Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you.
Direct Confusion - 14. Chapter 14
It’s my first ever actual date, apart from taking a guy to junior prom, and while I’m excited, my mother is practically having kittens as I wait in the hallway. She tells me how good I look, fusses over my hair before she remembers that I no longer have any, and fidgets like crazy. I decide not to tell her that under my new fitted jeans I am wearing speedos which feel like constricting silk and I’ve been sporting a semi for half an hour or so.
Erin comes to collect me in the battered pick-up, but he comes to the front door, and has flowers for my mother and a plate of what look like fudge brownies. Apparently I don’t get to eat any of them. My date is wearing black jeans and a burgundy red shirt with a pinstriped waistcoat and the sight of him makes me want to drool.
“I got something for you.” Erin blushes as he leans into the truck from the side walk. “Here.”
It’s a boutonniere. I blink in surprise at the sight of the hard plastic flower case in his hands, and Erin smiles at me softly.
“I know; it’s lame.”
“Erie…” I take his wrist and slip my fingers into his palm. “It’s not lame. It’s sweet.”
“Glad you think so. Jame thought it was stupid.” I’m surprised by his statement, and then I remember that just because Jameson does cheerleading and acts camp, doesn’t mean he likes flowers or other ‘girly’ nonsense. Erin pins the flowers to my shirt gently. There is a yellow rose, a spray of little white things which look like tiny orchids and green leaves; school colours. “Ready to go?”
Erin drives us to a cute little Italian restaurant on the outer edge of town. The place got new owners and a remake a couple of years back, but we haven’t been there since then, so it’s a nice surprise for us both to be greeted by a server in a pressed shirt and clean waist apron, who calls us both ‘sir’ and walks us to a little round table in the window.
I stroke the petals of my boutonniere gently, we order water and sodas and Erin munches his way through two breadsticks rather quickly in a slightly nervous fashion. I reach over the table for his hand.
“You OK there Erie?”
“Y-y-yeah.” He stammers slightly, blushing. “I didn’t think they’d sit us in the window.”
I glance at the world outside. The roads and pavements are pretty quiet, and it’s dark and starry. I grin at the shadow of my reflection: we look good.
“You don’t like the view?” My thoughts line up in a manner I don’t like, but I remember that Erin has only just come publicly out of the proverbial closet. “Erie, we can go somewhere less…” I search for the right word, “…date-y.”
“No! It’s not that.” He blushes and stares hard at his menu. “Sorry, I’ve never actually been on a date before.”
“Me neither. It’s OK.” I glance at my own menu. “You know what you want to eat?”
In the end, we haven’t chosen when the waiter arrives back, so I end up with something that contains chicken, cream and green things while Erin gets tagliatelle in a rich red pepper sauce. We both eat really carefully, trying not to get sauce on our shirts. By the time dessert needs to be decided on, we’ve both relaxed enough to actually enjoy ourselves.
“So where do you want to go after high school?” I ask carefully. Though we’ve only been together roughly a week, the future seems like an important topic. My logical brain tries to tell me that no relationships ever make it out of high school, but my heart is having other ideas.
“I want to be a sports physiotherapist.” Erin grins happily. “I think for a while my dad was really hoping I’d want to be famous: his son, the big celebrity footballer, but I’m realistic. I know I’m not that good, and I’m not that competitive either.”
“You’re a very dedicated player.” I chip in. “Derrick is pleased with you.”
“Thanks. I try.” Erin bites his lip. “But I really want to be one of those people making everyone else out there look good. Work with teams and players to keep them in great shape. I love biology. I always have. Stuff growing, and changing, and fitting together in cool ways; the human body is insanely complicated. Like, you would never design an organism to look like this, but it all works so well as a whole.”
“I would totally design you to look like that. You’re beautiful.”
“Luke…” My comment makes Erin blush, which makes my smile even-broader. “What about you? Are you going to be a famous soccer player and travel the world?”
“I seriously doubt it. I want to be a coach.” I smile across the candlelit table at my boyfriend. “I really like helping other people train, and I think it would be fun to teach, though maybe not at a high school just yet. I have to get a scholarship to go to college, it’s a must really.”
Erin sips his soda and smiles into his glass.
“Maybe we’ll end up at the same college.”
My heart thuds really hard.
You’re letting yourself be silly and romantic again. My logical brain tells me. I ignore it, because pudding arrives and Erin insists on feeding me tiny slices of his chocolate torte. It’s heavenly, and the perfect dark counterpoint to my lemon tart.
“So, does being captain of the soccer team come with any other perks?” Erin asks as we finish up our desserts. My logical brain can be damned, because that gives me another idea.
“Yeah, it does. I got I surprise for you.”
We argue for half a minute over the bill, but Erin refuses to let me pay my half, because otherwise it wouldn’t be a ‘real’ date. We both suck eagerly on the mints that arrive along with the cheque. I insist on leaving the tip because I didn’t pay, and Erin holds the door open for me as we leave. I jump up into the pick-up and turn to find him leaning on my door. I wind down the window.
“You know you have to be in the car to drive, right?”
“I know. C’mere.” Erin is smiling like he knows a secret, and I realise the confident version of my boyfriend is back. I lean in close. His kiss is minty and delicious, and I open up for the very tip of his tongue before we part with a soft damp noise. “I love you.” He whispers, and vanishes around the truck to the other side of the cab. I say nothing as he starts the engine, but once we’ve pulled onto the road again, I grab his hand, and don’t let go.
“Should we be doing this?” Erin sounds nervous, and I don’t much blame him. We left the pick up around the back where it wouldn’t be seen, and now Erin is hugging the wall like a nervous trainee in a spy movie while I key in the door code.
“Sure. Captain’s perks remember?” The beep of the lock opening is surprisingly loud in the cool night air, but the door clicks open. “Come on.”
The school swimming pool has the advantage of not being connected to the main building other than by the changing rooms, which means there are no other doors to worry about. As captains of our respective teams, Jim, Derrick, and I all enjoy a relative freedom within the sports department as though we were staff members; which means I know there are no CCTV cameras here, I know where the power switches are for the underwater lights, and I know we won’t be disturbed. The cleaners are long gone and no one else will be sniffing around at this hour. The dark space becomes awash with a blue glow as I turn on the lights, and I look across the water to see Erin smiling at me.
“Skinny dipping?” He arches an eyebrow cockily.
“Sort of.” I walk around the poolside, desperate to have my hands on him. “I just wanted to be somewhere alone so I could make out with my boyfriend.” I slide my hands around his waist and pull his hips up against my own. Apparently I’m not the only one whose been turned on for a while.
“Good conversation isn’t enough?”
I arch an eyebrow at him.
“Not for me either.” His hand runs up the back of my neck, and then we are kissing. It’s harder, more forceful, less sweet and soft than it has been before; and while kissing Erin still means something in my heart and in my head that kissing anyone else never has before, I also know the flavour of this type of kiss, and what it means.
The buttons on his cute little waistcoat are tiny and annoying, but I don’t want to rip his clothes off him, even though it would be incredibly satisfying. As I finally push the garment off over his shoulders he frees the hem of my shirt and pulls it off over my head. My rose boutonniere is discarded, because neither of us is thinking much about hearts or flowers right now; there isn’t enough blood flow to allow it. Erin runs his short fingernails across my chest and I shudder.
“How come I always end up losing clothes first?” I mutter softly, finally getting the button open on his shirt.
“I have better fine motor skills when aroused?” Erin whispers in my ear. His hands drift to my waist. “Nice jeans. You even got anything on under there?”
“Uh-huh.” I step away from him, fingers on my belt buckle. “Bought something with you in mind.”
“Oh really?” Erin’s chest rises shakily, and I realise he’s a lot less cool, calm, and collected than he seems.
I discard my socks and shoes as gracefully as possible, which isn’t very, and linger over the opening of my jeans. Erin looks as hungry as if we hadn’t just eaten, his eyes reflecting the bright blue glow of the pool. I push my jeans down my hips and kick them away. I am hard in my new red and white speedo, and Erin’s pupils dilate so fast it’s a wonder the room hasn’t gotten brighter.
“Oh fuck…” His voice is whisper soft as I close the space between us and kiss his slack lips gently. His hands quiver as they run down my sides. “You’re beautiful.”
“Thanks.” I kiss the very tip of his nose with a cheeky grin. “But before you can have your fish, you have to catch it.”
I turn, take two steps to the edge of the pool, check over my shoulder that he’s watching me, and dive in with a splash which barely even ripples the surface of the clear water. In the pool, I am seized with the desire to swim a length, so I do; whipping through the water and turning against the far wall dolphin-quick before coming back. Erin is struggling out of his clothes, rampant desire making him suddenly clumsy, and I lean with my forearms on the edge, treading water softly and looking up at him as he peels down his boxers to reveal his clean shaven and perfectly proportioned erection. He sits gently on the very edge of the pool, wincing very slightly at the coolness of the tiles on his butt. I move to rest my hands on his parted knees.
“Luke…” Looks like he’s back to being shy again. I raise myself up out of the water and kiss him, and he wraps his arms around my torso and holds on tight. “Are you sure about this?”
“What a time to ask a question like that.” I kiss his collarbone and work down his pecs, wet where I have dripped on him. “I love you. Of course I’m sure.”
I think its shock which makes him let go, and I slid back into the water, supporting myself on his knees, then his thighs. Erin stares down at me in slack jawed wonder as I bite my lip, apparently examining his perfect cock, before I lean forwards to lick it. He groans, and then so do I as I take him into my mouth and begin to suck and fondle his heavy length with my tongue. He tastes amazing, clean and cotton-fresh, and even the hint of chlorine in the water can’t take away from how good it is. Erin runs his hands over my shorn scalp without applying pressure, and he groans at my touch, leaning back on one hand, his abs tense and ridged above me.
“Oh god… Luke, please…” His adoration is largely incoherent. “…Ungh, Luke please… ohhh, you gotta stop…”
Gently I pull back from the hardness between my lips, blinking to clear my head of the lustful fog which makes it harder to focus.
“You’re amazing.” He shuffles another inch forward, and slides into the water. We kiss, slightly clumsily now that we’re both floating, and then just like I did in his kitchen, I pin him against the side making a cage of my arms.
I kiss him, opening him up with my tongue and exploring how great he tastes while my hands roam over his slick body. I have never really gotten to see him naked before, and I can’t get enough of actually being able to touch him. For some reason the furrow of his spine fascinates me, and while I am distracted he wraps an arm around my ass and pulls our crotches together.
“You look so fucking hot in that speedo.” His words are warm against my damp skin, his eyes shining. “This was such a good idea.”
I grin happily, very pleased with myself.
“You’re beautiful Erie.” I punctuate my sentence with kisses. “I can’t wait until I get you alone in a shower again.”
“Or a bed.”
Erin grips my butt and squeezes in a way that makes me moan. He pushed off from the wall, still holding onto me, and we turn in the water so it’s my back pressed up against the tile. I thrust against his hard, naked cock excitedly.
“Luke… I really, really wanna fuck you.”
“Yes please.” I really don’t care how crass we sound, because there is no one here to overhear or judge us, and I know by the way that Erin’s heart thuds against mine he is as desperate as I am. We want each other, and there seems no point in being coy about it. “That’s why I wore the speedos.”
Erin moans in my ear, his free hand on my hip, the other steadying us against the edge of the pool. Even though my cock aches for attention, I turn around and grip the tile with both hands, and Erin wastes no time in slipping his fingers past the waistband of my new speedos to squeeze the firm mounds of my ass. The pleasure threatens to loose my grip on the side of the pool, so I fold my arms and rest my chin on them as Erin pushes the thin fabric of my speedo under my ass. I shiver as his hands work over me, and he begins to kiss the space between my shoulder blades with wet, open lips. I grind my hips rather ineffectually against the hard tile as Erin’s fingers find my exposed entrance and press inward. The water makes things easier, and I have enough time to make a mental note to try and have sex in the pool more often before Erin breaches me and I groan loudly, unable to process any coherent thoughts at all.
“Oh fuck…” His voice is a soft growl of pleasure in my ear. “You’re so hot.”
I push back against his questing fingers, wanting more. Pleasure and anticipation make my shoulders tense as Erin removes his hand and wraps his arms up around my torso. He grinds against my butt, just like he did in the showers, then reaches down to finger the silky smooth tight bulge of my trapped erection.
“Please, Erie…” I am so turned on, and I want him desperately. “Please fuck me.”
Erin kisses the side of my neck gently.
“I love you.”
My final rational thought is that it’s way too early to be falling in love, but Erin pushes into me in one long slow movement and groans in my ear, and after that I’m lost.
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you.
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