in the chapter they you're going to the public pool, just refer to it as the pool, after that. You sometimes talk to formal. We don't talk like that.

Also, you I like the twin thing. I really do. But having two names nearly the same is confusing. I have a twin brother, his name is Finn, where my name is Justin. You see. It doesn't stop us from being twin brothers. Also, there is some sexual tension between Jacob and Joshua. Don't. It will only hurt your story.I have really liked the story thus far. Come on, already, have Ethan kiss Josh. The tension is too much.

Thanks for your review! I'm trying to improve my writing, thanks for pointing those things out. :3

I didn't intend there to be any sexual tension between Josh and Jacob. So no worries. I will have to look out for that when I review the whole story some time soon.

Thanks again! :)

  • Site Administrator

While I appreciate Olo's comment about twin names, unfortunately I know from experience that too many parents really do give twins similar names.


Longer chapters would be good, but write them to the length that you're happy with. There's no "right" length. What's more important is that the chapters contain what you want them to contain :)


As for this chapter, I really thought Conrad and Parker were going to reveal the twin's secret. Josh really does have something to be concerned about, after Conrad's comment. The question is if Parker remembers what was said when he's sober, or if one of his mates remembers and reminds him later..

On 11/06/2014 07:17 PM, Graeme said:
While I appreciate Olo's comment about twin names, unfortunately I know from experience that too many parents really do give twins similar names.


Longer chapters would be good, but write them to the length that you're happy with. There's no "right" length. What's more important is that the chapters contain what you want them to contain :)


As for this chapter, I really thought Conrad and Parker were going to reveal the twin's secret. Josh really does have something to be concerned about, after Conrad's comment. The question is if Parker remembers what was said when he's sober, or if one of his mates remembers and reminds him later..

I agree about twin names, that is my experience also. It kinda has a nice ring to it, though it's probably not always the best for the kids.


So you're saying technique is more important than length? :D


It's not unlikely that something like that will happen, I guess. :3

On 01/13/2015 09:37 AM, Scary said:
You are really playing with my mind. Come on, move ahead in the story, I can't stand that tension concerning Ethan and Josh much longer. Of course, a nice chapter btw.
Thanks! :)

As a matter of fact, I have been working on it today. I hope to release the next chapter some time during the next days.

Thanks for your reviews and likes! :)

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