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    Sammy Blue
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  • 2,680 Words
Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you. 

Gemini - 27. To Go With A Bang

Since the German version has been released in print, I suppose it's just fair to post the English part now, too. smile.png
A HUGE thanks to nostic, who pretty much translated this whole chapter by herself!


The can of Coke crumpled in my hand with a crackling sound. Crushing it was easy; almost a little too easy. I was tempted to throw it against the wall, but I only just controlled myself, and instead aimed it at the waste basket near the door. I held it in my hand for some time, considering whether I should really throw it.

How long had I been sitting here? Four, five, six hours? I hardly remembered how I was brought here. When the bus had finally arrived in Albany, an old man woke me from my deep sleep. He was mumbling some unfriendly words while looking at me as though I was some sort of insect. I had thanked him reluctantly and stumbled drowsily off the bus - directly into the arms of two waiting policemen.

I had not even tried to run away or to argue with them. I had been way too tired to do that. Instead I shrugged and held out my hands in a rather dramatic move, as if I was already expecting them to put handcuffs on me. The officers had to laugh a little bit at that.

In the police car I had fallen asleep virtually right away. Only after they searched me at the police station and brought me to some storeroom, which looked a bit like an outdated interrogation room, I managed to awaken far enough to think clearly again.

They let me go to the toilet shortly, and even gave me a damp cloth with which I could finally wipe off the last remnants of the dried blood on my nose. I had scratches all over my body from my nocturnal walk through the forest and probably smelled like a skunk. Perhaps this also explained why up to now nobody had had the time to seriously speak to me. However, perhaps somebody had also recognized the surname of Josh’s father, and had put a stop to any and all questions that they might ask. Or they simply had better things to do than to deal with a young rebel from a school for teens with behavioral problems; at least that was what it had to look like to them.

A young policewoman had come to the room a few times, assuring me that someone would come to pick me up, and I could certainly leave there soon. Then she had asked me whether I needed something. I had only shaken my head. Her look was a bit too pitiful for my taste, but at least she put a few cans of coke on the metal table for me and told me if I had to go to the toilet, I should simply knock at the door.

I wondered whether I could simply leave the room and walk out of the police station. They would not have assigned a police officer to only guard my room or would they? If that was the case, then they would have probably talked to me by now. On the other hand, I also did not really have any desire to try running away again. I just wanted a decent bed to sleep in, preferably at home. I almost didn’t care who picked me up and what else happened after that.

I threw the coke can with a little too much momentum. It flew against the wall and clattered to the ground near the dustbin. Instinctively I thought of basketball, and that brought a smile to my lips. Had Josh learned to play the game by now? Had Ian and Conrad known that he was not me, but my twin brother, they would have certainly helped him to learn basketball, like they once had also helped me. I had had my weaknesses, too, and still had some, but most of the time I did not have the impression that Josh realized this.

What had he done during the weekend? I hoped that he had gotten along well with Ethan and Sarah. For a moment, I wondered whether Josh had come out to Ethan, and how Ethan might have reacted to it, but then I shook my head. I could not imagine any good reason why he would actually do that. Besides, even if Josh pretended to be me and not he himself, he probably would not have gotten that brave, yet.

And nevertheless, he had changed enormously and somehow I was a little proud of him for how much progress he had made; almost as I was personally responsible for it. He still had his moments and would probably blame himself and only himself for what had happened now. But altogether he had changed incredibly for the better in spite of the very short time.

Sighing I rose and walked across the room to the can to throw it in the waste-basket. What would become of Josh and me? Would he manage to leave his parents as soon as the whole thing came out? Where would he go then? I wished my parents would take him in, but currently our house was already more than full. Perhaps he would temporarily sleep at Ethan’s and then later come to live with us, once Conrad would go to college on scholarship?

However, perhaps things would end in a completely different way. If Mr. Adams would pick me up … should I tell the police that I was not who they thought I was? Would they believe me? In theory they would have to check it, but they would probably just laugh at me and ignore it. I yawned. I would still be able to decide as soon as I knew who was picking me up.

I had just opened the next can and drunk a few gulps when the door opened. This time it was a middle aged grumpy looking policeman. “Someone came to pick you up,” he just said in a disinterested tone before he disappeared, leaving the door open behind him.

I followed him through some corridors and rooms to the reception area of the police station. Josh’s grandmother was already waiting for me and greeted me with her typical formal embrace.

After the policeman had left, remarking that he would get the necessary paperwork, she turned her full attention to me. “You’re Jacob,” she stated.

I swallowed visibly. “Yes,” I answered. She already knew it. Hopefully that was good for me.

We waited for a while until the policeman returned. As she filled out the papers and talked to him, I stood beside her uselessly. Only when everything was done, she turned to me again. “Let’s go. Your parents are waiting outside.”

I felt a little bit like a scolded dog, as I walked by her side. Although I had already gotten to know her in Washington, I suddenly felt as if I didn’t really know her, even if by no means had she behaved distant towards me. If anything, it was appropriately short, given the situation. Perhaps she saw her grandson in me, even if she knew that I actually was not Josh. I did not know what I should say; and again thousand thoughts whirred in my head. Was she on Mr. Adam’s side? I could not really imagine that, even if he was her son. Finally, I managed to say a simple, but sincere apology. “I’m sorry for the whole hassle and all that happened because of us having exchanged roles,” somehow I sounded pitiful even to my own ears.

She stopped and looked at me sternly. “You should have told somebody. But now that does not matter anymore.”

“Why? Where is Josh? Is he okay? What will happen to us? He doesn’t have to go back to his parents, does he?” I asked hopefully. “And what happens to Mr. Adams? I haven’t said anything to the people here. I didn’t know exactly what to do, so I decided to remain silent for the time being.”

“Josh won’t go back to his parents,” she informed me briefly. “Your parents will tell you the rest.”

“They know, too?” I asked, more than a little surprised.

She just nodded only briefly. “Your brothers, too, but they are at home right now. We didn’t have enough space for everyone in the car. Josh is getting his belongings from his parents’ house, and then we’ll all meet and talk about how to deal with this situation."

I just wanted to ask whether it was really a smart idea that Josh got his stuff at this time, and where his father was exactly, but then I saw my parents.

My mother ran to me and grabbed me into a suffocating hug. I tapped her on the shoulder as I tried to get some air. " Mum! "

“What happened to you? You look terrible!”, she exclaimed after she finally let go of me. In her usual maternal thoughtfulness, she had already pulled out a handkerchief and moistened it with her tongue. I managed to wrestle myself out of her grasp in the last second.

“I’m fine mom! Everything is alright,” I tried to evade her but she caught my arm and held it firmly, removing some blood stain on my face that I must have overlooked earlier.

“Mum!” I protested again.

“Don’t be stupid,” she answered, and then, after examining my face to her satisfaction, she pulled me into an embrace again. This time I gave in and returned her hug.

“We were worried about you,” she whispered. My father stood behind her, looking a little embarrassed, obviously unsure what he should do.

A million thoughts shot through my head. I love you. Do you know about Josh? What happened exactly? Can Josh live with us? Instead I whispered, barely audible, “Why haven’t you told me that I am adopted?”

Before she could reply, Josh’s grandmother interrupted us. “We must leave immediately,” she instructed us.

“What has happened?” my father wanted to know as we were already on the way to the car.

“Would you please take me to my son’s house? It appears he has come home earlier than expected.”

“Oh," My mother looked worried. “Is it that bad? What could possibly happen, with Philip there?” she asked with uncertainty.

If the situation had not been so serious, I would have snorted. Anything could happen with Mr. Adams, but it was probably better if I didn’t exactly tell my mother where the blood in my face came from. Then I faltered. “Wait a minute, Philip?”

“Later,” said Josh’s grandmother briefly. “Get in.”

My father drove while I told him where to go. My parents did not know where exactly the house was while Josh’s grandmother obviously did not know the city well enough. This, however, did not prevent her from throwing deadly stares at the cars around us as if this would get us faster to our destination. I myself was hardly doing any better.

The drive seemed to last forever. In every passing minute I imagined what might have happened. Obviously Mr. Adams had caught Josh, and whoever else was with him in the house. How would he react? Considering what he had done to me less than two days ago, it certainly didn’t look all that great for the others. Particularly when he came home and found Josh, who he thought he had only just sent to the military school.

Everything else, like the thoughts about what would happen to our future or who exactly knew what exactly about Josh and me and our role swapping was virtually forgotten. The only positive thought I could hold onto was that at least Josh was not alone.

When we finally arrived, my father parked the car on the side of the street opposite the house. Josh’s grandmother opened the door to get out, then she turned around to me one more time. “You remain in the car,” she ordered, dead serious. I swallowed and nodded affirmatively. Then she turned to my parents. “I’d prefer if you remain in the car, but I can’t stop you. If you insist, you may accompany me. "

“We will come with you,” answered my father immediately.

They had barely disappeared in the house when I was already opening my door and unbuckling myself. As if I would have waited in the car while Josh was in danger in there.

Luckily, Josh’s grandmother had left the door slightly ajar in the hurry. I carefully pushed it open and crept in. In spite of the summery heat outside, the entrance hall was cold and bare as usual. I took a step inside and closed the door behind me. As I turned back towards the stairs, I heard Josh’s grandmother shouting from above.

“Put down the weapon immediately!”

With a loud bang a shot went off.

The world seemed to stop for a moment. Then a scream from above broke the silence. Suddenly I could feel my heart beating again. I climbed up the stairs as quickly as I could. At the same time, I could hear more shouts and struggling from above.

I pushed the door to Josh’s room open and stopped for a moment to take in the scene in front of me. It seemed Philip and my father had brought Mr. Adams to the ground. Mr. Adams sat apathetically on the floor. He was as white as a chalk and seemed to be trembling. The weapon lay kicked aside, in the corner of the room and the window was splintered, obviously destroyed by the bullet. Fortunately, nobody had been hit.

Next I saw Sarah. She was in tears and came running to me. I opened my arms and caught her gently, and then I held her firmly against my chest.

She cuddled up to me and I could feel how much she trembled. “It\s good, everything will be ok, it’s over,” I whispered in her ear comfortingly without really knowing what I was actually saying.

“For a few minutes ...,” she sobbed. “For a few minutes I thought everything would be over."

I only made, “Shhh,” and pressed her tighter.

I continued to hold her, and only after what felt like an eternity, I loosened my grasp again, but only so that she could make herself a little bit more comfortable in my embrace. My heart beat a little bit faster, and although it seemed totally inappropriate in the situation, I nevertheless enjoyed the closeness to her.

When I looked up, I saw Josh and Ethan in a similar embrace, closely intertwined. I watched them for a while, as I kept on holding on to Sarah. Ethan loosened his grip on Josh a bit, pulled back his head and kissed him lovingly on the forehead. Josh answered the gesture. Then he lifted his head and looked at me as if he had felt my eyes on him.

For the fraction of a second I saw something like a fear in his face, but then his expression changed into a mixture of defiance and pride. With a raised head he returned my look.

So he did come out to Ethan. The situation seemed extremely peculiar to me and somehow I had the feeling that I should have been surprised. Anyhow, I would not have expected this from Ethan. But at this moment nothing mattered to me anymore.

I lifted my hand and gave him a thumbs up behind Sarah's back, while at the same time I grinned at him supportingly. Even though he tried to hide it from his look, I could literally feel his relief.

I winked at him and did exaggerated kiss movements with my mouth. Then I stuck out my tongue at him. He looked at me for a second with a fake disgust, but then he grinned back and pulled Ethan tighter to him.

The last thing I saw was him murmuring something in Ethan’s ear and pressing a kiss on his hair.

Then I looked back to Sarah, took all my courage and gently pressed my lips on her forehead.


I hope you didn't disagree too much with how I decided to end things. In any case, do let me know what you think via review, k? wink.png Also, a short epilogue is going to follow soon.
Copyright © 2016 Sammy Blue; All Rights Reserved.
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Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
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  • Site Administrator

I agree that an epilogue is a good idea. The problem with having this chapter from Jacob's point of view is that we've missed all the drama that would've occurred if we still had Josh's point of view. However, knowing what Jacob was going through was important, too, so you were in an unenviable position in deciding what to do there.


I'm really glad that something appears to be resolved regarding Josh -- his grandmother was adamant that he won't be going back to his parents. However, she also said that Jacob's parents would explain the rest...and they didn't. :angry: The epilogue will hopefully clear that up.


One thing I will say is that while this chapter felt a little dead from the point of view of drama and excitement, given Jacob's exhaustion, that's exactly how it should've felt from his point of view. The feeling of I-don't-care-anymore came across strongly in the early part of the chapter, though he still had that edge of independence that is Jacob. Well done with that bit of characterisation! :thumbup:

  • Like 1
On 10/04/2016 10:27 AM, Stephen said:

The charade has officially ended, and along with it, Josh's hateful, nasty father

is now exposed to too many people. How will he fix this now serious mess he's

got himself into. It would suit me to see him punished, since Washington politicos

are so awful right now. So yes, an epilogue would be a good thing.

Haha, good thoughts, though in the epilogue I sadly won't go much into what happens or doesn't happen to Josh's father :(

I hope you'll still like it ;)

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On 10/04/2016 08:21 AM, Graeme said:

I agree that an epilogue is a good idea. The problem with having this chapter from Jacob's point of view is that we've missed all the drama that would've occurred if we still had Josh's point of view. However, knowing what Jacob was going through was important, too, so you were in an unenviable position in deciding what to do there.


I'm really glad that something appears to be resolved regarding Josh -- his grandmother was adamant that he won't be going back to his parents. However, she also said that Jacob's parents would explain the rest...and they didn't. :angry: The epilogue will hopefully clear that up.


One thing I will say is that while this chapter felt a little dead from the point of view of drama and excitement, given Jacob's exhaustion, that's exactly how it should've felt from his point of view. The feeling of I-don't-care-anymore came across strongly in the early part of the chapter, though he still had that edge of independence that is Jacob. Well done with that bit of characterisation! :thumbup:

Yeah, it was pretty difficult deciding who got the last say, Josh or Jacob. ;) I actually wanted it to be Josh first, but then I sorta procrastinated writing whatever would happen in the end from Josh's POV, like forever, and at some point I decided that maybe, Jacob's perspective might work too, and after trying it, I finally managed to finish this book, so it seems it worked out pretty well. :D Tbh, I wanted this book to be about twins more than about being gay. Therefore, writing the last chapter, particularly the last scene, from Jacobs point of view... might have been the better choice.


And thank you. After reading what I wrote I had the same thought, and maybe considering how long I've been working on this story, that might be why this sort of writing worked for me in the chapter, while before I horribly failed on whatever might have happened to Josh and the others before Jacob entered the room. :D :D


Anyway, thank you a LOT for all your reviews and also for your support, especially when I was starting as a newbie writer! :)


Actually, I've mentioned you in the printed version, on that page where you thank people for stuff (what's that one called in English anyway?), but since your German isn't all that great, I never mentioned it before <3 xD But it basically says everything I said here before. :)



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